#miss holiday
rentumblsstuff · 7 months
Steph: I don’t think the new guidance counselor is gonna be able to help us process the whole… Thing…
Pete: Oh, definitely, but we can at least talk to her about Richie and Ruth’s deaths?
Steph: Oh definitely.
Miss Holiday: *walks in and stops immediately*
Miss Holiday: … I see…
Pete: Is it that obvious that we’re grieving?
Miss Holiday: You poor babies had to deal with the Lords in Black, didn’t you? I can see it in your auras-
Steph and Pete: OH MY GOD IT WAS CRAZY WHAT THE FUCK WERE THOSE THINGS- *indistinct traumatized rambling*
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oswaldpettyeyeart · 6 months
inspired by the prompt "damsel" and @snarky-wallflower fic (wave your world goodbye on ao3) :^)
like my art? you can commission me!
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ratb4stard3 · 6 months
New WIP woaahh
I am Duke Keane level in love with her i think
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th3b4dk1dzz · 11 months
What if Post-Yellow Jacket Ethan adopted all the magic roller rink kids?
At this point, Lex and Hannah leaving Hatchetfeild probably wouldn't spare him from getting hurt by Charlie and his men. He held him at gunpoint, he knows too much about the fighting rink, and what's more, he may not know where Lex and Hannah are, but Charlie doesn't know/might not believe that (either that or he might use him as bait to lure the Fosters back to Hatchetfeild). He just can't go back to living a normal life at this point.
In the same vein, the roller rink kids aren't safe to go back to their homes. Their parents might not be able to protect their children, assuming they were clearly much more dependent on the rink for income. They might even leave to keep them safer.
Just picture a bunch of superpowered teenagers wanting to rescue Sophia, and the boy Otho posessed showing up on the doorstep of the only person they've ever seen pull one over on Charlie, and Ethan unable to ever turn away a troubled kid in need (especially those who were so friendly to Hannah) just accepts his inevitable fate.
It's not just about his strength or protective capabilities, though. Remember, Ethan now has a huge apartment full of toys and games, which otherwise would go to waste, and has always been the one to cheer both Hannah and Lex in hard times so he would be a great source of comfort to these kids, especially after saving Otho's former victims, they both need that stability and support after what happened to them.
In return, the kids give Ethan a new sense of purpose. The older kids like Sophia and Daniel help out around the place and hold down the fort while Ethan is working and look after the smaller kids.
A comfortable pattern is established of spending the days snooping around for clues about Charlie's operation before crashing out on the bounce house, (which is covered in sleeping bags and blankets to create the ultimate sleep fortress) with take out pizza and whatever movies they can get their hands on.
Duke finds out that Ethan has been looking after a bunch of runaway kids on his minimum income (because you can't hide that sort of thing forever, not from Duke) and after extensively explaining the whole deal to him he agrees to cover for the kids absences, raise funds to help with food and maintenance costs as well as looking into the wealthy clientel who attend the rink fights. He even brings the cat to cheer the kids up.
He lets Miss Holiday in on the secret, and she helps the kids understand and get better control over their new powers without the use of mind milk. She also uses her staff connections at Hatchetfeild High to get ahold of textbooks and old test papers so the kids don't fall behind. This moves Ethan to tears for some reason. Only Duke understands why.
It still hurts, losing the Fosters, for both Lex's lover and for Hannah's friends. But the pain is a lot more numbed when the cavity is filled with new people to love instead.
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lilacthebooklover · 3 months
'Because that's Duke's handwriting on the page: the same loopy scrawl that dances across each of his forms and documents. It's the shining midnight blue of a fountain pen someone he can't recall gifted to him for Christmas, the solid leather case he picked out on a whim whilst shopping, that muddy stain of spilt coffee after a long night splashed across the familiar lined pages. This is his diary.
And yet, Duke can't remember writing a single word inside of it.
Or: Every once in a while, Duke decides to make an entry in his diary. And every single time, Miss Holloway is left to deal with the fallout.'
(hey so what if i cooked)
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aliceisaperson · 1 year
Waiting for another hatchetfield fan to notice the moment in the witch in the web where Miss Holloway calls out a girl with a tee shirt of an 80’s pop star that “everyone’s forgotten” as her clothes being old making her put together that she is not from this time. Not just that she was wearing a vintage tee, cause she knew no one would know the pop star on the tee. And then the girl asks her for an autograph
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ihavenoideamanokay · 11 months
so as much as I say Tom Houston and Becky Barnes should adopt all the teens etc in Hatchetfield (especially Lex and Hannah)
imagine while Lex is in prison
Miss Holloway and Duke raise her
anyway I'm so normal and not sad hahaha
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Pete meets a creepy guy in the woods
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miss-holloday · 10 months
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Her hair is huge. Her earrings dangle.
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ut-anomalous · 7 months
a letter.
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nuttersincorporated · 2 years
Miss Holloway's Story
Summary: This is the story of Miss Holloway and her past, in her own words. You will learn about the history of Hatchetfeild, the Hatchetmen, the Witchwood, the children, the Black Book and the Waylons. You will learn about the sacrifice Miss Holloway made to try and keep everyone else safe
Warning: General Hatchetfeild weirdness and unusual formatting
f̸̗̎o̴̖͐r̵̼͌g̸̝̿e̷͈̅ț̶́ ̷͔̈́f̷̣͝o̸̱̾r̴͍̿g̸̰͝e̴͇͆t̷͓͠ ̵͔̎f̵̔ͅo̷̯͋r̴͕̓g̵̼͂e̸̲͆t̷͇̍ ̴͎̓f̶̻͑ö̵̩ṟ̷̛g̷͓̾ẹ̶͆ṫ̶̘ ̸̥̉f̷̛͚o̵͈͝r̵͍͠g̵͉̿ḙ̷̈́t̴̠͒ ̶̯̓f̶͇̅ỏ̸̻r̵̭̅g̸̩̈́e̸̻͝ť̵͙ ̶͖̒f̴͉̉o̸̘̍r̷̨̕g̶̭͗ę̶́ẗ̷̲́ ̵͕̂f̴̨̚o̷̗̿r̵͒ͅg̴͕͝e̸̘͝ṭ̴͠ ̷̹̓f̸̛͜ö̵̡́r̵͖̈́g̴̤̉e̷̛̙t̸̡̅ ̷͍͝f̷͇͝ȏ̵̘r̴͈̿g̶̲͆e̸͍̋t̷̤̽ ̸̹́f̶͎͋o̴̹͛r̶͆ͅĝ̴ͅe̵̺͊t̸̘͒ ̸̜̿f̶̭̐o̵͈̿r̸͓̀g̴̮̒ē̷͉t̸̐ͅ ̴̣̒f̸͖́o̶͕̕r̶͉̒g̴̪̚ȅ̸͓t̸̲͌ ̶̗̈f̶͎̿o̶̼̓ŕ̵͓ǧ̶ͅḙ̸͐t̵̰̿ ̵̃͜f̶̙̿o̴̖͊r̶͇̐g̷̣̍e̸̳̿t̷̜̔ ̶̣̒f̸̖̓ŏ̷ͅr̷̳̿g̵͙͗e̵̩̔t̵̤̔ ̴̤̓f̵̯̿ò̸ͅr̷̦̚ḡ̶̞ḛ̵͝ț̷̄ ̴̢̏ḟ̵͙ȍ̷͖r̶̡̄g̸̭̅e̴̢̔t̵͌͜ ̷̰̾f̵̪͆ỏ̷͎r̵͇̚g̶̗̔e̸̮̔t̸̟̓ ̶̢͗f̵̮̔o̵̙̿r̸͎̅g̸̼̊ḛ̵̾t̶̘͝ ̵̻̅f̵̝͌o̸̲͂ŗ̴́ġ̸̪e̶̟͝t̶͖̄ ̶̟̊f̷͍͊o̶̲͒r̸͍͊g̴̛̲e̴̬̒ṯ̴̈́ ̵̙́f̸̋͜ọ̵͝r̸͉͛ḡ̷̡è̸̠ț̴̊ ̷̥̽f̵̘̋o̷͋ͅr̴̰̍g̸͎̈́e̸̗̓ṱ̷̀ ̸̳͋f̴̫̎o̴͔̕r̶̯͆g̶̺̒e̸͎͝t̵̬͋ ̷̙̋f̸̣̀o̴̢͌r̶͕̓g̴̠̐e̷̤̿t̸͉͝ ̸͖̑f̴̖̋o̸͔̔r̷͕̀g̵̩̓e̷̟̓t̶͈̚ ̷̬̉f̵̪̓o̷̼̚ȑ̵̮g̵͈̉e̷̙̍t̷̟͘ ̴̛̱f̷͍̽o̵̼̓r̷͋͜g̶̺̊e̵̫̽ț̶͝ ̴̢͝f̴͚̆o̷̔ͅŕ̵͉ǧ̶̦e̷̞͝t̵̖̄ ̷̳̅f̵̟̑ỏ̵̜r̸̩͒g̴̩͗e̸̼̋ẗ̷̞́ ̶̔͜f̴͈̐o̴̜̔r̴̻͌g̸̘̃e̶̡̓t̴̏ͅ ̸̮̂f̷͖̽o̵̲̎ŗ̵̂ğ̴̤e̷͖̾ṱ̴͌ ̷̺͝f̸̡̊o̸͖̕r̶̥̕g̸̝̋ě̶͍t̶̪̐ ̶̤͘ḟ̶̬o̶̦̐r̷͇̒g̶͇͌e̴̺͘t̸̙̅ ̷̀͜f̴͂ͅo̴͎̒ṟ̴͒g̸̰͆ě̸̮t̶͔͊ ̷̰͆f̸̨͑o̸͙͝ŕ̷ͅg̷̤͛e̶̤̽t̶͠ͅ ̶͔̀f̶͖͋o̸͖͌r̷̝͠g̷͙̈́ë̷̼́t̸̳͘ ̴͇͆f̶̢̔o̵͈͗r̸̤̕g̵̛͕ḙ̴̽t̴̨̽ ̶̩̄f̷͑͜ö̶̲́r̴̖͂g̴̠̾è̶͔t̶̨̂ ̴̖̕f̶̘́õ̵̬ṙ̸̙g̸̲̑e̵̙̕t̸̘̆ ̴̦̊f̴́ͅơ̴̰r̸̳͊g̴̡̋e̶̛̦ț̵̓ ̶̼̉f̶̼̕o̶̠̿ṛ̸̅g̸͚̓ë̵͙́t̵̬̓ ̵͖̈f̷̨̏ŏ̷̼ṛ̴̅g̸̖̑e̷̘͋t̵̹͂ ̵̤͊f̴̼̏o̶͍͒r̸͓̾g̶̘͛e̸̪̽t̸̢̔ ̶̡͝f̵̳̂ó̵͍r̶̟̀g̴̖͠ë̵͈́t̵͕͗ ̷̹͂f̷̠̎o̶͈̓r̶̘̓g̷̘̅e̴͈̿t̴̟̂ ̸̡̽f̸̣͆ọ̶͒r̸̝̋g̴̭͂e̴̙̐t̶͉͋ ̷͔̇f̸̜̂o̷̢͆ŗ̴͐g̸̤̍e̷̠̍ṫ̷͜ ̷͍͌f̵̢̀ò̴̹r̴̯̾g̸͇͛e̷̦͛t̵͉̽ ̶̼͝f̵̼̌o̵͖͗r̸̝̍g̴͙̈ē̷͈t̷̞̋ ̶̠̄f̵̫͒ò̸̢r̶̲͊g̴͕͂e̶̬̐ţ̷͆ ̴̜̇f̵̘͝o̶̫̓r̷͔̐ḡ̵̖e̷͓͒t̸̥̑ ̴͖̑f̸̝̀o̴̫͛r̸͎͠g̶͉͝e̸̗͘t̵̯́ ̸͙̋f̵̳̈́ő̵̙r̷̝̀g̷̡̓ë̴̥́t̶̩̓ ̷̮̕f̵̧̀o̵͆ͅr̷̈́͜g̸̞͛ȅ̴͙t̷̨̉ ̷̜̕f̶͓̀ȏ̵̫r̶̪̉g̶̡̽e̸̟͝t̴̞͘ ̵̗̽f̶̼̎ơ̷͚r̵̓͜g̷͕̈ḙ̷̈t̶͖̂ ̷̗̾f̷̻̄o̸̡̅r̵̗͂g̴͉̀e̴̼͝t̸̳͗ ̶̰̅f̷͇̀o̶͙͊r̸͚̕g̴̠͊e̷̠̾t̵̟͠ ̸̞̍ ̵̰͗g̷͕̎o̸̠͌n̷̥͠e̴̠̽ ̷̳͊g̸̨̕ô̴̖n̷̘̄ẹ̷͋ ̸̙̈́g̸̯͘o̷̗͝n̶̖̋e̷͉̍ ̷̜̏ĝ̴̲o̸̺̐n̷̮͝e̶̺͘ ̵͍̆g̷̥̕o̴̤͂n̸̬͂è̴̬ ̶̡́g̵̛̭o̶͚͗n̷̦͘e̵̥͑ ̴̞͝g̵̪͑ō̸͖n̶͚̎ē̵̯ ̶͍̕g̷̩̋ǫ̸̍n̴̳̊e̴͔̎ ̸͇̔g̴̿ͅọ̴̀n̸̻̊ȩ̷͛ ̵̢͛g̶̀ͅö̷̬n̶̓͜e̵̫̒ ̵͗ͅg̴̹͒o̸͕͝n̴̞͝e̵̗͝ ̷͉̇g̴̫̋ő̶̗ṇ̷̏e̷̜̋ ̸͚̃g̴̗̏õ̷̧n̴̡̿e̶͉̎ ̴̰̅g̷͓̽o̶͔̿n̸̤͒e̵̩̿ ̷͔͛g̴̩͋o̸̤͠n̴̯͠è̸̟ ̵̗͝g̷̹̐ó̴͚n̷̈́͜e̶̘͘ ̸̣̓g̶̹͑o̶͖͋n̸̘͒e̸̗͌ ̷͕̂ĝ̵̙ó̶̭ñ̷͍ë̸͕ ̴̑͜g̶͉̾o̶̙͆ñ̴̪ẹ̴͐ ̵͚̈́g̸̝̒ȍ̴̞ṅ̸͙ë̶̱́ ̶̯̊g̶̟͐o̷̘̔n̸̗̄ȩ̴̽ ̴̨͛g̷̲̽o̴͎̐n̵̲̽e̶͍̚ ̸̦͝g̴̹̚o̷̗̾ṋ̷̃ḛ̵́ ̷̱͘g̷̼̅o̸͔̅n̴̨͝ē̷͍ ̴̱̿g̶̫͂ỏ̷͓n̷̡̈e̴̮͌ ̸̫̇ģ̵͑o̸̜̐n̷̈́͜é̶̪…̶̆͜…̸̣̚…̸̜́…̸͚̆…̵̭̽…̴̹̽…̶̣̚ ̸̟͝l̸̩̎o̴͚͘s̶̩̍t̴͇̄ ̷̯̒l̴̑͜o̵̻͘s̶͙͆t̴̘̊ ̷̍͜l̶͔̾o̸̰͐s̸̬͊t̸͔͐ ̴͎̒l̶̙̋o̷̡̐s̵̠̓ẗ̸̜́ ̶͍̐l̵̛ͅo̶̺̚ŝ̵̻ţ̶͑ ̷̋͜l̵̨̍o̸̗̐s̶̯͝t̶̳́ ̵͍̀l̸̬͛ó̴̗ş̷̛t̴̼̂ ̶̨̔l̷͇̂o̴̲̽s̵͒ͅṱ̵̈́ ̷̡̋l̵̘͘…̵̩͑
It’s okay. I know you won’t remember this. I know you’ll forget again and again and again. But you’ll keep asking because you'll forget that you've forgotten.
̵͖͠b̷͓͐ľ̶̩a̷̜̐n̸̺͆k̵̡͋ ̷͉̚b̵̖͒l̵̲̂a̷̮͝n̵͕̆k̴̮͘ ̸̭͗b̴͓̎l̸̯͆â̸̯n̶͍̄k̴͚͋ ̴͉̓b̴̨̋l̷̪̇a̶͍̿n̵̹̋ḳ̴͊ ̵͎̇b̶̡̂l̵͔̇a̸̯͘n̵̩͝k̵̠͝ ̴͕̍b̵̥̽l̶̬̆a̴͓̽ń̴̗ǩ̴ͅ ̴̫̿b̴͈̆l̵͛ͅa̵̮͑n̷̻͋k̶͔̓ ̴̣̓b̷̯̆l̵͔̋a̸̲͝n̴̻͆k̵̡͋ ̷͍̕b̷̩̿l̷̰̕a̸͋͜n̶̝̈ḳ̷̈ ̵̇ͅb̷̰̆l̵͉̃a̸̙̎ň̴ͅḳ̵͑ ̴͎̎b̷̰͋l̵̜̄ä̶͓́n̴̦̓k̴̼̎ ̷̦͊b̷̦͠l̸̘͘a̶̝̎n̴̻̅k̵͈̿ ̵̖̏b̴̲͠l̷̠̍a̸̺̐n̵̗̎k̴͌ͅ ̸͎̈́b̸̙̈́l̴̘͂a̵͙̕n̶̬͝k̸̾͜ ̸̹̂b̴̰̈l̶͇͐ä̸̟́n̶̤̏k̴̩̉ ̷̻̕b̷̼̕l̴̘͋a̷̮̚n̸͔̍k̷̪̆ ̷͎̑b̸̡͊l̷͙̀ǎ̸̬ń̴̥k̶̦̐ ̵̞̋b̷͈̉ļ̵͝a̸̗͝ń̴̰k̴̼̀ ̸̱͐b̶̻̀l̷̘͛a̴̙͂n̶̟͑k̸͉̀ ̷̢̋b̴̟͐l̶̙̀ȃ̶̹n̶̹͗k̵͙͆ ̶̣͠b̸̜͌l̸͈̋à̷͎ṇ̸́k̴̙͋ ̴̩́b̶͔͊l̷̩̄ą̸̽n̶̺͠k̶̖̓ ̷̲̃ḇ̸̒l̷͖͑ǎ̸͜n̵̲̎k̷̦̋ ̷̱̓b̶̟̾l̵̢̆ȧ̸̧n̶̢͒k̶̞̋ ̴̜̃b̶̖̓l̶͈͋ȧ̵͖ñ̶̹k̷̻̀ ̵̱̃ḅ̸͘ḷ̶̽ả̸̗ń̸͜ḳ̴̅ ̵̟̏b̵̢̕l̷͎̔a̵̠͐ǹ̶̘k̸͖̓ ̶̡̒b̸̖͠l̶͙̋a̴̫͆n̴̠̐k̶̜̏ ̴̫̾b̸̨̽l̷͉̈́a̴̞͌n̷͔̐k̷̠̓ ̴̣̇b̵̖͐l̵̦̾ǎ̵͓n̴̂ͅķ̵̃ ̸̫͆b̷̲̃l̵͕̾a̵͔͛ṇ̵̓k̵̰̽ ̶̠̓b̴̳͒l̴̢̀ā̸̼ņ̶́k̸̺̄ ̷̖̔b̵̢͛l̸͔͊ǎ̴̺n̸̙͘k̵̝̓ ̷̣͌b̸͙͗l̷͓̆ȧ̵͓n̸̜͆k̴̳̓ ̴̳͘b̴̻͑ĺ̷̩a̷͙͠n̵̝͝k̸̮̍ ̴̳̿ḇ̸̎l̶͖̆a̴̬̓ṅ̶̳k̷̗͘ ̴̨̃b̷̪̈́l̸̘̅ā̵͉n̸̫̔k̵̫̇ ̵̪̊b̵̪̆l̴̢̀a̷̳̚n̵͇͠k̴̙̉ ̴̨͋b̸͚̐l̷̼͐ä̵̭n̸͔̔k̶͖͘ ̷͔̿b̸̻̈́l̴̾͜á̵͔n̷̯̓k̴̡͝ ̸̠́b̶̫̉ḽ̷̔a̸̦̽ǹ̶̞k̶̦͐ ̵̻̈́b̸͈̓l̸̮͘a̷̢̍n̸̞̈k̵̪̕ ̶̞̅ḃ̴͇l̶̺̽a̵̦͝n̸̦͐ḱ̶͓ ̴̳́b̷̞̿ḽ̶̈́a̸̠͝n̸̗͝k̴͔͊ ̶̖̽b̷̝͂l̷̼̽ȁ̸̠n̴̹̏k̷̝̋ ̶̝̌b̸̗̃l̵̙̈́a̸͚͋n̶̳̿k̷̭̇ ̵̫̌b̶͙͒l̶̬̈́a̸̝̐n̷̦̑k̴̪̽ ̵̩̃b̵̻̉l̵̑͜ḁ̷̊n̵̗͘k̶̡͝ ̵͖͗b̸͉̋l̶̼̀ȧ̶͍n̴̪͠k̸̬̎ ̵̲͝b̸̞̈l̷̗̏a̵͕͌ń̸̥k̷̘̀ ̸͈̓b̷̝̑l̵̯̀ă̴̻n̴̦̏k̵̟̕ ̷̱͂b̴͔͌l̸̼̐a̸̺̾n̸̰͑ǩ̵̬ ̸̫̔b̵̳̑l̵̥͗a̷̬̋ń̷̪k̸̦̏ ̵̧͘b̴͈͋l̷͉̋a̶̯͛n̴̘̐k̶̥̃ ̵̀͜b̵̲̈l̵̟̈́a̷̓ͅń̵̝k̴̖̅ ̶̼̕b̸̭̿l̸̢̚a̶̼͋n̶͉͘k̸̺̽ ̶̨̔b̵̪͘l̶̖̚a̸̤͆n̷͓̊k̸̙̓ ̷̥̉b̸̬͝l̴̄ͅá̴̬n̸̹̿ķ̶̉ ̶̯̄b̶̦̓ĺ̵̹ȧ̴̫n̷̗͋ǩ̶̩ ̸̰̿b̴̛̯l̷̳͒ȁ̵̻n̵̢̎k̸̝̋ ̷̫͘b̶̩͊l̸͙͐a̵̹͒n̸̳̍ķ̸̋ ̸̝̓b̴͍͆l̴̼̀â̸̱n̴̦̉k̷̪̈́ ̷̰̕b̶̯͆l̴̂͜à̵͙n̵̛̠k̷͕͝ ̷̧̾b̴̳̓l̷̗̑a̴̟͊ṉ̶̂k̶̠͒ ̵̹͐
It’s okay.
̴̡̑ṉ̷̌o̵̩̓t̴͚͊h̶̤͝i̶̯͝n̸͙̕g̷̰͠ ̷̯̔t̵̠̉o̷̩̿ ̴͖̾š̴̟e̴̘͝e̷̦͊ ̷̖̿h̴̯̓e̵̖̔ṛ̴͒e̸̘͊ ̸̧̋y̶̝͝ö̵̠́ũ̴͕ ̴̰͊w̸̖̾ỏ̷͕n̶̮̎’̵̭̐ţ̴̅ ̵̜̈́r̵̦̎e̷͖͠m̸̗̓ẽ̸͔m̴̞͘b̴̗͋e̷͖͊ṙ̷̡ ̵̲̋a̷̩͒n̶͔͝y̴͚͝w̷̮͒ă̶̧ý̵̟
You know me right now, in this moment and that’s enough. You don’t believe the things I’m telling you this time around. Last time you did but then the thing that made you ask was far more extrema. It doesn’t matter that you don’t believe me this time. The times when you do believe, you understand why I had to do it. You accept me every time, even when you don’t believe.
̴̯̚a̴̟͐l̷͉̐l̵͕̐ ̷̲̃g̶̗͛o̵͍̾ṋ̷́ė̵̘ ̴͉͒Å̴̰A̴̼͝A̶̬̐Ā̶̭A̵̻̽Ä̴͚́A̵̟͋Ǎ̴̹A̴͙̎A̴̲͝Á̵̡A̴̭͆A̸͚͒Ä̴̠́A̶̳͗Å̷̰Ă̴ͅȦ̴̩A̷̲̕Ă̶͎A̴͈͒A̷͇͆À̶̲A̷̗͛À̸͚Å̵̠Ả̴̭A̵͚͌À̷͕Ä̵̜́A̴͚͘A̵̪͆A̶̙͂À̵͉A̵͚̅Ȁ̵̝Ạ̵̇Å̸̖A̸̹͝Ä̵͍́A̵̮͊Ȧ̴̠Ã̵͖A̸̤͑A̷̚͜A̷̢͂À̷̯À̴̠Ạ̷̔A̶̡͘Ǎ̵ͅA̷̯̾Á̷͖A̴̹͌A̴̱͒A̵̪̓A̸̗͐Â̶͜A̶̞̕Ã̵͓A̵̧͆A̶̺͘Ǎ̴̠A̷̩͝A̶̯͆A̸̺͛Ạ̶́A̵͇̎A̴̫̋A̴̎͜A̵̧͌A̷̲̕A̴̘͝A̵͓͌Á̶͙A̸̳͒Ḁ̶̒Ȃ̸̖A̶̹͆Á̴̤Ā̸̯A̴̛̰A̵̡̚A̶̛̱A̸̬̅Ḷ̶̅Ȯ̴͖N̸̯͝E̸͖̕L̸̂͜Y̴̗̕-̴̹̿L̵͉͋O̴͎͒N̶̨͋E̶̮̕L̶̙̋Ÿ̵̖́-̵̘͆L̷̦̀Ö̸͖́Ṅ̸͚Ẹ̵̈́L̵͇̆Y̶̙͗A̴̝̔A̷͖̅A̶̱̅A̷̝̎A̷̳͂A̷̪͐A̷̟͊A̸̻̓Á̶̢Ȁ̷ͅA̷̟͌A̷̳͑A̵̞͒A̷̦͒Â̸̖A̷̻̎A̵̠̐Ä̸̻A̵͎͝A̵͂ͅÄ̶̠́Ȧ̶̳Á̶͇A̶̘͝A̴̻̍A̷͔̅A̷̱̓A̴̹͋A̷̯͛A̶͉͊Ä̶̧́A̵̲͒A̵̧̐A̵̖͝A̸̭̔Ä̵̰́Ả̷̹A̸̹̚Ä̷̡A̸̻̅A̶̟̿Ä̶̦́A̴̫̕A̴̟͝Á̵͓Â̷̩A̷̞͌A̸͕͛Ã̷͓A̷̛̘A̴̝̍Ǎ̵͍Á̶̜Ả̶̪Ă̴̼A̷̼͆A̶̬͌Â̵̞Ȧ̶̖Á̸̜A̸̜̕
It’s the sacrifice I had to make.
Ḁ̴͛A̷̛̜A̶̟͑A̷̫̍A̵͎̍Á̶̬Ą̵͌A̷��ͅȦ̵̦Ǎ̶̙Ǎ̴͍A̸̻̅A̴̺͠A̵̓ͅA̴͎̽Å̶̼À̴̳A̴͕̋Á̷͈A̶͓̐Ã̸̤A̴͔̕Â̶̖A̷̟͂A̵̪͝A̶͕̒A̶̯͂A̴͚̓A̴͇͗A̶͚͊Ă̵̗A̵͚͐A̷͕͗A̴̼͐A̴̛̦Ä̵̯́A̵͍̅A̸͝ͅĄ̵͘A̴̩͆A̴̖̋Á̸͚A̷̤͠A̵͙͠A̴̙͆Å̵̼A̷̞̍Ā̴̻Ȁ̶͖Ả̷̦À̵̮Ȁ̷͇A̴͉͊A̷̗͘A̸̯̅A̸̟̽A̷͈̋Ḁ̸̅À̴͓A̶͇̕A̷͒͜Ä̵̳A̵̝̾A̶̠͝A̷̤̎A̷̻̓Â̶̺Ã̷̱A̶̗͋A̴̡̔A̶͇͆Ȧ̴̖A̷͓̍Ą̵̈Ä̸̤́A̴̭̓A̷̼̚Ȁ̸̹A̶͙̅A̴͜͝A̴̾ͅA̵̯͘Å̷̪A̷͉͝A̴̯̓A̵̖̎À̸̘Ȃ̸̙A̶͓̎A̴̗͘Ă̵̫A̵͉͊A̶̟̐A̵̮̋Á̵̪A̸̲͂A̶͕̅Ḁ̸̑A̷͕͐A̷̱͘Ă̸̯A̸̦̔A̵̠͌A̵̙͝A̴̩̍A̷̤̾A̶͎̿A̷̤͆A̵̞͌Á̷̧Ä̸̻́Á̷͔Ā̷̼A̵̪͛A̷͈͒Ạ̸̀Ä̷͉A̴̳͑A̶̧̐A̴̹̽À̴̰A̶̕ͅÄ̸́͜Ả̴̫Ä̴̞Ă̸͇A̷̘̿Ā̸͎Ḁ̵̈́A̵͓͘Ḁ̸͛Ą̵͝A̷̤̔A̸͙̽A̴̗̓A̷͇͐A̶͙̕A̷̩͊Â̴̭Ă̴̳Ã̸͈Ả̷ͅẢ̷̺A̴͈͝A̷̟̋A̴̠̓Ȁ̴̫A̷͕͒Â̴͖A̴̮̍Ȃ̶͙A̷͜͝Á̷̘A̸̙͗Å̵͎A̴̫͝A̷̰͆Å̷̦A̵̧͂Ḁ̴̔A̷͈̓A̸̭̋Â̵̳A̵̬͆A̸̙̚A̶̘͋Ả̸̝A̴̻̽Á̴̢A̷̙͝Á̴̲A̷̢̾A̵͈͝A̶̿ͅÄ̸̻́A̵̦͂Ḁ̸̉A̵̮̒A̷̧͛Â̴̜A̸̜̎Ȁ̷͚Ä̶̦́A̴̦͛Ȧ̷̰A̸̜̔ ̵͑ͅĪ̵̹ ̵̺̚ṉ̶̅e̴͈͌v̵̛̟e̴͇͗r̴͈͝ ̶̩͊s̴̥̏t̸͉͝å̸͙ý̸͎ ̶̢̒d̷͓͗e̶̪͗a̴̪̕d̷̬͌ ̸̼͌T̶̅ͅh̶͍̐ȅ̵̞ ̷̙͌p̶̢͋r̵͎͠i̴̦̽c̷̋͜ȇ̵̞ ̸͈͌w̸̮̽a̶̠̚š̶̬ ̶͖̽h̶̝̕ī̵̳g̸̯̋h̸̺͗ ̴̘̉b̸̦̄u̶̗͗t̴̟͘ ̷̜͗İ̴̠ ̵͚̒s̷̩͐ẗ̷͇́i̶͚̾l̸̖̂l̷̩̾ ̵̭̔t̴̼̃h̷͍͑i̴̟̒n̵̙̓k̷̙̑ ̸̹̕i̵̅͜ẗ̶̟́ ̷̱̋w̴̜̾a̶̺̐s̶̰͛ ̶̟̅ŵ̴̰o̶̞͑r̴̥̀t̵̺̚h̵̻̕ ̷͚̚i̵̔ͅt̶̞͑
It was worth it. This world is worth it. You are worth it! I know you’ll forget all this the moment I stop talking but I hope some part of you remember this, ‘you are worth it!’ All the pain, all the loneliness, all the sacrifice; it’s all worth it because you are all worth it.
̴̳̓f̵̫̈o̴̝͌r̷͚̿g̷̙̀ȩ̵͆ẗ̵̩́ ̴̂ͅf̷̰̈o̵̞̚r̸͓̔g̴̝̾ĕ̴̫t̴̨̄ ̶̜͗f̵̯̄ỏ̶͔r̵̼͗ǧ̵̨ḙ̷̓t̸̤̓ ̴̠͌f̴̡͐o̵̻͒r̴̗̃g̵̩̈́e̸̲̔t̷͔̂ ̸̙̿f̶̙̃ő̶̡r̴̡͌g̸͎̃e̷͉̎t̷̖̑ ̶͎̾f̵͈̾ò̶̹r̷̪̀g̴͈̚e̶̞͋t̴͙͗ ̵̬̅f̴͍̕ǫ̸̈́r̶̘̈́ǵ̷̩e̶̡͊t̴̡͠ ̷̙̒f̸̧͝ö̸̗́r̷̜͒g̵̫̓ḙ̴̔t̸͈̋ ̷̄͜f̵̡̓o̵͙̿r̸̩̐g̵̤͛e̷̛͜t̴̞̍ ̸͇͊f̸̜͆o̵̢͝r̵̰͐g̵̢̃ê̸̳ṫ̶̤ ̶̭̊f̴̼̓o̵̹̍ȓ̸̮g̴̩͠ẽ̸̱t̵̟͂ ̷͓͂f̴̣͐o̶͕͋r̴̗̔g̷̲̋ę̶̚t̴̘͆ ̶̙̓f̶̞͝o̵̮͊r̶̩̒g̸͚̿e̴̤͂t̸̲́ ̵̳̍f̷̟͝o̴̬͌r̷̜͂ǵ̴͙e̷̛̜t̴̘̆ ̴͓̚f̸͕͛o̴̩͊r̶͓̈́g̸͚̅e̶͎̅ẗ̵̰́ ̷̣̐f̸̝̽ö̵̞́r̸̪̽g̷̫̅e̶͈͠t̴̥͑ ̸̣͒l̴̉ͅo̸͎͛s̵̭͒t̷̙͑ ̶͔́f̴͖̓ȯ̷̖r̷͈̄ĝ̵̞ȅ̵̟t̵͖͝ ̴͖̈́f̴̰̌o̶͖̍ȑ̷̪g̸̯̏ę̵͠t̴̡̕ ̶̠̃f̸̤̐o̸̖̕r̵̜̾g̷̬͛ë̴͍t̷̡̒ ̶͓̽f̵̪̏o̸͚͋ŕ̵̗g̵̨̀e̴̹͠t̵̼͑ ̵̮͒f̶͍̍ö̴̺r̵̼̋g̴͚̏e̶̦̔t̵̨̀ ̷̭̌f̶͇͐ỏ̵͎r̴̤̓g̵̡̑e̶̢̊ţ̵̉ ̶̲͋f̷̙̕o̶̞̓r̸̭͝g̸̛̣ḙ̴̃t̶͇̚ ̶̞͒f̷̧̓o̴͙̚ṟ̵͆g̵̞͝e̶̳͊t̷͔̊ ̵̩̿f̶̰̏o̷̳͌r̸͚͑g̵̬̈́e̸̱̔t̴͒͜ ̷̰̄f̶̮̈ò̸ͅȓ̷̳g̵̫̎ĕ̶͓t̶͍͆ ̴̥̀f̵̗̈o̷͍̒r̴̼͒ǧ̴̩e̶̐ͅť̵̹ ̸̩̌f̷͔̐o̵̫̔r̴͉̐g̸͇̀e̷͇̐t̷͖́ ̷̖̀f̷̖̊o̴̫̒r̶̆͜g̸̻̈́ḙ̸̀ṯ̵͋ ̸̣̎f̸̃͜ò̷͓r̷͔͝ġ̷̟ę̴͋ẗ̵͈́ ̸̲̈́f̵͝ͅo̷̻͌r̴̖̎g̶̭̽e̷̪̽t̵̰͗ ̸͔̒f̸̳͛o̷̧͗ṙ̴̝g̶͈̈́ë̴͙́t̶͇͝ ̵͙͝f̷̻̐o̴̯̔ŗ̸̄g̸͔͋ẻ̵͚t̵̟̅ ̵̟͐f̷̡̀o̴̞͘r̶͚̿g̵̗̿e̶͉̽ẗ̷͕ ̵̛͇f̶̬̋o̸̹͒ŗ̵͝g̴̬̎e̵͓̿ṭ̵͊ ̸̗̃b̸͕͝l̵͓̚á̸͇n̷̪̓k̷̊͜ ̸̘̕b̸̡̍l̴͈̍a̶̗̋n̷̘̾k̵͙͠ ̴̥̃ḇ̶̍l̴̜͛ả̸̭n̴͎̾ḵ̸̅ ̷̠͒b̴͍̔l̸̲̐a̶̼͘n̴͗ͅk̴̟̃ ̸̪̆b̶̙͝l̴̐͜ǎ̶̟ñ̷̙k̷͕̇ ̷̝͆b̵̞͑l̸̥̐a̶̳͝ǹ̵̤k̴̥̿ ̸̨͑f̷̳͐ȏ̸̜r̷͎͌g̴͓̎e̵͈̐t̴͙̆ ̶̟̿f̸̫̉o̸͚̔r̸̗͝g̶̱͠ê̶̱t̵̲͘ ̵̯̓f̵͔̌o̸̯͐r̴͕̚g̶̰̃e̷̩̚t̴̼̃ ̵̳͌f̸̭̓o̶̱̚r̵̺̃g̶͚̃ë̵̙́t̴̘̅ ̵̞̿f̴̨́o̸̲͗r̸͚̍g̷̡̓ȩ̸̈t̶͇̎ ̷͓̎f̸̭͝o̵̞͝r̷͇̐g̵͚͠ȩ̴̿ṫ̴̼ ̷͖̓f̶̩̀ò̷̘ŕ̸̬g̵̦̍ě̷̲t̴̩̐ ̴̓͜ǵ̴͇ó̸͚n̵̼̎e̶̹̍ ̵̻͘g̶̟̒ọ̶̄n̶̦͋e̵̟͌ ̸͔̈́g̴͚͒o̶̥͗ń̴ͅe̵̽͜ ̵̫̆ǵ̵͈o̷̹̔n̵̗̈ë̶̙́ ̵̼͌f̵̲͝o̵̹̾r̵͙͂g̵͉̿ê̶͎ț̸̿ ̷͉̀f̴̙͠o̷̰̊r̷̮̾ǵ̵͇e̶̝̋t̵͌ͅ ̷̜̕f̶̰̀ơ̴͕r̴͎̒g̸͓͝e̷̛̺t̵̞̅ ̵̼̚f̶̭̍ȏ̵͚r̶̝̈́g̴͚̎ė̵̤t̸̖̀ ̴͍͗f̷̧͝o̵͉̕r̴͎̄g̶̞͐e̸̱̚ẗ̸͓́ ̷̮̑f̸̧̑o̸̲͂ŗ̸̀g̵̰͊è̸͈t̷̘͂ ̴̛̝f̶̙̅ọ̶͒ȑ̵̲g̸̬̑ḛ̶͆t̵̘͠ ̶̪̋f̷͔̀ò̷̺r̸̪̃g̸̝̃ė̴͍t̵̯͝ ̶̭̕ ̷̱̽G̸͇͘O̶͉̔N̸͔͆E̷̺͝
I’ve told you everything now. I’m going to stop talking in a moment and you will forget again. It’s okay, really it is. I’ll always miss this times when you really know me but it okay. You are worth it.
̴̙̏G̴͙͠o̴̤͂ó̷̹d̶̞̽b̵͎̉y̴̞͛è̴̩ ̵̱̏ä̵̟́g̶̭̍a̸͇̒ị̴̈n̶͇̽
… and that’s my story.
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hellspawnmotel · 9 months
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I can't think of a nutcracker pun
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i-am-a-fish · 9 months
I am
• worried
• depressed
• uncomfortable
• upset
• afraid
• uneasy
it does not feel good.
I'm going to drink some water, take a nap, and deal with these things later
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anastacialy · 5 months
guys, i think the hermits are going to accidentally start a prank war again. because just like last time, a game of telephone has begun. first, false made iskall's build into ''false beans,'' her shop from the previous season. however, to give herself plausible deniability, she signs it with "love, Joel. x" due to his username, smallishbeans.
next, iskall sees this, and completely believes it. he thinks it was joel who pranked him, and as he says to pearl while showing off the sign, which he kept even after tearing the prank down, "joel gave me a kiss." in his most recent video, he pranks joel by sending him loads of anonymous messages in order to completely spam and fill his inbox, preventing him from getting any more mail, with notes such as "thinking about you. x"
of course, joel is going to have absolutely no context for this, because he didn't make the initial prank. so who is joel going to assume sent him all those messages while he was away on holiday? well, i have a guess.
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lilacthebooklover · 4 months
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miss holloway i love you please marry me
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hellenhighwater · 5 months
Genuinely being a single woman in my thirties, living alone, is such a mixed blessing sometimes. I do love my house and when I'm here I literally never want to leave. But on the other hand, I do get tired of leaving to go hang out with people, even though I love seeing them. Especially because I have such a great group of friends but they live all over the place, geographically, and therefore most of them don't know each other. And I actually really love hosting? But I never have people in my house because logistically it's always more practical for me to go to them than vice versa.
But sometimes I buy new old dishes and wanna just have a little fancy wizard party, but all my guests are far away. Please may I have the teleport spell. Or a high-speed commuter rail system.
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