#black april o’neil
speaking of rumors I also see people spreading around that mirage april was black
first of all
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in some guest versions she is but while it’s hard to tell, this part hints very much to her being intended as white
I see her with this hairstyle used a lot to prove she’s black but it really isn’t proof, she directly says she got it curled and perms were really popular in the 80’s when these comics were being drawn
she was inspired by a black woman, yes, but it does bother me that people aren’t acknowledging that she was also inspired by an asian woman
regardless, if she was white in the og comics it really doesn’t matter if she’s made black
april looks different in every version, this isn’t new
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I don’t care much for racist tmnt fans, I think they have no place in the fandom at all, but can we not use fake facts to defend something that isn’t even a problem at all
going from this to this isn’t a big deal
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the inverse WOULD, because it would be taking away important representation.
White people don’t need more representation. We have basically all of Hollywood. If you’re mad about us being “blackwashed” you’re an entitled fucking idiot.
anyways I would love to see an asian april I really wish people would give some attention to the fact she was partially inspired by an asian woman
I’d link to articles about this but unfortunately my phone won’t let me copy and paste links for some reason??? I’ll reblog with links later.
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Megan Fox, 2011
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cryptablog · 1 year
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Naptime in the Hamato Household!
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None of these girls are ugly, so I take issue with the point that the person thinks that they’re making. And I take even bigger issue with them equating kinky hair and plus size to ugly features. So, thank you for the April art, but I invite that person to go straight to hell with their commentary.
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dreammelt · 2 years
Rise sketch dump for ya
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Kk see y’all next week 😁😁
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everythingunderthesky · 9 months
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Which Witch? 
This moment in "Donnie vs. Witch Town" has repeatedly caught my notice, and I’ve now recovered enough to break it down! 
First off, here’s the list verbatim:
Visitors  Suzy Bannion Heather Donahue Nancy Downs Minnie Castevet Katia Vajda Miss Anjelica Ernst Samantha Stephens April O’Neil
Unfamiliar names plus cursive plus a lack of high-quality stills meant decoding this took a little longer than expected.
I have attempted to minimize spoilers for the mentioned horror movies when possible, but in pursuing two contradictory goals, I have accomplished both imperfectly. C'est la vie!
Please note: I am by no means a film buff, so feel free to add any relevant context! 
Oh, the Horror . . . [films]!
"Suzy Bannion" would be a reference to the 1977 film Suspiria in which Suzy, a ballet student, finds herself investigating a supernatural coven of witches.
"Heather Donahue" is a homage to the 1999 "found footage" movie The Blair Witch Project*, wherein three student filmmakers investigate a legend of a witch in the woods.
"Nancy Downs", from the 1996 R-rated film The Craft, is one of a trio of students rumored to be dabbling in witchcraft.
"Minnie Castevet", on the other hand, hails from the dark 1968 film Rosemary’s Baby (based on the book by Ira Levin), wherein Minnie’s character is suspected of being a member of a coven. 
"Katia Vajda", originates from the 1960 film Black Sunday, (loosely based on Nikolai Gogol’s short story "Viy"). Katia was accused of being a vampiric witch and executed by her brother—but that isn’t the end of her story.
"Miss Anjelica Ernst" simultaneously references Roald Dahl’s 1973 novel The Witches and its 1990 film adaptation of the same name. One member of the notorious child-hating coven is the Grand High Witch, Eva Ernst, who was portrayed by Anjelica Huston on the big screen.
"Samantha Stephens" lives the life of a "good witch" in the 1964 television series Bewitched.
Special Bonus!
"Abigail the Good", founder of Witch Town, may be an allusion to the character "Abigail Pershing" from the 2015 television show Good Witch. 
I’ll go ahead and credit my dad as my research assistant; he described these references as "deep cuts".
And really, what higher praise is there? 
*For more about Heather Donahue, the producer and writer of the sitcom The High Country, check out this article by GQ's Scott Meslow, The Blair Witch Project's Heather Donahue Is Alive and Well!
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sapphiretanto · 2 years
(CW: Ranting/Venting; the fic I am talking about will not be named, nor will I give the author’s name away. Please send me a message if you want to know)
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Did we even watch the same show? He’s not a caring, big brother? He’s a stick in the mud?
The only thing I’ll give you is that he’s full of himself… because he’s an idiot teenager with badass fighting skills and weapons. Of course he’s gonna be a cocky little shit. Most people with Leo’s skill would be.
I’m going to assume that you mean part of the time he’s full of himself. But if you mean all the time, then I’ll correct you there. More often than not, he is actually very insecure— a very common trait among the Leonardo’s.
“Maybe I shouldn’t be leading the team?”
“It’s all my fault. I let the guys down!”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again”
“I’d just hold you back. You guys train, I’ll watch. It’s all I’m good for anyway…”
“I’m a liability to the whole team”
“I won’t be much help out there anyway”
Leo is a perfectionist and this shows in the way he leads— coming across as bossy or arrogant— and how he treats himself. The guy just got out of a three-month coma after he had the shit kicked out of him and what does he say when he’s by himself after everyone else went to look for Raph in the woods?
He holds himself to impossibly high standards— both placed by himself and some of the misguided lessons he was taught.
Alright, now for the stick in the mud part. Leo is a fucking dork (I mean this in the most affectionate sense). He loves Space Heroes to the point where he quotes it during missions. He likes puns, is fascinated by Japan culture, martial arts, meditation, etc. He trains very hard to excel at ninjutsu/martial arts— both so he can help his brothers in combat and because it’s a passion of his. That doesn’t make him boring in the slightest. He has some of the most ridiculous dialogue throughout the series:
“Alright guys. Let’s put Old Mother Hubbard back in her cupboard!”
“Hello!? Space Heroes!? Captain Ryan! Didn’t you see the episode where they fought the Cortexecons?!”
“Awesome! Oh, this is so rad! I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually. Way more rad than Van Helsing”
“Alright guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice!”
“We don’t know he’s gonna do anything bad. He could be on his way… to… church!”
“I… don’t really have a pinky?”
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He can’t lie for shit which leads to him saying silly things:
“Be cool. Be cool.” *answers phone* “uh.. hey man! What’s… what’s going down? *Raph says they better have not watched the Crognard finale without him and Leo laughs nervously* W-who, us?! Of course not! But I bet if we did watch it, we would have found it anti-climate… climactic!”
*gets asked by Chloe if there’s other turtles like him* “Nope! Uh-uh! Just me! Mr. Imaginary Talking Turtle!”
“He’s just kidding, Mrs. O’Neil. Kirby’s…uh.. on a.. safari! In Puerto Rico! And he won’t be back for a while.”
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And he’s not the goody-two shoes and suck up people think of him as. He has gone behind Splinter’s back on several occasions, snuck out both willingly and unwillingly. The guy dressed in black and caused petty crime with his sister and her girlfriend Shinigami because he was pissed off at Shredder.
As for not being a caring brother. You mean this guy?! This Leo?! ⬇️
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Couldn’t be this Leo, right? There’s no way he’s a mother hen— being both doting and getting after his brothers.
“Don’t talk with your mouth full!”
“Mikey, you never cease to amaze me”
“Leo never left your side” — April when Raph was reduced to a mere plant by The Creep
“I’m sorry about Spike, Raphael.”
“Donnie, don’t lose sight of who you are!”
“Nice job, D”
“Donnie, the go karts worked great. Nice job!”
“Mikey, come on! It’s not that bad! And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.”
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Not the Leo that uses all his strength and stays behind in the Technodrome holding Kraang Prime so his brothers and April can escape. Not that Leo who while just barely awake after a coma goes after a mutated monster in the woods to get his family back. Not that Leo who forced himself to stay calm so the others can be calm while they go through the most insane shit, or cannot grieve in the moment because he has to ensure the rest of their safety, so his focus during missions and battle is scattered in different places. Because he couldn’t possibly help bandage their wounds, worry when they’re hurt and not give up on a family member. Not Leo preventing Donnie from straight up unaliving Don Vizioso because Leo doesn’t want his younger brother to do what he did and change him like it changed him. He doesn’t sacrifice himself over and over because he loves his brothers, right? Right??
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just-an-anon-reader · 2 years
Hugs, Gifts and PIZZA
Summary: Donnie hasn’t seen you for two weeks. He needs your hugs. Bad. But little does he know about the surprise in store for him 
P.S. Hello again! Thank you all for the love on my first story! They really inspired me to continue writing! So here’s another Rise!Donnie x GN!Reader. I hope you enjoy. (≧∇≦)
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He held his phone with trembling fingers as excitement coursed through his veins. It was the weekend, finally. And he was gonna ask you out, again. It’s been almost two weeks since you’ve done something remotely romantic. Especially with you running off with your best friend, April O’Neil, every chance you got recently. And after two weeks of no hangouts or hugs from you, Donatello had a date plan. And it was going to be perfect, his calculations said so. All that was left was for you to say yes. So, with a shaky finger, he dialed up your number.
“Hey, Dee!”
The sweet sound of your voice was enough to warm his cold-blooded body. He really did miss you. But of course, he’d have to die first before admitting that to anyone, especially Leo.
“Salutations my darling dearest, as it is soon to be the weekend, would you happen to be free tomorrow?”
“Oh Dee, I’m so sorry. I already got plans with April this weekend.”
To say that Donnie wasn’t disappointed would be a lie. But he couldn’t just tell you that! He can't just say that he was in desperate need of your hugs! He had a bad boy image to maintain.
“Oh! I...I see. Some other time then.” “Definitely! Oh, April’s here. I gotta go. Love ya Dee!”
With that, the call ended. He slumped down and sighed in defeat. Were you avoiding him? Or was April just much more fun to be with? Sure he was known to go on a tangent when it came to his tech, but you didn’t seem to mind. You even said it was part of his charm once.
“Oof what’s with the long face? I’m guessing it was a no, huh?”
Donnie could only nod his head in reply as Mikey squatted down next to him. Sensing his older brother’s distress, Mikey switched to Doctor Feelings.
“Awh Donnie it’s alright. I’m sure they’re just busy. Trust me, the moment they’re free they’ll come rushing into your arms.”
The purple-clad turtle gave his brother a look.  The “really?” look. Mikey could only manage an awkward chortle to Donnie’s reaction to his failed attempt at comforting him. There was only one thing, other than you, that could stop his brother from moping.
“Come on Donnie, let's go watch Leo fail at a 14/40.”
“That does sound tempting."
With a sigh and a grunt, Donnie and Mikey made their way toward the living room to challenge Leo to do a 14/40. Just to watch him land on his face with a bowl of popcorn at their side.
Somewhere in New York...
“April! It's done!!”
The pigtailed brunette came bounding towards you and skidded to a halt as her eyes landed on the glimmering item in front of you. She grinned. Almost maniacally.
“You’ve done it! It’s beautiful...It’s time to put the plan in action.”
A few days later...
Donnie, after a thirty-eight-hour tech binge and a three-hour nap, stepped into the lair’s living room to find it void of his dummy-dumb brothers. Suspicious. Even more so when he found his father’s glutei maximi not parked on its usual spot in front of the projector. This is most suspect indeed.
“I haven’t had my morning dose of caffeine. So whatever prank this may be better be AFTER I get my cup in.”
His voice echoed through the empty lair as it bounced against its walls. With a huff, he groggily made his way to the kitchen. Which, definitely was not suspicious, was caked in pitch blackness. Donnie groaned. Was a peaceful caffeinated morning too hard to ask for? Feeling around the darkness with hands outstretched, he felt the switch and flicked it on.
That girlish scream you heard? It wasn’t from Donnie, no of course not. Must’ve been Leo.
“Hey, Dee! Happy birthday!”
Your present wrapped in purple paper with a cute violet ribbon in hand, you smiled and lifted your arms towards him. Silently asking for a hug. You’re lucky he loves you. And that he DESPERATELY needed your hugs.  
“Come on, bring it in.”
Giddily, you wrap your arms around him. Cheek against his plastron as you give him a gentle squeeze which he reciprocates.
“Ugh come on! Don’t get mushy-wushy in front of the pizza!”
Leo grumbled, making choking sounds as if to make a point.
“Don’t mind the lovebirds fellas cuz it’s gift-giving time!”
Mikey was the first to give his. From somewhere behind him, he pulls a well-made wooden bust sculpture of Donnie. The likeness to its life model was uncanny. Second was Raph, with his Jupiter Jim plush toy. The newest bunk buddy. Next was April, with a new library card from her school. The premium kind. Then Splinter. Though he didn’t exactly have a gift. He just patted Donnie on the head. But man was this purple-clad turtle ECSTATIC. Last but not the least, was you.
“So...mine might not be as great as theirs, but I hope you like it.”
Pulling out the purple box from behind you, you gently place it in his hands. Carefully untying the bow, the box opens to reveal a beautiful, handmade purple satin jacket. On the back, embroidered in cursive were the words “Othello Von Ryan” along with his trademark.
“Did you make this?”
“I’m sorry for missing out on date nights. I had to ask April with the sewing.”
Only then did he notice the band-aids that littered your hands. There were too many for his liking. With a frown, Donnie slips on his new jacket and takes both your hands. Softly, he pressed a kiss on each palm. You giggled. A blush rising from the base of your neck to the tips of your ears.
“Ugh! Stop being a simp already!!”
“Scoff! I am NOT a simp. Also...why are you suspiciously nice today?”
“Hey! I’m always nice. And besides, call it, my birthday gift. From one twin to another.”
How suspect. Noticing you fidgeting from the corner of his eye, he gave you the look. The “I know you know something” look.
“So...you know how since you’re twins you both have to share birthdays? And how you get pranked every year? So I sorta...” “You didn’t” “I did” “What did it cost?” ... “Hegetstoeatasliceoutofyourshareofthepizzaforayear” ... “HE GETS WHAT?!!!! YOU SAID YES TO THAT??” “I love you?”
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f-cat · 5 months
I just wanted to remind you all who are following up on requests that I genuinely can’t get to them all, only maybe a few at a time. I see them and am not responding because they get removed if I do.
I can’t do them all. :)
I’m not a full-time artist and have a regular career, so please excuse me if I can’t get to yours. Just to prove I’ve seen your requests, here is everything from my inbox so far in no particular order:
Ms. Marvel
Warcraft Elf Feet
Lara Croft
Ahsoka X
Rio Morales (Game)
Rio Morales (Movie)
Rogue X
She-Hulk X
Supergirl X
Powergirl X
Powergirl being tickled
Shanna the She-Devil
Jill Valentine X
Claire Redfield X
Atom Eve
Sif (God of War)
Elena Fisher
Chloe Frazer
Honey Lemon
Gogo Tomago
Aunt Cass X
Padme Amidala
Princess Leia
Myself / FCat X
Gwen Stacy (Comics)
Gwen Stacy (Movie)
Spider-Gwen (Movie)
Mary Jane (Game)
Mary Jane (Comics) X
Captain Marvel
Black Widow
Andi X
Ulf (OC) X
Shadowheart (again)
Karlach (again)
Panam Palmer
Judy Alvarez
Hera Syndulla X
Jinx X
Vi X
Rinoa (Final Fantasy)
Quistis (Final Fantasy)
D.Va (a lot of requests)
Kiriko (also a lot)
Mercy (3 of her)
Brigitte (A lot)
April O’Neill (Fortnite)
A bunch of other models from Fortnite (3)
Ellie (The Last of Us Part II)
Yotsuyu (FFXIV)
Random woman
Elsa X
Anna X
Nani (from Lilo and Stitch)
More Wonder Woman
5 different anime characters (I can’t do these)
Superhero OC (1)
OCs from friends (2)
Ysh’tola Rhul
Bayonetta or Samus Aran
Princess Zelda (Twilight Princess)
Princess Zelda (Breath of the Wild)
Princess Zelda (Skyward Sword)
Princess Zelda (Tears of the Kingdom)
Princess Zelda (My choice, apparently)
Darth Talon
Scarlet Witch being tickled by Agatha Harkness
Tifa Lockhart being tickled
Smothering Room Shenanigans
Old Tickling Renders
Do you RP - No
Do you RP - No
You’ll likely recognize yours. Thank you for being patient with me.
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texaschainsawmascara · 10 months
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Megan Fox, ‘08
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haemocyaninz · 1 year
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Drawing themz based on outfits i wore recently pt 3
[Image ID: A digital drawing of April O’Neil and Sunita (in human form) from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. One of April’s afro puffs has an orange ball hair tie at the base. She wears a Black Tshirt with diamonds around the neck like T’Challa’s Black Panther suit, a black jacket with a white and yellow stripe in the center tied around her waist,  black sweatpants, white shoes with gold soles and laces, and black spiked cuffs on her wrists. She smiles as she places an arm around Sunita’s shoulder and gestures with her free hand. Sunita wears a red headband, an orange dress with a white floral pattern over a tan skirt with a differing floral pattern peeking under, her broach clipped on her chest, a gold belt around her waist, a long black cardigan with a floral pattern, tan short boots and an off white lace choker around her neck. She winks and smiles as she places an arm around April's shoulder. The background is salmon pink with white paint splatters with a lime green trapezoid over an emerald green oval in the center of the image. End ID.]
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One evening night at New York City, An 5' 1" (1.55 m), Ginger hair, blue eyes young-looking 16 years old girl, April O’Neil, April is walking on sidewalk with her An 5' 6” (1.60m), black hair that is blonde in the back with an angled bob and long ear-tails, Amber eyes young-looking 16 years old girl, known as lover/roommate/sister-like, Karai. Karai held her lover’s hand and gives a kiss on cheek. “Love you, babe”
April smiles to her beautiful girlfriend and she pull her into a hug, cuddling with Karai as she grabbed the tv remote." Love you too, honey." She kisses her forehead." Niw what do you want to watch?"
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dreammelt · 2 years
I did more stuff for April and Mikey
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yosajaeofficial · 7 months
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐽𝑎𝑦𝑐𝑒 𝑀𝑦𝑙𝑒𝑠 𝐶𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑐𝑠 || 𝑂𝑛 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑅𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑜 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 (𝐿𝑎𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑒 𝑂𝑛𝑒𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑡)
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A/N: I hope you all enjoy this entry of “The Jayce Myles Comics”, we’re able to see the get a grasp of what’s to come!
Song Inspirations:
For (YOOHYEON SOLO) - Dreamcatcher
It was the late afternoon, specifically golden hour. Employees would slow down their hustle since there weren’t many customers after lunch hours; golden hour was also when employees were able to yawn and then prepare themselves to close.
Today was a slow day for the small café, “Madeline’s”, exactly how Donatello liked it to be. It was a spot where Donatello felt safe when he wanted to study by himself. It was nice for him to have his own time of relaxation outside of the lab, and for Donatello to continue his studies in a different and refreshing environment. He was able to release muscle tension while soft jazz played on the speakers; the repeated rhythms from singular piano notes pulled Donatello into a mind waltz, making his head sway.
This place was also beneficial to him as he was able to order multiple cups of coffee while never taking his eyes off of his laptop.
The café had been running for quite a while after celebrating its grand opening two months after “Fernando’s Taco Shop” had collapsed. To Donatello, it was just a minor coincidence since around that time, the poor taco shop didn’t matter to him or his brothers.
If his brothers weren’t worrying about it, neither should he. They would’ve been caught by the cops if they stayed any longer, there was simply nothing else his brothers could’ve done that night. If the police caught the Mad Dogs during their amateur days, Splinter wouldn’t ever trust them to go to the surface ever again.
During the raw aftermath, that incident did haunt him for quite a while, was there a different solution? Were they all just scared that night? Could they have stayed a little longer to help?
Most of those questions remain unsolved for the time being because those thoughts of his always eat him up during the night. Now wasn’t the time for him to feel this way.
When Madeline's opened, Donatello got curious about the café (since his best friend, April O’Neil, had worked there when it first opened but got fired for being late after barely a week).
One day, April brought some coffee for him; he usually had black coffee with one sugar packet and one singular creamer. Donatello had to be the one to manually assemble his drink. He blames Leo after witnessing his brother making him coffee but when putting the sugar and creamer in, he used his finger to stir the ingredients together.
The softshell turtle would never let Leo touch his stuff ever again since.
That day when April gave him his usual coffee order, but the cup looked different. Donatello inspected it and asked his friend with red glasses which shop she went to that morning. April explained to him that she grabbed it from Madeline’s, and she was able to take home a self-made coffee after work as a treat for her difficult shift that day. Donatello raised an eyebrow at her words and he continued to inspect the cup cautiously.
Finally shrugging, he took the sip of faith and sipped out of the cup.
His eyes had then lit up.
Donatello’s snout scrunched and his body shivered, April had got a bit worried but it was when the softshell turtle got up and yelled out, “Woah hoo hoo! That’s good!” Ever since he tried that cup of coffee, Donatello started to get his coffee from Madeline’s.
Donatello was hanging out in the café with someone new. He never liked giving out his information to his brothers or strangers, he rather have at least one place he could go for a relaxing study session solo or with April. Donatello wasn’t the turtle to scold his brothers for being too loud, because if he did, he would absolutely be deemed as a hypocrite.
Nothing would be able to beat this exact moment for Donatello. When he was able to enjoy a late afternoon with a new study partner, Jayce Myles, they were willing to take over for April and help Donatello out with a certain blueprint concept he was stressing about.
It was nothing too out-of-the-water for Jayce, so she took the opportunity to help while they could later finish an essay after helping Donatello out with this specific project.
“Nothing’s too wrong with the model, but I am curious about how the product would work if each of these wires are bunched up like that,” Jayce voiced while pointing at a small part from the drawn blueprint. That made Donatello let out a low rumble, he then put down his pencil and covered his forehead with one big hand.
“I don’t know…” Donatello responds.
“Come on dawg, you’re smart. Try again and illustrate the model where the wires will be equally separated.”
Looking at the blueprint, Donatello took his eraser and started sketching out a different model while Jayce watched. Jayce’s eyes landed on the mutant turtle’s hands; where his grip on the pencil was odd by her standards.
They just had to know...
“Why are you gripping on that fucking pencil like that...?”
“I’M A-“ Donatello cut himself off when he saw the poor waitress wide-eyed in the corner of his eye as she was pouring another cup of coffee into his mug. Jayce snorts and starts to cackle like a Windex bottle at the softshell’s stiff stance.
”I don’t like the way you mess around with me.”
“Then stop holding the pencil like that.”
Donatello kept his mouth shut, letting out a low rumble once more. His hand would continue to illustrate animatedly. Jayce’s eyes would then get lost in his hand movements which caused them to zone out. Their gaze moved away from the hypnotizing hand and now fixated her eyes on the blueprint paper; the way the ends were slightly curled inwards always annoyed her, but she didn’t dare try to flatten it out.
On the blueprints, there were notes next to the official model which read Donatello’s calculations and equations. Jayce remembers Donatello spouting about how each side note on his blueprints mattered. They either show “how long and wide a certain metal plate would be”, or they demonstrate “an equation showing how many wires would be needed for a specific area”.
Nevertheless, Jayce snapped to their senses and jolted up after realizing they'd been staring at the sheet for too long. This caught Donatello’s attention as he accidentally crossed a calculation off.
He turned his neck, ”What was that?”
“Nothing,” Jayce responds.
Now it was Donatello's turn to laugh, but he wheezed mockingly. Besides wanting to strangle the turtle, Jayce was too tired to pay their full attention to him so she let that slide.
“Har har, laugh at me zoning out. How original and funny,” Jayce quipped.
Donatello smirked at their sour face, “It’s only funny when you do it.”
“You always jolt up in your seat like a scaredy-cat when you realize you’re zoned out. Hence, making it more obvious that you’ve been zoning out.” Jayce huffed, blowing raspberries and turning their gaze to his red eyes.
“You win this round asshole, but now expect me to look into your soul whenever you’re working on anything lab related alright?” Even if Jayce said that with a neutral expression, Donatello let out a genuine belly laugh. Jayce would never admit it, but hearing him enjoy her company gave them a boost of serotonin.
The two of them calmed themselves and continued to focus on the blueprint. “You got it?” Jayce uttered. Donatello cued to sit down and take a drink from his warm cup of coffee, letting Jayce peek at the model. It was definitely showing signs of improvement. The model was starting to come together more realistically; most of Donatello’s previous inventions had issues back-to-back. Those malfunctions would cue due to him blueprinting flawed models that held only a fifty percent chance of functioning correctly.
Donatello loved to make crazy-looking machines that would look pleasing to show off to other tech enthusiasts. His models looked incredible, but their performance was the big giveaway for it being a poor model. Jayce understood this, most of their side hustles have been her fixing up her teachers’ projectors, computers, and construction tools; so them seeing a flawed model even from their great genius scientist friend wasn’t surprising. Everyone was bound to make mistakes. It’s how the mistake is approached that’s going to determine if the model was meant to be scrapped or not.
Jayce scratched their nose, “Looks better Donnie,” They grinned.
“Phew! I thought you were planning my funeral for a sec.”
“The organization of the wires looks so much better than before. If they get fired up, then your hands won’t get an electric shock when doing an emergency troubleshoot.”
Jayce wiped their clammy hands on her jeans before sitting down. Looking at their school bag, Jayce remembered that they needed to finish that English assignment. Rolling her eyes, she started to dig in their bag to look for her physical copy of the assignment.
Donatello wasn’t paying attention and was downing his now cold cup of coffee.
Donatello puts his mug down, “Hmm?”
“I need to finish some schoolwork.”
Donatello then quickly rolled up the blueprints, right after he blew the eraser residue. He watched Jayce place down their chunky packet on the table and start turning the pages one by one as if she was quickly refreshing their knowledge.
Jayce clicked their tongue and started erasing one section out of page 8, and started cursing to herself. Now it was Donatello’s turn to snort.
“Get a computer! It’s painful to witness you doing your essay handwritten, I take pity on your right hand.” Jayce rolls their eyes.
“If you offer to pay it off for me, I will consider it.”
Donatello cracked up, “I can use my hard-earned money for something more useful than a lame computer model from a big corporation.”
Jayce paused, slowly turning their head to face Donatello, who was sitting right next to her. The smell of ground coffee beans and steamed milk made the café have a nostalgic atmosphere. Combining the smell and the warmth of Donatello’s laugh, it was like Jayce was enjoying a cold day with their best friend by being cuddled up together by a fluffy blanket. Even if Donatello himself was a cold-blooded reptile, Jayce couldn’t help but scoot a bit closer to him. Yearning for his warmth that can only be obtained if you’re close.
“Then how did you build your PC back at the lair?” Jayce mumbled.
“From Repo’s scrapyard or the Nakamura brand.”
“I only put my trust in new tech parts with Nakamura, everything else stinks,” Donatello clarified.
Jayce snickered, “Does it stink as much as the sewers?”
Donatello lightly punched Jayce’s bicep, “That was one time, Jayce Myles!”
“It smelled like shit because that’s where shit goes, Donatello Hamato!” Jayce pushed him away and pouted. To Donatello, their puffed-up cheeks were a new sight. He closed his eyes and internally thanked his big brain that he had everything recorded. Jayce’s emotions were something that Donatello had recently been observing more often, nothing out of the ordinary of course, but something about Jayce felt different to him.
Donatello tried to think of the reason why he felt that way about his friend, nothing was different. Maybe it was because Jayce’s presence had started to feel more comfortable to be in. Donatello had assumed that Jayce would ruin his relaxing experience at his favorite café (hence why he had begged April to not bail out at the last minute).
However, Jayce had actually helped him out way more than he expected. Jayce explained their previous experience with tech in a simple but compelling way.
“Jeez! I could talk about coding all day man! Being able to get the program running is such a relief. I adore it when people format their code with multiple different colors. I saw this one girl that color-coded their program in purple-”
Their words were spoken with pure passion, and that’s what made Donatello let his guard down. The jazz that continued to play would continue to make his head sway, a soft melody that he was easily able to follow as he continued to stare at Jayce. Their cheeks were already depuffed and they were intensely fidgeting. She was sweating.
“Are you stuck?”
“...Yeah-” Donatello’s chair scraped against the cement floor as he got closer to Jayce’s packet. Jayce swallowed their sudden anxiety but didn’t turn her head this time. Since when was Donatello that tall compared to them? Jayce’s heart skipped a beat and they coughed.
“What are you stuck on?” He rumbles, Jayce gulps.
“In this paragraph, I spelled a word wrong. To make it worst, I wrote it with fucking red ink!” Their face was already red, but Donatello only guessed it was all from frustration.
Donatello shrugs, “This is why you should invest in a computer, four eyes.”
“I will hit you.”
“Do it froggy, leap.”
“Check yourself before saying that asshole!”
Donatello snorted, Jayce was able to feel the vibrations of his laugh by her side; her shoulders softened. They were getting the memo that Donatello just wanted to chat with her. He was enjoying himself too much, Jayce didn’t care at this point.
“April recently helped me install a printer in the lab. We can...go to the lab right now and I’ll type up the whole packet for you. After that, I...can print it all out for you so it’ll be completed for the morning.” Donatello was a bit hesitant, but his words got out eventually. His gaze was soft and shy, looking away from Jayce as much as possible.
Jayce pushed their glasses up, and she got up from her seat. Donatello sweats, he was surely worried that he scared Jayce a bit after spitting out bits of banter at her. That doubt was proven to be false as Jayce beamed with a bright smile, eyes wide and twinkling with excitement. That would be a smile that Donatello would remember fondly, it was as if Jayce’s petals had fully bloomed right in front of his eyes.
Jayce giggles, “Sure, only if you insist. I’ll buy some printer paper along the way.”
Donatello stands up as well, stretching his back where his tail wags while doing so. He starts packing up the blueprints that had been rolled up and he puts them in his bag. Grabbing his coffee mug and downing it in one gulp then placing it on the coaster. Donatello wipes his mouth with his purple hoodie sleeve, earning a snicker from four eyes right next to him.
“I can leave you here to write that essay with your pathetic pencil.”
“Do it you won’t.”
Donatello snorts and then starts to ruffle Jayce’s soft brown hair.
“I’ll do it another day, the workers look like they want us to leave already.”
OH MI GOSH!!! WE’RE FINALLY DONE WITH THIS ENTRY! I hope you all enjoyed some Lavelatte content for this lovey dovey season, more will come with them in a later arc. What did you guys think? Don’t be shy to tell me your thoughts on this entry, I love reading comments. Thank you for reading and have an amazing Valentine’s Day!
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starsfic · 6 months
Meet April in my incarnation!
It was a bright and beautiful Friday, late evening. New Yorkers were going about their day, just like any other weekend. Except…
People were either forced to make way or were pushed by the odd chase going through their streets. At the head was what looked like an odd mixture of a rabbit and a small dog, brightly colored and sharp teeth poking out. Around their neck were two vials. The animal was being chased by two burly dogwalkers, snarling Rottweilers straining at their leads to lead them. There were yells and screams as chaos reigned.
The rabbit-dog was forced to screech to a stop when faced with a wall. Later, people would claim that there was a flash of gold light and the animal had reappeared on top of a car. A second later, the Rottweilers and the dog walkers had clambered onto the car, followed by another flash and the animal reappearing on another car. Each car left behind was no better than ruins, and were often thrown aside to make room. Screeches started to fill the air as cars had to stop to avoid the growing pileup.
It was chaos.
However, that chaos hadn’t reached a small flower shop, filled to the brim with fresh flowers. A bored employee was behind the counter, flipping aimlessly through a magazine. The ring of the small shop bell made the cashier look up. A person waved from the doorway, her black hoodie tucked tightly over their features. “Um, I’m here to pick up my order?”
The cashier gave a grumble before checking the order list. “One memorial bouquet, with white lilies and lilies of the valley?”
“That’ll be fifty dollars.”
The person pulled out their wallet, followed by a credit card. The cashier handed her the bouquet before swiping the card. He looked up when they moved to adjust their hold on the rather large bouquet. The shift pushed back her hoodie, revealing a pretty girl with red highlights dyed in her hair. “Wait a second…”
She stiffened.
“You’re Tang Shen’s kid!” The girl let out a horrified yelp at his excited tone. He turned to yell in the back. “Hey, Mom, look, it’s Tang Shen’s kid!” He whirled back around, in time to avoid her taking back her card. “What’s your name...it’s some kind of month name, September? No, May? June?” As he made random guesses, the girl tried to swipe back her card, his excited movements making her jump back and forth. “April!”
She yanked the plastic thing out of his hand. “Thank you!”
April O’Neil-Sun ran out of the florist and made a break for it, trying to both stuff her card in her wallet while trying to hold onto the bouquet at the same time. She could already see people whispering and pointing at her. She turned the corner, hoping to catch a taxi, and screeched to a stop at the sight of the pileup.
Guess she wouldn’t be going to the memorial today…
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theunholyrogue · 2 years
never leave me (leo x gn!reader)
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can honestly work w any leo… maybe… can confirm 2k7, 2k12, + bayverse
can be gn but is based on my fem oc so to each is their own 🫶🏻
first written post don’t hate if it sucks :)
tw: 18! contains swearing, angst, gore/blood, knives, + near death, possible typos lol
You have been warned ~
Another day that had you at the end of your rope. You could feel the sweat running down your face and your heart rate thumping erratically as you took out all of your frustration in the ring of your local, lowkey, boxing club with one of your clubmates, Matthew.
You were exhausted— mentally and physically. Your professors had piled another days worth of homework, study guides, and reading assignments into one night and to be turned in the next morning. Your guardian was bad off again, their drinking habits leading them to the bar to remain there for the rest of the evening, for them to return in the early morning hours to come in and attempt to pick another fight with you. Your human friends— April O’Neil and Casey Jones — had recently started dating and were overwhelmingly consumed in one another’s time to mind you any of their attention, and your terrapin friends, well, they were busy cheering up Donatello, whom was heartbroken over the news of April and Casey’s blossoming relationship. Well — at least Raphael and Michaelangelo were, and you had not heard from your boyfriend, Leonardo, in days. That did not concern you, as it was normal to not hear from him in a day or so and vice versa. You two had that kind of trust with one another.
However, you found yourself with a sinking feeling that he was purposely ignoring you today. The feelings had eaten away at your remaining brick walls all day until you mentally broke. The only thing keeping you from lashing out at any of the people you love was the human punching bag in front of you. Matthew was taking a heavy beating from you, even more than you usually give him. The adrenaline running through your veins caused a rush in your system, not alerting your mental status to the major return punch and undercut that Matthew had delivered unto your left cheek and jaw. Physically, however, you stumbled backwards and collapsed onto your butt.
You took a moment, your body was shaking from the sudden lack of movement, your eyelids involuntary blinking before gazing up at Matthew. He was panting, his facial expression revealing a pained, clenching emotion. Oh, shit, you thought while grinding your teeth together. You had gone too far— again.
“Dammit, Matt, I’m sorry,” you stated while standing to your feet. Matthew tugged his gloves off of his hands and helped you stabilize yourself, the adrenaline finally starting to tone down, slowly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll only be hurting for a few days,” Matthew replied with a chuckle, only to grimace again. “I do think I am going to head home now, before my ma starts to worry.”
You nodded, “Alright, be careful. Sorry again.”
Matthew slipped through the ropes around the boxing ring and to his gym bag, shoving his red gloves in and pulling out a black, fleece, zip-up jacket. He replied while tugging the fabric onto his body, “I said it’s all good. See ya next time.”
You watched as he walked towards the door, turning to give you a wave and leaving soon after. You waved back, giving it a short second or so until he disappeared from the frame. You stood in the empty ring for a moment longer, taking in the empty building around you. It was quiet— something you weren’t used to. Quiet always meant bad, and right now, as the adrenaline continued to wear off, the overwhelming anxiety of your issues started to emerge again. “Bloody hell,” you uttered while exiting the ring yourself, hanging your gloves onto the ring ropes, and walking over to your bag. Quickly, you slipped your baggy sweatpants over your gym shorts that clung tight to your legs, then slipped a sweatshirt over your tank top. Slipping the straps of your book bag over your shoulders and pulling your hair out from the shirt and bag to flow freely, you left the empty building and headed for the lair.
“Guys?” You called out as you entered the lair, peering around the area for any sign of life.
“Dudette!” Michaelangelo called out as he slipped up behind you, giving a tight hug.
You chuckled while reaching up and gripped his forearms. “Hey, Mikey! Where’s everyone else?”
“Don is in his lab doing smart Don things, I guess distracting himself from you know who,” the orange masked turtle started as he pulled away and walked over to the lounge area. You followed suit, slipping the straps of your bag off of your shoulders to slide down onto the rounded couch ledge.
“Raph hadn’t felt all that good today, so he’s been in bed for a good chunk of the day,” Michaelangelo continued as he plopped down into a bean bag chair facing the TV.
“Anddd yours truly just got back and is in the dojo,” he finished, fiddling with the remote to turn on said TV and watch some random cartoon.
“Just got back?” You asked, curious.
“Yeeahh, something about a quick patrol. I guess nothin’ happened!” Michaelangelo exclaimed before his full attention to the show that started playing upon turning to a specific channel.
You nodded, walking past the youngest turtle and to the dojo. Peeking your head in, you spotted Leonardo doing some self training. You had assumed that Splinter was already in bed by what time it was and entered the dojo.
“I’m not interrupting, am I?” You asked, although you knew that you were, you also knew that he was going to say no, like always.
“Not at all,” Leonardo replied, refraining from pausing his exercise. Something about his reply felt sarcastic this time, or that something was wrong.
“Can I join?”
“Why not?”
Leonardo hardly gave you any time to actually prepare for an attack, catching you off guard. You quickly dodged his attack by moving out of the way.
“What the hell!?” You stuttered out in surprise, but your boyfriend did not answer.
The leader continued to throw punches or leg swipes in your direction, some slide arounds, all of which the only thing you could quickly do was dodge and avoid. You weren’t training to be a Kunoichi, only having a few years of boxing under your belt— and that was pointless with how merciless Leonardo was being. Eventually, you made the mistake of throwing your arm up to protect the side of your face that was hit earlier, when he threw a punch towards you. This led him to grabbing your arm, stabilizing your body, and flipping you onto your back, knocking the breath from your lungs.
Stunned, you gasped to regain the breath that you had just lost, shocked that Leonardo had even done that. He was bigger than you, and most definitely stronger. His baby blue orbs stared down at you, “I win.”
“Are you serious?” You wheezed out while propping yourself up on your hands. Coughing you after, you stood up and glared at him. “What was that about?”
“What? Couldn’t handle it?”
“The hell! No!”
“Maybe you could’ve with the dude from boxing.”
You stared at the turtle, your eyes had widened and mouth slightly agape from what you had just heard come from your boyfriend’s mouth.
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me,” Leonardo retorted, crossing his arms as he watched you with careful eyes. Analyzing your reactions.
“What are you trying to say, Leonardo?” You asked, mimicking his stance by crossing your arms and watching him.
“I’m saying I don’t like your “friendship” with that guy.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “No, you’re saying that you don’t like it because it’s a guy. Which means you don’t trust me,” you stated. Then you shook your head, “Hold up— are you following me now?”
Leonardo remained calm, “No, I just so happened to patrol in that area of town and was going to come by and see you. That was until I saw you with another guy. How do you think it feels to see you with another guy?”
“Leo, what the hell. Why is that even anything you are worried about?”
“I’m sorry! But in case you forgot, I am a 6 foot mutant turtle! And that guy… well, he’s human! Somebody who can take you on dates and can actually be seen with you out in public without the rest of the world freaking out…” Leonardo replied, his arms flinging outward in a jagged fashion.
You were speechless. Had you been at fault for causing him to feel this way? Why was Leonardo feeling this way? You felt irritated at his insecurities but saddened that he felt this way. Your feelings were emotionally enhanced by the sheer amount of stress and anxiety that had been building up over the weeks before, so, you felt yourself dip off the edge.
“Leo, you have got to be joking! If I had truly gave a damn what everyone else thinks, then my life would be so much more miserable. But I guess that doesn’t matter when the one person I so desperately want to spend the rest of my life with is standing here feeling jealous and insecure that I would even consider wanting somebody else or even be concerned about it. I guess there’s nothing I could ever do to make you feel like I truly want you?
Leonardo widened his eyes at your sharp reply, feeling a sharp pain in his chest. His brow ridges contorted into a downward shape, his facial features drooping into that of a saddened expression. As much as you wanted to console him, your heart rate had spiked again from the sudden argument between you two, and your emotions began to weigh heavy on your shoulders and heart from everything. You turned away and bolted for the door, wanting to be as far away from the lair as possible. You ignored the turtle as he called out for you to wait, but you were already on autopilot to get home. Tears started to slip down your cheeks, blurring your vision. The next thing you remember was a sharp strike to the back of your head and from there, everything went black.
April and Casey had made their appearance in the lair later, maybe two hours after you and Leonardo had gotten into it. Leo had figured he would give you some space, he shouldn’t have gone after the conversation like he did. It racked his brain, he was always the calm, cool, and collected one, one of the many reasons he was made to be the leader. Yet, he allowed his emotions to take over the best of him and only caused trouble for the both of you.
Everyone had only assumed that you had left, at least Mikey did. Raph and Donnie didn’t know that you had made an appearance, and April and Casey weren’t there. Leo had not mentioned the argument, so as everyone sat in the lounge area debating on a movie to watch, April and Casey’s phone both dinged. Casey ignored the notification, but April turned her attention to the screen and lit up, seeing that it was a text from you. Tapping the notification and unlocking her phone in the process, she noticed that it was a video. Her eyebrows contorted into that of confusion from the frame that was visible. Casey glanced over at her and furrowed his eyebrows, “What’s up?” He asked, gaining everyone’s attention. April stood up and looked at Leonardo and Donatello, “Lab, now.” The two terrapins were confused, yet followed the female into the Donatello’s lab.
The female sat down and placed her phone against one of the monitors in front of her, while each of the two stood over her shoulder. She reached up and pressed play on the video that you had sent.
There you were, slouching over in a chair with each wrist tied down to the arms and each ankle to the front legs with rope. Surrounding you were two men, to each side, wearing suits and a black ski mask. They looked to be holding knives in hand, with the other being free. Another male walked into view, wearing the same attire as the first two, but this one did not wear a mask. His back faced the camera, so the trio could not see his face.
He waved his hand, his pointer finger up. The masked man to your left side reached up, grabbing a handful of your hair and yanking back, causing you to look up at the unmasked male. You winced in pain, which only caused the male to tug more.
“Careful wit’ her, fellas. She’s gotta tell us what we needa know,” the leader, the three assumed as they watched, spoke. He bent down to be closer to your height. “Hey, pretty lady, how are ya’?” He asked, chuckling.
You remained quiet, only staring at the male with as much energy as you could muster.
“Not a chatty one, eh? That’s a’ight, doll. This won’t take long— at least— as long as ya’ tell us what we want to know,” the leader continued. “Now, we’s ain’t stupid. We know that ya’ have a… special… group of friends. We just want ta know where they are.”
The three immediately felt sick to their stomach. These guys were after the turtles— resulting in using you to get them. Leonardo covered his mouth to refrain from throwing up, his body visibly shaking. Oh my god, he thought.
Your stare narrowed, “Who wants to know?” You asked, your voice hoarse.
The leader stood quiet and still for moments, his facial features still hidden. With his hand in frame, the three watched as his finger twitched downward. The second masked man flipped his blade around his fingers before slamming it down into the back of your hand. You let out a pained scream, jerking your arm but to no avail to remove the painful stimuli due to being tied down.
“I ask the questions ‘round here, doll.”
The masked male pulled the blade out of your hand, only for blood to begin pooling out of the wound and flowing onto the floor below.
“Now, where do I find ‘em? ‘Em turtles,” the leader asked again.
“The ocean has plenty of turtles,” you replied, only for the first masked man to repeat the action the second had done and shove his blade down into your hand. You cry out again, this time tears start to flow down your face.
“Listen here, you bastard, I’m not telling you a got damn thing!” You shout, causing the two masked men to correspondingly slash you across your bare shoulders, tearing the fabric of your tank top. Leonardo had barely noticed that your sweater and sweats from earlier were now gone, which led him to questioning what happened behind the scenes.
Continuing through the video, the duo had performed numerous actions, from stabbing you in the gut to slicing open a section of your exposed thighs. During one point, you were waterboarded and nearly drowned from the actions, quicker than most but you were also experiencing blood loss. Leonardo and April had thrown up in their mouths a few times, Leo actually having to use a trashcan a time or two. Donatello had to look away for most of the video, his heart aching for his best friend to be in this situation.
Finally, as the end of the long, twenty minute video came to a close, the unmasked male stood up and stepped backwards, closer to the camera and spoke in a gentle, calm voice, as if he hadn’t conducted such a horrendous act.
“If you don’t want this to happen to you, then you all will meet us at the docks within the hour. The turtles in exchange for the girl. Hurry, she may not make it too much longer.” He stated before one of the men shoved the knife deep into your collarbone region, thus ending the video.
It didn’t take long for the turtles, April, and Casey to get to the docks. They peered over the ledge of one of the warehouse buildings and gathered data from the scene below. They saw four masked men standing guard around the dock, one masked man standing at the dge of the dock with you, blade to your neck, and the unmasked male standing in the middle of the dock. None of the six knew who this guy was, or what he wanted with the four brothers, but none of them were going to find out. Whilst being stealthy, they all closed in on the scene, proceeding with their plan.
Weapons put away and hidden, Casey and April stepped out, each holding onto one of the turtles arms. Casey holding Donatello and Michaelangelo, April holding Leonardo and Raphael.
“We have the turtles. Let our friend go,” April stated. The male glanced up and smirked. He started walking closer until he was within distance of examining each of them. A proud, wide grin etched itself across his face as the four masked men walked up and grabbed each turtled from April and Casey.
“We had a deal,” he started, snapping his fingers in the air.
The masked man put the knife away, then proceeded to push you backwards into the freezing salt water below.
Leonardo quickly pulled himself free as the masked man holding onto Raphael yelled, “They have weapons!”
Raphael, Donatello, and Michaelangelo pulled themselves free and quickly grabbed their weapons, preparing to fight the enemies as Leonardo ran down the dock, pushing past the masked male, and diving head first into the water. The water was rough, indicating the storm that was coming in soon. The cold water was a shock to his terrapin body but nothing matters as much as finding you. He swam around until he found your body. You had not tried to swim up and fight against the waves. No— you were too exhausted and to be frank, to broken to try and fight to survive. Leonardo quickly grabbed your body and swam back to the surface. The waves pushed and pulled on him but he fought hard against them, throwing your body onto the dock and then pulling himself up. You laid lifeless in front of him, and he was terrified. Leonardo immediately started doing chest compressions on you, causing a few of your ribs to snap and crack from the pressure.
“Breathe, got dammit! Breathe!” Leonardo yelled as he pulled away and connected his lips to yours, breathing a deep breath into your mouth twice before returning to chest compressions.
His brothers and friends gathered around, watching him as he performed his CPR. Donatello was about to drop down and take over before you reacted, coughing up salt water and phlegm. Instinctively, you turned onto your side to keep from aspirating the fluid back into your lungs and choking, now coughing and gasping for air.
“Quickly, she’s cut open. She needs treatment,” Donatello brought to Leonardo’s attention. Without hesitation, your boyfriend scooped you up into his arms and fled for the lair, leaving everyone else behind.
You didn’t recall much between returning to lair, Donatello cleaning your excruciating burning wounds with alcohol, or stitching you up. You also didn’t realize that you had fallen asleep, only to wake up in your boyfriend’s bed. You gazed around, finding yourself making eye contact with the leader himself.
“L… Leo,” you muttered, so quietly that you questioned if you had really spoken. The turtle released the breath he had been holding in for a long minute, moving closer to you before wrapping his arms around you. You reached up and weakly wrapped your arms around his body, tears immediately snaking down your cheeks.
“I didn’t tell,” you spoke softly, hiccuping. Leonardo shushed you, nodding his head, “I know, my love,” he replied.
“I’m sorry for making you feel like there was better. No one can compare,” you continued, gripping the edge of his shell tightly.
Leonardo only gripped you tighter. “You didn’t do anything. I let my jealousy get the best of me. I’m sorry for causing you pain,” he spoke.
You remained silent, only holding onto him.
“Yes, petal?”
“Never leave me…”
“Not in a million years would I leave you.”
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