#miraculous ladybug chronological order
alexseanchai · 1 year
I know the Doylistic answer is they didn't think her up until they were working out how S5 would go, but what is the Watsonian answer to why we never even heard of Socqueline until S5?
The rest of it, I mean. Obviously Socqueline changing schools and Marinette being both ADHD (out of sight, out of mind) about her friendships and too stressed and time-crunched to work to maintain relationships are three major factors here. Especially since the show really really wants us to believe this is the same school year as Origins, which means there's been an average of more than two attacks every three days all series, the math doesn't work otherwise! (This being the second or third school year since Origins, which makes more sense for other reasons, is still clocking multiple attacks per week.)
But Socqueline is being shown now as a profound enough influence on preseries Marinette that we really, really should have at least heard of her before we got over a hundred episodes in!
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argentoheart · 2 years
guys can someone explain to me which order im supposed to follow when watching upcoming episodes because im new and lost
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The show made such a big deal about Ladybug leaving Paris for a week-end in Hack-San without informing Cat Noir beforehand and yet it never said anything about Cat Noir never telling Ladybug that he's gonna leave Paris for a week-end in Backwarder ... or that he's supposed to leave Paris for a few weeks in the S4 finale ... or that he's supposed to move out of Paris permanently in S5. The hypocrisy seems palpable.
In my opinion, it's actually not hypocrisy. At least, it's not hypocrisy in the grand scheme of things. When you look at the series as a whole, it turns out that this is just another case of inconsistent writing because the show does punish Chat Noir for leaving without warning Ladybug, but only when the plot needs to punish him. Let's go over the facts in chronological order!
In the Shanghai special, Ladybug and Chat Noir both leave Paris without warning each other or Master Fu and it's not just fine, it's the right move as they're magically where they need to be for the fight of the day. Neither one of them gets mad at the other for their actions. The issue isn't even brought up.
In Backwarder, Chat Noir leaves Paris without warning Ladybug and it's treated as a non-issue.
In Startrain, Ladybug and Chat Noir both leave Paris without warning each other, but Marinette visits Fu first and gets the horse miraculous so that she's okay to leave. When she learns that Chat Noir left without warning her, she doesn't seem even remotely phased.
In the New York special, Chat Noir leaves Paris without warning Ladybug. This is Very Bad as Paris was left undefended and he knew that was going to be the case. This is a fair critique at face value, but Ladybug is the guardian at this point and has instant access to the horse miraculous, thereby negating the issue, a fact that is never discussed. Fun fact: this is the only instance in the entire series where one of them bothers to tell the other when they're leaving Paris.
In Hack-San, Ladybug leaves Paris without warning Chat Noir and it understandably causes tension, but Chat Noir ends the episode absolving her of any guilt even though she could have transformed and left him a message to warn him that she's assigned a temp hero her Miraculous. A thing we know they can do since this season literally starts with Ladybug playing messages from Chat Noir on her bug phone. She's also the guardian at this point, so she could have taken the horse with her and teleported back or even just taken the horse in case Alya ran into trouble. (Do you see how the lack of consistency just builds and builds the more they ignore established logic?)
The last few episodes of season five see Chat Noir fully aware that he's being shipped off to London and then actually getting shipped off to London, a change that he never informs Ladybug of even though she will now be truly alone. The show never addresses this and treats it as a non issue.
As far as I can recall, those are all of the instances where this issue could have potentially come up along with the various ways the writing handled the issue. As you can see, both Ladybug and Chat Noir behave recklessly when it comes to leaving Paris. They pretty much never let each other know when it's happening, but whether or not that's a bad thing is entirely dependent on what plot the writers want to tell. So hypocrisy on the writer's part, sure, but I'm not gonna give Chat Noir that label when Ladybug is arguably equally deserving.
This isn't as egregious as lore inconsistencies like the way split up amoks and akumas work, but it's still a very clear case of establishing rules and then ignoring them because the writers do what they want! Who needs narrative consistency and good world building?
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spiceynoodls · 2 months
good morning friends
today I’ve decided to torture myself by watching all of Miraculous Ladybug in chronological order and try to figure out what the hell is going on
pray for me 🙏🙏🕊️
first I’m gonna find a list of the episodes in chronological order and then I’m gonna start watching them
I guess I’ll figure out what to write down as I go
somebody kill me <3 :D
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fabseg-creator · 7 months
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I present you a sketch series on sheet.
Some sketches were already seen:
Akumatized Lilanette Date
Gothic Date
The sheet contains a (disordered) comic-strip called Lilanette/Cerisette AU.
The vignets (in chronological/airing order):
Only Miraculous viewers can recognize the references.
Volpina (1.26) alternate scene
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Marinette is angry towards "Lila" and follows the latter until at the park. "Lila" removes her wig while she's waiting Adrien (she had discretly stolen the Miraculous book before). Marinette, who is hidden behind the tree, blushes about seeing a pixie-cut haired "Lila". The latter suddenly turns her sight at Marinette, busts her and she seems like flattered.
2. Chameleon (3.01)
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"Lila" kissing Marinette at the bathroom. She can wish 'Good Luck !' to her not-stupid rival.
3. Oni-Chan (3.08)
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The Marinette's fall from the tower of trash cans. But Lila saves her by catching up her at the right moment. The Ravenette is offended about the super liar's rescue action.
-I could let you fall to the trashes but that would be too easy.
-Let me down, Lila.
After the battle against Oni-Chan, Lila thanks Ladybug for saving her by kissing her on the cheek (in front of a grumpy Cat Noir). She even sends a message on live on social media making spectators believe Lila and Ladybug are in date. But Chloé/Queen Bee sees the message on her golden laptop and becomes jealous of the Ladybug's "girlfriend". An akuma is coming to Chloé at the same time.
4. Ladybug (3.24)
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Marinette finds an anonymous love letter in her locker. It contains a necklace (similar to Lila's necklace). This necklace is in fact a silver piece that forms a heart alongside with the Lila's necklace. The latter comes to Marinette for confess to her she is the "secret admirer". Alya, who keeps attention to the two girls, is so joyful (they are adorable !).
5. Illusion (5.05)
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The moment at the school cafeteria when Marinette denies the table access to Lila makes me fun.
When the moment when the Resistance against Monarch is formed. Marinette and Lila shake hands. Lila elegantly kisses the former's hand (the same hand).
6. Perfection (5.12)
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Caline Bustier's meditation sequence. The two girls face each other. Lila seems cheerful towards Marinette who is a bit of grumpy.
Tonight, at her deaf mother's home, Lila's cuts off Marinette's photos (taken when she stalked the latter). In reality, she assembles a Marinette's decorative picture.
I tried to add devil graffiti on Kagami's picture, cut off Kagami's picture too but I have chosen a better idea.
7. Revelation (5.20) (as bonus)
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Lila (akumatized into Hoaxer) kidnaps Marinette, holds her as hostage and kisses her on the cheek.
The full story here
Irisnette (Iris + Marinette)
Iris Verdi sketch (unused design based on a leak about Cerise's disguise for the season 5)
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Cerisette posts here
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generalluxun · 1 year
Miraculous: The Movie Reaction/Review
A little more ordering of my thoughts now, and I can go through in a little more detail why I loved this movie so much. This will be a solid look at things, and so... yeah, SPOILERS! And just for the record this will be looking both at the movie itself as a movie AND in comparison to the series. I know that there are different pressures on both, but I do feel there are narrative through lines tackled better or worse.
Putting a cut here for the Spoiler free folks.
This will be somewhat chronological, with some asides.
Okay, so the opening, a great setup. It's a Lore dump, but it's clean and neat and we are already introduced to the vibrant colors we will see throughout the movie, and Mr. Overdramatic Fu who I find priceless.
Oh Marinette, I love this Marinette. She feels downtrodden to start. The type of person for whom one too many hiccups have become a self-fullfiling way of life. The movie spends a lot more time with her on this. Which is to the benefit because her choice and ascension are much bigger payoffs. She's still a dreamer, and energetic, She's our Marinette, but vitalized.
Okay I'll put this here: The Songs. They're fine. They're not great, but they're find. they have a stage-style vibe to them which fits in with the change to Emilie's career. They are also pushing the narrative through most of the time, so even if the song isn't to your liking, you've got a lot going on.
School&Chloé: Marinette seems a lot more jumpy/unpopular in general, it's not JUST Chloé which is a good shift. Don't get me wrong, the blonde is still clearly a nightmare, but it's not she alone among the student body that thinks something's off about Mari at the beginning.
Alya&Nino: What is there to say? She's Alya, she's great. Nino and Adrien friendship! yay! And Alya&Nino are a cute secondary couple-in-the-making. The movie loved it's secondary characters.
Adrien: Sad Adrien, but gentle. Marinette's first interaction with him was great. She's Marinetting, but she actually gets up the will to talk to him. I liked this balance. Yes some of it comes from a shorter runtime, but it comes across as just... healthier?
Gabemoth: Gabriel outside! GASP! He's a human being! Clearly still flawed, but this Gabe is one I buy the ending for, and I quite enjoy it. Both Gabe and Adrien being over the top theaterical fits having Emilie in their lives. and.. OMG we got to see and hear Emilie as a person! I loved this. I'll add in Nathalie here. She didn't have a lot but we get her care for Adrien and the family right away.
Rescue Fu Alleyway and Tikki: Saving Fu felt much more earned in this one, give a bonus to whoever storyboarded this. Marinette pulling him from in front of a bus then bodily putting herself between him and the danger of another oncoming car? This girl! Go Marinette, you've earned these earirngs(want them or not) also: Her reaction to this crazed little man screaming about death and end of the world was awesome, I LOVE them lamp shading this trope.
Little aside about Sabrina She's adorable in the whole movie, but we get a hint of her own independence when she covers for Marinette in the Alleyway, and I loved that. Tiny Character building moments are a sign of great writing.
Tikki: They amped up Tikki's energy and I can see why. Marinette's more reluctant heroine role needed someone with a bit more push to keep her going. This is honestly the most I've ever enjoyed Tikki (not that TV Tikki was awful)
Cathedral: So, We meet Cat Noir here, and he's a cocky goofball, and it works. They balance it well. He gets instant karma a few times, he tries hard, and he does quickly acknowledge Ladybug later on when *she* acknowledges herself. This is an important lesson, people do treat you better when you believe in yourself, it shows. Much like I said with Gabe, Adrien being an overdramatic theater kid fits perfectly in this story.
The back and forth between these two is great. And here's something else: It's instructive for Marinette. If Cat Noir was just a fawning lovesick boy from square one, she wouldn't learn to stand up for herself, which she later uses vs Chloé. People fuss at chat for the watermelon, but Ladybug's throwing her own zingers in there too.
I do like that we bring Fu back here, and then again at the end. He's a little more sane, a little more mentor, so his use as comic relief isn't one note. That's another sign of good writing.
Marinette's refusal: I liked this a lot. It felt right for Marinette. This was dangerous, scary, and she was barely managing for a lot of the fight at the cathedral. I love how the scene evolved from loud and frustrated, to comedy, then finally settled on sincerity. Marinette curling up in her chair was more earned emotion and heartbreak than S5 wrung from me in 13 eps.
Plagg and Adrien: Okay so yeah, Fart jokes. The show had it's share of 'stinky cheese' jokes so we shouldn't point too many fingers. I love dad-Plagg in the TV show, so I was slightly bummed it wasn't as prevelent here, but with Tiki needing a more energetic role, Adrien not being a shut in, and Gabriel not being a complete and total heel, Plagg's role is going to be different. It's worth noting that after Chat's failed confession Plagg does Dad-Plagg him, so all is not lost for that dynamic.
Fairground: Just a showcase of fun. Marinette&Adrien, Alya&Nino, the Akumas, Marinette making the *decision* to be a hero and triggering her first voluntary transformation. The two of them working together. This was a great celebratory event, and it kicks off:
You knew they'd need this in a movie covering this much ground. We got to see a few fun akuma designs, a few Adrienette dates, and how the changes wrought on the fairground played out. We had enough time with sad, isolated, Marinette that this does feel like a triumph.
Third Act low point: This is where everyone fails. Chat's confession to Ladybug burns out. Marinette's confession to Adrien burns out. Even Gabriel has burned out. All three of our main players are at their low (which is a brilliant way to hint they're framing Gabe as not just a villain, he's treated to the narrative beats of a hero) All three felt solid and hit hard. It's the Lovesquare cliff notes, but it hits all the right elements. You still come away thinking 'If only they knew!' because the movie has really built up both Adrienette and Ladynoir in equal parts.
Final fight: Damn son, what is there to say? Akumatized Hawkmoth is not playing. Plagg telling Adrien to get his stuff together. This battle is just plain brutal. Mari unmasked! Chat punching his dad. Marinette being a hero without the suit, saving Chat in the same selfless way she saved Fu back at the beginning of the movie. Chat unmasked. and Gabriel's breakdown. *Adrien hugging his dad!* CLOSURE. Ladybug getting her Miraculous Ladybugs and it being a BIG DEAL, like it should be!
The Dance: Cute character moments. Chloe is big enough to give Marinette a 'truce' it seems, but mean enough to let her know it's not over yet. Sabrina's shrug is great :) Oh wait MARINETTE'S DRESS. It's Ladybug, it's beautiful. This girl is a designer. A reveal in snow. The two of them together, yes!
Post-script: Mayura next Villain? I'm hype.
End Notes: I feel this movie hit all the notes it needed to. We got the characters, they were compressed clearly because it's a movie, but still felt themselves, but fresh. Everything about this word feels a little more 'real' which is funny considering how ethereal all the lighting was.
I'm notoriously prone to critique and dissecting media, even media I enjoy. Yet my nitpick sensors were surprisingly mute while watching this. They told a huge amount of story, accessible both to long time fans and newcomers.
I probably have more thoughts, but that's already a lot for a Tumblr post. Feel free to engage my Asks or replies if you have questions or would like opinions on anything specific.
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pisoprano · 8 months
Marinette contemplates moving to Mexico. Tikki has other ideas. A Loveybug origin story.
Happy Loveybug AU Week everybody! I know this is supposed to be Adrienette Day, but I didn't really have anything featuring Marinette and Adrien in the Loveybug AU. This is the next best thing.
This one-shot also happens to be the earliest point I've written in the Loveybug AU timeline, so I've decided to try to post things roughly in chronological order--though, it should be noted, these one-shots don't actually take place in the same timeline, just in very similar timelines (I wrote these to have fun, not to spend additional effort trying to keep continuity straight).
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IOTA Reviews: Destruction
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Well, I'm finally back. After saying some pretty stupid things about four months ago, I'm ready to get back in the saddle and review the rest of Season 5. And honestly, it's kind of funny that as soon as I announce a hiatus, we get an influx of new episodes that, for the most part, were actually in chronological order. So I'm going to have to play keep up and review all the episodes I missed, which is about fourteen of them.
So let's just dive right in and get into the third (chronologically the third) episode of Miraculous Ladybug's fifth season: Destruction
We start off with Marinette looking over the Ladyblog reminding the audience that Monarch still has all the other Miraculous. While Alya gets her some tea, we get a nice little bit of visual storytelling showing how nervous Marinette is when she sees a video of Alya telling Ladybug and Cat Noir to be careful. Even if Alya already knows Marinette is Ladybug, it's easy to see the pressure she's going through now that the odds are stacked against her and Cat Noir.
We then cut to... Good lord, how many times do I have to say this? We cut to Gabriel monologuing to Emilie's corpse, saying he's totally going to get the Miraculous for realsies this time. He actually thinks of something smart and decides to order Orikko, the Rooster Kwami, to give him the power to travel in time again. Instead, we get one of the most confusing explanations for how the Miraculous work, and totally isn't something the writers made up to justify how overpowered they made the Rooster.
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Oh goody, not even two minutes in, and the writers are already retconning stuff to justify the conflict happening.
First off, you can't grant a power that belongs to another Kwami? Then how the hell did Rooster Bold multiply Ladybug's Lucky Charm at the end of Season 4? That wasn't a form of creation? Even if you go along with the dialogue saying it was a form of multiplication, that still won't fly because the Mouse Miraculous already has the power of Multiplication, and Polymouse was part of the team during that episode. Also, what about Caprikid, who can also create stuff with Genesis? Is that not creation either? And does this rule apply to just the Rooster, or all Miraculous? Because all the way back in Season 1, we got three separate Akumas with the powers of other Miraculous (Copycat, Antibug, Volpina), and in Season 3, we got an Akuma with the ability to copy a Miraculous user's powers (Chameleon) and a Sentimonster copy of a different Miraculous user (Ladybug).
Second, mind explaining what exactly the difference between a power and a wish is? It was already confusing when Astruc explained it, and you repeating the “explanation” isn't clearing anything up at all.
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What even is the difference between a power and a wish when the Rooster literally gives you the power to get any power you choose? That was literally how Rooster Bold described it in “Penalteam”.
Rooster Bold: Actually, my power is to choose a super ability, and I choose to score a ball anytime I shoot.
How is asking for the power to score a goal in soccer whenever you shoot the ball anything but a wish?
Okay, fine, the phrasing of wanting to locate the Miraculous of Ladybug and Cat Noir can be seen as a demand, not a power, but there are plenty of ways to work around it here. You could ask for the power to teleport certain objects to you when you're near them. You could ask for the power to sense the energy of the Kwamis associated with each Miraculous. You could ask for the power to teleport to any place you know a Kwami has been, like where the Miracle Ball is. These can all be powers and not wishes.
Finally, you already broke the rule about not being able to disrupt the powers of other Miraculous a while ago, as there have already been Akumas and Sentimonsters specifically created to fight Miraculous users (Miraculer, Kwamibuster, Ephemeral, Strikeback).
I get it, the writers needed a way to explain why Gabriel couldn't use the Rooster Miraculous to automatically win, but they wouldn't need to resort to these mental gymnastics if they didn't give the Rooster the power to use any power the user wanted.
Gabriel decides to get to Ladybug another way, by ordering the Kwamis to reveal Ladybug's identity, but because Ladybug never technically renounced their Miraculous, they can't tell him thanks to the failsafe that prevents Kwamis from revealing their holder's identity, something previously established in “Sandboy”. Gabriel has another idea: He makes the Kwamis tell him where the Guardian lives. This is honestly a really clever battle of wits here. If they did something like this when explaining why the Rooster had limits, I don't think I'd be as harsh to the use of that Miraculous as I normally am.
Marinette tries to go to sleep to get the recent events off her mind for now, but Monarch, currently unified with the Butterfly, Horse, Bee, and Turtle Miraculous, breaks in using Voyage. He asks for a “gift” Ladybug gave her, since the Kwamis didn't tell Monarch she's Ladybug. Monarch takes out the Bee Miraculous' top, essentially holding Marinette at gunpoint while she tries to get the “gift” for him. It's a very tense scene with the main hero in a helpless situation... so obviously, we need to throw in some Unfunny Marinette Slapstick to ruin the mood. It's brief, but I still don't get why the writers think this is the only kind of stuff they can tell jokes with.
Rather than a killer robot belonging to the Deathgalians, the “gift” is a key. Since the Kwamis technically don't know the Guardian's address, she supposedly set up a treasure hunt for them to follow in case they get lost. As Marinette lies about Ladybug not trusting her that much, Alya comes in with some tea and snacks. Monarch assumes Alya knows who Ladybug is, and right after he demands she tell him, Alya decides to cancel him on social media—I mean, broadcasts Monarch in Marinette's room, potentially exposing him to the world. Monarch simply breaks the phone and takes the key, breaking the Ladybug-themed keychain to reveal a piece of paper with a little note on it.
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You know, if I actually knew anything about The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy other than the significance of that number, I'd be all over this.
The number is actually the same one as a locker at the local ice rink, so Monarch uses Voyage again (even though he didn't recharge) to teleport there. Philippe, a figure skating teacher, assumes that Monarch is there for a skating lesson, and then takes a selfie with the dangerous supervillain. You know, Monarch, it's late at night, and there don't seem to be any witnesses. Just saying...
After opening the locker, Monarch finds another piece of paper with a picture of a wax statue of Cat Noir and the word “street”, making him realize the papers contain an address. Monarch heads to the Musée Grévin, a real life wax museum that we first saw in “Puppeteer 2”, and even has wax statues of Ladybug and Cat Noir on display whose creation was overseen by Thomas Astruc and Jeremy Zag themselves.
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No joke here. I just thought that was really cool.
Monarch breaks into the exhibit with the in-universe statues of Ladybug and Cat Noir, only to reveal the entire treasure hunt was a trick to corner him. Ladybug ties Cat Noir's hand to Monarch's arm and uses her Lucky Charm, some kind of fire hose, to tie him up while the doors of the exhibit are locked down.
So Monarch is pinned down, and with one wrong move, he's as good as dead if he tries to escape. Obviously, Ladybug learned from her mistakes in “Evolution”, and now, she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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… And now she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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… And now she's going to take back all of Monarch's Miraculous.
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And NOW she's going to take back—Okay, you know where this is going.
Yeah, I'm not making this up when I say it takes 84 seconds, over a minute, to for Ladybug to explain her plan, once again say they're going to take Monarch's Miraculous, and casually stroll over to slowly take away the Butterfly Miraculous before Monarch decides to let Cat Noir Cataclysm his arm so the ensuing shock gives him the chance to use Voyage to teleport back. ARE. YOU. KIDDING ME?!
You had him right there, you idiot! After you failed to take back more than a single Miraculous because you kept saying you were going to do it, you decided to waste time gloating like this was a Sherlock Holmes novel. Even in Scooby-Doo, they usually saved the explanations for after the monster was unmasked, which you should have done with Monarch.
It's framed as a crushing defeat for the heroes, but it only happened because they spent their time screwing around instead of nabbing every Miraculous littered across Monarch's body. Also, check out Cat Noir's response to accidentally Cataclysming Monarch.
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Yeah, funny how you didn't act this way when you assumed Scarabella was a threat in “Hack-San”, isn't it? And spoilers for the next episode, he doesn't exactly let this affect him or the way he operates the next time he uses his Cataclysm on an Akuma.
Because Monarch ran off with Ladybug's Lucky Charm, Ladybug can't fix the damage, so neither of them really know what's going to happen to Monarch now. We then cut back to Marinette and Alya, where Marinette explains her plan... which is kind of redundant since the whole reason Monarch got away was because she took the time to explain it in the first place. Yeah, she explains the reasoning for it and how she prepared, but there's no reason for her to go into detail about this plan when we already saw it in action. She seriously explains all of this for almost four minutes, and I'm pretty sure it's just to pad the runtime.
We then cut to, of all things, Adrien telling Gabriel he doesn't want to model anymore. Yeah, in a pretty clever twist, this episode actually takes place during the events of “Multiplication”. We see that during that scene, Gabriel was still reeling from the Cataclysm wound, which somehow managed to go through his super suit and mark his skin.
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And remember that suit that somehow manages to make him look like he has the worst traits of Colonel Sanders, Steve Jobs, and the Tumblr sword lady? That was to cover up the wound and go with his new Miraculous. Because yeah, a bright white suit is the perfect way to hide a dark purple splotch on your skin. Somehow, Gabriel managed to use some lasers to break down the Miraculous (even though “Queen Wasp” established they were indestructible without a Cataclysm as the exception) and through his new partnership with Tomoe, turned them into the high-tech Alliance rings he can use to safely channel the powers of each Kwami through. Also, he finally shut them up by putting them in cages where they can't fight back. All of this is building up to Gabriel transforming into his new Monarch form for the first time. Yeah, the Monarch we saw for the first three episodes? That was just the prototype meant to look ridiculous, so obviously, this one's going to look better, right? Well...
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Yeah, this somehow looks worse. The purple bodysuit just doesn't look menacing, and once again, the skin being purple doesn't make sense. Also, I don't even know why the eyes are blue. It honestly looks like a worse version of Oblivio, but at least with Oblivio, the basic design was intentional. There's just too much purple, and it doesn't look as stylish as Hawkmoth's original design.
And of course, this means I have more jokes to make about his appearance.
He looks like a walking fiber supplement, and not kind you take orally.
Gabriel, you know you don't have to wear your swim cap outside of the pool, right?
Remember when the worst thing about Gabriel's villain form was the feather monocle? I miss those good times...
I wonder if this means Gabriel smells like grapes now.
My God, Gabriel's become an Anacondrai cultist, and a really stupid-looking one at that!
It's bad enough that the Rooster Miraculous' power makes no sense, but it can't even give Gabriel the power to have better sense of fashion?
Wait a minute, that's just a giant crayon!
This form looks like what would happen if you could wear a type of wine.
Okay, I know cartoon reboots are the hottest thing right now, but who the hell was asking for a reboot of the California Raisins commercials?
You know, it'd be funny if Gabriel's favorite color wasn't even purple.
When Gabriel said he was planning on cosplaying as a Klingon, I didn't think he meant the Klingons from Discovery.
Nothing says “sinister supervillain” like a suit that's the same shade as a ripe eggplant.
It's sad that this new form was upstaged by the main villain of The Owl House possessing a teenager wearing a wolf shirt a few days before this episode originally aired.
Just remember, Gabriel destroyed the other Miraculous to achieve this form.
Wow, this form looks just as badass and menacing as Kamen Rider Horobi... in that it exists, and has a slightly similar color scheme.
The more forms Gabriel gets, the more I hate the color purple.
From what I've heard, the Monster High reboot gave one of the main characters pink skin for some reason. To the people who are upset at the change, be glad she doesn't look as ridiculous as Gabriel does now.
So is this what happens when a chameleon only knows how to camouflage with a single color?
Even Dark Truder would think this guy looks like a dork.
He looks less like a supervillain and more like a caterer for a color-themed wedding.
Just when you thought the MCU had the absolute worst incarnation of the Mandarin (the Ben Kingsley one, not whatever Shang-Chi did with the character's magic rings).
This form looks like the kind of clothes used to test the power of stain removers during a commercial.
Okay, come on, guys. What does Gabriel's new form actually look like? This can't seriously be the final draft, right?
I'm pretty sure this form counts as a crime against anyone who likes the color purple.
This looks like one of the few disguises Robbie Rotten wouldn't wear.
To paraphrase Bill Corbett, “Gabriel, you sold us out to Big Prune, man!”
Apparently, Gabriel's eyes were originally going to be purple too, but he thought that would make him look stupid.
But again, the funniest joke is the fact that Gabriel thinks he somehow looks cooler in this form. Anyway, the episode ends with Monarch saying that he's totally going to beat Ladybug and Cat Noir this time and that he won't be fooled again, even though he’s barely gotten close to his goal after four seasons (not counting the recent victory that was given to him thanks to Felix).
Anyway, this episode was just okay. There honestly wasn't that much for me to talk about, as the plot was pretty straightforward and answered some questions as to why Monarch can't easily win now that he's arguably the most powerful he's ever been. Admittedly, the problems lie more in how those questions are answered, like how the writers went out of their way to explain why the Rooster Miraculous is the definition of having the power to do whatever the plot needs it to do and not do.
Ladybug's plan was also pretty clever, and while I chided her for letting Monarch escape, unlike the other times she failed to take action when she had the chance, I'm more willing to let this time slide. Sure, her explanation took long enough for Monarch to weigh the pros and cons of seriously hurting himself if it means he can live to fight another day, but sort of like the fight between Dr. Watts and General Ironwood in RWBY, neither Ladybug or Cat Noir really thought Monarch would go through with damaging his arm like that. They were in a position of power, and thought they had won. If the scene ended with Ladybug belittling herself for being overconfident instead of just moping about how Monarch escaped again, this whole setup could have worked more.
One thing I thought was pretty weird was that despite being titled after the concept his Miraculous is based on, Cat Noir barely gets to do anything here. Okay, sure, the title of “Destruction” could refer to the fact that Monarch was wounded by the power of destruction, but he doesn't get any scenes after Monarch escapes. You could have easily thrown in a scene where Adrien was sitting in his room and talking to Plagg about what happened, potentially even calling back to what happened with Uncanny Valley in the New York Special. But instead, I guess the writers thought it would make more sense for Ladybug to take even longer to explain her plan to the viewers who didn't understand it the first time it was explained to them.
Overall, this is easily the least offensive episode of the season so far. The problems I have with it are very minor compared to ones I had with the previous two episodes.
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Ever since Season 4, the Kwamis have all been relegated to annoying little mascots with the combined intellect of a kindergarten student, but Xuppu in this episode really took this to a new level. He generally kept screwing around even when he was basically being held hostage, and while the other Kwamis at least tried their best to calmly explain why Gabriel couldn't use the Rooster to get everything he wanted, he just went on this condescending little tangent about how simple the rules are for Gabriel. I get it's in his personality to be mischievous, but it was pretty dumb how he didn't seem to be taking things seriously.
While it might seem like Marinette should have won the award, I'm grading these characters based on their actions throughout the episode. Basically, if a character does something smart, it “deducts” points from their overall actions. For example, if Cat Noir did something reckless in a later episode when he came up with a pretty smart plan to defeat an Akuma early on, both actions would be balanced out, and it would be less likely that he would get the Biggest Idiot Award. Therefore, someone like Xuppu is more likely to get the award instead.
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Last week *takes deep breath* Passion (S5E07), Reunion (S5E08), Illusion (S5E05), and Elation (S5E09) aired, making 9 episodes that have aired so far.
Episodes Aired: Evolution, Multiplication, Destruction, Jubilation, Illusion, Determination, Passion, Reunion, Elation
Episodes Left:  Transmission (The Kwami’s Choice Pt. 1), Deflagration (The Kwami’s Choice Pt. 2), Perfection, Migration, Derision, Intuition, Protection, Adoration, Emotion, Pretension, Revelation, Confrontation, Collusion, Revolution, Representation, Confirmation (The Last Day Pt. 1), Re-Creation (The Last Day Pt. 2)
Sorry this is so late! It was drafted and I kept forgetting to post it 💀 Also WOW are we moving fast!
Soo there’s nothing much to update on down here since we are in a presumed hiatus for now, but one important thing to note is that I made a google drive link for all the episodes of season 5! It’s linked in my pinned post, but you can also take a look at it here!!
Other than that, I’ll let you know when we get airing news! I know episodes 10 + 11 have been done for a while so I doubt it’ll be a long hiatus, and in the meantime you can check out the airdates post for the rest of the dates for English dub releases!
Hope this marathon was to everyone satisfaction… I know I was screaming the entire way through!
(Chronological order under cut)
(Episodes with a checkmark have already aired, and episodes with a checkmark AND are in blue have aired and in English)
S5E01- Evolution ✔️
S5E02- Multiplication ✔️
S5E03- Destruction ✔️
S5E04- Jubilation ✔️
S5E05- Illusion ✔️
S5E06- Determination ✔️
S5E07- Passion ✔️
S5E08- Reunion ✔️
S5E09- Elation ✔️
S5E10- Transmission (The Kwami’s Choice Pt. 1)
S5E11- Deflagration (The Kwami’s Choice Pt. 2)
S5E12- Perfection
S5E13- Migration
S5E14- Derision
S5E15- Intuition
S5E16- Protection
S5E17- Adoration
S5E18- Emotion
S5E19- Pretension
S5E20- Revelation
S5E21- Confrontation
S5E22- Collusion
S5E23- Revolution
S5E24- Representation
S5E25- Confirmation (The Last Day Pt. 1)
S5E26- Re-Creation (The Last Day Pt. 2)
[NOTE: You may have seen this episode listed as ep 27 on some lists, but Action has been confirmed to be outside the chronological order of this season, being an environmental PSA episode with no effect on the plot. For these reasons, i’m not counting it as part as an episode in the season 5 lineup and instead am counting it as a Bonus episode. For more info, see this tweet]
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coffeebanana · 2 years
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I’m excited to be sharing my contribution to the littlebug server’s Valentine’s Day zine! The whole zine is available for FREE here! All the stories included take place in a chronological order in an AU where Adrien never went to school.
My fic is followed by a comic by @maridotnet, and fics by @heartfulselkie and @wackus-bonkus-maximus! The zine also includes artwork by @mila-beedoodling and @heartfulselkie, as well as kwami crochet patterns by @redundant-lava! You should definitely check it out!!!
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Photoshoots are rarely something Adrien looks forward to. But the new group of interns might bring something—or someone—to brighten up his day. If only he could figure out why she seems so familiar...
When Juleka finally made her way back over, Adrien couldn’t hold back his questions. “Who were you just talking to?” he asked, trying to sound casual. “You mean the intern?” Juleka said. Adrien nodded. “Ah. That’s Marinette. We went to school together.” “Marinette?” Huh. That name rang a bell. Adrien quickly realized why. “Cool. Cool, cool, cool…”
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miraculous-pyxie · 1 year
I just got the most bizarre fan-theory idea ever (spoilers for episode 24 (representation)) and I don’t think I’ve heard anyone suggest this yet:
now the three episodes that released recently are missing an episode in chronological order, so I’m not sure what’s to come or exactly what’s an order because I have not watched them in order yet. HOWEVER- I think I’ve cracked Lila/Cerise/???’s motive. (for the sake of continuity and understanding I’m going to refer to her as Lila)
now this may not be correct AT ALL, but I feel like with the general direction we’re heading plot-wise, she could be the key to tying every major plot point together.
when Lila appeared at the season one, she made her fixation on popularity and Adrien, heavily apparent. Her flimsy lies in the beginning of the show were meant to test the students, to see who’s really paying attention. but why would she need to test the students if she’s just some other student? and to that I say, she’s not just some other student. she was always going to be a spy for Gabriel because she was designed that way. 
no really, I think she is a rouge sentibeing.
I know how rich this is coming from me, somebody who was previously against the Sentibeing theory but i’m willing to do a little thought experiment.
how did she inherently have the power to network with Gabriel Agreste? why did Gabriel trust some random 14-year-old who he’s never met before to watch his son? why did Gabriel seemingly let this girl into his company so easily and trust what she reports? 
we’ve seen in season five that there is more than just Natalie in on this little hawkmoth secret. so let me give you a timeline of events that could very well be possible for who we know as Lila Rossi.
We’ve seen Myaura, create diverse life from the feathers that’s different from Felix, Adrien, and Kagami, i.e. Sentibug. so these are the two ways that Lila could’ve come into existence.
but because Senti’s are manifestations of emotions, why would somebody have a reason to create Lila? Especially the way that she acts?
I think Lila could’ve been a manifestation of Gabriel’s need for control. Gabriel needed a spy so he made one. a powerful one. a little too powerful.
i also want to briefly mention in season three Gabriel confirmed that the brooch broke due to unknown circumstances  but in Felix and Kagami‘s reenactment of the past, the brooch is shown to be in perfect condition.  it’s definitely possible that more senti’s could’ve been made in that time, and Lila could’ve even been the reason that it broke. ((I understand that Emilie fell into a coma from using the broken peacock miraculous but the timeline for all this is a little out of sorts currently))
so, with all that out-of-the-way, let’s dive into a possible timeline of events:
Lila was created either the same way sentibug was or Felix was, and put under specific care by one or multiple of Gabriel’s employees. (hence the multiple moms.)
she was designed to be a spy to get information for Gabriel but turn rogue and started using her abilities for her own gain. Gabriel was upset with her defiance. instead of discarding her, he came up with a plan. he relocated her to Paris and through his network, set her up with a “mom”, and enrolled her in school. her “mission”, was to watch over Adrien and test his classmates for competence and clues. after Ladybug was seen holding a textbook from François Dupont College, Gabriel needed an in. He had Lila test certain lies and phrases subconsciously, who would react to this new girl saying that she’s ladybug’s best friend? and they almost figured it out because marinette was taking the bait.
Even though the fandom hated when Adrien told Marinette to take the highroad, and don’t get me wrong, I was right there with you, but in this theory, Adrien telling Marinette to school her reactions might have saved her identity in the long run without either of them knowing. Lila was saying things trying to piss people off, Trying to make akumas, trying to get Ladybug in the process. Gabriel’s influence or not she was trying to find ladybug.
it’s confirmed that Lila is the first person outside of Gabriel’s intention finding out his identity. with this theory in mind, that makes all the difference for Lila‘s motives for season six and forward. it’s also confirmed that in the future, there will be a new butterfly wielder and it’s all coming up Lila.  her designed motive for control, and power has completely consumed her.
some honorable mentions to this case is we saw in episode 22 when Lila‘s lies get exposed to the class that she’s very quick to twist her allies arms when her plans start falling out from under her.  that’s not some thing someone without a motive can pull off.
she has multiple disguises, names, homes, and many plans and ambitions that revolve around power and control via any means necessary.
but that does leave the question, if she is a senti, where is her amok? I think something my have happened before we met her where she got control. it could be something small enough to keep in her pocket or possibly the bracelets on her wrist.
Anyway, this is just an idea i thought of and i dumped it here because none of my friends who watch ml are caught up yet. sorry that this is not as concise as it could be.
edit: all of the references im pulling are from when i watched the show over the course of 7 years and i have not had a chance to go back and watch the majority of the episodes. this theory is also supposed to emphasize that Lila is a victim of Gabriel/Monarch but in a way that could be his downfall (succumbing to his need for control type stuff)
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alexseanchai · 2 years
incoherence of internal chronological references in Miraculous Ladybug as an illustration of how our primary PoV character exists in the "everything is either Now or Not Now" world of ADHD time blindness
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halfagone · 9 months
Can you please send me the links to yours Danny Phantom x Miraculous crossover? The one from the Anon asking about Chat Noir and Ladybug finding out Danny is dead
I can't find it
Yeah, sometimes that tagging system just does not work very well huh?
Here is a list, it should be in chronological order but sometimes Tumblr hates me too, so here we go:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9
I hope this helps. 👍
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🎃🎃🎃Halloween is coming! 🎃🎃🎃
[Miraculous Ladybug X Good Omens]
(Summary below)
Hey dearest Fandoms !
For the first time in (my humble) history, I have decided to properly celebrate Halloween with some Miraculous drawing projects. Then I somehow lost myself between my two currently favorite fandoms, Good Omens and Miraculous Ladybug. I think it was for the best 😄
So ! Here is the (quite simple) plot. Sketches, a quite simple comic, and some big colored projects are incoming ! Stay tuned !❤️
Our favorite Miraculous love square want to throw a costume Halloween party, and Chat Noir, a very serious Good-Omens-tv-show-fan, intends to dress as his favorite demon Crowley. Ladybug knowing this will surprise him and will come dressed as a certain angel named Aziraphale…😍
Meanwhile, Adrien intends to dress as Lionel, his favorite character coming from a french fantasy book he really liked, « La Société Surnaturelle » (written/illustrated by my dear friend @vanam0nde, find more here and here!). Marinette, getting a little too busy sewing an Aziraphale costume (that is NOT for her, but for a… friend), will try to impersonate the sweetest and cutest werewolf ever been. But her biggest problem at the party will maybe not to drool upon discovering Adrien’s costume…❤️
Summary (in chronologic order):
First costumes sneak-peek right here!
Little "Piece of Cake❤️" comic right there!
"To cope with G.O season 2 finale... or not" fanart here!
"Do it Again❤️" mini-comic: here!
and more upcoming! Stay tuned!
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butteredcrackers · 3 months
I fucked up. I was watching miraculous ladybug in chronological order on Netflix (big mistake) and I got to the end of season 5 and the list I was using said to watch world:Paris after season 5 but I am like 4 minutes in and I had to stop this shit cause the timeline is not lining up can someone help me please when the fuck am I supposed to watch world:Paris according to Netflix timeline
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ceriseisbestgirl · 11 months
Reading Order
Here is the chronological reading order for all of my Miraculous short stories that I've written so far.
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