mlb-confess · 1 year
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Ladrien gets too much hate. They're teenagers, off course things like celebrity crushes happen, but everytime Ladrien is brought up, people start going so mad (in my experience).
- submitted by @mysticallilac
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grimnocs · 1 year
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(Also I made some adjustments to the suit just to appease my little designer brain soz)
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“In a good show, you're angry at the characters. In a bad show, you're angry at the writers. I don't hate Chloe, Zoe, Luka, Kagami, Lila or Marinette, because none of them are being written consistently and so instead I feel vaguely bad for all of them, like I would a friend who has crappy parents.”
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niklausxcaroline · 1 year
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MY LOVELY BOXER 순정복서 (2023) — dir. choi sang yeol, hong eun mi.
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wield-the-mighty-pen · 8 months
I love you Marinette, but literally what is a normal girl
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aalissy · 5 months
Best Friends
Anddd day 20 is now doneee. And it comes with a sappy, lovesick Adrien teehee! I hope you like it <3. Lemme know what you think :).
Best friends. Best friends. Initially, that word had filled Adrien with a fluttery happiness at the idea that he could associate Marinette with it. Because she was his best friend. He couldn’t imagine anyone more deserving of the title.
And yet, the more he got to know and the more he began to realize his own feelings for her, it felt empty. He wanted more. He knew that it was selfish. That he was being greedy for wanting all of her. But Adrien couldn’t stop it.
Every time she held his hand, giggling and laughing at whatever had grabbed her attention, he felt the butterflies brim to life in his stomach. He wanted to clutch tighter onto her hand and never let go. And yet he couldn’t. Knew that she no longer felt the same way. Which was a bigger travesty than Adrien would care to admit.
If only he had realized his feelings sooner. He remembered the strange, pleasant warmth that had fueled him when Marinette had brushed her lips against his in that museum so long ago now. And yet, he had denied it, brushed aside the budding feelings as there was no way that Marinette could have possibly liked him like that.
After that day, though, Adrien couldn’t help but long that their lips would connect in another kiss. A longer one this time. But, if he was being honest, the fluttery warm feeling had been there since his umbrella had closed down around her that very first day that they had known each other. He can remember his cheeks burning with happiness as he glanced back at Marinette.
Adrien’s feelings just kept building and building until finally, he was practically bursting with them. Until he could no longer deny that he was hopelessly, irrevocably in love with her. Until he realized that he wanted to be more than just her best friend.
If only he could go back. If only he could go back and press his lips just as tightly against hers into a kiss that they would never be able to go back from. A kiss that would forever change their relationship.
And yet, there Adrien sat on her chaise, watching Marinette longingly as she sewed. Her tongue was poking out of her mouth adorably as she frowned down in concentration at the latest design in front of her. How could one girl be so beautiful?
After a few moments, she spoke up, snapping him out of his fantasies of striding over to her, lifting her chin up, and whispering how devoted he would forever be to her if she just gave him another chance to kiss her.
“What are you looking at?” Marinette asked, still staring down at her design.
“You,” Adrien murmured thoughtlessly.
This time, Marinette’s head did snap up to look at him with a pair of wide, beautiful blue eyes. Having taken her eyes off her design, she pricked her finger against the needle and cursed quietly, turning off the noisy machine.
Her gaze then locked back onto Adrien, her expression a mix of surprise and curiosity. The moment hung in the air, charged with unspoken emotions and unexplored possibilities. Adrien's heart raced, unsure of how to proceed now that those words had slipped out without thinking.
"I mean, I was just admiring your work," Adrien quickly added, attempting to smooth over his inadvertent confession. He felt a rush of warmth flood his cheeks, hoping that his stumble hadn't revealed too much.
Marinette's lips curved into a soft smile, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You always have a way of making me feel special, Adrien," she said, the sincerity in her voice sending a flutter through his chest. 
She was always so pretty when she smiled. Especially when he was the cause of said smile. Unthinkingly, he beamed back at her.
"Would you like to see what I've been working on?" Marinette asked, gesturing to the sketches scattered across her workspace.
“Always!” he spoke eagerly, jumping to a stand as he leaned over her shoulder to look down at the design.
Adrien’s chest brushed against her shoulder and he shivered at the heat that suddenly surrounded him. He forced himself to ignore the warmth as he looked down at the design that she had been working on. “Wow,” he murmured. “Marinette, this is amazing.”
She beamed up at him, her eyes sparkling with joy. “Yeah?” she asked. “You think so?”
“I know so.” Adrien nodded. Unable to stop himself, he murmured, “You’re amazing.”
Marinette's cheeks flushed pink at Adrien's compliment, her smile widening with genuine happiness. "Thank you, Adrien," she said softly, her voice carrying a warmth that echoed his own feelings.
Their eyes locked, and in that shared gaze, Adrien felt a surge of courage. He simply couldn't hold back any longer, couldn't let this moment slip away without expressing the depth of his emotions.
"Marinette, there's something I need to tell you," Adrien began, his voice steady despite the racing of his heart. "I've been holding this in for so long, but I can't keep it to myself any longer."
Marinette's expression shifted to one of curiosity mixed with just a hint of apprehension. "What is it, Adrien?" she asked, her voice soft, encouraging him to continue.
Taking a deep breath, Adrien reached out, gently cupping Marinette's face in his hands. His thumb brushed against her cheek, tracing the line of her jaw as he searched for the right words. Her eyes widened further at his touch, her lips parting as she blinked up at him.
"I love you, Marinette," Adrien confessed, his gaze unwavering. "Not just as a friend, but with all of my heart. I've realized that I want to be more than just your best friend. I want to be with you, to share every moment, every laugh, every dream."
Marinette's breath caught in her throat. Emotions flickered across her face—shock, joy, and a hint of uncertainty. Adrien held his breath, waiting for her response, his heart pounding in his chest.
For a moment, even the world seemed to hold its breath, as if time itself paused to witness this short exchange. And then, with a soft smile that lit up her entire face, Marinette leaned in, closing the gap between them.
Their lips met in a tender, heartfelt kiss, sealing their unspoken promises and unfulfilled desires. It was a kiss filled with years of friendship, with shared memories, and unspoken confessions. At that moment, everything fell into place, and Adrien knew that he had found his home in Marinette's embrace.
As they pulled back, breathless and gazing into each other's eyes, Adrien felt a weight lift from his shoulders. The unspoken had been spoken, the longing had been fulfilled, and they stood on the threshold of a new chapter in their relationship.
"I love you too, Adrien. I’ve always loved you," Marinette whispered, her voice filled with love and sincerity. After a moment, she laughed, the joy in her giggles making his heart clench. “I’ve loved you for so long now. Longer than you could have even imagined. This means more to me than you could ever know."
And in that simple affirmation, Adrien knew that their love story was just beginning. He leaned down, taking her hand in his as he clutched it to his chest tightly. He brought it up to his lips, brushing a kiss on her knuckles. “I might have some idea,” he murmured before leaning back in to claim her lips once more. This was more than he could ever have imagined.
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rainbow-arrow · 2 years
can't believe we really did gloss over luka saying '(adrien) loves everyone, and everyone loves him back' implying he is a part of the 'everyone' that loves adrien.
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logically-asexual · 11 months
i love how the parallel universes aren’t that opposite and apart from the whole supreme situation the changes are quite subtle. because it puts emphasis on how adrien and marinette aren’t heroes just because and that their choices haven’t always been easy.
i love that adrien knows he was capable of falling into grief and become what claw noir is but he made the choice of trying to meet other people, which led to him having friendship and support that allowed him to move on and be happy. it wasn’t easy to put himself out there but he tried and that’s what made the difference.
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superstarhodaya · 1 year
you’re not hot enough to be worthy of my tears.
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nirrvana · 2 years
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so i just wrapped up my full s4 watch and i literally couldn’t stop thinking about how this uncanny frame from guiltrip looks like anthy covered in swords
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mlb-confess · 1 year
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"I am so disappointed there aren't any Akumatized x Reader fanfics. And Sentibubbler is SO CUTE I swear to God."
- submitted by anonymous
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miraculousfanworks · 1 year
Fanfiction Prompt
When Adrien attempts to confess to Ladybug, he speaks Chinese instead. Marinette doesn't know much, but she does recognize 我爱你. (translation: I love you)
Prompt by @alto-tenure
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“Dear Marinette Stans and Chloe/Lila Salters, just because someone ships Marinette with Chloe and/or Lila does not mean that they hate Marinette, and it does not mean they want Marinette to suffer/be abused/be tortured, it ESPECIALLY DOES NOT mean that they are abuse or bully apologists!
They ship them for three reasons:
1. They like the "enemies to lovers" trope
2. They like the idea of a Chloe or Lila redemption, and they like the idea of Marinette helping them redeem and being better people.
And 3. They like the idea of Chloe and/or Lila convincing Marinette to become evil with them.
There is nothing wrong with any of these reasons, and it's fine if you don't ship either ship; just stop assuming that Chlonette/Lilanette fans equal abuse supporters.”
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the-coffee-fandom · 1 year
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aalissy · 5 months
And day 18 is finally here! Sorry it's a lil late! I hope you still like it <3. Also stay tuned as day 19 should be posted here in just a lil bit! Lemme know what you think of this chapter.
Adrien stood on Marinette's balcony, nerves dancing like butterflies in his stomach. He clutched a folded piece of paper in his hand, the words he had carefully written echoing in his mind. Tonight, he would finally tell Marinette how he felt, confessing the love he had harbored for so long.
The moon cast a gentle glow, illuminating Marinette as she sat, her eyes fixed on the sky. She was so beautiful, and Adrien couldn't help but feel a rush of emotions at the sight of her. This was it, the moment he had been waiting for.
He took a deep breath and approached her, his heart racing with every step. Marinette turned to look at him, her eyes wide with curiosity and a hint of anticipation. Adrien knew he simply couldn't delay the inevitable any longer. He had to tell her. He was practically bursting with it.
"Marinette," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion, "there's something I need to tell you."
Marinette's gaze softened, encouraging him to continue. Adrien took another breath, gathering his courage. "I've been thinking a lot lately, and I've come to realize something important," he confessed, his eyes locked with hers. "I love you, Marinette. More than anything."
He watched Marinette's reaction, hoping beyond hope that she would feel the same way. Her eyes widened in surprise, then filled with warmth and affection. "Adrien," she whispered, her voice filled with joy, "you love me?"
Adrien nodded, a smile tugging at his lips. "Yes, Marinette. I've loved you for a long time, and I couldn't keep it hidden any longer."
Tears of happiness welled up in Marinette's eyes as she took a step closer to him. "Adrien, I love you too," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "I've always loved you. For longer than you could ever even have imagined."
Adrien's heart soared as he pulled Marinette into a tender embrace. At that moment, under the moonlight, surrounded by the quiet night, they shared their confession of love, knowing that this was the beginning of a beautiful journey together.
As Adrien held Marinette in his arms, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in their own little bubble of happiness. He couldn't believe that this moment had finally arrived, that Marinette loved him back with the same intensity he felt for her.
"I've dreamt of this moment for so long," Adrien murmured, his voice barely above a whisper but filled with love. "To hear you say you love me too... it's everything I've ever wanted or could have hoped for."
Marinette looked up at him, her eyes shining with unshed tears of joy. "Adrien, I never thought you would feel the same way," she admitted, her voice catching with emotion. "But I'm so glad you do."
They stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the silence between them speaking volumes. Adrien felt a sense of completeness wash over him as if all the pieces of his heart had finally fallen into place. Marinette was not just his crush or a friend; she was his soulmate. He had always been meant to fall in love with her.
"Marinette," Adrien said, his voice tinged with wonder, "how could I have not realized this sooner? It feels like we've always been meant to be together. We could have been with each other for much longer if I had just realized sooner."
Marinette smiled up at him, her hand reaching up to cup his cheek. "Maybe you were just waiting for the perfect moment," she suggested, her thumb brushing gently against his skin. "And tonight, under the stars, this feels like the perfect moment."
Adrien leaned down, his lips meeting Marinette's in a soft, tender kiss. It was a kiss filled with years of unspoken feelings, a promise of a future filled with love and happiness. As they pulled back, Adrien rested his forehead against Marinette's, their breaths mingling in the cool night air.
"I love you, Marinette Dupain-Cheng," Adrien said, his voice filled with conviction.
Marinette giggled at his words, her sapphire eyes shining up at him with love. "And I, I love you too, Adrien Agreste.”
They stayed on her balcony, holding each other close, savoring the magical moment they had shared. The moon continued its journey across the sky, casting a gentle light on their intertwined fingers and the smiles that never left their faces. As they stood together under the moonlight, they knew that their confession of love was just the first step on their journey to forever. Together, they both knew that there would be many more magical moments in their relationship in the future.
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chatbugmlb · 2 years
Please with pleasure!!!!!!😆🤩✨🤭🎶🎵🎤
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