#misha turned on us lol
cadenzarose · 10 months
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This is what I've been working on for the past month! Ever since I did some work on a custom nendoroid for my roommate, I've wanted to try doing more nendoroid-related projects. And of course the first character that came to mind was @mishacakes's rottmnt OC, Tomiko! (He does make a great little nendo, after all).
Huge thanks to Misha for giving me permission to do this project! It was so much fun to work on, and I love Tomiko to bits. I hope you like how she turned out! <3
Process pictures under the cut:
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Original parts (purchased from chibichopshop.com), plus the original parts after I shaved them down (with the pants on backwards lol). I did end up swapping the hair pieces for the pieces from a customizable head, but I used a cut-off piece of the bangs for Tomiko's hair swoop! Plus the customizable head gave me an extra faceplate--thus the two different expressions :D
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Sculpted and primed! I used milliput superfine white for the sculpting, since you can't exactly use oven-bake clays on top of a plastic base. It was surprisingly nice to work with! I've heard epoxy clays can get a bit gummy feeling, but the milliput didn't at all.
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And here she is all painted next to my sister's Gobbo plush! Really gives you a sense of the scale. Which is small. She is small.
If you read this far, thank you! I appreciate you <3
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moonsaver · 2 months
Do you have any opinion on the recent surge of Astral Express Sunday theories/AUs? I’ve been seeing it almost as much as Stellaron Hunter AU recently
Literally jumped up from my bed to answer to this.
[In my opinion, theres the same and equal arguments for SH!Sunday as there is for AE!Sunday, but the one huge defining factor between them would most likely be that it was the Astral Express crew who managed to defeat Sunday, not the Stellaron Hunters who only guided them a bit].
I looovelovelovelove the idea of any character, let alone SUNDAY joining the astral express. [Spoilers] – during the main quest before black swan woke us up from misha's fallacy like existence, i was SUPER into it when boothill and black swan said theyd be joining us. I was a bit disappointed when it didnt happen. But the possibility of Sunday joining us? For REAL?
Im so excited about it.
Also not to mention, i genuinely believe sunday's current ideals might be quite similar to the past trailblazers (Misha, Tiernan, Razalina. Especially Misha, i feel). It would be a pretty neat idea for Sunday to join the very crew that helped craft penacony close to his version of paradise that he wanted for everyone.
And although Stellaron Hunter!Sunday is pretty cool, i feel it might be a bit too extreme for Sunday. Even considering as we last saw him, i feel rather than a 180° rebellious turn, Sunday would much more rather need to understand and tether himself to everyone else's ideals and beliefs, and what better way than to explore such a topic by traveling world to world, people to people, and taking an introspective look into problems that may or may not unite a people of a planet. I mean, Sunday definitely needs to get out there and just take a damn look around. The trailblazing path certainly provides a whole lotta room for it. Not to mention, it would also give him quite a bit of flexibility if he wanted to still continue following the path of Order.
Also, as much as i love every bit of character- character interaction between completely different ones, i also like that Sunday might be able to find a more less risqué place to start over from, rather than be labeled as a criminal right away after being branded as a traitor.
Not to mention the astral express were the ones who did eventually defeat him – it's only fair if he tries to understand their way of living and pov. Stellaron hunters are quite a unique bunch, but imo the trailblazers might be a better group for sunday as people who were "othered" from their communities, rather than the extremity of going against destiny/fate itself [although this argument is actually better suited for SH!Sunday, lets just ignore it because i want to]. And i mean.. they already have ties to the SH anyway, so its alright if sunday ever wanted to change ship lol.
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leisi-lilacdreams · 1 year
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it should be illegal for a character to be as pretty as Tomiko i normally am indifferent to canon x oc shipping but this one got to me they're so disgusting cute together i hate them /jokinglololololol
Tomiko is @mishacakes' oc and they have lots of arts of them please go check them out
i hope misha likes my gift ;v;
rambling under cut
this started out as just a sketch/pose practice i wanted to give to misha but i have a really bad habit of tinkering with whatever i'm working on and it snowballed into a full illustration
one of those "wait this is actually turning out good hold on a sec" moments
i was studying @ ziyoling's style which is why all the limbs and torso are so long OTL
it wasn't even supposed to be shaded i was gonna be happy with flat colors, but...tinkering
i've seen people put shine on their mask and wanted to be part of the cool people's club but that's what started me shading everything so fml
....i kinda regret i don't have tomi popping her leg to show a peets lol ah well
i at least used it as an excuse to do more with my backgrounds getting real tired of leaving things blank, but i don't want complicated backgrounds so it's been a time going through the Clip Studio Paint asset store looking for ideas
i'm pleased with the outcome which is rare for me
it's also really rare for me to have a completed work to this degree so i'm glad i have one more to add to my small pile
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lemerein · 23 days
"Soulless" Rae AU? - I keep coming up with weird ideas because I can't write about them. I've seen a lot of options that violated the original concept. But it seemed a little different in my head. You know, without isekai and with the "soulless" Rae. I posted part 1 on Twitter a long time ago, but I thought why not post it here too
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The title "Marquis" for Rae appeared due to the fact that formally it is the title of count and duke, who guarded the border territories. [What Google said] I put together in my head the fact that Euclid is a port town, which means that this automatically makes it an important economic point… And considering that I have no idea how the local geography works, I thought it was on the border… THE LOGIC IS BROKEN, BUT IN MY HEAD IT WORKS, THEN I MADE IT A CITY.
- Maybe I said it wasn't isekai, but I didn't say I broke the conventions of the game, ha-ha. It definitely could have been drawn better, but it wasn't in my power.
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In the arc of the battle with the pirates, I was very stressed in the manga by the fact that Rae literally drew swords to herself = Does she know how to control them, because she is an earth mage? She can summon any stone, right?? Are there pieces of stone in the iron??? My first thought in this AU was that I could give the weapon to Louie Rae, because unlike "Awakened" Rae, "Soulless" lived entirely in the company of Misha and Louie. The idea of using ice came from the fact that I just thought it would be funny that the cold and emotionless disposition like bread would not let Rae conjure water NOT in frozen form, lol. ----- What I realized when I was drawing the second part is that I do not know how to reproduce the dynamics, and in general, to draw anything is normal in principle… But hey, I like how the bonus turned out!
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I have strange ideas. Don't ask. I'm just glad I drew this and didn't die in the process. I can't say whether there will be a continuation or not, because for some reason I have too many thoughts about other AU I'm working with…
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SPN DC was very low key compared to the events of my last couple of cons. But still had a cute little batch of ops.
Uncertain how much of this was a misunderstanding on what exactly we were doing for this pose and how much was just Misha being a chaos demon but a) it's hilarious and b) that man is not light and I was struggling not to tip over.
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This is the result of me walking up and holding my arms out and saying, "Hugsies?" Moose hugs remain the best hugs.
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Not really a fan of how this one turned out (my fault!) which serves me right as Jensen's comment on my pose explanation afterward was "I feel like that was more complicated than it needed to be." :-P
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I told them one of them got to hug me and the other was gonna be mad about it and they could choose which was which. Jensen immediately volunteered to be mad. And then one of the handlers goes, "you've been waiting to be able to do that all day." LOL
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For context on this one, you need to know a few things... 1) I have been a They Might Be Giants fan for many years and have seen them in concert more than 200 times, 2) I have known Val through the TMBG fandom for more than ten years before either of us discovered SPN, 3) the very first time I got an op with Misha at my first con, Birdhouse in Your Soul was playing in the op room, and 4) I have a tattoo based on a lyric from the song that features the bird I am holding in the op. So when Val suggested we do a Birdhouse op with Cas, it took zero convincing on my part. And Misha was even familiar with the song when Val was explaining the op and started reciting the lyrics. Could not be more pleased with how well this turned out <3
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On to Charlotte...
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walpu · 5 months
can you answer this when you're done with the quest? *scratching at the walls* I need to know ur thoughts :)
The war is over I'm finally done with the quest
Honestly I'm a bit of a mess rn?? Like literally so many things happen and I'm lowkey devastated that Sunday turned out to be so relatable and likable to me. I know he objectively was wrong about a lot of things but I really get were it comes from and I agree with the roots of his ideology??
Also now we know that this mess with him and Aventurine wasn't actually something purely malicious on his part, he genuinely saw himself in Aven (loves his family more than himself, deeply dissatisfied with this world, a lot of pent up frustration and pain) and have decided to give him salvation.
It was also very awkward when Acheron asked us if we want to return to the dream and I was like. I mean it does make everyone happy and equal. But the mc was immediately like nope I prefer reality. Okay baby I get you I'm the mentally ill one here
On the more positive note, I loved Robin and Boothill a lot 😭
Also❗❗ After reading Boothill's story, I was convinced he would try to cooperate with Aven in one way or another but I thought it would happen later. Glad to know I was right lol
About Aven. A bit upset he's still with the IPC but I guess it's also realistic because not like they would simply let him go, it's not easy to run away from the fuckers.
Was devastated about Misha but it was also a cool plot twist. Can't say I didn't see it coming but it's a sight of a good writing more than anything else, the plot twists like that shouldn't come from the thin air
UPSET THAT JING YUAN WASN'T ACTUALLY THERE but it's okay at least we saw him
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eisforeidolon · 11 months
Notice the people mad about the joke aren't mad at Mark. Just jensen. That says it all to me. Whatever suits their agenda. As they've claimed mark as one of the good ones. In their strange heads. They're frothing at the mouth on twitter, over a comment no one involved will ever think of again. All over an incident that happened two and half years ago. Isn't that just insane?
Funny how that works, isn't it? Except it's not, because there's a fair extent to which it's always been like this. They were totally fans of Jensen too, totes for realzies - exactly as long as they could use Jensen-as-sidekick constantly talking up Jared and the bro bond as the center of SPN as proof of Jared's inherent superiority. Long before prequelgate, any time Jensen did something without Jared, didn't mention him enough in an interview, or took a picture with Misha or whatever? Plenty of these supposed J2 fans? Turned on Jensen as fast as hellers do when he shoots their fantasies down. Blah blah narcissist, blah blah copycat blah blah he sucks and is boring and clearly needs Jared, blah blah who does he think he is?!? Prequelgate was just their cue to go totally mask-off since SPN was over - and they hilariously keep patting themselves on the back for their "restraint" at trying to pretend (not half as well as they seem to think they did, tbh) not to be unhinged solo stans like the AAs all along. They really think that dismissing Jensen and the entire rest of the cast as irrelevant losers who are not worth the money because Jared isn't there is somehow substantially different and less daft than the AAs calling Jensen an A lister and Jared a nobody because ... they use different words, I guess? Even though it's blatantly the exact same "my fave is the only one that matters and the only REAL star lol" bullshit.
Right at this particular moment, even if it wasn't more important to their agenda to "prove" how terrible Jensen is compared to Jared, Mark S. is already part of their agenda as "proof" that the important and actually talented members of the cast obviously liked Jared better since he did WI. It'd change in a heartbeat if he did a project with Jensen. Like how Rob posting a group picture that doesn't include Jared is "suspicious" and Rich joking about Jared's pranking on set was "probably an insult" since they cameoed in TW. How very dare those nobodies pick the wrong "side"?!?
Except those sides don't exist anywhere except in their heads and no normal person is going to give a shit about the random minutiae stans on either side keep insisting are very important clues to the REAL story of the totally REAL conflict of Jensen versus Jared. Because random obsessively overinvested internet weirdos ready to be hair-triggered into taking offense in the name of the fantasy version of an actor in their heads know better than the real people involved - that makes sense, right? 🤪
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yuraslefttoe · 10 months
hey, it's me again! I came to pester you with questions!! *there should be a scary laugh, but it sounds more like mean giggles*
(by the way, I’m thinking about sending you such long texts with questions (because I have a lot of them!!) once one or two weeks, if you don’t mind. . . . . . .you don't mind..??? (god, I hope you don’t get tired of me..!) I'm so sorry, please, I'm just very interested!! *qwq*)
I’ll remind you once again how much I adore your work (after all, you deserve it!!), and I’ll also say that I specifically shouldn’t talk about posts tagged with the  adm, because I’ve read your tumblr and twitter in its entirety several times, I even have a separate album in my gallery with answers that particularly interested me, there are several hundred screenshots there and I don’t regret anything! (sorry if my hyperfixation may be intimidating!!)
*=^._.^= ∫*
and now the questions!!!! 
1. my wife doesn’t have a tumblr, but her suggestion interested me and can be seen in the first two screenshots(the translation sounds like: “after the release of “red hour” I have an assumption that andrey is more... athletic than misha. either this is because of ferry’s drawing style, or he really has such wide shoulders")so now we are interested to know about the physique of your characters!! maybe some of them are thin, or vice versa, a little overweight. and what about physical training? did you have any headcanons for this??? ( by the way, when I ask about “characters” I mean not only misha and andrey, but also europe and maya, because they are also worthy of attention <зз) 
2. what about the abbreviation "dyusha" for andrey? in russian it is... not used very often, but still, it sounds very cute. so it would be interesting to know how you would feel about this? 3. I also want to hear about the names of the characters!! how did you choose them? I mean........ how did it happen that from ☺europa☺ you switched to 👹MiKhAiL👹?? (I'M SO SORRY, BUT MISHA'S FULL NAME SOUNDS SOMETHING THREATENING. MY UNCLE'S DOG HAS THE SAME NAME EHE- *ᕕ(ಥ▽ಥ)ᕗ*) 
4. and lastly, let's return to my wife for another moment. she suggested that andrey was now also in a time loop. what do you say about that? and also in enigma, she noticed that misha seemed to be addressing the second person in the lines: "and if you wanted to be anything more than just free" and "you’ve seen a hundred lies I see that all the time". is this second person a viewer? or maybe one of the previously mentioned characters??
the last photo, by the way, is one of the sketches that I found so far in my gallery! ^^ 
initially it was planned to attach two sketches, but andrey turned out TOO bad, I’m ashamed to show him. someday I'll redraw it into something normal.... maybe. but! I really like the pic with misha and the wolf(I hope this is the wolf you were talking about lol. google didn’t show me anything else, and I’ve never been to ikea myself, ehe...) 
(and I don’t want to post all this yet, because running a tumblr was certainly not part of my plans, haha)) I registered here solely to read your blog, and not to maintain my own) 
sorry again for possible illiteracy, and also for the chaotic nature of my thoughts, haha, I don’t know how to adequately express them in english.. and also, I’m really REALLY apologize that the text was too long, next time I’ll try to be shorter...
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okay im gonna try and answer everything here in a coherent way so sorry if nothing makes sense
im just fine with lotes of questions :) answering asks and responding to comments is one of my favorite things ever and i brings a verry big smile to my face
on andrei: i consider him to be a skinny little gut but not exactly unathletic, and in addition i think he would have basic combat training and probably be good with firearms. misha is probably a very average bodytype, nothing special, not particularly athletic.
i do not speak russian (though ferry has recently encouraged me to learn so maybe in like four years ill be able to form a sentence) so i dont know anything about the short forms so you can do whatever you want. if you coin it and peoples tart calling him that i will not stop it from happening
i do not name my characters, i usually let me friends name them (i think that the only one i named was europa and his partner). going forward maybe ill try to make it more cohesive
the time loop idea im seeing thrown around alot is really cool and while i havent particularly wrote any of my songs about that in general i see it fitting into the loose narrative i have going on. also in enigma misha is definitely talking to andrei whenever he says the word "you" but it could also be to the listener because the entire theme of enigma is 4th wall breaking and meta shenanigans like that
that sketch is SO CUTE oh my god
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sapphyreopal5 · 6 months
Hi !
First,Thank you for this blog it’s very interesting I like that you don’t sugarcoat it and just say it like it is, I’m the same so here is what I think
Jensen is a professional actor/entertainer, he knows what sells and what people like, he can go overboard , but that’s just how he likes it 200% or nothing.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap.
He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
With dean he started playing straight and he didn’t compromise no matter the pressure/danger he was under (to his wife and kids too)
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Misha then came and at first even j2 fans liked him they even read fanfics about him and everything was fine , but when Castiel’s favored dean over sam and Misha had fans and even he himself fell in love with the fanfics about him, then all hell broke loose, fandom wars started, people who loved Cas/M turned on him and the fandom became a war Zone .
I know who started it because I was there from day one but that’s another conversation.
Jensen and jared knew that the brothers relationship was it for them , they both mastered the art of pandering (go to reddit and read what people who worked on the set say about the real atmosphere behind the scenes or in the conventions in general) spoiler alert it was not perfect.
But again it’s their livelihood and they both had undeniable chemistry so they used it ( like any other smart actor would do)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself)
If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
Jensen was called repeatedly “the king of bibros” because he always, still is all for the brothers.
It was about their relationship , and everything else revolved around them.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen)
She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Jensen made this show for his wife, he was told that no spin off would take if it didn’t have one of the shows leads in it , so he decided to narrate the thing in order for it to take and stand , it wasn’t enough, they needed ratings and thought if they would bring in dean it would be the perfect addition.
Now the bibro king became the back stabbing friend, the snake , the abusive husband to jared , and to his wife and kids too lol .
Bibros admitted that they were indeed jared’s fans from the get go but they had to pretend to like dean/jensen .
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared .
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Now jensen is losing the bibros , the tinhats , the j2 fans and they are all calling him the worst things ever and body shaming him and age shaming him all because his ex tv brother had a tantrum and decided that his fans can do his dirty work, and they as usual didn’t disappoint and according to them he can handle it he has a lot on money he’ll be ok (I agree)
I think it’s was then that jensen decided that fu*k it , I’m going to do whatever makes me feel comfortable, I’ll say my peace, and what’s on my mind , I’m done covering for my so called colleagues (even though he’s known to let things go quickly, he doesn’t like conflict, just Ask jessica alba and MW) he chooses to have fun and concentrate on his own fans for a change.
Misha hid the confession from him for three years (and the rest of the people in management too) and he let it go even though he could have made a tantrum like someone else did , and he would have been in the right because this involved him personally, it’s his hard work for 16 years not just some show he didn’t know about in advance that doesn’t even concern him, but he didn’t he must have done something in private like a professional person would do, but we didn’t hear anything about it .
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
How to pander to one side without losing your life or reputation ( they both now call him the worst of names , homophobia included by both sides)
Sorry this took so long, there’s more if you’re interested I’ve been here since dool and I witnessed everything.
Hello Anon, thank you for stopping by and discussing this like an adult. I appreciate seeing your ask even if it takes a moment to read. Your post touched onto a lot of things even some of which I didn't really dive into to tell you the truth. I joined this fandom via joining Tumblr late December 2022 close to January 2023. I'm open to receiving any and all information provided it's based on facts not based on blind opinions or simply "so and so said so" kind of deal.
Some bibros are calling him homophobic too btw , because that would prove he was bad in every aspect not just to jared . He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s a shy guy but he he gets the job done as long as he doesn’t offend himself or compromise his values or look tacky or cheap. He played all sorts of roles regardless of their sexual preference, he has no problem with that.
He’s true to himself while doing his job as an entertainer, which lets face it, it’s all about the pandering even when you don’t feel like it or believe in it yourself, it their livelihood.
If you didn't see I got a little heated with someone who insisted the dictionary is wrong with what homophobia means because "authors use it this way" and claimed people don't actually fear gay people, which is 100% not true. Some people genuinely fear homosexual people, it's just fact. I agree with you, no matter what Jensen says or does these days it's going to upset people. One thing is certain, this fandom is so divided these days it's crazy. I also do not think Jensen is at all homophobic nor do I think he discriminates against LGBT people. He has what we call boundaries and that's that. "Destiel doesn't exist" and getting annoyed at Destiel questions from people who KNOW his stance on it are in my opinion just looking for an argument.
When the show ended and the actors went their separate ways and started to hang out with their families/friends/colleagues , jensen in general keeps his friends from all those years, he keeps in touch and keeps them around , I think his wife convinced him that the spn world still had a chance, she wanted to do something ( her turn after waiting all those years, as did gen) She too wanted her chance , started Twwon had her implants because she was going to be a big star ( taking the attention from the real latino star and treating her like a background actor) again a subject for another day lol
Okay I am not going to lie here, I am curious about the highlighted tidbit here and why you think this was to detract attention from who I assume is Lindsey (or Odette)? As for The Winchesters, don't get me started on that disaster they call a show....
Misha was pandering to his own fans , it’s were his money and fame came , and that’s why they do it after all, they do it for the money and fame and it’s a great way to live , anyone saying otherwise can live in lala land for eternity, i don’t care lol .
Bingo... It was all about the money for Misha this entire time. Otherwise, he wouldn't have nearly this many vocal fans if he didn't pander to the hellers and Destiel shippers.
At first most of spn fans were either Sam or dean’s stan , then a fraction was created and called themselves bibros and they became loud enough to the actors and creators to see them and try to give them what they want(it’s only fair to please your audience after all)
Tinhats thought it was Ok to call Jensen/dean gay for jared/sam (they don’t differentiate between them , I know because I was a bibro/ Tinhat myself) If jensen dared to hangout with another person man or woman, colleague or not without jared , then he was either covering for them both( hiding in the glass closet) or he was simply betraying jared or was pandering ( like he shouldn’t pander to the other side because they don’t deserve to scraps from their favorite actor.
I believe this is still 100% true to this day Anon. I really do. I can understand why like 10 years ago or more many thought they were in a relationship but today, it's kinda silly. They are busy living separate lives in separate states now. Jared even said recently they see each other a lot... at Supernatural conventions and still text a lot. Not a whole lot of actually seeing each other anymore from what it sounds like to me. Plus, when is the last time they actually hung out together outside of being in the same hotel/area for a Supernatural convention?
Thanks for sending this in Anon, I really would love to hear more from you!
EDIT: I re-read your ask and also want to know more about this tidbit.
He’s in the middle of the two biggest ships on spn and no matter what he does or says he’s not going to win with either of them, because they both are going after him and his wife and family on line and in real life ( like at his door step and his daughter’s school too pretending to be one of the parents)
I heard of someone taking photos outside of their kids' schools but did someone actually do this?! This fandom, man.... the level people stoop to here....
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good7luck · 8 months
My quick ramblings about VNC manga chapter 62 part 1
(more under the cut)
Time flied again, and now ch 62 part 2 is coming or already out XD so I'm roughly writing some bits at least asdfg
I wrote some depressing prediction for this chapter, and I'm glad things didn't go that (physically violent) way, especially for Noe :) Vani stood up (as he should, cuz he is part of the cause) and "solved" the problem...by being verbally violent asdfg Anyway, I still feel something similar to that might happen at some point, though ^^;
I'm anxious about Johann for several reasons, but for now...I feel so sorry for him that he had to perform that much to "smoothly" solve(TM) the uncomfortable situation and protect his family ;_; I just...don't know what (proper words) to say, and I hate it :(
I'm happy to be quite right about Riche X) It's a huuuge shame that the anime completely cut out her cute interaction with Noe in the Catacombs :/ It wouldn't have taken too many minutes ://
a little or a lot negative from here, with some potentially triggering words
Apparently...some people think it's a bad / problematic writing decision that "white" Vani enlightens "black" Noe about "racism" towards Dham...as if the narrative / context was meant to mock Noe or such?? Also, as if similar situations (not just about racism) never happen in real life?? Honestly, they seem to be the ones who are somehow obsessed with the skin color tone of fictional characters the most lol
Like...did Vani have to leave Noe ignorant as he was, then? Was there any other "better" person (ex. "black" Dham) to explain "better" at the moment?? It doesn't even look like what Vani said was particularly wrong, either - especially compared to the situation when Luca "explained" to Vani/Noe what the Book of Vanitas does(TM), and then Vani got annoyed and tried to fix his (Luca's) wrong idea/info (not to mention Blue Moon clan is a discriminated minority as well).
For some imaginary example in regards to real life - it's said 99% of people are allosexual and only 1% are asexual in the world. It may happen that some asexual person never realized oneself being asexual and suffered from it for so long alone, and some allosexual person who happened to know a lot could notice what's going on and introduce "asexual" to the asexual person in a sincerely kind / helpful manner, "saving / freeing" the one, even.
Isn't it a good thing to learn about something "new" that is necessary "in any way (not offensive!!)", rather than staying behind and unintentionally repeating the same negative situation, if not causing worse things? Not everyone is lucky to get to know something or everything "naturally" or "normally" by a specific "proper" age.
Besides, Noe is understandably ignorant (like us readers / audiences) in canon from the beginning, with all his unfortunate, traumatic, and isolated childhood backstories and extremely limited interactions with other people... Noe's such huge, naive ignorance indirectly tells something about the "Teacher" Shapeless One as well! which is quite subtle from MJ-sensei XD
IDK now I'm curious if they called it a bad writing, too (and called MJ-sensei racist), when "black" Noe turned out to have been treated as a chained slave / property in the black market and "taken" by "white" Shapeless One...as if it's all meant to look "pure positive"? What about the scene where "white" Domi put a chain on "black" Noe's neck? Was it only great because it's "female dominant"?? lol :/ I also remember that not so long ago - "white" Misha enslaved "black" Noe and violated him in multiple, stressful ways (including the rapey blood-drinking)...and yet, the fandom mostly felt so sorry for the "white assaulter" Misha much more and got sooo disappointed / mad at the "black victim" Noe for "daring to" fiercely fight back and hurt his face, NOT "gently" pushing him away or (just forgetting about kidnapped Domi his important childhood friend and) "angelically" understanding him (the abuser) and "eagerly" protecting him as a "mere obedient black slave" of his "poor young white master" aka Stockholm syndrome lol =_=
This was not going to be this long and this petty, but it happened midway, sorry asdfg
Thank you for reading my subjective opinions so far!
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A quick guide to recent Harvey Dent media for new fans (aka Misha stans)
So you've recently become interested in the character of Harvey Dent. Who can say why. Maybe you're interested in getting into comics and he happens to be the one character that's caught your fancy. Maybe you're here because you've been watching this recent TV show and are curious to know more about this one adult guy in the main cast. He seems like a cool guy! Though let's be honest. You're probably a Misha stan who got into Gotham Knights because your boi is in it. Regardless of why you're here, maybe you're looking at this character and wondering what's come out with him lately and if you should check it out! So here! For your viewing/reading pleasure, a quick run-down on Harvey's most recent appearances and where you can expect to see him!
This post is very long, so strap in kiddos!
Gotham Knights
You're likely here because you've been watching this one, so I'll keep this brief. In this latest TV show, Batman has died and was revealed to be Bruce Wayne. A bunch of kids are the top suspects and are being accused by Gotham District Attorney, Harvey Dent. The kids now need to work together to prove their innocence and find the real killer.
I don't plan on watching this show, but Harvey Dent is being played by Misha Collins of Supernatural fame in this one, and it promises to really dive into Harvey's backstory. As of writing this, only the first episode is out, but what we have so far looks entertaining and has been well received by the Misha stans at least. Reviews more generally do seem pretty lukewarm on it though. I can't speak to its quality, but hopefully it's a promising start to what will hopefully be a good portrayal of the character! Who knows what'll happen!?
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The Harley Quinn Show
This show is currently in between seasons, and I don't know when it's coming back. It's a show that focuses on Harley Quinn as she tries to become a top villain in Gotham. The first season is her trying to gain respect from the Legion of Doom after breaking up with the Joker. The second season is based off of the "No Man's Land" event that happened in the Batman and related comics in the 90's or something in which the American government decided to give up on Gotham after a disaster, and so Gotham's top kingpins took over the city. Season 2 focuses on Harley's efforts to kill off each of the 5 villains (The Penguin, The Riddler, Mr. Freeze, Two-Face, and Bane) that have risen to power in Gotham. Season 3 sees Harley not really wanting to pursue villainy anymore as she starts being in a relationship with Poison Ivy.
It's a fun show. Pretty funny, incredibly violent, and very gay! If you want to see a sympathetic Two-Face, this is NOT the place to find it! In this series, Two-Face sticks pretty true to his name and is a lying, backstabbing asshole through and through! But hey! The fact that he isn't dead yet when they've had every opportunity to kill him off could mean that they might have something fun planned for him in the future! Hard to say though. In any case, here's his latest appearance in the show as of the writing of this:
The Joker's wife almost takes a tire iron to his face and I love that for her lol. Two-Face a supreme asshole in this show. But he definitely does have lots of chances to be pretty funny. I think that he still has potential for development and storylines, but thus far he's been pretty one-note. It feels like a DAMN SHAME to not use Two-Face more given the direction that this show is taking, so I have hopes that they'll do something interesting with him soon. (Harley became Bruce's therapist and so the show may take a turn for more interpersonal character drama with psychology thrown in over superhero junk. Feels like a wasted opportunity to not capitalize on Harvey's storied mental health issues for that!) But for now, he's a great antagonist to Harley (and everyone, really), fun to watch for how much of an asshole he is, but isn't much more than that.
Task Force Z
So you've heard of the Suicide Squad before, right? Basically a lot of supervillains join a government taskforce to go on missions that no one else would take. They do the kind of dirty work that superheroes could do, but for whatever reason don't. And the villains that participate in this program get lessened sentences in exchange for their service on these missions. Yeah. So take that... But now it's with zombies. Undead Suicide Squad!
So in this comic, Two-Face recruits Jason Todd (who was formerly one of Batman's Robins but who now has the superhero identity of the Red Hood) to be the field leader of this special undead Suicide Squad taskforce. They have a way of bringing people back from the dead, so instead of getting lessened prison time, the supervillains participating in this program get another chance at life.
I've only read the first issue of this series so far, but I do honestly like what I've read so far. The series is over now, and it's recently been collected into 2 volumes, so it should be pretty easy to find to buy if you so wish! (I've also found both volumes at my local library too!) When it comes to Harvey in this series, honestly, the relationship between him and Jason seems to be a big highlight! Which honestly makes sense. They're both men who have made a lot of mistakes and want to be better. Both have violent pasts, have killed people, and struggle with being on the side of the angels, but are doing what they can to do what's right. If they work together, maybe they can finally be the good guys! Also Jason Todd is probably Harvey's favorite Robin since he's Robin #2, let's be honest. Too bad they're terrible at their jobs! The impression that I get is that their team is constantly dying because Harvey and Jason are both dumbasses and bad at their jobs. Thankfully they can bring their team back to life pretty easily, but they keep sucking at their jobs! The vibe I get from Harvey and Jason's relationship in this series is basically...
Harvey: Are you winning, son!? :D Jason: I fucking hate you, Dent! Harvey: ... I guess that's an improvement over, 'asshole' ... Little steps...
But hey. They're trying their best lol.
Here's the first thing with Harvey in it that I saw in the Task Force Z tag:
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(You see in the next panel that Harvey got Jason orange juice. Isn't Harvey such a dad!?) And honestly, if that doesn't make you smile just a little, this series probably isn't for you.
Honestly, this series just seems to be having fun with it and a good time. It doesn't seem to take itself very seriously, and that's perfectly good with me! If that's good with you, maybe check it out!
Batman: the Audio Adventures
So this is a podcast. It's currently on a break as of the writing of this. Season 2 came out, and at the end of season 2, it said that it would be returning in part 2 so like... On the one hand, it ended on a cliffhanger. On the other AHHHHHHHHHHH! So I hear that a part 2 is coming out but WHEN!? If you decide to pick this one up, just know that more is supposed to be coming, we just don't know when.
So the story for this... It's Batman but a podcast. What more needs to be said? But it is a very quality podcast! I've listened to a decent number of podcasts in my time, and this may just be the best podcast I've had the pleasure of listening to! It's funny, it's dramatic, it's well-acted, it has spectacular music, it's moody, the characters are well-written... It's just a delight all around! It's on the same level of quality as audio dramas that I've actually had to pay money to listen to, but for free on Spotify or YouTube or other places you get podcasts! And this may contain my favorite iteration of Two-Face and Harvey Dent.
The Audio Adventures somehow manages to make Harvey a character that you're simultaneously afraid of and afraid for! Harvey and his Associate are horrifically violent, and yet you can't help but to feel bad for Harvey. To my knowledge, they really capture the OCD experience well. You can really feel how much their compulsions control Harvey and how much he wishes he didn't have to be like this. His life is fully out of his control and he well and truly can't help himself. And his Associate just isn't helping. This is an iteration of Two-Face in which he has Dissociative Identity Disorder, has him be a villain, and yet somehow manages to not inherently demonize DID. Harvey's Associate is a welcome addition to the cast, and for once isn't someone that they're trying to get rid of! Harvey is simply tragic in this podcast, but is also immensely intelligent, and the way he bounces off of his Associate is just captivating to listen to.
If you like BruHarvey, or just want to see a piece of media that really zooms in on the tragedy of his character, this is a great one to go with! In terms of BruHarvey, there are some moments in season 2 that are choice. Just. Chef's kiss!
Here's a monologue that Harvey and his Associate have together about shoulder angels and devils. It doesn't have much of anything to do with what Harvey's going through in this season, but it does capture their characters well.
They are absolutely unhinged, and I gotta say that I love that about them <3
The Doom that Came to Gotham
This animated film came out like... Within this last month. I haven't gotten the chance to watch it yet and I don't know that I will because it contains a LOT of upsetting things! It's Batman, but with eldritch horror! This is an Elseworld's story. This film is basically an H.P. Lovecraft-style AU for Batman. So it takes place sometime in the 1920's, and Harvey Dent is running for Mayor of Gotham. And then lots of terrible things happen and before you know it, demons from another dimension are going through a flesh portal to Gotham to kill everyone. This is NOT a happy story from what I've heard!
If you want to see Harvey just... Suffering SO much, then this is the film for you! Congrats! Apparently it also has a handful of good BruHarvey moments in it though, so at least have that.
For a preview... Here! Just have Harvey crying! I feel like that's a pretty appropriate preview!
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Batman (comic series)
So... In the current Batman comic book arc, Bruce Wayne has apparently gotten himself sent to an alternate universe where Batman was never really a thing (Bruce died young or something). And so now Gotham is controlled by a cabal of villains, led by Red Mask, Catwoman, and others including a drugged up and YOLKED Judge-esque Harvey Dent! Sounds like Gotham has become a pretty crappy police state that uses the Scarecrow's Fear Toxin and a police force drugged up on Bane Venom to keep people in line and send dissenters to the sewer. Bruce meets up with the local resistance and becomes Batman for them... Also Commissioner Gordon is a talking skeleton for some reason... >.>
I don't read the Batman comic series, so I can't personally speak to the quality of this current arc, but I've heard that it's been good! From multiple sources! Just not in regards to Harvey lol! Honestly, this Harvey looks a bit... Boring. Interesting idea, but the execution is looking kinda... Ehhhhh. Speaking of execution, in this, Harvey really isn't Two-Face. He seems to be taking after an idea that Batman: the Animated Series introduced of a Judge vigilante that murders people that he deems as guilty of crimes! :D I like the Judge and want to see them do more interesting things with him! Too bad that this might not be it... >.< But hey! If you want a 'roided up Harvey... For some reason... Here you go!
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An image of Bruce choking Harvey out because this is what their friendship is all about. u.u (Also Bruce calling Harvey a big boy just tickles me!)
Also Harvey does seem to recognize Bruce in this universe and is quite bothered by how a man has seemingly come back from the dead to kick his ass! So there is some implication here that Harvey and Bruce were still friends of some kind in this universe.
I'm not reading this one, but hey! If this AU idea sounds interesting to you, go ahead and check it out!
Detective Comics
So last but certainly not least, you have the comic series for which the company is named. Now this I actually have been reading! And let me just say, it's quality! Great stuff going on here! Basically they decided to make an Opera-esque Batman story. This current arc is titled, "Gotham Nocturne" and to put the story in as simple of a manner as I can... So the Arkhams (who built Arkham Asylum) descended from the Orgham family which are very powerful foreign dignitaries of some sort. The Orghams have come to Gotham City to gentrify the place to their liking so that they can rule over it unopposed. They are doing this through mind control brain demons, sentient songs, and are just generally trying to burn Gotham City to the ground right now, especially the poorer neighborhoods. Also Bruce is feeling old and has a bat demon from another dimension living in his brain right now. Also Harvey's been GREAT in this story so far!
So when you get a comic book, there will sometimes be a second, shorter story packed in with the main story that you bought the comic for towards the back of the book hence the term "Back-Up Features". Often these stories are unrelated to the main one, but in this case, the stories they've been telling in these back-up features relates to the events of the main one. And so Harvey and Two-Face got their own little story in the back-up features... And that story was excellent! Basically, Harvey has been forced into serving the Orghams against his will and is not very happy about it at all. He has no choice. If he tries to resist the Orghams, the brain demon that they gave him would melt his brain. But Two-Face is not effected by this brain demon and can do whatever he wants... Now if only Harvey would let him have control of the body... This story does a great job of unpacking Harvey and Two-Face's tense history together, and really gets at the heart of their conflict which ultimately culminates in them deciding to try and work together instead of against each other. And honestly, it's simply a wonderful story that addresses their plurality and shows that Harvey and Two-Face are important to each other and in fact need one another! In this story, their plurality isn't an issue that needs to be cured. It's a blessing in disguise and allows them to do things that no one else could! It's a deeply plural story that simply could not be told with a singlet and is everything that I want out of a Two-Face story! You can tell that this story cares deeply for plural people and wants to do them justice! It's a story that rejects the idea that Harvey should strive to live his life as close to a singlet as he can and embraces his plurality, saying that Two-Face isn't someone who deserves to be eradicated, but rather is a person that deserves to be understood and loved as much as any other human being!
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This story has so much LOVE for plural people and the individuals that they share their system with. And I genuinely hope that they feel it. It's wonderful and a Two-Face story like none other that has been created thus far for him... And that's a damn shame. It's a shame that there aren't more stories like this. And therefore it's a story that you should read! And this is just the back-up story! There's more good stuff in the main story! Two-Face killed a goddamn werewolf in the main story! :D
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[Source] (That guy he shoots is a werewolf, trust me.)
And we're still in only the FIRST act of this Batman opera! We have a LONG way to go until the end of this story, and it promises to be incredible if the quality keeps up!
Sadly, Harvey may have departed from the story for now. After Two-Face saved Batman in the images above, and got Bruce fixed up a bit, Two-Face basically threatened Batman, telling him to leave them alone and that if he tries curing Harvey ever again, that he'll torture and kill everyone Bruce loves and then himself, and then he exited stage left. But hopefully he'll turn up again in the story! I hope he does at least! If he doesn't I'll be real sad and upset!
And so there you have it! Some of Harvey Dent's most recent appearances and where you can find some of the most recent stories he's in! Even if you don't end up checking any of these out, hey! At least now you know where you can look into the character a little more and know a little of what's going on in the Batman universe right now!
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watchingspnagain · 6 months
Rewatching Good God, Y'All
Welcome to “But Does One Simply Drive an Impala into Mordor?: A Supernatural Rewatch Blog” with Lor and Mace!
Up today, s5e2: Good God, Y’All.
The boys are worried about Bobby, who has lost the use of his legs and won’t speak. Dean shows off an x-ray of their very pretty carved ribs just before Cas calls Sam to find out where they are because, oh right, the pretty ribs mean they’re hidden from *all* angels, even pocket angel. Cas reveals that he’s cut off from Heaven and thus can’t heal Bobby (who has something to say about that—yay! He’s talking!) because then they couldn’t save healing him for some more dramatic time later on. Cas wants Dean’s samulet because it supposedly glows hot in the presence of orcs God. Dean doesn’t want to give it up, but Cas Dom-Voices him into it. Rufus calls Bobby for help in a town overrun by demons. The boys go to check it out, running into Ellen and Jo, who are hunting together now. Seems like everyone in this town thinks everyone else is a demon. Turns out no one is. The first of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, War, has arrived, and he’s making different groups of townsfolk think the other groups are possessed. Sam and Dean each figure this out independently because they are both smarties. They cut War’s ring from his finger, vanquishing him and gaining a piece of jewelry that, huh, seems like maybe it might be important later. At the end of the episode, Dean confesses that he's not sure he can trust Sam anymore, and they decide to go their separate ways. Uh-huh.
Below is a log of our real-time reactions as we watched. Remember that there may be spoilers for any part of SPN’s 15-season run here. Note also that the nature of our conversation is adult and thus it may contain adult language and themes.
 [and we begin:]
oh, you’re a sword, DeanDean, don’t fight it
oh good. Jo.
I bet Dean gives extremely good back rubs
they're xrays, Sam. says that right there
god, even their flipping ribs are pretty now
omg is this the scene where Misha falls to the floor to disappear?
I think it is!
"Say again."
remind me what’s wrong with Bobby?
“I heard that” HAHAHA
he's paralyzed from the waist down but I kinda forget why already? (Ed: We remembered eventually.)
cripes, Cas is extra gorgeous here
oh Cas, oh honey, you're so earnest, baby
"no he's not on any flatbread"
“literally at the end of days” oh Dean, you’ve got, like 10 years left at least
I love that Dean is SO anti-God all through but later when he actually meets him and confirms that he does not in fact care, it wrecks him so much
get a little closer there, Cas
he's SO STERN i cannot
OMG that LOOK when he turns to Dean
“NO”… “alright I guess”
that didn’t take long
"may I borrow it?" "NO" *VOICE* "Dean, give it to me" *dean does*
that’s not exactly how you play hard to get Dean
“now I feel naked” “I’ll be in touch” NICE
"now I feel naked" haaaahahahahahah
"tell him to send legs" HAAAAHAHAHAHAHA
I refuse to believe that they did not know what they were doing with Dean and Cas right from the start
meh, I think the writers are mostly idiots, to be honest, and stumbled onto the good stuff. the rest is all on Jensen, Jared, and Cas as amazing actors
lolololol I love the establishing shot: snowy mountains, must be Colorado, right?
I MEANT Jensen and Cas
omg DUDE we BOTH called Misha Cas haaaaahahahahaha
oh AHA! well yes then
omg the tone of the music with the destruction
quality soundtrack choice
omg I LOVE when music goes from undiegetic to diegetic
“hello boys” NOT YOUR LINE, ELLEN
okay there it is. jeez
hahahaha the slap
I don’t like her, but I do like that she calls Dean “kid"
and the "yes, ma'am"
agreed. I always love it when someone treats him like they love him, especially WHILE they are tearing him a new one, but Ellen as a character? meh
just because she’s a pregnant woman, Dean, doesn’t mean she can’t handle herself. Jesus.
although I do suspect that THAT pregnant woman might not be able to
well sure but I’m trying to make a point here, Lor
I DO apologize. *drags over a box for you*
that canned soup probably has enough salt in it to be useful
*checks to see if box has cookies in it before realizing it’s full of soap*
*hands you another, smaller, box, this one WITH cookies*
Sammy, no. Don’t lick that.
look, in GENERAL, Sammy, don't like knives
*lick. dammit
like them all you want
WHY is it that every pregnant character on the screen is constantly holding her belly. NO ONE ACTUALLY DOES THAT
ooooof, Dean
I feel like if I had ever been pregnant, I would have used the shelf as a good place to rest the snacks
been there
I mean, the boobies work, surely the baby bump would too
works pretty good until the kicking starts
now I'm picturing chips just like flying out of the bowl
ope, fret boys
not really any of your business, Ellen
okay, so Sam is incredibly hot when he gets angry and shoves people and Dean is incredibly hot shoved up against a wall. it's fine. I'm fine
also SOME GIRL? Have you met them? They never like the same girls
and girls are always about one of them or the other
right?! she’s a dummy
oh Dean
"random's good"
"this isn't x-files, pal"
Ellen really should be a great character. strong woman and all, but she just… sucks. and I can’t really figure out what it is about her that doesn’t work
right? she should be great but she's just kind of annoying
is it the actor? the writing? maybe a little of both
lol the poor pastor
yeah, probably a bit of both
War is excellent, on the other hand
War’s a daddy and I’m okay with that
“that’s adorable” HA
Oh Sammy, don’t listen to him
look at those puppy eyes
army dude is also a cutie
he really is
“genius” I love it
Rufus is master-level snark
"stop firing usually means stop firing" I LOVE HIM
Frodo of the niiiiiine fingers
War calling them kiddos to parallel Ellen
omg Dean’s LotR reference!
You two
"so pit stop at mount doom" DEEEAN
Oh Sammy, I love you just the way you are
well of course
omg Dean's squinty face before he agrees
and his freeeeckles
you KNOW you don’t want to be apart, boys. just STOP
maybe someone should knock their heads together
OMG offering Sam Baby
"you too, Sammy" OMG BOYS STOOOOOP
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welcometoteyvat · 7 months
i feel like while hsr has endless possibilities bc of the universe thing they haven't explored well, i thought because gi was open world it was the reason why i feel so immersed in the story, but then i played other turn-based games and i felt different, they need to get better for sure
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fr fr i think something genshin does well is making us care about the npcs, like even if you're a teppei hater or don't like the npcs in story quests, i dont think ive met anyone who doesn't have a soft spot for any world quest npc.. it makes the world more real instead of making genshin a story about the playable characters alone, which i think hsr lowkey is. unfortunately genshin and hsr will be my first and last experiences with both open world and turn based games so i don't have any reference for hsr's weak points compared to its competitors lolol
you're so right in that they don't take enough advantage of the world hopping and all that lol, honestly i think hsr would be cool if it got turned into a slice of life. You're already chilling (or attempting to chill) while traveling through the universe, why not just make it 100% silly shenanigans instead of real plot (of course this won't happen, but it would be funny and a little bit cute).
MISHA!!! misha...... kissing him on the head.. (watchmaker theory please..) i've done so many pulls and haven't gotten a single misha, instead tingyun is now e6 -_-
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laf-outloud · 1 year
So where are the 'millions' of Misha fans who were going to make GK a hit? Lol.
Perhaps they're in hiding with the 'millions' of Jensen fans who failed to turn up for TW.
I have a theory that a lot of Misha and Jensen fans are overseas. They can watch illegally and contribute to social media (hence the high number of tweets - at least for GK), but they aren't counted towards the Live US ratings.
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hologramcowboy · 2 years
Danneel's fanbase:
Obsessed AAs - that use her as a self insert and suck up to her in the hopes of getting closer to Jensen. Most of these suffer deep seated issues, are overinvested in Jensen to the point where they are capable of anything and are no different from hellers in the levels of delusion they produce. They forego their own personality and copy her in every way, even though she's unworthy of being rolemodel. Once Jensen divorces her, they'll be the first to turn on her as she will no longer be their self insert. They are so obsessed about Danneel representing them they ignore all the warning signs of her devaluing Jensen and of him being unhappy because all they care about is, much like her, being able to take advantage of him somewhere down the line.
Destihellers - out of touch with reality who believe she fully supports Misha sleeping with her husband (see example below)
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Worst of all she panders to them even tough they are an attack to Jensen's mental and emotional wellbeing and he has repeatedly expressed his dissent regarding the ship and even confirm it never, ever, ever existed in any way.
But anything to get ahead, right? Not even Jensen matters in the big picture. His so called wife sells him out easily by pandering to delusional, aggressive, dangerous people for a few extra bucks and the small visibility they bring.
Missed a few types but did so on purpose or this post would blow the internet up lol
To summarize, Danneel's so called fans are exactly like her, riddled with issues, incapable of empathy and looking to constantly use and abuse Jensen to meet their own agendas.
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samcybercat · 1 year
Supernatural Characters That I Liked :D
On 2nd April 2023, we finished watching all 15 seasons of Supernatural. My history with this show is that I didn't really know it was a thing while it was popular and then by the time I joined Tumblr it was "that series people on Tumblr like that I don't think would be for me". Up until late 2021, the only things from Supernatural that I'd seen were the Destiel Confession (TM), a short scene of Dean telling Sam & Jack that Castiel was dead and the montage of Sam dying from the final episode. Beyond that, I genuinely knew nothing about the show But in 2021 (I think?) my housemates and I had finished BBC Merlin and were looking for a new long series to try, which ended up being Supernatural. Our set-up was that Gemba had seen up to Season 12 (and thus had to endure us asking many questions about it), but Amber and I had never seen any of it Now, no one needs me to review Supernatural. Enough other people who know more about it than I do have done that. But it's been a long ride and I wanted to do something to celebrate it. So instead of picking apart the good and the bad, I thought I'd simply make a list of the characters I like. This is not an all-inclusive list, as in over 15 seasons there are bound to be a few fun one-off characters who I'll forget. But I tried to include as many characters as possible Starting off with my beloved - everyone's favourite Supernatural character whose name begins with the letter C...
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...Crowley! (Don't worry, Castiel is also on the list lol)
I cannot understate how much Crowley kept me going with this show. We'd just come off the back of the Trickster dying and I was bummed about that, but then Crowley came along with all his yelling and his bisexual villainy and I was won over immediately. Everything about Mark Sheppard's performance was a delight and all his interactions with the rest of the main cast were so fun. When Crowley ended up on the path from enemy to frenemy to begrudging ally, it never felt like character-derailment at all. Though having said that, I also fully understand and respect Sheppard's choice to leave because he was disappointed with how Crowley was being written - as much as it was a big miss for me to see Crowley go. Crowley is my blorbo for this show He is also incredibly shippable with Sam
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Next up is Sam, Mr. Skrunkly Himself and the greatest shipping bicycle I could ask for Now, some of you who I have talked to about Supernatural might remember me saying that I didn't like Sam, which certainly was true in the earlier seasons. I just feel like in the beginning, Sam's stick-in-the-mud attitude needed a bit longer to bake until he became the absolutely endearing, doe-eyed giant that he would become later on. I also think that Sam becoming a better character ended up lining up quite well with Dean becoming... less of a characters that I could enjoy, so that worked out nicely. I'm sorry that I was a non-believer to start with, Sammy, but I'm 100% a Sam Girl now lol
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You're on tumblr, you know who this is I now definitely understand why this website was so obsessed with Castiel. What could've easily been a throw-away character was turned into a series main-stay and I'm sure that a large part of that was due to the clear love that Misha Collins had for the character and poured into his performance. Every time Castiel was around it was always great and, like a lot of people, my biggest problem with Castiel was that they didn't use him enough. They (probably accidentally) wrote one of the best autistic characters I've seen in a while and also, his Dadstiel scenes with Claire and Jack are one of the few times I've really enjoyed seeing a character take on the role of a parent Castiel is also incredibly shippable with Sam (sorry Destiel shippers, I'm Sastiel through and through)
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Queen of my heart, Rowena! The treatment of female characters in Supernatural is another topic with not a great reputation, but you've got to believe me when I say that Rowena is a brilliant character, one of the best and most-fun female villains. When she was introduced as Crowley's mum, I knew we were in for a great ride and, sure enough, every episode she was in was charming. Ruth Connell really ran with the concept of "vengeful Scottish witch". My fears for Rowena had been that she would be killed off shortly after Crowley's departure, but I was delighted to see that she continued to be a main-stay for most of the show, ending with her destined death scene with Sam, before being triumphantly crowned Queen of Hell Rowena is also incredibly shippable with Sam, though I've also gotta give a shout-out to my short-lived OTP of Rowena x Gabriel
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Speaking of Gabriel, the Trickster was definitely what kept me watching at the start of the series. In the beginning, Supernatural was a bit dry for my taste and he injected that shot of fun into it that it needed to keep me interested. His episodes were few and far between, but just knowing there might be a Trickster episode on the horizon always kept me going until Crowley came along to take the mantle from him. I was glad to see Gabriel return later on, even if I feel like they didn't really use him or play to his strengths quite as much as they did in the early episodes The Trickster is also incredibly shippable with Sam
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The best baby boy, Jack! On paper, the concept of Lucifer's son joining the team felt like a desperate attempt by the writers to show a new, younger audience that they were still hip and relevant, but that ended up not being the case. From the moment Jack appeared, he was wonderful, bringing the same energy as Castiel, but with that child-like optimism attached that would lead to him ultimately saving the day and making a better world for everyone. Seeing the trio raising a son was also brilliant and actually the perfect kind of fanfic-fodder the show needed. My biggest regret for Jack is that he came along after most people stopped caring about the show, so he didn't receive the appreciation I think he deserved
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I actually feel bad that it's taken me so long to get to Bobby, as he's one of my big faves, but in my defence he wasn't in the later seasons very much. Bobby went from being "Guy who tells the brothers where the monster of the week is" to the actual perfect father-figure they deserved. There was a reason why when Dean gets to heaven it was Bobby waiting for him and not John, and it wasn't just because getting Neegan back was probably expensive. Bobby is another underrated autistic icon imo and excellent boyfriend-material for Crowley. Even though I was sad when his time on the show was cut short, he was one of the few characters who I felt was given the right amount of fanfare for his send-off
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Ketch! I love Ketch! He's our fave in this house. After the very dull Darkness season, I had my hopes low and was rolling my eyes when the British Men of Letters were introduced, but then they ended up being so cringe that it cycled back around to being funny again. We would cheer every time Ketch appeared
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Yes, I like Bela and think she was fun in her appearances, you're all just mean about her :(
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This version of Meg specifically was wonderful and top-tier shippable with Castiel. It's no wonder that she was the one they called back to play The Empty all those years later. Meg's flirty banter was the perfect foil for Castiel's serious cluelessness and I would always look forward to scenes with both of them
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I'm gonna be real with you: most of the season-long villains were very hit or miss for me, but Zachariah was one villain who I thought was excellent. It's a shame he was so early on, so I don't remember too much about his specifically, but I do remember enjoying him and how powerful he made the angels feel
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Pamela or, as she was known in our house for a long time, The Woman Who Was Fine About Everything. When Pamela first appears she's like "Two brother? Awesome, let's have a threesome!" ...Then she gets her eyes blasted out. When we next see her, Pamela is totally cool with being blind and is even using it to help her work. ...Then she gets killed off. But when we next see her in the afterlife, wouldn't you know it, she's totally cool with being dead. Even when she later appears as a figment of Dean's imagination, she's fine with that, too. So here's to you, Pamela. Wherever you are, I know you're totally cool with it!
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Kevin Tran and his mum. These two characters are the absolute example of deserving much better from the writing, especially Kevin. At least his mum got some cool scenes when she tried to rescue him, but poor Kevin was basically the Wincester's hostage who then died to give Dean more man pain. Which is a shame, because Kevin was great and I really wish we'd been given more fun scenes with him
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Hannah (Agent Stone version) ...Look, it's Lee Majdoub, the guy who plays Agent Stone in the Sonic Movies! Turns out he had a brief role in Supernatural as one of Hannah's vessels. I wish he'd stuck around, but as a big Sonic fan I'm glad he moved onto other things :')
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Claire Novak - I never expected the kid from Castiel's vessel's old life to come back as a full character later on, but Claire filled the role of the vengeful daughter who grew to respect Castiel so well and I definitely wish we'd seen more of both Claire and her short-lived relationship with Kaia. I also had the exact same Grumpy Cat plushie that Castiel gave to Claire, so I was very endeared by that
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Both the original Death and Billie who came after him were excellent! Both very different and strong personalities who filled every scene they were in - when these two appeared, you really knew Dean had to sit up and pay attention, because shit was about to get real
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Another one of my top faves, Eileen! Imagine my surprise when Supernatural of all series introduces one of the very few portrayals of a deaf character I've seen and she ends up becoming a recurring character and love interest to one of the main characters. Eileen was annoyingly killed off-screen, but then they made up for it by having Sam go to such lengths to bring her back. She had an adorable relationship with Sam. ...Then they killed her off again and left us to only assume that she must've been returned to life by Jack, but never actually showed that. Oh well, I will choose to believe that the blurry woman they showed with Sam in his montage in the last episode was Eileen and they got the happy ending they deserved
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Rufus went from having a somewhat subdued first appearance to being Bobby's partner in crime and that was when he really shined. Another character who was killed off far too early, wasting his potential, but I enjoyed the few Bobby & Rufus episodes that we did get
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Garth was just a nice guy and I wanted good things for him. After his short, but successful, role as The New Bobby, I'm glad that Garth was able to retire and live with his werewolf family without becoming yet another victim of characters dying by association with the Winchesters
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Becky went from being a very fun nod-to-the-fandom character to having that... one very uncomfortable episode with Sam... to disappearing for a long time and finally coming back to be shown living her best life with her family and thriving. Screw Chuck for killing her off, but I choose to believe that she came back
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Crowley having a son who was brought to modern day from ye olde Scotland and then let loose into a park somewhere will never not be funny to me. I liked Gavin for the few episodes he was in
...And I'm bored of looking for screenshots now, so I'll cap this off by also giving a shout-out to fan-fave, Charlie, who they once again killed off before they should've done but at least had some good episodes, Balthazar, who was the idea friend for Castiel and gave me big Dionysus Hades Game vibes, Metatron, who really grew on my from his initial introduction as villain to reluctant frenemy, and to Chuck, who was a character who really annoyed me for most of the series, but then once they started playing him as a straight up villain it felt like he was the perfect way to sing the series out. Amara also got a lot better in later seasons from her unfortunate first appearance and it was a shame about her hand-wave ending I have mixed feelings about Dean. Goodnight
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