#just show your love to your fav ver <3
fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
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respectthepetty · 1 year
Well well well well!
I have seen you being asked about your fav TW BL dramas. but I’m here to ask about…… your top 10 (or however many you want tbh) BL thai dramas!
Ps: can someone else pop up and then ask you too Korean BL dramas? *wink*
Anon, I think YOU will have to come back and ask about my top Korean dramas because after people see this list, they will realize how trashy I truly am and never seek a response from me again. I've already written about my Top GMMTV Actors, my Top GMMTV Pairs, and my Top Five Taiwanese BLs, but this requested list will really show people that I am a dumpster fire, so let me present my
Top Ten Thai BLs
Before I start, I need to list my personal preferences since I have watched over 150 Thai BLs (if not 200), with a third coming from within the past year and a half alone. A show must meet at least two:
Don't bury the gay (MANDATORY!)
Be gay. Do crime! aka "Eff the police" (literally or figuratively)
I'm a messy bi, and I'll cry if I want to
Adulting is hard like my sexual attraction for you
Vice Vers(a) - Flipping the norms and changing dynamics
Next, I need to establish some ground rules:
The series must have completed prior to June 1, so Step by Step, Be My Favorite, La Pluie and other running shows cannot be considered.
It had to be marketed as a BL, so 3 Will Be Free, The Warp Effect, and Great Men Academy cannot be considered.
I could only pick a pair once, so most of GMMTV shows couldn't be considered if I picked another show the pair was featured in.
It couldn't have hurt my queer feelings, so My Only 12%, Until We Meet Again, I Told Sunset about You, and 180 Degree Longitude Passes through Us were cut for rubbing salt in real-world wounds.
A third of the final list had to be BL shows that aired prior to 2022.
Narrowing it down with those two filters, here are a dozen shows that didn't make the cut with a brief reasoning:
The Eclipse - pair already picked
Triage - the gay died each time the clock reset
Ghost Host, Ghost House - not within my personal preferences
Never Let Me Go - aired in 2022. Sorry Jojo!
My School President - pair already picked
Secret Crush on You - aired in 2022
Bad Buddy - it knows what it did to me
Together with Me - pair already picked
Lovely Writer - not within my personal preferences
A Tale of Thousand Stars - pair already picked
Between Us - it knows what it did to me
My Ride - not within my personal preferences
One more thing before I give you the list -
Honorable Mentions
To Sir, With Love
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I was raised on soap operas and telenovelas, so this lakorn was seventeen episodes of blissful drama, yet served one of the best pairings and family members of 2022. It was also a historical drama, so the ending being happy was unexpected, but much appreciated.
Destiny Seeker
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All the shows on my list have color coding, but this show wins every color-coding award I can give. As a self-proclaimed color demon, this show fed my soul and my heart with its color exchange between two great characters who were just trying to unify the Pretty Boys and the Jocks in a tale as old as time, yet more colorful than ever.
Now, the actual list
Top Ten Thai BLs
#10 - Dark Blue Kiss
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Pete and Kao went from a bit toxic in This Kiss series, to a solid couple trying to navigate the difficult situation of having one person in a relationship still in the closet. The reason was realistic as well - career. Kao coming out could have not only hurt his future, but his mother's job as well, and the socioeconomic difference between Pete and Kao was front and center during these discussions. Mix all of that with the addition of Sun and Mork and their dynamic of light enemies to lovers, and this ended up being a surprise favorite. It also had beautiful cinematography at a period when the production value of BLs was being elevated which is greatly due to director/screenwriter Aof and cinematographer Rath.
#9 - Big Dragon
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If someone would have told me during the first episode that I would like love this show as much as I did by the end, I would not have believed it, but here I am, in love with this show. It started off with two idiots being at their peak toxic level, yet ended with the softest men in love. The cinematography was beautiful, Mangkorn and Yai had a natural chemistry when teasing each other, and the music was good, so good that I actually listened to the lead sing his love confession…twice! Mos and ISBANKY made me excited to see what else Star Hunter has in store, and that was a door I had closed long ago. Big Dragon 2 when?
#8 - Bed Friend
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Much like Big Dragon, I showed up for a raunchy series about fuck buddies, but ended up witnessing two men work through trauma and showed that with support, healing is possible. King was the biggest green flag that has ever graced my screen, and the way Net's big brown eyes portray lust, love, and devotion is a skill that only matches James' embodiment of a sex kitten. I watched them in Catch Me Baby, but Bed Friend brought an entire new level of chemistry from them that balanced the heavier aspects of the show in a way that any other pair would have squandered. Because of NetJames, this show will remain in my tops for years to come, and makes me even more excited for Love Upon a Time.
#7 - You're My Sky
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We, collectively, did this show dirty. As BL fans, we did not appreciate it enough, and still don't. Because it came out in 2022, a year stacked with excellent BLs, it was pushed to the sidelines when it should have been at everyone's top for any number of reasons like the pairings were solid (childhood friends, senior/freshman, pseudo-enemies to lovers), the plot was consistent, and the cinematography was beautiful. We have a few sports-related BLs which do a great job of discussing the connection between toxic masculinity and male-dominated sports, and although this series didn't lean all the way in, it gave us a glimpse of what men must sacrifice in order to be considered the best in such an environment, especially when it comes to love.
#6 - Not Me
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Every character is shippable with every other character. That is the power of this series. Yet, because I’m petty, I’m still holding a grudge not about GramBlack (Eugene/Gene, really?!) BUT that ToddBlack did not happen! In a show that was queer in several aspects (marriage equality, society’s disapproval, found family, etc.), it was strange that it didn’t deliver on the Black front examining how power dynamics, socioeconomic inequality in regards to privilege, and performance of masculinity affect queer experiences (all possessed by the ToddBlack pairing), but what it did deliver was a great premise about fighting back against oppression (labor discrimination, educational gaps, monopolies), which is why even though the ending was shaky, it still deserves a top spot for existing.
#5 - KinnPorsche
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As much as I wrote about this show, I’m shocked it isn’t #1, but sitting through the final episode’s credits believing what I believed about Vegas left me feeling a certain type of way that I’m still not over. It had all the elements I love: Be gay, do crime, messy tears, vice vers(a), and the cinematography was perfection. Symbolism and foreshadowing were intertwined into every scene, so watching each episode was an experience and the aftermath was devouring hours of meta analysis. This was the first series I was excited to watch live unmuted and at normal speed, and I liked each pairing, plus rooted for others who were never going to happen (Big & Chan, Khun & everyone), which made this a fun journey even after the final credits finished (World Tour, anyone?!).
#4 - Love Mechanics
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I LOVE MESS, and this show gave me ten glorious messy episodes of the messiest mess. Much like the chokeholds VeeMark excelled out, this show had me by the throat (implication intended). I was shocked when it was announced En of Love: Love Mechanics would be remade and extended from four episodes into ten. I liked the original, but the basic plot (drunkenly having sex right at the beginning – how very Together with Me of them) did not sit well with me the first time around, yet once I saw the remake’s trailer, I WAS SOLD! Look at the angst! Look at the pining! Look at the chemistry! Look at the same steps and dorm from Together with Me! I could write forever about this show because it is better than the original, it was so similar to Together with Me that I had to squint to make sure it wasn’t, and the happy ending with Mark’s tears, although never doubted, feels like a personal win, which is why it was my number one of 2022.
#3 - Manner of Death
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MaxTul own me. Every couple I watch gets compared to MaxTul and the chemistry they bring. Together With Me is a favorite, but when Manner of Death aired, it spotlighted the evolution of MaxTul in the most beautiful way imaginable. The dark plot of drug and sex trafficking was difficult for most, but both of these characters' commitment to finding the truth in their own way while taking on the ACAB attitude even towards the one police officer they did like was a buffet that just kept serving me. I was truly worried because of the nature of the show that a happy ending wouldn't be possible, but not only did the show end with vows being exchanged, but the promise of another season as well. TRANSPLANT WHEN?!
#2 - Moonlight Chicken
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This was an adult show and toes the line of being truly queer media rather than a standard BL. I felt seen every time Jim sat silently examining his life and his choices. His hesitation to open his heart again to another person after being hurt in such a realistically queer way in a country that doesn't have marriage equality almost made me cut this show due to hurting my queer feelings. However, if I was willing to give up three pairs (FirstKhao -The Eclipse, GeminiFourth - My School President, and EarthMix - A Tale of Thousand Stars) for this one show, I knew it had to included. Aof working around the grief of losing a parent while examining gentrification and generational trauma all through a queer lens is a feat most would fail at, but this show shines, literally and figuratively thanks once again to cinematographer Rath.
#1 - He's Coming to Me
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I must end where I began - Aof, the director and screenwriter, changed the Thai BL game with this one, and hasn't slowed down since, which is why two of his other pieces are in my top ten, and several others are featured in my short list. Cinematographer Rath has also made his mark on this list, and it all started with this one for me. No other BL series has stuck with me the way He's Coming to Me has. Not one element of this show doesn't work. It's cohesive. It's emotional. It's everything to me. I cannot give this show enough praise. It created a unique magic in eight episodes that hasn't left my heart for four years.
And probably never will.
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Now, who wants to ask about Korea?
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p-receh · 3 months
What was your fav part? Mine? ALL OF IT
3 things.
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Not one by one like the comic counterpart, but literally Boboiboy used a freaking Hepta Split!
Tbh my expectations were low cause I was skeptical that Monsta not want to bring them after that last ep (link). But HOLY SHIT WTF???!!!!
I am absolutely jumping in my seat like a football supporter, I can't--
They got short screen time--I DON'T CARE. They still got a chance to team up once again after a whole 8 years since the first movie! Besides, that movie also shortened their screen time.
Whoever decided to make Oboi's armor resemble an ant needs a raise. That's freaking clever.
Btw it seemed their hats were locked with Oboi's position. Also, Hali, and Duri were the only elements that used their sword? Interesting...
"Kembali Beraksi" rearrangge version in the background during the whole scene?? Yes please!!!
Even though it is just short, their portrayal somehow solidified my deduction about the elementals.
Anywho I am still in tears that they finally showed up on screen again. That is my personal wishlist ever since when they announced the show. I am already satisfied with that alone tbh (like really, why should Monsta need to cut that part where they were essentially the big part of the promotion during the Windara comic arc??)
2. Finally Monsta went bold.
Oh, I looooooove that moment. Monsta started to not hold back and I am captivated by every single one of it. The dying scene was well executed, all voice actors were perfect, and this scene reminds me of this.
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In my opinion, this scene was also a test for their next project which honestly more dark and horror(the most horror arc throughout the galaxy series for me)
Can I say Nurfathiah Diaz as Beliung here was downright phenomenal? Like holy shit, this is by far her best performance imo, yet.
Her voice acting was blown me away and I could see her improvement from Taufan's first debut to Beliung's was....I'm-I'm lost for words right now.
Look at this line delivery! (Her laugh felt diabolical and I love it.)
"Tuanku yang seksa penduduk planet ni, paksa orang tua dan budak-budak kerja di lombong, tapi saye yang biadab?!"
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Edit: Turns out she was pregnant when recording Beliung??
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My Respect to her went rocket. Wow.
As a person who watch her performance since the very first season of Upin&Ipin until Boboiboy... I couldn't be more proud :')
And the animation team seriously packed the action right to the tea! Reramos was absolutely blasted the whole way by Beliung. He's as ruthless as Taufan's OG era!
See? See??? Being patient is worth it guys. Therefore I was easily enjoyed the design choice of Beliung's TV ver without seeing leaks.
Taufan's upgraded board also acted as weapons and wings? Genius. And also directly parallel to the first fight with Maripos. He even said this:
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The way Beliung flies on his board almost looks like this.
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Now I am 100% ready for other 3rd tier designs if this is what Monsta decides to continue on.
(oh I will draw this with the cyber Sonic for sure.)
To end this, Monsta decided to some sort of "invite" Oboi and Kuputeri into a small dark room, purposely to give a more in-depth conversation between the two, linked by Kuputeri's telepath power.
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In my opinion, I prefer this strategy rather than the comic counterpart. Cause in a way, Monsta wants to show the bond between Kuputeri and Oboi as same as how Tok Kasa did with him in movie 2. Symbolize by placing the hat as they entrusted their power to the very same boy.
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It might be exaggerating but that jumbled corrupted effect when Beliung's struggled? Impressive. Even more impressive that Monsta knowingly used the same effect when "finally" showcasing Beliung's card.
Speaking of ads, now they released the merchandise after the debut.
Talk about self-aware :/
Everything's not perfect and I do have slight issues, but honestly? I'm pretty satisfied with this episode! They ended it nicely done!
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Are they not use DWIFUSION as their next title? If so, Gentar arc and Baraju arc are separated! Thank god! My biggest worry apparently will not come true! Alhamdulillah!!
PS: Oh wow, would you look at those numbers! 2 million within 3 hours when I screenshot this. What an impressive improvements.
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bambisnc · 6 months
seunghan as hindi songs is a NEED
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seunghan as hindi songs!
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chogada. seunghan is literal the human incarnate of this song i take no argument tyvm. the softcore + lovecore vibes are just so pure :( i can so see him singing this to you with all the earnestness of the world in his eyes; and imagine him pulling you in mid performance during the dance think that one rapunzel scene :((
next we got ishq wala love~! cutie coded songs for the cutiest bbg ever c'mon,, and the love triangle vibes of the movie... but no because think of him being the soft, sweet childhood friend male lead of the love triangle tm but the thing is : with him you'd also get the lowkey possessive, mysterious, quiet guy AND the sunshiney one..
moving onto a black and white one; pyaar hua ikraar hua. this is THE old timey forbidden, star crossed lovers song ,, the sharing of a single umbrella out in the rain <3 the guy being like "why is your heart afraid of love..?" and the girl answering "its saying that the road to love is difficult and that the final destination is unknown/hidden" (loosely translated) siiiiighs
one of my other fav old songs -> likhe jo khat tujhe. i mentioned in my op : true love hc for riize, seunghan is such a "writes long love letters (w cute self-written poetry,,) on perfumed paper, decorates the envelope with kisses, puts in dried flowers w the letter" kinda bf <3 the lowkey playful (dare i say coy), teasing vibes of the song fit him so well tooooo
also for your consideration, mere sapno ki raani !!! like yess girl (gn) he is the type to chase after your train in a car - probably with sohee's company - and serenade you mid journey yk ?? also the lyrics. the way he describes the female lead. it's seunghan. it's him. and again the vibes of the music really remind me of him
back to like 2018 music,...... hawayein. okay but this song was really popular at my school for the longest time and i swear i thought i'd never wanna listen to it ever again - but i happened to hear it recently and oh my god./// the softness and the yearning which i think is really well captured w the high notes and clinky music :(( the ease and smoothness really make me think of seunghan.. imagine a strangers to lovers/summer fling with him except he totally is the type to get attached and track you down after you've bid what you thought was the last farewell. prob shows up with like a rose at your door while it's raining like ".. hi."
(okay alsox2 -> radha from the same movie ._. LIKE IMAGINE js screaming out songs at the top of ur lungs w him, full on vibing almost like ur drunk and mid way he'd grab your hand and intertwine the fingers with his own uff)
special mentions : ZAALIMA. he's so in love with you and he WILL make it known to people whether they wanna know or not. + apna bana le - the malewife vibes are strong w this one <3 he'd be so down bad that everyone except u and him would know about it fr,,
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notes : pushing my good old fashioned lover boy hani agenda fr !! + why do i feel like w each member the posts r getting longer.. + [m.list]
tags : @nicholasluvbot <3
[wonbin's vers] [eunseok's vers]
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fineprintedsunsets · 1 year
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✪ Bucky Barnes Master list. All one-shots/drabbles/mini-series written on my fav super soldier :)
✪ Trigger Warnings are displayed at the start of each chapter, show your support with reblogs and likes. Feel free to rant in the comments. {more fics are always being added ;) }
✪ Navigation | Marvel-Masterlist | b.barnes playlist
♢- smut
✧ -fluff
♡ -comfort
☻- angst
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Pinky Promises - Part 1 ♢ ✧ ☻ | Part 2 ♢ ✧ | Part 3 ♢ ✧ (completed) You met Bucky while delivering something for a friend, and from that night on, he’s regretted it.
Red Room Toy Collection - Part 1 ♢ | (ongoing)
Bucky loves toys, when he uses them on you, that is
Dead Ringer - Part 1 ♢ ☻ | Part 2 (ongoing) (part 2 is with steve, but the lore is connected) You and Bucky have found refuge in an underground bunker, and it's breaking you both.
Pick up, doll ♢ ✧
You receive a face time call in the dead of night from the winter soldier himself, and he sounds very needy.
Dead Ringer (bucky ver.) ♢ ☻
You and Bucky have found refuge in an underground bunker, and it's breaking you both.
Jaw Breaker ♢☻
Bucky's been hired to watch you as a favor to his best friend; your father. But when a game of spin the bottle has Bucky choking on his words, he just can't help himself anymore.
A.I.R ♢
Your "Bucky Bots" are acting odd, and you're determined to fix the malfunction.
Buck In The Backrooms
just a short comedic imagine
Better Tomorrow ♡
Bucky promises you a better tomorrow.
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The Wolf-Lamb Trials - Part 1 ♢ ☻♡ | Part 2 | Part 3♢☻
Deep in the Wakandan countryside, a predator stalks through the tall grasses in wait of his prey. He doesn't know though, this will be the toughest lamb yet.
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Cupcake Affairs ♢ ✧☻
Your sugar daddy will make sure you get anything you want, even if it's another man.
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moonjxsung · 9 months
whats your wishlist this year?? (p.s. can ik abt your album and pc collectionn)
personally my wishlist would be
1. skz 2024 seasons greetings
2. oddinary hyunjin jewel case ver. pc
3. seungmin + in maxident pc
4. hyunlix matching rings
5. oddinary album
6. noeasy album
7. phone keychains
8. conan gray superache album
sf i have 13 albums with 1 in life, 1 maxident, 3 5 star, 2 rock star, 2 fml, 1 seventeenth heaven, 1 manifesto day 1, 1 the name chapter temptation and 1 personally signed youth in the shade album (all member signed on the cover and jiwoongs personal letter inside 🥺🥺🥺🥺) i have around 80 photocards in total
its been over a yr (almost 2) since i became a kpop stan so i think my collection is pretty good sf 🥳
YES I LUV THIS QUESTION you guys ask the coolest fucking questions wtaf I love u all so much it HURTS……
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Left pic is my album collection AND my prized possession magazine collection 🫶 I try to keep a copy of every magazine Felix is on bc he is actually my muse and then I wanted Lee Know’s beauty magazines so bad but they were so hard to find (please don’t ask how much I spent on them it’s so embarrassing😭) ALSO special shoutouts on the merch shelf: signed Felix postcard, my Hobi jitb windup box, confetti from my ptd shows & the maniac encore and my Jimin doll 🤓☝️ for pcs I mainly collect hobi from bts and Felix but I honestly have a LOT in my binders (bts, skz, Shinee, nct, Ateez, twice, Blackpink, Bobby, svt and a lot of others) but my binders are mostly just Felix & hobi. ANDDDD there’s a pic of my desk too w more of my kpop stuff, fav things are probs my hobi designed pot set, bbokari, eepy Hyunjin print from that one talker ep and my lil slogan from the maniac encore 🥺🫶 I luv my kpop collection so much I could talk abt it forever I’m so proud of it idksjxkkdksjdkdjejej
ALSO UR WISHLIST AND UR COLLECTION SLAYS POOKIE………. I want the Season’s Greeting’s so bad too ☹️🫶 also rly want every single Onew album there is, Felix’s GQ magazine (it will literally be the last magazine to complete my collection), Felix’s Dicon set and the Felix Kenzo perfume! I’m saving up for the Louis Vuitton trunk purse Felix was gifted but it’s literally $4K lmao will keep u guys posted 🤨🫶 ILY POOKIE if I ever have extra stuff I wanna do a giveaway for you guys or something I love helping people find their wishlist items I HOPE U GET EVERYTHING U ASK FOR….. love u forever and ever and even more than that tbh 🫶🫶🫶☹️☹️💓
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jylesthejester · 1 month
An introduction cause I've seen a lot of pages I follow have one and I don't so-
{ General stuff }
☆ Names i go by are Mist, Jyles, or Ucm!
☆ I have many prns I use but the main ones are He/Him, It/Its, They/Them, Byte/Bytes, Vamp/Vamps, Space/Spaces
{ Fandoms (main) }
♤ Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (all vers)
♤ Rockymedia/Ryguymedia
♤ Horrormashfriends/Ybamedia
♤ Little big planet (mainly lbp3)
♤ Ducktales
♤ Cuphead
♤ Gizzygazza roleplays (clue, purge, etc)
♤ Casino Cups
♤ The little club
♤ TSBS/The security breach shows
♤ Jonjon media
♤ The Invisible Davis media
♤ Stardew Valley
♤ Good pizza great pizza
♤ Invader Zim
{ Miscellaneous }
◇ my favorite spider is the green Lynx spider, my favorite tarantula is the Brazilian white knee
◇ most of the names I use are from fandom characters (fun fact)
◇ My fav TSBS chars are Sun, Frank, Jack, and Foxy :D
◇ My favorite computer games at the moment are minecraft and roblox
◇ My favorite minecraft blocks are the pistons(for sound. Satisfying.) And the green froglight :D
◇ My favorite stardew villagers are Haley, Clint, Gus, Shane, and Gunther :3
◇ Sometimes I'll build stuff based off of ocs or fandom chars in minecraft ^^
◇ I make art sometimes
{ A few songs I enjoy }
♡ Ship in a bottle - fin
♡ She say he say crash test dummy - FlimsByNB
♡ Flight of the crows - Jhariah
♡ Ur Vampire - 6arelyhuman
{ Webtoons/Books I like }
♧ My vampire roommate (webtoon)
♧ Any of the FNaF books
♧ Gravity falls journal 3
♧ Unfamiliar (Webtoon)
{ ask box }
Don't put in ask box :
¤ Hate against fandoms(the ones im in or that other people are in), the people I follow, the people that follow me, the things i do, or just general hate
¤ Don't force your headcannons/ships on me
¤ Nothing problematic
Do put in ask box! :
¤ Any art you've made (I love seeing other people's art ^^)
¤ Questions (it is an ask box afterall)
¤ Rambles about fandoms/theories/hcs
¤ things you'd want thoughts on
¤ Questions about any ocs or creations I've posted here!
¤ Anything that isn't on the "don't put in ask box" list ^^
Socials! :
Ao3 - Hyperlinks_Constellations
Spotify - C4s3ys_L1ght3r
Tumblr - Guess /j
YouTube - UCM_Toxinz⭐️
Pinterest - Alankyeldrichentity
Other socials(? If you can call them that) :
Roblox - Poppe6Sans6Afton6 (listen I made the user during 2020-)
Minecraft - M1nt00z3
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thatgirl4815 · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
Tagged by @abstractelysium - thanks for the tag! ❤️ I had fun writing this. Sorry it's taken me a few days to do this; I've been pondering my answers, lol.
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL media that you actually listen to.
🎶They do not have to be custom-made for the series.
🎶Non-western tracks only. Let’s support Asian music and languages!
🎶Feel free to tag anyone who may be interested in participating.
🎶Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find the new favourites!
Gotta add my own little disclaimer here...I've seen quite a few BLs, but I'm extremely biased towards a certain few (as you will soon see), particularly in the music/soundtrack department. That will be extremely apparent here, I'm afraid.
Also, I can't possibly order them because I love them all too much. So in no particular order...
Free Fall - This OST singlehandedly changed the course of my life. I could not stop listening to it back in my KP airing days. The Eng ver AND the Thai ver are both bangers, and I think they fit KP's vibe so well. I also have to give a special shoutout to "Free Fall (Love)" because I personally think the theme is even better on the piano. I still hum it regularly.
Why Don't You Stay - I'm a sucker for Jeff Satur's voice. He's got such a nice tone, and the song itself captures the more loving, less brutal side of KP. I also have to credit this song with turning me into a Jeff Satur fan in general.
Over the Moon - I'm afraid this is where my bias starts to show, haha. The Eclipse is such a special show to me, and like KP, I think OTM captures the youthfulness of the series with its more heavy themes. It also just reminds me of AkkAyan so much every time I listen to it, and I can't help but reminisce; they truly were a cultural reset for me. It's not a song I jam to like Free Fall, but I'd be lying if I said I don't get all in my feels while listening to it (esp with The Eclipse's anniversary just the other day)
Your World, My World - Every time I hear this, I remember just how much Our Skyy2 LOVED the guitar riff at the beginning. Seriously, the AkkAyan ep must've used that same guitar riff at least 3+ times per scene. Not that I'm complaining though. Like Over the Moon, I think it captures the AkkAyan dynamic well--and, might as well say it, it feels like FirstKhao's anthem at this point.
Let's Try - The newest addition to the list. I can't stop listening to it. Obviously I'm a fan of Khaotung's other OSTs (see above) but this is a whole new vibe for him that he matched perfectly. The high note?? Golden. Haven't seen anyone else point this out, but there's a special muffled effect they put on his voice in the last chorus that just...speaks to me. I can't explain it.
I know I'm only supposed to do 5, but I'm gonna give a special shoutout to Living For You from NLMG because it's just...so sweet. I don't know how else to describe it. Phuwin's deep voice, the piano...NuengPalm is so soft despite the brutality of their world and this song is a perfect encapsulation of that.
Ok, sorry if any of you have already been tagged, but I'll tag @nihilisticcondensedmilk, @invisiblegarters, @luckydragon10, and @aprilblossomgirl! (No pressure at all, but I'd be curious to see what ya'll's favs are ❤️)
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zhiamomence · 2 years
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Hi. Welcome to the results this form, where your message about how do you feel when Hesokuri Wars one of the oldest and longest and quite popular of official Osomatsu-san game ever.
First of all I would love to say thank you to 41 participant to responses of this survey about it, especially of your shocked comment that you find out this game is gonna discontinue after October 2nd this year (I believe it'll end around 3pm Japan Time and theres event about it. idk what the fuck is going on here). Second of all, to anyone found out recently that this game will close soon as I mentioned it before, I'm sorry that you just found out about it :(
Pretty sure that the results gonna take longer than I thought, so I decided to hide half of it just in case not to clogged out your dashboard haha here we go!!
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The first question I asked is anyone played this game before. 70% said yes, 29% said no, and no one choose the third one.
Which sounds great that you guys played it. For whoever never play it thats fine too bcus I know that 1. Its in Japanese and its hard to get the game (Eventhough theres english ver but they discontinue most of the recent part like in Japanese ver game) 2. its a gacha game that means you had to buy something if you want to get something premium sets that is cool but we'll talk about that later
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Second question is how do you guys feel after they announced that they gonna kill this game.
I can see that most of you guys are really sad because of the one thing, the fucking AUs. yeah I know that bcus one time i played it before but had to quit bcus i know you have to buy somehting that you wanted but i feel wasted to do it so I quit after that (i never pay the gacha sets btw all i do is to pray to get lucky)(i only got lucky once)
seems like 4% really angry about the announcement or maybe they found out about it. Whichever is it I understand that. 17% agrees that gacha game sucks including this game and thats funny I agree to that. Only one person (2%) so fucking glad this game is coming to gone.
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This one is about what's everyone most fav AUs from the game. Some of you guys never choose one.
I calculate the similar answers of all of those AUs bcus its too many so I give you the most top 3 fav AUs which is
Musical ( 9 votes )
Denki Mystery and Youkai (both 5 votes)
Akuma Riders ( 4 votes )
Congrats to Musical AU being jammin' and swagless as ever lol!
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But this is not mostly about that, I'm gonna show you guys my fav, top 3 best comment anonymously by anyone who wrote this question's answer
No. 3
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No. 2
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and No. 1!
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Congratulation to these answers!!! it made me a lil laugh hehe. to anyone who sad that their answers is not here, dont fret about it. I had to put top 3 best one instead of 5 or 10 bcus this post is going to be too long im sorry
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This nothing to talk about more of this bcus it was quite new tho, we'll look up after they disbanded hesowars (kind of) so for who dont know, you can check it out here!
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A friend of mine got me an idea while I'm writing this sillay questions but this is quiet srs to talk about that I've been wondering if the game is quite one your likes. 75% said yes and 24% said no.
Lets look for the detail of what you guys like and otherwise of your opinions! Let's start to the screenshot best comments whoever choose "no" :
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and heres the one who choose "yes":
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All of those comments both ways are all great! Sorry that your answers is not in here I don't want flooded too much with most of it
My thoughts, which is not relevant but I want to put this jic lol: When I was play the game when it was new I found it a little bit of fun where is sometimes you can do anything or to choose not to control anything if you have the chance like one time I can just play the game while I'm on lunch or something. But hey that was like uhhhhh 5 years ago? I stopped it few year ago but I still keeping up with the game with the AUs sets update and such till the end.
There is also some pros and cons from what it answered above such as Pros: love the every characters design/Cons: had to cost money for that character set etc etc but from what I'm trying to understanding this is 100% yall thoughts when Hesowars is going to end after years of keep going on:
That we all going to be sad theres no new Osomatsu-san Heso Sets / Story mode anymore after this. :( Other of that yeah bye bye i guess.
But hey! the new game I mentioned before is also made by the same company so we dont know if they bring some AUs up but hey I said I'm not sure yet till they'll announce something soon we'll see! Also I will try the new game and I 'll review about it but who knows lmao.
OH YEAH i forgot the last question:
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I told you guys that should I kill this guy I have for years and heres the result to wonder:
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So most of you guys choose Option 3...................... heh....................... I see........................I get it...................
that means you guys want me kill him mORE LETS GOOOOOOOO
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 years
I had to delete the old poll because I realized it was set for 24 hours instead of 1 week.
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peapod20001 · 2 years
8!!! For Shirley!! ik he's had enough for a Look Book, but what's your fav?
First there are probably like. All time favs. They do VIBEY. and GOOD LOOKIN. COOKIN THE GOOD LOOKIN
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I would have put all the ones I saved BUT there is a 10 image limit on tumblr but that’s FINE cus otherwise I’d repost all. Of them (which was only a couple more but still)
Shirley in drag always welcome in my heart and my eyes... ❤️
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Legally obligated to share og ringmaster suit (slut vers) an valentine outfit cus of the hands (that are really good for some reason??)
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Mmeeghggg they can even pull off!! The ugliest of clothes!!! How do they do it!!!! (It’s the SWAGGER. The CONFIDENCE)
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Last one is just posed so amazing and the hands are very good idk how I managed it tbh I was just winging everything LMAO
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I just fucking!!! Love Shirley!! He’s my dress up doll my darling the love of my life!!! I very badly wanna redraw all these now thank you <3
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ikigaisvt · 1 year
your top 5 favourite jeonghan moments?💝
J- this is so hard,, the way i could name so many moments of this boy,, he truly makes me the happiest, there's so many important moments that made him be this important to me.
you got me going on a rant so im absolutely sorry to anyone who's gonna read this,, it's way too long but oh well, i just really love this boy.
- first one is clearly in in the soop 2, when he talks to seungcheol & dino and he says "i want to be someone like an island". the first time i saw this moment, i sobbed my eyes out because he actually succeeded at his goal; he is my island, in all ways possible. (expect i never leave him when i get better). i aspire to be this good of a person (imagine being able to wish people could use you to get better and leave once they're happy? im in shambles,,)
- second one is, once again, a moment that pulls at my heart strings. it's in going seventeen ttt ep.23 (camping ver.) when they all talk about how much they love and care for their team and seungcheol suddenly says (about jeonghan): "he talks like he almost only has us." and hoshi adds that jeonghan once said he hopes the members don't undermine themselves because he only has them. and jeonghan just,, gets the biggest smile on his face, blushes so profoundly and giggles while hiding behind his jacket, i just- shy and blushy hannie is my fav hannie! jeonghan was always presented to me as a prankster, someone that doesn't show deep emotions but once i got to know him on my own, i realised how he doesn't say much about his feelings but he feels a lot. it's clearly one of the moment that pulled me in <;3
- enough about heartfelt stuffs! fourth one was during caratland 2023,,, it was on day 2? when he asked, during greetings, what day is today? and carats answered nothing because today wasn't a special day at all. he was SO happy with his prank, he got so smiley and kept saying good good like. MAN. you can prank me everyday if you look this cute. i love him.
- third one is when he teaches dokyeom what gaslight means. i don't know what it is about that video but i just LOVE it,, i watch it 24/7. tbh that whole live has such good vibes i just absolutely adore it!! and in general, jeonghan lives are my favorite things on earth <3 he is just so chill, so funny and so comfortable, it feels like being on a video call with a friend!
- fifth one is in going seventeen good offer when jeonghan betrays cheol/gyu and their team and for like. 10 minutes? he ends up team less but THEN he sides with hoshi's team and get them a win despite them being way behind on the other team! i think it really shows how intelligent he is and how the members are willing to follow anything he says,, i just love that gose so much
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hoppipolla · 1 year
5 Songs Tag - QL Shows Edition
Thank you for tagging me @sollucets @ueasking @athousandbyeol <3 I apologise for the late reply :(
When you get this, list 5 songs from the Asian QL shows that you actually listen to.
They do not have to be custom-made for the series. Non-Western tracks only. Let's support Asian music and languages. Feel free to tag anyone that might be interested.
Add #5qls tag to your post for others to find new favorites!
From Sing My Crush (KR)
A recent fav is My Fault by Bain (Just B) and also the ver sung by Do Yoon (hope we'll get to hear more of his singing).
From Moonlight Chicken (TH)
Tomorrow (พรุ่งนี้) written by Sin (ซิน) and sung by Ford Arun.
From The Eighth Sense (KR)
You N Me Us and basically all the songs featured by Wetter.
From Once Again (KR)
Didn't really enjoy the series but I loved the OST especially Other Side by Runy.
From Eternal Yesterday (JP)
Sunshower by Ayumu Imazu. I miss Micchan and Koichi so much nowadays :(((
Not tagging anyone because I lost track of who already did this game and those who didn't ><
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drunkjaked · 2 years
what shows do you like?
mm.. my favourite is modern family i've watched it a billion times i love it (except only up to season 7 (i think) bc the whole show isn't out on streaming here and my fav booky sites don't work anymore :(
i also love the office, and how i met your mother, 2 other shows i've watched a bunch of times – i really love like easy to watch, comedy, sitcom type shows but i'm easy so i'll watch anything i can get in to :DDD
this netflix show called dead to me just came out with season 3 on friday but i've been a little busy so i hope to get around to it soon <333
the last show i watched was dear.m (i watched for jaehyun but it was so so good) i literally watched the whole show last weekend instead of doing my uni stuff
also love gossip girl, i think it's the show i've watched the most.. so so good
uhm ok.. tl;dr – modern family, the office, how i met your mother, dead to me, dear.m, gossip girl, jane the virgin (currently rewatching), misfits, peep show (british ver), come dine with me, community..
that's all that's coming to mind rn but i'm sure i forgot a bunch :/ thank u for asking !!!
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couchpotatoaniki · 7 months
BTS Who-Does-It: Song Edition (Idk What Vibe this is But it's a Vibe ver.)
All the songs I've chosen are some personal favs from what I like to refer to as my Daddy Issues playlist lmao. I don't think these songs are really accurate to each member so I've just done mini little stories for each one based off the lyrics and vibe.
Tw: vaguely explicit content, explicit language, references to alcohol use
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood is this person's theme song.
If Arctic Monkeys had to choose someone to represent Do I Wanna Know?, it would be this person.
Who is basically DEVILISH by Chase Atlantic?
Crush by Ethel Cain manifested this person.
Who was the inspiration of House of Balloons by The Weeknd?
Who is the embodiment of Marvin's Room by Drake?
Who has the same vibes as In the Essence by ¿Téo?
A few honourable mentions bc why not?
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Teenage Fever by Drake
Billie Bosa Nova by Billie Eilish
Belong to the City by PARTYNEXTDOOR
Own It by Drake
23 by Chase Atlantic
My answers are under the cut but please feel free to send me your answers in the ask box!
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1. 'Sweater Weather' by The Neighbourhood is this person's theme song:
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The sluttiest thing a man can wear is a sweater, but the way Namjoon's muscles stretch the fabric deliciously hits that spot in your stomach just right. You shouldn't really think of your neighbour this way, but you can't help appreciating the sight of the man through your window--though it's not like he doesn't return the favour back to you. You see the way his eyes dance over your form, especially when you wear those comfy little high-waisted shorts that leave little to the imagination. Heated looks and short, loaded exchanges are the most you get until someone ends up at the others' place. When you're with him, he won't let you leave to face the cold outside all by yourself, not when the beaches you both live by (which he hates but sticks around for you) seem to make the air even chillier with their winds from the sea.
God, the thin shirts you wear leave your neck exposed and he wonders if feels as cold as your hands do, if it'll warm up if he wraps one of his hands around it. He so desperately wants to take care of you--loves taking care of you as if it's the only thing that makes sense, so when it gets cold enough for sweater weather and especially when the skies looks grey enough to unleash even a small trickle of rain, he'll pull you right in into his house to keep dry. Pulls you into his arms and offers up his own sweater to keep you warm. Or he won't and he'll keep you warm in a different way that doesn't involve any clothing.
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2. If Arctic Monkeys had to choose someone to represent 'Do I Wanna Know?', it would be this person:
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Hoseok normally is talker, a bright ray around people with a social battery to be envious of. Hoseok with a crush, however? That man is generally one of few words, afraid to spill that confession that sits right at the tip of his tongue. When he falls, he falls hard and deep and it feels vaguely maddening, even more so when he doesn't know if you feel the same and needs to keep it to himself. He wants you so damn bad to the point where he thinks of you in his drunken stupor, comes up with songs about you, calls you half-conscious just so the last thing he hears is your voice as he falls asleep. Sometimes he wishes you'd call him like that.
You could be together, if you wanted to, if you'd just give him the word and he'd kiss you like he dreamed he would. He'd fuck you like he dreamed he would, the way he can't fuck anyone else when you're the only thing on his mind. But until then, he'll keep his mouth shut (except for through his songs, they're all quite telling) and just keep crawling back to you because he can't let you go.
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3. Who is basically 'DEVILISH' by Chase Atlantic?
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Yoongi makes no pretence to show himself as anything he's not--but what he is isn't really socially acceptable so he puts barriers up, makes himself distant and cold. Then by some random coincidence he meets you, sweet and kind and definitely to innocent for him. Well, he doesn't know if 'innocent' is the right word, not when he catches flickers of something when you look at him. Something... corruptible. Lord knows someone who's thrown himself in Hell and let it consume every fibre of his being shouldn't think someone like that, never mind touch them.
You're the Good one, the type to follow the rules and have a healthy work-life balance, deserving of the white picket-fence suburban wetdream with a good partner who treats you like he loves you, like you're the angel deserving of worship. He has demons and the last thing they would do is get on their knees for anyone--they'd rather make you do that instead. But you're too sweet for him to do that so for this, at least, he tries to make an effort of resisting. He wants you to settle down with someone else because he's absolutely no good for you. But there's only so many times the devil can refuse you, especially when you willingly worship him with your hands and tongue and body like he's some god deserving of your affection.
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4. 'Crush' by Ethel Cain manifested this person:
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When you've got a family like Jungkook does--overachieving brother, emotionally unstable mother, absentee father, the works--you don't really blame him for being the way he is. It's basically a stereotype at this point and he doesn't really care all too much about going against the grain, just against society or whatever the hell that means. There's something captivating about about him, though, you see the influence of the crowd he hangs around with as clear as day--it's what most people see--but you also see a bit of the good boy in him. The one still hanging onto to the cliff edge by the skin of his teeth to not be a total disappointment and fall into the waves of depravity. It's losing day by day since he has a problem saying 'no', but you don't mind that. And he doesn't mind you knowing that.
He won't admit it, but he likes you as his ride-or-die. Likes as the one he tells his shit to, the one he fucks in the back of his mum's Mercury, the one who knows he's not as tough as tries to make himself look and is still in his corner after he gets pummelled on the streets for doing something stupid. Your own parents are concerned about the company you keep, about his company, but you don't particularly care because it doesn't really matter in the end anyway. Good men die too, so you'd rather be with him for however long life has a hold on you.
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5. Who is the inspiration of 'House of Balloons' by The Weeknd?
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The man is a viper, a classic charmer with hypnotic eyes and lips that spill alluring words that convince you to do almost anything. Seokjin is not dissimilar to a Venus flytrap, but since he met you once again--an old face that he had forgotten from when he was a kid--he's only really had one thing he's wanted to consume. Adulthood changed you into something he wants to keep all to himself, far from the naivety you both shared in childhood. Close once and all of a sudden distance came between the two of you and then you became just another memory among memories at the back of his mind. But seeing you in the flesh at a random club, he can't ever remember a reason why he forgot you in the first place.
You barely recognise him when he reintroduces himself to you, but flickers of the boy you once knew still ghost in his features, and it clicks in place. But there's something about this new version of Seokjin that intrigues you, and you can't ignore how this new interest forms in your lower stomach as something warm. You see the hunger in his eyes, and you know that were he to take you to his place, he'd never let you leave again. And when you get there later in the night, you don't think you'd mind his monopoly over you--not if he makes you feel this good.
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6. Who is the embodiment of 'Marvin's Room' by Drake?
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It's been a while since you and Jimin broke up--a few years give or take--but he was never able to forget you. He indulges himself with all sorts just to fill that void your absence left in him. But tonight seems to be some sort of breaking point where he just can't ignore how no matter what he does, that void never fills quite enough as he'd like it to. So with something strong in his system--tequila or vodka, he can't quite remember right now--he rings you up. and from how you pick up his call, he knows that the lucky bastard you're with right now is not around.
But that relationship had ended not too long ago so you didn't feel guilty picking up his call--not as much as you did when you were trying to get over him by getting under someone else and it still not working. He plagued you mind, regardless of all the bad that surrounded the ending of your breakup, and recently you've just felt so alone that you pick up even while your friends' voices scream at you not to. You can tell he's drunk, but you're eventually a bit tipsy too from a glass that magically appears in your hand. The next thing you know, he's at your door and underneath the stench of alcohol and smoke and whatever remnants of the club he was at, he still has that unique intoxicating smell you miss. It doesn't take long for your bodies to collide, clothes left haphazardly on the floor, and for him to warm the sheet you felt were so cold earlier in the night.
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7. Who has the same vibes as 'In the Essence' by ¿Téo?
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Taehyung never expected you at his door, soaked to bone in the middle of a storm like this. He especially doesn't expect someone he would loosely consider as a office rival that he respected at his door, dressed up as if you were out someplace nice and fancy. He can spot the rainfall dripping through your necklace and rings, the way it highlights all the curves and divots of your body and makes your well-fitted outfit a bit see-through. Well, a lot see-through. Little is left to his imagination and his brain has a short moment to rewire itself until he remembers you're still standing in the freezing rain with little in the way of layers to keep you warm. Inviting you in, he can't seem to ignore that familiar need in his chest, in his dick whenever you and your smart mouth are around.
It's over a cup of warm herbal tea, and a quick explanation of a botched date that left you stranded in a nearby restaurant, that those guards in your eyes he hates so much begin to crumble and you both start divulging in conversation that feels too intimate for late in the night to be safe. At one point, he notices that you've both eaten up the space on the sofa, used mugs forgotten on the coffee table, and both of your hands start wondering. He can see that shadow in your mind, tempting you into giving into him like he's been secretly begging you to do for years now. Sees it growing louder as your hips sway gently against him and he prays that if you give him a chance, he'll change. Would be the thing you need in life, because there is no going back from having you like this, vulnerable and open with him in a way you never were before--and mixed in with the smell of rain and your perfume, it becomes the most addictive essence he can't bare to part with.
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0 notes
shoyoist · 2 years
ive heard amazing things about emma !! i think there was a movie adaptation with anya taylor joy as emma and i heard clueless was like a modern adaptation of it as well !! thatll def be the first one i read from the list <3 plus !! ive also heard wonders about the picture of dorian gray n now that it was the rekha™️ seal of approval ill go ahead and give it a read as well 🫡
i'd also love to hear about your top faves and how getting into classic lit might have changed/shaped the way you think? did it have a positive impact or sometimes a negative one? do u think it helped with your writing? how did you get into classic lit as well !! go full geek on me id love to hear you out :D 💕
HAHA the rekha™ seal of approval ‼️ YES YES emma had such a good movie adaptation. my favourite lines were delivered SO WELL i loved itt. & yes, clueless was based on emma as well! that's how you know it's a really fucking good story imo <3 and hmmm, i have such a hard time choosing faves out of anything i enjoy, whether it be songs or shows or books...
but really, the picture of dorian gray🏆. the fantasy elements and the villain protagonist and everything just SLAPS so hard i loved it from start to finish. the entire message of the book is revealed to you in the first few chapters, so you sort of spend the rest of the book wishing and begging the main character to get the message as well? that's how it felt to me. the entire time i was like PLEASE REALIZE!! YOU DONT HAVE TO DO THIS YOU ARE LOVED YOU ARE CHERISHED! JUST THE WAY YOU AREE 💔💔 lmao i was very heated and very absorbed the entire time. i've been listening to an audiobook ver. recently and it's great as well!
apart from that, i really like fyodor dostoevsky's novels. the brothers karamazov, and crime and punishment are my fav works of his! they have pretty dark themes in them though.
+ yes omg reading classics definitely helped my written and spoken english. i read my first classic (in eighth grade, with a dictionary beside me because i did not understand like 70% of the big words in it 😭 and ever since then my english has only improved with the help of my big books<3 and also my view on lots of things in life were gradually changed. we all know how beautiful the quotes in classic lit. are, and when you actually get to them by the process of reading the book, it hits much harder and you receive the meaning so clearly. i think amongst other things, reading made me a lot more romantic HAHA
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