#mixed dog breed
its-a-dogs-life · 7 months
I updated Nova's moodboard because I found some dogs that have the appearance I'm looking for to base his character design off of
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vaksthemutt · 25 days
Vaks: Is literally 17 years old
Also Vaks:
Every day I'm convinced this dog is immortal. I walked him once already, 2 hours before I recorded this video lmao.
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canisalbus · 9 months
Have you drawn Vittorio before? I'd like to see what he looks like pls.
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Vittorio's design has given me more trouble than I expected, I'm still not sure if I'm happy with his looks. He's Machete's trusted personal secretary, a small and modest but resourceful and resilient man. I think he's somewhere in his mid 20's.
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kiwoa · 9 months
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i don't post her here often, as she *hates* cameras, but i figured for today she deserves to be shown as the brilliant star she is. happy birthday, opal!
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mouselikesclowns · 1 year
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I felt my brain expand when I decided his tail would do that as a warning plus make it similar to his hat since centipedes bottom halves match their head.
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butterflypom · 1 year
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He is ready for war
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theadventurek9 · 5 months
Behold a story of companionship
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Of loss
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Of discovery
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Of hope
Of betrayal
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Of disappointment
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Of crime
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Of forgiveness and the desire to make things right
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The end
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originalartblog · 1 year
Now I need to see puppy Dazai. If only so Chuuya could be like “who’s the dog now, huh?” Possibly while puppy Dazai is trying to lick his face
Tiny Dazai Osamu - Collector's Edition!
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Puppy dog in need of a forever home. His breed is brown with droopy ears. He's fluffy. Picked up on the side of the road.
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plushieanimals · 1 year
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Animalcraft mixed breed dog by demdaco 🐕
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mickeym4ndy · 7 months
Post-canon headcanon that the first time Ian has to go for a long weekend away without Mickey (brothers trip or something) he’s anxious to get home because Mickey’s been a bit ~~weird~~ on the phone while Ian’s been away, ending the phone calls too quickly and stuff.
And then he gets home to his husband sitting too still on the couch and Ian’s like “what did u do this weekend” “……nothing…” and Ian knows immediately something’s up and just when he’s about to ask more he hears barking from another room. And mickeys just like 😳
And then all of a sudden Ian’s being jumped on by a giant excited ball of fur and he’s just like “… oh what did u do”
And mickeys just like “she was sleeping under the tracks Ian I couldn’t just leave her there it’s cold and she was hungry look at her she clearly hasn’t been eating properly! And u should’ve seen the shelter nearby it was miserable she would’ve hated it there!”
And Ian knows that right now is not a good time because they’re expanding the business and there’s so much going on and they’re already so busy… but he takes one look at his husbands pleading face and knows that this dog is not going anywhere
And at first Ian’s like fine but ur taking care of her and she sleeps in a crate “but Ian-” “she’s not sleeping in the bed Mickey”
BUT then he becomes the epitome of ‘dad and the dog he didn’t want’ and he insists on buying her the expensive name brand food because “she doesn’t like the other stuff mick it upsets her stomach” and the expensive dog shampoo bc “she’s more comfortable when we use this stuff mick” even tho mickeys like she was sleeping on the streets and eating trash when I found her but ok
Then Mickey gets home late one night after helping Sandy with something to find his husband already in bed and Mickeys side of the bed is taken up by some familiar fur. Mickey laughs as he gets ready for bed “she’s not sleeping in the bed Mickey” he mocks
“shut up. get in here” Ian mumbles sleepily and Mickey just laughs as he slots himself into bed between his husband and the dog
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dogsatmyjob · 5 months
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This is Remington. He’s a new boy. Only a few months old and already huge. Massive feet. Super sweet and very playful. Very kind towards his playmates.
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mitamicah · 23 days
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I have given the kitties a lot of love the last few days so it was time to give some to the dogboys too :3
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canisalbus · 7 months
You’ve most likely answered this before but what breed exactly is Machete? I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while I’ve thought maybe a saluki but the ears arnt right.
In theory his breed is fictional Podenco Siciliano, but he's not a purebred example. Out of existing dog breeds he looks closest to (and is related to) Ibizan Hound.
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But sometimes I see Silken Windhounds that also kind of remind me of him. They just don't have the characteristic bat ears.
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achoirofcritters · 4 months
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Our little Moxie-roxie!
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some-doggo-pics · 1 year
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Studies show that even when you aren’t in the greatest mood, smiling can make you happier 😃
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mango-pup · 5 months
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Why stop for pictures when we could play?
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