#mirage April O’Neil
transk0vsky · 7 months
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I did some more April O’Neil icons :3
Credit isn’t needed but it’s appreciated 🧡
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pseudohoney · 2 years
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started reading the mirage comics and had the idea to redraw april from the volume 1 cover
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speaking of rumors I also see people spreading around that mirage april was black
first of all
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in some guest versions she is but while it’s hard to tell, this part hints very much to her being intended as white
I see her with this hairstyle used a lot to prove she’s black but it really isn’t proof, she directly says she got it curled and perms were really popular in the 80’s when these comics were being drawn
she was inspired by a black woman, yes, but it does bother me that people aren’t acknowledging that she was also inspired by an asian woman
regardless, if she was white in the og comics it really doesn’t matter if she’s made black
april looks different in every version, this isn’t new
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I don’t care much for racist tmnt fans, I think they have no place in the fandom at all, but can we not use fake facts to defend something that isn’t even a problem at all
going from this to this isn’t a big deal
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the inverse WOULD, because it would be taking away important representation.
White people don’t need more representation. We have basically all of Hollywood. If you’re mad about us being “blackwashed” you’re an entitled fucking idiot.
anyways I would love to see an asian april I really wish people would give some attention to the fact she was partially inspired by an asian woman
I’d link to articles about this but unfortunately my phone won’t let me copy and paste links for some reason??? I’ll reblog with links later.
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pumpkinpie59 · 1 year
rating tmnt love interests for the turtles
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under the cut ;)))
radical / raven shadowheart - mirage
-she seems pretty okay, but i can’t tell how old she is.
-she’s only his love interest in a possible future, not in the main timeline, but she freaking dies in that future lol.
-i mean i think it has potential but there’s not much there. they seemed cute for what we got tho.
-prolly my second fav leo love interest but that’s not saying much.
leonardo’s wife - mirage
-from his side story vision or whatever
-kinda average bc they’re cute but she doesn’t exist :/
lotus blossom - 1987
-idk what to say they’re my otp lmao
-objectively best romantic relationship leonardo has ever had.
-they’re mutually into each other, work off of each other well, even splinter likes lotus so leonardo’s dad approves!!
-only downside is lotus hasn’t been in anything since and i think that’s why i’m so salty that they paired leonardo with april in the new movie (kinda but i’ll get to that).
venus de milo - next mutation
-what the.
-that scene was painful to watch holy cow.
-“we’re just a mutant guy and a mutant girl” *lip bite* -> she just wanted a family bro 😭
carmen - archie
-all i know is that it’s from a possible future and the wiki says they’re implied to be interested in each other but i don’t trust the wiki so i’m skeptical
-also it’s weird for leonardo to date his pupil
koya - idw
-bruh they have no chemistry and he literally crippled her and she hates him for it.
-this only exists for the bad future and i’ll stand by that.
karai - 2012
-it’s worse than venus bc they both have splinter’s genetics. they are blood related.
-also they’re cousins too.
-“tHeY’rE nOt rLLy reLaTed” okay even if they weren’t blood related, it’s still weird as hell to crush on an adopted or step sibling/cousin. family is family regardless. and in a kids show especially; tmnt shouldn’t be telling kids it’s okay to crush on your adopted/step sibling/cousin!!!!
-karai led leonardo on.
-it sucks bc if you drop the flirting and crush completely, leonardo and karai’s dynamic is really good for both their characters!! new girl in town is legit one of my fav episodes just for how it portrays leo’s conflict with himself as a brother and as a leader. and he and karai’s dynamic is very interesting as friends and/or siblings or cousins.
april o’neil - mutant mayhem
-i mean it’s just okay imo.
-leo’s crush is adorable and i like their dynamic a lot.
-i just don’t think april is into him romantically. but their friendship is great.
-i honestly want leonardo to move on and let them be good friends. but i don’t want it to be drawn out and excruciating.
-also i want lotus in a sequel or the tv show 😭
mona lisa - 1987
-okay so. if i’m being completely honest, in the show they’re not really romantic. she’s a bit flirty but their dynamic is mostly platonic. which isn’t a bad thing!
-i think as a romantic pairing, they wouldn’t get together for a long time, but i do like them as a couple.
-it’s one of those pairings where i like them as both a romantic couple and as best friends and they work for both equally!
-they’re funny i like them.
venus de milo - next mutation
-oh yeah raphael liked her too …
umeko / ninjara - archie
-i’ll be real i do not care about ninjara.
-they broke up so it doesn’t even matter.
mezcaal - archie
-raphael’s wife from a possible future.
-they’re adorable. shout out to archie raphael for being the only turtle to canonically get married.
-he gives her head pats :3
joi reynard - 2003
-he asked her out how sweet :3
-i wish joi showed up more i would’ve loved to see them interact more
alopex - idw
-she was tWELVE when they met
-he was sIXTEEN
-what the HECK.
-also he was so moody toward her several times ugh
y’gythgba / mona lisa - 2012
-there we go. the best raphael romance.
-idk they’re cute.
-my only issue is that their first episode together is badly paced and i just wish they had more episodes together. but that’s the issue with 2012 in general not just them specifically.
jhanna - mirage
-literally the same as 03 except not as much interaction between them, however, donatello did look much more smitten in mirage?? ig???
-but yeah i love jhannatello :3333333
irma - 1987
-does this. count?
-idk i only included it bc irma kinda flirts with him more than the others and they end up being closer friends compared to the other turtles.
-yeah no i really don’t think this should. be shipped gjdjfj
-she’s an adult. tho it is weird that she flirted with him but ig the writers forgot the implications 😭
-i could see ppl making her a love interest in a version where she’s a teenager too but otherwise noooooooo
-i like their friendship tho they’re funny.
((((also shout out to next mutation donatello for not flirting with his sister so i don’t have to include her lol))))
jhanna - 2003
-my belovedssssss
-idc that it’s only implied I LOVE THEIR DYNAMIC
-i ship them so hard.
-they have more screentime together in 03 which is why i like it more than mirage.
-also they slept side by side so obviously it’s canon duhhh
renet - 2003
-included cause some ppl think they were a thing
-they’re cute ngl
-i think maybe they were into each other for a bit but it didn’t work out bc time travel romances don’t work
april o’neil - 2003
-donatello kinda had a crush on her but thank God it didn’t go anywhere.
-yeah no thanks lol.
-love their friendship tho they bestiessss
mona lisa - idw
-why is mona a jerk in idw smh
-i’ve already talked about this but yeah i do not like their situationship at all.
-give him jhanna i’m begging fjdjfjdk
april o’neil - 2012
-only turtle x april ship i like; otherwise i’m a jhannatello stan
-keep in mind i only rlly “ship” them in season 4 onwards
-season 1 to 3 was their messy phase and they needed to grow up before they got together
-they were totally dating in season 5 fIGHT ME
-they’re idiots and i love them
bigfoot - 2012
-thanks to my sister for making me add this
-yeah what the.
tbh i don’t count batgirl hhh
princess seri - mirage
-what in the soap opera—
-no bc she seduced him, had his babies, sent him to jail, and left him there when he called out for help; he was justified to hate her
-the way this plotpoint gets dropped and never mentioned again LMAO
-mikey is the only turtle with canon kids 💀
kala - 1987
-the best michelangelo ship bite me
-the way he looked after her when they first met 😭
-their cute flirting fjskfjdkdk
-i love them
buffy shellhammer - 1987
-she’s annoying but she’s capable of handling herself so i like her lol
-but michelangelo liking her was super random and was only there bc the episode was a copy of the transformers g1 episode where powerglide falls for a human girl. i’m not joking both episodes were written by david wise and have the same plotpoints.
-“main flame” my butt michelangelo
-maybe he crushed on her bc kala being in an alternate dimension and near impossible to contact made him feel like it was never gonna work or something … that’s so sad omigosh
-leonardo of all ppl telling him it wouldn’t work bc she’s a human is hilarious tho. like boy lotus blossom is into you too and you know this lmao
mitsu - 3rd 90s movie
-i haven’t seen this movie, but i don’t like time travel romances.
venus de milo - next mutation
-pls end me
sara hill / horridus - image
-… tbh i don’t like hook-up dynamics … it’s not romantic to me …
-also idc if a character is curvy but the girls in image comics are drawn so badly like they have no spine,,, just boobs and butt 💀
princess trib - idw
-finally a good mikey ship
-the purest idw couple fr
-they’re just sweet to each other and encouraging and gahhhh
-mikey wanted to show her his manga collection to impress her and i think that’s funny
-it is kinda weird that trib is based on tribble from 1987,,, aka the neutrino baby … but whatever lol
renet - 2012
-i mean y’know whatever they’re cute
-it’s still a time travel romance which is … mehhh for me
-like it’s sad bc i don’t see it working out unless renet quits her timestress job …
shinigami - 2012
-pls they’re just friends.
-there’s no reason to make the turtles crush on every single girl character in the show 😭
april o’neil - bayverse movies
-end my suffering.
-making april pretend to think it’s funny was also cringe. like make her tell him to stop pls.
lemme know if i missed one ….
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I’ve seen some people say it’s a shame that Rise never got their own version of the Farm House but the thing is Rise DID get their own version of the Farm House it’s Todd’s Puppy Rescue 
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The Farm is an important location that has appeared in multiple TMNT iterations often either being owned by the Jones family or the O’Neil family.
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The first time the farm appears is in the Mirage comics, they go there when the Shredder returns, (throws Leo through a window) & destroy’s the Turtle’s & April’s home so Casey takes them to an old farm that belonged to his grandmother so they can hide out & recuperate.
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The Jones Farm shows up again in the 2003 TMNT series, they go there when the Shredder & the Foot attack the Turtles, (critically injures Leo) & the group needs to hide out & recuperate so Casey takes them to an old farm house that belonged to his late Grandmother.
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In the 2012 TMNT series the Jones farm is now the O’Neil farm where April grew up, they go there when the Shredder & the Foot attack, the Krang invades, (Leo ends up in a coma) & the group needs to hide out & recuperate.
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In the IDW comics the farmhouse also belongs to the O’Neil’s where April’s parents live. The group goes there when the Shredder & the Foot attacks, (Leo gets brainwashed) & the group needs to hide out & recuperate.
As you can see the farm house shows up after following a specific formula:
The Shredder & the Foot attacks
(Leo gets extra trauma)
the group needs to flee their home
They hide out to recuperate
And what happens in the final episodes of Rise?
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The Foot Attacks
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The group needs to flee their home
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They hide out to recuperate.
Other than Leo specifically getting some extra trauma he needs to recover from the Turtles escaping to Todd’s Puppy Rescue follows the same formula as when other iterations of the Turtles escape to the O’Neil/ Jones Farm.
Todd’s Puppy Rescue is the Rise version of the Farm House
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datusaguy · 1 year
All TMNT Shredder’s Revenge Color References - Casey Jones
Other character posts are linked at the bottom of this post.
Been playing Shredder’s Revenge recently due to the new dlc and since I haven’t seen much discussion in terms of references the new dlc, I decided to look into a lot of it myself. Feel free to give me any additional info/corrections you might know and I hope you enjoy checking this out.
# 1 - Default 87 (Wish this guy appeared in more than 5/193 episodes)
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# 2 - 1989 Playmates Toys Action Figure - It doesn’t have as much green on the actual toy, but stuff like the green equipment definitely makes it seem correct.
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# 3 - 1990’s movie(s) - Likely based on the first movie
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# 4 - 2003 Show - This does also resemble the 2007 movie design since the coloring is quite similar. Since a lot of other characters reserve this spot for 03 though, I’m putting that.
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# 5 - 2012 Show - This is where it’s harder to tell what the Casey is based on, but a lot of characters do put their 2012 design right after 2003 from what I can tell. As to the actual design itself, while it doesn’t quite capture the face paint nor spray paint looks, the mostly gray, black and white design (that isn’t “black-and-white” like Mirage) does look similar to the 2012 design.
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# 6 - Rise of the TMNT (Foot Recruit) - I don’t think any of the colors are based on the Casey from the Rise movie, but this does have a similar color scheme to Cassandra. Plus it’s where a Rise alt for the turtles and Splinter went.
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# 7 - Tournament Fighters Genesis
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# 8 - Colored Mirage Design? - I both found a picture of Casey from a colored Mirage comic and 2 toys (including the one below) which all seem to be based on the Mirage Casey. Alternatively, it seems like he wore a close costume in the Batman crossover comics. I’m not exactly sure where else he uses the design though and I am struggling to find more images of that colored Mirage comic using the same color scheme, but it seems like the closest I’ve found so far. Also worth noting that the toy has more so tan-ish accessories rather than white.
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# 9 - Original Mirage Comics
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# 10 - NES - I doubt it’s specifically a reference to the NES Tournament Fighters, but it does look close and probably is the most likely NES game that’s specifically referenced (besides maybe Usagi who I need to look into more as of making this post).
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# 11 - Gameboy - I don’t believe Casey was in any actual Gameboy games, but the pallet is definitely Gameboy inspired.
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All other Color References posts:
1. Karai
2. Leonardo
3. Michelangelo
4. Raphael
5. Donatello
6. April O’Neil
7. Master Splinter
8. Casey Jones
9. Usagi
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
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yellowhollyhock · 1 year
Mikey and April
They are each other’s stray cats
When Mikey meets April he literally acts in the exact same way he would if she were a frightened kitten. Beats up the thing threatening his creature, scoops her into his arms, and says to his brothers, “Can I keep her?” And then takes her home and gives firm instructions they should get him when she wakes, he’ll be listening to music. Tell me it wouldn’t be the exact same story on Mikey’s part if she had been a cat.
And meanwhile April allows her creatures to approach at their pace, let’s them into her home, bribes them with food (okay food Mikey and Donnie ordered but still), and tries to keep them—especially Mikey—away from fragile items. They are all cats in this show. Except for the, uh, rat. Sorry Master Splinter.
April and Mikey understand each other on a spiritual level. It isn’t very long after they meet that the banter begins, with her pretending to have ruined his comic books and him turning the lights off on her. They have fun and make each other laugh. They’re also very respectful of each other’s boundaries. Like when Mikey comes into her shop during a fight to say hi, when she protests and he realizes, he immediately gives the most sincere apology we’ve heard from him at that point in the show (maybe ever?) and backs right out. Or when Mikey wants to be a superhero and all of his brothers are making fun of him, but April rolls up her sleeves and helps him find an outfit. It takes them very little time to earn each other’s trust, and once they have it they never betray it.
I think the show under utilized their youngest sibling solidarity. Makes sense because Robyn is in one episode, and I don’t think age order is even stated (is Robyn younger in 2003? I’m pretty sure she’s older in Mirage and I like younger sibling April so I’m gonna pretend Robyn’s older). Anyway it would’ve been fun to see April remembering what being the youngest is like and sticking up for Mikey, reasonably or unreasonably. Could’ve been a cool bonding opportunity with Angel, too. But not very plot relevant so makes sense. I guess.
This friendship is so important for Mikey because she really is his first human friend. Donnie and Leo both seemed closer with the Professor (especially Donnie, but Leo is also shown to be trusting of the Shredder and the Utroms so I feel like it’s implied that the human thing isn’t a big deal to him), and Raph is close with Casey before he gets close with April. Mikey is the turtle who would want human friends the most. He shows the most interest in NYC culture and verbally states a desire to be part of the community more than once (the greater good thing). April’s first reaction on meeting them is screaming and fainting, so not great, but things turn around pretty fast and that had to have done a world of good for Mikey’s confidence.
You know how he’s obsessed with monster movies? I don’t think the irony is lost on him. Especially considering how quiet he immediately gets when Don points it out to him during Notes from Underground. The internalization of societal prejudice against him specifically is strong with this one. And in Mikey’s world, at fifteen, “society” irl is pretty much made up of April, Casey, and people who want to kill him. Thank goodness for April and Casey.
Some headcanons:
April is Mikey’s maid of honor just like he was hers
They are the party planning duo. Birthdays with the Splinterson-O’Neil clan are off the charts
They would have so much fun shopping together
April buys all the Turtle Titan merch
Most likely duo to argue about food. Does pineapple go on pizza? Sushi yes or no. How much hot sauce is too much. Why are you adding cilantro I hate cilantro—
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fancoloredglasses · 2 years
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Who knew this concept would be successful?)
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(Thanks to TMNTPedia)
[All images are owned by Mirage Studios and Nickelodeon. Please don’t sue me] 
Depending on your age, what you think of when hearing the letters “TMNT” could range from this...
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...to this.
(Thanks to Fandango)
(and I am SO sorry if the latter is the case for you)
Now, I will not be reviewing Michael bay’s destruction of my youth (gods, you already destroyed Transformers! LEAVE MY CHILDHOOD ALONE!) or the various series by Nickelodeon (never saw them, sorry), but rather exploring TMNT’s origins back to the mid-80s.
Now, I wasn’t on the ground floor for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as the series was already a couple of years old be the time I’d heard of it (too bad, a copy of the first printing of the first issue is worth of $15 thousand!), and even then I thought the concept was ridiculous! I mean, 4 giant turtles who were ninja and named after famous painters?!
Then I read the comic and was hooked.
Kevin Eastman and Brian Laird had made a silly concept and turned it into something epic (and definitely not for kids, as the turtles didn’t pull punches!)
Now, depending on what version you grew up with, the origin varies. Therefore, here’s the original origin, and why it’s never been fully duplicated...
The part that never changes is the turtles and their master (a rat named Splinter, more on him later) were covered by a mutagenic ooze that evolved them physically and mentally. But the part that was removed was it’s ties to a certain Marvelous hero...
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(Thanks to comicbook.com)
Observant fans will recognize this as the origin of Daredevil. I’m not certain why Marvel’s lawyers didn’t descend on Eastman and Laird within an hour of issue 1 hitting comic shops! In any event, for obvious reasons this bit is never mentioned again.
As for Splinter, in the comic he was a rat who mimicked the actions of his owner, a ninja named Hamato Yoshi. In doing so, he mastered the art of ninjitsu (hey, stranger origins have happened!) When Splinter rescued the turtles from the mutagen (or, as the comic and future versions called it, “ooze”), he also gained size and intelligence. When the turtles had evolved enough to walk on two legs and speak, Splinter taught them ninjitsu (or at least the moves. It’s unclear how much of the meditative aspects of martial arts he picked up). I have no idea why they needed to wear the masks. It’s not like they’ll be mistaken for all the other 5 foot tall bipedal turtles in New York.
As to how Splinter wound up in the sewer to rescue the turtles, it was revenge. Yoshi was disgraced and exiled from his clan, the Foot (another jab at Marvel and Daredevil, who deals with a ninja clan known as “The Hand”) after killing his rival, Oroku Naji, while defending his wife from Naji. Years later he would get a visit from Naji’s brother...
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(Thanks again to TMNTPedia)
...Oroku Saki (now the head of the Foot clan and going by the name “Shredder”), who murders Yoshi. One other deviation the comic has to every other version of the franchise...
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(Thanks to The Brotherhood of Evil Geeks)
The turtles are, of course...
Leonardo The leader of the group and devoted disciple of Splinter, wielding twin katanas (though a katana is a samurai weapon. Leo should be wielding a pair of ninjato)
Donatello The awkward tech expert, Don (or Donny in some interpretations) wields a bo staff
Michaelangelo Mike (or Mikey is some interpretations) is often characterized as almost a stoner, but in the comics he was simply the more free-spirited of the bunch and the most likely to want to goof off. He wields a pair of nunchucks.
Raphael Raph is the loose cannon of the group, most likely to not follow Leo’s lead or go it alone. He wields a pair of Sai.
There are, of course, other members of the comic (such as April O’Neil, Casey Jones, Baxter Stockman, and the aliens with the brains in their stomachs (yes, there are more than one in the original comic)), but they’re not central to the story.
Now, a concept as bonkers and successful as TMNT is bound to get a few imitators, and none were more notorious than...
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(Thanks to MyComicShop)
...and I know nothing about the series other than the title.
A few years later, The Boys in Green would hit the big time and an image upgrade (no doubt so they could sell more toys) by getting different color masks.
(Thanks to Jopz Valentine Frani)
And immediately you can see the changes that were made for the kids in addition to the marketable makeover: Hamato Yoshi became Splinter (at least we know they’ll learn meditation) and the Shredder (who became Hamato Yoshi’s rival, with Naji written out of the origin) was never killed, becoming the turtles’ main nemesis. This is also where the turtles got their love of pizza.
And we know these days, it a TV show is successful enough, someone will want to make a movie out of it.
(Thanks to Michael Unwin)
The first movie did a decent job of folding the comic into the cartoon. The marketable outfits were there, but there was a bit of PG edginess to it. The second...ehhhhhhhhhh, not so much. And don’t get me started on the third!
As always, if anyone would like a review of an episode (or film), let me know!
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andrewmoocow · 2 years
“Mutant Mayhem is actually true to the comics since April was meant to be a black woman!”
“No, this is clearly woke propaganda and we should all save our money. This is nothing like the April I had a crush on and she should never get the time of day.”
“Uh, you’re both wrong, April was only named after Kevin Eastman’s mixed-race wife and she was intended to be Asian.”
How long before people realize that the original April O’Neil from the Mirage comics was actually a drawing come to life?
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shadowwingtronix · 8 months
"Yesterday's" Comic> April O'Neil #2
BW's "Yesterday's" Comic> April O'Neil #2
At long last! April versus Storm Shadow! Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles presents April O’Neil #2 Archie Comics/Mirage Studios (February, 1993) “The Chinatown Connection” STORY IDEA/EDITOR: Dean Clarrain WRITER: Steve Sullivan PENCILER: Chris Allan INKER: Brian Thomas COLORIST: Barry Grossman LETTERER: Gary Fields Continue reading Untitled
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transk0vsky · 10 months
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Random April O’Neil icons
(In General I don’t care if you use these without credit…..but like it’s appreciated ♥️)
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lulusoblue · 7 years
April didn’t get the white redhead appearance until the 87 cartoon, where they were out to market a bunch of toys to kids and long story short they thought whitewashing would be better for business.
Flashforward to today, where people are still gettig hung up and sensitive over white characters being changed to other races as if the whiteness was crucial to the character. It’s not.
Mirage April was black, and now 2018 is black. The only thing it should affect about these incarnations is the black girls in the show’s audience tuning in and finding a strong fictional girl/woman of the same race as them to look up to and be inspired by. Lord knows us white girls already have plenty of those in media.
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The O’Neil Family Tree
April O’Neil has been a constant companion to the Turtles throughout the many iterations of TMNT however we rarely see much of April’s human family to the point where most iterations don’t even give April’s parents names so I tried to find names for April’s human family members across the different iterations of TMNT
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April’s mother has only been seen or mentioned a few times, however we have at least three different names for her. In Mirage her name is Bridget O’Neil, in IDW her name is Elizabeth O’Neil & in Rise her name is Carol O’Neil
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Similarly to April’s mother,  April’s father has only been named a few times however he has at least three different names across the iterations of TMNT. In Mirage his name is Robert O’Neil, in IDW his John O’Neil & in the 2012 series his name is Kirby O’Neil 
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In Mirage, April originally had an older sister named Robyn O’Neil however the 2003 series is the only other iteration that she’s appeared in, though a fun fact about this character was that she was originally going to be named June to give her & April matching names
Aunts & Uncles:
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In the 1987 series April has an Aunt named Agatha Marbles her name was inspired by Agatha Christies character Miss Marple 
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In the 2003 series April is given an Uncle named Augustus O'Neil, his name comes from the month of August giving him a matching name with April.
Throughout the iterations of TMNT April has had at least two children
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The first being Shadow Jones from the Mirage universe, the adopted daughter of April & Casey
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The second being Casey Marie Jones who is the daughter of April & Casey in the Last Ronin universe.
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April has ended up marrying Casey Jones in multiple TMNT iterations with Casey being her husband in mirage, the Last Ronin universe & the 2003 series & Casey is April’s fiancé in the 2007 movie
Due to time travel being part of multiple iterations of TMNT there have been a few instances where we have met April’s descendants
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Nobuku is April’s great grand daughter in the Archie comics & was trained by a future Leonardo along with multiple other students.
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Cody Jones is the great grand son of April & Casey in the 2003 series 
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datusaguy · 1 year
All TMNT Shredder’s Revenge Color References - Donatello
Other character posts are linked at the bottom of this post.
Here’s my 5th Color reference post for Shredder’s Revenge. For Mikey, Don and Raph, all the references seem to just be the same as Leo’s (and each other’s) so just refer to my Leo post for more in-depth explanations.
# 1 - Default (1987 Show)
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# 2 - 1988 Playmates Toys Action Figure
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# 3 - 1990’s movie(s) - Most likely based on the first movie.
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# 4 - 2003 Show
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# 5 - 2012 Show
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# 6 - Rise of the TMNT
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# 7 - Archie Comics Intergalactic Wrestling
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# 8 - TMNT ULTIMATES Mutagen Ooze Figures? - Refer to Leo post for more info
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# 9 - Mirage Comics
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# 10 - NES
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# 11 - Gameboy
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All other Color References posts:
1. Karai
2. Leonardo
3. Michelangelo
4. Raphael
5. Donatello
6. April O’Neil
7. Master Splinter
8. Casey Jones
9. Usagi
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supercowgirl04 · 3 years
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I am doing a series where I redraw every April O’Neil as a horse. Here we have the very first April from the Mirage Comics. I made her color seal brown. 
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