#mirio x reader scenario
bea-does-stuff · 1 year
𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 (𝐦𝐡𝐚 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
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Warnings: it gets a lil spicy but still sfw
Word count: 238
Characters: Dabi, deku, hawks, kirishima, shigaraki, todoroki, aizawa, bakugou and mirio
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They give desire filled kisses, the kisses are needy, passionate and rough. They like pulling your lips deeper and deeper into their own. It’s one of those kisses that only ends when you need to breathe, a string of shared saliva connecting your lips. They like to hold you from somewhere when they kiss you too,this can be the hips, cheek, neck, hair, ETC…
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They give soft and gentle kisses, loving ones that always put a smile on your face, it’s a relaxed yet passionate kiss, a tender kiss. They like to hug you while kissing, and sometimes one of you is on the others lap, it’s a kiss that could only be made by someone who truly loves you
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They give a type of kiss best described as playful, Imagine you too having a tickle fight, before they eventually pounce on you and give you a kiss while you're both giggling. They like to hold your hands while kissing, it makes them feel protected and makes them feel like they’re protecting you
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It’s a bit of a shy kiss, it initially starts with them being hesitant, but they end up drowning in the kiss, melting against your lips. They hesitate to touch you during the kiss, but when you wrap your arms against their neck they can’t help but hold you in their embrace, your their world
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thefiery-phoenix · 9 months
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Ight, so just imagine that you were there along with the Big 3 and Deku at the Eri mission, but you didn't go to the UA. After you saved Eri, she had taken a liking to you and pretty soon, you got an invite from All Might himself to join UA'S hero course and yeah, you became a part of the Big 3 pretty quick
During the mission when you didn't know anyone, Mirio saw you trying to protect Eri with you super fabulous quirk and the way you were so.... brave..... 
Tamaki and Nejire see you too and they stare at you in shock and wonder..... you were PERFECT for them and they HAD to rescue you from the horrors of the world no matter what 
So, when you got into the UA, they ALWAYS made sure that you stayed with them and yeah, they were kinda clingy to you. Like, KOALA BEAR kinda clingy, and that's when 3 delusional obsessed yanderes get added to the mix of your fan club 
Tamaki doesn't go insane so quickly, but he agrees that you're very cute and fragile and despite you being strong with a powerful quirk, you could get hurt and that's why Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki wanted to protect you at ANY cost and YES, that also includes kidnapping you but we'll get to that later. You're patient and friendly with him and you like his shy manner and his cute elf ears (lol, who doesn't?)  And as you grow closer and closer to them, Tamaki can't help but think and wonder how blissful and amazing life would be with JUST you, him, Nejire and Mirio and no other distractions in the way 
Nejire, on the other side, decides that you were MADE for each other after she sees you in action. She and the others CANT allow their darling to hurt themselves!! So, expect them being all fussy over you. She is the DEFINITION of clinginess; She'll either be holding your hand or hugging you like a koala or something else. You are of course, oblivious to her signs of actions and you think they're just friendly gestures from a friend, but she sees it as you liking her back and YES, I mean the romantic way. If you do something nice for her, she'll think that you're doing this for HER out of love (WHEEZE- OMG I CANT!!!! XD ) 
Compliment her dress? You must have a crush on her and love her. Invite her for a sleepover or to go out for a snack? She loves you as well. Going for a walk in the park with her? Are you planning on PROPOSING to her? She doesn't bring up whatever you do since she thinks that your gestures are really cute and adorable and you're just shy to cane in to your feelings. And THAT'S why Mirio, Tamaki and she are there to ''HELP'' you understand yourself better and take care of you. On the outside, she just thinks that you're shy but inside, she's BURSTING with her feelings of how cute and shy you are and she starts cooing and squealing all over the place till Mirio and Tamaki have to calm her the FRICK down
Mirio, on the other hand comes up with thousand and one nicknames for you and spends ALL his time thinking about you. Since Mirio is kinda muscular and strong, he'll just smile and stare creepily at the person you're talking to. If it's a girl, Nejire does the honors and if it's a guy... well... He'll make sure you stay away from him. Expect Mirio to be VERY VERY OVERPROTECTIVE of you and yeah, don't forget.... he likes hugging the HELL out of you so don't be shocked when this cuddly hug monster hugs you out of nowhere
Well, they pretty much team up together to keep you safe, but they HATE it when you smile with others. Tamaki is good at manipulating you since his shy personality can come into place (Oh, this boi KNOWS how to play dirty) whereas Mirio and Nejire prefer coaxing the hell out of you like some puppy. If you get hurt, they will by absolute means not leave your side like, AT ALL, and they'll get even MORE clingy than usual. And if it's because of someone, well.... they can kiss the world Sayonara~
But.... yes, every story DOES need some action and drama and kidnapping and all that, so *POOF* (Insert dramatic drumroll here please and cue the suspense music) The LOV KIDNAPS YOU!!!!!!!!!
Well, after the initial freaking the HELL out and after Tamaki crying and everything, they DO eventually manage to save you but they're convinced that their WORST fears of you not being safe anymore is confirmed so they do the only LOGICAL thing that your everyday yandere does: Kidnap you
But... on the bright side, you get to see Eri and WHAT A SHOCKER: SHE'S A PART OF IT TOO!!!!!!! She liked you ever since you saved her and yeah, she likes clinging on to you since she feels safe when she's with you and the Big 3
And yeah, so they kidnap you and assure you that it's for your own good and safety and they put a quirk cancelling cuff on your wrists and baby-proofed the entire house since they obviously don't want their precious little sweetheart (ie, YOU) to get hurt
''It's only a matter of time sunshine that you realize you aren't safe out there''
''Bunny, don't worry, everything's going to be all right''
''Oh sweetie, we'll ALWAYS protect you no matter WHAT and NO ONE is going to get in our way....''
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writingblog-23 · 9 months
mha incorrect quotes pt.2 mirio is my man
mirio: Last week, y/n tried to flush a live lobster down the toilet "because it worked for Nemo".
*y/n starts laughing manically in the background*
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firerose18991 · 2 years
Lonely Bunny
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Mirio Togata x Bunnygirl! Reader
Summary: Mirio is unknowingly a bad pet owner and suffers the consequences.
A/N: College/pro hero Mirio. Part of a collab I entered by @fuwushiguro @taijuwu and @twicesangel hybrid collab masterlist.
Info: neglect and comfort, SMUT, fingering, unprotected sex, pet names(bunny, bunbun)
WC: 1,845
Mirio was in his cramped bedroom studying for the final lengths of college on top of that had to manage his budding career as a pro hero after highschool. His roommate had taken an opportunity outside of the country to gain experience in different parts of the world as a hero. It was great as it meant the shared apartment was still covered and he had all the room to himself. The only problem was the pet hybrid they left behind. A cute bunny.
Mirio was fine living with the pet but hadn’t expected to become a full time caretaker on top of that. You were fairly self sufficient likely because his roommate wasn’t an exceptional owner. But neither was Mirio.For the first few months during the semester Mirio simply fed you throughout the day. You'd have the occasional walk in the neighborhood and were left to your devices for the rest of the time. At the end of the semester Mirio had warmed up to you a good amount. After his work and classes he would spend time with you, watching shows or throwing your favorite toys, until you curled up on his chest for the night.
More recently though his poor bunny wouldn’t even approach him. He had only taken small notice of this yesterday, when you refused to eat her dinner but he had to sleep for the next day and couldn’t dwell on the matter too long. He got up the next day and headed straight to his last final of the semester not knowing he would return to his apartment completely torn apart in the evening.
At first when he arrived he searched for signs of a break in making sure the bunny was also still in the house. Then he found you curled up in his closet with a t-shirt of his you had shredded in her hands. He knew exactly who the culprit was.
He saw red. Only for a moment, he didn't raise his voice, he took a deep breath and sat on the floor across from you. You noticed him upon his exhale and pushed yourself deeper into the closet.
“Y/N. Come over here please.” he tried his best to be non threatening. He just couldn’t believe such a sweet bunny could destroy a whole apartment in 4 hours.
You crawled out after a few minutes of quiet. As you got closer Mirio beckoned you into his arms. He held you for a bit.
“Tell me what happened today.” After getting no response from you he thought about calling a vet, to make sure you weren’t sick.
Mirio left the room to get his phone but was interrupted by a call from Amijiki. He answered.
“Hello, Mirio” .
“Hey Amijiki, how's it going?” He was relieved to hear a familiar voice.
“I'm going to be in your area tomorrow and want to patrol alongside you if you have the time.”
“Oh I…I don’t know if I can. I have this thing…Do you know anything about bunny hybrids?” Mirio could only think about helping you for the time being even if that meant calling out from his agency for the first time.
“Is there something wrong with your friend's pet?” Tamaki had already met the cute bunny girl prior to Mirio’s roommate leaving, but had no idea she was left in his care.
“Yeah, she tore up the place today. I have no idea why.” He sighed through the call.
“They’re pretty high maintenance pets. They require a lot of time from their owners for cleaning, you have to keep them busy, and they get lonely so people usually buy them in pairs if they work outside the home. Honestly your roommate is a bit dense for getting something they can’t take care of.” Tamaki said bluntly.
“Heh, well I’ve been taking care of her for a few weeks alone.”
Mirio felt embarrassed and almost certain that they had no idea how to properly take care of a bunny hybrid before this.
“Well what do you do to calm her down?" Tamaki had fostered pet hybrids before and was prepared with the basic care regimen for any hybrid.
"Uh I let her run around till she's tired most days."
"That explains why she trashed the place." Amijiki said lowly (lower than usual) before continuing. "You should work on some engaging relaxation techniques."
"Like T.V." Miro perked with his suggestion.
"No, that might be the worst thing to do. You can try cooking, bathing, or pleasure. Basically things you would do anyway."
Mirio thought for a second.
"Wait, I'm supposed to be bathing and pleasuring her? She does that stuff herself". It'd be impossible to not know how much bunny hybrids enjoy indulging their carnal instincts. But Mirio had assumed it was a personal experience for them.
"After all the time she's been with you it's impossible she wouldn't try to initiate if you didn't." Tamaki said, doubtful a bunny hybrid or all things could go months without an orgasm.
"Well she touches herself in front of me but I just assumed that she didn't understand privacy and left her alone…hello?" Mirio had gotten nothing but silence on his end of the phone. Tamaki was too busy pinching back the stupidity induced headache from Mirio.
"Well then that's something you should start with. And be thankful she didn't aim any of that anger at you. Bunny hybrids can be aggressive if motivated." And Mirio sure did give the poor thing a good reason. Tamiki hung up the phone before he was dragged any further into Mirios' mess, also deciding to delay his trip to his city till next week.
Now that Mirio had a plan of action all he needed to do was execute. It wouldn't be too hard, like a one night stand with a human girl and he didn't even need to flirt with her all night. So why was he so nervous? You weren't some innocent bunny, he'd seen you get up to all kinds of "activities" before he'd politely excuse himself.
In helping there was always the possibility he could make the situation worse. He peeked into the room to see your floppy ears drooped around your face and did his best to walk into the room seemingly knowing how to help. He scooped your body up and brought you to his bed. You didn't sniff about his collar or peck little kisses on him like usual. Mirio couldn't believe he let you get to this state.
He pulled you chin up from, where you buried your face on him and pressed his lips into yours tenderly. Your little cotton tail twitched up in curiosity. You were always so obedient for him, he didn't even know how lucky he was until now.
As he kissed your pillow soft lips and ran his hands up your sides cupping your breasts ever so often. His hands tracked down your body and nudged your clothed pussy. He began to lift your light slip-on dress off your body. You were eager and he didn't want to keep you waiting.
Your lips only separated when he pulled the dress over your head. One of Mirios large hands cupped your breast and his thumbs grazed your nipple.
“Do you like this?” he watched you squirm as he pinched a nipple. You nodded, your little cottontail bounced everytime his thumbs brushed against your sensitive bud.
Mirio was pleasantly surprised when you grinded down on his lap, leaving behind a small damp spot on his pants.
“I'm gonna take good care of you.” Mirio breathed into your neck, applying more pressure to your clit.
You straightened up from the shots of arousal running up your spine , tightening your eager hole around nothing. You grinded back down into Mirio's hand. He finally decided to slip your panties down your legs. He got a full view of the gorgeous mess of slick surrounding your twitching hole. Mirio inserted two fingers into your warm hole, his eyes watched happily as you sucked his fingers further inside each time he moved them.
You squealed from the long awaited comfort. He curled his fingers against your walls and your toes curled against the cool fabric of the bed. Mirio laid you back on the bed fully and began shifting his sweats down to free his dick. He stroked himself while leaning up to trail sloppy kisses down your neck and chest. You bucked your hips ever so often to gain friction against the fingers inside you. He lifted your hips to position his head with your pussy.
“Don’t move too much or I won’t be able to help you.” Mirio tried to steady your squirming body.
Finally he lined himself up and sank in perfectly. You let out a drawn out moan as you were filled by his full length. The girth of him caused you to twitch as he pushed deeper into you, feeling just how fulfilling the stretch of your pussy was. Mirio groaned each time you experimented with the feeling. Tightening your walls at different points of his strokes, making it almost impossible to not cum inside right then.
“C'mon bunny cum for me" He urged once he had found a comfortable pace for himself.
You grinded your hips up against his dick to hit the sensitive points primed by Mirio's fingers. This coupled with you twitching around his dick. You whined with each of your movements and balled your hands into Mirio’s shirt. Mirio hissed from the sensations, he was determined to let you finish all over his dick.
"So fuckung wet.". Mirio rasped as he grinded in time with you.
Your warm squishy cunt was sloppy after a few grinds and soft squelching emerged from your collective movements. The moans you let out drove Mario insane, he felt himself strain inside your velvet walls
"Miri…" you released his shirt to hold his hand. Your hips started to feel weak but you weren't at your release yet.
"Lemme take over." He brought you hands down from his shoulders and leaned back to push himself impossibly deeper. You whimpered when he pulled your hips up to meet his.
Strings of pleasure connected the two of you when he pulled out. He brought you back down slowly into a position he could grind up into you
"This is how you like it?" Mirio gave an experimental bump. You tightened deliciously around him.
"That!" you squeaked breathlessly.
He continued to crush his body against yours, rubbing against your clit with each push against you. Your little bunny brain was a fried babbling mess when you met your release. Mirio kept you full until you came down from your high.
"That was so good bunny" Mario mused at the little puddle on his chest
"Sorry" you sniffed through your aftershocks still seated on Mirios dick.
"There's nothing to apologize for, bunny. We'll clean up tomorrow."
-The End💙
partake of the harvest, they won't ripen again till next season😳
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herofics · 2 years
Okay I have one. How about mirio, izuku, and bakugou (separately) finding out their s/o had been going back to therapy again and didn't tell them. Like they used to be in therapy years ago but seemed to have "gotten better" but still ended up back in therapy. That's kinda how it's goin'.
I miss therapy tbh, sure it was very draining mentally, but it helped me so much. I still have counseling once a month but it’s not really intensive therapy like I used to have almost five years ago. I could use some more frequent therapy again tbh. This is again on the more hopeful and comfort rather than angsty side. In their twenties and living together I guess. I decided to put Deku and Mirio under the cut, so check there if you want to read them
~Bakugou Katsuki~
“Why the fuck wouldn’t you just tell me!? I feel like I’m entitled to know when my partner isn’t doing well, so how about you don’t keep things like this from me?!” Bakugou growled in a very annoyed tone.
“It’s just therapy, Katsuki, it’s no big deal” you tried to argue back, but he wasn’t having it.
“It’s just therapy” my ass, there’s a fucking reason you’re going there. No one goes to therapy without a reason, especially not someone with your mental health history” he ranted.
Bakugou was incredibly pissed, mostly at himself. He had noticed you’d been a bit more shut off recently, and he hated himself for not having noticed how bad you were truly feeling.
“You could use some damn therapy yourself” you muttered under your breath.
For a moment Bakugou looked like he was about to start raging at you, but he just exhaled deeply and pinched the bridge of his nose with two fingers.
“Fine, fine… You’re probably right about me needing therapy but we’re not talking about me right now. Could you just please tell me what made you go back to therapy, so I can maybe fucking help?” he said more calmly.
“I… I just wasn’t feeling like myself, at least no like my good self. The intrusive thoughts, anxiety and depression were getting bad again, so I figured I’d nip it in the bud before it got really bad” you shrugged.
“So why wouldn’t you just tell me?”
“I guess I just didn’t want you to think I’m weak. I’ve been doing well for such a long time and I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me” you said, trying to sound unbothered.
“Babe, you’re one of the strongest people I know. You’ve gotten through so much shit on your own, but you’re not alone anymore, so don’t act like you are”
That got you to go quiet. He was right, you weren’t alone anymore, you hadn’t been for a while now.
“And if I’ve got any say in it, you’re never gonna be alone again” Bakugou added, stepping towards you and pulling you into a hug.
You were so darn close to tearing up but you fought the feeling to the best of your ability. You wrapped your arms around him tightly, grasping the back of his shirt and burying your face to his shoulder.
“Just fucking talk to me too, okay? I’m always here for you and I want to know first hand if you’re not doing well” he said, hugging you tighter.
“Thank you” you mumbled into the shoulder of his shirt, trying to hold back tears.
~Mirio Togata~
You’d decided to go back to therapy, without telling Mirio. You had been doing well for such a long time before this, but since things had started to go downhill, you had decided to get some help.
You weren’t really sure why you hadn’t told Mirio, maybe you wanted him to keep believing you were doing well and that he didn’t have to worry about you. Maybe you just felt like if you got better quick, he would never need to know about your little slump.
You didn’t want to burden him with your problems, since he had so many other things going on. He had just taken over the former Nighteye hero agency and was busy with all the new applications and the new recruits. Mirio was going to work early and coming home later and later every day.
Mirio felt bad about working so much, so he had arranged himself a free afternoon, so he could surprise you with a nice dinner. He really wanted to make up for basically only being home to sleep for the past month or so.
He came home at around two in the afternoon. You weren’t home, as he expected, you still had an hour before your work ended after all. You were usually home at about half past three, so he had time to make a shopping list and hit the grocery store for the dinner ingredients.
Half past three came and went though and you were nowhere to be seen. When the clock hit four, he decided to call you. You didn’t answer and his text had also gone unread.
“Damn” he muttered.
Mirio wasn’t exactly worried yet, but he was getting there. He decided to start the dinner preparations to keep his mind off of the whole thing. You were just running late, that was surely it.
You’d gone to therapy straight after work. It started at half past three and would end at five, since it was a double session.
When the session ended, you checked your phone. There was a missed call from Mirio and a message as well. The message was asking if you were okay, and if you were running late coming home.
You didn’t realize why he would ask those things since you assumed he would be late at work again. But while you were walking home, you realized he must have been at home.
“Why did he have to do this today?” you sighed and shook your head.
You decided not to answer his text since you were close to home anyway and it wouldn’t take you long to get there.
You hesitated for a moment when you got to the front door. You would have to tell Mirio where you’d been, or to come up with an exceptionally good excuse. You sighed and put the key in the clock, twisting it open.
The moment you got the door open, you were hit with an amazing scent of food. Of course he’d cook for you, he usually did on his days off.
“Hey” you greeted as you shut the door behind you.
“Hey babe” Mirio said, peeking his head out through the wall of the kitchen. “Where have you been?”
“Therapy” you said nonchalantly as you hung your jacket on the hanger.
“Oh?” you could hear the surprise in his voice as his face disappeared back through the kitchen wall, and he soon walked around the corner.
“How long have you been going?” he asked.
“About a month now” you said.
“Is there a reason you didn’t want to tell me?”
“I… don’t really know” you sighed. “The food smells amazing, could we maybe just eat?” trying to worm your way out of the conversation.
“Sure, but I would like to know why you didn’t tell me?”
“I’ll tell you as soon as I figure it out myself” you joked dryly.
You tried to walk past Mirio, but he grabbed your hand to stop you.
“I’m sorry I’ve been working so much, I know it can’t be easy on you since you have to be alone so much” he said, with a sad look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare think this is in any way your fault. I hadn’t been feeling the best for a while before I decided to go back to therapy” you said sternly, placing your hands gently on his cheeks.
It broke your heart to see him like that. He always took everything upon himself, even when he definitely didn’t need to. You didn’t want him to blame himself for this. It wasn’t his fault, it wasn’t anyone’s fault, sometimes things just happened and there wasn’t anything anyone could do to stop those things from occurring.
“Just… promise me to keep me updated on how you’re feeling? Even if I’m not here all the time, I want to know if you feel even a little bit down” Mirio said tenderly, grabbing your hand from his cheek and placing a kiss on your palm.
“I promise, as long as you promise me you won’t burn yourself out with all the work stuff you have going on”
“I’ll try not to” he said with a jokey tone.
You smacked him on the shoulder lightly with a roll of your eyes, earning a chuckle and an over dramatic “ow” from him, before he wrapped his arms around you and lifted you off the floor.
“I love you and I hope you get the help you need from therapy, and I want you to know I’m here whenever you need me” he smiled that stunning smile of his.
“I love you too” you smiled.
“Shall we go eat?” Mirio smirked.
“Oh yeah, I’m starving”
“Alright” Mirio said excitedly, and lifted you so you were fully in his arms in a bridal style carry.
“You don’t need to carry me, I can walk” you giggled.
“You can’t stop me” he grinned.
You just rolled your eyes with a smile and snuggled your face to his chest.
“I don’t even want to” you muttered happily into his shirt.
~Midoriya Izuku~
Midoriya was running around the city on patrol, when he noticed a familiar figure on the street next to the building he was on top of.
He was about to float down and call out to you, but you went into the building. Midoriya wasn’t sure what you were doing in that part of town, but as he jumped down to look at the building, he realized it looked familiar.
He was pretty sure it was where your therapist had had their office a few years back.
“Why would they be here?” he wondered out loud as he landed on the street.
“Omg! It’s Deku!” some passerby shouted excitedly.
Before he knew it, he was swarmed by people wanting autographs and pictures, and the situation with you slipped his mind.
When Midoriya came home that evening, you were sitting on the couch, munching on some chips and watching some TV show.
“Hey” you greeted, without taking your eyes off the screen.
“Hey, were you around the main library today? I thought I saw you there” he asked, trying to sound nonchalant but failing miserably.
Midoriya couldn’t think of anything else that was near the therapist's office so he just went with the library.
“Yeah, I… went to see my therapist” you said quietly, turning off the TV.
“Oh? Can I ask why?”
“I’ve just not been feeling that good lately, that’s all, nothing major” you shrugged.
Midoriya sat down next to you on the couch and took your hand.
“Are you sure? I’m proud of you for getting help, but I also know it’s hard for you to ask for it, so something must be wrong for you to get back to therapy”
“I didn’t want you to worry so I tried to hide it, but I’ve been pretty depressed again lately, and the anxiety has been getting bad also”
“Oh love” he sighed with a sad look in his eyes.
Midoriya felt bad for not noticing how bad things had gotten for you. He had known you weren’t having the easiest time with your mental health, but he didn’t know it was this bad.
“It’s not like things are super bad, I just decided to do something about it before it got really bad” you said, squeezing his hand.
“I should’ve noticed, I’m sorry I haven’t been there for you lately, I don’t have any excuses” he said.
“It’s not your fault, these things just happen sometime” you said.
“I want to help you going forward, please tell me if there’s anything I can do for you or anything you need” he said, looking at you with such conviction in his eyes it made your heart melt.
“And I love you so much for that, but I don’t want you to drive yourself crazy with how I’m doing. I’m going to talk to you more from now on, as long as you promise to also talk to me” you said, putting your hand on the side of his face and brushing his cheek with your thumb.
Midoriya leaned his head into your hand and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You chuckled because him doing that reminded you of a very cute bunny. He put his hand on top of yours to keep it on his cheek.
“I love you Izuku” you said and kissed him on the forehead
“I love you too” he said and opened his eyes, looking at you with an adoring expression.
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stellar-imagines · 1 year
HEADCANONS REQUEST:  ❝hopeless romantic S/O.❞
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[ Fandom: Boku no Hero Academia ] [ Characters: Todoroki Shouto, Togata Mirio, Aizawa Shouta ] 
「Headcanons of Todoroki, Togata, Aizawa with a hopeless romantic S/O.」
♤ You absolutely love rom-coms and always drag Todoroki into watching with you. Through this, Todoroki learns a lot about the idealistic views of love that you have. He could see how much you want it so bad. You openly give your comments throughout whatever movie/series/anime you're watching, talking about how romantic the couple was being. That romantic scene where they dance underneath the rain and kiss? You bet that the next time you go on a date and it rains, Todoroki will re-enact that just for you.
♤ Constantly texting, or video calls when you're apart? He's not used to it. Sleeping together whenever you have the chance and 24/7 contact? Still something new to Todoroki. It's almost as if you want to merge with him instead of spending your time with him. He doesn't see a problem with you being around him but there are times where he gets a bit uncomfortable. However, this sweet boy doesn't have the heart to tell you himself. When someone points it out, you start to realize how clingy you have been. Todoroki immediately steps in, letting you know that he's fine with it but tells you to pace yourself and preserve boundaries.
♤ There was one time when he was sick while you were away from the dorms, visiting your parents. Todoroki expected to just sleep it off and suffer alone but when you came barreling into his room with 10 different brands of the same type of medicine, he knows that he'll be spoiled rotten. He feels very guilty about it and tells you to leave but you were pretty stubborn. There are many occasions where you can't say no to everything he asks you to help with. Even though it's sweet, Todoroki wants you to concentrate on your other needs.
♤ He's bad at planning things that's why he leaves it up to you. You're always so optimistic and excited when it comes to date planning, he loves the way your eyes light up when you talk about the things you both will be doing together. He tries really hard to meet all your expectations but he can be a bit dense at times. Unlike you who expressed love easier and gets disappointed when reality doesn't match up to your fantasies, Todoroki doesn't wear his heart on his sleeve. So you have to be patient with him.
♤ But it's not one-sided with Todoroki. At some point, he feels as if you're the only one putting effort into the relationship. You constantly do big gestures for anniversaries, birthdays, holidays, and special occasions and he never really returned the gesture. He does everything he can to impress you, even going as far as to reach out to his friends and getting them involved with the planning. The last thing he wanted was for you to feel as if he doesn't love you as much.
☆ Mirio loves it, every big and small gesture you do never fail to make him fall in love with you even more. This guy is also a hopeless romantic himself. He would spoil you rotten. This guy loves planning cute dates with you. A cute picnic date surrounded by nature, where you both will eat and play around like kids on the grassy field. He will pick you up and spin you around, kissing you all over your face and telling you how lucky he is to have you. 
☆ The walking and living definition of a true gentleman. He will pick you up, escort you home and never let you carry anything if you're on a shopping date. This guy also pays for everything and has impeccable taste buds. You never have to worry about being the overly romantic one here. Mirio remembers the smallest things, like how you like your coffee in the morning, a romantic home-cooked dinner, or a surprise dinner. You love gestures that give you special memories and experiences with him, like a short trip to another town for a day.
☆ You tend to pursue your ideal view of romance by incesting everything into him. Mirio feels guilty when you start to neglect your friends and even your own interests and hobbies. You decide all of your time, energy, and effort to chase the dream-like romantic relationship you sought, so much that you lose yourself along the way. When in reality, Mirio loves you just the way you are. You don't have to constantly buy him gifts, shower him with praise, and all lovey-dovey. Mirio reminds you to take it slow and let your relationship unfold and strengthen over time.
☆ If you ever talk about how you're afraid of being clingy and how there are people out there, Mirio will sit down and listen to you. He gets worried since you don't prioritize yourself at all. It's romantic and all but not when it becomes so important that you stop taking responsibility for your own happiness. Mirio thinks that you have a good, pure, and clean heart. However, there are times when he messes up and you would forgive him even though he's in the wrong. He doesn't like it when you dismiss your own sorrow, telling him that you'll eventually be okay.
☆ You love talking about your plan for the future. When you first told Mirio about how you dream of marriage, settling down, having children, and building a life--he gets a bit overwhelmed. It's not as if he doesn't want it but he thinks that you're rushing into it a bit more. He admires this quality of yours. You're honest, a dreamer, and a really kind person. He doesn't mind if you get clingy at all, in fact, he's happy you are the way you are! But he establishes and cultivates some clear boundaries so you don't go overboard.
♡ Aizawa is not a romantic person, let's just get it out there. He's kind of distant, cold, even to those who are close to him. So it will take time for him to actually warm up to you even as friends. Even if he's interested in you since day one, he will move slowly. You two will definitely start out as casual friends who occasionally talk but things will progress slowly. It's not that he's afraid of being in a relationship or anything it's just because he really wants to know you before you two take it further. 
♡ He can never relate to you when you talk about your dreams and fantasies about the things you want to do with him. Sometimes you bring up your ideal marriage, location, the best timing for a proposal, and whatnot. Aizawa is extremely protective of his privacy and very aware of the dangers of being a hero's lover. He's a special case, that's how you like to put it. He's not the romantic guy you always dreamed of. This guy doesn't have a concept of the 'girlfriend and boyfriend' relationship.
♡ Dates with him are rare and they're not the typical dates that you often fantasize about. It's not a fancy dinner at a nice restaurant, good food and a nice walk home where he will pick you up with a bouquet of your favorite flowers. His idea of dates is just spending time together with you in a comfortable setting. This means a date at home where you would either buy some takeout or cook a meal together, followed by a random movie you find. Aizawa thinks that the best date is just spending time together in the comfort of your home, doing your own thing.
♡ However, it doesn't mean that he doesn't try. Aizawa will bring you on dates outside. A nice dinner at a quiet restaurant or a small movie theatre. He's not really into PDA so don't expect much from him. Even though he doesn't really care what the public thinks about him, he doesn't want you getting involved with the press. But behind closed doors, he's different. Aizawa shows his affection with small, physical gestures instead of sweet, loving words. He loves petting your head, softly kissing and leaving notes or gifts for you.
♡ Takes it the wrong way when you tell him about how you're afraid of appearing to be clingy. He thinks that he's not doing a very good job as your boyfriend. So he tries a bit harder because the last thing he wanted was for you to think that you're in a one-sided relationship. But believe me when he says his heart races when you're close to him. He knows every single little detail of you and you have all his attention when you talk to him. Aizawa falls in love with you every day and he dreams of what it would be like to spend the rest of his life with you.
Total: 1543 words Published: 28.12.2022
Thank you for requesting! 。٩(ˊᗜˋ)و*。 Thanks for requesting! Hope we portrayed the ‘hopeless romantic’ part correctly ― author Lou
Thank you for requesting! Hope you enjoyed this! ― author Natsuki
If you’re interested in requesting, click the link below, read through, and send us something! Stellar Winter Event
Requests are open! Matchups are closed! Please do not mind the grammar mistakes and typos.
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Headcanons or a one shot where reader comforts Mirio early in the time where he lost his quirk?
If you like it, please be kind and reblog it 🥰
I really like this request. It was really devastating as he lost his quirk 🥺
When you reached the Mirios room in the hospital, you felt the tension and despair in it already. You straightened yourself as you lightly knocked.
"Come in.", came the voice from your boyfriend. Carefully you opened the door, slipped in and closed it again.
"Hey sweetie.", you said as you slowly walked towards him. Mirio looked for a second at you, before he turned towards the window. "Hi.", he murmured. You furrowed your eyebrows at how he acted. He never was like that. Never.
"What happened? Are you okay?", you finally asked as you stood beside his bed, your hand grabbing his. His fingers were lax, not closing around yours. "Mirio, please talk to me.", you added as Mirio did not respond after some minutes.
You could see how his lips began to quiver as he stubbornly stared out if the window. You let him have some time but as nearly ten minutes passed, you finally had enough. You did not understand what had happened that made him so... sad. And because of that, you walked right into his gaze and finally his ryes met yours.
And that was everthing it took apparently because his eyes filled with tears which quickly spilled over. Your heart ached at his obvious despair.
"Oh, sweetie.", you said, your own voice wobbling as you leaned over the edge of the bed to hug your boyfriend. This time, he did not denied the touch and hugged you tightly back.
"I lost my quirk.", he sobbed as he fisted your shirt and buried his face in your chest. "They took it from me with a quirk deleter.", he then added. You felt as you had no air left. His quirk got deleted? For good? Oh, you could understand him. You would feel equally as lost and as all your dreams were gone. And because of that, you hugfed him as tight as you could, stroking gently his hair as he cried into you. His sobs were shaking his whole body. He held so long back and now everything just broke out of him after suppressing it.
"Sweetheart.", you started, but your voice felt weak and your eyes were damp. "It will work out. We will find a solution. And if anyone can work around it, it will be you. I still love you but I know it will be difficult for you, to find your strenght again and be comfortable as who you are."
Mirio did not respond but he did not have to. You could understand that it was difficult for him now. Losing a whole part of yourself. A part which you relayed on was now gone. But time would heal the wound a bit and then you would find a solution. Every poison had a cure.
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sweetfushi · 2 months
hii! i just saw the mha men as girl dads thing and it was so cute😭😭🥹
could i request the same concept except maybe they’ve returned from patrol very late at night and saw their little baby asleep (or awake, take your pick✨) at the front door waiting for them?
thank you 🩷
fluff | dabi, tamaki amajiki, mirio togata x reader, established relationship, mentions of blood, burns and scars. ◦ notes. hello hello! i’m so glad you enjoyed it 😭 your request made my heart flutter and i really enjoyed writing this (baby fever was seriously activated) <3
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— He’s drenched in rainwater, another’s blood and decorated with a couple of new slashes. None too deep, but still ones to be cautious of. He steps through the front door with a groan, and considering it’s 3am, he’s surprised to find the hallway light still on. When he hears a soft snore, his heart skips a beat and he tenses, only to glance over at the bottom of the stairs to find his three-year-old son dozed off.
— Dabi takes a moment to process the preciousness of the moment, the stinging from his scars barely felt amongst the warmth in his chest. He smiles faintly, a very subtle expression, kicks his boots off on the doormat and picks the boy up. “You idiot. You know I don’t come home until late,” Dabi mumbles, huffing out a sigh. He could’ve caught a cold like this, or have a sore neck from his sleeping position.
— “You’re here,” you whisper from the top of the stairs. Dabi’s gaze is quick to find your face, admiring your disheveled hair, tired eyes and sleep attire. “He insisted he’d welcome his Dad home from his mission. He’s been down there all night,” you chuckle softly, heart fluttering when Dabi ascends the stairs and presses a kiss to your neck, wrapping his free arm around you. You take note of the blood on his arm and give him a look of annoyance, one he knows to acknowledge by heading into the bathroom for you to patch him up.
— It’s almost midnight when Tamaki comes home. The second he walks in, he's quick to lock the door behind him carefully. He’s panting from exertion but evidently calmer now that he's home, carefully pulling his shoes off just as he hears a small, sleepy whine. He looks over to the coat rack by the door to find his two-year-old daughter sleeping under it. However, from the sound of the door locking, she’s already starting to flutter her eyes open.
— “Papa!” she gasps once her vision focuses. She scrambles to her feet, almost tripping as she dashes towards him and jumps into his embrace. He’s quick to catch her and hold her tight with a small gasp, hesitant from all the blood on his hero suit. “Hey, what are you doing up so late?” he whispers, patting her back. “Where’s mama?” His daughter goes into a long rant about how you're already asleep and how she's been waiting for over three hours, sitting by the door with her snacks beside her.
— Tamaki lets out a breathy laugh, ruffling her hair. "Determined to welcome me?" She nods frantically. "Well now that you have, I think we need to get you to bed." But by the time he says that, she's already asleep, head resting on his chest and her sleepy whines starting up again. Tamaki smiles contently, rubbing her back as he walks up the stairs, into your room and places his daughter down to sleep before getting ready for bed himself.
— It's not too late when Mirio returns, about 10PM, but he's still careful when locking the door and pulling his shoes off. He makes his way into the kitchen to wash his hands, only to see you and his daughter sat at the dining table, anxious expressions painting your faces (or however anxious of an expression a five-month-old can muster). The moment he steps foot into the kitchen, you notice him, holding your daughter in your embrace as you speed-walk towards him.
— "Oh my God, love, are you alright? Who's blood is that?" Your brow is furrowed as your run your hands along his chest, his abdomen, and up to his neck. Mirio tenses at the intimate contact, flushing a light pink, but he quickly assures you that "I'm a-okay, sweetie. This blood isn't mine, some low-level villain got in my way last minute, so this is just the result," he laughs softly. His daughter squeals and coos, reaching for her father. Mirio wipes the blood off his chest before snatching her into his arms and spinning her around, their giggles filling the air.
— She starts to tug on and play with his cape, wrapping it around herself in an attempt to play hide-and-seek. Mirio indulges her and, while she's in his arms, starts running around in a mocking attempt of trying to look for her. You exhale at the sight, relief filling your chest to see his usual demeanour. Your daughter refused to sleep until she saw the beaming face of her father, and now that she had, she still didn't seem like she was going to sleep any time soon.
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sweetfushi © do not modify, repost, translate, copy or use my post in any way. all that is included in this post, aside from the fictional characters and universes, belong to sweetfushi (zee).
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anisespice · 1 year
How about walking around in booty shorts to get your man’s attention❤️❤️
you got it, anon! thank you so much for your patience and for requesting !! i took wayyyyy too long to do this lol wasn't sure who you wanted for this, so i figured i'd just make it into an "insert who you want" kind of scenario. hope you enjoy :))
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pairing: various x fem!reader
warnings: mature language, MDI. talks about posteriors (lol), suggestive themes, and i think that's all.
notes: been sick these past few days, so had to put a hold on the next part of "the fuck it list" :((( but hopefully i'll have it up sometime tomorrow, didn't want to leave you guys high and dry sooo !! hope you enjoy ♡♡♡
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐮𝐛𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐞𝐜𝐤𝐬 ∵ The ones who are caught completely by surprise, needing to do a double-take at them double-stacks attached to your spine to make sure his eyes were playing tricks. You didn’t normally wear them around the house, at least not without a big shirt that usually covered everything, so clearly you were baiting him for something; and consider him hooked. It didn't matter what he was doing before you walked into the room, consider it DROPPED + IGORNERED + NONEXISTENT. On the game with the guys? Dropped. Typing up a work email? Ignored. Watching a show? Nonexistent. Won't put his hands on you right away, his mama raised him better than that, and he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. But he will side-eye tf out your ass until you eventually have to say something—He looked like he was finna pass out if you didn’t.
"You know you’re allowed to touch me, right?"
"Thank FUCK, I thought you were gonna torture me forever - please come over here now please, thank you.”
TAKEMICHI, kakucho, chifuyu, angry, SHINICHIRO, kazutora, kyotani, kenma, aran, kageyama, deku, kirishima, tamaki, twice, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 ∵ DOWN BAD AND PROUD OF IT. Utterly shameless, eyes waste no time honing in on your ass the second you walk past him, indulging his intrusive thoughts by giving you a light smack on that thang just to watch it jiggle. Wearing a shit-eating grin when you turn to playfully glare at him; he fucking knows you love it. Doesn't even care if y'all got company either, I mean shittt - you didn't when you decided to walk around with them shorts on. Absolutely will follow you around, feel you up and everything, homie cannot keep his hands to himself to save his life. Not his fault you look so damn tempting, he just couldn't resist. Good luck trying to get anything done now, and prepare to be absolutely SICK of him. You wanted his attention, you got it.
"Oh my goddd, boy, leave me aloneee."
"Nah, don’t get shy on me now, babe. Nowhere close to being done with you."
SANZU, hanma, rindou, RAN, smiley, baji, mikey, MATTSUN, maki, tanaka, nishinoya, SUNA, ATSUMU, HINATA, bokuto, sero, denki, mirio, HAWKS, [insert anyone you want ].
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝-𝐥𝐲 𝐁𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ∵ Won't look like he's phased at all, you could be walking around in your underwear and he won't break a sweat. Honestly, he'll have you feeling stupid at first, thinking you weren't as irresistible as you thought. Fret not you sexy thing, that's just how it appeared on the outside. On the inside tho, that man was having some rather... depraved thoughts. He wasn't born yesterday, he knew you were trying to get a rise outta him, but he really needed to focus on his work right now. But, don't worry...once he's done, he got something for that ass later.
"You didn't think I was gonna let your little stunt slide, did you?"
kokonoi, WAKASA, izana, draken, MITSUYA, ushijima, KITA, daichi, kuroo, iwaizumi, akaashi, osamu, sugawara, oikawa, TODOROKI, bakugou, shinshou, shigaraki, dabi, [ insert anyone you want ].
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© 2023-2024 anisespice ッ all rights reserved. likes, comments & reblogs much appreciated!
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villain-sympathizer · 9 months
For you, what if (au) sir night eye survives, but he can’t do a lot of serious hero work due to is injuries.
So you can think is either some domestic fluff scenarios or maybe some, spices once perhap?
YES THANK YOU sorry this took so long, i worked on this in bits over the summer since i wanted to relax (plus i was rarely at my laptop to write anyway lmao)
i was going to make this smutty but i felt burnt out so its just hurt/comfort fluff!
────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
[Survived AU; Nighteye x Reader/Significant other]
[Contents: Hurt/comfort, body image issues, descriptions of scars and amputated limbs]
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────── ・ 。゚: .☽ . : 。゚・ ──────
Mirai was never insecure over anything about his appearance, at least not anything the public would criticize him about. Not his hair, not his wrinkles, nor his abnormally long neck, not even his permanent resting-bitch-face. Really, the only thing he was at least a little concerned about was how cold he’d come off as to others, and luckily he’d been getting better at that. Mirai never cared how he looked, as long as he was clean and professional about his appearance.
At least, that was the case. Then the Hassaikai raid happened.
As blessed as he is to even be alive, to watch the world laugh and to be able to smile back at them, he can’t deny that the injuries to his body were… quite the eyesore. 
Despite being fitted with a new bionic arm to replace the one that needed to be amputated, he still had to take it off at night to sleep, causing him to stand there in the mirror and stare at the scars. Scars that weren’t just on what was left of his arm, but a giant, discolored one on both his front and back abdomen that warped the skin in crooked patterns. His partner joked lightly about it with him, saying that he matched All Might now, making him a true number one fan; and as amusing and ironic as Mirai found that, it still never lessened the lingering disgust he felt looking at the damage done to his body.
“You’re feeling insecure about it again, Mir, aren’t you?” His partner, [Name], spoke up as they closed the door to their shared bedroom, making Mirai jolt slightly in surprise. He must have forgotten to close the bathroom door before getting ready for bed, and they caught him staring at his body in the mirror after he finished brushing his teeth.
With a small sigh, Mirai pulled himself out of his thoughts and began placing his stuff back in the cabinet, bionic arm whirring softly each time his elbow joint moved. “No, just… lost in thought, is all,” he responds. It wasn’t a total lie, since he was technically thinking deeply on things - it’s just they also happened to be about his scars. 
There was the soft padding of feet across the hardwood floor, disrupted only briefly then they must have walked over the rug by the bed, before Mirai saw his spouse appear in the mirror next to him. “Does it ache today? I can go get your meds,” they offered, placing a reassuring hand on his right, non-injured shoulder.
“No, I’ve been surprisingly fine this week,” Mirai says as he closes the cabinet gazing at [Name] through the mirror, a small, relaxed smile on his face. They really have been such a help during his healing and his adjustment to living without an arm. While Mirio, Toshinori, and his crew back at the agency were also helpful and accommodating, he couldn’t help but feel as if they were… pitying him, almost. 
But [Name]... they didn’t pity him. 
They showed him true sympathy and compassion, while letting him do what he still could without babying him all the time. Being a Pro-Hero themselves, they knew how humiliating it is to be waited on hand-and-foot when one is injured so severely. They were his grounding force throughout his few years of healing, even going so far as to check in on him back at his agency, now that he was back in the workforce - likely to make sure he wasn’t doing any fieldwork, and stuck purely to his office. Normally he’d get annoyed if someone was constantly barging in to ‘check on him’, but with [Name], he’s come to love their daily visits to his office. Sometimes it was to have lunch with him, other times it was just to chat and have a break from hero work, often still in their hero suit. 
Mirai couldn’t ask for a better way to spend his work days.
“You’re thinking again, love,” [Name]’s voice cuts through his memories, bringing him back to the present where they both stood in their pajamas in the florescent light of their shared bathroom. Despite staring at his shirtless, scarred torso, he found that none of his thoughts were actually about the injury at all.
“Just thinking of you,” Mirai hums in response, turning his head to press a kiss to his spouse’s forehead. “And how much of a mess I would be without you here to help me.” 
They give him a warm smile, their hand gripping his shoulder softly in reassurance. “Good, just think about that anytime you start to feel bad about your scars. That’s what your therapist said to do, right? Make positive correlations instead?” [Name] reminds him, moving out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom. “Now let's get some rest, we both have to be up early tomorrow.”
Taking one last look in the mirror, Mirai lets out a deep breath before turning and following his spouse back to their shared bed. He takes a seat on his side of the bed, reaching over with his good arm to undo the straps and mechanics of his bionic arm, letting out a quiet grunt of frustration when one of the clasps wouldn’t budge from the angle he was reaching at. Despite it being only a couple years since his injury, they were still trying to perfect a permanent prosthetic arm for him, one with the capabilities to allow him use of his quirk through touch. Something like that required time and dedicated work for it to be successful.
Before Mirai could become even more frustrated at the straps he spent years clasping and unclasping on his own, he felt a gentle touch against his shoulder blade where the clasp was, and pressure of the strap suddenly lifted as the bionic arm came loose to expose the scarred end of his upper arm. 
“You looked like you needed some help,” [Name]’s voice speaks up from behind him, soft and quiet to fit the calm atmosphere that the night always seemed to bring when they were getting ready for bed. “Sorry if you didn’t need it. You just seemed to be getting frustrated.”
Carefully placing his bionic arm in a special case next to the bed, Mirai gives his spouse an appreciative hum. “I was, so thank you,” he replies, sitting back up with a sigh. “It seems even now, fully healed, I still need help with the dumbest things that I should have perfected by now,” he mumbled, mostly to himself, but [Name] could hear him loud and clear.
They move closer to him from their side of the bed, wrapping their arms around his torso and resting their head against his shoulder, careful of his injury despite it being healed. “It’s okay to need help, even when you’ve mastered a skill or task,” [Name] says to him, their voice muffled slightly by his shoulder. “No one is perfect at anything, not even someone who spent their entire lives mastering something. Everyone needs assistance at some point, and it’s in our nature to help. You suffered a terrible injury that left you handicapped, when all your life you’ve gotten used to using both hands to do things.”
Feeling Mirai tense a little beneath their hold, they press a reassuring kiss to his shoulder blade. “But that doesn’t make you broken, or stupid, or useless, or unable to perform the tasks you used to. Adjusting to life with one less limb when you’ve grown up with all of them is insanely hard, and I can barely imagine what it’s like. Now look at me, Mir,” [Name] continues, lifting their head so that they can gaze up at their husband’s face. 
When they saw those golden iris’ peer down at them after a moment, [Name] gives him a warm smile. “No matter how small or lame the task, I’m always more than willing to help you. I will never think any less of you for what you are or aren’t able to do anymore, because I love and care about you. You are my husband - my soulmate, Mirai. No matter what happens to you, I’ll still love you, so, so much,” their words slowly trailed off into a soft mumble, nuzzling their face against his neck as Mirai leans his head down to the side to rest atop of his spouse’s.
“Even if I’m a burden?” He mutters, voice uncharacteristically low and fragile.
“You’re not a burden,” [Name] reminds him, their embrace tightening ever so slightly. “Not to me. Not to anyone. I’d wait on you hand and foot for the rest of eternity and not once feel like you’re burdening me at all.”
Their voice started to wobble, and Mirai could feel a few tears gently gliding across his shoulder and back.
“I almost lost you,” [Name] choked out. “I’ll do anything to make sure you’re comfortable and safe. I fear that if I don’t- that if I don’t appreciate every moment you’re still here with me, then I’ll never get the chance, because I never know if one day you’ll just be gone,” they take in a small, stuttered breath, their hold on Mirai loosening as he carefully turns to face them. 
His brows were furrowed in concern, his right arm coming up to gently touch the side of their face, the tips of his fingers brushing away a few stray tears. “I’m not going anywhere,” he starts with, voice low and comforting in a way no one would believe would come from the notoriously stoic Sir Nighteye. “I’ve retired from on-field duty, and like you said, my health is only improving,” Mirai says as he leans in to press a comforting kiss to [Name]’s forehead. He never realized they were holding in such a burden, constantly fretting that he one day might just keel over, or have his existence wiped away during what should have been a simple rescue mission. It made his heart heavy knowing that they were suffering from such anxiety while caring for him, yet it flattered him in a sense to know they cared about him just as much as he cared about them, too.
“I survived a stone spear through my torso and arm - God himself will have to kill me if he wishes to separate us.” That got a breathy chuckle out of his partner, Mirai himself smiling at the small victory. He loathed seeing loved ones cry, especially the person whose laugh and smiles always made his day that much better.
[Name] brings a hand up to wipe at their tears, giving Mirai a grin, although a bit melancholy. “Exactly. So please, Mir, don’t think for a second that I would love you any less than before that terrible day, okay?” They say to him, hands reaching over to gently grip both his shoulders from behind. “I don’t mind taking care of you, especially when you need it the most. It’s okay to need help with something you can’t safely do yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I needed you to reach for something because I knew I’d likely get hurt trying to get to it myself,” they joke lightly with him in an attempt to lighten the mood once more. It was successful, if the tiny snort from Mirai was anything to go by. “I know that’s not as comparable to losing an entire arm, but you get the idea.”
Mirai gives them a grateful smile, placing another kiss to the top of their head. With that conversation over, and the two both physically and mentally exhausted from the days events, a well deserved sleep was in order.
Cuddled up to each other in bed, Mirai waited until his spouse’s breathing evened out, signaling that they fell into a peaceful sleep. He slowly maneuvers himself so that his face could press against the top of their head, his arm holding them close.
“Thank you,” he whispers, rubbing soothing motions against their skin. “For everything.”
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gettinshiggywithit · 1 year
!Sun and Moon!
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Scenario:- comforting tamaki when he’s feeling down
Pairing:- tamaki x gn!Reader
Genre:- comfort(reverse comfort)
Type:- oneshot
A/N:-apologies in advance for all the crappy spelling mistakes
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You walked into the room and immediately knew something was off
It was too quiet
Now,quiet was something u were used to
Being used to quiet was something you’d learned by bein Tamaki amajiki,prohero-in-training SunEater’s, s/o
But there were different types of silence,if that makes sense?
There was an awkward silence, a tense silence, and as like now, an uncomfortable silence
In other words,THE VIBE WASNT IT
and usually when you got home,you were greeted with the sound of sock-clad feet slowly shuffling across the floor to meet you.
But not now
So you headed into your shared bedroom
And saw exactly what you’d been expecting
Your boyfriend rolled up on the bed,in the foetal position muttering to himself while shedding silent tears
This had happened before,but you’d always been there when it started (at least youd always been there for the times it’d happened while u were dating) and as a result you knew what had caused it
But not this time
Now you weren’t sure what had triggered this response In your boyfriend, and you didnt have much time before it escalated into something you’d need to call mirio to help solve
So you slowly sat down on the bed,which in turn startled his shaking self
The sight of your face and just YOU seemed to calm him down just a bit(and that in itself made ur heart do backflips.)
He looked upto you with pleading eyes and you knew he wanted physical contact
Tamaki wasnt big on touchy feely ways of expressing affection
But when it came to you and mirio,he really didnt mind it
In fact,your touches is what grounded him when he was losing himself(mirio before you came into his life and you after)
You stretched out your arms and enveloped him in a nice warm hug.and while your hands both masaged his scalp and traced soothin patterns on his back,he continued to cry.
Once he seemed to have calmed down a little and his breathing seemed to even out a bit, you asked him the question you urgently needed the answer to
“Hey tama,what happened?”
you waited a beat,not sure If he was ready to talk about it or if you’d made him uncomfortable all of a sudden
But just as your own insecurities and intrusive thoughts began to cloud your mind,he answered.
“I dont know...” and he said it so softly that you wouldnt have been able to pick up on it if you weren’t used to it.
“Its just that my heads all loud and then i think of everything everyone’s ever said and all their disappointed and disapproving faces i just....i can never get out of th-the cycle....” he continued
And as you listened your head raced trying to find a way to help him.
Once you had what you wanted to say ready, you told him.
“Tamaki,i know its hard to ignore all the bad stuff and i know it sucks ass to feel like you’re alone and no one’s proud of you ,But there are people who care about you.there ARE people who are proud of you.like me,mirio,nejire,fatgum and kirishima and no matter what happens we’ll always love you and cherish you for who you are,”
At this you looked him in the eye,his Tired and hopeless ones meeting your eager and sincere ones as you took his face in your hands,giving him a kiss on the forehead, followed by one right to his lips.
He blushed a deep red
And kissed you back the second time around.
This was one thing Tamaki loved about you,you knew just what to say and when to say it and he was greatful to have another person who shone as brightly as the sun in his life.
Afterwards you both lay down and cuddled till you fell asleep.and the next morning,he didn’t feel perfect (these things took time) but he did feel wayyy better and that was enough.your presence having the ability to brighten his dark days and gloomy moments was what kept him going and thats how youd grown as close as you were,by bein there for eachother.you for him and him for you,and even though he wasnt perfect at the art of comforting,he was getting better And that genuinely did put a smile on your face.
And in the same way that opposites were attracted to eachother ,so was your light to his dark,your bright to his dull.your up to his down;
Your sun to his moon
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
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Yandere Mirio & Tamaki X Reader
this is my first yandere post so please give me a break
in this scenario, you have already been kidnapped and this is a description of what it's like. !mentions of abuse!
Tamaki is the more gentle of the two; keeping his distance when you first arrived, and when you slowly started getting adjusted to your new 'life' he was the gentle parent. He was patient with your yelling, taught you the rules, and even when to tread lightly around Mirio.
Mirio was a little stricter. He also kept his distance at first, bringing you meals everyday, attempting small talk every now and then. But when you got more comfortable, he took on the disciplinary role. He was still gentle, but sometimes when you got too loud or in his space, bad things happened.
Tamaki is the one that comforts you after the punishment, holding when you cry, sometimes even bandaging you or taking care of bruises. He reassures you that Mirio didn't mean it, often muttering something along the lines of, "You know not to push him, baby, he gets stressed out."
He was your emotional support...in a way.
You heard Tamaki yell at you only once. You had just attempted to run away. Mirio was carrying back to that horrid house on his shoulder. They brought you inside, and you could tell Mirio was about to go off, until Tamaki pushed him aside.
He started screaming at you, yelling how it was dangerous and how you could've gotten hurt, and what could have happened. Tears were rolling down his face, and at some point he had a death grip on your wrist, his hand close to crushing the bone.
You'd never heard him be aggressive towards you. Mirio you expected this behavior from, but from him? You were sobbing when he finally stopped, body shaking. He was terrifying, quirk activated and eyes staring into you.
After that, Tamaki left quickly. You were left alone in the room Mirio used for isolation, when you needed 'alone time' after a punishment.
Togata walked in and sat down with you. "Hey, he- he didn't mean to blow up like that, you know."
You stayed silent, holding your wrist. Mirio saw your hand. "Can i see it?"
He gently pulled your wrist towards him and examined the bruise. It was already a dark brown. "I know he was scary in there, but he would never hurt you on purpose. He loves you. We love you."
Tamaki walked in, shame written on his expression. "B-baby?"
As he took a step forward, you instinctively moved back into the corner, tears already forming. He hesitated.
"Maybe you should come back another time," Mirio said.
The purple haired boy walked out of the room, looking ready to cry.
After that day, the two boys learned a lesson. Mirio was a lot more gentle and permissive, discovering that you were aggressive simply because of the stress he put you under mentally. Amajiki learned his lesson to never raise his voice. Ever since the night you ran, he argued with Mirio once, and the minute you heard him raise his voice, you started crying. Both him and Mirio heard you from the living room and rushed to the bedroom to comfort you, assure you everything was okay.
Maybe your attempted escape did more good than bad.
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Hey there Maddy! Hope you're having a good day with all those requests. I was thrilled to wake up and see you open it again. Anyway here comes the request! I know you don't usually write for MHA (my hero academia) but Hado Nejire-san is just too underrated 😤. I simply love the stories Prickly with Kanae. Could you do a pro!hero Nejire going on a blind date with gn!reader who have similar personality to Sanemi? Reader experienced family mistreated and simply dislike love. Pls don't overwork! 🥰
Blind Date
Nejire Hado x They/Them Reader
A/N: Here it is! I saw your ad-ons too and added in what I could. Unfortunately I didn’t really put a true slow burn in here because going from blind date to lovers slow burn proper would realistically add another 12,000 words easy. I tried to give the illusion of time passing, but nothing is a better replacement than buckling down and writing the whole scenario. Hope you still like it! Word Count: 4,248
“No.” (Y/n) rested their fists against the glossy coffee shop table, glaring daggers at Mirio in the booth seat across from them. “And if you ask me one more time, I don’t care that you’re my best friend, I will knock your teeth in.”
“Don’t be like that!” Mirio chuckled, lightly tapping (Y/n)’s shin beneath the table. (Y/n) tried to kick him back three times as hard, but the hero anticipated it and (Y/n)’s foot phased right through him. “When was the last time you went out on a date? It would be good for you.”
“I don’t care. I don’t have time for that crap. I don’t even know who you’re trying to set me up with so why the hell would I go?”
“Oh come on, when have I ever steered you wrong? Trust me, you guys would make a great pair if you hit it off like I think you will.”
“Tell. Me. Who. It. Is.”
“That would defeat the purpose of a blind date. It wouldn’t be fair if I told you, but not her.”
“Then I’m not fucking going.” They stood from the booth and grabbed their apron from the table top. “My break is over. Leave.”
Mirio pouted, then sighed, “I guess you leave me no choice then… I’m evoking my favor that I earned from saving your business from that coffee bean villain last month!” He declared, smiling twice as brightly as before.
“You have to be kidding me!”
“Oh I’m dead serious! Tomorrow night, six o’clock I’m picking you up and dropping you off at that nice restaurant across the city. You better dress nice!”
“Why the hell are you picking me up?”
“So you can’t bail.” Mirio nodded to himself. A fool proof plan!
The next night came much faster than (Y/n) would have liked. Which is to say they wished it hadn’t come at all. Maybe a villain would keep Mirio tied up or he’d forget to come. But no such luck, Mirio came knocking a half hour earlier than their previously discussed pick up time.
“Look at you!” He praised, making (Y/n)’s eye twitch with agitation, “You actually got dressed up. You look awesome!”
“I knew that if I didn’t, I’d have to deal with you doing it for me. The sooner I get this over with, the sooner I get to go home.”
“Can’t complain I guess. Let’s go!”
Mirio nudged (Y/n) out the door, (Y/n)’s elbow phasing through him when they tried to retaliate. (Y/n) scowled throughout the whole car ride, trying their best to block out Mirio’s awful singing along to everything that played on the radio. It was almost a relief when they finally got there.
“I’ll introduce you guys and then I’ll leave you be. Text me when you’re done… and that means you have to stay at least until you pick up the check and then I’ll pick you up.”
“Fine. Kinda bullshit that you are making me pay for something I didn’t want to do—”
Mirio took (Y/n)’s hand and slapped his credit card into their open palm.
“I’ve got you covered! I thought of everything, just relax! She’s great, you’ll love her!”
(Y/n) reluctantly followed Mirio inside of the restaurant and as soon as they were directed to the reserved table, a woman with periwinkle colored hair caught sight of them and got up to greet them, hugging Mirio excitedly.
“Hello, Mirio! Long time no see!”
“Good to see you Nejire! You look beautiful!”
“Aww, thanks!” Nejire twirled a bit to show off the full movement of her dress. “I got it a few months ago for a promotional thing. I’ve been so busy lately, I almost forgot what it’s like to dress up for a date and not crime fighting.” She laughed.
(Y/n) had watched them interact through the corner of their eye. The boiling annoyance writhing them evaporated and in its place left awkwardness and even anxiety to an extent. They hadn’t been living under a rock, they knew as soon as they saw her that she was none other than the pro-hero Nejire-chan. What was Mirio thinking trying to set them up with a popular pro-hero like her?
“So Nejire, this is my buddy (Y/n), they run that coffee shop that makes those brownies you love so much,” He slapped them on the back, not at all hard, but they did almost lose balance from the sudden blow, “and (Y/n), this is my very good friend Hado Nejire. We go way back. We went to UA together!”
“Nice to meet you.” (Y/n) mumbled, messing with the seams inside of their jacket pockets. Being cordial was like pulling teeth with them, but until Nejire proved to be a snob then they really couldn’t bring themself to be anything but subdued and polite. As uncomfortable and unnatural as that felt.
“Nice to meet you too!” Nejire surprised (Y/n) by giving them a hug too, she pulled away before they could decide if they should take their hands out of their pockets to return the overly friendly gesture, which was just fine with them.
“Mirio told me so much about you!”
“…Is that so.” If looks could kill, permeation or no, Mirio would be dead, “I was under the impression that this was a blind date. He didn’t tell me a thing about you.”
“Oh no,” Nejire laughed, seemingly unaware of (Y/n)’s downright murderous glare of annoyance, “he didn’t tell me you were going to be my date tonight. No matter how many questions I asked, he never broke, but he has talked about you in passing before and he sometimes drops your brownies and coffee off at my agency. I have to beat off the side-kicks and interns with a stick just to make sure I can get just one! They’re really good!”
“…Thanks.” (Y/n) cleared their throat. They were never very good at accepting compliments.
“Welp!” Mirio clapped his hands together, “I better get going. You two have a good night! I expect to hear all about it later!”
“Will do! Bye-bye, Mirio!” Nejire waved.
(Y/n) felt a bit of panic rise up at Mirio leaving them alone together, but they quickly stamped the feeling down. They were a grown adult, they could survive one date. After that, they could pack up their shit and move across the world because that was how embarrassing said date would be.
“Hey, aren’t you going to sit down? Or would you rather stand?” Nejire asked curiously, already back in her seat.
Great start.
“No, I’ll sit.” They slid into the seat in front of Nejire and took a couple slow sips of the water that was mercifully already at the table.
What the hell were they supposed to do now? Talk? That was one of their least favorite activities. That was why they worked in the back unless some asshat tried to harass their employees. They were too just too rough around the edges. They couldn’t even compliment a little kid’s light up shoes without making them cry, how were they supposed to do this without making Nejire feel uncomfortable?
As soon as they put down their now empty cup, they prepared to break the ice, but Nejire had been waiting for just that moment to do so herself.
“So what’s your quirk? Or do you not have one? Is it baking related? Is that why everything you make is so good? Do you have any pets? What is your blood type? Zodiac sign? I don’t really read into that stuff all that much, but I still think it’s interesting to compare. Oh! and—“
(Y/n) didn’t have to worry about keeping the conversation alive, they just had to focus on keeping up with all of Nejire’s queries. They could barely get an answer out before Nejire would acknowledge and then move on to the next question. Had it been anyone else, (Y/n) would have surely snapped, but they actually didn’t mind Nejire’s questions because she seemed to genuinely care and was making an effort to truly absorb all of the information and evened out the exchange by sharing information about herself.
Dinner went by very fast, and before they knew it, it was time to call it a night. (Y/n) paid, walked Nejire to her car, and they said their goodbyes. Nejire even gave them another hug before getting in her car and driving away. When all was said and done, the night actually hadn’t been all that bad. (Y/n) didn’t think they would get a second date or anything, but at least they hadn’t completely bombed.
They texted Mirio to let him know they were ready to go home while leaning against the brick wall of the restaurant. Then again five minutes later… and a third time with a couple colorful expletives mixed in before Mirio was suddenly calling them.
“Where the hell are you?” They snapped.
“Sorry, (Y/n)! Villain came up!” (Y/n) heard Mirio explain between explosions. “I called Nejire though, she’s coming back for you so just hang tight!”
“What? No! You call her back and tell her to forget it. I’ll just take a taxi.”
“No time! Gotta get back to work, see ya tomorrow!”
The call disconnected and (Y/n) nearly growled. They briefly considered making the call to the taxi service anyway, but they already saw the aquamarine colored car Nejire had drove off in turning back into the parking lot. The car pulled up to the curb and the passenger window rolled down.
“Hello, stranger!” Nejire teased, peering out the window from the driver’s seat. “Let’s get you home.”
“Thanks, you really didn’t have to come back.” (Y/n) shuffled into the passenger seat and buckled up.
“It’s no trouble. It’s actually good that Mirio is tied up right now.”
“Mhm! I realized on my way home that I didn’t get your phone number! That’s so silly, right? How would we be able to go on another date if we can’t easily get in touch? Although, now that I’m thinking about it more, I could have caught up to you at the café or got your number from Mirio, couldn’t I?”
“Sure.” (Y/n) didn’t mean to be so curt, but hearing that Nejire wanted their phone number and that she was already planning for a second date was a shock.
Nejire then proceeded to plan an outing for next Tuesday. (Y/n) only opened their mouth to confirm plans and tell Nejire when to turn on the street. When Nejire pulled up to the curb of (Y/n)’s apartment complex, she handed them her phone with a cheerful giggle leaving her lips when (Y/n) entered their number into a new contact.
“Bye-bye, (Y/n)! I’ll see you Tuesday!”
“See you Tuesday.” (Y/n) nodded stiffly and exited the car. They watched Nejire pull back into the street and turn at the next intersection before trudging into their apartment building.
They nearly gave the poor receptionist a heart attack when they came in all severe faced and rigid. When they got to their apartment, they took a shower to cool down and when they picked up their phone afterwards, they noticed a bunch of texts from Mirio they decided to ignore and a text from an unknown number.
They opened the text, discovering it was a text from Nejire wishing them a good night’s sleep. They took in a deep breath, and yelled to the skies, shaking the phone in their hands.
They heard a round of loud bangs from the next apartment over and pounded on the corresponding wall twice as hard. Then they fell onto the couch with their hands over their eyes. They had another date to prepare for! What were they going to do?!
One date became two, then three, then four and so on. They were meeting regularly once or twice every week. On the rare occasion they had even met up three times in a week.
(Y/n) thought this was supposed to get easier, but as they got to know Nejire better over the last few months, they only became more anxious. If Nejire hadn’t wanted to see them again after one or two dates, that would have been no great loss, but now the stakes have never been higher. They had been burned by love in the past, the adults in their life growing up wouldn’t know love if it smacked them in the face.
They really liked Nejire. As they grew more familiar, it only took seeing her at a distance or thinking they had heard her voice for their heart to speed up. They were afraid of disappointing her and losing her after opening up to her.
They left the café in the hands of their most capable employees and took the week off. They planned to make the best damn brownies they’ve ever made in preparation for the hike they were supposed to go on the following Monday. It wasn’t a lot… but they were shit at emotions. Hopefully they would be able to show Nejire how much they appreciated her with this small offering.
But not a single batch they made over the next handful of days was satisfactory in the hyper-critical baker’s mind. They ignored everyone and everything just to get this one thing right, and they couldn’t do it! They wouldn’t stop until they made something acceptable. And so, their brain did that funny thing some brains do, and made a misfortunate irrational decision, ignoring the stream of messages that were flooding their phone.
“(Y/n), I know you’re in there buddy, open the door!” Mirio called, knocking rhythmically against the door.
“I don’t think this is a good idea…” Tamaki warned, giving the door a wide berth in case it burst open.
“Nah, they’re fine! Come on, (Y/n), Nejire says you haven’t texted her back at all last week and when she went to the café to visit, you were never there. You’ve been dating for almost three months now, you can’t just ghost her like that! Especially when you’re supposed to go on a date with her this afternoon. We’ve gotta talk. What have you been up to?”
“They’re probably panicking. I would be.” Tamaki tugged his hood further over his face. “That’s a lot of pressure to put on a person.”
“Ah, it’s not so bad. You’ll see when I get you set up next.”
“What?��� Tamaki paled, worried he might accidentally lose the octopus he ate for lunch.
“Anyways, pardon the intrusion!”
Mirio phased through the door, and the subsequent kitchenware that was pelted at him.
“Get out!” (Y/n) growled, throwing a rubber spatula at Mirio’s head. They were frazzled and wild-eyed, teeth grinding together, apron covered in flour, cocoa powder and chocolate frosting.
“Woah, what are you cooking up in here? I haven’t seen you look this manic in a while!”
“Nothing is fucking good enough! Everything I make tastes like shit!”
“No way, lemme see.”
Mirio messily snatched a brownie from the glass baking pan and took a big bite. His shoulders slumped and a hum of bliss left him as he chewed. When he finally swallowed the single bite he wiped a tear from his eye, then looked to (Y/n) like they were a god.
“What are you talking about? This is the best batch you’ve ever made! I never thought you’d be able to top yourself like this. Amajiki! Get in here, you have to try these!”
“In what world do pro heroes think it’s cool to come into a civilian’s house uninvited and eat their shitty food?” (Y/n) grumbled, but watched Tamaki like a hawk while he timidly took a brownie.
“It’s really good.” Tamaki mumbled. “The frosting is so rich and thick, I could probably trap a villain in it.”
“Is this what you’ve been up to this week? Updating your recipe?”
“The recipe is fine.” (Y/n) hissed, “I’m trying to,” they growled again, growing more agitated, “I’ve been trying to make a batch for Hado, okay?! But apparently I forgot how to make anything decent.”
Mirio grinned and slapped (Y/n) on the back, “You kidding? She’ll love these! Don’t worry so much. I’ll help you pack ‘em up and clean. Then we can focus on attire for this afternoon.”
“I’m not going.”
“Huh? Why not?” Mirio caught the balled up apron (Y/n) tossed away without a care and followed them to the couch, “What happened to wanting to give Nejire brownies? I’m not letting you give up so easily, especially after I’ve been covering for you with Nejire all week while you were MIA.”
“I’m fucking exhausted!” (Y/n) growled, shooting back up from the couch. “I’m just not cut out for this crap. You know how hard this kind of stuff is for me. It’ll all just end in disappointment anyway, so why try at all?” She deserves someone better than me, was left unsaid, but the thought still hung over their head.
“I get that.” Tamaki mumbled, making Mirio whine and tug at his hair.
“Guys!” Mirio snapped, “That’s enough! You,” he pointed to (Y/n), “are going on that date, and you,” he pointed to Tamaki, “are going to help me get them there.”
“Did you even listen to me?” (Y/n) scowled.
“Yeah, and I get it. I know you’ve had a hard time in the past, and this is by far the longest relationship you’ve ever had, but you shouldn’t let it get in the way of something that could make you genuinely happy. Dating isn’t easy for everyone, even I know that, but please, go on this date with Nejire, tell her your concerns. You’ll see she’s not so scary.”
Mirio had thought that maybe he had finally got through to them, focusing on the contemplative expression (Y/n) wore, but then they growled and shook their head and Mirio was done trying to negotiate. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
“Amajiki, I’m gonna look in (Y/n)’s closet for what they should wear for the date. Make sure they don’t escape, will ya, buddy?”
“What?” (Y/n) snapped.
If Mirio, his sun, wanted his assistance, Tamaki was powerless to deny him. If it was important to Mirio, then he would stick it through, even if (Y/n) was giving him an extra scary look.
Tamaki’s fingers become discolored and began to expand until they were indistinguishable from the tentacles of an average octopus.
“I hope you know what you’re doing.” He sighed.
Nejire sat on the park bench near the trailhead and hummed pleasantly to herself, elbows on her knees and chin in her hands. She glanced to the small cooler backpack at her feet and smiled hopefully.
Mirio had explained most of the (Y/n) situation with her over the phone and she was relieved that they would be coming after all. They were more like Amajiki than she would have guessed, trying to flake out on social plans because they were too overwhelmed. Poor dear.
Hopefully they will get this all sorted out on their hike today and if not, well, at least they could say they tried, but Nejire really hoped everything would work out. She could tell that (Y/n) was sweeter than they often let on. There was a softness to their eyes and the way that they spoke to her that made her feel like there were butterflies in her stomach. What a fun feeling! Mirio sure knew what she liked!
Speaking of, she saw Mirio and Tamaki veer into the parking lot and waved, her hand falling back down to her mouth to cover her shock when (Y/n) was ejected from the backseat in a tangle of tentacles.
“Would love to stay and chat, but we gotta go! Good luck!” Mirio shouted. Then he tore off back onto the main road with Tamaki’s tentacles flapping in the wind.
“What an entrance.” Nejire giggled, skipping over to help (Y/n) to their feet. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” Came the curt reply, but then (Y/n) shrugged the backpack from their shoulders and presented it to Nejire while looking down at the gravel beneath their feet. “I made you brownies.”
“You did?” Nejire beamed, “Thank you, I can’t wait to have some! I brought some food for the trail too. I thought a picnic would be nice. What do you think?”
“Sounds good.”
And so they began to walk the trail together. Nejire kept (Y/n) present with queries and stories as they went, taking care to observe (Y/n) for any discomfort, but they seemed to be doing well. They only occasionally for water breaks or the couple people they met on the trail who recognized Nejire and wanted pictures.
“Sorry, to keep you waiting.” Nejire had said a little sheepishly when the small family she had visited with continued on their way. “There’s still a surprising amount of people on this trail for this time on a weekday.”
“Don’t worry about it. You really made those kids’ day.”
“You think so?”
Nejire hummed happily and skipped along beside (Y/n) who watch her out of the corner of their eye, wearing an almost unnoticeable smile.
When they made it to the top of the hill, they found a pretty tree with thick roots to lounge beneath. The thick roots made decent benches as they laid the food out between them.
“Are you having a good time?” Nejire asked, cradling her second brownie in her hands.
(Y/n) found it surprisingly easy to say. It was like when they had their first date. For all the agonizing and negative thoughts they had leading up to each event over the past three months, during their outings, it had all melted away. Nejire was just so easygoing and kind… she made everything that seemed insurmountable only a few hours ago, so much more simple.
“See? It’s not so bad.” Nejire beamed, “sooo, when we start planning another date after this one, or when we get even more serious, or when we decide to move in together or maybe even get married, don’t let yourself spiral. Call me, text me, come down to the agency if you want, let me help ease your concerns. I’m a hero after all, it’s part of my job.”
“…Thanks,” they rubbed the back of their neck, they hadn’t realized Nejire liked them so much.
For three months of dating, people might have been surprised by how little intimacy they actually shared, getting to know each other and becoming good friends before lovers. It was mostly for (Y/n)’s benefit. Nejire could tell they were nervous. She tested boundaries occasionally, but mostly left the major decisions to them. It was something (Y/n) appreciated, but they didn’t like how it seemed like Nejire was walking around eggshells with them. They wanted her to be able to speak her mind on the subject too.
“Thanks, but I’m not going to do that.” I’m not going to let you treat this relationship like it’s your job. That’s not fair.”
“Hm? Why not?”
“You shouldn’t have to bend over backwards to tend to my insecurities. I’m not a kid. This’ll never work out if I make you tend to me like one. Not saying I won’t ever take you up on the offer ‘cause I still can’t believe you have been having a good time with me, but I’m gonna work on it.”
(Y/n) sighed so harshly, it might have been misinterpreted as a huff or a grunt to a passerby, but Nejire smiled and her eyes gleamed. She did a quick little turn and hop, switching her seat to the root (Y/n) sat on and gave them a hug.
“You’ve come so far, I’m so proud!” She gushed, “You even said what you were thinking without trying to explain it away afterwards. You have been working on yourself this whole time, see? You just doubted yourself and tripped up a little bit.”
“Hmph.” A more honest grunt this time, they turned their head away from Nejire in an attempt to hide their flustered expression.
“Hey, hey! Don’t hide your cute face from me! Why are you doing that? We’ve been dating for months, don’t I get to see the cute expressions that no one else may see?”
It was the least they could do, they supposed. For as energetic as Nejire was, she had also been very patient with them and their troubles with love. They turned their head back towards her and she swayed happily from side to side, moving them around with her.
A shy, quiet chuckle slid past (Y/n)’s lips like the chuff of a far-off train. It gave Nejire pause, but she kept her arms around them and continued to smile, only now her eyes held a question, undoubtedly related to what had made that cute little laugh bubble free. (Y/n) understood, and in a brief show of bravery, they quickly kissed Nejire’s cheek.
“You bring it out of me,” they mumbled, slipping out of Nejire’s now slack grip so they could stand, “No one will believe you if you tell ‘em, so don’t even try, especially not Togata, got it?” They added without any venom.
Nejire shot to her feet to return the brief kiss with a few of her own, unable to stop at just one, before stepping back with her hands laced behind her back, the biggest smile of the day on her face from watching (Y/n) try to keep their cool.
“I wouldn’t dream of it!”
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writingblog-23 · 9 months
grocery shopping madness!!!
sorry y'all my grammar is atrocious lmao
"y/n I want you on you're best behaviour this time ok?, last time you knocked a whole aisle down." mirio scolded looking at you "yeah, yeah...". you where on you're way to the grocery store a couple minutes down the road from u.a. mirio was never stern with you unless he thought you'd be in some sort of trouble, But to be fair on him if it wasn't for you're parents knowing the owner of the store you'd be ankles deep in debt trying to pay for the accidental damages you've caused in that place.
"we're here sunshine!, be careful this time, please?" he pleaded "yeahhhhhhhh, it's not my fault though!. if everything wasn't stupidly placed I wouldn't trip!" "please?" he pleaded once more "ok fine I'll try", "thanks sunshine!" he smiled taking me into the store.
"so what do we need" I asked, he pulls out a list "eggs, butter, milk and flower" you nod in reply. "sooooo how's school?" he asked "oh shut up, you sound like my dad, where in the same class remember?, so it's going the same as you." he laughed putting the milk and butter in the cart. "quite the sassy one aren't you?" he asked causing you to giggle, "I'm not that bad!!!" he chuckles grabbing the milk then going to get the flower.
"we've got everything we need. let's go pay!" he nods taking the stuff to the till and paying, I offered to carry them which took some convincing but it worked.
"you are so sassy!" "I am not!" "yeeess you arreeeee!!!!" "wanna fight big man!" "go on then sunshine!" he pokes you in the ribs causing you to yelp and fall into the aisle knocking it down. he looks at you in horror as the shop owner starts yelling at you and calls u.a to come and collect you both.
"hi mr aizawa-" "get in." you get in the car shaking with fear. 'sorry' mirio mouthed at you, 'its ok' you replied. a long car journey of silence passed and you're parents where at the school gates looking furious "shit!" "y/n language!"
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sweetnsour1 · 2 years
Hero Interview Panel
BNHA Mini-series, x y/n
All characters are aged up and pros
Go read the Villain Interview Panel series
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6:05 fluff-Bakugou x fem pro reader
7:30 fluff-Hawks x g/n pro reader
6:01 fluff-Shinso x fem pro reader
7:47:01 spicy fluff-Kirishima x fem fan reader 1/2
7:47:02 smut-Kirishima x fem fan reader 2/2
6:55:01 fluff-Amajiki x fem fan reader 1/2
6:55:02 fluff-Amajiki x fem fan reader 2/2
9:10 fluff-Mirio x g/n pro reader
7:38 fluff-Aizawa x fem fan reader
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Join the tag list
a/n By request, I’m making 6:05 into a mini series featuring other heroes. It’s a fun format, so I’m excited. 🖤Let me know w asks, replies, or tags if you have requests for heroes or scenarios.
Each story is different, so no repeated dialogue or anything. However, characters may be in more than one story.
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waywardsou2 · 1 month
.+/*My request information*\+.
Considering I do a lot of writing on my main blog as well I'm going to leave this here for people to leave requests if they wish.
My requests are currently: OPEN
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What I will write :)
GN!Reader | M!Reader (preferably) F!Reader (I can write for F!Readers but I do have a preference for M!Reader or GN!Reader)
Trans!readers (I really love writing trans!reader so don't hesitate to ask) | Enby!readers | Readers of any gender
Scenario or drabble (just little rants for specific characters)
Head canons for characters within a specific scenario (you give me a scenario and I give you how the character(s) would react)
One-shot (a short ficlette of a scene or event)
Themes: Platonic | Romantic | Smut (maybe) | Fluff | Angst | Whump
Character x Reader | Character x Character
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What I won't write :(
Character x OC (it's just really difficult and I would rather write something good)
Age gap more than 3 years (I'm just not comfortable with it), asked for aged up (not aged down)
Incest | Pedophilia | Rape | Bestiality
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Fandoms I can write for (and their characters and constraints):
Supernatural (most ships, any character x reader)
↳ Dean, Sam, Cass, Jack, Gabriel, Adam, Meg, Ruby, Benny, Crowley, Jo, Ellen, Donna, Jodie, Claire, Alex, Patience, Kaia
TMNT (I've only seen 2012, ROT, Bayverse and Mutant Mayhem) (no Leorai and no ships with smut of any kind)
↳ Leo, Donnie, Raph, Mikey, April, Casey (Casey and Casandra)
The Last of Us (Part 1, I havent played Part 2 yet) (no Ellie x Joel, I haven't seen any of the content yet but I'm sure it's out there)
↳ Joel, Ellie, Tommy
Star Wars: The Clone Wars / The Bad Batch / Rebles (some of the characters are children remember so keep that in mind)
↳ Rex, Cody, Fives, Anikin, Ashoka, Obi Wan, Kanan, Ezra,(any Jedi really) Zeb, Sabine, Hera, Hunter, Wrecker, Tech, Crosshair, Echo, Omega
↳ Tony, Bruce, Natasha, Clint, Thor, Loki, Steve, Bucky, Steven, Wanda, Pietro, Vision, Peter, Scott, Gamora, Nebula, Peter Q, Okoye, T'Challa, Rhodey, Sam, Shuri
My Hero Academia (they are also mostly children so keep that in mind as well)
↳ Deku, Bakugo, Kirishima, Mina, Sero, Denki, Iida, Shinsou, Tokoyami, Uruaka, Todoroki, Aizawa, Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Tsuyu, Momo, Jiro, Mirio, Nejire, Amajiki, Fat Gum
Avatar 1 and Avatar The way of Water (once again, there are children so keep that in mind)
↳ Jake, Neytiri, Tsu'tey, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Tuk, Kiri, Grace, Norm, Spider, Tonorwari, Ronal, Ao'nung, Tsireya, Roxto
How to Train your Dragon (same here: they. are children.)
↳ Hiccup, Astrid, Snotlout, Fishlegs, The twins, Daggur, Heather, Valka, Stoick (for those out their with daddy issues ;))
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Any other information
Any content with themes considered over 18+ will be tagged with this banner.
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And you are responsible for your own media consumption, so please read the tags and be advised for the content you consume.
My main writing blog is @waywardwritesstuff so you can send post there but any writing will end up posted on one blog and then reblogged onto the other, so all of my content can be found on both.
That's all for now happy reading!
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