#ml Hyrule
breannasfluff · 5 months
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Manus Lupus might be stopped, but here’s your feral Hyrule!
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loz-untold-myths · 1 year
A LoZ Fan-Story by Nocturne
Chapter 5 (Novelized)
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Expand to Read! (Warnings: Violence, Implied Character Death)
Chapter 5 - The King
In the time before the advancement of the weather, Princess Zelda approached the castle walls. The landmark, along with the partially crumbled town around it, is known for remaining on heavy guard at all times. Her arrival is spotted immediately by the knights outside; all of which seemed particularly on edge. The princess was instantaneously escorted inside upon being recognized, with multiple guards accompanying her entry. Most of this felt like one swift movement to Zelda; one quick conversation between soldiers to another, all leading up to her now being brought before the King.
. . .
Her father, the King of Hyrule, is an older man. A frail one, at that. Although, many suspect he would be much better off if it weren't for the drastic weather conditions. As Zelda is led back to him, he is in the Throne Room; a large room near the center of the castle's maze of hallways with a high roof and expensive decor hanging on every inch of stone and tile. The King is slumped over in his throne, his expression grim with his eyebrows furrowed. His chin rests on his hand as he stares off. The lack of light in the throne room, attributed to the added curtains over every door and window, made for an even more foreboding sense hovering over the room. Even so, the guard leading the party clears his throat to get the monarch's attention.
"...Your majesty! Princess Zelda has returned."
This seemed to snap the King out of whatever he trance was in. His head darting up, the man shifts his widened gaze to the group. Once it settles on Zelda, he immediately sits up and runs over the best he can in his sickly state. The princess feels a heavy wave of guilt hit her as she witnesses such a reaction... But before she can say a thing, she's pulled into an unexpected hug.
"...Zelda! It has been days! Where... Where were you?! Are you alright?!"
"Father– I... I'm alright, more or less." Zelda hesitates to give any clarity on what transpired, but she knows she'd be in trouble if she didn't. "I... Read in one of the library's books about a wand with the power over ice and snow. I thought maybe I could... Maybe I could find it myself and reverse the ice wizard's spell! But when I found it, he was there too, and..." Her voice trails off.
"...And?" The old man's demeanor quickly changes to one of restrained anger. Not with Zelda, but with the wretched mage, "Did he hurt you?" The King has focused on the bloodied cloth over the gash on her face.
"A... little.... But I escaped that night when he tried to drag me somewhere else." Her father is about to interject, but she continues speaking, "I was on my way back here when more monsters began to appear. One cornered me, but one of the villagers from nearby killed it." As Zelda recalls the event, she takes a moment to stop in realization. She must not forget what she owes that boy. "The boy said his name was Link. We have to repay him somehow, I could have–"
Now the King fully interrupts her stumbling words, "Now, now, slow down a little. The mage captured you?" His voice sounds like he's nearly forgotten how to speak. "How did you escape?"
"...I stabbed him in the eye." She says this rather bluntly, as if she doesn't know what else she was expected to do in such a situation.
Blink. That certainly wasn't the answer the King expected, but he's proud. Certainly not more proud than worried, but the description remains. After this brief pause, the king lightly shakes his head to recollect himself.
"Zelda, you shouldn't have taken such a risk so recklessly! Don't you realize what–... You said someone made certain you came back safely?"
Zelda nods, although she thinks it would have been easier for him to listen the first time she said it. Either way, she can't be bothered for long. She's relieved to be home again, after all. The whole situation overall was frightening for her first journey outside of home on her own (even if it was without her father's knowledge).
"His name was Link. He was from a village not far from the Temple of Time. If he hadn't stepped in, I would have been stuck out there much longer..." Her gaze strays off towards the floor now as the King finally releases the hug, but keeps his hands on her shoulders. He is about to speak up regarding this, though his speech comes to a halt before it can even escape him.
It doesn't take so much as a second for the young princess to realize why her father didn't end up speaking. She, too, felt what had distracted him: a cold wind even more bitter than that of the norm. The air is so cold, infact, that even indoors their own breath seems to create a fog. Zelda raises her head and peers around the room– expecting an open window or door– yet there is neither in sight. As per usual, the windows are all sealed shut with soldiers stationed at the sturdy, closed doors. The curtains obscuring them remain intact.
The King stands upright now, his eyes narrowing in uncertainty as he tries to pinpoint what could have possibly caused such an anomaly. Despite his numerous layers of clothing, the chill is enough to make his already weakened body feel as brittle as a thin slate. Merely inhaling the coldness is enough to leave him in a coughing fit, sending Zelda into a temporary alarm. Instinctively, the girl steps forward and decides to help her father stand; just in case.
"Father– Are you alright?? The storm was harming you enough already, but with it now seeming worsened–" She cuts herself off, whispering under her breath, "(...Oh no.)"
"...Don't worry. I'll be fine, Zelda."
"...I'm sorry."
"The mage retrieving the ice rod... It has to be how the weather ended up like this just now!" Looking up to the now paling King, the guilt she felt upon her initial return has finally seeped through and become visible just above skin-level.
"...Zelda, do not blame yourself for this. You cannot control the actions of that vile–" Yet another course of coughs. "That vile... Creature."
"...I thought... With the wand... I could." The princess mumbles, her stare locked at the freezing stone floor for a moment. However, she is soon quick to redirect her attention to her father. She interrupts any attempt he may have tried to make to refute her point. "...But... now we must prioritize getting you somewhere warmer before your illness worsens further!" The princess soon begins to try to lead him deeper into the castle, "Your room has a fireplace, that could at least combat the cold–"
"Zelda–" The King once more tries to interject.
"I'll make sure some of the guards come with us, as well–"
"What?" The princess finally looks up to the King, the look in her eyes sending a regretful chill down the King's spine.
"...I believe we may have worse matters to address." The man's voice is low, his gaze having now strayed to the opening entrance doors of the Throne Room, which now unintentionally let in a bit of a draft. Within the large doorway, a group of castle guards now stands. Based upon their expressions, their arrival was one of urgency.
"Your highness!" The closest of the guards calls over to the royals, kneeling, "The curse! It's worsened!"
"...We are well aware." The King places a hand on Zelda's shoulder as a subconscious action of worry for her.
"...Sir, that's not where it ends. An onslaught of beasts have appeared from the storm! They approach the castle as we speak."
Zelda's pupils dilate in her fright. "Then everyone needs to get to the East Passage immediately!" She advises both her father and the guards in a rush, knowing only castle staff know of the secret route to the castle's exterior.
"The army of monsters surrounds the exits," A guard begins, "Even if we took that path, we couldn't guarantee there wouldn't be something waiting for us."
"What other choice do we have?! All of you! Focus on keeping those creatures out! Drive them from the Capital so everyone else may escape with their lives!" The King yells his order, but it spirals him into another violent cough.
Being forced to swallow their concerns and put their duty first, three of the guards go to their ruler to help him and Zelda escape. The rest depart to defend the walls of the castle. Yet, it already seems their time is thinning, as the occasional deep thud echoes through the halls.
One guard travels ahead, the other two sticking behind. The princess intends to lead her father, considering his condition, but he instead begins to take the lead despite this. Once again, the young girl can feel everything happening much too fast for her to possibly keep up. Traversing one hall after another, each of them rushes to beat the ever-louder thuds that trail after them.
...However, as the knights and those they protect enter the Great Hall, a crash like lightning is audible; it repeats back and forth in their ears. No one says a word, but each comes to a halt upon the realization of what it means. The demons have made their way inside. After a pause, Zelda breaks her own despair to remind herself that such stillness will leave them all as easy targets. She silently motions to the guards, urging them to keep going. They follow her order, making a similar connection; only to be met by a raging flurry that blasts through the doors they were about to approach. Knocked off their hinges, the doors fly into the walls before slamming to the stone floor.
Zelda hasn't much time to register what occurred, but feels her father pull her a bit closer so he may shield her from the harsh, icy winds. This only worsens his shivering, but he refuses to care. The armored protectors raise their guard, instinctively drawing their halberds from their backs and taking aim towards the source of the gale. A blast like that... It was greater than anything even the mighty storm could muster. ...No. It had to be that of a sorcerer.
...And, unfortunately, they were right.
As the relenting white finally fades from view, a figure is visible standing at its former epicenter. The silhouette is that of a wizard in many layers of robes beneath a cloak. He bears piercing eyes– one of them scarred and hidden by his hair– and snake-like skin. The all-too-recognizable intruder gains a sinister grin beneath his scarf. "Greetings, Your Majesty." An insincere, mockingly calm greeting comes from him.
"...You." 'His Majesty' responds through gritted teeth, not pleased to see this man whatsoever. The King grows even more protective of his daughter in this moment, bringing out an arm in front of her to create distance between her and the mage. Zelda's gaze darts to her father again in confusion, as she had no idea her father was familiar with this Wizard in specific (although she was aware the King, at one point, had known the mage's commander).
"Ah, yes..." The Wizard begins, "You remember me. I certainly haven't forgotten about you... Not after you ordered the execution of my allies at the hands of your army."
"And your execution was to be among them! Guards!" The King roars out to his protectors, his voice having gained a sickly gravel by this time.
Instantly following instruction, the three guards race towards the enemy with their halberds aimed. They come in succession rather than together, so they may serve as backup to one another. Yet, even with the advance of the soldiers, the wizard keeps perfectly still. ...Still, until the last possible moment he could have acted. Lifting his hands, massive shards of ice cut upwards from the stone around him. The first approaching knight's halberd is caught by the frozen shard shooting upward, effectively disarming him long enough for the Wizard to send him flying into the second with a barreling cold wind. As the third tries to attack the mage regardless, he simply lifts his hand to freeze over the abandoned halberd and send it flying right into the final soldier. With all three now down, the intruder cast another harsh wind swirling around each of them in an attempt to discourage their continued retaliation.
"...I must apologize," the slightly annoyed mage returns his gaze to the uncertain pair of royalty upon making short work of their guards, "I really did not suspect I would have to resort to this whole... 'Storming the castle' thing. Especially after I took care of your little rat." His eyes rest on Zelda, which only infuriates the King further. "Alas... Sometimes plans must adapt. Now, why don't we make this easier for everyone involved? Surrender to me now, and this will not have to escalate any further."
The princess uneasily glares towards the sorcerer, her father then stepping fully in front of her and retorting with a bit of strain, "And allow your wicked forces to rule our land?! I would rather my last breath be taken defending it!"
The wizard seems to pause, before he only becomes more smug. "...Very poor choice of words, sire."
Upon hearing this, the weakened guards take it as a threat– as it very likely is– and force their ways through the harmful winds to stand up to the wizard. In their efforts, they manage to break through. The knights gather before the King and Princess, taking a fighting position whilst enduring the wounds they have already sustained.
The mage looks upon this, wondering if their army truly learns nothing. Supposing he needs to teach them a proper lesson this time, he lifts his fist again. But rather than seeing frost form around them, he looks upon a purple fog that begins to cloud the room. Narrowing his eyes, The Wizard looks between his fist and the fog. He certainly didn't do that.
The darkness grows more dense around the knights as they slice through it, ultimately shrouding them entirely and dealing enough damage to knock them unconscious within seconds. The soldiers collapse at the feet of the king, much to his own shock. He turns to make sure Zelda was not affected, but finds his own legs weighed down by a cold mass of forming ice.
"To spend your last breath fighting for this lost cause... If you insist upon it, Your Majesty, that can be arranged." A new voice speaks up from the other entrance of the room: the one the group entered from.
The origin of the voice is clear to the King immediately. Knowing the stakes have just been doubled, he makes an attempt to free himself– but to no avail. Zelda's heart races at a mile a minute as she takes no time to try and identify them. Her focus has gone to the dropped weapons of the compromised knights. Lifting one, the princess plunges it down into the ice surrounding the King's legs. The ice spikes outward and jabs at her halfway through this motion, forcing her to stumble back and drop the weapon. Finally, she looks towards the second of the intruders, whose arrival seemed to surprise the first.
A Gerudo man stands in their only other potential route of escape, yet another sorcerer with clothing akin to that of a ruler. And, in what only summons a great dread over the princess, he wields a powerful wand of pure ice magic in his grip. His very presence, by contrast, flickers like a living flame. Seeing as he now has their attention, he continues, "...In the meantime, however, I believe we have much to discuss. Shall we?"
"No one wants anything to do with you! Now release my father!" The girl demands this without a second thought. Behind her, the King reaches for the halberd she released and tries to break himself free.
"..." The Dark One is unamused. "...I am afraid you have no choice in the matter, princess." He readjusts his grip on the Ice Rod, the crystal at its peak emitting a dim glow. The collecting coldness at the King's feet abruptly begins to spread, now reaching up to his knees. Hearing this occur, Zelda looks back and witnesses it herself. "I hate for our first introductions to be such an ordeal, child, but I myself have had to make this choice due to your... interference. Make yours wisely. Otherwise, your dear father will become a mere trophy." He takes a step forward, continuing, "Surrender the Triforce of Wisdom to me, and the old man's life may be spared. Refuse... And he will meet a grave of eternal cold."
The princess tenses up, at a loss for what to say for a good minute. Soon enough, she buries her nervousness and decides to speak. "...wh– No! Leave him alone!"
"That is not an answer, Your Grace." The man's voice is practically a growl.
"Zelda!" The King, finding his attempts to destroy the ice unsuccessful, turns his head back to Zelda. "Do not cooperate with him, regardless of what becomes of me! Hyrule's fate depends on it!"
"–I won't leave you here!" The girl is startled from the suggestion even being made.
"SILENCE!" The Gerudo's voice overlaps Zelda's, echoing through the Great Hall. The mage seems to flinch, even though he isn't on the receiving end of the warning.
Seeming unscathed by the demand, the King glares daggers back towards him. "You leave her out of this, Ganondorf! The least you could do is face me yourself instead of hiding in an action of cowardice, you spineless–!" The King is suddenly cut off by his own yelling from the perpetual rising of the ice. It has become painfully numb, certainly not bearable. Zelda grimaces just from hearing her father in such great pain, stepping over to him as if she could somehow comfort him.
"It is not your decision to make." Ganondorf, responsible for once more aiding the process, lowers the wand before pointing it towards the princess. "Your time is running out, little one!" His footsteps draw nearer, showing not even the faintest of second thought.
With Zelda closer now, the freezing monarch warns her in a hushed voice. "(If Ganondorf retrieves your piece of the Triforce, he will be closer than ever to his vile victory... Zelda, you must… you must run)." It sounds like he can barely get the words out. "(Depart from here... Don't look back. Not for even.. For a moment. Protect the Triforce of Wisdom–!)" The longer he goes on, the more Zelda can feel frigid water swelling up in her eyes. It stings her face, practically clinging to it as it drops down.
"(But father–!)"
"(Zelda... The fate of Hyrule rests with you.)" Struggling to move, he shakily hands the halberd to the girl.
Staring to it now in her fists, Zelda finds herself nearly unable to see clearly. She tightens her grip on the halberd as a looming shadow draws closer to them both. Deep down, she understands fully what must be done. But... Every ounce of her wants to renounce it. This cursed power... It now may cost her father his life. And for what? What good could possibly come from this? "(Father, I…– ...I'm sorry. I love you.)" The princess mumbles the words just loud enough to make sure he hears, and whirls around to stab the halberd right into Ganondorf's torso– as he dared to come forth to force an answer from her.
The Dark One had not seen this coming at all, doubling over and letting out a furious call. The Wizard jolts, his eyes snapping towards the girl. Did she seriously just make the mistake of attacking Ganondorf?! He awaits Ganondorf's further instruction as the princess races past where the demon once blocked the way, but part of him wants to chase after her without the command. The dark sorcerer soon rips the halberd right from his body, gritting his teeth as he tosses the now bloodied weapon aside.
"...Very well, then." With no time to spare and not even a glance in the right direction, The Dark One swiftly swings the rod towards the King. It sends one final blast of ice that finishes the job. It envelops the dethroned ruler, one final, foggy breath escaping just before he is reduced to a statue.
It is only after the fact that Ganondorf's gaze shifts to the "sculpture" with a firm stare. "Follow her. She either remains here, or she fails to escape this palace alive. Make certain of it." He does bother to break this stare.
"...With pleasure." The Wizard outstretches both palms to the roof, disappearing in a snowy gale once more to hunt the girl down.
The kick off for a character's plotlines is always so easy to nitpick. However, after multiple revised drafts I finally found one I was content with! That, and I got indecisive with the cover... Perhaps I'll share the original cover art at a later time. Sorry for all of the time I took hesitating for this one! ^^"
Now, it seems certain paths must cross again.
First Chapter: Prologue + The Wizard
Next Chapter: The Princess
Previous Chapter: The Lantern
(#loz mage's lantern)(#loz untold myths)
If you like my artwork, check out my main art blog: @nocturnalfandomartist
If you like my writing, here are some one-shots: @writingnocturne
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ML +PJO +TOTK AU- Zoé hears about the Great Bandit Mousko and the fancy clothes that they hid around Hyrule, and she decides to search for them when not on quest missions. After solving all of the riddles and finding all of the clothes, Mousko appears and reveals herself... and it's Marinette in a Multimouse-esque outfit. She tells Zoé that she set those riddles in hopes of finding an equal who shared her interests and has been watching her as she solved her riddles, then asks her out on a date.
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skyward-floored · 1 year
You’ve mentioned including Spirit and the tfh Links in The Incredibles AU and although this is probably a bit spoilery to ask; could you tell us a little about them?
FOR SURE :D *gently holds all four of them* I just think they’re neat
...And you’re right that it’s a bit spoilery, but I’m assuming that since you’re asking you don’t mind terribly much about that? Here’s your spoiler warning anyways though! A lot of after-movie stuff here.
It’s also really long XD
So you’re aware of the small timeskip in the Incredibles after they defeat Syndrome (a couple months I think? Two? Three?) yeah? Well since Sky is finally home after being missing for more than a year, he and Sun take the time in the skip there to just take it easy so he can rest and heal, maybe even get away for a weekend for a little vacation or something without Aryll (who’s about three or four)
And somewhere after that, Sun finds out she’s expecting again!
Triplets! 🎉
...Sky promptly faints.
They’re not born until after the second movie would happen (...I think, I might have to check my timeline) but their names are Crimson, Azure, and Sage (thank you Tellie for talking about me with names <3)
They’d all be blond if not for the influence of their powers (kinda like Legend with his pink) but if any of them ever didn’t use their powers for a long stretch of time, it’d probably fade a little.
Crimson is the oldest of the three, and got his name from his shock of red hair (he looks like Malon! How did that even happen?! Legend yells) but also the superhero names of his father and grandfather. His power is simply a super powerful punch (think like the tiger miraculous from ML) but uh... sometimes he forgets how strong it is. Oops. He can be a little dumb, but he always means well, and is fiercely protective of his brothers.
Azure is in the middle, named for his eyes, but also his hair that’s allllmost blue if you squint. His powers are basically “plagued by visions” 🤣 I thought it’d be nice to reference sksw Link’s visions he gets, and also lean into powers Zelda typically has (since Azure is blue and blue is wisdom), so he often has visions of the future when he’s asleep (and as he gets older, when he’s awake too), but he can also create shields a lot like Hyrule’s. Think Nayru’s love from oot. He’s the quietest of the three, and also the smartest.
Sage is the youngest, named for his unnaturally green eyes (and his grandmother’s maiden name) and I’m still conflicted about his powers honestly XD Courage doesn’t have very many specific “powers” attributed to it, so me and Tellie have batted ideas around a couple times. She suggested maybe he can imbue things with courage, objects so they can help him, people so they can get past their fears. Despite thinking about this for months I’m still not sure if I want to go with that, so his powers are still a little up in the air.
...I did have the thought that maybe I could lean into the dragon aspect of things and have Sage’s powers be lightning-related like Farosh from botw (would also make a cool superhero name) but once again... still haven’t decided XD if anyone has ideas or anything I will not complain.
Now for Spirit! I don’t have as much on him yet as of now but I’m working on it 👍
Spirit is Warriors and Artemis’ son, born after years of trying (and not succeeding) to have kids. He’s born either right after the second movie or during it (...once again, I’ll have to find my timeline) and his parents are both ecstatic.
Wind promptly decides he’s going to be the same kind of uncle to Spirit that Warriors was for him, so the two of them are really close, and Spirit looks up to him a lot.
Spirit’s powers I haven’t specifically thought out, but I’m pretty sure I’m going with just seeing ghosts? That seems a little plain so maybe he’s got something else too, but I haven’t thought of anything good/better. Suggestions and/or comments are always appreciated :)
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purrincess-chat · 3 months
For the ask game: 😈, 🍦, 🧐
Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
Literally all the time 🤣 MDCSPR is full of them, in particular all of the times I teased an Adrinette kiss and kept interrupting them right before it happened. But it has a purpose and made their actual first kiss hit harder. I am never so sadistic that I never give a payoff when I'm mean 😅
What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I have many fluffy stories, but I'm always partial to Bedtime Stories. It's truly toothrotting imo. The Perfect Night is another. Lately, I feel like most of my fluff is interwoven with angst in longer fics, but those are two stories that are just 100% fluff. (They're also older so be nice to baby Cat if you read them)
Do you spend much time researching for your stories?
Depends on the story. I Google a lot of silly things about France/Paris when writing ML fic from time to time, but lately I've been getting into writing Legend of Zelda fic, (in particular botw timeline) and I have been researching a lot for that. I've bought the game guides, the art books, I frequent the wiki for side characters and lore, I reference things within the games themselves (I legitimately rode a horse from hyrule castle to hateno village to see how long it takes in game), I rewatch cutscenes a lot to make sure I'm getting details and characterization right, and I've even referenced interviews with the developers. As well as just looking up weird things from medieval type times and royalty and such. So, yeah just depends. I will say most of my "research" for some stories is looking up the definitions of words I definitely already know but just need to be sure. 😅
Send me an emoji!
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fever-project · 4 months
Wip Game Artist edition (writing is also welcome)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Got tagged in this specific edition by @isasan347, thank you! I don’t actually name my art files, but I’m giving them names for this so you lot would actually have some amount of interest in them. I’ll also be adding my fics at the end as well again because I can.
Linked Universe Art:
LinkedPokemon!Twi Lycanrock form
Ace Chain!Wild behind bars
Wind’s sword but as a Sword Spirit
Fairy!Hyrule stuck in a pot
Legend being puppeted
Scrapped Magical Girl costume for Legend
Not LU but still LoZ related Art:
Zelda group travels
Mirrored Links!Wild will climb that rock Twi
ML!Wild and Mini bitching
ML Chapter 3 Scene
LU Fics:
Super Heroes of Courage
Fairy Reveal(I’ve been working on this since last time :D)
Succession of the Third Kind
Hero of Spirits, to be a Phantom
Hero of Shadows, Alive Once More
Not LU but still LoZ related Fics:
A Rabbit and a Pirate can Totally get Along(HW AU)
Mirrored Links(Links Meet AU)
I actually have a couple more art wips, but they are barely a line haha. Also this is open to tags, y’all can do this if you ya want.
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slate-of-fate · 2 months
My Take on Hyrule
Abbreviation Legend:
HC: Hyrule Castle
LH: Lake Hylia
TT: Tarryson Town
CT: Colosseum Temple
BoH: Bridge of Hylia
HCT: Hylian Castle Town
ML: Mount Lanayru
HL: Hyrule Labs
*: Lost Woods
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official-ladyblog · 6 years
YOOOO, Mexico's official ML twitter explicitly confirmed Marc and Nathaniel as an LGBT couple!!
Well it’s part of the ML world network, which I believe is technically a fan ambassador, not actually owned by people working on the show. So I don’t want to say proof from them is concrete.
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laurence--l · 3 years
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ML Zelda Botw AU🔺Part 1
More of my ML Zelda Botw AU! This is the beginning of something big! I hope you will like it! The next part will be posted whenever it'll be ready! Thank you for reading!
(Note about Gabriel Agreste Hyrule: He is not evil in this AU, he's still too strict towards his son though)
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imthepunchlord · 2 years
Other than ml, which fandoms are you wanting to make fics off or is ml so bad that it just irks you?
Oh man, I would love to delve into other fandoms! I'm reaching that point too. Like, Copycat for sure I want to finish, but I got other ideas I want to do. Just need to have my muse directed towards them and it doesn't always go that way.
But other fandoms, here are a misc. of fic ideas I got.
F.A.N.T.A.S.T.I.C., an original idea of doing my own Digimon Adventures with 8 leads who are tied to the 8 crests. Set up is a game called FANTASTIC where players can be whoever they want to be and live their own life. Only issue is that the developer as stolen digimon data and put them in the game to act as "monsters" to slay, and an angry digimon corrupts the game. Everyone but 8 individuals get trapped there, and lucky for them, there are some friendly digimon willing to help them.
Fire Emblem
Jeralt the Softie, FE3H idea where Jeralt winds up adopting a couple of other kids, because Byleth finds them and adopts them. And he winds up with one kid from each of the Three Houses (Leonie, Felix, and Bernadetta). Follow the Shadow (working title), FEA divergence where instead of deciding to blindly follow Chrom, Robin turns her sights to Plegia, desiring to uncover her past and explore her culture of origin.
Legend of Zelda
Barrel Right In, speed runners route where Link wakes and just insta follows the instructions to find the disembodied voice and facing Ganon as he is, semi naked, memoryless, and Master Swordless. Zelda wanted him to come to her as soon as possible but not like this. Descent to Hyrule, after Hylia brought piece to the land by defeating the malicious Demise, she settled herself upon a floating island to watch over Hyrule, and there, her descendants continued her observations. Zelda is the latest of that descendant, and has a dream of a choking boar faced smoke that promises to send the land aflame. Never quite given any instruction on what to do if Demise returns, Zelda descends to walk the land they've never walked, to embrace the role of defeating her ancient spiritual foe. But she does need to try and survive a land she doesn't quite know. Little Sun Prince, as foretold that the Gerudo King would arise to lay waste to Hyrule, the King initiated the attack to secure Hyrule's future peace, to strike the young King down while he was still a youth. It doesn't go as planned when a rebellious Sheikah spirits off the king, intending to take him back to his homeland. Wild Crown, when the King revealed that Tetra is actually "Zelda", instead of being accepting and quiet, Tetra rejects this declaration. She'll acknowledge that Zelda is her ancestor, but they are not one and the same. And she's not going to contently sit in this castle and wait for Link. She's going to be off to have her own adventure. Princesses of Twilight, instead of waiting for a Blue Eyed Beast, Midna helps break out Princess Zelda, and the two travel to find the means to combat the invader, Zant. Divergence Series, Long ago, it was said that the descendants of Hylia had a divine right to rule, this was long associated with the Nohansen Clan. But in recent years, the Bosphoramus Family had been able to wrangle rule from them, but have worked out engagements between the two to secure a shared divine and pure rule, often creating a daughter to embody Wisdom. But things don't always go as anticipated... A series that covers the 3 ideas below. In the Favor of Power, But soon to be king, Rhoam, had long since memorized the long history of Hyrule, took note of how the Gerudo always drew in the Triforce of Power and the ruling Prince, sought a war with them. Turning to the darkest of beings, Prince Rhoam decided it was high time to tempt the Triforce of Power to a ruling Hylian. His future daughter Zelda will be born with Power.  In the Grace of Wisdom, Iris Nohansen knew well how things worked, knew the history far better than most. She knew of the war and death to come, and wondered if she could prevent it. Instead of reaching her hand back to the current ruling Prince Rhoam, she turned her gaze to the golden sea, where a prince close in her age was just starting his rule. She was going to brave the impossible, and offer him her hand in hopes of avoiding the coming war with the Gerudo. Zelda is half Gerudo, Ganondorf is her father. In the Elevation of Courage, either Zelda with Triforce of Courage or Prince Link fic. Need to think on this one more.
Monster Hunter
Run (working title), inspired by Camp Cretaceous, a tragedy strikes an isolated village when a monster lays waste to it. A handful of teens/children survive, none of them knowing how to fight monsters and barely have an idea of how to travel around. If they're to survive, they must travel through the wilderness to reach the city where the hunters are, and hopeful, people that can help them. But they much reach it first in a ravenous world full of teeth and giants.
Avatar the Last Airbender
Moon's Pull and Ocean's Push (working title), Aang did die 100 years ago alongside the Air Nomads, which damaged the world and the avatar cycle. To a point that it took longer for the Avatar to be reborn, and when she was, she was born divided. Yue is the official new avatar, and while she is strong in spirit and sensitive to the Spirit World, she's weak in power. Katara was born with great power and could easily connect with people, but she was not the true Avatar, unable to bend anything else but water. Like La and Tui, they're drawn together, and together, they'll stop this war.
Smouldering Ashes, after the FN wiped out the AN, the world was swift to retaliate, and the FN was not ready for the rage of the EK coming after them. Present day, the FN isn't the dangerous and proud nation it was, they're now divided and struggling, majority trying to get by. Ozai, the Ashen Lord, is leading a rebellion to get FN back on top, and burn away the world. The Ashen Prince Zuko opted to try and stay out of the way and survive, but all that changes when he and Azula by chance come across the Avatar, sealed in an iceberg.
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powdermelonkeg · 3 years
Ta-da! After long, long, long last I have compiled a list of all the linked fusion names! You don't need to use these if you don't want to, but I would be happy to let you use any and all of these names! Consider them a gift for creating the ML in the first place.
In the end, they're just suggestions, after all. Also, I thought it would be cool if all the unstable fusions just smashed the component names together, while the stable fusions had unique names.
Here you go!
Wild + Warriors = Barbarian Wild + Twilight = Stray Wild + Legend = Rumor Wild + Hyrule = Ruins Wild + Wind = Thunder Wild + Four = Element Wild + Time = Wime Wild + Sky = Skild
Wars + Twilight = Wrestler Wars + Legend = Legwars Wars + Hyrule = Cannonball Wars + Wind = Roughhouse Wars + Four = Squadron Wars + Time = Paradox Wars + Sky = Skywars
Twi + Legend = Superstition Twi + Hyrule = Twirule Twi + Wind = Howl Twi + Four = Fourlight Twi + Time = Alpha Twi + Sky = Sunset
Hyrule + Legend = Fairytale Legend + Wind = Winend Legend + Four = Forge / Heirloom Legend + Time = Lore Legend + Sky = Omen
Hyrule + Wind = Compass Hyrule + Four = Fourule Hyrule + Time = Fairy Hyrule + Sky = Dreamer
Wind + Four = Toon Wind + Time = Tind (Past) Wind + Sky = Tornado
Time + Sky = Crescent
Wild + Piper = Rollercoaster Wild + Taps = Landscape Wild + Soldier = Wildsol Wild + Fox = Kit Wild + Cadenza = Accordion Wild + Kasuto = Hateno Wild + Prima = Champion Wild + Shard = Wild
Warriors + Piper = Piperiors Warriors + Taps = Tarrior Warriors + Soldier = Tactic Warriors + Fox = King Warriors + Cadenza = Drama Warriors + Kasuto = Castle Warriors + Prima = Fighter Warriors + Shard = Speculate
Twilight + Piper = Seer Twilight + Taps = Twitaps Twilight + Soldier = Resistance Twilight + Fox = Pupper Twilight + Cadenza = Fiddle Twilight + Kasuto = Twisuto Twilight + Prima = Calvary Twilight + Shard = Mirror
Legend + Piper = Jewel Legend + Taps = Painting Legend + Soldier = Solend Legend + Fox = Trihero Legend + Cadenza = Legendza Legend + Kasuto = Kakariko Legend + Prima = Conspire Legend + Shard = Trinket
Hyrule + Piper = Hush Hyrule + Taps = Scribble Hyrule + Soldier = Knightly Hyrule + Fox = Bloom Hyrule + Cadenza = Hydenza Hyrule + Kasuto = Calatia Hyrule + Prima = Primrule Hyrule + Shard =
Wind + Piper = Conductor Wind + Taps = Windaps Wind + Soldier = Proven Wind + Fox = Bit Wind + Cadenza = Shanty Wind + Kasuto= Kasind Wind + Prima = Whistle Wind + Shard = Winard
Four + Piper = Mini Four + Taps = Craft Four + Soldier = Sturdy Four + Fox = Itty Four + Cadenza = Octave Four + Kasuto = Village Four + Prima = Primour Four + Shard = Rainbow
Time + Piper = Sunny Time + Taps = Timeshift Time + Soldier = Knife Time + Fox = Fome Time + Cadenza = Cadime Time + Kasuto = Termina Time + Prima = Leader Time + Shard = Path
Sky + Piper = Catapult Sky + Taps = Cloth Sky + Soldier = Lover Sky + Fox = Foky Sky + Cadenza = Ballad Sky + Kasuto =Loft Sky + Prima =Skima Sky + Shard = Magpie
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loz-untold-myths · 9 months
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Zelda's Fate
Exerpt from The Mage's Lantern (Chapter 5, The King) in sketched comic form. Click individual pages for better quality.
Sorry for the unreadable handwriting!! I knew I wanted to post something for ML for winter, but I had NO idea it would take this direction. Inspiration just struck, and it had to be done. See what happens when I cast a spell I don't know!!
I get this is sloppy, but it took 5 hours in the middle of the night and my hand hurts </3 That being said...
Should I do more of these? I got to practice for the Dark World comic, after all.
Read The Mage's Lantern on Ao3!
For a little over a decade, the Kingdom of Hyrule has been reshaped by a curse of eternal storms. A vengeful mage and his master, a sorcerer who was once an ordinary man before being driven to insanity, have laid waste to all lands within their magical border. When a young boy named Link finds his own motivations piling up, he joins a fire spirit and a runaway princess to save not only those they have lost; but perhaps those who remain.
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perereiii · 2 years
Abt your Merged Links AU,,, are the Zeldas merged too or just the Links?
yep! they're practically two sides of the same coin, after all.
(sm rambles and ref under cut)
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So! This is Princess Zelda-Theia Minerva Hyrule.
(note; Theia is a second name for Zelda,, things get messy when you've got more than one Zelda floating around so the royal family just. started giving their daughters two names)
Her physical look pulls mainly from ALBW, ALTTP, HW, TP, and BotW. Her hair is ripped straight from @ thefreckledzelda on instagram/tiktok, just made a little longer and darker.
She's transfemme and uses she/her pronouns, and she's somewhere on the aroace spectrum.
Personality wise, I'd place her as an INFJ. She'll goof off from time to time, but is more than capable of leading a country. She's also leaning extroverted (on a scale where 1 is completely I and 10 is completely E, she's at a 4) and leaning thinking (1=F, 10=T; she's at 3.5). I'm sure there's a proper term for this but I don't know enough about MBTI to use them.
Lastly, while it may seem that shes yet another damsel in distress, she's actually done a lot to help Link yanno. Not die :]
This will take you to Link's adventures
This will take you to the ML tag (currently called MLU, subject to change soon)
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imatekuani · 4 years
So, I am (slowly) rewatching RWBY to get up to date. And youtube had this incredible suggestion of a dance (you know, team JNPR dance) compilation   full of crossovers.
Watch (among others) the kwamis of ML, Hyrule warriors, Mario Bros,Yuri on Ice, Hetalia, stormtroopers, Undertale, and a lot more xD
Go to 13:00 for the kwamis doing it, it’s beautiful.
Just, if you watch the whole thing, beware. I guarantee you’ll have the song stuck in your mind for at least a week.
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philsterman01 · 7 years
hi! i just found out you'll be doing Link's voice in Zelda Universe's redubbing of Hyrule Warriors! Congratulations, I've followed your ML comic dubbings and I think you'll be amazing as Link! Really looking forward to january 2018
I’m glad! I was very happy to be cast for it!
I’m glad to be part of such an amazing cast!
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amynchan · 7 years
By both @astrangetypeofchemistry and @floweryotter.  X’D
From @astrangetypeofchemistry, we’ve got the Last Line meme, wherein I copy and paste the latest sentence written and tag as many people in it as there are words.
Funny thing is this isn’t a story, it was my shot at a poem-ish.  ^^;  It’s really rough and stuff, but here ya go.
Beauty beckons.
X’D  So I’ll only tag @floweryotter and @thesilvertophat for this one.  X’D
From @floweryotter, I’ve got this game thing.  X’D
Rules: tag followers that you want to know better
Name: You can call me Amy.  *^_^*
Nicknames: Amy, Yames, Bamber (literally no one is allowed to use this),  Bames, Heaven Glitter, Pure One(TM), hardcore raisin eater
Gender: Female
Star sign: Libra
Height: 5′10″-11″
Sexual orientation: Straight demisexual
Favorite color: Cool colors, but my favorites rank among greens, purples, and blues
Favorite animal: Dolphins
Average hours of sleep: I got six last night. ^^;  Need to do better
Cat or Dog person: Why not both?
Favorite fictional characters: You’re asking me to pick my favorites among my babies.  >.<  Adrien, Naru, John, Phineas, Isabella, Plagg, Marinette, GARRUS, Grunt, ummmm
Bands/Singers: Reba McEntire, Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn...
Dream trip: I wanna visit where all my friends are.  Just make a world tour of it!
Dream job: I’m still figuring that one out, honestly.  ^^;
When was this blog created: 2011 or roundabouts
Current number of followers: 1,043 (hooowwwww  o.o)
When did your blog reach its peak: When I started reblogging and posting a bunch of ML, I guess
Time right now: Almost seven in the morning
Song stuck in my head: Back to Where We Started From from The Extremely Goofy Movie.  X’D
Last movie I watched: In it’s entirety???  I dunno.  X’D
Last tv show I watched: Friends
What i am wearing right now: pair of shorts and a tee shirt with “This Old TARDIS” on it
What kind of stuff do I post: reblog stuff that I like and post art and stories and poems and sometimes I do analyses.  X’D
Do I have any other blogs: I’ve got a couple, but the main side blog is @amyisagoof, where I post doodles and the like, but lately it’s been being used for my #Chibi-Mi series.  X’D
Do I get asks regularly: Nope, but it’s always open just in case.  *^_^*
Why did I choose my url: I didn’t like my name and thought “Amy” was better.  “N” is for my middle name, and “Chan” is just cute.  *^_^*
Lucky number: 13
Following:  115
ummm @kwamimusings @wisdom-of-hyrule @pwanch @lunararcher @snavej Go to town.  XD
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