taecnoal · 1 year
my name is Misael!
19 & black
carrd // en.pronouns! // f/o list // oc list! // promo post :) // mecore playlist
you should also follow my gore blog @eviscerated-freak
blinkies under cut <33
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thefreaklovesmusic · 3 months
LIOHN & Mindsight - Adventure
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eleven-fiftynine · 6 months
When we see the checker as an alternative state of mind that needs to be embraced, not destroyed, progress can unfold. Why embraced? Because a circuit that has been helping our ancestors survive for millions of years needs to be appreciated for its hard work. If it had failed at its job, you wouldn’t be here. Also, whether you’re twelve or ninety-two, you’re probably not going to win a battle against a brain circuit that’s at least one hundred million years old. In an integrative approach, the winning strategy is respect and collaboration.
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel J. Siegel
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norselyqueer · 8 months
day 4 of posting a song every day until i hear from august
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1dfunfacts · 29 days
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The Payne motto is malo mori quam foedari, which translates to "I would rather die than be disgraced."
Of course you guys can take my word (or www.houseofnames.com 's word) for this, or you can watch Liam say it himself as he explains his tattoos.
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starlooove · 5 months
Ok i know so many of these characterizations are just the politics of the times bleeding through but smth about white ass tim Drake talkin bout some “they’re hurting their own people with gang business instead of elevating them” is so funny
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myplushheart · 1 year
remembering how snatcher still thinks vanessa is his soulmate and tearing him apart like a chew toy that was branded to be the strongest type but is being destroyed in seconds by my teeth
#fox·borks#I ALWAYS FORGET ABOUT THIS AND HONESTLY ITD PROBABLY FUCK WITH HIM HORRIBLY WHEN HES FALLING FOR PHEONIX#after so many years. that have turned you into the person you’re original self would’ve hated and feared.#you still hold onto the person who made you like this#i’m trying to understand why#do you think life is just that unfair?#has everything always been out of your control so you accept that your soulmate is too?#that’s not even covering the fact he definitely spent forever wondering what HE did wrong#because i know damn well it was always what SHE wanted if she STILL wants her prince and doesn’t realize how shit she was#also the fact she didn’t even want to talk to him about it and made an assumption off of just seeing him holding hands with someone??#did she ask him?? did she even listen???#not even mentioning the hair thing#where vanessa cut his hair and dyed it to be like hers#and how she was jealous of him being near ANYBODY and speaking highly of ANY PERSON WHO HAPPENS TO BE A WOMAN#the way he was probably so scared of talking to pheonix about him liking moonjumper when she started dating both of them#he has this whole enemies to friends to lovers thing with both of them#because despite the fact she’s dating him he probably has this mindsight she can do that but he can’t#like i know vanessa probably wasn’t a cheater#but you understand.#AUGHGHH HE DRIVES ME NUTS I NEED TO SMOTHER HIM WITH AFFECTION AND TELL HIM ITS OK#that he’s safe now and it’s unfortunate that he had to die by a misunderstanding to feel free again#but that i wanna make sure it’s the best second life he’s got#👻the contract of a lifetime👻
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"What is the point of smoking? Does it provide anything other than an uncomfortable smell to the area?"
"It provides the smoker a momentary lapse of relief at the cost of destroying your lungs. Much like having too much alcohol will destroy your liver, too much sex can cause one to get a disease, eating too much will destroy your veins, etc, etc"
She lit up her cigarette and shrugged.
"It is a vice, Achara. It needs no explanation"
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psychotrenny · 1 year
Remember: penis humiliation is a mental game not a physical one. With the right mindsight you can easily mock and ridicule a girl who's bigger than you, much bigger even. It's not about the dick between the legs it's about the dick within the soul. Keep laughing at her gay cock
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taecnoal · 4 months
Now I'm crying she doesn't even know I doubt she even thinks about me. Wasting my water
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
I don't necessarily buy into the theory that HnM are behind everything bad that happens to the brf. I've always that TMZ was behind the hospital breach. Simply because they also had that first shot of Catherine with Carol in the car. and then they made that show asking where is Kate, the one that had piers Morgan talking about how skinny she has gotten and that wasn't reflected in the mothers day photo.
Technically, tmz is California based. They have the money and the resources to breach London Clinic. And they had incentive, it was the most trending story at the time.
Lady C actually said this on her show yesterday, that it was "someone from California", and I think she deliberately kept it vague so people would pile on to HnM. My read on lady c is that she is a bullshitter, because nothing she has ever said has been proven to be true, esp regarding HnM. The big reveal she had been teasing since December last year still hasn't happened and March is over.
I agree.
I get that everyone wants to blame everything horrible happening to/in in the BRF on Harry and Meghan but not everything is their fault.
Yes, Harry and Meghan are toxic, both together and separately. Yes, they created problems for the BRF.
But toxic behaviors and toxic personalities also exacerbate problems that already exist. Kicking them out eliminated the problems they caused, but the BRF still has to deal with the pre-existing problems, like
how they engage with and use the media
how they prepare the spares
how the different palaces and teams work together
how they manage the public's expectations with a smaller monarchy
how they manage modern media and modern media concerns
how they manage a smaller workload with more demands
how they reconcile the present and future of monarchy with the monarchy's ugly colonial history
how they treated Diana's ghost/legacy/memory, and now treat Prince Philip's and The Queen's ghosts/legacies/memories
None of those are Harry's and Meghan's faults. Their toxicity amplified these problems, but they did not cause these problems. We need to get out of the mindsight that blames them for everything.
Blame them when they deserve it - like when they complain that no one talks to them or "it didn't have to be this way". Don't blame them when they've had nothing to do with what's happening in the BRF.
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eleven-fiftynine · 6 months
Ironically, the aspects of a person that we find most attractive at the beginning of a relationship become the very characteristics that drive us mad later on.
Mindsight: The New Science of Personal Transformation by Daniel J. Siegel
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roodles03 · 1 year
Huntlow sexuality and relationship headcannons:
Ever since the confirmation of Willow and Hunter's sexualites, I've been thinking a lot about their past experiences with love and crushes before. As well as how that affects their relationship currently. So let's waste no time. (This is gonna be a LONG post so be prepared.)
Willow has had tons of crushes growing up, on boys, girls, and enby folk alike, but everytime they never went well. Whether she had the guts to ask them out or not, It was either someone way out of her reach, or someone who didn't like her back. (Or straight up didn't like her at all.) And worst of all, whenever Boscha and her gang found out about any sort of crush Willow had, they would tell the whole school and pick on her to death about it. This led to Willow eventually thinking that no one would ever see her that way. That no one would ever want to be her girlfriend. That she never had a chance with anyone she'd ever like. Whenever she developed a new crush, she wouldn't tell anyone. Not even Gus, and would bury and repress those feelings until they were gone.
However, everything would change when she met Hunter. Hunter was the first person to ever like her romantically, and even though he wouldn't confess for months, he showed clear signs with his body language that he, in fact, had feelings for her. However, Willow had dug herself in a hole so deep at this point that she never even noticed. Well, she did, but she had beat herself down so much that she just assumed Hunter was shy, or he was always nervous and flustered like that. After all, he had never interacted with peers his age until they met. He probably was always like this.
Willow had developed feelings for Hunter in the human realm, but the idea of having another crush was incredibly scary for her. Not to mention, the fact that it was on someone she was actually super close to made it downright mortifying. She knew her luck with crushes, and she bullied herself into a mindsight where she truly beileved Hunter would never in a million years like her back that way. The thought of him actually liking her was impossible in her eyes, so, she did what she did best whenever she had a crush. Repress her feelings until they went away.
However, this time they weren't going away. In fact, they were only growing stronger, and it terrified Willow. She didn't know how much longer she could hold these feelings in for, but then, during her meltdown in the detention pit, where Hunter saved her life from nearly suffocating herself, and told her just how much she meant to him, and that it was okay to let oneself feel things, she no longer began repressing her feelings for him. Which is why Willow didn't start blushing at him until then. She finally let herself feel romantic feelings again, and she immediately began showing Hunter how much he meant to her too. It wasn't long after that when Willow realized Hunter was showing obvious signs he liked her, not only that, but she realized that he only showed those signs around her and no one else, thirdly, he had been showing signs for months now that she was looking back.
Willow couldn't beileve it, someone liked her. Someone actually liked "half-a-witch Willow". The one thing she had to do now was confess her feelings for him, but somehow, doing that was just as terrifying as before. She holds off on it, but holds off for too long. Hunter starts attending Hexside, and her fears of being bullied for her crush return, and she has no idea what to do.
Despite queerphobia not existing in the demon realm, Hunter experienced it in an indirect way. Belos definitely was queerphobic, (I mean, come on, this is the man that killed his own brother for falling in love). and he definitely didn't want Hunter to learn about the LGBTIA community considering just how isolated he was. If Hunter fell in love with anyone that could spell a huge problem for his usefulness towards him.
So Hunter had absolutely no idea that queer people existed. However, he definitely experienced queerness in himself. In the little free time Hunter had, he read fictional books or watched movies and TV shows approved by Belos. Hunter didn't really know or understand it, but he would develop crushes on his favorite fictional characters, of both boys and girls. Sometimes even drawing self-insert fanart or writing self-insert fanfiction in his free time. Belos had literally never told him anything about queer people in hopes he'd never discovered it. This backfired as when Hunter first saw it when he found out Amity and Luz were dating, he didn't question it at all. He thought it was completely normal.
Hunter, at the time, definitely knew what romance was and that romantic feelings existed, but he had no idea how that felt. Hunter just assumed his feelings for those fictional characters were something everyone felt. However, this all changed when he met Willow. This was the first crush he had on a real person, and it was the first time he really noticed that he felt different towards her then anyone else he had ever met. It's the first time he notices this feeling. However, he had absolutely no idea what he was feeling. In fact, he thinks something is wrong with him. Like he's been cursed or has come down with some strange illness. This confusion continues when they get to the human realm, where Hunter's feelings only grow more. He learns more about queerness for Amity and Luz, picking up that what he's feeling is actually romantic love. This is when he looks back at those fictional characters he used to grow attached to, and then he realizes he's bisexual.
However, even after realizing all this, he's too scared to tell Willow how he feels. He thinks that she wouldn't see anything in him. That he doesn't have chance with such a powerful witch like Willow. It doesn't help that at this point, he's still hiding the fact he's a grimwalker, terrified at the fact that if she finds out she'll hate him. So he keeps his feelings inside and doesn't tell anybody, afraid he'll mess everything up. And even if that wasn't a factor, he had no idea how to express how to felt for her.
When Willow has her meltdown in the detention pit, Hunter is heartbroken to hear Willow say those things to herself. They're almost all things he has told himself before, and he can't stand to see her go through what he has gone through. He saves her, and tells her just how much she means to him, finally finding the words to say how he feels. This, of course, touches Willow immensely. And soon, Willow tells him how much he means to her, too, and that's when Hunter realizes he might have a slight chance with Willow now.
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littledrawins · 2 years
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Banishing monsters
This tip may help your child banish scary bedtime creatures.
My son was struggling to go to sleep recently, and described a scary monster with long tentacles lurking in the shadows.
To help him I used a tip from The Whole-Brain Child. Instead of dismissing his feelings or denying the existence of monsters, I suggested he use his imagination to solve the problem, and asked him to picture the beast wearing a fluffy tutu and a curly wig.
He was delighted by this idea, and lay cackling in bed describing the monster slipping on a banana skin and falling into a vat of jelly.
Before long, he was fast asleep.
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unwelcome-ozian · 1 month
Practitioners who are unfamiliar with dissociative disorders or to working with DID may prefer to start with texts that are based on their core models or familiar ways of working. Survivors can also expect to come across and be offered a variety of theoretical approaches, summarised below, although none have the monopoly on healing. It is more important that professional help is trauma-informed and based on a collaborative and companionable approach to finding what is best for each individual’s journey.
Attachment-based Psychotherapy – focuses on relationships and bonds between people. It emphasises the developing child’s need to form a healthy emotional bond with at least one primary caregiver for positive social and emotional development.
Doing Psychotherapy: A Trauma and Attachment-Informed Approach, (2020) by Robin Shapiro
Nurturing Children: From Trauma to Growth Using Attachment Theory, Psychoanalysis and Neurobiology, (2019), by Graham Music (See description in Working With children & Adolescents)
Trauma and the Avoidant Client: Attachment-Based Strategies for Healing, (2010), & Trauma and the Struggle to Open Up, (2019) by Robert Muller
Working with the Developmental Trauma of Childhood Neglect, (2022), by Ruth Cohn
Cognitive & Behavioural – theories and therapies elaborate the interplay between mind, thought, behaviour and action, and demonstrate how they can provoke emotions and contribute towards the maintenance of problems or towards recovery.
Cognitive Behavioural Approaches to the Understanding and Treatment of Dissociation, (2013) edited by Fiona Kennedy, Helen Kennerley & David Pearson
DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets, Second Edition, (2014) by Marsha Linehan
Reinventing Your Life, (Schema Therapy-updated 2019) by Jeffrey Young & Janet Klosko
The Compassionate-Mind Guide to Recovering from Trauma and PTSD: Using Compassion-Focused Therapy to Overcome Flashbacks, Shame, Guilt, and Fear, (2013), by Deborah Lee & Sophie James
Trauma-Focused ACT: A Practitioner’s Guide to Working with Mind, Body, and Emotion Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, (2021), by Russ Harris
Creative Therapies – use arts-based models and interventions, including music, drama, movement, art or play, with support from a trained professional. Individuals of all ages may find them helpful because they address issues and support expression without the need to talk or focus on the physical self.
A Therapeutic Treasure Box for Working with Children and Adolescents with Developmental Trauma, (2017), by Karen Treisman
Trauma and Expressive Arts Therapy, (2020), by Cathy Malchiodi
Integrative Therapy – affirms and blends different models of therapy with consideration given to what works and why.
Dissociation and the Dissociative Disorders, (2009), by Paul Dell & John O’Neil (Eds)
Mindsight: Transform Your Brain with the New Science of Kindness, (2011) by Daniel Siegel
Neurobiology and Treatment of Traumatic Dissociation: Towards an Embodied Self, (2008) by Ulrich Lanius, Sandra Paulsen & Frank Corrigan
Working with Voices and Dissociative Parts – A Trauma-informed approach, (2019) by Dolores Mosquera. (See description in Treatment Books)
Internal Family Systems Therapy – elaborates the relationships between parts of self or psyche and demonstrates how separation or division between parts can cause suffering.
Internal Family Systems Skills Training Manual: Trauma-Informed Treatment for Anxiety, Depression, PTSD & Substance Abuse, (2017) by Frank Anderson, Richard Schwartz & Martha Sweezy
Internal Family Systems Therapy, 2nd Edition, (2019) by Richard Schwarz & Martha Sweezy
Mindfulness – a meditative practice that reconnects individuals to the present moment; purposefully drawing attention and focus to moment-by-moment, internal and/or external awareness.
Dissociation, Mindfulness, and Creative Meditations: Trauma-Informed Practices to Facilitate Growth, (2017), by Christine Forner
Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness: Practices for Safe and Transformative Healing, (2018), by David Treleaven & Willoughby Britton
Polyvagal Theory – explains the importance and value of interpersonal neurobiology in recovery from trauma, and the effect of trauma on the body and the brain. The Polyvagal Theory: Neurophysiological Foundations of Emotions, Attachment, Communication, and Self-Regulation, (2011) by Stephen Porges The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, (2018) by Deb Dana
Psychoanalytic – theories and therapies that aim to treat mental disorders and distress by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious mind.
The Dissociative Mind in Psychoanalysis: Understanding and Working with Trauma, (2016), by Elizabeth Howell & Sheldon Itzkowitz
Trauma, Dissociation and Multiplicity: Working on Identity and Selves, (2010) edited by Valerie Sinason
Psychodynamic – based on the theories and principles of psychoanalysis, but with an increased emphasis on an individual’s relationship with their external world; seeks to understand conscious and unconscious processes that influence emotions, thoughts and behaviour patterns.
Easy Ego State Interventions: Strategies for Working with Parts, (2016) by Robin Shapiro
Somatic (Body-Oriented) Resources – recognise that trauma and its effects are stored within the body, and cause dysregulation and restriction to movement and/or emotion.
EMDR Eye Movement, Desensitisation & Reprocessing – a psychotherapeutic approach that uses visual, auditory or tactile stimuli bilaterally, (from side-to-side of the body), in a rhythmical pattern, to enable reprocessing of memory and its effects. Care needs to be exercised with RAMCOA survivors, since similar techniques have been used in some survivors’ abuse, and EMDR may prove triggering or breach the therapeutic relationship.
EMDR and Dissociation: The Progressive Approach, (2012) by Anabel Gonzalez & Dolores Mosquera
EMDR Toolbox: Theory and Treatment of Complex PTSD and Dissociation, 2nd Edn, (2018), by James Knipe
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy – an evolving “body-oriented talking therapy”, helps individuals stabilise, discharge and resolve physiological symptoms of trauma and adverse experiences.
Sensorimotor Psychotherapy: Interventions for Trauma and Attachment, (2015) by Pat Ogden & Janina Fisher
Trauma and the Body, (2006) by Pat Ogden, Kekuni Minton & Clare Pain
Additionally: The Body Remembers Volume 2, (2017) by Babette Rothschild 8 Keys to Safe Trauma Recovery, (2010) by Babette Rothschild
Somatic Experiencing – focuses on the body and perceived body sensations, to express and relieve mental and physical traumatic stress-related conditions.
In an Unspoken Voice, (2010) by Peter Levine
Waking the Tiger, (1997) by Peter Levine
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roadhogsbigbelly · 2 years
i think my issue with using “people liking superhero movies and disney movies” as evidence of mass infantilization is that the conclusion people get in order to avoid infantilization is they have to be a edgelord online who makes fun of “tenderqueers” as if that isn’t just the mindsight of every 13 year old who thinks “teenage mutant ninja turtles” is for babies so to be more mature they have to not like anything genuinely.
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