#minthara x y/n
awkwardauthorwrites · 9 months
I'm Yours
Word Count: 530
Themes: fluff
Warnings: hints towards smut but no actual smut 
Everyone stay calm, this is not a drill I’ve written something under 1000 words for the first time in existence. @shadowwheartt and I decided to do a quick little drabble challenge where we flipped coins and rolled a dice to see who we'd be writing for and what genre and I got Minthara fluff. I tried something different where I made Tav gender neutral, let me know what you think!
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Minthara wasn't sure exactly when Tav had snuck their way into her life, but she suddenly felt like she couldn't remember how they used to function without them.
Tav had been gone for a whole day to scout the Shadowlands and see if they could find the pesky group of adventures that had been causing havoc for the followers of the Absolute ever since the nautiloid had crashed and Minthara had put no less than four fires out - one of them quite literally. No one seemed to know where the spare key to Balthazaar's quarters were, the kitchen was unstocked and even worse, it looked like no one had been on a supply run recently and so their stock of healing potions was dangerously low. Not to mention the gnolls in the kitchen that kept snapping at each other and when Minthara had glared at the cook the halfling had just shrugged her shoulders and muttered something about how Tav usually kept them appeased and in line.
Minthara sank into her armchair with a frustrated sigh and rubbed at her temples. Tav hadn't been working for them for very long, so how was the whole place falling to shambles without them? There was a small tug in her mind as her tadpole wriggled around in her skull almost mockingly, as if reminding her why she felt so at odds without having Tav around. She brushed the thought away with a quiet huff and made her way to her bedchamber for the night, deciding there wasn't much she could do due to the entire fortress wanting to burn down around them. Shedding her armour, Minthara almost didn't notice the figure lying across her bed, a small smirk on their face when they noticed her undressed state.
“It isn't wise to sneak up on your superiors,” she snapped, glaring as Tav rolled their eyes at her. 
“Maybe we should have superiors who are more aware of their surroundings then. I could have been anyone here to kill you.”
“Such sentimentality in your tone,” Minthara stood at the edge of the bed, her hands on her hips. “Anyone would think you cared.” Tav clicked their tongue and lunged forward, gripping Minthara by the waist and tugging her onto the bed. She didn't have a chance to blink before Tav was leaning over her, their hands pinning her down by the waist. 
“I beg your forgiveness, True Soul,” Tav murmured, brushing their lips across hers. “How ever will I make it up to you?” The tadpole is Minthara's head writhed as Tav connected to it, showing her image after image of all the ways they intended to please her. Minthara felt her heart thud in her chest as Tav pressed their lips to hers and she wasted no time in shedding what was left of her clothes to get what was promised to her.
In the dim afterglow of their activities Minthara let Tav pull her body close, their arm snaking around her waist as they both caught their breath. Tomorrow, Minthara told herself, tomorrow the place could go back to functioning normally now that Tav had returned, but tonight they were hers.
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fangsyouverymuch01 · 9 months
Thinking of writing a menzoberranzan fic with tav x astarion after they released the spawn into the underdark. Like her helping him after they agreed to remain "just friends"...
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milqueandsugar · 2 months
🌼☕` Masterlist `☕🌼
` Last Updated 07.14 `
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X crocheting!Reader
| GALE |
| ORIN |
X crocheting!Reader
| WYLL |
X crocheting!Reader
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moonselune · 2 months
By the Silk that Binds Us (pt.4)
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Matron!Minthara x Forced!Betrothed!reader
An arranged marriage, enemies to lovers fic: part one part two part three part five
CW: feminine drow reader, catching feelings (involuntarily), mention of blood, open wounds, transformation, this is all my own interpretation of drow lore
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─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The library of House Baenre was a vast labyrinth of knowledge, its towering shelves filled with ancient tomes and forbidden texts. The dim light of nearby luminescent fungi filtered through the high windows, casting a fluorescent glow across the room. It was well past midnight, and the library was usually deserted at this hour. Yet tonight, two figures—Kyorlin and Lesaonar—were engaged in a quiet conversation, their voices hushed as they wandered among the stacks.
Arys, Minthara’s nephew, had been tasked with getting closer to the Liakyre twins, to then ply them for information about their older sister. When he saw them alone in the library, he thanked Lolth and seized the opportunity. He was not going ot fail the Matron.
“Evening, gentlemen,” Arys greeted with a grin, holding up a bottle of whiskey. The soft clink of glass against glass as he walked drew their attention.
The twins turned to face him, their expressions shifting from surprise to cautious interest. Arys approached, the whiskey bottle held out as an offering.
“A little late-night libation?” he suggested, his tone friendly. “I figured it might be nice to have a drink and chat." He then leaned towards them and dropped into a low conspiratol tone "Us men have to stick together after all.”
Kyorlin and Lesaonar exchanged weary glances, they had been cautious around the other members of House Baenre, they knew it was safer to keep quiet and out of the way, but then again an ally could never hurt. So, they nodded in agreement.
The three of them settled into comfortable chairs near a low table, the bottle of whiskey opened and poured into goblets. The rich, amber liquid swirled gently in the dim light. The initial awkwardness of their meeting quickly dissipated as the warmth of the whiskey took effect. As they drank, the conversation turned to their experiences in House Baenre. The twins seemed eager to share their thoughts and Arys smiled, this is exactly what he wanted.
“You know, Arys,” Lesaonar began, a hint of amusement in his voice, “we actually get treated better here than we ever did back in House Liakyre. It’s hard to believe, but it’s true.”
Arys raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Really? I’d have thought House Baenre would be far more… intense for you guys. ”
“Oh, it is intense,” Kyorlin admitted with a laugh, “I can imagine that without our dear sister's protection here we would already be dead by now. But back at Liakyre, the female members—sisters, aunts, cousins—were always picking on us, bullying us. Here, they don’t even bother with us. It’s like we’re invisible, which, honestly, is a very nice change.”
Lesaonar nodded in agreement. “The libraries here are amazing, too. We were never allowed such access to resources back at our old house. We weren't deemed worthy enough. This-" Lesaonar gestured to the towers of books around them "-Is a whole new world.”
Arys chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “I can’t believe it. I always thought the Liakyres were a soft house, that you boys would have got off lightly, maybe even have a few third sons kicking about. You weren't exactly high up in the ranks.”
“You would think that,” Kyorlin said, taking a sip of his drink. “But our matron- mother, even, was dilligent. Brutally so, a devout and traditional follower of Lolth. I personally believe she was delighted when she had twin boys, it meant that she was able to sacrifice every son born after us - and she did. It got to a point where she was praying for boys, just so she could make a show of her love to Lolth.”
Arys’s curiosity was piqued. “What about your sister, Y/N? I've heard she is a dedicated follower of Lolth, is she like your mother?”
Lesaonar’s expression softened slightly, a hint of fondness in his eyes. “No, she isn’t, at all. Y/N was actually the kindest of them all. Her love for Lolth is natural, our mother's was desperate."
"She despised Y/N for it, often sent her off to darkest parts of the underdark, hoping she would never come back, but she always did." Kyorlin said with a light smile, as if reminscing on a funny memory.
"Just because of her connection with Lolth? Or because of what she did at the engagement party with that hook horror?" Arys pressed and he noticed Kyorlin visisbly tense.
Lesaonar, however, had been swept away by the whiskey's effects and before Kyorlin could stop him, words tumbled from his mouth and he gestured with a dramatic flair. "Of course, she was envious that Y/N was such an emblem of our divine heritage-"
"-That is quite enough for tonight!" Kyorlin interrupted his twin, snatching his drink from him. Arys smiled, he was clearly on to something and Lesaonar had let enough information slip for him to get the Matron off of his back. Kyorlin helped Lesaonar to his feet and turned curtly to Arys. "Thank you, Arys, tonight has been a pleasure but I fear the whiskey has gone to my brother's head."
"Worry not, we are going to be family in a few days. Been a pleasure to get to know the both of you." Arys nodded to them as they left, he had all that he needed.
After a celebratory drink for himself, Arys made his way out of the library, the bottle of whiskey nearly empty and a satisfied smirk on his face. He had successfully gleaned useful information from Kyorlin and Lesaonar, and he was eager to report back to Minthara.
As he made his way through the dimly lit corridors, his footsteps echoed faintly against the stone walls. He was so focused on his pride that he barely noticed the soft patter of footsteps behind him.
Suddenly, Kyorlin appeared out of nowhere, his expression grim and his movements quick. Without warning, Kyorlin swung a heavy book from a nearby shelf at Arys. The blow caught Arys off guard, sending him crashing to the floor. The sharp impact of the blow to his head caused a burst of pain and disorientation. Blood trickled from the wound on his forehead, staining the stone floor and before Arys could react, the darkness enveloped him, and he lost consciousness.
When Arys came to, he was lying on a cot in the infirmary of House Baenre, wounded guards and soldiers lay groaning around him, most wounds probably inflicted by the women of the house. His head throbbed with a dull ache, and a warm, sticky sensation on his face alerted him to a trickle of blood running from a cut above his eyebrow. He struggled to sit up, disoriented and confused.
A healer, an elderly female drow, most likely a great great aunt of his, with a stern expression, stood over him, her hands deftly applying a cool compress to his head. Her eyes were narrowed in disapproval.
“Careless fool,” she muttered, her voice stern and authoritative. “Getting drunk in the library and falling over. You’re lucky those Liakyre twins found you before anyone else did.”
Arys blinked, trying to piece together the events leading up to his current predicament. “The twins? Kyorlin and Lesaonar?” he asked, his voice hoarse.
The healer nodded curtly. “Yes, they found you lying on the floor of the library. They brought you here and took care of you. I must say, you’re fortunate they were able to intervene before more serious harm occurred."
Arys's mind raced as he tried to remember what had happened, but his memory was hazy. The events from the library, the conversation with Kyorlin and Lesaonar, and the details about Y/N seemed to be slipping through his fingers like sand.
“Did-did they say anything important?” he asked, his anxiety growing.
The healer gave him a puzzled look. “They didn’t mention much. Kyorlin said something about you getting drunk and falling, but he didn’t elaborate."
Frustrated and disoriented, Arys tried to recall the conversation with the twins, but the details eluded him. The whiskey had clearly affected his memory, as had the fall and he felt a pang of frustration and fear that he would not be able to report anything to his aunt. The wedding was only a few nights away and if he hadn't brought any useful information to the Matron by then, then he was sure that his own mother would sacrifice him and offer him as a wedding gift to the couple.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The grand hall of House Baenre was abuzz with the preparations for the grand ceremony tomorrow. The space, with its opulent drow architecture, was being meticulously fussed over for the upcoming wedding by an array of servants and lower family members keen to rise through the familial ranks. The rehearsal, a necessary formality, was underway with the High Priestess presiding over the proceedings, while you and Minthara stood side by side, ready to go through the motions of the ceremony.
Minthara’s posture was relaxed but betrayed an evident lack of interest. She leaned against a stone column, her expression bored, and her eyes glazed over as the High Priestess explained the order of the ceremony.
“The ceremony will commence with a prayer to Lolth, invoking her blessings and ensuring her favor upon this union,” she explained, her voice echoing in the cavernous hall. “This will be followed by the binding blood vow, where both parties pledge their eternal commitment.”
Minthara’s eyes glazed over further, clearly disinterested, though she nodded occasionally, if only to maintain the pretense of attentiveness.
“The next step,” the High Priestess continued, her tone unwavering, “is the cutting off of the House Liakyre symbol from your body, Y/N, and its replacement with the House Baenre symbol, on your neck to match Minthara's."
You shifted uncomfortably at the mention of the tattoo removal and couldn't help but notice that Minthara's interest piqued at the mention of it, a small smile appearing on her lips. She would be the one to slice it from your skin, and brand you with your new House mark. The thought of losing a symbol so deeply connected to your identity was unsettling, as was the nausea that came with it, though you tried to push the unease aside.
At this point, now teased with more exciting matters, Minthara’s usual veneer of control slipped slightly. Her lips curled into a subtle snarl. “And what about the toast?”
The High Priestess’s eyes narrowed slightly at Minthara’s interruption but she continued as if unaffected. “After the new tattoo is applied, there will be a toast, followed by the banquet. The drinks served to you will contain Menzoberranzan love magic, ensuring the bonding process expected later in the night is completed effectively.”
Both you and Minthara stiffened at the High Priestess’s words. Minthara’s expression transformed from irritation to shock, her eyes wide with outrage. You, too, were taken aback by the unexpected and rather vulgar revelation. The thought of a magical enhancement to facilitate intimacy was not something either of you had anticipated.
“This is absurd!” Minthara’s voice was sharp, betraying her anger. “You can’t be serious. This is an outrage.”
You nodded in agreement, feeling a flush of embarrassment. “Yes, this is crossing a line!”
The High Priestess raised an eyebrow, clearly unimpressed with your reactions. “Grow up, both of you. It’s merely a ritualistic practice to ensure the union is properly sealed. It is in the privacy of your own quarters and it’s just sex—nothing more, though if it is something more then all the better for House Baenre.”
"As if." "I would rather turn into a drider."
“Enough,” the High Priestess said, her voice cutting through the tension. “The ceremony is tomorrow. You both need to rest and prepare yourselves. This rehearsal is over.”
Without waiting for a response, she turned on her heel and began to walk away, her robes trailing behind her like a flowing river of crimson. You crossed your arms looking up at Minthara with a scowl, Minthara scoffed, putting her hands on her hips.
The High Priestess’s dismissive attitude only fueled your outrage and frustration. As she swept away, her crimson robes flowing like a river of silk, you turned to Minthara, who stood with her arms crossed and a scowl etched into her features. The air between you was charged with tension, every word an electric spark.
Minthara’s frustration burst forth like a dam breaking. “This is all your fault. I could have just obliterated your entire house and been done with it, but no, you had to sneak away and find some ethereal loophole. You’ve dragged me into this farce of a wedding.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Minthara,” you shot back, your voice dripping with sarcasm. “It’s my fault you were too blinded by your own bloodlust to consider there might be other options. I had no idea I was dealing with someone who thought slaughtering my entire house was a viable solution.”
Minthara’s eyes narrowed, her irritation barely contained. “You think this is funny? This wedding, this ceremony—everything about it is a nightmare. And it’s all because of your stubbornness and your insipid refusal to accept reality.”
“Reality?” you countered sharply. “You know, for someone who claims to be so powerful, the mightiest in Menzoberranzen, you sure do complain a lot.”
The argument continued as you both stormed down the corridors of House Baenre, your footsteps echoing off the cold, dark stone walls. Minthara’s heels clicked furiously against the ground, each step a testament to her frustration. You matched her pace, your own anger simmering as you exchanged barbed comments.
“If you had any sense of responsibility, you’d have thought this through before you dragged me into your mess,” Minthara snapped.
“And if you had any sense of decency, you wouldn’t have murdered my entire family, forcing my hand.” you shot back, the words barely hiding your exasperation.
The quarrel continued unabated as you reached the separate quarters designated for the night. As was traditional, the night before the wedding required that you both sleep apart, a formality steeped in ancient customs. The thought of having to spend the night without Minthara’s presence was both frustrating and unsettling.
As you reached the door to your quarters, Minthara stopped abruptly, facing you with a final scowl. “Enjoy your night alone. Maybe you’ll finally get some clarity on how you’ve managed to make everything worse.”
“And you, Minthara,” you replied, “try not to let the weight of your own bitterness crush you before the ceremony.”
With a final huff, Minthara pushed past you and slammed her door shut with a resounding thud. You watched the door close, the sound reverberating through the corridor.
You turned and entered your own quarters, the room meticulously prepared with fine furnishings and dark, rich drapery. You paced the room restlessly, your anger giving way to an unsettling sense of emptiness.
Lying on the bed, you stared up at the ceiling, your mind racing with thoughts of the looming ceremony. The more you tried to focus on anything but Minthara, the more her absence became a palpable void. The bed felt too large, the space too empty.
Meanwhile, in her own quarters, Minthara was equally restless. She paced her room, the luxurious furnishings and the meticulously arranged décor doing little to soothe her frayed nerves. The silence of her room was as unnerving as it was lonely. You weren't muttering your prayers, indulging in an absurdly long night time routine. Despite her irritation, she couldn’t shake the feeling of missing something—or rather, someone.
Eventually, both of you found yourselves lying awake in your respective beds, staring at the ceiling, the quiet of the night amplifying your thoughts and frustrations. The realization dawned that despite the heated bickering, there was a certain sense of connection and familiarity that had been strangely comforting. The absence of that presence was felt deeply, and meditation eluded both of you as you grappled with your thoughts.
The night had dragged on with restless thoughts and a growing sense of unease. Exhaustion finally overcame you, and you slipped into a meditative trance, hoping for some respite before the impending ceremony. In the quiet of the room, you found a semblance of peace, the rhythmic rise and fall of your breath guiding you towards a state of calm.
Just as you were beginning to drift into a deeper state of relaxation, the serenity was shattered by the loud creak of your door. You jolted awake, blinking against the sudden influx of light and noise. The door swung open to reveal a flurry of movement as a group of young girls, no older than fourteen or fifteen, stormed into the room. Their chatter and giggles filled the air, a cacophony of youthful exuberance that was anything but peaceful.
The girls, dressed in colorful and somewhat mismatched garments, scattered around the room, dropping various items on the floor and chattering excitedly. They carried brushes, jars of oils, and an assortment of fabric, which they began to arrange haphazardly around the room.
Kyorlin and Lesaonar entered behind them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and amusement. You looked at them, bewildered.
“By the demon's web, what is going on?” you demanded, struggling to sit up against the tangle of blankets and pillows.
The twins exchanged glances before Kyorlin shrugged nonchalantly. “We have no idea. We were just told to bring them to you.”
One of the servants who had entered with the girls stepped forward, offering an apologetic smile. “As Matron Baenre understands that you have no female relatives to assist you, she has sent these girls to help you get ready for the ceremony. It’s her way of ensuring you’re properly prepared.”
The realization hit you like a cold wave. This was no act of kindness or generosity; it was a clear attempt to pass off the unruly young girls onto you, so the Matron wouldn’t have to deal with them herself. It was a tactical move, a way of keeping them out of her hair while she focused on her own preparations.
The girls, oblivious to your annoyance, began to tug at your sleep garments and hair, their energy boundless. They giggled and chatted as they pulled at your clothes, chattering about hairstyles and makeup, their fingers too eager and too rough. It was clear that their idea of assistance was more chaotic than helpful.
Feeling a mix of frustration and desperation, you turned to Kyorlin and Lesaonar. “Can you two perhaps go and pray for me in the chapel? It seems I could use some divine intervention right now.”
Kyorlin and Lesaonar looked at each other, a smirk playing on their lips as they took in the scene before them.
“Pray for you?” Lesaonar echoed with a grin. “Or pray for a miracle to get us out of this madness?”
Kyorlin’s expression softened slightly. “We’ll go,” he said with a chuckle. “It seems like you could use some peace and quiet. We'll see you at the ceremony, dear sister.”
With that, they exited the room, leaving you to the chaotic whirlwind of young girls. As they bustled around you, their laughter and chatter gradually began to fade into the background of your mind. You were left to endure their relentless enthusiasm, trying to stay calm despite the overwhelming noise and activity.
The young girls swarmed around you with a flurry of questions, their voices rising in a cheerful, chaotic crescendo. They seemed to have no sense of personal space, their faces close to yours as they eagerly awaited your responses. You could barely keep up with their rapid-fire inquiries as they tugged at your garments and pushed various accessories into your hands.
“Where’s your wedding dress?” one of them asked, her eyes wide with excitement as she peered into the open wardrobe.
“How are you going to style your hair?” another chimed in, her fingers already brushing through your locks with the kind of enthusiasm that only a young girl could muster.
“Are you going to fight anyone during the ceremony?” asked a third, her face a mix of curiosity and awe.
“Are you going to use your powers?” the last girl queried, her eyes sparkling with a blend of admiration and anticipation.
You took a deep breath, trying to maintain your composure amidst the whirlwind of questions.
“My dress is being prepared by the seamstresses. As for my hair, well, I haven’t quite decided yet. I might leave it to the skilled hands of you young ladies.” You glanced at the older girls who were already starting to work on your hair, their excitement palpable. “And no, there won’t be any fighting during the ceremony. It’s all about unity and devotion. As for my powers, they’re not really part of the ceremony. They’re something I reserve for more pressing matters.”
The girls seemed somewhat satisfied with your answers, but their curiosity remained unabated. Their chatter continued, and you could see their faces lighting up with interest. In an effort to calm the scene and make the best of the situation, you decided to offer them a distraction.
“You know,” you began, your tone shifting to one of storytelling, “since you’re all so eager to know about me, how about I tell you a story while you do my hair?”
The girls’ eyes widened with delight, and they all gathered closer, their attention now fully focused on you allowing the older girls to work on your hair with less chaos.
“Alright, let me tell you about the time I had to go to the surface.” You began, weaving your tale with an air of intrigue.
“It was years ago,” you continued, “when I was sent on a mission to the surface world. Everyone says the surface is a terrible place, filled with danger and discomfort, and I’ll admit, I had my doubts. The light up there—oh, it’s so harsh and blinding compared to our soft, ambient glow. And the air, so dry and warm. It felt like walking through a blazing inferno.”
The girls gasped, clearly captivated by your description. One of them, with wide eyes, asked, “Was it as bad as they say it is?”
You nodded solemnly. “At first, it was overwhelming. The sun burned my skin, and I had to be careful not to let the light blind me. The surface world is a place of harsh contrasts compared to the Underdark. But I managed to survive by staying in the shadows as much as possible and using my knowledge of the surface’s geography to navigate through it. It’s a different kind of danger, one that requires patience and cunning.”
Another girl, clearly intrigued, asked, “How did you manage to stay safe?”
“I had to be very cautious,” you explained. “I used cloaking spells to hide from prying eyes and relied on my wits to avoid the more dangerous creatures of the surface. I even learned a few tricks to blend in with the surface-dwellers, though that wasn’t always easy. The key was to adapt and use every bit of knowledge I had to my advantage.”
The girls listened intently, their previous frenzy momentarily forgotten as they absorbed your tale. Their hands worked diligently through your hair, carefully arranging it as they listened to your story with rapt attention.
“So, you survived all of that?” one of them asked, awe in her voice.
“Yes,” you confirmed with a nod. “And I returned with a deeper understanding of the surface world. It’s not as simple as the stories make it out to be, but it’s not entirely the nightmare some say it is either. It’s a world full of challenges, but also of opportunities.”
The girls exchanged impressed glances, clearly impressed by your resilience and resourcefulness. Their chatter slowed as they focused on their task, and you could see the newfound respect in their eyes.
As the girls finished arranging your hair, their lively chatter slowly faded, replaced by a more subdued and focused energy. The transformation in the room was palpable; the earlier chaos had been replaced by an air of contented productivity.
Just then, a servant entered the room, carrying a beautifully wrapped bundle. The girls’ eyes immediately widened with curiosity, and they gathered around the servant as he carefully unwrapped the bundle to reveal your wedding dress.
A collective gasp of admiration escaped from the girls as they saw the dress. They circled around it, their faces lit up with awe and delight. “Oh, it’s so beautiful!” one of them exclaimed, her voice full of wonder.
“It looks so elegant!” another girl chimed in, her eyes sparkling.
Their enthusiastic reactions warmed your heart. It was clear that they were genuinely impressed, and it was a comforting change from the earlier frustration and chaos. You couldn’t help but smile at their genuine appreciation, feeling a sense of connection with these young, spirited girls.
The servant, noticing the girls’ fascination, cleared his throat to get their attention. “Ladies, you need to leave now. We have other preparations to attend to, and you must be ready to greet the guests soon.”
The girls, though reluctant, knew better than to argue. They cast one last longing look at the dress before reluctantly shuffling toward the door. “We’ll miss you!” one of them said, her voice tinged with sadness.
“See you at the ceremony!” another added, giving you a bright smile before exiting the room.
Once they were gone, the room seemed quieter, their youthful energy having left an almost palpable mark. You stood by the mirror, taking in your reflection. The sense of camaraderie you had shared with the girls lingered, making you feel unexpectedly lighter.
Now the girls were gone, the servant held the dress up to you. "It is time."
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The grand hall of House Baenre was a magnificent spectacle of dark elegance. The rich crimson and obsidian banners draped from the walls, their opulent fabric catching the flickering light of the many torches. A hushed reverence hung in the air, only heightened by the murmurs of the elite of Menzoberranzan who had gathered to witness the grand wedding ceremony.
At the altar, Minthara stood like a figure from a dark legend. She was clad in her ceremonial regalia—a striking blend of armor and finery that showcased her status and power. Her dress was an elaborate piece of art, a seamless fusion of practicality and splendor. The armor was adorned with intricate patterns of red and black, the colors of House Baenre, and it accentuated her commanding presence. The armor, polished to a high sheen, caught the light in a way that emphasized her formidable and fierce demeanor.
Minthara’s light purple skin contrasted sharply with the dark fabric of her attire, giving her an ethereal, almost otherworldly appearance. Her white hair was styled meticulously, cascading in silken waves down her back and framing her sharp, striking features. The house Baenre sigil was emblazoned across her neck in a bold tattoo, a mark of her dominance and heritage. It was impossible to ignore the intense gaze she cast over the assembled guests, a mix of pride and cold calculation in her eyes.
The High Priestess and the acolyte stood beside Minthara at the altar, both figures imposing in their own right. The High Priestess, with her elaborate robes of dark violet and silver, held a commanding presence that matched the gravity of the occasion. Her ornate staff, topped with a symbol of Lolth, rested beside her, its presence a reminder of the divine power that governed the ceremony.
The guests—elite members of Menzoberranzan society—filled the seats, their whispers creating a low murmur of anticipation. They were the crème de la crème of drow society, their attire as elaborate as the occasion demanded. The front row was reserved for your family, though it was glaringly empty apart from Kyorlin and Lesaonar.
The moment arrived with the soft sound of the chamber doors opening, revealing you in all your ceremonial splendor. The room fell into an awed silence as you began your walk up the aisle, every step measured and graceful, drawing the collective gaze of the assembly.
You were enveloped in a dress that seemed to transcend mortal craftsmanship. The fabric, a delicate blend of shimmering silk and ethereal spiderweb patterns, clung to your form with an almost otherworldly elegance. It was as though Lolth herself had spun a cocoon around you, the silk’s iridescent sheen reflecting the candlelight and casting a faint, ghostly glow around you. The dress flowed behind you like a silken waterfall, trailing behind you in a whisper of movement that seemed both fluid and majestic.
Your hair was styled with meticulous precision, two sharp curls cascaded down the sides of your face. These curled strands were reminiscent of spider pincers, framing your features in a way that emphasized your otherworldly beauty. The rest of your hair was pulled back, accentuating the intricate work of the dress and the delicate silver adornments that accentuated your collarbone.
Silver spider legs were strategically placed along your body, their intricate design accentuating the curves and lines of your form. Two legs arched beneath your collarbone, glinting subtly as they caught the light. Another set adorned the curve of your bust, emphasizing the elegance of your silhouette, while additional sets traced your hips and thighs, creating a cascading effect that drew the eye and added a touch of both elegance and danger.
The glossy finish of your makeup made your red eyes stand out with a fierce intensity, their piercing gaze capturing the attention of everyone present.
As you made your way up the aisle, Minthara’s breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened in a mixture of awe and admiration, her typically composed demeanor momentarily faltering as she took in the sight of you. You looked like a divine gift from Lolth herself, a vision of beauty and power that left her momentarily breathless.
Your approach was marked by the soft, almost melodic swish of your dress and the respectful silence of the assembled guests. Minthara’s eyes followed you with an intensity that spoke of both reverence and longing, her own fierce beauty momentarily overshadowed by your ethereal presence.
The High Priestess and the acolyte observed the entrance with approving nods, the former's stern expression softening just a fraction. The ceremony had now reached its pinnacle, with you as the centerpiece, a radiant embodiment of Lolth’s favor.
The grand hall was bathed in the flickering glow of countless candles, their flames dancing in the hushed reverence of the ceremony. With a solemn nod, the High Priestess raised her arms, her voice resonating through the hall as she began the ancient prayer to Lolth. The chant was a haunting melody, woven with words of devotion and supplication, invoking the favor of the Spider Queen upon the union about to be sealed.
You stood beside Minthara, your gaze fixed ahead, though you could feel her intense stare burning into you. A slight, almost imperceptible smile touched your lips as you tried to maintain your composure under the weight of her scrutiny.
The High Priestess concluded the prayer and turned her attention to the next phase of the ceremony: the binding blood vow. The acolyte stepped forward, presenting a ceremonial dagger with an ornate hilt. The dagger’s blade glinted ominously in the candlelight as it was passed to the High Priestess.
The High Priestess took the dagger and approached you. With precise, practiced movements, she made a shallow cut on your palm, the pain sharp but brief. The blood that welled up was immediately captured by the High Priestess, who then turned to Minthara. She made a similar incision on Minthara’s palm.
The words of the vow began to echo through the hall, the High Priestess guiding you both as you repeated the ancient promises of loyalty to each other and to House Baenre. You vowed not only your fidelity to the house but also a solemn promise to never bring harm to each other, pledging to protect and uphold the sanctity of your union.
As you spoke the words, you noticed a sudden and alarming change in Minthara’s demeanor - and not just the grimace from swearing she would never be able to bring harm against you. Her face grew pale, and a look of weakness and disorientation crossed her features. It was as if a wave of illness had washed over her, and she swayed slightly on her feet.
Instinctively, you reached out and grasped Minthara’s hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. The mingling of your blood, open wound on open wound, had an immediate effect. Minthara’s pallor quickly faded, and her strength seemed to return as the warmth of her body stabilized.
From the corner of your eye, you caught sight of the acolyte’s face. There was a momentary flicker of something sinister in her expression before they quickly masked it with a neutral demeanor. You gripped Minthara's hand reassuringly, but were just met with her narrowed accusatory eyes, whatever had just happened was evidenlty your fault somehow.
The ceremony continued, with the High Priestess’s gaze flickering between you and Minthara, noting the strange turn of events but choosing to proceed with the rites regardless, you believe she was just happy that you both made it there alive. Your shared blood dripped from each other's palms, landing in the alter below, as it fell it pooled and spread into Lolth's insignia, a sign of approval.
After what felt like an age the binding blood vow was complete, a rush of sharp magic danced across each of your palms as you flinched away from each other, only to realise your wounds had both been healed. Servants attended to you both, ensuring that you were cleaned up and presentable.
"Now, for Y/N Liakyre to shed herself from the past, and embrace her new future as Mistress Y/N Baenre, Wife of Matron Minthara Baenre." The high priestess announced and an involuntary shiver racked through you, you were not looking forward to this. Mainly as Minthara would be the one slicing your beloved House mark from your skin, and considering she thought you just tried to poison her, you were certain she was going to be anything but quick about it.
The ceremony continued with a palpable sense of anticipation hanging in the air. The High Priestess’s announcement rang out clearly, declaring the next phase of the ritual. “Now, for Y/N Liakyre to shed herself from the past and embrace her new future as Mistress Y/N Baenre, Wife of Matron Minthara Baenre.”
A shiver ran through you, a blend of apprehension and anticipation. You knew what was coming—Minthara, the one you were still getting to know, would be the one to remove your house sigil. The thought of her performing this act, particularly under the shadow of the recent incident, filled you with unease. You had braced yourself for an uncomfortable ordeal, expecting the worst given the tension between you.
To your surprise, however, Minthara approached you with an unexpected gentleness. Her eyes, though guarded, were soft as she prepared to perform the task. The intricate dagger she held, - her personal favourite, you noted - glinted ominously in the candlelight, but her touch was surprisingly delicate.
Minthara’s hand was steady as she positioned the blade near your wrist. Her fingers, though firm, were careful as they traced the outline of your House Liakyre sigil. You felt the cold metal of the dagger as it made contact with your skin, but instead of the anticipated pain, her movements were precise and controlled. There was an almost reassuring quality to her touch.
As the blade began its work, Minthara leaned in slightly, her breath warm against your ear. “I will make this as swift and painless as possible,” she murmured, her voice a low whisper that carried both assurance and an unexpected tenderness.
The edge of the dagger sliced through the skin with an efficiency that took you by surprise. Despite the sting of the incision, Minthara’s soft praise was oddly comforting.
Once the sigil was completely severed from your skin, Minthara gripped the wound with one hand, her touch surprisingly soothing. You could feel the warmth of her magic as she began the healing process. The sensation of her healing spell was like a gentle wave washing over you, numbing the pain and closing the wound.
As the healing magic worked, Minthara's other hand moved to your neck. With a deliberate, yet gentle motion, she traced the Baenre sigil onto your skin. Her touch was careful and meticulous, her nail guiding the sigil’s shape with an almost artistic precision. The sensation was both hot and cold—a duality that made you wince but also marvel at the intensity of the moment.
The sigil burned into your skin with a searing warmth, and you could not help but flinch slightly, even though you tried to remain still. Minthara’s face was close to yours, her gaze intense as she focused on her task. When she finished, she inspected the mark closely, her expression a blend of satisfaction and relief.
As she pulled away, your eyes locked with hers, and in that moment, something shifted between you. You hadn't realised it but you were holding her hand that she had just healed you with, a connection that felt both intimate and profound. The urge to kiss her was almost overwhelming, a sudden, unspoken understanding passing between the both of you.
Before you could act on the impulse, the High Priestess’s voice cut through the charged silence. “Now that the mark is complete,” she announced with a tone of finality, “let us proceed with the final rites of the ceremony. The toast.”
The intrusion of the High Priestess’s voice shattered the moment, and you and Minthara were abruptly reminded of the ritualistic nature of the event. You quickly withdrew your hand from Minthara’s, trying to steady your breathing and regain composure. Minthara cleared her throat as if she had not been victim to the same fleeting feelings as you.
As you and Minthara turned toward the altar, the final stage of the ceremony was upon you: the toast. The High Priestess, with a solemn expression, raised her goblet high and addressed the assembly with practiced grace.
“Let us now toast to the union of House Baenre and their newest member, Mistress Y/N Baenre. May this bond be as strong as the webs spun by Lolth herself, and may their loyalty to each other and to House Baenre be unwavering.”
The audience responded with elated cheers, their eyes fixed on you and Minthara. The atmosphere was thick with expectation as the High Priestess gestured for you both to take your goblets.
You and Minthara exchanged a knowing glance, your previous unspoken connection now tempered by the ceremonial formalities. The goblets, adorned with intricate patterns and filled with a dark, almost ominous liquid, were a focal point of the final rite. The contents imbued with Menzoberranzan love magic.
Minthara’s lips curled into a smirk as she looked at you, her eyes gleaming with challenge. She lifted her goblet, her movements deliberate and poised, and with a defiant glint in her eye, she downed the contents in one swift motion. The crowd watched in anticipation, their cheers momentarily hushed as they awaited your response.
You met her smirk with a challenging look of your own. Taking a deep breath, you raised your own goblet, feeling the weight of the ritual and the gaze of the onlookers. With a final, resolute glance at Minthara, you followed suit and drank the contents in one go. The liquid slid down your throat, its taste oddly unremarkable despite the grandiose of its magical properties.
As the last drop of the goblet was consumed, a cheer erupted from the audience, their enthusiasm a stark contrast to the tension that had lingered between you and Minthara. The High Priestess’s face remained inscrutable as she nodded in approval, and the formalities of the ceremony drew to a close.
In a moment of shared understanding, you leaned in toward Minthara, and she responded with a confident yet tender kiss. The crowd’s cheers swelled, their applause growing louder as the kiss deepened. It was a brief but meaningful display of unity, a symbolic gesture that marked the beginning of your life together. As you both pulled away, your eyes locked, the tension of the earlier ceremony now mingled with the thrill of the new chapter ahead.
With a nod to each other, Minthara took your hand and led you towards the grand banquet hall. The room was adorned with opulent decorations, the feast laid out on long tables that gleamed with silver and crystal. The air was filled with the rich scents of exotic dishes and the buzz of conversation.
As you entered the hall, your gaze fell upon your brothers, who were seated among the guests. They caught your eye and offered you warm smiles, their faces reflecting a genuine sense of pride and joy. The sight was reassuring, a small island of familiarity amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces.
Nearby, the young girls who had helped you earlier were eagerly waving at you from their seats. You smiled back at them and gave a playful wave, their excitement evident as they responded with enthusiastic giggles and cheers. It was a comforting sight, a reminder of the bonds you had managed to forge even in the midst of such a formal and intimidating occasion.
Minthara led you to the head of the banquet hall, where a line of guests was already forming to offer their congratulations and present you with gifts. The well-wishers approached one by one, each one bowing respectfully and offering their tributes. The atmosphere was filled with a blend of festivity and formality, the air thick with the scent of rich foods and the murmur of polite conversation.
Amid the bustling crowd, you noticed that the acolyte from the ceremony had slipped away from the banquet. A sense of unease prickled at the back of your mind, and you excused yourself from the line of well-wishers with a polite but hurried apology.
“I must give my thanks to Lolth for the ceremony,” you said, your voice steady but urgent. “I will be back shortly.”
Minthara gave you a curious look but nodded in understanding. “Don’t be long,” she instructed, her tone a mix of curiosity and caution.
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You made your way swiftly to the chapel, the grand archways and shadowed corners of the sacred space offering a stark contrast to the celebratory chaos of the banquet. As you approached the altar, you saw the acolyte kneeling in despair, her head bowed and her hands clasped in a desperate plea for mercy. Her soft sobs echoed through the empty chapel, the sanctity of the space amplifying the depth of her distress.
A smirk touched your lips as you approached, your footsteps echoing ominously. The acolyte’s head snapped up at the sound, her tear-streaked face reflecting shock and anger as she recognized you.
“I cannot imagine Lolth will be forgiving to the one who tried to poison her favored on the day of their union,” you said with a cold satisfaction. The words seemed to land heavily, deepening the acolyte’s rage.
“How did you survive?” she demanded, her voice a harsh whisper, trembling with a mixture of anger and disbelief. “How did both of you survive? That blade was coated in Purple Worm Toxin; as soon as it drew blood, the effects should have taken hold immediately.”
"Evidently, House Baenre-"
"-House Baenre!” she spat out, her voice laced with venom. “I hate them all! They destroyed my family. Minthara killed my sister on a whim, and my house fell because of her cruelty. I was sent here to exact revenge, to see House Baenre's ruin!”
You listened with a mix of cold detachment and grim understanding. The animosity and vendetta against House Baenre were clear, but you had little sympathy for her plight. Your position as Mistress of House Baenre meant you had to uphold the dignity and power of your new house. Her vendetta was irrelevant to you now; she was a threat that needed to be dealt with.
“You failed,” you said, your voice steely. “And as Mistress of House Baenre, I am obligated to ensure that all transgressions are punished. However, I doubt I’ll get there before Lolth herself. That doesn’t mean I can’t offer some assistance.”
Before the acolyte could fully comprehend what was happening, you began to weave a cocoon of divine silk around her. The shimmering threads encased her body, the silken strands gliding effortlessly as they bound her tightly. Her struggles against the cocoon were futile, the threads forming a firm and unyielding prison.
With the cocoon fully formed, you turned your gaze upward to the statue of Lolth. The statue’s eyes, previously dim and lifeless, suddenly flared with a deep, crimson glow. The eyes seemed to pierce through the darkness of the chapel, signaling the goddess’s presence.
A small smile graced your lips and in a flash of blinding light, the cocoon began to tremble and writhe. The divine silk glowed with an eerie, otherworldly light as the acolyte’s form within the cocoon began to twist and contort. A cacophony of harsh, bone cracking sounds filled the chapel, the process of transformation a brutal and unsettling spectacle.
The cocoon’s surface split open, revealing the acolyte’s body undergoing a grotesque metamorphosis. Her limbs elongated and twisted, her form shifting into that of a drider—half-drow, half-spider. The transformation was violent, marked by a series of inhuman cries and the sound of tearing flesh.
As the final touches of the transformation took place, a portal of shimmering web appeared above the altar. The drider, now fully transformed, was dragged upwards by the force of the web, struggling against its constraints but ultimately powerless to resist.
The portal drew the drider into its depths, vanishing into the dark expanse of the Underdark. The last sight of the acolyte was a flash of horrified eyes and twisted limbs before it was completely absorbed by the portal.
You watched with a mixture of resolve and cold satisfaction as the portal closed, sealing the drider's fate. The chapel fell silent once more, the only sound being the distant echoes of the banquet hall. You slowly albeit with great difficulty due to the restrcitve dress, kneeled infront of the statue and clasped your hands in prayer.
The dim light of the chapel flickered as you approached the grand statue of Lolth, her visage looming large and commanding in the sacred space. The flickering flames of the nearby torches cast eerie shadows, creating an atmosphere both reverent and charged with divine energy.
You fell to your knees on the cold, polished stone floor, your posture embodying both respect and solemnity. The weight of the evening’s events settled upon you, and with deep breaths, you centered yourself, preparing to offer a prayer worthy of the Spider Queen. You lowered your head and closed your eyes, focusing all your energy and intent on the divine presence before you.
In a voice both steady and reverent, you began:
“Most Glorious and Resplendent Lolth, Queen of Spiders, Matron of the Underdark, hear the words of your devoted descendent.”
“Great Mistress, it is with deepest gratitude and unwavering devotion that I come before you in this sacred place. I offer my thanks for your boundless favor, which guided my ancestral aasimar, Liakyre, from the treacherous embrace of her mother Eilistraee, and into the welcoming web of your dark grace.”
“O Divine One, you who nurtured and raised her as your own, you who allowed her bloodline to continue and for House Liakyre to ascend, I beseech you to acknowledge my humble gratitude. Though the house now lies fallen, its legacy persists within the fervent fire of this descendent’s heart.”
“May the blood of Liakyre, whose blood now courses through me, burn brightly and unyieldingly as I take up the mantle of Mistress of House Baenre. Empower me to honor the past, to uphold the strength of our bloodline, and to fulfill the sacred duties entrusted to me by your will.”
“Grant me, O Lolth, your divine blessing as I forge ahead into the future, carrying forth the traditions of your dark and eternal house. Let your gaze remain upon me, a guiding light in the shadows, as I serve House Baenre with loyalty and fervor and continue Liakyre's legacy through them.”
With each word, the sense of the divine grew stronger, the statue’s eyes seeming to glimmer with an otherworldly light. The ambient light in the chapel seemed to intensify, focusing on the statue’s form as if Lolth herself were acknowledging your prayer.
With a final bow of your head, you left the chapel, the sense of divine favor still tingling at your fingertips. The grandeur of the banquet hall greeted you as you emerged, the sounds of celebration and the clamor of the crowd filling the air with vibrant energy. The guests, a mélange of the elite and powerful from Menzoberranzan, erupted into cheers as you re-entered the hall.
The atmosphere was electric with excitement. You made your way to Minthara, who was surrounded by well-wishers and offering polite nods and pleasantries. As you approached, her sharp eyes fixed on you with a mixture of curiosity and concern.
“What was that about, Y/N?” Minthara asked, her voice low yet demanding. “The High Priestess mentioned something about you and the acolyte. I need to know what happened.”
You offered her a reassuring smile, knowing that any explanation now would only add to the evening’s complexity. “I’ll tell you later,” you said smoothly. “For now, I could really use a drink.”
Without waiting for a response, you reached for her wine glass, taking it from her hand with a quick, deft motion. Minthara’s eyes widened in surprise as you took a long, deliberate sip of the wine, savoring the rich, intoxicating flavor.
Minthara’s protest died in her throat, her eyes narrowing slightly as she watched you with a mix of amusement and frustration. She looked as if she were about to speak, but the moment was abruptly interrupted as you leaned in and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The suddenness and intensity of the kiss seemed to catch her off guard, but she quickly responded, her arms wrapping around you as she returned the kiss with equal fervor.
When the kiss finally broke, you pulled away, your lips lingering on hers for a heartbeat longer. You could see the desire in her eyes, a fire that matched your own. With a playful smirk, you murmured, “Must be the Menzoberranzan love magic in the wine from the toast.”
Minthara’s eyes flashed with a mix of surprise and amusement. “Is that so?” she replied, her voice dripping with a teasing challenge.
Before she could respond further, the crowd’s cheers and laughter seemed to rise around you, drawing the attention back to the festivities. You took her hand, guiding her through the throng of guests, ready to embrace the rest of the evening's revelry. You felt a high like no other, your family may be 6ft under, but you were now mistress of the most powerful House in Menzoberranzen, you had just seen Lolth turn a once devoted acolyte into a drider because of her transgressions against you. Oh the night was young, and you intended to enjoy every moment of it.
Part Five
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Ooof this was a long one but I have been feeling so rotten lately (I'm on so many antibiotics and meds rn lmaoooo) and this is my comfort fic to write.
Finally have revealed how reader has her powers, and for clarity, I'm headcanoning that Eilistraee had aasimar children and one of them fell and Lolth took full advantage of that.
Hope you all enjoyed it, let me know what you think in the comments below or in my inbox. Love you all - Seluney xox
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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@mimetoist @thepotatoislost @needyformilfs @longjohnsilverfish @spacezombiez @morganaspet @wineredsea
If you want to be in the taglist just comment down below xox
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amica-aenigmata-naboo · 7 months
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Astarion x Y/N - drabble - 1K WC
Warnings: none this is all fluff babyyyyyy
You had finally defeated the big three. Minthara was the most difficult to knock out and your body let you know it. Your armor was incredibly heavy on your aching body and all you wanted to do was sit in a hot bath and enjoy silence. As you ran to the front of the goblin camp but you heard the clicking of the spiders. You stopped, looking at them in their cage. Everyone else stopped a bit ahead of you, noticing your absence. You drank a potion of animal speaking before walking to the cage. You started to pick the lock, the others watching you quietly. 
“What are you doing? You’re wasting time we need to get back to the grove.” Astarion said, annoyance present in his voice. 
“Nothing deserves to be caged forever. They deserve to be free.” You said, the lock finally clicking open as you fiddled with it. 
The spiders looked at you, you moved out of the way while opening the cage completely. “You’re free now. Feel free to feast on the goblins.” You motioned to the plethora of dead goblins scattered about. The spiders crawled past you. You returned to the group, all of them looking at you with different expressions. 
“Shall we?” You said pointing at the large doors leading to the front of the goblin camp. 
Everyone started running again. As the large doors shut behind you, you once again stopped. You pried the doors open again leaving them wide open. “What? They’ll need to get out at some point.” You said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
Everyone kept moving, making it to the sigil and back to camp. 
As you made your way back to your tent from the river Astarion watched you. He made his way to you, still cautious as you were only a few days into being companions. 
“Y/N?” He called out.
You emerged dressed in your night clothes while still drying your hair. “Hey!” You said, ever so friendly. 
“I’m curious…. Why did you free the spiders? It would have been so easy to leave them behind.” He asked genuinely.
“Easy, yes. Right? No.” You shrugged. You could see on his face he still didn’t understand. “They are misunderstood creatures. They deserve the same respect as everything else living. You saw them, they didn’t want to hurt us, they just wanted to eat and wander. Nothing wrong with that. I couldn’t leave them to die or become slaves to whoever came along next. Nothing deserves that.” 
Astarion nodded. You were kind, truly kind, he thought. 
This carried on as your adventure moved forward. The tieflings, Last Light Inn, sparing the sisters in the House of Healing, stopping the shadow curse, even saving Minthara at Moonrise. All you seemed to do was help others when it gave you no advantage, no leverage. You just did it to be kind. It baffled and annoyed him but a small part of him found it endearing; admirable even. 
You spoke with Minthara across camp as he watched you. You somehow made the drow manage a smile. How strange, he thought. Your kind, uplifting nature seemed to be infectious to even the darkest souls amongst you. 
As you sauntered back to your tent nestled next to his Astarion said aloud, “You’re unbearably naive.” 
Your smile faltered for a moment, “What do you mean?” you asked.
“That kind nature of yours will get you killed.” he said. There was a hint of sincerity in his voice, but the rest came off as rude. 
You paused for a moment before shrugging, “Maybe. But at least I’ll die for a good cause. Better to die helpful than to die for nothing.”
“Your lack of self preservation is astonishing.” he chided.  
You smiled at him. You were so sickly sweet. He really did try to find negatives in you to prevent himself from liking you. The only negative he found was your weakness for others. 
“Why are you so helpful anyways? It’s not like you gain anything.” he asked while taking a swig from his wine.
You sighed, a forlorn look melting onto your face. “I don’t want anyone to feel pain. I’ve felt pain and hurt all too much in my life and if I can prevent others from feeling the same then I will… All we have is each other in this life.” you smiled softly at the end. 
“How… sweet.” he said, finally smiling back at you. You were someone he wished had found him sooner, maybe you could have saved him from all the pain he had to endure. 
You sat next to him, taking his bottle of wine and having a gulp yourself before nestling it between the two of you. You both sat in a comfortable silence, watching the stars above. A chill shivered down your spine at the cool night breeze. 
Astarion opened himself up to you “I’m not sure if I’m much warmer but…” he trailed off. 
You shimmied into his side, cuddling up to him. “This is nice.” you sighed sleepily.
Astarion smiled softly, instinctively kissing the top of your head. You had turned him down every time he invited you to his bedroll. Yet these soft touches stirred something inside him. He felt… safe. His guard was dropped with you, knowing you were kind and eternally forgiving. He had to tell you… soon. Everything. How he planned to seduce you, how he was annoyed by your nature, how he came to enjoy you… love you. He looked down at your angelic face. You trusted him enough to fall asleep with him, something he didn’t take lightly. He cradled your head gently as he laid you down, shifting one of his cushions under your head. You whined a bit, missing his contact but you quickly nuzzled into the pillow. Astarion fetched a blanket from your tent since he had no need for them, he tucked you in and kept watch over you. Playing with your hair until morning slowly crept over the horizon.
Naboo's Note:
Hello lovelies! Hope you enjoy this one, I'm working another overnight on Friday so might get one or two more fics out this week. I hope you're all doing well :) I realize my fics are a little heavy in their content (i.e. self harm, SA, etc.) would a special type of warning or symbol on said posts be helpful? I already put warnings and the mature content symbol but I want to make sure I'm being super mindful and not triggering to anyone. Let me know what you guys think! Thanks for everything guys! XOXOXOXOXO
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zwolfgames · 1 month
Goblin camp overtake (drabble) Platonic!Yandere!BG3 x Teen!Reader
(Hopefully it's a bit accurate because ive only played the story twice for now so i dunno all the posibilities.)
Summary: Teen!reader and the squad go take defeat the goblins. Therefore meeting Halsin, and Minthara again.
Warnings: Death (obv), mentions of gore, Goblins
Other related BG3 by me: Intro
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The sun was shining, the flowers in the forest were blooming... On days like this, kids like you had been tasked with commuting genocide on the local goblins.
Not that you really cared. They were little shitheads... Stole your laundry once back when you lived with your mom... before all this...
But getting closer to this alleged camp wasn't making you any more at ease. You could already imagine the stench of those sweaty creatures when you have to inevitably walk into that camp. Which you've heard is actually just an old temple.
You've noticed over time that people in your little group have gotten... well, friendlier. For example: Lae'zel was no longer throwing you glares, Shadowheart remembered your name, Astarion has indoctrinated you into his schemes... Yea, the three most hostile people had warmed up to you.
And the other have just... always been quite nice.
Well, Wyll still didn't seem to approve of you, a minor, coming along. But he didn't really have a choice as the others were not allowing him to take you back to the Emerald Grove. Guess they really do find you too funny to lose then.
"Ugh, the stench is disgusting." Karlach waves the air under her nose away.
"It is the smell of a goblin camp. What were you expecting? Tchk. And I myself find this odor quite thrilling. It promises of a good fight." Lae'zel slightly smirks. Clawed hands flexing around the handle of her greatsword.
"Of course you do... Tough the smell of blood has never scared me away." Astarion, in turn, chuckles in that weird posh way. You raise a brow.
"So you're sure you're not a vampire?" You question sarcastically. The pale elf gasps in mock offense.
"Of course not. I merely like the smell." He huffs. Right, so that time you saw him hunt down a boar must have been make belief.
The rest of the party didn't comment anymore as you made your way to the camp.
Gale had thrown his arm around your shoulder to keep you at the back. He excused that as 'magic users stay behind so they can asses the battlefield'. But he probably just didn't want to accidently get Lae'zels sword through his back.
This mission to save some druid calmed Halsin was looking like a total hassle. But hey, why not do side quests while the worm in your head is ready to kill you?
Whatever person lives in your head didn't take kindly to your remark as you heard the voice say they'd protect you.
Right, bullshit. You're just developing pshycosis. A hundred percent that.
"Y/N. If they target you, I want you to run, alright?" Wyll speaks calmly.
"Well, I mean, not that I don't want to but were kind of in this together -" You start nonchalantly.
"Don't listen to the human. It is unhonerable to run from a fight." Lae'zel scolds like a lecturing general.
Well, do you really care about your honor? It's not like you're trying to capture the Avatar here-
"Yea yea, got it, boss." You sigh. The slight stress makes its way to your head. It's just some goblins, right? Nothing a good magic missile can't solve... Right?
You take back your words quite quickly when Astarion smooth talks his way past the outside security to let your group pass. There's like... at least fifty goblins here!
You feel an arm slitter around your shoulders. Looking up, you can see Lae'zels warry face.
She's gripping that greatsword quite harshly, a bit scared, maybe? Tough you doubt it, it's Lae'zel..
You ignore the stink eyes these little creatures are throwing you and walk along with your group.
"My, what a festive place, no? Look, they even have booze." Astarion muses with his typical smug grin.
"We're not here to party." Gale groans. The wizard stares at the goblins in distaste. You note that everyone is on edge
A goblin child sticks her tingue out at you, so you do the same, blowing raspberries for good meassure. This action earns you a dissaproving look by Wyll.
"So where's this druid? I don't want to be here any longer then needed." Shadowheart complains with a little wave infront of her nose to showcase that she thinks this place stinks.. Wich it does.
"Let's ask!" Karlach offers her idea.
"You've got to be the most optimistic person I've met and we have a literal child in the group." Gale groans.
"You can't miss any of the chances you take." Karlach shrugs.
"Let's just gut all of them. I'm sure we can search for the druid in peace then." Astarion smirks.
"For once, I agree with the pale one." Lae'zel sneers.
You watch your group bicker a bit longer as you wander out of the grip you had been put in. Walking around the goblin camp instead.
Mhh, a clear booze tub. They're drunk. Quite ideal.
You scan around the area, a certain tall woman catches your eye, seeing as she isn't a goblin.
Wait a minute, you've met her before! She almost killed you on the beach when the Nautiloid crashed!
The nerve of that woman, she doesn't deserve the same hairstyle as your mother.
Astarion had snuk out of the argument your group of idiots was having right in the middle of the goblin camp. He stuck himself to your side, observing along with you.
"You seem... focussed. You have an idea, do you not?" The pale elf asks smoothly.
"An inkling. They're drinking, and Nettie gave us wyvern poison... I mean...?" You let your gaze travel to the booze tub. Astarions red eyed orbs follow along. You can see a sharp toothed grin spread across his face.
"I just know we're going to be great friends, Y/N.." He smirks and puts a cold hand on your shoulder.
You just smile in satisfaction that your plan is apparently good. Before you know it, Astarions snatched the poison out of Shadowhearts pocket. You watch the man go invisible to presumably go dunk the booze in poison. Or maybe he's gonna drink it... But he never seemed suicidal... So it should be fine.
"Y/N, c'mon, we're going into the temple, the druid should be there." Karlach waves you over.
You nod and join the group again. Getting tucked back under someone's shoulder.
The first leader of the Goblins you had met was a priestess. And oh boy, defenitly not your favourite... She wanted to brand you! Is she nuts!?
So anyways, Lae'zel chopped her head off... Uh... props to Wyll for covering your eyes.
Then there was Dror Ragzlin. Scary guy that one. Almost twice your size, mean face and doing necromancy. Yikes.
Unfortunatly, you did have to help in this fight. There were goblins storming in through the door and well just that beast of an orc.
So you you just started blasting spells at the incoming goblins. Fireball and Ice Knife were a nice combo, no? Make em slip and then steam the ice and do damage? Sounds logical to you. Was anyone else smelling barbeque or just you?
When that got taken care of, Karlach strapped a helmet to your head and lead you back to the group.
The last leader was the same woman that had tried to kill you. Minthara, apparently. You've never seen a real drow, so this was cool. Except for the part where she tried to kill all of you. That wasn't that cool...
Just before she was supposed to just die, Lae'zel had accidently hit one of the wooden beams in the room. The ceiling collapsed right infront of you.
Well, maybe she's dead? Atleast it's not your problem anymore?
After all the goblins inside had straight up been slayed, Astarion joined the group once more, seeming quite pleased with himself.
"Where have you been?" Gale asks sternly. Raising an eyebrow in suspiscion. It's still quite annoying that nobody really trusts anyone here..
"Let's just say the situation outside is taken care off." Astarion boasts proudly.
"Really? And you did that, alone?" Shadowheart states in a disbelieving tone. Gods forbid the fancy man does anything impressive.
"Yes! Is that so hard to believe?" Astarion scoffs and crosses his arms.
"Very." Shadowheart argues back.
"I'll believe it when I see it." Lae'zel adds.
Wyll and Karlach just exchange glances. Well you know that he did it. So there's no need for your input-
"Ahhh!" You eep in fear as a large man had appeared behind you. Wich is very scary considering every one in this temple was supposed to be dead.
"Calm down little cub, I mean no harm." The large man smiles reasuringly.
You stagger back to Lae'zels side. This man... Elf ears.. Brown hair. Ah, druid attire? Halsin, perhaps?
"And who are you?" Shadowheart asks for all of you.
"Halsin. You were sent here to come chack on me, or are you just lost adventurers?" Halsin asks with that same smile.
"Well, we found him. Back to the grove-" Gale starts walking off before Karlach grabs the rim of his robes to keep him in the group.
"We did come here for you. Have the goblins hurt you?" Wyll asks calmly. Halsin shakes his head.
"Nothing I can't handle. Why the cub?" Halsin tilts his head at you.
"They're actually an immortal being in the form of a child. Wiser then any of us." Astarion makes up.
Halsin raises a brow. Clearly not believing that.
"Right. But like your little wizard said, we should get back. I am sure the grove has missed me." Halsin hums.
"Don't think so, they're closing it off frol the outside world." You mention calmly.
"What." Halsin stops smiling. You just shrug, that's all you picked up from it.
Halsin frowns and starts walking out. What determination.
Your group eventually exits the dead silent temple after having taken any valuables. Can't leave without some loot, who knows if you're getting paid!
As you walk out the large door, the death Astarion had caused is quite visible, dead goblins everywhere. R.I.P, you won't be missed.
Now that that's taken care of, who knows what adventures await you thanks to this stupid worm in your brain!
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Not the best, but it's something. Yan feelings gotta develop trough the story but I'm not fully there yet.
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mumms-the-word · 4 months
In Fathoms Below - Ch. 2
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Ch. 2 - The Launch
Characters: Gale, Karlach, Wyll, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Astarion, Halsin, Minthara, Gortash + other OCs; pairing is Gale x fem!Tav Plot: The island city of Nautera disappeared over 4500 years ago, if it ever existed at all. Now not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more. A/N: Gale is meeting the team and the submersible is about to launch! For those curious about where a certain pale vampire is, don't worry. He's around here somewhere. Also, have some mood music!
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Lord Enver Gortash. It wasn’t a name that Gale immediately recognized, but the man carried himself with an air of confidence and self-importance that was impossible to deny. Whoever he was to the city of Baldur’s Gate, it was someone of significance.
Gortash straightened from his subtle bow to offer Gale another charismatic smile. “I’m in charge of this little expedition, at the behest of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard himself. It has been a lifelong dream of mine—and his—to locate the fabled Nautera. When we heard that there was an ancient record of the islands and that there might be a man capable of reading and deciphering it—well, it was practically a dream come true. We wasted no time in organizing this expedition to seek out the fabled city. Rest assured, I’ve gathered only the finest to ensure our success. Including you, naturally. You’ve come highly recommended.”
Gale struggled to keep up. Recommended by who, Elminster? And how did this man know about the Account when not even Gale had been certain it still existed until only a few short days ago? And Ravengard—that was a Baldurian name, if he recalled. One of four Grand Dukes that ruled the city. If this was a Baldurian expedition, why had Elminster arranged for him to join? Then again, perhaps he ought not to look a gift submersible in the mouth...
He set those concerns aside for now. “A pleasure to meet you, Lord Gortash.” 
“Likewise.” Gortash snapped his fingers at the drow woman. “Minthara. Gather the others will you? We can have a little debrief before we launch.”
Gale didn’t miss the withering look Minthara shot at the back of Gortash’s head, but she turned and left even so. In the meantime, Gortash gestured toward the githyanki, who was watching them both with a sour expression, her arms still crossed over her chest.
“This is—”
“I am capable of introducing myself, istik,” she said, cutting her eyes briefly at Gortash before settling her gaze back on Gale. She straightened and lifted her chin. “I am Lae’zel of K’liir. No doubt I will be this expedition’s strongest fighter, should the need arise.”
“Lae’zel is here to offer her people’s expertise on Nautera,” Gortash said, appearing unruffled by her interruption. “The libraries of K’liir contained quite a few tir’su slates with accounts of the islands. I’m sure the two of you will have much to discuss as we draw closer to the city.”
“Truly?” Gale couldn’t help but be intrigued. “I confess, I’ve always wanted to learn tir’su. No doubt time in your company will prove valuable to us both.”
“Save your words, istik,” she said, settling back against the table and folding her arms again. “I offer only that which is necessary, be it in words or with blades. I do not chatter.” 
“Ah…duly noted.” 
Gortash chuckled. “Don’t mind her. She’s like that with everyone. Ah, here we have our healers. This is Halsin Silverbough of the Emerald Grove and Shadowheart, a cleric who has offered her services to the cause.”
“You must be the translator we’ve been waiting for,” Halsin said, nodding to him. “Well met.”
“Funny,” Shadowheart said, looking Gale up and down. “I thought you’d be more…”
“More…what?” Gale tilted his head. “Dashing? Roguish? Elegantly dressed?”
She pursed her lips. “More of a peacock, I suppose. Your reputation precedes you.” Her gaze settled briefly on his silver Mystran earring before returning to his face.
“Ah. I dare not ask which reputation you’re referring to, if that’s the case,” he said, laughing somewhat awkwardly. He could just imagine what the others had heard about him by now, especially if Elminster had arranged for him to join up.
But just as she noticed his earring, he couldn’t help but notice the symbol on the circlet she wore over her hair—a round black disk like a new moon. Any follower of Mystra would recognize that symbol. It was the mark of Shar, one of Mystra’s longest and most relentless divine enemies. The two goddesses absolutely hated each other.
Curious that there would be a Sharran cleric on board. But if she was here as a healer, perhaps she intended to do no harm. Or so he hoped. He offered her his most charming smile and a little bow.
“Rest assured, I’m more than happy to offer my services to the expedition. The discovery of Nautera is not something a man simply passes up.”
“That’s the spirit,” Gortash said, flashing him a quick grin. “Ah, and I know you’ve met Karlach.”
“Hello again, Gale,” Karlach said, giving him a little wave. He waved back.
“And this is young Wyll Ravengard, son of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard.”
“At your service.” The young man bowed gracefully before rising and offering Gale a smile. Gale noticed that one of his eyes had been replaced with a smooth, stone eye and that there were several scars on his face and neck.
For a young son of a grand duke, Wyll didn’t look the part. This man had clearly seen trials the like most could only find in their nightmares. Still, it was curious that he was here. From what little Gale recalled of Baldurian nobility, Ulder Ravengard only had one son, and this expedition was sure to be dangerous at times.
Wyll's presence must be a hint of Ravengard’s confidence in the success of the expedition...or else there was some other, darker reason no one dared to name. Gale hoped it meant the former.
“And finally,” Gortash said, as the drow woman returned to the table, “allow me to introduce our general, Minthara of House Baenre. She has brought with her a retinue of drow scouts and soldiers that will no doubt be invaluable as we explore any Underdark passages along the way.”
“I also serve as the second-in-command for this expedition,” she said, clasping her hands behind her back. “And I suffer no disobedience of any kind. If you will not listen to Lord Gortash, you will listen to me. Is that clear?”
“As crystal,” Gale said, trying to look sincere. He glanced around the group, trying to match faces with names and names with occupations. Gortash, the lord and leader. Minthara, the general. Karlach, the bodyguard. Wyll, the young noble. Halsin, the druid healer. Shadowheart, the cleric. And Lae’zel, the githyanki soldier and tir’su expert.
An ecclectic group if he ever saw one. He couldn’t fathom why half of them cared about finding the ruins of an ancient city. At worst they would find nothing, save perhaps stone blocks and broken pottery, and at best they’d locate ancient writings, perhaps a rare fragment of the legendary mythallar. Gale knew what he wanted out of the trip—answers about Nautera and its relationship with Netheril as well as the pride in knowing he had proven generations of Candlekeep scholars wrong—but he dared not wonder why the rest were interested.
Perhaps it was better that he did not know…for now.
“Now,” Gortash said, clasping his hands together. “There are plenty more important people to meet but you can make those introductions along the way. We had best be off. Gale, you will be sharing a bunk with Halsin and Wyll while aboard the submersible. I trust they can show you the way?” At Wyll and Halsin’s nods, he continued, “Splendid. Everyone, we will meet at the helm in exactly one hour. If you’re not inside the submersible, you’ll be left behind. And, Gale…” 
Gale paused just as he was turning away to follow Wyll and Halsin down toward the submersible. He faced Gortash again, finding himself caught beneath the Baldurian lord’s dark, unreadable gaze. Gortash’s smile, however, was as charming and practiced as ever.
“Bring your little book. We’ll have need of it.”
The interior of the submersible was nearly all metal. Metal sheets, metal pipes, metal grates, metal bolts. If it wasn’t metal, it was thick glass that peered out into the blue depths beyond. While not entirely unwelcoming, it was certainly different from the creature comforts Gale was used to in his Waterdhavian wizard’s tower.
The bunks, at least, looked passably comfortable, though Gale was a bit disappointed that there was no chance of a private room. Still, Wyll and Halsin seemed sensible, even friendly company.
“How does a young noble and a druid come to join an expedition like this?” he asked them as he dropped his pack onto the only available bed in the room. It was little more than a narrow padded mattress with a thin pillow and a blanket folded at one end, but it was his now.
Wyll, leaning against a ladder-like set of rungs that led to a bunk over Gale’s, gave a light shrug. “It’s a legendary city at the bottom of the sea, like a fairy story of old. What's not to enjoy? I wanted to see it for myself and my father was only too happy to negotiate a place for me...so here I am.”
Gale noticed a shift in Wyll’s voice at his last sentence, but couldn’t quite discern the meaning or emotion. Wyll’s pleasant expression and soft smile were polite, but impenetrable. If there was more to his tale than he was letting on, there was no way for Gale to know it.
“I take it you’re interested in the legends and the history of Nautera, then?” Gale asked.
“Only what I don’t already know. I’ve heard the stories, of course.” Wyll began to gesture with his hands, as if painting the scene. “A fabled city on a distant island, home to a thousand wonders of every kind. Flying ships, walking stone creatures, marvels and magic and more. Only for it to disappear over the span of a single day. One day it’s there, another island in the vast sea, and the next—” he snapped his fingers, “—gone. Not even a rock jutting up from the water to suggest it was ever there.” 
He smiled and dropped his hands, shrugging. “They say the person who finds Nautera will be granted one wish, whatever their heart desires. But I’m not so sure that’s true.”
“Perhaps not, but there are always elements of truth even in the midst of a fairy story or a legend,” Gale said. “Perhaps wishes were granted there, back when it was above water.” 
He turned to Halsin, who was seated on the bunk opposite, his wooden staff resting on his knees. “What of you? I’m surprised to see a druid of the forests showing an interest in an underwater city.”
Halsin smiled faintly. “It is odd, and this…submersible is unnatural to me. But I was told there was a need for a healer, and I have been many strange places in my modest life. To see the ruins of a civilization that predates my own people…such marvels are not to be ignored, I think. I am here to be of service and to satisfy my own curiosity.”
“Then our interests align. Though I hope we will not need to rely on your services too much, Master Halsin.”
“Just Halsin, please,” the old druid said, chuckling. “And I agree. Though if the need arises, I can be useful in other ways.”
Before he could explain further, there was a sharp knock just outside the bunk room. A young man in uniform leaned in through the open doorway. “Saers, you’re wanted at the helm. We’re to launch in a few minutes.”
“We’ll be right there,” Wyll responded, and the young man disappeared. Wyll took a deep breath and turned to smile at Gale and Halsin. “We’d best be off. I hear the best place to witness a submersible launch is at the front.”
He and Halsin ducked out of the room, the tall elf literally hunching to make it through the rounded, low doorframe. Gale made sure to retrieve the Nauterran Account and tuck it carefully into his satchel, alongside his spellbook and a few other supplies, before following them out of the bunk room. 
The helm featured an impressive array of controls, dials, levers, and gauges, all manned by various pilots, including one surly-looking blonde dwarf at the very front. Overhead, bolted sheets of metal made up part of the sloping, dome-like ceiling before transitioning to curving panels of thick, reinforced glass between metal bars, giving them a clear view of everything immediately ahead and above them, and a fair view of the sides too. At the center of the room, a large, curving, mahogany desk and a surprisingly plush chair took up much of the space, looking elegant yet out of place, as if they had been teleported in from someone’s office back in the city. Someone had laid out several maps and navigation tools on the surface. The chair was unoccupied at the moment, but Gortash stood just to the side of it, hands clasped behind his back, watching the pilots work. 
A few paces away, Karlach shifted restlessly on her feet, tapping her fingers against her thigh and turning her head this way and that, as if trying to catch all the action going around her. Minthara, Lae’zel, and Shadowheart stood nearby, with Lae’zel and Shadowheart eyeing each other darkly and Minthara ignoring both of them to stare over the head of a gnome pilot messing with specific controls.
Gortash glanced over his shoulder and noticed the three of them entering. “Ah, good. You’re here, just in time to watch the magic happen. So to speak,” he added, sending a grin Gale’s way. 
Before Gale could respond, Gortash turned away and directed his next words to the blonde dwarf at the front of the room, where a big metal ship’s wheel was waiting. “Redhammer, begin the launch and take us out to the open sea.”
“Aye, saer.” The dwarf pulled one of the levers and took the wheel. “Commencing launch.”
All around the room, various pilots began to flip switches, pull levers, and turn wheels, calling out responses or numbers that Gale could make no sense of and watching various screens and gauges as they worked. He felt the floor beneath him shudder as distant engines roared to life, the dull rumble and vibrations reaching them even there in the helm. The excitement in the room was palpable. Gale’s heart began to pound and his blood began to race through his veins, all in anticipation of the launch. 
All at once the entire submersible gave a downward lurch, as if being dropped or let go, and a flurry of bubbles billowed up against the glass. Gale moved to a free space near one of the windows, out of the way of the pilots, watching as more curtains of bubbles bounced and twirled upward as the seacraft began to lower gently away from the docks. He felt his ears pop as they sank lower and lower and began to turn away toward the deeper blue of the ocean depths.
No turning back now.
“Watch those power gauges, boys,” Redhammer said, directing his fellow pilots. “Steady now. Increase engines one and three and bring them to thirty percent.”
The rumble from the engines louder grew until it was a sonorous thrum in the background, the vibrations beneath Gale’s boots now a constant drone. Outside the submersible, the massive metal fins on either side came to life, frightening and scattering several fish that had ventured too close. He felt the seacraft tilt and adjust before it fell into a steady, subtle rocking pattern, like that of an undulating whale, as it began to move forward. It wasn’t unlike the rocking of a ship on the sea, though perhaps more regulated. 
As they moved away from the docks and out toward the open expanse of the ocean depths, they cut through fronds of thick, towering kelp, sending fish and other creatures fleeing through the waving undersea plants. It was surreal to watch the underwater world pass by them through the windows of the submersible, almost as if he were seeing merely illusion rather than reality.
“Whoa…” He turned to see that Karlach had joined him at a nearby window, staring out of it in wide-eyed wonder. Her glowing eyes were even more alight as she took in the waving plants, the fish, and the bubbles as they moved through the water. “We’re really doing this…”
Her wonder bolstered his own and he offered her a somewhat crooked smile. “Nervous?”
She glanced sidelong at him and laughed. “Too late for that now, soldier. Besides, Gortash doesn’t pay me to be nervous.”
Redhammer’s voice called out again. “All engines to forty-five percent. Take us down ten degrees down-angle and hold us steady.”
Working in tandem, the pilots pivoted the seacraft and maneuvered it downward, increasing the speed until they were moving along at a noticeable clip. The kelp forest quickly gave way to rocky reefs with sparse coral and from there to gray, silty sand that disappeared into darkness the farther they descended. The sunlight overhead grew fainter and fainter until at last they were enveloped by inky blue and cobalt, the waters ahead illuminated only by the brilliant enchanted lights that shone outward from the front of the submersible. 
Beyond the reach of the seacraft’s lights, the depths below beckoned, looking like a vast, empty void of velvet black. Gale held tighter to his satchel, his eyes on the dark waters ahead. He was loathe to pray to any goddess other than Mystra—and even she hadn’t been listening to his prayers lately—but he was tempted to offer a meek prayer to Umberlee, the chaotic goddess of the seas. They were in her territory, after all...
And at the mercy of her infamously temperamental whims. The darkness of the depths was a tangible reminder of their tentative place in her domain, because, as any Waterdhavian knew, the Bitch Queen was more than capable of summoning a creature from the depths to sink a ship.
A massive submersible diving into her depths would only be that much more annoying to her, and that much more susceptible to destruction. Gale could only hope her attention was diverted elsewhere.
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that-basic-simp · 9 months
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Minthara X GN! Reader (No indication of pronouns/private parts) CW: Trauma WC: 3.0k
She has never known a day of peace in her life, as far as what she has told me. From what she has spoken about and from what I have seen with her, she is trying to break free of these chains holding her back. But she does not want to lose faith in the only thing she knew. The only thing she has ever come to know in her life. Now that she was with me and the others, she was starting to question what was to become of her life now that she has left everything she ever knew behind.
So when I was given a choice, of breaking or freeing her, I went with the latter, freeing her from those chains that bound her to the lies she was fed. The lies she was put through her entire life. She was devout and loyal to the Absolute, but after failing to raid the Grove (no thanks to me), she was going to be sentenced to death. Despite her being cold and harsh towards me in out first encounter, I wanted, no, needed to save her. To free her. Once she was freed, she didn't know what to do.
At first she was cold towards everyone here at the camp, bearing her teeth like a cat and hissing at them, literally. Even she mentioned she had somewhat of a feline nature when it came to getting wet. I didn't even want to go down that road when it came time for a bath. She would just go down to the river and rinse her hair lightly. That was the first, and will probably be the last, time I had seen her with her hair down. She had caught me and held a dagger to my neck, threatening she'd slit it if I told anyone. I just nodded and she left me there to process what happened.
Afterwards, I didn't dare follow her unless we were walking somewhere with the others. But weeks and months had gone by and she was starting to open up to me. About her doubts of the Absolute.
"You can always talk to me, Minthara," I said, looking over at her, finding her red eyes.
For a moment, there was a look of fear in them before it returned with the same look she always had.
"Is there a place in private we could talk? I do not wish for the others to hear."
I nodded my head, "Yeah. There's an abandoned house nearby."
I stood up and led her there. I might die tonight, but maybe this was a good thing that Minthara feels safe enough to open up to me. Settling down in the abandoned house, Minthara sat next to me, which was rare for her to do as she always sat in front of me, so she could see my every movement.
"I am afraid, Y/N," she whispered.
"Afraid? Of what?"
"I've known of the Absolute my entire life. The one time I did not perform up to expectation, they wanted to kill me, without a second thought. It was as if I was only valuable to them when I did my job and did it exceptionally well. Now that I am with you and your friends, I guess I am afraid of not being able to connect with them. As I can connect with you."
"Why do you think you can connect with me easier?"
"You were the one that freed me from the Absolute. You showed me what a real family is like and not one where it is forged from lies."
"Well, the others came from nothing and then we built up from it. A foundation for a family are always different from the ones we are known to. This family is a band of misfits."
"Better than what I was given," Minthara spoke quietly.
"Hey, we can give you what you lacked."
"I lacked a lot of things in my life, Y/N. My own mother tried to kill me when I turned older because she saved me from being killed. She tried to kill her own daughter! Her own flesh and blood and what did I do with being saved from her attempt? Get caught up in the wrong crowd that did not love me for who I was," tears started to form in her eyes. That was the one thing I didn't think Minthara was capable of until now: crying. It pained me to see her in this much pain.
Reaching over, I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, pulling her into my side. Turning her head, she cried in my shoulder as hers trembled. My other hand ran up and down her back, trying to soothe her and trying to be her source of comfort. I knew this was a bad idea if she indeed was trying to kill me. But I wanted to give her some source of comfort if she did have plans to kill me.
"Shh, Minthara," I whispered. "It's ok. It's going to be ok."
"How do I move on from everything I knew? How do I go on telling myself everything I ever knew was a lie?!"
"There are just times where you need to ask yourself if it was real or not? Their friendship, their words, the relationships you had with them."
"Can I ask you something, Y/N?"
"Of course."
"The tadpole in our heads, yours did something when we first met."
Shit. When I first met her, before I stopped her from destroying the Grove, my mind wandered a bit too far and I expressed how I felt about Minthara. I thought no one heard those thoughts, but I guess Minthara heard them. It wasn't until now she was going to talk to me about them? I guess we were alone and the best time to talk to someone about feelings would be alone.
"Is that how you truly felt about me?" she asked. "That I was a beautiful person, despite everything I had committed before we even met?"
I turned and faced her as she picked her head up. Reaching over, I placed my hand on her cheek. It was a bit cold to the touch. Those red eyes of hers captivated me ever since I met her before defending the Grove. The harsh look in those eyes were replaced with a soft one, the same pleading one I saw when she turned to face me when facing the court of the Absolute. The same look when I knew I had to save her no matter what.
Caressing the skin on her cheek, it was smooth compared to the rough pads of her fingers. That was the only body part she had allowed me to touch was her hands and face at times. I wasn't allowed to touch her neck, as there was a tattoo on the left side of it. She didn't really go much into the tattoo other than it's the mark of the cult. 
"Not just beautiful, Minthy," I said.
"Why call me that? Both beautiful and the nickname?"
"Well, the nickname was something I came up when talking about you with the others instead of saying your full name. But I won't say it if you don't want me to."
"I-It's something I would have to get used to. Something that only you say and no one else."
"Of course, Minthara."
"But it is true? I am beautiful to you?"
I leaned towards her, "Not just beautiful. Gorgeous even. No one could ever have my heart like you do."
"B-But I am not a good person, Y/N. You of all people should know that. I tried to raid a grove full of innocent people for the sake of the people I followed."
"That was the people. Those were your orders."
"But I view people as beneath me. Even you!"
"E-Even me?"
She sadly nodded her head, "Yes. Yes I see you as someone beneath me. B-But I am not so sure now. I don't see you as beneath me. I-I'm trying to see that for everyone else you have introduced me to. But they have a lot of reasons to not trust me. Especially that druid friend of yours."
I nodded my head, "Halsin is not going to forgive you as easily as I have."
"You've already forgiven me? This quickly? It hasn't even been months since the attempted raid on the grove."
"I know. But after I have seen you try to interact with the others. Try to wipe yourself clean and be better, I know that you truly have been under a lot of shit with the cult. You're trying and that's all that matters, Minthara."
A soft smile formed on her face as she pressed her forehead against mine.
"C-Can we stay like this?"
"Stay like what?"
"Peaceful. Serene. This is the most peaceful I have ever been in my life and I want to cherish it as much as I can."
"Of course. Can I hold you?"
"Hold me?"
"Yes. Hold you close to me so that you won't ever fear of being hurt or left alone again."
She slowly nodded her head, "S-Sure."
I wrapped my arms around her and slowly started to fall towards the ground. Finally resting on the ground, I turned to where I was laying on my side. My arms were wrapped around Minthara's body. She was stiff at first, getting used to being held, but as we laid there in silence for a bit, she slowly started to wrap her arms around me, pulling me close to her. I rested my head on top of hers and took in what was her. She smelt of the earth and everything that made it natural. I thought that was what Halsin would smell like, earthy and like dirt. But Minthara had that kind of smell to her. It wasn't exactly like the soil, but like grass. Like freshly cut grass.
"You smell oddly nice, Minthy."
"At first I thought you said 'minty'."
I chuckled, "No. I was trying to call you by your nickname I have given you."
"Ah. I see. It sounds a lot like minty."
"Just with an 'h'."
"What do I smell like? Death?"
"It's an odd smell. Like freshly cut grass."
"Huh. I would have thought the bear man would smell like that."
"He smells like animals most of the time. Depending on the animal he was."
"Cut grass," Minthara whispered. "Is that a good smell?"
"One of the best in my opinion."
"I will take your word for it."
We laid there in silence until I rolled over, taking Minthara with me. She laid on my chest and closed her eyes, listening to my heartbeat. I smiled and closed my eyes, my hands running up and down her back. Sitting up, I looked worried as she took off the armor she was wearing. There was a light shirt underneath and she laid back down.
"I want to feel your touch."
"Anything for you, Minthara."
My hands snaked underneath the shirt she was wearing and started to rub at the middle part of her back. The pads of my fingers trailed up and down her spine. She shuddered slightly at my touch. I could get used to this. Having Minthara lay on top of me, our legs intertwined and just us holding onto one another in the quiet night. As the moon shone through the broken window, it hit Minthara's hair just right. While it was odd to see white hair at a young age instead of an older age, it worked well for her light purple skin. It reminded me of snow on a mountain. It even sparkled slightly with the moon light. I wanted to touch it. To see it out of its bun she had it in. To see it at its natural length. Reaching up, I dug my hand into her hair and started to undo the bun. She reached up, stopping me from going further.
"S-Sorry. I should have asked."
"Let me."
She reached up and undid the bun, letting her hair fall down past her shoulders and towards covering her chest. I marveled at its length and how it looked naturally wavy like the flow of water in an ocean. I couldn't help but feel my heart beat faster and my thoughts raced. A smirk appeared on Minthara's lips as she reached up, grabbing my jaw, tugging my face towards her.
"Better silence those thoughts in there," she said. "I can sense something you probably don't want others to know."
"Please, Minthara. Would you allow me to kiss you? To hold you tight against my body to where I fear of letting you go?"
"Only for you, my sweet."
I leaned towards her and pressed my lips against hers. They felt cold, but also warm at the same time. After a few seconds of kissing her, there was an odd sensation bubbling up. It felt like my lips were numbing and then there was pain. Pulling away, she looked disappointed of what had just happened.
"My lips are laced with poison. It's not lethal in small doses. But it is a bit intoxicating. Literally and figuratively."
I chuckled slightly, "What a great way to go out then."
"You flatter me, Y/N. But no, it is not something to desire. Especially as a good of a person you are."
I reached up and placed my hand on her cheek once more, slowly going towards her pointed ear, massaging it slightly. Her eyes fluttered closed and a small, soft sigh escaped her lips. Those soft, plump, and deadly lips of hers. Leaning towards her once more, I captured her lips once more. Growing a bit hungry, Minthara placed her hands on my shoulders and pushed me into the ground. Her teeth nibbled at my lips and who was I to deny her. Opening my mouth, our tongues brushed past one another's. My hands started to wander around her body as she did the same to me. We wanted to know each other's body inside and out. She got up, hovering over my body as the kiss deepened with passion and fire. Placing her right knee in between my thighs, she pushed her leg up, making my leg come upwards as well. When there was enough space, her knee started to rub up against my crotch.
"M-Minthara," I breathed out through the kiss.
She pulled away and straddled me, a sinister grin on her face. I could only smile at her, my heart racing once more.
"Tonight, you are mine."
"I am yours, Minthara."
After we had our fun, her head was resting on my chest and my hands were playing with her silky, smooth hair. I enjoyed feeling every strand in my fingers and as they parted in between the gaps of my fingers. Our breathing was starting to sync in time with one another, but as her eyes squeezed tightly closed, she stirred in her sleep. My one hand remained entangled in her hair while the other ran up and down her back slowly.
"Shh, shh," I whispered to her. "I've got you, Minthara."
She pushed herself upwards and found my eyes, her breathing heavy and ragged. I leaned up onto my elbows and placed my hand against her cheek.
"Hey, hey, I'm here. I'm here. They're not going to hurt you anymore."
Her breathing settled down and she found my eyes, some tears forming in her eyes.
"You're ok," I said softly. "They're not going to hurt you anymore. Not while I'm around."
"C-Can you promise me that?"
"I can."
"H-How can you be so sure about it? Everyone has left me without reason and without an explanation. How do I know you won't be like everyone else?"
"You won't, but I can prove it by my actions. I didn't leave you when you were vulnerable and having a nightmare."
"It was one time."
"It was actually many times."
"Explain yourself."
"During the first few days you were here, you got frequent nightmares that it even woke up some people in the camp. Others just hoped you were fine, but I got up and sat with you as you mumbled something in your sleep. I brought you water, offered it to you, but you didn't know it was me who was there. You thought it was someone else."
"A bit delirious from the lack of sleep I got at times."
"I didn't mind that you didn't know it was me. But I was there whenever no one would come. Although Karlach did come sit with me one night while you had a particularly bad nightmare. It was so bad you were in a cold sweat, trying to fall back asleep. But you were just crying so hard that I couldn't console you."
"It hurts my heart that you are the result of your environment. You were made to act out in bad choices. All in the name of someone you thought you were loyal to and could look up to. But as you saw, you are disposable to them the minute you are not useful. Not here, Minthara. You are useful, always."
A few tears slid down her face. Reaching up, she wiped them away and looked at the clear liquid on her fingers, staring at it in disbelief. Disbelief she was able to cry? Or in disbelief that someone's words and actions could make her cry? Whatever the reason was, she lowered her body onto mine, hugging me closely. I wrapped my one arm around her, kissing the top of my head.
"You're safe with me, Minthy. No one is going to lay a finger on you."
"Thank you," she whimpered slightly, trying not to sob.
"It's ok to cry. It's not a sign of weakness."
She nodded her head.
"Rest easy, Minthy," I said and laid back down, holding her close to me.
"Y/N," she whispered.
"I want to let you know, even though I may seem cold and harsh at times, you truly are the best person I could have ever met when I did. I didn't think I would be freed from them. I never even thought of being free from the Absolute and the people there. I knew them for most of my life. Meeting you, it was a blessing. If I could redo it over again, I'd choose with letting you free me."
I smiled, running my hands through her hair.
"Thank you, Minthara."
"Thank you, Y/N. For everything you have done."
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artilaz · 6 months
OC Meme - Vharloth Zal'arin
(Baldur's Gate 3 version)
Tagged by: No one directly, but @ex-textura's gorgeous boy Ilztaufein inspired me to do this for yet another OC
Tagging: Everyone who wants to do it and hasn't been tagged directly!
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Full name: Vharloth Zal'arin. He chose the name for himself. He'd rather cut out his tongue than ever speak his birth name again, since he associates it with nothing but misery.
Gender: Cisgender male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: He/him
Class: Oathbreaker Paladin
Birthplace: One of the greater cities in the Underdark, but I haven't decided on a specific one yet.
Job: None at the moment. Before his escape, he was being kept as a slave and gladiator.
Phobias: He bears an intense fear of seeing loved ones suffer or die, but since that fear isn't irrational, it's not quite a phobia.
Guilty pleasures: There's not much that brings him pleasure to begin with, but he doesn't feel guilty about anything that does.
Hobbies: He doesn't know himself well enough to have many real hobbies yet, but what he does know is that he enjoys singing - mostly where nobody else can hear it, though.
Alignment: He still has to figure out where his free will will land him, but probably along the lines of chaotic good.
Sins: None of the classic deadly sins fully apply to him, but negative traits of his include jealousy, apathy/reluctance, as well as a tendency towards judgmentalism, all of which he's aware of, and actively trying to overcome.
Virtues: Patience, tenacity/resilience, hope, and the willingness to learn and improve
T H I S  O R  T H A T
Introvert / Extrovert
Organized / Disorganized
Close-minded / Open-minded
Calm / Anxious / Restless
Disagreeable / Agreeable / In between
Cautious / Reckless / In between - strongly depending on the given situation, and whether or not there are lives at stake other than his own
Patient / Impatient / In between
Outspoken / Reserved / In between
Leader / Follower / Flexible
Empathetic / Unempathetic / In between
Optimist / Pessimist / Realist - not quite applicable. His past has left him with a pessimistic streak, but he's actively working on getting rid of that, forcing himself into a more hopeful mindset.
Traditional / Modern / In between
Hard-working / Lazy
OTP: None so far
Acceptable Ships: Vharloth x Halsin. They're not an absolute OTP, but they'd work nicely together, at least from Vharl's point of view. Halsin's grounded, wise, and kind nature is something he'd feel himself strongly drawn to. Maybe even Vharloth x Astarion. I don't think they'd last for very long, but they could bond over some of their past trauma, and misinterpret their understanding of each other's emotions as romantic feelings.
OT3: Vharloth x Halsin x Lythia (another OC of mine). Lythia is a young half-elf, her father being Aozhan, my main OC. She's sweet, gentle, kind, accepting, and has a strong heart. Halsin and Lythia are the actual OTP here, but since they've agreed to let each other roam if they wish, and since they've both got elven blood, I can also see them with Vharl.
Brotp: Vharloth x Karlach. Vharlach, if you will. Vharl gravitates towards people with a positive mindset, since he himself is actively fighting to allow optimism into his own life, so he'd probably enjoy spending time with her. There wouldn't be romantic feelings from his side, though, since he only feels those towards other elves or half-elves.
Notp: Probably a good few, but the most obvious one is Vharloth x Minthara. Being not only a female drow, but also a Paladin of Lolth just like he himself used to be, he'd be terrified that she'd make an attempt to take him back to the Underdark and have him punished for his insubordination, to a point he'd refuse to stay with the group if she was part of it.
I don't have his full story developed, but here have some facts about him that I do know for sure - in no particular order.
He's the firstborn child of a rather well-respected family, but not of noble background.
He used to have a younger sister. She was his everything, but she was killed during an attack at a social event hosted by one of the high houses, which he was also present at. His parents never forgave him for failing to save her, and neither did he.
After those events, he was pretty much disowned by his family, and eventually ended up enslaved under another matriarch.
"His one redeeming quality," as his parents often stated, was that he was talented with the sword, which led to his mistress sending him into coliseum fights for the upper class's entertainment, and eventually he was encouraged to swear the Oath to Lolth. He didn't keep it out of true conviction though, but for the fear of consequences.
For almost his entire life, he's secretly dreamed of a life on the surface. The only person he ever told about this was his sister, whom he used to have a close bond to.
Having made it to the surface now, he's in a strange mental place, having bouts ranging from internal emptiness, to radical longing for any sort of experience for experience's sake.
A quote of his is: "I'd rather go blind from seeing the sun just once, than never getting to see it."
At some point in the future, he will renew his oath, but this time he'll swear it to Lathander, and this time, he'll mean it.
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ollypopwrites · 6 months
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Requests: Open! Currently writing for: -> Baldur's Gate 3 (Headcanons, fics, ect.) WHO: All Companions (except Minthara I'm sorry I haven't done a run with her romance yet) Rolan
The only other place my fanwork is posted is on my Ao3
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Baldur's Gate 3
O Nyghtegale (Ao3); (18+, Gale x Named!Tav) [Note: on Ao3 this story is formatted from the beginning as a multi-chapter fic, on tumblr the first few parts are broken up until chapter 3) [Ch1] Prologue ✨[Ch2] Isra on the Ravaged Beach Meeting Gale ✨Chapter 3 ✨Chapter 4 ✨ Chapter 5
Bonding With Tara Headcanons ; (Gale x Druid!Tav)
Dinners and Diatribes (Ao3) ; (18+, Gale x F!Tav)
Our Sweet Remedy (Ao3) ; (18+, Gale x F!Tav)
A Wizard in Need (Ao3) ; (Mostly Gen, Slight Bloodweave.)
[Completed] From Depths Unknown (Ao3); (18+, Rolan x F!Tav) Part 1 ⚜️ Part 2 ⚜️ Part 3 ⚜️ Part 4 ⚜️ Part 5 ⚜️ Part 6 ⚜️ Part 7 Bite Down (Ao3); (18+, Rolan x F!Tav)
Pre-Engine Fix Alone Time (18+. Karlach x F!Tav)
Star Wars Masterlist
Steve Rogers
Summertime Debauchery ; (18+ Steve Rogers x Female!Reader, no Y/N)
Carol Danvers
Big Trouble ; (18+, Carol Danvers x Female!Reader)
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mxxny-lupin · 3 years
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✯ 𝖬𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗌/𝗆𝗈𝗈𝗇𝗒 — 19 — 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒/he/𝗂𝗍/𝖿𝖺𝖾/𝖿𝖺𝖾𝗋 — 𝖲𝖼𝗈𝗋𝗉𝗂𝗈 — 𝗂𝗌𝖿𝗉
⛧-Lestat's pretty boy
⛧- Loki, Gale, and shadowheart's bf♡
⛧-Minthara, Alina and Matthias's whore ♡
⛧- multi-fandom hoe and happily biased bitch
⛧- Minors, ageless and blank blogs do not interact
⛧-Request guidelines
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⛧- Personal shit:
Check my card♡
Meet my alters ♡
shifting notion templates
⛧-Recent work:
✿: smut ✯: fluff ✷: angst
Gale dekarios blurb ✿
Gn! Afab reader x daddy sanzu imagine ✿
Gn! Afab reader x subby sanzu imagine ✿
Bonten Mikey imagine ✿
Punching bag- hanma x y/n ✷
⛧- P.links:
Bg3 favs
Hazbin lucifer
Hazbin adam
⛧-THIS BLOG HAS 18+ CONTENT PROCEED WITH CAUTION — Minors, ageless and blank blogs will be blocked on sight. Please be respectful of my boundaries
© @mxxny-lupin | all rights reserved. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, or share my work on other platforms
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moonselune · 2 months
By the Silk that Binds Us (pt.3)
Matron!Minthara x Forced!Betrothed!reader
An arranged marriage, enemies to lovers fic: part one part two part four
CW: feminine drow reader, catching feelings (involuntarily)
OOOOOOOOOO WE'RE BACK, a lot of set up and development in this one, next part will be the wedding ! - Seluney xox
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Minthara paced in the grand hall of House Baenre, her sharp eyes flickering over the scholars gathered before her. A mixture of her cousins and nieces, they represented the finest minds of her house, all assembled to unravel the mysteries surrounding you and House Liakyre. They stood in a semi-circle, awaiting her command with a mixture of fear and respect.
"You have a task," Minthara began, her voice cold and authoritative. "I want you to dig up everything you can on Y/N Liakyre's power and the history of House Liakyre. Leave no stone unturned, no scroll unread. I want answers, and I want them quickly."
The scholars nodded in unison, their faces tense with the weight of her words. Minthara's gaze then shifted to her nephew, a young drow with wide eyes and trembling hands.
"Arys," she called, her tone softening slightly as she addressed him.
"Y-yes, Matron," Arys stammered, stepping forward. He was petrified of Minthara, a fact she was well aware of and often used to her advantage.
"You will befriend the Liakyre twins," she instructed, her eyes narrowing. "Get close to them. Gain their trust. I want to know everything they know about their sister's abilities."
Arys swallowed hard and nodded, his fear evident. "Yes, Matron. I will do as you command."
"Good," Minthara said, her tone final. "Now go. All of you. I expect results."
The scholars bowed and quickly dispersed, leaving Minthara alone in the hall. She brooded in the silence, her thoughts dark and turbulent. The mystery of your power gnawed at her, a puzzle she was determined to solve.
Her contemplation was interrupted by a soft knock on the door. The Baenre tailor entered, carrying a measuring tape and various fabric swatches. She was a skilled artisan, responsible for outfitting the house's finest.
"Matron Minthara," the tailor greeted with a respectful bow. "I'm here to measure you for your wedding attire."
Minthara nodded, allowing the tailor to approach. As the tailor worked, Minthara's mind returned to the topic that had consumed her thoughts.
"Tell me," Minthara began, her voice casual but laced with underlying intent. "What do you know of spidersilk?"
The tailor looked up, her hands pausing in their work. "Spidersilk is a rare and precious material," she explained. "It is incredibly strong, yet delicate. Only a few houses have mastered its production."
"House Liakyre among them," Minthara said, more a statement than a question.
"Yes, Matron," the tailor confirmed. "House Liakyre was known for their exquisite spidersilk. It is said to be unmatched in quality. House Liakyre will be supplying the spidersilk, for your betrothed's ceremonial wear. The same spidersilk she used to behead that hook horror, Matron."
Minthara frowned, confusion flickering in her eyes. "I burned down their resources," she muttered to herself, her mind racing. "How can they be supply her spidersilk?"
The tailor remained silent, her hands resuming their measurements with careful precision. Minthara simmered in silent anger. Ousting you was evidently not going to be as easy as she thought.
As the tailor finished her work and began to pack up her tools, Minthara's resolve hardened. She would uncover the truth, no matter the cost. She had underestimated you once, but she would not allow it to happen again.
Once the tailor left, Minthara prowled through the dimly lit halls of House Baenre, her steps purposeful and silent. She had been informed by a passing servant that you were praying in the house's chapel. Curiosity and suspicion drove her, her mind replaying the tailor's words about the mysterious spidersilk. She needed to understand you better, and what better place to start than your devotions to the Spider Queen? The one who seemed to favor you so greatly.
The house chapel was a domed shape and featured an illusion created by their archmage, that switched from spider to drow female, an ode to Lolth. It was beautiful, the chapel, ethereal even.
Reaching the entrance of the chapel, Minthara paused, her eyes adjusting to the flickering candlelight that illuminated the sacred space. She spotted you immediately, kneeling at the grand altar, your head bowed in fervent prayer. The soft glow of the candles cast an ethereal light around you, making you seem almost otherworldly. Minthara had to push down those damned feelings of admiration she had started to feel for you once more and slipped into the shadows, keeping her distance.
She observed you, her sharp eyes noting the way you seemed genuinely at peace, a stark contrast to the cunning and defiance you had shown her earlier. Your voice, though soft, carried through the quiet space, and Minthara strained to catch your words.
"Oh, great Lolth, Mistress of the Web," you began, your tone reverent and almost joyful. "I praise you for your unmatched cunning, your strength in battle, and your wisdom that guides us all. You have brought me to this point, and for that, I am eternally grateful."
Minthara watched as you lifted your face, a serene smile gracing your lips.
"Mother Lolth, give me the strength to face my upcoming marriage with courage and resolve. Help me navigate the web of power and deceit that surrounds me. I trust in your guidance and place my fate in your hands."
As you finished your prayer, a small spider scurried up your arm, its tiny legs tickling your skin. You held out your palms, and the spider settled into them, as if finding comfort in your presence. You cooed softly at the creature, a look of genuine affection on your face.
Minthara felt a strange pang of envy at the sight. Here you were, openly displaying a connection with Lolth that she herself had never quite achieved. Lolth favoured House Baenre greatly, but Minthara ahad never felt the revered connection that the matrons before her had. Perhaps that was why she went on her vengeful tirade to begin with, to prove herself to Lolth.
She stepped out of the shadows as you rose, still cradling the spider and whispering sweet compliments to it. Minthara had to admit, it was a very cutey wutey spider-idy. Shaking her head of the thought she stepped forward as obliviously walked past her.
"Y/N," Minthara called, her voice echoing in the chapel. The spider quickly scurried away, disappearing into the folds of your robe. You turned to her, a frown marring your serene expression.
"Must you always disrupt my peace, Minthara?" you scolded, your tone sharp. Minthara ignored your reprimand, stepping closer.
"I couldn't help but overhear your prayer," she said, her eyes narrowing. "You seem quite close with our most revered Spider Queen."
"Perhaps you should spend more time in the temple, Minthara," you suggested, your voice dripping with disdain as you turned away, heading towards the exit of the chapel. "It might do you some good. Instead of parading around the battlefield, try praying for once."
Minthara's jaw tightened at your words. She followed you, her curiosity unabated. "How is it that you have such a bond with Lolth?"
You paused at the threshold, turning to face her one last time.
"Some things, Minthara, are not meant to be understood by those who seek power for power's sake," you said, your eyes boring into hers. With that, you walked out, leaving Minthara standing alone in the temple, the weight of your words settling heavily upon her. As she looked around the sacred space, she couldn't help but feel a growing sense of unease.
Your connection to Lolth was deeper and more profound than she had anticipated, though she should not be surprised considering the predicament she was in. Favoured by Lolth is how the High Priestess had described you. Blessed with powers, blessed with baby spiders, blessed with-
The baby spider.
It suddenly all made sense. That is how you still had reserves, that is how you manipulated that divine silk, it must be the spiders Lolth sent you. Minthara gleamed with a renewed sense of purpose and set a plan into place.
Later that night, as you both prepared for bed, you could tell Minthara was up to something. She hadn't threatened you in a while, a behavior quite uncharacteristic of her. You asked Minthara if something was wrong, but she merely brushed you off and slipped into bed.
"Nothing is wrong, go to sleep," she said curtly, turning her back to you.
"Yes because that is entirely reassuring," You murmered to yourself, passively aggressively yanking the covers away from her. Minthara rolled her eyes but allowed it. She had other matters to concern herself with.
Minthara waited until you had fallen asleep, the even rhythm of your breathing signaling your deep slumber. Just as she suspected, the baby spider from earlier crawled up from beneath your pillow and settled on your cheek, nestling comfortably against your skin. Minthara moved swiftly, capturing the tiny creature in a delicate yet firm grasp. She called for a servant, instructing them to wake up her scholars immediately.
In the dim candlelight, the scholars examined the spider, their faces a mix of confusion and fatigue.
"This is a common infant spider, Matron," one of them finally said, looking at Minthara with a mixture of concern and skepticism. "Are you sure you have been sleeping well? Perhaps the stress of the impending marriage is getting to you."
"This is no ordinary spider. It can't be" Minthara snapped at them, her patience thin. This spider had to have something to do with your abilities. "Check it for divine presence. Now."
One of the scholars prepered a spell and she moved towards the baby spider that blinked up at them. It was no bigger than a piece of gold and as the scholar enacted the spell, it was jsut as common as a piece of gold. No divine presence. With apprehension the scholar told her matron of her findings.
Minthara scowled and she dismissed them with a sharp wave of her hand, and they scurried out of the room, casting worried glances at each other.
As Minthara stood alone, holding the spider, it suddenly bit her finger and then scurried off into the shadows. She hissed in pain and frustration, storming back to the bedroom. She stood over you, arms crossed and damned Lolth for her presence (only in her mind, she was not that foolish).
Even in your sleep, she could tell there was a smile on your face, a smugness that spoke of an intimate victory. Minthara glared at you, her mind racing with thoughts of retribution and control. She knew that understanding your connection to these creatures and your peculiar blessings was crucial to bending you to her will.
For now, however, she was left with nothing but the faint, mocking smile on your face as she climbed back into bed, seething silently beside you. Though she could not help herself and yanked the covers off of you, cocooning herself in them, leaving none for you.
The next morning, after a particularly chilly night, you woke to an empty bed. Minthara was gone, likely tending to her wounded pride. You got dressed and made your way downstairs, curious to see what she was up to.
As you walked through the corridors of House Baenre, you could hear the faint clashing of steel and the grunts of exertion. Following the sounds, you arrived at the courtyard and saw Minthara training fiercely with her blade. Her movements were precise, powerful, and undeniably attractive. Despite the enmity between you, you couldn't help but admire her skill and beauty. Anyone would, you justified. But the way her brows furrowed in concentration, the way her hair fell from her bun, accenting the tattoo on her neck. You suddenly became fixiated on her neck and instead of wondering what it would be like to put a blade to it, you wondered what it would be like to kiss it.
You took a sharp breath in and composed yourself, perhaps the cold had got to you last night and you were coming down with something. As you turned to leave, a conversation caught your attention. A tired-looking scholar, clearly frustrated, was speaking to another scholar just out of earshot of anyone else.
"Minthara's losing her mind," he grumbled. "She's obsessing over that Liakyre girl. What's so special about her anyway? She's a parasite that's just latched onto our House. Dirty Iblith."
You felt a surge of anger. Stepping out from the shadows, you confronted the man. Despite your previous ability to remain calm with Minthara, you were not going to allow such disrespect to start among the staff. Especially from some, man.
"What did you say?" you demanded, your voice cold and steady.
The scholar turned to you, his face paling. "I didn't mean—"
"Yes, you did," you interrupted. "You think you can speak about me like that?"
The argument quickly escalated, voices rising and fists clenching. The scholar, emboldened by their frustration and perhaps a bit of madness, shoved you. You retaliated, pushing back harder. The commotion drew the attention of the nearby guards, and soon a crowd was gathering. Among them were Minthara and the acolyte that had been watching you and Minthara.
Minthara's eyes narrowed as she approached, her expression unreadable. You braced yourself, expecting the acolyte to have to command Minthara to defend you. To remind MInthara that she was to protect you as to not anger Lolth. However, to your surprise, Minthara stepped forward of her own volition, placing herself between you and the scholar.
"Enough," Minthara's voice rang out with authority. She turned her gaze to the scholar, who visibly trembled under her scrutiny. "How dare you speak ill of my betrothed and cause such a disturbance in my House?"
The scholar stammered, "I-I didn't mean to—"
Minthara cut them off sharply. "Your insolence and disrespect will not be tolerated. You will be punished accordingly." She gestured to the guards. "Take them away."
The guards quickly apprehended the scholar, dragging them off as they pleaded for mercy. Minthara then turned to you, her expression softening slightly.
"Are you alright?" she asked, her voice low. As if she didn't want anyone else to hear her.
You nodded, still stunned by her actions. "Thank you."
Minthara simply nodded, her gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before she turned to address the gathered crowd. "Return to your duties. There is nothing more to see here."
As the courtyard cleared out, the acolyte approached, her expression approving. "You handled that well, Matron."
Minthara glanced at you, then back to the acolyte. "It was my duty. Nothing more."
You may have felt hurt by her words, if it wasn't for the slight hitch in her voice when she spoke. Unnoticeable to anyone but you, who Minthara had regarded so frequently, often in a negative light, that you were able to tell immediately when something changed.
"Thank you, for your duty to me, dearest betrothed" You sweetly thanked, curtseying and you could swear that you saw something like a blush dare to rise to her cheeks. Minthara muttered something about reprimanding the guards and walked off, leaving you and the acolyte.
The acolyte flashed you a smile. "It seems things between you and the matron have developed. Perhaps there will be less bloodshed on the wedding day than previously thought."
"Perhaps," you slowly nodded in agreement, still reeling from Minthara's gesture. She could have easily allowed the scholar to walk all over you, but she didn't. A tactic, you convinced yourself, she simply did it to lull you into a false sense of security. You would not be fooled, though someone needed to tell your heart that.
Later that afternoon, you and Minthara found yourselves in the grand study, surrounded by parchments and scrolls detailing the arrangements for your impending wedding. The atmosphere was tense, yet there was an undercurrent of something else—an unspoken connection that neither of you wanted to acknowledge.
Minthara, always the picture of stoicism, scanned through a list of guests with a critical eye. "We need to ensure that no undesirables make it into the ceremony. The last thing we need is a disruption."
You nodded in agreement, your focus on a different scroll detailing the menu. "Agreed. We need to project strength and unity, at least outwardly." You paused, noticing a note about the wine selection. "What about the wine? I prefer the vintage from the vineyards of Val'ythin."
Minthara glanced up, her expression momentarily softening. "The Val'ythin vintage is also my preference. It has a depth that no other wine can match."
You were momentarily taken aback. "I didn’t expect us to agree on something so... trivial."
She gave a slight smirk, though her eyes betrayed a hint of curiosity. "Perhaps we have more in common than we care to admit."
As you continued to discuss the details, you found more common ground. Your taste in food was remarkably similar, both preferring the rich, exotic flavors of dishes seasoned with rare spices from the Underdark. There was even a shared appreciation for certain pieces of art and music, though neither of you would admit to liking anything that the other suggested too enthusiastically.
Reaching for a scroll that detailed the decorations for the banquet hall, your fingers accidentally grazed Minthara’s hand. The touch was brief but electric, sending a jolt up your arm. You quickly pulled back, and Minthara did the same, her eyes momentarily widening in surprise.
An awkward silence settled between you, the air thick with unspoken tension. You cleared your throat, attempting to dispel the moment. "So, the decorations. I assume you want everything in black and red?"
Minthara nodded, her voice a bit sharper than before. "Naturally. Anything else would be unacceptable." You rolled your eyes, masking the confusion and burgeoning attraction with sarcasm. "Of course, because we wouldn't want to deviate from the classic Baenre gloom. Minthara narrowed her eyes at you, her tone biting. "At least our decor has a purpose and meaning. Unlike the gaudy excess your House was known for."
You snorted, crossing your arms. "Better gaudy than perpetually dour. It's a wedding, Minthara, not a funeral."
The sharp exchange seemed to ease the tension, both of you falling back into the familiar rhythm of barbed comments and disdainful looks. But the underlying current of that accidental touch remained, simmering just beneath the surface.
The conversation continued with more pointed jabs and forced cooperation, but every now and then, your eyes would meet hers, and the memory of that brief contact would spark anew. It was a strange, disconcerting feeling, but it also brought a certain thrill, a reminder that beneath the animosity lay something more complex and potentially dangerous.
Finally, after what felt like hours of negotiation, you both settled on the details. The menu was finalized, the decorations agreed upon, and the wine selected. As you gathered the scrolls and prepared to leave, you couldn't resist one last comment.
"Well, this was... productive," you said, your tone dripping with irony.
Minthara smirked, her eyes glinting. "As productive as it can be when dealing with someone of your... caliber."
You gave her a mock bow. "Always a pleasure, Minthara."
With that, you turned and left the grand hall, your heart beating faster than it should. As much as you loathed to admit it, the day had brought a revelation: beneath the enmity, there was a spark of something else, something that both intrigued and unsettled you.
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moonselune · 2 months
Adore you | Part Five
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Teacher!Minthara x Obsessed!Student AU
NSFW | MDNI | Modern AU
Part five to these parts: part one , part two, part three, part four
CW: SMUT SMUT SMUT, minthara making it up to you, Orin gets her own content warning,
⋆.˚✰ Minthara ⋆.˚✰ <- Masterlist
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Minthara's apology had been so heartfelt, so raw, that you couldn't help but want to do something special for her. She had laid herself bare, and now it was your turn to show her just how much she meant to you. As the evening approached, you sifted through your wardrobe, finally settling on a daring lilac dress that clung to your curves in all the right places. The color, Minthara's favorite, would be sure to get her attention.
When the clock struck seven, you were ready, your hair and makeup perfectly done, and your confidence at an all-time high. You heard a knock at your door and felt a flutter of anticipation. You opened it to find Minthara standing there, dressed impeccably in a tailored suit that accentuated her strong frame. But it was the look in her eyes that made your breath catch—a mixture of awe, desire, and something deeper.
"You look… breathtaking," she managed, her voice husky with emotion.
"Thank you," you replied with a coy smile, enjoying the way her eyes roved over you. "Shall we go?"
The car ride to the restaurant was charged with electricity. Minthara's hand found yours, her thumb gently caressing your skin. She kept stealing glances at you, as if she couldn't believe her luck. When you arrived at the restaurant, she was the perfect gentlewoman, helping you out of the car and guiding you inside with a hand at the small of your back.
Dinner was a sensory experience. The food was exquisite, but it was Minthara's attention that you relished most. Her gaze never left you, her eyes filled with unspoken words. Under the table, her hand found your knee, squeezing gently, her touch sending shivers up your spine. You responded in kind, your own hand brushing against her thigh, feeling the muscles tense under your touch.
"You're driving me crazy," Minthara whispered at one point, her eyes dark with desire.
"Good," you replied with a wicked smile, your voice low and sultry.
By the time dessert arrived, the tension between you was almost unbearable. Minthara paid the bill quickly, her hand once again finding the small of your back as she led you out of the restaurant. The moment you were in the car, she pulled you into a searing kiss, her hands roaming over your body with a hunger that matched your own.
"Please," she murmured against your lips, her voice a desperate plea. "Let me take you back to mine."
You pulled back slightly, your eyes meeting hers. "You really want me that badly?" you teased, your fingers tracing the line of her jaw.
"Yes," she breathed, her hands gripping your hips tightly. "I need you, Y/N. Please."
You smiled, savoring the power you held in that moment. "Beg for it," you whispered, your lips brushing against her ear.
"Y/N, please," she repeated, her voice trembling with need. "I want you so much. I need to show you how much I love you. Please, come back with me."
You let her words hang in the air for a moment, enjoying the way she looked at you, her eyes filled with a mixture of desperation and adoration. Finally, you leaned in, kissing her deeply before whispering, "Take me home, Minthara."
The drive to her place was a blur of heated kisses at stoplights and wandering hands. As soon as you arrived, she practically dragged you inside, her lips never leaving yours. The door barely closed behind you before she pressed you against it, her body flush against yours as she kissed you with a fervor that made your knees weak.
She practically devoured you, needily gripping your hips and biting your bottom lip. She needed you, needed to be with you, be one with you. You couldn't help but melt under her touch. She is what you wanted, she is what you desired, needed.
You gripped the back of Minthara's hair and pulled her close to you as she continued to bully her tongue down your throat. Her hand quickly snaked under your dress and toyed with your panties, a finger dipping in and out of them. She was waiting, waiting for your approval. You couldn't help but smile and you pushed her away.
She groaned and rested her head against your chest, whining slightly. She just wanred to feel you. "Come on, love, cryso,"
"I don't know, I was pretty upset.." You chuckled, Minthara caught your lips in a hot, passionate kiss, her desperation clear.
"Please, let me make it up to you," she whispered between kisses, her hands trembling slightly as they held you.
You decided to give in, leaning back against the door and pulling her closer.
"Alright, Minthara," you murmured. "Show me how much you care."
With a relieved sigh, Minthara guided you - although practically dragged you to the bedroom, her hands never leaving your body. She undressed you with a reverence that made your heart race, her lips worshipping every inch of exposed skin. She took her time, catering to your every need, exploring your body with a mix of tenderness and passion that left you breathless. Her hands traced the curves of your body, and she kissed her way up your thighs, her breath hot against your skin. She reached your hips, her fingers gripping you with a possessive need, and looked up at you again.
"Sit on my face," she whispered, her voice trembling with desire. "Please, Y/N, let me worship you."
The raw need in her voice made your pulse quicken and you submitted to her demand instantly - it may have sounded like a plea but you knew better. You positioned yourself above her, feeling her hands guiding you as you lowered yourself onto her waiting mouth. The first touch of her tongue against your most sensitive spot sent a jolt of pleasure through you, and you couldn't help but moan.
Minthara's tongue worked skillfully, her hands gripping your hips firmly as she devoured you with a fervor that left you gasping for breath. She alternated between slow, languid strokes and quick, flicking motions, her eyes locked on yours, watching every reaction. You felt a wave of intense pleasure building, her name escaping your lips in breathless whispers.
She didn't stop, her tongue and lips working in perfect harmony, driving you closer and closer to the edge. You could feel your muscles tensing, your breath coming in ragged gasps, and just when you thought you couldn't take any more, she sucked gently, pushing you over the edge.
A powerful orgasm ripped through you, your body shuddering with the intensity of it. Minthara held you steady, her tongue continuing to lap at you gently, drawing out every last bit of pleasure. When you finally collapsed beside her, breathless and sated, she pulled you into her arms, holding you close. Though she wasn't done with you yet.
She wasn't done with you; her need to show you how much she cared was insatiable.
Minthara began to kiss along your jawline, her lips soft but insistent. She moved slowly, savoring every moment, her breath hot against your skin. You shivered, feeling the familiar stirrings of arousal starting to build again.
She shifted, straddling your thigh, her body pressing against yours. You could feel the heat radiating from her, the evidence of her own arousal slick against your skin. Her hands moved with purpose, caressing your sides, her fingers dancing across your ribs, sending shivers through your body.
Her lips traveled lower, placing bruising kisses along your neck, each one more intense than the last. She bit down gently, sucking on the tender skin, marking you as hers. You gasped, the sensation a perfect blend of pleasure and pain. She moved to your shoulders, leaving a trail of hickeys that would serve as reminders of this night.
Minthara's mouth found your breasts, her tongue flicking over your nipples, making you arch your back in response. She sucked on each one in turn, her teeth grazing the sensitive flesh, sending bolts of pleasure straight to your core. Her hands gripped your hips, pulling you closer as she began to grind against your thigh, her movements slow and deliberate.
You could feel her wetness against your skin, the rhythm of her grinding becoming more urgent. She kissed her way down your body, her lips leaving a trail of fire in their wake. She paused at your hips, her teeth grazing your skin, and then she moved back up, her mouth finding your breasts again, sucking and biting with renewed fervor.
Minthara's moans grew louder, her movements more frantic as she rode your thigh. The friction against your own arousal was maddening, each grind sending waves of pleasure through you. Her fingers dug into your hips, her nails leaving marks as she lost herself in the sensation.
"Y/N," she breathed, her voice heavy with desire. "I need you. I need this."
You wrapped your arms around her, pulling her closer, encouraging her to move faster. Your bodies moved in perfect harmony, each thrust and grind bringing you both closer to the edge. Her lips found yours in a searing kiss, her tongue demanding entrance, her need evident in every touch.
The pleasure built to a crescendo, your breaths coming in ragged gasps. You could feel the tension coiling in your belly, the impending release just out of reach. Minthara's movements became erratic, her moans turning into cries of ecstasy as she ground against you with increasing desperation.
Finally, the wave of pleasure crashed over you both, your bodies trembling with the intensity of your orgasms. Minthara's cries of release mixed with your own, the room filled with the sounds of your shared passion. She collapsed against you, her body slick with sweat, her breathing ragged.
You held her close, your hands gently stroking her back as you both came down from the high. She looked up at you, her eyes filled with a mix of love and satisfaction.
"You're incredible," she whispered, her voice hoarse from the intensity of her pleasure.
You smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "So are you, my love. So are you."
Minthara leaned upwards and pressed a sloppy kiss to your lips, you held her close, not wanting to let go of her, deepening the kiss. You needed her, wanted to become one with her. She was yours and you were hers. Eventually Minthara pulled away, the two of you panting, swollen lips just touching each other.
The night continued in a blur of intense passion. After your shared climax, Minthara's desire seemed insatiable. She kissed and caressed you relentlessly, drawing you into another round of heated lovemaking. Her hands and lips explored every inch of your body, her touch a mix of tenderness and raw need that left you breathless and aching with pleasure. You lost count of how many times she brought you to the edge and beyond, her stamina seemingly endless as she worshipped your body with a devotion that made your heart swell.
As the hours passed, the room filled with the sounds of your shared ecstasy, each moan and cry echoing off the walls. By the time you finally succumbed to exhaustion, the night had given way to the first light of dawn, the soft glow filtering through the curtains and casting a warm, golden hue over the room.
You woke up feeling achy, every muscle in your body pleasantly sore from the night's activities. You stretched lazily, feeling the stiffness in your limbs, a satisfied smile tugging at your lips. The bed beside you was empty, but you could hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom.
Curious, you slipped out of bed, wrapping a sheet around your naked form as you made your way to the bathroom. You found Minthara standing by the bathtub, her back to you as she tested the water with her hand. The sight of her, so serene and beautiful, made your heart skip a beat.
"Good morning," you murmured, your voice still husky with sleep.
Minthara turned to you, a warm smile spreading across her face. "Good morning, love," she replied, her eyes softening as they took in the sight of you. "I thought we could both use a relaxing bath after last night."
You couldn't help but chuckle, the memories of the night flooding back. "I think you're right," you said, stepping forward to kiss her gently. "A bath sounds perfect."
She helped you into the tub, the warm water enveloping you like a comforting embrace. Minthara slipped in behind you, pulling you back against her chest, her arms wrapping around you as you both settled into the soothing heat. You sighed in contentment, the tension in your muscles slowly melting away.
For a while, you simply lay there in silence, enjoying the feel of her body against yours, the gentle rise and fall of her breath. The steam from the water rose around you, creating a cocoon of warmth and intimacy. It was a lazy, blissful morning, and you reveled in the peace of the moment.
"Last night was incredible," Minthara murmured after a while, her lips brushing against your ear. "I never want to forget a single moment of it."
You smiled, tilting your head back to look at her. "Me neither," you replied softly. "It was… perfect."
She kissed your forehead, her lips lingering there as she held you tightly. "I promise I'll always make it up to you...I care about you deeply."
You smiled, feeling a deep sense of contentment. It wasn't the three little words you had been daydreaming about ever since you had set eyes on Minthara but they would do. "I care deeply for you too, Minthara."
"I never want to lose you," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I know I’ve made mistakes, but I want to be better for you. Will you… will you be... oh my gods this sounds so foolish, but will you be my girlfriend?"
You smiled, feeling a warmth spread through your chest. You leaned in, and giggled, like a giddy school girl, "Yes, Minthara. I'll be your girlfriend. But I would have appreciated it if you passed me a note in class and let me tick a box.."
"Oh shut up you," Minthara laughed splasing water at you, though her eyes lit up with joy, and she turned you around pulled you into a tight embrace, her lips finding yours in a kiss filled with adoration and promise.
Eventually, the water began to cool, and you both reluctantly decided it was time to get out. Minthara helped you dry off, her hands gentle and caring as she wrapped you in a fluffy towel. You returned to the bedroom, where you dressed in her overshirt and climbed back into bed, snuggling close under the covers. Minthara had lightly rolled her eyes at the sight of you, muttering how she was going to get no work done today but she nevertheless joined you
As you lay there, Minthara's arms around you, a thought driftend into your mind.
"Minthara," you began, your voice soft and sweet. "You know I've missed a few classes because of everything that's been going on. Maybe you could… help me out a bit with the credits I need?"
Minthara raised an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her lips. "Oh? And how do you propose I help you with that?" she asked, amusement dancing in her eyes.
You traced a finger along her collarbone, your voice dropping to a playful whisper. "Well, I could put in some extra work, Dr Baenre… if you know what I mean."
Minthara chuckled, shaking her head. "You're ridiculous," she said, her tone affectionate. She leaned down and kissed your forehead, her fingers gently stroking your hair. "I have faith in your skills and abilities, Y/N. I know you can catch up on your own."
You pouted, hoping to persuade her, but the resolve in her eyes was clear.
"But Minthara," you whined softly, giving her your best puppy dog eyes. She laughed, a genuine, warm sound that filled the room.
"No pouting," she said, brushing her thumb across your bottom lip. "You're more than capable of handling your coursework. And besides, you wouldn't want me to play favorites, would you?"
You sighed, knowing she was right. "Fine," you conceded, a small smile tugging at your lips. "But you have to admit, it was worth a try."
Minthara pulled you closer, her arms wrapping around you protectively. "It was," she agreed, her voice softening. "And I appreciate your creativity. But I believe in you, Y/N. You can do this."
You nodded, feeling a sense of pride at her confidence in you. "Okay. Fine. I'll catch up."
Minthara pressed a tender kiss to your forehead as you sighed but as you lay together, wrapped in each other's arms, you felt a sense of finalised peace. With Minthara by your side once again you felt complete, happy. And that's not just because you had entier folder on her ex and a way to make her... move on.. if needed. No, not at all, it was all about the trust you had established between each other.
A few days later, you find yourself navigating the bustling corridors of the university, the air thick with the scent of academia and the sounds of students chatting, laughing, and rushing to their next classes. You had settled back into your routine, the memories of that passionate night with Minthara still fresh in your mind, a secret smile often tugging at your lips.
As you rounded a corner, lost in thought, a firm hand suddenly grabbed your arm and pulled you into an empty classroom. You stumbled slightly, catching your balance as the door slammed shut behind you. Dr. Orin Dered stood before you, her eyes cold and calculating.
"Dr. Dered?" you said, trying to keep your voice steady. "What is this about?"
Orin’s lips curled into a tight smile, but there was no warmth in it. "I think you know exactly what this is about, Y/N," she said, her tone dripping with condescension. "Your little affair with Dr Baenre, or considering we are all on such intimate terms, Minthara."
You blinked, feigning ignorance. "I don't know what you're talking about."
Orin stepped closer, her eyes narrowing. "Don't play dumb with me, little girl. I know everything. And I'm here to tell you to break things off with her. Now. Minthara deserves someone of her standing, not a horny university student looking to get her blood pumping."
You rolled your eyes and scoffed as you crossed your arms, trying to project confidence. "And why, exactly, would I do that?"
"Because," Orin replied, her voice low and threatening, "if you don't, I'll go straight to Professor Dekarios about it. Do you really think he'll allow such an illicit relationship to continue under his nose? You're a disgrace, Y/N. I'm sure he had such high hopes for you as a promising student, but now look at you—caught up in this… this scandal."
Her words stung, but you refused to let her see how much they affected you.
"I really don’t know what you’re talking about," you said, but your heart was pounding, and you knew Orin wouldn’t back down easily.
Orin sneered, stepping even closer. "You think you can play innocent? You're a naughty student, Y/N. Throwing away your future for some fling."
Something inside you snapped, was it the not-yet-healed wounds associated with that word or was because of the sheer audacity of Orin to encroach on something you cultivated and coveted so dearly? You didn't know. What you did know was that Orin wouldn't relent, and if she went to Professor Dekarios, it could create all amounts of trouble for both you and Minthara. But you were no fool, no starry-eyed worshiper who had hots for teacher -or at least you weren't entirely that. You were something much darker that Orin had clearly not recognised.
"Do you think you’re in any position to lecture me about morality?" you said, your voice icy, your expression twisting from one of doe-eyed shock to gleeful venom. "What about your illegal experiments, Orin? The ones that resulted in the deaths of three test subjects? I'm sure the board would love to hear all about that."
Orin's face went pale, her eyes widening in shock. She took a step back, her bravado faltering. "How… how do you know about that?" she stammered. You stepped forward, your confidence growing as you saw the fear in her eyes.
"Oh I know a lot of things, Orin. Kids these days and their internet!" You laughed before dropping it and immediately going back to glaring at her with an unnerving calmness. "Oh Orin, I know things that could ruin you if they came to light. I won't even go into your missing older sibling, and the family fortune." Orin visibly flinched, like prey trapped under the predator's claw. "So if you keep trying to interfere with my relationship with Minthara, I will make sure everyone knows just how far you've gone to further your career."
Orin's bravado crumbled, and she took another step back, her eyes darting around the room as if searching for an escape. "You wouldn't dare," she whispered, but there was no conviction in her voice.
"Try me," you replied, your voice low and firm. "If you want to see just how much of a 'naughty student' I can be, keep pushing. If I lose Minthara, get expelled, I lose it all. And I will not hesitate to drag you down with me. But if you value your career and your freedom, you'll stay out of my business."
Orin stared at you for a long moment, her face a mask of conflicted emotions. Finally, she seemed to deflate, her shoulders slumping in defeat. "Fine," she muttered. "But this isn’t over."
She turned and hurried out of the classroom, leaving you alone with your thoughts. You took a deep breath, the adrenaline slowly ebbing away. You knew Orin wouldn't give up easily, but for now, you had the upper hand.
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In this blog we hate Orin <3
Hope you all enjoyed this, gods was it cathartic writing that Orin bit. And missing older sibling? Durge where you at babe your little sis is acting cringe af.
Let me know what you think down below ! - Seluney xox
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moonselune · 3 months
Minthara finally figuring out why a romanced Tav walks through cities like there's not danger upon meeting their family. She ends up meeting an older drow who introduced themselves as Tav's former personal guard. It can also make other things click like certain fighting stances are like a drow fighting style.
I made it an elf!reader so the plot made a bit more sense hope you enjoy it!
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Minthara x Elf!Noble!reader | Now it makes sense
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Minthara had always been puzzled by the way you walked through cities with an air of unshakable confidence. It was as if you believed yourself to be untouchable, moving through the bustling streets with a grace and poise that belied any hint of danger. It wasn't until she joined you for a formal dinner at your family estate that she began to understand the source of your serene assurance.
The estate was a grand affair, sprawling and opulent, reflecting the high status of your elven noble lineage. As you walked her through the halls adorned with intricate tapestries and golden accents, Minthara felt an odd mixture of admiration and curiosity. You introduced her to various family members, each one more elegant and refined than the last. Yet, there was a warmth in your interactions that made Minthara feel surprisingly welcome.
As dinner commenced in the grand dining hall, Minthara found herself seated next to you, the table laden with an array of exquisite dishes. The conversation flowed easily, and she couldn't help but notice how relaxed you seemed in this environment, contrasting sharply with the intense focus you exhibited in battle.
Halfway through the meal, an older drow woman entered the room. She moved with the silent grace of a predator, her eyes sharp and calculating. As she approached the table, you rose to greet her with a smile, which she returned with a nod of respect.
"Minthara," you said, gesturing to the woman, "I would like you to meet Sarya, my former personal guard and teacher."
Minthara's eyes widened slightly in recognition and understanding. Sarya was a figure of legend among the drow, known for her unmatched skill in combat and her unwavering loyalty. It now made perfect sense why you moved with such confidence and exhibited fighting stances that were distinctly drow in origin.
Sarya inclined her head toward Minthara, her eyes glinting with approval. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Minthara. I have heard much about you."
"The pleasure is mine," Minthara replied, her tone respectful. "Your training is evident in Y/N's skill."
Sarya smiled, a rare and genuine expression. "Y/N was an exceptional student, and it seems they have found an equally exceptional partner."
The conversation shifted seamlessly into Drow, the fluid and harsh syllables blending perfectly with the soft elven melodies that filled the hall. "Your elven family is more tolerable than most," Minthara remarked, a hint of amusement in her voice.
Sarya chuckled softly. "Indeed. They have always treated me with respect, which is more than I can say for others of their kind."
"Agreed, I am fortunate to have found the exception" Minthara added, as she looked to try and find you, expecting you to be conversing with your siblings, only to be surprised when you appeared at her shoulder.
"Remember, Minthara, I know Drow too, thanks to Sarya's teachings."
Minthara turned to you, her eyes filled with pride and affection. "It all makes sense now, my beloved. Your confidence, your fighting style—everything. ."
"Oh, I get all that from being taught Drow ways? Not at all from my natural personality," You smiled, teasingly cocking a brow at her. Then when Minthara didn't answer instead taking a sip of her wine you looked to Sarya, who also chose to sip her wine. You scoffed and whacked both of them on the side, but before you could walk away Minthara wrapped an arm around your side and brought you close, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
The rest of the dinner passed with Sarya and your family regaling stories of your youth. One particular story ended in a heated debate on who had broken the carafe gifted by a noble family from Calimshan which ended in you and your siblings tussling and Sarya had to step in one final time.
By the end of the evening, as you walked Minthara back through the estate, you stopped in the gardens, Minthara pulled you close.
"You truly are remarkable," Minthara whispered before drawing you in for a kiss. You smiled and placed your index finger on her lips, pausing her advance
"And I am all yours," you replied with a mischievous smile, stealing the words out of her mouth. Minthara rolled her eyes and cupped your face, your lips melding together in passion. She then pulled away, unable to help herself.
"And you are all mine"
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moonselune · 3 months
thank you for reviving the minthara x reader tag 🫶 you have done such a service to the community and i enjoy your work. If possible, how about the ladies getting picked up and spun around in a hug by a strong tav :) just out of pure love for them
⋆。��� I save the tag by giving it CPR ⋆。♪
And thank you so much for your support, I really appreciate it ! xox
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The day had been long, filled with battles and the tension that came with constant danger. The campfire crackled, casting warm, flickering light on the faces of your companions. As you approached Karlach, her fiery hair glowed in the twilight, and her eyes lit up with that infectious enthusiasm that always seemed to brighten your day.
You couldn't help but smile as you watched her, feeling a surge of affection. "Karlach!" you called out, your voice filled with joy.
She turned, her face breaking into a wide grin. "Hey, soldier!"
Without a second thought, you closed the distance between you, your strong arms wrapping around her waist. Before she could react, you lifted her off the ground, spinning her around in a tight circle. Karlach let out a surprised laugh, her arms instinctively wrapping around your neck.
"Whoa! Whoa! Easy there!" she exclaimed, but her laughter was filled with happiness.
You held her close, your heart pounding with love and exhilaration. "I just had to," you said, your voice breathless. "I love you so much, Karlach."
As you spun her around, you could feel the strength of her body against yours, the warmth of her presence filling you with a sense of completeness. When you finally set her down, her feet touching the ground again, she looked up at you with eyes shining with affection.
"You're amazing," she said softly, her hand cupping your cheek. "Thank you."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips. "No, thank you, Karlach," you whispered. "For being you and for being mine."
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
You had just returned from a particularly harrowing skirmish, and seeing her safe and sound filled you with an overwhelming sense of relief and love.
"Minthara," you called out softly, your voice carrying through the camp. She turned, her eyes locking onto yours with that intense, piercing gaze.
"Y/N," she replied, her voice cool and composed, but there was a softness there that she reserved only for you.
You approached her, your steps quickening with each passing moment until you were standing right in front of her. Without hesitation, you wrapped your arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. Minthara's eyes widened in surprise, but she didn't resist. Instead, a rare, soft smile graced her lips.
"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice a mix of amusement and curiosity.
You spun her around gently, the rest of the camp seeming to disappear as you focused solely on her. "Just wanted to show you how much I love you," you said, your voice filled with pure adoration.
Minthara's hands found their way to your shoulders, holding onto you as you spun her. When you finally set her down, her feet barely touching the ground, she looked up at you with a mixture of awe and tenderness.
"You are a fool," she said softly, her fingers tracing the line of your jaw. "But you are my fool."
You leaned in, pressing your forehead against hers. "And I wouldn't have it any other way," you whispered, feeling the warmth of her breath against your skin.
Minthara's lips found yours in a tender kiss, her usual fierceness tempered by the softness of the moment. You smiled and held her close, your heart beating in bliss.
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The camp was quiet as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the ground. The day had been hard-fought, and everyone was taking a moment to rest and recover. You spotted Lae'zel, standing tall and proud as always, her keen eyes scanning the perimeter. Despite the harshness of her exterior, you knew the depths of her heart, the love she carried for you hidden beneath layers of Githyanki discipline. Unable to resist the surge of affection you felt for her, you approached quietly, your footsteps light on the grass.
"Lae'zel," you called softly, your voice lilting in a light song.
She turned, her expression softening just a fraction as she saw you. "Y/N" she acknowledged, her tone respectful yet carrying an undertone of affection that was reserved solely for you.
Before she could react, you closed the distance between you and wrapped your arms around her waist. With a strong yet gentle lift, you picked her up off the ground, spinning her around in a circle. Lae'zel's eyes widened in surprise, a rare moment of vulnerability flashing across her face.
"What- what are you doing!?" she demanded, but there was no anger in her voice—only astonishment and a hint of amusement.
You laughed, the sound echoing joyfully through the camp. "Just showing you how much I love you," you said, spinning her around again.
As you set her back down, Lae'zel looked at you with a mixture of awe and confusion. Her hands, which had instinctively gripped your shoulders, now rested gently against your chest. "You are a strange one, Y/N"
You smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "And I love you too Lae'zel,"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The moon hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow over the camp. Shadowheart sat by the campfire, her expression thoughtful as she stared into the dancing flames. The day's battles had been tough, and you could see the weariness in her eyes. You approached her silently, not wanting to disturb her thoughts.
"Shadowheart," you called softly, your voice filled with affection. She looked up, her eyes softening as she saw you.
"Beloved" she replied, a small smile playing on her lips. "What's on your mind?"
Without a word, you wrapped your arms around her waist and lifted her off the ground. Shadowheart let out a surprised gasp, her eyes widening as you spun her around in a joyful circle.
"Y/N!" she exclaimed, half-laughing, half-protesting. "What are you doing?"
You laughed, the sound filled with pure joy. "Just showing you how much I love you," you said, spinning her around once more before setting her back down gently.
Shadowheart's cheeks were flushed, a rare and beautiful sight. Her hands, once on your shoulders, now rested lightly on your chest. "You never cease to surprise me,"
You smiled, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to her lips. "I just love you, Shadowheart,"
She looked at you, a light laugh leaving her lips, her eyes reflecting the firelight and the depth of her feelings. "I just love you too, Y/N,"
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
This was acc so wholesome to write oml, hope you guys enjoy it ! - Seluney xox
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moonselune · 3 months
Pay Attention !
Teacher!Minthara x Obsessed!student (f!reader)
CW: bratty reader, Lorroakan is his own warning, Minthara has too much work for this, reader took a risk but damn is she bad at math.
⋆.˚✰ Minthara ⋆.˚✰ <- Masterlist
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Minthara held your waist tight to her, her arm being the only thing keeping you up on her lap. Your head rested on her shoulder as she devoured your neck, all bite and no kiss. This was a punishment after all.
There may have been an incident in class. You had felt ignored lately, Minthara was caught up in her work and hadn't seen you in a while. So, to express your displeasure you had turned your attention to a fellow classmate. You lingered by their desk before class started, leaning towards them a bit too closely. You always stayed there until Dr Baenre barked at her students to sit down. Then you would blow the classmate a kiss and slowly walk back to your seat, a little sway in your hips. But if Minthara was bothered by it, she wasn't letting it show, not any more from her normal cruel demeanour. Which had led to things... escalating.
In hindsight, you were being slightly overdramatic. It had only been a week since your last tryst, but you adored your teacher, worshipped the very ground she walked on and she couldn't even spare you a passing glance?
You had to get her attention somehow and making out with that classmate outside of her classroom door right after class, did that. You knew that Minthara would see it for what it was, a dedicated desperate ploy to get her attention. You felt somewhat bad for your classmate, you were just using them, but in the name of research, sacrifices had to be made, and your methods needed to be tested.
It would be fair to say that this method more than worked.
When the door opened and Minthara stepped through, though you couldn't see her due to the tongue down your throat, you could hear her stilettos, and you could hear them scuff as she took in the sight. She slammed the classroom door shut behind her, startling your subject causing the two of you to pull away. You watched eagerly as she walked off, you could feel the anger radiate from her form. Once she turned round the corner, as if on cue, your phone buzzed. You pulled it out eagerly, shooing away the classmate who disappointingly trudged off. Your face lit up as you saw it was from Minthara.
Office. Now.
You practically skipped to her office, completely unaware of what was ahead of you. Like a rabbit, hopping into the wolf's jaw. You barely managed to close the door behind you when you were yanked into her office and pinned to a nearby wall.
“That was quite a little show you put on for me there,” Minthara practically growled into your ear and your heart raced, she had caged you in with her arms, both of her hands planted firmly on the wall beside your head. You looked up at her with big doe eyes as if you were just the most innocent thing in the whole wide world. Minthara chuckled darkly and rolled her eyes, "Oh it is too late for that, my love. To think whilst I have been slaving away at my research, you have been getting with the first thing that smiled at you."
"You weren't paying attention to me..." You whined lightly, leaning your head back to bare your neck at her. You knew you were playing with fire here, Minthara was an extremely possessive woman, but the pool of heat forming between your legs urged you to get burned.
"Oh the brat look suits you, Y/N." Minthara muttered before crashing her lips onto yours, one hand finding its way around your throat, squeezing the sides lightly. You whimpered and and felt your knees buckle as she assaults your lips, bullying her tongue into your mouth. You instinctively arched your hips towards hers, desperate for contact. Minthara smiles against you and moves her other hand from the wall and hikes your leg up against her hip. She might have missed you, more than she was willing to let on. But she wasn't about to so merciful.
That's how you found yourself in this situation with one had tangled in her hair encouragingly, the other clasped around your mouth, desperately trying to silence the filthy noises leaving your lips. Though, when Minthara thrusted an additional finger into your weeping hole, not even your hand could silence your cries.
Minthara disapprovingly clicked her tongue as she pulled away from your neck, pressing her lips to the corner of your jaw. "Y/N, Y/N, quiet, now. We wouldn't want Professor Dekarios thinking somethings the matter? Have him foolishly bursting in to see you spread out so deliciously for me."
To further her point she tucked her ankle around yours and moved it out, spreading you even further. You whined and squirmed, feeling increasingly exposed and vulnerable. Minthara continued to thrust her fingers in and out of you at a languid, torturous pace.
"Though maybe you would like that, for the rest to see who you belong to." She felt your walls clamped around her and chuckled into your ear, "Of course you like that, Cryso. Worry not, the marks on your neck will show your classmates that you are already spoken for.."
As if to accentuate her point, she nipped at your raw and tender skin again, thrusting deeper into you. You had to bite down on your hand to contain your moans.
"So wet for me, so eager, perhaps I have been neglecting this poor little cunt of yours." Minthara drawled and if you were in your right mind and not in a haze of pleasure you would realise that she was plotting something. She removed her fingers from you and you could have cried as your cunt tried to clamp around air, your building orgasm melting away. If you weren't so distraught, you would have realised she was taking something out of her desk drawer. "Don't worry, I'm sure this will help remind you who you belong to."
You felt something press against your entrance before slipping in with ease, Minthara hadn't been toying with you for no reason, she had been prepping you. You felt the small circular mass took root deep in your cunt. As you were coming to your senses you turned to look at her with slight confusion... that was until the device came to life, and released pleasurable vibrations. Then just as you felt your orgasm returned, they stopped. Minthara pulled your panties back onto you and abruptly pushed you off her lap. You stumbled slightly and looked at her, a pout forming on your lips as you desperately squeezed your thighs together, desperate to chase the long lost high.
"Mmm sweet," Minthara commented as she tasted you on her fingers. She then gave you a curt mischievous smile, "Now, back to class. You know how Dr Lorroakan despises tardiness."
"Mmhmm but-" You were going to add that it would be a shocker if Dr Lorroaken actually showed up, but you were interrupted when an intense vibration tore through you, causing your knees to buckle. You looked up at Minthara with a shocked face. She mocked your previous pout and stood up, walking towards you. She straightened out your blouse, combed her fingers through your unruly hair, if you thought this was an act of kindness - it was, but only to make up for the fact that she then gave you your bag and shoved you out of her office, locking the door promptly afterwards.
You had to take a few deep breaths to ready yourself and start making your way towards Dr Lorroakan's lecture room. The vibrator buzzed at a low level, teasing the build up of an orgasm. You tried to ignore it, but your body couldn't as your thighs continually squeezed together as you walked. Eventually you made it to the lecture room and were aghast to see the actual Dr there, not his diligent assistant Rolan.
"Get in, sit down, don't waste my time more than you lot already have." He snapped, and you had to hide the roll of your eyes as you walked in. When Minthara was rude and mean, it was sexy. When Dr Lorroakan did it was just teeth-gratingly annoying. You managed to get one of the last few seats at the back, it seems your fellow students shared your disdain for the Dr and had all fled to the back. You couldn't help but feel bad for the latecomers who had to sit closer to the man. "I hope you realise how much of an honour it is for you all to actually be taught by me. Dr Lorroakan, master in the history of ancient rituals and myths of the divine."
"Not like it's your job or anything..." You muttered under your breath, earning a few snickers from your peers. Thankfully, Lorroakan was too caught up in himself to hear it. It seemed Minthara was really rubbing off on you.
Speaking of Minthara.
An intense vibration tore through you and you had to disguise your moan as a cough. You shifted in your seat and crossed your legs as if squeezing them together would somehow turn off the vibrator, but it just increased the pressure and brought you closer to the edge. Taking a deep breath, you focused on what the oh so great Dr Lorroakan had to say.
The reason I am here today is due to an assessment by my colleagues. Normally, I would dismiss such trivialities, but due to being assigned a particularly stubborn colleague, I am here."
The door opened, and in walked none other than Minthara. The air in the room shifted as the students sat up straighter, phones hastily put away. It may have not been her class, and some students may not have even ever been taught by Dr Baenre, but her reputation preceded her.
"Ah, Dr. Baenre, so good of you to join us," Lorroakan said, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he welcomed her in. She strode in casually, her hands in her pockets, a bored look on her face. Her eyes found you and you squirmed under her stare, then squirmed as she increased the vibrations from her phone.
Once she had her fun, Minthara offered a tight smile. "It's my pleasure, Dr. Lorroakan."
She then made her way to the back of the class, kicking a student out their seat and watched them scurry to the front. You couldn't tell if she had looked at you on her way over as your head was buried in your hands as you tried to muffle the moans threatening to leave you. Minthara didn't like that.
"L/N, head up, if you wanted a nap, go see if Miss Alfira will sing you a lullaby," Minthara barked at you as she leant back in the chair. The other students flinched, Dr Baenre never snapped at you, you were the model student - she must have been in an awful mood. You snapped your head up and gave a thin smile, as your teeth gnawed the inside of your lips, the last line of defence. At least everyone would think your flushed face would be out of embarrassment and not the shattering orgasm that was about to tear through you. "Now that I've sorted out your students for you feel free to commence the lectur, Dr Lorroakan, that is unless you need me to do that too?"
"I will be just fine, Dr Baenre," Dr Lorroakan gritted out before flouncing towards the blackboard. You thought that as his back was finally turned you would be able to deal with your release subtly, but Minthara ensured there was nothing to deal with as the vibrations ceased immediately. You couldn't stop the whimper that left your mouth, and you had to quickly convince the students around you that it was a yawn.
Throughout Dr. Lorroakan's lecture, Minthara kept her gaze on you, her subtle manipulations causing waves of arousal to ripple through your body. You squirmed in your seat, trying to focus on the lecture, but it was impossible. The room felt stifling, your senses heightened to an unbearable degree. She always brought you so close to the edge, before being taking it all away. Tears were starting to form in the corner of your eyes, and a thick bead of sweat forming on your forehead.
Dr. Lorroakan, oblivious to your plight, continued his lecture, though he was visibly perturbed by Minthara's constant interruptions and critiques. "Your interpretation of the Cormyrian rituals is outdated, Lorroakan," she said with a thinly veiled sneer. "You fail to consider the recent findings from the Thayan archives."
The students exchanged glances, enjoying the verbal sparring between the two professors. Meanwhile, you were fighting a losing battle against the vibrator. Your breath came in shallow gasps, and you could feel Minthara's eyes boring into the back of your head, relishing in your discomfort. Maybe getting burned was not as fun as you thought it would be.
"What now, Dr. Baenre? Going to critique the way I hold my chalk?" Dr. Lorroakan sneered, clearly irritated by Minthara's interruptions.
"Nonsense, Dr. Lorroakan, don't be so petty," she dismissed him with a wave of her hand. "I am simply voicing my concern that you have failed to notice that one of your students is severely unwell."
Her words cut through the air, and the room fell silent. Lorroakan's eyes narrowed as he scanned the room, finally landing on you. Your face was flushed, your hands trembling as you clutched the edge of the desk. His irritation morphed into a mixture of confusion and concern.
"Ah, yes, well... perhaps you should be taken to the nurse's office," he stammered, clearly caught off guard.
Minthara stood gracefully, her movements precise and deliberate. "I'll take her. It's quite alright," she said smoothly.
She moved to your side, her presence calming and authoritative. As she helped you to your feet, you couldn't help but lean into her touch, your body betraying your need for her. Minthara's arm wrapped around your waist, supporting you as she led you out of the classroom. The students' eyes followed you, whispers filling the room in your wake.
Once the door closed behind you, the hallways seemed quieter, almost intimate. Minthara's grip tightened, her lips brushing your ear as she whispered, "Are you learning your lesson now, Y/N?"
You nodded frantically, the continual buzz of the vibrator making you desperate for her. "Yes, Minthara, I’ve learned my lesson," you panted, your voice filled with need. You would let her take her right there in the hall if she wanted to. "Please... I need you."
She smirked, clearly pleased with your response. "Good girl. Now did you make a mistake earlier?," she said, her voice low and commanding.
You nodded again, practically begging. "Yes, it was a mistake. Please, Minthara, I need you so much."
"Oh and how I love to punish students who make mistakes," Her eyes darkened with desire as she led you through the halls, her grip never loosening. She navigated the corridors with ease, her focus entirely on you. Each step you took made the need within you grow, and you clung to her, your breaths coming in ragged gasps.
Finally, you reached her office. Minthara unlocked the door with swift precision and guided you inside. The room was dimly lit, the familiar scent of her perfume and the sight of her meticulously organized space grounding you slightly. She closed the door behind you, the click echoing in the quiet room.
As Minthara turned to face you, her expression a mix of sternness and desire, you couldn't help but fall to your knees. She smiled at your submission and cupped her hand around your cheek. "Do you understand now, Cryso?" she asked, her voice soft but firm, she was now gripping your jaw. "You belong to me."
"Yes," you whispered, your voice trembling with need. "I belong to you."
A satisfied smile curved her lips as she leaned down to you. "Good," she murmured. "Now, let's make sure you remember that."
Her lips crashed against yours, fierce and possessive. You melted into her embrace, your body responding to her touch with an intensity that left you breathless. She pushed you to the floor, her hands never leaving your body, exploring, claiming, reminding you of who you belonged to. She put her knee between your legs and smiled at how soaked you were.
"Want something, my love?" She teased, her mouth hovering by your ear as you shameless rutted into her knee desperate for release.
"Please, please, please.." you whined and whimpered, tears running freely down your face. Minthara kissed them away, your pleads, sweet music to her ears. "P-please can I cum?"
"Hmmm, I think I have tortured you enough, and you behaved so well in Dr Lorroakan's class..." Minthara hummed, pretending to think bout it as she moved to your neck, kissing the blooming bruises from earlier. You whimpered and cried out again, so sensitive to her touch.
"P-lease, I- I-need you, so badly.."
"Go on then, cum for me my darling.." Minthara whispered into your ear before moving back onto your neck. She moved her fingers down to your soaked core and toyed with your clit. Minthara consumed you, her touch setting your skin on fire. You clung to her, your body a hot mess of desire and need. Finally, your saw white and Minthara had to use her free hand to cover your mouth as you let out ungodly noises, writhing in her hold. Minthara praised you through your orgasm, kissing your neck. It took a short while for you to regain your breath only for it to be taken away again my a rough kiss from Minthara.
Finally, she pulled back, her eyes dark and intense. "You're mine," she whispered, her voice filled with possessive affection. "Never forget that."
You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest. "I won't," you promised, your voice raw with emotion. "I’m yours, Minthara."
Thank you everyone for your support on this au ! I love writing it, I think teacher Minthara is the hottest thing in the world rn, definitely not kicking my feet giggling whilst I write her - Seluney x
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