#lets not talk about how long this took
whispersbelongingbird · 5 months
Would you be interested in writing something inspired by the song ‘Hold On’ by Chord Overstreet with Fuegoleon and Leopold please? I am so starved for angst it’s not even funny. Thank you.
Silent Pleas
“Well I hope you feel better now!" Mimosa smiled as she took a stop and turned to her cousin.
Leopold directed his head to see the door to his room which Mimosa had paused in front of then moving his gaze back to her. "Yeah, I do. Thanks for everything!" Leopold Smiled.
He walked up to Mimosa and pulled her into a hug. Mimosa was a bit startled at first but she melted in and hugged back. 
Leopold had been feeling like a mush of shit recently, nothing was right. Everything was messed up, his family, the people around him, his feelings, his physical state and himself in general.
Everything hurt all over, his head was pounding, his eyes were burning, his stomach was twisting and turning and he could collapse at any second.
Why had he been feeling likes this? Simple, parents and people around him.
Leo is always dreading any events and ceremony’s. He doesn’t have a choice but to go because of all that royalty business. He mostly doesn’t want to go because of the people there, sure.. Mimosa and Noelle are there but that doesn’t stop him for hearing others bicker about him in such a nasty way. His parents let alone don’t even want to be seen with him. Mereoleona and fuegoleon get to slip out of stuff like this most of the time so Leo is just left to deal with it and listen.
When everything ends and they make it home his parents immediately start complaining and yelling, sometimes even hitting. 
This whole week Leo has spent crying himself to sleep from either pain or too much stress and emotions. He was reaching his breaking point.
After saying his farewells to Mimosa. The boy walked into his room and closed the door behind him then dragged his feet towards his bed and collapsed right onto it and melted into the soft material.
It felt nice to finally just rip off the mask and rest in the pool of all that pain and stress. He didn’t want to ignore everything he’s been going through. He wanted to soak it all in and accept it. He didn’t want to talk about it and let it all out. He wanted to praised on how well he handled everything.
Leopold rested his eyes and let a few tears slip out.
The next day Leopold had been sent on a Mission. 
“Conqueror the Dungeon and find the treasure hall, Simple as that. Now get going brat.”
Turns out it wasn’t so simple because Leopold was on his way back to the crimson lion kings base, limping and also trying to hide his injury from his two squad mates. 
It was laughable really. A diamond mage had managed to catch him off guard and stabbed Leo at the side of his waist. It wasn’t too fatal but it definitely wasn’t something to brush aside.
In the end, he had taken care of the mage before resuming to his search for the treasure hall, trying to ignore the sharp sting of pain coming from his side. It took all of his willpower to keep the tears locked in.
Leopold sat onto the back his squad mates broom as they made their way back to the Crimson Lion Kings headquarters.
He felt the cold air crash against the back to his neck and he trembled a bit.
“You look exhausted, everything alright?” Elliot auestioned, slightly turning his head to look at Leo who had his head hung low and hands clutching onto Elliot’s waist from behind.
“Hm? Y-yeah.. Just tired”. Leopold flinched at how hoarse his voice was. It felt as if something was clogging up his throat, it hurt to speak. “My opponent was stronger than I anticipated”
“I could tell. You have blood all over, I almost thought it was yours for a second. Make sure to get checked out though just in case” The black haired mage smiled before turning away from Leo and looking forward again.
Leo hummed in response and hovered one of his hands over his injury. He hasn’t told them about it. He didn’t want to bother them with such an inconvenience, besides it’s not so bad. Sure it hurts and stings like crazy but he can handle it.
No he can not.
Leopold was sat in his bathroom which was connected to his bedroom and he was leaning against the wall letting out broken sobs every now and then.
It hurt. It hurt so bad. He tried to pull the blade out but it just made it worse so he just kept it in. 
Elliot had said he would report back to Fuegoleon so Leopold had ran to his room and collapsed onto his bathroom floor.
It hurt. It really did. He had just punched his mirror so the added sting from his hand was not helping. It was taking so much for him to not just stab a piece pf glass through himself just to stop all of this.
He could hardly move. He wanted to scream. He wanted to silently cry. He wanted to tear apart whatever reached his hands. He wanted to be handled with care, like a delicate glass object that will shatter at the slightest pressure.
He just wanted everything to stop.
Leo lifted up his shirt as he looked down at the mess of blood at the left side of waist. It was disgusting. Blade still stuck in there. Its a miracle he hasn’t passed out yet. 
The Blood tripled down his torso and onto the marble floor. It was bright crimson red and there was no end to the overflowing mess. It was overwhelming to look at.
He grabbed onto the handle but paused. Someone had entered his room. He could hear the faint footsteps growing closer to the bathroom door.
“Leo? Are you here? You alright?” Fuegoleon called out knocking on the bathroom door. When he didn’t get a responses he figured Leopold wasn’t here so he was about to leave. However, the shuffling on the other side caught his attention and was that a cry.?
Fuegoleon scrabbled for the handle and pulled on it but the door was locked.
“Leo?!” He yelled, panic evident in his voice. Leopold sat still on the floor trying to form a responses.
“Fue-..” he trailed off and chocked on another sob. It was more pathetic than anything really. Truly an embarrassment.
“Are you in there? Open the door right now!” Fuegoleon tried to maintain his tone to not scare Leo, but that was hard given Leopold had just came back from a mission and the description Elliot had given him about Leo’s current state didn’t sound so good.
“Help…” was the only thing coming out of the youngers mouth. No other words were able to be formed. You could barely even hear it from the other side of the door. It’s fine though, because that was all Fuegoleon need to knock down the door and rush to his brothers side.
And the rest was all a blur.
Leopold had awakened to the feeling of s soft material cushioning his head and body. A blanket was wrapped tightly around him and he hasn’t felt this comfortable in awhile. He missed this feeling..
He opened his eyes as they adjust to the bright light. It took a flew glances around the room to realise this isn’t his bedroom. He doesn’t know where he is. 
Panic settled within him as Leo shot up from his bed but immediately regretted it as he was hit was a dizzy spell and a sharp pain emitted from the side of his waist. The pain felt familiar.. 
He tried to recall the previous events of the night that had occurred for him to end up here. No one was in the room right now. It was just him alone. 
Leo leaned against the wall and covered his lower body with the blanket. Why was he in the infirmary? He doesn’t recall getting injured. Unless he was drugged by something that had fogged his memory up. Leopold is sure he is fine. Well that was if it wasn’t for the splitting headache and pain that was fixed onto his side.
It felt familiar for some reason.. not in a good way. Not in a way as if you’ve seen the familiar face of someone you love. It was different. Like a constant reminder of something that he couldn’t quite put his finger on.
His train of thoughts were put to a halt as someone entered the room. Owen. 
“Ah! You’re awake? How are you feelings.” He smiled and grabbed a chair along with a glass of water and sat next to Leopold’s bed. He put his hand out with the water for Leopold to take but the boy remained stiff.
Owen frowned and placed the cup onto the nightstand and let out a long sigh.  
“Do you remember what happened?” He asked with a slight tilt to his head. His voice was airy and gentle. It was very soothing and it didn’t ring in his ears like how everyone else’s had been doing for the past few weeks.
Leopold gave a subtle shake to his head. Owen opened his mouth to say something but the words were caught in his throat as someone else entered the room. 
Leopold perked up as the man emerged from behind the door. What was Nozel doing here? Leopold would have assumed he had came to talk Owen if he hadn’t came up to him and handed Leo a letter.
“It’s from your sister. I was surprised at first because she usually never bothers with letters and stuff but it seems she was worried for you.. just has a very… different way of expressing so..”
Leopold took ahold of the letter but he didn’t open it. He held it in his hands and focused on the contact between his skins and the paper. It felt grounding for some weird reason. 
When Leopold had eventually looked up again. Nozel muttered a ‘get well soon’ before swiftly exiting the room. 
The door didn’t have time to fully close before opening again. This time someone different had entered 
Owen had gotten up and grabbed something from a shelf before leaving. It was obvious he wanted to give the two brothers some space.
Fuegoleon ignored Owen and walked over to Leopold. He had an unreadable expression plastered onto his face. Leopold couldn’t make out what emotions he was feeling or what he was going to do.
Leopold just sat stiff, not knowing what to do. The closer Fuegoleon got, the more he felt his heartbeat begin to speed up. His older brothers footsteps were ringing in his ears. He was staring to feel faint.
Nonsense! This is his older brother. So why is he so scared. Why can’t he face him?
Fuegoleon pushed Owen’s chair to the side and sat at the edge of Leopold’s bed. They both just stayed still.
The older of the two put his arms around Leopold and kissed the top of his head. Leopold heard a sniffle which shook him. Was his brother crying..?
“Big brother… what’s wrong?” Leo rasped out. His throat was slightly bruised and it hurt to talk, but that didn’t matter now.
“Leo I’m sorry.. I’m sorry, I was so scared oh my..” Fuegoleon let out a broken sob. Leopold didn’t know what to do but awkwardly return the hug. He has never seen his brother cry before, this was a first. He felt even more worse knowing the reason for his older brothers tears was himself.. 
“I don’t know what I would’ve done if I lost you.. Leo why, why didn’t you tell me. Why didn’t you ask for help. What was stopping you?!” Fuegoleon raised his voice as he went on. He tried to conceal his emotions, he didn’t want to get mad at his younger brother, especially since his anger wasn’t directed towards him. He was angry at himself.
“I-I.. I’m sorry, I thought…” Leo trailed off and lowered his head as Fuegoleon tightened the hold he had on him. It was like as if he let go, Leopold would disappear.  
“Don’t say anything. Don’t” 
So he didn’t. Leopold didn’t say anything and neither did Fuegoleon. They both sat there in each others arms. No words were needed to convey their feelings. Actions were enough. More than enough.
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sgtpeppers · 1 month
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Paul performing Hey Jude + Let It Be
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aurnadri · 14 days
cw/ needles, eyes (?)
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fanart for @paranormal-peri
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royalarchivist · 7 months
Ironmouse: Part of the reason why I love this server so much is because everybody's so nice. Everyone! Like, every single person is super nice! And it's like- it's like, genuine nice, it's not like fake niceness. [...] I've literally talked to almost everybody at least once like outside of the QSMP. We've talked on Discord, people regularly check in on me, we get in group chats and we play games like outside of the server... You don't really find that sort of connection all the time with people.
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Ironmouse recently talked about her experience on QSMP, and how kind all the members are. I'm posting the entire conversation instead of cutting it up like I usually would because I really enjoyed hearing her thoughts on the server.
[ Subtitle Transcript ]
Ironmouse: Honestly, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I did. He's so nice, he's so- he's always been super nice to me. He's been so nice, I– part of the reason why I- I love this server so much is because everybody's so nice. Everyone! Like, every single person is super nice! And it's like- it's like, genuine nice, it's not like fake niceness. You know how sometimes like– you always hear like, "Oh yeah, you know–" when–
Ironmouse: Whenever you like, join like a new thing, right? Whenever you like join like a new thing, you always worry, 'cuz you always think: "Oh, are the people gonna like me? Are they gonna be nice to me? What if- What if- you know, what if this, what if that?" But everybody like genuinely was nice when I first came by, and everybody has been so nice to me– not just in the game, but outside of the game, and–
Ironmouse: Something special about the QSMP is like... People wanna be your friend like outside of the game? Like, I've literally talked to ev– almost– almost everybody at least once like outside of the QSMP, like... We've talked on Discord, people like regularly check in on me, and like we get in group chats and like we- we play games like outside of the server, and it's just like... You don't really find that sort of connection all the time with people? You know what I mean? It's very– it's very not common when you go on like, a content creator-like server or stuff like that, you know? You'll get like one or two people that you get close to and stuff, but like... Everybody is SO nice, and everybody's been so nice to me, and I can't tell you how many people like, wished me– not just like wished me happy birthday, or like wished- said, "Oh, you know, hap- Merry Christmas!" dadadada, it's like genuinely like... Asked how I'm doing, and like talk to me, and like... Just like– I dunno, it's just like so- so- it's so wonderful. Ironmouse: Like, I get that with VShojo a lot, like– we're all like besties, and we all like talk all the time, but I feel like it's different, 'cuz like VShojo– we're VShojo, we're like– we're our own group, but this is like... You know... You don't expect this sorta thing when you get invited to like be on some- be a part of something, you know? And it's- and it's been so– it's been so wonderful and everybody's been so GENUINELY nice to me, and I- I appreciate everybody on the server so much, and they're just some of the nicest people that I've ever met ever, and it's just–
Ironmouse: It just warms my heart, and I'm just really– really like, thankful to be a part of something so great, and something so positive! Because like, everybody's so supportive! Like– the time when like, I didn't like– I- I- I had a moment where it's like I– do you guys remember in December when I- I was not around a lot? And like, I had to take breaks and all this stuff and it turns out it was like the concert stuff? They all like would message me regularly, like, we would all keep up with each other, and we would all talk. And I remember telling them about like, how much stress I was under, and like all the- all the pressures of the concert and stuff, and– and they were cheering, and- and- and they were just so... so kind to me, it was just so– so sweet, and- and you know, I was in a group chat with a- with a few people, and they were all just so excited and- and- just super nice, and- and very- very sweet, and it's just– and it's just very– I'm sorry if I'm rambling! It's just...
Ironmouse: I dunno! I- I- I just enjoy being here, and I enjoy hanging out with everybody, and... it's just nice to meet really good people. You don't really find that. You don't find that sort of thing all the time. Don't get me wrong– it's not like I haven't met a lot of good people, like– I just feel like this whole like, my whole like– Ever, like– My streaming journey, I've just been nothing but surprised at the goodness of people? Don't get me wrong– I've met assholes and sht like that, and I've met- I've encountered some people that are NOT so nice. I'll never like, talk about it or whatever because that's their thing, and I'm just gonna do my thing and I don't wanna like, you know, spread any type of stupid drama or whatever the fck, but like... I'm just always surprised about how– how incredibly nice people are, and how genuine a lot of people are, and it's... It- it's just nice, especially since like– You're used to coming from like, a certain background and a certain like, environment where it's like, you've met a lot of like fcked up mean people in your life, and you've just been around a lot of like fckery, you know? So when- when you're around stuff that's NOT fcked, it's just like, "Woah, this is crazy! Is this- is this how life is supposed to be?!" And it's just- it's just really... it's really- it's really nice. It's very nice.
Ironmouse: Yeah, it's very refreshing, that's why I- I enjoy hanging out on here, everybody's just so nice to me. And it's not just like being nice just to be on-stream, it's nice off-stream, on-stream, friendship on-stream, off-stream, it's- it's just- it's just so- it's- it's- it's wonderful. It's wonderful. And I just have to say like... man, I'm just really thankful that like... it's crazy that like I got invited to be on here and I'm just really thankful that, you know... Quackity like, reached out to me and he's- he's just been nothing but nice, everybody- everybody's just so kind. Everybody's so nice. This is something truly special.
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zishuge · 6 months
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Nanqiu bullying an NPC The Spiream 致命游戏 (2024) | Eps. 3 + 4
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melonalemonade · 1 year
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I think they would hate each other
…and then they’d hate even more that they actually get along
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banancrumbs · 2 years
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brother, son, friend
very inspired on this!! fic!!! that broke my heart in many pieces and made me think of it for weeks <3
you can also look their ao3 here!
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causeimanartist · 1 year
Carrie Kelley Robin for art request!! :)
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This is either Carrie Kelley or Velma in cosplay, who could say
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breezere · 6 months
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boba date doodleeeee
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the reference
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dunster · 1 year
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This has probably been said before but i just noticed that the little army man that Ted gave Jamie has binoculars and is waving, because Ted is telling Jamie that he's watching him and rooting for him from afar okay bye
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perilegs · 1 month
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my sweet little baby man is no longer with us
#he had his bloodwork done yesterday and the vet said it was fine but he doesnt have much time left#and my bestie is a vet tech who wanted to see the lab results bc she always does and she looked at them#and asked me if she can shiw them to her boss today and i was like sure and immediately knew something was up#today keekki was being himself#then i went to run some errands and when i came back he was laying in front of the front door with his tiny baby head against it#and i was like ''oh ok one of his seizures?''#and theyre like. keekki will drool and not move and they usually last for like 20 minutes (several vets have no idea whats up with those#but it was probably either a kidney or a blood pressure thing)#anyways. it did not pass in 20 minutes so i Knew#i laid on the floor next to him#then my bff sent me a message asking me if i have the time to talk about keekki and its not good news#at this point i was about to call the vet anyways#and she was like ''ok i showed these to my boss (a vet) and she got super angry that ur vet even let you leave the clinic''#bc apparently keekkis bloodwork was so bad he should have been put down then and there but my vet was like a fresh half graduate#so i dont hold it against her. anyways i got an euthanasia appointment for this evening and spent the time before it laying on the couch#crying with keekki in my arms#i had to carry him bc he couldnt really walk without stumbling and falling down#when i had to get up to get his carrier and stuff ready he was taking a nap on the couch where i left him and i took this pic#anyways worst vet visit of my life i could hardly even do anything but nod half the time bc speaking results in me sobbing#anyways. this fucking sucks#i dont know how ill be able to sleep tonight#its been years since i last slept at home without having a little guy plop into my arms#i spent a long time with him in the vet room when he was gone#it feels surreal ive given him his last ever forehead kisses#as i left the room i told him bye the exact same way ive been saying bye to him for the last very many years ive had him#its always moikka keekki before i go to work or the store or literally anything#and that was my last moikka keekki#i hope he felt how loved he was#my dad is sending me older pics of me and keekki and he looks so happy in them. hes always right next to me#idk man im going to stop rambling now
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avalost · 3 months
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Set course by the sound Through veil and divide For all who are lost Can always be found
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visualtaehyun · 1 year
Finally getting around to catching up on Naughty Babe and, as per usual, I am here to talk about language~
Disclaimer: not a native speaker, still learning, do correct me on any mistakes or oversights 🙏
Last episode, when Yi woke up, we got this reaction:
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มึงเป็นใคร /mueng bpen khrai/ = "Who are you?"
He's using the rude 2nd person pronoun มึง, considering he thinks a stranger is sleeping on him.
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ผมคนเดียวไงครับเฮีย /pom khon diao ngai khrap hia/ = "It's me, Khondiao, Hia!"
In response, Diao puts on the brakes by using the formal polite male 1st person pronoun ผม, whereas he usually calls himself Diao. His name, คนเดียว /khon diao/, literally translates to 'alone, by oneself, one single person' so the way Yi understands this sentence at first is "I'm by myself/It's only me here, Hia".
Keep an eye out for this as it's a bit of a running joke. It even comes up again in the same scene, when Diao asserts Yi was cheating:
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เพราะว่าเฮียมีคนอื่นน่ะสิครับ /praw waa hia mee khon euun na si khrap/ = "Because you have someone else." (lit. a different, another person)
ที่สอนให้เฮียรักคนเดียว /thee saawn hai hia rak khon diao/ = "For teaching me to love only one person." ...which can be read as "For teaching me to love Khon Diao/you." hehe
Back to my original train of thought though!
Compare that to the beginning of episode 2, after Makorn has clearly given him a talking-to in defense of Nong Diao lol:
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ปกติเราเรียกนายว่าอะไรนะ /bpohk ga dti rao riiak naai waa a rai na/
Yi uses the 1st person pronoun เรา and male 2nd person pronoun นาย, both of which are polite, pretty neutral, and used among people around the same age.
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คุณ นาย เธอ น้อง /khun naai ter nong/ = "You (x4)" 🥴
I can only imagine the subbers looking into the camera like on The Office, at having to come up with translations for pronouns. Choosing to just say Fuck it and use pet names is a pretty good solution. All of these are commonly used between lovers so it makes sense for Yi to be ticking them off a mental list. Making this easy on myself by linking @recentadultburnout's comprehensive Thai pronoun and pet name guides for those interested in reading up! :)
Ending this aimless as per usual post by highlighting how much I love DMD saying- We're speaking queer rights into existence, putting that energy out into the world, you can't stop us ✨
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lokh · 2 years
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outtakes from the fake dating fic i just posted <3
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Had alot of fun making these icons so figured id share them feel free to use them if you like
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seilon · 1 month
love when this is referred to as the gifted kid website. shockingly my mental disorders made me mentally disordered and school never really vibed with that so. couldn’t be me
#ppl always talking about their whatever grade reading level and how many books they’d read as kids and im just over here like🧍🏽#I’ve never been actually bad at english or reading but I couldn’t focus on reading books to save my fucking life#I hated those sheets where you had to read like a certain number of books or whatever over the course of a semester or the year or whatever#my GATE test scores for english were super high but my math was bad enough that I never qualified#and adhd made me not even perform well in English half the time because I couldn’t pay attention I couldn’t read long books I couldn’t turn#in my assignments or if I did they were late and etc etc etc#don’t get me started with math#I was the worst in my class in third grade at minute math and never made it to the levels of minute math my classmates did#(they posted results on the wall for everyone to see)#and in 6th grade I was put into an additional remedial math class#throughout middle-high school I was at the level of most classmates in terms of the classes I took but that’s only because I was not allowe#to fail and was put through absolute fucking hell with a billion tutors and grueling hours of extra work from them and blah blah blah#like I remember how I felt in those tutoring sessions and half the time I actually wanted to cry.#I didn’t start doing solidly genuinely Good in school until senior year of high school.#not coincidentally around the same time I started taking adderall I think#I had accommodations by 9th grade but they didn’t do that much except for the function that let me turn in assignments up to 2 days late#without penalty. which i had teachers question sometimes and i had to pull the Yeah it’s Literally Against The Law to not allow me this car#anyway. point is. i was never in the gate program and most of my friends were and it was mostly adhd related#adhd is considered such a quirky nothing disorder nowadays that I don’t even like mentioning I have it really. because what people think of#when I say the term is Not what i actually dealt with and made school torturous and made my parents lash out at me for things and etc etc#depression and dysphoria did not help either. but I digress#I’m not sure why im making this post#kibumblabs
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