#mind control mention --
ledybas-the-ledybest · 11 months
The more I think about Charles Merloch, the stranger he gets. His first appearance involves him yanking fur off one of the protagonists. He has eye bags so pathetic and strong that they’re almost endearing. If Detective Pikachu Returns was popular, he’d probably be called a tumblr sexyman and babygirl. He doesn’t have a Bulbapedia page yet. At least one person who’s seen the game has mistaken his mind-control devices for development cubes. The first step of his plan involves a twink’s bird. It’s implied that he plagiarized his evil plan from the real-life Detective Pikachu movie. He leaves recordings of his evil ramblings and the passcode to his masterpiece machine where anyone could find them. He’s the main antagonist of a Pokémon game and yet the closest thing he has to a Pokémon is an alien sleeping in a rock who he fused with to become his fursona. We never find out what he plans to do after this. His fusion machine puts a Daft Punk-esque helmet on his lifeless body. He’s even transgender.
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leporidaisical · 2 years
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Ectoberhaunt day 4 - Box/Staff
[ID: A digital portrait of Freakshow from Danny Phantom, a human in a long coat, top hat and bow tie, stood facing the viewer and leaning on his cane, which glows, casting him in a harsh red light and deep shadows. There is a black and white hypnotic swirl in the background. End ID.]
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rookthebird · 2 years
imagine a villain with memory modification powers.
maybe Hero has some amnesia issues- but Villain has so kindly taken them in until they get their memory back. Villain is so patient, even when any mention of Hero’s old life leaves them with debilitating headaches. Villain listens, so patient and understanding, when Hero shares nightmares of Sidekick overpowering them and wrenching their mind apart. of Sidekick humiliating them and laughing at their pain. Villain is always willing to remind Hero of the horrors they fled, the ones Hero doesn’t remember.
and if sometimes Sidekick has Villain’s face in those nightmares- if, anytime Hero wanders away from Villain, it leaves a gap in their memory- well, Hero has learned not to think about it. It makes their head hurt.
as if someone has reached inside their skull and yanked.
But Villain is always there- so patient, so gentle, so understanding- to take their pain away…
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inaris-pokemon-world · 10 months
what would happen if your pokemon characters had toxic chain?
Mod Kit: Fascinating question! Since the Toxic Chain seems to feed off of the emotions of the wearer, enhancing their forms at the cost of their morality…
Inari: Inari’s true wants are… complex. She wants to protect her family, of course! But there’s also a certain something about herself she’d love to change more than anything. So the chain might enhance her already Legendary-level abilities in battle, but it would also change the [REDACTED].
Matcha: Matcha is a child, so they have simple wants. They want love and affection, food, and for the people around them to be happy. The Toxic Chain would grant that wish by basically giving Matcha the ability to subtly influence others to their whims. It would start small, but eventually everyone around them would be subjugated to their will without Matcha even thinking about it. A parade of slaves eager to please two small children…
Fade: Fade has major anxiety from her near childhood abduction and wants more than anything to keep herself and her friends safe. So the Toxic Chain would amplify her fae and psionic abilities to the point she could freely manipulate the emotions of those around her. Then she could scare away all danger and make her loved ones happy forever. Whether they want to or not :)
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Didn't realize you were also doing ships things for the emoji thing!
I would love Shini/Karai/Leo (or really any combo of these three; I love these three sm) with 🥶Angsty , because I like my angst.
Karai sleepwalks. She didn't used to, not before the brain worm, but now Shini and Leo will wake up as the sheets fall off and find her walking away, or kneeling on the ground, or just standing there, staring in the space. Her eyes are always glowing green and she calls for her father as they guide her back to bed. They know she doesn't mean Splinter.
Shini wants to try spells, but Karai's had panic attacks at the idea of anyone messing with her head since the worm. Restraint doesn't work, considering the fact that she can shapeshifter, and locking the door just makes her feel like a prison. Donnie has a few suggestions for different therapies, but nobody's really about anything that will work.
They haven't lost her yet, but Leo and Shini still have dreams of finding Karai gone. Karai worries about waking up to find them both dead at her hand. Leo's terrified at the idea of trying to fight her again, and Shini worries that if things go really bad she might have to hypnotize Karai without her consent, and she's not sure if they can ever go back from that.
I just want him to leave me alone, she confesses to them, late at night. All they can do is hold her a little bit tighter and promise to always bring her home, no matter what. All they can do is pray the day won't come when she doesn't wake up at all.
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fairymint · 1 year
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By the way, for those of you that don't know; Hypnosis is a bastard of a move in PMD DX; The first cast is as normal, puts the opponent to sleep. The second? mind control, and the target is forced to commit an action at random, in a random direction to boot-
Honestly, in the pokemon format, I could blame any kind of 'truth meme' or odd meme/askbox behaviour on that if I wanted, since it's literal mind control- just some gastly or noctowl having fun-
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berezet · 6 months
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One year of this
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ghosts-and-glory · 6 months
I desperately wanna know what it was like for each of the bishops to gain their crowns. Like they were all children, Shamura was the first. They were alone for a long time until Kallamar came along.
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I feel like every time I answer an ask I just leave y’all with more questions. But Shamura, dispute being the first of the bishops, was not alone. They are about 12 here.
I have a headcannon that a lot of Shamura’s game dialogue are phrases that they have said or heard before their injury. Left over fragments from their past that they can’t quite remember yet are still haunted by.
Don’t ask me what happened with the visual style here, it’s out of my control. This is barely even cult of the lamb anymore, I’ve gone rouge.
Comic about Narinder getting his crown here.
Also extra unused panel of Shamura.
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turtleblogatlast · 3 months
[ cw: trauma / ptsd / violence / brainwashing / ]
I’m not done talking about Raph and Leo yet because you know what kills me? How the beginning of the movie with Raph very angry at Leo to the point of lashing out at him is paralleled with how the end of the movie has the Krang very, very angry at Leo and beating him horrifically.
Both Raph and the Krang are so much bigger than Leo, both have been very angry with him, and both deem him responsible for ruining their respective missions.
To make matters worse, Raph’s body was used to hurt Leo. So it’d make sense for Leo to just…flinch, sometimes. To have his body reflectively brace for a blow that will not come because Raph would see this and just be horrified. Their fights, their roughhousing, their existing together all have a newfound and unwanted extra layer to them.
And Raph? Raph is traumatized enough having been brainwashed the way he was, turned into a monster in a way he always dreads in general. To be made into the antithesis of a hero and instead be a villain’s pawn, made to hurt his own family…poor kid, to say the least.
Can’t imagine what it must feel like, the first time post invasion that Raph gets mad at Leo and they fall into their old dynamic only for Leo to see the Krang and for Raph to feel like he is the Krang.
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oblisker · 17 days
shitty and dangerous friend vs literal eldritch god physically and psychologically abusing his ex-worshipper to the brink of complete insanity
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whumpy-wyrms · 2 months
The Last Lab Rat #19: Eye Spy…
previous | masterlist | next
content: lab whump, captivity, experimentation, nonsexual nudity, drugging, mind control, panic attack, sensory deprivation, fear of drowning, near death experience, sensory overload, angst, suicidal ideation, winged test subject whumpee, creepy scientist carewhumper
heed the warnings on this one folks… :)
Despite things happening to Dew that he was never thought possible, nothing was making being here a better experience. His body and mind were changing without his control, he hadn’t seen the sun in weeks, and despite trying so hard not to, he missed his old life. But the scientist was more giddy than ever, seemingly too enraptured with the experiments to notice Dew’s obvious sinking despair.
That was all it was, now. The same routine. Torturous experiments that left him in pain, dulling and mind-numbing tests, the scientist’s voice describing it all in his tape recorders, and the small moments of peace and comfort he got inbetween it all.
Dew wondered what would happen next. What the next horrible modification to his body would be, how much it would change him, how much of himself would be left when it was over. He wondered how his clone was doing, if his friends even suspected anything. He wondered how long this would go on for, how long he could last, how long he even wanted to last.
The past couple of days, Anton had been working in the lab alone, on something that was unknown to Dew. He’d brought out a giant rectangular tank of some sort, and had been messing around with the strange liquid inside. He refused to elaborate on it, and Dew had no choice but to ignore it.
So he was stuck in his small room, unable to really do anything besides draw, but even that grew tiring. Sometimes Sasha would show up, but they’d barely talk to each other, neither of them really having anything interesting to say.
His eyes felt mostly back to normal by now, and he was content without wearing a blindfold all the time. His third eye felt natural to him, and he almost forgot about it if not for him accidentally zoning out and seeing through objects sometimes.
The scientist had let up on him too, and Dew was allowed to do things on his own again. He was behaving, after all, and Anton wanted to respect his privacy and space as much as he coul, as if Dew was still a person.
He was still a person. Sometimes it was hard to believe that anymore.
“Dew,” Anton said, though he sounded so, so far away. “Wake up.”
“Huh?” Dew sat up and stretched, wings flapping lightly in contentment. Just another morning.
“Here’s your food.”
“You experiencing any more changes with your eyes?” Anton asked as Dew ate his breakfast. The scientist was wearing his weird goggles again, today.
“Nope. Just darkness.” He stared off into space, watching Anton write that down in his clipboard. Then he saw the scientist’s heartbeat through his chest. He blinked, and focused on the blindfold. Darkness.
“Hmm, okay. We have a pretty important experiment today. I’m excited.”
“Aren’t they all important?”
“Well, yes, but this one is…” The scientist waved his hands excitedly. “It will change everything, if all goes right.”
“They all change everything…” Dew mumbled, looking to the ground.
“What was that?”
“Anyway, you can take off your blindfold, you won’t be needing it. I’ll turn the lights out when we get there. Oh, and don’t bother putting on the hospital gown. Unfortunately, clothes will just get in the way of this one.”
“Oh… alright.” So it would be something different this time, after all.
They walked into the lab, and Dew could see the giant glass tank that Anton had been working on for the past few days up close. Getting a better look, he noticed it was filled with nothing but a pitch black liquid. He wouldn’t have thought it was glass at first, but the edges of it were thick and clear, so it had to be. The liquid inside was so dark and opaque, and he couldn’t even see through it if he tried, as focusing all his concentration on it just made his head hurt. This was the first time he’d been completely unable to see through something with his new eyes.
There was a ladder leaning against the tank, and the top of it looked like it could be opened and closed. The tank itself was smaller than the giant glass tube filled with green liquid on the other side of the lab, the one that had always been there but to Dew’s understanding, went unused. This one was just a few feet taller than him, and wide enough to hold his arms straight out in all directions, but not much else. The thought of being stuck in there filled him with dread.
He thought it surely had to do with whatever the scientist was going to do to him today. But he’d stopped spying on Anton’s notes and plans after a while, not caring about what happened to him anymore as the tests on his eyes grew more and more mundane and repetitive. This one though, seemed different. Perhaps he should’ve snuck a peak.
“Ah, yes,” Anton began, turning to Dew with that familiar unhinged, giddy expression. “You’re probably wondering what this is, right?” He gestured to the giant tank while casually leaning a hand against it.
Dew faked a smile. “Yeah.” He found the scientist to be in a better mood when he pretended to care about what he was saying, when he pretended to be happy to be there.
“Of course you do,” Anton said theatrically. “This tank here can hold just about anything in it, it’s very strong, impossible to break through. It can’t be moved from this spot, but it can be lowered into the floor, where it’s usually stored and out of the way. But you don’t have to worry about that, I have another way of making whoever’s inside be enclosed in complete darkness.”
“W-wait, inside?”
“Yes! For this experiment, you’ll be going inside the tank. The stuff it’s filled with is what I’ve been working on. When you go inside of it, it will— well, it’d be more fun as a surprise I think. But it’s breathable. You won’t drown in it, if that’s what you’re thinking. It’s perfectly safe.”
Well, shit. “W-what are you gonna do to me?” Dew asked miserably.
Anton adjusted the goggles on his face, making them glow a bright green. He smiled. “You’ll find out soon.”
The entire lab faded to complete darkness, but Dew’s eyes adjusted quickly. The scientist had his night vision goggles on, and was writing something down in his clipboard. Dew waited in agonizing silence until Anton snapped on some black rubber gloves and started preparing a syringe.
“Don’t worry, Dewey. Just two injections. They’ll be over quickly.” The first syringe was huge, almost the biggest one he’d used on him yet. It was filled with a glowing orange liquid, fizzy with bubbles. Anton flicked it hard a few times, and brought it towards him.
Dew was about to ask if he could wear his headphones during this, distract himself with loud music blasting through his ears, but Anton was quick to inject the syringe into Dew’s neck before he got a word out. Pure agony erupted in his veins, just for a moment, but then it was over.
Dew didn’t even have time to process what had happened before Anton was injecting something else into his arm, but a far more familiar and just a little less painful substance than the first. By now, Dew recognised it as something that’d probably make him feel weak and sleepy, a sedative of some sort.
“All done,” Anton said, putting the needles away and walking back to Dew. “Now, we have to wait a little bit for the stuff to set in. In the meantime, you can, uh, take off your shirt and pants. You won’t be needing them.”
“O-oh. Okay.” Dew did as he was asked, and Anton tossed his clothes to the side. “Now what?”
“We wait. Tell me if you start to feel anything, okay?”
“Okay,” Dew said. And they waited. Anton spun in his chair with a smile on his face while Dew stood there awkwardly in the dark, cold and exposed, waiting in agonizing anticipation for something to happen. It was almost numbing, thinking about it, wondering what was going to happen.
A few moments passed, and Dew started to feel strange. His face scrunched up in confusion, then a worried realization.
“H-hey um, Anton?” Dew whimpered, scratching at his arms. “I don’t… I don’t f-feel anything.”
“Good,” Anton mused. “You’re not supposed to feel anything.” He took Dew’s wrist and led him to the ladder.
“It’ll be okay, just trust me. Now, climb into the tank, Dew.”
Dew stepped towards the ladder, taking apprehensive glances back at the scientist. He put a hand on it, but felt nothing against his palm. “I-I’m scared.”
“Just relax. Climb up the ladder.” Dew felt his body move automatically, the scientist in control of his every action. He watched his hands gripping the ladder and his legs climbing up it, but felt nothing. “Good, that’s it.”
The entire top of the tank was covered by a thick metal lid, with a latch on one side. Dew crawled on top of it, and sat opposite from the ladder. Now that he was free from Anton’s grasp, he realized he was losing more and more feeling in his body. “I can’t- I can’t breathe—”
“You can, you probably just don’t feel it. That’s okay. You’re gonna be okay, Dew.” The scientist climbed up the ladder after him, and Dew sat in place. Anton unlocked the latch, and slid the top half open. Dew could now see the inside clearly, the strange dark liquid only a few inches away from him. He knew where this was going. And he was unrestrained, he could still jump down or fly away from this. But of course, he couldn’t feel his wings either.
While Dew was staring into the darkness of the tank, he hadn’t noticed that Anton started to attach some wires to his skin, long, dangly things that attached to the tank and led to the machines and screens by his desk. Once he was all hooked up to whatever that was, the scientist placed his hands firmly on Dew’s sides, making his hair stand on end. “I’m going to lower you down now, alright? Stay nice and still for me, Dew. Everything will be fine.”
Dew tried to wiggle out of his grip, but he couldn’t seem to muster up the strength. “N-no, please, I don’t wanna do this,” He whimpered.
“It’s okay. This won’t hurt you.” Dew curled into himself as Anton lifted him up, and lowered him down.
Dew expected it to be cold, or warm, or to feel like something, but it felt like absolutely nothing. Half of his body was submerged, but he wouldn’t have even known that if he weren’t looking right at it. His body disappeared under the liquid completely, and the thought of his head being submerged made him want to cry. He grabbed onto Anton’s arms, silently begging him to stop or slow his descent. He tried to kick out, but he couldn’t feel or see if his legs were moving or not, or if they even could. He couldn’t touch the bottom, couldn’t kick his legs to swim, couldn’t keep his head above the surface if he were to be dropped inside.
“Anton, p-please. I- I don’t feel anything. I can’t- I-I can’t even feel my own heartbeat! That’s gotta be bad, right?” Dew let go of Anton’s arms and grabbed the ledge of the tank, scared that the scientist would let go and he’d have nothing to grab on to. “I-I feel like I’m gonna die— I don’t w-wanna die!”
The scientist let go and took a few steps down the ladder, reaching eye level with his test subject. He extended his hand towards Dew to ruffle his hair like he had done so many times before. He laughed maniacally. “Dew, if it was gonna kill you, it would have by now. I would never let anything bad happen to you. You’re completely safe.”
“P-please!” Dew held on for dear life. He couldn’t go under. He couldn’t. “I d-don’t wanna do th-this!”
“Shhh…” Anton said. And despite it all, he still seemed to have a hold on Dew’s brain, forcing him to relax deeper into himself. “Any minute now, you’ll start to get weaker. I recommend getting yourself comfortable in there before you succumb to the drugs.”
“And- and if I don’t?”
“You won’t be strong enough to keep holding yourself up like this. It’d be less distressing for you to go under on your own will. But I suppose it doesn’t really matter; you’ll go down either way.”
“But I…I can’t…”
His words were getting awfully sluggish, and it was becoming increasingly harder to hold on and keep himself upright.
His eyelids were growing heavier and heavier, and it was taking a great deal of concentration to try and keep his one sense he had left.
“You’ll be okay, Dew. I promise.”
He looked up at Anton with wide, horrified eyes, as the scientist gently pried his fingers off of the ledge, and let go of his hands. Now that he was no longer holding onto anything, and had no feeling in his limbs, he began to sink deeper into the liquid. The last thing he saw before his head was submerged in that pitch dark fluid, was the scientist smiling down at him, the glow of his bright green goggles, and his hand slowly moving the lid closed.
Then, darkness. Complete and absolute darkness. Dew was fully submerged.
He couldn’t feel a thing. Not even the heavy beat of his own heart. He opened his mouth to scream but didn’t hear or feel a single sound come out. He tried to flail his arms, but he had no perception of moving anything at all. His vision was filled with a dark abyss of nothingness, and he definitely couldn’t taste the bile rising in his throat.
He tried desperately to bang on the glass, but with everything being pitch black and his sense of touch gone, it was impossible to know what he was actually doing with his body. He couldn’t tell whether this fluid affected his ability to see through the dark and objects, or whether his sense of sight was gone just like all his other senses.
Dew felt nothing. He felt as if he didn’t even have a body. If he was moving, if someone was talking to him, if he was even breathing— under this strange liquid— he wouldn't know. All he had was his mind, and his terrified racing thoughts to accompany him in this hellish limbo.
Dew felt like he was nothing but a brain in a jar. He felt like he was floating through space with no concept of human existence. No, he felt like he didn’t exist at all.
Was he dead?
Is this what death was?
Dew never really thought about what happens when you die. He hoped there was a better place, and that it would be peaceful, but it didn’t matter in the end, because everyone died.
The concept of literally ceasing to exist always filled Dew with a strange feeling he couldn't describe. It was incomprehensible, but he wasn’t against the idea.
But this wasn’t that. Sure, he was floating in nothing but a black abyss, but he still existed. He could still think, and feel emotions, and wonder, and want so, so badly to know what was happening to him.
His life flashed before his eyes. His childhood with his family, his friends, his pets, his hobbies and his passions and hopes and dreams. He thought about happy days, sad days, sleepovers, being alone, camping trips, anxiety, coming out, failing, music, hurt feelings, school, loss, video games, grief, art, regret. He thought about everything Anton had given him, and everything he had taken away. He thought about the lab, his tomb.
Was this really all his short and pathetic life was for? To live, just to die? Just to die here, alone, by the hands of his tormentor during another horrible experiment on him? He never got to say goodbye to his friends or his pets or his parents. He never got to say goodbye.
It felt like an eternity, floating there, wherever he was, or wasn’t anymore.
Time passed on infinitely. He felt himself fading away.
Just as fast as this whole thing started, it ended. Dew opened his eyes— or maybe they were always open— and all five of his senses came back in a heavy, overwhelming wave.
No. He thought. He didn’t want to feel. He was supposed to be dead. He was supposed to be free.
“...ey? Dewey? Can you hear me? Wake up, Dew. Please wake up.”
Dew’s hands immediately flew up to cover his ears, and he squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a pained yelp.
He was out of that horrible tank, laying next to it on the hard and cold floor, and the scientist was looming over him.
And he could feel everything again.
His heartbeat pounded deep and heavy in his chest and echoed through his ears. His eyes were wide and everything was far too bright and intense but closing his eyes meant he’d be back in that dark abyss, and he- he couldn’t go back there again. He felt his wings and their primal, yearning desire to fly, and he flapped them rapidly, feathers slapping against the floor beneath him. It was all too much.
“Dew, Dew calm down.” Anton’s voice was frantic. “You’re okay. I-I fucked it up, but you’re okay. We’re done now, this- this obviously has much more work to be done to it.”
“You said you wouldn’t kill me!” Dew sobbed.
“Hey. Dew, listen to my voice. You’re okay, you’re— look at me,” Anton dimmed the lights in the lab and waited for Dew’s eyes to focus on him— all three of them. “I-I didn’t kill you. Not at all. You- you were just unconscious. You didn’t die, and you’re still alive. You’re alive.” The scientist was stumbling over his words. Dew had never seen him like this before.
“Get the fuck away from me! Let me go! Let me out of here!”
“Okay, okay. Please calm down.” Dew saw the sight of a syringe and began to sob harder, he was hysterical. Anton quickly injected him, though it was hard when he didn’t stop moving. Dew’s struggles started to die down and after a while, he slumped against the floor and stared teary eyed at Anton.
The scientist just kneeled there, at his side, staring at him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you,” Dew slurred. “What the fuck- what the f…”
“Shhh, sh sh sh.” Anton said, and started messily carding a hand through his hair. “Relax, Dew. Calm down. You’re okay.”
“G-go to hell.”
“Shh. Let’s- let’s get you out of here.” Anton picked him up, holding onto him tighter than ever, and carried him to the couch by the kitchen. He laid him down and rested the side of his head to his chest, still clinging to him. Dew laid his head on the arm rest, and used the last of his strength to swat at the scientist with his wings.
Anton curled a hand through Dew’s hair, and wrapped his other hand around his torso. “Dew- Stop that, I’m just trying to make sure—”
“That I’m alive?”
“Yes.” Anton breathed heavily, closing his eyes and listening to Dew’s heart.
“How- how long?” Dew said quietly.
“How long did you k-keep me in there?”
“Just, just a few hours, why?”
Tears fell from Dew’s cheeks. “It felt like forever. Like- an eternity. It felt like I was dead.”
Anton just held him tighter.
“I-I need to check your vitals,” Anton said suddenly, but it took him a while to finally move from that spot.
Dew laid there limply as Anton examined him. Sometimes he’d swat at him with his wings. Strange shadows kept consuming his vision and he tried to swat them away too. An icy chill went down Dew’s body as Anton put a stethoscope over his chest. He squeezed his eyes shut. It was all too much. It was all too much.
“Just a- just a bit elevated, but I supposed, that's to be expected.”
“A-Anton?” Dew squeaked.
“Yes?” The scientist turned all his attention to him, like he was the only thing in the world that mattered.
“P-please don’t d-do that to me ag-again. Please.”
“No, yeah, I-I won’t. I won’t. Never again. I’m sorry. I-I’m so sorry.”
That was all Dew needed to hear when he broke down, grasping at the scientist’s sweater and sobbing into his chest. Anton hugged him back tightly, both of them clinging to one another as if their lives depended on it.
“Just let it out, buddy,” Anton said, rubbing Dew’s back and carding a hand through his hair. “That’s right. It’s okay, Dew. Shhh.”
They were like that for a while, neither of them knowing how long. Gradually, they both started to relax, heavy and rapid breathing turning calm and quiet.
Eventually, Dew fell asleep, and after a while of laying with him, Anton stood up. Running a trembling hand through his own disheveled hair, he went to clean up the mess he’d made. He stared at the scattered papers, spilled liquid, dropped pens and broken tape recorders that were littered around his desk, and grabbed a device. He pressed a button, and watched the giant glass tank lower back into the floor.
What a failure. A failure. But he could hardly think about that now. It’d been hours, it was well into the night; what they both needed was sleep. Tomorrow would be better.
After cleaning up the lab, Anton stood up, straightened his lab coat, and walked towards the couch. Dew was sleeping, body exhausted from the day’s events, but he was perfectly okay. He was breathing steady, blood pressure stable, brain active, healthy. Everything turned out okay. This experiment just needed some improvements, was all. They’d try again. …Or not, that was always okay too. Anton had more plans, better plans, than this stupid, reckless idea.
He picked his test subject up and carried him to his room. Anton lingered in his doorway for a little longer than usual, before saying goodnight, and heading out the door.
. . .
Dew woke up later that night. Everything was quiet, and dark, and cold, just like it had always been. He was lying on his back, blinking up at the ceiling, not able to muster up the energy to roll over and wrap his wings around himself and curl up into a ball and cry like he usually did. He just stared, alone and sad. He was glad he could at least see through the darkness, this time.
Dew moved his arms above his head, under his pillow. He felt the cool, sharp metal of his knife.
He could have used it. But he left it sitting abandoned in his pillowcase, day after day. It wouldn’t have been hard for the scientist to find it, or for Dew to get caught trying to stab him. But neither of them did. It existed, unused, as nothing more than something just to have hidden from the scientist.
Dew took out the knife. It stood out in this darkness, the shine glimmering off of his eyes as he turned it around in his hand. He wasn’t holding onto it very tight, he noticed. He was holding it in front of his face, laying down, staring up at the ceiling. If he dropped it, it would land on him. He’d have a scar on his face he wouldn’t be able to explain. Anton would take the knife away in the morning. Dew tightened his grip.
He closed his eyes. Nothing would get better here. Nothing. He was being good, he was doing everything Anton asked of him. He accepted his life here. He would never leave. This was it. This was it. All the pain and experimentation he had to endure every single day would be his life forever. Dew thought things might’ve gotten better if he just complied, but things got worse, he just fell deeper and deeper into his pit of despair. He’d never leave this place, he’d never see his friends again, and he’d never stop being used as a lab rat.
Dew sobbed quietly, squeezing the handle of the knife until his hand started to tremble. He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed the pain to stop.
But he— he couldn’t! Dew had never felt this way before! He didn’t want to die! He didn't!
But he thought… maybe… he’d get to finally escape this hell for good, and see his parents again.
His ears rang, which made it hard to tell if the humming above him was real or not.
No, there was absolutely somebody humming nearby. It was coming from the ceiling— in a corner by the door. Dew furrowed his brows and tried to listen deeper. It was a tune he recognised, but one he hadn’t heard in a long time. The voice sounded smooth and peaceful, and yet shaky and quiet, almost impossible to hear. But it sounded so real. It sounded nice. He must be hallucinating.
Dew thought that if he opened his eyes, he’d be all alone, and the pleasant, comforting sound would stop. But if he didn’t, he’d never know where that sound was coming from. What did he have to lose? Dew opened his eyes.
His heart all but stopped.
Up in the corner of his room was a person. A whole person, just… floating there, curled up in a ball while their dangly locks of hair floated all around them. Their skin was dark, and they wore a baggy yellow sweater, but it almost looked desaturated. In fact, their whole body looked like it was blending into the darkness, blurry and hard to focus on, but so very visible to him. They were humming to themself, quietly, rocking back and forth in the air as if they were floating in space, or in the middle of the ocean. Their eyes were squeezed shut— but it was hard to tell because their hair completely covered one of them— and they didn’t seem to notice that Dew was staring.
He had no idea what to do. He must be hallucinating. He couldn’t trust his mind anymore— or his eyes; they were all fucked up, changed beyond recognition. He could see through darkness and walls and objects, of course his brain would trick him into seeing things that weren’t there. Or even… see through into…
No. No. That wasn’t possible. This wasn’t real. Dew was being silly, and stupid. He should just put the knife down and go to sleep.
But he didn’t want to.
“Hey,” Dew said, sitting upright and pulling the blanket to his chest. He got no response. “H-Hey.” The person opened their one visible eye and looked at him with a blank, but pained expression.
“Wh-who are you?” Dew asked.
A beat. Their eye went unnaturally wide for a fraction of a moment. “You can… You can see me…?” They asked, and their voice sounded soft, yet pained, echoey, hollow, like floating in a cave deep underground, crystal clear water dripping down from the stalactites into a shallow pool, letting out a drop amidst the silence. When they spoke, it felt as if they were all around the room and yet nowhere all at once, it felt as if they were touching Dew’s mind and yet far, far away.
Dew brought his knees to his chest. “Y-yeah. Who are you?” He asked again, voice wavering. “What’s going on?”
They blinked, and it felt like their eye was piercing into his soul. A wave of hazy emotions flowed through Dew, a sense of longing and comfort and relief and horror and suffering and sadness all at once. It felt like an ache of dread deep in his chest that didn’t seem to ever go away. He felt deep underwater, drowning in the energy that emitted off the person in his room. Dew didn’t know how long the two of them stared at each other for; time seemed to have stopped completely. He felt like the two of them were the center of the universe, deep in an endless void, alone. And yet, it felt so comforting— and horrifying— when they finally spoke again.
“I’m Max…” The ghost said. “The last lab rat.”
(max’s pronouns are they/them)
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feyre: heavily implies that rhysand was raping her
tamlin and lucien who watched her be objectified, humiliated, degraded, tortured, coerced, and sexually assaulted by rhysand for three months, not to mention he has killed thousands of innocents and his public seat of power is called the court of nightmares: believes her
feyre: ugh wow i can’t believe they would think such a thing about my totally wonderful mate who has never done anything wrong in his entire life. i’m gonna destroy their home
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ooh something both 🥶 and ⛄️ with any leo?
Hmmm....IDW Leo, because I've love talking about him and I think you once called him your blorbo-in-law, which I love.
🥶 After he breaks free of the Foot and comes back home, he keeps getting lost in the Lair. It doesn't make sense, especially considering how small the lair is, but he'll find himself breaking into Donnie's room thinking that he accidentally locked himself out of his own room and had to jimmy the lock, or he'll somehow keep never quite finding the door to the kitchen and finding up at the exit every time. They have to put a label on the bathroom door because he can't remember where it is.
It doesn't make sense, because even back in his early days at the Foot, he never lost once. He always knew exactly where to go, every time, and he never wavered from his purpose. Now he's left standing in front of a row of doors, trying to remember which one is his, and he feels so lost and broken and damaged he just wants to fucking weep.
⛄️ Leo names, and talks to, all his plants. Not just encouragement or "hi, how are you," he has full-blown, in-depth conversations. He argues with them about philosophy and fighting tactics, he tests out the jokes he thinks might make his brother's laugh, he tells about his secret fears and insecurities, he engages in a very much learned-from-TV kind of self-therapy. Everybody's careful to stay away from Leo against he's in the "green zone" unless they want to walk in on him yelling at shrubbery.
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puppyeared · 4 months
i feel like im not making any sense but does anyone else feel like there are stories that let u run with them and ones that spell everything out for you
#im reading that post that says artists are directors of audience reaction and not its dictator:#'you cannot guarantee that everyone viewing your work will react as you are trying t make them react. a good artist knows that this is what#allows work to breath. by definition you cannot have art where the viewer brings nothing to the table ... this is why you have to let go of#the urge to plainly state in text exactly how you think the work should be interpreted ... its better to be misinterpreted sometimes than#to talk down to your audience. you wont even gain any control that way; people will still develop their opinions no matter what you do#im thinking abt this again cuz i was thinking maybe the thing that lets adventure time work so well the way it does is cuz it doesnt#take itself too seriously that it gives the audience enough room to fuck with subtext and then fuck with them back yknow. i think it was#mentioned somewhere that they werent even planning to run with the postapocalyptic elements that are hinted in the show but changed their#mind after the one off with the frozen businessmen and dominoed into marcy and simons backstory. on the other side there are stories that#explain too much to let the story speak for itself and i think it ends up having to do more with the crew trying to lead ppl in a certain#direction than expand on what they have and i see a lot of this with miraculous. like when interviews and tweets are used as word of god in#arguments and it becomes a little stifling to play around with it knowing the creator can just interject. u can say its the crews effort to#engage with its audience but it feels more like micromanaging. and none of this is to say there ISNT room for stories that spell things out#theyre just suited for different things. if sesame street tried abstract approaches to themes and nuance itd be counterproductive#a lot of things fly over my head so i need help picking things apart to get it- but it doesnt have to be from the story itself. ive picked#picked up or built on my own interpretations listening to other ppl share their thoughts which creates conversation around the same thing#sometimes stories will spell things out for you without being so obvious abt it that it feels like its woven into the text. my fav example#for this might be ATLA using younger characters as its main cast but instead of feeling like its dumbed down for kids to understand why war#is bad its framed from a childs point of view so younger audiences can pick up on it by relating to the characters. maybe an 8 year old#wont get how geopolitics works but at least they get 'hey the world is a little more complicated than everyone vs. fire nation'. same for#steven universe bc its like theyre trying to describe and put feelings into words that kids might not have so they have smth to start with#especially with the metaphors around relationships bc even if it looks unfamiliar as a kid now maybe the hope is for it to be smth you can#look back to. thats why it feels like these shows grew up with me.. instead of saving difficult topics for 'when im ready for it'#as if its preparing me for high school it gave me smth to turn in my hands and revisit again and again as i grow. stories that never#treated u as dumb all along. just someone who could learn and come back to it as many times as u need to. i loved SU for the longest time#but i felt guilty for enjoying it hearing the way ppl bash it. bc i was a kid and thought other ppl understood it better than me and made#feel bad for leaning into the message of paying forward kindness and not questioning why steven didnt punish the diamonds or hold them#accountable. but im rewatching it now and going oh. i still love this show and what it was trying to teach me#yapping#diary
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berezet · 9 months
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Made this a while ago. kinda morbid
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batgirlballs · 1 year
Psychic Girls <3
Psychic girls who send you dirty thoughts at inappropriate times to make you squirm. <3 Psychic girls who restrain you down with telekinesis when you’re being bratty. <3 Psychic girls who use illusions to enhance the experience. <3 Psychic girls who use their future sight to prepare for what you’re gonna want her to do to you next. <3 Psychic girls who mind meld with you in the aftercare. <3
Feel free to add your own ideas to what psychic girls could do to you in the tags! :3
This is about gayass transass sex, cishets, please ignore.
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