#mira x nine
miradawhissu · 4 months
(16+?) Lots of Doggy GFs
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based on this:
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and also based on those Six x Nine fanarts
and yes I drew them as chibis bc y not
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frickingnerd · 1 year
Zero Time Dilemma Masterlist
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Junpei Tenmyouji
playfully avoiding junpei's kisses - headcanons
Akane Kurashiki
being akane kurashiki's ex - headcanons
carlos comforting his s/o - headcanons
Sigma Klim
lovers across the multiverse - drabble
being caught kissing phi - headcanons
yandere diana - headcanons
being on a date with eric - oneshot
all the things i can't say - oneshot
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Hey sorry if this isn't your sorta thing but could I request a dragon that collects humans with special magic powers falling for reader?
I love this idea! Sorry it took me so long to get to this ^_^'
Dragon (Felix) x female reader
Word Count: 3k
W: yandere dragon behavior , some threats of violence, sfw fluff
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Felix had dedicated his life to hunting the most miraculous humans, the most beautiful, the most powerful, the strongest, and the most magically inclined. He was fascinated with what made them tick. Humans shouldn’t naturally have magic. In his personal opinion, it was a bit of an abomination actually. Humans were meant to be servile, toiling around in the dirt with no wings or fins or fangs to protect them. That they should be dominated seemed to simply be the nature of things and he had no intention of fussing with that. 
No, really, what he had was morbid curiosity and perhaps nothing else to do. Dragons' lives were very long and they had few natural enemies. Felix was a scholar at heart and something drew him to collecting. Over the years he’d captured and tamed hundreds of powerful, talented humans. Some cooperated with his experiments and lived in relative luxury in his castle; others had far too much pride, in his opinion, and had to be locked away for everyone’s safety. 
Each one was more miraculous than the next. One man could draw fire from his hands like a fire fairy, but tests revealed he had no fire fairy blood in him. Another person could screech so loud they could break glass. Their vocal chords were fascinating to study. It seemed to be a totally natural phenomenon. 
Still, after years and years of collecting he hadn’t found…perhaps the human he was looking for? Something still drew him to scouring the planet looking for…something. So naturally, he was quite surprised when he found you simpering and sniffling in a corner of his castle with tears on your face. You were just a maid. You had no special magic, you weren’t exceptionally beautiful, and your biggest talent was that you could make a boiled egg better than any of the other kitchen staff. It came out perfect every time with your technique, but that was it. 
“Why are you crying little one?” he asked, perhaps because he was bored. Otherwise he would have probably walked right past you. He’d never noticed you before, though you’d worked in the kitchen peeling potatoes and boiling eggs for a few years. He’d had your famous boiled egg for breakfast every day for a long time without even knowing who cooked it. 
You lived in a small cottage near the castle and came to work in the kitchen every day from sunrise until everyone had their last meal. Then you hurried home to the safety and comfort of your old hay mattress. 
Our eyes filled with terror when you realised the master of the castle was talking to you and you quickly righted yourself, trying to rub the soup one of his talented humans had dumped on your head off of your face. 
“I-it’s n-nothing my lord,” you stammered, trying to slip past his huge form. 
He was just scraping nine feet tall, not including the silver horns emerging from his head. You tried not to let your eyes linger on the glittering scales that clung just above his cheekbones and along his jaw or his silver eyes. 
“Stop right there,” he said, grabbing your shoulder with his big hand and swinging you back around to face him, “answer honestly when your master asks you a question.” 
You blushed, unsure what to say. You didn’t want to tattle on Mira, the talented human who’d waited too long to eat her soup and threw a tantrum when it was cold hours after you’d delivered it. She was far more important and interesting than you, despite her temper. She could lift objects with her mind. You could boil an egg. You were not the same. 
“I need to get Miss Mira more soup,” you decided to say, ignoring the glob of meat that wetly slid out of your hair and smacked on the floor with a splat. 
“I-I’ll clean that up, right away,” you assured him, bending to wipe up the mess you were making with your apron. 
The dragon frowned looking you up and down and tapping his chin. There was something about you that he liked. He wasn’t exactly sure what. You certainly weren’t remarkable and you looked a mess covered in red soup with bits of vegetables and meat in your hair. Regardless, he was curious about you. 
“Do you have running water at home?” he asked. 
You blinked and looked up at him for a moment, before catching yourself and looking back down to the soupy footprints you were trying to mop up. 
“Erm…no my lord, only the castle and the merchant’s manors have piped water,” you explained. 
You were not looking forward to hauling bucket after bucket of cold water to your bath to wash all of the food out of your hair when you got home. Only the rich could afford the metal pipes and enchantments that would bring warm water indoors. 
He grunted down at you.
“Come with me,” he said simply, turning on his heels and marching down the hall. 
You didn’t know what else to do, he was your boss, so you shuffled after him. 
“My lord, perhaps I should get another maid to help you,” you said apprehensively as he led you into his personal quarters and bathroom. You hovered uncomfortably at the door, wondering what he wanted you to clean while covered in soup. You were making an even bigger mess wandering around the castle dripping wet. 
“Don’t move an inch,” he said over his shoulder as he started the tap. 
You started to tremble, unsure what was going on. This was highly unusual, working in the kitchen you hardly ever saw the master. Nothing good could come of him bringing you to his personal quarters. You had no romantic illusions about some noble lord taking an interest in you. You’d seen maid after maid chewed up by the male talents Lord Felix had in the castle. They went through them and then tossed them away like toys, leaving them penniless, without a job, and heartbroken. All you wanted to do was come to work, do your work, and go home without being molested or covered in soup. 
You watched him pour a sweet smelling soap into the water that reminded you of the scent of peaches and made lots of bubbles. 
“Go ahead and undress,” he said, as he sprinkled some kind of salt as well. 
“No, my lord,” you said with fleeting confidence. 
You were an employee, not a toy. 
He turned to you and his eyebrows went up. He was handsome and very large, all things that were attractive to you, but you had some shame. 
“No?” he repeated, scoffing. 
“I don’t feel comfortable…” you said, your confidence waning. 
“You’d rather spend the day covered in stew?” he asked. 
You plucked a thread at your dress. 
“No, my lord, but…” 
He snickered at you as he crossed the room, looming over you and yanking the wool dress you were wearing over your head before you had a chance to fight him. 
“How do you plan on stopping me?” he teased you as he pulled the chaste white panties you were wearing off and removing the bra you had on. 
He wasn’t rough with you, but he also didn’t hide his strength, pinning you easily with one hand while the other worked on removing your clothes. 
“My lord!” you sputtered, “this isn’t fair!” 
He shrugged as he picked you up like you were just a kitten and carried you over to the bath water. 
“It really isn’t,” he agreed as he gently set you in it, “but such is the way of the world.” 
To your dismay he unceremoniously dumped a pitcher of warm clean water on your head so instead of fighting him you were busy wiping water out of your eyes. 
“That’s better isn’t it?” he asked drizzling a swirl of shampoo in your hair. 
This was probably the first time in your life you’d been fully immersed in warm water except maybe when you were an infant and the sensation was hard to pass up. It was warmer than you could ever get your water at home with just hot rocks heated in the fireplace and your skin felt smooth and soft from the salts he’d added. 
If you wanted to argue, you didn’t have a chance, because he was quickly scrubbing his large, strong fingers through your hair, massaging your scalp.
“Mmmm,” you hummed reflexively and he smiled, gathering a comb up to run it through your hair and remove all of the bits of vegetable matter. 
“So have I softened you up enough to tell me what happened?” he asked, as you let your eyes shut, leaning back against the smooth back of the tub. 
You tender bits were all covered in piles of bubbles, which eased your shyness. 
“Miss Mira just has a bit of a temper,” you mumbled in total bliss, the gentle scrape of the blunt comb on your skull relaxing and soothing years of built up tension, “nothing to be concerned with, my lord.” 
He chuckled at how a simple bath relaxed you and loosened your tongue, reminding himself to deal with Mira later. He didn’t tolerate badly behaved humans under his care, especially now that he’d taken an interest in you. No one would be dumping any food on you again under his watch. When he’d gotten you satisfactorily clean he pulled you from the tub and wrapped you in a fluffy towel, ringing the bell for another maid. When she arrived her eyes widened as she saw the condition you were in, shooting you a questioning look when Felix wasn’t looking. You shot back at her with a shrug and a pleading look indicating you had no idea what was going on either and begging her to do something, though neither of you had any idea what she could possibly do to save you. 
“Bring…” he glanced down at you to get your name but you kept your mouth shut tight. 
Frightened of angering the lord and to your dismay the other maid gave him your name quickly. He smiled. 
“Bring (Y/N) another dress, something pretty,” he said. 
“Yes, my lord,” she replied, tossing you an apologetic glance before she disappeared. 
“Now,” he mused, looking back at you with his finger tapping his chin, “there’s something about you…”
He lifted a lock of your hair, before smoothing his clawed fingers over the column of your neck. 
“You seem to be a normal human,” he murmured, “but I can’t seem to keep my eyes off of you…even for a moment, they are always drawn back to you…do you know why that is (Y/N)?” 
You quickly shook your head because you really had no idea. He picked you up and you stiffened in his arms as he carried you to his laboratory. Terrified, you tried to fight him when your eyes grazed over the bottled body parts he had lining his shelves. Of course it was hopeless, he was far too big and strong. 
“Don’t be so worried, little one,” he chuckled, “I have no intention of dissecting you. I’m only going to run a few tests.” 
He set you on his work table before producing what looked like a doctor’s kit. While you shivered in terror, odd drops of water dripping from your hair down your neck, he took some of your blood and tapped various pressure points with some kind of tool to stimulate your reflexes. 
You watched him hum and wrinkle his brow as he tried to sort out what made you so special, examining your blood sample under a microscope only to find your cells were perfectly average human cells. 
“I assure you, my lord, I’m just a normal human. There really is nothing unique about me,” you said when you’d calmed down enough to catch your breath. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” he informed you curtly and you shrank back. 
There was a knock at the door and the maid appeared with a dress in your size. He took the dress, waving her away and carefully pulled it over your head, letting you slide your arms through the sleeves. To your surprise he very adeptly braided your hair and secured it with a pin.
“Follow me,” he said, pulling you down off of the high counter you were sitting on, onto the floor. 
He took you to the male’s quarters and with a shout gathered all of the male special humans from whatever they were occupying themselves with. 
“What do you think of this human?” he asked them, pointing to you. 
Most of them looked bored, while a few looked a bit interested. 
“She’s just a pretty girl,” one of them said. 
“Not that pretty,” another commented. 
“Yeah, she’s not really my type,” someone else said. 
“I think she’s pretty, in a sort of farm girl type of way…” someone piped in. 
“Hmm,” Felix said, pushing you behind him and considering the data he’d collected. 
For some reason, he didn’t like these males looking at you, assessing your attributes, even though that’s what he’d asked them to do. 
He led you back to his laboratory more confused than before. The males of the castle seemed to think you were a normal human. You didn’t have any sort of excessive seductive powers. So why did his heart flutter when his eyes met yours? Why were his hands sweating like he was just a schoolboy? While the other men seemed relatively ambivalent, when he looked at you, your skin seemed to glow and your smile made him want to press his lips against yours. 
“My lord, don’t you think I should get back to work?” you asked, hoping his curiosity was satisfied and he would let you go. 
“No,” he said, “you’re not to leave my side. I’m adding you to my collection.” 
You gasped. You did not want to be one of your master’s collection. You were a maid, an employee, not a doll! You didn’t know what else to do, so you ran…or at least tried to run, but you only got a few steps before he hauled you back to him. 
He pulled you up to his eye level and glared at you with his reptilian, golden eyes. 
“Do NOT do that again,” he snarled, curls of smoke leaking from his nose. 
The idea of you running away from him was infuriating. You were his. He was sure of it. 
“I don’t know what it is about you, but you will not get away from me. Try to run again and I will remove your legs,” he snapped. 
You nodded your head quickly, trembling in his arms. 
Pleased that you understood, he led you to the other side of the castle to find Mira. 
“Oh, hello Master Felix,” she cooed when he entered her room, batting her eyelashes at him, “I’m so pleased you’ve come to see me.” 
Her eyes focused on you in your fine dress and she frowned. 
“What’s she doing here, bringing me more cold soup?” 
Felix snorted and a small flame burst from his nose. 
“I’ve found a new use for your talents, Mira,” he informed her, “from now on you will work in the laundry washing linens…I think your skills can be useful to the other maids.”
He rang the bell in her room and a different maid appeared, her eyes popping at your dress. You gave her another confused shrug, before she had to turn her attention to your Master. 
“Bring Mira a maid’s uniform,” he spat and she hurried away. 
“You can’t be serious!” Mira shouted, various items in her room levitating around her, “I’m not a maid! I’m special!” 
“(Y/N) is special,” he said, glancing down at you, then back up at her, “you are nothing more than a biological anomaly that apparently needs to be put to more productive use.” 
While Mira shot daggers at you with her eyes, you tried to return her look with the most contrite, sympathetic face possible, but that didn’t stop the shower of hair brushes, hair pins, and makeup that came sailing in your direction with murderous intent. 
With a wave of his hand the sundry items dropped to the floor with a clatter, just before they reached you. 
“Try that again and you’ll be dissected and pickled,” Felix growled. 
Mira blanched and the maid returned with one of the plain wool dresses you used to wear. 
“Change and report to the laundry, the other maids will tell you what to do…if I see your face out of the laundry again there will be consequences,” he hissed, scooping you up like you were a treasure and carrying you from the room. 
You blinked up at Felix, feeling bad for Mira. You were an employee, you had the ability to go home, but Mira was a captive…and now a servant. 
“My lord,” you gasped, “are you sure you’re not being too harsh? I’m really nothing special…” 
His eyes sparkled and he chuckled at you. 
“That’s where you are wrong, my darling,” he said, “I think you are the human I’ve been looking for.” 
“Looking for?” you murmured. 
“Since I started this project of collecting humans I could never find the one that would sate my hunger for searching…but with you in my arms…I seem to have lost the desire to collect them at all…I would rather spend my time studying you.” 
You blinked at him and swallowed thickly. 
“I am not a doll…or a biological anomaly or whatever you said,” you pouted, using your last bit of pluck. 
He turned your face to him and his golden eyes searched yours. 
“That you are not,” he admitted with a smile that revealed his sharp teeth, “but you are still mine and I have no intention of letting you go. From now on you will be my companion.” 
You blanched. His companion? You weren’t sure you liked the sound of that, but there was nothing to be done about it if you wanted to keep your legs attached to your body. 
“Now,” he said with a sigh, smoothing his fingers over your soft cheek, “let’s have a nice day, shall we? No more silly attempts to escape and no more bowls of soup on your head, hmm?” 
Your heart fluttered a bit, you were unsure if it was from fear or interest, but you accepted his words with a nod as he carried you off to the garden to enjoy the sunshine and your new life.
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george-weasleys-girl · 6 months
Second Chance Soulmate Pt.2
Season of Love Event
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Start here:
Summary: George debates the wisdom of getting into another relationship
Warnings: a few curse words
"When are you planning to ask her out?" Fred asked, rummaging through a mountain of paperwork.
"What??" George snapped up from his own pile. "Who??"
"Y/N," his twin rolled his eyes. "The bookshop girl."
"What makes you think I want to ask her out?"
"Oh, I dunno," Fred answered with an absent-minded air. "Could be because you're over there every chance you get... "
"Mira loves the place," George interrupted. "She'd probably live there if I let her."
"Perfect! Mira already likes her. So, that's one hurdle you don't have to worry about."
"I. Said." George reiterated, enunciating each syllable. "THE. PLACE. Not the owner."
"Don't give me that crap," Fred huffed. You know as well as I do, Mira talks about her all the time. I'm surprised she hasn't talked your remaining ear off." Fred argued.
George leveled his eyes at his twin. "Just get to the point."
"Oh, I am, Georgie boy," Fred grinned. "You're avoiding reality. That's the point."
"Oh?" His brother leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. "And what reality would that be?"
"That Mira likes Y/N. A lot. And so do you."
George's shoulder sagged, and he heaved a heavy sigh. "So what if I do? I've already fucked up one relationship. I'm not about to give a repeat performance."
Fred scoffed. "As I recall, you weren't the only one in that marriage. It takes two to tango, you know."
"Doesn't mean I wasn't a bad dancer," George mumbled and bowed his head back over his paperwork, completely ignoring his twins exaggerated sighs and eyerolls.
One month after the divorce
"I don't know what to do," Carlee sighed. "I've tried everything, but nothing works."
George looked down at his daughter, who lay curled up on his lap. "She eats fine when she's here," he glanced up at his ex-wife, then back down to Mira. "Why won't you eat for mummy?"
Mira shook her head and buried her face in his chest.
"Can she stay with you?" Carlee blurted out. "Just for a while... until she's eating properly again."
George didn't hesitate. "Yeah. Of course. She can stay as long as she likes."
Mira looked up and beamed at her dad.
"As long as she likes" turned out to be two years, and counting with Mira spending every other weekend with her mom, though it was supposed to be the other way around. That's what they'd agreed upon in the divorce. George thought it'd be best. A child should be with their mother. That's what everyone says anyway.
But Mira had other ideas.
He knew it hurt Carlee that Mira chose him over her. And, honestly, he was never really sure why. Whenever he asked her about it, Mira would only say, "You're my favorite. But don't tell mummy." It was a phrase that put him on cloud nine every time he thought about it. And he wasn't going to question it, lest his daughter think too hard on the matter and change her mind.
Present day
George sighed and poured himself a hefty shot of whiskey, wishing his daughter was here right now. Of all the days for Fred to zero in on his brother's sad single status, he had to pick today. Though, knowing his twin, the timing was probably strategically planned. George had just dropped Mira off at her mother's for the weekend, a long weekend, no less. Carlee was taking her to visit family, and they wouldn't return until Tuesday.
"Damn it, Fred," he muttered. "You knew exactly what you were doing today, didn't you?"
After downing the first shot, George poured himself another and headed upstairs. Kneeling next to his bed, he pulled out the box that held a few mementos from his marriage, including a photo album. He hadn't thought about it in months. But, tonight, with his twin's words haunting his mind, the past came rushing back. He took a heavy swig of whiskey and cracked it open.
Except for a few photos with only her and Mira, Carlee had left behind all their pictures. "I have what I want," she'd told him. "I don't care what you do with the rest."
For the first few months, he couldn't bear to look at them. But as time went on, it became easier, and eventually, George began the long process of sorting through them, saving his favorites in this photo album. The rest he burned in a fiery Unbonding ritual.
George's fingers traced over their smiling faces. It was all there, his and Carlee's time together. From beginning to end.
Their very first picture as a couple, taken in the Gryffindor Common Room.
Standing in front of the joke shop on the day of the grand opening.
Sitting with Fred as he recovered in the hospital after the war.
Dancing at their wedding.
Making funny faces on their honeymoon.
Both of them smiling, misty-eyed as they held Mira for the first time.
And so many other moments in between.
George sighed and took another swig. Once upon a time, they were happy and so very much in love. Then, bit by bit, over the years, it all crumbled into dust.
He turned the final page and smiled wistfully at the last picture. It was taken on their last vacation as a family. He and Carlee stood on the beach, smiling, standing side by side, their arms around each other's waist as Carlee held a giggly and squirmy Mira. They looked like the perfect little family.
A little over a year later, his world fell apart.
"You should burn every photo that doesn't have Mira in it," Fred had argued the night before the burning ritual. "Otherwise, I'm afraid you'll never truly let Carlee go."
George, of course, ignored his twin's suggestion, reasoning that he should at least keep some for Mira. Carlee was still her mother, after all. He shook his head and chuckled at the memory, then closed the album and slipped it back in its box under the bed. Fred was annoyingly right about a lot of things. But that was not one of them.
He did let go of Carlee. And though it had been a long, painful process, George's heart no longer ached for her. He no longer dreamed of a reunion. Even now, looking at those pictures, he didn't miss his ex-wife, so much as he missed having a partner.
Y/N suddenly flooded his thoughts, and he couldn't hold back the smile that spread across his face. Everything about that woman sent him flying over the moon. The way she always lit up whenever he and Mira came into the store. The way her hand would brush his when she showed them the newest books. The way she would always make a point to stop and chat with him whenever they saw each other on the street.
And her laughter.
He knew all her laughs. From her delighted giggles when reading to Mira, to her unrestrained belly-laughs when he told her one of his stupid jokes, to the occasional snort that sent an adorable bright pink blush blossoming across her cheeks.
Dear Merlin, he could so easily fall head-over-heels in love with her.
If he wasn't already...
George's heart clenched painfully, and his knees wobbled beneath him. For a moment, he couldn't breathe. He couldn't think. How could his stupid heart go off and fall in love without him noticing? He wasn't ready. Not yet. What if he and Y/N got together and it didn't work out? No one needed to tell him that love doesn't always last forever. He'd experienced it firsthand.
Even so, he was tired of being alone and lonely. Mira helped. Of course she did. But she could never fill the gaping hole in his heart that yearned for the love of a partner. Despite what he told himself, George so desperately to be happy and in love again. And he had no doubt that he and Y/N would be happy together.
But for how long?
That was the question.
Two years? Five years? Ten? Twenty? His parents' neighbors, once regarded as "perfect for each other," recently divorced after 21 years and three kids.
George collapsed back onto the bed, suddenly bone-weary and soul-sick. The future terrified him. Too many possibilities. Too many what-ifs. It damn near destroyed him when he and Carlee split. Another heartbreak like that might end him once and for all.
Part Three
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @zvummyummy @xmjthewitchx @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @samberriejams @nighttimemoonlover @jsjcue @wzrd-wheezes @mrsgweasley @hufflepuffie @morally-grey-obsessed @fredweasleyyyyy @anvaaryn @samshifts @asuperconfusedgirl @hmisa11 @superduckmilkshake @mysticsheepsoul @gemofthenight @1Lellykins @junerprsh @wolfkill16 @kaysau2510 @qmylovexoxo @planetkt @costheticbabe
@Smallsweetvanillabean @hanne-montana @greenapplegrass @el-de-phi @lizzytrees @spididerman @yoursarahg @marvelgirlstories @theimpossible-girl-whowaited @ceehance @Havenater1920 @jelloangela @charmedfandomgal @loca4moony @whotfskai @netflix-addict
@moonatician @lunacurlclaw @sierraluvzz @min-aaa @now-that-we-dontalk @lillisummers @lovesanimals0000
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
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defy your destiny | rewrite your fate.
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley) x Avatar Fem!Reader/OC
Update Schedule: Semi-daily (schedule depends on my work, most of the chapters are already written and I'm writing buffers coz I can't stop, help--)
Summary: Under the luminous full moon of the pre colonial Philippine archipelago in the year 900, Mira Batala's fate to serve their patron moon goddess, Mayari, as an avatar was sealed from the moment a divine kiss was bestowed on her forehead from her infancy. Gifted with a second chance at life, her extraordinary birth marks the onset of a divine oath to be honored and fulfilled as immortality soon became a curse rather than a gift. As she outlived her family and becomes the last of her olden lineage, Mira embarks on a millennia-long journey of protecting her people and guiding the travelers of the night through its darkest.
bugna: takipsilim (destiny's twilight) is a thrilling saga of ancient gods, boundless love, and a woman's timeless odyssey. As Mira confronts her past and embraces her role as Mayari's Avatar, she discovers the essence of her bugna (true destiny) and the interconnectedness of all strings of fate tied to her own: namely her intertwined destinies with Marc Spector, Steven Grant and Jake Lockley as the reincarnated fragments of her greatest love's past life.
TW/CW: Abuse, Age Difference, Alcohol, Alternate Universe, Angst, Comfort, Drama, Dreams and Nightmares, Falling In Love, Fluff, Historical, Hurt/Comfort, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping I'm Sorry, Idiots in Love, Not Beta Read, Mutual Pining, Polyamory, Reader-Insert Relationship(s), Romance, Slow Build, Smut, Soulmates, Trauma.
Prologue | A Kiss Of Intertwined Destinies
Chapter One | Shadows Of The Past
Chapter Two | Dreams Of Fate, Farewell & New Beginnings
Chapter Three | A Chance Encounter Above The Clouds
Chapter Four | The Homecoming
Chapter Five | Ties & Strings That Bind
Chapter Six | Coffees, Paninis & Museum Dreams
Chapter Seven | A Night of Discovery, History and Connection
Chapter Eight | Avatar Of Mayari, Protector Of The Night
Chapter Nine | Forgotten Memories & Inevitable Truth
Chapter Ten | A Taste of Camaraderie & New Adventures
Chapter Eleven | When The Sparks Fly
Chapter Twelve | Between Awakening Desires & Celebratory Nights
Chapter Thirteen | Companionship & Late Night Confessions
Chapter Fourteen | The Hidden Protector
Chapter Fifteen | Bound By The Crescent Moon
Chapter Sixteen | All Has Been Revealed
Chapter Seventeen | Moon Magic & Mysteries Of The Night We Met
Chapter Eighteen | Shared Burdens & Unexpected Alliances
Chapter Nineteen | Choices and Commitments
Chapter Twenty | The Doorway of Accursed Memories
Chapter Twenty One | Lieutenant Darius Carter
Chapter Twenty Two | A Love Forged in War (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Three | The Jackal and the Moon (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Four | Il Lamento della Luna (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Five | Meeting the Sun and Stars (coming soon)
Chapter Twenty Six | Konseho ng mga Diwata // Council of the Gods (coming soon)
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Also, I will be cross posting this on Wattpad and AO3 soon, so I have commissioned an artist to create a book cover. Here's a sneak peak.
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I'm super excited to show you the rest once she's done. In the meantime, please follow her on Instagram @lindsaynid_arts if you wanna see more of her artwork.
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Random Ships I Like In No Particular Order:
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* Blackhill- Natasha Romanoff x Maria Hill- Marvel
* Xialing x Katy- Shang-Chi
* Peggy Carter x Dottie Underwood- Agent Carter
* Supercorp- Kara Danvers x Lena Luthor- Supergirl
* Daniela x Carla- In The Heights
* Mira Harberg x Laurie- Irma Vep
* Judy Hale x Jen Harding- Dead To Me
* Florence x Madeleine- Gunpowder Milkshake
* Ronance- Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler- Stranger Things
* Eleanor x Drea- Do Revenge
* Harlivy- Harley Quinn x Poison Ivy- DC
* Wenclair- Wednesday Addams x Enid Sinclair- Wednesday
* Meddison- Meredith x Addison- Grey’s Anatomy
* Emily x Stephanie- A Simple Favor
* Mercymaker- Mercy x Widowmaker- Overwatch
* Akko x Diana- Little Witch Academia
* Dovesso- Professor Dovey x Lady Lesso- The School for Good and Evil
* Cassie Lang x Jentorra - Quantumania
* Spideypool- Spider-Man x Deadpool- Marvel
* Superbat- Superman x Batman- DC
* Batman x Catwoman- DC
* Princess Audrey x Wonder Woman- DCAU
* Jon Stewart (Green Lantern) x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* StephCass- Stephanie Brown x Cassandra Cain- DC
* DinahBabs- Black Canary (Dinah Lance) x Oracle (Barbara Gordon)- DC
* DicKory- Nightwing (Dick Grayson) x Starfire (Koriand’r)- DC
* Wondermagic- Wonder Woman x Zatanna- DC
* Daphne x Velma- Scooby-Doo
* Cassie Dewell x Jenny Hoyt- Big Sky
* Choni- Cheryl Blossom x Toni Topaz- Riverdale
* Bechloe- Beca Mitchell x Chloe Beale-Pitch Perfect
* Khalopatra- Kleopatra x Frida Khalo- Clone High
* Talia Burns x Margot Fairmont- First Kill
* Question x Huntress- DCAU
* SuperWonderBat- Superman x Wonder Woman x Batman- DCAU
* Wonderhawk- Wonder Woman x Hawkgirl (Shayera Hol)- DCAU
* Dana Scully x Monica Reyes- X-Files
* Barbara (Barbie) Handler x Gloria- Barbie
* Julethief- Carmen Sandiego x Julia (Jules) Argent- Carmen Sandiego
* Seven Of Nine x Raffi Musiker- Star Trek
* Larissa Weems x Morticia Addams- The Addams Family
* Swanqueen- Emma Swan x Regina Mills- Once Upon A Time
* Alicia Florrick x Kalinda Sharma- The Good Wife
* Danny James x Cable McCrory- Bull
* Kim Possible x Shego- Kim Possible
* Peachline-Princess Peach x Mayor Pauline- Mario
* Gelphie- Elphaba Thropp x Glinda Upland- Wicked
* SamBucky- Sam Wilson x Bucky Barnes- Marvel
* PeggyNat- Peggy Carter (Captain Carter) x Natasha Romanoff- What if?
* Maxine “Max” Baker x Abby Littman- Ginny & Georgia
* Ashrah x Nitara- Mortal Kombat
* Johnshi- Johnny Cage x Kenshi Takahashi- MK
* Barlissa- Barbara Howard x Melissa Shimmenti- Abbot Elementary
* Cabenson- Olivia Benson x Alex Cabot- Law & Order SVU
* Caroljess- Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel) x Jessica Drew (Spider-Woman)- Marvel Comics
* Bishlova- Kate Bishop x Yelena Belova- Hawkeye
* Chlonette- Chloe Burgeois x Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Miraculous Ladybug (in theory)
* Clawdeen x Draculaura- MH (Gen 1)
* Teleanor- Tahani Al Jamil x Eleanor Shellstrop- The Good Place
* Hanamusa- Jessie x Delia Ketchum- Pokémon
* Jemily- Emily Prentiss x Jennifer “JJ” Jareau- Criminal Minds
* Mellivia- Olive Pope x Melody “Mellie” Grant- Scandal
* Malvie- Mal x Evie- Descendants
* Mileena x Tanya- Mortal Kombat
talk to me abt them if you want :)
couldn’t fit all the tags lol
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saintgoths · 4 months
ᴡɪᴄᴋᴇᴅ ɢᴀᴍᴇꜱ
WORD COUNT - 3,885.
RATING - 18+. [sex and violence].
SUMMARY - you and joel cannot stay away from each other, almost like star-crossed lovers.
feedback would be appreciated!
previous chapter - chapter eight.
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It had been early October when you had found yourself in Jackson’s Horse Stable taking care of your horse, Mira, she had needed a brushing and you had felt guilty for leaving her lonely for a bit. On the other hand, Maria called for a group patrol so you were going to see your horse either way. Bella had accompanied you, had spoken about how annoying she had found her father, he had wanted her to take over the Butcher shop soon, he had always wanted her to take over it, and Bella had informed you he had become more persistent nowadays.
“Well, do you want to take over the shop?” You had questioned and with a brief thought and arms folded, Bella had hummed.
As she hastily looked at the wooden ceiling before she responded. “Yeah maybe, I’ll be more enthusiastic about running the shop if you’re there with me,” Bella said before she knowingly nudged you with her elbow. “Selling your fish.”
A fan of the idea, you had smiled. “That sounds like a good plan.”
“Oh, now I’m more excited to take over it,” Bella happily clapped, her vision now caught onto the moving figure that neared towards you two, their image becoming bigger at each step. She had recognised it to be Joel, who had held the saddle Bella had requested in both of his hands.
You had gently curved back to recognise who had been there, when you had also noticed it was Joel, you had pressed your mouth into a thin line just as you twisted your body to face Mira, you had finished brushing her and had focused to feed your mare. You could feel the way he had stolen a look from you while he had discussed Bella’s horse with her. “Thank you,” you had heard Bella kindly say, she had then smiled as she waved him off.
Bella had then made sure he was out of sight to talk to you about him. “What’s going on between you and him?” She had asked and as you glanced at her with the side of your eyes, you had finally pulled away from your horse.
“Remember,” you began. “There’s no connection.”
Though, before Bella could investigate, the both of you heard the voice of Shiloh echo down the small but comfortable building that held some of the horses, there were many Horse Stables here, at least more than five that housed many of the horses, both Tommy and Joel had planned to build more with the rest of the core men. As you had closed the stable door you had quickly winked at your friend, you had taken a couple of steps backwards as you had spoken to her. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Bella, bye,” you smiled before you turned around to walk away from her, ready to throw yourself into Shiloh’s arms.
Jackson was so beautiful at night, you were able to look at the sky and see the beautiful stars twinkle and glow accompanied by the Moon, that had beautifully hovered the skies. You had looked out of your window, leaned over the window sill as you dragged out a cloud of smoke that had come from the cigarette in your hand.
You rarely smoked, but Shiloh did, and as you couldn’t sleep, you had stolen one of the sticks he had in his pockets that had been hung by one of the nailed hangers in your room. When you had smoked, it was usually because you were dearly stressed, normally stressed if you had done the wrong choice, and what you had done was pick the wrong man.
You had shortly glanced back at Shiloh who had been fast asleep, he had been in the same position he had been in ever since you had left the bed, well, he was a deep sleeper. Looked so innocent in his slumber, unaware that you had second thoughts of staying with him, an innocent man trapped in the middle of an unstable romantic field between two ex-lovers.
With a still face you had returned to look back out. Your home had been opposite of Joel’s. You had noticed that light in his bedroom had still been on, the bright essence seeped through the windows and into the dark atmosphere like a golden light at the end of a tunnel, even though every opening of his home had been closed, the doors and the windows. With your enhanced hearing, you could yet hear the strums of his guitar being softly handled as he began to sing a familiar tune.
“What a wicked game you play, to make me feel this way,
What a wicked thing to do, to let me dream of you,
What a wicked thing to say, you never felt this way,
What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you.”
He had sung, and soft, your eyes gently shut as you had taken in the way his deep and soothing voice expressed his sadness into his bedroom air. “And I don’t wanna fall in love,” he sang, unaware you had dropped the cigarette from the window, your hand had been placed against your chest as you tucked your bottom lip behind your teeth, allowed the magical and loving tone of his voice to have you gently sway in your room. Knowing that it was you that brought him to this feeling.
To this heartbroken and sad state, to this low state that had him singing a song that yearned for you. You didn’t realised you were crying, they were cold so they had felt like the passing wind. But once you felt the liquid trickle down your cheek you had quickly wiped it with the back of your hand, closed the window and went to sleep.
When the next day came upon Jackson, the group had already been on patrol, on their horses that had trotted away from the gated community. A duo that patrolled before the current group had informed Tommy and Maria that there had been a massive horde of infected on their way near Jackson’s location, thus, the leaders of the commune had made their best search for them.
The group had involved Joel, Gabriel, Bella, Shiloh and you, Tommy would’ve joined but he had caught a cold.
You had been paired beside Shiloh, Bella in front of you, Gabriel who had led the group and Joel who had been behind everyone. The ride had been quiet, the two of you had spoken every now and then, and Gabriel had shared a couple of jokes to lift everyone’s spirits. Gabriel had noted the shared energy between you, Joel and Shiloh, truthfully anyone would. Bella had glanced at you from time to time fore she gently patted her horse.
You had promised her you would explain everything to her when you’d come back to Jackson, and you couldn’t help but sometimes turn back to look at Joel who wouldn’t return his gaze, but be stuck on what kind of trees the group would ride by, what would be a good base or what type of rock he’d see. You had clenched your jaw, and eventually focused on what had been in front of you.
Time had passed and the group had eventually found the infected the previous patrolmen had found, it was near a mall, and you and Bella had decided it’ll be best to take out the infected inside the mall, followed by the men who had finished with the creatures outside. The building was evidently abandoned, and to the group’s surprise, there had been much places in the mall that hadn’t been ransacked, so after you had slain hordes of the infected, the group would busy themselves on taking supplies.
“[Y/N}!” You heard Bella scream before a bullet pierced into your face, but you had been quick to turn away, curved around so fast that the rest of the group would be unsure if the weapon had hit you or not, you had sharply winced, but the bullet easily slipped out of your face as if it ricocheted, it had plopped against the floor while your blood slipped back inside the bullet wound as if time itself had reversed.
You were healed within seconds but the sounds of bullets that had pummelled within the building had been everyone’s focus, once again, the group had been ambushed. “Take cover!” Gabriel yelled as he shot back at the rebels. “Fall back!” He had yelled and without realising, Joel had appeared beside you and pulled you from the situation.
Annoyed, you had tugged yourself away from him. “I can protect myself!” You bit as the two of you crouched behind a large block.
“I know you can,” Joel harshly replied. “But we cannot have another moment where you get shot and people see that you’ve healed.”
Lips tight shut, you had silently agreed with what the Miller man had said and continued to listen to what Gabriel had instructed everyone to do, the rebels were done with, but the large aggressive noises had attracted dozens of infected the group had fired at. “Fall back!” Gabriel shouted and in sync, you and Joel had twisted on your feet and paced out of the mall.
It was as if it had meant to be, the two of you stuck in the woods again, both your horses asleep once the two of you had found place to make camp for the night. Joel had been quiet behind you as you had worried about Bella and Shiloh, worried that something might’ve happened to them when everyone separated from each other.
“They will be okay,” Joel said, as if he had read your mind, but you didn’t have to be a mind-reader to acknowledge that the look you had on your face was filled with anxiety. “Bella is a good shot.”
Slightly comforted, you had briefly sucked in the cold night air through the tight gaps of your teeth. “She is,” you said as you had looked up at the moon, the luminary followed by its stars had reminded you of the inevitable connection you had with him, with Joel. “You always find way to come back to me,” you said as you finally turned to look at him, he had been crouched near a small fire he had made for himself, and you of course, to warm up. He had worn that coat you normally liked seeing him in, his beard messier but it had suited him, most of the time his brows covered his expressions he had in his orbs, but the flame had danced in them, as if it mirrored the blazing passion he had for you, but unlike the fire, the love Joel had for you couldn’t be dwindled by the wind.
You hadn’t secreted away the feelings you had, you looked at him with doe and pure innocence, and that truthful mask you had, commenced him to speak. A feeling bubbled in his stomach, as if the conversation the two of you would share would have you finally lay out your cards. “I always do,” he agreed, his thick accent intertwined with the calm softness he had shared for you. He had briefly twitched his fingers, as if to make him realise what had been happening between the two of you was real.
You didn’t look away, not this time. “You were not supposed to take me away,” you said in relations to Joel helping you escape from the mall. “Perhaps Shiloh, but not you Joel. He’s probably scared out of his mind thinking he lost me.”
“Anyone would be scared out of their mind to lose you,” Joel replied, his comment forward, this time, there had been no essence of hesitation, no anxiety of what the other person would answer with.
Your lips had trembled. “We let each other go a month ago. I chose Shiloh,” but you had wished you had chosen Joel.
You had closed your eyes to hold back your tears, your almost waterfall interrupted by him. “I know.” Joel said.
“But I missed you,” you responded.
You had gently peeled your eyes to open again. The wind that had passed by had aided your cold tears to quickly fall down your cheek as you had then spoke. “We cannot do the affair again,” Joel kindly reminded, he had wanted to be near you, to soothe you and to touch you, his fingers had trembled, the tips of his digits had felt like it had buzzed, he had wanted you so badly, had yearned for you like how the Sun yearned for the Moon. To be a part of it, to create an ever-lasting eclipse, he felt like he could die.
“It won’t be an affair if I leave Shiloh and come back to you,” you had said and shocked, the whites of Joel’s eyes had spread and he had watched you walk towards him and selfishly pull him into a kiss. “I’m so sorry,” you said as you then pulled away from him, but your fingers were still bold and dug into the fabric of his clothing, your foreheads were pressed against each other like you had challenged each other to go for another embrace.
“Are you sure?” Joel had asked. “You want to come back to me?”
“I was angry, I always wanted you, always you Joel,” you whispered and desperate, Joel had kissed you like he hasn’t kissed you before, had embraced you as if it had been thousands of years since the last time the two of you were together.
Near the fire, he had leaned you against the ground, potent with his hunger, Joel had easily pulled down your lower garments and began to kiss your inner-thighs, he had softly inhaled the sweet and warm scent between your thighs before he had given your cunt a sweet and flat lick, he had looked into you, watched how your orbs were watered with pleasure tears while you had moaned.
You had rested the back of your head against the floor and had allowed yourself to be taken by him, how he had worked his mouth up and down your pretty slit and slipped in his tongue inside you before he had fucked you with his tongue, your eyes had trembled, your fingers lost in the locks of your hair as you could feel his warm but rough hands carry up your thighs and hold the back of your legs.
He had caught your pearl with his mouth and flicked his tongue countless of times, each smack of his tongue had sent a jolt up your spine and you were fast to find yourself to orgasm, but he wasn’t finished, he had slurped your ambrosia while you had shamelessly cried into the night, called out his name and confirmed how much you were his. “All yours Joel, all yours!” You had whimpered just as you could feel a second wave of high push through you.
Joel had been quick to pull down his lower garments, his eyes trained on you as he watched the way you had harshly breathed in lust, you had busied yourself to take off the rest of your clothing and reveal the nakedness of your skin to him. The body he had sourly missed, missed to touch and taste, which his cock in his hand, Joel gently pressed himself against you and layered kisses on your neck before he moved his mouth around your breast and sucked on them, the both of you had moaned, both arms folded around his shoulders as the length of his thumb stroked his shaft that he head eventually levelled between your thighs.
“[Y/N],” he had moaned once he had pushed himself inside of you, the two of you had gasped in relief just as the tightness of your sex clenched around him, Joel stubbornly pushed through and moved his lips to your neck, licked and bit fore he started to move his hips forward.
You had locked your legs around his waist and whined, open for him as the length of his cock continued to gently fuck into you. You had buried your face between the crook of his neck and inhaled his masculine scent, he had felt so big and heavy, had missed how much he had filled you up as he made love to you, within seconds his movements became harsher and more strident, the sound of both of your skins that had slapped against each other had intertwined with the erotic moans that had come from the back of your throat.
He had shown how much he had missed you with how deep he had gone, the tip of his cock coating and licking against the sweet spots inside of your cunt as he whispered possessive and sweet words inside of your ear, you had felt yourself throb while you had whimpered, your eyes gently shut into thin slits as you had stared up into the sky, you had wanted to cry, how much he had opened you had over-whelmed you, as much as he had rigidly used you there was still an essence of hot and passionate desire that mirrored his devotion.
His body had become tense as your hips automatically bucked upwards, your cunt had spasmed and twitched around him as your hot cum coated his cock, he had kissed you again, his embrace tough as he fucked into you one more time, the stickiness of his load had brimmed you into replete, and once the high finished, the two of you had pulled away from each other and immediately started to put your clothes back on.
“Having second thoughts?” The man questioned and as you had finished to button your top you had shook your head.
“No,” you said. “But I do feel terrible,” you shared as the two of you had made way to your horses. “He’s so good to me but all I do is fuck you behind his back.”
Joel sighed as he helped you pulled yourself on top of Mira. “Well at least this will be the last time you do it.”
With a smile, you had agreed with him ere you pressed his mouth against his.
The two of you returned to Jackson, everyone from the patrol had also returned, so you had speculated that you and Joel had been the last ones to arrive. Shiloh had made a bee-line towards you, in relief that you had been safe, the man had immediately kissed you just as he encased his arms around you.
Stiff, you had kissed him back, felt his forehead press against yours as he moved his palms against your shoulders. “I thought I lost you,” he whispered and with a wistful smile, you had replied.
“I’m here,” you reassured as you felt the strands of your hair be stroked by his slender fingers.
He had looked at you lovingly, had held your chin with one hand and had caressed your cheek with his other. “I know,” he whispered and with a happy expression, you had allowed your boyfriend to wrap his arms around you, as he took you in and inhaled the earthy scent that had cloaked you.
“We should join everyone else at the bar,” Shiloh suggested. “To have a feast for what had just happened.”
You scrunched your nose in approval. “That sounds good,” you had said, as you had finally let go of Shiloh who had readied himself to take you to Seth’s bar, you carefully turned to look at Joel who didn’t look your way at all, you had understood why, but had pressed your lips into a thin line while Shiloh led you to the Tipsy Bison.
You were a coward, but you had just come back to Shiloh; to tell him you had wanted to break up with him in front of everyone would’ve embarrassed him, make him feel small and inferior, because he’d know why you’d want to stop being him, and the reason would be Joel.
You had a good time at the bar, most of it had involved Gabriel telling everyone what had happened, and another part had included you drinking with your partner who had always found way to have his fingers stroke your knuckles while he drank his beer with his other hand.
Currently, the two of you had gone fishing again, you had drunk so much you had forgotten to tell Shiloh you didn’t want to be with him that night, but perhaps the time you two shared with each other at the small trip, would be the perfect time to break off everything with him.
Shiloh is a good man, he’ll understand. Today the two of you had barely spoken to each other but had indulged in the comfortable silence the two of you had shared. This time you hadn’t used your Siren-form to fish, and Shiloh had pointed it out.
“I have a lot on my mind, just want to use the fishing rod this time,” you had carefully answered. He had caught the unsure expression you had in your eyes and had paused.
He had gripped the arm of fishing rod and you could see the way he clenched his jaw with your enhanced vision, his curt motions had made you feel like he had known what you had wanted to say to him, what you were thinking about.
“You’ve been a good man Shiloh,” you had anxiously expressed. “A good man to me.”
“But you love Joel more,” Shiloh filled in the gap, and you had looked at him, and he had looked at you with an neutral look on his face, you couldn’t tell what he had felt, what had been hidden behind his eyes but you could feel his heart-beat, and at the beginning it was calm but slowly it had emerged into a faster pace. You had looked at him with sadness.
Aware with how he had put down his fishing rod and placed his hands into his pockets. “I’m sorry,” you had whispered as you put down your tools as well, ready to beg for his forgiveness.
“You don’t need to apologise,” he said as he shook his head. “You can’t fight it; the heart wants what it wants.”
Appreciative, you had nodded your head as you look back at the large body of water, in the middle of examining the way soft ripples had swum down in packs through the length of the sea, you had taken in the beauty of it. The beauty of life, and the beauty of having someone who was understanding, Shiloh. He was good, so good you had felt miserably guilty breaking up with him.
You had attempted to turn to look at him to speak, but before you could move an inch, a heavy cold object had been slammed into the back of your head.
The force so heavy you had no time to react but fall against the ground, knee first before your face pummelled against the floor. “But I’m a jealous and possessive person,” Shiloh said with a forceful smile. “And if I can’t have you, no one can.”
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feedback would be appreciated!
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lov-eable · 2 years
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TELL ME  ֗ ˖ ࣪ ᩠ ༉‧₊˚ ✿
"I'm trapped in a movie-like moment
Things I've never been interested in
You're not even my type but I like ya
Keep glancing at my heart
Tell me everything that you like"
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━━ a filmmaker decides to follow and document the lives of the worst and best students at your school for a month, unfortunately, those students are you and chishiya, the most annoying guy on earth.
pairing ✦ chishiya x fem!reader
word count ✦ 11.3k
status ✦ on going (16.01.23 - 00.00.00) ✿ฺ ₊˚ updates (most) tuesdays
taglist ✦ open :)
tags ✦ "enemies" to lovers (y/n dislikes chishiya more than chishiya dislikes her); slow burn; high school!au; no borderlands; oldersister!mira; childhoodfriend!kuina!usagi; inspired by the drama/webtoon "our beloved summer"; established on 2018 (idk why but i decided it)
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iNDEX 𓍯.*
❦ zero ෆ 03/24/17 15:27, previous records
❦ one ෆ 05/28/18 12:38
❦ two ෆ 06/01/18 15:56
❦ three ෆ 06/04/18 8:29 + previous records
❦ four ෆ 06/08/18 16:22 
❦ five ෆ 06/11/18 9:25
❦ six ෆ 06/12/18 12:24
❦ seven ෆ 06/13/18 7:19
❦ eight
❦ nine
❦ ten
❦ eleven
❦ twelve
❦ thirteen
❦ fourteen
❦ fifteen
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beewolfwrites · 2 years
Can we have a part 2 to “Clingy” with Niragi and Chishiya?😍🙈
Clingy - Part 2
AO3 request: could I request a OS as a part two to 'clingy' where y/n has started to be much more clingy with other people now their relationship is over and Niragi/Chishiya can't do anything to fix it but watch their ex bitterly regretting their words. Maybe a scene where y/n is purposely over affectionate even more than ever before to make them jealous as a 'look what you missed out on' type revenge.
Both Chishiya x fem s/o and Niragi x fem s/o. There are two different oneshots, so you don't have to read the Niragi one if you don't like.
TW: in the Chishiya-shot, it's implied that Niragi might have spiked a drink.
On with the show! Enjoy :)
Nine words. 
“Executive Chishiya Shuntarou is not a fan of PDA.”
Who knew that nine words written on a napkin would be enough to destroy a relationship? It was all fun and games, until that very napkin actually did end up with Hatter’s signature at the bottom. And Aguni’s. And Mira’s. And Kuzuryuu’s. It was a prank taken too far. 
And when I had been invited into Hatter’s presidential suite on executive business, only to discover the napkin encased in a gold frame on his bedside table, enough was enough. 
Even I had my limits. 
She should have been heartbroken, curled up in her room like a kicked puppy. Yet here she was, prancing around the pool and flaunting her freedom in my face. The night was still young and the party was raging as usual - a chaotic mess of drugs, debauchery and homemade cocktails. I was sitting with Kuina at a table, idly listening as she prattled on about how amazing An looked with her new sunglasses. I sipped a glass of water, focusing my eyes on the party, the pool, anything but her. Only, that voice. I could still hear it.   
‘Am I allowed to touch your rifle?’ 
‘Oh, you can do more than just touch it.’ 
I could just hear Niragi’s sneer, and from the corner of my eye, I knew that he was gauging my reaction as he ran a finger along her bare shoulder. I tried not to look. But all I could see was her exposed skin and that stupid metal smile of his. And her, blithely oblivious to the situation she had fallen into. 
‘Here,’ Niragi said. ‘For you, babydoll.’ 
He offered her a strong cocktail - one of the bar’s special concoctions. And of course, the idiot took it. Her pettiness would be her downfall. Her eyes flashed to mine as she took a sip, smiling against the glass. She knew exactly what she was doing.
‘This is so boring!’ Kuina exclaimed, bringing my attention back to the table. She was sulking, using a straw to stir her Pina Colada. ‘We’re supposed to be hanging out and all you’re doing is staring at your ex.’ 
‘I’m not.’ 
‘Do you think I’m that stupid?’ 
‘At times.’ 
Pain flared in my shoulder as she pinched the skin. I clasped a hand over it, wary that anyone could have seen. ‘Kuina, that really wasn’t necessary.’ 
‘You’re kidding me, right?’ She scoffed, taking a sip of her Pina Colada and pointing the straw at the couple across the courtyard. ‘You need to get your ass in gear. Niragi’s over there stealing your girl, and you’re doing nothing about it.’ 
‘She can do whatever she wants. We’re not together.’ 
‘But she’s just trying to make you jealous!’ 
‘Like I said, she can do what she wants.’ I noticed Niragi’s hand slide around her exposed waist, feeling her smooth skin, his fingers inching north. ‘But as for him…’ 
Without thinking, I stood up and strolled across the courtyard. Niragi grinned when he saw me approaching and pulled her body closer. She blinked, sipping her cocktail innocently, even when Niragi stroked a thumb over her skin. 
I ignored it, meeting his smile. ‘Niragi. Correct me if I’m wrong, but aren’t you supposed to be on duty?’ 
He snickered. ‘Pretty sure I’m not. Nice try though.’
‘Hmm…’ I nodded slowly, knowing perfectly well that he was, in fact, supposed to be counting the armoury supplies with his team. ‘So you’re fine with me fetching Aguni to double check?’ 
Niragi’s eyes narrowed, his smile dropping. There was a squeak of pain as his grip tightened around her, dragging her even closer. Her ruse had dropped, and I could see the discomfort in her expression, grimacing as she gripped her drink with both hands. 
‘Actually,’ I said, ‘I believe I see Aguni just inside. Let’s ask—’ 
‘Forget it,’ Niragi cut in, releasing her and slinging his rifle back onto his shoulder. ‘This party is fucking stupid anyway.’ 
He stormed off inside, leaving the two of us alone in the midst of the party. She was gripping her glass, staring into the cocktail to avoid looking me in the eye. I took it from her grasp. 
‘Hey! That’s mine!’ She tried to pull at my arm as I held the glass up to the neon strobe lights, searching for any sign of fogginess or bubbles. 
‘What’s in this?’ I asked. 
‘I see. What kind?’ 
She pursed her lips. ‘Probably vodka. Maybe rum. It’s all the same to me.’ 
‘And to Niragi, you’re the same as any of these other women.’ Setting down the glass on a table, I gestured to the drunken crowd shaking their hips out of sync with the music. ‘There could be anything in this.’ 
She turned away, her face sinking. Then under her breath, she muttered, ‘Like you even care. At least Niragi would let me touch him.’  
Niragi would happily use his rifle to force her to touch him, but I didn’t tell her this. Instead, I shoved my hands into my pockets, knowing that the outcome was inevitable. She had me in checkmate, and there was only one way this conversation would end.
‘I’ll let you hold my hand, but only if it’s hidden inside my pocket,’ I said. ‘You’re not touching my hair.’ 
Her head slowly perked up as she realised what I had just said. ‘Okay.. I can do that. But what about kisses?’ 
With her standing there, eyes glistening with hope and fingers clasped in front of her lips as if in prayer, it was so easy, so predictable. And when she looked at me like that, how could I refuse?
I sighed, allowing myself a small smile. ‘We’ll see…’
That fucking smile of hers. It drove me wild. It made me want to crawl the walls and punch through glass. And she knew it. Oh she did. 
Ever since that incident, my reputation had never been the same. Half of the Beach thought I was some furry freak with a fetish for bunny ears. It took a week of flashing my rifle at anyone who dared to snicker for the rumours to die down. 
And now that she had chewed up my reputation, tarnished my name, chewed me up and spat me out, she still wasn’t finished with me. No, instead she was sucking up to Aguni at every turn. In the games we played as a team, she hid behind his form, batting her eyelashes and calling him “Aguni-Sama”, worshipping him like he was a fucking god or something. 
She should have been worshipping me.  
And here we were again, shooting predators in the middle of a theme park to clear what should have been a simple Five of Spades. All the while, I’m trying to aim at a hyena but all I can see is her hands gripping his bicep. Obviously Aguni doesn’t give a damn what she’s doing, but she’s got that smile again. She’s smiling because she knows that I’m watching. 
I wait until the game is over and we’re back at the Beach before cornering her right as she’s heading down the hallway to her room. As she rounds a bend, I grab her wrist, dragging her into me. As expected, she gasps and tries to yank her hand free. 
‘What do you want?’ She hisses. ‘You’ve gone from clingy boyfriend to clingy ex.’ 
‘That’s rich,’ I sneered. ‘You’re the one who can’t keep your hands off Aguni.’
Her lips curled into a self-satisfied smile. ‘Haven’t you seen his muscles? The man’s built like a demigod.’ 
I took a step forward, pulling her closer to me until I could feel every breath she took. ‘Yeah, but can he kiss you like I can.’
She tilted her head up, her voice low. ‘He can do more than that.’ 
‘I bet he can’t make you scream.’ 
‘He doesn’t make me scream in anger, if that’s what you mean.’ 
‘I think we both know that’s not what I mean.’
By now, I was so close I could see every fleck of colour in her eyes… smell the sweetness of her hair and skin. It was agony, having to resist closing that small distance between her lips and mine. She trailed a single finger along the lining of my shirt, tracing the contours of my torso and leaving a trail of tingles in its wake. I suppressed a shudder, fighting the urge to rip that finger away.
‘Hmm…’ she breathed. ‘I guess you’ll have to show me then.’ 
And since she asked so nicely, I did just that. 
Needless to say, as we crashed into my hotel room, bodies inseparable until the end, it was no longer Aguni she was worshipping. 
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madrigaljail · 6 months
Would you like some celebrity AU in these trying times? Have some nonsense; don't worry about Eli, he's an OC, it's fine.
“Finally tonight, my producers won’t let me end the show without discussing the most compelling story in the nation, a tale of intergenerational drama which begs the question: which speaks to you most? Do you like a redemption arc, recognition coming after decades of struggle? Or a reward for raw, young talent the likes of which has never before been seen? These questions will possibly be answered Sunday night, when the Emmy Awards give a trophy to…a Best Supporting Actor in a Drama.
“On the one hand you have Bruno Madrigal, whose offscreen exploits have overshadowed his work for decades. In recent years, however, he’s become beloved by children as the voice of Hernando the Crab in the animated Shore Thing film series and attracted critical acclaim in indie films such as The Collaboration and onstage in an off-Broadway revival of Endgame. Now he’s nominated for his role as Oscar Ramos, a pedicab driver with a secret in AMC’s thriller Upper West. 
“Then there’s his nephew, Camilo Madrigal, who has veered away from the music careers of his mother and sister to follow - cautiously, we hope - in his uncle’s acting footsteps. He has more than a knack for it, given his star turn as nine different characters…or maybe it’s the same one in different phases, who knows what’s happening on Max’s scifi-horror hit Idle Hands? My nephew’s tried to explain it several times, but I’ve given up figuring it out.
“So, where do you fall: Team Camilo, or Team Bruno? Personally I think we as a society should have moved past these hashtag labels a long time ago, but if I were a betting man? I’d say the Madrigals are going to split the voters and we’ll get the winner we deserve, the venerable J.K. Simmons.
“That’s it for me this evening, stay tuned for the latest headlines on ‘Nightbeat’, and I’ll see you back here bright and early Sunday morning for ‘Mas with Guzmán’. Buenos noches.”
The news program theme music played, and Bruno would have continued mindlessly playing Candy Crush on his phone but-
“You know there’s a rumor you slept with that guy.”
Bruno glanced to his right. Eli was slumped the corner of the couch, smirking, light brown hair tousled and hazel eyes glancing his way with a mischievous twinkle. Bruno scowled.
“You don’t- that’s ridiculous. I can’t help it if people think we had chemistry or there were ‘sparks flying’ in that interview or whatever, but it’s all…fanflick?”
Eli laughed and gently kicked his shin, he retaliated by pinching his knee. “Fanfic, boomer.”
“Everybody really does forget about Gen X,” Bruno muttered, then shook his head. “Anyway. The point is I can’t believe people still think Pulitzer prize winning reporter José Guzmán would risk his journalistic integrity by hooking up with me.”
“Depends.” Eli straightened up to lean closer, waggling his eyebrows. “Is ‘journalistic integrity’ what he calls his-”
“Guys! I’m still right here!” 
They both cringed and glanced over the back of the sofa towards the kitchen, where Mirabel had taken over the island in a flurry of embroidery floss. She’d swiveled around on the barstool to give them a glare, but a smile still tugged at the corner of her mouth.
“Sorry, Mira.”
She nodded, satisfied. “Thank you.” A moment or two slipped by, a perfect pause, before she went on. “But you totally did hook up with him, right?”
Bruno blinked, turned back to the TV, and picked up the remote. “I am changing the channel. It’s a metaphor for changing the subject.”
Shortly after that Mirabel presented him with a baseball cap emblazoned with “#TeamCamilo”, and a black necktie which she’d decorated with symbols representing all of the Madrigal family…and a blue, pink, and white striped heart for Eli. Bruno happily wore both on the Emmys red carpet two nights later.
A/N: he did totally hook up with him. Celebverse!José is basically Anderson Cooper. Yes he does get stuck doing New Year's Eve with Andy Cohen still, it's fine. As for who wins the Emmy, it's been almost two years and I am still not sure.
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miradawhissu · 4 months
Thinking abt doing this but with Mira x Nine
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since SixNine shippers did this I wanna do this as well but with Mira instead of Nine
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eletricheart · 2 years
Queen of a heart
(Mira Kano x Reader)
part 2 here
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*image creds to owner
ps: I only watched the show, haven't read it
ps2: my timeline in here is worse than at the show so pls ignore it for the plot
Word count: 1.155
You were on a work trip when it happened. Using the city as a two day rest between negotiations meetings ended up not only leading you to an alternate reality but a deadly one.
Your first game was simple enough, a three of diamonds based on ethics, almost as if it was made for you. Afterwards, it wasn't hard to find the beach, they were still at the beginning of setting up the place so your help was welcomed.
After a few days you got used to this new world, of course the games were challenging but the prospect of creating a society made you feel a bit closer to home. The other inhabitants were nice but you rarely went past pleasantries with them, except Ann.
You both became friends after you supported her decision to perform autopsies on some of the dead. It wasn't a best friends relationship but you protected each other and that was enough in borderland.
Mira arrived around the tenth day of The Beach, quickly rising above the hierarchy due to her six of hearts. However, some still believed she needed a test, so that's how you two started talking.
You were meant to supervise her game, going only you, Mira, Ann and Chishiya. The game was in groups, four people would head to a room where they would be separated into two partners, difficulty being nine of hearts. Leaving you and Mira in one room, Ann and Chishiya in another, which meant you weren't playing together.
Instead, your game was partnered with Mira and against two other girls. All you had to do was be the first to press the button at the end of a small maze, well, with a blindfold and countless noises varying from snakes to chainsaws. It was a game of trust, since not knowing if the threats were true or not.
You can't say the game was easy, after all, walking blindfolded through an unknown path while listening to screams was definitely frightening. But you trusted her, and won.
The four of you went back to the beach discussing the game and deaths of the other players, morbid but it was better than going insane with guilt. You obviously gave Mira a good evaluation, you did return without a scratch.
In consequence you both got closer, going from small talks to 2 a.m conversations about humanity.
Mira was crazy, not in a bad way, but still crazy. She would talk for hours about heart games and get happy when you showed genuine interest. She would constantly do minor manipulations to people in order to achieve whatever she wants at the moment. And lastly, she seemed to truly enjoy the new world, of course it wasn't wrong to like it, but all of the destruction was too much for you.
However, you adored all of her traits, finding her unique in a special way.
Your feelings for the woman were quite obvious to anyone, following her around and staring with heart eyes were definitely giving you away. She knew of it, how could she not, you would shower her with presents and affection.
At first Mira wanted to use your feelings, or so she thought, it's quite easy to believe in a lie, especially a well told one. She just didn't want to admit that being by your side was because she worries for you, or that she holds your hand to stay sane or that she adores your gestures when you get excited about something.
You both danced around your feelings for a long time, until Arisu showed up and right after it, Hatter died. Unlike you, Mira knew what was going on, and for the first time in a long time she wasn't thrilled about a Hearts game.
Before the game started, you were both at the roof counting stars when she kissed you. It wasn't rushed or intense, it was slow and meaningful, as if it would be the last time this would happen.
Mira left you with Ann after the game began, you were worried for her but if there was a chance to end the challenge you had to take it, so you helped your friend.
You didn't see Mira when the figures game was initiated, none of the others could tell you what she had done. So you carried on, kept looking for her but never straying too far from one of the group members.
You spent more time with Kuina, she would always assure you that Mira was fine, you never really believed her.
When the King of Spades was defeated you looked an absolute mess, multiple wounds, none too deep, but a lot of blood. And you still carried on for the Queen of Hearts, going in with Arisu and Usagi, trying to forget the pain of seeing Ann bleeding out, because you had to finish this, for them.
You weren't stupid, deep down you knew but chose to ignore it. Everyone kept telling you she was fine, or looked at you with pity. It was simple, she either died or was one of the figures.
You weren't surprised to see her on the rooftop, not even with the game she chose. You just stood aside and waited.
It wasn't a surprise when she got in their heads and played as if they were just pawns in chess.
What surprised you was when you started crying. You can't even remember how it started, just that it happened.
For a moment Mira forgot her goal and just ran to you. She embraced you while the others regained consciousness, and waited until you calmed down.
It's funny how she was supposed to be the Queen of Hearts when her own doesn't belong to her anymore. If only you knew how she would give anything to you, even life.
She asked Usagi to stay with you while the game came to an end. You closed your eyes during the play, not bearing to watch when you knew the finale.
You only looked again when hearing her little "I won", running to hug her and beg for her not to leave you again. You wouldn't let her go, not even when the time was getting to zero, you just couldn't.
You fell down when she died, clutching to her body, sobbing, asking anyone to help you, to fix it, to switch places.
When it asked if you wanted to stay you said no, not without her, you asked for both to leave, again and again until everything stopped.
You woke up in a shared hospital room with a few bandages and a very painful headache. Looking around only to find a woman laying next to you with bandages on her head and a breathing tube.
She seemed weirdly familiar but you couldn't quite remember her, so you went back to sleep and hoped to meet the woman when she wakes up.
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attriitus · 9 days
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[ he/him, cis man ] greetings to all of our listeners! we start today’s potterwatch with a long-awaited update on gabriel longbottom who was finally spotted alive just last night, wandering the streets of london. for those of you who haven’t tuned in before, they are a twenty-nine year old muggleborn gryffindor alum who works as an auror. they are oddly reminiscent of constant scruff on his face, hands bruised from a rough night prior, fingertips always tapping against whatever surface is in front of him, random sketches, empty rooms full of empty chairs and the raw instinct to survive which makes sense considering their protective, diligent, selflessness, judgemental, impulsive, and short-tempered nature. you might know of them as the adopted child of hannah and neville longbottom, and we’re sure that their family will be relieved to hear they’re safe and sound — or at least as much as you can be, in times like this. to all our listeners, if you catch a glimpse of someone who looks a bit like that muggle sean teale, that’s them. before approaching, please be aware that they’re rumored to be affiliated with the erinyes, so best proceed with caution. these are dangerous times we’re living in. well, thanks for tuning in, folks. we’ll play ourselves out with i know the end by phoebe bridges.
full name:  gabriel longbottom
nicknames:  gabe
gender:  cisman
pronouns:  he/him/his
sexuality:  demisexual
aesthetics:  probably hasn't slept in a few days, constant scruff on his face, hands bruised from a rough night prior, fingertips always tapping against whatever surface is in front of him, random sketches, empty rooms full of empty chairs and the raw instinct to survive
age:  29
date of birth:  march 25th
zodiac sign:  aries
occupation:  auror
species:  wizard / muggleborn
piercings:  none
tattoos:  x
mother:  lorena vaughn (deceased) / hannah longbottom
father:  alexander vaugh (deceased) / neville longbottom
siblings:  lysias, august, mira, lydia
spouse / lover:  none
children:  none
pets:  none
best friend:  des jordan
house: gryffindor
affiliation: the knights the erinyes
wand: mahogany, 10 1/2 inches, quite flexible, dragon heartstring core
boggart: himself
patronus: brown bear
amortentia: unknown
Gabe lost his biological parents rather young. He remembers the night very clearly. They were visiting his mother's sister who was a witch though at the time, Gabe didn't know. He just knew he was going to visit his cousins and they were going to just have a get together for fun. The magical gene had skipped his mother and they didn't know if Gabe would inherit it though both of Amelia's children had. His aunt was a very well known auror, a powerful witch that had been the reason behind many death eaters being put in Azkaban. Gabe was only 7 though he was a loud and cheerful child. He liked to push limits with rules but he was never rude, just mischievous.
He remembers how his cousins had gone to get snacks, they were older than him, 12 and 14 but they were always very welcoming and would tell Gabe lots of stories about the school they went to and while they never lied to him, he always just thought they were playing pretend with him. Things were normal and then it all happened so quickly. Gabe heard a loud crash and screaming from downstairs and before he could really think through, his feet led him downstairs but he stopped before reaching the end of the stairs. He was the last person his aunt saw as she shook her head while giving him a look to not come down before they casted the killing curse on her. The bright green light was blinding but Gabe did his best to make himself small and hide himself from being seen.
There was laughing and he remembers them dressed in weird cloaks with their faces covered and though he wanted to cry, his fear paralyzed him. They left and he sat there confused, unaware of what to do and too afraid to go downstairs to see that everyone but him had been killed. Aurors had heard news about the sudden attack but when they arrived it was too late. Unaware if Gabe was going to be a wix or not, they decided to take him to an orphanage in the wizard world, explaining to him that the stories his cousins had told him weren't just wild fantasies and they were right to do so. He began to show signs of magic though they weren't the best. Gabe had become withdrawn and rarely listened anymore. No matter what kind of punishments or discipline that was attempted with him, he just didn't care. He threw tantrums or he'd talk back, disobey any chance he got. Maybe it was the guilt that he was the only one left. Why didn't his aunt just let him come down? What made him special enough to be spared? Or maybe he just wasn't worth anything. Either way, it just kept feeding into his anger. He was angry that the world had taken his family from him and even more so when he was explained the reasoning behind it.
All because of some stupid blood status, he had lost his parents, his family-- in the blink of an eye he was alone and they hadn't caught the people who did it. That perhaps just added fuel to the fire. No one wanted to adopt him and the matron of the orphanage was sure he would just age out as no one typically wanted to adopt any of the more 'troubled' kids. He received his letter to Hogwarts though there wasn't much excitement. There rarely was now a days. Right as he was supposed to head to Hogwarts however, a couple had asked to meet him. They were the kindest people even though he wasn't all that receptive. After a long conversation with him, they had told him that he would be coming home with them which surprised him. He hadn't thought he was all that impressive or that he was worth much for them to choose to take him and yet they did. Despite the kindness, Gabe was still very much shut off. Defying rules, pushing his limits with the thought that perhaps they'd give up on him because he didn't feel deserving to have a good life. Though with patience, love and guidance, soon Hannah and Neville began to get through his rough exterior.
Even with his siblings, the other kids that he had learned had been adopted, it took some time for Gabe to open up. It took time to allow himself to love them out of fear of losing them again. If he was meant to be in this world that had people who went after his aunt for doing good then why should he get attached? He learned about Neville and Hannah's background and for a moment his walls came back up. Too afraid to love them and have them taken from him but they were never ones to simply give up and so Gabe began to change and believe in their words and the things they were fighting for.
During Hogwarts, Gabe was sorted into Gryffindor which he had found out his aunt was also a part of. Gabe took some time to come around but by his third year of Hogwarts, he was excelling in his classes and doing his best against those who were taking the wrong path though fear still lingered in the back of his mind. He wasn't someone who made friends easy at first, his short temper coming in random moments where he'd split on people without meaning to. Slowly with the help of his family who had learned to love with all his heart and his friends who were also patient with him, he changed his mindset on things.
After graduating, he wanted to both honor his parents' and the way they were fighting for good and also honor his aunt who he still believes is the reason that he is still alive today. With all the chaos around them, he wanted to protect and do what was needed to ensure that the darkness that was brewing could be stopped before it escalated too quickly and so he went into auror training and also joined the knights. Though he soon realized over the years that the rules that were set in place were often set backs and he often disagreed with a lot of the way things were done. He believed that sometimes you had to fight fire with fire and would often be turned down or reminded that stooping down to their level would just make them as bad as they were. He swallowed his anger and bit his tongue as he attempted to be what his father and mother would want but losing Neville made something in him snap as he hadn't been in favor of what the knights had agreed to do. That was a rule that he did not think should've been broken. Death was cunning and clever and he had a bad feeling from the beginning.
After losing his father, he broke away from the knights and with his most of his siblings, formed the erinyes. He's become tired of all the pointless deaths that could've been stopped had they just taken the right precautions and had made a vow to ensure that he does his best to ensure there's an end in sight however it's clear that he's slowly losing himself in his own darkness again but he's too blinded by his grief and anger to care anymore.
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daticklishwhissu · 3 months
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bugna: TAKIPSILIM | destiny's twilight
Pairing: MCU Moon Knight System (Marc/Jake/Steven) x Avatar Fem!Reader
masterlist | previous | next chapter
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You summoned and stepped through another portal, the world around you twisted and shimmered like a mirage as you returned to the solitude of your residence in Surrey, England. The familiar scent of aged books and ancient relics greeted you as you crossed the threshold of the study once more.
Your ceremonial suit of armor shifted seamlessly back into your olden clothes as the punong babaylan (head priestess), marking the end of another night's service as Mayari’s avatar. The soft, silver glow of the moonlight bathed the room, casting eerie shadows on the bookshelves and arcane artifacts that lined your study. Mayari's divine presence filled the room once more, and you turned to face her as she materialized at your side.
"Salamat sa iyong paninilbihan ngayong gabi," Mayari spoke, her voice filled with gratitude like the gentle rustling of leaves in the wind. Both her luminous and blind eyes held a warmth that seemed to reach deep into your soul. "Nalalapit na ang kabilugan ng buwan sa mga susunod na linggo, kaya’t maghanda ka"
Thank you for your service tonight. The next full moon is approaching in a few weeks, so make the necessary preparations.
“Paghahandaan ko ito, aking diwata”, you replied with a nod, knowing that another night of rituals and magic awaited you. 
I’ll be ready, my goddess.
But as Mayari's words hung in the air, your thoughts were already drifting into the depths of your own mind. A nagging unease suddenly crept into your heart as vague, unsettling memories of the full moon from two months ago began to plague you like fragments of a forgotten dream. The furrowed brow and worried expression on your face did not go unnoticed by the moon goddess.
"May bumabagabag ba sa iyo, aking anak?" Mayari inquired, her silvery hair cascading like liquid moonlight around her shoulders.
Is something troubling you, my child?
You hesitated for a moment, unsure of whether to voice your concerns. After all, you had come to trust Mayari with your life and your secrets. "Hindi ko magawang maalala ang tunay na wangis ni Darius,” you admitted, your voice barely above a whisper. "Para bang ang alaalang iyon ay unti unting nawawaglit sa aking isipan"
I... I still cannot remember Darius’s face, not clearly. It's as if his memory is slipping away from me.
Mayari's eyes widened, and for a moment, a shadow of concern flitted across her radiant features. She reached out, her cool fingers touching your cheek in a soothing gesture. "Kaunting paghihintay pa, mahal kong Mira" she said gently. "Pinagtutulungan nating mapanumbalik ang iyong mga alaala nitong mga nakaraang buwan. Nalalapit na ang mga kasagutang ating hinahanap, kaya’t manalig ka"
You need to have patience, my dear Mira. We are working to restore your memories these past few months. We are nearing the answers you seek, so have faith.
But you couldn't let it go so easily. The thought of never being able to remember Darius's face, the warmth of his smile, or the love in his eyes was almost unbearable. You loved him with all your heart, and the fact that this man who had perished right before your eyes was now just a hazy figure in your mind didn’t sit well with you. It frightened you a great deal, and you needed answers as to why and how it happened.
"Ngunit bakit ito nangyayari sa akin?" you pressed, your voice trembling with a mixture of fear and frustration. "Bakit hindi ko maalala ang kanyang wangis, Mayari?"
But why is this happening to me? Why do I forget his face, Mayari?
The moon goddess hesitated for a moment, her silvery eyes clouded with a sadness you couldn't quite comprehend. "Ikinalulungkot kong ang mga nangyayari sa iyo ay dulot ng pakikipagtulungan mo sa mga diwatang pinaglilingkuran ng iyong namayapang asawa," she finally spoke, her voice carrying a weight that seemed to pull at the very fabric of reality. "Hindi mo ito natatandaan, ngunit isang mintala ang iginawad sa iyo ng diwatang si Set bilang kaparusahan sa iyong pagiging tapat kina Darius, Anubis at sa Ennead” 
I’m afraid what’s happening to you is a consequence of you and your late husband’s alignment with Anubis and the Ennead, my dear. You do not remember it, but the god Set has cursed you as punishment for your choices.
Your heart sank at her words. Set, the god of chaos and disorder, was known for his ruthless punishments. You had been warned by Mayari of the dangers of dabbling in the affairs of the gods, but your love for Darius had driven you to help him in joining Anubis’s cause to prevent Set’s destruction from wreaking havoc on Earth. And now, it seemed, you were paying the price.
"Ginawa ito ni Set sa akin?" you whispered, feeling a chill run down your spine. "Anong klaseng mintala ito, Mayari? Ang makalimutan ang wangis ng lalaking aking pinakamamahal?!"
Set did this to me? What kind of curse is this, Mayari? To forget the face of the one I love?!
Mayari's gaze remained steady, but her voice quivered ever so slightly as she replied, "Isang makapangyarihang mintala na nagbubura sa iyong isipan ng wangis ng iyong pinakamamahal, at nag-iiwan ng isang huwad na alaala na hindi maipaliwanag. Isang mapaghiganting diwata si Set, at pinaparusahan niya ang kahit sinong umaanib sa kanyang mga kaaway."
It is a curse that erases the memory of your beloved's facade, leaving only a void in its place. Set is a vengeful god, and he does not take kindly to those who align themselves with his enemies.
Tears welled up in your eyes, and you turned away, unable to bear the weight of your own grief and despair. "Hindi ito maaaring mangyari," you muttered, your voice choked with emotion. "Pakiusap, Mayari, kailangang may gawin tayo."
I cannot let this happen. We must do something, Mayari, please.
Mayari's hand reached out to touch your shoulder, her touch gentle and comforting. "Narito ako para sa’yo, aking anak," she said softly. "Gagawa tayo ng paraan upang alisin ang mintalang iginawad sa’yo, ipinapangako ko iyan. Hindi kita pababayaan na mag-isa sa iyong pagdurusa"
I am here for you, my child. We will find a way to break this curse, I promise you. Until then, know that you are not alone in your suffering.
You nodded and accepted her answer, grateful for her support, though a lingering doubt gnawed at the edges of your mind. Something in Mayari's words, in the tremor of her voice, had struck you as odd. But you chose not to press further, not wanting to burden her with your doubts.
With a final reverent bow, you turned away from the moon goddess as she vanished from the study. The night had been eventful, but your duties as the avatar of Mayari were far from over. As you left the study and descended the grand staircase, the moon's silvery light bathed your path, and the mysteries of your past remained shrouded in darkness.
You made your way to your sanctuary in the master’s bedroom, magically shedding your ancient head priestess robes on the way in favor of the modern clothes you previously wore that night. As you lay in bed, the image of Darius Carter slipped further from your grasp, and tears welled in your eyes as you missed his presence the most. The weight of the curse bore down on you, but you were determined to undo Set’s punishment on you and avenge Darius’s death at his hands.
Outside, the moon bathed the world in its gentle light, a silent witness to the secrets and sacrifices of those who served the gods. And in the stillness of the night, you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the challenges that awaited you in the days to come.
Meanwhile, as the chill of the London night embraced him, Steven Grant made his way through the bustling streets of the city. His thoughts were consumed by the delightful evening he had just experienced, still basking in the warmth of your company. He had just returned to his modest flat in London, a cozy haven amidst the cacophony of the city. It had been a night of revelatory conversation and shared laughter, all with the one person who had become a source of intrigue and affection in his life.
He couldn't help but gush to Marc about how the dinner went as they settled into the familiar rhythm of their shared existence.
"Marc, you wouldn't believe it," Steven exclaimed, a dreamy smile on his face. "Tonight has got to be the best night of my life ever"
Tell me about it. Marc’s voice echoed in Steven’s head, his voice slightly groggy as if he just awoke from his slumber in their shared headspace.
"It was splendid, mate," Steven enthused, stepping into the comfortable living room of their flat as his eyes met Marc Spector’s reflection in the nearby mirror. "Mira and I talked about almost everything under the sun - the history of Ancient Egypt, and even about her home country. She’s been an absolute delight."
Sounds like you had a fantastic time. Marc replied in his head with a hint of a smile, quietly listening to Steven's effusive commentary on their dinner companion. Despite being more reserved, cautious and always considering the potential consequences of their actions, Marc couldn't help but feel genuinely happy for Steven. Try as he might, he couldn't deny the genuine connection that had been forming between the two of you.
“I really did”, Steven said happily as he slowly changed into his indoor clothes. “She showed me the mockup of her upcoming exhibit, me! I mean, she must have shown it to all the tour guide applicants since it was a part of her evaluation, but still. And she has some really nice feedback from the guided tour I gave, even though I almost fainted…”
Marc listened intently to Steven rambling, appreciating the genuine happiness that radiated from him. It warmed him to know that his headmate’s budding relationship with you was flourishing. However, as Steven continued to gush about you, Marc's thoughts drifted toward the inevitable discussion that had been looming over them for some time.
That sounds wonderful, Steven. Marc replied, his voice tinged with a hint of approval. I'm glad you and Mira are becoming fast friends.
Steven's enthusiasm was contagious, and he seized the opportunity to broach a subject that had been on his mind for a while now.
"You know, Marc," Steven began cautiously, "I can feel how strongly you're drawn to her, and she seems to feel the same way about you. We can't keep avoiding this conversation forever."
Marc sighed, running a hand through his unruly hair as he knew this conversation between him and Steven was inevitable. He had always been more guarded as their shared existence had always been a complex circumstance that not many people can understand.
I know, Steven. Marc conceded, his voice tinged with frustration. But you know how I feel about this. I can't just bring her into our mess. What if she can't handle it? What if she leaves?
"You're selling her short, mate”, Steven shook his head in mild frustration, his British accent accentuating his exasperation. “She's shown nothing but kindness and understanding to us both, separately. You can't keep her at arm's length forever, I mean. Life's too short for regrets, and you should know that"
Feeling conflicted, Marc decided to avoid pursuing the topic altogether. He and Steven finally changed gears, allowing Marc to be on the driver’s seat of their shared body. Glancing at their shared desk, Marc noticed your calling card neatly placed there. It had been a parting gift from your delightful time together on the plane back to London, and after Steven already used it for his benefit, Marc had been unsure of what to do with it next. 
It had been a simple and innocent gesture on his end, inviting you to meet for coffee on Sunday. But with his conflicting feelings currently in the forefront, Marc simply cannot deal with seeing you again right now.
“I can’t do this”, Marc muttered, picking up the card and studying it for a moment. “I can’t meet her tomorrow.”
Why? She must be looking forward to it. Steven's eyebrows shot up in surprise from his reflection in the desk. Mate, don’t do this, you’re being very dramatic.
Ignoring Steven's protest, Marc’s fingers poised over his keypad. Briefly saving your phone number in his contacts, he then swiftly typed out a text message to cancel your plans for tomorrow. He pressed send on the message, and a small sense of accomplishment washed over him. The message was simple enough, but it carried the weight of Marc's internal struggle.
Hey, Marc Spector here. I’m really sorry to do this, but something urgent came up for me and Steven tomorrow. Rain check on our coffee lunch?
You really are a nutter, Marc. Steven sighed, shaking his head in disbelief as he retreated into the depths of their shared consciousness. You can't live your life in fear like this - give it a chance. Give her a chance.  
Feeling the weight of his alter's words, Marc sat there for a moment as he allowed himself a moment of reflection. His heart then raced with a mix of anticipation and anxiety, briefly second guessing his earlier actions. What had he just done? Had he been too ahead of himself and painstakingly obvious for pushing you away?
Of course, Marc, I hope it’s nothing too serious. We can definitely reschedule, just let me know. It's no problem at all.
Your reply loomed over his screen, prompting Steven’s words about your true depth of understanding to circle his inner thoughts once more. Marc couldn't help but give what his head mate said some thought: maybe he had been too cautious, too guarded. 
He could no longer deny his growing feelings towards you, and perhaps there will come a time when he can finally let you in. To let you see the complexity of his existence. After all, he had already taken a huge step toward bridging the gap between his two selves. 
And perhaps, just perhaps, you would be willing to meet him halfway.
The sun painted the London skyline with hues of gold and pink, heralding a new day for Marc Spector and Steven Grant. As the day's first light streamed through the window of their modest London flat, Marc awoke, the muddled memories of the previous night's recurring vivid dreams lingering in his mind.
He stretched, his muscles protesting the slumber's grip, and sat up in bed. In contrast to the Chicago life he once knew, London had become his new home, thanks to Steven. His British alter had embraced this city as his own, and Marc had slowly come to terms with that. Sometimes, he even found solace in the bustling streets and the gentle cadence of British life.
With a sigh, Marc swung his legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his temples. Today, he decided to venture out to the nearby Tesco's to buy groceries for both him and Steven. It was a routine task that allowed him to have some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos of their unique existence. 
As Marc strolled down the aisles of the supermarket, a sense of calm serenity washed over him. He felt in control, disconnected from the relentless turmoil of his mind. He picked up a few boxes of Twining’s, his hand momentarily steadying as he remembered that it was Steven's favorite.
But fate had something else in store. As Marc turned a corner, his heart leaped into his throat, and he felt as if the ground had been ripped from beneath him. There, standing in the fruit section, was you, dressed in a casual, cream-colored Sunday dress, your hair arranged in a messy bun. You were engrossed in selecting quality fruit, your laughter filling the air as you discussed your shopping choices with another young woman who he suspected to be your secretary. William “Bill” Jones on the other hand, the middle-aged man Marc had been introduced to not long ago, was on your other side, observing the girl banter before him with a polite smile.
Panic surged through Marc as he ducked behind a shelf of canned goods. He watched you from afar, hidden in the shadows as his heart pounded in his chest. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring him face to face with you once more, against his wishes. What were you doing here? Why was fate so intent on entwining your lives?
Steven, lurking in the corners of Marc's consciousness, was equally bewildered and frustrated by this unexpected encounter. 
Marc, mate, we need to get out of here. He muttered urgently, remembering Marc’s not so good alibi on today’s canceled coffee lunch. This is not looking good for us.
But Marc couldn't tear his eyes away from you. He was drawn to you like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the magnetic pull of your presence. With a reluctant sigh, he murmured back to Steven, "Just a few more minutes. I need to see what they're doing."
As you continued your shopping, oblivious to Marc's hidden presence, he discreetly trailed you like a silent specter. His military training and mercenary instincts had honed his ability to remain unseen, a skill that now served him well in this clandestine pursuit. The tightrope he walked between curiosity and caution threatened to snap at any moment.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, you and your companions checked out with a massive amount of shopping bags before heading for the exit. Marc hurriedly paid for his groceries and followed you from a distance out onto the bustling streets of London. His heart pounded in his chest as he kept a safe distance, careful not to alert you or anyone else to his presence.
To Marc's astonishment, you led them to a place he hadn't expected: St. Mungo's, a homeless shelter that he and Steven had heard of but never visited. They collectively watched from a discreet vantage point outside the window as you walked inside with a radiant smile on your face. Bill and the other young woman followed, their expressions mirroring your own.
From the shadows, Marc and Steven observed the scene unfolding before them. You greeted everyone in the shelter with genuine warmth and kindness, your happiness infectious. It was as if a ray of sunshine had descended upon the homeless souls gathered there, dispelling the darkness that clung to their lives.
As you began distributing the numerous shopping bags filled with groceries, both Marc and Steven felt an unfamiliar tug at their hearts. It wasn't just attraction or curiosity anymore; it was something deeper, more profound. Your selflessness and compassion resonated with them in a way they hadn't anticipated. 
"Steven, do you see this?” Marc was the first to break the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “She's… she's incredible. The way she cares for those people."
Aye, mate, she’s a literal ball of sunshine. Steven, too, was moved by the scene before them. It’d be hard not to fall for her after seeing this. 
Marc nodded, his eyes never leaving you. Their shared realization hung in the air, binding them together in a newfound purpose. As you continued your acts of charity inside St. Mungo's, Marc and Steven knew that their lives had taken an unexpected turn. They were no longer mere observers; they were drawn into the orbit of someone who had touched their souls in ways they couldn't explain.
It was a revelation that left Marc both awestruck and conflicted, unsure of how to navigate the intricate web of emotions that had entwined his and Steven's lives with yours. As he continued to watch you from the shadows, Marc could no longer deny the undeniable truth. 
He was falling for you, and there was no turning back.
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good-old-gossip · 4 months
During its forced evacuation of civilians, Israeli army kills 12 members of same family for no reason
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Palestinian Territory - Twelve civilians were killed and three others were injured in a direct and deliberate attack by Israel on 4 December 2023, for no reason, a Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor investigation conducted over the past months has revealed.
In the first week of December 2023, activists shared a video clip on social media that depicts a group of people—including women and children—lying on the ground by a cart on a Gaza City street. The Euro-Med Monitor teamcaptured the video and visited the targeted site to ascertain its characteristics and attempt to identify the victims, who appeared to be civilians.
Euro-Med Monitor field investigations into this incidenthave identified the victims as civilian members of the Abu Al-Ain family. The victims were targeted twice by two missiles fired by an Israeli drone in a non-conflict zone, which directly hit them as they were in the process of being displaced.
According to the findings, the Israeli army killed 12members of the Abu Al-Ain family—including five women and four children—and injured three more—a man, his child, and an elderly woman.
At around 3 pm on 4 December 2023, two missiles fired by Israeli drones, several minutes apart, targeted a group of civilians belonging to the Abu al-Ain family. The family members were in the Unknown Soldier’s Square, in the west of Gaza City, at the start of the street leading north, to the Friends of the Patient Hospital. The civilians had been forced to relocate westward on a horse-drawn cart from their home in the neighbourhood of Al-Daraj, after their house was hit by Israeli artillery shells.
The first missile claimed the lives of Yusra Muhammad Shehta Abu Al-Ain - Al-Dalu, 30, and her two children, Muhammad, 12, and Mira, 6. Moments later, another missile was fired, killing Mahmoud Muhammad Abu Al-Ain, 33, his wife Ghadeer Muhammad Al-Dawahidi, 30, their child Eileen, 6, and his two sisters Yara Muhammad Shaaban Abu Al-Ain, 33, and Badriya Muhammad Abu Al-Ain, 33, as well as her husband Hazem Hamdi Al-Jamali, 51. Fahima Rabah Abu Al-Ain, 58, was also killed, along with her son Saqr Yahya Abu Al-Ain, 20, and her grandson Fayez Ahmed Arqeq, 7. 
The injured include Shaaban Muhammad Shaaban Abu Al-Ain, 36, who lost his sight in one eye, had his right hand amputated, and had shrapnel all over his body; his 10-year-old child Abdullah, who suffered injuries from shrapnel in his right hand and below his eye and chest; and Nima Rabah Awad Abu Al-Ain, 60, a chronically ill woman who suffers from multiple diseases and was injured by shrapnel in her left hand and other parts of her body.
Following two hours of bombing in the area, the three injured and nine dead were taken to Al-Shifa Hospital, in the west of Gaza City, via a civilian car and animal-drawn vehicles. There, the dead were buried alongside other displaced victims in a mass grave near the hospital’s eastern gate. Those buried include Yusra Abu Al-Ain and her two children, Muhammad and Mira; Ghadeer Muhammad Al-Dawahidi and her child, Eileen; Fahima Abu Al-Ain and son, Saqr, plus her grandson, Fayez; and Yara Muhammad Abu Al-Ain. As for the rest, they were buried in Al-Sidra cemetery in the Daraj neighbourhood.
Shaaban Abu Al-Ain, 36, who survived the attack and whose wife Yusra was killed along with their two children, Muhammad and Mira, spoke with the Euro-Med team.According to Al-Ain, the family was forced to evacuate from their Al-Daraj home in a vehicle towards his brother Mahmoud’s X-ray clinic, where they had decided to take temporary shelter. “I asked the family to wait while I went to prepare the clinic, which was around 150 metres away,” he explained.
Al-Ain stated: “I was shocked to [hear an explosion]coming from a bombing that was occurring in the same direction as my family. As I rushed the area, I noticed another missile heading toward them, which struck my brother’s family and other family members directly, injuring me at the same time.
“We spent at least two hours with the bodies on the ground before being taken to Al-Shifa Hospital in animal-drawn cars and a civilian car after the Israeli army bombed the ambulances at the scene,” Al-Ain continued. “Later, we, the injured, were transferred to the Baptist Hospital in Gaza[City].”
Four of the nine family members’ remains were found in a mass grave in Al-Shifa Hospital’s courtyard on 7 May2024. The victims who were found and reburied in Al-Sidra cemetery were Ghadeer Muhammad Al-Dawahidi and her child, Eileen Mahmoud Abu Al-Ain, as well as Muhammad Shaaban Abu Al-Ain and Yara Muhammad Abu Al-Ain. The remains of the remaining victims have not yet been located.
Euro-Med Monitor’s investigation has confirmed that theIsraeli army had no reason to target the civilians, as there were no fighters among them and no military targets in the area. As a result, Euro-Med Monitor concludes that thefamily members were killed deliberately in the context of Israeli crimes against civilians, i.e. were targeted simply because they were Palestinians in the Gaza Strip during Israel’s crime of genocide, ongoing since 7 October 2023.
Field teams from Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor are diligently and retroactively documenting war crimes, including planned killings of civilians throughout the Gaza Strip. The Israeli army has committed hundreds of crimes, the details of which are still unknown due to the ongoing Israeli invasion and attacks.
An urgent need remains for the swift formation of an international investigation committee, and experts must be sent to the Strip to investigate the genocide unfolding thereand to collect evidence before it is destroyed by Israel.
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