caffeineivore · 4 years
The Taylor Swift Concert Hijinks
This is dedicated to the lovely @mygeekycorner and @minakosaino and follows the last thing I posted. M/K and a Taylor Swift Concert. Please don’t kill me, Swifties! Rated PG/PG13. Romance/humour.
The corporate office of Ainsley-Hart Holdings, LLC is not exactly her favourite hang-out spot, ever, but Romina Catherine Ainsley-Hart, “Mina” to everyone but her parents, still breezes in as though she has nowhere better to be at half-past four on a Thursday afternoon, carrying a cup-holder from Starbucks bearing no less than four drinks in one hand, a stylish oversized Gucci handbag in buttery red leather in the other. She plops the first one down at the desk of Janet, the formidable office receptionist, with a winning smile. “Grande soy flat white?” 
“Your father is off-site until five.” Wise to Mina’s wiles, Janet accepts the drink, but looks askance at the tray. “I was under the impression that you had a prior engagement-- drinks with some of your sorority sisters this evening? Shouldn’t you be uptown by now if you want to make it on time?”
“Well, Una has the flu, and Cassie bailed on me at the last minute because she has a hot date with Miguel Rivera-- you know, the buff Pro soccer player she hooked up with the last time she went to Cabo for vacation. He looked her up because he’s in town. So no drinks for me, no ma’am, so here I am! I’m just going to go on back, but I promise not to bother anyone or break anything!”
Janet humphs as though she doesn’t quite trust Mina’s word, and Mina pouts for a moment even as she sails off towards the elevator in the back. She’d jammed the copy machine one time, all of ten years ago, and the old battle axe still held a grudge! But no matter. She had more important fish to fry, so to speak. Her father’s office is empty, as per Janet’s report, but she sets down the espresso macchiato in the middle of the desk, with a post-it note scribbled “Mina was here!” with a smiley face tacked on as an afterthought. The four drinks now down to two remaining ones, she makes her way down the hall to the last door on the right. It’s open only a sliver, bearing a plain placard with the name “Kenneth Knightley, CFO” engraved on it. The quiet sounds of keyboard tapping alerted that her target is indeed inside, though from the looks of it, has his back turned to the door as he crunched numbers in a spreadsheet on the computer. Mina raps her knuckles on the door frame for a split second before she invites herself in. 
“Hey, Kenneth! I brought you coffee.” Kenneth, never Kenny or Ken, had been working for her father since her college days, though they rarely exchanged more than the usual pleasantries. Smart, driven, serious and good-looking in the unapproachable chiseled-jaw alpha-male way, Mina had always been quite certain that he had exactly zero use for the likes of her. That she knew bits and pieces about him that he’d never exactly told her himself-- his coffee order, for example (Grande Triple Americano, one non-dairy creamer, no sugar)-- was beside the point. But there was the not-small matter of the Taylor Swift concert tickets currently burning a hole in the bottom of her handbag, which had been discreetly dropped in there at some point after the gala masquerade. Exactly in the way that her infuriating older brother, Zander, had prophesied. And if he’d been right about that, then…
Kenneth’s shoulders snap straight, and he takes a moment to turn around, but by the time that he does, he’s schooled his face into polite neutrality. “Good afternoon, Mina.”
She’d insisted on their first meeting that she would not answer to ‘Miss Ainsley-Hart’ and only her mother called her ‘Romina’, and generally when she was not behaving herself. It had still taken him a good six months before he’d started calling her ‘Mina’, and she wasn’t above feeling a thrill of gratification whenever her name was spoken in those grave, collected tones. “You busy? I can just sit here and drink my own coffee until you finish. I got a caramel frappuccino with extra whipped cream and cinnamon dolce sprinkles on top. It is delicious.”
“I will take your word for it.” He saves whatever spreadsheet he’d been working on, then closes out of it, courteously. “What brings you here today?”
“Well, I thought I’d say hi, and you know Janet almost didn’t let me back here because I think she hates me, but you’re free tomorrow night, right? For the concert? Because you are so going with me since those are your tickets and I am so thankful that you thought to give them to me but it would be wrong if you didn’t come with, seeing as to how you paid for them. So I came to set up the plans so we can go there tomorrow and have a great time and I am so going to treat you to drinks beforehand so you can be good and tipsy before dealing with legions of screaming fans, which I’m sure is completely not your scene. So, yes. Do you want to meet at my place, or yours? Five o’clock?”
“I…” Kenneth blinks, apparently caught off-guard. “You don’t have any friends who you’d want to go with you to that concert?” He doesn’t try to deny the fact that he had, indeed, bought expensive-ass Taylor Swift tickets and dropped them into her purse. But then again, she’d never known for him to be less than scrupulously honest about anything.
“That’s not the point!” Mina has a tendency to talk with her hands, and this time she has the wherewithal to set her sugary coffee concoction on his desk first before launching into her schpiel. “You do not have to give me concert tickets just to be nice! And while it’s a sweet gesture on your part, I could at least also get to enjoy your company while at this concert, you know? I insist. You’re going or I will give these tickets away to someone else. And then I would be sad, because they’re TAYLOR SWIFT TICKETS. So, where do you want to meet? We’ll have an hour before the concert begins and we can get drinks before then. My treat, of course. You do drink in moderation on social occasions, right? Oh of course you do. Glenfiddich and soda, if I remember correctly. From the last company Christmas party.”
Out of the corner of her eye, she sees him carefully pull a Kleenex out of the box on the desk and place it, coaster-style, underneath her frappuccino cup, and curses herself for not thinking of it, but soldiers on nonetheless. “So yes. I think we can meet at my place. It’s a bit closer. And there’s a great little bar called Dazzle right by the venue which certainly has your Glenfiddich as well as a nice wine selection, since I’m pretty sure Scotch would put me out on my ass, and you don’t need me embarrassing you on top of everything else. Please don’t stand me up? I know this is probably not your idea of a fun time, but…”
Perhaps the faintest note of uncertainty makes it into her voice, because Kenneth finally cracks the tiniest of smiles, and faint though it is, it transforms his whole face. “I wouldn’t do that.” 
Well, maybe it was a good thing he didn’t smile often, because there was no point in being turned into a babbling incoherent mess just by the random side observation that his eyelashes were a few shades darker than his hair, curly and surprisingly long, and that his eyes softened from the colour of the sky before a thunderstorm to a pleasant cashmere-charcoal. Mina meets that faint smile with a blinding megawatt one of her own and picks up her half-melted frappuccino. “So, five o’clock it is. I’ll let you get back to work and see you tomorrow, then. I’m so excited!!”
True to his word, Kenneth does not stand her up, and the doorman of her building calls her at 4:59 on the dot to tell her that she has a visitor. Mina spritzes on perfume and gives her hair one final once-over in the mirror before opening the door for him, and really, it’s not fair. She knows, intellectually, that he’s tall and built in such a way that no stodgy numbers-crunching finance guy has any right to be, but it’s easy to forget when he’s usually hunched over a computer at the office. Here, standing in front of her in pressed gray slacks and a white button-down, he towers over her even in her sparkly Jimmy Choos. 
“Good evening, Mina. You look… nice.” If he’s a bit disconcerted by how glittery her dress is, he doesn’t say it. He does hold out her coat for her to slip into, and offer her his arm. It’s not a date, not exactly, but that doesn’t mean that Mina’s not about to make the most of it. She may or may not be vibrating with excitement, but keeps up a steady stream of conversation as they spend an hour at the bar over his Glenfiddich and her Riesling. Kenneth doesn’t talk too much about himself, seeming content to inquire, in his grave, polite way, what she’d been up to the last week. 
“Well, there was wrapping up the stuff with the fundraiser, of course. Una bought the Dior dress, and it looks beautiful on her, and Matthew is going to swallow his tongue when he sees her in it. And I saw Zander off to the airport. He was a bit distracted after the party, which bears further investigation, but he’s in Vancouver now, so it’s hard to get all up in his business while he’s so far away. I’ll still call him later, because at least it’s Canada and not like, Madagascar or something, right?” Zander had also been the one to clue her into Kenneth’s possible intentions, and that has her staring into the pale golden surface of her wine, uncomfortably aware that she’s blushing. “Anyway, there’s the tax forms for the fundraiser to get filed, but I’m pretty sure they just got slapped on your desk by my mom the morning after. In which case, I’m sorry.”
“It’s all right. I sort of get paid to handle stuff like that.” 
“You’re paid to handle the real estate company’s finances, not this nonsense, and don’t try to pass it off as no big deal, because I did minor in econ at NYU, and non-profit is a whole new breed of pain in the ass to deal with from an accounting point of view. But thanks for handling it.” Mina plays with the slim stem of her wine glass, then glances up at him through her eyelashes. “The first time I met Dr. Miller, before the fundraiser, she cut the meeting short to Face-time her hospital in San Jose to talk to one of her patients. I sort of hung around. He’s a six-year-old boy who wants to be Captain America when he grows up, which… is a one in a hundred chance. She talked Avengers with him for ten minutes, and I’m pretty sure that’s not her type of movie. I almost cried.”
“She does important work, and so do you, for helping those like her get their funding.” 
Mina beams, and when the bartender moseys on over, cheerfully orders both of them a refill before asking for the check. “I’m so glad you think so. So many people think that only ditzy rich girls work on fundraisers, and don’t have any idea how hard it can be. Do people think that Dior exclusives commissioned for A-listers just fall out of the sky or something? Anyway, we have time for another drink before we should get going. Figure I should let you get as tipsy as possible before Tay-Tay. Which… what type of music do you like, anyway?”
She had never seen him at a loss before this very moment, but this is most certainly the most deer-in-headlights look which had possibly ever crossed Kenneth Knightley’s face in the history of ever. He takes a long swallow of the Scotch and soda that has just been set down in front of him, then clears his throat. “I’m not much of a music guy.”
“Oh, surely you listen to something? It’s okay if it’s embarrassing. Opera? Trance techno? Death metal? I won’t judge, even if nothing trumps Tay-Tay.”
“No, nothing.”
“What do you mean, nothing?” Mina blinks, her wineglass halfway to her mouth as she stares at him with not a little confusion. “Surely you listen to something. In the shower, or on the subway. Everyone does. No one actually talks to people on the subway.”
“Umm. Usually NPR, though I follow a few podcasts as well.”
He looks so glum and embarrassed at this admission, as though not being a music guy would disappoint her on a personal level, and though her mind sort of boggles at the idea of anyone who would listen to NPR while showering, she grins at him over the surprise and gives his arm a quick squeeze, noting at random that the bicep underneath her fingertips is solid and firm as a softball. 
“Well, you’re in for a real treat, then. Tay-Tay is the GOAT. Just you wait and see.”
An hour and a half later finds Mina with a brand new sparkly white-and-gold Taylor Swift concert tee thrown over her equally sparkly dress, jamming and singing along with “I Knew You Were Trouble When You Walked In” next to a petite dark-haired girl with a nose-ring who, in typical concert fashion, was now her new best friend. Kenneth’s face looks much like that of someone in the waiting room of the dentist’s office right before a scheduled root canal. As there is a seven-foot-tall linebacker-sized man in a top hat and a legit Taylor Swift onesie dancing with at least equal enthusiasm to Mina and her new friend on his other side, she supposed that she couldn’t blame his discomfiture too much. 
The pop star goes on to something slower a few songs later-- All Too Well, a ballad about lost love, and the dark haired girl lets out a few hiccuping sobs at Mina’s side, so Mina wraps both arms around her and they hug it out for the duration of the song. Like magic, the melancholy mood vanishes when the next song comes on, and they’re belting along with “Shake It Off” and dancing around Kenneth in a way likely designed to give him whiplash. But for all this behaviour is undoubtedly outlandish and completely incomprehensible to him, Kenneth looks as though he could be persuaded to crack a smile if he’d only let himself relax a little more, so Mina redoubles her efforts, likely yelling out “Haters Gonna Hate Hate Hate Hate Hate” loud enough to annoy everyone around them. But it does bring a tiny smile to his mouth for a second, and she finds, to her surprise, that she’s okay with him finding amusement at her ridiculousness. That had never, ever happened before with another guy. 
“Are you having fun?!” She shouts at him over the applause and cheers as the song comes to a close. “Isn’t Taylor the best ever?!”
“It’s… catchy, I suppose. The music, that is.” It seems as though he had to think hard to find the correct word, but Mina forgives him even as she links her arm through his. 
“I’m glad you’re having fun, because we still have the backstage passes and we get to MEET HER IN PERSON! I am having the best time EVER!”
Much to his credit, Kenneth doesn’t say anything, though the sigh that he lets out says it all for him. 
They hit up a 24 hour diner after the concert, and this time, he insists on paying for her greasy hash browns and slightly burnt coffee, and though she knows quite well that he has likely been up for close to twenty-four hours at this point, he is a consummate gentleman and doesn’t mention that fact, and lets her excitedly run through a blow-by-blow of the concert that they’d just attended as he nurses his own coffee. 
“And she is so nice isn’t she? And so so pretty! I wish I was that tall. Legs for days. Then I wouldn’t have to jog to keep up with tall people, or they wouldn’t have to slow down their stride like you’ve been doing all night, don’t think I haven’t noticed.” Mina nibbles on a hash brown and gulps coffee adulterated with a good half-cup of sugar and cream. “Did you have some fun, though? At least a little? I hope I haven’t irritated you too much.”
“No, you didn’t irritate me, and you’re fine just as you are. You don’t need to be any taller.” It’s not exactly the most poetic or flowery of compliments, and yet Mina feels the stilted words warm her from within. Now, post-adrenaline-rush, a bit tired and content, somewhat cold from gallivanting about in a tiny dress all night and letting second-rate greasy food warm her back up, she absolutely can’t think of a better way to spend her Friday night. Undoubtedly, her usual crew is out at some place a great deal fancier, and having a blast, and yet… she takes a second hash brown and smiles up at Kenneth. 
“So, should I get you a Taylor Swift album for your next birthday? I love her new one, but the old ones are where it’s really at.” 
“You don’t have to get me anything for my birthday. But I should get you home, yeah? It’s getting late, and you’re probably cold. That coat’s still bound to be drafty with that dress, and you’ve been wearing it unbuttoned half the time.” Almost as though on impulse, he buttons it up all the way, then jerks his hands back like he hadn’t meant to take such a liberty. 
The traffic is reasonable by New York City standards when they share a cab to her place, and he walks her all the way to her door, gentleman-like. Mina turns to him with a smile, and-- is he leaning towards her just a little? 
He is, one hand held out towards her, and she launches herself at him, wrapping both arms around a broad back firm with muscle underneath his black pea-coat, but he freezes, stiff as a board, and belatedly she realizes that he probably meant to shake her hand rather than give her a hug, and she’s quite certain that the heat of her cheeks is warm enough to start a fire in the hallway. But there’s nothing to do but roll with it, and she stands on tiptoe, leaving a whisper of Tom Ford Lavish against his jaw as she air-kisses him. 
“Well, good night. And have a good weekend. I’ll see you around. Probably.” Uncomfortably aware that she’s babbling, like she has been all night long, really, she unlocks her door while managing to avoid his eyes, and all but jogs in, heels and all. She leans against the door after it’s locked back up behind her, and lets out a windy sigh as she pulls up Spotify on her phone. 
Lovelorn ballads by Taylor seemed to be in order, possibly played on repeat, the neighbours be damned.
Mina takes four days to talk herself into visiting the office again, and even then, makes a point to shuffle her own schedule for the day, getting up at an ungodly hour of the morning to sweet-talk a contact in Milan to donate couture evening-wear for a charity fashion show-- proceeds to benefit victims of domestic violence. That phone call, which was originally slotted in for early afternoon, freed up the rest of the morning to visit the salon after a shopping trip to Bergdorf Goodman-- it was never too late, after all, to get her parents the present for their upcoming anniversary, and she went with the traditional 35th anniversary gemstone of emerald for both-- finding matching platinum-and-emerald cufflinks for her dad and earrings for her mother. She has both presents wrapped and sent off to her place, and then leaves herself at the tender mercies of her stylist, Adrianna, whose surgeon-steady hands snip off the split ends of her golden hair and refreshes the layers without taking off so much as a centimeter more than necessary. In the very least, she knows, she will be facing Kenneth looking her absolute best. Not that he was the shallow type like that, but still.
“That’s a boy-related frown, and boy-related frowns cause wrinkles.” Adrianna’s voice floats, matter-of-fact, above her head. “I’m double-booked like a mother-trucker this whole week because of the ills of holiday over-indulgence which apparently I’m supposed to wave my magic wand and handle, and don’t have time to deal with wrinkles today, sweetie, so you’re either just going to have to jump him or get over him.”
“I don’t know if jumping him is in the cards, and there’s no getting over someone who never exactly-- well. It’s weird, is all.” Mina starts to pick at her nails, a bad habit from her middle school days, but a stern look reflected in the mirror stops the fidgety movement in its tracks. “Am I so obvious?”
“Sweetie, I’m pretty sure I’ve not seen a boy-related frown on your face since I did your updo and makeup for senior prom, and had to bite my tongue so I wouldn’t tell you that any boy who told people to call him ‘Ace’ with a straight-ass face is clearly on next-level rom-com antagonist levels of douchebag. But all I can do is make you look gorgeous, not that you’re not already, and wish you luck. Please tell me he at least has a normal name.”
“His name is Kenneth, and he has an MBA from Columbia, and he works for my dad, and he has absolutely no use for me whatsoever.”
“Oh, nonsense. If he found some use for you, he’d probably have lobbied for you to be on daddy dearest’s payroll, and then where would we be? Wearing some ugly blazer and god-awful follicle-destroying chignon. My suggestion is to get a stupidly large box of chocolates, of course. The damned things are already getting put up in stores in preparation for Valentine’s Day, of course. Either the boy is not interested, and then you can self-medicate with chocolate endorphins, or he is interested, and you can share the chocolates, in bed.”
The deliberately crass suggestion brings Mina out of her funk, as it is intended to do, and she laughs helplessly even as Adrianna finishes blowing out her hair, fussing with it until it gleams like sunlit silk. Mina thanks the stylist and leaves a generous tip, and then stops at a boutique bakery en route to the office. She does buy the stupidly large box of chocolates, but also a fancy box of assorted macarons in numerous pastel shades. 
This time, when she arrives at the desk of the formidable Janet, she doesn’t do much more than hold out the delicate cookies as a peace offering. “I’m just going to go on back.”
“Good for you. I’m too busy to chit-chat anyway. Take your cookies and be off. Close the door behind you when you have it out with him, will you?” Janet doesn’t even look up from the computer screen, the phone receiver cradled between her shoulder and jaw as she clacks away at the keyboard. Mina looks at the solidly-built brunette with a little bit of consternation, but Janet simply waves an irritable hand in dismissal. Put squarely in her place, she makes her silent way to the elevators, and makes a beeline towards Kenneth’s office. 
It’s almost deja vu when she gets there. Door slightly ajar. The man seated at his desk, typing away at some spreadsheet. She knocks, then lets herself in. “Hi.” To her annoyance, her voice seems to have gone all breathy and low.
Kenneth still takes his time to turn around, but this time, when he does, his expression is almost soft. As with the last time, he closes the Excel spreadsheet and gives her his full attention. “Mina. What brings you here today?”
“I… cookies? That is, do you want cookies? I thought I’d come and say hi. Hopefully you’re recovered from being surrounded by Swifties. Are you busy?” Belatedly, she remembers Janet’s injunction that she close the door, and gives it a hasty shove. The slam sounds overly loud in this quiet hallway, and she blushes. “I know my dad usually schedules his meetings in the mornings, so I figured this would be a better time.”
“Yeah, he’s off-site. A late business lunch with some guy from an architectural firm. And you didn’t need to come and make sure I’m all right. I… I had a good time that evening. Really.”
“I should’ve brought you something for lunch rather than cookies, probably, but they looked so good. Not practical, though.” She, too, wasn’t the practical type. Taylor Swift and sparkly dresses as opposed to NPR and spreadsheets. What was she doing, really? Without anyone here to stop her, she sets down both cookies and candy box on his desk and picks at her cuticles. “Anyway. Glad you didn’t hate it. I should probably go. I’m sorry if I bothered you.”
For such a big man, he moves with incredible speed as he stands up and comes around the desk, blocking her way to the door before she’d registered that he’d moved. “Mina. Are you all right? You seem out of sorts, and in the… six years, seven months, two days and… an hour and a half?... that I’ve known you, you’ve never been like this.”
She blinks up at him, then crosses her arms. “Six years, seven months, two days, and three hours and fifteen minutes. I know exactly when I met you.”
“No, your dad introduced you to me before taking you out for lunch that day at eleven o’clock. It’s twelve twenty-six right now.”
Mina, if she closes her eyes, can see that day as clear as if it were yesterday, down to the navy blue tie knotted just a little too tight on the man standing across from her. He’d filled out a bit since that internship when he’d started working at the firm, and his ties were both more expensive and more expertly tied nowadays, but… She raises her chin stubbornly. “Yeah, that’s when my dad introduced us. But I actually met you before that, when I was running to make the elevator and you held it open for me, remember? I said hi, you said hi back. I remember thinking, when my dad introduced us, oh, it was nice to have a name to go with the hot guy I’d run into on the elevator. But you sort of didn’t have any use for me, and you still don’t, not really, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy each other’s company, right? Maybe not at another Taylor Swift concert, if that’s truly not your thing, but I…”
“You remember that?” She’s not quite sure how he got so close, but he’s standing right in front of her now, and when she looks up, she’s eye-level to his chin. She tilts her head up, and the expression in his face is something she’s never seen before, and it gives her enough courage to finish.
“I remember a lot of things about you, Kenneth! You just don’t know, because you don’t pay much attention to me, which I guess we don’t have too much in common, not really, but just because we don’t talk that much doesn’t mean that I don’t know, just like you must have known how much I wanted to go to that concert, and being there with you was the best time I’ve had in forever, though you can’t tell Una that, because she’ll be sad and look like a kitten left out in the rain, and I was just trying to work up the nerve to see if you wanted to spend some more time together and…”
She’s cut off mid-sentence by a pair of strong arms, bare to the elbows with the sleeves rolled up, hauling her up just a little off her feet and pulling her close. She has one breathless moment to register that he smells really, really good before she’s being kissed, and there’s nothing placid about it at all as one hand fists in the glossy hair that Adrianna had just so painstakingly blown out and the other lands at the small of her back, hot and wide through the thin material of her dress. She can do nothing but clutch at his wide shoulders and hang on for dear life, but a moment later, she gives as good as she gets, lips parting under his and soothing the tiny nip that she inflicts on his lower lip with a flick of her tongue. A moan breaks the silence of the office, and she belatedly realizes that it escaped from her lips as his mouth shifts to the sensitive skin of her jaw, giving both of them the chance to catch their breaths. 
Mina slides her fingers through the silky hair at the nape of his neck and leans her head against the crook of his shoulder, where it seems to fit perfectly. “Don’t you dare start to regret kissing me.” The words come out forcefully, but with a bit of a tremble nonetheless which she tries to hide by muffling it against his neck. He’d have lipstick on his collar, but it couldn’t be helped. 
A faint, slightly breathless chuckle escapes him, rumbling through his chest underneath her ear. “No. I regret not kissing you that night, though.” That statement is delivered in a shockingly frank, matter-of-fact way even as he tilts her face back up. Her fingers, of their own volition, link together at the back of his neck, and she’s sure that her smile is both goofy and excessive. It was quite likely that she would not be eating that box of chocolate in its entirety in boy-inflicted angst, after all. 
“Well, I can invite you to dinner tonight, and we can make up for lost time afterwards. Unless you’re busy. If you’re busy, we can resche--”
His mouth stamps over hers, cutting her off mid-sentence, but the kiss is sweet and gentle this time, and she’s sighing with the romance of it all by the time he pulls back. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
The giddy thrill of it is not unlike something that would be touched upon in a Taylor Swift song, she decides, but she keeps that thought to herself for the moment. Maybe in another six years, seven months, two days and however many hours, she’d bring that up again. Surely by then, she could teach him to enjoy the finer things in life, such as jamming to pop music in the shower. 
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antivanruffles · 5 years
minakosaino replied to your post: I’m literally gonna have to write fic fixing the...
(Will I ever stop being angry about that after all this years? The answer is no)
You know what though? It was clearly part of some roleplay foreplay shit. 
AH YES we haven’t seen each other in so long. Such pining. Much longing. Let us walk for a while and then do it somewhere semi-publically before going home to our cats and take a quick shower before Ramon comes over for dinner and gives us weird looks and casually makes gagging noises whenever we look at each other. 
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pixelburied · 4 years
9, 13 and 22? 👀💕
9.  Would you ever go on a blind date?
I would, actually! I prefer it to online dating because at least, the person’s been vetoed by a friend. Mayhaps I shall look into it after this pandemic lol.
13.  What was your favorite toy growing up?
This 1996 Polly Pocket Magical Moving Pollyville. It’s magnetic! I still have it. My mom kept all of our polly pocket stuff (smart woman). The magnet’s a bit wonky now though.
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22. What’s your favorite smell in the whole world?
I love the smell of coffee! Even though I’m no longer allowed to drink it..... Hmmm maybe I should make one just to smell.
Also the smell of freshly baked bread!
.........and you know the smell when you pass by an Auntie Anne’s Pretzels......
As for perfumes, I’m not a fan. I do like Acca Kappa’s white moss.
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mochibuni · 4 years
minakosaino replied to your photo “Late night trolly doodles.”
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haru-michis · 7 years
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Minako for @minakosaino in B3 + palette 80.
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leondaltons · 3 years
Please never show one slight of interest about Sailor Moon in front of me because I👏will👏not👏shut👏up👏about👏it👏
I could literally write a 100 pages essay about Sailor Venus and all the shit and trauma she goes through 😬
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themarinecathedral · 7 years
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this has to be framed as a painful reminder
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smokingbomber · 7 years
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@minakosaino replied to your post “sorry so little activity?? like most of what i’m watching suddenly is...”
bob the builder used to be THE bomb, i loved it (yes i know, i'm young enough to have watched that lol)
i have a lot less of a problem with bob the builder than i do with thomas the tank engine, tbh. but bob the builder also has going for it one AMAZING THING:  
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is played by  
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and ace was my role model growing up, okay. so. all support to all of sophie aldred’s endeavours forevers. :D
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labyrinthofleah · 7 years
minakosaino replied to your chat: My Cinderella Phenomenon experience so far
prepare to have your soul crushed lol
That is what everyone is telling me lol. I am afraid.
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scgdoeswhat · 4 years
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Ummm hi, first time I’m taking part in an artist challenge so here’s a sketch of Renata, my Blades MC, in my version of the masquerade dress.
Renata is with Tyril so her cape dress is in the traditional House Starfury colors with gemstone embellishments all throughout. The sleeves are blue lace and there is also lace inlay down the front. (Yes, the lace is translucent because that’s how we roll in this house 😂.) The giant-ass sapphire necklace is a Starfury heirloom, once belonging to Tyril’s mother and was left to him to give to his future partner.
Don’t let the elegant facade fool you; Ren has 3 more weapons that weren’t confiscated at the gate and she will kill you 😁
Thanks to @night-triumphantt for the challenge and also tagging a few people who might be interested! @choicesarehard @brightpinkpeppercorn @ohsnapitzlovehacker @lizeboredom @sophie-summer @minakosaino
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ssminibang · 4 years
Sailor Moon Mini Bang 2020 posting dates!
Hello everyone! Earlier today we have sent an email with everyone’s assigned posting dates, plus everything you need to know regarding posting + a small tutorial on how to embed art in a fic!
If you haven’t received this email send us a message asap, as it contains really important information!
This year we are also sharing the posting dates in here so that everyone can keep an eye on our schedule! Posting starts on Monday 2 of November and finishes on Friday 18 of December (weekends are non-posting dates as we want to encourage reading and reviewing)
And now under the read more, the dates!!: (forgive us if the fic/art titles are wrong as we might be using old information)
Monday 2 of November: The Girl With The Red Bow - Beej/Iamcharlotte88
Tuesday 3 of November:  Our Future - Jewels/Charlie
Wednesday 4 of November:  The Devil You Know -  Thalia / Fuu&Eli
Thursday 5 of November:  Man In The Red Dress - MasterRay / Iamcharlotte
Friday 6 of November:  Talk (Like Real People Do)  - Chu / Smoking
Monday 9 of November:  Leaving The Uniform Behind  - Samus / Rae
Tuesday 10 of November:  Camp Elysian - VChanny / Kate (Flourish Fox)
Wednesday 11 of November:  The Red Rose of Nara  - WoI / Rubus
Thursday 12 of November:  La Vie En Rouge  - Marissa / Chev
Friday 13 of November:  Do Not Cry For Me - Heavenly_Pearl / Covenmouse
Monday 16 of November:  Under the Red Moon  -Sailor Silver Ladybug (Tori) / Final Key
Tuesday 17 of November:  Red Lips  - Eldmund/Christine
Wednesday 18 of November: Another World   - Satine / Vestal Spirit
Thursday 19 of November: Crow Escam Gratis Peccata Dimittit  - Guppy / Charlie
Friday 20 of November: Tremble Do Those (Who Unveiled the Light)   - Huinari / Koameratsuhime
Monday 23 of November: Sanguine Potion #13  - Shnuggletea / Mochi
Tuesday 24 of November:  By Any Other Name - Rae / Cap o Rushes
Wednesday 25 of November: A Picnic with the Eye of Jupiter  - Ellorgast / Eli
Thursday 26 of November: I Dream of Venus  - Cluckster / Lyrhia
Friday 27 of November:  Roll For Initiative - Nimiane / Wils
Monday 30 of November:  Lipstick & Louboutins - SCG / Blunotte
Tuesday 1 of December:  Over and Over Again  - Kanadka / Smoking
Wednesday 2 of December:  Red Like Roses - Chu / Koameratsuhime
Thursday 3 of December: The Equivalence Principle  - Kanadka / Shadowsphere21
Friday 4 of December: The Seed of Sin  - Serpent In Red / Vanessa
Monday 7 of December:  Madison Avenue - Beej / Joker
Tuesday 8 of December: Red Heart of Flame - Mochi / Astraearose
Wednesday 9 of December:  Roses, Hearts, Blood   - Fades / LizLee
Thursday 10 of December: The Crimson Millennium - VenusUnchained / Lyrhia
Friday 11 of December:  Red Moon - SororityDiva / Artimas
Monday 14 of December:  Masque of the Red Death Ghost Story - Samus / CosmicCommander & JupiterLor
Tuesday 15 of December:  By Mountain and Sea - Thalia / Rosecopter
Wednesday 16 of December: The Blood on her Hands - Adrianna / Artimas
Thursday 17 of December:  Cursed - Charlie / Lyrhia
Friday 18 of December:  The Cup - Zellie / Minakosaino
Hopefully everyone is as excited as us!!!
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mochibuni · 4 years
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Me: What do you want me to doodle?
@minakosaino: Draw me with a wine bottle lolol! ... moCHI IT WAS A JOKE
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chibiranmaruchan · 4 years
I was tagged by @minakosaino and then later @teamvanessacloud thank you both!
1. Do you make your bed? All of the time, it's one of first things I do when I wake up.
2. What's your favourite number? 13
3. What is your job? I mean if we want to get technical, my role is technically 'artist/illustrator/writer' but I am unemployed.
4. If you could go back to school would you? If we're talking year 10 and 11, yes. If we're talking about anything from reception to year 9, no. I would use that time to change my GCSE subjects from art and geography to either food tech or design and technology and media to get better grades and be in a better position in life than I am in now.
5. Can you parallel park? I can't even drive yet lol.
6. A job you had that would surprise people? Nothing, because I've only ever worked once and it was a kitchen assistant job, which is something everyone could see me doing.
7. Do you think aliens are real? Why wouldn't they be? The universe is huge, I doubt we're the only life out there.
8. Can you drive a manual car? Nope, for reasons mentioned above about driving.
9. What's your guilty pleasure? Terribad anime, especially with hackjob dubs, I'm looking at you central park media, manga UK, ADV and media blasters.
10. Tattoos? Always wanted some, alas I do not have any.
11. Favourite colour? Black.
12. Favourite type of music? I honestly like anything?
13. Things that people do that drive you crazy? People who walk slow, especially in public spaces like train stations and the mall, calling me on the phone, people not being straight up when they're asking me for something, especially when they haven't seen/heard from me for a long time and dress it up like they're interested in how I've been.
14. Do you like doing puzzles? Yeah, they can be fun to do.
15. Any phobias? Barring ones like failure, not being good enough, being unloveable etc I have really bad arachnophobia, I also experience claustrophobia and acrophobia, but only for really high places, especially if it's open with a high risk of falling.
16. Favourite childhood sport? Swimming! I'd love to do it again.
17. Do you talk to yourself? Who doesn't lol?
18. What movie do you adore? Where do I begin? I love most animated Disney movies and all Ghibli movies, I also really love Anastasia, all dogs go to heaven, the prince of Egypt, Coraline, Rugrats go to Paris
19. Coffee or tea? Neither, I like hot chocolate.
20. First thing you wanted to be growing up? A vet. I actually wanted to be vet up until I was in year 9, but I wouldn't make the cut to be in set 1 science in year 10 and 11 for my GCSEs, because of the grades I was getting, which would mean I would be at the bottom of the class consistently. If that was the case, I wouldn't pass and get grades to get into sixth form to do the sciences, which means when applying for a vetinary course in university, I wouldn't be able to get into it with my grades. Besides, while I know putting down animals that are suffering is the kind thing to do, I would struggle to do it.
I tag @bakuraryxu @arcanespecter @kush-n-taylors @im-just-trash-o3o @shinjirospartiallysoapydishes
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leondaltons · 4 years
For the couples ask, 1, 6, 19, and 36 for Minako and Kunzite.
1- How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
They sleep hugging each other, Venus back against Kunzite chest, a lazy hand around her waist and his nose in her hair. If they go to sleep like this, they USUALLY wake up the same but sometimes Mina moves around in her sleep and ends extremely close to falling from the bed lol. Kunz ALWAYS wakes up earlier than her, so he gives her a soft kiss & gets out to work out and prepare breakfast, the scent usually wakes Mina up
6- Any tasks that are always left to one person?
Breakfast! Mina never wakes up early enough to actually make it and if he isn’t around she usually has some coffee before going out. I guess that cooking in general too, Mina is descent at cooking basic things (pasta or similar) but doesn’t have the attention span to do it, so if they want home cooked food then if falls into Kunz hands
19- What do they fight about? What are their arguments like? How do they make up?
Oh god….I think that at the start of their relationship Mina gets angry by his stone cold demeanor and his problem at expressing his feelings. Kunz can get annoyed by Mina making drama out of everything, sometimes it drives him up the wall. I can also see him getting annoyed because she doesnt take care of herself, she can be impulsive and fight into action without thinking twice about her health. After dating for a while, I think they can make up mainly by talking about their problems, both Mina and Kunz are extremely proud and it would be hard for any of them to just go and start kissing the other person so they can forget their argument, but if they both sit and talk about what made them angry things are easier
36- - What’s their greatest strength as a couple? Their weakness?
Their strength is probably how in sinc they are with each other, they can see what the other means buy barely sharing a look or how they feel by their body language. I think their weakness is how proud they both can be, which sometimes can bring problems in accepting their mistakes
Thank you so much Heather <3 <3 <3
Send me a ship and a number
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adriannasharp · 4 years
Fake Dating Fic Sneak Peek!
So about two years ago, @minakosaino posted on here that she needed a fake dating fic with Minako and Kunzite and the wheels in my head began turning. Today, I finally finished my first draft of this fic (because I very much need to write a full fic before I post it or there will be so many plot holes). For now, I’m going to let it sit for a while before I go back to edit it but in the meantime, have the first draft of chapter one! Enjoy!!
Minako sat, staring out the window. The bullet train rumbled ever so quietly as it turned through the Japanese countryside. It was a beautiful day. The sun was bright and she knew it would be hot on her skin when she stepped outside of the air conditioned passenger car. A binder sat in her lap, open to a seemingly random page but she couldn’t focus on it anymore. There was only so much of Kunzite’s life she could take in before she felt the need to gag. And no, that was not the fault of the train, as it was smoother than anything.
It was no secret to their friends that Minako and Kunzite did not like each other. If they didn’t share their circle of friends, they would most certainly never be seen together but, such is life, or however that saying goes.They were always on opposite sides of discussions and he mocked her at every chance he could. Of course, she would throw fire right back at him. He was just so arrogant and serious and never any fun.  Fortunately, after one too many rather public fights, they silently agreed that they should just stop ever talking to each other unless something nice could be said. After that, they barely spoke and always made an effort to sit as far apart as possible whenever there was a group get together. She still wasn’t sure how she would get through a whole weekend with him.
It was a few weeks prior that he asked her for a favour. She was hesitant, of course. What kind of favour could you ask of someone you don’t like? Well, it turned out he needed a date.
As the train curved past a small town, she recalled the conversation.
“You want me to be your date to a wedding?”
Kunzite’s face was its usual stoicness. Of course. He never did show emotion, after all.
“Yes. My little sister’s wedding.” He was silent after those words, hoping that was going to be enough but the disbelief on her face said that she needed more information. “If you must know, my mother has been...pestering me for some time about my single status. She has been rather insistent about me finding someone so I told her several months ago that I was seeing someone. Unfortunately I did not take into account bringing this fictitious woman to my sister’s wedding.”
“And you chose me?” Minako said somewhere in between mockery and confusion.
“Yes.” His face was in disbelief as well. “Unfortunately, my mother knows my friends and their significant others too well for me to utilize one of them. And it would be incredibly inappropriate to ask someone from my work.”
Right. He was a bigshot partner at some law firm and everyone he worked with worked under him. Yeah, she supposed that would be weird. And he was such a damn workaholic that he really didn’t have time for anyone else outside of his usual circle. But there were other things he could do.
“And before you say anything derogatory, no, I will not hire someone from an escort service.”
Damn. How did he know she was thinking that?
She looked him over. He looked surprisingly genuine with his turned down eyes and, was he fidgeting? Hmmm.
“What’s in it for me?”
“I would pay for the whole weekend, of course. And outside of the wedding itself and the rehearsal dinner, we can completely avoid each other.”
Minako eyed him skeptically.
“That's it?”
“And,” Kunzite continued as if it pained him to continue, “my firm recently gained a new client. If the weekend goes well, I could arrange a meeting with Minami Ogawa.”
Minako eyes popped. “The casting director?!”
It was true that Minako had been trying for years to get her big break in the entertainment industry. Her friends knew it, their partners knew it, and, of course, Kunzite knew it. This could make her career. But she also didn't want to quite admit defeat yet so she reigned in her excitement for one more clause to the deal.
“And you'll pay for two new dresses for me for the weekend?”
“Yes. I can’t wear the same dress twice in one weekend. You want me to look presentable, don't you?”
Kunzite sighed before holding his hand out. “Deal.”
Minako pulled out of her reverie. She tried to enjoy the summer sights but she couldn’t. She looked back down at the binder in her lap and mock gagged. She had insisted that they just wing it but he disagreed. He had to make things so much more complicated, as usual. She had met boyfriend’s parents before and she always come off lovely and charming and promising the mother she would keep in touch. It would be easy. Instead of winging it, he made a comprehensive binder listing details that he felt she should know. You know, things a girlfriend would know. How they met (common friends, at least he stuck with that one), where they had their first date (Ginza Sky Lounge), their second date (Jindai Botanical Gardens), the first movie they saw together (some pretentious Western movie she had never heard of), his family (both parents still alive and one soon to be wed little sister), and it went on.
At first, she tried to look at this as an opportunity to practice her acting skills. Surely, a weekend of playing a doting girlfriend would be good practice, right? At first, she took the binder with enthusiasm, determined to learn her part. But then, as she got further into the details, she found it harder and harder to continue. The thought of dating Kunzite was just…weird. And as the date loomed closer, she found herself pushing the binder away. But she was due at the station in under an hour and if she wanted to woo Kunzite’s family and get that meeting with Ogawa, she had to learn the last few pages quickly.
The wedding was in a small town a two hour train ride outside of Tokyo. They were staying at a hot springs inn a little ways from the station and the wedding was in some nearby hall she had never heard of. Well, that was probably because she didn’t venture much outside of Tokyo.
Kunzite didn’t say much about his sister in the binder. Just that she was four years younger than he was, she was a kindergarten teacher, and that the groom was an old college friend of Kunzite’s. It was weird to think of Kunzite with family. He never talked about them so she just sort of assumed he didn’t have any or he wasn’t close with them. Apparently it was the latter.
Her phone pinged with an unwelcome trill and she tried not to visibly shudder. She set his text tone separately so she knew it would be a message from him. The tone she chose was called chimes. It was a nice, pleasant sound that she hoped would balance the dread that would inevitably follow. So far, it hadn’t worked.
Did you manage to catch the train?
Only he could sound so condescending over text. To even it out, she typed back in her most sarcastic manner.
Yes. I did catch the train. I’m not a moron.
Was that really all he had to say? Jerk.
She thought about going back to the binder but she pushed it away with a grimace. Instead, she pulled up her contacts and called one of her best friends.
“Hey Rei.”
Both girls paused. Rei waited for Minako to say why she was calling, but Minako wasn’t sure what to say.
“What’s up?” Rei asked. “Shouldn’t you be on the train right now?”
“I am.” She paused again before continuing. “Am I crazy? This is crazy, right?”
Minako could practically hear Rei’s smirk over the phone.
“I did say the whole thing was rather ludicrous.”
“Thanks for the encouragement,” Minako drawled.
“If you wanted encouragement, you should have called Makoto. You called me so you must have wanted me to talk you out of it.”
“No. I don’t want that. Just...do you think this is doable?”
Rei sighed. “If you’re both committed to it and don’t yell at each other, maybe.”
Right. The yelling. To be fair, it didn’t happen often. Their whole gang was discussing some heavier topics and, of course, Kunzite had the complete opposite opinion of her.
“What the hell do you mean?” she asked.
“Simply that if you cannot afford to have children, people should be careful about their-” he paused, searching for the right word, “dalliances.”
“So people should just never go out and enjoy themselves? Is that it?”
“No, that’s not what I-”
“Or do you think we should all be abstinent and boring like you?”
“If you would just listen-”
Before Kunzite could finish, Nephrite slammed his hands on the table. “Stop it both of you.” They both stopped and sat back. At least Kunzite had the sense to look mildly embarrassed. Well, as much as a piece of granite could look embarrassed. “Hearing you two argue is not what I had in mind for my birthday so if you could both just cut it out, you won’t have to leave.”
Minako shrinked back in her seat as Nephrite changed the topic. While Nephrite was usually the happiest of the group, he could be downright scary when he was mad. So Minako glanced at Kunzite and they both nodded, as if finally realizing how much their arguing was getting in the way of their friends.
Stupid Kunzite. He always had to escalate things. Since then, they just tried to avoid being in the same conversation, with some near misses.
“And how do I manage that?”
“Minako, you’re an actress. Just act like there’s something about Kunzite that you find desirable.”
Minako slumped her head against the window. “Any suggestions?”
“You won't believe a thing I have to say anyways. Pick things you can work with. He’s attractive, right? Use that. Find a few things about him that you can latch onto and talk about to his family.”
Minako massaged her temple with her free hand. “That’s going to be hard.”
“Then get off the train at the next station, turn around, and go home.”
“And miss my chance with Ogawa?”
“That’s up to you. But if you do want that meeting, you have to do a good job impressing his family and pretending like you’re in love with him.”
“Whoa. No one said anything about being in love. We just have to pretend we’re dating.”
“Minako, you don’t bring someone that casual to your little sister’s wedding. If you bring someone to a wedding, it’s someone that you’re going to be in love with.”
Shit. Rei was absolutely right. How could she overlook that? Shit shit shit.
“So I have to be lovey dovey with Kunzite?” The thought almost made her retch.
“What were you expecting to do before?”
Minako shrugged, although she knew Rei couldn’t see that. “I don’t know. Just hold hands and be lovely to his family?”
“You know Kunzite will need more than that. If you’re going to sell this, you need to do more than that. Channel Makoto. You know how lovey dovey she gets with Nephrite.”
Minako pictured the couple in the midst of one of their cutesy wutesy talks and chuckled. “Thanks. That kind of helps.”
“Good. Are you alright now?”
Minako let out a breath. “I think so.”
“Good. Because I have to go. Jadeite is burning lunch.”
Minako hung up and used the rest of the time on the train to begrudgingly learn the rest of the binder. Fortunately, it wasn't overly complicated and she was able to skip some redundant parts Kunzite wrote. Did she really need to know what his favourite food was? Or the colour of the walls in his apartment?
The final section was, oddly, about her. It would seem that Kunzite told his mother some details when pressured so, of course, Kunzite felt the need to include all those details too. According to him, Minako was a receptionist who enjoyed museums and dabbled in fine wine.
She scoffed. A receptionist? How dull and uninspired was that? Was this the kind of woman Kunzite looked for? Well, she supposed that would be perfect for him. She wouldn’t threaten his success and they could be dull and uninspiring together.  
As the train slowed to a stop, Minako heard chimes again and shuddered.
I’m in the parking lot.
Minako groaned. It was a half hour drive to the hotel they were staying at. Minako insisted she could take a cab but Kunzite seemed to think it would look better if they arrived together. And of course he had to drive. He was too good to ride the train like a normal person.
Okay she replied and resisted the urge to add a rolling eyes emoji.
She hoisted her bright yellow suitcase off of the train and wiped her brow at the sun’s heat beating down. Her wheels click clacked on the tiles as she made her way through the station and finally through to the parking lot. He was standing by his too fancy car, sunglasses on. Women stared at him as they passed and Minako remembered Rei’s words. “He’s attractive, right? Use that.”
Sure, he was attractive. She wasn’t blind. He had a strong jawline, relatively broad shoulders, and always dressed well. It was just his personality that was so unattractive. She wanted to yell the truth to the women passing by, that he was arrogant and entitled and probably wouldn’t give them a second glance unless they were models or something.
He raised his hand slightly to get her attention and Minako could feel the jealous looks on her back.
“Hi,” he said as she approached.
An awkward moment passed between them before he reached for her suitcase. “I can get that. The car’s unlocked.”
She muttered in acquiescence, slid into the car, and realized she was wrong. His car wasn’t just too fancy, it was WAY too fancy. There were a ton of buttons that she couldn’t even figure out the purpose of. There was a fancy screen mounted on the dash and she found herself waiting for some kind of personalized AI to jump out of it.
The driver door opened and Kunzite slid in. The car started up again but the engine was so quiet, she barely noticed. The only sign of the car starting was the screen coming to life and a full blast of AC.
It was at this point that normal people would make small talk. He would ask how how the train ride was or tell her a bit about the hotel they were staying at. But no. This was Kunzite and he was Mr. Silent, Mr. Unfriendly. He could never be bothered to say something nice to someone else. So she supposed it had to be up to her.
“So have you been to this place before?”
“No. But that does remind me.” He reached down to the console and punched in a few things on the screen. Next thing Minako knew, she heard an electronic female voice coming out of the console, directing them where to go. Kunzite seemed to have forgotten Minako’s question and stayed silent.
So much for small talk.
Well, if he was going to be silent, she could too. She fiddled with the radio, trying to find a good station. He eyed her out of the corner of his eyes but said nothing. She found something with some fun pop and settled back in her seat. It was only a half hour to the hotel. She could manage that.
Well, she lasted seven and a half minutes.
“Are you going to be like this all weekend?”
“Like what?”
She gestured at him wildly. “Like this. All stony and quiet. Can’t you be a little more interesting?”
“Interesting,” he echoed in a deadpan voice.
“Yes. Interesting. I can���t work off a piece of granite all weekend.”
“Are we trying to impress someone right now?”
She opened her mouth and then closed it again. “No.”
“That’s why I made the binder. No extra contact with us, right?”
Minako shrugged. “I guess. So you just want to figure this out when we get there?”
“You act as if it’s going to be difficult. As long as we have both prepped for this, this weekend will run smoothly. And I thought it best not to talk too much if it wasn't necessary. Keep the peace and all.”
Minako picked at a loose thread on her shorts to avoid looking at him. That was a pretty good point, she supposed. If the two of them ever fell into a conversation, it always escalated into a full on argument. I mean, does he have to be so disagreeable all the time?
She realized she still hadn't said anything so she muttered, “I guess that makes sense.”
The sounds of a Jpop star filled the silence and Minako decided to watch the scenery, though there wasn't much. Just lots of trees. Then, she heard the music change.
Kunzite's hands were still on the wheel but it was definitely a different station. He probably had fancy controls on his steering wheel.
“What was that for?”
He raised an eyebrow. “I changed the music. Those top 40 pop songs give me a headache.”
“So? I was enjoying it. And besides, it wouldn't kill you to listen to it for a half an hour. May I remind you that I am taking a weekend out of my life to do something nice for you.”
“Something nice?” He scoffed. It was the most emotion she heard in his voice the whole ride. “You're only here so you can meet Ogawa so don't pretend like you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart.”
Damn. He had her there.
“Well,” she trailed off for a moment, trying to find the right words. “If I were in your shoes, I would at least try to make a guest feel welcome.”
She crossed her arms, sank into her seat, and rested her feet up against the dash.
He swatted them down without taking his eyes off the road. “My car, my rules.”
“You know, it wouldn't kill you to do something nice once in a while.”
“Like let you dirty my car and blast your terrible music? No thank you.”
Minako rolled her eyes. “That's not what I meant.”
“It's exactly what you meant. You want to have your own way.”
He shrugged and continued as if it was common knowledge. “You do. And no one else’s opinion matters.”
She was aghast. “Excuse me?”
“Come on. At least admit it. It’s obvious.”
Her cheeks reddened. How dare he? “I don’t do that. I just want people to be included.”
“Against their will.”
Her face grew an even brighter red. “Well at least I'm not a stick in the mud with a stick up my own stick ass.”
“At least I don't always have to be the centre of attention. I understand subtlety and I don’t make everyone around me uncomfortable.”
If steam could be coming out of Minako's ears, they would be.
“Pull over,” she demanded.
He raised an eyebrow but obliged. Before the car could fully stop, she was out the door. She walked around to the back and Kunzite watched her struggle a bit before she stormed over to his window.
“Open the trunk please,” she said. Her voice was calm but her teeth were clenched.
He pulled a latch and she stormed to the back of the car again. After an awkward yank, she hoisted her suitcase out of the trunk and began walking away.
Kunzite sighed and stepped out. “Where are you going?”
“Isn't it obvious? Back to the train station. I clearly won't be respected this weekend so there's no point in me staying.”
She paused, waiting for him to say something. Instead, he glanced over her, settling on her feet. “It's probably about a three hour walk back to the station and those shoes don't seem to be built for that.”
True, her wooden wedges were less than suitable for the rocky sides of the road. “I’ll call a cab then.”
He leaned against the car, as if he had all day. “Do you even know where you are?”
She was aware of the long pause she took but she still said, “Of course”
He said nothing. He just stood there and stared at her. It was a challenge. He was calling her bluff.
“Well, I should start back to the train station then,” she said. “Anything is better than being in that car with you for five more minutes.”
With that, she flipped her long golden hair and continued walking away.
“Okay then. Good luck.”
She didn’t even look back as she reached her arm high and waved goodbye. She waited for him to get back in his car. She waited to hear the hum of an engine and the sound of him driving away. Then she remembered how quiet his car was. Damn. Did he already drive away? Should she risk a look over her shoulder?
She forced herself to count to twenty as she walked away. Then she took a glance over her shoulder.
He was still there. In fact, he hadn’t even moved.
“Are you done?” he called out to her. “Will you get back in the car?”
She turned around and took several steps towards him. “What do you mean?” she yelled back. “I’m storming off. Tell your family I was sick or something.”
“You and I both know that you’re not going to miss out on a chance with Ogawa. Now will you stop wasting time and get back in the car?”
Her eyes darted back and forth as she weighed her options. Her act of storming off was supposed to make him apologize but if she went back now, he had the high ground. And she didn’t like losing.
On the other hand, it was true what he said. She could just prolong this and hope she ended up with the higher ground. But she also had a feeling that he wasn’t going to budge. He was definitely stubborn like that. Stupid stubborn jerk.
“Okay.” She was still a fair distance from him so she still had to raise her voice. “I’ll come back. But you have to be nicer to me.”
Minako thought she saw him roll his eyes behind his sunglasses but she was too far away to tell. “Fine.”
She walked back to him, expecting him to step forward and help her with her suitcase again but he just got back in the car. She hoisted her suitcase back in the still open trunk and made sure to slam it shut with more force than necessary.
Minako stared out the window. She didn’t think she could look at him without getting mad again. Neither had said a word since she got back in the car. She thought about trying to find a neutral conversation point but her imagination kept coming up with ways he would argue with her.
Okay. Maybe he was right. Maybe they should just avoid talking to each other unless they had someone to convince that they were madly in love. So instead, she flipped through her phone and the radio stayed quiet. The only sound she heard was his dash, telling him where to go.
As they turned the corner and pulled into the hotel, Minako forgot about her vow of silence.
“It’s gorgeous!”
It really was. It was a little more modern than she expected. There were glass walls intermixed with the wood but still held an older look. It fit perfectly amid the surrounding greenery, the crisp, fresh smell of it wafted on the air.
After pulling out their suitcases, they made their way into the building. It was beautiful. Rich, traditional wood architecture mixed with more modern brickwork and glass. Rooftops rose high to a peak, making the dark wood seem more airy, and doors were wide open, letting in the warm summer air. But it got a bit gloomier when Kunzite took her hand. It felt weird. His hand was stiff and had callouses. Before she could ask why, she realized a middle aged couple was walking towards them.
“Kunzite. You made it.”
It was the woman who spoke. She had long dark hair and a friendly smile. The man with her had neatly trimmed hair and glasses and she assumed them to be his parents.
“Hi mom. Hi dad.”
Minako forced herself to stand a little straighter, her posture for girlfriend who was madly in love. At the last second, she stepped closer to him. Intimacy, right?  She didn’t miss the look he threw her. But it passed quickly. His parents were approaching fast.
His mother pulled him in for a hug and then smiled wider when she looked at Minako.
“So, you must be Minako.”
“I am. It’s so nice to finally meet you. Kunzite has told me so much about you.”
Her words had the desired effect of making his mother blush.
“I’m so glad to hear that. We haven’t seen him in ages and he kept refusing to send me any photos of you. I was starting to wonder if you even existed.”
“Well, it is hard to get him to be in a picture with me. If it wasn’t for us going out in the daylight, I would have thought he was a vampire.”
Minako felt Kunzite’s hand squeeze a little harder but his parents were laughing. It even allowed his dad to interject.
“Kunzite never was one for photos. He always looked far too serious in them.”
Minako laughed but she felt like Kunzite was getting annoyed. He overcompensated for it well though.
“Well, we should really check in. We don’t have too much time before dinner and we should get settled.”
“Oh,” his mother began, ruffling through her purse. “I actually got everyone checked in. You two are in room...” She pulled out a key card and squinted at the number, “204.”
She handed Kunzite the key card and it wasn’t until she let go that he realized what she said.
“Both of us in the same room?”
“Of course,” his mother waved her hand dismissively. “You’re an adult now.”
“And this isn’t our trip to Nara,” his father said.
“We are perfectly comfortable with you two staying in the same room.” Kunzite looked shell shocked. If Minako wasn’t so shocked herself, she would have wished she had a camera. “Now hurry up you two.” She glanced at her watch. “Kunzite’s right. There really isn’t too much time before dinner tonight and I would love to get together with you both before that so we can get to know you.”
“Of course,” Minako said, keeping her voice soft and light. “I would love that.”
“Perfect. Then we’ll meet you in the restaurant at five?”
“That sounds wonderful.”
With a wave, his parents walked away and it took Minako and Kunzite a moment before they snapped back to reality.
“Let’s go,” he said, letting go of her hand.
She was happy to let go and took the moment to rub a bit at her face. Maybe that smile had been overcompensating a bit.
The trip to the second floor was quiet and when they reached their door, Kunzite swiped his card and held the door open for her. Minako raised her eyebrows and wondered where the sudden chivalry was coming from.
“Take the luggage in. I’m going to get another room.”
So much for chivalry.
The door closed behind him and Minako was left to check out the room. It was lighter and airier than the rest of the hotel. The walls were off white with wood accents. The bed was large and looked incredibly comfortable. That was confirmed when she ran her hand over it and experimentally flopped onto it. But what really caught her eye was the view. The balcony was large with a couple of chairs and looked out on a sea of green. She felt herself getting calmer already.
Then the door opened again. Loudly. Leave it up to him to break the serenity.
Minako walked back inside and saw the frustrated look on his face. “What’s wrong?”
“The place is completely booked.”
He huffed before continuing. “We’ll just have to make do with separating the futons and not look at each other.”
Kunzite was still in the entryway. He didn't see the bed. He didn’t know.
“Umm. That might be a bit difficult. This place is a bit more modern than that,” she said pointing towards the bed that he couldn’t see.
He quirked an eyebrow and walked in to see the very sturdy, very heavy bed frame, bearing a single, whole mattress.
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narniadreams · 4 years
hi petals !! 
i was tagged by @iliveinnarniaandstudyathogwarts​ thank you !!
do you make your bed? yes, everyday. 
what’s your favorite number? i don’t really have a favourite number..
what is your job? i work at a telecommunications company at the costumer service department, complaints section.
if you could go back to school, would you? i would rather not go back to the schools i have already been to, but i would like to study at a different school for sure !!
can you parallel park? i cannot drive a car haha..
a job you had that would surprise people? hmm i had no strange or surpising jobs in my life.
do you think aliens are real? more or less, i’m sure that there is other life out there at least.
can you drive a manual car? i cannot drive any car !!! (only mario kart cars nfdgfh)
what’s your guilty pleasure? i have no idea.. i guess, rewatching (childhood) shows or movies that i’ve already seen countless times?
tattoos? none! i change my mind too often so i don’t think i’ll ever commit to taking a tattoo. 
favorite color? green !
favorite type of music? k-pop and k-indie. i also love instrumental music.
things that people do that drive you crazy? honestly just be stupid. racism, sexism etc. thinking that somehow other people are less than them, it drives me insane.
do you like doing puzzles? i don’t dislike them, but i don’t do puzzles a lot. i would have to give that to my younger sister (she has been doing so many puzzles lately !!)
any phobias? i am not sure when something is considered a real phobia, but i am afraid of the deep sea, needles and vomitting. 
favorite childhood sport? i used to do gymnastics !
do you talk to yourself? yes definitely hahaha.
what movie do you adore? i’ve named my favourite movies countless times !! and i adore them all. a movie i unexpectedly adored a lot was 后来的我们 (Us and Them)
coffee or tea? not a big fan of either, but tea for sure wins over coffee !
first thing you wanted to be growing up? probably a princess or a fairy hahahah (come on, i still wish to be a fairy nowadays, but alright)
i’m tagging these lovely people: @narnianfarmer @lasaraleen @digorykirke @jillpcle @c0ffeebee @cosmiqueqi @minakosaino @thaliaagrace xoxo
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