#miss tessmacher
wrestlingdivas2k23 · 10 months
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
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gerardlesudiste · 1 month
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La catcheuse et mannequin Brooke Adams alias Miss Tessmacher ou Brooke Tessmacher.
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forthegothicheroine · 6 months
Who would have played Mercy Graves in Superman '78? (I guess this posits Lex Luthor having a single henchwoman with the traits of both Otis and Miss Tessmacher.) Sigourney Weaver?
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luthordamnvers · 2 years
Hey 👋
Favourite supergirl episodes from any season??
Hey! I haven't done a proper rewatch in years, so these are the "good" episodes from the show.
S1 - Pilot, livewire, red faced (if only for the rage scream scene), human for a day, the girl who has everything, fallout, World finest (still the best supergirl/flash crossover) better angels.
S2 - the adventures of supergirl, the last children of krypton, crossfire, medusa, luthors, exodus, ace reporter, alex, nevertheless she persisted.
S3- Girl of Steel, triggers, damage, midvale(!!!), crisis on earth x(the best all shows crossover imo), reign, fort rozz, for good, of two minds, trinity, (from here on they all kinda blur together tbh)
S4 - American Alien (Nia Nal, my beloved), fallout, (I didn't really need this episode, but it was still a good episode) Man of steel, rather the fallen angel, bunker hill, suspicious minds, blood memory, o brother where art thou?(kelly olsen my beloved), House of L(!!), all about eve, american dreamer, will the real miss tessmacher please stand up?, red dawn, the quest for peace.
S5 - (sigh), event horizon, blurred lines, confidence women, tremors, the wrath of rama khan (if only for fortress scene), the bottle episode(fooled once again), it's a super life (!!!), reality bytes, alex in wonderland, deux lex machina, immortal kombat.
S6 - (sigh) rebirth, prom night, prom again, welcome back Kara, blind spots (i will not accept slander about this episode), the gauntlet, magical thinking, i believe in a thing called love, all the domestic supercorp scenes s6b gave me, and the dansen wedding, and that moment in certain funeral when certain ship was burried 6 feet down... and that's about s6.
If I had to select from those, from the top of my head as favorites: the girl who has everything, fallout, the adventures of supergirl, medusa, luthors, damage, midvale, house of L, it's a super life, immortal kombat, rebirth, welcome back kara, blind spots, the gauntlet, i believe in a thing called love.
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mdverse · 2 years
For the ask thing: CW's Supergirl?
ooh ok! i will say it's been a while since i saw the show so my memories of it are very faint lol
favorite male character: j'onn j'onzz
favorite female character: lena luthor
least favorite character: uhh agent liberty? forgot the dude's name
prettiest character: lena luthor
funniest character: brainy
favorite season: honestly i don't remember much of what happened in each season... might've been s3?
favorite episode: i think i enjoyed Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up? s4 ep20? idk man it's been a while unfortunately
favorite romantic ship: supercorp
favorite family ship: danvers sisters
favorite friend ship: kara-lena-alex-sam? they were sweet
worst ship: i don't think there were any ships i actively hated tbh.. maybe lena and jimmy?
tv show/movie ask game
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67-romeo · 4 months
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Sarah Douglas (URSA) And Valerie Perrine (Miss Tessmacher) Then and Now ❤️💙
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takethegrasskara · 2 years
Favourite supergirl episodes from any season?
This is another guilt-inspired long-overdue reply to your ask, and I hope that the wait is worth it! I am so sorry that I didn't see this before now.
Despite its many, MANY flaws, Supergirl is a show that I do find myself going back to when I'm looking for a surefire source of comfort. I can remember many a sick day watching episodes from season one (For the Girl Who Has Everything, Human for a Day, Red Faced, and World's Finest being some particular favs). I also have a real fondness for any crossover episode between the Flash and Supergirl, though I realize that not everyone can stomach the Flash's characters and show writing for various reasons.
I'd say if I had to pick, my top five episodes, one from each season (please don't mention season six to me I haven't been able to bring myself to do a full rewatch) are in no particular order below, with the caveat that these are personal, oftentimes guilty-pleasure favorites that I recognize don't always ooze consistent quality from the first minute to the closing credits!
For the Girl Who Has Everything - No matter how many times this Black Mercy story is done I love it, from the comics to the animated JL shows to this episode. Brilliant concept that holds up really, really well over time.
Luthors/Ace Reporter - Lena Luthor showcase episodes. Season two I have very fond memories of watching despite in hindsight remembering all of the various plot threads that I was not a huge fan of, but if it's an episode where Lena gets a hefty dosage of screen time, then sign me up. Luthors is where you go for the angst, and Ace Reporter is literally one of the only episodes where I find the Mon-El hijinks kinda... enjoyable!
Girl of Steel - between the moments with Alex and Lena to the fact that this is one of the rare episodes that turns introspective on Kara's character, I have a huge soft spot for this one. There are plenty of great moments from season 3 -- the Reign fight, Sam Arias as a character in general, Lena and Supergirl's crumbling relationship versus Lena and Kara's intensifying friendship -- but overall I think this episode rocks.
4x19/4x20 - This one might be a controversial take but I fucking love season four for what it is. The first half of the season admittedly kinda sucks ass but starting at 4x15 going all the way through the season finale I remember LOVING as I watched it live, and I still enjoy it now. Out of that stretch of episodes though, I'd have to say that my two favorites would have to be the ones above. As back-to-back episodes American Dream and Will the Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up was absolutely fantastic television that was hitting all the right spots for me, and I mean it when I say that I never loved Supergirl more than I did during those last few months that s4 was airing.
Event Horizon/Tremors/It's a Super Life - these three episodes from the very sad season five all have one thing in common, and that's the thread of Kara's identity reveal to Lena, which is obviously a premise that did and continues to enrapture me from a story-telling perspective. While I still think the show fell wildly short of what they could have done with this plot, these episodes have glimmers of what could have been, and as a fanfiction writer who sometimes just needs a thread to start tugging at, that's always been enough for me.
This has now evolved into a very long response. Consider it penance for me inadvertently ghosting you for so long! Thanks for the ask, and I hope this is an interesting read!!!
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michaellambert · 2 years
Watch "MISS TESSMACHER" on YouTube
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Oh shit. That’s not good
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signalwatch · 2 years
Super Watch: Superman - The Movie (1978 - theatrical cut)
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Watched:  01/06/2023
Format:  HBOmax
Viewing:  1,000,000th
Director:  Richard Donner
Superman: The Movie (1978) is the movie I've seen most of any film, enough so that I have it pretty well memorized.  At this point, I'd hesitate to say how many times I've seen the movie, but it's dozens and dozens of times.  At least 7 in the theater.  Intentionally, I haven't watched it much the past few years.  I mean, I'm trying to watch new-to-me movies, I can replay any scene in my head any time, I know the beats and jokes, and cool elements and emotions in every scene.  But I also know the plot holes, the mistakes, the dated issues with the film, where that's-a-doll, that's-how-that-shot-was-done, etc...  I even look for where extras were at a difference walking pace in various shots.  
What's probably most notable to modern film audiences is that a movie that plays it mostly straight for an hour has a hard jump in the second half to a far wackier vision of the world it establishes, moving from sci-fi epic to American Rockwell-esque pastoral to a cosmic sci-fi fantasy.  And then...  Metropolis, with hustling big-city folk, fast talking journalists, and Otis bumbling along.  And for the next 90 minutes, the movie is a mix of romance, screwball, camp and heroism.  There's something oddly Broadway-ish about that back 90 minutes - I mean, doesn't Miss Tessmacher seem like she needs an "I Want" song?  Because Lois gets one in spoken-word.
And god help us, almost everyone is doing a bit, from Perry White to the crook in the alley to the cops in the station talking about "big red boots".  We are not done yet with superheroes needing an absurd world around them for an audience to digest them, even after we just spent an hour with tragedy and heartbreak on planetary and personal scales.  
What that first hour accomplishes, though, is reminding us that Superman himself is not an absurdity.  He's the child of unspeakable tragedy, a product of America's heartland and humanity's most sincere beliefs of fair play and decency, but he is also an orphan in search of an identity.  And with the identity resolved, when he joins humanity in the guise of Clark Kent, he's fitting in while also being the space-god with laser eyes and a knowledge of the human heart and the 28 known galaxies.  He's not just some fop in a funny suit. 
But I'd also point out - Marvel has always known they need to wink a bit where DC has struggled with the idea since Snyder took over, and even Birds of Prey with Harley at the center doesn't quite get how to make this funny.  YMMV on Gunn's take, but he may have the best notion of how to balance comedy and tragedy, realism vs absurdism (or, at least, one with internal logic).   
I don't think any of this makes Superman: The Movie a failure or less-than, but I do get how it will make the film harder for newer audiences to access the movie.  Why is everyone acting weird, like an old-timey movie?  Cinema verite this ain't.  For a movie that shouts at the audience "this ain't your 1950's Superman, this is a modern Superman" with it's opening salvo, it's terribly dated to its period of release with fashion alone, and FX 15 years before a dinosaur would amble across a screen.
And, of course, it fails the nerd test of repeated viewings.  There's clearly stuff in the film that just doesn't make sense, like Lex telling Superman "You were great in your day, Superman. But it just stands to reason, when it came time to cash in your chips, this old… diseased… maniac would be your banker."  Well... no.  Superman has never met Lex, and he just showed up.  This is the speech a legacy villain gives Superman.  Superman's day is just now happening.  What draft of the script did this come from?  
But these were things we didn't notice as much in ye olde days of only seeing movies in the theater.  And certainly echoes the assumption that between radio and TV series, 40 years of comics, and overall pop culture saturation, Superman was already a known commodity, a pre-existing IP that would automatically fill in gaps for the audience even when things make no sense (why on earth would Lex think Kryptonite would be radioactive to Superman?).  
That's comic book stuff, and I'm not shocked it's given little attention - because what director Richard Donner cares about is the human side to Superman, the one that he devotes a whole sky-dance sequence to.  I'll be honest - I'm beyond judging the film for containing this sequence, but it is... weird.  It's not 1000% necessary to move the story forward, and I've spent a couple of decades now watching older movies to figure out if Donner took inspiration from somewhere for this sequence, but nothing has ever really presented itself.  From a story-telling logic, I 100% get it.  Lois needs to experience the wonder of Superman up close, feel she can trust him, understand he'll be there to protect her if she slips...  But.  Man.  For a 2-minute bit in a long, long film, it feels like the longest two minutes to a lot of folks.
I can talk about the stuff I like about this film all day, and have.  To anyone who would listen.  For decades.  So don't think I've turned on it.  But I also have the relationship with the movie you only have with a movie you've seen so many times, you've  known the names of the two cops who pursue Otis.  But I don't think it hurts to be honest about the movie.  I may love it and I'll defend it, but if you watch a movie this many times and you don't notice the rough spots, are you really loving something?  
Anyway, it was great to revisit for the first time in a while.  Especially post Superheroes Everyday's journey through the film.    
We'll rewatch eventually and say all the nice things you've come to expect, but this is not that post.  We'll do one on John Ratzenberger's characters in Superman 1 and 2 and try to figure out if this more than one character or a set of hard-luck twins.
from The Signal Watch https://ift.tt/S4UpyxE
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keitelsborne · 3 years
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twoeggzoverhard · 3 years
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ashen-hands · 5 years
*sees the women of SuperGirl*
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Rainbow Manip By: @magnificent-dragons 💕
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theblackestofsuns · 4 years
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“Miss Tessmacher”
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12 (September 2020)
Matt Fraction, Steve Lieber and Nathan Fairbairn
DC Comics
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dccomicsnews · 4 years
Review: Superman's Pal Jimmy Olsen #12
Review: Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12
  [Editor’s Note: This review may contain spoilers]
Writer: Matt Fraction
Artist: Steve Lieber
Colours: Nathan Fairbairn
Letters: Clayton Cowles
  Reviewed By: Derek McNeil
Superman’s Pal Jimmy Olsen #12: Whoa-is that what I think it is? If I’m reading this solicitation text correctly, we made it to issue #12! Mazel tov! Party time! If you see…
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