roguelov · 2 years
Hi! How do you think Morpheus would react to someone messing with his hair?
Oh one hundred percent he loves it! Like imagine him crawling into bed doesn’t say a word him laying his head on your chest and you just gently stroke his hair. It’s already messy he doesn’t care if you run your fingers through it!
But if his siblings ruffle his hair he’ll be all grumpy and pout
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 months
“Since Thranduil met Bard’s children, Bard decided it was only fair that he meet Thranduil’s son Legolas, too. After all, he was never able to properly get to know him amidst all the chaos. A simple meeting in which he got to know Legolas was all Bard had expected. What could possibly happen?
He ended up being VERY unprepared for how awkward the meeting would actually be.”
For Barduil Month 2024, hosted by @bi-widower-dads ! For Week 2: Getting Together.
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fastlikealambo · 2 years
Dreaming in Blackness: Morpheus x Black Fem! Reader Part 1/2
Summary: Decades after her great grandmother frees the King of Dreams, Morpheus encounters her descendant, a woman who cannot dream.
Trigger Warnings: A little bit of violence in this part but that’s about it.
I’ve only seen the show, this will not be canon to the T so if I forget something, please don’t yell at me. I hope you like it :)
The King of Dreams had waited a decade for the hubris of mankind to take hold, his silence a weapon in itself to The Magus when he could do nothing else.  Roderick’s questions went unanswered, the guards stayed awake, and the sleeping sickness ravaged the world because Roderick Burgess could not see beyond his own greed.
Jessamy’s blood still stained the glass of Morpheus’ cage and every slight glance at it filled him with a rage that was just like him: endless.
One human ripped him from his kingdom and his tools.
How fitting it was for another to change the course of his imprisonment.
That one such human, the daughter of a groundskeeper, laid eyes on The King of Dreams in his cell at the event of The Magus’ demise. 
Such a strange thing about humans, how the actions of one human causes a reaction in another.
The Magus’ refusal to pay her sick father for his work led her to retrieve his tools in Burgess’ greenhouse.
A door that should not have been opened led her to a sight she never should have witnessed.
A fight among men that distracted them from seeing her at the top of the stairs.
A dying man's last words led to this one human waiting for his funeral, a flower from the greenhouse in one hand, a hammer in the other.
In the two minute window between a shift change and the ending of a eulogy, the woman introduced herself to Morpheus by smashing the very thing that held him.
This time around, a human extended both hands to Morpheus, one to help him avoid the glass and other to offer him a flower.
A lily, the flower of apologies and rebirth.
A silly action it would seem from the outside looking in, offering a naked entity a flower.
But a silly act, is still an act, and one that might have saved her life.
“What have you done, you stupid girl!” One of the guards yanked her away from Morpheus, throwing her to the ground.
To be more specific, throwing her directly on top of the last thing tethering The King of Dreams to his cage.
The seal.
Yet again, the guards’ longing for violence distracted them from watching her brush away the seal in favor of aiming a gun at an ancient being.
She was the only person conscious in the room once Morpheus was finished.
Though he was free, he remained in front of her.
“Why?” His voice seemed to echo through the room and though she was afraid, she stood to her feet.
Why had she done it?
Revenge for her father?
To strike a deal?
Instead she placed the flower she dropped in his hand, closing her hand over it.
“Because it was not right.” 
Morpheus did not respond, opening a portal to the world he had left behind, lifting him into the air.
At the last moment before he disappeared, Morpheus turned his head in her direction.
“I owe you a debt.”
And just as quickly as her idea to free a stranger came to her, it was completed.
Yet in the decades it took for The King of Dreams to retrieve his sand, his ruby, and his helm, his debt remained unpaid.
As Death took her hand at the end of an unusually long life, Morpheus’ debt fell to her last living descendant.
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Some amazing"Ex Wives of rock" screenshoots from this video because like @misslivvie said " We wlw and nblw deserve it"
Credit to Lorrainerocks
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spacefoxy · 9 months
Hi Jen! It’s misslivvie (I changed my name)! I know I don’t interact with y’all much anymore but I heard about what happened and I’m glad you’re still here! Hope you have a lovely day! ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you Livvie! 🧡 Gosh I feel so loved, you guys 😅 you all have been so kind and I feel truly blessed to be around you. I hope you too have a wonderful day!
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
Guys, I don't know how, but I have reached 900 followers on this blog!😱😍
I know, it's INSANE! I don't know why you've all followed me, and why you've stayed, but I want you to know that I appreciate each and every one of you. You are all so great, even those of you who I've never spoken to, and I'm incredibly endeared that you've all taken the time to follow me and interact with my posts.
Unfortunately, I can't take all of you to say thanks, but I can tag some of you! Thanks to @simplyclockwork, @johnlockhedgehog149 @fandomsmeantheworldtome @lifeinanotherdimension @lockwie @claire-drinks-lovely-lemonade @ramblingsofachristiannerd @alienslikedmyfantasy @lunarmultishine @godeepestmoonbouquet @midnightsoliloquy for being some of my oldest followers, since I was first here, and for messaging and interacting still! 💖
@thisbluewind @hcarshipper @skepticalfrog @lilaezz @lonelygodsmuse @sehkmetdestroyerofworlds @khaleesiofalicante @enby-with-2-hats @toboldlynerd @fandom-star @fnaf-fanatical @eames-with-a-rose @detective-dr-curious @technically-whizzy @theimprobabledreamersworld @thiscastielkinnie @sunshinereddie @tribblehugger96 @munsons-maiden @thighs-of-betrayal-blog @megannabell @wandaloki @always-a-fangirl146 @theredrenard @tired-and-depressed2 @bookish-galaxy for being great friends, both fandom specific and in general, and still interacting with so many of my posts and messaging me as well!💓
And too some of my newer followers who I've interacted with a lot recently - @gender-snatched @misslivvie @peacockfeatherbookmarks @munsonmunchies @kittyphoenix12-xx @dissociatingdingo - for being amazing and just all round lovely people to talk to and interact with.💕
Honestly, all the people tagged and all the rest of you not tagged make coming on here worth it - seeing your content and speaking to you make my Tumblr experience the best it can be. Thank you. xx
And thank you to all my irl friends, particularly @fanboy-sloth & @panickedconstantly for always supporting me and loving me, no matter what. 😘
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I don't know if you guys want me to do a celebration thing, but if you do let me know (and maybe give me some ideas).
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Shandi’s Writer’s Month Prompts!
Day 9: Word: Echo | Setting: Future AU/Post-Canon
UGH I know I haven’t worked on a lot of stories for my KISSteriaverse in a LONG time but @misslivvie and I have already put a lot of thought into this so I’m just going with it~ I hope you enjoy! <3 (if you’re confused please feel free to ask any questions~)
“I never expected to see you back here.”
Nikki kept his eyes on the floor. He couldn't even look into Michael's eyes. He felt he didn't deserve to. “I probably got no right to ask..but I need help.”
“Nonsense. You have served your time. You are allowed to seek help here if you wish.”
That was a bit of a relief at least. He relaxed his shoulders. “Thanks.”
“So what is it you need from me?”
“A way to forget.”
Michael looked at Nikki silently for a long time. “I see. This is about Prince StarChild, yes?”
A nod.
“I sense it. Your heart hurts still. Even now..so long after your separation you cannot let go.”
“It's not fuckin' fair..” The words were spoken through clenched teeth. “He's happy with his new boy toy. He doesn't care that he's left me broken like this. I want to be angry..but I can't..”
“Because deep down something inside you knows that part of this was your own doing.”
Another nod.
“Do not despair. I say this not because I wish to do you harm, but because you must face the consequences of your actions if you are to move on from them. You should not use magic to just take away your pain. You cannot grow that way. When you dealt with me..you saw first hand where that path could lead.”
“But I walked it anyway. I willingly took a Demon into my body and put everyone I knew in danger.”
Michael's eyes widened. “I was unaware of this. I see now where this stems from.” Nikki finally looked up. “You do?”
“Indeed. When you take a beast of darkness into yourself, it leaves part of your soul poisoned..even after it has been driven out. I learned this during my own recovery. Part of the reason why you cannot heal is because the poison still remains within you. You must be cleansed, my friend.”
“Nicholas will guide you. He knows the forest far better than I. I will fetch him. Wait right here.”
Nikki clenched his fists tightly at his sides. It was almost too much to hope for.
“Where're we goin’?”
“We're goin’ to the lake!”
“Oh fuck no! I'm not gonna let those damn Nymphs turn me into a brainless toy!” Nicholas laughed as he led Nikki deeper into the forest. “Oh no, mate they're not what y'need! I'm takin' you to the waterfall!”
“What's there?”
“You'll see~”
Nikki stayed quiet the rest of the way, taking in his surroundings. Was everything getting..brighter? Through the dense trees the waterfall came into view. The water seemed to glow as it rushed over the rocks and down into the river below. It was..ethereal..and beautiful. “Quite a sight eh~? He always puts on quite a show at night~”
Then he heard it. A soft, melodic voice singing to him. Beckoning him. “W-what is..?” Nicholas shook his head, still smiling. “No more words. Just go. He wants ya to hear his song~”
“Yes I..I must hear his song..”
In his trance, Nikki walked until he reached the bank of the river. At the bottom of the glowing waterfall streams of water rose up, coming together to form a human shape. The shape of a man with skin as pale as the moon. Eyes as blue and clear as the water that surrounded him. Flowing tresses of golden hair. As Nikki stared in disbelief, the man smiled and held out his arms. “Come..come. Join with me just as the river meets the sea.”
“Who..are you..?”
“I am the Undine..and I will set you free.”
Without another word Nikki stepped into the river. The water seemed to pull him closer to the being. Closer. Right into his arms. When they enveloped him, he felt as if his lungs were filling up with water, but he remained still. “You are not afraid. That is good~” Nikki found it difficult to speak. He uttered only one word as he slipped into unconsciousness.
He was floating. Floating in an endless dark space. Was he in water? He couldn't tell anymore. Suddenly there was a light above him. A bright, golden light. He reached for it, and a hand reached out and grabbed his. He could see the being's lovely face smiling at him. “So much sadness. So much pain. So much torment. The Demon's darkness still feeds well upon you, but I am the light that will cast it away. I will heal you..if you will let me.”
Nikki pulled the being into his embrace. It was warm..so very warm, and he felt safe. He felt the being's lips touch his in the briefest kiss. Too brief. He claimed those lips again for another kiss. Deeper. More passionate. It was a taste he would never forget. The sweetest honey. As the kiss was returned he began to feel lighter. That sharp pain was gone from his chest. The gentle heat from the being's light seeped into his skin, swallowing the Demon's remains inside of him and shattering it into oblivion.
“It is done~”
When Nikki awoke he was lying on the side of the river..with his head in someone's lap. He looked up to see that same beautiful man smiling down at him, his face partially obscured by waves of hair. “It..it wasn't a dream..”
“It was not~”
“You're real..?”
A soft laugh. “I am. See for yourself~”
Nikki reached up, running his fingers through hair as fine as silk. “I feel..”
“As if a weight has been lifted from your chest~?”
“It does..feel like that, yeah.”
“Good..but that was only the first step. Now you must complete your journey of healing on your own.”
“But..I can come back right?”
A frown. “I am afraid I cannot--”
“No..I..I just..wanna see you.”
“O-oh.” His pale cheeks bloomed with color. He could sense the memory of their kiss still fresh in Nikki’s mind. “I certainly..would not mind a regular visitor..”
“Glad to hear it. What do I call ya?”
“I have no name. I am only known as the Undine--” A gasp escaped his lips before Nikki kissed them again. "Mm..how about I just call you..Sweet~?"
“I-if that is what you wish~”
“Then I'll see you around the Cosmos, Sweet thing~”
“And I will be waiting, Nikki Terror~”
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weirdlittlecorner · 2 years
Here's the link y'all. Also, it'll kick us out after 40 minutes so I'll have to start over and have everyone rejoin so we can continue, so don't panic
DJ is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: KISS Watch Party <3 Time: Jun 4, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting https://us05web.zoom.us/j/82101279513?pwd=N1ZLV01vZ0Z0cDdCTnhCRmUvenFqUT09
Meeting ID: 821 0127 9513 Passcode: P0C04M
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born-to-lose · 2 years
I live in America and my guess? They’ll get in trouble for something related to drinking. That or they’ll get protests from all the conservative Christian squares that live here.
Also I feel like Tommi and Aleksi will be the only ones to not get in trouble lol
Definitely for drinking or indecency. And yeah the prudes too 😒 Tommi don't fail us, be a good boy 🙏🏻
Also I'm so happy for you that you get to see them!!!!
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damnitdeandean · 3 years
Can you tell me more about the horses???
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This is the oldest. His name is Skips ShoGun but he goes by Rio. He'll be 27 on the 11th and he's a retired reined cow horse and lesson horse. I bought him back in 2002 (and now I feel really really old lol)
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And this is Loki Z aka PNut and he just turned 16. He's a mutt, or grade since I have no documentation of his bloodlines but his dad is an Oldenburg from Germany and his mom is a reining Quarter Horse by a very famous stallion named Gunners Special Nite. He does 3 day eventing (think Olympics) and gives some random lessons. I got him when he was just weaned in 2005 and have done the majority of his training myself with help from some very very talented people.
I'll get some more pictures of them and maybe even start a side blog for the Terrible Two if there's any interest.
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exquisiteagony · 2 years
Hi! Would you mind if I messaged you? I wanted to ask a question about your Murder Channel AU (which I LOVE, by the way!).
not at all! i’m always happy to answer any questions!
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mxliv-oftheendless · 3 months
Sam held his card close. “I won’t lose my name again,” he vowed. He looked curiously at Frodo. “What about you, Mr. Frodo? Do you remember your name? Your real one, I mean.”
Frodo looked off into the forest, and his expression turned slightly sad. “No,” he said quietly. “I cannot remember my name.” Then he suddenly turned to him with a small smile. “But do you know something strange? I remember you, Sam. I’m sure I must know you from somewhere.”
A little Spirited Away AU I wrote! Please enjoy!
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jonnolovesfob · 3 years
💛 (if it’s not too much trouble anyway)
none whatsoever! :D
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purplexflamingo · 3 years
I have a question about Tapessa! How did she start her relationship with Eska and Desna? Did one or both of them like her from the start or did they gradually grow to like her?
The relationship was non existent for a moment there, only because the twins were very reluctant even with Tapessa’s many attempts. Though after awhile Desna seemed to be the one to open up a little more and tried to spend time with her, then Eska followed. It just took Eska a little longer. Tapessa on the other hand accepted them instantly and tried to do things with them/involve them. They’d do little things such as walks and sports. Tapessa always emotionally checked up on them too.
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cptnruski · 3 years
Hi Ruski!!! We haven’t talked in… a while lol, but I wanted to say hi!
Hi!!! I’m not super active on tumblr anymore, just kinda vibing and going about life, but yeah! Hi!
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its-all-ineffable · 2 years
💗🌷🌼 ✨This is the you are amazing award. Send it to ten bloggers you think are wonderful or just take a moment to bask in your own awesomeness! ✨ 🌼🌷💗
First of all, you are the sweetest person ever, omg, what did I do to deserve this honour??!!! I don't think I'm awesome, but I'll take your lovely compliment anyway.
Tagging people since it's easier - back at you @munsons-maiden!😍
Also, @misslivvie (my new friend), @lonelygodsmuse (my Hannibal mutual), @fanboy-sloth (my best friend on here and irl), @kamalaskhans (a kind and reasonable human in any situation), @simplyclockwork (my first tumblr friend), @lunarmultishine (one of my oldest and most reliable mutuals), @ramblingsofachristiannerd (another reliable mutual who's been here for me), @panickedconstantly (my other irl bestie) & @dissociatingdingo (a great help and a great friend). xx💖😘
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