#mini ladd x terroriser
Hello again! Sorry for such a long wait of new fics... if anyone was waiting! 
QNA (TerrorLadd)
    Craig typed away on his phone, texting his close friend Brian. Planning, timing, scheduling. That’s all they’ve been talking about for a straight week. Both of the boys were rather excited to meet again. Although, Craig was excited for something extremely different. He had planned a Q and A, or a chance for fans to ask as many questions as they liked while Craig and Brian try to answer them all. 
    His plan was genius, but the only fault in it was the responding factor of Brian. Firstly, Craig’s friend would go undercover on a fake account to ask a question. That question would be, “Do you see anything in each other?” Craig would then answer by stating some lovely compliments to Brian, then bring down the big reveal. The reveal of his crush for Brian. 
   Anxiously, Craig waited for the next text from Brian. He was already ready to go pick him up from the airport. The text was the only thing making him wait. Brian would tell him that the plane has landed. He’d quickly drive there and they’d meet with a heartwarming hug.
   It was incredibly nerve-wracking. Staring, watching the screen. The cold, blue hues of the empty chat stared back. His glasses bore the reflection of the screen. Craig tapped his foot quietly, humming to the murmured music coming from his speakers. 
Brian: “Typing...”
Brian: “The plane had boarded, you better be ready! ;)”
Craig:  “Don’t worry, I’m on my way.”
   Craig was quick to leap up from his comfortable spot on the sofa. He locked the door to his house, still fairly new, and got into his car. The drive to the airport was quick. A little too quick, but Craig felt the need to speed a little to get to his friend in time. Nonetheless, it was stupid of him. He couldn’t help to race against the beat of his heart.
   Various couples greeted each other with tears, hugs, and kisses. Everyone was meeting with one and other while Craig still waited. He was worried, there were so many possibilities. He could have gone to the wrong airport. He could be an hour late, an hour early. Brian’s plane could’ve gone down, heaven forbid that. Brian could have gotten on the wrong plane. Maybe a fan called out Brian’s YouTube alias and got him taken into custody for a search.
    “Craig! Hey, you fucking idiot! Help me get my bags lie a damn gentleman.”
    Craig’s high-pitched laughter poured out of his mouth effortlessly, “Of course, of course. What else am I here for?”
    The two packed everything into Craig’s car before immediately heading back to Craig’s house. They worked together to bring the bags into Craig’s guest room. The bags weren’t heavy. It was very concerning, since Brian would be staying for possibly a little more than a week. He could easily leave if Craig had miscalculated their relationship. 
    Maybe he could just forget it. He could keep living the life of just being friends with Brian. No. That was lying to himself. He knows it would torture him constantly and endlessly dig into him until he cut himself off from Brian entirely. He didn’t want that, ever. Even if Brian hates him after his reveal, it’ll be a little easier to deal with since it’s on Brian’s behalf. 
    Craig ordered a Postmates to deliver some Chinese food to them, which would take an hour. It was enough time to quickly shoot the QNA. Well, the false QNA. The one video that would be the make or break of their relationship. It was terrifying, but exciting. The happy possibilities gave Craig hope. 
    “Hey, Brian? I ordered Chinese food, but it won’t be here until an hour. Want to do that QNA we talked about?” 
    “Oh, yeah! Definitely,” The Irish man’s face lit up as he walked over to Craig’s recording room.
    The recording room was up and ready in mere seconds. Brian took a long sip from a water bottle before stepping up next to Craig. Both of the boy said the usual intro the dived right into the questions. They took turns answering random, actual fan questions. It was to make it feel more of a QNA, less of a “Surprise! I love you!” 
    Brian saw the question and had no hesitations, “AAlexa123 asked, Do you see anything in each other? Can I answer first?”
   “Uh- Um,” Craig composed himself quickly, “Yeah, yeah, of course!”
   “Good. Craig, I know about your little plan. Your friend is not good at keeping things secretive, but I’m glad they aren’t. I have been meaning to tell you that I actually feel the same. It’s not really weird, I’m comfortable with it. Like, the whole idea of, like...”
    “...Being with me?”
    ‘Yeah, and doing this as much as I can.”
    “Doing wh-”
    Brian quickly pressed his lips against Craig’s. It was untrained, awkward, but cute and magical all the same. Craig could literally feel his face grow red and his glasses steam up. Their smiles matched their hearts perfectly, Brian chuckling awkwardly at his friend’s, but a friend more than a friend’s, adorableness. 
   “You’re a really bad kisser.”
   “Shut up and let’s finish this video!”
    Craig laughed, “Do you want me to edit this whole part out?”
    “You do you, Craig, you do you.” 
    “Wait- You mean, like?!”
    “If you really want to expose my love for you so quickly, then by all means, Craig.”
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eliza-writes-stuff · 5 years
Popular tropes in fanfics or at least bbs fanfics
just an excuse to write and trying to be consisitent
Sharing a bed
“Oh no.” Scotty said. He stared at the king’s size bed.
Mini clicked his tongue, “Indeed.”
“It appears that are two of us.”
“That is correct.”
“AND ONLY ONE BED!” They both yelled in sync.
Hanahaki Disease
“So there’s a guy I liked.” Smiity twiddled his thumbs. “And I think I might have a-” Before he could say anything, he cough, really hard. Then he coughed out a bunch of petals.
“What the fuck is this?!” Cyrus yelled. His hand on his forehead to grasped any of his brain cells.
“So, according to my diagnose, you have hanahaki disease, which means there are flowers growing in your lungs and you’ll hack them up. Until the person accepts yer feelings.” Dr. Brian Hanby explained the problem.
“No way borther!” Then Smiity coughed up another petal.
“Yep, there’s a possibly of suffocating, choking and/or dying because of this.”
“Wait, what?!”
High School AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Maeve flipped up their hoodie. “Now, they’re in high school.” Then they point at two people.
“Hey nerd!” Kryoz pinned Brock against the wall.
“What?” Brock is confused about this situation.
“I have self-esteem issues and at the end of this fic, I’ll be hopelessly in love with you.”
“Excuse me?”
“Kiss me!”
University AU
“Your favorite banana bus boy?” Arcia flipped up her pink hoodie. “Now, they’re in University. See Evan over there? Yeah, he’s roommates with Brian Michael Handjob and a major crush on him.”
“It’s Hanby, you dumb bitch!” Brian yelled across the yard. But his anger is quickly resolved when Evan put his arms around him.
“Don’t mind her. Hey, wanna study and make out? Your name is Handjob.” He wiggles his eyebrows.
Brian is red in his face, “Shut up, you Canadian fuck.”
And that’s it!
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critterreads · 5 years
Good Things Fall Apart
Alright, here is some TerrorLadd angst cuz im evil, all based on a song of course. Its about Brian just trying to figure out whats up with Craig as a person, and what happened to them. Enjoy :)
Brian stammered up to Craig's house, beer bottle in his hand. He sat there hesitantly before knocking on his door. He let out a breath. "Did I say something wrong? ... Did you hear what I was thinking? ... Did I talk way too long when I told you all my feelings that night? ... Is it you? Is it me? ... Did you find somebody better? ... Someone who isn't me, 'cause I know that I was never your type .... Never really your type."
Brian glaced down at the bottle in his hand. "Overthinking's got me drinking, messing with my head ..."
He rested his head on the door before sliding down to the ground.
"Tell me what you hate about me .... Whatever it is I'm sorry ..."
He began to have tears in his eyes as the words came out of his mouth. Looking over and seeing the car, sparking a memory.
"When you said it was real, guess I really did believe you ... Did you fake how you feel when we parked down by the river that night?  ... That night. That night when we fogged up the windows in your best friend's car 'cause we couldn't leave the windows down in December ..."
His sobs grew louder with each thought.
"I know I can be dramatic, but everybody said we had it ...."
He look down with his head rested on his knees.
"Coming to terms with a broken heart ... I guess that sometimes good things fall apart ..."
The tears kept streaming down his face as he sat there .... waiting for a response. But it never came.
Sorry, not sorry :3
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poly-bus · 6 years
TerrorLadd : Date Fic
Genre: FLUFF!!!!
Enjoy, ~Mod P
Brian couldn’t believe his eyes when he set foot on his porch and knocked on the lad’s door.
Craig grinned up at him, wearing a nice pair of black slacks that Brian didn’t know he even owner and nice white button up that was tucked in.
Mini snorted, trying to contain his laughter with his mocking comment, “Jaw dropping, aren’t I?”
“You look amazing in a tux, Craig, just wow...”
Craig blushed, “Okay, ya bastard, let’s go before you become all mushy.”
Brian smiled and nodded, “Okay, yeh. Let’s go.”
He gently grabbed the Brit’s hand and led him to his car, opening the door and letting him get settled.
He leaned against his car door gently, winking and flirting a bit, “Ya do look handsome, Craig.”
Craig smiled softly, his face brightening up, “Shut up, ye bastard.”
Brian grinned and shut the door, heading to his side and driving to their date spot.
Craig stepped out of the car, looking around with confusion.
Brian stepped in front of him, raising his arms awkwardly with a nervous ‘tada’.
“Isn’t this our...”
“Yeah, it was our number one spot to calm down after PAX together.”
Craig smiled fondly, “Some great memories here, yeh.”
“I had, um... Tyler and Jonathan, help me out a tad bit. Come on, I’ll show yeh.”
Craig took Brian’s hand and followed him up the gentle lump in the ground known as a six foot tall hill.
There was a picnic blanket with two chairs and a romantic dinner set.
Candles were lit, a rose was i nCraig’s seat and a separate picnic blanket with pillows was set aside.
“I figured we’d stay over the night ehre and enjoy the night sky, yeh know,” Brian fumbled with his tie a bit, a nervous tick Craig smiled fondly at.
He stepped forward and grabbed Brian’s fidgeting hands, pressing a kiss to his cheek, “I love it, Brian, thank you.”
Brian grinned and nodded, “Okay, well, let’s get settled then.”
They sat down, Craig setting the rose on the table next to his silverware and plate.
He fondly remembers their first date going from a Starbucks to this exact hill.
Brian smiled sheepishly, pulling a great bottle of wine from under the table.
Craig grinned, “Hell yeh.”
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h2oblooky · 7 years
A few weeks after they meet
Craig: [Acting annoyed and has arms crossed] You know Tyler, you're kind of an asshole.
Craig: [Smiles brightly] But Im starting to like you.
Tyler: I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted.
Craig: both.
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
Writing Masterpost
This is mainly me trying to be a little more organized, but here is everything I have written on this platform to date. I feel like people want to read other stuff as a write, as I seem to be growing on this platform and better establishing myself as a Fanfic Writer. It also helps if I want to find a specific fic and don’t want to scroll the entire #dopple work tag to find it. This will be updated, but here you go for now. And yes, I name everything I write. Makes it easier on me. Also, I have a lot, so brace yourself. Note: The x between two characters do not always mean they are being shipped. It just means they are predominant characters in that story
One Shots - Random
Stuck In Your Head - Bryce x Vanoss
And It Hurt - Ohmwrecker
What’s the arrangement here? - Sattelizer x CaRtOoNz
Watch Me Glitch - Evil! Mini Ladd x Delirious
Undead - Sattelizer x Smii7y
Nothing More - Kryoz x Smii7y
Fights and Promises - Vanoss x Wildcat
Different Worlds - Basically x Ohmwrecker
Corrupted - MinixWildcat
I’m ... Alive? - OhmwreckerxCaRtOoNz
Sugary Sweet - BasicallyxSmii7yxOhmwrecker 
A Dangerous Line to Cross - Delirious x Seananners
First Appearance - Smii7y x Mini  
Repeating Cycles - Daithi x Mini
Not EXACTLY Royal - Suni x Mini
Not a Couple I Swear - Moo x Delirious
Tattoos - Mini x Moo x CaRtOoNz
Three Types of People - Mini x Smii7y x Wildcat
Secrets and Spills - Mini x Smii7y x Wildcat
Curse Words - Smii7y x Ohmwrecker
Not Enough Hours - Delirious x Vanoss
Always - Nogla x Wildcat
Pew Pew - Delirious x Seananners
Suits and Star Wars - Delirious x Vanoss
One Shots - Asks
Long Story - Ohmwrecker x CaRtOoNz
You Can Always - Vanoss x Moo
Screwed - Ohmwrecker x CaRtOoNz
One More Song - Vanoss x CaRtOoNz
Whiny - Vanoss x Wildcat
Don’t Let Go - Delirious x CaRtOoNz
Runaways - Ohmwrecker x CaRtOoNz
Fake Names - Vanoss x Delirious x CaRtOoNz x Ohmwrecker
Divided - Vanoss x Ohmwrecker
Repeated Stages - Vanoss x CaRtOoNz
But He’s Not - Vanoss x Moo
The Only Secret - Nanners x Gassy
Missing Context - Nanners x Gassy
Between Languages - Vanoss x Moo
Faking It - Vanoss x Delirious
Bad Day - Ohmwrecker x CaRtOoNz
Distraction Team - Smii7y x Ohmwrecker
(Not) Night Owls - Vanoss x Ohmwrecker
Hiding - Delirious x Seananners
One Shots - Valentine’s Week Of Prompts
(Not Quite) A Secret Letter - Smii7y x Vanoss
Should I? - Kryoz x Ohmwrecker
Unique Spin - Terroriser x Mini Ladd
100% Totally Not Awkward at All. Nope. - Basically x CaRtOoNz
After the Rage - 407 x Panda
Casual AF - Delirious x Nanners
Proud Pringles - Delirious x Vanoss
One Shots - March Week Event
Stereotypical - Terroriser x Mini
Finding Nogla - Delirious x Nogla
One Shots - Because College. That's Why
Miracle - DeliriousxVanoss
Exposure - MinixWildcat
Rookie - Basicallyx407
Puppet on Strings - OhmwreckerxBryce
Behind the Curtain - MinixOhmwrecker
One Shots - Hiding From Myself
Face Revelation - H2O Delirious
The Mystery of Brian - Moo
Crush Unlocked - Ohmwrecker
New School, Same Trust Issues - Seananners
No, No, No, Boyfriend?, No - Terroriser
someBODY Once Told Me - Smii7y
Chaptered Fics
How You Fell In Love With Me (Not-So-Brohm)
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
The End of All Things (Krii7y)
Part 1
Part 2
Imperium (SeaMexican)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Duality (Jekyll & Hyde AU)
Blood // Water 
Star Fire
The New Delusion (Nightmare)
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anonymousx90 · 7 years
SFM Anthro Ponies X Youtubers
These are my pairs of Youtubers with there SFM anthro MLP counterparts(favorite pairing/Fanfiction)
Twilight X CbaseJ(An upcoming YouTube channel)
Markiplier X Rarity
Applejack X fourzer0seven
Fluttershy X BigJigglyPanda
Fred X Pinkie Pie
I AM WILDCAT X Rainbow Dash
Vanoss X Gilda
Vinyl X Moo Snuckel
Flutterbat X Vampire CbaseJ
Mini Ladd X Sunset Shimmer
Daithi De Nogla X Derby Hooves
Ohmwrecker X Starlight Glimmer
BasicallyIdowrk X Octavia
Terroriser X Maud Pie
PewDiePie X Trixie
That's all I can think of right now. I'll come up with more later
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crystalliaxx97 · 7 years
hey! I'm a new fan of the BBS and this might be an odd question but has Evan ever uploaded a vlog? He's slowly becoming my fave and I wanna know more about him but I know he's like super private. (fjdhdj im sorry if I sound like a creep)
Don’t worry, anon. This is not an odd question, and you don’t sound like a creep.To answer your question: NO. Evan never upload a vlog…well, just like you said, he’s super private. He’s a camera shy as Moo Snuckel.But he get to be seen from someone’s else vlogs, just a quick glimpse of him. (From old vlogs.) [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] [ X ] (These are the only videoS I knew that has a glimpse of him.)There’s this PANEL featured him, I AM WILDCAT, Mini Ladd and Lui Calibre. (It’s an HOUR long.)But if you’re also interested, you can watch the other boy’s vlogs such as Mini Ladd’s, Terroriser’s and Nogla. :D
Hope this helps you out. Feel free to ask again if you have more question and I’ll answer them as much as I can. Have a nice day/night.
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youtuberstvnet-blog · 7 years
THE ELITES OF THE ELITE + MINI LADD! - Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with Mini Ladd, Terroriser & My Brother
THE ELITES OF THE ELITE + MINI LADD! – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with Mini Ladd, Terroriser & My Brother
THE ELITES OF THE ELITE + MINI LADD! – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with Terroriser, Mini Ladd & My Brother Thanks for watching and I hope ye enjoyed the video ^_^
Friends channels: TheGamingTerroriser – http://bit.ly/RlDvnp Mini Ladd – http://goo.gl/AZlQi My brother who doesn’t have a channel
Subscribe to see future videos: https://goo.gl/X…
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h2oblooky · 7 years
Mini: [smiling brightly] Hey honey!
Wildcat: Hey shit.
Mini: [hurt] Wow!
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