archetype-earth · 9 months
Housewife!Mitsuhide who watches over the house while you go to your boring 9-to-5. Housewife!Mitsuhide who vacuums the carpets, makes the bed after you leave, makes sure the kitchen is in perfect shape. He cooks as well, and... honestly sometimes it does turn out bad. But if he sticks to the recipe, it's quite amazing, especially after a hard day. He never really cared for food before, but he makes sure to pick out recipes that have plenty of nutrients that is both healthy and delicious. Housewife!Mitsuhide who, while his background is unknown, is on good terms with everybody in the neighborhood. He's called a charmer by the old ladies, gets along well in their circle. (Probably also knits for you, with help from them.) He's such good friends with the other housewives that they'll occasionally give up the groceries that are sale to him. The local police are extremely wary of him (especially the veteran officers), but they're nice and polite to him all the same, if not on edge. Any yakuza or ne'er-do-wells actively stay away. Housewife!Mitsuhide who busts out that very cliche line of "Dinner, a bath, or me?" (It's him. Let's be real it's always him.) Housewife!Mitsuhide who has already prepared a warm bath to soothe away your daily stress, rose petals and nice scents littering the bathroom. He's also not opposed to getting in with you and washing you himself! What a good husband. Housewife!Mitsuhide who feeds you spoonfuls of dinner, and has you feed him in return. Housewife!Mitsuhide who will carry you into the bathroom and gently set you down. Who gives you the best massage of your life... whose massage turns into a little something more. Housewife!Mitsuhide who works so hard to upkeep your house, couldn't you just mess up him at the end of your day as his reward, pretty please?
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minimallyminnie · 4 months
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whatever-fanfics · 6 months
Much has changed but I still have you
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Ikemen sengoku x reader
Keiji Maeda x reader
Part of @aquagirl1978 's "a series of firsts" challenge
Prompt: First child (getting used to life as parents)
In which while getting used parenthood, you and Keiji introduce your newborn son to the Oda forces.
A shrill cry woke you both out of your sleep, he heard you before he could even open his eyes completely. "Oh my baby" you soothingly said, as the light assaulted your eyes. Quickly assimilating to the light Keiji saw you bump into the wall before feeling for the door, finding it and sliding it open.
He took a moment to sigh before sitting himself up and pulling the covers off.
He'd long since realized his dream, bringing an alliance back from Echigo. Becoming lord of the land, giving a home to his parents. Marrying you, becoming a father.
He inhales as he breaks out of his reverie at the sound of the door opening and closing. "Maybe we should move his room, it's always cold in there" you say, voice laced with exhaustion matching your dark eye bags, walking over to the futon, your son of barely 5 months in your arms. "Yeah? Maybe next to ours, instead of down the hall" he answers as he ties his hair. You nod in agreement, smiling at him as he settles himself behind you.
"Good morning" he says leaning over to kiss your temple, taking the blanket and repositioning it to cover both you and the babe in your arms. "Morning" you say back, letting the yukata slip off your shoulder in order to feed him. "How many hours did you get" he asks softly so as not to jostle the baby who is blissfully feeding on your nipple. "Hours? More like minutes" you joke, not entirely a lie, he laughs "after they go, get some sleep I'll watch him" Keiji offers not looking away from your half asleep baby. "Nah, you need sleep too, don't think I don't know you're sleep schedule is worse than mine" despite your words your tone was as soft as ever. "Okay" he tenderly whispers in your ear followed by a slight nibble to your earlobe.
"Keiji" you whimper, "they'll be here soon" you breathe out as he works his way down your neck. "So..." he reasons, you turn to him lips slightly parted as he leans into you slowly, his hand lightly caressing your jaw. Your lips are the only thing on his mind.
You feel a breath of cold air on your nipple right before your son's high pitched mewls turned into high pitched cries breaking the mood.
You both heave a sigh, before separating, he helps you restate your robes. "Do you know how much time we have before they get here?" You ask as he takes your baby to change his diaper "soon, but probably not until after breakfast" he estimates.
You hand your son off to the nursemaid, so that you and Keiji can enjoy breakfast together. After that you dressed the baby and then yourselves. Before going to the meeting room you took a mat for him to lay on along with a few toys that you knew he liked.
A delighted smile spread across your face as you wiggled the den-den daiko, one of the many gifts gifted to him by his grandparents. His cheerful gurgle and drool making its way past his chin, he flails as he sees your smile making your soar. The light of the sun breaks through the crack of the shoji doors illuminating his rosy cheeks making a sheer contrast to the bright blue kimono you'd made him.
"A strong voice makes good on the battlefield" Nobunaga's booming voice echoes throughout the meeting room, as you turned around you saw everyone pile in.
After exchanging greetings everyone took their seat around the room. You handed him to Nobunaga, helping him support your son in the right places.
"I think he has your nose" Hideyoshi whispers from his place between you and his liege lord, the latter's attention consumed by the child he was currently bouncing through the air. A breathy laugh leaves your lips "yeah and he has Keiji's hair" you whisper back. As your conversation dies down you both turn back to Nobunaga and the baby staring intensely into his eyes, kicking his feet as the former bounces him into the air.
He'd been doing this for quite a while now so you were concerned. "You might want to put him down for a minute, he might-" words dying down in your throat, pulling your lips back into a thin line.
Some watched in terror others in surprise as your son's throw up met its mark, on Nobunaga's face.
Your son's cries of displeasure followed right after as he felt the a sting in the back of his throat.
"Nobunaga-sama!" Hideyoshi's shocked voice broke everyone out of their stupor.
You didn't have to see Mitsuhide's smile as his snicker was enough to warrant a quick reprimand from Hideyoshi.
A small "oh..." escaped Mitsunari as Masamune and Ieyasu wore matching expressions of silenced shock.
Sighing you made your way to the door, hollering out for some towels and water as Keiji made his way from next to you to gather the child from Nobunaga's hands.
Said lord kept his eyes closed, not uttering a single word as chaos around him ensued. You made your way back over to him towels in one hand and a bowl of water in the other, placing one dampened towel in his free hand and the others on his knee.
Upon lifting your hand with another dampened towel, he holds up his hand to accept the towel from you. "Well..." you begin before finishing "at least your clothes are safe." Time stops as everyone in the room freezes astonished by your statement. "Y/n!!!" Hideyoshi scolds his tone scaring your son even more, you turn as Keiji struggles the fussing baby in his arms. "Hideyoshi please don't scare the baby" Ieyasu chimes in from his spot.
Hideyoshi's retort is cut off as everyone's attention is drawn to the slight chuckle coming from their liege lord. You turn surprise plastered on your face, as he leans forward so as not to get the retch in his mouth while wiping his face with the towels. As his laughter quieted down, you handed him the other towel so you could help your struggling husband.
"You got 'em" Keiji asked as you situated your son in your arms in a way that didn't involve getting the spit up on your kimono. "Yeah" you assured as you gently rocked him in your arms, careful not to agitate him any further. Gently thanking Keiji as he opened the door for you to swiftly exit and change his dirty clothes.
Sliding the door closed was harder with a 14 pound baby in your other arm. Mitsunari, being closest to the door, rushed from his sitting position to your aid "here" he said reaching behind you to close the door. You quickly thanked him and went to sit by the others, who were huddling around something.
"What's goin' on" Keiji turned at the sound of your honeyed voice, he swears you make his heart stutter every time. Keiji nods towards the center of the circle where multiple items were splayed out on the floor, some laying on the clean towels from earlier. "Awww" you swooned at the sight of baby sandals, several sounds of laughter meet your ears as you slowly sit down.
You asked, eyes a little teary voice wavering with emotion, making your husband's eyes and heart soften. Looking around the room you saw Hideyoshi put up his arm with a slightly bashful smile. You thanked him passionately the tears welling up in your eyes, pregnancy hormones not quite all gone, he waved his hand as he eased you a bright smile on his face.
"Lass" Masamune drew your attention to the small posh in front of you. Your look of confusion melted into one of adoration as he opened the pouch to reveal a small container filled with puréed fruit. Taking the spoon he had with it you gently placed some of the fruit on your son's parted lips. Everyone waited in silence as he contemplated the new flavor invading his senses, you and your husband laugh as your baby lifts his eyebrows in confusion, before using all of his strength to reach for the spoon again.
Your shared laughter was heard from down the hall, laughter that would illuminate your home for years to come.
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midnightcrw · 2 months
The only thing that keeps me going at the moment is Otome games.
Really, it's the only thing I can get excited about.
By the way, if you all want to play Otome games, just download Ikemen Prince, Ikemen Villains, or Ikemen Sengoku (or just all of them). They're so fucking good and I'm obsessed with them to this day, having tried out every single route because the storylines are just that good.
Especially Chevalier Michel and Mitsuhide Akechi, I just love their routes so much.
I also hope that Jude's route will come out as soon as possible because I already love him.
I'm also waiting for my Candy Love New Gen to be released because I've been waiting for that game for the longest time.
And I know I haven't written anything lately, but that's because my final exams are coming up soon and I feel extremely drained because even when I try to relax, I just can't be at ease, but I'll try my best to write the next part of the Alastor ff and hopefully I'll be able to come up with another one-shot for Ghost.
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nuttytani · 11 months
his vs your spice tolerance
characters: ieyasu, hideyoshi, mitsuhide, mai, gn!reader
warnings: none
a/n: I was daydreaming about spicy food during one of those boring lectures and then this happened. don't mind any typos or stuff, it's not proof read. p.s oh followers of mine, do you still wan't to get tagged on my hcs and fics? even though i pop in once in a century.
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He’s known to be able to hold his spice
There hasn't been ANYONE who was able to surpass him in terms of spice tolerance
Enter: you 
Oh boy, he did not expect someone to handle spicier food than him
Genuinely feels scared as he watches you drown your meal in copious amount of hot sauce, roasted and cut chilli (yes, the green or red ones that grow on bushes) and straight up shove it in your mouth without a single flinch
He is scared. Saying that would be an understatement since he has tried your “food” once, and never again. Swears to not even dream about it. Ieyasu was crying his eyes out just from two bites and was chugging down glasses of water…. Which - uhh backfired. 
Needless to say but yasu was breathing fire like a dragon 
Now has profound admiration for your spice tolerance. No one can top you.
He didn’t really have any spice tolerance from the start
Thinks you’re crazier than Ieyasu to…..be able to eat the demonic level of spice that you do
Doesn’t dare to even take a bite out of your food, he already knows that it would end badly for his mouth and his behind. 
But he does feel concerned about your health though, eating too much spice can be detrimental to your health after all
Somehow succeeds in making you eat at least a little less spice than before.
(actually, the only reason you reduced your spice intake was because of his puppy dog eyes. Darn em’ can’t say no to those shiny eyes)
This man can’t even taste, what do you expect him to say about your abominable love for spice? Nothing.
Except, he does enjoy seeing you place a bottle of hot sauce and plenty of chillies on the side of your plate for every meal. 
Once, he exchanged your lunch box with Hideyoshi’s. For educational purposes. 
Gets punched in the face the very next day by Hideyoshi, who appeared to be unwell. 
He did try your food out of curiosity once, alas, no taste, but he did find the mild burning sensation on his tongue to be intriguing. 
You eventually make him addicted to eating whole chilli, ain't that nice? Better than eating random leaves in his garden (and who knows what else)
Thinks you’re some sort of godly specimen to be able to handle extremely spicy food.
Like, even Ieyasu is scared/amazed by your spice tolerance! 
She tries your food once, how bad can it be? Just a little bit of burning won’t stop her from trying it out!
Regrets immediately 
Curses her life choices and is now stuck in the toilet 
Is currently missing her 21st century western style toilets 
Gets the heebie jeebies whenever she looks at your food from then on
She does, however, tried eating whole chilli. After you taught her how to eat it like a pro
Mai is now unstoppable
Flaunts her newfound skill to eat chillies without a sweat to yasu. 
Gets kicked out of his room.
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taglist : im sorry, i lost my old one- uhh if you guys ares still interested tho, let me know
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cottoncandy-cult · 4 months
Caught In The Name Of Love
When you and some of the IkeSen boys get caught being cute ft. Mitsuhide, Ieyasu, Motonari, Kanetsugu
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It was early one summer morning when Mitsuhide had woken (Y/ n), though they had no business that day the rest of the Oda forces would be coming over for breakfast and lunch to check out the new garden Mitsuhide had put in as an anniversary gift for his sweet fiancé. They still had a little time before the rest of the group showed up, so Mitsuhide had decided to take his time with brushing her hair, he's done it many mornings especially on days where there was no rush or an absolute rush. He could only quietly chuckle at her sleepy expression in the mirror, eyes softly shut as she tried not to fall asleep as his fingers moved through her hair with the comb he'd run through each section. "You can rest your eyes if you'd like little mouse~ We still have some time before we have to meet the others out in the garden, so I can pick your outfit if you'd like to get a few minutes of sleep." He watched her (E/c) eyes peak open in the mirror, glancing up at him a moment before a sweet smile spread on her cheeks. "No that's fine, you've been doing a lot for me, and I like spending the mornings with you." She smiled and leaned back against him a moment, her head resting on his shoulder as his arms came down to wrap around her waist. "What can I say? You look so adorable when I spoil you little mouse." Mitsuhide pressed a kiss to the side of her head, nuzzling the spot as he closed his own golden orbs to relax with her for a moment in the warm morning air. Neither noticed the various pairs of eyes that watched from a crack in the door that led to the garden, the group had arrived early and had approached the door to give their greetings when the noticed the couple had yet to fully stir. They took the rare opportunity, Hideyoshi especially, as they had always been curious how he treated her behind closed doors. It was no secret that their princess adored the kitsune like male, she would fist fight someone for that man. (Something they got to witness firsthand; the only thing more surprising was how unsurprised Ranmaru was as he cheered for her to whoop their ass.)
Granted Hideyoshi was just a worry wart, he had always wanted to see some sort of physical proof that Mitsuhide's love ran just as deep as (Y/n)'s. So, to witness this quiet moment of peace between the two, seeing the care he took when brushing her hair and peppering kisses across her neck and cheeks. The look on his face was one no one in the Oda forces had ever seen, it was like spotting a white peacock amongst a vibrant forest. The group moved away from the door to give the couple their privacy, waiting til they were sat amongst the picnic set up to discuss what they witnessed. "Told ya he was mad for her Hideyoshi; I've seen this man lose control because her life was in danger. Nothing stirs that beast, the way she does." Masamune chuckled as he sipped on some tea the servants brought out, Nobunaga could only chuckle as he had heard Hideyoshi complain many times about various aspects of the silver fox. "It is comforting, don't get me wrong I know Mitsuhide loves (Y/n) but her devotion is absolute. So, it's nice to see the love she has for him mirrored." Hideyoshi chuckled with a relieved smile, the group watching as a white fox slipped into the garden and made its way up onto the porch. It stopped near the crack in the door, giving some soft chirps before it squeezed its way through. They of course knew Mitsuhide had Chiamaki, she would often lounge about the garden when they'd come by to deliver messages and the like. It was only a few more minutes before the couple came out, (Y/n) carrying Chiamaki carefully in her arms. They like the others were in their regular wear, comfortable and ready to enjoy some food and each other's company. "Good morning, everyone, I hope we didn't keep you waiting." Mitsuhide had stepped off the porch first, careful when helping her down, keeping a hand on her lower back as he led her to an open spot between Ranmaru and Masamune. "We haven't been here long so no worries, so what do you think of the new garden Lady (Y/n)?" Ranmaru smiled to his dear friend, watching her giggle as she sat Chiamaki between herself and Mitsuhide, the latter of which giving the little fox some head scratches. "I love it, I really wasn't expecting to come back from the hot spring vacation to find a whole new garden." Though she was still waking up, her happy energy had everyone laughing. They were surprised at first too, but after today they likely could never be surprised by his love for her again.
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(Y/n) smiled as she and Ieyasu approached the closed doors of the main hall, a war council had been called while they were in town. Something they had been alerted about upon arriving back to the castle, before going inside the young woman tugged his hand to stop her blonde lover so he hadn't touched the door yet. Of course he stopped, turning to look at her as he quirked an eyebrow silently. With a grin the young woman glanced around before holding up a finger she beckoned him to lean down. It was out of sheer curiosity that the blonde did so, too distracted by his lover's antics to realize they were being watched through a crack in the door. He had leaned down to about her height when soft hands suddenly cupped his cheeks, pulling him further down as her warm lips pressed gently to his forehead. His face bursts a bright cherry red, staring at her with wide astonished eyes before they narrowed affectionately, and a soft smile stretched on his face. He chuckled a bit, pressing his forehead to hers, his lips opening to give her a playful scolding. At least until the doors to their left slammed open, the two were quick to jolt away from each other to try and pretend as if they weren't just flirting in the hallways. But the smirks on Mitsuhide and Masamune's faces told them that they had been caught, with NO room for excuses.
"So lad, when were you gonna tell us you had went and got all grown up on us?" Masamune chuckled, looking between the two startled lovers. Both of which wearing cherry red faces, looking guilty beyond all belief as the other warlords looked on at them with soft knowing grins. "I'm so glad to see you're having a good day Lord Ieyasu, you must have really enjoyed shopping with Lady (Y/n) today." Mitsunari spoke up, his angelic smile as innocent as always. (Y/n) almost wanted to laugh, but Ieyasu's eyeroll showed he was less than amused. "Yeah, I was having a good day there for a while." His eye twitched as Mitsuhide began chuckling, no doubt he wouldn't be letting the younger blonde live this down for a while. "Ieyasu, if you'd like a moment to come to terms with your need to part with (Y/n) for the duration of this war council you could always ask." Nobunaga called from his dais, watching the group with a wide grin. To (Y/n) he looked like a proud father, but to Ieyasu he looked ready to tease the hell out of the blonde at the next banquet. Likely later that night since Keiji came back from one of his most recent missions, hence why the war council was taking place. "Can we not do this right now, let's just get this council over with and hear what loudmouth has to say." Ieyasu glanced between Masamune and Mitsuhide, even if they had gone rather easy on him today, he was still done with it. "Come now, no need to be embarrassed. There's no shame in loving your woman." Mitsuhide spoke up, the other warlords returning to their seats as the couple passed the fox man on their way inside. "I'm starting to think you just want to fight." Ieyasu glared at Mitsuhide as the silver haired man made his way to the spot on Nobunaga's direct left. But before he could respond to his younger, Hideyoshi had spoken up. "Alright, knock it off Mitsuhide. We have some important information to discuss, so save it for the banquet." Hideyoshi couldn't help the way the corners of his mouth twitched up, making the blonde groan in irritation. But that had successfully brought the teasing to an end, after a good laugh the war council had started. But the twitch in Ieyasu's eyebrow had (Y/n) smiling to herself in thought over how easy it was to read him. Already knowing he was preparing for the torrent that would surely come his way at tonight's banquet, she'd have to make sure to enjoy some drinks with the show.
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(Y/n) smiled in her spot next to Motonari, they had went to visit the Oda and were lucky enough to be there at the same time as Ieyasu and Masamune. Nobunaga had hosted a banquet so everyone could catch up. (Y/n) had made Motonari's food herself, knowing he wouldn't eat anyone else's coocking. When Masamune first noticed and questoned, the pirate claimed that her cooking was the best and he wouldn't have anything less. Something that had made her heart soar and caused the men in the room to chuckle at his flagrant affections. She had been pouring him drinks through the night, the sake had been sweeter than normal, and it made it easier for her to match him drink for drink without even noticing. Because of that she hadn't a clue as to when her cheeks had flushed, or her mind began to swim. She tilted her head some, smiling as she listened to her lover and Nobunaga discuss trade and foreign countries. Ever since they had begun this alliance the two had actually started to get along more and more with each meeting and drink. It made her happy, knowing the man she loved was getting along so well with her found family. Quietly moving forward, Motonari hadn't noticed her until she had curled her arm around his and pressed a bit closer. He did his best not to blush, glancing at her curiously as she leaned her head on his shoulder. But still he carried his conversation, ignoring the glances he got from the other warlords as they took notice to the affection. When Hideyoshi came to speak with Nobunaga the pirate turned to looked at her once more, his lips quirking up. "Someone's being bold, getting handsy in front of your friends?" He raised an eyebrow, watching her glassy eyes drift over as a sweet and lazy smile spread across her cute puffy face. "I can't help it, you're so smart it's cute." She giggled, a soft slur to her words though it was still easy to make out.
Motonari's face went blank with surprise, sure they had drunk their fill before but in those times her affection had been shyer and sweeter. But it seemed the energy of the party brought out her bolder side, as she didn't seem to care that her friends could see. "I am not cute, you're just drunk." He frowned, though it looked more like a pout, reaching up a gloved hand to playfully pinch her cheek. "Deny it all you want, but you won't fool me.~" She winked at him, her warm hand coming up to grasp his before she placed a kiss to his palm, batting her lashes at him as she gazed up into his eyes. A light pink came to the top of her cheeks, the dreamy look on her face making his chest feel flushed and heavy. "You need to drink something, here." He spoked quickly, murmuring as he reached for a glass and filled it with water. He was gentle in placing the cup in her hands, crimson eyes locked on her form as he made sure she didn't drop the glass. Despite his flustered state, he didn't try to move away from her. In fact, after she sat her cup down his arm had curled around her waist and pulled her further into his side. "You're not gonna be able to tell how cold you are when you're drunk like this, so stay close that way I can keep you warm." He looked off the side, swallowing down his glass of sake as he glared at Mitsuhide who watched the two with a teasing smirk. As if to spite him and prove he wasn't flustered he pulled her in his lap, staring Mitsuhide in the eye with a challenging smirk as she giggled at his sudden affection and leaned her head back on his shoulder. "See, told you. Cute." Motonari looked over at her, raising an eyebrow as he nipped at her ear. A giggling yelp escaped her as she leaned forward, her hands coming up to cover her ears as he held her tight around the waist. "I don't wanna hear it from you brat, now pick something to eat. With all the drinking you've been doing we need to get some more food in your stomach." He smirked at her, enjoying his playful revenge. He knew they were being watched, but at this point he couldn't bring himself to give a damn. If anything, he was establishing dominance, proving she was his and he'd be damned if anyone thought that would change.
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Today was delivery day for (Y/n) and so she had been out in town, running about the area to drop off her commissions. Some of the orders had consisted of multiple kimonos, because of this one of her seamstress friends had decided to help her. Meanwhile Kanetsugu had a half day when it came to work, he was meant to be in a nearby town doing a quick check of its status, but it had gone so smoothly that he had gotten back before noon. Deciding to take advantage of the good weather he had gone out into the castle garden to read a book, resting against a cherry blossom tree that sat beside a small koi pond. He didn't know where all his lover would have to go, since he had left before she officially got up for the day. So, he decided to wait for her return, already knowing she'd be tuckered out as she was with every delivery day. It was about an hour after lunch that (Y/n) returned to the castle, she had been on her way back to their shared room when she spotted her silver haired lover in the garden. With a tired smile she made her approach, something he noticed immediately as he seemed to look before her feet had even touched the ground. "That's the poetry book you got in town the other day, isn't it? How is it?" She approached him, watching him with a soft smile as he observed her. "Pretty good, it's mostly new poets so it's been rather interesting." Kanetsugu watched her approach, pulling her into his lap once she was close enough and chuckling to himself at the surprise yelp that escaped her. Though she quickly melted into him, folding her legs against his as she leaned into his chest. "Your feet must be hurting, I heard from Sasuke you had so many orders you needed help carrying them." He spoke softly, gentle hands removing her sandals and resting them nearby as he lightly massaged her feet as best he could to relieve some of the tension, the pleased hum that left her reassuring him he was helping. "Yeah, this month was busy. I had a lot of requests for a wardrobe worth of kimono, but now that I've finished that batch of requests, I can take a break. Technically an order from Kenshin, but I was gonna take one anyways. The weather has been so nice I've been wanting to nap around a bit." She closed her eyes, basking in the warmth of his embrace as he readjusted them, so he was leaning further back against the tree. "Yeah? Then go ahead and take a nap. I'll wake you when it's dinner time." He rubbed soothing circles on her back, watching her sew for hours sometimes made his own back ache. He knew how much she valued her work.
"Alright, that sounds nice….*Yawn* After dinner we should have a drink and star gaze, the sky has looked so pretty these last few nights." She snuggled closer to him, her kimono almost like a blanket as he kept her held close to him. His book resting beside her shoes, long forgotten in the warm air of the quiet day. It was only a few hours later that Sasuke came looking for them, stopping short when he noticed the two sleeping against the tree. The ninja watched his friends sleeping soundly, considering turning around and leaving. But before he could Kanetsugu had begun to stir, amethyst eyes glancing around blearily. Only to stop on Sasuke and widen, his pale cheeks flushing pink when he realized they had been caught in the garden. Sasuke's hands came up, a quick motion to signal peace. "I won't tell anyone, I promise." He spoke quickly, not wanting to irritate the so called "man of the house" any further than he already had. Kanetsugu gently cradled the back of his lover's head, slowly sitting up to not disturb her sleep. "What did you need Sasuke?" He spoke flatly, trying to force down his embarrassment while looking around to figure out the time. "It's almost time for dinner, everyone is already gathered. Lord Kenshin sent me to get you, since you weren't there first like you usually are." He looked off to the side, not wanting to further embarrass the male by staring at just how carefully he was holding Sasuke's sleeping friend. Honestly Sasuke was happy for both of them, there was never any doubt that Kanetsugu would take care of his dear friend. But moments like this had him cheering them on louder, he'd fight someone for trying to break up his OTP if he had to. Something he and Hime would joke up when it was just them talking in the corner of a banquet, they'd often share drinks as Hime fawned over Kanetsugu and the things he had done recently to make her smile. Of course if the wisteria scented male knew of these conversations, he'd probably never trust them alone again. "Alright, let Lord Kenshin know we're on our way." Kanetsugu sighed out, waving the other male off so he could rouse his lover for her well earned meal.
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not-krys · 9 months
Fictober 2023: The Traveling Adventures of Mr. Fox and Miss Mouse Part 2
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Prompt #4: Do You Even Know What This Means?
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Rating: Teen
Characters: Mitsuhide Akechi, 'Miss Mouse' (Fem!Reader Insert using a moniker)
Summary: Detective Mitsuhide is given the task of returning a runaway bride to her husband back East. Miss Mouse, as she's calling herself, refuses to return.
Notes: 1880s America / Historical Travel AU, Fem Reader Insert, so feminine terms will be used to refer to the reader (lady, miss, missy, girl, wife, etc), Mitsuhide also being a manipulative lil shit but what else is new?
Had brainworms for this AU back in February of this year and have now decided to expand upon it for this year's Fictober entry. For the first part of the story, check this link!
Also up on ao3!
And thanks to @bluetri4ngles and @drachonia for beta reading this for me! And I know @lorei-writes was excited about the first part, so here's a part 2, love!
WC: 2487
He had only closed his eyes for a minute. Mitsuhide had sworn it had only been a minute, but it seemed a minute too long for his liking. Maybe it was the swaying of the train, maybe it was his own fatigue catching up to him–he didn't know what would have caused him to be so unaware–but in the next moment, the sun had dipped behind the flying tree line, the lands out the window seemingly flatter and grassier than when he had departed. He was still sitting in the booth he had sat at with the lady in the purple dress, the girl he was supposed to be bringing back home, but there was no sign of his companion, not even a lingering scent of the lavender she had in her hat.
Well, this wasn't good.
She did have the good grace to cover his food with a napkin (untouched), and a little note thanking him again for the help earlier and letting him know that she was retiring to her cabin for the evening. Even had the audacity to sign it as Miss Mouse with a cute doodle of a mouse in a bustle dress next to her signature. Mitsuhide sighed.
He thought of returning to his own car for the evening, following suit of the lady, but he was stopped by a passing steward who handed him a note. A telegram, rather, with a hushed message.
"201." he said simply, his face strangely stiff, even for a railroad steward.
Mitsuhide raised an eyebrow as the man walked away, pushing up his glasses, seemingly. With a defeated shrug, Mitsuhide looked over the telegram, his white brow now furrowing.
"Husband growing impatient. Bring girl home. Threats of bankruptcy and setting building on fire. Doing best to stall. Please hurry. KB."
"Kyubei," Mitsuhide crumpled the paper in his hand, looking back out at the orange and purple tinged scenery.
"Doing things thousands of miles away is easier said than done, my friend." Mitsuhide closed his eyes and stood up, going back to his cabin to think. He was in for a long ride and Miss Mouse would surely hate him when she learned of his true intentions. A sad thought, to be sure, but there was a reason mice and foxes weren't the best of friends, after all.
Miss Mouse, rather you, had retired for the evening after leaving your savior, Mr. Fox, behind in the dining car. As much as you had enjoyed his company and that he had saved you from some rough gentlemen that seemed hell-bent on harassing you, you couldn't stay with the dashing Mr. Fox.
Or rather, Mr. Akechi, you thought with a sigh, remembering the sight of his bellflower-stitched holster.
Yes, even word of the white-haired detective had reached your noble circles. A tall man with a deep voice and a grin that was just asking for trouble. You almost couldn't believe that Mr. Akechi, the famous detective, had boarded on a train, the very same train that you were on.
Being rescued by him certainly did a number on your heart, but the reality of the situation soon sank in after you'd had a minute to think.
Mr. Akechi likely wasn't here for a leisurely train ride through the countryside. In all likelihood, he was probably paid to bring you back home, back to that disgusting pig of a man that had swindled you out of your family and their money. You felt your blood boiling at the thought of that man's hands touching yours, and your stomach churning as he smiled a lecherous grin at you.
No, it wouldn't do you any good to waste another thought on the man. You needed to think of a plan, to find some way to escape a detective like Mr. Akechi. It was your only hope if you wanted to keep your freedom.
You sat in the comfy chair in your room, contemplating what to do next. A planned stop was coming within a day or so, you thought. You could slip into the crowd and sneak aboard another train. Although the possibility of getting caught made your heart stutter and cower out in the end.
You could also sneak into the crowd and wait for the train to leave, then just explain to the staff that you had simply missed your train and would wait for the next one. A simple enough excuse and a believable one. You could get lost in the town nearby, say you lost track of the time, and just wait in town for the next available train to take you to California. Mr. Oda would understand, wouldn't he? People get lost traveling by trains all the time, surely?
Although, it would look suspicious if you took your trunk with you into the rail station as if you meant to stay longer and not get back on the train. Would you be willing to risk leaving your belongings to elude the detective? You had heard stories of people losing their way with no belongings and dying out in the great unknown.
Maybe, you thought, perhaps you could buy more supplies in the rail town without it looking suspicious and just leave your original belongings on purpose? People lost luggage all the time anyways, right?
You sighed. Who knew starting your new life in the West was going to require this much of a daring escapade to elude both your suitor and a suave detective?
No, he wasn't that suave. He was here (possibly) to whisk you back home! That took down his handsomeness some. No amount of charm he could exude would persuade you into going back. Not ever.
You looked over at your hat, little lavender springs already starting to wilt. You frowned and stood up, taking the hat into your hands and pulled the sprigs out, setting them aside to press later.
You sat the hat back onto the table and prepared for bed, stripping the purple overdress and petticoats from your body, breathing in deeply.
Rocked by the swaying of the train, you laid in the provided bed, pulling the feathered blanket over your head, hoping to come up with a more solid plan in the morning, and a stronger hope of not seeing a certain white-haired Mr. Fox in the dining car again. Your rescuer could easily transform into your kidnapper and you sincerely hoped that wouldn't be the case. His kindness and wit had warmed you, but warmth had a habit of dissipating if there was a stiff breeze present.
You closed your eyes, hoping against hope that Mr. Fox was just here for a leisurely train ride and nothing more.
The early morning sun and rumbling stomachs roused the passengers of the westward bound train. Mitsuhide brushed his hair back as he replaced his hat, noting the lessened dark circles around his eyes. Who knew that following a girl across the country would do wonders for his sleep habits?
With a yawn while buttoning up his waistcoat, he headed back to the dining car with a flourish of his jacket, finding you once again, enjoying a light breakfast and, thankfully, no unscrupulous gentlemen around to ruin your meal time.
Well, save for one unscrupulous gentleman, he thought sadly.
You jumped a little as your sudden guest seated himself, golden eyes training on you like a fox that had trapped a little mouse under his paw.
"Good morning, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said as he sat across from you, his dangerous grin lighting his face.
"G-good morning, Mr. Fox." you returned, cutting up your eggs with a frown, "I see you are in better spirits than yesterday. Did you have a good sleep?"
"I did, thank you for asking." he said a touch thinly, remembering the state she had left him in yesterday. "I'm heartbroken, however."
"You left your dear husband to fend for himself in the cold dining car all night. And after such a gallant rescue yesterday, too."
You froze.
"I never said you were my husband. That was you fibbing to make those other gentlem-"
"Yet rumors are already spreading that we are arguing and you sent me here in your anger."
"…Beg your pardon?"
"You left me in the dining car when you were angry with me. The staff and a few married couples looked on in pity. It was quite embarrassing."
"Wait, you really did sleep here all night?" You asked, worriedly.
"Feel my hands, dear, and see how cold they are."
You stared at him, trying to decide if he was telling the truth. You then looked down at his hands, frowning.
"You're wearing gloves."
"Yes, I am. So are you. Quite a mind for detail, Miss."
"Your hands wouldn't be cold if you were wearing gloves." You said, "plus, the passenger cars are all heated through steam. You wouldn't be cold at all."
Mitsuhide smirked.
"Then, perhaps, you could rub my back? The chairs here are quite comfortable for sitting in, but sleeping in them certainly isn't the best idea."
You frowned deeper.
"Teasing, Mouse." he said, "I was only teasing you. I went back to my cabin and slept quite deeply."
You returned to your eggs with a pout.
"Well, Mr. Fox, some of us don't need or appreciate being riled up like that first thing in the morning."
"I was being serious about the rumors, however."
"You and I are not married."
"No, but I did put on such a spectacular show yesterday, so much so that seeing us apart has made others curious."
"Then quell those rumors." You said firmly.
His sly smile made you pause.
"I'm afraid It would be in your best interest if I didn't."
"And why, pray tell, is that?"
"A young, unmarried woman traveling alone is just asking for trouble," Mitsuhide explained. "A married woman traveling with her husband at least has him around to protect her."
"And you're offering to be my husband for my protection?" 
"Why? Why do you want to protect me so badly?"
Mitsuhide paused, seeming caught for a brief moment. His placid look soon returned, however.
"It's in my nature to protect young ladies in distress such as yourself."
You huffed. So, this was how it was going to be?
"I was doing fine."
"Yesterday proved otherwise."
"I was going to ask for help from the steward and have them confined until we get to the next stop. That is, until you intervened."
"And if they escape their confinement after the train reaches the next stop, what then? They could kidnap and have their way with you, whatever their perverted minds were thinking of doing to you once you were alone."
You paused, now the one trapped in the logic trap. You had only wanted to escape that horrible match and now… You were alone against a fox dead set on trapping you, the fox not even being the worst of the dangers in front of you, you were beginning to realize.
"Though your bravery in striking out on your own was admirable, you must also understand the world we're in, Miss Mouse." Mitsuhide said. "A woman without a man to support her won't last very long, especially out here in the unknown."
He rested his chin in his palm.
"What I'm offering is protection, so that what happened yesterday won't happen again. Better yet, a worse outcome won't come to pass so long as I'm here."
You looked at him, studying him.
"And if I refuse your protection? If I escape at the next station and flee without you by carriage? By stagecoach? Even by a horse?"
"Trouble much worse than yesterday will find you." Mitsuhide frowned, not the least bit thrilled at the idea of physically chasing you across the vast countryside aside from the comfort of the train. "Even fleeing by your own two legs would leave you at the mercy of the elements along with the evil men trying to catch your tail."
You looked away, not hungry anymore.
"Do you know what all this means, Mouse?"
"I know what it means." You bit back. "And I hate that you're right."
"Hate it and me as much as you want, Miss Mouse. So long as you agree to lie about us being married. It's for your protection, after all."
You sighed in defeat.
"I have half a mind to make you sleep in the dining car again, Mr. Fox."
Mitsuhide chuckled, pushing your plate back towards you.
"So long as you keep being my wife, Miss Mouse. I'll even sleep on the roof if you tell me to."
Much as you didn’t like him in this moment, you still had your standards.
"No, don't sleep on the roof, please. However, as your wife," you shoved the plate towards him this time, "I want you to eat."
Mitsuhide blinked in surprise.
"You didn't finish your dinner yesterday because you were helping me. The steward told me when I arrived here this morning."
"And I remember telling you I lost my sense of taste ages ago."
"Your belly doesn't care about your lack of taste." You pointed your fork at him. "Besides, I can't have my ‘husband’ collapsing from hunger if he's supposed to be protecting me from all the nasty villains that are coming after me. It's the least I can do as your ‘wife’. That’s what you wanted, correct?"
Mitsuhide chuckled after a moment.
"You're kinder than I deserve, little wife."
"I'm not your wife.” you repeated. “I pity the poor waif that takes your hand someday."
"You and me both." He never pictured himself getting married, however nice a thought it was. He couldn't put someone through his life guilt-free, wouldn’t dream of putting someone through his life, not even his worst of enemies.
Instead, he took his pleasure in eating off your plate, ignoring your pointed scowl as he snatched your fork when your back was turned to order more food. The small domestic atmosphere, though with many more strings running underneath it like the tracks beneath them, it made him smile genuinely inwardly, having the taste of a humble life he would never know otherwise, he felt. 
He had been surprised that you remembered him not eating the previous evening and had thought to remedy that, despite knowing who he was, evidently, based on the change in demeanor this morning. You truly were too kind to him, at least suspecting his true intentions and yet still thinking after him enough to remind him to eat.
His true heartbreak would come when he had to take her back home, he thought with a sigh, forced to feed this kind little mouse to a much more despicable creature than him, the thought causing more displeasure and annoyance than it should have. 
What was this little mouse doing to him, causing such troublesome thoughts in him?
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mbruben-stein · 1 month
Hello, can I please request Akagami no shirayukihime/Snow white with red hair characters (Raji Shenazard, Zen Wisteria, Mitsuhide Louen, and Obi) headcanons with a shy s/o who suddenly gave them a kiss on the cheek?
Snow white with red hair characters reaction to shy female s/o kissing them on the cheek.
~Zen Wistalia~
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When Zen's shy female significant other unexpectedly leans in and plants a gentle kiss on his cheek, his initial reaction is one of pleasant surprise. His eyes widen slightly, his lips curling into a soft smile as he feels a warm, fuzzy sensation spreading through his chest. He can't help but feel touched by her bold yet sweet gesture, appreciating the thought and courage it must have taken for her to make such a move.
As he gazes into her eyes, he can see the slight blush on her cheeks, and it only serves to make his heart swell with affection for her. He reaches up to gently cup her face in his hand, his thumb brushing against her cheek as he leans in to press a tender kiss to her forehead.
"Thank you," he murmurs softly, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "That was really sweet of you. I appreciate it more than words can express."
Zen's heart flutters with a mix of happiness and adoration for his shy s/o, feeling grateful to have someone so caring and thoughtful in his life. He wraps his arms around her in a gentle embrace, holding her close as he presses another kiss to the top of her head.
In that moment, Zen realizes just how much he cherishes his shy s/o and the depth of his feelings for her. He vows to always make her feel loved and cherished, knowing that her shy gestures hold a special place in his heart. With a content smile on his face, he whispers, "I love you," knowing that his feelings for her only continue to grow stronger with each passing day.
~Raji Shenazard~
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Raji would be completely caught off guard by his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek. At first, he would freeze in shock, his eyes widening as he processes what just happened. His cheeks would flush a deep shade of red as he stammers out a response, not quite sure how to react to such a bold gesture from his normally reserved partner.
After a moment of awkward silence, Raji would tentatively touch his fingers to his cheek where her lips had just been, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. He would then turn to his s/o, his eyes filled with a mix of surprise and adoration, grateful for the unexpected display of affection.
"Wow, that was…unexpected," he would finally say, his voice soft and filled with emotion. "But…thank you. It means a lot to me." Raji would then gather his composure, trying to act more princely and confident despite the butterflies in his stomach.
From that moment on, Raji would find himself thinking about the sweet gesture constantly, his heart swelling with warmth whenever he remembers the feel of her lips on his cheek. He would become more attentive and affectionate towards his s/o, wanting to show her how much he appreciates her boldness and the love she has for him.
Overall, Raji would be deeply touched by the kiss on the cheek, and it would mark a turning point in their relationship as he learns to open up more and express his own feelings for his s/o.
~Mitsuhide Louen~
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Mitsuhide's reaction to his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek would be a mixture of surprise, flusteredness, and pure joy. At first, he would freeze in shock, his eyes widening slightly as he processes what just happened. His cheeks would instantly flush a deep shade of red, a shy smile forming on his lips as he tries to regain his composure.
"Wow, that was unexpected," he would say softly, his voice filled with a mix of happiness and disbelief. He would gently touch the spot on his cheek where she had kissed him, feeling a warm sensation spreading through his body.
As he looks into her eyes, he would see the vulnerability and shyness in them, causing his heart to swell with affection for her. He would then wrap his arms around her in a gentle embrace, pulling her close to him as he whispers, "Thank you, my dear. That was truly sweet of you."
Mitsuhide would then shower her with compliments, praising her courage and expressing his gratitude for her affectionate gesture. He would make sure to reassure her of his feelings for her, letting her know how much he cherishes her and how lucky he feels to have her in his life.
Overall, Mitsuhide's reaction would be one of genuine happiness and appreciation, as he realizes just how much he cares for his shy s/o and how much her simple gesture means to him.
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Obi's initial reaction to his shy female s/o kissing him on the cheek would be one of surprise and slight confusion. He would freeze for a moment, not quite sure how to respond to such a bold display of affection. His eyes would widen slightly as he processed what had just happened, his mind racing with various thoughts and emotions.
After the initial shock wore off, Obi would feel a warmth spread through his chest, a feeling of happiness and contentment at the fact that someone cared for him enough to show him such affection. He would turn his gaze to his s/o, a soft smile playing on his lips as he took in the sight of her blushing face and shy expression.
In that moment, Obi would feel a sense of gratitude towards his s/o for trusting him enough to make such a gesture. He would gently reach out to cup her cheek, his touch tender and reassuring as he leaned in to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. He would whisper softly, "Thank you… for showing me that you care."
Obi would then pull his s/o into a warm embrace, holding her close as he savored the feeling of her in his arms. In that moment, he would realize just how much she meant to him, and how lucky he was to have someone like her by his side. And from that day on, he would make sure to show his s/o just how much he cherished her, in his own quiet and aloof way.
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Ikemen sengoku and Cinnamon rolls
Looks like a cinnamon roll is a cinnamon roll.
-Mitsunari, Hideyoshi, Yoshimoto, Ranmaru
2. Looks like they can kill you and will kill you.
-Kenshin, Nobunaga, Mitsuhide, Motonari, Kicho, Kanetsugu
3. Looks like they'll kill you but is a cinnamon roll.
-Yukimura, Sasuke
4. Looks like a cinnamon roll but will kill you.
-Ieyasu, Shingen
5. Dresses up like a cinnamon roll.
-Sasuke, MC
6. Will kill you by feeding you cinnamon rolls.
-Masamune, Shingen
7. Will kill you by stuffing your ass with cinnamon rolls.
-Nobunaga, Motonari, Kicho
8. Adds poison to your cinnamon rolls.
-Motonari, Kennyo
9. Offers you his "cinnamon roll" 😉.
-Masamune, Shingen, Nobunaga, Motonari, Kenshin, Mitsuhide, Keiji
10. Is allergic to cinnamon roll.
-Ieyasu, Keiji, Kanetsugu, Yoshimoto
11. Eats cinnamon roll with the wrong dip.
-Kicho, Mitsuhide, Ranmaru
12. Suggests food play with cinnamon rolls.
-Masamune, Mitsuhide
13. Pretends to "smoke" a cinnamon roll.
14. Brings a new recipe for cinnamon rolls.
-Masamune, Motonari
15. Feeds cinnamon rolls to animals and is oblivious to the fact it isn't suitable for them.
-Ranmaru, Kennyo, Yoshimoto
16. Shat an entire cinnamon roll.
-Masamune, Keiji, Sasuke
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whatever-fanfics · 6 months
First of many
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Ikemen sengoku x reader
Ranmaru Mori x reader
Part of @aquagirl1978 's "a series of first's" challenge
Prompt: First date (planned date)
In which you and Ranmaru go on your first date, test your boundaries, and find comfort within one another.
The bustling crowds of Azuchi market flooded their senses yet it did nothing to soothe your nerves as you walked close to Ranmaru occasionally bumping into him muttering the occasional 'sorry'.
Your first date.
You awkwardly cleared your throat, oblivious to the adoring look he gave you accompanied by a slight blush covering his cheeks. You really are too cute.
"Do you want to try the new tea house" he asked bright smile accompanied by a slight blush staining his cheeks, too excited to be nervous. "Is there anything special, you wanna get" he turned his head to you, his heart warming as you thought about it "yeah, I want to try their new mochi and they have a new tea, too. Oh! Maybe we should bring some back for the others too!" You pondered out loud, only stopping when you saw the pout on his face. When you asked him about it he answered,
"Mmm" he grumbled "I don't want you thinking of other guys when you're with me" his voice was quieter than before. You smiled and reassured him as you took his hand and led him to the tea house.
Not that far behind you two followed a worrying mother, several older brothers, and one concerned father.
Hideyoshi's eyes narrowed as he saw the couples interlinked hands "What does he think he's doing", he whispered with the fury of an angered mother. "Holding hands like that" he grumbled, "hush monkey" Hideyoshi gasped and bounced back as he turned to see his lord. "MY LORD!!!" only quieting down as he got several 'shhh's' in response. Turning he saw the rest of the Oda warlords along with Kennyo?!?
"What are you-" "what do you think we're doing here, no one's professional enough to leave them alone" Ieyasu interrupted with a huff. "No one could focus during the meeting, so Lord Ieyasu suggested we follow them to see if they were alright" Mitsunari filled the rest in. "I said that sarcastically you oaf" Ieyasu quickly followed up. "That all follows, but why are you..." he trailed off as all heads turned to look at the monk. Wanting to interact with any of them as little as possible he curtly replied "I am allowed to take a convenient stroll, am I not?" He asked rhetorically, not taking his eyes of the pair for a second.
Neither believed each other, not wasting any time as they saw the new couple get further and further away. The warlords and the monk followed as discreetly as possible, ignoring the odd looks they got from the townspeople.
A bead of sweat comedically dropped down your head as you tried not to notice the group of people huddled in the bushes. Turning away from them hoping they don't notice you, noticing them. You sat in silence until Ranmaru came back. They didn't have to see your face to know how happy you looked. While you and Ranmaru exchanged pleasantries.
"Why is he sitting so. close. to her?!?!" Hideyoshi fumed at this Kennyo turned to him with the strength of a thousand angry fathers. "What's wrong with him sitting close to her?" What's wrong with my son?!?! Kennyo silently raged. "What if he-" "hush, you stupid monkey" Nobunaga quietly eradicated the tension. "Where did Lord Masamune go?" At this the others turn to see the one eyed dragon nowhere to be found.
Upon spotting the server walking up to you and Ranmaru, Mituhide snickered 'this should be good'.
"Yeah and then he-" you both quickly turned to the shadow on top of you. Multiple arms grab Hideyoshi as he almost blows their cover trying to walk over to them fuming and red with anger.
Masamune ignored the look of shock he got from both parties and introduced a new dish.
The others look don in confusion and shock, wondering how he had time to make something in such. short amount of time.
"I am so sorry" you leaned over and whispered to Ranmaru. He smiled "no, not at all" waving his hands in assurance.
"MASAMUNE!!!" Hideyoshi struggled against the many arms holding him back.
You could only watch in silent worry as Masamune continuously pulled out treat after treat piling up on the small bench you and your date sat on.
Turning your head you looked at the rest of the warlords, plus Kennyo. While it warmed your hear to see him care for Ranmaru for deeply, it only spurned on your rising nerves to have your boyfriends father chaperone your first date. Try as you might you locked eyes with Nobunaga who was watching in amusement while holding back Hideyoshi.
He saw you glare at him and knew that you had long since known of their presence. Sighing to himself, he pulled Hideyoshi back and settled him down with a tug to his shoulder knowing their disguise had been realized.
When the others saw their lord stand tall they knew it was fruitless to hide any longer. He along with the others, Kennyo included, slowly walked their way over to your spot.
While fending off Masamune's onslaught of food, Ranmaru took a glance at you.
'Gosh, you look so cute pouting like that' he swooned inwardly.
The other patrons could only watch in shock and confusion as their beloved warlords got scolded by their princess. Some had soft smiles on their faces sensing the level of care the group had for one another amongst the chaos. The patrons watch as they believe they'll remember this event for years to come.
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belovedxoxo · 5 months
thinking about Mitsuhide crumbling under my touch, softly whimpering and calling my name as I wrap my hand around his cock, leaving wet kisses all over his length and sucking on the pretty pink tip as I jerk him off. I think for a moment of edging him but since I managed to force him to sit back and let me take care of him for once, I decide to whisper sweet words of encouragement, coaxing him to cum for me.
Mitsuhide looks beautiful in the aftermath of his peak. His pale cheeks have a rosy color and his golden eyes look content and a little hazy, he looks vulnerable in the most delicious way possible <3
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malachiexists13 · 5 months
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[ANGST] Til' Envy Do Us Part || "Ieyasu" (REQUESTED - F!MC)
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[Opinions] Gay or Nay?: Ikemen Series Edition [Opinions] Would I Punch This Character?: Ikesen Edition
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A Rainy Horse Ride
|| A Rainy Horse Ride. { Mitsuhide and Reader interaction }
“I doubt there are many that have fought both the one-eyed dragon and his right eye, right?”
|| 1052 words.
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        There were not many days where you were offered a horse ride for free. But today, it was different, on a rainy day, where the clouds were dark and the rain dripped as if the sky had lost a baby and it was grieving. You were drenched from the rain, cold and lonely, You weren’t in the war for many reasons, and that was not to be lingered, because in a moments notice, as if god had seen you in the rain, walking without a quick way to get shelter, a horse neighed and galloped it’s way.
The owner, who had been chuckling to himself, had scythes tucked to the side of the horse in a little stash. You stared at the sight, you almost thought it could be a grim reaper, but when you both made eye contact, and got a firm look at eachother…you had a damn assumption that made you fear.
        Mitsuhide Akechi, The feared general of ,The Devil King of The Sixth Heaven, Oda Nobunaga’s army.
        You had every reason under the sun to be scared of a man, how his cold, yet oddly pleased glare stared into your eyes. He stopped his horse, wanting a better look at you, it was like a predator had found its prey and stalked it. That was the look in his eyes, and it scared you, but before you could run, or do anything, he spoke.
        “Do you need a ride?” He asked, his voice has a tinge of playfulness in it, yet it was a genuine offer.
        Did he just want someone to entertain him for the moment, or was this a moment where he wanted to give you some help? You could question his intentions, but it was too kind of an offer to decline. Maybe he took pity seeing your state, your slightly ragged clothes with a dark color due to how wet it was. You reply back, your voice shaky due to the fear “Sure…Sir.” you took the opportunity to step forward to show you were harmless.
        He chuckled, taking his hand and offering it to you “what a little dove…” He uttered to himself, pulling you up and onto the horse.
        “Thank you….”You took your time to get up on the horse, straddling it on the saddle, allowing your legs to rest on the sides.         You had adjusted onto the horse and the saddle comfortably, but you paused, noticing no movement, and he looked over to you, his long white hair flowing down and over his shoulder as he turned his head. “Hold on, don’t be scared, I can see it in your eyes.” he chuckles, looking back forward, and once you were held onto him, he made the horse move.         You did not pay too much attention to that detail, but what you did focus on was his silky white hair, which you had to feel due to being close. It felt like you had your face against satin, and the hair smelled like lavender and blood. For you it was a lot to take in at once, especially with the speed the horse galloped.  Despite the rain, you took a good look at him, and he just looked…drop dead gorgeous somehow. The rumors described his perverted and crazy personality, yet you could see his tired eyes, thin lips and thin eyebrows. For him, it pulled everything together and made him beautiful in his own way. You did hear talk about how a lot of the generals, or many men like Date Masamune, had looked handsome.
In your eyes, you see an odd beauty that no one could describe, and for a second,  even just for a second it made you forget the rain and the horse.  You and him were quiet, even despite how close you both had been quiet, and it was perfect this was, and you would just relax, the rain really settled a mood. But you had a good feeling that both of you wanted to be out of this rain.
Soon you both stopped at an Inn, and he let you off, but before he could leave, you said “Shouldn’t you stay the night too? It is raining hard, I will pay for your room, since you gave me a horse ride of course…” You offered, looking into his eyes, and the rain coated the ground.
He just laughs, which just confuses you a bit, and it just becomes a small chuckle “You amuse me…perhaps.” He tilted his head “But my presence is required elsewhere, so please don’t offer such small things. You do recognize who I am, I have to return to Azuchi, but please, have a good night.” He refused your offer, which was not surprising, but at least you tried.
“You too, have a good night” You wave a little bit, before he is off, heading forwards.         You watched as he disappeared into the rainy night and towards the looming castle of Azuchi, and all you could do is sigh. At least you tried, it was the least you could do.
That was really the weirdest, but oddly sweet encounter huh?
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You couldn’t stop thinking about it all damn night.
        The moments were engraved in your mind, and remembering the rumors, you wondered if any were true. You stared at the wood roof, hearing noises from each room as you laid in the warm futon. However you felt chills going across your body, wondering what it would be like if he had stayed longer. Would you die knowing you allowed a man like that to share a room, or would it be quiet like the horse ride?
        You sit up, looking at the tatami mats and its detailing across the floor. Your slipper’s at the door, and the sounds of animals outside. You get up from the comfort of the bed and walk to the back door and let it slide open. Seeing the wondrous night sky, you smile, and just sit down on the walkway for your room, feet swinging back and forth. It was peaceful and relaxing, it really was.
        You wished you had someone to share this moment with, seeing the building of Honnoji from a little ways away, and the mountain on the other side.
        Sighing, all you can do is relax…
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nuttytani · 11 months
Random Mitsuhide headcanons
Hold your hands whenever he has the chance to, the feeling of your warmth seeping into his hand makes him happy
Pinches your cheeks when he senses that you are sad, plus your annoyed face is much interesting to look at
Falls asleep on your lap. He has some fascination with your thighs, they feel too comfy.
Secretly enjoys it whenever you play with his hair, very therapeutic 
He feels an overwhelming amount of emotions, threatening to burst out of his chest when you trace the many constellations of moles on his arms (don’t fight me, I hc my bby to have BEAUTY MARKS EVERYWHERE)
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Hello I would like to request surprise with Mitsuhide please 😊
Mitsuhide is so popular, hmm... Very well then.
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Mitsuhide x Reader Fluff Content Warnings: none
The mountain welcomes you with quiet sighs of trees, tired branches waving at you with the help of summer wind. It is indifferent about your visit; it does not unravel any grass carpets, does not employ more birds, its paths are not any more strenuous than they were before you appeared... Nevertheless, none of those are why you came there in the first place.
Mitsuhide outstretches his hand towards you, his brow covered in sweat. His face is strung, little different from the bowstring about to snap. It may be the heat. It may be the silent murmur of the water just behind his back.
He does not avert his eyes from you. Not until you accept his offer, and leave your sandals behind.
The stones below your feet are smooth, perhaps polished by the foaming stream that washes over your skin. It is brisk, so much so that you ankles begin to prick, your balance faltering --
You fall into his arms. There is nobody else there to witness his smile -- only you, the mountain, and the forest around.
Love me, Love me, how would you love me?
Tag list: @cilokgoang @violettduchess @the12thnightproject @oda-princess
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cottoncandy-cult · 6 months
Mitsuhide x Fem reader
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"So, what's your favorite memory with Mitsuhide?" Nobunaga sipped his sake, looking to the drunk princess sat comfortably in his left-hand man's lap. Said man had been feeding her since she joined them, hoping that putting some food in her stomach would sober her up. At the start of the banquet, she had been sitting in the back of the room with Masamune and Keiji, out of Mitsuhide's view no one was aware of the one-eyed dragon's revenge plan. For too long Mitsuhide had been replacing his water with sake at events, and while he couldn't get Mitsuhide drunk, he could get the kitsune's lover drunk. He wanted to give the man a taste of his own medicine, and boy was it fun from the moment of the alcohol kicked.
(Y/n) giggled in her spot across from Masamune, by this point she was too tipsy to even taste the strong bite of the alcohol. Of course, the sweet buns Masamune kept giving her also helped, the sugary chestnut flavor basically coated her taste buds. Keiji had been mid-sentence when both males noticed her wandering gaze, which didn't stop until her (E/c) orbs landed on the silver fox she called her lover. A wide smile crept onto her face, she didn't even notice Nobunaga or Hideyoshi sitting with the male. She slowly stood up and made her way to the male, despite her swaying steps she didn't stumble and surprisingly he didn't look back. The other two had definitely noticed her, Nobunaga simply quirked an eyebrow and grinned. It was rare for Azuchi's princess to get drunk, and it often led to interesting conversations. Hideyoshi quirked an eyebrow but had quickly frowned, searching for the 2 men she had been talking to before her approach. But before Mitsuhide could question the right-hand's frown, she struck. Her arms wrapped around his neck loosely, her chest pressed to his back as she nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck with a giggle. Golden eyes went wide as Mitsuhide looked over his shoulder, surprised for many reasons and quickly understanding why Hideyoshi had been frowning. He struggled to hold his blush when she nuzzled her nose against his cheek, uttering soft I love yous to him. And though his pale cheeks managed to remain porcelain, the tips of his ears were growing warm and red. In his flustered state he frowned, though he was to enraptured by her loving display and it looked more like a pout to everyone's surprise. He opened his mouth to say something to her, but that thing was lost when she playfully bit his cheek. Giggling her little heart out at the surprised and flustered look on the man's face, though her giggles quickly turned to startled shrieks when Mitsuhide turned around and pulled her into his lap. He kept his arms firmly around her waist, nuzzling into her hair as he held her like a teddy bear. "Must you always be so troublesome little mouse?" Despite his question, the male's voice was affectionate and warm as he chuckled.
After that Mitsuhide had taken advantage of her inebriated state to spoil his princess, she often got to flustered or over thought the situation when it came to his desire to spoil her senseless. Soon enough the other warlords had joined them, of course Hideyoshi took the chance to scold Masamune and Keiji for getting her drunk but both males were far to entertained watching Mitsuhide hold up some veggies to (Y/n) as she happily ate away at anything he offered her to really pay attention to Hideyoshi. It was then Nobunaga decided to start asking questions, after all the group had already figured out that the relationship didn't start until sometime during their hunt for Yoshiaki. They still didn't understand why the two lied about their relationship beforehand, but they let the two keep that secret since it ended up being true in the end. Chewing her veggies as she thought the young woman swallowed, tilting her head. "I got lotsa them, some are from before we were together." She nodded once more, as if going over a mental list as Mitsuhide offered her some water which she happily accepted. "Oh? So, you two were dancing around your feelings before you got together?" Masamune rested his chin on the palm of his hand, his elbow resting comfortably on his crossed legs. "mmmmmhm, my favorites when we pretended to be married." The (H/c) haired girl leaned back against the very man she spoke of, perfectly comfortable as she rested on his warm chest. "How many times did you pretend to be married? You make it sound like it was often." Hideyoshi tilted his head some, eating a rice ball as everyone focused on (Y/n). Even Mitsuhide listened, always curious about how she thinks and feels."Both a lot and not enough, there was the first time with that one daimyo. The one that was gonna marry that girl that ran away to be with the man she loved." She giggled at the memory, tilting her head to the side and nuzzling against Mitsuhide's neck. "Mitsuhide had found a different girl to replashe me in the fake wedding, but he dinn't tell me until we got to the shrine…It was only us, but still felt special. We were only married for the day, but it was one of the best days of my life." She giggled; her words were slurred but she was determined to tell her stories.
She loved talking about Mitsuhide, expressing her love for him and singing his praise. "So that's what happened, I was wondering who that woman was and where you two were. So, you got jealous and didn't want to see her marry another man, fake or not." Ieyasu sipped his tea, munching on a spicy meal Masamune had made just for him. "I've said it before and I'll say it again, I loved my little mouse long before anything had happened. She was so pure I wanted to protect her, for a long time I tried to simply love her from afar, but she made it so hard." Mitsuhide chuckled, he normally wouldn't be so open but seeing how happy his sweet lover was had him drunk in a different way. Besides, it wasn't like he was embarrassed about his love for her. If anyone ever questioned his love for the woman in his arms he'd set them straight, she was more than his princess, she was his goddess. Who else could possibly catch a kitsune? "So, what was the moment that sealed the deal for you?" Keiji leaned forward, interested in the conversation. Mitsuhide often hid away his feelings and was very conscious of his every behavior so none of the males were gonna pass up the chance to peak at the fox's soft side. "When he made that play to embarrass shark face, the way he scooped me up off the stage and fled to the horse… When he said that was what Yoshiaki got for making a kitsune's wife cry I just knew I couldn't let him go…Those days on our journey back we kept up the married couple act, even though it was just us. I almost wanted to beg him to run off with me…I didn't want to lose my husband…" She smiled but remembering how much it hurt knowing that their time together had been ending still got her, she never wanted to wake from that dream. She couldn't have been happier that things worked out the way she did, sure it took a lot of work, but it was worth it. Being held by the man she loved, enjoying food and drinks with her friends/found family made every tear and every ounce of pain worth it. "We had our bumps along the way, but I wouldn't change anything… Any pain and tears were worth it, because now after a long day of work I can lay with the man I love and sleep easy knowing that my dreams and reality were one in the same." Giggling a bit (Y/n) leaned up to kiss the male's cheek, making him blush finally and while he frowned, she playfully nipped at his jaw line before nuzzling him once more. "Careful now little mouse, if you keep acting so precious my heart just might stop." His tone was teasing, playfully biting the shell of her ear back and making the sensitive girl burst into giggles as she tried to hide her ears and ducked her face into the crook of his neck.
Though it had been tempting to continue questioning them, the group decided to let the couple remain in their little bubble of love. One drunk off far too much sake, and the other was absolutely wasted off his fiancé's love and affection. The group simply observed this new side of him, and while some of them wanted to tease the couple they ultimately held back in hopes that maybe Mitsuhide would ease up some and be more open with everyone. Of course, that was wishful thinking, after all he preferred to save those sides of himself for his sweet little firefly. His light in the darkness was the only one who truly understood him and that's how he liked it, the only reason they had been allowed to witness his current state was because he couldn't bring himself to stop (Y/n) from talking when she had been smiling so happy. What really got him love drunk though, was the fact the reason she was so happy about the conversation was because it was about him and her favorite memories with him. So, he'd relax this one time, but only because he wanted to see that smile for just a little while longer.
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