#wildcat x mini
luck be a (leading) lady | part 9.
[Posted 2022.09.27]
Summary: Y/N has always been a background character. That’s just life for some folks isn’t it? But what if she’s determined to not just be another member in the ensemble? What if someone helps her step into the spotlight in her own special way?
Warnings for the Series: a teeny bit of angst but mainly fluff
Pairing: ricky bowen x black!reader
Word Count: 4.2k
A/N: I will get back to the Harry Potter series when I finish this one
Previous Part | (Series Masterlist)
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You and Gina practically raced out the door when you heard the honk of a car door. It was time for summer camp. The only thing better about Camp Shallow Lake this year, aside from the fact EJ actually knew who you were now, was the fact that others were coming. You got into the empty seat in the back of EJ’s mini-van. Gina got into the empty passenger’s seat— she and EJ finally admitted they did have feelings for each other and decided to start dating. It was you, EJ, Ashlyn, Kourtney, Gina, and Carlos. Everyone else had other plans. Big Red was working, Nini was taking a music trip to LA, Ricky was… You actually didn’t know what Ricky was doing. 
Something about him seemed distant lately. Not just lately. When you thought about it, Ricky had been acting strange ever since the skate park. He didn’t come over as often for breakfast. Usually most physical contact was initiated by you. He got frantic and stuttered a lot when you asked him about certain things. You tried not to think about that as the car pulled into the campgrounds. This was your summer before senior year and you were supposed to be all about having fun at Camp Shallow Lake. 
You and EJ excitedly jumped out the car when he finally parked. The others were a bit slow to get out. The two of you had certainly done a good job of hyping the camp up. It didn’t help that even though she wasn’t going to be there Nini also had nothing but great things to say about the place. EJ adjusted his luggage in his hand. 
“Come on y’all, we’ll show you around. I came to this camp as an athlete and became an athlete-actor. Y/N?” 
“I came a dancer-actor and became an actor-dancer.” 
Your friends chuckled at the joke. 
“Are those Wildcats I see?!” 
Everyone turned at the voice. A very familiar girl came up the small hill with a wagon full of Shallow Lake stuff. The wheels rolled to a slow stop as she went to give you and EJ a hug. 
“What up, Rocketman? Sanderson?” 
“Hi, Gadget,” EJ said loudly while you said it quietly.
Kourt tilted her head. “Who are Rocketman and Sanderson?”
“Camp nicknames,” EJ explained. “Everyone gets one before their first year at camp is up.”
Gina nodded. “Okay, Rocketman seems pretty obvious. Sanderson?”
“First year here, the only time she ever talked past reading a script was when we played Hocus Pocus for movie night. The name practically fell into her lap.” 
Carlos sighed. “This is nice and all but we’ve only been here five minutes and I already miss Seb.”
You and EJ rolled your eyes. It was fine to miss Seb but it really had only been five minutes since you got to camp. It also would have been fine but it was just Carlos missing their partner. It was also Ashlyn and Kourtney. Wait till they found out that texting each other wasn’t going to be an option. Right on schedule, Maddox brought out the electronics bucket. You and EJ dropped your phones in without a care, having done this a million times before. The others took a bit more convincing. 
“Oh, wait.” You reached back into the bucket. “I just want to check my email one more time.” 
“She’s been obsessively checking every hour on the hour for weeks now,” Gina said. 
“They said that I could get the message at any time. Oh, I should also text Ricky.” 
While you, EJ, and Maddox were trying to convince your friends that giving up their phones for a couple of weeks wasn’t going to kill them, Ricky was bored out of his mind waiting for Lily to finish packing for their vacation. They were going to Jackson Hole, a place with lots of big lake houses. He didn’t tell anybody when you guys asked why he wasn’t going to Shallow Lake because he knew most of the cast would freak about him interacting with the “enemy.” Howie was fine— but he was the only North High cast member allowed. Lily was definitely not on anyone’s potential friend list. But Ricky was with her because he couldn’t be with you. 
He had been distancing himself ever since the skate park. The way you were clutching his hands as you balanced on his skateboard and the smile you gave him when you finally moved like two feet away without falling got him worse than he thought. Ricky realized that night that he was going to have an issue being just friends without having some time and space first. If only you had told him sooner that you used to like him, or maybe if he never went back to Nini. So he couldn’t go to Camp Shallow Lake with you and he couldn’t go to your grandparents house afterwards with you and Gina. Instead, he was face down on Lily’s bed while she ran around looking for stuff. 
“Richie, have you seen the cocoa butter?”
“Try the fridge.”
“It’s a skincare.”
“Well it sounds delicious… Are we ready to go?” 
“Right after we do a couple more TikToks.”
He tried not to sigh as he got up. Lily was a very social media friendly girl— she insisted she wasn’t at influencer status yet for him to call her one. Ricky didn’t mind her constantly taking pictures or waiting a little bit for her to stage their plates at cafes for perfect pictures. But he did have a dislike for being forced to do every single TikTok challenge that she stumbled upon. It might not have been a problem if she seemed like she wanted to just do it with him for fun. But the way he had to get it perfect, it was obvious that it was just a social media thing. He did the ones that she wanted and then waited for her to finish editing them. Ricky just sat on the floor, back against the bed. 
“Okay, finished. Let’s hit the road.” 
“Really?” He asked with hope. 
“Really. Hey, I know you’re taking a leap of faith going to the lake with me instead of your big summer camp thing. And I don’t take that lightly.”
“I don’t either.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
“Sure, just let me find my keys.”
“I think you dropped it by my closet?” 
Lily started to get her bags while Ricky looked where she said. It wasn’t right in the doorway of the closet. He patted himself down just to make sure that he didn’t have them on him. Maybe they were behind the closet door? A small squeak left his mouth as he moved the closet door, causing all the bags on the hooks to fall off. A few hit his back on the way down. He did find his keys but now he had a mess to clean. Ricky’s hand froze as he picked up something that wasn’t a purse or a backpack. 
“How did you get my beast harness?” He didn’t really need an answer. He was just curious about how Lily would respond. 
“Come on Richie—”
“All’s fair in love and war and musicals, right? Zacky Roy taught us that.” 
Ricky scoffed. He threw his harness down on the floor. Barely giving Lily a goodbye, Ricky left her house. His car sped away and he just kept driving with no idea of what to do. He pulled up to an area where he could just look out at the city. Why did nothing seem to go just right for him? Getting out of the car, Ricky sat on the hood of it and looked out at the landscape. Taking in a few deep breaths, he began to think. His dad was on vacation with Ms. Jenn— he was somewhat used to them dating now. He could go see his mom? But he was already supposed to go later on right before school started again. 
The buzzing in his back pocket brought him out of his thoughts. Ricky took out his phone to see a text from you. It was a selfie with you and the others along with a message that you hoped he had a good time wherever he was and you wouldn’t be able to text him for the time you were at camp. The corners of his mouth pulled up as he looked at the picture. Ricky got back in his car with a both brilliant and stupid idea. 
You got into your cabin with the other girls. It was The Honeycomb Cabin— a room that you and Maddox had shared since you guys’ first year at camp. A lot of campers came and went but you two in Honeycomb were a constant. You always liked this cabin the best. It had a cuter sitting area with chairs that weren’t worn down. The beds were all nice quality and the mattresses weren’t that bad.  
“And our boys are in Yurt Locker which is two cabins behind us. This is pretty much the whole space. Choose a bunk and unpack.”
“This is serious lack of privacy,” Kourtney muttered as she put her stuff on one of the bottom bunks. 
“There are bed curtains in that locker if you want some.” You pointed to the shelving unit made of little yellow lockers. 
You put your stuff on the bottom bunk of the middle bunk bed, Ashlyn taking the top part. Gina took the top bunk of the bed right next to it where Kourtney had chosen the bottom. 
“Can I say…” Kourtney started as she made her bed. “You and EJ talked a very big game about this place. I was expecting a Four Seasons or Ritz-Carlton.” 
“Yeah, he gets so excited talking about camp,” Ashlyn agreed. “I would’ve joined him but I always go LARPing in Minnesota.” 
Kourtney and Gina looked at each other, having no clue what she was talking about. Ashlyn tried explaining it but quickly gave up when the looks on their faces didn’t change. The other two girls, one being Maddox, came into the cabin to unpack their own stuff. She gave you a high-five as she passed you on the way to her bed on the other wall. Gina sat down next to you. 
“I thought you said you had no friends last year.”
“Oh, we’re not friends,” you and Maddox said at the same time. 
She laughed when neither one of you offered more explanation despite everyone’s looks. Maddox simply threw an arm over your shoulder as you all walked towards the bonfire area for the first day of camp announcements. Everyone was busing because some celebrity was supposed to be showing up. You plopped yourself next to Kourtney and Carlos when you arrived. They kept speculating about who it was. 
In between guesses that ranged from drag queens to real housewives, they discussed how to make camp classier. Their two person Finer Things Club was about to meet Camp Shallow Lake. You would have joined their club but the three of you realized that you were just a girly girl. While you might have driven a cream colored convertible mini cooper, you were more of a cottagecore girl according to Kourtney, whatever that meant. You realized the Finer Things Club wasn’t quite your type of finer things when the two of them showed up on the last day of school with matching velour jumpsuits. 
No matter what you guys guessed, absolutely no one was expecting Corbin Bleu. The cheers for the man were near deafening. You couldn’t believe that The Corbin Bleu was at your camp. And with a camera man? Did that guy follow him everywhere? Corbin jumped up on the platform and took the mic from the head of the camp, Dewy. 
“I am ecstatic to be here at Shallow Lake! And I can’t wait to let you know what we have planned for you campers this summer. My pals at the House of Mouse decided that we needed something special to celebrate bringing one of everybody’s favorite characters from the big screen to the… well, small stage. I’m proud to announce that you guys will be the first group of kids ever to put on Disney’s Frozen Jr. And to celebrate our lovely movie making its junior theatre debut we will be filming the entire process and premiering it on Disney Plus.”
You guys didn’t hear whatever else Corbin had to say. You guys were doing Frozen and it was going to be broadcasted to the world. This was possibly the best thing that could happen to any of you. There was a chance to get noticed or just jumpstart a career. Then you thought about the documentary. It wasn’t filming only when you guys would be on stage. It was filming all the time. That meant you had to be Y/N, not a character. Breaking the internet as Clara— which you didn’t— was one thing, potentially breaking the internet as Y/N L/N was an entirely different matter. Nerves started to set in as you tried to recall any of your therapist’s words that could help you in the current situation.
“And I heard there were some relative Wildcats out there. I look forward to singing headshots for you all summer.”
You tilted your head. That wasn’t exactly what you thought he would say. Still, an autograph would be cool. You once got an autograph from Viola Davis because she was eating at your sister’s restaurant during a time when you were visiting. 
“Alright, see all you lovelies later. Corbin, out.” 
The night was alive as you all stayed up and talked about the show. Even inside your cabin, none of you could stay quiet long enough to get any proper sleep. You couldn’t get sleep because you were thinking about what Gina had told you just before she turned off the lantern by her bed. She had gone to find EJ who left to find Dewy who tried to find Corbin right after the bonfire and musical announcement. She did find EJ but she also apparently came back with a surprise for you. The surprise had to wait until morning per Gina’s arbitrary rules. 
She woke you up early in the morning— although not much earlier than Maddox’s bugle alarm which would probably start any minute now— and instructed you to leave the cabin with her. Gina didn’t even care that you only brushed your teeth. There was no changing out of pajamas, you had to go see your surprise. She left you outside the boys’ cabin and headed for the theater that you guys had named The Barn— it was in fact a renovated barn— where EJ was supposed to be waiting for her with a mug of coffee. 
You gave a small wave to Carlos who wasn’t in his bed and was on the top bunk right above his. You understood as he held a face steamer up. The top bunks had the better placed outlets. You were surprised that whoever was sleeping on the top bunk hadn’t woken up at all by the disturbance Carlos was causing. 
“Morning, Gina said I have a surprise in here?” You sat on one of the stools in the boys’ sitting area of their cabin, picking up a random book. 
“Nothing like waking up to a face full of steam,” a groggy voice said as they slightly turned and sat up in bed. 
Carlos looked at Ricky with wide eyes. He nudged his head in your direction while frantically tapping his friend’s leg. With a confused face, Ricky looked over. He snapped into action when he noticed it was you. Before he could say good morning, you jumped out of your seat and ran to the top bunk right in front of you. 
“You’re at camp?”
Jett groggily got himself out of bed and gave you a hug. 
“Wait, are you the camper creeping everyone out?” 
“Whatever happened to good morning, Y/N/N?” 
“Morning, Jett. Are you making friends?”
“You’re talking to me about friends?” He laughed when you shrugged. “So, where can I get breakfast?” 
You left with Jett to show him where to get breakfast before heading back to your own cabin to get changed. Ricky looked at Carlos before flopping back onto his bed. He got up to get ready for the day which included auditions. Honestly, Ricky knew absolutely nothing about Frozen. He wasn’t even fully sure of the two guys’ main names. But he would still give it his all at auditions. Performing was something he found out that he really liked. Dare he say, he liked it more than being a skate rat. 
Your favorite part of being in the artsy sect of Camp Shallow Lake was dressing in cute stuff. You didn’t have to worry about everything being covered in dirt and dust and mud. Of course, you had working overalls for the garden part of Shallow Lake but for the most part you stayed relatively clean at camp. You were glad to have packed the way you did because auditioning for Corbin required a stellar outfit. You didn’t tell anyone but you were hoping for a lead. You were always hoping for a lead. All the good seniors graduated camp last year so that competition was gone. 
But now you had Gina, Kourtney, and Ashlyn to compete with. You loved your friends to death but it would be nice to be recognized just once by your peers for your talent. A small part of you was starting to think the universe was against you in that aspect. You finished applying your lipgloss and went to go slip on your lucky legwarmers. 
“I’m ready to go for gold at auditions today,” Gina said as she finished dressing. “I’m finally ready to play the lead. No prisoners, no apologies!” 
Ashlyn’s face scrunched up. “Sounds like you brought Gina 1.0 to camp.”
“No? I loved auditioning with you guys last year and we are forever a tercet but I’m ready to branch out on my own a little. Especially with this documentary, I mean this could literally be our future.” 
“Okay, 1.0,” Ashlyn said while tossing her pillow at Gina. 
“No, no… Y/N, you get it, right?” 
You nodded. “No one’s friends on audition day, unless someone forgot their script. It’s nothing personal. We’re strangers until the cast list is posted. No hard feelings, just don’t be rude to each other.” 
“Thank you.” 
“Come on, G. If we don’t leave now, the prime area of the floor will be gone.” 
You linked arms with the girl and walked towards The Barn. You and Gina stretched in relative silence. If you did talk, it was about anything other than auditions. The doors to The Barn swung open as more people came in to prepare. The arts section of Shallow Lake wasn’t very big so you knew everyone’s names. Your face dropped into one of shock when Ricky came walking through the doors with Carlos. 
“When did you— how di— you’re here.” 
You gave Ricky a hug that he returned tightly. “Hi. Why are you at camp?” 
“I got your text and you guys looked like you were having a lot of fun.” 
“I’m glad you showed up. And now I can’t talk to you until auditions are over because right now we’re enemies, Mr. Bowen.” 
He gave a snort of a laugh and a salute. “Alright, Prima, have fun stretching.” 
You went back to stretching with Gina who was more focused on watching EJ hug some pretty blonde girl. She almost jumped when you leaned over to speak with her. 
“That’s Val.”
“Yeah, Maddox told me,” she said through slightly clenched teeth. 
“Oh… She and EJ go way back but there’s nothing going on between those two.”
“I wasn’t—”
“Gina, it’s EJ, I don’t think any of us wouldn’t have thought what you were thinking. I’m just helping you know that you don’t have to worry about Val.”
“Well, that’s a relief.”
You both put up your stuff against the chairs lining the room. Val got up on the stage to introduce herself to everyone as, not just a counselor, but as the choreographer for the show. You all gave her a little round of applause. Val was a good dancer so if she was doing the show it was sure to look good. Everyone’s eyebrows raised and their eyes went wide as EJ jumped on stage to announce he was the director. You, along with everyone else, were under the assumption that Corbin was directing the show. EJ clarified that he was directing the documentary about the show. 
“That’s not totally confusing at all,” Kourtney muttered. 
EJ clapped his hands together. “Let’s just get started. Everyone outside to warm yourselves up, Val and I will call you in a minute to announce what song you’re doing.” 
Unlike opening night of a show, at every audition you listen to classical music. You and Gina were using the porch banister of the barn as a ballet barre. Every few seconds the two of you would laugh at each other because it was clear that you were listening to different beats while trying to do the same moves. Gina pointed behind you as she took off her headphones. You turned to see two young girls behind you. 
“Hi! I’m Alex, this is Emmy. We’re eighth graders, almost freshmen and huge fans. We know all of Gina’s Tiktoks.” 
Emmy nudged her friend. “Way to play it cool. We both go to The Saltwater Company, th—”
“Guppy Troupe,” you said. “You both were party children? Are you guys auditioning?”
“Yes, maybe? We’ve never auditioned for anything before.”
“Never?” Gina asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Guppy Troupe are too fresh to audition. They get assigned parts,” you explained. “You don’t start auditioning until Turtle Troupe.” 
“Interesting.” Gina turned her attention back to the girls. “Well, be confident. That’s the most important part. So is being prepared but confidence is key. If you don’t have it, fake it. And you have to keep your eye on the prize. From this moment, you aren’t friends but competitors.” 
“Really?” Alex asked. 
You nodded. “Really. Up until the cast list… What we’re saying is get’cha head in the game. Don’t dull your shine just so a friend can show off theirs.”
You and Gina fist-bumped before heading back inside. You sat down in a chair next to Ricky. He let himself look at the side of your face every now and then. You looked down slightly when something crossed your field of vision. A water bottle, attached to Ricky’s arm, was in front of you. You took it and sipped a bit. 
“Are you ready?” you asked. 
“Eh. Why are you rolling your eyes?” 
“Ricky, you’re the poster child for Kristoff. At least you already know your part.”
He scoffed. “That might not happen.” 
“Oh, please, Ricky. It’s exactly what’s going to happen.”
Ricky cracked his neck once before going back to looking at his sheet music. He only looked up when it was your turn. You took a deep breath and smiled at his thumbs up before going. Because of his loyalty to you guys, Val was casting the show without EJ. You had no idea how she was as a casting director but she seemed to be into your performance. Or at least she was smiling about it. 
After everyone went, it was time for scene work… only the scripts hadn’t come in yet. At Maddox’s suggestion, you all did lines from the songs but acted them out instead of singing them. Standing in a circle, you all decided to give it a shot. It was the middle of Kourtney’s turn when the saloon doors swung open. Your face read excitement while Maddox’s face read disappointment. 
“Sorry. Auditions started an hour ago,” Maddox said fiercely.  
Jett walked over with his usual bored face. “I’m only here because Dewy made me and all your other activities are full.”
“Well,” EJ said with a clap of his hands. “Anyone is welcome to audition.”
“I’m not so sure about this.”
“Nobody’s judging you.” Ricky took his sheet music and handed it to the boy. 
You gave him a smile and mouthed out “you got this.” Jett gave you the worst looking smile you had ever seen. The only person you cheered for louder than Ricky was Jett. For as long as you’ve known him, he really needed support. Everyone else but you and Maddox were in awe at his voice. A side smile crept onto your face. That was Jett for you. It was also in his nature to leave right afterwards so no one would praise him. Since auditions were over, you decided to go try and find him. Ricky tapped you on the shoulder before you could leave. 
“Okay, I thought I was the awkward introvert with social problems.”
Ricky forced a laugh as he scratched his head. “I heard there’s a campfire tomorrow? I was thinking we could share a log.” 
“Yeah, sounds good. Sorry, I really want to hang out with you but I need to find Jett. Hopefully before Maddie,” you murmured the last part to yourself.
(part 10)
@mishtay​ @ifilwtmfc​​
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brewjust · 2 years
Real golf 2011 mac
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#Real golf 2011 mac mac os x#
#Real golf 2011 mac upgrade#
Mix up the way you play with a variety of game modes and challenges that will test you in new ways such as Time Stroke, Closest to the Pin, 4-Ball Match Play, Shootout and more. Show everyone the amazing hole-in-one you got, or that unbelievable chip shot you made from the sand trap by uploading your favorite replays directly to YouTube. You can also connect to Gameloft LIVE! for unlockable achievements and to see your global multiplayer ranking.
#Real golf 2011 mac upgrade#
Then upgrade your golfer with new gear as you watch your world rank rise.Ĭompete against other players from around the world online or challenge your friends to a fun match online or locally (Wi-Fi or Bluetooth). Since 1903, the Missouri Athletic Club's mission has been to be the premier athletic, dining, and social club for business, professional, and civic leaders and their families in the St. Make your own legend in Career mode by winning tournaments. IPad-optimized graphics for an HD rendering of environments of courses and players. Motion capture technology makes every character’s swing and putt look authentic.ĭynamic lighting effects change the environment from early morning to evening as you progress through each game. You can even add spin to the ball by sliding your finger on it in the air. Join Anthony Kim, Natalie Gulbis, Camilo Villegas. With 2 types of controls you can choose from an intuitive touch-based control scheme, or classic controls for easy pick-up-and-playability. If you want to play golf with the best, you need the best golf game. Ten of the world’s best golfers are ready to face off against you on 10 golf courses fully recreated in 3D, including famous courses such as Bethpage, Evian and Harbour Town. Join Anthony Kim, Natalie Gulbis, Camilo Villegas and many more of golf’s elite on prestigious courses around the world for the most vibrant golf experience in HD on the iPad. The game is recommended mostly to golf lovers and to other sport simulation fans.DetailsIf you want to play golf with the best, you need the best golf game. In short, the World Challenge Golf 2011 game is a feature-rich game with an impressive number of golf courses and golf modes. Also, you can even choose the tee time you want and then observe as it passes in realtime. John's Blue Jays, Track & Field Boys, Track & Field Girls, Uncategorized, Versailles Tigers Tags: 2022 Track & Field. What’s more, the golf course’s name is displayed in the upper left corner, along with the distance between the ball and the hole (in yards).īesides all these features, World Challenge Golf 2011 enables you to interact with several characters who have a passion for golf. By Don Kemper Categories: Coldwater Cavaliers, Fort Recovery Indians, MAC, Marion Local Flyers, Minster Wildcats, New Bremen Cardinals, New Knoxville Rangers, Parkway Panthers, St. Speaking of the in-game interface, it also displays the wind speed, lie, shot, stance, club and the next hole you are about to play. Developed by HB Studios and published by 2K, the critically-acclaimed franchise boasts a large cast of recognizable pros, the finest courses in the world, the party-ready fun of Topgolf, a variety of multiplayer modes, a top-notch Course Designer, and much more. While in the game, you also get a complete view of the golf course in a mini map. Drive, chip, and putt for glory in PGA TOUR 2K: the most authentic golf simulation game in the world. The camera view can be manipulated and placed above trees, at head level or just above the head. Additionally, diverse golf types are also available: Range, Pitch and putt, Par 3 and others.įurthermore, World Challenge Golf 2011 includes high-quality characters and environments. 150) with PGA Tour Player, Kevin Streelman, in the 2011 Pebble Beach National Pro-Am. As mentioned, World Challenge Golf 2011 includes lots of golf modes, such as Nearest the Pin, Longest Drive, Stableford and more. The game includes both practice and championship modes. In addition to this, you can play golf championships on 20 different golf courses.
#Real golf 2011 mac mac os x#
World Challenge Golf 2011 is a golf simulation game for the Mac OS X platform that features various courses of diverse types, as well as a physics-based world.
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trustcall · 2 years
Uk basketball roster 1966
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The state tournament roster of Jimmy Malone, Tommy Fitzgerald, John Forsee, Dutch Hendricks, Jack Smith, Frank Ryan, Butch Ober and Lee Koertner became the first of many Tiger state champions.This championship began the legacy of athletic excellence that has accounted for 172 team titles and countless individual championships over the years. The 1926 Saint Xavier basketball team captured the school's initial KHSAA State Championship.More than 100 years later, the 2020-21 Tigers take the court in search of an elusive fifth KHSAA State Championship. Saint Xavier High School's first basketball team took the court in 1911 as the Saint Xavier's College Saints.Kevin and his wife, Jessica, are the proud parents of Connor, Carter, and twins, Katherine and Kevin Jr. This year’s Tigers are hard at work looking to continue these traits as they begin their “Road to Rupp” in the 2021-22 campaign. At Hanover, he participated in the NCAA Division III National Tournament, was an All-conference selection, and earned the team’s mental attitude award his senior year.Īs a player and as a coach, Kevin has always believed in the importance of a tough mental approach and a positive winning attitude as essential components of a successful program. After graduating from Saint Xavier, he attended Hanover College where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1999. He earned All-District, All-Region, and Honorable Mention All-State honors his senior year. Kevin, a 1995 graduate of Saint Xavier High School, was a starter on the 1995 Regional Championship Team that advanced to the quarterfinals of the Kentucky State Tournament. X with a 54-52 overtime victory against a tough Fairdale team. In 2013 Kevin earned his 100th win at St. In his ten years at Saint Xavier, Kevin has posted ten winning seasons with a season-best 23-9 record in the 2011–2012 season which earned him 7th Region Coach of the Year honors for the second time in his career. At Waggener, he led the 2007–2008 Wildcats to a school record 22 victories and earned 7th Region Coach of the Year honors. Kevin served two seasons as Head Coach at Waggener Traditional High School before coming to Saint Xavier. - Rotoscoping & Keying - Color Grading - Match Moving - Compositing - Cleanups - Beauty Retouching Lottie & Website Animation eLearning Video Production Article to VideoKevin Klein enters his 14th season as Head Basketball Coach at Saint Xavier High School and 23rd season overall as a high school basketball coach.- Book Cover Design Album Cover Design Podcast Cover Art Packaging & Label Design - Packaging Design - Label Design - Dieline Design AR Filters & Lenses Storyboards Social Media.One stop shop for all your needs Graphics & Design Logo Design Brand Style Guides Game Art - Character Design - Props & Objects - Backgrounds & Environments - UI & UX Graphics.Voice Over Mixing & Mastering Producers & Composers - Composing & Soundtracks - Ghost Production - Backing Tracks.Community Events Blog Forum Community Standards Podcast Affiliates Invite a Friend Become a Seller.Digital Marketing Writing & Translation Video & Animation Music & Audio.Programming & Tech.Saltie Girl Mamma Maria Atlantic Fish Co The Capital Grille Mario’s Restaurant.Farmhouse Inn Restaurant Manhattan Restaurant Pink’s Hot Dogs Carthay Circle Restaurant Tartine Manufactory Sam’s Chowder House Hog Island Oyster Co.California Shack Chez Panisse The French Laundry Manresa Ember Restaurant Mini Kabob Zoftig Eatery.commercial property for rent property for rent near me property for sale property for rent in cornwall property to rent in my location rental properties to rent rent property rightmove scarborough.century 21 commercial property listings zillow commercial property for lease commercial places for rent near me listing commercial property rent remax commercial property listings.takeaways near my location chinese near me open today indian takeaway near me places that deliver near me best indian takeaway near me restaurants and takeaway near me takeaways near me open now.for selling a business broker for selling small business best mailing list brokers small business broker list broker services marketing list brokers direct marketing list brokers.
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h2oblooky · 7 years
A few weeks after they meet
Craig: [Acting annoyed and has arms crossed] You know Tyler, you're kind of an asshole.
Craig: [Smiles brightly] But Im starting to like you.
Tyler: I don't know if I should be flattered or insulted.
Craig: both.
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starkissedbxby · 6 years
drunken lips | kryoz x reader
prompt: it’s your 21′s birthday and John has the idea of taking you to a bar to celebrate. You run into a bit of trouble with some guys you had met before. John has his own ideas of saving you from your trouble
a/n: this is from my fanfic on wattpad called evicted, so if you wanna check it out, click here!
    I looked at John disapprovingly. "John, it's a bar" I stated at him. He nodded.
    "I know! But you're turning 21 and I think you need to experience it at least once. Besides, it's Jaren's last night here and he wanted to go. Please?" He pleaded. He put his hands together and tried to give me the best puppy-eyed look he could.
    It fucking worked. I sighed and nodded. "Fine. But just this once. Okay?" John nearly squealed but stopped himself before he could. I giggled softly and he smiled.
    Eventually a couple days passed and my birthday came along. John was happy at the fact I was turning 21. I always thought of birthdays as "leveling up" and John and Jaren found it quite amusing.
    Around 6pm, I decided to go get ready. I braided a strand of hair and let the rest of it down, and put on some black leggings and a shirt with a jacket on top. I met the two boys at the door and we headed out to the bar that was a few miles downtown. As we entered, the smell of alcohol poured into my lungs. A scent I was all-to familiar with. I played it off as the three of us headed over to the bartender.
   The bartender was a young guy, he walked over to us and looked at me. "Can I see some ID?" I nodded and held mine out to him. He looked at it and smiled a bit. "Looks like someone's a birthday girl, eh? Turning 21 today?" I nodded and smiled at him. "In that case I guess I'll line up some shots for you guys, if thats okay with you." I shrugged a bit.
   "I can try, I guess." I muttered. John held my hand reassuringly and I blushed a bit. The bartender handed us our shots and I looked at them.
    "Wanna go first?" Jaren asked. I nodded shyly.
   "Fine. Just this once." I held up the small glass and took it into my mouth. The alcohol burned down my throat and I shook my head. "Fuck-"
   John chuckled a bit. "That's normal." He took his shot and Jaren soon followed. After the third one I got used to it and things slowly went downhill from there. The world started feeling less like a reality and I started drowning out sounds. John looked at me. "Alright, I think you've had enough for today."
    I nodded and struggled to get off the chair. "I'm gonna head outside. I need to clear my head for a bit. And maybe vape for a bit."
   John smiled. "Alright. But be careful okay?"
   I smiled before finding my way to the door and heading outside for a bit. I grabbed my vape and inhaled, blowing out a white cloud that quickly disappeared. I repeated this for a while, trying to clear my head. The mix of alcohol and nicotine probably wasn't great and it probably was gonna make one hell of a hangover tomorrow morning. I sat outside for another ten minutes until a group of drunk guys probably in their mid twenties came out of the bar. Soon after leaving they caught eye of me and headed over, attempting to flirt their way into getting laid for the night. I hissed softly.
   There was something about them though that seemed oddly familiar. Not in a good way. The dark light didn't help much either, but hearing their voices was good enough. I had to get one of them to say something again.
   "Damn it, can't a girl vape in fucking peace?" I spat at them. One of the guys laughed.
   "ooh, someone's a firecracker."
   That fucking did it. That voice stood out clear as day. It was that asshole at the airport who tried to flirt with me.
   I scoffed. "And someone needs fucking plastic surgery. Now do me a favor and go fuck yourselves." I hissed and headed back inside the bar. I caught two of the guys looking for me from behind, and I made myself lost in the crowd. I won't lie, keeping my composure was fucking hard. I was about three seconds away from crying from stress and anxiety.
   Eventually I bumped into John and I let out a sigh of relief. "John! Jesus christ thank god it's you."
    He looked at me "Well, yeah. I've been looking for you all over, you were gone for a while."
    "Yeah, about that- You remember those two guys at the airport?" I asked.
    He looked at me concerned. "Yes. Why?" His tone shifted to a more serious one.
    "Well I may or may not have run into them outside and now they're in here looking for me?"
    He growled softly. "I swear to fucking god-"
   "Nononono. We don't need anymore attention. They're gonna remember you. As of now they don't remember who I am, probably all the alcohol. But they're gonna find me, John."
   "Alright, I'll get Jaren. Stay here, and don't move. Got it?" he commanded. I nodded but soon saw one of the guys standing by the doorway. Another headed towards our direction.
   "We can't leave. They're right there and they're heading over."
   John hesitated for a moment before looking at me. "Alright, I have an idea. But you're gonna have to promise me you're gonna play along no matter what, okay?"
   "Yeah sure, but-"
   "Do you promise?" He asked seriously. I looked back and then to John again. I nodded. "Good. Put your back against the wall."
    I didn't bother questioning his reasoning, I promised to play along, and I did. I was going to ask him what was next but I didn't have the time before his lips crashed onto my own.
   A part of me wanted to ask him why he thought it was a good idea, the other didn't want him to stop. His lips burned with the taste of alcohol, and the scent of coconut oil lingered in his bleached hair.
  The kiss deepened, the both of us drunken out of our minds to even question our morals for doing this. After a few minutes of a brief unintentional make out session, we pulled away and I looked into John's eyes. I looked around the bar and saw no sign of the guys. John was a blushing mess and I chuckled softly.
    "(Y/N) I-" he started. I placed a finger on his lips.
   "We both enjoyed that, now let's just leave it at that, alright Johnny?" I smiled a little. He nodded before we headed off to find Jaren.
   He was still seated at the bar table, browsing his phone. He looked up at us and chuckled softly. "Where the hell were you two?"
    We hesitated to answer before he shrugged it off, all of us too drunk to even remember what happened a majority of the night. The only thing that was pierced in John and I's minds was that intoxicating feeling that got me more drunken on love than the alcohol itself.
   The drive home in the Uber was quiet. Jaren had dozed off and it left me and John to ourselves. John hesitated before breaking the silence.
   "Look, (Y/N) I'm sorry I didn't listen to you. You told me it was a bad idea to come here and you were right." he said quietly.
   I shook my head. "No, John. This was the best night I've ever had in my life. Especially what happened with you. That...I wouldn't mind doing that again. Then again we probably even won't remember this in the morning."
   "But you never know." He muttered.
   I nodded in response. The remainder of the drive home being quiet. I leaned onto John's shoulder and closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep.
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poly-bus · 6 years
MiniCat - Summer Love
Original Title: You, Me. Ice Cream.
Original Word Count: 162 Words
New Word Count: 420
Author/Mod: Podz
Genre: Fluff
Alright, now let’s begin!
It was scorching hot outside, the wood surrounding their pool left flaming hot sensations to crawl along his bare heels.
He huffed and plopped himself in one of his plastic beach chairs, hissing as the hot plastic dug against his skin.
“Tyler,” he groaned.
Said male was swimming in their freezing cold water, and the picky Brit complained before that it was ‘far too cold for his liking’.
Assuming the American didn’t hear him, Craig raised his voice from groggy and grunting to whiney and impatient, “Tyler!”
The older of the two pulled up from the water, humming and looking with feigned annoyance.
The Brit made a dramatic gesture and humphed.
The American chuckled before hauling himself from the freezing cold water and onto the dry wooden boarded porch around their huge ass pool.
“It’s hot,” Craig grunted, the other male propping himself up against the back of Craig’s chair.
“No shit, hop in with me.”
Craig seemed to stare with disgust at the water, an answer on the tip of his tongue.
Tyler stretched before ducking back down to gently lay his freezing cold hands on the lad’s shoulders, nearly scaring the other.
“I don’t wanna get wet,” the Brittish lad spoke, glancing up despite the merciless sun blinding him for a moment.
His lover ducked his head to block out the sun, looking down at the other and snorting, “You thinking what I’m thinking?”
The lad narrowed his eyes for a moment and hummed, then shrugged, “What?”
The American stood up suddenly, the calmed and relaxed Brit curling up in his chair to cover his eyes again with a groan.
“Ice cream!”
The lad took a moment to readjust his eyes as he sat up in his seat.
His beautiful eyes, the one Tyler so specifically loved about him, stared him up and down for a moment.
“You mean the parlor down the street? I don’t wanna walk there just to find out that they ended up closing or something,” Craig groaned, pulling from his chair and heading to their glass door.
Tyler snagged his towel from their outside umbrella table set, setting the umbrella back in its place in the center of the table, closed.
He then followed Craig inside, “We can always just drive there.”
Craig paused and glanced back with a huge grin, “Roof down and everything?”
Tyler’s own grin matched how wide the Brit’s was before he had even answered, reaching towards the kitchen island for his keys for a moment.
“Abso-fucking-lutely, babe.”
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galactisea · 7 years
W h o o p s
Vanoss: When I say go, everyone yell your biggest secret, since it will be loud, nobody will here.
Vanoss: 3...2...1...GO!
*Everyone starts yelling inaudible stuff*
Mini:*Realizes everyone went silent and cuts off*
Wildcat: Wait one goddamn second-
Wildcat:*Breathe in*
Wildcat: C R A I G. W H A T. T H E. F U C K.
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jj-babebank · 3 years
Camp Willowdale / JJ Maybank AU / PART 5
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Synopsis: Camp Willowdale is buzzing with new campers. It’s Caroline Windsor’s first year as a camp counsellor after attending the camp as a camper for ten years. Little does she know that this year Willowdale Lake is going to be a little different from what she is used to it being… Warnings: future chapters may include curse words, mentions of drugs, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sexual activities, mentions of death. Pairings: JJ Maybank x fem OC Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4 Masterlist
Part 5 -
53 days of camp left
The first day at Camp Willowdale was usually pretty straightforward – campers arrive, sign in, move into their designated cabins where they meet their counselors, then all gather in the Wildcat Lodge to get their schedules, maps, badges and compasses. Ever since Pricilla’s daughter left her, she ditched the idea of having a stable with horses at camp (saying it reminded her way too much of Wendy, and also cost a lot of money to maintain), and settled for scavenger hunts in full scout mode in the forest, hence the compasses and badges. Every camper was given a first badge for participation and would get the chance to earn new badges to add to their collection during their nine week stay. Pricilla made sure that there was a badge for literally everything – from successfully starting a fire to throwing out the trash. She liked to do this to make all the campers feel included and special, which on its own sounded like a wonderful thing, however her actual motives were selfish – happy kids meant happy parents, and happy parents meant money. She also liked to turn everything into a competition, so she established a scoring system that nobody but her understood, where she’d award or deduct points from different groups and the group with the most points at the end of the summer will be crowned conquerors of the camp at a made up end-of-summer event Pricilla named the “Camp Will-all-hail banquet”. Caroline always found the name to be extremely tacky, but much like mostly everything that Pricilla put her finger onto, it wasn’t surprising.
JJ and Caroline had gotten assigned to Teens 2. Unsurprisingly, everyone in their group was almost their age, which seemed like somewhat of a recipe for disaster, as Caroline feared that this could result in the teens refusing to follow orders from someone who is basically their age. She was pleasantly surprised to find out that their group of teens was actually quite well-mannered and well-behaved. John B and Sarah’s teens, however, were a whole different story.
“You sure you got T2 and not T1?” panted Sarah after finally sitting down at the counselors table beside Caroline for dinner.
Caroline smirked, “Positive,” she confirmed, not being able to hide her amusement at the sight of an already tired Sarah, “Why’d you ask?”
“Oh, no reason,” said Sarah sarcastically, “Well, besides all the girls, and I’m pretty sure one of the boys, having a massive thing for John B, and them all quite literally being the spawns of Satan, hm… no reason,”
Caroline laughed at Sarah’s words, looking over at the table where her group and Sarah’s were seated at. Two of the T1 girls were giggling while telling a story, while everyone else’s attention was on them. Caroline came to the conclusion that they would be the It Girls at this year’s camp, bossing everyone around. She couldn’t help but laugh at the irony that it was Sarah who got these two as they were literally mini versions of her.
“Heard my name being called,” John B slid onto the bench across the table from the girls. Now that everyone had been sorted, the Wildcat Lodge seating area had been rearranged so that the groups would be sat together according to their ages, and the counselors would be sat together according to their groups. The head staff had their own table at the very foot of the podium, right next to where the food was, conveniently.
JJ was quick to join their group at their respective table, “What’d I miss?”
“Oh, nothing,” Caroline said nonchalantly, “Just Sarah being jealous over her girls liking John B, no biggie,” Sarah kicked her under the table, earning an, “Ow!”
John B’s eyes immediately shot up, that familiar twinkle of excitement swimming through his honey orbs, “Jealous?”
“As if,” barked Sarah, squinting her eyes at him threateningly.
“We’ll see about that, baby cakes,” John B winked, diving into his dinner.
“So,” said JJ, lowering his voice in case any of the neighboring tables were listening, “What’s the plan, guys?”
Caroline shook her head, “I don’t even know where we could start, I mean, the only clue we’ve got so far is that message we had to scrub off the rock this morning before the campers arrived…”
John B thought for a second, “Hey, wasn’t Topper paired up with her?” he said suddenly.
Caroline’s eyes widened in realization, “John B, you’re a genius!” she said, earning a proud smile from the boy, “Last night at the counting, Topper said something about feeling guilty for not offering her his jacket!” the four of them turned to look towards Topper’s table. He was sitting quietly, barely poking at his food, while the rest of his fellow counselors were having an animated conversation around him. Caroline turned back towards her friends, “Chances are he was the one who saw her last!”
“Yeah, and judging by the look of his face, he doesn’t seem too excited about it,” remarked JJ.
“Can you blame him? I’d be pissed if I was paired with Madison, too,” muttered Sarah, scrunching her nose at the leafy salad in her plate.
“Tonight at the bonfire,” said Caroline, “Sarah’s going to offer him some help with his girls, seeing as he’s dealing with all of his kids alone,”
“Hey, why me?” Sarah frowned at the plan.
“Because you’re the one who had a massive crush on him back in the day,” Caroline whispered in Sarah’s ear, resulting in Sarah kicking her under the table again. Caroline bit back a groan as she smiled forcefully, looking at the two boys in front of her, “Okay, well, sounds like we’ve got a plan.”
After handing out the songbooks and marshmallows to all of their teens, Caroline, JJ, Sarah and John B took a seat at their designated log next to their groups, which had somehow bonded during dinner and were all laughing together.
“Alright, settle down kids!” Pricilla said, causing everyone’s chatter to die down, “As you have already been informed, it is a Willowdale tradition to perform our very own rendition of Bomfiara every morning and night until the end of camp. The songbooks you’ve been kindly given by your counselors contain the lyrics to all of the camp songs we’re going to be singing this summer, but I’m sure that by the end of it you won’t be needing the books anymore,” Pricilla fake-laughed at her own joke while everyone just started at her blankly, “Okay, well, let’s sing!” she gave the tone and everyone started signing.
“This is so lame,” said one of the girls Caroline proclaimed as “It Girls” earlier that evening, “We’re too old for this BS,”
“You got that right,” mumbled Sarah.
“Oh, come on, I love it, it used to be our favorite tradition!” whined John B.
The two girls squealed and started pinching each other, immediately opening their songbooks and joining in on the singing, making intense eye contact with John B with their best seductive looks. Sarah rolled her eyes at the scene.
“See?” she whispered to Caroline, “This is what I meant!”
Caroline smirked at the blonde girl, “Am I sensing… jealousy?”
Sarah scoffed at the remark, “Pf, yeah right,” she said defensively, “I’m just annoyed that they’re only listening to what he’s saying and we’re supposed to be counselors together.”
Caroline nodded slowly, pretending to be buying the story, “Yeah, sure,” she turned to look at Topper, who regardless of the fact that he was surrounded by his group and fellow counselors, still seemed down, the camp fire illuminating his distant face, “Speaking of together, when do you wanna go talk to Topper?”
Sarah followed Caroline’s gaze towards the boy, “Once this stupid song is over,”
Caroline nodded and both girls turned towards their group again, where the It Girls were still making sexy eyes at John B, who seemed totally clueless to their approach as he was belting the lyrics of the much familiar song out loud, waving JJ’s hands every so often.
Once the song was over and everyone got back to their regular chitchat, Sarah stood up and straightened her shorts and camp sweatshirt as she made her way towards Topper.
“Hey, Top, this seat taken?” she said, referring to the empty spot on the log next to him where Madison was supposed to be sat.
Topper looked at Sarah as if she’d just said a distasteful joke, “Hey, Sarah…” he muttered, “Obviously not,”
“Awesome!” Sarah smiled widely, plopping down next to the boy.
“So,” Topper started awkwardly, “What brings you here?”
“Saw you from across the pit,” she explained directly, “Couldn’t help but notice that you seem lonely,”
“Yeah, well,” Topper looked at her with a look of disapproval once again, “I sort of am,”
Sarah pretended to only just realize what he was talking about, “Riiight… So, about that,” she chirped again, “Last night you said something about a jacket?”
Topper sighed, “Yeah, Madison said she was cold when we were in our cabin and instead of offering her my jacket, I sort of felt… relieved that she was going to leave me for a second to go grab hers. I should’ve known that something was wrong when she was gone for over 10 minutes, instead I just laughed around with Kelce and the boys and then we heard the scream…”
Sarah rolled her eyes, “Oh, please, you’re not blaming yourself for it, are you?”
“I mean, I kinda am,” Topper confessed, “If I wasn’t too caught up in being annoyed that I’d been paired up with her, I’d have just given her my jacket or followed her to your cabin to get hers and none of this would’ve happened,”
Sarah tried putting on her best apologetic smile as she reached for Topper’s hand, taking him by surprise, “Look, Top, I hate Madison just as much as the next person, but I hardly think any of this was your fault. She probably just used the jacket as an excuse to ditch and got excited to see her rookie boyfriend, hence the scream,”
Topper frowned, “Don’t tell me you actually believe all that?”
Sarah shrugged, “I mean, she was a drama queen,”
Topper pulled his hands away from Sarah’s, shaking his head, “Just go, Sarah,”
Sarah looked over towards her friends across the fire pit who were all staring at her in anticipation, as she shrugged her shoulders and mouthed them a, “Sorry, I tried,” making her way back to where they were seated.
A/N: Camp has finally officially begun and so has the search for truth ~~ As always, let me know what you think, I hope you are enjoying the story so far, I'm super excited to be writing this xxx
tags: @k-k0129 ; @hayleyy-l ; @marvellover04
Part 6 here
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megan-is-mia · 3 years
Can I have a Yan!Malleus x Female S/o x F!Leona? She’s kidnapped, forced to be his wife, r*pe, of course she’s terrified and miserable. Malleus is constantly wanting her love and attention. Female Leona is there a lot and have become really close to S/o. It’s the only thing keeping her sane. Malleus and everyone except Leona is absolutely oblivious/no idea that S/o is a lesbian. Leona and her are more than friends if you know what I mean😏. Malleus just can’t seem to get his wife to love him and not gag every time he kiss her or have sex. I thought it funny because I keep thinking of “Historians: They were great friends.”
(i was mostly unable to decipher this request so... here’s the gist of what you’re gonna get. King Malleus and Queen Leona fuck a maid just trying to do her job in the castle. Hopefully, you’ll still enjoy this >_<) 72. “I’d burn the world for you.” 75. “Please stop looking at me with such disappointment in your eyes. I can’t take it.” 230. “You’re just so cute while you’re distracted.” 231. “Controlling myself around you is so fucking hard.” (Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Fem! S/o x Yandere! Fem! Leona Kingscholar) (WARNING NON-CON AND NSFW AHEAD)
Working as a maid for the King and Queen of Thorns wasn’t glamorous but it was an honest living in (Y/n)’s mind. Most days it was like any other position as a maid except when it was her turn to bring Queen Leona’s meals to her. It was still a bit of a mystery why the lioness-beastwoman was the queen of the fae but some sources said she was King Malleus’s high school sweetheart and that was a good enough answer as any if you were to have asked (Y/n).
Either way back to the matter at hand, bringing the queen her meal and then cleaning the room. It should have been simple enough. Keywords should have been. The lioness was making (Y/n) very uncomfortable with her constant staring. Not to mention that she was naked, the queen slept in the nude and (Y/n) had to keep her eyes down as she cleaned so she wouldn't look. That was her fatal mistake as when she finally reached the bed the queen attacked. “God, you really have no idea what fuck you do to me do you prey” Leona growled her breasts pressed firmly again (Y/n)’s as she pinned the maid’s hands above her head and against the pillows. “Controlling myself around you is so fucking hard. Every time I see that cute little butt of yours or those adorable mini-tits you’ve got I just want to press you against the wall and fuck you with my strap” she purred out her tail caressing the younger woman’s leg as the lioness leaned in for a hungry kiss. (Y/n) tried to free her hands to no avail, the queen was much stronger than her and the fear of getting in trouble made her more docile than she’d usually be in such a situation. Leona adjusted her grip on the maid’s wrists, holding both of the younger woman’s hands in just one of hers so she could start ridding (Y/n) of her uniform. Once she’d exposed the girl’s breasts, the lioness latched onto one of her nipples and sucked greedily making her partner let out a yelp of pleasure. As (Y/n) continued to try and get free, she unknowingly ground herself against the older woman all the while letting out cute noises to the queen’s delight. Leona let go of the maid’s nipple and then bit down on her neck with lustful intent and making (Y/n) let out another yelp, this one from pain. “Heh, sorry about that. You’re just so cute while you’re distracted” the lioness said not really remorseful of her actions as she continued playing with her prey even as the door to the bedroom opened and her husband walked in. “There you are you dumb lizard, I was wondering how long it would take for you to show up” Leona said looking at the doorway where Malleus stood with a surprised expression on his face as he stared at the two women on the bed. “K-k-king Malleus! Wait! It isn’t what it looks like! I-i-i can explain” (Y/n) stuttered out, her eyes wide with fear as she stared back at the draconic-fae. The maid tried to push Leona off her, to no avail but she tried nonetheless, her life depended on it after all. 
She’d heard what had happened to all of the queen’s male lovers, once the king caught the pair in bed it wasn’t long until the offending man was burned at the stake for his crimes. None had been spared, nobles, peasants, all who shared the queen’s bed met a gruesome fate. (Y/n) was sure even her status as a woman wouldn’t do her any good against the jealous Fae-king and so her only chance of survival was begging, begging until her voice went hoarse.
The king was silent as he closed the door behind him and locked it before approaching the bed. (Y/n)’s efforts to get away from the lioness on top of her intensified as she began to babble out half-coherent begs and explanations to the dragon who stopped at the side of the bed to stare down at her with an unreadable expression.  After a long moment, he stretched his hand out towards her face and she squeezed her eyes shut in preparation. This was it, he was going to kill her right here and now, without a stake.
“There’s no need to panic little one, I am not angry with you” Malleus cupping (Y/n)’s cheek and rubbing his thumb over the corner of her mouth. The maid’s eyes popped open in alarm and she stared at the king with a bewildered expression. “On the contrary, I'm very happy to see you” the dragon went on, his words only confusing the girl further. An annoyed growl from Leona drew his attention away from the young woman. “I’m very happy to see you as well Wildcat” he cooed, pressing a kiss to the lioness’s lips. “Whatever you sap, let's get on with the main attraction” Leona said, pressing a kiss of her own to the dragon’s lips as before letting go of (Y/n)’s wrists and moving off of her. The maid considered trying to make a break for it before all her clothes disappeared into thin air when Malleus snapped his fingers. She was flipped over onto her stomach, Leona pulling her down on top of her so their breasts were pressed against each other again and making out some more. 
“Little one, I want you to listen very carefully to what I’m about to say” the dragon-fae said, snapping his fingers again and making his own clothes disappear now as he made himself comfortable between the maid’s legs and pressing his chest against her back. “I love you, I love you so much I'd burn the world for you if you asked. I only want to make you feel good now, allow me to make you feel good” he finished, pressing a kiss to the nape of (Y/n)’s neck before he sat back and spread her cunt lips to expose her entrance. The draconic-fae licked his lips, even though there wasn’t as visible fluid yet he could still smell the delicious aroma of her pussy scenting the air. He pressed a light kiss to her clit, making her lurch forward in the kiss she was sharing with the lioness. The next thing Malleus did was to start probing the maid’s cunt with his tongue curious about how sensitive she would be. The answer was… quite sensitive, quite sensitive indeed. Her body was already starting to shake from only a little bit of stimulation. When the dragon shoved all of his tongue in, (Y/n) yelped. Her muscles squeezed down on the intruding appendage with vise-like force.  She had been aware that the king’s tongue was rather long,  but she hadn’t been aware it was long enough to hit the sweet spot deep inside her pussy in one go. Her cunt was already producing so much juice that it was dripping down her thighs and onto the mattress, making Malleus’s job of tongue fucking her easier than ever. Leona watched as her husband turned their new plaything into putty with clear amusement. She let go of the younger woman and pulled herself into a sitting position with her legs spread on either side of (Y/n)’s face. She grabbed the younger woman by the chin guiding her where she wanted her: face-first into the lioness’s cunt. The maid stared bewilderedly up at the queen for a few moments before obeying. What she lacked in experience, she made up in effort and Leona had to fight from cumming so quickly. (Y/n) tried to keep her brain blank as she was forced to eat out the queen and was eaten out by the king. She couldn’t fathom why she was in this strange situation, nor did she want to fathom how she was going to get out of this strange situation. She just did as she was told for the time being until Leona’s thighs locked around her head and she was sprayed in the face by the lioness’s fluids. The slight strangulation she experienced was enough to finally tip her over the edge so she in turn soaked the king in her cum. She would have babbled out an apology to the fae behind her if he hadn’t laughed and pressed another kiss to her nethers before beginning to reposition her again. She was lain back ontop of Leona who kissed her despite the fact her mouth was coated in the lioness’s release. The maid’s legs were made to straddle the older woman’s as Malleus began jerking himself off and moaning softly. (Y/n) broke away from the kiss with the queen to look back and was harshly reminded of an important fact about the king. Like the rest of his kind, the dragon-fae had two dicks and (Y/n) was pretty sure she knew what he was going to do with them. The young woman tried to lurch off the bed but Leona’s arms around her waist kept her firmly in place as Malleus lined himself up, one cock to go in his wife and one to go in their new mistress. The fae-king guided his tips in slowly, he knew the lioness could take it rough and even enjoyed a bit of pain but (Y/n) would not be of the same mindset. Bracing his other hand against the mattress, Malleus slowly sank into his women letting out a low growl when he was all the way in. (Y/n)’s insides tensed up sharply, even all the prep the fae had done with his tongue was no use. Fear and their different sizes made pleasant sex nearly impossible. Until the young woman felt a soothing vibration against her skin that made it easier to breathe. Leona, sensing her partner’s distress, had begun to purr softly as she pressed kisses to the maid’s throat and collarbone. (Y/n)’s body relaxed just enough that Malleus was able to move without causing her any internal harm. And move he did, thrusting in and out drawing moans from both women as he did so. He nibbled on the nape of the maid’s neck, leaving love bites as he continued fucking both her and the queen. Leona arched her hips a bit, in part to get Malleus deeper into her and in part to grind her clit against (Y/n)’s clit for extra pleasure. The younger woman let out a loud moan at this before turning red with embarrassment However, neither of her partners were willing to let that slide. The king and queen were egged on by her sweet voice and determined to hear more of it. The assault from both sides drove (Y/n) out of her mind and it was long until she was on the cusp of cumming then came without warning, Yet that wasn’t the end, no no no it was far from the end. Leona and Malleus continued toying with her and made her cum many times more before either of them were ready to quit as they covered her in scratches, bites, and bruises of their love.
When it was over and Malleus finally pulled out, (Y/n) was left to lay boneless on top of Leona who didn’t seem to mind in the slightest if her tail being curled around the maid’s leg and her loud purring was any indication of what she was feeling as cum dripped out of both their cunts to stain the bed. Malleus stared down at the two with a grin stretched wide across his features. The fae-king leaned down to press a kiss to his queen’s lips and then one to the maid’s cheek. Or at least he tried to kiss (Y/n)’s cheek. The young woman lurched away from the dragon’s attempt to kiss her. As the hormones of sex wore off and reality kicked back in as she stared unhappily at Malleus. “Little one… please stop looking at me with such disappointment in your eyes. I can’t take it” the fae said in a low voice grabbing her chin so she couldn’t move away from his next display of affection. “I apologize for how abrupt this was, but we couldn’t wait any longer little one. We had to take you, before someone else did” he finished with conviction. “Yeah chill out prey, you’re making a big deal out of nothing” Leona added, still purring and now running her fingers through the maid’s hair. “You weren’t cut out for the hard labor thing anyways. You might as well just accept your lot and stay where we want you. Being the king and queen’s mistress is a pretty cushy gig if you think about it” the lioness added her words smug but true. What else could (Y/n) do? Nothing that's what, she was totally at the mercy of the monarchs.“Yes your Majesties” the maid said with her head hung low… THE END
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #808: Enter Team Dark (Sonic X SSBU)
10:34 p.m. at Game Guy's Casino.......
'Loud Sirens'
Shadow, Rouge, and Omega starts running away from an angry Game Guy and his group of security guards and hounds.
Guard Hounds: (Barks Angrily at the Running Trio)
Shadow: Rouge, this is the last time we're ever letting you take charge in gambling. Or even going to anymore casinos for that matter....
Omega: I agree to that motion.
Rouge: ('Sigh') Okay, look, before you boys starting pointing fingers, just know that none of this would've happened if that stupid Game Guy didn't try and cheat first.
Shadow: Does the saying "Two Wrongs, Doesn't Make a Right" never occur to you throughout your life? You didn't have to stoop to his level to begin with.
Rouge: (Starts Rolling her Eyes) Well, excuse me for having a weaker moral compass than yours, DAD! But you know just as well as I do that I don't let that kind of thing slide.
Shadow: (Starts Rolling his Eyes Himself) Yet you have no problem trying to steal the Master Emerald.....
Rouge: (Glares at Shadow) Hey! I don't do that anymore. That's all behind me now.
Shadow: Is this all because you're dating Knuckles?
Rouge: You're goddamn right. And as much as love to tell you how much that handsome knucklehead of an echidna means to me, I think now will be a perfect time for you to warp us out of here.
Shadow: Can't. I left the Emerald back at home.
Rouge: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) You WHAT!? WHY!?
Shadow: Because I thought since we were going to a relaxing, trouble and stress free vacation, I wouldn't have any use for it. Guess you proved me wrong.
Rouge: ('Ugggh') What are we going to do now? We can't out run them forever!
Omega: Fear not, companions! I have just now thought of a perfect plan for our escape!
Shadow: (Turns Back to Omega Along with Rouge) You have?
Rouge: What's the plan, sweetie?
Omega: (Pulls Something Put From his Fanny Pack) We can use these Dimensional Rings to sent us away from our current location.
Rouge: (Eyes Widened in Shock) Wait. You have them this entire time? How!?
Omega: Futuba Sakura had given them to me before our departure from the airport. She informed me to use them to visit her and the rest of the Smash Family in Isle Defino.
Shadow: Since when did you two started interacting with one another?
Omega: We have interacted on multiple occasions. She even invited ROB and I to Dungeons & Dragons on most nights. (Smiles Brightly) We are known as highly skilled alchemists of our party.
Shadow: (Smiles Softly at the E-Series Robot) That sounds great, Omega.
Rouge: (Already Started Gushing Over Everything Omega Said) Awwwww~ My baby's making new friends!~
Shadow: Okay. (Takes One of the Dimensional Rings From Omega's Claw Hand) I think it's time for us to leave now.
Shadow turns himself back around to throw the ring in front of them, causing it to enlarge itself while creating a portal.
Shadow: You two are ready?
Rouge: Yep.
Omega: Affirmative!
Shadow: Great. Let's go.
With a simple boost in speed, Team Dark has successfully when into the ring, leading them to their requested destination. It wasn't long until the ring itself managed to disappeared right in front of Game Guy's Eyes in time.
1:45 p.m. at Isle Defino......
It was a normal day in the tropical, resort like island....That is until a Giant, Rotating Ring sudden appears in the middle of it before slowing down stopping while showing Team Dark jumping out of it.
Rouge: (Starts Getting Herself Up From the Ground While Stretching her Back a Little) That.....was a close one.
Shadow: (Sighs While Getting Himself Up While Picking the Ring Up From the Ground) Yeah. Too close for our comfort.... (Turns to Omega) Are we at the right place, Omega?
Omega: (Uses his Eyes to Briefly Scan Around the Place) According to my sensors.....(Turns Back to Shadow and Rouge with a Thumbs Up) We are, indeed, in the correct destination.
Rouge: (Starts Looking Around the Place) So this is Isle Defino, huh? (Smirks a Little) Looks lovely.
Shadow: I can agree to that. Oddly enough, this is the place where father has gotten arrested at in the past.
Rouge: (Turns to Shadow with a Bit of a Surprised Look on her Face) Seriously? What did he do?
Shadow: Nothing. According to mother, he was falsely accused of a crime he didn't commit.
Rouge: ('Sigh') Ah jeez..... Well, here's hoping bygones be bygones for then I suppose.
Shadow: Agreed. But in the meantime, I'm gonna find ourselves a hotel room to stay in. (Walks Away) You two are welcome to come along if you like.
Omega: I will accompany you. (Follows Behind Shadow)
Rouge: You two go on ahead! (Walks Away in the Opposite Direction) I'm gonna a take a tour around the place.
Shadow: 'Kay.
Few Minutes Later at the Beach Side of Isle Defino.......
Rouge: (Sighs Relaxingly While Sitting on the Laid Back Bench Tail While Wearing a Bathing Suit) This is true paradise~
????: Enjoying the tour?
Rouge: (Looks up and See Shadow and Omega Looking Down at Her) Oh very. If I'd known this place would be this nice, I would've convince you to come here sooner. Did you boys find us a room?
Shadow: The hotel manager told us that the entire rooms are full. So we decided to rent one of the cottage houses nearby.
Rouge: Neat. So you two have any plans here in the meantime? I'm already planning on relaxing here~
Omega: I plan on exploring and learning about this island as much as possible!
Shadow: (Place his Hand on his Chin) I haven't really about it until now.... But I guess I could start by finding where everyone else is at first-
?????: (From the Distance) HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS! Shadow, Rouge, and Omega are here!!
The trio turns and see a few familiar faces (Sonic, Amy, Tails, The Phantom Thieves, and etc.) making their way to them while sone cheering Shadow's name.
Rouge: There's everyone.
Shadow: I can see thATT! (Immediately Gets Pulled into a Group Hug)
Futuba: (Happily Rushes Over to Omega and Hugs Him) Omega-Kun!~ You came.
Omega: (Smiles Brightly While Gently Patting the Top of Futuba's Head) Yes. That I have, Futuba Sakura.
Futuba: (Giggles Softly) Dude, come on. You don't have to keep calling me by my full name. Futuba is fine enough as it is.
R.O.B.: (Happily Claps his Mechanic Hands Together While Making his Way to the Duo)
Omega: (Smiles Brightly at his Robotic Friend) R.O.B!!
Sonic: (Place his Arm Around Shadow With a Playful Smirk on his Face) It's been a while, faker.
Shadow: Sonic. (Starts Rolling his Eyes a Little) I see that your as hyperactive as usual.
Sonic: And you're just as moody as you've always been.
Tails: What made you guys come here in the first place?
Shadow: Well, due to a.....(Glares at Rouge) "certain" incident that happened back at the Casino.....
Rouge: (Sticks her Tongue Out at the Black Hedgehog)
Shadow: We decided to come here for the rest of our vacati-
Before he could finish his sentence, Shadow suddenly felt something hugging the lower half of his body. He looks down and see that it was none other than his adopted little sister, Hat Kid.
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly) Hey there, you. It's been a while. (Gently Ruffles the Top of Hat Kid's Head) Did you miss me?
Sonic: Like crazy. The poor kiddo has been like that since we first got here.
Shadow: Really now? (Turns Back to Hat Kid) Is that true?
Hat Kid: (Happily Nodded) Mmhmm.
Shadow: (Chuckles Lightly Once More Before Kneeling Down to Hat Kid's Level) Well, you have nothing to worry about now that I'm here. And I can assure you that I won't be going anywhere else soon. So let's continue to enjoy the rest of the vacation together now, okay?
Hat Kid: (Nodded in Agreement Before Hugging Shadow Lovingly Again) I love you, Shadow.
Shadow: (Finally Hugs Hat Kid Back) I love you too, little siste-
?????: MY BABY!!!!~
And with that, Shadow suddenly gets hug tackled by Mario and Peach. And all was good in the world.
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h2oblooky · 7 years
mini: I love you
Wildcat: That's nice.
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crimsonbluemoon · 4 years
Can You maybe... do a Wildcat x Mini ladd nsfw/smut where Wildcat Is the bottom for once, Or Wildcat somehow magically goes into heat? I think it’d be great to watch the man squirm? Please? If possible I mean?
Oh hi, I’m happy to see you like my writing but sadly I cannot write this couple anymore due to my personal feelings. Sorry <3
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poly-bus · 6 years
MiniCat: Ouija, Ouija, Ouija
AU: BichAU - High School
Genre: Horror
Possible Tags: Character Possession, No Character Deaths, Love Confession, Ouija Board, Horror, Hurt/Comfort, Established Relationship, Teenage AU, Craig needs a fucking hug xD, and Tyler’s a great hugger. ;)
Let’s Begin~
“What’s the problem?”
His voice was an attempt to be comforting and wake the male back up.
The warmth of his hand touched the brisk cold and he flinched away.
His eyes rose to take in the deep black eyes, immediate fright freezing him in place.
The board was pulled out of it’s cardboard box.
Craig smiled appreciatively at Tyler, the phrase barely leaving his lips before Tyler hushed him, “I promise I’ll pay you back for buyin-”
“I’ve never tried it, Craig, this was for both of us,” he offered a quick, sheepish smile, “It’s Halloween night, let’s enjoy this.”
Craig nodded and his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, hands itching to pull the triangle-shaped danger zone to his chest.
Tyler pulled it out for him, handing it over, “Start us off. How do we-?”
The Brit grinned, his horror research doing him better as he spilled the instructions.
Their fingers pressed tight against the plastic wood, tips briefly touching.
Craig cleared his throat, glancing at Tyler sideways before looking back at the board and speaking.
“Ouija, Ouija, we are here. Ouija, is there anyone who will speak with us?”
The air almost turned ice cold immediately, the heater shutting off in the corner of his room.
Craig snapped up to look at it, Tyler following his frozen gaze.
“Did it get unplugged?”
Before Tyler could shrug or even reply, the piece shifted to ‘yes’.
He looked down to see it moving quick, slipping over the letters like lightning during a storm.
“It shouldn’t be moving this fast,” Craig informed, “Are you doing this?”
Sudden anger flashed in Craig’s eyes as he glanced at his friend.
Tyler glanced up at him, speechless, and completely shocked.
“I-It moves?”
Craig suddenly cleared his expression and glanced back at the piece.
It slipped over the several letters once more, circling around and landing on yes again.
Tyler went to pull away but Craig sputtered a quick no.
“It’ll fuck everything up, don’t pull off until we move it to Goodbye.”
Tyler muttered an, okay, unease falling over him.
“What’s your name?”
The Brit’s voice wavered slightly, shock and fear suddenly parading in his expression.
Ty glanced at it as it slowed to a stop on H.
“R,” Craig spoke softly, muttering to himself mindlessly.
“U,” his voice went lower, eyes drooping slightly.
Tyler read out the word fast, “Run.”
He glanced over, Craig’s eyes dropped shut and his body nearly leaning forward and falling to the board.
His hands slipped from the piece and his body fell on the board, Tyler’s arms slipping under his rib cage just before he fell.
Ty pulled him up against his chest, hand rising to caress the other’s cheek.
“What’s the problem?”
His voice was an attempt to be comforting and wake the male back up.
The warmth of his hand touched the brisk cold of his cheek and Tyler flinched away.
His eyes rose to take in the deep black eyes, immediate fright freezing him in place.
He briefly pulled back, letting go of the male as the possessed male pulled away too.
It picked up the center piece of the board, triangle clasped in a round hand.
The piece was pulled up to it’s face and it grinned madly, eyes shifting around in their sockets.
Tyler stared on in horror, “C-Craig?!”
Craig pushed his head towards the other, body unmoving as the piece was raised slightly higher up to his chin.
Ty remembered a specific rule and ushered forth to take the piece from him.
The thing growled as Ty gripped it tight in his hand and wrestled it from the demon’s hands.
“Let him go!”
The thing pushed onto it’s knees and glared at him, snarling distastefully at him before reaching for him.
Tyler leaned back and landed on the ground, back aching from his slip.
The piece slid from his grasp and he made a distinct effort to shove the beast back, yet staying careful.
“Get out of him!!”
The thing moved over him, reaching for the piece.
The American leaned up on his elbows, tears nearly escaping the corners of his eyes as he rolled over on top of him.
“Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye! Leave!”
It remained stubbornly, fingers reaching up to grip his neck.
Tyler gripped his wrist, suddenly his friend was ten times stronger.
The hand nearly gripped his neck too tight, almost cutting off his air.
He quickly ushered out the next subtle but distinguishable words, “Ouija! Ouija! Ouija!”
Craig let out a rush of air, collapsing on top of the other in a complete boneless rest.
Tyler let out tears of relief, groaning and wiping them away as fast as he could while gathering the male in an enormously l9ong embrace.
The male was out cold for a long moment, but his blood boiled hot and warm, his body heat returning to normal once more.
A small groan shifted from his lips and Tyler nearly cried with joy as those beautiful blue eyes raised to meet his own.
“You’re back,” the American sighed briefly, hugging him tighter with his arms wrapped around his waist.
Craig shifted and hugged him back, “Why are you hugging me so... tightly?”
Tyler stuffed the whimper back down his throat by clearing it, stuffing his face into the other’s neck and inhaling deeply.
The Brit seemed to just sit there and accept his new position, hugging him back albeit being confused.
“I almost... I thought I... You got possessed and I thought...”
He couldn’t speak clearly, his fears becoming a harsh reality and he shoved the board further away with his foot.
“Stupid fucking thing...”
The piece shifted to goodbye, staying put in their new, comfortable silence.
Ty pulled away from a brief moment, huffed in irritation with himself and muttered a quick apology.
Craig went to reply, say that it was fine, but barely a word left before his surprise.
A warm pair of chapped lips were pressed against his own, silently tight against his chapped ones and unmoving.
The Brit was planning to pull away and laugh nervously, but he felt too comfortably with the kiss to even reject it.
He pressed back, head tilting slightly as a hand raised to cup Tyler’s neck.
Ty moved his lips back finally, hands raised to caress the other’s cheek and run the other hand around his waist.
Craig hummed, pushing back with just as much intensity yet compassion and gentleness.
Ty let a few more tears slip, the worry replaced with a sudden passion for this stupid fucker in front of him.
His teeth gently scraped Craig’s bottom lip before he pulled away, eyes opening to look down at the other’s newly swollen and reddened lips.
The Brit barely opened his eyes, mindlessly chasing the other before finally realizing it was over with.
His eyes opened and his face grew red with slight embarrassment at Tyler’s newfound smirk.
“Can I...”
Tyler moved forward again without a second to waste, lips moving quietly against Craig’s chapped ones.
They stayed against one another, melting together in a comfortable embrace, for long moments on end.
As they parted again, the question was simply blurted by a now red-faced Brit.
“Will you be my boyfriend?”
The American snorted, “No shit.”
The Brit lightly punched him in the bicep, pressing his forehead to his new lover’s shoulder, inhaling his scent briefly with a content sigh.
“Just no more Ouija boards, okay?”
“Anything for you.”
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arajung16 · 7 years
HELP (again)
So, the AU is about Tyler (Wildcat) being a time traveler/can travel through time (specifically, the past) and Craig/Mini as a man who practically never dies and they keep meeting every time Tyler time travels to the past
When Tyler was bored one school summer he decided to go to the past, and met Craig and promised him he'd find him again and they'd meet again.And when he had an assignment and travelled to the past and met Craig yet again, and for the next times. And when Craig told Tyler his name (Craig Thompson) Tyler went searching for him of course, and when he did he found pics of craig in World War II I believe and he travels back there and Mini gives him his necklace and that's basically all I remember. I think the title was "All the time in the world". Anyways I REALLY wanna read it again! It was so sweet and full of fluff and aaaaaa I just wanna read it again. Thanks again to anyone who finds it! It's a great read I recommend it to ya guys.
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huskyartations2 · 4 years
I kinda wanna put down the ships I ship, and Hope no one Gets mad about it:
Bbs ones
Wildcat X Mini (Maybe, Thats what I Always shipped)
Daithi De Lui (maybe, That’s what I always shipped)
(If I include these few)
Kryoz x Smi77y
407 x His wife ,_, ((I don’t know really)
Dream team ships!
CoryxKenshin x KubzScouts (I JUST FIND IT ADORABLE OKAY-)
Laurenzside x Bobby a.k.a Bobizard (her real life Husband)
Gloom x Terry (her real life lover)
Team Crafted
Skydoesminecraft X Deadlox
Ssundee x HuskyMudkips
TrueMU/Minecraft Universe X Idfk
More popular Youtubers
Rslash x no one because idk how his wife looks.
Other youtubers I might include
Pewdiecry (maybe)
Ihascupquake x Redb15 (her Husband)
LDShadowLady x Smallishbeans (her husband)
Stacyplays ... Stacy.
Husky x The fucking FL O O R
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thecomicsnexus · 4 years
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Imagine the Avengers fighting against Darkseid. Now distort all the bodies. And now add Cable to it. Also add The Hand. Maybe you should just read those original stories instead.
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At this point I have to wonder how legal this was.
When the TMNT came out, they were a panache. A parody of a mix of things (mostly X-Men or anything 2000AD with Daredevil). As a parody with enough unique concepts and characters, it was fine.
This just look like Rob Liefeld couldn’t play with Marvel and DC anymore, so he created his own versions of those characters. It was something that with repetition got worse. First it was just the characters. Then the way they use their weapons, then names... like Crash Tunnels instead of BOOM tunnels. And D’khay instead of Apokolips. Or Darkthorne instead of Darkseid. Disciples instead of parademons, THERE IS EVEN A BOOTLEG DESAAD!
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While StormWatch and WildCATs may look like knock-offs at a glance... you have original concepts and characters that are unique enough. There is almost nothing original here. And it looks horrible. It looks so awful, that it distracts you from the story (not all the time though... Liefeld is not very consistent).
These guys are bragging about the reader being able to witness the beginning of a universe... and they come out with a knock-off version of the Avengers?
I also didn’t like the “New age of heroes” DC pulled off after Metal for the same reasons (but the stories had a certain quality to them at least!).
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There is one silver lining to issue 4... This is apparently Pitt’s first appearance (or chronological first appearance... I am not entirely sure how the calendar year worked for these guys). It’s a back-up story and the art is much better (Dale Keown).
Now I am reading an issue with “final battle” written on the cover. But I have to read issue 4 of “Brigade”... a mini-series. I peeked at issue 5 and it continues from the last panel of this one... but I think that is a battle for another day. I still have to read Brigade anyway.
I know Liefeld meant well. But this is not fine. When Kirby did the Fourth World books, he wasn’t a good writer, but he had a wild imagination, he filled the pages with new characters and concepts, and in the end, all of it was based on the things he lived through (like his war experience). Liefeld is pretty much basing everything on his comic-book reading experience, and I think this is why the book feels so “limited”.
If you are going to copy others... copy from A LOT of sources, so that your creation looks special enough, otherwise people will default to the originals.
And it also seems like Youngblood was some kind of flagship book, with many characters debuting in its pages (as back-ups mostly). This is annoying. The book tries too hard to form a universe without new ideas (and I feel it brings down the other books by doing this). If you look at the best-sellers of 1993, Image comics is up there with Darker Image, Deathblow, Deathmate, Spawn, StormWatch, Maxx... the ongoing YoungBlood didn’t make the top 300... so I am not sure the book was doing so well (oddly enough, other related books were doing much better, like Youngblood spin-offs).
I will read Brigade... and see what all the fuzz was about...
I know Liefeld is a great guy, nothing personal.
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