#minecraft speedrun drama
viky-somebody · 1 year
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finally watched his video about cheating in speedruns and im kinda losing my mind a bit
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royalarchivist · 3 months
ExtraEmily: Hey! Hey! Oh my god, Tubbo! Tubbo! Nice- Tubbo, great to have you here! How are you feeling today?
Tubbo: Good good good, back for round three. Can't wait to see the show, very excited, very excited to see everyone again. Aw, it's gonna be wonderful.
ExtraEmily: That's awesome! How do you think this year's gonna compete next- compared to the last two years since it's- you've been to all three
Tubbo: Well, I feel like we're gonna have a- in terms of like, my nomination, I'm feeling a bit of a repeat. I feel like- I feel like that's ok though! I'm down to go 3 and 0, I think that's alright, but I'm just here to meet everyone, say hi to everyone again, here for the vibes.
ExtraEmily: Well, I love the vibe, Tubbo! You're great, got to keep the energy up! Is there anyone you're excited to see today, since you do live far away, right?
Tubbo: Oh god, well I'm excited to hang out with the QSMP lot more, we be- we rarely get to hang out like, often, so it's always like very very nice to see everyone.
ExtraEmily: Oh, that's great! Do you have any favorite people in the QSMP? Ooh, drama.
Tubbo: Favorite people- you can't ask me to pick a favorite one of my friends! That's crazy! That's like- well, which one of your friends is your favorite? Like- no, no, please go on!
[ Transcript continued ↓ ]
ExtraEmily: Uhh, I like Bob! And Bob, ok, you don't have to answer that. But we love QSMP! That's so awesome. How much Minecraft would you say you've played in the past year in terms of hours?
Tubbo: I think I got my thing back and it was like 3000 hours? I think it was like, yeah, I think it recorded 1200 hours, but I have a lot of other hours on another account.
ExtraEmily: Oh my god, have you ever thought of speed running it?
Tubbo: Oh god no, oh god, no way! No, the people who speedrun are psychopaths.
ExtraEmily: You think so? A little crazy? Do you have any tips for someone that wants to try all Minecraft, aka me? I've never even beat the Ender Dragon.
Tubbo: Oh god, I'm so bad at it. I'm not even kidding, I could not consider myself good at this game.
ExtraEmily: Well, that's awesome! But Tubbo, last question: what'd you eat for your breakfast today?
Tubbo: Oh god, I didn't have breakfast today. I just woke up and I'm here.
ExtraEmily: Good morning, Tubbo, and thank you for the interview! Let's hand it off to the next interviewer. Byeeee!!!
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athene-owl · 5 months
Dream Video Bullshit
I decided against my better judgement to watch Dream's latest video. Here are the main things I wanted to say - if I don't mention something it's probably because I actually agree with what Dream said or don't know/care. A lot of this is rambling and venting because I'm annoyed and refuse to give him/his fans anymore of my energy or time to polish up this post.
1:16 - Dream says his accusers will make it harder for 'real victims in the future' to be believed and I just need to say that this felt like a really brash and entitled thing to start the video up with. Now you wanna care about victims Dream? After what happened last year? We'll get to that.
3:40 - This is a very small thing but Dream says here that in one video while he was playing Minecraft muted, he was being 'interviewed' by a SWAT Team member next to him in the room and I just can't help but question the validity of this because how did this happen? You were swatted and had someone in the room with you asking questions and you divided your attention between that and still playing Minecraft? You didn't just stop playing to focus on the SWAT Team? This barely matters but it fascinates me.
5:09 - Dream really goes out of his way here to point out that his speedrun cheating was discovered by a cheater and plays a clip showing how illegitimate this guy's speedruns were. This absolutely feels like him shifting blame and trying to paint this rando as a bad person to somehow excuse his own cheating which he says was unintentional. At 5:30 he says him and a developer had ruled out him using a mod - how did they determine this when he WAS proven to have used a mod and insisted he didn't realize? He doesn't elaborate.
6:30 - Here Dream acknowledges his behavior towards the speedrunning mods was bad and takes responsibility for it which is good but does not erase all the drama and bullshit he caused. When that whole thing went down, his stans passionately took his side but now that he's admitted to acting wrong they are fawning over his maturity - you guys sure didn't have a problem with it back then. At 6:40 he makes the point that the speedrun was 3 years ago and a lot has changed and I just don't see that change when he's still causing dumbass drama every week. Good on him for taking his videos down and apologizing to the mods but, again, his stans were all enthusiastically on his side then so I don't want to hear them now praising him for doing the right thing when clearly his behavior wasn't enough to turn them away from him 3 years ago. This is a trend with Dream's stans.
10:02 - Here Dream admits he was wrong to immediately and publicly disregard the info dug up about his domestic abuser friend which OK, good to admit, but 2 things - 1. Why, only a year ago, were you so quick and eager to disregard reports of abuse and 2. How did the fandom react to this. Again, if people took his side and disbelieved the victim, they can't now be so proud of him for admitting he was wrong. This does NOT instill confidence in me that him and his community would take later allegations against Dream seriously. Hot take, but I really think his initial response was despicable, irresponsible and I just feel sorry for the guy's victim in all of this. At 11:48 he pats himself on the back for how he handled the situation (besides initially brushing off the evidence) and ends with "I made it clear I didn't support domestic violence even at the detriment of one of my oldest friendships" and I'm sorry but given how Dream conducts himself, that feels like a manipulative little ploy to look good and garner pity for doing the bare minimum. Again, how many of his stans leapt at the chance to brush aside abuse reports and documented evidence and what did he do?
EDIT: Previously I thought the info on the friend was revealed by the victim herself speaking up but I was corrected on this and now know it was the friend's info being leaked and people snooping. Check my reblog for more info.
15:00 - He defends his Snapchat use with the fact that he promotes content on there but the photos consist of him doing random shit in his day-to-day life so I fail to see how that promotes his content rather than feeding his fans' parasocial relationship with him lol. At 15:20 he admits he isn't the one liking weird fanart on his account and 1. He's just admit he's been lying about running his own account for years and 2. Did he ever speak against the weird sexualisation in his community? Why did he allow his friend to keep liking weird shit, only messaging her to unlike it after the fact rather than laying the rules out? Idk this is just weird man. At 15:23 he shows a tweet by a defender of his stating that clearly he runs his account because if he had someone else running it, there would be a disclaimer. His fans gave him the benefit of the doubt and chastised others for not doing the same only to be proven wrong themselves lmao
17:08 - Dream claims he 'doesn't take himself too seriously' and I do not fucking believe that. This man has the ego of a planet and is lashing out at others every fucking week over it. Be fucking for real.
20:10 - Here Dream admits that him calling his fanbase 'kittens' was weird and he regrets it but also insists the whole 'Discord kitten' meme wasn't big back then and, this is purely anecdotal, but I absolutely think it was. Anyway, again, I wonder how many of his fans defended this back in the day and how many of those same people will now agree with Dream it was embarrassing and weird solely because HE now says it is and not because they can critically look at his behavior themselves. I'm skeptical of him insisting it wasn't meant in a weird way and he randomly chose the term 'kitten' because everyone back then instantly connected it to the Discord kitten thing but ok.
21:29 - Dream discusses the whole 'selling baby photos of himself' thing which I had never heard about before and am a bit gagged by. Anyway, here he specifically points out that celebrities have sold their baby photos before as if that helps his case at all, he explains the hard drive wristband thing was the product BUT it is still insanely weird and egotistical to me to include baby photos on that drive. He compares this to a biography but, again, this does not help the parasocial allegations because what the fuck has he done in his life to warrant a biography and what sort of audience needs this? I know this might be sacrilege to say but uhh this was objectively weird of him to do and he cannot sway my mind on that. Also for someone who doesn't take himself seriously, he sure was happy to quote himself on the hard drive???
36:09 - Finally into the more serious shit. Here, Dream points out the fact that Amanda was defending him when the whole face reveal happened 10 days before her allegations came out + liking his tweets 2 days before the allegations. I just wanna say this really means little, victims can be in denial or have complicated feelings. Also, at 36:18 he then says that she made her accusations because of the hate train following the face reveal and she wanted to get in on it even though he just said she was supportive of him and defending him? He's spinning this both ways - saying she was supportive to discredit her claim and then saying she suddenly hated him to also discredit her claim.
38:05 - He gets his mum involved to prove a point and I cannot emphasize enough how meaningless this is, even if its the truth you expect me to think your mother is unbiased and wouldn't lie to cover your ass?
40:06 - Bold of Dream to criticize Amanda for not treating the situation seriously when Dream stans are running around calling this shit a 'drontroversy'. At 44:20 he even says this isn't online drama. He also uses the image below as proof of her wanting him or whatever which 1. Doesn't matter when discussing underage exploitation because her behavior would never warrant her being taken advantage of and 2. Also shows him making weird sexual comments which he vehemently denied doing earlier.
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42:12 - Dream asks how, if Amanda is dishonest about some things, how can anything she says be trusted? Why can't that same logic be applied to Dream for things he has no actual evidence for? He makes this argument again at 43:20 - if she's lying about the photo, how do you know she's not lying about everything else? Not a great argument from Dream of all people.
44:00 - AGAIN this man relies on victim-blaming rhetoric to make his point - "Go to the police. Or sue me. The standard of proof for you suing me is only proving that it's more likely than not that you're telling the truth. 51%. Come take my money." The insinuation that it's easy or simple for women to take men to court and sue them for sexual crimes is laughable and shows a real arrogance and ignorance to Dream. Again, regardless of how true the allegations were, women have gone to court with every type of evidence under the sun and still got nothing so what makes Dream assume this is an easy process? Do victims need to sue their abusers to be telling the truth? With all of his money and privilege, would Dream not be at a huge advantage in court? Weak argument that really feels disrespectful. At 44:15 he makes a little remark about how in court, her 'weird comments' and 'character' would have to be questioned and answered for. Despite the fact that any comments she made as a minor would be irrelevant in this case, despite the fact that someone's 'character' doesn't automatically determine whether they're a victim or not, this is also a funny comment because he's right - yeah, in court the female accuser would be picked apart and judged for shit that doesn't matter. Good thinking there Dream, really making your case!
44:25 - Here he gives a little lecture to Amanda about her hurting 'real victims' and again, as a reminder, this man publicly disregarded those concerned about intricate reports of abuse, has watched as his fans doxed and abused countless people and yet positions himself as an authority on deciding who is a real victims and who isn't. What also makes shit hard for victims is highly popular men like him convincing people to instantly disbelieve women, send them endless hate and make ignorant comments about how victims act. I don't want to hear any moral lecturing from Dream of all people about others 'hurting real victims'. Argue with the wall.
He then has a whole section on Nick Cantu and let me make this clear - Nick being a violent asshole has nothing to do with Dream's behavior or the allegations so I don't care and I do in fact think he focused on it to make himself look better.
57:50 - Dream wants to talk about the dangers of swatting and doxxing. You know, his own stans have doxxed people and once endangered a black person by sending police to their house for a welfare check in an area where welfare checks had resulted in black people being murdered by cops. He says that he always condemned this behavior but shows no proof of this. What actions did he directly take to discourage and stop this and help the people his own supporters had hurt? If anyone has receipts on anything he's done to help, feel free to show me because he provides no evidence of doing anything and I am really not amused by him skirting around his own community's doxxing of people.
1:00:20 - So here he plays the infamous moaning video in it's entirety but has it muted? I get it's gross but when the audio is the whole point, it seems so useless to play it muted. Just a weird choice but it is easy to find elsewhere.
1:09:28 - Makes another statement here that if something is disproven in court then that means it didn't happen which is blatantly untrue, esp when we're talking about sexual crimes. Very ignorant thing to say and really annoys me with how much he's positioning himself as a champion for victims.
After this Dream does a lot more talking about how people treat victims and it's mostly good stuff but AGAIN this is coming from the guy whose fans have doxxed countless people and who instantly mocked people for caring about serious abuse reports. He never makes this parallel, he never points out that he has undoubtedly done more harm to victims with his bullshit, he just puts himself on a moral high ground and its really obnoxious. I cannot emphasize enough how fucking annoying and self congratulatory this man is holy fuck.
EDIT: Initially I had a point here about how little Dream went into the 24 page document released compiling evidence against him, but I was informed this came out right before the video's release, a day before or on the same day it appears. I thought incorrectly it had come out earlier, I will say I still believe he needs to address this in the future, check my reblog for more details.
1:17:00 - This is a doozy and will be my closing point. Dream spends a bit talking about 'false allegations' and calls it a popular trend, happening to hundreds of online creators. IRL, false allegations for rape are severely exaggerated and, if anything, rape is horribly under reported. Women are significantly more likely to be raped then men are to be 'falsely accused' and, when you factor in how horrible the justice system is towards victims, rape culture, how difficult it can be to prove something like rape and how low the rates of successful convictions are, the truth is that a lot of 'disproven' cases are true and were just brushed aside. Furthermore, all crimes have 'false allegations' yet the only one to ever be discussed is rape because it's an easy out. I'm pretty sure I read somewhere that rape has comparatively low rates of 'false allegations' compared to other crimes but idk. I know the internet is different, I know people make up lies all the time but I am NOT fucking keen on how much Dream emphasizes false allegations as a common thing when IRL they are not. I am NOT looking forward to every content creator from now on claiming its just 'false accusations' and people falling for it because their favourite Minecraft YouTube insisted it was an epidemic. I am NOT keen for discussions of victims and rape culture to be dominated by this shit and for victims to continue to be silenced and disbelieved. I think you have to be very, very fucking careful when talking about 'false allegations' and I do not think Dream of all people is remotely capable of giving this the nuance it needs. This is gonna be so fucking unbearable in the future to deal with and every single fandom will latch onto this to brush off potential red flags, I guarantee.
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dteamain · 2 months
like the speedrunning drama was so funny, that was actually what got me into dream in the first place (apart from casually watching manhunts)💀
just think about all the men who sat around to watch another Minecraft man play a block game as they try to use advance mathematics to prove he was cheating
like what do you mean you counted the seconds it took another man to finish ??
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isa-ghost · 1 year
hey it's the anon who asked what dr*m did,
I decided to do my own research (mainly cause I was curious) but... I can't find much? let me rephrase it - I did find the allegations from 6ish months ago, that he's going to court with one(?) of them, but that's... all? I didn't find the court's verdict, confirmations, or him admitting either... and any post or video I find has both the OP and the comments mostly on his side and believing that it's either not true or true but not grooming, even people who say they're not his fans or don't even like him.
so Im not sure if the confirmation didn't reach youtube or if I'm searching wrong or something?
but honestly while researching I realized that I cant stand him lmao, gotta agree with some comments I read - he made a mistake by showing more of his personality online, looks like any time he can handle a situation wrong/respond wrong he does it
so dunno, guess I didnt find the confirmation but at least now I don't find his old minecraft videos interesting anymore so theres that
Yeah he can't act properly to save his fucking life
Also I think most of the threads on Twitter and stuff that have all the proof he's guilty/etc is probably long buried, unfortunately. You could probably try to ask around saying you're trying to get the whole picture but tbh it's not a huge deal if you can't. You can try searching my blog but Tumblr sucks with that shit. The fact that this and his other controversies have been buried and lost to the void of the internet is typical white boy with a monstrously big platform shit so I'm not surprised. I never heard any details about court (prob for legal reasons) or a conviction either. All I know is there was screenshot proof from the victim that they talked, and Dr*m confirmed the screenshots were real but didn't say anything about other details. But those details literally can't be false if the screenshots & the shit said in them are true.
Anyway, as far as his other bullshit goes:
People found old kkk meme edits on his yt account through the wayback machine. More than once if I'm not mistaken
He has a history of defending himself using the r slur
He cheated "on accident" in a speedrun (the least important thing ever but everyone always brings it up)
He claimed he was going to donate all proceeds during pride month to lgbt+ charities & he'd do charity streams all month but never did
He defended himself about replying to haters, which would send thousands of his toxic stans after the person getting them doxxed/death threats/etc and he refused to address that it was irresponsible of him bc he was too entitled to immaturely clap back at the antis. Even other ccs, like B/itzel called him out about shit related to how he uses his platform irresponsibly & he unfollowed & shaded them like a bitch baby
The whole "accidental" copycat shit with QSMP/USMP and basically softcore stalking Q/uackity online.
His "apologies" for all of the above fucking sucked in multiple ways. And that's just 2021-Now shit I can remember off the top of my head, I lost my Twitter in May last year so now I get my info from people's posts about it on here or links to tweets.
Everyone largely suspects he spontaneously reignited d/smp lore & started the finale to cover up the groomer thing bc he has a history of doing smth "new and cool" every time he causes drama to divert attention and avoid accountability.
He's also suspected of suddenly rewriting the d/smp finale to paint his Irredeemable Abuser Villain Up Until The Last Stream as a sympathetic poor baby out of nowhere and wrote that his victim, c!Tommy apologized to him, which sends a HORRIBLE message about abusive relationships. T/ommy and T/ubbo have both subtly mentioned not liking the finale and that Dr*m had AWFUL communication during the last like 6+ months of the smp.
He also suddenly showed up in T/ubbo's chat lurking while T/ubbo happened to be mentioning he'd do his own research on the grooming situation instead of blindly siding with Dr*m and it was some shit out of a horror movie is2g, he suddenly dmed T/ubbo out of nowhere during it on discord saying they'd talk about it after T/ubbo wasn't streaming. Basically sounds like he was gonna bias T/ubbo about his innocence. Like he hadn't been in chat all stream long but SUDDENLY he was there the second the topic came up. But the d/smp ccs also can't say anything about the situation since it's a legal matter, so a handful of ccs have just stated/implied they don't support him other ways
He only quit MCC bc he threw a tantrum about how he couldn't practice for it but now that MCC island exists, people were getting better than him. He's habitually a sore loser about that kinda shit
He's got that whole weird "is he, isn't he" bullshit going on about him being lgbt. I personally think he's just catering to his stupid d/n/f shippers bc they like to truth their relationship & sexuality all the time and he's never explicitly said he's bi or smth. He's just vaguely been like "yeeeaahhhh I mostly like girls like 99% but maaaayyybeee I like guys idkkkk. 🤪" But he's also done that multiple times so who tf knows. I'm not gonna fully dismiss him & I understand no one including me is entitled to his specific sexuality, but he has garbage credibility on like everything so I'm neutral on the matter and find it hard to believe him
Not directly him related, but his stans went on a long and horrifying witch hunt on Twitter during the kkk ordeal doxxing, death threatening & harassing ENTIRE mcyt subtwts who spoke out against him and called him out on his racism, performative activism, shitty apology, etc. For example, I was part of S/neeg's subtwt and all my mutuals and me had to go private to avoid getting doxxed. It felt like being raided in some dystopian ass horror film. Entire subtwts were going private, panicking, paranoid they'd get outed & stalked & harassed by people just for condemning racism, raising Black voices, etc. It was borderline traumatic to some people, I know people who lost sleep over it bc they were so afraid.
That's all I can think of off the top of my head but the end of 2021 to early 2022 was a fucking nightmare between him being an immature entitled piece of shit and his stans blindly defending him and going out of their way to endanger people who rightfully opposed him.
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zero-cycle · 1 year
"The anti cheat mod we were trying to implement not only allows cheating, but causes an entirely new kind of cheating by being installed" is most definitely not what i expected the next minecraft speedrunning cheating drama to be
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yakuzacasual · 3 months
Game of choice
Round of rapidfire late-night thoughts based entirely in my own gaming experience of a european, and things i've gotten through osmosis.
What kind of games they play with Yagami, Kaito, Sugiura, Higashi, Tsukumo, Mafuyu, Saori, Hoshino, Kuwana
Yagami needs his mental stimulation, with how many cases of his end up being a literal wild goose chase. He would totally be into Layton games and maybe even Ace Attorney if we feel a little on the nose. Eventually falls victim to the Spike Chunsoft pipeline from Danganronpa, through AI: Somnium Files, to Zero Escape series. 999 is now his favourite.
Kaito only cares about multiplayer shooting games with his buds. Rainbow Six Siege, Battlefield, PUGB you name it - he probably tried it. Aside from CS:GO, he was banned from ever trying CS:GO by Sugiura. Got roped into Fortnite along the way and although he clearly enjoys it, he keeps complaining it's clearly for kids.
Sugiura plays pretty much anything popular - Minecraft, Fortnite, GTA, Valorant - usually just to kill time. He doesn't care all that much about having "experiences that will change the trajectory of his life forever", as Tsukumo puts it. What only a handful of people know, however, is that he is absolutely INSANE about Mirror's Edge. Go figure.
Higashi will let his history nerd run wild and will put his hands on anything samurai period drama adjacent. He's been through things such as Ghost of Tsushima, Ishin and will brave the toughest of challenges in Sekiro and Nioh for his dose of the good shit. Recently he's been even caught trying out Katana Zero and despite not being his usual kind of setting, he ends up loving it.
Tsukumo is a League of Legends youth survivor and years clean of the cancer that enveloped him. These days he's neck deep into jrpgs and visual novels of all kinds. Most notably, he is THE Xenoblade Chronicles fan and has played literally every entry in and adjacent to the Megami Tensei series. Refuses to talk about Persona though, absolute SMT truther.
Mafuyu is the absolute casual girly player, with hundreds of thousands of hours in between things like Fashion Dreamer, every Sims generation and a touch of Splatoon when nobody's watching. Was there back when Flash games were a thing, where she would spend all evenings on the dress-ups and Devillish Hairdresser. Probably played Stardoll or something.
Saori finds herself lured into the strange appeal of Cultist Simulator, which somehow escalated into her being insane about Lobotomy Company and Library of Ruina. I don't know either. Suffice to say, she enjoys card and management games, with a bit of weird fucking lore on the side. At times she emerges from her solo player cave to kick people's asses in Dead By Daylight - she can WRECK with any killer.
Hoshino was there for the Giant Dad phase and has, ever since, remained one of the greatest, most viscious Dark Souls PVPers. Bro used to have absolutely no mercy with his neigh beast skill in the game and if you squint, he might've won a DS speedrun competition once or twice. These days he only logs in to help in multi (think along the lines of Let Me Solo Her) and will not shut up about Disco Elysium.
Kuwana is yet to recover from Hotline Miami brainworms even though it has been literal years. He has tried his hand at similar recommendations like Superhot, Ruiner or Ultrakill but nothing has ever stuck quite the same way. Ends up replaying the games every year like a religious ritual. Might end up getting into Katana Zero, but ends up so pissed with the ending he vows never to give chances again.
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lunar1an · 1 year
the real tragedy of musser shutting down bhi is that we never got to see the formation of a bhi minecraft server. we could've had so much drama. potential forswearances. easton speedrunning a server ban by stealing people's shit and saying he's Claiming it as a war mage. imagine.
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voidpidgeon · 5 months
Hi! I hope you’re doing well :) 
I’ve seen a lot of people saying that they want to see Dream make more commentary/documentary style videos (and I completely agree, he’d be so good at it) so if he were to do that, what topic(s) would you want to see him cover? 
Have a great day!
I don't think he will go in this direction but, I agree that he probably would be pretty good at it.
Honestly, it doesn't really matter what you do as a video essays as long as you are passionate about it.
Something like the History of Minecraft or some niche parkour topic could be fun.
I think, I would generally enjoy documentary stuff more then commentary, especially if it is yt drama.
But I will make an exception for speedrunning drama and cheating scandals because that would be the funniest timeline.
Hope you are thriving anon <3
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mcytblrconfessions · 1 year
minecraft actually took over my life
I know what Dsmp is, I know Hermitcraft and all the life series, I know of Empires both seasons and of all season of the Origins smp, I remember Idots smp, I know what life-steal is, know multiple hardcore players such as Wadzee or NotNotBrook or even Beppo, I am simply aware of the building community, I know most drama that goes on in the speedrunning community and speedrunners not only such as Illumina, fruitberries or Punz but Couriway or Feinberg (the two names that pop up in my mind rn), then I am aware of TapL, Krinios, AjTheBold and I can name at least 10 minecraft youtubers from my country with ease
I feel /gen insane about minecraft men (mostly) and don't know what else there is waiting for me in life, like everyday I wake up and think of minecraft and minecraft men
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viky-somebody · 1 year
damn nice twice making a video summary of all the runs his brother cheated in?..
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draventhedemon · 1 year
Thank you for being patient! It's just I needed some of the Dream Drama to die down before I posted this.
Once again ⚠️ Warning ⚠️ there will be swearing
Also I only use the names of some of them because I actually don't know some of their names and I'm too lazy to look them up.
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(Y/n pov)
"Tommy, I swear to god! Stop vlogging the dress." I say as I pinch my nose. "Tommy! Get ready, the wedding is in 2 hours and your not even in your suit." Eret says as I see him in his stunning maid of honor dress.
"Tommy, your not even one of the bridesmaids. Go over to Dream's side of the building" I shout as he continues to run around and just film me from multiple different angles. "Tommy, I swear to god my character will go evil again if you keep this up" I jokingly shout as Nick walks in and picks up Tommy. "Clay asked for him, sorry Y/n" he laughs as Tommy is just whining and shouts "why!?!" As the door shuts.
"Y/n, can I paint your nails" Niki says as they come out of one of the changing rooms "At this point, do what you want" I mumble as I struggle to sit down in this dress. But I pick the nail polish and they start making intricate designs.
"Sorry I'm late!" Puffy says as she burst into the room already ready with their makeup and outfit. "Damn! I'm getting jealous, I haft to wear white while all of you dress up in neon fricken colors" I jokingly say as I realize that she is holding a bottle of champagne. "Eret, look what I got! I stole it from the reception!" Puffy waves around the bottle as they place it on the table.
"I'm sorry what" Eret says as she moves closer to pick up the bottle. "Good job Puffy? but I thought you were supposed to be the responsible one?" Eret says with confusion as we all just sit there "Well, how many times is Y/n gonna get married. You gotta make the day special" they smile as we all laugh at the antics
(An hour before the wedding)
"I'm getting a bit scared" I mumble as everyone just stops where they were at and just look at me. "Why? You have no reason to be scared" Eret says as all of my friends huddle around me. "First of all, my parents haven't shown up yet" I say as I look up to try and get no makeup on my face smudged. "I'm sure they will show up soon" Puffy says while hugging you. "Let's hope so." I mumble
(Dream pov because I think it would be funny)
"Tommy! We have 40 minutes and you don't have your suit on!" I shout as He vlogs Nick and George playing Minecraft in their suits. "So they are allowed to play Minecraft but I can't vlog-" "were in our suits Tommy" They both mumble in unison, "that's what I said, JYNX, FUCK" They both drop the game then go into a game of who said it first.
"Tommy, just put on your suit, and if you do" I sigh as I regret what I'm about to say
"I'll tell the Dj to play the Speedrun song at the after-party" I'm gonna get murdered by Y/n... But it's works because the second he hears that he grabs his suit and goes into the bathroom. "Y/n is going to kill you" George laughs as Nick states that fact.
"I know that" as I chuckle and join them in Minecraft.
"you think we could do a Manhunt in the span of 32 minutes?" Nick says as we go into an empty world.
"We can try"
(the wedding, Y/n's pov)
"Eret, my parents still aren't here!" I say as calm as I can as I get up to leave. "Hey, if you're panicked this much. We can always have Phil walk you". "Maybe, but why haven't they arrived!?! They should support me in this moment, what if something bad happened?!? What if they got into a car crash, I need to check on them! What if their dead!?!-" I go to leave as Eret grabs me by my arm.
"They aren't dead, Y/n! Their running late, all people can get stuck in traffic. And you can't keep Dream waiting." Eret says as I look at him and put my head down. "Sorry" I mumble, "hey, what kind of Maid of honor would I be if I didn't stop the Bride from getting cold feet." She smiles as she walks me to the Isle.
(Eret pov)
"Hey Phil, Y/n's parent's haven't arrived. and they were supposed to walk them down the Isle, so I was wondering if you could-"
"sure, why not mate" he smiles and walks over to Y/n with Kristen. "You alright Y/n?" Kristen asks
(Y/n's pov)
"You alright Y/n?" Kristen asks as I nod and give them both a hug. "You ready?" Phil asks "as ready as I'll ever be" I smile as I grab both their arms.
And as I hear the music start playing I know
'oh fuck, this is it, welp, lets go!'
As soon as the door opens
(I made it a Church because idk what else to do)
I see Tommy Standing their with his camera as I begin walking down the Isle. From where I'm standing I can see Clay happy crying. Everyone is their and I've never been so happy.
As I walk down the Isle and get to Clay, I stand there for a second before Clay asks. "What happened to your parents?" "It's a long story, I'll tell you it at our Honeymoon" I say as I smile. "No, were gonna be doing something else at the Honeymoon" he sneaks in one last sex joke as I giggle and turn to the priest.
"Please be seated…" The priest says...
(idk who the priest should be, so I'm gonna call him Joe... Paster Joe)
"Friends, family, and loved ones, we come together today, in the sight of the divine and of you as witnesses to join Clay ****** and Y/n L/n in marriage. We gather around them now in this wonderful place, and we look on with love and hope as these two begin their new life together as one." Paster Joe says as we smile and look at our friends and then back at eachother. "Clay ******* and Y/n L/n, are you ready to proclaim that foundation of love for one another in the sight of the heavens and these witnesses?"
"Yes" Clay says simply, but we're not simple
"Hell fuckin yeah!" I say as I feel Badboyhalo's blood pressure rise.
"Clay, do you take Y/n to be your lawfully wedded wife? Will you honor and cherish them? love, trust, and commit to them, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do"
And Y/n, do you take Clay to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you honor and cherish him? love, trust, and commit to him, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you both, until death do you part?"
"I do"
"At this time, Y/n and Clay will exchange rings. The wedding ring is symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership."
As he says that I see Clay kneel down and pick up the rings from on top of patches box.
"oh my god you weren't kidding" I laugh as I take his ring and put it on his finger and he puts my ring on mine. "Now I do believe that you two have prepared your own vows" The Priest says as We nod. And we both go to say our vows together at the same time but we stop.
"you can go first if you'd like" "no, you should go first" " nah, because ladies first"
"you know what" I smile as the crowd of family laughs.
"I would say a Game of Minecraft would settle this but there isn't a computer so... Rock paper scissors" I laugh as We play a round and he picks rock and I pick scissors.
"alright Y/n, we met 3 years ago but It's felt like centuries. Our first interaction was a stupid war in Minecraft. When Wilbur brought you into the smp to play out a stupid drug van storyline. You seemed mature, but apparently don't judge a book by it's cover, because of you kicking my ass in a 1v1" he laughs and looks around at the crowd of family and friends than back to me.
"I will love and cherish you until the day I die, you came from the UK and now live under my roof. And as long as you stay their you will have anything you need on a silver platter" he smiles and I feel tears go down my cheek.
A/N (I'm not romantic, can you tell?)
After than I say my vows with tear filled eyes. (I'll allow you to imagine you're own vows, because I'm not romantic at all)
We go to the reception and see all of our friends. I make a detour to see my maid of honor. "Eret! Did I do well?" I smile as he responds "you cried a lot, but you're vows were beautiful" she smiles as we start up a conversation.
It's going well up until Tommy runs up and says "can you promise me not to kill Dream?" I look at him confused until I hear the music thats playing. "You know that promise he made about an Irl manhunt" I look at the camera. "Yeah?" Tommy mumbles, I smile and say "how about an Irl manhunt, wedding addition. Just to scare him" I chuckle and playfully run through the crowd. And thank god for flats because I would have tripped if I wore anything else.
I see him talking to Nick and George, I run over and tackle him. "We had one rule clay!" I smile and hug him. "It was the only way to get Tommy into his suit?!" He puts on a funny smirk and kisses me on the lips
"I love you" he Mumbles
"I love you too" I hug him once more...
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g-xix · 5 months
hihi! I saw ur post and I wanted to give sum perspective on it. I'm a huge mcsr (minecraft speedrunning) fan, that's my main sort of interaction with mc content as a whole and pre this whole thing I was. I would say neutral to negative on dream ? I never cared ab him alot all I heard was that he was a groomer and his fans are insane or whatever. And then the shit with the fucking gumball va was HILARIOUS like just insane shit.
Being in the mc community online ppl drag you into that shit anyway but I watched the whole video last night (mostly cuz I love drama <3333) an I honestly came away from it pretty positive about the guy? I'm not gonna go all in on his content cuz I still don't find it fun but the video was well made, thoroughly debunked the allegations against him, went through a lot of important shit and cleared everything up as cleanly as I'd say possible. I genuinely don't really kno how people could come out of it still hating his guts but from what I'm seen the people who hate him (especially on twitter) are mostly fuccking crazy people who have a parasocial hate relationship w him like nuthing else so maybe I'm wrong. anyway I'll go back 2 lurking, no need 2 post this but I wanted to give my thoughts lmao
Didn't realise there was a whole genre just for speedrunning fans, that's sick tbh... And yeah, neutral-neg opinion on Dream seems pertty valid to me - fans n grooming allegations don't do anyone any favours.
AND RIGHT?! THAT GUMBALL STUFF WAS CRAAAyZY, i saw clips on my tl and was just... confused? shocked? befuddled? All of the above honestly
Oo okay, change in opinion that's fair... Hm, that's really interesting, bc I go onto "dreamwastaken" tumblr n it's all rainbows n sparkles and then on "dreamwastaken NEG" twitter, suddenly everyone wants Dream to die and thinks he's an awful person
Interesting perspectives, igwym in wanting to share thoughts somewhere lmao, tbh u seem pretty valid 👍 Lurk onwards my friend
Honestly, I wanna see where his career goes from here bc it isn't like he can exactly get back into twitchon n all the big gamer circles again (kinda hard to go back to being "normal" per say, when you've been thrown this hard into drama) but I find it hard to believe he'd fade into irrelevancy either...
Guess I'll just stay watching from afar
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snailfen · 1 year
nate for the blorbo chart! el woowoo wednesday on a friday
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his nice kindness..... friendly boy swag... to me he watches those minecraft parkour videos that have like commentary of Something in th background (like not youtube drama commentary ones. but more like reddit discussions with text-to-speech or like someone talking about a game or how a speedrunner faked a speedrun. yk what i mean!) and so hes just Really good at minecraft parkour.
hes also really good at builds nd shit and grinds a lot! but just dabbles in everything else. granted hes good at the few things hes learned. PvP scares him and also he doesn't engage in it much because bad internet (i am projecting. these are the reasons i cant do pvp.....) but if he could do pvp hed be a creeper minecrafts grim reaper blowin up blocks like al-qaeda
i cant explain why he reminds me of Snake animal crossing. maybe its just because snake animal crossing is my best friend(nate is everyone best friend guy. hes friendly).... i have very fond memories of him from when i played new leaf!! or maybe its just those silly eyes of his honestly
nate legally is allowed to kill one person but he will never do that :(
i WISH i had animatics for him but it is SO hard for me to find a song that fits him. i actually asked someone for help once cus i wanted to spin some nate thoughts around in my head and even they struggled for a bit. food pleas.... food for nebi thoughts
uhh thats all the thoughts i had. the ones marked with "???" and "whuh?" are ones that I dont understand btw!
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zero-cycle · 1 year
God Tumblr gave me polls so of course I'm going to use them for evil
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electracraft · 2 years
its so sick how dream can never win ever nothing he does will be enough for people, they will always cherry pick and choose what they want to get mad about. when the speedrun drama was around, it was "he cheated at minecraft!!" and now its "hes mad over a game". THE VERY SAME GAME HIS CAREER WAS RUINED OVER ..... like oh my god they cant stick to one thing
no like this is gen funny to me because they convinced themselves that he's actually so hateful and ungrateful towards noxcrew that when he's like "Hey guys i actually love this game that i sign up to play in every other month" they think he's lying 💀
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