#mitsutada is a cat
Tsurumaru: Mitsu bou, are you okay in there?
Mitsutada, trapped in a box: Yeah. It's kind of cozy. It reminds me of the closet where I used to hide from my brothers.
Hasebe: Why would you hide from your brothers?
Mitsutada: Just, you know, to survive.
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wolfofcelestia · 1 year
Hazuki’s and Yuzuki's profiles
Here is a run down of my saniwa OCs. This will most likely be edited in the future but here is where they stand in their current development.
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[Neka doll source]
Why Yuzuki exists:
Yuzuki was created to allow me to write actual fluff because at this point, it's kind of impossible for Hazuki to be in something that's completely fluffy thanks to her citadel's history. Also, staying in Hazuki's headspace is really draining, which is why I've been trying to write fluff before moving forward with her main story in the first place
So Yuzuki is here just to give me a break from Hazuki. She is a more carefree saniwa who can enjoy life with her swords without death hanging over their heads.
Yuzuki mood board:
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My original plan when I was naming Hazuki was to have all future saniwas share the last name Hoshino and the first kanji in her name (遥). This is so they can stick to a starry theme, with names that suggest they come from "far away". But from how Yuzuki turned out, seems like all my future saniwas might share just the moon kanji instead.
Hoshino Hazuki 星野 遥月
星野 = Star field
Chosen because it's my default japanese surname I use for games lol. I also wanted all my saniwas to have a spacey name. But for Hazuki, her being tied to the stars also reflects that she's always wishing for a better life.
遥月 = Faraway / Distant moon
Chosen because she is from a different time/era, but also because of her distant, closed off personality.
Kouyama Yuzuki 神山 雪月
神山 = Sacred mountain, mountain where a god lives / is enshrined
Chosen because of her family's long history with spirituality and spiritual power.
雪月 = Snow and moon, figuratively "bright moon"
Chosen for her cold yet easily warmed nature, and also her calm serenity. This is contrasted with the harsh blizzard side of her personality.
Main sword:
Hazuki: Shokudaikiri Mitsutada
Yuzuki: Nikkari Aoe
Colour theme:
Hazuki: Red, white, black
Yuzuki: Blue, white, black
Favourite animal:
Hazuki: Rabbits for their cuteness and fierceness
Yuzuki: Dogs for their undying loyalty and pack mentality
Spirit animal:
Abused street dog that’s not used to receiving kindness. She takes a long time to trust and strikes out of fear, but once you gain her trust, you’ll have a fiercely loyal friend for life
Purebred cat that’s queen of her castle. Her face is easy to read when she’s mad. She can be very affectionate but don’t try to touch her when she’s not in the mood to be bothered
Coming from an impoverished, troubled family, she was picked up by a harsh saniwa recruiter for her spiritual powers. Having no choice but to join thanks to her life circumstances, she is thrown into becoming a saniwa and managing her own citadel with little to no support. 
She had no knowledge of her spiritual powers prior to joining the saniwa program. She also had no experience managing or training anyone, leading to her citadel to become stagnant in her first few months of her saniwa career. It’s only after she begins to open up and rely on her swords that her citadel starts to really get going. 
Yuzuki comes from a long line of Shinto priests and shrine maidens so her spiritual powers are very strong. She was in training to become a miko, following her family tradition, when she was offered a position as a saniwa. Her strong-willed stubbornness often clashed with her miko mentors so she accepted the saniwa position without a second thought. The recruiter promising hot guys with swords under her command made her decision even easier. 
As a saniwa, she is a natural at training her swords and managing the citadel due to growing up in a similar environment. She had watched her family manage her ancestral shrine and their employees ever since she was very young, even helping out with simple tasks. As a result, her swords grow strong quickly and have no issues with fighting. Her citadel is a well-oiled machine, allowing her and her swords to have lots of down time to relax.
Hazuki is very closed off. Only a special type of person is able to slowly inch their way into her personal bubble. She is a caring and careful saniwa, but her history and anxiousness about losing her swords lead her to become overprotective of them. 
After things settle down in her citadel, she grows into a more confident saniwa who is more skilled in leading her swords, but she would still be difficult to get to know personally. 
She plays the part of a cheerful, happy saniwa to keep the mood in the citadel light, but her emotional scars will always affect her in some way. 
Yuzuki enjoys managing the citadel and going to battle. Her citadel being on standby makes her restless and she would be the first saniwa to volunteer in the government's next battle. Because of her ancestry, her spiritual powers make her swords stronger than those of regular saniwas like Hazuki. This leads to battles becoming fun for her, as she has complete confidence that none of her swords would ever break.
She has a knack for strategy and won’t tolerate any nonsense when it’s time to get serious. But she does have her silly side and isn't afraid to laugh at herself or her swords if they do something dumb.
In the citadel, she is open with her swords affectionately but she will freely tell them to fuck off if they get too close. 
Thanks to her upbringing, she can play the part of an elegant miko for official saniwa duties, but her true personality is laid back, extremely casual, and even crass, something many swords find familiar and confidence in on the battlefield. 
Both characters’ voice references are from Granblue Fantasy because it’s my only source for female seiyuu lol
Tikoh (Nanjo Yoshino) for her mid range, analytical tone of voice and her raw, primal screams.
Shion (Ishigami Shizuka) for her strong, commanding, no-nonsense tone of voice, but also her ability to melt into a softer side.
Hazuki keeps her black hair hip-length in order to make herself look more like a miko and to gain the respect owed to them. She usually puts it up in a half up ponytail with a red ribbon.
Having been forced to grow her hair out for her miko training, she cut her hair to just below shoulder length the day she left her family to become a saniwa. She even experimented with bleaching and dyeing, soon settling on just having one stripe of blue on her right side in her black hair. She usually wears it down with the hair on her left tucked behind her ear.
Both saniwas only wear the full miko outfit when they're performing official duties.
Main outfit: A modified miko outfit that is lighter and easier to move in. A wrap, kimono-style white top and a red pleated skirt.
Casual/Training: Red t-shirt and black shorts. Hair tied back in a bun
Winter: White sweater, red skirt, black thigh-high socks, black wool coat, fluffy white gloves, scarves, etc
Main outfit: A white blouse with a black skirt. Worn over top is an ankle-length, sheer blue haori* with small white snowflakes on it. This is purely for fashion as the transparent cloth does not provide any substantial warmth.
Casual/Training: Blue t-shirt and black shorts.
Winter: A light blue sweater and black pants. Worn over top is a long black haori with white flowers.
*The colour of her haori definitely catches the Shinsengumi swords off guard when they first join or when they see it out of the corner of their eyes, and she uses their subconscious association to work them harder on the battlefield
Hazuki: Sword love bites on the fleshy bits of her palms and other more hidden places
Yuzuki: None yet.
Hazuki's Nikkari vs Yuzuki's Nikkari:
At the core, they are the same, but because Yuzuki isn't haunted by any ghosts and doesn't have any trauma like Hazuki, Y!Nikkari is much more carefree and playful. However, he doesn't have as close of a relationship with Yuzuki as H!Nikkari has with Hazuki.
H!Nikkari's love for Hazuki runs painfully deep. He had supported her through her worst days and his devotion to her carries on long after his death.
Y!Nikkari, however, never had to worry about his master. On the contrary, he likes to tease her. His devotion to his master is not too different from any other sword in the citadel, but he prides himself for being the sword Yuzuki keeps closest to her.
Y!Nikkari is a lot stronger than H!Nikkari as well, given that Hazuki rarely trained her swords when she was first starting out as a saniwa.
Y!Nikkari is also still alive lol
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I will probably add more info in the future but that's all I've got for now
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ask-misun-and-oc · 30 days
Ikemen Warlords sounds like Touken Danshi
Author: Sometimes i can hear touken danshi's voice in warlords voice or vice versa. It's kind of funny yet so strange and 'familiar'. So i always imagine warlord act as Touken Danshi or vice versa. Now let see warlord become Touken Danshi.
Note: Some of seiyuu has roled more than one character which mean i have to choose the closest one.
Sasuke as Minamoto Kiyomaro
Mitsunari: Sasuke-saaan, i failed to make Ieyasu-sama get impressed.
Sasuke: Is that so? I wonder why is it.
Ryuji: Is it just me or you get more chill?
Yoritomo as Goke Kanemitsu
Yoritomo: Ryuji-kuuuuun. //immedietely hugs Ryuji tight// Glad to see you back. I'm a shogun of love will treat you with my best!
Ryuji: Could you give me some space!! You'll killing me. And i'm brushing my cat!
Yoritomo: But you are lovely cat to- HACHUUH!
Yoshitsune: Don't tell me if you are alergic of cat's fur.
Kichou as Hyuuga Masamune
Nobunaga: You come back? For what?
Kichou: This situation makes me come back here.
Ryuji: What scheme that will you do, 'Nohime'!
Kichou: I'm just following what he said.
Ryuji: Wait a second? You changed so fast? I thought you will have your own way to rule Japan- ah nevermind.
Kagetoki as Jikkyu Mitsutada
Ryuji: //playing guitar// Sepertinya... kau memang dari planet yang lain. 🎶 Dikirim ke bumi untuk... orang orang sepertiku 🎶🎶
Kagetoki: What song that you play, Ryuji?
Ryuji: Owh, just a pop song.
Kagetoki: Oh i see. Your hobby sound interesting anyway. May i spend the time by doing it?
Ryuji: I thought you will scold me because wasting the time.
Ieyasu as Kashuu Kiyomitsu
Hideyoshi: Ieyasu, Nobunaga-sama gives an order for scouting around the village. Someone is watching us. Perhaps it's Kenshin's spy.
Ieyasu: Finally Nobunaga-sama count it on me. Leave it to me, Hideyoshi. I will do it as best as i could.
Ryuji: You looks so enthusiastic unlike usual, Ieyasu-san.
Morinaga as Daihannya Nagamitsu
Morinaga: //whistles// Hello, lady. You look pretty.
Ryuji: .... 😑 how dare you suspecting me as a girl.
Morinaga: O-owh, sorry. But i admit you look beautiful as flower blooming.
Ryuji: GET OUT!!
Kurama as Onimaru Kunitsuna
Kurama: I can sense... demon everywhere.
Ryuji: Excuse me, you are the demon too.
Yoshitsune: Is that so, Kurama? Can you sense Tamamo's presence? We need to kill him before my brother reach it.
Kurama: You mean fox spirit inside sessho-seki? I guess it's not far from here. I can help you to slash it.
Ryuji: Makes sense i guess, but... to dangerous without a Dojigiri.
Yasuchika as Oodenta Mitsuyo
Yasuchika: I wonder how the world looks like. Will it so threatening or not.
Akihito+Ryuji: 😑
Ibuki: This guy is less boring, isn't it.
Yukimura as Tomita Gou
Kenshin: Nobunaga... next time i will make you pay about what have you done to me.
Yukimura: I know how does it feel. But think about it. Why don't we negosiating once more.
Ryuji: Eeek, what did you say? It's a first time seeing you negosiating.
Shingen: Nonsense, Yukimura. We don't need to- //seeing a lady// Owh, there is a lady crossing.
Kennyo as Nagasone Kotetsu
Ryuji: Zzz...zzz...zzz... //got hit by Kennyo's staff// Ouch! Oouch, that's hurt.
Kennyo: How long you will sleep huh?!
Ryuji: It's been 15 minutes i sleep!! Just give me a time.
Kennyo: No, Ryuji. We have to do it by force.
Ryuji: Wait, you will die easily because we're alone.
Nobunaga as Magoroku Kanemoto
Ryuji: //catching a spy// Nyaaaah, this guy is troublesome! I hate a stalker!
Hideyoshi: He needs to be punished-
Nobunaga: No, let him go. I'm sure the spy had regret his choice facing my wrath.
Ryuji: Haha, a good choice for stalking our opponent using this guy- wait, that's not the way you are, Nobunaga.
Ibuki as Sengo Muramasa
Ryuji: Hhhh... i'm so exhausted being Shogunate puppet. I mean... Yoritomo enslaves me.
Ibuki: Is that the meaning for you get 'stripped' and naked in front of him?
Ryuji: OF COURSE NOT!!! Why must i get stripped, idiot!
Yasuchika: He really will do that if you a girl.
Ryuji: You two are pervy!
Mitsuhide as Inaba Gou
Mitsuhide: Seems i have no motivation to do something. I have no goal or something i dream of.
Ryuji: Errrr... Masamune, what's wrong with Akechi Mitsuhide?
Masamune: Not usual he just sitting there alone.
Ieyasu: Does he planning something?
Ryuji: But he looks depressed, Ieyasu!
Tamamo as Ichigo Hitofuri
Tamamo: Ryuji-san, would you take care Rikka while i go? This little guy is a good brother anyway.
Ryuji: Since when he become your little brother!
Rikka: I hate playing with Ryuji. He is not fun at all. I prefer with Unmei.
Morinaga: Then i'm the one who can play with him.
Ryuji: No, thanks! You're too rough!
Hideyoshi as "Mikajiji" Munechika
Nobunaga: Ceeeeh, you failed me again, Ryuji. It's just a single attack!
Ryuji: Sorry.
Masamune: Come on, Ryuji. You can do it.
Hideyoshi: Not at all, Ryuji. You are also good enough in fighting. Yoki kana yoki kana.
Ryuji: Wait- Did Hideyoshi said "yoki kana"?
Mitsuhide: Like an old-man, pathetic.
Shingen as Oochidori-Jumonji Yari
Shingen: //cleaning his sword without saying anything//
Ryuji: Yukimura-san. It's just me or Shingen now become introvert?
Yukimura: I'm not sure. Let's just focus on our mission taking down Masamune.
Mitsunari as Akita Toushiro
Mitsunari: Waaaah, the sunset is very beautiful. The sky looks so wide too. Making me want to fly above it.
Ryuji: Heee, is that so? I don't know how to react it but... it's not usual seeing you look so aware around you.
Ieyasu: Still childish afterall.
Yoshimoto as Buzen Gou
Yoshimoto: //pulls Ryuji from the bed// Come on, Ryuji. Have a race with me now.
Ryuji: //still clinging on the bed// But you said you won't have a battle anymore, Yoshimoto.
Yoshimoto: But today is different! Let's have a battle with me.
Sueharu as Hizen Tadahiro
Sueharu: So, your target is Yoritomo huh?
Yoshitsune: Sure.
Sueharu: Killing him as he did to you is a good idea.
Ryuji: Whoa whoa, calm down. We can do just a negosiation. Just remember why Yoritomo let Yoshitsune alive.
Sueharu: Yeah but as we have a chance, why not?
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mysticdragon3md3 · 6 months
Just watched Jaiden Animations' most recent Japan trip video, and with my own Japan trip next month in mind, I'm so glad I'm not into a lot of popular series. I cannot afford to go feral at every Pokemon, One Piece, and Nintendo shop like she did.😅💸💸💸
Honestly, i haven't been regularly watching anime or reading manga in a long time. So i should be safe. .....Then i looked over to my Nyanko Sensei plushie beside me and remembered, I'm into Natsume Yuujinchou. Natsume Yuujinchou is VERY popular in Japan. They have pop up shops all the time. There is new Nyanko Sensei merch EVERYWHERE. (I keep track of new merch announcements thru the mangaka's Twitter.) Am i doomed? Is my wallet doomed?💸💸💸💸💸🤣
Also, I'll want any little Persona 5 gachapon. Any little Joker, Ryuji, or Morgana trinkets. Is Persona 5 still super popular in Japan?
Or any funny little gachapon i see when i have a moment. Earlier this week i found out there's a set of gachapon cats that look like shrimp! And a set of seals! SEALS!
Now that i think about it, I'll want to grab some random Rement miniatures too . Preferably, one of the Kirby tea time sets.
But I'm going on a guided tour, so i probably won't have much time for geeky shopping anyway.
I just want:
DateSana plushies or Sengoku Basara merch from one of the Capcom stores. (But I could take some historical merch with the Date or Sanada mon, as substitutes.)
Nyanko Sensei merch.
maybe that new Rumiko Takahashi artbook "COLORS 1978-2024" that releases at the end of March 2024. But i can always get artbooks at Kinokuniya Los Angeles, so i dont have to get it during my Japan trip.
Some spring/French barrette styled hairclips. Maybe with some pretty kimono fabric decor.
Rement miniatures, Kirby tea time. But again, I could likely get these at LA's Little Tokyo.
Maybe some random cute gachapon
Maybe some Persona 5 Joker, Ryuji, or Morgana merch
Maybe some Kamen Rider merch. Latter Heisei. I haven't been keeping up with a lot of seasons since then, but I love Kamen Rider 01's suit design.
Whatever Good Smile Company figures i run into. Maybe my first Hello Good Smile. Or some Nendoroid Doll parts, to custom some DMCL and Goldenheart Nendoroid Dolls.
Furyu's seated noodle stopper figure of Persona 5's Joker, but i doubt I'll see it. That released back in 2020.😞 I thought i didn't have to preorder it because "I'm going to Anime Expo by the time it releases; I'll just pick it up there"...then the quarantine lock downs happened.😩
Some nice figure photos---
Omg i forgot to choose a Nendoroid to bring with me on my trip!
I've been thinking of bringing a Nendoroid Swacchao, since i also have the original Nendoroids of all my current Swacchao. i wont have to worry about losing or breaking a Swacchao that is essentially a duplicate of a character already in my collection, safely at home. So i guess I'm bringing either Hinata Shoyo, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, or Tsurumaru Kuninaga.
Or do i go rogue, and bring one of my original Nendoroid line characters instead?😈✨️ The thing is that big smiles and bishoujo characters make for better travelling figure photos. Hinata has the big smile, but not the super pretty outfit/character design. My Toudans have the super bishounen character designs, but only very slight smiles (unless i risk bringing one of their original Nendoroids' faceplates.) And i haven't been obsessed with Haikyuu or Touken Ranbu in a long time. I might have a better trip if i bring a character who means more to me right now. I wanna share my trip and have photos of whichever character is my favorite right now. ...But there are no FE3H Claude or Dimitri Nendoroids. No Nimona Goldenheart Nendoroids either. 😥
Who do i bring?
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ayessin · 7 years
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sword-brainrot · 3 years
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Scenario/DrabbleHeadcanon Kiwame🎇 Nsfw🔞 Angst🔐 Yandere🩸
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💤 Akashi Kuniyuki (明石国行)
Self-sacrificing reader || 🔐
🍡 Azuki Nagamitsu (小豆長光)
Taking care of sick reader
🎨 Daihannya Nagamitsu (大般若長光)
👺 Higekiri (髭切)
Child saniwa
👸 Himetsuru Ichimonji (姫鶴一文字)
Being saved by saniwa || 🔐
Please Chase Me || 🔐
Tending to saniwa w/ sleeping problems
👹 Hizamaru (膝丸)
Aquarium Date
Child saniwa
❛ you alright? you look like you’ve seen a ghost. ❜
🦯 Ichimonji Norimune (一文字則宗)
Being saved by saniwa || 🔐
Being saved by female saniwa || 🔐
Taking care of sick reader
Time Government comes for an inspection || 🔐
🤴 Ichigo Hitofuri (一期一振)
Calming s/o from nightmare
Parental figure
🐦 Kogarasumaru (小烏丸)
Energetic saniwa
Parental figure
🦊 Kogitsunemaru (小狐丸)
First Date
🐍 Kokindenjunotachi (古今伝授の太刀)
Beautiful Scars
Tending to saniwa w/ sleeping problems
🌙 Mikazuki Munechika (三日月宗近)
Parental figure
📯 Nikkou Ichimonji (日光一文字)
Child!Saniwa w/ Twin
Being saved by saniwa || 🔐
🏚️ Oodenta Mitsuyo (大典太光世)
Plush Animal
Pokemon they would have
Saniwa with trust Issues
🕊️ Sanchoumou (山鳥毛)
Adopting a cat with saniwa
Being saved by saniwa || 🔐
Reader working at café || 🔐
Shy Saniwa
Time Government comes for an inspection || 🔐
👴 Shishiou (獅子王)
Caring for pregnant saniwa
🍳 Shokudaikiri Mitsutada (燭台切光忠)
Asking for Kiwame
Comforting Reader || 🔐
Reader working at café || 🔐
Taking care of sick reader
Together ||🔞🔐
🔮 Sohayanotsurugi (ソハヤノツルキ)
Pokemon they would have
🦩 Tsurumaru Kuninaga (鶴丸国永)
Comforting reader || 🔐
❛ hey you need a… hand? ❜
Reader working at café || 🔐
Saniwa uncomfortable w/ time government
Self-sacrificing saniwa || 🔐
🗻 Yamabushi Kunihiro (山伏国広)
Valentine's day
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namikala · 3 years
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I got a suitable battle costume for Ichigo-hime~!! :3c
It's Edelgard's costume from Fire Emblem made by Dollremi, but it works for Hime too! They have a Shokudaikiri Mitsutada costume that’s been out of stock for a long while. They suddenly had one back in stock, so I just had to grab that as well! (I guess I need a Mitsu doll now... well, I have been thinking of getting a DD Boy through Dream Choice...)
This costume is so perfectly flashy for Ichigo-hime~! I love the cape so much~♡♡
It comes with gloves, but Hime's hands are the wrong style to wear them. Need to get her hands with separated fingers.
I also have a sword for her! It just needs tassels and gold flecks on the scabbard.
The back of the costume is really nice too~! I still need to get shoes to go with this costume. Haven't decided what kind of shoes to get yet. Probably some sort of boots, long or short though....?
Anyway, the sword is good for fighting against cat monsters! XD The girls are somehow really really interested in playing with the sword, especially Whitney!
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Okay, yeah I'm joining the train.
Warning/s: Some hcs might get depressing/problematic, also I'm slightly self reflecting on some characters.
Souza and Mitsutada often cat fights with Hasebe.
And when Mitsutada and Hasebe fights you do not want to get in the crossfire. The last poor toudan that tried to break them up ended up in the repair room (that poor toudan was Okurikara).
Sada likes to bully Okurikara. Mitsutada doesn't know about this, but Tsurumaru does and he kept reprimanding Sada to stop.
Sada calls Hakata nerd. Hakata hates the nickname.
Kenshin is like the "ikemen" of the tantous, he is also much braver and more mature than he shows.
The tantous may look and act like kids, but they are still hundreds of years old, so don't be surprised if they show some knowledge on adult topics.
Hasebe dislikes kids, and his relationship with the Kuroda tantous are quite distant.
Gokotai is the youngest of the tt appearance wise.
The swords often asked the saniwa about modern topics. When it comes to history and fighting HRA they are pretty knowledgeable, but when it comes to modern things and concepts they are still learning how to adapt.
One time Kashuu and Mitsutada gets a pimple for the first time. They refused to talk about that day (and if you try to ask about it it will be straight to the repair room for you).
All of the toudans likes to gossip.
Tsurumaru is actually pretty wise and smart, and everyone gets surprised whenever he gets all serious.
Aizen has some inferiority complex because Akashi always act like he prefers Hotarumaru more than him.
Urashima is somewhat of a stepford smiler. I mean, his only two brothers fights like a married couple on the brink of divorce, not to mention one of them dislikes and bullies the other, I'd be more surprised if he really was all sunshine and smiles.
Sada curses when Mitsutada isn't around. He said he learns it from Okurikara but really he learns it all by himself. 
The toudans have no concept of gender because originally they were genderless objects. Like, most of them do identify as male but that is only because they are manifested with a male body, I don't know how to explain this correctly but if there is a term for someone who is both agender and genderfluid then that is them. (I could elaborate on this more but that would require an entirely different post).
Otegine, Akashi, and Okurikara are the terrible at babysitting trio.
The toudans can regrew their limbs. All you gotta do is just put them in the repair room for several hours and they will have all their limbs intact again.
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lan-desolate · 3 years
Kinda funny how when I finally post that request I’m trying to soothe my cat from the thunder. But I get thunder like?? A few times a year?? At most? I’ve heard thunder a total of 3 times this year so the timing really is just. Hilarious. Anyways! If anyone wants to send anything in about Mitsutada/Tsurumaru/Hasebe/Gokotai.. Would probably respond fairly quickly cause I am now obsessed with this group.
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kleinemeine-m · 3 years
@lxvinggrandeur​ — mitsutada
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but he doesn’t want the phone... wants to pet the cat. although, orders are orders. mitsutada watches the phone curiously, idly messing with it until -- click! his expression suddenly brightens, eye wideniing && a wide grin splits his features.
“Saniwa~! You never told me you can take photos with this!” oh dear... good luck getting it away from him now. taking a photo of the cat && his saniwa once he figures out how to get it to turn around.
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      she needed to make sure to get the winter coat all cleared up since it was spring time, and with puffy having long fur... it meant a good long brushing for her. and while plum knows that mitsutada and a few others would like to give attention to their pets ( glad to know they are animal lovers really, ) plum really needed to groom her first before anything else. it's only natural to give pets proper care.
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      yet when the sound of the camera went off, plum paused to see the sword now in a more delighted mood before she chuckles.  ❝ yes, it takes photos, you can also switch which camera that's in use by tapping right here too. ❞  leaning back slightly plum reached to tap at the screen to turn the phone's camera around for him.  ❝ i usually just takes pictures of puffy and apri with it. ❞
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sozotohakai · 5 years
A not so TMI meme about the mun.
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NAME:  Chris MUN FC:  No set FC, but most common are Mitsutada from Touken Ranbu and Judai (or Haou Judai) for YGO GX. GENDER:  Non-binary (stellunarian) HEIGHT:  5′7″ HAIR COLOR:  Dark brown, almost black EYE COLOR:  Brown RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  Single SEXUALITY:  Panromantic greysexual BIRTHDAY:  July 2nd ZODIAC SIGN:  Cancer (and Monkey in chinese zodiac) NATIONALITY: French TIMEZONE: GMT +1 HOBBIES:  RPing, fic writing, gaming, reading, youtube watching # OF SIBLINGS:  1 older brother # OF PETS: None, though my bro has a cat who I see often CURRENTLY HAVE A JOB: Yep! Indie writer~ FAVORITE COLOR: It’s hard to say, I love many colours; light shade of blue and white silver are two of my top faves.
FAVORITE SINGER/BAND:  No real fave LAST SONG LISTENED TO:  Sky&Blue (Black Clover opening) CURRENTLY LISTENING TO:  Nothing LAST MOVIE WATCHED:  I have no idea, probably a tv one FAVORITE BOOK: No real fave book, lots of loved fics LAST BOOK READ:  Book? none recently, too far back to recall; the last fic i’ve read in an update from a MDZS one CURRENTLY READING:  Many MDZS fics (not right now but) BEST SCHOOL SUBJECT:  English MAC OR PC:  PC DAY OR NIGHT: Both, i love both, some days i’ll favor days and others nights. SUMMER OR WINTER: Winter MOST-VISITED WEBSITE:  Tumblr, Youtube, twitter.
Tagged by: Stolen from dash Tagging: Steal from me!
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handicappedwriter · 2 years
Black Cinderella
This is actually a drabble for my original Saniwa universe. I shared it once to a minor TKRB Discord server, but no one in that server liked seeing their oshis suffering so no one liked my ideas. Which is why I left that server.
But I still like this drabble and decided to share it here where I know there are people that do enjoy seeing their oshis suffering.
Warning/s: Suicide, sword breaking, abusive workplace environment (referenced).
"It's okay, you've been a good boy so far, so I won't break you." His master strokes his hair softly, akin to petting a cat.
Why does his master took mercy on him? He failed a mission, he should be punished for it, he should be broken, his body should be scattered to pieces right now. He spent such a long time in this room waiting in agony for his master to decide his fate. He was ready to die. So why does his master spare him? Why isn't he broken?
Why is he still alive?
Mitsutada gripped his sword in his hands tightly.
"Why are you letting me live?!" He stood up and glared directly at his master. "Do you enjoy torturing us like this?! You don't even use me! I'm not afraid of you anymore! So go ahead and break me like you did the others!"
He pulls out his sword from its scabbard and presents it to his master. The blade cuts into his palm making him bleed, but he doesn't care about the pain.
His master just stared at him with a blank expression and said, "Oh Mitsutada, death is too merciful of a punishment for you."
Those words felt like a direct stab in his gut.
He could feel his eyes getting hot and his vision becoming blurry, small sobs escapes his lips, tears wells up in his eye and falls down his face. He doesn't care how pathetic he looks right now. The truth is, he stops caring about his appearance a long time ago.
He storms out of the room.
"Aruji, is everything alright?" Yagen steps into the room, he must have saw Mitsutada left from his post.
"Follow him, if you found him dead, get rid of the body." Kuro instructed.
Mitsutada enters the repair room, he barricades the doors to prevent others from entering.
"Shokudaikiri san are you in there? Open the door!"
The shouts and screams of the other swords falls on deaf ears.
He puts his sword on top of the smithing table, and takes the hammer that the smith often uses to forge swords. It was the hammer that gave him life, and now it's going to end his suffering once and for all.
He positions himself near the table, he closes his eyes, and with a deep breath, he swung.
When the other touken danshis arrived at the smithing room, the only thing they found is a broken Shokudaikiri Mitsutada the sword, but Shokudaikiri Mitsutada the tsukumogami is nowhere to be seen.
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swordboiis · 7 years
Valentine's Day is up and coming, and the Saniwa tries her best to make something for them (aka Heart-shaped/Sword Crest-shaped chocolates, cookies, cupcakes, mini cakes). How will Ookurikara, Kasen, Hasebe, and Mitsutada react once the Saniwa gives them a very special treat? Also, how will they return the same sweetness to the Saniwa? Thank you! I really love your blog. Keep it up!
Indeed it is.. I need to not forget about that thing. Thanks~ Hope you enjoy the answer!Ookurikara• Probably tries to ignore the Saniwa or not accept it. It's something too friendly in his opinion. Ends up taking it anyway. • White day they'll find cat shaped cookies in their room that he insists he knows nothing about. Kasen• He's honoured and thanks the Saniwa for their kindness. He'll praise them a lot, enjoying the moment. • He will fuss a lot over returning the favour on white day, eventually settling with some artistically creative chocolate. Hasebe• We know he'll probably get emotional to the point of tears, he's so happy and honoured, his Master is so kind. • He is the physical embodiment of stress when preparing for white day since nothing he makes is good enough for his Master!! He ends up making them a full course meal with many plates of their favourites. Mitsutada• He warmly thanks the Saniwa, making sure to eat it right away although he's a little troubled they don't accept his offer to eat them with him. • He's not stressed but he does overthink what the Saniwa would like in return. He'll probably go out of his way to learn a fancy new sweet to make them.
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
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The cat plushie has a fish eyepatch! ^o^
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kleptoyade · 7 years
Get to know me Meme!
I got tagged by my housemate buddy @tacotits​!
Rules: Answer the 20 questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better.
GENDER: female
STAR SIGN: pisces
HEIGHT: 158 cm (5′2″ish)
LAST THING I GOOGLED: fahrenheit to celsius
FAVORITE BANDS: The GazettE, SuG, Alice Nine, Linkin Park, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Golden Bomber...
FAVORITE SOLO ARTISTS: uhhh..... I mostly listen to bands... れをる? Kyary Pamyu Pamyu!
SONG STUCK IN YOUR HEAD: Surprisingly I currently don’t have one stuck in my head?? That’s rare
LAST MOVIE I WATCHED:  “Neko Ninja”, about a ninja who is trying to protect a cat who he thinks is his dad shape-shifted into cat form. It was half hilarious and half awful.
LAST TV SHOW I WATCHED: Touken Ranbu Hanamaru!
WHEN DID YOU CREATE YOUR BLOG: 2014 for this blog (but before that I had tumblr on and off since 2010)
WHAT KIND OF STUFF DO YOU POST: I’m not super active on this blog these days, but I reblog fanart and random things I think are funny or cool, and my and my friends’ cosplay/art 
WHEN DID YOUR BLOG REACH ITS PEAK: This blog probably peaked in 2014 or 2015, but the higest peak of my tumblring was in 2013 when I was updating my visual kei tweet translation tumblr every day.
DO YOU HAVE ANY OTHER BLOGS:  Check out my personal blog where I write about my adventures! And my cosplay blog! And I have a bunch of other blogs actually, but they’re not active anymore.
DO YOU GET ASKS REGULARLY: no, I always get really excited if there’s something in my inbox lol
WHY DID YOU CHOOSE YOUR URL: because I’ve had the nickname Klepto ever since my Starcraft days, and I like Kansai-ben
POSTS: 2,551 
POKEMON TEAM: You mean like what team I had when I played Pokemon, or what my team would be now? Purely based on my favorites, it would probably include venusaur, jolteon, and... idk some water pokemon too
FAVORITE COLORS: Tropical ocean colors; mint green, aqua, etc. Also orangey-pink.
AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: Recently I’ve been trying harder to get at least 7 hours a night
LUCKY NUMBERS: 3, 7, 9, 13
FAVORITE CHARACTERS: Ookurikara, Shokudaikiri Mitsutada, Sarutobi Sasuke, Cloud, Yuna, Tidus, almost everyone from FFX and FFXIII and most from FFVII too, Shion, Aoba, Nakigitsune, I HAVE A LOT OF FAVORITES if I keep going we’ll be here all day
WHAT ARE YOU WEARING RIGHT NOW: a pair of dark gray jeans that I bought at the secondhand shop as casual clothes for Kuri, a black t-shirt (Utahiroba Jun & MINT NeKO collab) over a light gray long-sleeve shirt, and the very fluffy blue knitted sweater with fluffy white trim that Mabs gave me for Christmas
HOW MANY BLANKETS DO YOU SLEEP WITH: Three in winter (one of which is an electric blanket), and one in summer
DREAM JOB: This says “dream job” so these are not really realistic but, professional blogger?? Fashion designer?? Something else related to fashion/makeup/making props for movies or cosplay??
DREAM TRIP: I don’t know if I have one dream trip, but there are a lot of places I want to go! Hokkaido for the snow festival, so many more places around Japan (and revisit some favorites like Sendai), Australia, and sometime I’d like to go back to Sakura-Con with Mabs and Agi!
I really don’t know who to tag, but this is fun so definitely do it if you’re interested!
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toukenra · 7 years
Ok so imagine Shokudaikiri or Ookurikara crushing hard on the Saniwa. How would he try to win her heart? What kind of wingman would the other Dategumi swords be? What if Tsurumaru accidentally spills the beans? How does he die lol? This can be as fluffy or funny as you want it to be :> Thaaaank you
*violently bangs my head on the desk* Can I please switch with this lucky Saniwa? I’d kill to have these handsome men crushing on me ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
I honestly had so much fun working on this (I was giggling a lot while writing this my roommate got kinda irritated haha) so I decided to write both Shoku and Kuri-chan, although they will slightly differ in length. I hope you’re okay with that ;) I just love them so much, can you imagine the amount of death glares Kuri would shoot towards Shoku and Tsuru for trying to ‘help’ him? Thanks for sending this in sweet anon I will make this so fluffy your teeth are going to rot away haha o(*^▽^*)o sorry if this got too long tho
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feelings are just a waste of time, and interacting with other people is such a pain, especially when it’s about Mitsutada and Kuninaga
but somehow you’re different
it’s not that he enjoys your company but let’s say, you’re a little less annoying than the rest because you’re not so noisy and blustering and don’t pester him like the rest of the Dategumi swords
let’s be honest with each other, it would take him a gazillion years to even realize that he has feelings for you
several hints from Shoku later and he’d still deny that what he feels for you is much more than mere toleration
deny until you die
but one day both of you are sitting on the porch, silently enjoying the faint summer heat and each other’s company when you fall asleep and just curl up in his lap
grumpy cat gets bright red but doesn’t dare to move because it might wake you
you just look so peaceful and innocent lying there a soft smile steals its way on his lips
yep, he’s screwed, and not only because Tsurumaru takes a picture of him
let’s face it, there’s no way in hell Tsuru would let his chance slide to tease and embarass him
if looks could kill then poor crane is in a critical condition rn
damn you Kuninaga for wiggling with your eyebrows whenever the Saniwa is near him
and damn you and your cute smile sToP it he doesn’t like that
having feelings is so disgusting how does he get rid of them
the answer is: he doesn’t, they only grow
you are now stuck in his heart
gets even more grumpy and openly avoids you it makes you wonder what you did wrong
Shokudaikiri feels pretty bad for you so he and Taikogane try to sweet talk Kara-chan into confessing but to no avail
Tsurumaru is banned from helping because it’s highly likely that he’d torpedo the whole thing
but when you worriedly ask Tsurumaru why Ookurikara has been avoiding you lately he feels kinda pressured and just stumbles over his own tongue
‘it’s because he thinks you’re cute! that’s why he hates you right now!’
‘he hates me?? what did i do?’
‘no he really likes you, that’s why has been avoiding you..and i probably weren’t supposed to say that but uhm..surprise?’
you def have to make the first move bc there’s no way he’d ever act on his feelings he’s ready to take them to his grave so you corner him afterwards and just kiss him while wrapping your arms around him
if that isn’t clear enough then i don’t know what is
after he has recovered from his mini heart attack (and the sensation of your soft lips) he straight up walks to Kuninaga and kicks him into the next century
he’s just too embarassed to be happy right now 
probably falls for you very fast and very hard
seriously, his love for you could put Kasen’s obsession with elegant and pure clothing to shame
his crush on you is painfully obvious towards everyone but you
like he’s as subtle as a flying prick
wears his best suits all the time
always cooks you your favourite meals 
showers you with compliments 24/7
it’s so obvious, everyone and their mom know it by now
gets somewhat awkward and fidgety around you tho
‘Shokudaikiri isn’t the weather nice today?’
‘Happy birthday’ 
it’s not that he’s afraid of telling you his feelings, it’s just never the perfect moment
Ookurikara is so fed up with him he straight out refuses to be in the same room as both of you 
angrily snarls at him: ‘just tell her already it’s getting annoying’ cue angry stare from Shokudaikiri
‘tell me what?’
*sweats nervously* ‘ah i just wanted to ask you what i should make for dessert’
very smooth 
this is the glory time for Tsurumaru meddling with him though
‘I’ll plan a surprise so big he just has to confess to her’
next day in the kitchen: ‘Mitsu-bou, when are you going to tell Aruji about your feelings?
poor man nearly cuts himself
‘I don’t think this is the right time now. She has a lot of responsibilites and..’
‘Then how longer do I have to wait for you?’
literally freezes on the spot when he sees you coming from behind the fridge
Tsuru has magically vanished into thin air by now
guess he has to bite the bullet now, but seeing the bright smile on your face and the feeling of your soft and pliant lips pressing against his after he finally confesses, fills his heart with so much warmth Tsurumaru is easily forgiven
Saved by the bell little crane
- Mod Pancake 🥞
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