#mini fic 9
ask-will-and-nico · 8 months
Nico had a towel tightly wrapped around his nether reiiouns, not wanting to expose them for a very, very long time. He as sure they looked different now, absolutely sure of it. He didn't want to face that. So he covered up. Will was very sweet and gentle about it, and Will's fingers his scalp felt so nice...
“Don’t fall asleep on me here,” Will said softly. “We gotta get you back to the infirmary. I can get some clean sheets on the bed for you too, if you’d like,” Will offered. Nico would nod, but he didn’t want to disrupt Will’s hands in his hair, so he hummed. He couldn’t believe he was still tired after sleeping so long. Will gently twisted his hair into a loose braid, securing it away from his face. It was just barely long enough to do so, Nico probably needed to get a haircut here soon. He should talk to Piper about that.
“There. All better,” Will said, and Nico could hear the smile in his voice. Will helped Nico get a clean set of clothes on, and Nico honestly felt like an entirely new person. He knew he wasn’t magically fixed by a bath, but he felt so much better. “Good bath?” Will asked. “You look so pleased with yourself,” he teased. Nico snorted, but he nodded.
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reallychaoticwoo · 9 days
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⛓️Little reminder that requests are on pause until I can finish the ones I have currently⛓️
✨️9 makes 1 team✨️ Part 7 you can find the full series masterlist HERE
❤️Pairing: Ateez x reader (Focus on the twin towers this time around)
⚠️Warnings: I thinnkkk were good this time!
‼️This is purely for entertainment purposes and does not represent the idols in any way‼️
🖤A lil something something while i overcome my insecurities on my abilities to write good smut🖤
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callsign-dexter · 4 months
Custody Court
Request: I would like one of Mini TK with the title of custody court, where TK and Carlos, sue the mother of (Y/N) for the damages and mistreatment she has done to her little girl, but not before she goes to prison for the damages to the minor, I need justice for the little girl. 
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos Reyes x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, very inaccurate court talk
Mini TK
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2 years is how long you have been living with your father, TK Strand, and his boyfriend, Carlos Reyes aka your second father, and you were thriving. You loved every second of it. You were only 5 when you showed up at your father's workplace with your mother who had talked with your grandpa alone and then just left. You were confused and heartbroken but then you met your fathers, grandfather, and Your 126 family and you forgot all about your mother. 
Your mother had signed away her rights when she gave you up and TK took those rights after he signed the papers and turned them into the court. You would think that would be the last time you saw her but boy were you wrong. She started to frequently show up everywhere especially when she knew you would be at that place and she showed up at your school on numerous occasions, both fathers were contacted and Carlos even escorted her off the property several times.
In those 2 years you had opened up and became a new girl. You made jokes and laughed and loved to play games and sports. Your fathers never pushed you into something you didn't like. If it was a sport and you said that you didn't like it and weren't having fun then you would be instantly pulled from the team and wouldn't be forced to do it again. If there was a certain food you didn't like you would express that to them and they wouldn't feed you it anymore. They found out you were allergic to shellfish, cinnamon, coconut, kiwi, peas and spinach. Your mother didn't know any of these and fed you these things and you would have an allergic reaction and she would do nothing; she would just leave. You time you had almost died because you had stopped breathing twice and laid there and it took someone else to call 911 to actually get you the medical attention you needed and even after that she didn't give a shit. This happened on her watch 4 different times. 
Having been living with TK and Carlos you had met TK's father aka your grandfather, Owen Strand, and you loved but not the food he made and that's how you found out you were allergic to a lot of things. You had also met Carlos’ mother and father aka your soon to be but is already your grandmother and grandfather, Andrea Reyes and Gabriel Reyes, you loved them both too. They were happy to have a granddaughter to spoil. Carlos and Gabriel both worked for the police and have seen every record of yours, mostly hospital records and 911 calls along with her records. These would come in handy later on during this week. 
The Reyes-Strand household were sleeping peacefully when their alarm started to go off at 6:30 AM. Carlos was quick to wake up and turn it off so it didn’t wake you up and so that you could sleep in, in the process TK was being woken up. “Hmmm time already?” He asked and Carlos smiled and kissed his boyfriend.
“It is for me but you can sleep in a little bit longer.” He said smiling and that made TK smile. TK’s shift started at 10 AM and he would be gone for 24 hrs and would be getting home at 10 AM the following day. 
“Mmmm that’s right. I still want to get Y/N/N up.” He said and Carlos smiled.
“Ok, Baby.” Carlos said and kissed him and so they both were up. Carlos got in the shower while TK went and started into the kitchen but first, he checked on you. He walked to your room and opened the door to find you sound asleep snuggled under your blankets holding your little stuffed wolf that Carlos had won for you. You had always been one for warmth, you also tended to wear hoodies outside when it could be blazing hot but that is just how you were. He smiled and walked on into the kitchen to start to get breakfast and your lunch packed. Carlos was in the shower getting ready and when he was done, he walked out in his clothes and into the kitchen where TK was handing him a cup of coffee and then a plate of food. It was now 7:30 AM and it was time for you to get up. TK headed to your room and walked in. 
“Good morning, Princess.” TK said softly in a soothing tone but it was enough to stir you he smiled. “It's time to get up. It is your last day of school.” He said, chuckling and smiling as he went over to your bed and got down his knees and rubbed your back, you groaned.
“No. Stay home.” You said turning away from him and he chuckled.
“No, it is time to get up.” He said and stroked your hair and you sighed but opened your eyes. “There are those pretty eyes I love so much.” He said and you rubbed them and then he was standing up and moving around but you stayed. He picked out your clothes with your approval and then he was getting you up and ushering you to the bathroom to have you brush your teeth. When you were done in there he was already in your bedroom when you came in. You got dressed and he and you talked about anything and everything. Once you were dressed you both were heading in the kitchen where Carlos was plating your plate and getting you a drink. 
“Good morning, Cariño.” Carlos said smiling.
“Good morning, Papa.” You said walking over and hugging him. 
“She didn’t want to get up.” TK said and Carlos chuckled.
“Reminds me of someone else.” He said meaning TK.
“I am not like that.” TK defended 
“Yes, you are, Daddy.” You said smiling.
“You turned me kid against me.” TK said faking hurt and that made you chuckle along with Carlos while TK smiled at hearing you laugh.
“Our kid and yes you are hard to get up.” Carlos said
“You’re one to talk.” TK playfully smirked, you just sat back and watched them playfully argue. Every now and then you would chime in while you ate. TK had started to fool around with your hair as you and Carlos had breakfast and he had put your hair up into a French braid. He had learned to do hair when you were young and he was proud to say that he was a master of it and so was Carlos, he had practiced and learned too. Soon you were finished eating and hugging TK “Have a good day at school. I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” He said and you smiled and you nodded.
“Love you too, Daddy.” You said and he kissed your head. Carlos was holding your bag and lunch bag waiting and watching the interaction being exchanged. TK was soon saying bye to his boyfriend and kissing him and the two of you were off. They took turns waking you up and taking you to school. Carlos helped you into the car and made sure you were buckled in before he was pulling out of the driveway.
“Are you ready for today?” He asked and you shrugged.
“I guess so.” You said and he smiled. He knew that you didn’t like being away from him and your father for too long.
“Everything is going to be great.” He said and you smiled and then he turned on the radio and began to sing which made you smile and joined in with him. You both sang and laughed until he was dropping you off at school with a kiss to the temple and a hug and watched you walk into the school with your teacher and then he was off to work.
TK had just arrived at work and walked into the station and was greeted by his father, Owen. “How is my beautiful granddaughter?” He asked and TK rolled his eyes.
“Hello to you too, Dad. Carlos and I are perfect. She’s doing good. Didn’t want to get up this morning.” He told his dad and Owen chuckled.
“Just like her daddy.” Owen said, teasing his son.
“Funny that is what Carlos said.” TK said and Owen chuckled. Soon everyone started to come in and their shift began. Not many calls came in but every now and then they would be called and off they went to save the person. 
They had just gotten back from a call and everyone was talking and laughing. They were talking about the recent call and putting their gear away and TK was restocking the ambulance when someone walked into the firehouse. TK was in the ambulance so he couldn’t see them but he could hear what was going on. “Can I help you?” Judd asked the man.
“Where can I find TK Strand?” The man asked.
“I’ll get him.” Judd said “Hey TK! Someone is here to see you!” Judd said and TK came out of the ambulance about the time Owen showed up as well. Everyone was looking in curiosity. 
“I’m TK. What can I do for you?” He asked, the man pulled out a manila envelope and handed it to him.
“You’ve been served.” He said and then he was turning and leaving about the time Carlos walked in and passed him giving him a confused look. TK and everyone were speechless, he couldn’t stop staring at the package. 
“What’s wrong?” Carlos asked 
“I’ve been served.” TK said 
“For what?” Owen asked
“I have no clue.” He replied and started to open the envelope and pulled out the contents. He started to read through it. “Fiona is trying to fight for custody of Y/N.” He said and his heart plummeted.
“Didn’t she sign over her rights as her mother?” Tommy asked and TK nodded.
“She did but now she’s trying to fight for it back.” TK said
“No, absolutely not. She is not going to get custody back.” Carlos said 
“Is she legally allowed to do this?” Judd asked 
“Technically a parent who has given up their rights to a child cannot regain custody or visitation. But she can petition the court to regain custody and/or visitation rights.” Marjon said, looking at her phone and then looking up. 
“Fiona gave up her rights that should be the end of it. Why in the world would she want it back?” Nancy asked and TK shrugged as Carlos took papers and started to read through it.
“She must be high or drinking again. We have a pretty strong case against her.” Owen said and Judd nodded.
“He’s right. I can get police records of everything and emergency records. It also helps that I adopted her last month as well.” Carlos said 
“We’ll figure this out. We’re not losing our Mini TK.” Mateo said and TK nodded. He just didn’t know what to say. He felt like he could throw up at the possibility that he could lose his daughter, you. He couldn’t lose you. He, Carlos, and everyone else loved you so much. He was going to fight for you.
“He's right. We'll figure it out. Right now, let's get lunch.” Carlos said looking at his boyfriend who was clearly upset. TK nodded and let himself be led away to the kitchen and when they got food Owen, Carlos, and TK went up to Owen's office. 
“I just don't understand.” TK said, looking over the paperwork. “What if I lose her? What if I lose our daughter?” He asked looking up at Carlos.
“That's not going to happen. We both have a steady job and a steady income. Y/N has flourished since being with you. Yes, we work long shifts but we have set hours and we have people at our beck and call when we need her to be watched. We're not losing her.” He said 
“What if she brings up my past and comas?” He asked and Owen answered.
“She has a past too. She has a record. Fiona can't use that against you.” Owen said and TK nodded. 
“How do you know she has a record?” Carlos asked suspiciously and Owen shook his head.
“That's not the important thing right now.” Owen said and that made TK smile and chuckle. It grew silent but it was a comfortable silence. They ate while in the comforting presence of each other. 
“I can't believe Fiona is trying to get her back. She didn't even care about her. We still have that note that she wrote to you about her.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“We use that against her. We get the medical and police records. We also need to hire an attorney.” Carlos said 
“I have a friend that is an attorney and a really good one. He would help out in a second.” Owen said 
“Is he close?” TK asked and Owen nodded
“Very. I'll give him a call-” He started to say as soon as the bells went off “when we come back.” He said and Carlos and TK nodded as they stood up. They exchanged ‘be careful's and they were off.
It was the end of the day for you and you had just walked outside of the school building to see Carlos’ Camero and you smiled and made your way over to him. He got out when he saw you coming his way. “Hi, Papa.” You greeted him excitedly.
“Hi, Cariño. Did you have a good day?” He asked, hugging you as you nodded.
“Uh huh!” You said and went on explaining your day to him and he smiled seeing the excitement in your eyes. It made everything disappear and the bad news that he and TK had gotten not matter for a few minutes. He let you go on and on about your day and he would answer when needed. Soon he was pulling up to the house and parking and then getting you out of the car. He grabbed your stuff as he watched you scamper off to the front door and wait for him and that made him smile. He shut the door and locked it and then walked up to the front door unlocked it as you grabbed the handle and pushed it open and ran into the house. 
“Easy!” He yelled out when you sped into the house and all he got in response was a giggle and that made him smile. You had disappeared while he was in the kitchen going through your bag and grabbing your lunch box and opening it, disposing of the trash and the half-eaten contents. His mind went to the news that he and TK had gotten. He was so caught up in his mind that when you presented Lou in front of his face he jumped and almost let out a n inhuman shriek. “Y/N Y/M/N Strand! You scared the shi- crap out of me!” He yelled with a hand over his heart.
“Ohhhh you almost said a bad word.” You teased smirking and he rolled his eyes.
“Why do you have Lou?” He asked, eyeing the alligator lizard suspiciously.
“I told you I was going to get him out and play with him. You said ok.” You said and then he realized that he did in fact say it was ok while he was caught up in thinking about the previous events.
“That’s right.” He said and you looked at him.
“Papa… are you ok? Do you want to hold Lou to make you feel better?” You asked, thrusting the lizard into this face and visibly flinching.
“I’m ok Cariño. You can keep Lou.” He said and was glad when you pulled him away from his face.
“Ok.” You said and skipped off and he let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Carlos was glad and relaxed when you had put Lou away and then the rest of the night was all about you and him. You both played games and he helped you with your homework. Supper was made and eaten and a few movies were watched after a bath and getting ready for bed. You had fallen asleep snuggled into his side and he carried you to bed. As he was slipping out of your room his phone rang, he looked at the name and saw it was TK and he answered it.
“Hello?” Carlos asked
“Hey, Baby. Dad called his friend and we are all set to go.” TK said as Carlos arrived at the kitchen.
“That’s great! When does he want to meet us?” He asked
“Tomorrow after you drop Y/N/N off at school.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“That sounds great. She’s not going to be taken away from us.” Carlos said and he could hear TK smile.
“How is she?” TK asked
“She’s great. I just put her to bed not too long ago.” He said
“Damn I missed her. We just got back from a call.” TK said, sounding sad.
“It’s ok. You can talk to her in the morning.” He said 
“That sounds great.” TK said
“She played with Lou when we got home. Scared the shit out of me.” He said and TK laughed “Hey it's not funny!” He defended but smiled.
“Yes, it is! There is nothing to be scared about.” TK chuckled, “Besides the flesh eating when it’s hungry.” He said knowing it would rile up his boyfriend.
“Not funny.” Carlos said and then the bell went off.
“Duty calls. Love you.” TK said
“Love you too. Be careful.” Carlos said
“Always.” TK replied and then they were both hanging the phone up. 
Carlos smiled and finished up what he needed to do downstairs and watched a little more TV and then he was heading off to bed after making sure you were still good and sound asleep. He got himself ready and got into bed and fell asleep. His night was filled with questions and waking up multiple times and he was having nightmares and that led to him checking in on you making sure you were still there. At one point after 4 AM he woke from a cold sweat and he had to get up and check on you and then he was heading to the living room and watched some TV he and TK texted for a few and then he was dozing off on the couch. It wasn’t even 3 hours later when he was jerking awake to his phone alarm going off. He was quick to turn it off and stand up and stretch. He started a pot of coffee then he was heading to your room to start getting you ready.  “Mi Cariño it is time to get up.” He said walking into your room and kneeling down beside your bed.
“Papa?” You asked and he smiled as you opened your eyes and looked at him sleepily.
“Yes, Cariño?” He asked
“Daddy?” You asked
“He’s at work. Do you want to see if I can call him while you get ready for school?” He asked and you nodded your head and he smiled and nodded. “Ok. Go brush your teeth and get changed. I'll be down in the kitchen.” He said and again you nodded
“Ok, Papa.” You said and he got up as you climbed out of bed to do as you were told. Carlos went down into the kitchen and started breakfast as he pulled out his phone and dialed his boyfriend and the father of his daughter, he answered almost immediately.
“Hey, Baby.” TK answered 
“Hey! Someone wants to say hi.” He said and just then you came into the kitchen and he put the phone on speaker.
“Daddy?” You asked 
“Hi, Princess.” TK said as Carlos handed you the phone and he continued making breakfast. “Were you good for Papa last night and this morning?” He asked
“Yes, Daddy! We played with Lou!” You said excitedly.
“Correction, she played with Lou while I stayed my distance.” Carlos butted in as he made your lunch for the day. TK chuckled. You definitely got your braveness and love for unique animals from him. 
“You love Lou don’t you?” TK asked and you nodded enthusiastically.
“I do! He’s just the best!” You said and Carlos cringed. 
“Are you going to have a good day at school today?” He asked
“You know it, Daddy! I miss you.” You said with a frown and that made Carlos smile sadly.
“I miss you too but I’ll see you after school today.” He said and your face lit up.
“Really?” You asked 
“Really.” He said and you shrieked just then the bells went off. “Hey, listen I have to go but you be good for Papa and have a good day at school and remember I love you.” He said and you nodded.
“I love you too!” You said and then handed the phone to Carlos.
“Be safe. I love you. I’ll see you later.” Carlos said 
“I love you too, Baby.” He said and then the phone was being hung up. During the whole conversation you were eating and so was he.  
After breakfast Carlos got your backpack together, he had you get your homework done after supper. He and you headed to the car and he headed to your school which wasn’t that far away and he was thankful for that. When he arrived, he gave you a kiss and a hug “Be good and don’t get in trouble. I love you.” He said and you nodded.
“You got it, Papa! Love you too!” You said and then you were ushered off into the school by a teacher. Now it was time for him to meet TK at the lawyer’s office but first he was picking up coffee for the both of them.
Carlos parked beside TK’s Jeep and got out when he got out. They hugged and kissed each other and TK was handed his coffee. “You, ok?” Carlos asked and TK shrugged.
“It’s all just hitting me and I don’t like any of it.” He said and Carlos nodded.
“I get it. I do. Let’s go in and see what can be done.” Carlos said and TK nodded and so they walked into the building and the receptionist was quick to guide them into a very nice-looking office and degrees were displayed everywhere. 
“Mr. Terious, Mr. Reyes and Mr. Strand are here.” The receptionist said a man in his 50s looked up and smiled and stood up. He had short dark hair, blue eyes, slight stubble, and he was at least 6’0” tall.
“Thank you, Christina.” He said and she smiled and walked out of the room closing the door.
“I’m Corey Terious but you can just call me Corey.” Corey said and smiled.
“I’m Carlos, TK’s boyfriend, the other father of Y/N.” Carlos said and shook his hand.
“I’m TK, the father.” TK said and shook his hand.
“Your father has told me a lot about you both. Please sit.” Corey said “Carlos you said that you were the other father.” He said and Carlos nodded.
“Yes, I adopted her last month.” He said and Corey nodded.
“That will help majorly. I’ve done my research and it looks like Fiona Hart gave up parental rights to Y/N when she dropped her off at the station. Is that correct?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Yes, we have a copy and the courts have a copy.” He said and Corey nodded. 
“Both of you have good steady jobs and paychecks coming in regularly that also helps. TK I also see that you have a past but you’ve been cleared of everything.” He said looking through the notes and TK nodded.
“That’s right.” TK said as Carlos’ hand went to hold his.
“Will it help if I could get medical records and police records of Fiona?” Carlos asked and Corey looked up at him.
“It would but I don’t want you to risk your job.” He said and Carlos shook his head.
“I wouldn’t be. I want to help out with this as much as possible.” He said and Corey nodded.
“Very well. Is there anything you can tell me about the day Y/N was dropped off to you, TK?” He said looking over to him. TK nodded.
“She was covered in bruises and she smelled of drugs. Judd Ryder had her while I and dad talked to Fiona. We also have pictures of the bruising.” He said and Corey nodded.
“Would Judd be ok with going on the stand?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Yes, he loves that little girl as much as we do. He also noticed that when something loud sounded, she flinched away.” TK nodded and Corey nodded as he wrote down what he just learned. The meeting went on for another hour and more coffee was consumed and then they were standing up.
“It looks like we have a strong case. I’ll keep in touch. Carlos when you get those records please send them over right away.” Corey said and Carlos nodded.
“Absolutely.” Carlos said and Corey smiled and walked around the desk and shook their hand and they started to walk towards the door.
“Is there any possible way we could sue her and send her to prison for what she has done?” TK asked and Corey paused and thought for a moment.
“I’ll look into it.” He said and TK smiled and nodded.
“Thank you so much.” He said and Carlos nodded and then they said their goodbyes and they were on their way.
“See you later Mr. Reyes and Mr. Strand.” Christina said and they smiled.
“Please call us Carlos and TK.” Carlos said and she smiled.
“Very well.” She said and they were headed out of the building. They walked to their cars.
“We got this.” Carlos said, pulling his boyfriend in for a hug.
“I know but it’s still fucking scary.” TK said and Carlos nodded.
“I know it is and you owe a dollar to the swear jar.” Carlos said smirking at the last part and TK rolled his eyes.
“She’s not even around.” He said smiling.
“I know I was just messing with you.” Carlos said and they kissed each other and then they got in their cars and headed home.
They both arrived home and parked their cars in the driveway and they headed inside. TK went to take a shower and change and then he was joining Carlos on the couch. Neither of them said anything as they held each other and watched whatever show they had saved. Lunch was ordered in and they had it on the couch as they just enjoyed being in the embrace of each other. When it came time to pick you up, they were both headed to TK’s Jeep and they were off. Very small talk was made and music filled the car. They were quick to get to your school and they were getting out and greeting your smiling happy face as you ran to them “Papa! Daddy!” You shouted and they smiled.
“Hey Princess!” TK said and bent down as you ran into his arms.
“Hi, Cariño!” Carlos said and hugged you as TK stood up. 
“I missed you.” TK said 
“I missed you too, Daddy.” You said and they smiled, they loaded you up into the car and they were headed home. The care ride was much more enjoyable and you were now nonstop talking and giggling and they gave input when it was needed. They arrived home and everyone was getting out. Once you were out you skipped up to the front door and waited and when they got there and opened the door you were rushing in dropping everything and you disappeared upstairs. TK grabbed your bag and lunch box and brought it to the table. Carlos took your lunch box and started what he did yesterday while TK went through your backpack. Tomorrow was Saturday which meant that everyone could sleep in and both men had the day off. 
“Daddy! Daddy! Daddy!” You yelled out coming into the kitchen.
“Yes, Princess?” He asked 
“Lou got out.” You said and Carlos froze.
“Y/N, what did you just say?” He asked
“Lou got out.” You said looking at him.
“Uh um ok. Nobody panic. We got this under control.” Carlos said, clearly panicking.
“Babe, it is ok.” TK
“Yea, Papa. It’s ok.” You said 
“I’m going to go and get supper while you find Lou.” Carlos said and was out of there quickly. You and TK looked at each other and shrugged and off the two you went to find Lou. 
2 hours later Carlos was coming back home even though you and TK had found Lou only 6 minutes after he left, turns out he was under the lamp in your room. Carlos walked in to you and TK on the couch cuddled up together. “Hey guys.” He said suspiciously the both of you turned around.
“Hi!” You both said.
“Did you find Lou?” He asked and you and TK looked at each other. “Did you?” He asked again and no answer “Alright. We are moving.” He said as he set the food down and the two of you burst out laughing.
“Babe, we found him 6 minutes after you left.” TK said laughing as the two of you walked over to the table.
“Oh, thank goodness. I love this house.” He said and you and TK laughed as he helped set the dinner table. 
Supper was eaten and then cleaned up. The three of you cuddled up on the couch and a movie was put on about 40 minutes into the movie and you were out like light snuggled between your two fathers and they smiled and let you sleep. The movie ended and TK was carrying you up the stairs and into the room he kissed your forehead and was out the door while turning the light off, Carlos was right behind him doing the same thing and then they were headed to bed.
It was a very uneventful night and everyone stayed asleep. Carlos and TK were woken up by TK’s phone ringing and he was quick to answer it. 
“Hello?” TK asked 
“TK it’s Corey. I’m sorry for waking you up so early but I wanted to let you know everything looks good and is ready to go. Thank Carlos for getting me those records. We have a date set for Monday morning.” Corey said
“That’s great, thank you so much. We’ll see you on Monday.” TK said
“Very good. I’ll let you both enjoy your day with your little girl.” He said then he was saying bye and hanging up.
“You little shit. You were getting records, weren’t you?” TK asked his boyfriend.
“Guilty.” He said and smiled and so did TK.
“I love you.” TK said
“I love you too.” Carlos said and kissed him “So?” He asked
“Oh yea. That was Corey and he said everything looked good and we have a date set for Monday.”TK said
“Woah, that is fast.” Carlos said and TK nodded
“I agree but it's great.” TK said and it was Carlos’ turn to nod. 
“What time is it?” Carlos asked
“11 AM.” TK said about that time you came running into their room and jumping in the middle.
“Papa! Daddy!” You yelled out and they smiled at you and they grabbed you and snuggled you. You guys stayed there for a few minutes. “I’m hungry.” You said plainly and they laughed.
“Alright, Princess. Let’s go.” He said as they both got up and headed into the kitchen. TK texted his father and let him know what was going on and then he was texting Judd too. Judd came back and let him know he would be happy to do anything for you.
The rest of the weekend was spent with each other being in each other’s presence.
Monday rolled around and it was decided to have you go to school and be picked up by one of your aunts while your fathers were at custody court. TK and Carlos dropped you off at school in the Jeep and then they were heading to the court house. They were both so nervous but knew they had this in the bag. TK parked and they headed in and went through security with ease. When they got to the floor, they saw Corey and all of the 126, you had become part of their family and they weren’t going to let you go that easily. “Good morning, both of you. This is just a hearing. We’ll have to wait for a set date.” He said and they both nodded.
“We understand.” TK said and Corey nodded.
“Very well. Let’s go in.” He said and then they went in along with the others. Everyone was nervous but they knew they had won the case. TK and Fiona spotted each other and she smirked and she walked over to him smiling.
“Hello TK.” She said smiling and TK smiled back because he knew if he was mean or said anything downgrading her the court would be over and the battle would be lost.
“Hey, Fiona.” He said and Carlos was there the whole time.
“You must be Carlos. It’s nice to meet you.” She said and he nodded.
“Nice to meet you too.” Even though he knew it was a lie and everyone did too. 
“How’s Y/N?” She asked
“She’s great.” TK said 
“Does she ask about me?” She asked
“No.” Carlos said he and TK just wanted this conversation to end. The judge walked in and she went back over to her table and they sighed in relief.
“All rise the Honorable Judge Hayes is presiding.” The judge walked in and then sat down and everyone sat. The hearing began, evidence was presented and questions were asked. The hearing was long and drawn out by the time they were done it was late and everyone was tired. Fiona played the ‘oh poor pitiful me’ card but nobody bought it. When they met with Corey, he had really good things to say and then they were able to go home. When they got out of the building it was almost dark and they knew you would be home and probably asleep. 
Carlos opted to drive home and TK didn’t even protest the drive was driven in silence, events still playing through their heads. Carlos pulled into the driveway and sat there for a few minutes and looked at each other. “We got this. She’s not going anywhere.” Carlos said and TK nodded.
“I believe you. I just can’t deal with losing her.” He said and Carlos shook his head.
“We’re not. We’re the best option for her and her mother is not.” Carlos said putting a hand on his boyfriend’s cheek and TK leaned into it. “Hey, I love you.” He added.
“I love you too.” TK said and kissed his boyfriend and then they were heading inside and were greeted with a TV on low volume. Luisa turned and smiled at her brother and hopefully future brother-in-law.
“Hey. How did it go?” She asked getting up to go and greet them.
“I think we have a very strong case against her. She’s not getting her back.” Carlos said and TK nodded. 
“Did she behave for you?” TK asked and Luisa smiled and nodded.
“She’s a wonderful kid. Very polite.” She said and that made TK and Carlos smile.
“That is because TK is her father.” Carlos said and TK blushed and looked down. 
“We did her homework and then had supper. We played some games and watched TV. We also played with Lou, she loves that thing and I have to agree it is cute.” She said and Carlos’ mouth dropped.
“Seriously not you too.” He said and TK smiled.
“He’s great.” TK defended and Luisa smiled and nodded. 
“Well, it is time for me to leave. If you need me to watch her again while you guys are away to court let me know. Love you both.” She said and hugged them and they hugged back. She grabbed her stuff and she was leaving. Once she was gone, they looked at each other.
“Go check in on her and I’ll start fixing food to eat and then we are going to relax.” Carlos said and TK nodded. He had been quiet and keeping to himself throughout this process and Carlos understood, so if that meant that he had to be the strong one right now and take charge then so be it. Carlos watched his boyfriend walk away to your room.
TK arrived at your room and quietly opened it and saw you sound asleep. Your stuffed wolf had fallen and he smiled and walked further into your room and picked it and placed it into your arms. You snuggled it and fell further into sleep. He knelt down and kissed your forehead. “I love you.” He said and stroked your hair and you snuggled into his touch and he smiled and then got up and walked out cracking the door and back to his boyfriend who was holding a plate for him. 
“She, ok?” He asked and TK nodded.
“Sound to sleep snuggling the wolf you got her.” He said and that made Carlos smile.
“Good now lets eat and go back to bed.” Carlos said and TK nodded and they did just that. After they were done Carlos went and checked in on you and then they were heading to bed. 
4 weeks later and they were being called back into the courtroom. This was the final. Of course, they had been in out for small matters but this was the big and final. Corey briefed them and then the judge was coming in and being introduced. Fiona was prohibited from getting in contact with TK and Carlos and they were happy to follow that rule. The judge wanted you to be there but not in the courtroom for the time being. Court started and everyone was ready for a battle. Both lawyers presented their cases and evidence. “Your honor, the best interest for the child would be to go with the mother.” Josh Walters, Fiona’s lawyer, said.
“What evidence do you have for this?” Judge Hayes asked and Josh brought out the evidence and took it to Judge Hayes.
“As you can see the father has been arrested and has used drugs.” Josh said 
“Objection.” Corey said 
“Proceed.” Judge Hayes said and Corey brought over his paperwork.
“My client has had a steady job for years. That was in the past. As you can see Fiona has been in and out of jail since she has moved here and before she has moved here. She gave up rights as soon as she arrived in Texas. She has also been using drugs ever since. She does not have a steady paying job. I would also like to bring up the fact that Y/N has been in and out of the hospital while she was in Fiona’s care and she had stopped breathing three times.” Corey said
“Objection!” Josh said 
“Overruled!” Judge Hayes said and slammed his gavel down. “Continue.” He said to Corey.
“I would like to call the stand Firefighter Judd Ryder. He was there and was in possession of Y/N Strand while my client and the defendant were talking.” Corey said and Judge Hayes nodded and Judd was walked to the stand and sworn in. “Mr. Ryder, you had Y/N while everything was being discussed, correct?” Corey asked
“That is correct.” He said
“Can you tell what state Y/N was in while you were caring for her for the time being?” Corey asked
“She was scared to death but didn’t show it. She smelled of drugs and part of shirt fell away from her shoulder and there was a bruise which we have pictures of and you should too.” Judd said and Corey nodded and handed over the pictures. “When asked who did it to her, she said and I quote “Mommy and her boyfriends. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke. They tried to touch me but I ran away and hid.”” He added. “While I was showing her around a loud noise happened and she flinched away.” He finished. 
“Thank you, Mr. Ryder. As you can see the best option for Y/N would be staying with her father.” Corey said. Tommy Vega was called to the stand and sworn in. “Mrs. Vega, how would you describe TK Strand and Carlos Reyes as fathers?” Corey asked.
“They are great fathers. Anything that Y/N needs or wants they are tending to her right away. They would do nothing to put her in harm's way. TK is always smiling when he talks to her and about her. Same goes for Carlos.” She said and Corey nodded and she was dismissed. The letter that Fiona had given TK was presented and so were the papers for rights being signed over. Recess was called and everyone broke away and some out of the courtroom. “We have strong evidence. We got this.” Corey said to them and they both nodded. They were being called back quickly and that was not normal.
“Has the jury reached a verdict?” Judge Hayes asked and one stood up.
“We the jury think it is in the best interest for Y/N to stay with her father.” They said and everyone sighed in relief. Judge Hayes nodded.
“Y/N will be staying with her father. It is also decided that Fiona Hart will be sentenced to life in prison for possession of drugs, dealing drugs, child endangerment, and child abuse. The father, TK Strand and Carlos Reyes will be suing Fiona Hart for $6,000 a restraining order is also being set. Court is adjourned.” Judge Hayes said and slammed his gavel down and everyone sighed in relief. They did it and they won. You were brought in and you ran to your fathers and they held you. They watched as Fiona was taken away in shackles. She tried to call out but she was forbidden to speak to you. The 126 gathered around smiling. 
“Thank you, Judd.” TK smiled and he smiled.
“Anything for you, Carlos, and Mini TK. She’s not going anywhere anytime soon. She is family for life.” He said everyone agreed. 
They did it. They had won. They’re family was staying together. Nobody was taking you away from them anytime soon. Fiona was gone out of your lives…. for now.
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chronic pain buck not telling anybody (tommy!)
This ask has been sitting in my inbox for a while, because I already had this WIP and initially wanted it to become a multi-chapter-thing. But, you know, life (and ideas)... so here's, finally, my humble offering of chronic pain Buck.
A Little Bit Off
Buck wakes up two hours before the alarm clock goes off, and he immediately knows what kind of day it's going to be. 
The world is still dim, a black veil of silence covering the loft. Buck squints at the ceiling until his eyes have adjusted to the darkness. There was a dream, what was it? It’s already slipping away from him, becoming transparent like a faded piece of fabric. It was at night, in a forest, I was running away from something, constantly looking back. Tripping over a root, I fell, I fell so hard – it was just a dream, but when I hit the ground my leg exploded. It wasn't the dream that had woken him, just a nightmare like many. It was the pain. In the past, Buck would have never believed that you can feel pain in a dream, so fresh and strong as if it wasn't just a memory, but had just happened. 
Now it's just a dull, throbbing pain, nothing like the tons of weight that crushed his leg back then. He has lost the actual memory of the fire truck on his leg, even though he knows exactly what happened, even though he was conscious. But those few minutes are missing from his memory, which is probably why he keeps hurting his leg in different, creative ways in his dreams. The pain, however, is real, both in his dreams and now. Not as bad as back then, no, but constant. This throbbing deep in his bones, it will stay with him all day. 
Buck has consulted three different doctors, he has googled his fingers to the bone, but there is no simple solution. This pain is chronic, and it doesn't really matter whether it's a nerve malfunction or a change in the weather. It comes and goes, flares up like a bush fire: quickly, without warning. And it’s just as difficult to extinguish. Buck debates with himself whether he should get up and take a pill, but painkillers often don't help, and he still has a shift. If he's going to gamble on his luck, he'd better do it later. 
All three physicians he visited are not LAFD contract doctors, for one simple reason: nobody must know about his problem. The days when he has no pain, when he can forget that he ever had it, it's easy to convince himself that it's not really a problem. It comes and goes, maybe at some point it will go forever. That’s a deceptive hope, and he knows it. But there’s a fear in Buck, deep down in his guts, that a permanent condition will destroy his career. 
He sighs into the darkness only to quickly turn his head. Did he wake Tommy? No. The sight next to him fills his heart, much more than the pain fills his thoughts, at least for a moment. A few tousled curls poke out of the blanket; they'll be gone in at dawn. Tommy is lying on the very edge of the bed – it's not necessarily too small, but for two such tall men, it kind of is. He has wrapped himself completely in the duvet. It would be nice if that was the real reason Buck woke up so early, wouldn't it? The guy keeps pulling the covers off him at night. He sighs again, quieter this time. 
Swinging his long legs out of bed, the treacherous mattress squeaks, and now Tommy is stirring, after all. 
He turns, squinting, but he can't keep his eyes open yet.
"S’it time yet?"
Tommy's sleepy voice causes a warmth to spread inside Buck, flowing through his whole body, lifting the corners of his mouth to a soft smile. 
"No, babe. Go back to sleep."
Was there something in his voice? Tommy blinks again, obviously not quite convinced. He pushes a strand of hair out of his face, opening his eyes. 
"Something wrong?" he asks.
How well he already knows him. Half a year of bliss, and this man notices nuances in Buck’s voice even when he’s not quite conscious. 
"I'm just going for a pee," he claims.
In the bathroom, Buck leans on the sink and looks at his reflection in the mirror. It’s strange that he looks so normal. A little disheveled, a little tired, but certainly not like a man whose leg feels like it's slowly being hollowed out from the inside. Thump, thump, thump, maybe there are little miners inside him, digging for gold. Buck grins at his reflection, but a smile that doesn't reach his eyes is just creepy. 
Thoughtfully, he runs his forefinger over the edge of the medicine cabinet. Should he take one now? Should he take it later? He feels like a drug addict, and that's an amazingly cold thought. Almost analytical. Because even if he only needs the pills sometimes, what if it gets worse? What if he needs them so regularly that he becomes really dependent on them? 
There is a whole spiral of thoughts that have just been waiting for Buck to let them surface. What if the pain gets so bad that he starts to limp? What if he deliberately doesn't put any weight on that leg and people start questioning his movement? What if he can no longer think straight because of the pain, ending up making a mistake?
Knuckles white, he clutches the sink again, gritting his teeth until his cheeks ache. Tommy, he thinks. If it has to start somewhere with nobody noticing, then it has to start with Tommy. The thought feels right and wrong at the same time. Buck lets the toilet flush, then runs cold water over his wrists. 
He returns with the vague hope that Tommy has simply fallen asleep again. Instead, the man sits upright in bed and says, "I've been thinking."
"It's like... 4:30 in the morning," Buck replies with a glance on the clock. "And you've got the whole blanket again." 
Snuggling up next to him, he tugs at the comforter until Tommy finally gives up a piece of it. 
"Yes, but I'm awake now," says Tommy. 
"Shit, I'm sorry."
"Never mind," Tommy returns good-naturedly, "your shift starts much earlier than mine, I'm sure I can sleep a little longer."
Well, I won’t, thinks Buck, but he’s careful to not let his thoughts show. He buries his face in Tommys side, breathing in his scent. It's something he would much rather become addicted to, that peculiarly stimulating smell of sleep and masculinity. 
"And what were you thinking about?" he mumbles. 
"That we should move in together."
Now Buck is also wide awake, even more so than before, and for a brief moment, the pain is actually irrelevant. He sits up, looking inquisitively into Tommy's face. It's still dark in the apartment, the sunrise can only be glimpsed behind the blinds. So whatever he sees now, it may be easy to misinterpret. 
In fact, Tommy's sharp features are soft in these pale surroundings. He almost appears… insecure. Buck doesn’t even know why he’s suddenly kind of shaken, after all he’s moved in with some of his partners before, and earlier, even. They've just never talked about it, maybe because it wasn't necessary, maybe because Tommy still thinks they should be taking it slow. Every time Tommy's supposed confidence crumbles when they're together, in such small, very tender moments, Buck feels like his heart is about to jump out of his chest. 
"Your place or mine?" he asks, and the smile he causes on Tommy’s lips is worth it. 
"Actually," Tommy returns, stroking Buck's hair, lost in thought,  "I thought we'd look for something new. Together."
"It's a big deal," Buck opines.
"Right, it's probably too soon."
There’s not even a hint of disappointment in Tommy's voice, he’s far too composed for that. Buck recognizes himself so much in this answer that it hurts, in a completely different way to his leg. It's easier to withdraw than to live with the disappointment of having your wishes ignored over and over again. Tommy knows this as well as himself, but it only seems to have made him stronger, while it made Buck sadder. At least until he met Tommy. And he doesn't want him to feel like that. 
"It's not," he says, leaning forward to brush Tommy's lips with his. "I'd like that."
The sun rises, less outside the blinds but in Tommy's face. His kiss is unexpected and impetuous, regardless of the fact that they should both brush their teeth first. A second later, Tommy's lips graze Buck's earlobe, breathing a "This is going to be great" that sets his skin on fire. Tommy seems to sense this, he starts nibbling on the sensitive spot on Buck's neck.
"I thought you wanted to go back to sleep," Buck mumbles, but his hands are already kneading Tommy's muscular back.
"Hmm," returns Tommy, shifting to manhandle Buck on his back. "If you’re not sleeping, I’m not sleeping."
Tommy’s beautiful face above him, his hands all over his body, Buck knows that this will successfully ease his pain. For a few minutes, at least, he will no longer be able to distinguish between pain and passion. He will forget that he hurts, and it will be easy not to show.
Maybe, one day, he’ll be ready to tell Tommy about it. 
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Adam and Shiro only getting together bc Keith calls them out on their shit
"why do you keep staring at my brother" Keith asked from the pool in front of Adams lifeguard chair
Adam froze darting his eyes from the very attractive man reading in the grass about 15ft away, to look at the small drowned rat looking child in front of him. "sorry, uh, what's up buddy?"
Keith (the drowned rat child) "my brother! You know blue swim trunks, reading a really long boring book, bleached section of hair right at the front that kinda makes him look like a skunk! You keep staring at him!"
Adam always forgot how observant children were.
Keith continued "he's single you know, and I'm guessing because everytime your not looking at him he's looking at you that you both swing each other's way!"
Swinging one way means to like someone! Keith thought as he swam away without waiting for the lifeguards response.
He'd learned this from Shiro's friend Matt!! He was very excited to find a way to use it in a sentence, he'll have to tell Matt later!
(When he does in fact tell Matt later the man breaks down into hysterical laughter. And absolutely refuses to explain why.)
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starheirxero · 3 months
dreamy sighhhhh i love robot gore sm u guys ^_^
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enwonderland · 2 years
Athena needs someone to help her with the investigation. She would do it herself, but Bobby and her are already compromised. She needs someone she can trust, but she's running out of options. She can't ask Hen and Karen; Hen would hold her own if things went awry but she can't put Karen at risk. Same situation with Chim and Maddie. So, the only ones that could help her right now, her only choice, are Buck and Eddie.
They agree to go undercover, the idea is almost exciting. They need to be together at all times, though, they can't be distracted or separated, otherwise it could go wrong for both of them. What if a random girl wanted to get one of them alone and ruined the whole thing? That just couldn't happen. So, they decide it just makes sense to pretend to be a couple.
They're following someone, trying to get some information to report to Athena, when they hear someone getting closer to where they are. They think they have enough information now but they can't escape, there's no way to make a clean exit. They have no explanation to why they are in a private area, they shouldn't be there in the first place. So Eddie does the first thing that comes to mind: he backs Buck to the nearest wall, holds his face softly and kisses him.
It should be awkward, kissing your best friend. Male best friend. That's what goes through Buck's mind in those first few seconds. "This should feel wrong". But it doesn't. It... It just makes sense. It's Eddie, he's kissing him, and for a millisecond he wonders why they have not kissed before, when it's so obvious now how good they are at it, how good it feels.
The kiss is so unexpectedly good, so sweet and soft, almost like a whisper on their lips. They can feel the other's stubble on their cheeks and lips, it's new, they shouldn't like it, but it becomes addictive immediately. Buck wraps his arms around Eddie's neck and shoulders and pushes him closer to his own body. After getting a taste of his lips, he needs to touch all of him, needs to hold him close and don't let go. He swears Eddie just moaned into his mouth, he felt the vibration all over. And why is it so hot now all of a sudden, his clothes are suffocating him.
After a minute, or a hundred, someone clears their throat behind them. They stop kissing, but don't move from where they are. Buck's arms are still around Eddie's shoulders, Eddie's hands are still holding Buck's face. He drops them to his neck and caresses him so tenderly. He turns around to face the person interrupting them, a security guard.
"You shouldn't be here."
"Sorry, we just got caught in the moment. We, um... We couldn't help it. We'll leave now."
Eddie grabs Buck's hand, fingers intertwined, and goes straight to the exit. He doesn't stop until they reach Eddie's car. They get in and just stay there for a moment. They don't say a word, they don't even know what to say right now. Until the silence becomes unbearable for Buck.
Buck turns around to face him, face still red. Eddie doesn't dare look at him, he doesn't know if he's strong enough to look at Buck right now.
"Eddie... That was..."
"I know, Buck."
"Can we...?" Eddie completes the question in his mind 'can we talk about it?'. He's terrified. Buck is going to question him, he's going to ask him about his feelings and he's going to run away from him. But like the kiss, Buck is also unexpected. "Can we do it again?"
Eddie turns around so fast he's sure he'll get whiplash, but he couldn't care less. He looks at Buck then. He sees Buck, sees the honesty in his eyes and he has no doubt he absolutely means it.
So he doesn't answer, he just grabs Buck's face, brings him forward and kisses him again. They smile into their kiss, can't help it. It's not as smooth but it's even better than their first one. Because they're not pretending anymore, this is 100% them. And they have never felt so connected to another person; it's so good it's maddening. And in many ways, it is inevitable.
Later they'll talk about it at home, they'll define what they are, what they want to be. But for know, they're in each other's arms and that's all they could possibly need.
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purlturtle · 10 months
Bering and Wells Advent Calendar, Day 9
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Never Get Involved With Your Flatmate, a collaborative writing event: everyone writes one chapter of a loosely connected getting together AU!
Here's my contribution for Day 9:
#9: Don't let her convince you to go to the gym with you
again, I ask, what could go wrong?!
(fic is under the readmore, or on AO3 if you want! The whole AO3 collection is here!)
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Myka puts down her book and smiles – anyone else might get a glare for interrupting her reading, but Helena’s voice is so tentative, it’s clear that she’s aware of her sin, and properly repentant. “Yeah?”
“This might be a somewhat odd question, after yoga yesterday,” Helena begins, “but would you perhaps be able to recommend a gym in the vicinity?” She flexes one arm comically and rolls her eyes. “I’m rather used to working out regularly, to combat all the sitting I do all day, and I haven’t yet looked into where to go. And I wondered – you looked so toned, yesterday at yoga. I figured you might be, perhaps, the right person to ask.
Myka blushes furiously. Helena had looked at her?! Helena thought she was toned?! She clears her throat, and tries to ignore the blush. “Uh, yeah, actually. The hotel has a gym, and we’re allowed to use it, provided we’re not blocking it for paying guests of course. But Saturday afternoons are usually pretty slow, because the business customers have already left on Friday and the tourist customers are out to see town.”
Helena beams. “Excellent!” And then she lowers her voice and adds, with a conspiratorial wink, “And of course I went and bought my own gym clothes just earlier today, never you worry. All kitted out now!” She and Myka share a smile, then Helena goes on, sobering a little, “I used to row, back in England. Does the gym have rowing machines?”
“Oh yeah,” Myka replies immediately. “Two, even. I’ve never used them, but I always wanted to; they’re a bit… it’s a complex movement, right? I didn’t want to… you know. Without any kind of instructions, get it wrong and mess up my back or my knees. Usually I just run, do some free weights, that kind of thing.”
“Oh, rowing would suit you marvelously, darling, tall as you are,” Helena says, and Myka doesn’t miss the appreciative once-over Helena gives her. Tall and toned, sings the back of her mind, tall and toned, and she can’t even let herself think about the “darling”. She swallows, and blushes again. And then Helena offers, “I could show you? Later this afternoon? Provided there are no bookings from guests?”
There’s really nothing Myka can say to that, isn’t there? She doesn’t have any other plans, and she has said she wanted to learn. She prays that the rowing machines will be taken when they get there, but no such luck: the whole gym is empty. At least no one will witness her making a fool of herself. In short order, Myka finds herself sitting on a rolling seat and staring down at her feet that are strapped into footrests. Helena is talking, explaining, with gestures even. But since one of her hands is resting on Myka’s shoulder, Myka isn’t getting too much of all that. Any of it, really.
“-important thing is that you keep your back straight and your core engaged, alright?” Helena ends. “Go on, just try it out!”
Myka bites her lips together, grateful for her eidetic memory that allows her to replay what Helena has said. Alright, so, starting position: knees bent and together, arms around them and long. That seems straightforward enough. Then, move your legs-core-arms, reverse alphabetical order, as you pull against the machine’s resistance. Myka nods to herself as she gets ready.
Helena’s hand moves to Myka’s back.
Myka almost loses her grip on the handlebar.
“Not quite that far forward,” Helena tells her and lightly taps her latissimus. “You’re rounding your back; keep it straight. Classic beginner’s mistake, and guaranteed to mess up your back.”
Myka corrects her posture, and Helena pats her shoulder and says “perfect”, and then thankfully, thankfully, withdraws her hand.
Myka attempts one stroke. Helena nods and smiles at her attempt, and Myka blushes and smiles back.
“Yes, like that,” Helena says, and Myka could walk on clouds, “but,” Helena says, and Myka crashes back to earth, “right now you’re doing three separate movements, legs core arms, not one continuous one. But that’ll come with practice, I promise,” she adds, and Myka picks herself up and smiles and nods.
She does practice, for a few strokes more. And then Helena puts her hands on Myka’s wrist and forearm to correct her posture, and on her shoulder to correct her posture, and on her back again to correct her posture – it’s as if Helena’s hands are everywhere, and yeah it’s perfectly normal, of course, she’s just showing Myka how to row properly, but god—
And then Helena sits down on the other machine and demonstrates a few strokes (“watch me,” she says, and Myka has to swallow dryly, because yes she does want to – if only to get even for yoga – but also this was such a bad idea), and Myka can see how Helena’s motion is one where hers isn’t, and how Helena holds her wrists and her shoulders and her back, and she can also see how Helena in her new workout clothes and tight workout ponytail is one million percent more gorgeous than she has any right to be.
“Bummer that you can’t detach your seat and put it behind mine,” Helena sighs. “That’s how we did it at my school. Wrap yourself around the older pupil, get a feeling of what their body does, get a better idea of what yours needs to be doing.”
Myka splutters. God, she doesn’t even want to imagine herself wrapped around Helena’s body, but there it is, that mental image, bright and vivid, ready as you please.
“I suppose you could stand next to me to put your hands on me,” Helena muses, and Myka full-on loses the ability to breath. “Come here,” Helena goes on, flapping her hand, not noticing the respiratory emergency, “put your hand here, feel when I start moving not just my legs but my core; it just flows one into the other, you’ll see.”
Myka has no hope, none, zero, of stopping her blush. She sucks in a breath, to protest, but—
“Oh don’t be a big ninny, darling,” Helena laughs at her hesitation. “We’re all grown-ups, right?”
Right. Darling. Right? Of course. Darling.
And yes, of course, Myka can feel—
And she will never forget how it feels. That’s the thing about her memory. She will never, not for the rest of her life, forget what it feels to have Helena’s skin and muscles and tendons move under her fingers. Well, and Helena’s shirt, but that is so tight and thin it might as well not count.
This was such a bad idea.
Oh god, and now Helena insists on putting her own hand—
Of course it is a good idea. Technically. To put her hand on Myka’s body, to let Helena get an idea of Myka’s movements, the better to instruct her when to begin bringing her core into it. Of course it’s a good idea, and of course they’re both adults.
Helena relents, thankfully, after two strokes of Myka’s with her hand on Myka’s side, and tells her to practice some more, giving her encouraging words about how much better she is already, how good of an idea putting their hands on each other was, and there is not a single “darling” in there, and Myka misses being called “darling” and tells herself that that is the height of silliness, really. Then Helena goes back to her own machine, and they row side by side, and while Helena’s pace isn’t faster, her resistance setting is way higher than Myka’s, and because Myka has a competitive streak a mile wide, she raises hers too. She did carry Helena’s books, she works out twice a week; she’s strong enough for this! Helena only lifts her eyebrows and doesn’t say anything. 
Myka makes another rule, as she strains. Never, ever, gym with Helena again. She repeats it to herself like a mantra as she wills her body to make one smooth continuous movement rather than three separate ones.
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wandaxpietro · 11 months
still thinking about pietro maximoff guys
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ask-will-and-nico · 8 months
Everything was mostly fine, no more broken bones, the chart mentioned internal damage but that it'd been healed. He was still severely underweight, and would need to be on oxygen for a few days, and his temperature was back down to 96. He was frustrated, but it made sense. Nico had been brutally raped by the very concept of bitter cold and winter. Of course his chill would stick around this long.
"I'm sorry I couldn't do more." Will whipped around to find Apollo, sitting on the corner of his bed. "This is only a tiny piece of me that I sent out to look after you. The rest of me is-" He winced, as if in momentary pain. "... The rest of me is in a cell." Will sighed. "I suppose you want me to break you out?" He asked. "No, no... Will, you're still very hurt. I wouldn't dare ask that of you."
Well, that would be a first. “You didn’t even do anything, why are you in trouble?” Will asked. He knew the gods didn’t need a reason to point fingers at each other and blame each other for things. It was just regular business for them. It wouldn’t be the first time Apollo was in trouble, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. Apollo shrugged in response to Will’s question. If he knew why, he wasn’t offering it up to Will. That was fine with Will though, he was more worried about Nico. And he should probably find his siblings and find out what happened while he was out. “How long was I asleep?” Will asked, noting that there were several days worth of notes on Nico’s chart.
“Three days?” Apollo said, counting on his fingers. “I just came by when I knew you were awake. I had to leave after l healed you both initially. The rest will have to be by your hands.” Will snorted at the shitty pun, whether it be on purpose or not. He knew what his dad was probably hanging around for though. “Thank you. For healing us both. Getting Nico stable. It…he means a lot to me,” Will said, setting the clipboard back down and facing his father.
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callsign-dexter · 1 year
TK is a..... father?
Summary: TK learns that he is a father and meets his daughter.
Pairings: TK Strand x Daughter!Reader, Carlos x Daughter!Reader, TK Strand x Carlos Reyes
Warnings: angst, fluff, child abuse, mention of abortion, swearing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of drugs, mention of attempt sexual assult
Mini TK
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Sunday, January 9, 2022, is when TK Strand became the sole legal guardian of his 4-year-old baby girl, Y/N Dakota Strand.
Everything in the firehouse was going pretty smoothly. Not many calls had been made for the firetruck but the ambulance was getting called out every few minutes, meaning TK was out more often. So he wasn't there when Fiona Harte walked into the 126 with 4-year-old Y/N in hand. Judd was the first one to spot them and walked over to them.
"May I help you ma'am?" Judd asked her curious as to what she was doing here.
"I'm looking for TK Strand." Fiona said looking around and not at Judd. Owen having been downstairs away from his office perked up when he heard his son's and their last name.
"I'm sorry he's not here at the moment, he's on call. Do you want to leave a message?" Judd asked her and as she was beginning to speak Owen appeared. He saw the little girl but didn't want to say anything.
"I'll take it from here Judd." Owen said to his teammate. Judd left but stayed close by in case Owen needed something. "I'm TK's father, Owen Strand. What can I do for you?" He asked his arms crossed and a little standoffish since this unknown woman came into his firehouse wanting his son. He also took note of the little one that looked exactly like TK. By now everyone had gathered around but still doing their work. He also noticed the bag she was carrying.
"I'm Fiona Harte and this is Y/N... Strand. She's TK's daughter." Fiona said and the entire firehouse went silent. Owen was silent Fiona didn't say anything he looked at the little now known as Y/N, she was looking at Owen curiously.
"Why don't we go to my office and talk about this?" Owen questioned her and turned to show her the way. Fiona walked the way she was shown while Owen lingered back and motioned for Judd and he came to his Captain.
"What's up Cap?" Judd asked him and stood with his arms crossed. Owen looked to where Fiona and Y/N were making sure they were in the office before he started to speak and then looked to Judd.
"I trust you wholeheartedly to be in there when we have this conversation. I'm also going to need you to take Y/N and distract her, I don't care how, but she doesn't need to be in there. I have a feeling some choice words are gonna be said." Owen told him and Judd nodded.
"Of course Cap anything for you." Judd replied and Owen nodded and both men headed up the stairs. When they reached the office they both walked in. Owen walked to his desk and sat down and Judd stayed in the back next to the couch where Y/N was sitting and squatted down and began playing with the little girl, while Fiona was in the chair in front of the desk. It was silent for a few minutes except for Judd speaking softly to Y/N and her laughing, he had to admit she did look exactly like TK.
"How do you know she is TK's daughter?" Owen asked her getting straight to the point. Fiona sighed knowing she would get this question.
"TK and I met in 2017 and while we were both high and possibly intoxicated we slept together. He left the next day. I didn't think of anything until I was late. I went and got a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I didn't have the heart for me to get rid of the baby so I kept it." Fiona explained and Owen was silent he didn't know if he could believe her or not. He looked passed her and over at Judd who was listening and watching, he nodded to Judd and tilted his head to motion him out.
Judd turned to Y/N and quietly asked her "Hey do you want to go see a firetruck?" She perked up and nodded and Judd smiled. "Ok let's go." He picked her up and the smell of drugs and alcohol immediately hit him but just faintly. He knew that she wasn't doing anything but he knew that she had been around it. He could smell it on the mother when he was talking to her. Y/N clung to Judd as he walked downstairs her shirt dropped a little bit and he could see the bruising he really hoped this child wasn't abused but he had a bad feeling. When they got to the bottom of the stairs he sat her down and texted own.
Bruising on her shoulder and part of her neck. It's faint but there.
Owen waited for the door to close and was about to speak when his phone buzzed, he looked at it and instantly tensed up. He didn't respond just sat his phone down and began talking.
"Y/N's gone, you can drop the act." Owen said.
"What act? I'm not acting." Fiona said but knew she had been caught when Owen gave her a look and she sighed "Fine. It was true I didn't have the heart to abort her and she really is TK's daughter. I didn't sleep with anyone before or after him."
"Why bring her now and not when you had her?" Owen said getting defensive.
"I couldn't find TK anywhere and had no way to contact him until I saw him on the news. When I found out he was in Texas well I packed the little shit up and brought her here." Fiona said and each word, she said made Owen madder.
"You could've given her up to your parents or a foster system. Why keep her in a dangerous situation?" He asked her pissed.
"My parents and I aren't speaking and I could've given her up but it kept slipping my mind. Half the time I forgot she was there." Fiona said.
"4 years is too long to have been in that situation. She should've been given up the second you knew you couldn't care for her." Owen said. "When I met you down there I could smell the alcohol and the drugs on you. Y/N will be staying here with TK, his boyfriend Carlos, and me. You will no longer be able to see her." Owen finished and got up.
"Fine by me. I don't want the little shit anymore. She was a cockblock anyways. Guys find out about her and run the other way. I'm in desperate need of a fuck and can't do that while she's around even though that didn’t stop me before but now I can do it anywhere and not care her seeing." Fiona said and got up and walked over to the bag and grabbed a stack of papers. "This is the papers for TK to have sole guardianship. I've already signed them. A note that explains everything." She finished while slapping the stack onto her desk and the note on top, and she left the office.
Judd was with Y/N in the firetruck showing her around when the upstairs office door slammed and she flinched. Judd took notice of this and got out of the truck with her in tow. He got down on her level "Y/N honey, does your mom hurt you or yell at you?" Judd asked her and she was quiet.
"Sometimes. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke." Y/N said in a quiet voice.
"Did they try to touch you?" He asked her not wanting to know the answer.
"They tried but I always ran away and hid." She said honestly and looked down with her hands in front of her.
"Hey, you did the right thing." Judd told her and lifted her head gently and then hugged and she reluctantly hugged him back, not being used to affection of love much less from a man. He let go of her when Owen and Fiona walked down the stairs. Fiona walked out of the firehouse not even saying goodbye to her daughter which confused Y/N. Owen walked over to her once he knew Fiona was gone.
"Hey, Y/N. I'm Owen. I'm your grandpa." He said getting down to her level, she did something that surprised him and Judd she hugged him.
"Hi, Grandpa." She said in a quiet voice. It wasn't much longer until the doors were opening and the ambulance was rolling in and Owen went to stand by it. TK opened the door and saw his dad there.
"Hey, Dad. What's up?" TK asked his father. He didn't say anything. Tommy and Nancy walked up.
"Everything ok Owen?" Tommy asked getting worried.
"TK I need to speak to you in the office." Owen said and TK nodded he looked at his two other teammates and shrugged his shoulders. As TK and Owen were walking, TK noticed the little girl but didn't say anything until they got to the office. Tommy and Nancy noticed her too and went over to her. Judd explained the situation.
Owen and TK got walked into the office and TK saw the papers. "Dad, what's this? Who was that little girl?" He said pointing to the papers and note and then in the general direction of the girl. Owen sighed.
"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. That little girl is your daughter, a woman of the name Fiona Harte came and dropped her off. These," He waved the stack of papers and the note "are for you to sign so you will have sole guardianship of her. She also left a note explaining everything." Owen finished and TK fell into the chair a million questions running through his head, Owen could see this "Fiona said you both hooked up in 2017 while high and possibly intoxicated. TK, son, Y/N doesn't come from a very good place." TK took the note and read through and after. a few moments he said and finally, TK says something.
"I don't know if I'm ready for a kid. I mean things are just now going great with Carlos, I don't want to mess anything up." TK said, "But I also don't want her growing up somewhere that she doesn't know and a possibly abusive household." He finished looking up at his father from the note.
"You don't have to make a decision right this moment. Go meet her and spend some time with her. Carlos loves you and would follow you to the ends of thr earth, he's going to love this little girl because he loves you." Owen told his son who nodded. They both headed downstairs.
When they get downstairs they see Judd, Tommy, Nancy, Mateo, Marjan, and the others surrounding the little girl. They get there just in time for Mateo to say "She looks like a Mini TK!" And they all laugh not knowing that that name would become her nickname for the rest of her life.
TK walks over and Y/N looked up and smiled at TK and Owen. Everyone parted to let them through. TK bent down to her level and she looked at him and it felt like he was looking right in the mirror. "Hi, Y/N. I'm TK. I'm your father." He said when she smiled he had decided to keep her she walked up to him and hugged him.
"Hi, Daddy." Y/N whispered to him and he picked her up and hugged her, yup he definitely knew he was going to keep her. No doubt about it. Now he just needed to tell Carlos and have him meet her.
Speaking of Carlos he had just walked into the firehouse coming to see TK when he saw him hugging a child. He walked over to them smiling, TK always wanted kids and he did too but didn't know when the right time was. Seeing TK with kids always made him smile. "Hey, babe." Carlos said to him and that made TK turn around with Y/N in his arms and smiled as Y/N lifted up and looked at Carlos.
"Hey, baby!" TK said and gave Carlos a kiss which he returned.
"Who is this?" Carlos asked.
"This is Y/N. My daughter." TK said Carlos was speechless but still smiling. "Come on I'll explain." He said passing Y/N off to Owen who was glad to take his granddaughter.
"Use my office." Owen says knowing the papers were in there, TK nodded and grabbed Carlos' hand, and led him up to the office.
Once they're in the office TK closes the door and they go sit on the couch. Carlos can see the papers sitting on Owen's desk. TK wasn't smiling and neither was Carlos but not because he was mad but because TK wasn't. He was nervous and Carlos could tell. He decided to listen to what TK had to say.
"So the little girl is my daughter. Back in 2017 when I was severely messed up I got high and drunk and slept with a girl, her name is Fiona Harte, Y/N's mother. Mom came and got me the next morning after I left Fiona. Fiona left a note explaining everything." TK said and paused Carlos could see how hard this was for him and reach over and grabbed his hands in his and coaxed him to go on. "You can read the note if you want. I want her and I'm going to sign the papers." He said and took his hands from Carlos' and grabbed the note from his back pocket and handed it to Carlos who read it.
Dear, TK
This letter explains everything about the little girl that is yours. Her name is Y/N Dakota Strand she is 4. Her birthday is May 1, 2018. I don't know what she likes and dislikes when it comes to TV shows, food, or toys. I do know that her favorite colors are blue and red.
She was conceived on August 1, 2017, the night when we were both high and intoxicated. Now I know you're probably thinking that she isn't yours but she is. But, I hadn't slept with anyone before you or after and I was late so I went and got a pregnancy test and it was positive. I didn't have the heart to terminate it.
She is 100% yours. I'm sorry it took a while for her to meet you and come into your guardianship, I couldn't find you until I saw you on the news and saw you were in Texas. So, I packed the little shit up and came here.
I no longer want her, I don't want to look after her, and I want my freedom back. I don't want anything to do with her. I have already signed my name to give up my parental rights to you, all you need to do is sign and the little shit is all yours.
Sincerely, Fiona Harte
Carlos was mad that a mother could do this and put a child in this situation. He knew she was TK's when he laid eyes on her she was the exact copy of him. "TK, I'll be with you for whatever decision you make. I know how much you wanted kids and I do too. She looks so sweet. I love her already because she's an exact copy of you and I know she'll be sweet because you are." TK started to cry he was so glad to have a supportive boyfriend. TK got his phone out and texted his father to bring up Y/N and a minute later he did.
"I love you baby." TK said to Carlos and hugged him.
"I love you too." Carlos replied hugging back and letting go when Owen opened the door.
Owen walked in and sat Y/N down and walked her over to the two men. Carlos and TK smiling. "Hi, Y/N. I'm Carlos your daddy's boyfriend and hopefully your other father someday." She smiled and looked at him.
"Hi, Papa." She said and hugged him and all of their hearts melted. TK got up and walked over to where the papers sat and started signing his name after Owen read through it. As he was doing that Carlos was with Y/N and her shirt fell off of her shoulder. He saw the faint bruising on her and instantly got mad.
"Y/N, baby. Who did this to you?" Carlos asked which got TK's attention, who was now done signing the papers and walked over along with Owen, seeing the bruising.
"Mommy and her boyfriends. She would have guys over all the time and they leave in the morning. The house always smelt funny. Mommy and the men always hit me when I asked something or spoke. They tried to touch me but I ran away and hid." Y/N told them what she told Judd. She was looking down expecting to get in trouble.
"Oh, honey. You're safe with us now nothing or nobody is going to hurt anymore. You're not in trouble." TK said and picked her up and hugged her. Y/N was shocked that she wasn't in trouble she usually got in trouble or hit more when she spoke up about her situation.
"Your daddy is right. We're here for you and will protect you." Owen said coming to stand next to TK and rubbed her back.
"You're always safe with us. You won't have to go back to that awful place or person anymore." Carlos said and came up to his family and wrapped his arm around TK. What they didn't know was that Maeto was up there and taking a picture of them being a family and smiling.
TK didn't know if he wanted to keep her at first but after getting to know her in a short amount of time, seeing her with Carlos, and having both his and Owen's support he knew she wasn't going anywhere. He knew that she couldn't go back to Fiona not after what Y/N said.
Y/N is right where she should be, with her Dad, Papa, Grandpa, and her 126 family. She's going to be one protected little girl.
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
@serendipminie is going to regret it for adding me on the creative team for her fic when she'll see my DMs 😌🤭
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soundwavemain · 2 years
A Bifurcated Time Branch (Or Science's Way Of Saying "You Are Not Alone")
Chapter 4: Cabbage Patch
Casey had a nasty gash on her thigh that throbbed with every other minute. Leo had taken one look at it when she came hobbling in from a rescue mission and told her, “You’re on bedrest, Jones.” He then proceeded to stitch the wound closed, all the while telling her everything she couldn’t do until she properly healed. Thankfully, his bedside manner was good enough that he offered his belt for her to bite on while he patched her up. It also stopped her from arguing with the medic. She knew why he was so thorough in his explanations.
Casey Jones was a bad patient.
She was stubborn. She fought Leo and Donnie on everything. She never listened to their orders for resting from an injury.
The list could go on and on.
But this injury was different.
Junior shifted against her side. He was playing with her left hand, head resting on her chest. He was about five now, growing slower than most kids she knew before the apocalypse. She tried not to let that worry her. Instead she smoothed his hair back and pressed a kiss to his crown. He made a little noise–it reminded her of Mikey’s chirps–as he looked up at her.
“Mama,” he started, a silent question.
She pulled him closer. “Yes, my little champion?”
“Where do babies come from?”
Casey froze. “Why are you asking?”
Junior went back to tracing the lines on Casey’s palm, eyes following his fingers. “Professor Donatello was teaching me biology–”
Casey was going to throttle that turtle–
“He said that babies have three hundred bones in their bodies.” He ran his finger along her wrist. “And when they grow up their bones fuse together so there’s only two hundred and six. I asked him how babies are made because I’m the only kid around here.” He wrinkled his nose despite the fact that it was him he called a child. “He got all weird. Said he wasn’t qualified to answer that. Doesn’t he know everything?”
“Purple knows a lot,” Casey got out through gritted teeth. “It’s just that you shouldn’t have to worry about where babies come from.”
Junior hummed, seemingly content with that answer since he didn’t say anything else. Casey relaxed, not noticing until then that she’d been tense. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise that her son was a curious little shit. The moment he knew something, it was only a matter of time before he was sitting down with someone to fill up their day by asking them questions. Typically, it was Donnie that answered Junior’s queries but Casey couldn’t exactly blame the scientist for bailing hard on this topic.
Suddenly, Junior shifted, letting go of his mother’s hand to kneel beside her. “You wanna hear my theory?”
Of course, she sighed internally. He just wanted to talk about his idea of how things worked. That was usually how it went. He learned something new and spent an hour talking her and Raph’s ears off. She smiled. “Sure, kid.”
“Okay, so there’s this factory–”
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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afaimsarrowverse · 1 year
The Flash 9x12-Fix-It
2023, StarLabs:
Mark:  While I was possed by the Negative Speed Force all I could do was think about how much I love Barry. Too bad no one thought of making a plot device to get free out of this....
Cecile: Mhm...
Cecile project hers mind into her 2049 body. She runs to Barry, who is fighting Negative Speed Force possesed Nora West-Allen.
Cecile: Nora, remember how much you love your dad! Here, I will show you. (uses her powers)
Nora: Ohhh.... (The Negative Speed Force leaves her) It’s gone. Where ... oh, no, it wants Eddie. Dad, I am so sorry, but you have to....
Barry: Got you. I am on my way.
West-Allen Loft, 2049
Iris: It’s Barry, it has always been Barry, even when I didn’t know it.
Eddie (clearly not happy with this answer): No, you are lying. You loved me, I know it!
Iris: I am sorry, Eddie.
Barry arrives at the scene only to see Eddie leave. He follows him and sees him holding the Crytsal.
Barry:  Eddie!
Eddie: You are too late, Barry. Iris told me the truth. She never loved me. I died for nothing, he came back and killed even more people. And I am only alive now, because the Negative Speed Force wants me to live. I have to say yes, it’s all I have left. It’s either that or death.
Barry: No, Eddie, we can help you. I will find a way to save you. And you are wrong, Iris did love you. And she is not the only one. Barry surges forward and kisses Eddie.
The Crystal in his hand shatters.
Both men look at the shards.
Eddie: I am not the avatar it wanted after all it seems.
Barry: Please, tell me it is dead, now. Or did it go and seek out Eobard again instead? Because ... I don’t want to have to kiss him too. I am not sure that would do the trick. I was never really sure what he really wanted from me...
Eddie: But you thought I wanted to kiss you?
Barry just looks at him.
Eddie: Okay, fine, you caught me. What now?
Barry: Now we go home. Iris is in labour. She needs us. I am pretty sure none of the others have the decency to actually stick around, so she is probably alone right now.
Eddie: She wasn’t thrilled to see me in 2049, what makes you think she will want to see me in 2023?
Barry: Future-Iris is kind of a bitch most of the time. Actually Future-Everyone is a bitch most of the time. Why do you think my kids spend so much time with in the past with us? Future-Team Flash sucks, that is why. Nora can come with us, just in case the Negative Speed Force trys something. And so she can kiss Eobard, when he shows up. She is lesbian, but he still loves her, so that would be fine.
Eddie: ... You life has become kind of weird since I died, you know?
Barry: Believe me, you have no idea.
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lewisvinga · 4 months
yeah, my wife | oscar piastri x fem! reader
summary; oscar randomly revealed that he was married young and it sends the grid into chaos and confusion. what he reveals after made everything more chaotic
fc; various girls on pinterest
warnings; cursing
taglist; @namgification @louvrepool @locelscs @thehufflepuffavenger1 @minseok-smaus @goldenmclaren @ollieshifts @lavisenri @graciewrote @xoscar03 @c-losur3 @fall-bambi
note; tbh this was originally gonna be a written fic but i decided w smau lols
masterlist !
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, and others !
oscarpiastri: 7 years of being with you, 4 years of being married. thank you for always being by my side and giving me one of the greatest gifts, our daughter. happy anniversary, i love you.
tagged; yourusername
yourusername: osc🥹🥹🥹
yourusername: oscar jr and i love you so much🧡🧡
landonorris: OSCAR JUNIOR?????
oscarpiastri: his name actually isn’t oscar dumbass
landonorris: whyd she say oscar jr🙄
yourusername: bc i happen to carry her for 9 months only for her to look exactly like the man who participated for 5 mins 😔
oscarpiastri: she’s my mini me😁
username: omg he’s A GIRL DAD????😧😧😧
username: that’s so perf for him omg
logansargeant: happy anniversary to my favorite couple!❤️
oscarpiastri: 4 years ago we partied like miami frat boys wow😮
yourusername: thank you, logan<3333 i’m bringing sugar cookies tmrw btw!!!
logansargeant: SCORE!
alex_albon: share w the rest of us🙄
logansargeant: no
charles_leclerc: A CHILD HAVING A CHILD???😀😀😀
oscarpiastri: i’m 23 actually
charles_leclerc: A CHILD BASICALLY????
username: wait omg high school sweethearts this is so cute 🥹🥹🥹
maxverstappen1: damn with a child too??
oscarpiastri: well, yes!
lewishamilton: fatherhood suits you! congrats to you both❤️
oscarpiastri: thank you, lewis!
yourusername: akkdoakxkdkxoskxosdo lewis knows who i am alsnakdk
username: y/n is so me actually
pierregasly: yk what, hiding a wife and child is such a you thing.. congratulations though!
oscarpiastri: 😺😺
username: never beating the cat allegations i fear
landonorris: NO. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
landonorris: HE’S SO FAKE
landonorris: #cancelloscarpiastri #oscarpiastriisoverparty
logansargeant: i knew 😋
landonorris: FUCK YOU AMERICANS!!!
oscarpiastri: someone’s grumpy…..😆
yourusername: maybe he needs a nap like baby piastri 🤔🤔
landonorris: actually i am quite tired
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yujateaandpi · 29 days
Gravity Falls Thirty More Years AU and Art Masterlist
Here's all the pages of the comic in order plus some of the other GF stuff I've made. I'll keep updating this list to make it easy on y'all.
Edit: I have a new tagging system! All asks will be tagged #thirtymoreyearsau without spaces, and all comics and fic updates will be tagged #thirty more years au with spaces. If you want the whole story together, then you can filter using this tag on my account! Filtered link here.
If you like the comic and would like to support it, here’s my tip jar!
Thirty More Years AU Comic:
Page 1
Pages 2 and 3
Page 4
Page 5
Page 6
Page 7
Pages 8 and 9
Page 10
Epistolary Prequel Companion/ Dipper's Diary Entries:
"Dear Mabel, I Miss You"
Answers to Common Questions:
What is the Thirty Years AU?
A Gravity Falls fan story and comic about what would happen if Mabel and Ford both fall into a leftover multiverse rift at the end of summer. They experience a week of silly adventures but return to a world where 30 years have passed and Dipper + co have aged without them. Told as both a comic and a companion fic.
2. How old are the characters?
3. When does the story take place relative to the show?
4. Where's Bill?
5. Where else can I read the comic? Will you distribute it on a site?
Releasing it on my Instagram (but Tumblr gets the pages earlier cause y'all are special). As for releasing it on a site, answer here.
6. How many pages/ how long will the comic approximately be?
Subject to change, but here's my answer for now.
7. How often will you post/ when will you post again?
Here's my answer for now, but if there's delays between posts please don't spam me with questions on when I'll post again. The updates will come when they come and I'm trying to keep this flexible.
8. Is this Drifting Stars AU/ Other Similar AU?
9. Someone's reposting on TikTok/ Other social media! Are you okay with this?
No, and please report them if you can. Answer here.
11. Will you tag me/ make a tag list?
12. Why haven't you answered my question?
13. What art program/ brushes do you use?
Other Fanart
Twin Glare^2
Kitten Sweater
Pines Pines Pines
Happy Birthday Twins
Gravity Falls The Odyssey AU
Sona Shenanigans
Fiddleford to the rescue
mystery trio eizouken
Stan Pines Mini Character Analysis Essays
Apparently I do this a lot, so collecting them in one place:
Poll thots
Rough and tumble little Stanley
Stan Appreciation
that magic 8 ball man…
off topic Billford thots
off topic Fiddleford thots
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