#minthara x gn!tav
awkwardauthorwrites · 9 months
I'm Yours
Word Count: 530
Themes: fluff
Warnings: hints towards smut but no actual smut 
Everyone stay calm, this is not a drill I’ve written something under 1000 words for the first time in existence. @shadowwheartt and I decided to do a quick little drabble challenge where we flipped coins and rolled a dice to see who we'd be writing for and what genre and I got Minthara fluff. I tried something different where I made Tav gender neutral, let me know what you think!
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Minthara wasn't sure exactly when Tav had snuck their way into her life, but she suddenly felt like she couldn't remember how they used to function without them.
Tav had been gone for a whole day to scout the Shadowlands and see if they could find the pesky group of adventures that had been causing havoc for the followers of the Absolute ever since the nautiloid had crashed and Minthara had put no less than four fires out - one of them quite literally. No one seemed to know where the spare key to Balthazaar's quarters were, the kitchen was unstocked and even worse, it looked like no one had been on a supply run recently and so their stock of healing potions was dangerously low. Not to mention the gnolls in the kitchen that kept snapping at each other and when Minthara had glared at the cook the halfling had just shrugged her shoulders and muttered something about how Tav usually kept them appeased and in line.
Minthara sank into her armchair with a frustrated sigh and rubbed at her temples. Tav hadn't been working for them for very long, so how was the whole place falling to shambles without them? There was a small tug in her mind as her tadpole wriggled around in her skull almost mockingly, as if reminding her why she felt so at odds without having Tav around. She brushed the thought away with a quiet huff and made her way to her bedchamber for the night, deciding there wasn't much she could do due to the entire fortress wanting to burn down around them. Shedding her armour, Minthara almost didn't notice the figure lying across her bed, a small smirk on their face when they noticed her undressed state.
“It isn't wise to sneak up on your superiors,” she snapped, glaring as Tav rolled their eyes at her. 
“Maybe we should have superiors who are more aware of their surroundings then. I could have been anyone here to kill you.”
“Such sentimentality in your tone,” Minthara stood at the edge of the bed, her hands on her hips. “Anyone would think you cared.” Tav clicked their tongue and lunged forward, gripping Minthara by the waist and tugging her onto the bed. She didn't have a chance to blink before Tav was leaning over her, their hands pinning her down by the waist. 
“I beg your forgiveness, True Soul,” Tav murmured, brushing their lips across hers. “How ever will I make it up to you?” The tadpole is Minthara's head writhed as Tav connected to it, showing her image after image of all the ways they intended to please her. Minthara felt her heart thud in her chest as Tav pressed their lips to hers and she wasted no time in shedding what was left of her clothes to get what was promised to her.
In the dim afterglow of their activities Minthara let Tav pull her body close, their arm snaking around her waist as they both caught their breath. Tomorrow, Minthara told herself, tomorrow the place could go back to functioning normally now that Tav had returned, but tonight they were hers.
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thehistoriccemetery · 9 months
Honestly I’d beg for prompt 4. Is Tav the one in bed? What’s the vibe lol
BG3 x GN!Reader : “Stay in Bed, Please?”
I try to make the vibe a little bit different for all of them. There are certain characters who definitely sleep later and certain ones that are consistently up before sunrise.
Featuring Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, Minthara, and Jaheira
I’m really feeling this prompt right now, as it is impossible to get out of bed and go to work so early when the weather is so cold and the bed is so warm.
You really do try and make as quiet an exit as possible. Shadowheart is a light sleeper.
Regardless, you don’t even make it off the mattress before you hear her precious little whine.
She turns over, sleepy eyes barely opened, looking into yours. Her hair is down and you almost giggle as it covers large parts of her face. “Stay in bed, please?”
It’s a tempting offer, you must admit. But you promised Lae’zel you’d train with her this morning.
You kiss her on the forehead and tuck her back into the blankets. “Go back to sleep, princess. I have to go.”
“My lady gives us a few more hours of her precious moonlight. You would take her gift for granted?” She teases, still not satisfied with your answer.
You roll your eyes and chuckle. “Well, I suppose I don’t want to upset your goddess.”
“Then you best crawl your way back under these blankets, lest you face her wrath.” She lifts the blankets, beckoning you back underneath.
You sigh, curling up back under the sheets. Looks like Lae’zel will be training alone this morning.
Shadowheart curls up into your chest. You feel the smug little smile grow on her face.
Beg and whine as you wish, Lae’zel is not staying in bed.
She’s got shit to do, people to kill, laps to run.
She’s always up before you are. She sees the time as crucial training hours. By the time everyone else is up she’s already ready to go.
Some mornings she’ll have you get up with her. She has some really interesting of waking you up though.
Most of the time she just stares at you and slowly moves her face closer to yours until you finally stir.
As much as you love her you explain that awaking to someone bent over staring at you isn’t your ideal morning.
Her other methods include holding a knife to your throat, or pouring water onto your face.
One day you’ll learn the importance of these crucial morning hours.
It isn’t impossible to sneak out of bed with Karlach, as long as you’re quiet and you replace your place in her arms with a carefully arranged Clive.
You think you’ve succeeded, lacing up your boots sitting on the edge of the bed… until you feel a tail curl around your waist.
You gently stroke the tail, coaxing her into letting you go. It only makes her tighten her grip and pull you closer.
“I know you’re not about to try and sneak out of here before the bloody sunrise,” she mumbles groggily.
As she pulls you closer to her body, you feel the warmth radiating off of her.
How could anyone be expected to subject themselves to freezing winter morning when they have a comfy furnace of a girlfriend begging them to stay in bed?
You sigh, kicking off your half-laced boots and burying yourself back into her embrace.
She yawns and stretches, pulling you back against her chest as she relaxes.
You used to be a morning person, but gods be damned if you’re ever going to crawl out of bed before sunrise again when this is the alternative.
Minthara only trances for a couple of hours, so it’s very rare that you get to spend time sleeping, cuddled up to her.
She manages to sneak out of bed impossibly early, and settle down across the room to read a book by candlelight.
She hardly notices when you get up, all groggy and still wrapped in blankets and ask her to come back to bed.
“You can bring your candle and your book and whatever. It’s just so empty over there without you.”
She stares at you a moment before closing the book and grabbing the candle.
You smile and jump back into bed. You were honestly kinda shocked that it worked.
Minthara sat against the headboard, allowing you to rest your head against her stomach and wrap your arms around her thighs. She rested the book on your back and continued reading.
You feel safer and more comfortable than ever as you drift back to sleep. Maybe if you ask really nicely, she’d let you do this more often.
You manage to catch Jaheira before she can get out of bed. You wrap your arms around her, clinging to her and preventing her escape.
“I must go cub, the sun is rising. But you may rest for a little while longer.”
You know she would not put up with your whining, and she’d probably make you get up now if you started. Still, you couldn’t help but at least try to plead your case.
“Just a few more minutes?” You ask, looking up at her with the most endearing eyes you can muster. You keep your mouth and nose buried in her stomach.
She smiles and strokes your hair. How is she supposed to resist that precious little face?
“A little while longer and you get up with me,” she bargained.
“Deal,” you agreed, pulling her back into bed. It was no fun to be in bed without her anyway.
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happy-beeeps · 3 months
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Summary: a slice of life moment of a very anxious Gale, and a very relaxed reader!
Pairing: gale x drow!tav (gn i thiiiiiiiink?)
warnings: mention of alcohol, suggestive content but no smut
a/n: posting this in the airport I have no shame!!!! this is based on my current playthrough with my drow paladin. so there are some references to drow and tav finding a found family within Minthara, but it's not really a fleshed out oc!
Cooking doesn’t come quite as naturally to you as you’d hoped. It’s a complex balance of flavor—spice and savory and salty and sweet—that challenges the palate you’ve grown accustomed to in Menzobarrenzen and your time in exile. Still, you move slowly, carefully, over the faded recipe card, make precise cuts to the carrots in front of you.
There’s a movement in the counter, and your wine glass is moved closer to you. “One for the pot, one for the cook. Or so the saying goes.” Tara hums, curling up on the edge of the counter. You can’t imagine Gale would say anything, so you don’t bother asking her to move away from the cooking.
“If I want to have any hope of this turning out, I’m going to need to slow down.”
She tuts in response, kicking her legs out long and rolling onto her back. 
“Why is this so hard?”
“What, cooking?”
“Yes!” You toss the carrots into the steaming pot, and move to toss in the onions and garlic nearby. “He makes everything look so effortless.”
“Funny enough, I seem to recall him saying something similar when he attempted to wield your greatsword.” She moves off the counter with ease, “perhaps that’s what makes the two of you work so well.”
You’re so wrapped up in your cooking that you don’t head the door open, and don’t sense the heavy weight moving across the wooden floor until his hands are on you, wrapping around your waist. You’re carefully moving the dish onto two plates, and nearly drop the spoon in surprise. “You should be grateful this isn’t a dagger,” you mumble against his neck as places his chin on your shoulder. 
“Perhaps. Or perhaps I’ve taken a calculated guess that you wouldn’t be wielding a weapon in our kitchen at this hour.”
“Then you don’t know me at all.”
“On the contrary, but perhaps we could get reacquainted.” He moves to pepper soft kisses along your jawline, but pauses at the realization of what’s in front of him. “Is that…”
“Your mother’s shepards pie?” You’re blushing now when he turns to you. “I wanted to surprise you, you’ve been so busy with grading.”
“Well, color me surprised.” He moves to grab both plates and begins setting your table. “Sit down, let me get your glass.”
“Only if you have one too.”
He smiles and grabs another glass, along with the bottle before settling in front of you. You try to contain your excitement when he moves to take his first bite, trying to nonchalantly watch him out of the corner of your eye. His eyes light up, and his gaze rockets to yours. “How did you get this? It’s perfect.”
“It’s not a far walk to your mothers,” you pause to take a sip of your wine, a delightful red decidedly nicer than the bottle you had been sipping from earlier. Sneaky. “I’ve been going by on my slower days for tea.”
“You’ve been spending time at my mother’s?” It’s not an accusatory question, on the contrary, his eyes glow with warmth at the thought.
“She’s sweet, and it’s nice to spend time with family, and I told her I wanted to surprise you.”
He’s quiet at first, simply smiling at his plate and eating. After a moment, he speaks up. “Family, yes?”
Your cheeks burn with color at your minor slip. “I mean, in a sense-“
“And in the literal skin enough.” He reaches across the table to gently graze the top of your hand, hesitating on the knuckle above your ring finger.
Dinner passes in relative simplicity afterwards, casual conversation about his classes, your work at the temple. 
“While on the topic of families, I’d be remiss if I didn’t tell you who I saw today.” 
Your eyebrow quirks up in response, “Oh?”
“Your sister is in town.”
“Minthara?” Your brows furrow, “I didn’t know she was headed this way, are there cultists in Waterdeep?”
“Hardly, she’s heading back to Baldur’s Gate, something to do with Nine Fingers. I told her to tell you more tomorrow. She’s found company for the evening.”
“Sounds like Minty,” you smile at the thought of your pseudo-sister. “I’m happy to see her tomorrow, but I’m not heading to Baldur’s Gate with her.”
He blinks in surprise, “You’re not?”
“Do you want me to go?”
“I just assumed you’d be interested. It’s been quite a moment since you’ve done a daring rescue, some savvy swashbuckling.”
You snort at the word choice, “Swashbuckling is more Astarion’s style. Besides, I’m busy with my work here, and then we’d be apart. You can’t leave in the middle of the semester.”
“You bring up a valid roadblock, my love.” He smiles at the end of his thought, but there’s an uncertainty in his eyes that doesn’t miss you.
You’re on your back, clad in nothing but one of Gale’s impossible comfortable tunics. He’s beside you of course, reclining beside you on the plush blanket laid out on the terrace of his study. His hands twirl above you, and lights dance overhead. You’re mesmerized by him, by even the smallest of spells that hardly take any effort. You burrow deeper into his side, transfixed by the colors moving overhead. 
He moves after a moment, propping himself on his elbow. “Can I confess something to you?”
“Of course,” you move to cradle his cheek in your hand, rolling on to your side to face him. “What is it?”
“I’ve been feeling… a flavor of insecurity as of late. At first, I couldn’t believe my good graces, to not only survive our encounter with the brain, but to bring you home to Waterdeep, to see you in my tower. It’s still surreal. A student, however, noticed you in the market recently, and asked what it was like to live with a great warrior like you, and I realized I’d neglected that. You are a great warrior, you’re an excellent paladin, I’ve watched you slay more enemies and heal me more times than I can count. And then I saw Minthara, all disheveled, hair messy, but happy. I’m worried I’m keeping you trapped in this tower, not unlike how I felt when I encountered my orb. You know you’re always free to go, frolick the sword coast and slay enemies the whole way down, correct?”
The honesty of his confession catches you by surprise for a moment. You haven’t the words to reassure him, you’re not sure you could string them together if you tried. Instead you kiss him, leaning forward and cupping his cheek. He leans in hungrily, interpreting your gesture as your answer. His lips are soft against yours, the taste of wine making you drunk with anticipation as you pull back.
“When I became a paladin, it was because I wanted my people, Seldarine, Lolth sworn, just drow in general to be respected by surface dwellers. I do too. My oath to bring balance and light, not to slaughter every prejudiced person on the sword coast. I can fulfill my oath with the work I do here, at the temple in Waterdeep, with you, and frankly, you’re selling yourself short as a wizard, you’re quite the catch,” his hand slides down your back and you feel yourself being tugged closer, “Where Minthara, gods bless her, needs blood and sex to satisfy her, I can get by with a good wine and a dinner with you.”
He kissed you again, quickly, and pulls his hand away to smooth your cheek, “Well, perhaps we don’t need to count out sex as satisfaction just yet,” his hand rubs slow circles along your back as he pulls you in closer, “after all, I am quite the accomplished wizard.”
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mumms-the-word · 7 months
A Faerûnian Masterlist
I write mostly SFW fluff, angst, and adventure fic. Below you'll find plenty of cute moments, witty banters, angsty arguments, action scenes, and the occasional slightly NSFW hint that fades to black. Most of my writing can be found under the tag my fic.
⭐️Popular One Shots⭐️
✨Tav/Durge Masterlists✨
🔮Gale Fic Masterlist🔮
🔍Deep Dives Links🔎
📚Masterlists for Multi-Chapter Fics📚
Click here to read all my works on AO3
⭐️Popular One-Shots⭐️
The top three things that have been Doing the Notes the most
Choosing to Live - Gale x You/Reader in which Gale struggles with the complicated emotional fallout of not obeying Mystra's command to self-destruct in Moonrise Towers (AO3 link) Ascension, Return - Gale x You/Reader where you're witness to Gale's ascension to godhood before he leaves to give the Crown of Karsus to Mystra...and you're a little scared he won't come back. (AO3) A Final Death - Gale x gn!Tav where Gale has ascended and has returned to his chronically ill lover in order to ascend them, only to realize that they have died while he was exploring godhood. He departs for the Fugue Plane to find their soul and offer them divinity once more. (AO3)
✨Tav/Durge Fic Masterlists✨
🎻 meridan “dani” zavrai ✶ mephistopheles tiefling ✶ college of lore bard ✶ entertainer ✶ chaotic good ✶ romanced gale ✶ fic master list ✶ ao3 ✶ tags: dani, meridan zavrai
🏹 ardynn harrow ✶ half wood elf ✶ beastmaster ranger ✶ outlander ✶ neutral good ✶ romanced halsin ✶ fic masterlist ✶ ao3 ✶ tags: ardynn, ardynn harrow
⚔️ freyr ✶ human ✶ eldritch knight fighter ✶ the haunted one ✶ chaotic evil > true neutral ✶ romanced minthara ✶ fic masterlist ✶ ao3 ✶ tags: freyr
🔮Gale Fics Masterlist🔮
Masterlist of the various Gale x You/Reader or Gale x gn!Tav oneshots that I wrote whenever the urge struck me (ao3 link to the series)
🔍Deep Dives🔎
Long posts that sparked my hyperfixation and had me red-string-theory connecting lore dots until I landed on a narrative that made sense in my head
tags to other metas: bg3 meta, bg3 lore, bg3 discourse, deep dive
Gale and Mystra (and Mystra, and Mystra...) - Meta post that dives into Forgotten Realms lore to discuss Mystra's multiple lives/deaths, how Gale fits into the timeline, when Mystra visited Gale, etc Shadow Curse Events series - Meta posts that dive into Ketheric's descent into Sharran zealotry, his war against the Harpers and Druids, and the first 40 days of the shadow curse. Illithid Souls series - Meta posts that dive into the D&D lore about illithids and souls before turning to look at how the game uses/changes that lore by examining Tab/Durge, Orpheus, Karlach, and Gale after they become mind flayers. When was Gale Chosen? - Another timeline combing Faerûn lore with Gale's timeline, along with a poll where a couple hundred people voted on Gale's age when he was Chosen. (not a deep dive, but could be helpful)
📚Ongoing Multichapter Fics📚
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A Macabre Masquerade Masterlist
Plot: One year after defeating the Netherbrain and saving the city, Dani and Gale receive a mysterious invitation to a masquerade ball. The invitation specifically invites them to participate as the Heroes of Baldur's Gate. However, when they get there, they soon realize they aren't the only Heroes of Baldur's Gate that got invited.
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In Fathoms Below Masterlist
Plot: The island city of Nautera disappeared over 4500 years ago, if it ever existed at all. Now not a single, legitimate record of Nautera exists, save for one. The Nauterran Account. Long thought lost, it has recently been retrieved from the depths of Candlekeep’s archives and placed into the capable hands of one Gale Dekarios. With the Nauterran Account in hand and an eclectic team of Baldurians and other allies mounting an official expedition, Gale journeys to find the ruins of Nautera…but hopes to find so much more.
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moonselune · 3 months
I love the idea of Minthara and a Tav who is sustaining themselves on coffee/spite primarily because they have an irrational fear of being poisoned to the point cilantro Gale put in something made them skip dinner as they assumed it was poison. Minthara helping them get over their irrational fear and promising to keep them from getting poisoned.
If you couldn't tell, I absolutely adore Minthara so thank you so much for this request I had some much fun with it!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Minthara x GN!reader | Paranoid
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─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
The camp was quiet, the fire crackling softly as the evening settled in. You sat by the flames, clutching a mug of coffee as if it were a lifeline. The bitter taste and the caffeine buzz were your only comforts, sustaining you through the long nights and exhausting days. Spite and paranoia were your constant companions, particularly the irrational fear of being poisoned.
It had reached a point where even a small change in your meal would set off alarm bells. Gale, in his well-meaning attempt to spice things up, had added a different herb to your dinner last night. You had promptly skipped the meal, convinced it was laced with poison, despite Gale’s reassurances.
Minthara watched you from a distance, her eyes filled with concern and a touch of frustration. As your lover, she understood your fears, but she also knew that this path was unsustainable. She approached quietly, her footsteps soft on the grass, and took a seat beside you.
“You can’t keep living on coffee and spite,” she said gently, her voice a soothing contrast to your frayed nerves.
You glanced at her, gripping your mug tighter. “It’s safer this way.”
Minthara sighed, reaching out to brush a strand of hair from your face. “My love, you’re wasting away. This fear is consuming you.”
You looked away, unable to meet her gaze. “I just... I can’t help it. What if it’s poisoned?”
She moved closer, her hand resting on your shoulder. “I promise you, I will not let anyone harm you. I have experience with poisons, I grew up in the House of Baenre, remember? Trust me.”
You wanted to believe her, but the fear was irrational and deep-seated. When Minthara brought a bowl of stew, fragrant and steaming, you recoiled, shaking your head vehemently.
“Please, just try it,” she coaxed. “I made sure it’s safe.”
Your heart pounded in your chest, the scent of the food making your stomach rumble despite your anxiety. Then fear took over and with a guilty flash of a smile you bolted, running across the camp with reckless abandon, leaping over resting campmates. You heard Minthara curse behind you and quickly make chase, she was relentless and it didn’t take long for her to catch up. She tackled you gently, pinning you to the ground with a firm but gentle grip.
“Enough of this,” she said, her voice stern yet filled with love. “You need to eat.”
You struggled for a moment, but Minthara’s strength was undeniable. She held you there, her eyes locking onto yours with a mixture of frustration and compassion.
“I won’t let you waste away,” she said softly. “I love you too much to watch you suffer like this.”
Your resistance faltered, tears welling in your eyes. “But... what if it’s not safe?”
Minthara leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. “I promise you, it is. Trust me.”
With trembling hands, you reached for the bowl she had brought with her, now slightly askew but still warm - you would have to compliment her for that later. She scooped a spoonful of stew and brought it to your lips, her eyes never leaving yours.
“Please,” she whispered, her voice breaking slightly. “For me.”
You hesitated, then opened your mouth, allowing her to feed you. The stew was rich and savory, the flavors comforting and familiar. As you ate, the fear slowly ebbed away, replaced by a warmth that spread through your body.
Minthara continued to feed you, her movements gentle and patient. When the bowl was empty, she wrapped her arms around you, holding you close.
“See? No poison,” she murmured, her breath warm against your ear.
You nodded, burying your face in her shoulder. “Thank you,” you whispered, your voice thick with emotion.
Minthara stroked your hair, her touch soothing. “I’ll always protect you,” she promised. “You’re not alone in this.”
In her embrace, the irrational fears seemed a little more manageable, and you felt a glimmer of hope that, with her by your side, you could overcome them.
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BG3 Matchups! & Headcanons
My Askbox is Currently Only Open for Baldur’s Gate 3 Headcanons/Matchup Requests.
BG3 Match-Up Rules Are: Give me a personality description of either you or your Tav/OC. What are they like? Their best attributes? Worst attributes? Hobbies? Likes/dislikes? Preferred gender result, or if you’d like one of each gender. And if you’d be open to a poly or monogomous answer. For matchups, the limit is one per preferred gender (so max. you could get per matchup would be two).
To copy and paste my answer from an ask, here are the Rules for Requesting BG3 Headcanons:
I’d say max requests per ask is one. Like if you want two headcanons, submit those separately.
Max. characters per request can go up to 6, but expect the more characters included, the shorter the answers per character to be. So you ask for headcanons for Gale, I might give you 3 paragraphs whereas if you ask for Gale, Wyll, and Shadowheart, I may only write 1-2 paragraphs per character in that answer.
Any kind of reader is cool: male or female or gn!reader. Can use the terms afab or amab if you'd prefer as well.
Rn the BG3 characters I’m open to including Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Wyll, Halsin, Minthara, Raphael, and Kar'niss. (I feel I have the best grasp on them personality-wise. However, if you really want someone outside of this group, submit your ask anyway, and I'll see what I can do but I can't guarantee I'll fulfill the request and that if I do answer it won't be OOC lol.)
I’ll do pretty much any topic as long as it fits within the source material. I'm a grown-ass woman who's been in fanfiction for going on over a decade so very little in fiction surprises or repulses me at this point.
Yes, poly ships x reader are totally encouraged! (Love me some poly ships!)
I’m pretty open and very inspired by BG3 rn lol, so I’ll pretty much answer any matchup you send in.
WIPS/Progress Updates:
Currently, I have 8 Asks for either Matchups or Headcanon Scenarios in my Inbox
4 WIPs as we speak
1 long-form WIP unrelated to asks but it's basically a threesome between Reader x Astarion x Halsin and I'm only a few thousand words in but I need to get it out of my system because picturing it is driving me insane lol (ya gurl thirsty af okay?)
My Other Works:
Here's my current Masterlist. It's mostly Castlevania and Monsterf*cking at this point.
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foxhopfics · 1 year
Hey! I'm Nathaniel/Spiral/Fox and i write things sometimes!
You can find me @/spiralsystem on Ao3!
This blog will mainly be posting requests, as my main fics that I'm working on will be posted directly to archive, however I'll still post finished fics here!
For x reader requests I will likely use the pronoun "you" over "they" (I just think it's fun)
HOW TO SEND A REQUEST: please send the pairing you want, any tropes or whatever (not obligatory), and pick from one of 3:
- Headcanons: a quick page of headcanon points
- Drabble: quick blurb between 200-500 words
- Short fic: 1000-3000 words
Please don't be shy with requests!
Request types I will take:
X GN!Reader
X Male!reader
X Trans!reader
Character x character
Main fandoms I'll currently write for:
Baldur's Gate 3
911/911 Lone Star
Ace Attorney
Vocaloid/Project Sekai Colourful Stage
Critical role seasons 1 & 2
Jujutsu Kaisen
Genshin Impact
All For The Game
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare
& Many more!
More about my writing under the cut so this doesn't get super long :)
Views on shit for writing: I reaaallly don't subscribe to the whole concept of proship/antiship. I take requests on what I'm comfortable writing.
I DO accept nsfw requests, but only within appropriate age ranges. I am comfortable writing age gaps but please dm me and i'll write something on a different site, same with any other typically "taboo" requests. I will not release a "will not/will write" list because that's just inviting problems.
If you'd like nsfw x a minor!character, please specify in the ask if you are also a minor. If there is no age, I will deny the request. I won't write underage smut for adults. I also probably won't push it past an M rating.
Minors I write for:
ProSeka: Honestly realistically most of these characters are minors, but like we don't all know teenagers aren't celibate. Vocaloids don't canonically have ages but since they're all kinda minor-coded, I'll just stick to M max for proseka.
Genshin - Qiqi and Klee, Sayu, and Yaoyao. Diona is NOT a minor, she runs a bar 🙄. Bennett/razor/fischl/anybody who uses the "teen model" I consider 18 at least.
Ace attorney - pearl, trucy. If you want ema I'll write her as her older self unless specified, sorry.
9-1-1: I'll write any of the kids as a side accessory to their parents, unless you want a Gen piece about the kids. I love writing Chris & Denny :)
Dc: Ages are played with a lot in DC, so any characters that are generally accepted as minors/adults will be treated as such. I.e: Damian Wayne, Jon kent will be treated as kids unless you specify a universe where they're older (like when Older!Jon came to that one Earth)
The ONLY characters I won't write for this are LAE'ZEL and MINTHARA:
Minthara: killed her and saved the tieflings. No real interest in having her as a companion so I haven't seen any content with her.
Lae'zel: get back to me when she doesn't excuse slaughtering and colonizing entire towns lol. I'm native and the gith creche slaughtering the entire temple of lathander (as. As a cleric of lathander also) and she was like 🤷‍♂️ we live here now. I was not cool with that. I also really don't know how to write a romance for someone who is constantly combative towards the player.
BSD: I can only write for the ADA characters + aktugawa because. I have only seen season 1 :,) sorry
Muses & character's I'm great at writing for:
Bg3: Tav, Wyll
911: Eddie, TK
Dishonored: Corvo, Outsider (and Garett from Thief 2014)
Ace Attorney: Edgeworth, Klavier, Apollo, Clay, Simon, Diego
Vocaloid/Proseka: Len, VFlower, GUMI, Shiho, Toya, Mafuyu, Mizuki
Critrole: Percy, Vax, Caleb, Jester
DC: batfam, superfam, flashs & rogues gallery, teen titans, young justice
JJK: Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Inumaki, Fushiguro
Genshin: Diluc, Zhongli, Alhaitham & Kaveh (and 4ggravate), Traveler twins, Pantalone, Wriothesley
AFTG: Neil, Aaron, Jean
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thehistoriccemetery · 8 months
Request Rules
Companions React to Old Scars
Companions Find Out Tav Sleeps Naked (18+)
Tav Faints Due to Hidden Injury
“Stay in Bed, Please?”
Companions Find Tav Wounded
Companions Found Crying
“You’re Not Going to Let Anyone Hurt Me, Right?”
Companions with a Temporarily Blinded Reader
Companions Reactions to Giving/Receiving Praise (18+)
Companions Reaction to Reader on Knees in Front of Them(18+)
Passive Tav Throws Punches
Companions See Reader’s Abusive Parent
End of the Day Bath Time with the Companions (18+)
Companions React to Reader’s Fear of Thunderstorms
Reader is Kidnapped/Tortured
Companions Soothe a Panic Attack
Companions React to Reader Sitting on Their Lap
Companions with an Exhausted Tav
Picks up Plus Sized Reader
Vampire!Karlach x GN!Reader
Vampire!Minthara x GN!Reader(18+)
Only you (18+)
Hard Day’s Work (18+)
Motherly Jaheira (Platonic)
Vampire!Mizora x GN!Reader(18+)
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How many characters can we request for scenarios or headcanons? Would you do the same prompt with different characters? Can we request for male reader, female reader, gender neutral reader, etc? Which characters of Baldur's Gate 3 would you do? Are there any topics you won't do like rape, suicide, etc? Do you do poly ships x reader? What are your rules for match ups? Thank you in advance!
I'd say max requests per ask is one.
Max. characters per request can go up to 6, but expect the more characters included, the shorter the answers per character to be.
Any kind of reader is cool: male or female or gn!reader.
Rn the BG3 characters I'm open to including Astarion, Gale, Karlach, Lae'zel, Shadowheart, Wyll, Halsin, Minthara, Raphael, and Kar'niss.
I'll do pretty much any topic as long as it fits within the source material.
Yes, poly ships x reader are totally encouraged! (Love me some poly ships!)
Match-Up Rules Are: Give me a personality description of either you or your Tav/OC. What are they like? Their best attributes? Worst attributes? Hobbies? Likes/dislikes? Preferred gender result, or if you'd like one of each gender. And if you'd be open to a poly or monogomous answer.
I'm pretty open and very inspired by BG3 rn lol, so I'll pretty much answer any matchup you send in.
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