#misuse of the word kin
pharawee · 2 years
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"I like you, Ken. I've been in love with you since the day I saved you. I don't want you to get lost in the woods. I really want to help. I love you, Ken."
What if when Lue confessed to Ken, he wasn't refering to this:
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But to this:
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The subs were weird and the set-up of the scene was weird but it seems like forest ranger Din "saved" Ken when he got lost in the woods while out taking photos. That's how they met, and it's very apparent that for Din it was love at first sight.
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hussyknee · 9 months
Jesus is Under the Rubble
“This Advent, while global Christians prepare to commemorate the arrival of the Prince of Peace, our Palestinian kin in Gaza suffer unthinkable violence. Their cries of deliverance, echoing those of two millennia ago, seem to be falling unheard on the United States.”
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— by Kelly Latimore icons. All proceeds from sales of this digital image will go toward Red Letter Christians trusted partners in Gaza.
Transcript: Christ in the Rubble A Liturgy of Lament Rev. Dr. Munther Isaac Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church Bethlehem Saturday, December 23rd, 2023 We are angry…
We are broken…
This should have been a time of joy; instead, we are mourning. We are fearful.
Twenty thousand killed. Thousands under the rubble still. Close to 9,000 children killed in the most brutal ways. Day after day after day. 1.9 million displaced! Hundreds of thousands of homes were destroyed. Gaza as we know it no longer exists. This is an annihilation. A genocide.
The world is watching; Churches are watching. Gazans are sending live images of their own execution. Maybe the world cares? But it goes on.
We are asking, could this be our fate in Bethlehem? In Ramallah? In Jenin? Is this our destiny too?
We are tormented by the silence of the world. Leaders of the so-called “free” lined up one after the other to give the green light for this genocide against a captive population. They gave the cover. Not only did they make sure to pay the bill in advance, they veiled the truth and context, providing political cover. And, yet another layer has been added: the theological cover with the Western Church stepping into the spotlight.
The South African Church taught us the concept of “The state theology,” defined as “the theological justification of the status quo with its racism, capitalism and totalitarianism.” It does so by misusing theological concepts and biblical texts for its own political purposes.
Here in Palestine, the Bible is weaponized against our very own sacred text. In our terminology in Palestine, we speak of the Empire. Here we confront the theology of the Empire. A disguise for superiority, supremacy, “chosenness,” and entitlement. It is sometimes given a nice cover using words like mission and evangelism, fulfillment of prophecy, and spreading freedom and liberty. The theology of the Empire becomes a powerful tool to mask oppression under the cloak of divine sanction. It divides people into “us” and “them.” It dehumanizes and demonizes. It speaks of land without people even when they know the land has people – and not just any people. It calls for emptying Gaza, just like it called the ethnic cleansing in 1948 “a divine miracle.” It calls for us Palestinians to go to Egypt, maybe Jordan, or why not just the sea?
“Lord, do you want us to command fire to come down from heaven and consume them?” they said of us. This is the theology of Empire.
This war has confirmed to us that the world does not see us as equal. Maybe it is the color of our skin. Maybe it is because we are on the wrong side of the political equation. Even our kinship in Christ did not shield us. As they said, if it takes killing 100 Palestinians to get a single “Hamas militant” then so be it! We are not humans in their eyes. (But in God’s eyes… no one can tell us we are not!)
The hypocrisy and racism of the Western world is transparent and appalling! They always take the words of Palestinians with suspicion and qualification. No, we are not treated equally. Yet, the other side, despite a clear track record of misinformation, is almost always deemed infallible!
To our European friends. I never ever want to hear you lecture us on human rights or international law again. We are not white— it does not apply to us according to your own logic.
In this war, the many Christians in the Western world made sure the Empire has the theology needed. It is self-defense, we were told! (And I ask: how?)
In the shadow of the Empire, they turned the colonizer into the victim, and the colonized into the aggressor. Have we forgotten that the state was built on the ruins of the towns and villages of those very same Gazans?
We are outraged by the complicity of the church. Let it be clear: Silence is complicity, and empty calls for peace without a ceasefire and end to occupation, and the shallow words of empathy without direct action— are all under the banner of complicity. So here is my message: Gaza today has become the moral compass of the world. Gaza was hell on earth before October 7th.
If you are not appalled by what is happening; if you are not shaken to your core— there is something wrong with your humanity. If we, as Christians, are not outraged by this genocide, by the weaponizing of the Bible to justify it, there is something wrong with our Christian witness, and compromising the credibility of the Gospel!
If you fail to call this a genocide. It is on you. It is a sin and a darkness you willingly embrace.
Some have not even called for a ceasefire.
I feel sorry for you. We will be okay. Despite the immense blow we have endured, we will recover. We will rise and stand up again from the midst of destruction, as we have always done as Palestinians, although this is by far the biggest blow we have received in a long time.
But again, for those who are complicit, I feel sorry for you. Will you ever recover from this?
Your charity, your words of shock AFTER the genocide, won’t make a difference. Words of regret will not suffice for you. We will not accept your apology after the genocide. What has been done, has been done. I want you to look at the mirror… and ask: where was I?
To our friends who are here with us: You have left your families and churches to be with us. You embody the term accompaniment— a costly solidarity. “We were in prison and you visited us.” What a stark difference from the silence and complicity of others. Your presence here is the meaning of solidarity. Your visit has already left an impression that will never be taken from us. Through you, God has spoken to us that “we are not forsaken.” As Father Rami of the Catholic Church said this morning, you have come to Bethlehem, and like the Magi, you brought gifts with, but gifts that are more precious than gold, frankincense, and myrrh. You brought the gift of love and solidarity.
We needed this. For this season, maybe more than anything, we were troubled by the silence of God. In these last two months, the Psalms of lament have become a precious companion. We cried out: My God, My God, why have you forsaken Gaza? Why do you hide your face from Gaza?
In our pain, anguish, and lament, we have searched for God, and found him under the rubble in Gaza. Jesus became the victim of the very same violence of the Empire. He was tortured. Crucified. He bled out as others watched. He was killed and cried out in pain— My God, where are you?
In Gaza today, God is under the rubble.
And in this Christmas season, as we search for Jesus, he is to be found not on the side of Rome, but our side of the wall. In a cave, with a simple family. Vulnerable. Barely, and miraculously surviving a massacre. Among a refugee family. This is where Jesus is found.
If Jesus were to be born today, he would be born under the rubble in Gaza. When we glorify pride and richness, Jesus is under the rubble.
When we rely on power, might, and weapons, Jesus is under the rubble.
When we justify, rationalize, and theologize the bombing of children, Jesus is under the rubble.
Jesus is under the rubble. This is his manger. He is at home with the marginalized, the suffering, the oppressed, and displaced. This is his manger.
I have been looking, contemplating on this iconic image….God with us, precisely in this way. THIS is the incarnation. Messy. Bloody. Poverty.
This child is our hope and inspiration. We look and see him in every child killed and pulled from under the rubble. While the world continues to reject the children of Gaza, Jesus says: “just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.” “You did to ME.” Jesus not only calls them his own, he is them!
We look at the holy family and see them in every family displaced and wandering, now homeless in despair. While the world discusses the fate of the people of Gaza as if they are unwanted boxes in a garage, God in the Christmas narrative shares in their fate; He walks with them and calls them his own.
This manger is about resilience— صمود. The resilience of Jesus is in his meekness; weakness, and vulnerability. The majesty of the incarnation lies in its solidarity with the marginalized. Resilience because this very same child, rose up from the midst of pain, destruction, darkness and death to challenge empires; to speak truth to power and deliver an everlasting victory over death and darkness.
This is Christmas today in Palestine and this is the Christmas message. It is not about Santa, trees, gifts, lights… etc. My goodness how we twisted the meaning of Christmas. How we have commercialized Christmas. I was in the USA last month, the first Monday after Thanksgiving, and I was amazed by the amount of Christmas decorations and lights, all the and commercial goods. I couldn’t help but think: They send us bombs, while celebrating Christmas in their land. They sing about the prince of peace in their land, while playing the drum of war in our land.
Christmas in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, is this manger. This is our message to the world today. It is a Gospel message, a true and authentic Christmas message, about the God who did not stay silent, but said his word, and his Word is Jesus. Born among the occupied and marginalized. He is in solidarity with us in our pain and brokenness.
This manger is our message to the world today – and it is simply this: this genocide must stop NOW. Let us repeat to the world: STOP this Genocide NOW.
This is our call. This is our plea. This is our prayer. Hear oh God. Amen.
I found these on Twitter a while ago. Original creator unknown.
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I can't stop you ascribing hateful, paranoid meanings to these images, but they're not about blaming religions. Jesus was a Jew born to a community of Jews in Palestine, the cradle of the Abrahamic faiths. He was raised and loved by them, betrayed by their rulers* and killed by Romans. He's a Prophet of Islam. End of.
*Y'know, like how the people of the Arab and Muslim nations love Palestine and crying to help them, except their leaders are greedy and rotted to the core. The ruling class will always only serve the empire.
Edit: alt text provided by @this-world-of-beautiful-monsters
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a-dragons-journal · 3 months
I explained to someone that "kinning for fun" is harmful and they told me if I don't respect copinglinks/otherlinks then I need to move on. I'm trying my hardest to be reasonable but that conversation made me so frustrated in a way I couldn't put into words. I tried to explain that 'links don't even have kintypes and that they're conflating identities, but I haven't bothered seeing their response yet. Now I'm seeing as anti-link because I'm anti-KFF, when 'links have nothing to do with KFF. I'm so frustrated.
Why is voluntary identity the new thing people are confusing KFF for. Why is it so hard for people to grasp what KFF means. If you identify as it you're not KFF, full stop. Not what it means, not what it has ever meant. KFF specifically means people who don't identify as the thing they "kin" and are thus misusing the word.
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laniusbignaturals · 7 days
I genuinely confused about the whole drama fuss is all about. All fandom always at least have that one toxic ship, it's inevitable. And master/slave trope is not a new concept either, heck people seems fine about the trope as long as two party are attractive i suppose (shrug).
Plus dead dove do not eat also is a thing. It's unavoidable, if someone really didn't like a content there's literally a mute or filter
TLDR: It was always gonna go this way.
The long version: people originally started arguing about Caesar/Arcade because bickering over how to write characters’ romantic lives is time honored fandom tradition. This has been happening since the days of Star Trek and Harry Potter, it’s nothing new. These scuffles become especially aggro & self-serious when related back to a popular blorbo - those (usually male, almost always white) characters that are kinned, stanned and projected onto moreso than others. Arcade is absolutely that guy, right? He's a lot of people's favorite. He's special.
This spat featured casual racism, offensive name-calling and some brazen, truly nonsensical appropriations of AAVE, because those are also time honored fandom traditions. (Even if you niggas are cagey about acknowledging that.) Art in western culture is heavily influenced by white supremacy, and fandom, including the FNV fandom, is just one niche within that culture. White people, especially the young n cool™ ones, value their position as consumers & beneficiaries of black culture more than they value black people. They are known for selecting parts of our identity, language music clothes hairstyles etc, removing them from the original context, and bastardizing them so they can be used as a cultural commodity for nonblacks. Something that is put on and taken off for funsies, cosplay style. That FD Signifier video I was hyping up over the summer had a whole section about this. He also just released a new video on black cops which is worth checking out.
Now, tumblr's userbase generally believe themselves to be more enlightened than fandoms as you see them on reddit and twitter. And this is true, on a superficial level; you are much more likely to be met with slurs and open hostility on those sites than on this one. I also believe that, because the demographics which form the majority of tumblr's userbase - white gays and white women - have traditionally been marginalized & subjected to mistreatment within mainstream pop culture, they are especially resistant to identifying and dealing with the ways in which they fall short of their own progressive ideals. No one wants to see themself in the same light as their own bullies.
The problem is that, when it comes to their behavior, tumblr's FNV fandom can be pretty damn regressive, especially on the topic of race. They tend to have an excellent grasp on liberal terminology and identity politics, so they are comparatively much better at keeping these misgivings covert. But in practice, you will find them to be no less self-centered, entitled and anti-black than the FNV fanboys you would expect to find on reddit and twitter. I got into this game right around the time it was revealed that some white users were producing extreme anti-native content behind closed doors, an experience which has fostered an increased sense of isolation and paranoia among the remaining people of color in the community, as far as I can tell.
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Okay, so, some white users start doing the ~Oooh Chile You'sa Lame Ass Homeskillet~ routine characteristic of digital blackface. They go out of their way to be as disrespectful and verbally abusive as they can in the process, because atp they're still on the offensive. And they misuse the black words they're "borrowing" because they don't know what they actually mean. When myself and a few others respond in kind, they double down, carrying on with the nastiness and the bizarrely racialized talking points. (Unironically calling people you don't like "degenerates??" Really?? School failed some of y'all smh)
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A couple days go by and, instead of moving on and finding something else to do, they press the proverbial self-destruct button and engage in civility politics. The malignant tone of the original posts is abandoned, and instead, the people who once adopted it become… shocked and confused and wounded. They start talking about how, instead of matching their energy, their contemporaries should've just been "nice" and "civilized." They start complaining about being “canceled” just for having “opinions,” going back and forth between making half-assed apologies and insisting that the original issue wasn’t that big of a deal because they didn’t have “the intention of being racist” as if “having the intention of being racist” is something people ever do.
You would never guess that 1.these were the people all but outright referring to their peers as unwashed subhumans not last week, or 2. that they did so while identifying as left wing. Because rhetoric like this is borne from a place of privilege. Expecting that no one you’re denigrating will be allowed to meet you with an equal level of vitriol, because your space considers doing so to be taboo, is the kind of behavior that arises from too long spent insulated from the nonwhites who created the language they were mimicking. Nonwhites who might take umbrage with their broken attempts to use it while in the same breath calling them & theirs a bitch.
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And if theres anything I would like people to take away from this, it's that the parts of fandom culture which they might have expected to have evolved in the past decade or so have, by and large, not evolved. Even some predominantly queer spaces will readily adopt the talking points of the right wing and prove themselves to be every bit as hostile to poc if you don't abide by their rules and center their perspective. So you should think before you speak and make an effort to not throw rocks and hide your hands, as is the parlance of our time.
Lastly, please do not go find these people and bother them on my behalf. I'm gonna take the poor english language comprehension between the both of them to indicate that they’re probably all, if not minors, young adults, which means they’ll likely learn not to act like this on their own. Or not! Maybe they'll be like this forever. Maybe one day I’ll see their names in the news after getting their shit rocked for saying a slur on campus & crying to the press about how they’re the real victims here. I can't influence whether or not that happens, because I’m not their counselor or their mom, even if they expect me to act like it.
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splashspeck · 1 year
Concept: Upon their deaths, each of the OG Three(Lion, Holly and Jay) become sort of, guardians of one facet of the afterlife.
Lionblaze becomes a Cerberus like figure, he patrols the borders of the dark forest, ensuring no one enters or exits when they aren't supposed to. Over the years and years he becomes a feared figure, and cats claim if you are sentenced to an afterlife in the dark forest he drags you there himself with no mercy.
Hollyleaf, already being a Starclan cat and with her penchant for justice, is the guardian of Starclan. She ensures they have their peace to hunt and rest after long lives lived by the code. But she also watches for misuse of power and is not above casting a cat out, temporarily or permanently, for using the gifts granted in the afterlife to do harm on the living. She also supervises meetings between denizens of Starclan and those of Other afterlives and is considered the Judge and Jury of who gets to stay in Starclan.
Jayfeather has always had a... complicated relationship with Starclan, the Dark Forest and other deceased cats. He does go to Starclan initially and reunites with his kin and those he cares about... but nothing seems right. He tries joining his brother's patrols, wondering if he needs a sense of purpose, but that isn't right either. Eventually Jayfeather, the cat who freely walked through afterlives and dreams as a kit, realizes that he feels trapped in this, and chooses to become a roamer. He is one of few spirits given free reign to travel between afterlives, and is considered in some mythos' generations down the line to be the herald of death, the sightless guide to your afterlife, or the one to guide you back if you are lost. Cats stolen by two legs or lost in some other way are often found by him after their death and guided back to Starclan, where Hollyleaf welcomes them, and her brother, with warmth.
Idk I just needed to word vomit this out lol
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
@ kintype anon:
I think due to years of misuse 'kin' has developed a negative connotation but when you strip away all pretense and pop culture context aside, that is what kin means. It's a word to describe the [state of being] someone or something. I think 'irls' and 'literally me' ideas stem from this misconception too but kin in its original form describes that. I'm not invalidating your perspective, however. kin has developed its own cultural context that even people outside of this community know and use, it can be frustrating.
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cherieonow · 2 months
I feel like we're the samd person oml ??
Like muslim + digital artist + multi-fandom ? That's me !!
( And not to bother you or anything but the word 'kinnie' doesn't exist! If you kin a character it means that you think you are that character not that you relate to them ! lot of ppl misuse that word but it's extremely disrespectful to the fictkin community! )
Omg yess!!! I even saw ur info and thought we are the same also sorry!++ I didn't know that!!! I only wrote bc I like saw so many people having kins so I thought to have a kinnie test of my fav characters and that's all thank you for telling me sweet!!!!
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therian-aita · 7 months
AITA for being extremely frustrated when people use "kin" as a verb?
it's always been "kin with". people are coming here from anime kinnie communities and using our terminology wrong. i understand that maybe they're young and don't know, but it never seems to improve, even when we politely correct them.
if you want to use it for yourself, fine, whatever, but the rest of us don't "kin" our kintype. it's just really annoying because it feels like we're being lumped in with people who relate to characters and are misusing words that have had a solid definition for decades.
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old-habitz-die-hard · 8 months
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anotherkinnity · 7 months
Hey so I've had a peak at the inside of your server and the discussion of psychological alterhumans. I see that you edited one of your posts to say you're specifically open to spiritual alterhumans, but all of your other posts and even your bio still say it's open to all alterhumans. It's strange when a lot of members within your server talk about psychological alterhumans as if they're somehow not as valid as spiritual alterhumans, going so far to call them "kinnies". I don't think that behavior should be perpetuated.
I also noticed that when you edited that post, you edited out the word "serious" and replaced it with "spiritual". Was just really interesting to me after hearing some of the experiences from inside the server and seeing how members and staff talk about psychological alterhumans, talking about therians on TikTok calling them "KFF" or calling them fake, or even eluding to the mindset that all psychological alterhumans are somehow delusional and painting actual delusional folks as if they're bad.
I might be wrong about some things here, but definitely not all of them. If your server is exclusive to spiritual alterhumans, make that more clear, but it doesn't give you the go ahead to talk about psychological and delusional alterhumans in a bad light.
Hello! We are currently in a transitional phase to move from a server for all alterhumans to a server based in spiritual alterhumanity. As most of the staff are adults with jobs or in college, we may not have had time to fully update our advertisements and rules everywhere. Thanks for the heads up - we will make sure our verbiage everywhere reflects this. As for old posts others have reblogged, we unfortunately cannot edit those.
We do believe psychological alterhumans are valid! The issue comes when people have conflated psychological kin with things like copinglinks, cameo shifts, or flickers. We believe that words have meaning, and being kin means to identify as something, not with. People have asked if they can join mem jams with no memories, just to discuss fandom, or cut off conversations about identity to say they only find their kins relatable and nothing else. As for the use of the term “kinnies,” we use this term to refer to anyone, including ourselves. We are aware of the terms origins but prefer to both reclaim it and use it as shorthand, and it has not been used derogatorily.
As far as tiktok therians go, the discussion in question was centered around people claiming therian identity while only identifying furries or quadrobics enthusiasts. We believe conflating a genuine community like therians with a hobby is wrong and waters down the whole community.
Lastly, our server is for alterhumanity, not mental health. We are not equipped to help someone through a delusion, nor do we plan to encourage them. The point of a delusion is that it’s an aspect of psychosis that actively causes harm to the person believing it. That’s the difference between delusion and a personal belief. Additionally, many of the members here have been called delusional for our spiritual beliefs in other places, and would rather have a space to discuss our beliefs freely without them being medicalized as such. The IRL community is notorious as a whole for taking historically kin terminology and saying kin aren’t allowed to use them. They have also claimed kin can’t have memories or are only relating to their kintypes. We prefer to distance ourselves from people like this that refuse to acknowledge the past significance of terms and experiences in a community.
In short, we found people decide to misuse and abuse our welcoming of “serious” alterhumans and have narrowed the scope of the server to reduce stress on both staff and members. We aren’t saying serious psychological kin don’t exist, but rather that we don’t have the bandwidth to question every new member on basic definitions that we’ve seen get misused frequently.
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hey y'all i cant find the post rn but "kff but respectful of otherkin" is bs, you can't be respectful of us and also misuse our words and contribute to hatred of us. kin means to involuntarily and fundamentally identify as something, and already included people who identify as such because of delusions. the term "irl" to mean the same thing is unnecessary and came from misinformation, and "kinnie" started out as a derogatory term. identifying as something by choice is called a link, a deep and meaningful connection to something (ie not just "i like this") is called a synpath or a hearttype, relating to something is called a click. all can be equally important to someone. i have kintypes, hearttypes, links, and clicks! your experience is valid but please i am begging you to use the right terminology.
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spurious · 1 year
The Call
(read on AO3)
Rodney gets the call at three in the afternoon on a Tuesday, the phone on his lab desk trilling to life and interrupting his train of thought.
“I swear I’m just going to unplug this thing and make them get me a secretary,” he grumbles—one of the worst things about being back on Earth, working at Area 51 again while various world governments argue about the future of his city, is that he’s so much more reachable now. People who want something from Dr. Rodney McKay no longer have to know someone who knows someone who knows someone at SGC and can get a message into the Atlantis databurst; now every idiot with a minor security clearance can look up Rodney’s goddamn phone number.
“What?” He barks into the phone, scribbling down notations with his other hand.
“Dr. Rodney McKay?” says the voice on the other end, unfamiliar and female.
“Yes, what do you want?”
“I’m calling from Penrose Hospital in Colorado Springs—“
Rodney’s stomach churns at the word “hospital,” and when she says “Colorado Springs” he interrupts, chest tight.
“John? It’s John, isn’t it, he—“
The doctor—or nurse, or receptionist, Rodney’s not listening and frankly doesn’t care, because he’s waving down one of the grunts from the hallway and shouting that he needs to get to Colorado Springs now, is the Daedalus in orbit, or the Hammond?—is saying “yes, Mr. Sheppard indicated you as his next of kin, and…”
About fourteen responses flash through Rodney’s mind then, starting with “It’s Colonel Sheppard,” taking a detour at “I’m his next of kin!?” followed by “Of course I’m his next of kin,” and finally finishing on the important question, which he verbalizes: “Is he alive?”
“Yes,” the woman answers quickly, and Rodney lets out a breath, “he arrived in critical condition, however—“
“I’ll be there in…” Rodney says, snapping his fingers at the frightened Marine he’d flagged down, “fifteen, maybe twenty minutes.”
And then Rodney hangs up the phone and gets on the radio to harangue whoever’s high up enough to make sure he keeps his word; and through a combination of threats, favor-calling, and good old-fashioned shouting, he finds himself running into the ER waiting room at Penrose Hospital.
The whole rigamarole leaves him with only about three uninterrupted minutes to think, during which he works himself into a pretty impressive spiral about what the hell John had gotten himself into—he was supposed to be on leave, for fuck’s sake, and as soon as Rodney’s certain he’s alive he’s going to kill him for making him worry like this.
The anger floods out of him, though, when he’s brought to the little curtained-off area where John is lying in a hospital bed, looking small and exhausted against the stark white sheets.
”Sheppard,” Rodney breathes out, heart hammering in his chest as he crosses the floor and throws himself onto the tiny stool next to the bed. “John.”
John looks wrecked, in a way that’s not wholly unfamiliar to Rodney: there’s gauze and tape across his nose and one cheek, remnants of blood flecked up into his hairline, and the arm that’s laid out over the blanket, IV tucked into the crook of the elbow, is marred by a series of contusions.
Rodney stares, rapt and anxious, as John blinks his eyes open, focusing on Rodney and giving him a dopey little smile.
“You came,” he says, voice soft and raspy.
“Yes, I’m looking forward to the lecture I’ll get from some uniform on not misusing important SGC resources, but what the hell did you expect, that I wouldn’t?”
Rodney wrings his hands, wanting to reach out and touch, reassure himself that John’s alive, heart beating.
There’s another long, slow blink—like the way that cats show affection, Rodney thinks, half-hysterically—and then John tilts his head, thoughtful.
“You beamed in?”
Rodney rolls his eyes. “Yes, keep up please? How else was I supposed to get here fast enough?”
John grins at him, white teeth and little spray of wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, and Rodney wants to strangle him, Rodney wants to kiss him, Rodney wants to wrap him up in fucking bubble wrap and lock him away somewhere safe.
“What the hell happened, Sheppard?”
John looks away, fiddling with the edge of the sheets, and Rodney suddenly knows this injury is the result of some sort of ridiculous extreme sporting endeavor.
“Well, I was on my skateboard…”
“I’m going to kill you,” Rodney growls, furious fondness fluttering in his stomach. “Did you break any bones? You’re not getting any younger, you know?” He breaks his self-imposed rule of not touching then, palpating across the expanse of John’s body, half self-soothing and half an attempt to catalog the damage. “You obviously hit your head, which, well, I don’t think I need to remind you just how many head injuries you’ve sustained already—or maybe I do, maybe the brain damage has already set in and that’s why you’ve done something so reckless, so idiotic that—“
Quicker than Rodney would expect from a man drugged to the gills on pain meds, John’s hand comes up, fingers tangling with Rodney’s and squeezing, hard.
“Hey, Rodney?” John says, and Rodney raises an eyebrow, waiting.
“‘M glad you came.”
Rodney flattens his mouth, looks down at their joined hands, and shrugs. “I’ll always come, you know that.”
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a-dragons-journal · 9 months
i’m thinking of telling my friends that i’m fictionkin, but i’m scared that they’ll think i’m taking it too seriously. should i use KFF terminology and tell them i have a D/A, and that i am x character IRL? i feel like that would make them take me more seriously because to them, i would be just a KFF-er. and the KFF community is so widespread that it overshadows the otherkin community.
If you want my opinion, definitely don't. That's a) misusing the word "delusion" (assuming it's not actually tied to delusions for you, which it doesn't sound like it is), which, I hopefully don't have to explain why that's a problem, and b) frankly, contributing to the problem of otherkin not being taken seriously, and moreover c) if you have to functionally lie to your friends to make them take you seriously, they're not very good friends, are they?
If you explain things to your friends and they tell you you're "taking it too seriously" and won't listen to you when you explain - you probably need to ditch those friends, frankly, as much as I know that sucks to hear. It is understandable for someone to have been misinformed about what "kinning" is, but if someone won't believe you about your own identity and experiences and won't give you that basic respect, they're not really your friend. Be polite, don't be overly confrontational, be understanding of them having been misinformed - but don't let them run you over and disrespect you like that. I promise there are people out there who will respect you and love you for who you are and not expect you to lie and claim to have delusions when you don't in order to believe you about your own damn identity and experiences. It won't be easy, but if these aren't those people, I promise you can find us.
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Throwback to the time I grossly misused the word "kin" (before I knew what it meant and that I was otherkin) and got a (rightfully) VERY ANGRY anon telling me how incredibly rude I was for claiming they kinned a character. Sorry about that 😅
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rainbowtvz · 5 months
simp is aave. stop misusing aave. (literally just look up "what is aave carrd" and figure it out.)
doubles is a kinnie term. as a kin myself, yes i am gatekeeping that word. people who share your f/os are not doubles because it inherently implies that you AND the sharer are somehow the same person whether that's both BEING your f/o or you have the same s/i. you are not using it correctly. it's annoying and confusing. doubles is a derogatory term anyway for people who share your kins that you do not like. (kintwins would be for people you do like.)
^ i've been on kinblr and numerous other otherkin AND fictionkin spaces i know what i'm talking about.
minority coding is important. if your f/o is coded as being a minority and you do not acknowledge that then you need to re-examine that. yes this is about trans headcanons too.
^ two examples: chihiro from dangan ronpa being a poorly written but widely accepted transfem character. and danny phantom having a common headcanon as being transmasc. the first one if you discard chihiro being a transfem and make her a guy, cis or trans, it's erasing her identity. this is transmisogyny at worst and ignorant as fuck at best. the second one if you discard this headcanon or make it so danny is transfem instead, it has no greater impact or implication of prejudice or bigotry. vice versa, their headcanons about danny's gender has literally 0 impact on your interpretation of his character and his gender. you do not have to subscribe to those headcanons and can go with your own or go with canon, but you need to re-examine why exactly you very specifically do not like those headcanons.
^ people projecting transness onto characters they like is often to find representation in them, or for coping, or both, to deny them of that because you simply disagree is.. odd and speaks volumes. cis selfshippers please think critically about that. i feel a lot of you are detached from overall fandom ettiquette and common ways for queer people to engage with media outside of the hyperspecific bubble that is selfshipping. we're all gonna annoy each other (selfshippers and nonselfshippers) at some point but painting yourself as being transphobic because you view your f/o as cis Only is only going to cause you grief. let people enjoy things. you don't have to look at it, just like they don't have to look at your stuff. this is okay.
plaese for the love of god please stop putting your vents in the community tags. (i've blocked or have been blocked by a majority of the people who do this but its making it feel dreary here.)
if u harass others for doing/saying something you don't like or agree with or for someone having an opinion about something you care about or about you in particular (that they aren't even being public about) then you suck and maybe u should at least take a break if not just leave entirely. (sideeyes some people)
blocking is a tool to affirm boundaries. people are allowed to block whoever they want, whenever they want, for whatever reason they want. and it's okay for you to do the same. it's okay for people to not like each other. not everybody IS going to like you and that's okay too.
callouts are for people doing active harm, or people who HAVE done active harm who have not grown and changed as a person since they did it. nobody care if they vagued u bc u share an f/o. practice utilizing the blocking tool. ^ this is not about wishing harm on others or stalking this is about petty shit that does not fall under that lol
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
pro/com/etc shippers please smash your computer into dust no one likes you or wants you here
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antiradqueer · 1 year
I think it's so funny some radqueers get pissy about people not using 'kin right (verb vs noun debate) and also misuse terms like "purity culture", and all their other stolen terms.
Almost as if they're hypocrites.
short list off the top of my head of all the terms they took or misuse (or twist to mean something they want) that i can think of
trans x - a transmed term for nonbinary
trans race - an adoptee
trans abled - originally for pwBIID and did not mean what radqueers say it means
trans species - not at all a radqueer thing
purity / puritan
use of the word cis
n thats just want i could think of in less than a minute lol
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