#no babies bc I do not like kids and I will never write a scenario where that outcome is actually possible
neighboringheart · 6 months
woke up with a fever which means more canceled plans bc my body doesn't let me do fucking anything anyway minimegarod (or megarodimags? it's Mags in this scenario) breeding kink shit on the brain
picture it with me Rodimus strapped to a breeding contraption (I know it's got a name but I'm too tired and ill to remember rn) that keeps him comfortably laying on his front legs spread and valve bared but he's also strapped down so he can't escape even if he wanted to but they've been planning this for weeks so he's already dripping
Magnus playing the role of Rodimus' owner soothing him and telling him that he found the perfect stud to breed him until he's round with strong newsparks (which not possible in this scenario but he's saying it for Roddy's sake) and Rodimus whimpering and squirming like he's nervous until he feels huge warm servos land on his hips and a fat spike nudge his valve
Megatron grinds against his folds for a moment and it's the only warning Roddy gets before he's pressing in and spreading his loose walls wide around the plentiful ridges that adorn his shaft
for the sake of extra weird details Megs is also wearing a removable set of fake balls that Rodimus loves for the way they smack against his node with every rough thrust and it only makes the fantasy feel more immersive as though he actually could be bred which just makes him pull harder against his restraints trying to fuck himself against Megatron's fat spike
the final icing on the cake is the way Roddy gets more and more desperate as he feels Megatron's knot slowly inflate and bump against his entrance
Magnus will hold his face and pet him gently telling him that he's being so good and that he's gonna be full so soon and then he can rest and be pampered just like the rest of the carriers taking spike whenever he needs it
the knot is roughly shoved into him and he overloads drooling as he feels his valve filled with a thick flood of transfluid
it lights up every node he has and makes him feel weightless his walls stretching to hold it all and when Megatron's hips twitch trying to get just a bit more friction the way it sloshes rips a broken moan from his vocalizer
there's just so much and it feels so good clinging to every inch of the inside of his valve
he's barely cognizant as Magnus carefully wipes over his body waiting for Megatron's knot to deflate but when Megs finally pops it out Roddy's eyes go wide as some of the viscous cum squirts out of his valve sobbing as more tries to dribble out of him
how can he be a good carrier if he can't hold all that he's given what if it doesn't take
but Magnus is swift to scoop up whatever is dripping down his thighs and pressing it back into him easily sliding a plug into place that locks every last drop inside steadily pulsing charge to keep Rodimus calm
and if Magnus decides to commit a taboo and fill up his lovely bitch's aft port with a fat load of transfluid of his own who's to know
Rodimus certainly wouldn't tell anyone even if he could
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cuteniaarts · 1 month
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2 hour rough drawing of Ehuang, my precious Green Opal child who I don’t draw nearly enough <3
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#original character#ehuang beifong#<— finally. a new OC with a proper tag#tbh it is much easier to tag characters who have last names#and we’ve never discussed it but I do think Ehuang carries the Beifong last name. whether or not she uses it is a different matter#I feel like she’s a Beifong officially she never puts much emphasis on it. she prefers the other side of her family anyway#okay moving on from that#next gens for next gens. quite a deep niche in reaching here#but I don’t care. I love Ehuang as a representation of everything good and pure in the world too much to object to her existence#baby girl. sweet girl#and yeah I’ve drawn her with Midori Opal and Suiren before so I thought I’d try something else#and while Kuvira isn’t actually shown here. just know that she’s absolutely tearing up off screen#you can pull the idea of Kuvira absolutely adoring her little niece out of my cold dead hands#wait omg I never posted my earlier art of Ehuang on here have I#okay once I’m done with my current projects I’ll refine and post those#the world deserves to see more of Ehuang#I feel like this particular scenario also hits some spot in Kuvira bc she knows who Ehuang’s bio dad is#and Ehuang looks just enough like him. despite being very similar to Midori. that imagining her with a beauty mark under her eye…#it brings Certain Ideas to mind. very fleeting and eliciting a ‘imagine that. I love this girl to bits but I’m sure glad I’m not her mom’#kind of response. but overall no one really lingers on that fact. I feel. her parents are Midori and Opal#Bataar’s just the donor. no one calls him her bio dad. he doesn’t see her as his daughter. probs Suyin is the only one who puts up a fuss#like not letting up about Ehuang being his kid even though he’s told her countless times that his involvement is irrelevant#he doesn’t wish to be ehuang’s dad. that wasn’t why he helped create her.#he did so because he loves his sister and SIL. because he knew they wanted a baby. not because he wanted a child himself#he’s quite content being her uncle thank you very much. and idk why I just went on this ramble lmao#maybe I should try to write something Ehuang related. explore all these relationships and whatever. we’ll see
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nyx-is-missing · 9 months
Could u write one for clarisse where she's impressed with femR bc of how good she is at fighting and all and clarisse finds her incredibly attractive bc no one has challenged her the way R does?
And like a bit of pining until the two confess
Thank you!!
Breathtaking or taken
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Clarisse la rue x fem!reader
Summary: when Clarisse finds a opponent worth of her, she is breathtaken.
Warnings: none really, just fluff, not a descriptive fight scene on sight cause mama dont know how to write that, so just fluff fluff, and mutual pining fluff
(Do i need to say its not proofread? No? Thank you)
Here is one of the main benefits of being a daughter of Athena, you'll know.
DIfferent from other gods, Athena will let your parent know it is her who they are talking to.
And if letting them know beforehand isnt enough, she will let them know when the baby is brought to them, and if your parent is smart enough to live up to her choice, you'll have time to learn a thing or two before being thrown into this world.
If your parent cares enough about you, you'll have time.
And sure as hell my mom cared.
Always the intelectual woman, historian, researcher, writter, my mom knew many things about ancient greece, she knew all the stories by heart, and she, of all people, knew what she needed to do, to preserve her only daughter, her sacred gift.
She teached me all i needed to learn without compromising myself, stories, languages, art...and fight.
Little girls my age were doing dance classes, were trying to be good enough for drama club, were playing tea party with their dolls or making a mess with their mom's make up.
Well...i.. i was doing martial arts, i was fencing, i had my face in a book every free time i got.
I always asked her about it, why was she so strict about never missing a fight leasson, her answer always made sense, there and now.
"The world is cruel, especially for little girls, someday i might not be all the time with you, someday, you'll fight your own battles, you need to be ready"
Every word, every single word is true.
And that is how i ended up here, in a arena of camp half blood, sparring with Clarisse, and winnig, by two points, yes, but winning.
It is clear nobody expected that from me, neither did she actually, i can see in her eyes.
Understandable, they expect Athena kids to be calm, find a solution, not fight her way out.
Honestly their looks dont bother me, i dont even think much of it, but Clarisse's looks, they got something more to them, like a kid who finally got the dog she really wanted.
"Aaand break time Clarrise, we'll continue this tomorrow, id like to enjoy the rest of my afternoon thank you"
I dropped the sword down and started to undo my armor while walking close to the exit.
"Wait wait wait, now? Already? C'mon i didnt even had time to figure out how do you do that... all of that"
She stood next to me, still holding her sword and honestly.. she was beautiful, yes she was sweaty now and yes she was mean to everyone but.. now...right now, she was beautiful, shining, in her element really, flushed cheeks and a smile she only had when with a sword in hand.
"I practice, ever since i was a kid, everyday, well expect in weekends but yeah, almost everyday... how do you do all that? You are good...-want some water?"
I offered her my bottle also motioning for her to walk with me, both wich she gladly accepted.
"I practice too...and i never said this to anyone but, you are good, great even, and look breathtaking"
We stop walking, we stop all actually.
"I look what, Clarisse?"
"Breathtaken- you look out of breath, do you want the water back?"
Weeks later i found myself in the same scenario, sparring with Clarisse again, actually that is all i do when it comes to training, be with Clarisse
"C'mon curls, thats the best you've got? No need to go easy on me"
"Im not going easy, i already told you, you caught me distracted thats all- GIRL WIll YOU SUSH?"
She tried to block you with her sword, thankfully for her, a succeded attempt.
"How could i? You're so fun to mess with, gets all red n all"
"Oh you want to talk about getting red?"
In a moment i was on the floor, Clarisse on top of me, and i couldnt speak, all i could do was stare into her big brown eyes, who looked right into my soul.
"Cant speak anymore huh? Oh if you could see the red im seeing-"
Now this my ladies and gentlemen, this is what i call a shot of faith.
I raised my head a little and just..i kissed her, it was quick but I did it, and her face went blank.
"Now you are breathtaken Curls, how about that?"
"And you are still breathtaking"
"You...like me Clarisse?"
"You didnt knew?"
"Would you walk away if i kissed you this time?"
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delulu-sushi · 8 months
Mikey-Kun Wedding/Proposal HC!!!
Sry I haven't posted recently ;(. Requests r open!!! (Feel free to ask for any anime, I'll see what i can do) Future Motorcycle racer Mikey ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Enjoy!~~~~~~~~~~~~
✧ From the moment he saw you, he knew he wanted you to be his, his Sano
✧ After you guys have been together for a good while, he'll definitely start thinking about marriage and having a family
⋄❥ Although tbh, he would talk about it all the time, every year
✧ The first thing he'll do is slowly try to incorporate talks of marriage and family to see your reaction, he wants it to be a surprise
✧ When you answer with a smile, he knows, you're ready
✧ He will go to Mitsuya the next moment to get EVERYTHING ready - the man hasn't even proposed yet. He takes Mitsuya's opinion on color, designs, etc. bc ur Mitsuya's #1 consumer
✧ He will be super fidgety and start internally screaming when it's time to propose, but he knows you won't hurt him
✧ He loves you so much don't reject the baby boi
You make him the happiest man in the universe
❧ He calls all his friends to boast the new "Fiancé" status, and makes sure you're there to see his reaction
❧ He will immediately start planning the whole wedding scene and talk about it with you -> Late night bed talks
❧ He will start calling you "Wife" in his head, and blushes a little every time
❧ Midnight rides to all your favorite places
❧ He wants an extravagant Wedding to make it the most memorable day of your life
❧ He doesn't release the engagement to the public, and doesn't like gathering attention to his personal life. Fans are one thing, media is another.
❧ He will travel the world with you, enjoying your last months before becoming wife and husband
You went from his companion to princess to queen to empress to goddess, you're his everything
❥ The wedding is extravagant, and he makes you feel like a diamond
❥ A lot of white, but some hints of blue and purple
❥ LOTS of dessert, he has a dorayaki on the cake
❥ He looks his most handsome, hair combed how you like it, and a tailor maid outfit by Mitsuya that you absolutely adore. You feel proud that this is your man
❥ The moment you enter, his eyes land on you immediately, and he can't stop staring. The way your dress embodies your heavenly beauty, the way your hair enhances your face, and how the hickey he gave you last night peeks out a bit, despite the make up artists' best efforts to hide it
❥ He never leaves your side. He's not clingy, but he wants to spend every moment with you.
❥ Everyone is happy for you two.
❥ He sheds a tear when you get married and happy cries when you two are alone
❥ He has the first dance with you, in a beautiful garden, under the moonlight, lights shining on the two of you
❥ He records the entire thing and shows it to your kids when they are getting married
He's your world
A/N: Kinda wrote this half-asleep... Would you guys like me to write this as a scenario?
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i-cant-sing · 2 years
Everyone asking about the Royal Gay au meanwhile I'm just gremlining in the corner waiting for anything related to Re8:TRP bc I don wanna ask about it and potentially annoy you
Hmm, okay I've got a particular scenario in my mind:
Okay, imagine post re8, when Ethan forgot about saving reader, died, then came back to life with realisation that he forgot about you, so he "saves" you but you're too pissed at him (rightfully) and tell him that as soon you get out of the village, you're moving out because you can't be around him and Mia since Rose will always be a priority for them and you can't risk losing more of your sanity and self respect.
To which Ethan says "Oh... request denied😃" and then proceeds to kidnap you and take you home, where Mia has started to realise how important you are to the smooth functioning of this dysfunctional family and agrees with Ethan about keeping you locked up in your room.
They both think that you're just acting this way because you're "a little jealous" of the attention they've been giving to Rose. And you're being "totally unreasonable" because Rose is a baby, she needs them more than you do.
It never even occurs to them that you hate them because of all the abuse they've subjected you to all these years.
They don't understand why you're being so rebellious right now? Throwing away the food they cook for you, refusing to eat anything, screaming at them to let you go, trying to break the chains around your feet.
When will this "phase" of yours end?
Mia thinks it'd be rather better if they gave you silent treatment and ignored you and your basic human needs- yeah, that'll teach you to not bite the hand that feeds you.
Ethan on the other hand, doesn't agree with that (mostly because he's incapable of ignoring you now that he's become a yandere). He thinks you just need to remember all the good times. So he goes to the store to look through some very old boxes to find your old journals. He remembers seeing you writing in them as a kid, and if memory serves him right, you still used to write in them.
Pulling out the dusty old box with your name on it, he picked out a journal and began flipping through them.
Hours later, Mia entered the house, only to find Ethan in the store room, absolutely bawling his eyes out.
"Ethan? Hun? What's wrong? Is Rose okay?" Mia asked, immeadiately crouching down to hold him.
Ethan just hugged hia wife, crying into her shoulder. "S-she hates us, Mia."
"She hates us! Y/n hates us!" Ethan cried out, pointing at all the journals. Picking one up, Mia began reading them.
I hate mom. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her. I hate her-
The words continued for several pages, before moving onto Ethan.
Dad- I never thought I'd hate him, but I hate him even more than mom. How could he- how could he ignore my croes for help? Am I that unimportant to them? Or just unlovable?
I hate dad, I hate him so much.
I wish he was dead. Wish they were both dead.
Mia's mouth fell open, completely in disbelief that you would say something like that. And more than one time. In fact, several of your notebooks were just filled with words of hatred for your parents.
Ethan went out for a walk, telling Mia he just cant be around all of this right now, asking her to get rid of all the journals for him. Mia just nods, her mind somewhere else.
While Ethan is taking a walk in the park, wondering how to change your mind about him and Mia, his wife has decided to take a different strategy to make you regret those words.
Currently, your head is being held under water as Mia flushed the toilet bowl once again.
You gasped for her air as she yanked your head up again. "You un-fucking-grateful brat! How fucking dare you wish death upon your own parents?! I'm gonna make you wish you were dead-!" She screamed as she pushed your head back in the water.
"MIA!" Ethan yelled, pulling his wife off you, as you came up, coughing up the water that got in your lungs. "What the fuck?!"
You're wrapped up in a towel, sitting in your room, a chain still around your foot, as you hear Ethan and Mia arguing downstairs.
Arguing over their "parental strategies" for you.
Arguing over you.
You smiled a little. You never imagined they'd ever take the time to argue or even talk about you.
And all it took was your sanity.
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I just know this how they be arguing:
Mia: What the hell, Ethan?! You said you wanted to try the "good cop. Bad cop."thing!
Mia, voice breaking because no.1 manipulator: wow, I can't believe you're saying I'm the "bad cop". Is that what you think of me?
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angel-gidget · 5 days
DC Plot Bunnies on my Brain
Time-traveling Kon talks to his younger self about Tana Moon. I’ve been exploring the 90’s Superboy corner of fandom lately, and boy do those guys have some thoughts about Tana Moon. Muy negative.
I think an adult Kon who had a chance to talk to his younger self might also be able to express some criticism of Tana, but he would not be harsh about it. I think he would still view his younger self as having a lot of agency, and he would still remember how much he loved her.
So how do you explain to your younger self that the current “love of their life” isn’t actually good for them? Very veeerry gently.
Kon bed-hopping fic. I actually started this one over a year ago and have snippets of it on my hard drive. Basically, after the Gemworld and multiversal hopping, Kon has a paranoia about being alone, and he doesn’t have a place to stay. (I wrote this before reading about the Kents remembering him after all, so this is written with the assumption that he has nowhere to go.)
So Young Justice takes turns housing him. And then the sleepovers end up being a pretty effective way of catching up with old friends like the core four and getting to know the new ones like Amy, Naomi, and Jinny.
Kon/Lophi slow-burn. In my current Kon fic, I imply that if YJ had showed up later than they had, Kon would have felt duty-bound to stay on the Gemworld to raise baby Martha. I could write a story exploring that as well as his and Lophi’s relationship. However, core four fuzzies would still be involved, bc the team would 100% find a way to visit Kon on the regular if he were stuck in another dimension.
Kon/Amy slow-burn. Set after the YJ multiverse hopping storyline. With no way to return to the Gemworld, Kon and Amy are left to mourn it together. This leads to bonding. Amy does, however, have some experience with going between worlds and have some coping mechanisms to offer Kon. In turn, he’s able to make her feel more at home with the team.
Amy Winston character exploration via Young Justice. There is a LOT to explore. For one thing, Amethyst was never a very character-driven comic, so there’s a lot of scenarios where I have no clue what Amy would do. So I gotta start writing to find out.
In her own 80’s title, Amy can go back and forth between being confidently heroic and remembering that she’s a scared kid. Part of that was the physical transformation she would go through. Turning into a physically 20-something a la Shazam made her feel more confident. But she doesn’t have that trait in YJ continuity.
So maybe her magic is the key? In the 80’s series, Amy’s magic was very strong on the Gemworld, but would fade to nothing when she crossed over to Earth.
So what if in this Wonder Comics YJ ‘verse, her magic is fading away slowly while she’s stuck on Earth and that gradually eats at her confidence? What if she does bond with the core four, but then becomes scared to tell them that the thing that (in her mind) makes her a superhero is fading away?
Post-Mini Series Amethyst story. I have a very detailed write-up of this in my drafts. I was very frustrated with Amy being turned into, like, a Gemworld deity thing at the end of her OG series. But I write out a plot taking place after it that would allow me to really come to terms with it and have fun with where the characters are at that point. Might post the outline later. Basically makes Amy, Young Princess Emerald, and Donal (Topaz and Turquoise’s son) all co-protagonists.
Tim/Cassie detective competition. In a (fairly recent?) Wonder Woman storyline, Cassie referred to herself as a detective, and asked for time to investigate the murder of Hypolyta. What if that had consequences? What if there is some kind of, idk, Teen Detective Competition and maybe Donna enters Cassie’s into it bc she thinks she’d be into it?
Of course, Tim has entered but only because he sees it as chance to get close to someone else he’s actually investigating. But as soon as he sees that Cassie is one of the entrants things get… genuinely competitive for both of them. And then the trash-talking somehow turns into flirting when neither of them were paying attention?
Tim/Cassie preboot Identity Exploration. Cassie is reveling in having Kon and Bart back from the dead. She and Kon are “just friends” now, and tho a lil’ awkward, it’s still good. But a few passing comments between the three of them lead Cassie to realize that some of the things she knows about Tim’s civilian identity are contradictory.
She begins to obsess a bit. After all, Tim was her main support through OYL and other hells, so shouldn’t she know him better than anyone?
Meanwhile, she is utterly failing to make a go of her “Drusila” identity. When Tim hears about that, he offers to help. And as Tim teaches Cassie how to be someone else, he ends up revealing things about himself that clarify some of those contradictions that stumped her earlier.
Tim/Greta set during 90's YJ. Steph gets frustrated with Tim's lecturing and breaks up with him. Secret sees this as an opportunity, and shoots her shot. Tim has had an insane day and decides "ok, why not?" Queue their relationship subtly changing events throughout the YJ and Robin series.
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dilucsfav · 2 years
saw ur masturbation headcanons and was sad as hell that there wasnt itto included :c pls write for itto too!
ofc i'll do itto!! i havent done general hcs w itto, so that'll be what this kinda is!! except the nsfw will be your request bc we can forget about our grand arataki itto <3
Itto hcs and scenarios!!
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warning(s): nsfw!!
favorite places to kiss you are your wrists, ears, thighs, and omg your back idk he would absolutely kiss your shoulders down your spine and AHDJKkjasjfkaw
^^ after youve had a long day or just need to relax in general, he'd totally totally give you a massage and trace his kisses all over your back in doing so
^^^^ ORRR OR when you two are taking a bubble bath together, youre laying in between his legs and leaning against him, his fingers tracing your back and running the bubble suds down your body... god god and he just will occasionally kiss spots on your back and UGDGSHd
he is so perfect. protect baby at all costs <3
this ones random but but when he cooks for you he would totally wear the dumbass "kiss the cook" apron EXCEPT it would say "kiss the oni" and he'd make you kiss him LDAMSKDK
when you hang out with him and his arataki gang, yall would just all do dumb shit together and god it would be so so much fun i wanna hang out with the arataki gang too
i can imagine him constantly taking you to inazuma in late nights to take you on ramen dates. ahh itto baby❤️❤️
HE SNORES SO DAMN LOUD LMAO he could wake up a whole damn castle with his loud ass snoring
this is so random but he'd totally play dress-up and run around with the kids in inazuma for their and your entertainment (thats canon bc i said so)
with aratki duties comes not-so fun times,,, when he gets hurt, youre usually the one to tend to his wounds
"You're dazzling, (Y/N). Did you know that, lovely?"
this is kinda gross,, but you'd always find nasty shit in his hair (bugs, dirt, etc) 😭
^^ then you proceed to yell at him for being gross and helping clean him up constantly
he adores you so much oh my god
i feel like itto would yell at you a lot, but like playfully yk? he knows when and when not to raise his voice jokingly depending on the situation
he'd constantly bring you brownies ?? LMAO LIKE ODDLY SPECIFIC DESSERT, I COULD JUST SEE HIM BRINGING YOU EITHER BROWNIES (fudge brownies only, they are superior) OR RAW COOKIE DOUGH😭
i always see people saying like "oh kazuha could break the bed" or "oh childe would totally break the bed" and i kindly disagree,,,, CUZ ITTO?? TOTALLY WOULD???
one of the fucking bed legs on the frame would just snap and homeboy would just stop and laugh about it with you (and then do absolutely nothing about it and continue)
as i said in the ceo itto hcs, there's a good balance of rough sex, gentle, etc etc
its never fucking vanilla sex though...
^^kinky, hot, sweaty...... good god im going straight to hell for writing this
he'd throw your legs on his shoulders and would just go absolutely mad on your-
sorry. god hes so hes so so so
when he masturbates and thinks of you stop stop he’d be so rough on himself and would just wish you were there to help him
hes ABSOLUTELY into face sitting. he loves it so much, he could let you sit on his face for hours if you wanted tbh (me next pls)
this is random, but i think in a way he'd kinda be into roleplaying?? but like within that when he's more dominant he'd wanna see you with a blindfold on.
^^ i think he just finds pleasure in your expression, knowing that youre not sure what hes gonna do next? and you'd find thrill in the unknown cuz itto is so random so you wouldnt know what to prepare yourself for? you know what i mean? hes so baby girl
"Oh? You like it when I run my fingers right there, hm? Tell me."
oh my god when you two are in the moment he'd have one hand gripping your hip, and the other would be in your hair jerking it everytime he goes in,,, FJIAHFJKASBFUKASHFIK
hes so kinky help- i couldnt say like his FAVORITE thing but i think ONE of his favorite things to do to you would be choking
yall yall hes such a heavy breather and grunter its so hot
i think afterwards hes such a big baby. loves sleeping with his face nuzzled in your chest, ear against your chest to feel your heartbeats bc it relaxes him so much
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elsfairy · 1 year
OMG OMG ok so like what if sev like was dealing with a really drunk reader and (when you say things when your drunk their sober thoughts) SO LIKE reader is saying all these nice things about Sevika and how much they want her baby’s and get married to her and how drop dead gorgeous she really is while laying in her bed and then at the end reader climbs on top of sev and raps their arms around her neck nuzzling their head into the crook of her neck. And whispers to her “I really mean all of this cause Ik you think I’m only saying it cause I’m sooooooo tipsyyyy *giggle* goodnight sevyyyy” and they like pass out. I wonder how sev would react. I was wondering if you could write this thought I have into like scenarios or a fanfic if not that’s totally fine I completely understand YOUR WRITINGS ARE AMAZING I LOVE THEM 💗💗💗💗 sending lots of loveee to youuu hun!
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a/n: I love love love love this pls 😭 i would have done modern!sevika but.... also, sorry this is taking so long to get out, im not okay mentally, and the amount of times I have redone this bc it sucked makes me sick. slightly tweaked some stuff but it's there i swear. Idk how i feel about this i won't lie. ilysm w/c: 1.1k
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First of all, out of the two, Sevika can handle her alcohol so much better than you. So after a few glasses of whatever you had chosen to drink, you're already giggly and hammered by her side, mumbling out random sentences that make no sense but, you're happy, she can see you're happy and enjoying yourself.
"C'mon Sweetheart, drink some water then we can go home yeah? That's it, gotta take care of my girl"
You're extra clingy whenever you drink, so even though you were drunk out of your mind, you both knew it was going to take a little longer to leave the bar, and go home. she's protective of you anyway, but knowing you're drunk she's more protective, holding you close to her, keeping her hand on your lower back. although if you can barely stand, then she's carrying you in her strong arms. (yummy)
You know when a kid likes to run off because they've seen something that makes them happy? You're like that, all excited and gushy about everything, so she has to make sure to hold onto you just a little tighter, pushing people away just to be able to get you out the bar, and on the right path to your home. she could literally lose you amongst people so she needs to take extra precaution.
"Vika, don't wanna move.."
"Hey, i know, but won't it feel good to get home and be warm? it's not that much further"
I can imagine the slow walk home, she's holding you up and guiding you the whole way. chuckling but smiling at how much you're stumbling, obviously she won't let you fall but she just thinks it's cute :( and the way you're rambling about stuff that still makes no sense? girl got it bad for you.
drunk as hell, giggly as fuck but to her you looked so free and so beautiful. sure your makeup was now ruined because of how much you laughed and the tears staining your now rosy cheeks from crying because you had laughed so much, so hard but she's never seen you be such a free spirit in this world. you were truly the definition of perfection.
it wasn't long until she had taken it upon herself to carry you the rest of the way home like she did every time you got drunk. worried you'd end up falling and severely hurting yourself. it was like having your guardian angel. she truly did protect you, even more in a vulnerable state. "you're so strong, Vika.." You'd mutter, giggling into the skin of her neck, oblivious to the sudden heat rising there.
"yeah? does it impress you, Sweet?"
"mhm, all the time.."
it was a gentlewoman thing she did, she will neve lets you untie or take off your own shoes. that was her job, and always do things for you when you weren't completely 100% there. your drunk brain had you swaying, hand on her broad shoulder, trying to keep yourself up as she carefully slipped them off your sore feet, shoving them by the door. so gentle and caring towards you. "so kind to me, what would i do without you, Sev?"
"sleep without me pestering you for a kiss before i go to work every morning is a start. Go and get these clothes off, I'll bring you some water and something to eat, sober you up a little alright?"
the room was cold, too cold for your liking but that was your own fault for leaving the window wide open, knowing Sevika would complain about the chill, still though without a doubt would cuddle you to warm you up. she was so loving towards you, even if you did have days where you were a brat, endlessly annoying the shit out of her. she never shouted at you, or complained, she just loved you and took care of you.
"Hey, got your snacks and water. lemme take your makeup first then you can eat this, and sleep, okay?"
Another thing she did, won't even let you take your own makeup because she simply enjoyed doing that for you. you were also drunk as fuck so you would miss every patch. you watched in awe, watched the way she was quick to rush into the bathroom, coming back seconds later with a damp cloth. "Vika, can i tell you something..?"
She found it amusing you spoke like you were trying to tell her some sort of secret, but shook her head amused anyway. "give me a minute Sweetness, gotta get this off your face. you'll wakeup and cry if i don't"
the movement of the cloth against your face was slow, gentle even. she never rushed this part, she adored the way you looked at her with soft wide eyes, a small pout and overly entranced with her. loved to stroke your face, admiring you. booping your nose, adored the giggle she gained from her action. "You're so beautiful Vika.." you sigh, poking her cheek.
"Me? you should see you, angel"
alcohol made you more tired than usual, so it wasn't a surprise to Sevika when you crawled onto her body, snuggling your face into her neck, that deep blush returning on your face when she pulls you more into her chest. "Vika can i tell you now?"
"Right, of course Sweet"
"Just really want you to know that i think you are so beautiful.. i don't know why you don't accept my compliments or whatever.. but i hope you know that I'm telling the truth.. I'd never lie to you.. you're so pretty.. so pretty i want to cry when someone else looks at you, but i can't blame them.. you're the prettiest of all pretty things.. you wanna know something else? wanna marry you Vika, you make me feel so safe and loved.. you're so kind and gentle with me.. i wanna wake up to know you're my wife.. wanna have children with you.. grow up so they can be strong like you are.. kind like you are.. really want a family with you Vika.. love you so much.."
the abrupt end to your giggle told her your ass somehow quickly fell asleep, head snuggled right in the crook of her neck, your breath fanning her now hot skin. she didn't ignore your compliments, she loved them but she kept it hidden because she's never been told how beautiful she is. until she met you.
her heart was beating way too fast, the heat on her face was oblivious to you in your deep slumber but she felt warm. your words warmed her heart. you have had this feeling and thought for a while? to marry her? you wanted to start a family with her? have children together? the hand on your back halted, and lips grazed your forehead.
"I'd marry and have a family with you in a heartbeat, Sweetheart"
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matt murdock as your legal guardian headcanons :)
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type of writing: headcanons / scenario
word count: 1.15k
request: yes / no
dynamic: matt murdock x teen!reader
characters: reader, matt murdock, foggy nelson, karen page
a/n: ik this isn't a request, but it's something i think about a lot!! i had to get it out lol. i was originally gonna use a more aesthetic picture but then i found this & it was too cute not to include lol <3 also requests are still open! just send in an ask :)
taglist: @nutellani (fill out this form if you'd like to be included!)
first i’m gonna explain how matt murdock actually became your legal guardian.
because i just want to establish that lol
so your parents were involved with wilson fisk.
you had no idea about this of course, since you were very young when they were still involved in his business.
and btw when i say business i mean like his shady dealings
you were kind of left on your own a lot as a kid. you didn’t really mind it, and figured out how to entertain yourself.
however, when you were five years old, you returned home to find a truly awful crime scene.
you would learn much later in life that your parents had decided to report fisk, but before they were able to do so, he had them killed.
the perp was still there, and almost got you. however, a man with a black mask over his eyes was able to stop him for a second, yelling at you to run.
so you did. 
you ended up at an orphanage, but one day, a blind man came in looking to adopt.
you felt an immediate connection, and he adopted you when you were six. 
you’ve been inseparable ever since!!!
he told you all about your parents when you were older btw
anyways so now onto the fun stuff!!
one perk of living with matt is that your room is bomb.
bc his apartment is lowkey the coolest
if you like to visualise like i do, i imagine that your room is like next to the closet where he keeps the daredevil stuff
anyways it’s super cosy
and you also can basically see in the dark because even though it doesn’t matter if the lights are on, matt tells you to keep them off because then the electric bill will stay low 
you called him a cheapskate but he said that was rude :(
you still did it though #rebel 🥶🥶🥶
you guys bully each other all the time
it’s the way you bond :)
you go to the nelson & murdock offices after school or during the summers.
you have your own little desk there!
one time you said it was too distracting and so foggy bought a privacy folder for you LMAO
needless to say it didn’t help at all
most of the clients are really nice and they’ll ask you about school and life and stuff
you kind of put them at ease
you tried to talk to matt about him being kind of intimidating but he didn’t want to hear it.
and then foggy kept asking why you didn’t think HE was intimidating.
“i mean come on y/n! have you SEEN this face? matt has a little baby face compared to mine!!”
you laughed so hard omg
matt calls you if he needs anything or if you need to tell him something, but you mostly just text foggy to keep them both updated
in my mind, foggy texts like five texts for one sentence
he uses every emoji twice
and every time he uses an abbreviation he always capitalizes it and puts the real meaning in parentheses next to it
here is an example
“hi y/n. hope your day is going well 😃😃 matt and i just won our case 😎😎 so we are going to go to josie’s tonight to celebrate!!!!!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🥳 let me know if you need anything from the store 🏬🏬 ok TTYL (TALK TO YOU LATER) OMG (OH MY GOSH) matt just fell LOL (LAUGH OUT LOUD) 😱😱 gotta go ☹️☹️”
he’s so silly i love him
also matt collects records and cds.
he used to go with you to buy them and let you choose whatever you thought looked good
which is why you have everything from no doubt to frank sinatra to obscure french music
you always have music on at the apartment
like all the time
which brings me to my next point
matt never wanted you to have to see him as daredevil
but it wasn’t like the topic could be avoided.
so when he comes home with awful wounds and stuff, you help clean him up, just like he used to do for his father
and you’re damn good at it too. you have a very steady hand and no squeamish attitude at all. 
but similar to how the scotch used to help matt steady himself when he helped his father, music helps you steady yourself.
you’ll listen to soft & acoustic songs, and it helps ease you AND him.
usually you don’t talk about the things he does. but if he mentions something, you will
but usually it goes without any mention
in my mind, you and matt have a tradition of listening to baseball games on the radio together
you don’t really have a team you alaays root for, it changes year to year
but the two of you get really invested.
like you left the office early every time there’s a game so you can listen together.
or one time he and foggy were prepping a case and there was a game on so he wasn’t even focused HAH
i also think that even though josie’s is a bar, you’re allowed in
not only that, josie will let you behind the bar to make yourself a drink.
ok not like an alcoholic one but still
you have this one mixture of cranberry juice and ginger ale with a lime that you call the “y/n special” and foggy tried it and spit it out :(
josie and some of the regulars almost kicked him out LMAO it was so funny
ok also i have this very clear vision of something foggy does
so to preface this
it’s a rainy day
or just a generally gloomy day
and you and matt are home.
karen is over too.
maybe you’re reading a book and matt and karen are prepping a case or something
and then the door suddenly bursts open
matt isn’t surprised because he heard it coming obvi 
but it caught you off guard
you look over to the kitchen, where the perpetrator is completely covered by the GIGANTIC grocery bags he’s holding.
“oh no.” 
you say, and matt shakes his head. karen is already laughing
foggy drops the bags and exhales, a huge grin overtaking his face.
“we are” you and karen and matt say in unison, trying to hold back laughter
basically every time the littlest bit of winter rolls around, foggy will bring every ingredient known to man over to your and matt’s apartment and make chicken soup
you make fun of this tradition but it’s been going on since foggy and matt were in law school
and the soup is actually so good
you four always eat it together and it makes you so happy
your family, all together at one table :)
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its-all-papaya · 10 days
This is truly devastating (I cheered.)
No but genuinely if you do end up writing parent!landoscar I will be your biggest cheerleader. Like oml I am such a sucker for these fics.
I personally adore the fics where they’re still drivers but one of them has a kid. They’ve always got the best mix of angst and softness. But honestly I adored the little blurb you wrote for the kiss prompts so if you end up going off of that I’m sure I’d love it too!
Dad!Lando is a rare gem and I am SAT for it.
- that one anon who talked about dad!Lando earlier lmao
Dad!Lando Anon !!!! welcome back !!!!
i also in theory enjoy the driver/parent combo. i don't think i could do like... irl landoscar circumstances + kid bc i can't imagine bringing a child into the way they exist rn, but i am attracted to the idea of ONE of them being a driver and the other being, like.... adjacent. i was considering this earlier bc i love my kiss prompt situation, but i don't really have a plot in mind for that landoscar outside of that specific scenario. like how did they meet? what else would i even make them do? i invented them for that exact moment and didn't really construct a world for them in my brain... but like. in theory, that oscar could be an f1 driver. and i did think about that earlier while i was at work, and it's cute for a lot of reasons. (i know i just said i didn't invent lore, but the lando from kiss prompt in my brain is a hot little mess, like loves emma SO GD MUCH that he can't stand it and wants to do right by her but like... is also just a scruffy little guy, you know? so like he for sure struggled through her baby years and she for sure loves him so much, but he's not a put-together parent. she's eating store-bought luchables on field trips bc he doesn't have enough forethought to put together a brown bag lunch. her socks probably never match and he learned how to braid so he could do her hair, but most of the time they're running too late in the morning for him to actually do it. but then oscar enters their lives and he's a bit awkward and says he's not good with kids, but his energy is so calm and he naturally just like. diffuses all their energy. combs through emma's hair after her bath and tells her stories about australia while lando scrambles to make her bed in a second flat bc he forgot he threw her sheets in the wash before dinner and never followed up. discusses her numbers and letters with her while lando microwaves instant oatmeal at like 7am. anyway. you see the vision?) i got really off-track, but imagining oscar as the naturally chill "parent" figure while also being extremely intense and dominant on track...delicious. and the first time emma goes to a grand prix she's like absolutely awestruck. oscar is god to her. and lando is like... literally how the fuck are you perfect at every part of your life and i can't even get my daughter to soccer practice on time once ever? anyway. all of that is to say. osc in his racesuit covered in champagne in mclaren hospitality after the podium and everything that goes with it and emma running top-speed across the floor until he swings her into his arms and she's squealing as he kisses her cheeks because "oscar, you were the fastest!" and lando is just. heart exploding. wants to kiss oscar until he can't fucking breathe anymore.
aNYWAY. visit my inbox again soon dad!lando anon ! like in a minute if you want ! i'll yap for another thousand years !
(sorry editing rq bc i realized i could use a max fewtrell mutual friend plot as their introduction in this hypothetical story. unfortunately Drawing Connections.)
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frownyalfred · 9 months
hi res,, im a huge, huge fan of your fics and i've been scrolling through your tumblr for the last hours/day while falling in and out of a weird stomach pain that is totally ruining my winter break! i also don't really know how tumblr works but i had to express my love for you, I feel so much better reading your stuff 😍 your tumblr posts are also amazing, thank you so so much for all your contributions to this fandom AND to ao3/fandom culture in general!! (wow that was a lot of exclamation marks, i swear i know how to end a sentence with other punctuation 😃 namely emojis 😃😃)
I had a question about your opinions on some ships, IF YOU'RE AMENABLE, feel free to ignore; i know you're a super busy person and this is going to be a long message, I'm overwhelmed looking at it myself 😅
Firstly, shipping the batkids together??? I've seen a few fics like that, especially the robins (e.g. dick/jason, jason/tim??) but I generally avoid them bc they make me feel uncomfy personally, even if they're not characterized as brothers/sisters in that particular fic - cuz i cant kid myself into thinking that i'll ever see them as anything but siblings 🥹
then there's also the stephanie/tim thing?? my understanding of stephanie's dynamic in the batfamily is limited since i got into the dc fandom mainly through fic, but i'm under the impression that some canons have that, and stephanie is not totally considered part of the batfamily (as in bruce's daughter). while other times it's tim/kon, and I'm very supportive of the increasing inclusion of queer representation in the "dc canon", but i guess it's just that the batkids all feel like children, like babies even 🥺🥺
yea so that was a pretty long winded explanation for a quick question😭 my bad
and finally, my otp, ghostbat 🥹🥰 i've never really seen you post anything about them, it is definitely a much rarer ship, but i'd love to know your opinion 💙 i would absolutely recommend taking a look into it if you haven't already, their dynamic is so unique (imo) and heart-wrenching! i havent found that much content about them, so if there are any suggestions for content for them, i will take literally anything 🥺
yeah so thanks for looking through all of this mess, i love you and your beautiful brain so much, sending positive vibes and well wishes your way <3
Hi anon! Thank you so much, and sorry you're not feeling well. Some quick answers to your questions below:
People do ship the batkids together, in a variety of related/not related scenarios. It's not everyone's cup of tea. Some people like it. Some people get very squicked by it. All reactions are valid. I am a big proponent of ship and let ship -- people are going to write what they're going to write. If you don't like to read that, hit the back button. Like you said, you have already identified that you don't like it, and now you avoid it. That's awesome!
Tim/Steph vs Tim/Kon can also be a touchy subject in fandom. Steph's inclusion in the batfamily depends on the fanon and/or canon. People have strong opinions about this. My reaction is always, teens have relationships. Messy relationships. Tim and Steph and Tim and Kon can all happen and it doesn't make anyone more or less deserving of love or a relationship. They're kids figuring themselves out -- it makes sense that it's messy.
I like ghostbat! I will admit I'm not as familiar with the ship as I could be. I mostly consume secondhand info here on tumblr. @allgremlinart's blog is a great place to start if you haven't already.
Hope that helps! Feel better soon, anon.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 month
how do you think alysanne would feel about gay targcest? because while i can believe the conqueror trio and jaehaerys see their incestuous traditions as a means to establish dominance over non-valyrians and produce pure-blooded dragon riders, alysanne always came off like she bought into the "romance" of it all. like if baelon ever came to her and admitted that he loves aemon more than he ever could alyssa, would she internally accept that as real love (even if not a politically convenient love) or would she insist that real targcest makes inbred babies and two brothers fucking each other is just a step too far for some reason?
okay first of all. fuck george for never giving us explicit mm targcest. i love rhaena the lesbian i think she’s a fascinating insight in valyrian gender roles and also she’s just a wildly interesting character. but she’s not enough dammit we need more queers. george stop being such a jersey boy and write anal. stop being afraid of penises george you're a grown ass married man.
second of all and keeping in mind i don't have f&b in front of me bc it's always checked out on libby. okay see i need to caveat this bc obviously there are different reactions to gay women vs gay men. but our only frame of reference here is RHAENA. (and laenor but alysanne didn’t know he was gay bc he was only like 4 when she died, LAENOR probably didn’t even know he was gay yet) and the thing is. they all know she’s gay! and no one seems to…care? alysanne & jaehaerys are happy when rhaena married androw but that’s bc it means she gets to live with ELISSA forever now. j&a aren’t like androw stans they don’t give a shit about that dude. they all seem very aware of who rhaena’s various girlfriends are! there’s no report of alysanne ever having a problem with this! it’s not like she showed up after the poisoning and was like “well maybe if you bedded your husband more often this never would have happened” does she? her problems with rhaena are all rooted in their PERSONALITIES in their TRAUMA like she’s not even recorded to have made some sort of nasty comment about any of Rhaena's lovers. in fact, the people who had an issue with Rhaena's lovers were a) the fathers of her girlfriends or b) Rhaena's own husband. Alysanne (and, to be fair, Jaehaerys) seems to view this whole ting more as like. Well that's just Rhaena, she's a bit odd. I think it adds to the almost Inhuman Beauty of Rhaena in a way - she's so larger than life, even her love can't be confined to the simple dichotomy of husband-and-wife, no she prefers her ladies instead (I was thinking of like, Lady Hideko from The Handmaiden - how the con artist mentions that there's a coldness to her that she could never be seduced by a man. An almost ethereal beauty there that is tied to the fact that she is not attracted to men).
What I think is key here is that a) they're both Valyrians b) Rhaena is her sister and Alysanne loves her despite the issues they have c) Rhaena "does her duty" and has a child by her Valyrian brother. SO. In my opinion, I think the specific scenario of Baelon coming to her and saying he doesn't love Alyssa, he loves Aemon, I think she would buy into the romantic nature of it. I think she would absolutely insist that he marry Alyssa anyway, if only to protect him from rumors and keep it like, ~in the family~ the way Rhaena and Aegon did, but if they only ever had Viserys, I think she would be okay with that. I think she would paint Alyssa as his "protector" in her mind - that fondness she saw between them wasn't her and Jaehaerys reborn after all, but perhaps more of the dynamic Rhaena likely wanted with Aegon (but reversed). Which isn't to say this won't devolve into a weird dynamic - the thing about this is that Alysanne isn't just projecting her own relationship onto her kids, she's projecting Rhaena & herself as well (imo Viserra gets the brunt of this) and Alysanne wanting her kids to playact a scenario where Rhaena is happily brother-married and living her best lesbian life still has just, so many openings to get really deranged. I think Jocelyn would face a lot of issues here. I think Alyssa might be allowed a level of GNC-ness that she isn't allowed in the books, but there's a trade off here where Alyssa is essentially playing Aegon the Uncrowned's role - and if she isn't happy with that, Alysanne would get upset. I think it's not unlikely Baelon doesn't get that "the Brave" epithet because he gets very force-femmed as a way to protect Aemon's reputation.
If Baelon was in love with like, some random household knight, that imo would upset Alysanne. But in love with Aemon? I do think she could make herself happy projecting onto that one.
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portokali · 7 months
hiiiii besties tumblr user @shimamitsu tagged me in this, ty bestie!
are you named after anyone? yassss if u know greek naming traditions you can probably guess.. if not MIND UR BUSINESS
when was the last time you cried? valentines dayyy some1 i was talking to prioritized posting on ig and not texting that kinda hurt meee~~ its behind us tho i took it like a champ (cried like a baby then pondered (im the ponderer) then broke up with her)
do you have kids? noooo the only way i can imagine having children is if theres a last of us apocalypse scenario happening and i get stuck with A Child and we form an unconventional found family bond and then i am Their Father (mother?)
do you use sarcasm a lot? NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR
what sports do you play? i dont play sports tf what is this.. haha
what’s the first thing you notice about people? Vibes idk man just Vibes. first time i meet someone in person esp if theyre walking you can kind of pick up a Vibe who is this person whats their deal how will they behave etc im almost never wrong (many years of nonstop trauma as a restaurant worker have sharpened my senses. but before that i was already an empath, of course)
what’s your eye color? brownnnn
scary movies or happy endings? no brainer i could neverrrr watch a whore movie i hate scary soo much.. happy ending yayay
any special talents? all of them. bc im special <3 and i have talents :)
where were you born? bullshit nation AKA greece
what are your hobbies? :o i like to draw n make art.. i also read a lot and i try to work out i try i tryy i promise. i also occupy my time going for walks to explore and take in the beauty of the house.. hating on things with my friends.. watching anime and youtube..
do you have pets? noo :(
how tall are you? 155 ..i thought that translated to 5'2" but google is now saying it's 5'1" FUCK ME I GUESS??
favorite subject in school? im never going back there idk i dont remember.. keimena aka literature was the one i was best at but did i rly enjoy it?? i dont think so.. i liked our french teacher tho
dream job? i wish i could make art and write stories for a living T__T ALAS (i cry at the start of every movie)
tagging besties @byrons @oasatelematics @catboyparrish @catboykacchan @catboyjosten @heimonas @pherelpis @spiderversegf @poignardeparlebeau @pinknoisemp3 @cupidjoy AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO.. mwah take care hotties LUV YA!
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play-rough · 8 months
8, 21, 22, & 25 for Dazai and Chuuya 🥹💕
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Dazai- god i feel like I’m so picky about Dazai characterizations and it’s so hard to describe sometimes I’ll just be like NO THATS WRONG‼️ but I guess one thing is when Dazai mentoring ryunosuke is just boiled down to a black and white situation where Dazai was soooo abusive to poor ryu (and i feel like this is a disservice to akutagawas character too), but Iike you have a child raised in a strict mafia environment and then you give that unstable child control over *another child* it’s not gonna go well, and i don’t personally blame either of the children in that scenario 🙄 idk BSD just has a lot of complex situations and I feel like they’re not always handled as such 😌🩵 Wtf this morally grey character is making problematic choices??? Cancel him🚫
Chuuya- when he’s just angry shouty guy who yells and shouts, sometimes I feel like I’m looking at a bad bakugo parody 😭
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
Ummm for Dazai i like making him break down and cry and forcing him to admit he needs help or attention 🥺👉👈 or sick or just any kind of general vulnerability, and flip side for Chuuya, I love forcing him to admit he’s worried about Dazai or cares about him. My favorite part of Chuuya’s character is that he’s a genuinely nice person, Dazai is just so annoying and pushes his buttons, so I love showing off Chuuya’s softer side and highlighting his protective and caring nature. That scene where chuuya watches Dazai get slammed into a tree by lovecraft x1000000❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
For both of them like I said above im so picky and if you make them one dimensional or even if the vibes are bad I’ll just be like NO THATS WRONG‼️ and close the fic
Something i *like* is pretty much my same answer for 21 ajdhhfhdjs I really only write about what I like reading about so I’m a sucker for vulnerable Dazai and sappy Chuuya BUT for a more specific, ridiculous, self indulgent answer i like when Dazai is written regressed 🥹🩵 or even if he’s baby, just in energy 🥺🩵 Dazai is baby and should be written as such
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
First impressions of Dazai was i don’t even remember him, I read the first bsd book at the library when I was in middle/high school (don’t remember exactly when) and was like eh. Boring. I think it didn’t help that they didn’t have all the books so it was like volume one, three, five, prime numbers only. I think I read soul eater instead lmao. Flash forward to college I had seen bsd characters and i liked the designs, and i had figured chuuya would be my favorite bc he kinda reminded me a bit of Karkat from homestuck (a dear fave of mine at one point) in that angry but actually sweet and kindhearted kinda way.
I was still eh whatever about Dazai, which is crazy because I’ve seen him compared to both Gojo and Reigen in the silly mentor who lost the kids he’s custody of kinda way, and those two are some more faves of mine. Tbh i didn’t solidify him as my fave until we learned of his tragic past because my OTHER favorite kind of character is a rude little bastard, and i was shown the light. Dazai Osamu has the range. He’s like a two for one, which I’m pretty sure he’s a Gemini??? I’m not gonna google and confirm just trust me i think he’s a Gemini ♊️
Impressions now obviously Dazai is my babygirl, my soaking wet cat, my poor pathetic meow meow who has both never done anything wrong and also committed so many war crimes. Chuuya I knew i would like him and I do lmao, close second from Dazai. I think Dazai is pretty much my ultimate fave character of all time…
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
Ooooo i love your ideas for Huohuo sibling! Especially with it being canon that Huohuo actually does have a sibling (a sister). While i love your idea, have you consider Huohuo with a younger foxian sibling? A sibling that deeply admires their big sister and would brag to anyone who would listen how their brave big sister is a judge in the Ten Lord Commision, meanwhile Huohuo keeps trying to get braver just so she wont let her sibling down and let them see how she really is. (+ Tail also has begrudgingly taken a liking to Huohuo’s little sibling and usually called kid or pup or something..)
(Also here are some scenarios i have for your ideas btw:
Older foxian sibling: A sibling who would nag at Tail to be much nicer to Huohuo, a sibling who would let their sister sleep with them if she thought there was a monster also there’s Tail snarking how Huohuo was being a baby and the sibling just give him a death glare, a sibling who has a weird relationship with Tail that’s like “they seem to hate each other a lot but they actually secretly care for the each other” kind, and a sibling that Huohuo loves a lot and vowed to be a much braver judge for them.
Emanator sibling: A sibling that Huohuo tries to impress a lot even though she doesnt have to, a sibling that Huohuo compares herself a lot to, a sibling that is much favored by their parents who saw Huohuo as a monster because of Mr. Tail, a sibling who never cares about any of that and loves Huohuo for who she is
I apologize for the sadder tone for the emanator sibling but i imagine that having a sibling who’s an emanator will definitely get you to be compared with them a lot, whether it is you or other people that will do it)
- 🐱 Anon
P.S. I hope you dont mind me asking again but have you seen the Dottore poem i sent?
BABY FOXIAN SIBLING WAHHHHH THATS SO REAL TOO i often write older sibling thoughts because it's, more often than not, my instinct to feel responsible for and protective of a character i like, especially if they're young (-ish, huohuo IS foxian so she's chronologically older than a normal mortal would be but she's still a child by foxian standards)..... but huohuo as a big sister is the cutest to me :(
she tries so hard to be brave for them because she knows how much they look up to her and how they brag to everyone that their super awesome and brave and strong big sister is a judge in the ten lords commission!!! AND she's younger than most adult luofu natives!!!!! their big sister is just the coolest to them!!!!!! and she wants to be brave sooo bad for them. AND AWWW TAIL he's so real for that...... i like the idea of tail yelling at someone for berating huohuo bc only HE can and younger sibling [name] just nodding, firmly crossing their arms and shooting the person in question a pouty glare (they try so hard to look mean but really it just ends up being cute) and saying "YEAH!!!!!!! SHUT UP DO NOT SAY THOSE THINGS ABOUT BIG SISTER RAAHHH 🗣" tail probably thinks it's funny and i think he might say something along the lines of "you tell 'em, pup" he's so dad coded to meeee 👍 cries sobs weeps
older foxian sibling!reader, who always kisses huohuo's tears away when she cries. older foxian sibling!reader, who welcomes her with open arms in the middle of the night when she has a nightmare and can't sleep unless she's with them. older foxian sibling!reader who always gets into petty arguments with tail--"no, you absolute idiot, you CANNOT say those terrible things to my sister, what's wrong with you??????" ...but they actually quite like him, and he won't really admit it, but he cares for both of those foxian siblings. ...and huohuo, who promises herself that she'll be stronger for them. because they can't kiss away her tears forever. so, for them, she will be brave.
emanator of the hunt!reader, who is widely recognized on the luofu for their prowess in battle and seen as someone worthy of a leadership position. emanator of the hunt!reader, who probably works closely with jing yuan and other important figures on the luofu. emanator of the hunt!reader, who knows that some people like to compare huohuo to them (much to their absolute rage; who is putting those stupid fucking thoughts into her head? it's not as if they chose to be seen and acknowledged by the aeon lan, you fools). emanator of the hunt!reader, who always protects huohuo; she is at her safest when she's at their side, and she knows nothing could possibly hurt her when someone so strong is always watching over her. emanator of the hunt!reader, who always reassures huohuo that she doesn't have to impress them or live up to their achievements--"i don't know how being an emanator is an achievement anyway... i didn't choose this? anyway... sweetheart, you don't have to impress me or live up to me. you are perfect as you are. if anyone says otherwise, let them know that they can answer to me, yeah?" ...and huohuo, who can't protect them, but can instead heal them at every opportunity. she will uplift their strength as best as she possibly can (the hunt and the abundance have never historically gone well together, have they? but this is different. where [name] falls, huohuo will raise them up again. something something.... what lan and yaoshi could have been, their pathstriders have become instead...... blah blah blah /lh)
don't worry, dear!!!! i don't mind you asking. i did see it. i have to respond to another bunch of asks soon, i just havent had much motivation today ajkshlfjs <3
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noahtally-famous · 1 year
okay so this was a randomass thought that plopped in my head at 12 in the morning and I’ve decided to make it everybody’s problem, as usual!
I know topher and dave are a rarepair and personally one I never considered other than the occasional acknowledgement when I see a post involving them, but then this dynamic came to mind and now it won’t let go until I discuss it so here we are!
(we’re going off of the idea that both of them are rich kids--dave is def someone I hc as rich; topher is either a rich theater kid or a theater kid in the higher middle-class levels (but I see him more of the former simply bc of his canon demeanor))
so based off of what I mentioned above, literally dave and topher’s dynamic is the ‘rich boy x rich boy’ trope which is fucking funny in general, but it gets better when you take in their individual traits. topher is arrogant, he’s conceited, he’s dramatic, I bet he’s the type to flirt and expect the other person to be smitten immediately like he’s some sort of movie star (if he wasn’t so obsessed with chris); dave is more reserved, he’s awkward, he’s emotional, he can be rude, he’s a romantic, and he doesn’t rlly get the usual cues of society meaning he will misunderstand the heck out of anything.
so you get topher noticing dave through some out-of-the-blue means and casually flirting with him bc it’s what he does and it was just perfect for the situation, and he expects the usual reaction: either a blush or an eyeroll with a concealed smile, but dave gives neither of those; instead, he shoots topher a confused look and basically misunderstands topher’s one-liner immensely and makes the situation awkward. it’s never supposed to mean anything more than a oneliner, but dave’s lack of “proper reaction” gives topher whiplash and he’s all “oh, we’re playing hard to get, are we?” to himself and he decides to accept that challenge, and it’s just fucking shenanigans from there on. 
like yes, topher still is obsessed with chris and wants the guy to notice him, that’s still a thing and the whole deal with him wanting to host the show is also still there, but he also transfers more or less that same interest to dave too; he wants dave to notice him and be impressed and give topher that reaction he’s waiting for. but dave doesn’t, he just raises his eyebrows, or misunderstands more, and everyone else is so confused as to why topher’s all over this guy, flirting with him and shit, and they think topher likes dave, but rlly he just wants dave to fucking blush or smth goddammit (but when he says that to his team, everyone’s like ~oh?~ 🤨). meanwhile dave is a mix of confused and oblivious.
and then over time, without either of them realizing, they start to grow on one another. topher goes out of his way to find dave and talk to him not just for the reaction but also bc he likes seeing the reactions dave does give him, he likes engaging in petty back-and-forth with the guy; dave previously thought topher was being patronizing or just plain confusing, but then he grows on him, and that fateful day arrives when he’s like ‘oh shit, do I like him?’
and there’s bonding, ofc, bc since they’re both rich kids, there’s bound to be repressed issues relating to them--but that happens much later on; not only that, the two start to genuinely help each other, regardless of being on different teams, when previously they only initiated convo to tease each other, and that’s when things start to get serious, bc it’s not just lighthearted fun anymore, it’s getting deeper.
(legit I’ve a whole scenario partway hashed out involving these two during tdpi starting from the first episode to ‘three zones and a baby’ when topher is eliminated, which I lowkey wanna post too so I might if I get the time to actually write it all out!)
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