#past dratchrod
cozzzynook · 3 months
Ratchet is sick and needs an expensive experimental surgery. Drift goes to pay for it when his card gets declined. Confused because he's rich he calls up his bank demanding to know what's going on. He finds out someone purchased a ship and other expensive things.
Drift thinks it's Rodimus and is angry. Ratchet is also upset because Rodimus was planning on leaving them without saying goodbye.
Except Rodimus didn't purchase those things. Someone else did.
When he gets home he's confused about what's going on. Drift is angry and they start arguing. Rodimus keeps denying it and a little bit of Deadlock comes out. Thinking Ratchet is going to die because his card declines he yells at Rodimus and ends up hitting him.
Hot Rod falls to the floor in shock and looks up to see and angry Drift standing over him. Telling him that he never wanted to see him again. When he looks at Ratchet he doesn't say anything just gives him a disappointed look.
Feeling spark broken he runs off going to a different city. He starts working all kinds of jobs wanting to pay Drift and Ratchet back. Even though he didn't take the money he still feels guilty and blames himself.
That is so painful to think about.
I could see a lapse of judgement happening and Drift snaps at Rodimus because his connection to Ratchet is closer and this very well could mean he loses his conjunx. The last person, his last person, even if they’re with Rodimus.
It’s something he didn’t consciously mean to do but did.
Ratchet is just really disappointed because Rodimus should’ve talked with Drift before spending so much of his money.
They both still love him they just…are scared and Drifts angry while Ratchet is so disappointed.
To learn it wasn’t Rodimus and that someone stole Drifts money.
They’re devastated.
Especially when they get a large sum of money that Ratchet needs for the operation and a note telling them he was sorry and telling them he would never bother them again.
I’m making this angsty.
It was someone that wanted to get back at Drift from when he was Deadlock. He killed their mate under an order from Megatron and they wanted revenge. They knew about Ratchet and slipped him something when he was at the clinic. They planned on killing Ratchet slowly and making Drift suffer and they bought a ship knowing Drift would think it Rodimus because they watched them all and noticed the dynamic between them.
But really anyone would know seeing as Drift and Ratchet didn’t conjunx Rodimus even after more than a hundred years together.
Drift rushes to get Ratchet to the surgeon and the procedure is a success.
They also caught Ratchets spark flames lowering and matched it with Drifts so he wouldn’t have to worry about his spark fizzling out any time soon.
That was something they weren’t aware of and they were glad to have caught it. Ratchet didn’t want to leave Drift alone…
That was something they had to accept for the moment seeing as Ratchet was on berth rest and Drift didn’t want to leave him.
Rodimus meanwhile was beyond exhausted and resting in a clinic.
He resorted to…unsavory methods of getting such a huge amount of money for Drift.
He..agreed to sell his frame for pleasure and since he was so beautiful and sought after well..it wasn’t hard.
He got lucky in a way. A high profile mech paid for him in full and he was given the money upfront.
The mech was surprised when Rodimus sent the money to another and agreed upon fragging the mech as much as they wanted.
Turns out the mech had a bit of a spark and used Rodimus for cleaning and an arm piece along with being a literal berth warmer. The mech would get lonely and paid for Rodimus to keep him company.
He didn’t mind.
But he did miss Drift and Ratchet.
When he got charged on engex he asked the mech to frag him because he needed a distraction and the mech did.
Rodimus was thankful for his spark baffle and the mech gave him his personal comm and a nice sum of money telling him to come back within a month if he didn’t make up with the mech he sent the money to. The mech was smart and knew it was more personal than owing a lot of money. He made him an offer.
“Make up with them and stay with them, just visit me often. I’ll get lonely without you. Or..stay with me if it doesn’t work out…I’ll give you whatever you want. I’ll be whatever you want. Just stay with me and we’ll travel and do whatever your spark desires.”
And…how could he pass up an offer like that?
His spark was stuck on Ratchet and Drift.
So he left, refusing to take the money and hugging the mech. He promised to visit often and left.
He didn’t want to do that to the mech. He deserved someone who loved him, not be a replacement.
He took up odd jobs until he landed on a planet where he ended up running into Megatron who was living with Minimus.
The two were acting a bit odd at first but then they refused to let him leave their sights.
He didn’t really mind since he knew them and enjoyed relaxing with them. Especially when they would play smooth music during the early hours and watch him paint while drinking their early morning oil.
He wasn’t interested in oil, never really liked the stuff outside of medical oil and even that he didn’t care for but Minimus made the best oil and he was slowly drinking off theirs.
Since they wouldn’t let him pay for his stay, he cooked for them. It was amazing to how shocked they were and how ravenous they seemed to grow. Wanting to eat more often was a nice complement to his culinary skills and he ended up cooking all the meals save for the one day they would make him meals, every week without fail. And holidays? They took him to the inner city to nice restaurants that they all could enjoy.
Rodimus had been with them for months and hadn’t even realized until the mech he met came knocking at their door. They were understandably terrified meeting Megatron and seeing Minumus come up from the rear about to tackle them until Rodimus smiled at the mech and hugged them tight.
“Sorry..I lost track of time,” he felt guilty but the mech was happy as a cybersquito on a full cyberphant.
“I see all was forgiven? Have they finally sealed the deal?”
That made Rodimus splutter and Megatorn and Minimus blushed heavily looking like a bitty caught in the nickle cookies.
Rodimus shook his head no and tried to tell the mech to be quiet only for Megatron to speak, “so Ratchet and Drift really never conjunxed you?”
He looked…like he was suppressing anger and failing and he..couldn’t stop himself from shaking a vent out.
“No. It just..wasn’t meant to be.”
“Bullslag. Those must be the mechs you gave the money to because these mechs look too far in love to let you go let alone give you up.”
The mech was carefully removing their servos from his waist at Minumus removing it for him as he glared trying to keep himself together.
“It’s not like that, it was just..stuff happened and..its not important..”
Rodimus was trying not to get frustrated and cry. The mech easily changed the tone and asked when the wedding would be to which Rodimus spluttered again and tried to get the mech to leave.
“I’ll be staying at a suite in the city. I expect our time tomorrow to be amazing? Imll he borrowing him for my stay, if you don’t mind,” the mech smirked.
“What? I’m sure they won’t mind. You’re single and my offer will always stand,” he got in a kiss to Rodimus knuckle but Megatron gripped the mechs face and lifted him up to optic level.
“It’s ill advised to push us, Crowe. I have no problem committing a..necessary act of violence,” Megatron promised.
“Megs! It’s fine he’s harmless I promise.”
“He doesn’t need to be touching what doesn’t belong to him and you don’t belong to him,” Minimus put a servo on Rodimus lower back and that just..he didn’t expect to melt into the touch. He was embarrassed that Megatron came to hold him up and he was even more embarrassed when Crowe smiled and clapped at the display. Ring shining on his servo as he looked at all three and spoke once again.
“So..I ask but one last time. When are you conjunxing my dear cyber flame? Wouldn’t want another to come and take him now would you?”
That made the two look at each other and Rodimus was confused as to why Megatron and Minumus looked like that.
“I see you have things to discuss. You have my personal comm darling. Message me the invite hm? I hope to have bitties to spoil as well. A bitty of yours is a bitty of mine,” the mech smiled daring to steal a helm kiss and run for dear life.
“Crowe! Ugh, he’s such a.”
Rodimus stopped when he saw Megatron and Minimus looking at him the way he’s always dreamed. He’s never had someone look at him that way. He’s never felt a mechs affections like script written in stone just from a look, but today he has.
There was a lot of talking that happened after.
Megatron and Minimus admitted they were slowly trying to court Rodimus but didn’t want to lose their chance so they rushed a little by having him stay with them. They figured since Rodimus wasn’t with Drift and Ratchet that they severed the spark bond but to find out it never even happened?
Well, they wouldn’t say they weren’t happy to have a chance but…they were upset Rodimus was never loved the way he deserved.
They immediately got to changing that with Rodimus permission and soon, it’d been almost a thousand years of living together conjunxed.
Crowe of course came to the wedding and teased Megatron and Minimus because he could. Rodimus was worried for his friend but Crowe assured him, he was fine. So long as he could have Rodimus in his life, he was happy. That and he’d met a minibot who made his helm spin and Rodimus was beaming happy for him with how Crowe talked about the mini.
It was a wedding filled with friends and family and Rodimus felt guilty not inviting Ratchet and Drift but the two ended up seeing him a long time after the ceremony.
Rodimus was sporting a sparkling in one hand that looked exactly like Minimus but they weren’t a minibot and had Megatrons build. He was also carrying around a heavy belly that his sleeping sparkling was sitting on. Their helm on his chassis sucking a pacifier while his fists held tight to Rodimus.
The mech had dropped something and sighed letting his shoulders drop and tried not to cry.
“Slag,” he whispered covering his sparklings audial even in sleep, “well looks like we have to wait for sires to come out now don’t we?”
Megatron and Minimus were inside the market getting groceries for him since the smell was getting to him. They were almost done and he was glad because his ankles and back was starting to hurt but he didn’t want to put his bitty down. He enjoyed this too much and he wanted them to have all the attention alone that he could give.
Suddenly a servo picked up his bitties bottle that he dropped and he beamed thanking the mech until he saw who it was.
“Drift..Ratchet..hey..thanks,” he failed to smile or even take the bottle. He moved his sparkling closer to himself and took a cautionary step back and since he and conjunx never closed their bond, they knew something was wrong.
“Glad to see you’re okay Ratchet, Drift,” he nodded to the two and turned to go back into the store when Drift and Ratchet stopped him.
“Roddy? You..”
They looked to the sleeping sparkling in his arms and the huge belly that made him lean back to stand.
“We’re sorry kid, Rodimus. We know you didn’t steal the money. We’re sorry we accused you..made you leave.”
“I’m so sorry Rodimus, I should’ve never hurt you. I should’ve believed you.”
Two voices boomed and soon he felt four servos on his frame and tensed when two went to grab their sparkling. Minimus stopped when he realized their sparkling was grounding Rodimus and the carrier needed their sparkling in their arms to know they were safe.
“Megatron? Minimus?”
The two looked to them and then to the sparkling that was starting to whine as they opened their optics and whimpered. That grabbed all of Rodimus attention and he shuffled a little soothing the sparkling in a voice neither the swordsmech or medic had ever heard before. “Drift, Ratchet, it was nice to see you in good health but we’ll be taking our leave.”
Minimus ever the polite one stated before taking the groceries and following Rodimus who waddled slowly with their sparkling that wanted his attention and was cranky from their nap being interrupted. Megatron kept a servo on Rodimus to help take some pressure off before bending into Rodimus audial and saying something that the mech nodded to.
Megatron lifted Rodimus into his arms and the two were able to walk off at a normal pace.
Ratchet and Drift looked on with sad expressions as they realized what they let slip through their digits.
“We fagged up, Ratty…we really fragged up..”
“We did kid..we really did..”
Back in their home, Rodimus was laying in berth with their sparkling asleep on their sire while the other was rubbing his sore and swollen ankles.
He didn’t ever expect to see the two again but he hoped one day they could all sit down and it’d be comfortable. But for now, he just wanted to focus on his conjunxs and sparklings.
I love dratchrod i promise i do. I just love minimegarod too
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glitch-after-dark · 5 months
Mer formers dratchet finding a sparked Rodimus who was abducted from his home and can’t go back because it was destroyed?
Now they have a sparked distrusting & traumatized mer they are slowly falling in love with
oh yes
The way this idea just gripped ahold of me and I love this idea but got a little caught up in plot and it got pretty long.
I've got another related ask, too. It's probably a bit less horny than intended, but I'll do more in a bit. Happy mermay!
Rodimus grew up in the Nyon shoal and was very social and comfortable and happy. Their shoal was settled around an uninhabited island from which they took their name which spent most of the time submerged and has complex reef system around it. It was considered one of the most beautiful places on Cybertron with pink sands and fiery colors mers matching the reefs surrounding it. It was Preserved and people weren't supposed to travel there but that didn't stop an occasional wealthy mech from hiring someone to go there as they considered fees to be "entrance payments" more than punishment. While wary most of the people who came regular, marine biologists who studied them, were friendly and the shoal was a much more social and less aggressive one than most.
At least partially due to the fact the island used to be inhabited and they had a shared community until a disease that the mers were immune to wiped out the island population. They still passed down stories and remembered them. The "strange" rituals that the biologists studied are the ones passed down to honor their former friends. Rituals that look religious in nature because it was as their former neighbors worshipped Primus.
All this adds up to Rodimus seeing Tyrest, who was slightly obsessed with it since he recognized a long defunct religious gesture in one of the videos a Senator showed him of "visiting" the island and believe it to be a sign, and swimming right up to him. Rodimus sees him do the gesture and returns it enthusiastically, swimming much closer than he would normally and even perching up on the boat's edge which led to him getting snatched.
Rodimus suffers during his time with Tyrest, who treats him like a pretty toy, and punishes him when he "acts up". It only gets worse the more time passes and Tyrest gets handsy. Rodimus becomes incredibly hostile to all mechs and Rodimus starts to get drugged daily to keep him placid.
Then he has his first heat and Tyrest is eager to take advantage of it to arrange for artificial insemination. It required getting him out of the tank though. The drug burns out quicker than Tyrest realized and Rodimus begins to become more lucid and once Tyrest dismisses his guards and staff for the day, Rodimus rips out his throat. Tyrest kept Rodimus in his private island, letting him look out at the sea but never touching it.
Rodimus drags himself through the house and across the sand into the water. He's hurt and bleeding and exhausted but he's free even if he's somewhere new.
Rodimus is not a very sturdy breed of mer or one meant for long distance or deep ocean travel on top of still smelling like heat. He encounters a lot of dangers from predators and other mers, reacting with almost feral aggression not allowing anyone, even friendlies close. He follows old stories and constellations to eventually find Nyon, or where it was. There was an accident and a ship carrying oil wrecked and the leak destroyed Nyon. There are mechs working to try and clean it, but the reef and shoal are dead and the pink sands stained.
Rodimus now heavily pregnant and strained with grief wonders blindly, avoiding the large stretches of territory or inhabited areas he goes through, and finds an island that looks mostly untouched, no mechs or mer shoals obvious and just falls asleep exhausted in one of the underwater caves.
The reason it is untouched is it is neutral territory where the "sea witch" Ratchet and his mate Drift live. Who find Rodimus, so exhausted he doesn't even wake up when they touch him, clearly having starved himself, undersized and with poorly healed injuries. They take him back to their cave and Ratchet quickly cleans his long neglected wounds and treats them, while Drift helps him feed Rodimus via mouth-to-mouth until he has enough strength to respond and swallow when they put it in there. He sleeps for days with their tending, tense and curled up even in his sleep until on the fifth day he wakes up.
Rodimus is incredibly wary of the two other mers when he wakes up. He is hissing and bristling and ready to fight, though instinct has him pushing himself back into the back of the cave and curling around his swollen belly. He is full and healthier than he has been in ages, and everything is screaming to nest.
Drift and Ratchet are soft. They've never managed to carry more than duds despite their long courting. They suspect they are wither infertile or incompatible. They have more than enough to support a carrier, and both have gotten a little attached while carrying for him.
They give Rodimus space, leaving him food and not forcing themselves close. Slowly, warily, he creeps out. They both freeze when he does, letting him make the first moves. When he creeps out further, Drift trills at him hopefully, which startles him and sends him rushing back into hiding.
It's slow progress with Rodimus watching them warily from where they've tucked him into an inner cave, and their instincts are acreaming to take care of him more and barely sated by glimpses and food and occasional glimpses of him sleeping and smelling content. Both are patient though.
One day, when it's just Ratchet, Drift, having gone out to hunt and patrol to settle some of his "expecting babies" instincts, Rodimus finally creeps out. Ratchet's own instincts to prepare have led to him overprepping in medicine and gathering a bit. He's been trying to prepare for any eventuality. He doesn't freeze or react when he feels Rodimus moving behind him and forces himself to remain calm letting him approach and watch Ratchet curiously.
Rodimus, meanwhile, has gotten curious about his not-captors. He has become absolutely certain they don't want what most have wanted from him and don't appear to be a threat. Mostly, they seem to want to feed him. He's been listening to them interact and talk but still doesn't understand why. He doesn't feel safe, but he also doesn't feel actively in danger.
So he's decided to approach the safer looking one alone. Drift may be smaller, closer to Rodimus’s size, but he's all predator with prominent fangs and claws and spines. Ratchet, meanwhile, is bigger than him but has duller claws, practically just nails and grinding teeth as well as non-prominent fangs and eats kelp as much as any fish. Rodimus is pretty sure his main defense is his thick hide, size, sharp tongue, and Drift.
They talk, and while it is tense, it soothes things. Ratchet explains how they found him, what he is doing, and briefly a bit about himself and Drift. He also offers Rodimus safety in their home as long as he wants to stay. When asked why Ratchet nods to his swollen belly and says he can't just let a school less first timer go at it alone when he can help and that Rodimus will need suport and be unable to hunt for himself soon enough. Rodimus has bee filling more and more the instinct to den down and prepare but is still suspicious.
Rodimus demands what exactly Ratchet wants in return, and he says for Rodimus to let him treat his wounds and make sure he and any pups or healthy before Rodimus leaves. If he wants to leave, that is. He also confirms Drift feels the same way. Rodimus still doesn't trust it, but Ratchet hasn't lied so far and had plenty of time to take advantage.
Drift comes barrelling in, freezes, and gets excited, sending Rodimus back into hiding. Dratchet talks about taking things slow. Or at least that's what they think until the next day. Rodimus is nervous at first but gets comfortable very quickly, and by the end of the day, he is acting like he owns the place. Which is at least 65% bravado, but he is forcing himself to be comfortable in order to convey confidence. Drift, of course, is thrilled and very friendly and readily spoiling him, eager to show off their home and area, and Ratchet is very tolerant and fussing at him to eat or drink.
Rodimus is surprised how quickly it turns to genuine comfort with them. He swims with Drift acting as sentinel, but always gentle and cooing as he shows them small wonders and races and dances around him in warm shallows that look perfect for pup. He hangs around Ratchet on his tired days lounging and pestering him when Ratchet makes medicine, and Ratchet huffs but explains or tells stories about his travels, which are interesting and pretty wide. Other times, they go to gather medicinal things. It's further than Drift usually takes him but Rodimus stubbornly demands to come and inevitably ends up dozing on Ratchet's back being gently carried home between them
He realizes as his room (den) becomes filled with pretty rocks and decrotive plants and soft sponges for a bedding and fine sand perfect for burying eggs and carefully selected rocks that both have given him that they've been acting both as sire and community and he cries and realizes he may be rwally and truly safe.
He starts being more open with them and laughing and smiling, and things get warmer and affevtionate as all three start falling for each other. Now that Rodimus is safe and his body isn't stressed he enters a new stage of his carrying and finds himself curling up against Ratchet in the cave not wanting to leave and purring or dragging Drift to his berth to cuddly and clunsy try and wrap his tail around him. Both of them pick up on it and smell it, but after what Rodimus said, they are reluctant to force the issue. Finally, after he half tucks himself under Ratchet and just vibrates while chirping, they do, and Rodimus realizes he's been making moves and decides rather than be embarrassed to go fully in.
They start assisting him, and when they do, they can't stop. It's a near constant pausing what they are doing to push him down and gently fuck into him while he purrs and clings to them, long pretty tail wrapping around them and clinging as much as possible. Both becime reluctant to leave him and he is firnly in the den napping most days and rarely venturing far. They prepare in earnest not to leave for awhile and the last two weeks of his carrying is just slow fucking, cuddling and constantly rearranging things to be perfect.
By the time Rodimus lays the eggs, they are all thoroughly mated and pleasantly surprised to find they hatch a mix of Rodimus's broght colors and white and red patterns.
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spiritlion · 7 months
Late Night Reads
A/N: just some domestic nonsense set in the middle of the night to write and a way for me to practice writing transformers characters. I’m calling it “past midnight drabbles”
Paring: Drift x Ratchet x Rodimus
Ratchet should be sleeping but once again for the third time tonight he was awake. His left arm was lazily draped over his sleeping conjunx as he read through his latest human romance novel. Call him a sap but organics had fantastic storytelling skills when it came to love. Rodimus tended to tease him about it but he knew the ship's captain secretly watched sappy rom coms on his datapad.
Speaking of the speedster Ratchet glanced to the far side of the recharge slab where said mech was sound asleep. He was mostly buried under the thermal blankets but his chevron poked out close to where Drift’s helm rested on the pillow he was sharing with Rodimus.
Going back to his book Ratchet swiped to the next page as he read about the human woman who was debating on whether or not she should kiss the woman she had feelings for. Just as the protagonist made her decision Ratchet’s concentration was interrupted by the blanket being ripped off his body. Shocked but immediately annoyed, the medic looked over at Rodimus who was now hoarding the blanket.
Ratchet grumbled but put his datapad down and reached across for the blanket and yanked it back. Doing so revealed Rodimus’ limbs splayed half way across Drift’s body. Shaking his head at Rodimus’ half way open mouth he settled back down under the covers. He grabbed his datapad again and finished reading the paragraph before putting it away into his subspace.
Settling down under the covers again, Ratchet laid his arm across Drift’s waist, his digits brushing Rodimus’ thigh as he did. “It’s a bit late for that isn’t it Doc?”
Ratchet grumbled at his teasing words as he turned his helm to see Rodimus blue optics glowing from under the blanket.
“Go back to sleep kid,” he said, turning his optics off as Rodimus’ soft laugh chased him into recharge.
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mychlapci · 8 months
Im a sucker for messy past relationships and I was thinking about dratchrod with past megalock. Drift never talking about it because that's part of his whole decepticon past he'd rather forget till perhaps one day he's getting tipsy with Rodimus and admits he misses getting knotted (bc it absolutely HITS for his suppressed feralness kink)
"Knotted?? By who? 👀"
"Megatron 😭"
And Rodimus had only ever heard of knot mods, never seen one irl, and of course he ends up blabbing to Ratchet about it too.
"Huh... haven't been knotted since my med school days"
And so of course Rodimus ends up with massive FOMO and manages to rope Drift into seducing Megatron for "old time's sake" (not at all hard since dratchrod hit all of Megatron's types).
Drift and Ratchet get to feel like they're young and dumb again on Megatron's knot and Rodimus is SO sure he'll be fine because he's seen his own share of wild spike mods, but the feeling of Megatron's knot just absolutely blanks his processor. Makes him whine and cry like he's getting his seals broken for the first time again.
Drift and Ratchet forgot to give Rodimus a heads up that the point of a knot mod is to encourage breeding protocols to come online - and Megatron assumes they told Rodimus too.
Really, they've got no one else to blame but themselves when Rodimus ends up sparked and a knot addict
i LOVE dratchrod taking Megatron to bed dude. Obviously there’s a lot of emotional ups and downs to be involved here, with Drift having to reconcile with yet another part of his past that he doesn’t like too much, Ratchet unraveling his deep-seated hate and fury for Megatron, and Rodimus… is just in it for a good time. 
No matter what, though, they all love Megatron’s knotting mod. i think Drift gets to go first, to break the tension in the room which mostly stems from his and Megs’ weird past involvement, shouting out when Megatron’s knot inflates inside of him, spreading open his valve to its absolute limit. Ratchet and Rodimus coo at him, tell him how well he’s doing. 
Ratchet definitely handles the knot like a pro. Rodimus… does not. He would have liked to say he did, but he was already overwhelmed by the sheer size of Megatron’s spike, so when the knot swells you know Rodimus is screaming. He turns into a puddle, completely melting at the mercy of Megatron’s knot. It’s easily the biggest thing he’s taken and fuck, it’s literally pulsing inside of him, grinding into his nodes until he doesn’t know when the last overload ended and the next one starts. 
Rodimus ends up really, really liking the knotting mod and they get Megatron involved a lot more. 
also, okay i love Rodimus getting himself knocked up because he’s too horny and dumb to think about the consequences, but if Megatron gets to knot all three of ‘em, and knotting helps kick reproduction systems back into gear, then… can we have Megatron’s three pregnant girlfriends? and no, they don’t smoke weed, it’s bad for the babies.
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sweet7simple · 2 months
... can we get a happy follow-up to the dratchrod prompt where rodimus is trying to be what drift and ratchet want?
The thing is , Ratchet and Drift aren't stupid. Ratchet knows how to read a bot and Drift knows how to read auras.
(Ratchet points threateningly at Drift. "Slag. I'm calling slag."
"I can see auras," Drift insists.
"No, you can pick up emotional frequencies from whatever bot you're facing."
"Yes, that is what I said," Drift says with a serene smile. He ducks when Ratchet shakes his servo at him.)
But they also know Rodimus. They can't just go up to him and say, "Hey, you're hurting and we don't want you to hurt," because that isn't going to solve anything. It will be true, but Rodimus won't believe it. If they say, "We're here for you and we want you to be happy with us," then Rodimus will just smile and nod and say, "I know." He will be lying. He's just willing to be their pity lay if it means he gets to stay. He'll leave eventually, somehow disappearing on this ship of 200 sparks. When he deigns to be near them again, he'll treat them like distant friends. Maybe even close friends - but not lovers, not ever again.
Ratchet and Drift aren't taking those chances, so they're going to just keep sneakily chipping away at Rodimus's fears until the cycle comes where Rodimus stays with them.
It's hard work, but they're used to it and Rodimus is worth it.
They make mistakes. They're not perfect and neither is Rodimus. Sometimes Ratchet loses his temper and sometimes it's Drift and sometimes Rodimus pretends he doesn't care about why their mad right before he wanders off and no one sees him for a long time. They know Rodimus gets scared about making them mad. They're working on it.
Ratchet hates it, but he even tried out meditation. Whatever helps, right? Whatever makes Rodimus stops acting like every argument will be their last.
And Rodimus might give the best gifts and go out of his way for acts of service and quality time, but Ratchet and Drift aren't being lazy about it either!
It takes a lot of concentration to figure out what Rodimus actually loves when it comes to interfacing (wireplay, spark merging, sexual, just making out sloppy-style in a utility closet while they're on-shift, you name it) because he genuinely appears to enjoy everything they do as long as they're together. Rodimus gets uneasy when they praise him for how good he is while they're in the berth, so they steer away from that and talk about how beautiful he is (which is true and also makes Rodimus preen) and how much they want him (that gets some honest, desperate keens from their co-captain). Rodimus actually enjoys just laying there and making them do all the work, which they find wildly endearing. It just takes awhile to get Rodimus to that point since he's of the erroneous belief that he has to work hard for their affection.
He doesn't. They already love him. Despite their shared past - because of their shared past - because of Overlord and Pharma and the DJD and everything before and after - they already know who they are dealing with and they want him just as he is, just as the mech he has grown into before he started acting like venting too hard in their direction might chase them off.
They love him and he's worth it and they are oh-so slowly getting through to him.
They invite him over to their hab suite as often as possible. Sometimes, they break into his hab suite (having a medical emergency override door code can be good for a lot of things) and crawl into his berth - whether he's already there or they're waiting for him to arrive. Rodimus always gets this astounded, vulnerable look on his face when he realizes that they're willing to come to him instead of always making him come to them.
They make sure to sneak into his hab suite more often, hoarding soft tarps and thick gel cushions.
They make sure every off-shift together doesn't always include interfacing because they don't want Rodimus to believe that's all they want him for. They cuddle too, which makes Rodimus go molten and fuzzy in sweet way.
Drift shows an interest in Rodimus's art and goes racing with him down on the tracks because he wants Rodimus to know that his hobbies are important. Ratchet won't race with them, but he'll officiate when he can and he'll lie about who wins the race just to grin at them while they bicker over who's really first place.
Ratchet trades assignments, patients, and non-essential equipment with the other medics and Perceptor (surprisingly not Brainstorm, but unsurprisingly because Perceptor stocks up for Brainstorm) for sweets because Rodimus goes feral over mercury melts and oil sticks and bolt candies.
Drift is taking the crystals Rodimus finds the prettiest from his collection and braiding them into a chainlink jewelry drape meant to hang from Rodimus's spoiler.
Ratchet is proving he trusts Rodimus by talking about his chronic pain and joint locks with him, even the parts he doesn't like to talk about (and he doesn't really like to talk about any of it).
"An old mech like me was lucky enough to catch the optic of one smoking hot speedster," he admits with notes of humor, pride, and some small amount of surprise at his own luck. "Now I have you and Drift. It's a good time to be alive."
He makes sure to repeat this many times in some form or another - just how incredible it is that he gets to have Rodimus and Drift. How they're so beautiful and fit and he's falling to pieces. How he doesn't know why they keep him around, but he won't complain about their taste in old, decrepit mecha.
"Ratchet, I don't know how to tell you this, but you're literally so sexy that I get revved up just thinking about sitting on your thigh. You're built fragging thick. Thicker than the wheels on a monster truck, okay? And, besides. You're not as replaceable as you make yourself sound. You're so important to me. To us. I need you to see that."
Ratchet smiles because that's pretty much what he and Drift are trying to teach him. "Huh, I guess you're right," he says. "The three of us are our best when we're together." Rodimus sputters because he somehow feels targeted and he's not sure why. "So we're just going to have to stick together in this dimension and every other dimension we wander through. Thanks for listening to me, kid. I feel better."
"Um, you're welcome?"
It's a work in progress, but there is progress. Rodimus still sometimes chooses to stay in his own hab suite without them during their off-shift and sometimes he stares at them like they're about to flip him off and walk away, but he's slowly reverting back to the mech they fell in love with. He's letting himself make mistakes and own them instead of acting like he's about to get broken up with. He's getting pushy in the berth (which is actually adorable and very arousing) and whining at them to wash and polish his spoiler in the wash racks and he's with them more off-shifts than not.
There's this one time when they're about to slip into recharge and Rodimus says quietly, so quietly like he hopes they won't hear him, "I want to stay."
Ratchet pulls Rodimus closer and Drift nuzzles under his spoiler from behind.
"That's what we've been trying to tell you, kid," Ratchet murmurs. "You don't have to go. We're not going anywhere either. We're all staying."
"All of us," Drift adds, squeezing Rodimus's waist. "That includes you. Be home with us, Roddy. Just be home with us."
It isn't easy, but they're making progress.
At some point in the future, Rodimus will believe them. He believes them both a little bit more each cycle.
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valve3nthusiast · 9 months
Rodimus gets pregnant with a conjunxed mech's baby, serious/angsty version. We need more fucked up dratchrod fr
I can't believe the first ever fanfiction I write is Ratchet doing medical malpractice lmao
Fuckin,,, uh,,, warning for mention of miscarriage/imagined threat to an unborn child??? I feel like I should warn for that.
Ratchet liked to believe he tolerated Rodimus with the same grace he gave to the rest of Drift's most ridiculous eccentricities. Just because they were conjunxed, didn't mean they were perfectly in tune and of the same opinion on everything. Every relationship had to have some give and take.
At the very least, Rodimus was cheaper than the crystal collection.
But that did mean he had to hear more about Rodimus than he ever really wanted to. And when Drift started expressing his concerns about "Roddy not feeling "himself"'...
A suspicion had crept over him, like a coolant rupture slowly freezing his energon lines.
Rodimus walked into the medbay, aiming for flippantly casual and falling just short of the mark. Rodimus tended to avoid the medbay when Ratchet was on shift. Even discounting that, he could see what Drift meant about that "disturbed energy" nonsense. Rodimus's field was noticeably (at least, for a medic) pulsing at a lower frequency.
"So what did you call me down for, doc?"
Ratchet got straight to the point. He didn't have the patience for anything else.
"I need to do an examination." He gestured vaguely to the table. "Up you go."
Rodimus took one look at the medberth configuration and snickered. Climbing up and putting his legs into position, he started, "If this is your way of saying you want a threesome-"
"Can it." He snapped, working the latches on the stirrups.
Rodimus, legs spread, reclined on the exam table. Ratchet found he had even less of a tolerance than usual for Rodimus's chatter, though it was more in the vein of nervous rambling.
"I don't have a virus, doc, you would know," he said, with an obnoxious little browplate wiggle. Ratchet deliberately tuned him out, especially the uptick of irrelevant and vaguely sexual comments once he brought out the speculum. Thankfully, Rodimus still retracted his panel without a fight.
Rodimus had a larger than average anterior node, and line of biolights trailing down his valve lips that matched the node's vibrant red color. As Ratchet spread his slit and inserted the speculum, he saw that the internal lights were the same.
It's a very pretty valve. He can see why Drift would like it.
Unfortunately, he can't confirm the absence of what he's looking for with a visual alone. (Not to mention that the pulsing and flaring of internal biolights wasn't helping visibility any.)
Ratchet gently removed the speculum, ignoring the strings of lubricant that stretched and snapped between the tool and Rodimus.
"I'm going to have to do a manual examination. Try not to flex your calipers or pelvic floor."
Rodimus squeaked out something affirmative. Ratchet pressed two fingers into his valve, but was unsurprised to note that he'd need to insert more to find what he was looking for.
...Rodimus was silken smooth to the touch. He straightend four fingers and slowly pushed in further, firmly ignoring how the soft and wet valve lining trembled around his hand, until Rodimus's anterior node met the dip between his thumb and palm.
With most patients, he wouldn't insert something this big in one go, but it was Rodimus. Ratchet would bet he'd taken something bigger in the past day.
His fingertips ghosted across Rodimus's ceiling node, before finally finding the forge iris.
And confirming his suspicion.
"Congratulations. You're sparked." Even with how distant his own voice sounded to his audials, he could tell it was bitingly cold. Unfortunately, it's not viable, he doesn't say, fingertips gently pressed to the seal, soft, perfectly intact. The gestational seal that protects the protoform appears to have already ruptured. Your systems will register the breach as a confirmed contamination of foreign bodies, and terminate the protoform.
Ratchet looks up, finally, to see Rodimus.
There's a subtle tremor on his lips. Fear, in his matrix-blue eyes. His spark, suddenly, feels flayed open under them.
It could be in reaction to the news. Ratchet knows it isn't. He knows:
Rodimus is scared of him.
His fingers were absentmindedly stroking over the seal, and he nearly snatched them back like they'd been burned. The hand that calmly pulls out of Rodimus's valve doesn't feel like his.
For one delirious moment, he wondered if Rodimus would do just that. Light up his ridiculous mod, and burn the three of them to death together. All of them gone, in one final moment of complete and total devastation.
Drift, entirely alone, with only the memory of a conjunx to cling to. Nothing left to tell him of the sparkling he would never know he had.
The moment ends. Ratchet finds that he's the one rambling now, statistics about carriages, essential nutrients, general hazards. Somewhere in all of that, Rodimus gets unbuckled from the medberth.
He rattles out something about scheduling him regular check ups with First Aid.
"I'll leave you to tell Drift the good news."
Ratchet can't look at him when he says it.
Rodimus leaves his medbay without any further commentary.
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theoceanoasis · 3 months
Dratchrod mechpreg angst with a happy ending please?
He gasped putting a hand on his belly in horror. He'd been feeling off the last couple of days. At first he thought he might be coming down with something.
As his symptoms continued, he started having a bad feeling. He tried to push it off for as long as possible. Until eventually he couldn't hold back any longer.
Even though he knew he was likely sparked. He was still hoping the tests was wrong.
He knew who the sires were. They were the only ones he'd been interfacing with for the past few months. The problem is, they were in a relationship with each other and he was only there when they wanted a threesome.
After they were done interfacing. He would always leave, while they cuddled together giving each other aftercare. He'd go back to his room all alone and cry himself to sleep. Wishing he was enough, but he knew Ratchet and Drift would never like him like that.
The closest he would ever get was interfacing. When they find out he was sparked. They would want nothing to do with him or the sparkling.
In fact they'd probably be angry that he was stupid enough to get himself sparked. He should have been more careful. Even though he wore spark baffles and other protection. Along with making them both wear spike sleeves. He should have realized something was wrong. Figured out some way to stop it.
He rubbed a hand over his belly unsure what to do now. He couldn't go to the medbay they'd get suspicious.
Feeling the small bump forming. He knew it wouldn't be long before he began showing. Maybe he could pretend it was someone else's.
Even though he didn't want to. He needed to see a medic. He decided to go when Ratchet was off shift and went to see First Aid.
After looking him over it was confirmed that he was sparked.
He stared at the screen for a long time. Tears in his optics. He still didn't know what he was going to do but he wanted to keep it. First Aid gave him a picture of his little one which he kept close to his chest.
Leaving the medbay, Drift called him wanting him to join them in fragging. His spark twisted in his chest and he refused lying that he was tired.
Going back to his room. He laid down and immediately fell asleep.
Over the next few weeks he was definitely showing. Having no choice he finally told everyone.
Megatron and Ultra Magnus were shocked but promised to be there for him with whatever he needed. Which made him cry a little.
Ratchet and Drift were also surprised and managed to corner him asking if it was there's.
He lied saying it was someone else's. Trying to ignore the way they both looked hurt. Which didn't make sense because they weren't exclusive.
The next few months seemed to fly by as he prepared for his sparkling. He tried to avoid Ratchet and Drift as much as possible.
He felt slightly guilty for lying. Even though he knew it was for the best. He didn't think he'd be able to handle their rejection.
For some reason they continued trying to talk with him. Drift wanting to help set up the nursery and Ratchet wanting to make sure the sparkling is healthy. Even though First Aid was his medic.
They were always trying to touch his belly and bring him food. Making sure he was taking care of him and acting like they were the sires.
When they'd been resupplying on this one planet. One of the locals congratulated them. Mistaking Drift and Ratchet as the sires because they'd been hovering around him the entire time.
Neither of them said anything and Ratchet even thanked them. Which made him feel something he didn't want to think about.
When he was nearing his due date. Ratchet and Drift cornered him wanting the truth. They both knew the sparkling was there's and wanted to know why he lied and didn't want them in the sparklings life.
He tried to dismiss it,.but they wouldn't leave him alone. Blocking him from leaving as they kept asking.
He gasped. Holding his stomach as he felt a weird cramping sensation throughout his body.
"Don't think you can fake some kind of emergency to get out of this."
Ratchet scolded as he shook his head looking down in shock.
"I'm in labor."
Immediately the two leapt into action. They carried him to the medbay where after a gruelling six hours he finally gave birth.
He leaned back feeling exhausted in a way he'd never felt before. Hearing his sparkling cry he reached for him.
Ratchet gently placed him in his arms and he smiled down at his sparkling.
"Hi little one. It's your carrier."
He opened his chest plates and felt his sparkling latch on. Stroking his little head he felt Ratchet and Drift sit on either side of him.
"Why did you lie?"
He felt a tear fall as he held his sparkling close.
"I thought you wouldn't want him."
"Of course we would."
Ratchet pulled him close.
"We love you."
He shook his head.
"You two don't want me. You only want me when you want to interface."
"That's not true."
Ratchet argued.
"Roddy. We've been trying to court you."
He looked between the two of them in surprise.
"We love you and we love our little one. We want to take care of you both."
He felt tears fall as Ratchet and Drift held him.
"We love you."
Ratchet and Drift cuddled against him. Reassuring him that he was loved. They still had a lot to talk about but he enjoyed feeling their arms and warm fields wrapped around him. Making him feel safe as he fell asleep. Exhausted from having their sparkling.
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nopes-and-dreams · 4 months
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title(s) that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! (then tag as many people as you have WIPs.)
tagged by @itemreceived
Sticking to fanart WIPs for this.
starry starry
tim tied
hellboy bunnysuit
90's girl Hal
barrisco fluff
jsa risque 2
hero worship
harder to breathe
jsa risque
Flash and kid flash
Bart bobble
Mister West
Hal dress up
Shirtless Barr Barr
chibis in the rain
Smokey the clown
Dick nonsense
Disabled Flash sketches
Alpha Iris
Pretty Hal
Angel held too close
In Jest
Bitgag Barr
liar liar
wrap around your neck
who wore it better
Nice shot
defensive technobabble
back to back
Space gays
motion of the ocean
You missed
Green line
Kill your dad
Holding fire
Just Us
Bus stop
Maxi shirt
I only went back a year because past that it's not really a WIP because too much will have to change to pick it up again
Annnnnd idk who to tag honestly? I think everyone I know has BEEN tagged. So if you're an artist/writer and you're reading this, TAG. YOU'RE IT.
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chiefcatherder · 18 days
I should have probably posted the first promo after I added chapter 22 (⁠;⁠;⁠;⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠)
"Now in a new universe Rodimus is ready to move on to the next adventure and from his crush on Drift but a decision in the past throws and unexpected spanner in the works and he might be in for an entirely different sort of adventure then he expected."
39,000+ words of dratchrod endgame melodrama for your viewing pleasure 👍 if you read it drop me a comment let me know what you liked (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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bumblebee-is-best-boi · 8 months
I just realized i needed to make a list about what ships are going to be in TFFL and which will not be in TFFL. Cause i did changes which would make some popular ships not work.
Warning: if any of them are not what you like, id advise you not read it. Im trying to be as cool as i can with this but just in case:
Which ships will be in TFFL:
OpRatch (I love this ship so fucking much, my OTP)
Blitzbee (same, my OTP forever)
MegOp (past lovers, divorce arc)
Starfire/Skystar/Jetstar (that last one im confused on)
KOBD (i love them both and later on theyll have Wildbreak)
Cannon Wavewave but Soundwave trying to pull megs in to get over his divorce (poly)
Cygate (idk if theyre gonna be in TFFL)
chromedome/rewind (idk if theyre gonna be in TFFL)
Ok... now ships that will NOT be in TFFL (most of these i do like but theyre not fitting in TFFL):
Dratchrod (A: im not shipping Dratchet here. B: Ratchet is Rodimus's caretaker here)
Dratchet (Sorry im using OpRatch here)
MegRod (Im making Rodimus younger than canon here, so Rodimus is too young for this ship here)
Bulkbee (I just see them as friends, also theyre Amicas in TFFL (thank you that one person who made them as Amicas))
Prowlbee (sorry, but a: i dont even know what continuity Prowl im using and b: i like Blitzbee better ;v;)
WheelRatch (im sorry but a: probably not going to use TFP Wheeljack so much for creating his TFFL self, and B: Ratchet is conjunxed with Optimus)
This post may be a bit much, but the thing is i just want to tell people what im doing before actually churning out stuff, especially since i aged down Rodimus a bit for this. I have irrational fears about ship wars and such stuff.
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cozzzynook · 4 months
Nyon having weird mating rituals. Rodimus biting whoever he's interested in.
Roddy bites Deadlock for the first time after the two and Ratchet have been fragging for a while.
Deadlock and Ratchet were freshly conjunx and Rodimus was still Hot rod at the time.
Deadlock said something to Ratchet that made him think the mech before him was so beautiful and he waited a moment before biting him.
Just sinking his teeth into his protoform and gently holding him before unlatching, licking the drops of energon and going on like nothing happened.
They’re too weirded out to say anything and its left unmentioned until Roddy still as Hot rod watches Ratchet melt for the first time and he just…bites him. Right on the thigh since it was closest and he’s gentle in holding the mechs leg before. He’s there for a moment and then lets go, licks the energon and goes off to let the two finish fragging.
He’s not at all paying attention, if he were he’d know they stopped for a moment and were just looking at him like he was crazy.
Some things happened and Hot rod shipped off to have space between them and try to forget how he picked so horribly and was such an idiot to think a conjunx pair would want a third.
He’s taking this as time to just try and frag his way to forgetting but he can’t and then his death happens and he becomes Rodimus prime.
Soon he’s being sent to look for the knights of cybertron and he’s co captain with the mech who killed him.
That definitely puts a damper in his mood but what really gets him is seeing the two, still conjunxed just Deadlock is now Drift, looking so beautiful and in love and yeah thats what got him in trouble the first time.
He fights the feeling to go over and bite them and goes off to actually do paperwork for once.
Of course nothing is ever easy since the two catch sight of him and try to talk. He’s not interested in any of that and tells them it’s cool. No hard feelings and makes it look as genuine as he can before heading off.
They definitely don’t believe him but he can’t really find it in himself to go near them and give assurance thats completely a lie.
Through their adventures they thankfully back off quite a bit and Roddy can pretend it doesn’t bother him and just drown his sorrows like any normal mech except he can’t because Megatron won’t let him since he’s captain and maybe throwing a bottle of engex at your co captain aiming for his face plates is not a good idea.
“I’m sorry…”
Mwgatron looks at him for a moment before replying, “if I had to look at my ex’s and the guy who killed me every day I’d be the same.”
“Ex’s? what-”
“Its obvious. You, the swords mech and the doctor. To me at least.”
“well thats great,” he huffed.
“If its any consolation no one else would be able to tell..I notice how your eyes change when you look at them..you always look at them.”
And..what is he supposed to say to that?
The fact he even noticed made something stir in Rodimus before the mech beside him ruined it.
“If you actually did your work you would be happier.”
And yeah Roddy tries to aim for his face again only to be held in the air like a cyber kitty.
Things gets a little easier after their sort of spark to spark?
Roddy does half his paper work every day and Magnus walks around smiling because of it while spending the other half bothering Megatron while actually completing his shift.
Megatron can pretend he’s exasperated and annoyed by Rodimus all he wants. The day Rodimus is stuck in berth because his spark was fluttering from, a chronic dysfunction he emerged with, the mech was by his side the entire time.
From the moment he woke up with his optics and spark fluttering as he struggled to call First aid and Megs came bursting in the room, because no bot had seen or heard from him and he was extremely late to his shift, which he oddly usually isn’t. The mech called First aid for him and waited looking as if his world was shattering to making sure he took his extra medicine for when his condition flared. To falling into recharge with him under the excuse, “in case something happens.”
He’d been through this plenty of times and First aid knew his medical history well, he would be fine but Megs was having none of it.
He woke to the sight of the former warlord who literally killed him looking so peaceful in recharge with no helmet on, finials out, guard down and Roddy laying on his frame.
He couldn’t help but bite him.
The mech woke up startled thinking they could be under attack or something was wrong with Roddy when he looked down, tilted his helm confused and noticed how softly Rodimus was holding him as he bit his protoform and just stayed there for a moment before unlatching and looking so comfortable and dazed.
Until reality set in and he started backing up ready to apologize only to be surprised.
“You’re..you’re interested in me?”
“You don’t think I’m weird for biting you?”
They both just stare at the other before Roddy lets out a disbelieving laugh and Megatron is smiling at him, actually smiling at him and ooooh he can’t help wanting to go in for another bite and he doesn’t until Megatron offers the same spot again and he’s latching on.
“A Nyon mating ritual. Saved for those that touch your spark and you hope to reveal your..own to.”
The way Roddy’s spoiler flutters in excitement and his optics brighten before dimming tells Megatron everything he needs to know.
“If it’s any consolation..they probably didn’t know. I assure you they didn’t. If they did..they’d be foolish to give up such a rare vibrance that only the sun could touch.”
Rodimus can’t ever remember anyone looking at him or touching his cheek the way Megatron did.
He feels his teeth relax and hold before letting go.
He’s so lost in Megatron’s optics he doesn’t realize their so close to kissing until the hab suite door opens and First Aid is standing there with his med kit to check him over.
“I’m sorry I’m interrupting something,” he blushes so obviously even underneath the mask.
Its embarrassing and their maybe first kiss is ruined but he’s cleared to return to light duty and he experiences what its like to be seen and to see another.
The soft touches on his lower back to lead him out first or pauses him so the other can get the door. It makes his spark stutter in a way he’s never felt and he feels his array grow warm.
A fresh hot cup of energon that he makes too bitter for his own tastes every morning because he knows Megs always forgets his own no matter how much he needs it. To see the mech hold the cup and take a long grateful sip before venting and looking alive makes getting his own energon cup later worth it.
A small touch across his helm finials whenever he’s thinking too hard.
The way he takes his own servos and warms them before soothing the aches and tension from Megs frame when its just the two of them in their office or hab suites.
The gentle servo that rests above his chassis to feel his spark whenever he recharges against Megs.
The way he allows Megs into his hab when a bad memory file plagues him and recharge is impossible.
Reminding the other that the past happened but now is for now and its safe to cry and mourn the actions they committed and that they were deserving of comfort from someone who never wanted to see pain etched into their beings.
Maybe their first possible kiss was ruined but their first official kiss when alone off ship as they explored a beautiful forested planet, was more than perfect.
Yes, they got dirt into their seems and needed to help each other freshen up in the nearby water falls but their first interfacing and spark dancing was perfect under the star filled sky that broke to early morning.
Talking about what they wanted to be seemed so easy since they already were so used to each other. Roddy couldn’t help feel…okay…for the first time in a long long time.
Megatron wasn’t used to feeling this way. He’d never known a life where this kind of feeling could last and wasn’t rushed or a joy ride he knew deep down would or could end horribly.
He simply felt as if time was no longer against him and he could drop his shoulders and rest.
It took them time to connect and decide to share this experience too.
Days still feel too good to be true but they feel them together and Roddy had no idea anyone could’ve noticed but Drift and Ratchet had.
He didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable around them anymore and the realization made him smile.
“You feel different Roddy? Your aura, it’s different.”
“I feel different,” he shrugged with a smile before feeling him even if he hadn’t seen him and turned around in time to see red optics looking for him.
When they landed Roddy just felt him and the world wasn’t so bad anymore.
“I’ll catch ya guys later,” he tossed back with a smile before walking off to greet Megatron who rested a servo beneath his spoiler like always and led him out first with a gentle air as they began to discuss what they should have for fuel tonight and how Magnus was being traumatized by Whirls frag stories, again.
He didn’t expect this to be his life, but he’s surely happy it is.
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hey mikey! i know nothing about transformers, lmao, but for the nsfw alphabet prompt, how about a or k for your favorite ship?
HIIIII Zip welcome back. I'm sorry I've become an entirely transformers blog in your absence and you are SO brave to ask about robotfucking on your first day back ldfkjhlkjhlkjfh
I'm working on the whole alphabet for dratchrod, so I'm going to do A and K for my beloveds starjack!!
Obviously, sexual content below the cut. No minors. You know the drill.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Oh they’re SO sweet and sappy after sex. They’ve both been through a lot and they’re touch-starved bastards, so generally Starscream flops on top of Wheeljack for that good pressure stim and they cuddle and nap for a while. They just want to be close. They’ll probably kiss for a bit and it might turn into round two if they’re feeling up to it. 
Really, they’re just very soft and in love and they enjoy spending time together after sex almost as much as they enjoy the sex itself. They wanna cuddle and relax. 
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
I never know what to write for these, so I’m going to do what I’ve done in the past and just list the kinks they both have/enjoy doing with a little description for some of them
Bondage (mostly light stuff, nothing super restrictive. They have a really nice set of black and gold ropes that Starscream KNOWS look good on him in a full shibari-type harness. Both of them take turns getting tied up/bound.) 
Dom/sub (again, light stuff. mostly just “subspace is very relaxing when you have a whole planet to run and also it’s a huge show of trust for starscream to submit to anyone.”) 
Praise kink (both of them again with this one. they just like being very sappy with each other what can I say.) 
Nothing else that’s coming to mind! They’re pretty vanilla all things considered.
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Ad Lucem
Chapter 1: Ship In A Bottle
Summary: It's been two years since the Reaper War ended, and the galaxy is facing a bright but uncertain future. As Commander Shepard sets out once again with her crew, however, a mysterious transmission in an unknown alien language will swing them into a frightening new world straight from humanity's past.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings Fandoms: Mass Effect Trilogy, Transformers - All Media Types, The Transformers (IDW Generation One) Characters: Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Jeff "Joker" Moreau, EDI (Mass Effect), Samantha Traynor, Garrus Vakarian, Liara T'Soni, Steve Cortez, Kaidan Alenko, Tarn (Transformers), Tesarus (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Rodimus | Rodimus Prime Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Alternate Universe - Post-Canon, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Eventual Shepard/Garrus Vakarian, Eventual Dratchrod, Why Is It Always Giant Robots, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, Shepard Is Tired of Alien Robots, Fantastic Racism, The DJD Hates Organics This Is Not News, I Couldn't Remember If the DJD Had A Faceship So They Have One Now, Kaidan is Done With Everybody, Custom Shepard
Read It Here!
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ofvaporex · 2 years
What is your personal ship bias for your canon character?
canon questionare.
Tumblr media
So worth noting as I always do that I will never push a ship on someone, and am equally okay with unrequited shit or nothing coming from it at all or a relationship remaining platonic!
That being said.
I will openly admit I am a little bit basic, but I do love Dratchet. The way the relationship was explored made me a very happy bunny- they're two people who've had to work very hard to learn to respect one another and meet halfway.
I also love Ratchlock because that sweet, sweet forbidden romance and angst. And I am absolute trash for Pharatchet, both just in general or as a tragic romance.
But I'm also open to exploring a lot of other ships! Ratchet likes his speedsters, and in the past I've shipped Dratchrod with interested players. I've also explored RatchOp, both unrequited and requited. And Jazzmun has seriously gotten me on the train of interest with Ratchet and Jazz... with me being equally interested in exploring other relationships from Ratchet's past.
In general, I like to explore a lot of relationships, and though my absolute faves are Dratchet/Ratchlock and Pharatchet, I'll happily plot with interested parties!
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sweet7simple · 2 months
I apologize but a part two my last dratchrod ask where you said rodimus has breakdowns.
Maybe he can be himself around another mech *cough cough* megatron *cough cough* or maybe dratchet get a feeling and catch him breaking down or notice something?
Or maybe its both and they see how easy it is for roddy and *cough* megs *cough cough* to work with each others terrible or hard parts and maybe they want that? Or Maybe its too late & *cough* gray mech *cough* won’t give roddy up because he knew the moment the change happened
I am a slut for when others write Megarod, but I can't personally think of a way to expand upon what you have already written. It summarizes the situation quite well.
Either Drift and Ratchet gets their slag together (which they did in another ask I answered), or someone else swoops in and takes Rodimus off their servos.
The thing is, Rodimus is terribly lovable. Even when you don't want to love him (and I personally found him insufferable for most of the MTMTE/Lost Light series; I prefer the version of him I see in fandom and didn't like his canon characterization until the last few issues), you eventually realize that you're willing to die for him because he is equally willing, if not more so, to die for you.
So if Rodimus can be himself with Megatron where he can't be himself with Drift and Ratchet... If he can look at Megatron and go, "I don't have to be perfect because he's already so fragged up, I can't mess him up even more," then that's good. That's great.
Losing Rodimus would hurt Drift and Ratchet and they'll be angry at him and themselves for a long time, but they would never want to force Rodimus to stay with them if he isn't happy.
If he's happier with the mech he feels is just as imperfect as himself (arguably worse, we all know that), if he's more comfortable being mouthy and selfish and lazy with a bot he knows can handle it and not walk away, than Ratchet and Drift will let him go and they'll work toward rebuilding a friendship when the spark wound isn't so fresh.
It helps that Megatron is medically trained and can keep up with Rodimus's self-injurious shenanigans and self-sacrificing plots.
Not mutch to do with the ask, but I was still thinking about why Rodimus would be more comfortable with Megatron than Drift and Ratchet and the short answer is because Rodimus can't really hurt Megatron.
Yeah, he can get Megatron really, boiling mad and annoyed, but there's not much he can say or do to make Megatron lose faith in him or abandon him. Meanwhile, he can absolutely say the wrong thing and lose Ratchet and Drift so fast, or create wounds so deep just by not thinking before he opens his big mouth.
If Drift says, "This is a bad idea, Roddy," Rodimus can't snap back with, "Oh, like taking boosters was so smart?"
Boom. End of relationship right there. Rodimus has joked about rehabilitating Drift in the past and revoking his rights and no one, I repeat, no one found him funny. Bringing up Drift's history as a drug addict or as an assassin or as a decepticon any time Drift tries to talk some sense to him? Not cool. Drift gets upset, sometimes angry, but it's Ratchet who absolutely will not stand for it.
For Rodimus, Drift's past is just part of Drift, part of what makes him who he is, part of why the way he is and the story to how they met. It's nothing bad, it just is. Which is probably why he doesn't treat Drift's past with the delicacy he should.
Meanwhile, there's Megatron.
Megatron can say, "That's a stupid plan," and Rodimus can snap back, "Oh, like starting a war is a bad idea? Or is it like how forming the DJD was a bad idea? Or is it a bad idea like how -" and the list can go on and on down the entire list of Megatron's crimes, but his co-captain is just waiting him out with the most deadpan expression possible.
"It's because of my mistakes that I can say this is a stupid plan."
"Says the failed warlord," Rodimus mutters sourly because he's losing this one-sided argument and he hates that.
But Megatron isn't even hurt. He's smug because the best Rodimus can do is try to distract him by hurting his feelings so he can go risk his life on some suicidal mission. Megatron has dealt with soldiers and officers speaking sweet things to his face and trying to stab him in the back for millions of years. He's dealt with the Senate and the Functionist universe and war and so many endless cycles of victim impact statements - Rodimus's temper tantrums are nothing to him.
He knows what he is. He knows what he's done. He wants to do better, be better, even atone, but he isn't going to get upset by Rodimus's big mouth (the feelings and thoughts Rodimus's mouth inspire in him are a separate matter, but they are not upsetting things).
What matters to Megatron isn't what Rodimus says - except for those instances when he says something truly inspiring, something so awe-inducing and humbling and empowering that Megatron can't help but be impacted - but what Rodimus does.
One time, Rodimus lost his ship and most of his crew because he wouldn't betray Megatron.
One time, Rodimus reached out to him when he was about to give his life fighting Tarn and saved his life even when he didn't want to be saved.
There's a universe where Megatron dies with a Rodimus star in his servos. There's a universe where Rodimus smuggles him out of their own universe for wild adventures across many others.
Rodimus is so easy to love for someone like Megatron. It helps that Rodimus is a brat and Megatron is Into That (See: Orion Pax before he took on the responsibility of the matrix and the entirety of Starscream).
What I am getting at here is, while Drift and Ratchet would have to work hard to forgive Rodimus - and maybe not even fully forgive him - Megatron sees nothing that actually has to be forgiven.
Megatron says, "Do you even possess a brain module or is there only room for your inflated ego in your helm?"
And Rodimus says, "Talk about egos, pal, I'm not the one who thought Cybertronians were soooo superior that every organic in the galaxy had to die."
"Like recognizes like."
"Ex-squeeze me? Did you just compare my awesome stars to genocide?"
"Even I had to start somewhere."
"I think I'm a long ways off from planning a mass murder of a governing body and then conquering whole planets."
"I am not so sure. You were quite efficient against the Functionists."
"How dare you, that's not the same thing. At least I've never killed a boy by throwing them into a giant smelting chamber."
"Rodimus, you can burst into flames. You have absolutely burned a fair number of bots yourself."
Rodimus can't hurt Megatron the same way he can accidentally (sometimes on purpose when he's being self-destructive) hurt others.
It means he can relax and be himself. Even the not-so-good parts of himself. Even the nasty bits that made him use Rung as bait to catch a sparkeater. Even the nasty bits that once made Ratchet vote to remove him as the Lost Light's captain. Even the nasty bits that made him agree to take Overlord onto his ship. Even the nasty bits that made him let Drift take the blame for Overlord and exile him without a fair trial. Even when he left Ratchet behind on Luna 1 to Pharma's not so merciful tender mercies.
He has fragged up so, so bad. And that's all just since he got on the Lost Light.
It's comforting to be with someone who has messed up worse than he has. They're growing into better captains together.
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cozzzynook · 2 months
dratchrod's sparkling has drift's patience, ratchet's glare, and rodimus's laugh.
- they learn their bitty has Drifts patience when the sparkling was waiting for their creators to realize they left them in the sparkling carry-on at the front door. Their carrier was taking a well deserved nap while their sires were getting dinner ready. They just watched patiently as their sires cooked to surprise their carrier while wanting milk and touch. They lasted two hours waiting when their carrier finally woke up and walked into the living den rubbing their sore pouches looking confused when their sires had a klik to think and rushed to get them.
Their carrier….did not react well and their sparklings learned a few new words that they’ve only heard their grouchy sire shout when their creators thought they weren’t close enough to hear it.
Their sires slept outside the hab that night but they got their carrier all to themselves so they were happy.
It becomes a core memory almost seeing their carrier frame slam two mechs bigger than him out of pure rage. Later on their carrier tells them it’s because his nozzles were hurting too much when he grabbed them, not because he was nice.
- they discover Ratchets glare on their bitty when the little sparkling wants their carriers attention on them and them alone and some mech keeps hogging it. They have Drifts patience so they don’t throw a tantrum they simply stay content in Roddy’s arms until they finish talking. But the moment the mech lifts two servos and holds him in their palms the sparkling flails so quick and lets out a vicious hiss like Deadlock used to, only ya know—babyfied, with a fearsome glare that looks exactly like Ratchets making the mech rush to give the sparkling back to Rodimus who holds them close worrying over them. Only to have a giggling sparkling reaching up and waving their little servos laughing. Seems the sparkling has Ratchets attitude towards strangers too.
- their sparkling early on showed they had Rodimus’s laugh not too long after coming home. Their little bitty is the same as all bitties, holding tight to their carrier while breathing in their scent. But their sparkling was different from many and showed resemblance to Drift by staying awake and watching everything that went on around them. Their optics locked onto the sight Ratchet not paying attention when he was helping Roddy into berth when he accidentally slipped and fell making a loud clanging noise and cursing up a storm. Only for Rodimus to burst out laughing much to Ratchets only slight irritation before the mech started smiling too.
Only for their sparkling to burst into loud giggles and huffs of laughter that caught all three of their attention and made them watch in surprise turned awe as their sparkling laughed for the very first time. Puffing out little clouds of smoke just like Rodimus and twitching the helm fins they inherited from Drift, just like Rodimus does.
It was a happy moment they all captured on holovid.
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