#Mun got a dirty little mind
Wait wait wait! What happened to Jinx then!? is she alright!!!
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((You wish to know what happened to her after she told the six claws to take her demon sister way? Well, I can give you a little hint. Now, I will warn you; this part of this Au is dark. Like seriously dark. If you are not comfortable with anything that is going to be in this part, do not read. Or if your under 18 don't read this please. ))
((Warning: Will have dark themes/18+ involved: Torture, overdose drugs, sickness, etc. You have been warned and if your still reading this, you have been warned. Oh and Ink belongs to @demon-blood-youths ))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
They were not expecting to find someone out here in all this chaos. Many people have been killed or eaten thanks to it. Knowing this infection along with the fractions being broken up just adds onto it. However, that involves who they find to bring back to a hidden area somewhere within new york. Over the last few days of course it became like this so it's a good work in progress. The weeks just keep passing along with more results showing up.
"Are you sure this is worth improving? We been going over this for a few days now and nothing is working." A male wearing a lab coat said checking the results but the other sighed to look.
"It is going to work. It's just the subject is being...stubborn. We were about to get Van ink but she got away before we had the infected take her." the other said checking some lab results and yet, this only got them looking at the information then at the computer.
"Though, so far the infection has started to spread and claiming more and more demons. Sooner or later it's going to get better. That means more money too." he said but that's when a knock was heard to make the two look up.
"Come in.."
The door opens to show another person but a female but she was coated in blood while looking bored. Sobbing was heard in the other room as she walks over to them. "I got your message so what is it? I'm still working on breaking her you know."
"Sorry about that. We need to know how long. You been trying to break her mind in the slightest and no luck?" He asked.
"As I said, she's hard to crack. I heard great stories about the leader of the cursed Vixens but I didn't know the leader was this stubborn. Though, breaking her down more and more over the last few weeks were challenging." she sighed but crosses her arms while looking. "Unless you wish to take a look." she said.
The two scientists look at one another but nods seeing the female going to check on the subject. They walk through the dark hallway of this hidden building but they were passing some rather...disturbing rooms with the windows coated in nothing but blood behind tint windows. You don't want to know what is going on in those rooms.
The three keep on walking but gets to the room before the woman takes out the key and unlocks the door to open it. She walks inside but shows the subject. Jinx violet had her arms above her head but she looks like a mess. Her clothes were torn even with them replacing them. She looks to be sick even with her demon factor trying to heal her, she was pumped up too heavy with drugs to focus.
She was dirty from the looks of it. Mud and dirt from the outside made her like this. Messy from the blood that dried blood is seen on her skin. Wet from the water splashed on her but she was heavily being eaten on by another infected who was eating away like nothing. However, the female snaps her fingers seeing the infected stop but pulls it's head up showing torn flesh and muscle. It seriously was biting too hard on her.
"As you can see. She's been...already infected but she won't respond to anything. She's a tough cookie since I been trying to get her to tell me where Van Ink and the other fractions are. But no luck." she said walking over but she then grabs Jinx's hair to roughly pull her head back seeing her hiss in pain. Her face shows she was beaten up a bit but they healed to show she was fine even with blood running down her head on the left.
"Wakie wakie little cat. We need to have another talk." she hissed but she only looks to keep gripping some of her hair. "Tell me where your friends are. We know you know so we can spread the infection more. We got reports that some of them have got infected but we need All of them." she said to Jinx.
The other two were quiet watching this but they didn't bother to do a thing seeing the female look to her. "Hey, you can hear me can't you? Where are the other demons!?" she said to punch Jinx in the face as blood shows from her chin. She looks to the side but spits the blood out of her mouth coughing.
"How much of the drugs did you give her? We told you not to over dose her." The first one said.
"I didn't. I gave her weak doses to keep her from trying to fight back. That and torturing her to get something but no work. I guess she really is stubborn." she said but the other infected was still hungry only for the woman to tell it to leave.
"I'll have to keep breaking her more and more till she spills-"
"We know you will but we still need her alive. Given time, someone or her fraction will come and try to save her. Even if they did, she is already infected with the Di5 anyway." he said.
"I know, I know. I just wish she would stop being a pain in the ass and SAY SOMETHING!" She shouted kicking Jinx in the gut that she coughs harshly to wince leaning to the side. However, she felt really sick only to throw up on the ground coughing. She was panting trying to catch her breath but was crying to cough even more.
"Tch.....well, are you going to talk?"
Jinx still said nothing only to glare at the three. "F....fuck..O..Off.." she snarled only to get kicked in the stomach again as she curls up in pain.
"You little bitch! I should-"
"Enough." she looks to the scientists who was quiet. "It seems she'll need more time. Take her back to where you had her. I'm sure the dark room will help her. Take her there and just keep working on breaking her." he said seeing the female nod.
"Of course." she said but saw the two turn to leave before the woman sighed. "You know, you really are a piece of work. I was hoping to do this with the other leaders but you will do for now.." she turns to walk over but grabs Jinx to hold her down and shows a needle. "Though, maybe keeping you in the cells down in the dark will fix you." she said as Jinx struggles to get away from her if only she could burn the bitch away.
However, she injects the knock out drug into her body seeing her thrashing again. But she only keeps Jinx down waiting for it to take effect. It didn't take long only for her to stop thrashing moments after. She was knocked out. She unchains her wrists from the wall but picks her up.
She goes to another door to walk down and head to a cell as she opens it and puts Jinx inside after chaining her down again. "Maybe spending time down here will help..." she said turning to head back up before the area with Jinx had showed the only bit of light before the door slams shut.
"!?" At this time, Ink snaps awake from a nightmare sitting up as she looks around. She saw the guys were resting after they were done keeping a eye out. However, she covers her face wondering what that dream was. But she was deeply worried about her demon sister Jinx.
Where was she? What happened to her? These were questions she wishes she knew only for her to grip the blanket that covered her. Slowly, she looks out the broken window seeing how ruined New york was only hoping that her friends and team and everyone else was safe.
'Guys...where are you?...' she thought even with the gentle breeze blowing. Ink hopes they were alright and still alive. For now, she still needed some sleep.
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amagicdoctor · 10 months
Hello Mun, Archangel fan over here. Glad to hear from you again. Hope you doing alright
It's been two months since Dark X-Men started so my review so far on the run (2 issues in) is:
They really did my boy dirty. He had one line of dialogue before going down, without a fight, in the very first issue and got ditched by his whole squad while he was still bleeding on the floor (sounds harshly hyperbolic but there was a teenager right next to him whom they all had the time to take with them as they left). Now, the "Archangel gets mind-controlled after being kidnapped on a mission" plotline is nothing new but they at least follow up on in the very next issue so no time is wasted. I could see an improvement on his situation so I'm not so mad
Other than how they treated my fav, I'd say every other character is pretty much in-character? It's been forever since any mutant's been written this way so I'm genuinely happy. Havok (Alex Summers) still has the same characterization from Dark Web tho which is a bit disappointing because it was rather reductive of who he was. I get it tho, this run is very much a follow up on that event sadly so they can't really stray on what it established even if that wasn't a good story in the slightest
I like the concept because it's pretty much what the X-Men used to do/be : Rescuing mutants in need. Being dramatic. Having feuds. Not always seeing eye to eye. Interesting settings. I really missed that and with a team this messy and uncoordinated, those things were a given
The worldbuilding is really really interesting. So far, nothing contradicts what we knew about 616 during Krakoa and things only get deeper in the Fall of X setting with DXM. We get information on both mutants, Orchis, humans, allies and enemies, magic and technology. It's pretty extensive
I still raised a brow a few times while reading but seeing how fast paced everything is (only a few hours passed at best and everyone is always doing something) I can forgive that. It's their first missions on their first night and, again, they're naturally uncoordinated
There's a few mysteries here and there to be solved and I can't wait to see what's in store
It was way less graphic than I expected. I know it was advertised as a violent horror series (and it does deliver) but with everything Kitty Pryde has pulled in X-Men since Fall of X started, DXM looks... erm... tame in comparison? "Graphic violence" is a bit subjective of a description sure, however Kitty is more sadistic in her solo approach than 4 long established vilains (Zero, Emplate, Goblin Queen and Azazel) who have little to no limitations in the amount of chaos they are allowed to bring. So yea
Overall? Good read so far. It was more fun to me than Uncanny Spider-Man which just came out... That one left me more confused than anything (the exposition dump didn't help) and felt so disconnected from everything around it: I can't tell when it's supposed to take place in, be it for Spider-Man (who's currently bad after being stabbed with Norman Osborn's evil essence and still has bad rep with the FF and Avengers), or the whole Fall of X deal (there are solo mutant heroes and full on teams going around New York right now but no one contacted Kurt yet even tho his costume is that obvious?)
Hi!! This is a pretty good review and I have the same feelings. After reading Dark X-Men in one sitting I completely forgot Archangel was a thing, I'm so sorry but he really was that absent from the story. It WAS super weird they just left him when the next day Maddie went out of her way to save her trophy boyfriend but ok Marvel 🤣
I don't have any issues with Uncanny Spider-Man yet but I do agree if you at least look at it from the X-Men's storyline it IS disconnected. And not in a way where we get that Kurt is aloof on purpose, but the writing does not help link it to any other parts of the FOX storylines 😅. Dude is really just on his own
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notefinal · 2 months
— dodge mason’s rp plotting cheat sheet
Mun name: Jasmine
OOC Contact: discord is my preferred method of communication, but we can always chat in ims if you don’t have discord
Who the heck is my muse anyway:
dodge mason. the new kid. mysterious backstory, motivations unknown. moved (back) to carp a year ago. re-enrolled in high school to be able to play panic. no one really knows anything about him and he’d like to keep it that way.
dodge is a quiet kid. he keeps to himself and doesn’t have a lot of friends. he doesn’t really want a lot of friends, anyway, so that works out. he doesn’t smile much and he laughs even less. he’s driven and very calculated. he’s not afraid to get his hands dirty to get what he wants. he’s incredibly protective of those he cares about and if you hurt them, don’t expect him to forgive you. once he puts his mind to something, he’s not going to change it. he’s extremely secretive and a very good liar. he doesn’t give out information easily, if at all. he doesn’t like getting close to people. trust doesn’t come easy to dodge, but he’s working on that. sort of. not really.
Points of interest:
physical features
dodge is a pretty fit guy. he works out when he’s stressed or angry, which is most of the time, so he’s got a fair bit of muscle. he also does rodeo, so that helps as well. he’s typically dressed in all black or gray. he wears skinny jeans and a t-shirt with either cowboy boots or work boots. sometimes he’ll wear a sweatshirt over his t-shirt. when he competes, he wears his rodeo clothes, which consist of a blue or white button down, good jeans, his cowboy hat, and a nice pair of cowboy boots. he doesn’t have any tattoos or piercings. his hands are a little rough from working on the farm.
What they’ve been up to recently:
plotting revenge
luke hall put dodge’s older sister in a wheelchair on halloween three years ago. (at least, that’s what cortez said.) dodge has been hellbent on getting revenge ever since he learned about it. he’s been planning his revenge for a year now and he knows exactly what he needs to do in order to get it.
playing panic
panic is the reason why dodge convinced his mom to move them back to carp. he knew he needed to play in order to get his revenge, so he made it happen. he reenrolled at school and paid ray a dollar a day so that he could be eligible to play panic in the summer. and when the summer rolled around, dodge played panic.
working at dot’s diner & anne’s farm
in order to make some money on the side, dodge found a job working at dot’s diner. his mom works there too, but dodge works more than she does. he doesn’t mind it. the customers are good and it makes good money. he also helps anne out when she needs to break in a horse or needs some work done on the farm.
doing rodeo
dodge is incredible at rodeo. he’s broken state records multiple times and he loves doing it. he’s strongest with saddle bronc and mounted shooting, but he also does roping and barrel racing.
Where to find them:
dot’s diner
dodge works at dot’s during the school year and summer. he likes it there and he’s typically always willing to help a customer out. this is probably the easiest place to find dodge.
anne’s farm
he’s not at anne’s very often, but he’ll go up to see her sometimes and he goes up whenever she asks him for help with something.
the rodeo
if dodge isn’t at dot’s or anne’s, he’s at the rodeo. he goes to compete a lot, but sometimes he’ll just go to watch. most of the time, though, he’s there to compete. the rodeo is probably the second easiest place to find dodge, but considering not a lot of people know he does rodeo, it’ll probably be a surprise if your muse were to see him there.
Current plans:
working & making money
dodge works at dot’s to make money. he wants to have enough saved to help dayna with her treatments, and he needs a new car. he tends to spend most of his time at dot’s, because he needs a lot of money. he doesn’t mind it. dot is a good boss and the customers are nice to talk to. he doesn’t take any money from anne no matter how much she tries to get him to.
competing in rodeo events
rodeo also makes dodge a good chunk of money. he’s good at it, and he likes it, so he tends to sign up for whatever events he can. he favors saddle bronc and mounted shooting, but if he’s really desperate for cash, he’ll also sign up for roping and barrel racing.
trying to figure out who he is /what his life is like when he doesn’t have a revenge plan
dodge spent a year of his life crafting the perfect revenge plan, only for it to come crashing down at the last second. cortez was a liar. luke didn’t hit dayna. and if luke didn’t hit dayna, dodge had no reason to get revenge on ray hall. he doesn’t know what to do about that, and so he’s trying to figure out who he is and what his life entails now that he’s not plotting revenge. it’s a confusing process, but dodge is trying to work through it.
Desired interactions:
rodeo friends
we don’t see a lot of dodge doing rodeo in the show, so i would love some interactions where he’s got friends in the circuit. old friends, new friends, friends who know him from before he moved away. any sort of friend from rodeo would be great.
customers at dot’s diner
dodge isn’t a people person, but he’s a good waiter. if your muse comes in, chances are they’ll talk with dodge. he’s going to have to take their order, at the very least. maybe there can be a friendship that blooms.
kids from school
dodge didn’t really talk to the other kids in school, but i’m sure some of them must’ve noticed him. they could approach him at the diner or just on the street to say hi.
other panic players
panic isn’t a game of alliances, but that doesn’t mean the players don’t talk to each other. players ball is a prime time for just chatting and getting to know your fellow players. dodge is probably not going to open up to your muse, but he’ll be friendly.
kids from beecher
dodge lived in beecher for three years. there’s no way he didn’t make friends. maybe your muse did a project with him in school. maybe they bonded over the crappy lunch food. there’s a whole world of possibilities here and i’m happy to explore them with you.
Offered interactions:
waiter at dot’s diner
like i said above, dodge is mostly at dot’s for the whole summer. he sees pretty much everyone in carp at least once. your muse is more than welcome to come into the diner and have a coffee or a bite to eat. dodge will be happy to serve them.
rodeo things
give me your muse going to the rodeo and being absolutely shocked about dodge competing. or give me your muse knowing him from rodeo and being absolutely shocked when they hear he’s playing panic. or just give me your muse not knowing who dodge is but they know he’s good at rodeo, so that’s got to count for something, right? chances are dodge is up to talk about whatever event he competed in.
horse trainer
he doesn’t do it much, but he does occasionally train or break in horses for anne. maybe your muse could see him and ask if he could break in their horse? he’s good at it, and he doesn’t mind it, so he’d probably say yes. he won’t take any payment for it, though.
fellow panic player
dodge doesn’t really talk to his fellow players. he doesn’t want to. he knows what he needs to do and how. there’s no point in forming alliances when he can do what he needs to on his own. he isn’t rude, though. if your muse were to talk to him, he’d be polite and continue the conversation.
fellow student
dodge didn’t really interact with his fellow students. he was too busy trying to get through the school year. but again, he’s not rude. he won’t ignore your muse if they talk to him.
beecher residents
it’s highly likely that if your muse knows dodge from beecher, they’re probably going to know him if they go to carp. they might have some questions, but they’re definitely going to know who he is. dodge isn’t going to like that very much, but it’s fine. he’ll still talk to them.
Current open post/s:
i don’t have any opens. i prefer to plot things out.
Anything else?:
thank you for reading this!
0 notes
Kotonoe chuckled at his reaction. “Snakes aren’t really for everyone. But I loved all the ones I owned.” She admitted, having received very mixed reactions all the time when she had him out or had friends over. “They’re little noodles to me. I even put a monocle on him at one point- the cobra, I mean. My boa got a party hat of his birthday. I… Really like snakes.” She admitted, a bit embarrassed over what she had admitted to dressing her snake in at different points. “But I’m curious as to if it would. I’ll have to talk to the Warden about carrying around a venom noodle during shift. Shouldn’t be that bit of a problem, they’re pretty chill once I work with them a bit. At least the ones I always had were…. Maybe I’ll get a constrictor noodle.” She said, speaking as her mind wandered before realizing and looking back at him. “Worth a shot.” She said with a shrug of her shoulders. “I mean, I guess they do it their own way. I used to boop their noses and they just stuck out their tongue, which was probably just a reflex or something. But I’d boop them everytime they popped up. One liked to burrow in the dirt so I just put a bunch of flower pots together and let him. My boa didn’t try to eat me so that’s something. And I never got bitten my my cobra so.” She finished, realizing maybe that didn’t sound the best. But she had a love for the reptiles, so she didn’t mind how it sounded really.
“Ahaha, close. I didn’t want anyone to find out at first. So it’s, as a lot of people like to call tattoos there, a tramp stamp. Kind of. It actually takes up a pretty large portion. The small of my back really.” She said as she looked up with a grin. “Only time people really see it is when I wear a crop-top, no short, my shirt rides up, or swimming. That’s, that’s pretty much it.” She said, listing off the times and nodding as she did. “ And because I don’t do most of those often, people don’t really see it. It is pretty though. The blues, pinks, and purples. They’re all dark neons, which is probably a contradiction but oh well.” She grimaced at the thought of a getting them in more tender areas. “Mmmm, no. I like the one I have. Probably leave it at one.” She said with a chuckle and shook her head. “Maybe other people can get more, but I’m content with the one I have. And it’s always interesting to see people’s reactions when they see it so it’s worth only having one. Nothing really distracts from it when it’s the only other thing aside from my skin.”
She glanced down when his shirt ride up, eyeing the piercing. “Yeah, I have now. That’s just one more I can confirm you have.” She replied back with a grin. “And all I have are my ears pierced.” She said. She really hadn’t ever thought of getting more pierced. Knowing her luck she may just end up ripping them out by accident before the week would even be over. But that didn’t stop her admiration for other people’s. “And yeah, jealousy can be like that.” She said, nodding her head in agreement. “But it is what it is, I think.” She said before noticing his expression and tilting her head. “Something wrong, Mitsuru~?” She cooed teasingly. Kotonoe flushed at the thought of that. “I wouldn’t bite it, I’d probably just tug on it.” She teased with a wink, a giggle erupting from her. She couldn’t help it, laughter or hiding is how she felt with embarrassment. At the mention of her possibly being ticklish she whipped her head around and laughed awkwardly. “Nope. Not at all.” She squeaked out, though it was too far from convincing and even she knew it. “Just a very different reaction when you get my sides.” She warned, which she figured she may as well do since she was pretty sure he had already caught on to the fact her stomach was an easy area.
The purple haired haired guard tried to hide the small grin on her lips when it happened. Shaking her head and adding that as another reason for her lack of body piercings. The last she wanted was to have to start stripping in the hallway. If that happened maybe all her money would go down the drain on cute undergarments at least. She shrugged off the thought, mostly because she knew that’s what she would start putting her money to instead. Kotonoe watched the interaction between the two from a fair distance, glancing around to see who else would be there to bear witness. Though her eyes tracked back to him once his shirt was off and she turned around. She couldn’t deny that regardless of her feelings, many of the people in Nanba were very attractive. And while she knew better in a fight, she gave herself leeway out of them. But eventually, when she has her bearings, she turned back around to watch the encounter. He was angry and annoyed. Not that she could really blame him considering it all. Though she had to shake more than a few thoughts from her head when she caught her mind wandering on its own. Face flushing she nodded to Mitsuru as he disappeared. Intent on teasing him just a bit when he was back. Kotonoe walked towards the wall now though and leaned against it, eyes on the door as she waited for the broadcaster. She wanted food, and her stomach felt ready to voice it’s opinion on that again. Something she sincerely hoped would not be the case considering she didn’t feel like letting others hear that. No embarrassment in front of strangers. None. Noje that she would allow at least. So she silently tried to will Mitsuru back quicker before it had the possibility of happening.
It didn’t take long untill the security guard and Mitsuru came out again, both with very different expressions.  While Mitsuru was grinning widely, seemingly in a lot better mood now, the security guard looked almost terrifyed. It wasn’t visible if it was because of the piercings, about the thought getting a needle through the almost most important parts of a man or something completely different.
“I’m sorry about that”, Mitsuru apologized when he came back to Kotonoe and now one could hear his tummy rumbles as well.  “Let’s just hurry and leave before someone else tries to stop me... but that guy won’t be a problem anymore... And honestly, he won’t be able to look me in the eyes ever again.” He took his belongings and dressed up again, hiding the belly button piercing as well as his two nipple piercings under the shirt again and last but not least put on his belt over the coat. 
For a moment he held his headphones and hat in his hand and started walking again without putting these things at their right place.  For a moment he was silent, trying to think about the subjects they were talking about before they god interrupted by the damn security checkup.  There were snakes, her tattoo, piercings, how ticklish she was.... But there was more... Or wasn’t it. 
“Back to the conversation...”, he said slowly. “... I’m not sure if I’m missing something here... We were talking about so much at the same time~”, he laughed softly and left the headquarter with her, taking a deep breath of fresh air when they were outside. It was really refreshing.  “I see you have a thing for snakes”, he smiles softly at her, making a mental note. One does never know for what one need such informations. “That’s cool. Fascinating for me since I really don’t know much about them. I mean... I didn’t even know one could dress them up so easily. It’s funny to me and I think if you like it, it’s absolutely fine~” Again, he sounded like an excited child.  “But if it’s okay to have one here is a thing only Hyakushiki can decide so yeah, it would be the best to talk to her about that. Maybe she actually likes the idea~” He was really not sure about that, but it was woth giving a try at least. 
For a moment the broadcaster had to think about what a tramp stamp was again, then he bursted out in laughter. Not because of the position of the tattoo but about the word and a translation in a different language. He couldn’t remember why but when he was drinking with Musashi the last evening, they actually were talking about tattoos and also that special kind of tattoo. Musashi told him that in german they called it something that was literally translated into ass antler and he couldn’t stop himself from laughing about that every moment he thought back.  To not hurt Kotonoe’s feelings, he explained quickly to her why he was laughing like that.  “Don’t get me wrong”, he managed to say after he calmed down a little. “I think that’s a great place for a tattoo and I don’t think that women with a tattoo there ask for sex or something... believe me I’ve met men who thought like this. It’s just the translation”  He apologized again, now finally able to calm down completely.  “But it’s cool you’ll stop at one tattoo. That’s something a lot of people can’t do. It’s addicting to them, just like getting pierced. Look at he, I can barely stop and I was thinking about more tattoos. Not more piercings tho, I really don’t like the piercings I actually can get now.” He wasn’t lying, not even exaggerating. A lot of people were getting addicted to the feeling of actually being tortured by a needle that either was pressed through there skin or transported color under their skin.  “Maybe I should stop here as well. I mean.. I don’t have time to get new stuff anyway and I’m too lazy to go back to japan just to get a new tattoo or piercing or whatever.” 
For a moment the broadcaster really thought about tickling her, now that she wasn’t on his arms anymore, but he resisted and instead put an arm around her shoulders.  “Shall I carry you again?”, he asked in a teasing voice and petted her hair once more, almost as if he couldn’t stop after he started once.  “I really wouldn’t mind.” he asured her. 
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yes. more 4 town headcanons
-Kind to all creatures, humans included.
-The only problem he has is a fear of bees, but he supports them.
-Shortsighted and needs contacts, because I said so.
-Forgetful as crud, and the others need to remind him of things a lot.
-He May be the baby of the band, but don’t get me wrong- he can probably pick you up, toss you, and not break a sweat.
-Good relationship with his bandmates, and everyone else just has a feeling to protect the boy once they meet him.
-Holy crap this guy has some self-worth issues.
-Once went on a roller coaster that broke down. Never going on one again.
-Has a sweet tooth, and can easily be manipulated by that.
-Jesse, Aaron Z., and Robaire are like his older brothers, while Aaron T is sort of a dumber version of himself.
-He has a bit of a problem with mistaking his I’s from his E’s in writing, but he easily fixes this once he realizes.
-His parents were pretty rich, if I guess correct.
-Worried parent of the band.
-Still gets freaked out when a fan says they want to kiss him.
-Exceptionally good at dancing, and has an amazing voice.
-The leader of the band. 
-Keeps them all going in one direction. (oNe DiReCtiOn)
-I’m sorry but he still can’t use his keyboard on his computer.
-Tunes in to weird romance movies, with his heart and his soul.
-church boi
-tends to get carsick a lot
-had a falling out with his parents after joining the band
-he’s actually one of the dumbest in the band
-likes batman, and will fight against the Superman fans…
Person: yo Superman good
Robaire: ahem, he has weird eye problems, and has a hairdo like alfalfa
Jesse: (whisper shout) ro! we talked about this!!!!
Aaron Z
-quiet little bastard
-dirty minded
-often picks up tae like he’s a cat
-wants a cat, but the band won’t let him because he killed his goldfish by feeding it animal crackers
-naps everywhere
-athletic boi
-NoBodY gEtS mE mOm
-will swear at interviewers
-protective mun
-that older sibling who you pretend to hate but you’re actually happy that they’re there
-t’s best friend. hes just got a vibe
-probably puts notes on his food in the fridge, ahem.. ((Z’s food. Do not eat or I will throw you out of the window.))
-no grammar issues ever
-constant sighing in the background
-just done
-will constantly insult the monalisa, wondering how she could even be popular, when she’s got no EYEBROWS
-also a concerned parent
-shakes his head a lot
-got butterflies in his shirt. will never be the same again.
-wears little bracelets from his kids
-brings up his kids to management a lot
-has a good reputation with management
-coffee is the only reason he is alive today
-is mainly the one to use like, the one braincell that the band shares
-teases robaire about baguettes and oui oui oui’s
-steals Tae’s nail polish and puts it on, if he ever feels like it
-eats toast with Nutella every morning, period.
Aaron T
-jumps on couches, and 100% of the time falls onto the coffee table
-he makes it seem like nothing, but he actually plans out how to make his bandmates feel better, in any situation at all.
-will often pick up gross bugs and throw them at people, management included
-only got one ear pearced, because he was too scared. not that he’d ever tell anyone he was afraid though
-has demons in his head, that he never lets out
-he has this vibe, that can make everyone smile. its like his happiness is contagious
-right before he had joined the band, he had been roofied at a bar, and still has trouble going to public restrooms
-when he’s upset, the band will immediately realize, and debate on how to make him feel better 
-the band knows he doesn’t like it, but they’re all very protective around him, and try to shield him from fans sometimes
-will never miss an opportunity to jump onto jesse or robaires backs
-they don’t mind it though, they know that he only does that when he’s stressed, and needs human contact
(those were just a bunch of me making his life hard. ANYWAYS)
-speaks reeeeaaaally fast
-snorts when he laughs
-currently the reason why robaire and jesse are mentally aging at an elevated pace
-likes horses, a lot
-once tried to stack all 56 of his hats onto his head. did not end well
-almost caused jesse to drive off a bridge, and WASNT EVEN IN THE CAR-
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Forgive, But First Fun - Nandor x f(vampire) reader
Summary: After getting left behind to fight off a pack of werewolves on your own, now mad at Nandor, you and Nadja have decided a little night out couldn’t hurt.
Warning: slight angst, fluff, fun times, and a tiny smut mention
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Trudging angrily through the manors wooden doors, face stern and almost scary enough to put the fear of God into anyone. Your boots stomp into the large opening and onto the wooden floor boards as Gullimero, Nandor, and the documentary crew follow you in.
Your cloak is ripped and dirty as it lays in a pathetic black heap of cloth in Gullimero’s arms, your hair not looking any better, not to mention your face and arms that have various cuts paired with grass smudge marks adoring your skin. All in all you look like a hot mess.
“What the fuck happened to you lot? You’ve been gone all night.” Questions Laszlo as he walks into view from out of one of the hallways, his eyes scanning over a perfectly clean and handsome Nandor, then over to the dirty crew and disheveled Guillermo who’s got some leaves stuck to his hair.
“I don’t know.” You snap sarcastically, “How about you ask Mr. Dodgy-shit-stick over there.” Referring to Nandor who’s looking anywhere but you, keeping as silent as ever.
Gullimero looks between you and Nandor, then back at a confused Laszlo. “Oh, um they’re not speaking to each other right now.”
“And why the fuck not?”
Guillermo sighs before leaning towards Laszlo, “Nandor wanted to graffiti where the werewolves live and Y/N said he’d get caught and then Nandor said no I won’t and then he did.”
Laszlo raises a curious brow, “That’s it?”
“Oh, um....” Guillermo awkwardly scratches the back of his neck, suddenly pulling off a green leaf, “then they chased us to the park and when the pack closed in on us Nandor turned into a bat and left us behind so Y/N had to fight one of them off so we could escape and now we’re here.”
“Well that sounds rather exciting.”
“Not at the time.” Whispers Guillermo to no one in particular as he glances over at the camera.
“Huh,” Mutters Laszlo thoughtfully, scratching his beard as he thinks of how to help this situation, “well if you two dingbats aren’t talking to one another I believe Nadja needs you Y/N. Something about....well actually I’m not entirely sure.”
Perking up ever so slightly at this positive news, you cross your arms over your chest defiantly, “Well since someone does, I’ll be going then.” You grumble with a low growl at your Nandor who’s refusing to make eye contact while he stares frustrated at the floor.
Nodding in acknowledgment, Laszlo watches you stomp angrily up the steps before turning his head over to Nandor who’s now watching you leave with big sad eyes.
“Alright why’d you do it?” Interrogates Laszlo with a raised brow.
“Do whaaat?” Replies Nandor defensively, his once high and mighty aurora reappearing in an instant.
Rolling his eyes, Laszlo sets a hand on his hip sassily, “Well I sure as hell don’t want an angry Y/N wandering around this old place for the next however the fuck it takes you both to make up....in however fashion that may be. So I ask again, why’d you puss out and flee like a mangy opossum?”
Pursing his lips together in apprehensive embarrassment, Nandor mutters to himself before finally crossing his arms over his broad chest and sighing, “Because......I....I don’t know I panicked!” Exclaims the large vampire, causing Laszlo to start laughing. “Why are you laughing?”
Wiping a fake tear from his eye, Laszlo lets out a few more chuckles before finally composing himself, “My good man that is the second saddest thing I’ve ever heard. The first being when one of my many victims offered me one of their rare and exclusive Poki-muns card which I still have no idea what the fuck they were on about. Anyways, doesn’t matter, all I’ll tell is that you better make it up to her.”
“But she’s scary when she’s angryyy.” Whines Nandor with a frown.
“That’s all women my young pup, but since your lovely lady is a vampire she’s more dangerous.” He says while giving Nandor a kind pat on the back, “So uh, stay safe out there.” Adds Laszlo before turning and walking down the hallway leaving Nandor with his thoughts, Gullimero, and the documentary’s camera crew.
“What are you all looking at!” Snaps Nandor to the rest of the room.
“Oh my goodnessess that’s awful, my poor dark angel.” Soothes Nadja as you take a moment from your long and needed rant about the adventures in the park and Nandor’s cowardly stupidity. “That big hairy rhino doesn’t deserve you Y/N.” She reasons honestly, doing her best to make you feel better, knowing all to well the level of competent decision making skills of the other two vampires in the house.
“I know.” You mutter in agreement, your body tense and agitated as you pace back and forth in front of her as she sits in a chair, “Fucking beautiful idiot prick horse-fart of a husband. Urgghhh!” You proclaim loudly while throwing your hands into the air angrily, causing the furniture in the room to screech backwards across the old flooring at your outburst of vampiric energy. Nadja’s long obsidian hair blowing backwards as you do so while she keeps seated, unflinching.
Face softening, she gives you a sympathetic smile, “Oh my lovely fierce lioness, I know exactly what will make that sad little frown turn into a happy one.” Beams Nadja with an excited clap of her hands.
Hugging your sides, you let out a frustrated huff before giving your old friend a shrug, “What do you have in mind?”
“So we’re at the carnival!” Claps Nadja in delight as she smiles at the camera, “This will hopefully relieve Y/N’s pent up angers and keep her mind off of Nandor.....for now.” She adds a bit uncertainly.
“HA HA take that fuckers!” You shout joyfully from behind her, the camera panning over to you at the ball toss where you’ve been knocking down plastic bottles with a rubber ball. The stall owner cowering in the corner as he shields himself with a stuffed zebra.
The camera focuses back on Nadja, “I think it’s going really well so far.” She confirms with a convincing grin. “Relieving all that..uh....rage.” 
After winning a stuffed snake taller then you and deciding to wear it as a strange fashionable scarf, you and Nadja are wandering the carnivals streets while people watching to pass the time.
“So that’s why I never walk on the roof after 3am when I’ve had homeless man’s blood.” Rambles Nadja as your thoughts about Nandor come trickling down into your brain and nose. Huh, strange, must be cause you’re still wearing a thin red scarf of his.
No, stop thinking about him.
“Good lesson learned then,” You add with the flash of a smile before nudging her shoulder gently, “hey you wanna watch me win you something cool?”
Perking up in an instant, Nadja smiles a devilish fangy grin as she stops to eye up the multiple game stalls, “Why I would be delighted my dear Y/N, how about....um, oooh I want that giant tropical fishy with the long whiskers over there.” Points Nadja as your eyes travel over to the game stall with the large prizes.
It’s a game that requires the individual to shoot an arrow directly on three different sized bullseye’s stationed at various heights. Smiling like an idiot, you nudge your vampiric acquaintance in agreement, the both of you quickly swaggering over to the carnival game and it’s plush flashy prizes just screaming to be won.
“Hello good sir, my skilled roommate Y/N here is going to win me that fish.” Beams Nadja proudly as the teenager jumps off his chair to greet the two of you.
He smells like weed but surprisingly looks decent all things considered, “Uh yeah alright, two bucks for three arrows, hit every target directly on the middle red mark and if you make it on the bonus poster on the far back wall then you’ll have a chance to win that fish, good luck.” Mumbles the kid unenthusiastically as you slide him the cash.
Picking up the shitty yet still functional carnival bow, you give Nadja a wink before fitting an arrow in the nock and pulling back, lining up the shot and releasing directly into the first target to the left. Smirking to yourself you quickly draw again, hitting your second mark just as intended. Pays to be a skilled archer huh.
“Damn that’s pretty good aim.” Nods the teen as he watches in awe as you fit another arrow, releasing and punching a hole in the middle of the third target.
Nadja claps in excitement from behind you, “Yes! Win me that colorful fat bitch my feisty lioness!”
Standing like a warrior ready for battle with your bow in hand and wind blowing in your face, the kid almost drops the arrow he hands you for the winning shot as he practically swoons.
“Get those scissors ready, that fish is mine.” You growl in determination while picturing Nandor’s head as the final target, drawing back, you let the arrow fly straight into the bonus target. Winning Nadja her giant fish plushy.
“Yessss!” Shouts Nadja in delight as you drop the bow onto the table like a bad bitch before eyeing up the kid with a raised brow, “We’ll be taking the fish now.”
Wide eyed he almost falls off his chair, “Wait um, that’s the last one...I didn’t think, uh, my boss doesn’t want me to give away those ones.” He stutters out.
“What!” Snaps Nadja, “Then why are they just hanging there? You lied to us you little shit!”
“I’m sorry.” He pleads apologetically, “That’s what my boss told me. And no one ever wins the big prizes anyway so I didn’t think...”
“Well your boss he can eat a big horse turd cause I’m taking that fish.” You growl before jumping up and unhooking the fish from its perch above your heads, handing it to a practically glowing with joy Nadja who immediately hugs the thing.
Sticking your tongue out at the teen, you and Nadja turn to leave before a boney hand is suddenly on your shoulder, twisting around in an agitated instant, your face is mere inches from the wide eyed boy as he attempts to look even a tad bit threatening.
“No.” Is the only thing that slips from your tongue before your hand shoves him back, his whole body going air bound into the back of the carnival tent while the kid lets out a panicked scream.
“Ooooh Y/N that was very sexy of you.” Smirks Nadja while wiggling her dark brows, “Too bad a certain cowardly lion wasn’t here to see it.”
Petting the stuffed toy snake around your neck absentmindedly, you smile back a fangy grin, “Yes. Too bad.”
Continuing on your late night stroll through the carnival you both pass by random strangers, families, elders, children, and lovers all minding their sweet business completely unawares to the dark supernatural world walking right past them.
Although you’re quite enjoying this time spent with your best friend in the whole wide world, a low dull feeling of emptiness can’t help but creep into your undead being the more you catch sight of new and old couples walking together.
Sensing your growing sadness, Nadja nudges your shoulder playfully to gain your distracted attention, “Hello in there my black rose, what is on your mind?”
Holding the snake close to your body, a small smile creeps its way onto your face knowing she’s looking out for you, though it’s gone soon enough, “Oh you know....uh....blood.” You mutter unenthusiastically, trying to keep your thoughts away from Nandor and how much you miss him right now.
“Blood is it? But we just fed before attending the carnival.” Inquires Nadja in confusion as she keeps a normal pace at your side while the two of you follow the sidewalk past various shops and restaurants. “What is actually plaguing your mind my dear one?” She wonders with a frown, not keen on seeing you upset and in a grey mood.
Biting your lip anxiously, though not hard enough to draw blood, you walk past a couple more people before your eyes catch the sight of a small black bat disappearing behind a corner building just up ahead.
Squinting your eyes, your nose suddenly catches the scent of someone very familiar, “Nandor?”
Turning her head to face you, Nadja’s brows furrow in puzzlement, “What? No my sweet hurricane, forget that mangy old bear he’s not important right now.” Urges Nadja as she looks forward, suddenly surprised to catch a glimpse of someone who looks a lot like Guillermo racing behind the same corner you saw the bat fly behind. “Okay um what the fuck? Did you see that too?”
Glancing at Nadja you nod before quickening your steps as she does the same, her skirts flowing as she tries to catch up with you, though you’re much faster and with lack of annoying dress material, “Wait! You’re too fast.” Yelps Nadja.
Ignoring her protests you book it down the sidewalk like a maniac, almost running into a jogger before skidding round the corner of the brick building and coming face to face with a wide eyed Guillermo who gasps in surprise. Nudging him to the side, your eyes immediately fall upon the nervous fangy grin of your Nandor.
He gives you a shy little wave before shuffling awkwardly in place, awaiting your rampage of verbal and possibly physical assault that he’s certain is in the near future.
Taking a deep breath, you cross your arms over your chest defensively, “Were you following me?”
“Um, well.....I might have been....but only to make sure you were okay.” Mutters Nandor honestly, eyes shifting from you to the ground nervously as he awaits your wrath.
Pursing your lips together in thought, you shake your head before taking off the stuffed toy snake and holding it firmly in your hands. With a low growl do you grasp the snake in your right hand and hold it back like you might swing at any moment.
“You’re a fucking nincompoop you know that right?” Slips from your mouth without an once of anger lacing your words, instead do you hand the snake to Gullimero as Nandor watches in puzzled fear.
Taking a swift step forward, you point a finger into his strong chest while looking sternly up at him, “Racing off and leaving me too fight that angry bitch all by myself, and now following me when I needed a break from you! Nandor....... you’re something else.” You add with a shake of your head.
“Yes I know, and I’m sorry my love.” Smiles Nandor with saddened eyes, “I promise to keep you save from now on and fight off any werewolf who tries to hurt you....even if I am scared.”
Taking a step back, you can’t help the smirk that forms onto your face at his sweet words of forgiveness and sincerity. You know how much he fears werewolves and that he fled the scene thinking you were planning on following too, not realizing that you might actually give a shit about Gullimero’s and the crew’s lives.
“Oh my dear puff dragon,” You declare softly with a small smile, reaching both hands out to grasp his own, “I forgive you.”
Nandor’s face breaks out into the biggest and happiest grin you’ve seen since his last birthday when he walked into your shared crypt only to find you naked and holding a bushel of red roses while seated seductively on his coffin.
“Oh that’s fantastic because I was really missing you.” Reveals Nandor with a gentle squeeze of your hands. “Laszlo and Guillermo can’t make me laugh nearly as much as you can, they’re honestly rather boring.” He says before leaning in closer to whisper, “and not very attractive to look at either.” Causing you to crack another grin and your undead heart to fill with butterflies. 
Chuckling you reach up with one hand to pull his collar closer to you and a second later do your lips clash sweetly against one another in a heated moment of passion. He smiles into the kiss before moving to pull you in closer with both of his hands, one slipping low to cheekily pinch your round bottom.
Feeling him against you once again has to be the best sensation in the whole entirety of the world even if you’ve only been separated for a couple of hours. You absolutely love the way his fingers dig into your back and bum with an animalistic eagerness that’s slowly starting to drive you insane. Oh, the things he does to you.
Especially how his tongue slips into your mouth with ease while you tug at his hair long dark locks. “Y/N!” Suddenly shouts Nadja.
Begrudgingly pulling away, you turn around to face the confused lady vampire while Nandor hugs you from behind, happily smirking at her, knowing she can’t do anything to hurt him now. “Yes Nadja.” You answer.
With the fish plushy hung over her shoulder, her brows furrow in confusion, “What the fuck are you doing? I thought you were mad at him?”
“Yeah well, I was starting to really miss him and also I’m kind of horny now so.” You reply with a shrug as Nandor hugs you tighter, resting his bearded chin against your head while Nadja huffs in defeat.
“Alright. See you at home then.” Adds Nadja before turning towards Guillermo and shoving the giant carnival fish into his arms, “Hold this Gizmo I’m going home.” Then just like that she’s gone in a black wispy poof, flying away in bat form towards the vampire resistance on Staten Island.
“Okay then.” Mutters Gullimero as he looks up at the dark sky.
Feeling a wet kiss on the side of your face and neck you smile before turning around to face your dear husband, “Shall we take flight to seek out our bed chambers?” You speak slyly in a soft yet seductive voice.
“Yes.” Grins Nandor with a flash of lust and excitement before turning his attention over to Guillermo, “Hey Guillermo I’m leaving to make passionate love to my wife so don’t bother us or I will have a rat shit in your pillowcase. Okay?”
You giggle to yourself as Gullimero’s cheeks redden while he side eyes the camera, “Understood master. Have fun.” Squeaks out the loyal familiar as he stands there awkwardly with his hands full of two carnival prizes.
Nandor sneakily squeezes your bottom once more as he gives Gullimero a knowing smirk, “Oh, we will.” Then a second later you two are flying high above the city in bat form, ready to make love to your sweet Nandor for probably the twentieth time that week.
Down below the camera pans over to Gullimero as he blinks, “Well uh, I have these things now..” He says, holding up the fish, “and I am so not looking forward to cleaning up their mess.......again.”
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biigsh0t · 2 years
 Mun here! Haven’t been on tumblr for a long time now but I’ve got a few years of RP experience under my belt and I’m ready to dive back in :>  You fine folks can call me Birdie, I’m 25 and use she/ her and they/ them pronouns :>
This is an 18+ blog as I like to write horror, violence, and gore. I don't interact with minors, sorry! It's nothing personal, just my choice.
Mun does not equal muse.
Do not godmod. Giving my muse a gentle nudge in the right direction is alright but please don’t try to take control of my muse.
OOC posts will be tagged as oo she who pulls the strings oo and if you haven’t noticed mun puts O’s before and after typing just as a little indicator it’s ooc!
 If anything I write or post is triggering in some way please message me and I WILL tag it for you! 
 I’m always down for one-liner asks that turn into multi-paragraph rps. That shit gives me life. I’m also down for planning/ plotting out an rp with anyone as well ofc :> 
 If ya came here expecting anything sexy you’re gonna be disappointed. I may have a dirty mind and make lots of dirty jokes but smut isn’t my cup of tea when it comes to writing. So smut won’t be happening here.
Probably worth mentioning that I have pretty bad anxiety and ADHD so please go easy on me :> 
I’m semi-selective but please don’t let that worry you!
My version of Spamton uses he/him/it pronouns.
There may be some fourth wall-breaking/ general mind-fuckery because of the nature of this character.
I love when asks turn into full rps but please start it in a separate post, preferably with a link to the ask that started it in there just to avoid confusion and a messy thread. 
Self-harm and dark themes of a similar nature may pop up in my writing for this character!
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slippinmickeys · 4 years
The Earl (12/13)
If you’d like to read on AO3, you may do so here. 
Scully looked about the cottage around her with a critical eye. With what she had on hand, there had to be something she could do or use to escape this place.
The windows were a non-starter; they were too small to fit through. It would have to be the door. It was locked from the outside -- the door itself, ancient and made of oak; she could pound at it for days and never get through. She briefly considered using leverage to perhaps lift it off its hinges, but it was set tightly and even if she could put together some kind of lever and fulcrum, it had nowhere to go. The lock itself was also old, made of iron. Even with the strength of a blacksmith she wouldn’t be able to smash it, either.
A blacksmith, she thought. A smith doesn’t make things with strength only -- he heats the metal to make it malleable enough to work with. Perhaps if she could heat the iron of the lock -- it was an old, simple one, with few pins -- just enough to soften it, a swift, strong kick could break the mechanism…
She had firewood enough for a blaze, but no coal, the fuel of the smith. Wood would not burn hot enough, nor steady or strong enough to do what she needed it to do. On top of that, she had no way of directing the heat.
She wandered into the scullery of the kitchen, assessing its contents.
The lye could be helpful, she thought. Concentrated lye mixed with water would make a fairly corrosive solution, but even if she applied it to the door or lock, it would take far more time than she had to damage or weaken either enough to break through them. The kerosene was a thought, but would burn out quickly and she had no desire to breathe either smoke or fumes -- particularly since she couldn’t open the windows for fresh air.
She paced the cottage, thinking, eventually grabbing an apple from the table and shining it on the grungy front of her frock. She took a bite, chewing contemplatively.
She had the items in the kitchen. She had a few books, the clothes she wore. The bed, two chairs from the main sitting room and a small, sturdy side table that sat between them, upon which she’d deposited the many hair pins that had fallen out of her coiffure when Spender hacked it off. She fingered one in her hand.
Aluminum, she thought. Something was pinging in the back of her mind. Aluminum would react with lye if water were added -- the reaction of which would rapidly create an evolution of hydrogen gas. It would be highly exothermic and the hydrogen itself would ignite and burn at an extremely high temperature. It probably wouldn’t burn long, but if she were able to build up enough pressure and direct the reaction exactly where she wanted it…
She rushed into the scullery and pulled up the large glass vinegar bottle, setting it on the ancient kitchen table. The bottle was sturdy and large, with a long narrow neck and thick cork that fit tightly enough in the opening that she struggled to get it off. It could work, she thought.
Scully dragged the heavy end table from the living space over to the door. It was about one foot too low. She brought over several of the books and stacked them so that they leaned against the door. She brought over the bottle and set it on the table, then leaned it against the books, facing the narrow bottle opening at the lock. It was a bit too high. She took another bite of apple. Only one thing to be done.
She opened the top book and, apologizing -- out loud, to a book -- she tore about ten pages out. Then another ten. She tried lining up the bottle again. A few more centimeters should do it. She ripped out another thirty pages of the book, the thought alone making her sick to her stomach, and again lined up the bottle. Perfect. The neck and mouth of the bottle were positioned directly at the lock’s keyhole. Now she needed to secure it there.
Looking down at the bottom of the dirty, too-long hem of her borrowed frock -- which was filthy and torn in two places, she leaned down and grabbed onto it. And pulled. Once she got a finger through one of the tears, the rest was easy -- she yanked and ripped and was able to tear off the whole of the hem in one long, grimy strip. She put the strip of fabric over the top of the bottle and down under the table. If she pulled and knotted it well, it should secure the bottle in place. If it even worked, the pressure that built up inside the bottle would force its way out of the neck and mouth -- eventually blowing out the cork and acting as a kind of concentrated torch. If it burned for even ten to twenty seconds, it would do so at an incredible heat. The iron of the pins in the lock would soften, at least a little, and -- if she were lucky -- one or two swift and immediate kicks and the lock would fail.
If her knowledge of science was correct.
She remembered a dialogue she’d had with Mulder only a few weeks before when he lamented the lack of common sense and intelligence in their society at large:
“Yes, but you’ve had all the education English society offers it’s young gentlemen ,” she had said.
“Yes, where I was taught to suss out the inflections of our dear language,” he replied, looking at her levelly. “You were denied an education.”
“All young ladies are denied an education,” she crossed her arms over her chest.
“A practice I don’t intend to continue should we be blessed with daughters,” he had mumbled, moving to her and nuzzling her neck to distract her from her anger.  
She’d had to educate herself, and she had done so. Now she needed to see if she was as smart as she hoped.
The house was in utter chaos. Through the night and into the next day, it had been searched high and low for the missing footman to no avail. He was the last person to have seen Duane Barry -- who had been about to tell them where Scully was being held -- alive, and he’d up and disappeared like a sneeze in the wind. No one had seen him coming or going, and the bed where the man had slept was perfectly made, the corners pulled tight. He had left no possessions to speak of -- nothing to direct anyone to where he might have gone.  
Mulder felt flayed. His chest laid bare and cracked open, his heart torn out, and all that was left was an aching chasm of gristle and bone and sinew.
Byers was in his study going over maps of the estate and surrounding areas with the land steward when Mulder wandered in. The two men were leaning over an older drawn map discussing the property lines and ownership of nearby estates -- they were all certain that Scully was being kept somewhere nearby. Mulder flopped onto a divan in the corner of the room doing his best not to give in completely to despair.  
Headly appeared in the study doorway.
“Lord Wexford,” he said, bowing deferentially. “Someone to see you, my lord.” He nodded his head toward the house’s main door.
Mulder excused himself from Byers and the steward and made his way toward the door, the dull sound of talking increasing in volume and urgency as he approached.
“I know this isn’t my house, but I say we don’t let the brigand in until he states his business!” Mr. Frohike all but shouted.
“Sir, all you need know of my business is that it is not yours,” a voice gruffed from the doorway. Mulder recognized the grumble and felt the faintest flame of hope reignite in his chest.
“Did I hear there’s a brigand at the door?” Mulder said loudly, causing the amassed people therein (Mr. Frohike, Mr. Langly, two footmen, and the two figures standing outside) to quiet instantly and turn toward his voice. “Walter,” he said, and the gathered retinue parted for him as the Red Sea did for Moses.
The taller figure in the doorway gave a half smile and reached forward to shake Mulder’s hand. “My lord.” He nodded at Mulder and looked to the other man who stood in the doorway, a long leather greatcoat hanging from wiry, muscular shoulders, his hair cropped close to his head. “My associate and I need to speak with you. Urgently.”
Mulder’s smile faded and, with an apologetic look to Frohike, gestured for the newcomers to follow him through the house and into Byers’ study, where the baronet was standing, looking fairly startled by the appearance of the newcomers. He quickly dismissed his steward.
When Frohike and Langly came into the study after them and stood on either side of their titled business associate with crossed arms and suspicious looks, Captain Walter Skinner, whose acquaintance with Mulder went back some way, looked at him warily.
“Lord Wexford, the information we came to share with you is on a manner of some… delicacy.”
“In reference to the matter I wrote to you of?” Mulder asked, referring to his inquiry of CBG Spender. Captain Skinner nodded. “They know all,” Mulder finished, nodding at Langly to close the door.
Skinner squared his jaw, digesting this, and then nodded toward his companion. “This is John Doggett, he is an associate of mine at Bow Street.”
“My lord,” Doggett said shortly.
“Rumor is sweeping through Town that the Countess of Wexford has been kidnapped for ransom,” Skinner said, looking at Mulder through small wire glasses.
“How I wish the rumors weren’t true,” Mulder said.
Skinner nodded, as though he had suspected as much. “When we heard, we knew we could not delay. We have information on this man, this CGB Spender.”
Heads raised and all eyes in the room sharpened.
“As I explained in my letter, ‘Spender’ is merely an alias.”
“Carl Gerhardt Bush, Jack Colquitt, Raul Bloodworth,” piped up Doggett, “the list is long. But the name we came across most recently drew our attention.”
Doggett looked to Skinner, who took over explanation:
“Does the name Alec Fitzsimmons mean anything to you?”
Mulder shook his head.
“Fitzsimmons runs an import business out of Lewisham. On the books, it’s nothing very interesting as far as what the man trades in-“  
“Off the books, however-“ Doggett cut in. Mulder looked to the former Captain.
“Munitions,” Skinner said, “we have reason to suspect he is running powder and munitions to Bonaparte.” Mulder saw Frohike raise his brows. “But that’s another matter,” he went on, “the import business itself was established some thirty years ago, but has recently taken on a silent partner. A partner by the name of CGB Spender,” Skinner went on. “And when we paid a visit to the offices of the Fitzsimmons Trading Company, a likeness of its founders was hanging on the wall.”
Skinner nodded to Doggett, who pulled a rolled up piece of canvas from inside his coat. He unfurled it and spread it out on Byers’ large desk, which was still covered in the maps and pages from Byers’ conversation with the Ashford Park land steward.
The painting showed several gentlemen, all but one in the picture standing. The seated gentleman was-
“Spender,” Mulder said, pointing his finger at the man’s face.
“Also goes by the name of Alec Fitzsimmons,” Skinner said. “The man is as crooked as they come. Likely trying to hide money from the Crown, using multiple aliases in multiple businesses. But you must again look at the portrait, sir.” He gestured to one of the standing gentlemen on the edge of the canvas. Mulder inhaled in surprise.
“My father,” he said. Though the man was younger than Mulder had ever seen him, it was unmistakably the Eighth Earl of Wexford.
“Did you know they had a connection, my lord?” Doggett asked.
“I do now,” Mulder said, and handed over the old envelope marked with an X.
Skinner and Doggett both read it and exchanged a look.
“So what of this man?” Mulder asked, impatience catching up with him.
“Alec Fitzsimmons owns a house on Wimpole Street,” Skinner said, “a large one, with an equally impressive entourage of household staff.”
“Did you recently hire anyone on at Wexford House in Town?” Doggett asked.
“That would be a question better put to my butler,” Mulder said.
“I did ask it of your butler, sir,” Doggett said, “And he told me one of your footmen fell ill very recently and he was forced to hire on someone new. A servant by the name of Alexander Krycek, who had come with excellent references and who traveled with you here to Ashford Park.”
Dread began to purl through Mulder’s chest.
“Before he was hired on at your London House,” Skinner began, “he had worked for the previous three years as head footman in the household of Alec Fitzsimmons.”
Mulder’s fists clenched so hard his knuckles popped.
“Is he currently below stairs?” Doggett asked, resting his hand upon the wooden handle of a pistol that hung from his belt.
“He is not,” Mulder answered, his voice like iced steel.
“We believe he poisoned your footman Samuel in order to secure the position and assist this Spender in abducting your wife.”
Mulder grabbed onto the edge of Byers’ mahogany desk and actually lifted one side of the leviathan, so fueled by rage that he had the strength of ten men. He slammed it back down.
“That is, ah-” Skinner started, looking at Mulder with trepidation, “not the only coincidence we found when we looked into your staff and the staff of Alec Fitzsimmons.”
Mulder felt his knees go weak under him.
Scully had filled the bottom of the glass bottle with lye and put in every hair pin she could find -- a considerable amount, given the length and thickness of her former tresses. All that needed to be done now was to pour in the water and quickly secure the cork. Once that was done, she would need to hurry behind the stone wall of the bedroom and hope that not only did her plan work, but that it didn’t backfire and blow her to smithereens in the process.  
In theory, the reaction should start as soon as water hit the two substances at the bottom of the bottle. Hydrogen would form quickly and the pressure would build even more so -- and if she resecured the cork tightly in order to trap that pressure, in almost no time at all, a fire of the hottest flame would be forcibly directed at the door’s lock.
She rolled some of the pages she’d torn out of the book into a kind of funnel and placed it in the top of the bottle which was secured tightly to the table below it. She picked up the pail of water with shaking hands. She poured.
She immediately heard the bubbling of the reaction. As soon as the bucket was empty, she dropped it and slammed the cork home, giving it one solid hit with her fist. Then she ran as fast as her legs would carry her into the bedroom and ducked down.
It happened even more swiftly than she thought it would. She heard the pop of the cork and then a low ominous hissing. She peeked around the wall. There were no flames that she could see (invisible flame! she thought, extraordinary! ), but there was a black shadow of charring creeping up the side of the oaken door and already the metal of the lock had an orangish glow.
Her stomach leapt into her throat. It had worked! As soon as the hissing sound ended, she ran at the door and slammed it  for all she was worth. The latch gave a little and she kicked it again. It flew open with a dull, muffled thud, and Scully stepped out into the blazing sunlight.
“I beg your pardon?” Mulder said, lowering himself into the nearest chair.
Skinner and his man Doggett shared a look.
“There is yet another member of your staff that once worked for Fitzsimmons.”
“Who is he?”
“Not he, sir,” Doggett said, “but she. The Countess’s lady’s maid, Prudence.”
“But… but Prudence has worked in our household for several years,” Mulder said, “before I even ascended to the Earldom.”
Skinner exchanged another look with Doggett and raised the envelope with the large, black X -- the accusation against Mulder’s father of an illegitimate child. “And now I believe we may know why,” he said.
Mulder felt the blood drain from his face, and he gestured weakly for Skinner to go on.
“When we spoke with your Housekeeper, we learned that Prudence was hired by the Eighth Earl himself. According to her, the girl had been raised at the country estate of Alec Fitzsimmons, an orphan that the Fitzsimmons estate took on as a charity case. She worked in the household as a child, and when she came of age, it was said she was promised a position at Henwick Priory -- one, should she perform her duties well, she would keep until she reached the age of five and forty, at which point there was set aside a small pension. An odd arrangement, which we could not figure out -- until we saw this.” Mulder looked to the envelope in his hand.
“I know my finances back to front,” Mulder said, “and I know nothing of this arrangement.”
“Mrs. Paxton said that the girl’s wages are paid, as any other maid’s would be, from the household account. The pension, however, is held in a private trust set up by your father.”
“Prudence is my sister,” he said breathlessly.
“I now believe so, yes,” said Skinner, his face set in a grim line. “And we should talk to her. This very minute.”
Prudence was summoned into Byers’ office and entered, eyes swinging around at the men assembled around her. She swallowed nervously and curtsied, looking to Mulder with apprehension.
“Is there word of the Countess, my lord?” she said hopefully.
“No,” Mulder answered, but did not -- could not -- go on. He was busy looking at her. He’d never noticed that her eyes were the same hazel-green as his own, that her hair was the exact shade. He found himself unable to speak.
“Prudence,” said Skinner from the other side of the room. She looked to him. “My name is Walter Skinner. I’m an investigator on Bow Street and I’ve been hired by Lord Wexford.”
“To find the Countess? I’ll help in any way I can,” she said earnestly.
Skinner merely nodded, not correcting her. “Thank you,” he said. “You have been working for Lord Wexford for several years, is that correct?”
“Yes, sir,” she said, “I was hired as a maid at Henwick Priory when I turned seventeen.”
“Have you been happy working there?”
“Oh, very,” she said, for the first time giving a hesitant smile. “Lord Wexford is a kind and generous employer. I feel I have distinguished myself, such as a woman of my standing can. I was thrilled to be selected by Mrs. Paxton -- that’s Lord Wexford’s housekeeper -- to be the new Countess’s lady’s maid. Several of the other girls were hatefully envious, I can tell you. But I very much enjoy my job.”
“And where were you before you were hired at Henwick Priory?” Doggett asked.
“At an estate not far from here, in fact,” Prudence said, “I was an orphan, you see, and I was taken on as a charity case. When I came of age, I was told that the charity that had arranged my employment as a child had another opportunity lined up at the Priory. With guaranteed employment and a pension! I could not pass it up.”
“Did you know the footman Alexander before he was hired at Wexford House?” Skinner inquired.
A look of distaste crossed her features. “I did not,” she said shortly. “It’s… it’s not my place to say,” she darted eyes quickly to Mulder, “but something about the man has never sat right with me.”
From the corner of his eye, Mulder saw Frohike shift on his feet.
“Is Prudence your given name?” Skinner said.
“It is my middle name,” she explained, “there was an older scullery maid by the name of Samantha already working on the Fitzsimmons estate when I arrived.” Byers inhaled sharply. “I went by Prudence for the sake of simplicity.”
“What-” Mulder finally spoke, “what is the name of the estate where you were raised?”
“It is a small estate called Harwood Hall,” she said.
“And what of the gentleman who employed you there?” Skinner asked her.
“Mr. Fitzsimmons?” she asked. “I do not know him well. We were told to keep out of the way, and he lived mostly in Town.”
“This Harwood Hall,” Mulder said, rising from his seat, “you say it is nearby?”
“Not ten miles from here,” Prudence said, “by the sea.”
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Our London Podcast Festival Script
Two weeks ago, Gather The Suspects were invited to perform a short live piece as part of the Audio Drama Debuts Hour. We had such a blast and while we don’t have a recording of the brand new material we performed, here is the script we performed in full: 
JACK and GERAINT are sat in JACK’S flat. They are playing a game on the PlayStation…
JACK: Get him! Get him! Aaaaah, balls. G, why didn’t you cover me!
GERAINT: I told you I’m rubbish at this game
JACK: Are you still stuck in the doorway at the spawn point… hah - you are! What a noob! Coo-ey…Geraint...
GERAINT: Hey! No friendly fire!
JACK: Ger, you know the rules, if it’s part of the game then it’s all fair…
GERAINT: You shot my guy blank in the face… I really don’t see how that’s part of the ga- oooh, I have another life left! 
JACK: You don’t get lives anymore in games, G… this isn’t the 80s
GERAINT: What about Super Mario?
JACK: Nope… you run out of lives, you just lose coins now…
GERAINT:  I dunno, society really is beyond repair! Talking of which…what about this ‘big case’ you’ve been working on...  (reacting to the game) Ha-hah! I’m out of the door! Finally! (back to Jack) I’m guessing, as you’re sat here with me getting your arse kicked at video games... likely by some random twelve-year-olds… that it’s going swimmingly!
JACK: Hey, I’m not getting my arse kicked… I’m just… never mind that. I have a day off...Who’d have thought going undercover would be so exhausting! 
GERAINT: Yeah, to be honest, the thought of you having a job is still quite amusing, even if it is just for appearance’s sake.
JACK: Hey, what’s so funny about me having a job? 
GERAINT: (laughing) Oh, I don’t know, maybe it’s the… (Jack shoots him a look) 
GERAINT: (composing himself) Oh, you were serious... Oh, nothing…just didn’t really see it as your...um… ‘scene,’ that’s all... So, you reckon you can solve it?
JACK: Uh-huh… 
GERAINT: Aaand? 
JACK: Just uh-huh… nothing much to write home about yet, really. 
GERAINT: Jack, it’s a murder, surely there must be something exciting! Like what happened?
JACK: Angry boss…disgruntled employees... shot, by the looks of it… (reacting to the game) YES! Take that… right in the…(remembers what they were talking about)... oh, uuh… that’s about it really…
GERAINT:  “That’s about it?” Sounds like quite a big deal to me… so, you got any suspects?
JACK: That’s the problem right now… there is literally an entire office full of ‘em! But, it’s my day off and I am not thinking about it… just going to chill here and play some…
JACK: (Sighs)... hello…
KARA (on phone): Hey…
JACK: Hey Kara
KARA (on phone): Guess what?
JACK: The office has burned down and I don’t have to go back to work tomorrow?
KARA (on phone): Hah, you wish… no… Harrison just announced in the morning meeting that the police are coming in today to search everyone’s lockers… The whole sales team is freaking out! 
JACK: (excitedly) What!? The police are actually doing something? I can just imagine their panicked little faces!
KARA (on phone): Dai blew up at Harrison in the meeting and called it ‘an affront to his human rights...” Like, since when has douchebag Dai cared about anyone’s human rights when he’s been sleazing his way around the office. 
JACK: Ooooh, I’m coming in! 
KARA (on phone): You won’t be allowed… your card won’t let you into the building if you’re booked off on holiday… 
JACK: What about if I ask Harrison about coming in? Surely he’ll -
KARA (on phone): You’ll be lucky, he’s gone golfing. You’ll just have to wait for me to get home and fill you in on all the fun and games, I’m afraid.
JACK: Gaah! Just give me a call if they find anything, alright? 
KARA (on phone): Jack, it’s the police... they couldn’t find anything if it was surrounded by a big shiny arrow and neon writing declaring ‘I’m a clue’. Think you are safe on that one… It will be interesting to see how people react though. Like I said, they all seem pretty worried at the mo... Me and V are going to watch - I’ll let you know if any fireworks happen.
JACK: Thanks, K. Bye.
KARA (on phone): Tarra, bye. 
Phone beeps as JACK hangs up. 
JACK: Ger, get your coat… we are going to work……..
GERAINT: What?! Now? I was just getting the hang of this bloody thing too!
JACK: I’ll explain on the way. We are going on a stakeout!
We open on JACK and GERAINT stood in the carpark of the Weltel call centre.
JACK: Oooh, how exciting, our first stakeout! 
GERAINT: While I’d like to share your enthusiastic outlook on the situation, couldn’t you at least have hired a car or something… just standing here in the open staring at the building doesn’t feel very… well, ‘discrete’, quite frankly. 
JACK: (mocking) Oh, I’m sorry ‘chief inspector’, I would have gone for the usual unmarked car with tinted windows, but the carpool budget has been rather reduced since, you know, the world fell apart. 
GERAINT: Alright, alright. I was just saying... We aren’t exactly inconspicuous stood here though, are we? Particularly when you keep looking through those opera glasses!
JACK: I was rushing and couldn’t find my binoculars…
GERAINT: Why do you even have opera glasses anyway… have you ever even been to the opera -
JACK: (interrupting) Shush! Look… (whispering) act natural… (they act very unnatural, suspiciously looking around staring at the sky and their shoes. 
GERAINT starts to whistle and turns away from the mic) what’s she doing?
GERAINT: Who is it? I can’t see because of all the acting natural….
JACK: (gives up whispering) Oh, just turn around, mun. Look, it’s Amy…
GERAINT: Jack, you seem to forget, I don’t work here… I have literally no idea who that is!
JACK: OK, so… Amy is married to Dai, who is possibly having an affair with the other Amy, who is definitely selling coke in the toilets to Hikari, who got in a fight with Harrison, who is having an affair with Julie, which was discovered by Cathy...
GERAINT: Who swallowed the fly… but, we are yet to discover why she swallowed said fly… perhaps…
JACK: Don’t be facetious… It’s Cathy who has been murdered, mun…
JACK: Get it now…
GERAINT: (unsure) Uuuh, not entirely… no… it sounds like being in school again!
JACK: Very much is, G. Just exchange flashing your rare pokemon cards around the playground for flashing your five-figure Rolex around the weekly stats meeting... and it’s basically the same.
GERAINT: What’s she doing, can you see? 
JACK: She’s stuffing something into the wheelie bins… 
JACK: Good she’s gone… let’s go see what it was…
GERAINT: Wait… who’s that…
JACK: That’s douchebag Dai… let’s just hang back here a bit…
GERAINT: Douchebag Dai?
JACK: Yup… his name is David and he is a douchebag… easy enough…
GERAINT: And he is the one selling coke in the toilets?
JACK: No, keep up, G… That’s Amy… the other Amy… the one that Dai is sleeping with and not the Amy he’s married to and just saw shove stuff furtively into a wheelie bin.
GERAINT: She’s isn’t the only one either… look where your Douchebag Dai’s headed… 
JACK: The bins! Quick, what’s he holding, G… can you see?
GERAINT: (sarcastically) Why don’t you take a look with your opera glasses?
JACK: Aaah too late, he’s stuffed it in there… 
JACK: Right, quick let’s go see what…
JACK: (annoyed and too loud) Aah, Jesus Christ! What now... 
GERAINT: Sssshhhhh!
JACK: Uh-oh, she’s looking around… duck.
GERAINT: Back to my earlier point… I’m not sure ‘absolutely nothing’ provides us with the best form of cover for quickly ducking out of sight...
JACK: Look, It’s not like I’m particularly experienced in hiding around spying on unsuspecting people, is it…just get over here by these flower beds… Oooh, It’s Julie! 
GERAINT: Another one heading to the wheelie bins! (innocently) Clean office, is it?
JACK: Like the Tour de France, G
JACK: Let’s just hang back and check no-one else wants to empty the content of their guilty conscience in the bin before we go… (wait and look around)
GERAINT: I think we’re good
JACK: Right, let’s have a look at what we’ve got… (lifting the lid) Eeeeugh it stinks… (they both peer into the bin)...look there’s some stuff right down there at the bottom… G climb in and get it - I’ll hold the lid…
GERAINT: I’m not climbing in there! This is your case, you climb in there...  
JACK: Well I can’t go in, it’ll set off my asthma…
GERAINT: Since when have you had asthma?
JACK: (coughing for effect) I don’t tell you everything about my life, you know, Ger...and, if you must know, it comes and goes… 
GERAINT: What? like, comes when you don’t want to do the dirty work yourself and goes all the rest of the time…
JACK: My doctor said I’m not to go near anything that could set it off, like dust.. Or uum…
GERAINT: Hard work? Oh, for goodness sake, just give me a boost in, OK? But you owe me! (JACK helps GERAINT into the bin) So… what have we got here… (rustles around in the small amount of rubbish covering the floor of the bin.) Some receipts for a restaurant called ‘Chez Henri’ and what looks like a stack of love letters badly wrapped up in cellotape… here you go…
JACK: (reading) “To my Darling, H. Each moment I stare at you through the glass is pure torture…” Well, that’s creepy! Anything else…
GERAINT: A lot of empty tinfoil packets… you sure you had the right Amy?
JACK: Well I didn’t say who else she was selling the stuff to...
GERAINT: There’s a folder in here too… It’s got pictures in here of Harrison and Julie… wait, there’s something else in the back part… oh my god… Jack - It’s a gun!
JACK: What?! Let’s have a - Jeeeeesus, that’s a bloody gun! 
GERAINT: I see why you have developed such a good reputation for your detective skills… What are we going to do with it? 
JACK: Look don’t touch it - I’ll…
JACK: Oh bloody hell, it’s the fuzz… hide (Jack slams the lid shut and runs)
GERAINT: (whispering angrily) Jack! What? Let me out of here! I swear to god I’m going to…
The POLICEMAN walks over and lifts the lid
GERAINT: (flustered) Uh, hi? 
POLICEMAN: Hello, sir… may I enquire as to why you are sat inside a wheelie bin holding a gun?  
GERAINT: I...Uh… oh bloody hell
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Can we get a dirty drabble of Rei and Nicholas experimenting again and it turning spicey till they start doing it on the nearest surface?
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((Hello dear, hope your well this evening. I think I can write something up for you. Just give me one moment please.))
Silver butterfly mun/Peahen mom
"You wish to try something out again?" he asked seeing him give a light nod but Rei didn't mind it. Trying new things helps him when it comes to new experiments so why not?
"Well, of course. You did say you would help me like a good puppy so why not? If your good then I might reward you later on." He smirked sitting on his lap but this only got him more excited.
"...As you always do even if it is exciting." He said but Rei only smirked sitting on his lap. OF course he didn't mind the experiments but here he was letting Rei slt in his lap touching and caressing his body. He seriously was a squirmy little puppy. However, the more he kept touching and moving his fingers, it leaves him feeling Nicholas excited.
"Hmm? Something wrong puppy? Your getting hard down there." he teased.
"That's because you keep teasing my chest." he said.
"True but..what are you going to do about it hmm?" he asked to even lean in about to kiss him. Nicholas said nothing only to gently push him against the carpet floor to look down at him. As he tried to speak, Nicholas kisses him deeply while holding his hips. Rei didn't mind but he shook feeling the tight hold only for him to break the kiss when NIcholas goes to kiss his neck.
"You know mmmm kissing there will have to change. I thought you were gonna prove it to mmm!!"
"I am..but I will be sure you love it.." he said teasing to even kiss him again.
1 note · View note
musepirations · 4 years
sorry for yet another cryptic rant on main but there is something that has been bugging me for over a week now and it keeps being brought to my attention over and over again so i just... have to air out some dirty laundry for a second. 
we had to make the hard decision to close our group a week and a half ago. fair enough, every group comes to an end even though it is hard after a group has run for so many months. and you have tried so hard as admins, for so many months ( especially during the global pandemic which affected everyone ), to create a safe space and a room for distraction. we have tried so hard to keep the group active and the members involved and enthusiastic and excited. we reached out, asked for opinions and suggestions with the sole purpose of making the group better and for keeping the group thriving. even though not everyone always took kindly to that, especially when it came to activity and asking to do a bit of self-reflection on the half a dozen roles some had and virtually no time to roleplay them. but we tried to make it work, always. we offered tools to enhance plotting with everyone when it was pointed out that plotting ( or lack thereof ) was the issue. very few made use of it. out of twenty members only a good handful reacted to plotting calls or replied to starters, which always included the three admins. i think everyone would agree that such a thing is disappointing to see, to say the least - to receive complaints about ‘ i have no plots ‘ but seeing very little effort made to actually plot. you have to realise there is only so much an admin can DO FOR YOU. we offered tools. we have written numerous messages to point out the importance of plotting and interacting with everyone. we have pressed on inclusiveness over and over again. but we cannot do the plotting for you. don’t blame us for it then. it isn’t fair. don’t tell us you cannot talk to us ‘ because we are admins ‘. numerous people from our group did come to us afterwards to appreciate how approachable we were as admins. don’t tell us you cannot talk to us and it is pointless talking to us because ( quoted ! ) ‘ WE CANT TALK TO YOU ALL BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY DONT GIVE A FUCK ‘. as admins who tried so hard to keep the group running and who have always valued our members’ opinions and only ever did or said anything to make sure our group was the best it could be, that everyone felt included and the group wouldn’t die... it hurts a whole lot to be told that. especially in a one way conversation where you were only talking about yourself and were not hearing anything else that was said or asked. to be insulted and talked to in a very passive aggressive and accusing manner two weeks in a row, causing me and the other admins so much stress because we did care so deeply, was the final straw. especially since the root of the problem was a clique everyone was aware of ( mind you ) - a clique you were all part of. and then to blame the admins for ‘ bubble roleplaying ‘ while the admins were the only people making an effort to plot with everyone who posted plotting or starter calls, and the admins got almost no replies to their own plotting calls or starters... that was very rich. there is a difference between purposely favoring and only writing with certain muns ( bubble roleplaying ) and roleplaying with certain muns more frequently because no one else is doing your replies / wanting to plot with you. do not throw that in my face when you were the one sitting on my reply, you were the one to not react to my plotting calls or replied to my starters and i was the one who always sent the last message in a conversation because you never replied again. don’t manipulate me and guilt trip me into believing i was still the problem ( which you knew would get to me, because it is who i am - you know i care deeply and you abused that to make me feel bad about myself ). maybe there is equal blame. i will be the first person to admit that i am far from perfect. but then there is still EQUAL blame. not just you pointing a finger at me. don’t guilt trip me by bringing up a mistake i made in the past and profoundly apologised for to the person i wronged back then and actually talked it through with them - it was none of your business to begin with. my friendship with them was strained, i admit, and i am not too proud to take blame for that at all. not at all. but you made me lose a friend i loved dearly with your meddling. i still do not know what the cause was of everything you said and the drama you started ( maybe you all just wanted a way out of our group, so you could start your own with all of our members but us admins ; because just leaving when everything was so shit apparently, was too easy, right ? an opinion not a lot of members did seem to share with you, by the way ) - all i know is that it caused a group to close and the members who did still love it were punished. and you and your friends, who were at the roots of a lot of tension even though you refuse to see your own blame in anything, did not say a word. not a thank you for all the months. not even a goodbye to the other members if you care so very little for us admins to acknowledge what we did do right. nothing. radio silence.
BUT HERE COMES THE GOOD STUFF ! y’all started your own group ! and fair enough, it had been in the works for a long time, by one of you. fair enough, you asked your closest friends from our group ( your clique, ey ) to help out admin. fair enough, fair enough, fair enough. but to post only one thing in our groupchat an hour after we announced closing, and it being a double promo to your own group which DROPPED the same night we closed and you asked A SHOUTOUT FOR  from me ( which i gave you, because after all i still wish you all the best, i do - even though i do not agree with a lot of things you did and do ) the morning after we closed our group... that feels very disrespectful to me. and that isn’t all, is it ? because your group only consists of OUR MEMBERS ! members who i know ( from numerous sources ) you have all messaged privately to ask them to join your group. you even asked one of my co-admins. you asked everyone but me and my other co-admin. you just take our members, plop them back down into your own group to continue where you left off with them, right ? but you exclude me and my co-admin. all of you ignore me on discord since then. you ignore me on instagram, when i compliment a picture of yours because i still care about you. and in the meantime, you are just luring all of our members into your new group. do you have any idea how EXTREMELY UPSETTING that is ? to know you are deliberately being left out of something ? even by people you considered your friends ? i don’t care that you created a new group, all four of you - we made a new group as well which we are super proud of and excited for. you do you, always. and i wish you the best with it. but when you go around messaging all of our members - members you probably did not have anything to do with when our group was still running because they weren’t your best friends - to have them join your group so you can pick up where we left off... but you are excluding me ? that hurts me deeply. because no one likes to be left out. and no ones likes to feel like trash and feel uncared for. no one likes to feel that the blame is all on them after trying so hard to do good for everyone. which was always the goal in our group. it hurts, and i hope you know it. and i hope you’re not proud of it. i wish all of you and your group the best. i just wish it wasn’t build on the months of work we put into our group to make it a solid family. only to cast us out like we are dirt. after treating us like dirt, some of you at least. shame on you. 
#sien stuff: rant.#i'm not calling any names but you will know who you are if you read this#and i hope you'll realise it's beyond upsetting to me#and lets be honest it is kind of disrespectful to us admins (even tho our group closed because of reasons you can /probably/ tell 'cause you#had a nice hand in it) who had a lot of patience through insults that were thrown at us#passive aggressive behaviour you showcased to us when we were /just/ trying to make our group better and involve our members more and ask#for their opinions and ideas to make sure the group remained thriving and that everyone still felt excited and enthusiastic to write#and most importantly who granted you chances upon chances and requests which we actually did not condone because of the attitude we received#only to not even get a thank you or /any acknowledgement/ that you understood our concern with the requests you made.#not even a THANK YOU or any message did we get back. not one. which is extremely disrespectful and immature.#i know i myself have flaws. a lot of them. and i know i make mistakes. but i own up to every single one of them. and i apologise because i#/care so deeply/ and i hate knowing i have wronged someone. i will always be remorseful for the mistakes i made and probably will make in#the future even though i know from myself what i have to work on to become a better person! it's called self-reflection tho you should try i#it*#i know this post is super long and maybe vague but i had to let it off my chest because after all the smoke cleared i feel like i can see#who you really are? and it's upsetting.#and this is a free site - you are free to start your own group and everyone is free to join it! of course!#but to ask our members privately and leave us admins out... that sucks a whole damn lot.#and i hope your members will never do that to you if your group ever comes to a close#again sorry for the rant folks but i am so upset and frustrated and angry i just had to say smth.#but i don't want to waste any more time or breath on it after this tbh#i have my own new group with my awesome coadmins?? i am excited for that.#and i hope this'll allow me to move on. it's aired. it's done.
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candiie · 4 years
psa + before you follow
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     if you’re here for a version of carrie where the mun blames her actions on other people, you might as well go looking for someone else because that will never be a version of her that i portray.  yes, there were things in her life that happened that made her feel upset and bitter. but she definitely was never forced or actively pressured to do the things she did, even though my carrie definitely feels as if there was no other way to get rid of the lonely feeling was to cover it up by being bitter.
carrie’s relationship with her dad
     based on what we see in canon, the relationship between carrie and her dad is strained, yes. but i honestly believe he wants what’s best for her, even if he never considers her interests to be different to his. he is fairly distant, and doesn’t spend a lot of time with her, but he does love her. they both lost her mother the day of the crash, and she had always been the more involved parent. he doesn’t quite know how to help give her the emotional support her mother would’ve. (nor does he want to because he doesn’t want to end up hurting her in the end) carrie has always admired him, and felt like she had to live up to his legacy so she wouldn’t disappoint him.  her father helping her with dirty candy with choreographers and costumes definitely fueled that fire, and she still has a passion for music and performing, but sometimes she worries that she won’t be as good as him.
dirty candy
      to be quite honest, in some ways, dirty candy was the best thing that happened to her. she had always been sort of closed off after her mom died, (bar julie and by extension, flynn) and tended to get jealous/irritated easier as she got older.  but dirty candy changed a lot of things for her, because after she cut herself off from julie, she didn’t really have any friends. her father put her in the dance club, thinking it would cheer her up, even though she begged him to leave her alone. there was only a few people there, and surprisingly they all got along well, sharing their passion for music and dancing. kayla was the one that came up with the idea, suggesting that carrie be the lead since she was seemingly the most confident. at first, carrie was asking her dad for help with money, and she knew he couldn’t possibly refuse. (though she would never guilt-trip him, the disappointing glare of her mom fresh in her mind when she tried that as a little kid.) but he started doing it on his own, and she started to feel like it wasn’t her band anymore as much as it was his. this was not to say that carrie wanted to leave dirty candy, but she didn’t feel okay with her dad basically running it since this band had made her a more of a team-player than she had ever been.
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autorepliicant · 4 years
get  to  know  the  mun!             repost,  don’t  reblog.
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———  BASICS  !  ♡
(PEN)NAME  :  Desi
PRONOUNS  :  she  /  her
ZODIAC  SIGN  :  Libra
TAKEN  OR  SINGLE  :  *Cries in alone*
———  THREE  FACTS  ! ♡
I’m active on Tumblr since I was around 13 or 14 years old. Back then I was roleplaying as a somewhat self insert / persona OC of mine; A blonde angel! I don’t know what was with me and angels back then, plus my horrible, HORRIBLE English back then that people had to endure! And I had some RP partners back then so it’s a miracle they didn’t complain about my grammar xD Then everything got to a weird turn when I was into the Creepypasta fandom and my weird obsession about Jeff the Killer still makes me cringe so hard QwQ 2012 I got into Marvel / the Loki Fandom and still roleplay as him on my other account and I still love this mischiefmaker to death! 
I’m a metalhead and I annoy every new person I meet with his very fact and I have a weird preference of creating goth/dark supernatural OC’s for some fandoms, but I try to get away from this concept on Tumblr because I know not everyone likes dark looking characters or the overall goth aesthetic, so I try my best being as neutral as possible when it comes to faceclaims and choosing singers or actors I like or having a pretty face in general, hehe. Though I have two goth OC’s I might give them their own blog. Let’s see
And for a rather shorter fact: I love the concept of the future technology and I’m a lot into space! Like the space we’re floating in, with planets and stuff, it’s scary but fascinating at the same time! ;D
———  EXPERIENCE  !  ♡
The DBH fandom in general is a bit odd, but in my one and a half years I never really met an intense asshole. I don’t like the shipping atmosphere mostly but I just avoid that and stay focused to my own ideas. I met a lot of wonderful people in the fandom who I had really awesome RP’s with, It’s kinda sad to see that the fandom is getting a little quit, so I hope there might be a similar game in the future or DBH 2 so we can get lit again xD I revived my blog for my android boys and i’m happy I can write with them again (Even if my friend is the only one interacting with them right now xD LOOKING AT YOU THEA I LOVE YOU! ) I still try to look for similar muses or direct DBH muses. As things for Marvel, I have seen worse days honestly. It’s mostly all about canceling people for their ships or not agreeing to the canon character in general, which kinda made it diificult for me / Loki to find someone for close interaction, as I have to mention I’m picky when it comes to writing style and portrayal. I had a share of bad experience myself, obsessive fans that forgot reality and believed my Loki being kinda real? But this was a long time ago but it kinda still is burned in my brain. There are still a handful of people I follow but I still need to talk to them more often ^^; 
I prefer writing male characters and mostly prefer interacting with male muses, mostly, not ALWAYS with males I sure do like writing with females too. I don’t know why but writing a female kinda is a hard thing for me to do, even if I’m a female???? It kinda is complicated being in a female mindset and it’s much easier to be a man and analyze his psyche and behavior and probably making a version of a man I’d like to REALLY talk with? Though the behavior of my muses vary, one is a very kind, caring and gentle person who never gets angry, the other is a cynical misunderstood little shit who just wants to try to be a better person but has a hard time doing so, I love creating characters with different basic emotions and characteristic so I don’t write the ever same thing.  I add a lot of verses for this purpose too as I like to change the muse’s personality a little bit when they change into a new AU so I can experiment with alternative emotions and behavior too ;D  I have no issue of what kind of species my RP partner muse is or what species I will do mine, it’s always a mix of supernatural/fantasy, Cyberpunk or basic human muses.
———  FLUFF  /  ANGST  /  SMUT  !  ♡    
FLUFF  :  It’s basically the thing I prefer. I love building a mutual bond with my muse to my RP partner’s muse, to see what kind of path they will enter, platonic, romatic etc. I’m a hopeless romantic and find little gestures of attention to my muses absolutely adorable! But this doesn’t mean I will automatically ship with anyone, unless you’re a friend of mine. I like to keep things spontanous and if the chemistry feel right to me, I will approach you to ask if they want to have a potential ship as well or not ;D But Fluff and romance are topics I really ADORE to write, I kinda get into that emotionally as well when there is a romatic thread going on it’s incredible xD 
ANGST  :Angst needs to happen for me sometimes when things mix up with the romantic path, I don’t know why, I love writing or interacting with dramatical muses with a hard backstory and as soon as they find someone they trust and love, they will reveal any little detail of events they regret and can’t make right again, to finally be free of things they kept inside for so long, knowing they will expose everything to a person they love with tears in their eyes and hardly sobbing - while I might cry as well when I write or read angst xD 
SMUT  : It isn’t THAT necessary for me, but when Smut happens, I will always try my best not to make it sound nasty. I will avoid dirty words like Cock or Pussy because they don’t sound aesthecially pleasing to me when you write a scenario between two lovers. I sure get into details of the level of lust but that’s about it, I write a story between people that (might) love each other and MAKE LOVE with each other, not starring in some random porn video using naughty words xD But yeah, I like writing smut but it’s the least thing I care about during a ship honestly, but when it happens, I’m fully into it :D 
PLOT  /  MEMES  :Looking at things, I’m more a writer that prefers semi plotted things like, characters, setting etc. Mostly it’s enough for to get information and write a scenario, but sometimes Memes make it easier or harder when you can’t get an instant idea, but that’s a challenge I like being a hobby writer, to let your imagination grow ;D People I don’t interact with always have permission to send me an ask I happily answer or write small RP’s with, but I prefer multi paragraphs with a setting we both agreed with and the rest of the RP plotting is kept spontanous mostly, but I will always come to help when a partner struggles with a certain scene and decide to make a little skip perhaps :D So I don’t mind both honestly but my preference surely goes to Plots Tagged by: @undeadunalive​ ILU You know that? <33 Thanky you so much!  Tagging: @oblivionlotus​ and other people on my Loki blog when I reblogged this one over
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resurrectionrpg · 4 years
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Good evening, villains and victims! We’d like to kick the weekend and the opening of the roleplay off by getting to know your characters with an honesty weekend! You do not have to participate, but we would love to meet your characters, and for you to take the chance to have a little inbox fun. Please ensure your inboxes are open and your blog is not dash only.
This will go from now until Sunday at 12AM EST. If you’d like to post intros now, please do so! Otherwise we expect intros by Monday. 
We have some memes and starters under the cut, but please feel free to reblog whatever you’d like!
❝ I dreamed about this guy [ player insert ]. ❞
❝ What’d he look like? You get a look at him? ❞
❝ Well then how can you say somebody else was there? ❞
❝ You could just see the cuts happening, all at once. ❞
❝ What do you mean all at once? ❞
❝ I probably could’ve saved her if I’d moved sooner. ❞
❝ There was this guy who had knives for fingers. ❞
❝ You’ll feel better as soon as you sleep. ❞
❝ You better tell me, cause now he’s after me! ❞
❝ Feel better?! You call this feeling better? ❞
❝ Avoid everything happening to me by just getting good and loaded. ❞
❝ He can’t get you because mommy killed him. ❞
❝ I take back every bit of energy I ever gave you. ❞
❝ Do you have any idea what that means? ❞
❝ She’s already fucked up, so leave her alone. ❞
❝ What? What are you talking about? ❞
❝ Just don’t fall asleep. If you die in your dreams, you die for real. ❞
❝ You think you can bring the dead back to life? ❞
❝ He brought us here so we could remember what he did to us. ❞
❝ I want you to go straight up to bed, okay? ❞❝ He’s not after us because we lied - He’s after us because we told the truth. ❞
❝  You know what they say, kemosabe, in Hell, everybody loves popcorn.   ❞
❝ We’re gonna be in here a long time. ❞
❝ There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about that night. ❞
❝ Where did you hear that? ❞
❝ So what did you do? Did you call the police? ❞
❝   I’m gonna teach you something. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.   ❞
❝   You know, all in all, you’ve had a pretty good run.  ❞
❝   You must’ve known it all had to end somewhere - might as well be now.  ❞
❝ Next time, we go someplace else. ❞
❝   This is crazy, sitting here and waiting to be attacked.  ❞
❝  I told you already, I don’t why they let me go! They just did.  ❞
❝  Sometimes I can still see their face whenever I close my eyes.  ❞
❝ Grab anything that might make a good weapon. ❞
❝ Somebody should make a run for the car. ❞
❝ No, no, no! We can’t go out there! ❞
❝ Come on, it’s the only way. ❞
❝ Whoever’s the fastest runner, who is that? ❞
❝ We weren’t hunting, we were protecting you! ❞
❝ You’ll understand how it feels to never fail to protect them. ❞
❝  You know what they say, kemosabe, in Hell, everybody loves popcorn.   ❞
❝  Oh, don’t you cry! I’ve killed a million times before.  ❞
❝ Did you know…that after the heart stops beating, the brain keeps functioning for over 7 minutes? ❞
❝   I ain’t no fucking clown.   ❞
❝ Ooh, sounds fun, but it’s a little fast for me. ❞
❝ I’m your boyfriend now, ______. ❞
❝ It hurts, doesn’t it? That’s because you’re in my world now, bitch! ❞
❝ I had to keep you awake long enough so when you finally slept, you’d never wake up again. ❞
❝ We’re gonna be in here a long time. ❞
❝   I’m gonna teach you something. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.   ❞
❝   Do you really think I give a fuck?  ❞
❝  what’s the pointing in kidnapping if you aren’t going to do any killing?  ❞
❝  i usually like to get to know my victims a little before i kill them.  ❞
❝   I’m not crazy; I’m in control!  ❞
❝   I’m not here to brighten your dismal day; I am here to end your miserable life.  ❞
❝  You may think this is a one time thing but I promise, I will kill again.  ❞
❝  Come out, come out, wherever you are! You can’t hide from me forever!  ❞
❝  there’s no turning back now! there’s no one coming for you, except for me!  ❞
❝   You know, all in all, you’ve had a pretty good run.  ❞
❝   You must’ve known it all had to end somewhere - might as well be now.  ❞
❝   You can all count yourselves lucky you got fucked by the best!  ❞
❝   In exactly one hundred and twenty seconds, we shall begin.  ❞
❝   All you have to do is survive twelve hours.  ❞
❝   What I do? Unfortunately for you, I do real well!  ❞
❝   I am certainly not here to elicit an amused response.  ❞
❝   Murder school is now in session.  ❞
❝  you know what they say, once a killer, always a killer.  ❞
❝   I am here to end your miserable fucking life.  ❞
❝   I’m sending you straight to the fucking pearly gates with a first class ticket.  ❞
❝   I came to get down and dirty. Oh yeah.  ❞
❝   Look what the fucking cat dragged in!  ❞
❝   Death has come to sing it’s quite song, run and hide for it won’t belong!  ❞
❝   Is it hunting time now?  ❞
❝   I guess I should really put you out of your misery.  ❞
❝  You can run but you can’t hide! I’m going to find you and kill you!  ❞
❝  See, I’ve stalked you for sometime before finally snatching you up!  ❞
❝  I didn’t want to kill you when I brought you here, but now, I have no choice!  ❞
❝ I’m gonna kill your whole fucking family.  ❞
❝ I want you to see what happens to heroes…  ❞
❝ I didn’t want you to remember! I wanted you to forget! ❞
❝ I didn’t want to remember! I wanted to forget! ❞
❝ They’re…they’re repressed memories, from a terrible, terrible time. ❞
❝ There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t think about that night. ❞
❝ You said that… You said that we didn’t know each other. ❞
❝ Don’t pretend you don’t know, because you do. ❞
❝ Your mind was just playing tricks on you. ❞
❝ He kept repeating it over and over again.. ❞
❝   I’m gonna teach you something. I’m not gonna let anyone hurt you.   ❞
❝   There’s only four things you need to know about this career.   ❞
❝   Do you really think I give a fuck?  ❞
❝   I always thought I’d appear rather pretentious with a pipe.  ❞
❝   You know, all in all, you’ve had a pretty good run.  ❞
❝   You diggin’ what you see, pops?  ❞
❝   I mean no disrespect, but was not the question.  ❞
❝   See you later, Popeye! I’m gonna go get me some spinach.  ❞
❝   I don’t wanna be here! They make me be here!  ❞
❝   You and me, we’re the same! We’re the same!  ❞
❝    What the fuck is going on? Do you see anything?  ❞
❝   Look what the fucking cat dragged in!  ❞
❝   I’m so flattered you remember me.  ❞
❝   Don’t worry, ______.  It’s always somebody’s fault.  ❞
❝  Do you think that this killer is working all alone?  ❞
❝  How hard is it to catch a killer? ❞ ❝  I don’t want you out at night in this town, roaming around.  ❞
❝  I can’t believe they’re withholding information about that murder.  ❞
❝  Wait, you mean you don’t know? Do you live under a rock?  ❞
❝  I can’t believe I’m still living in this fucking town.  ❞
❝  Why are you so paranoid and scared all of a sudden? It’s just the police.  ❞
❝  Ever since this recent murder, you’ve been super paranoid.  ❞
❝  Please, hurry back!! I’m afraid I might not ever seen you again when you leave.  ❞
❝ Man she really fucked him up good huh? ❞
❝ I knew you were into some sketchy shit! ❞
❝ This wasn’t a random attack! Our family’s being targeted. ❞
❝ Why would anybody do this? ❞
❝ Oh my god, what is happening to us? ❞
❝ I don’t see anyone. Do you see anyone? ❞
❝ Why are you calling me a low life? I’m just trying to help the situation. ❞
❝ What you just said. What was that? ❞
❝ Is there something else you wanted to say to me? ❞
❝ I can’t believe you’re in on this. ❞
❝ Do you kiss your mama with that mouth?  ❞
❝ What the fuck is your problem?  ❞
❝ Here’s the list of names I need you to run down for me.  ❞
❝ That’s a funny-ass name.  ❞
❝ If you want special favors you gotta give me something in return.  ❞
❝  I tried to walk the line but now I realize there is no line.  ❞
❝ I can’t fucking wait! You want it? Here it is, come and get it.  ❞                                
SEND ¿ FOR A MEMORY MY MUSE HAS (optional: OF ___)
Do you hurt people without consideration?
Does it ever get tiring, keeping so many secrets?
Are you scared of letting others help you?
Do you jump so quickly into relationships only to leave just as quick?
Do you need other people’s approval?
Do you believe in yourself?
Do you not think you’re worth more?
Do you like to feel broken or have you just learned to live with the pain?
Are you afraid of your flaws?
Do you fake your confidence so people can’t see how self-conscious you truly are?
Have you ever stopped to think how others feel when you leave them behind because you got bored?
Do you claim to be innocent when you are guilty of much pain and abuse?
Can you live independently?
Do you jump into relationships before you are even aware of what love is?
Do you ever take responsibility for your own actions?
Do other people’s opinions matter much to you?
Do you have to win every argument you get into?
Will you ever be able to fully show another person your flaws and insecurities and realize they still love you?
Do you see emotions as a vulnerability?
Are you so proud and mighty that you must go through life without ever letting others help you?
Are you incapable of realizing you aren’t perfect?
Do you try hard to make sure nobody ever finds out who you really are?
Does your social appearance dictate how you live your life?
Do you think you are only worth love if you conceal your true self?
Do you hide your loneliness behind your humor?
Do you expect people to be honest with you?
Do you expect people to be honest with you, even if you lie and deceive them?
Do you have to one-up people every single chance you get?
Do you ever take other people’s feelings into consideration?
How narcissistic are you?
Do you need to be better than everyone?
Is it hard for you to express your emotions to others?
Do you let others walk all over you?
Will you ever let other people see who you truly are?
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OC Profile
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The Basics ––– –
Age: 480 (Human equiv. 48)
Birthday: October 18th. 
Star Sign: Scorpio.
Race: Sin’Dorei / Blood Elf
Gender: Cisgender Male
Face / Body Claim: Ewan McGregor
Marital Status: Married, but separated [for over 10 yrs]. No plans for divorce.
Relationship practice: Polyamory
Server: Wyrmrest Accord - Horde (Faction Neutral)
Physical Appearance ––– –
Wardrobe: 80s London Punk. Black on black, otherwise greyscale or muted, cool colours. Studded leather jackets, spiked combat boots, vintage punk rock band t-shirts. Prefers solids with classic lines. Almost all clothes are second hand from Charity Shops.
Hair: Bright ginger. Short faux-hawk style with long sideburns. In the Winter months, keeps a trim beard.
Eyes: Emerald green.
Height: 6′7″
Build: Swimmer/Jogger's athletic, slim build. Slightly under weight but muscled.
Common Accessories: Wears lots of rings of bone, metal, and stone on his fingers. A plethora of necklaces and bracelets on each wrist. Carries a Dwarven vintage carved silver cigarette case & matching lighter. Never without his comm and his motorcycle keys. Concealed throwing daggers in inside jacket pocket, as well as a coil of steel guitar strings, and full dagger in his boot, always. Wears a small silver hoop earring in right ear.
Distinguishing Marks: Sprayed with freckles all over his body and face. Missing both middle fingers. Thin white scar across his throat (affects his voice; graveled). Silver coin sized scars on fronts and backs of hands and feet. Banishment symbol burned into his chest. Small K scar over his heart; large K scar on right shoulder. 
Tattoos: Small sound wave behind left ear. Maiden’s Anguish at base of throat/along trapezius. Pirate ship (enchanted) on left bicep. Two birds holding banner that says ‘BAD SEED’ over a skull on right bicep. Troll-style boa constrictor wraps from right knee, up thigh, and across hip. Small gypsy clan symbol (skull ontop of a rose) on lower back.   
Personal ––– –
Profession: Founder and CEO of Blacksong Records.
Hobbies: Partying - frequent patron of Succulent Tart, Howling Owl, and Red Moon. Recreational drugs & drinking. All things music: goes to punk rock concerts, buys and trades vintage records, plays mech-guitar, repairs broken guitar pedals and amps. Riding and repairing motorcycles. Extreme sports, primarily stunt biking and surfing.  
Languages: Traveler (Native), King’s Common, Dwarven, Thalassian, Orcish Common, Sign Language.
Residence: Lordaeron Coast, and sometimes Silvermoon. 
Birthplace: Quel’Thalas
Religion: Mildly Old Ways/Traveler (Pagan).
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Relationships ––– -
Spouse: Kharris Dawndancer-Blacksong
Dating: Aelberyn & Jericho Bloodsword (Primaries), Saeil Moonblade, Se’lysona Riverblade. 
Children: Aelenna Sinead “Sean” Bloodsword & Fib Bloodsword, both almost 5 yrs.
Parents: Maebh Blacksong & Daigh Blacksong (deceased).
Siblings: Younger brother, Kieran Blacksong.
Other Relatives: One female younger cousin, Fox. Status unknown.
Sex & Romance ––– –
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Preferred Role: Dominant | Submissive | Switch
Preferred Position: Bottom | Top | Vers
Libido: Extremely High
Turn ons: Power, confidence, high intelligence, witty sense of humor, empathy, submissiveness, great conversation, flirty.  
Turn offs: Trying-too-hard, mind games, wall flowers, air heads, big egos, pretty but no substance, bad conversationalists, people that only talk about themselves, drama queens, brats.
Love Language: Quality Time & Physical Touch
Kinks:  BDSM, WAM, leather & latex, sensory deprivation, mask play, blood play, knife play, age or pet play, dirty talk, phone sex & sexting, being watched/performing or watching, sharing/group sex, cuckolding, orgies, sex clubs, casual sex.
Relationship Tendencies: Prefers casual sex and FWB. Romance adverse, and very selective about who he gets into commitments with. Once committed, stays in relationships a very long time and plays the emotional role of Dominant, with a focus on care giving and very protective.
Traits ––– -
* Bold your character’s answer.
Extroverted / In Between / Introverted
Disorganized / In Between / Organized
Close Minded / In Between / Open-Minded
Calm / In Between / Anxious
Disagreeable / In Between / Agreeable
Cautious / In Between / Reckless
Patient / In Between / Impatient
Outspoken / In Between / Reserved
Leader / In Between / Follower
Empathetic / In Between / Apathetic
Optimistic / In Between / Pessimistic
Traditional / In Between / Modern
Hard-working / In Between / Lazy
Cultured / In Between / Uncultured
Loyal / In Between / Disloyal
Faithful / In Between / Unfaithful
Additional information ––– –
Smoking Habit: Often. Smokes mainly bloodthissle. Drugs: Often. Very into party drugs. Long history of struggle with heroin. Alcohol: Often. “Defaults” to functioning alcoholic, but can get crazy at parties.
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RP Hooks ––– –
Music Fans - He runs a small but successful punk rock music label. If you’re into rock, punk, or even just a music fan, you’ve probably heard of Blacksong Records or even one of his bands. You may even know his face from music magazines; he’s often in the background at concerts or industry parties. Feel free to mention it!
Pirates & Sailors - He used to run a very successful and well known salvage company (Atlas Treasure Salvage, or ATS). They were well known in the Booty Bay, Bilgewater, and Orgrimmar ports. It’s possible you saw him around “in the old days”.
Drugs - He’s well connected among drug dealers as both a buyer and seller. Got a big party you want to sell to? He’s your in. Or maybe you’re looking for pure quality and tired of thugs selling you stems in the Drag? He’ll get you the good stuff if you’re willing to pay top coin.
Motorcycles - He’s a frequent shopper at gear head garages around Quel’Thalas. He also stops off at biker taverns for a pint on the way home from work. You may have seen him. Or maybe you just notice the brand of his jacket or boots are a familiar favourite amongst aficionados. 
Gossip Rags - Is your character SUPER into Silvermoon tabloids? Iloam is “reportedly” dating one of the hottest couples of the SMC Elite crowd, Baron & Baroness Aelberyn & Jericho Bloodsword. Paps frequently snap them slipping into vine covered cafes and exclusive night clubs. Your character may have a theory on the whole ‘are they or arent they’ debate that keeps socialites guessing on the trio’s relationships status.
OOC Info  ––– –
Mun is 21+ in age. Dark themes/ERP friendly.
I have been playing WoW since the beta for Vanilla and gone through many phases of enjoying PvE aspect (including a raiding guild), but at this point I only play for RP and have no interest in game play. I prefer Discord text RP for 1:1 or small group scenes. I generally only login to game for RP events or by request.
For text RP, I am very bad about forum style/casual post RP and will generally lose track of it quickly. I also try to stray from forum style post on Tumblr for the same reason. The best way to RP with me to set a date/time to both login to Discord or game and set aside several hours to write out a scene together.
I’m a very fast typer and tend to do multi-para for scene sets only, and then fall into a more natural rhythm as the scene plays out. I do not ask that partners match my post length.
Communication is very important to me. OOC discussion of dark themes or comfort level with ERP will be discussed first. I am happy to FTB or avoid topics that are triggering. I also ask that my partners always feel comfortable letting me know if for any reason big or small, they need to cancel a scene or are not feeling up to it. Real life will always come first.
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Contact Information  ––– –
@ourcollectivefantasy​ is Iloam’s In-Character blog, shared with characters of Aelberyn and Jericho Bloodsword.
@blacksongrecords​ is Iloam’s record company blog. Look here for event announcements!
All follows from my OOC blog @desolatedangel. 
I am reachable in-game via mail on the name: Ilóam
Feel free to send me an ask or message for my Discord handle, but if we haven’t met before I prefer we mutually follow each other’s Tumblr and interact a little bit before giving that out.
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✗ Muse vs Mun!  @vitrexanima​​​​​ said:   ❛❛ 三 [ Joe! And if I can do multiple, Emry and Davey :D ]   ❜❜
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Joe vs. Mun
★ 3 things in common: (( this is really hard with him x_x ))
The closest I ever got to ‘stalking’ someone - and I’m only using that term bc it’s one of Joe’s themes and I’m not out of my mind to actually do that to someone - was when I was 17 and totally crushed at first sight on a Kurt Cobain clone from my village. The funny thing was that I had no idea who he actually was, what’s very uncommon for where I grew up. Everyone knew everybody. And while I had to walk past his house every day on my way to the train I became very determined to find out who he is and I did. I even wrote him a postcard from my holiday that summer.
If I had the option I’d totally hide my face behind various types of masks like he does -- some of them are badass. It’s probably less suspicious in 2020 ( I swear I hate this year so much), but I can’t do that for obvious reasons. Not being recognized would be so nice, though. I totally understand why Joe likes it.
We both aren’t fans of new technology and how quick everything gets overhauled. We’re like mechanical things that will work for sure and despise a lot of digital devices. They’re not reliable and suck in many ways.
★ 3 things different:
Joe’s a generally positive and light character while I’m dwelling on my pessimism. He’s content with the tiniest things and events and is also blessed with a huge amount of patience.
Compared to me he’s very good at just winging it or having at least 3-4 back-up plans if something backfires, and if that happens he doesn’t panic like me. He takes set-backs remarkably better than I do and doesn’t lose confidence in himself.
Anything he does is genuine. He can be very sneaky but it’s safe to say that most of the time, he’s very honest with his intentions. If he’s planning on hurting you he will inform you without making a big fuss about it, if he wants to help you and is concerned he really means it. He won’t make anything up in order to get what he wants. I make shit up so I don’t have to attend a night out with my friends, so...
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Emry vs. Mun
★ 3 things in common:
We both are total pop-punk kids and used to hang out a lot in the local skater park with all the other pop-punk kids from home, listening to music all day long and doing stupid shit.
We share a tricky relationship with our dads and have a special bond with our moms. Many conflicting feelings involved that don’t make encounters easy.
We’re kinda chaotic at organizing our private rooms. Like, we’re not dirty and clean up but we tend to hoard a lot of stuff and constantly buy new things (that we don’t need) and it just looks like a bomb exploded.
★ 3 things different:
Despite the way he acts and what comes out of his mouth, Emry’s actually smart but doesn’t come off like he is. Personally, I like to show off my knowledge and intelligence so people know, well, that I know shit xD
Emry founded a band and plays guitar and bass - I was never allowed to learn an instrument but always wanted to be in a band and now, I sadly don’t have time to put that fantasy into action.
Emry’s that kind of guy I utterly despised back in High School and still do in a way. He’s loud, he wants to be seen and heard, totally confident, a big attention whore, always voices what he thinks, no matter how stupid he sounds and you wonder if he even hears himself talking. He’s genuinely interested in getting to know (new) people himself while I hardly have the desire to do that. Most of the times I can’t bring up enough interest to bother while he’s always hyped about new acquaintances (I just wanna go home and be alone tbh).
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Davey vs. Mun
★ 3 things in common:
We both love autumn. It doesn’t have anything to do with him having died during that time of the year, by the way. Just like me he loves the whole aesthetic about it. October’s our favorite month.
Math isn’t our forte. I’m a little bit better at it (and that speaks volumes o_O) but we share the deathly frustration since we were told that we’re stupid if we can’t handle it - and, frankly, doomed just as everyone who has trouble with math.
Davey has it worse but we both got bullied in High School - for different reasons, though. He tries to belong and fit in while I got shit for avoiding people who weren’t a part of my friend group.
★ 3 things different:
Davey loves to be outside. Not even rain or cold nights can keep him inside, he just loves to roam around and spend his time in nature. I also like it occasionally but I prefer to stay inside.
God, he sucks at smalltalk and general social interaction bc at first he holds back bc he’s shy and then, WOOSH! he can be quite pushy and overly excited. I am the exact opposite.
My little october ghost falls in love so easily, it’s embarrassing. Me, on the other hand? Not a chance. That just doesn’t happen.
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