#mlqc Kiro fanfic
jessyurahara · 2 months
MLQC- Public Affection
The word shy seemed to be missing from Kiro’s vocabulary. He was full of love for you and he never seemed to be ashamed of when to show it, rarely stopping to consider your own emotions or embarrassment. 
If anything, you were the one who started to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of attention afforded to you by Kiro, it was difficult not to be. You would rarely get a moments peace from the constant affection he wished to show you. He constantly wanted to hold onto some part of you. 
There were some days you wished he would just give you one day with a modest, by his standards, amount of affection, so you could feel just a little bit less suffocated. You had grown so accustomed to his constant displays of love, that without him there, you felt isolated. After that experience you learned to appreciate his presence, when he would swoop you up in his arms like there was no one else in the world apart from the both of you. 
Lucien really seems to depend on his mood and location. Somedays he wants to hold you close and kiss your forehead without consideration for the rest of the world, and then on other days, his focus lays elsewhere and it slips his mind. He’s responsible enough to understand that there is always a Time and a place for these things, and that didm’t really bother you. 
When it comes to public displays of affection, Lucien would find himself often in a more nonchalant mood about it all, he would slip an arm around your shoulder while you’d be standing around having a casual conversation with your colleagues, and sometimes you would find yourself embarrassed by these interactions. 
His efforts of maintaining a cool composure in front of you were somewhat discarded, he was no longer the cool guy, that wasn’t to say he didn’t try and carry himself like that at times, but he didn’t deny himself the simple pleasures of your relationships; like kissing you under the glistening sunset or holding your hand as you strolled through the moonlit streets. He knew better than anyone that life was precious, and that all too soon, you could lose the person you cared for the most, he didn’t want his lack of attention towards you to be a regret in his life. 
Gavin is driven by his want to be close to you, if he feels the desire to touch you, whether in a warm embrace or a kiss on the lips, he never tries to hide those feelings from you. It’s difficult now he has you trapped with him for him to even grasp the idea of suppressing his affections towards you. At first you weren’t even sure if you enjoyed the amount of eyes you would feel travel in your direction from the amount of affection he shows you, but eventually you grew to enjoy the attention from him. 
Gavin keeps you close at all times, a hand around your hip while you walk together, a kiss to your head, a kiss on the lips, it’s all too sweet for you. 
Eventually Gavin just started pulling you away from ever watching gazes of those around, pulling you into a hallway, round the side of a building, into a shaded alley, though this often leaves you looking strange to onlookers in some circumstances it also leaves you looking like two mischievous children about to pull a prank. It didn’t seem to bother Gavin though. He needs his daily doses of affection, and he’ll do anything to get it from you. 
Victor wasn’t so much one for PDA, not because he didn’t love you, but it wasn’t something he particularly viewed as the most professional behaviour he could exhibit in his role. Most of the time he dealt with people on a business only level, so he communication outside of business anyway for those in his personal life could often leave a lot to be desired, but you were willing to accept that about him, because he’s still the man whom you fell in love with. 
It took a while for Victor to warm up to the idea that the both of you were legitimately together, it wasn’t even that he didn’t understand the intricacies of being in a relationship but instead it was more the ideals he’d held so long about being the picture of professionalism. He’s unlikely to initiate anything beyond the bare minimum hands holding with yourself unless he is told to, but would certainly not push you away from him if you were to try something, in fact away from being alone he prefers it, it lets him know you want him close to you. 
You could hold his hand, or even kiss him in public and he wouldn’t be embarrassed by it, he just assumes you know far more about the ins and outs of relationships far more than he does, so he simply allows you to take the lead. 
Back to MLQC Headcannons
Headcannons/ Love Letters/ Stories/ Drabbles
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ikenbar · 2 years
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I've been wanting to write again so comment or dm me a number or a specific prompt with a name from someone from Mr. Love: A Queen's Choice or Obey me and I'll write a short story around your suggestion.
A few things before you leave a comment:
Specify a gender (Male, female, gender neutral, Trans male/female, etc.)
Specify the number or prompt specifically (ie, 1, 2, 3, or, "I still love you and I hate myself for it") (I can do multiple prompts at once)
Specify a character (Lucifer, Victor, Thirteen, Kiro, etc.)
I will NOT do any sort of sm*t or anything like that so dont expect it... I'm way too ace to touch that...
I will do hurt comfort so if you want a happy or sad ending let me know. Other wise I am one for happy endings
If you'd like I can also throw one of my OCs in the rink if you'd like me to write about them. Either my Obey Me or my MLQC OCs are fine but I won't do your ocs. I need extensive data to write those well and I'm not in the mood to do that.
I'm excited to write again so don't hold back and leave a comment/dm :D
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missproducergirl · 1 year
beloved - kiro (ml;qc)
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pairing: kiro x reader
genre: angst, fluff
summary: kiro remembers master key's words about being surrounded with loved ones and questions who are his loved ones supposed to be.
word count: 3,539
notes: happy birthday to my #1 husband! i am so sad about the lack of kiro fics recently T-T. i pray that the ml;qc tumblr fandom has a recession because i miss those fics dearly. anyways, here is my yearly installment on kiro's birthday! it is a bit rushed but i hope it's at least bearable to read ahah...
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As the final piano notes chimed, the crowd split into a shower of adoring cheers. An enchanting smile broke Kiro’s face as the golden-colored confetti slowly rained down on him. Some of it landed in his honey curls, but he didn’t care. His eyes were fiery and his breath was uneven, yet, even in his disheveled appearance, Kiro seemed like a statue sculpted by the gentle hands of an artist.
An angel.
A star.
The audience’s applause died down. There was a moment of silence, and just as Kiro was about to announce his final song, he was overcome with a chill.
“Happy birthday to you…”
A small voice broke out from the mass. It was small and delicate at first, a bit unsteady and clumsy. But soon, more people started merging in on the short celebration.
“Happy birthday to you…”
Kiro’s heart felt as if it was about to burst out of his chest. The sea of golden lights from the audience reflected in his eyes, softening them. It felt as if the universe had gifted him a personal night sky.
“Happy birthday dear Kiro…”
Their voices were merged into a mighty unison. Like a powerful river sweeping up everything in its way, they swept up Kiro’s heart in their current. It took everything in him not to burst out into tears.
“Happy birthday to you…”
Thunderous applause rang out throughout the stadium once again. Except, this time they were not praising Kiro for his melodic voice, his fluent dancing skills, or even his handsome looks. Right now, they were honoring him for simply existing. Because on this day, 21-and-something years ago, a star was born.
“Thank you… Thank you, everyone. Truly and sincerely, thank you.”
Kiro could not find the words that could come close to describing his gratitude. How could he put it into terms that this specific moment was the sole purpose of his existence? How could he express the prolonged and dreadful nights of his youth, falling asleep completely alone on his bed with no one to remember his birthday? How could he convey the hours in class, daydreaming about being on stage exactly like in this moment? How could he explain the unnerving feeling that after his life would end… the only ones mourning his death would be the tranquil feathers in the lake and the stars that left behind a trail of tears as they fell from the heavens in grieving memory of him. Yet now, his fears were drowned out by the people who idolized him. Each proclamation of their love washed away the suspicions of his heart bit by bit.
Oh, how he wished he could have gone back in time and told himself that all of his struggles would finally pay off. That all of the torture and the disappearances and the disarray and the heartache would paint this moment in unspeakable magnificence.
There was only so much Kiro could say to reciprocate their overwhelming love. To make up for it, in his heart, Kiro renewed the promise that he made to himself all those years ago. He will push himself to new limits—pour his heart into every song and implement a piece of his soul into every performance to make sure they knew that he felt the same way about them.
With those overwhelmingly inspiring emotions, Kiro finished his concert.
His agent was the first one to greet him as soon as he stepped backstage.
“Kiro, happy birthday! You didn’t think I would forget, did you? Here… I got you a little something,” Savin shoved a little brown paper bag into Kiro’s hands.
Kiro couldn’t help but peek inside. It was a mini orange cake with a big purple flower on the top. It was quite cute.
“My oh my, Savin. Since when are you the one to appeal to my sweet tooth?”
“Don’t get too happy just yet. This is the only time I will allow this. You may eat anything you want today—but don’t eat too much. You must remember that you still have one more concert to perform at.”
“Yeah, yeah, Savin… I know…”
Savin’s serious face finally broke into a smile as he ruffled Kiro’s hair, “Happy birthday, Kiro. You’re a good kid… really. I am very honored to be working with you.”
The rest of the crew finally caught up with Savin and gathered around Kiro, congratulating him.
“Wow! You’re 21 years old today! That’s a special age.”
“You’re all grown up now Kiro.”
“You should’ve told us beforehand that it was your birthday, Kiro! We would’ve prepared something for you.”
Kiro’s grin never left his face, “There’s no need… really. Everything I need to be happy is already right here.”
It would kill him to admit it, but in reality, Kiro hadn’t remembered that it was his birthday until the birthday song just a few moments ago. He couldn’t help but feel a little bit guilty about this. After all, it was Master Key—his savior—that gave this day to him. It felt almost disrespectful not to honor it. When his personhood had been stripped of him as he was taken to that horrid place in his youth—it was Master Key who had given back the identity that he was robbed of. Of course, he couldn’t tell anyone that. He kept it a secret through most of his life, so how would he be able to speak of it now?
“Alright everyone, settle down,” Savin spoke through the commotion, “Kiro, let’s get you home. You’ve worked so hard today, you deserve some rest.”
“But don’t you guys need my help to clean up?”
“No… I insist. Let’s go back.”
Kiro sat in the passenger's seat as the car sped down the road. It was quite late already, and the streets were mostly clear aside from a few lone travelers.
As he looked outside at the passing city lights, Kiro couldn’t help but remember his words from earlier.
“Everything I need to be happy is already right here.”
He couldn’t help but ponder whether he actually believed that statement, or perhaps was simply deceiving himself. On one hand, he was content with the life he was currently leading. But on the other—if he were to imagine a perfect world… Master Key would surely have been right here beside him. And that girl from the orphanage… yeah, it would’ve been nice if she was with him at this special moment too—
“We’re here.”
Savin’s voice snapped Kiro out of his deep thought. He hadn’t even realized that they were already parked outside of his hotel.
“Oh… yeah.”
Kiro dug around in the backseat to find his dance bag. He then clutched at Savin’s gift and was about to leave when—
“Hey. Do you wanna… come in?” Kiro suddenly asked once he realized that his agent did not move an inch, hands still firmly placed on the steering wheel as if he was trying to make a speedy escape.
Savin sighed, “I would love to stay longer, but I have to get back to the venue. I have to make sure that the clean-up goes smoothly.”
“I can wait for you to get back.”
“Then I need to plan out your schedule for next month when you get back to Loveland,” upon seeing Kiro’s sullen face, he quickly added, “I’m sorry. Believe me when I say that I would much rather spend time with you than plan schedules… but I simply can’t. I’ll make it up to you next week when you go on break. Just tell me where you want to go and we’ll do it. Just not tonight… Please… don’t be upset.”
There was an awkward pause between the two of them. A moment that stretched out for too long. When suddenly, Kiro broke out into a laugh.
“Alright, but I’ll remember that. I’ll make sure we go to every bakery in the city. And… you cannot go back on your word.”
Savin sighed, this time with relief, “Of course. Have a good night Kiro. Go to bed early today, okay?”
“Take care now.”
Savin’s SUV pulled out of the parking lot hurriedly. It sped off into the distance… and Kiro’s smile disappeared along with it.
Kiro never noticed it before, but his hotel room seemed overwhelmingly quiet at this moment. He would have simply ridden it off as a dramatic contrast in volume between the calmness of his room and the intensity of the concert… yet he couldn’t help but think that this feeling had nothing to do with volume at all.
Kiro dropped off his bags by the door and then desperately powered on the TV in hopes of getting rid of this uneasy emotion in his chest. This proved to be effective, but only by a mere fraction. Soon, the TV was nothing but a minor buzz in the background, and the silence swallowed him whole again.
He stood there in the middle of everything, the smile that was on his face merely a few minutes ago had disappeared, instead replacing his features with an apathetic look. His eyes—which were once so bright now had their light extinguished, leaving only a pitiable gloom.
No… no, wait…
Kiro shook his head as if to reset his thoughts. He wasn’t going to wallow in self-pity and ruin this joyful day for himself. After all, he was supposed to be optimistic. That is what Master Key would have wanted. That is what everyone wants. And perhaps… that was what he wants as well.
Kiro suddenly remembered the mini cake that Savin had given him. Perhaps that would make him feel a little better. After all, sweets always seemed to lift his mood.
He quickly took it out of the brown paper bag and set it down on the little kitchen island. He didn’t have a candle to light, but that didn’t seem to matter at this moment. Kiro clasped his hands together, and, as if to not disturb this fragile atmosphere, began to hum in a quiet voice.
“Happy birthday to you…”
“Kiro, you must remember this day. I might not be the one who’ll spend every 9th of April with you in the future, but I hope that you will always be in the company of loved ones.”
“Happy birthday to you…”
“Loved ones… Will they be by my side?”
“Happy birthday dear Kiro…”
“Of course. Because Kiro is the most awesome and the cutest kid in the world.”
“Happy birthday to—”
Kiro suddenly paused as he remembered this dialogue he had with Master Key all those years ago.
Loved ones…? Who… were his loved ones? Before, Kiro had thought that the whole world were his loved ones. But if he were to believe what Master Key had said, his loved ones were the people who celebrated his birthdays with him.
It was at this moment that it dawned on Kiro that he was completely alone in the small hotel room.
His hands slightly trembled and his vision blurred with tears.
No… this can’t be it. Had the moments of bliss just a few hours ago been nothing but an illusion? Why had he felt that when he was up on stage, all of the things that troubled him simply faded away? But now that he was in his room, far away from the lights and the confetti and the persona of Kiro, he was brought back to face with the things that he thought he would never have to confront again. Where were all of his adoring fans? All of the people who supported him? Everyone that loved and idolized him?
Where were his loved ones?
They sure weren’t here now.
When the spotlight faded, they all went back to their lives, their homes, their families. Only Kiro had no one to return to but an empty hotel room.
No… this can’t be it!
Disregarding the cake on the table, Kiro shot up from his seat and grabbed the first coat that he could find in his suitcase. He then jolted out the door and within a few moments, he was running down the barren sidewalk. For the first time, Kiro was thankful for the intense exercises that he was forced to put up with every day. He was sure that he had enough stamina to make it to the stadium without stopping. Luckily, it wasn’t that far from his hotel either.
Kiro had managed to put on his coat on the way here, but as soon as he stepped through the entrance to the stadium, he felt hot again.
A few coworkers had thrown him bewildered gazes.
“Kiro? What are you doing here back here? Didn’t Savin drop you off at the hotel?”
Kiro hadn’t heard the person who spoke to him, instead he continued running as if his life depended on it.
Finally, he made it up to the stage. Face flushed red, he doubled over and tried to catch his breath again.
The radiant lights had been turned off for a long time already, and the audience had been replaced with nothing but empty seats, but this would have to do for now. After all, it was lucky that they hadn’t started dismantling the stage.
When he could finally stand straight again, Kiro took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and tried to imagine the rows of seats filled with people again. The way their cheers stirred ripples in his heart. The way they shouted his name in awe. The way the world was his and his alone when he stood here.
But no matter how long Kiro stood on that bare stage, or how hard he tried to concentrate, that feeling of satisfaction never came.
With a heavy heart and a single sigh, Kiro laid down. When he opened his eyes again, the empty audience stared back at him, as still and eerie as a graveyard. It felt as if the silence was purposefully mocking him—picking at his insecurities, throwing salt into the wound.
He turned away and closed his eyes once again, embracing the familiar darkness.
The answers that once made sense to him dissolved as soon as the crowd left the stadium. Once Kiro decided to dig deeper into the foundation that his morals and pride were built upon, he realized that it was as stable as sand and as firm as glass—shattered and scattered about with the first gust of wind.
Suddenly, there was no purpose for his existence again. No one was there to tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead and wish him a happy birthday. He was falling asleep completely alone. He was back to daydreaming about being up on stage. And after his life ended… once again, the only ones who were left to mourn him were the water, the feathers, and the gloomy night sky.
How would he be able to face his younger self and tell him that nothing had changed from then? That the moments of torture and disappearances and disarray and heartache equated to nothing?
That the thing that he spent his entire life chasing turned out not to be what he had craved?
Everyone loved Kiro, but no one loved subject 1562.
Just a few minutes ago, Kiro would not have been able to explain the heavy loneliness that seized up his heart from time to time. It just didn’t make sense to him how the whole world could love him, yet he still felt so alone. But now he knew the reason. Perhaps it was because everyone loved only half of him. The radiant half. The one that glowed like the sun. But light cannot exist without darkness. So who would love 1562? The shy, quiet boy that had been abandoned far too many times. The one that didn’t glow quite as bright, but was just as important. No one will ever truly love him because no one will truly understand him or the things that he’s been through. The people who loved him only loved him temporarily and superficially. Even his agent—the one that had been with him all these years, through thick and thin, didn’t really know him. No one knew him except…
Except for his mentor and the girl. The only two people who were able to love and accept him just the way he was. With all of his imperfections and all of his flaws. But Master Key had been missing for years now. And the girl… he hadn’t seen her since the orphanage. He wasn’t even sure that she was still alive, much less her whereabouts.
No one could truly love him but those two people.
And if he couldn’t find them? What would happen to him then? Would he spend all of his birthdays alone?
Like a singular star in the expansive galaxy, Kiro felt entirely isolated and so difficult to reach. If only a brave astronaut could travel the distance and pick him out from the vast skies.
Was it too much to ask for? Was he being too selfish?
Kiro’s hands balled into tight fists as he whispered a silent prayer into the night.
‘I don’t have a cake or a candle to light… but please… the one who makes birthday wishes come true… please let me find them…’
“Kiro… are you in there? Can I come in?” You called out through the thick wooden door of Kiro’s dressing room.
There were some rustling noises before he called out in a raspy voice, “Come in!”
Without a second thought, you swung open the door, and with the biggest grin you could muster, you exclaimed, “Happy birthday, Ki—”
You paused. Kiro was nowhere in sight.
You looked around the room in confusion when you finally spotted him draped over the brown leather couch, blue eyes wide with shock. As the realization set, you quickly covered your mouth with your hands, as if to take back your sudden proclamation.
“Oh gosh. I am so sorry… were you sleeping?”
“Miss Chips… what are you doing here?”
You gestured around vaguely, “Umm… surprise? I was supposed to wait back for you at the hotel room but I just couldn’t wait to see you.”
Kiro had been away on tour for a whole month already. Your desire to see him could not be contained any longer, so you decided on scrapping your earlier plan of greeting him at his hotel. Instead, you dragged all of your suitcases to the venue he was performing at to see him as soon as you landed.
Kiro blinked. He looked like a lost puppy. It seemed as if many thoughts were running through his mind at this moment.
Finding his behavior cute, you crouched down to him and kissed the top of his head, “Sorry, I shouldn’t have shouted so loudly earlier… You look really tired.”
“I missed you too.”
Kiro took your hand and gently brought it to his lips. Then he intertwined your fingers together as if to make sure that you weren’t going to leave.
Upon seeing your reddened face, Kiro’s lips curved into that familiar charming smile, “You’re so lovely, you know that? You didn’t even leave your suitcases before seeing me. It makes me so happy knowing that you missed me as much as I missed you.”
“Of course, I missed you Kiro! And, it’s almost midnight. I had to wish you a happy birthday,” you suddenly frowned, “don’t tell me that you’ve forgotten about your birthday again.”
“How could I? I’m turning 23 today,” there was a short pause before Kiro began to speak again, “It’s true what they say, yeah? Time really flies, doesn’t it?”
“...You sound like an old man.”
You both burst out into giggles upon that statement. After a moment though, Kiro looked at you with sincerity in his eyes.
“No, but really. Since I’ve met you—my life has just… felt like a dream. And I know it sounds cheesy but… every day we spend together just… seems to speed past. I am so grateful that you’re here with me today.”
A quietness spread over you for a long time, until finally, you met Kiro’s eyes, “Where else would I be?”
“Where else were you every April 9th for the past 22 years?”
You playfully rolled your eyes, “Whatever. I’m here now. That’s all that matters. Come on, let’s get back. We still have a birthday cake to eat. And—not to brag, but I think I’ve outdone myself with your gift this time.”
“Oh? Well then, I hope I won’t be disappointed.”
You left the room hand-in-hand, laughing and talking about nothing. The domestic atmosphere made Kiro’s heart feel full, as if he was finally satisfied.
Suddenly, Kiro realized that this was the sole purpose of his existence. He didn’t need the massive crowds screaming his name, as long as his name was in your heart alone. There was no need to daydream about anything more because you were already everything he had hoped for. You were the thing he spent his entire life chasing.
You were his loved one. And you were by his side just as Master Key had hoped.
Everything he needed to be happy was already right here.
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thedummysdummy · 1 year
Telling the Sun
Another entry to the 'Fatherless Child' series.
“That was great, Kiro, but we should run the song again so we can get the sound balance correct. The track overpowered you just a little bit.” The director waved a hand at the sound table and the music again began to play. Kiro held the microphone in his hand and looked out over the empty venue, imagining it to be full of excited fans. 
His eyes lit up as his favorite face entered the auditorium and made herself comfortable in the back row. The pop star straightened his back just a little taller and brought the mic to his lips, humming the first few bars of vocals before the lyrics started. He couldn’t really see Ms. Chips’ expression, but he just knew she was beaming back at him. 
I met you unexpectedly and at that time I knew
The sun I’d lost so long ago…I knew that light was you
The sweet tones of Kiro’s voice filled the room and echoed in a pleasing manner, blending smoothly with the music into the most pleasant dessert for the ear. He sang his concert for one and was completely engrossed in ensuring the girl knew he was singing just to her. 
But halfway through the second verse, she jumped up from her seat and ran out of the room. Kiro’s brow creased just slightly in concern. Had he done that badly? Or had something happened? His distraction caused his voice to drop and the director waved his hand. 
“Cut, cut! Kiro, what happened? You were doing a fabulous job, but then your volume dropped. Do you need to rest your voice?” 
Kiro frowned and started to shake his head, but a second thought caused him to nod. “Well, my voice is alright, but I think I need a break. Give me fifteen?” He cast his brilliant blue eyes on the director and barely waited for an approving nod before returning the mic to its stand and vaulting off the front of the stage. 
“Careful, careful! Don’t injure yourself!” the director called after the retreating form of Kiro. But the blonde paid no attention; he was intent on finding Ms. Chips. 
He burst through the door she had exited and paused, looking up and down the hallway for any sign of her. “Curse these ears,” he grumbled, adjusting the devices in his ears in a vain attempt to listen for the girl. When that didn’t work, he chose a direction and began to walk. Kiro paused outside each and every door, peering through the little windows even in the dark rooms. 
It didn’t take too long to check all but one door in the square which made up the continuous hallway. He lingered outside the only remaining door: the women’s restroom. After looking up and down the hall and seeing no one to ask to go inside and check for him, he pushed the door open just the tiniest bit and called out, “Ms. Chips? Are you in there?” 
His only answer was the sound of retching and a splash. At least, until a few moments had passed in silence. “Yes, Kiro? Did you need something?” 
The girl emerged, wiping the corner of her mouth and a single tear which had made its way down her cheek. Kiro looked her up and down for a breath before wrapping her in his arms. “Are you okay, Ms. Chips? Are you ill? If you’re ill, you need to go home and get some rest! Why are you working if you don’t feel well?!” He pulled away slightly to look her in the eyes, drying the corner of her eye with his warm thumb. 
“I’m fine,” she insisted, returning the hug before pulling away and giving him a smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’m not really sick.” She paused for a moment, unsure if she was ready to give out details yet, but the concerned look in Kiro’s eyes pulled out the confession before she could stop it. “It’s just morning sickness.” 
Kiro froze, his eyes widening as his mouth fell open. “You’re…going to have a baby?! How did that happen?! I didn’t even know you had a boyfriend! I’m jealous!” His tone was light and excited, with just a hint of sadness behind it. Why hadn’t she trusted him enough to tell him she was with someone? Despite her being his boss, Kiro felt they were close enough he should know about those kinds of things. 
“‘How’ is the question I’m asking too,” she finally admitted, her lips scrunching slightly as her eyes fell toward the floor. “I don’t have a boyfriend or I definitely would have told you about it. I just…can’t remember what happened. One day I was at the lantern festival and the next…I was pregnant. At least, that’s about the closest day the doctor can guess that it happened.” 
Her shame could have drowned a fish as she floundered in it. Kiro could see it filling her eyes and despite the surprise and concern in his own chest, he again pulled her into his arms. “Hey now. Don’t worry! Uncle Kiro will make sure that Ms. Chips’ baby has everything he or she could ever want!! And I won’t tell anyone, I promise. If you need anything, you just let your personal superhero know!” 
Kiro struck a pose and the girl began to laugh. “I appreciate that. Now, how about we get back in there and finish your rehearsal? The doors open in about an hour, you know. We can’t disappoint the fans, right?” 
“Right!” Kiro agreed brightly, his eyes lingering on the girl’s stomach for just a moment. “I’ll practice really hard so both Ms. Chips and my niece or nephew will be super proud of me!” He hurried down the hallway and the girl watched him go, her eyes full of fondness. She didn’t really know what to expect when telling the men in her life about the unexpected pregnancy, but Kiro’s reaction had given her hope that maybe, just maybe things would actually be alright.
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banenaz · 2 years
Eyy MLQCtober time ehe
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This year the we put less prompts to have more time .
Rules same as last year, just use mlqctober2022 instead. You can ofc choose whatever prompt you want from last year's mlqctober2021 .
Big thx to @victor-otherboys for designing the post ehe (go check her art on instagram it's so freaking gorgeous)
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darealkatastrophe · 1 year
This Account is both SFW and NSFW.
● I write about random things that come in head about the characters I like. I always like to learn new things. These headcanons could be both NSFW and SFW, read at your own risk. That way you can't say I didn't warn you.
● Writing does take time, so does editing meme videos especially if you're me for sure. Some take longer then I'd like to, but better later than never at all.
●I post something like this before but I wrote like 3 things after that which is interesting for me anyways, some still in drafts.
♡ Hope you have a Good Night/ Good Day ♡
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arabella-77 · 2 years
[Gavin's Fanfiction]
So long I don't update my tumblr, I don't have enough energy to translate too 😥.
So I share this fanfiction that I recently made. Sorry, I write it in Indonesian. I wrote it because one morning I meet my neighbor with Corgi dog. And this conversation in my mind pop up 🤣🤣🤣.
"Guk… Gukkk!"
Kulihat dua ekor anjing tetangga sedang diajak berjalan-jalan oleh asisten rumah tangga tetanggaku.
"Aihhh anjing Corgi ini lucu banget, Gav!" seruku dan seketika aku ingin menggendongnya.
"Setelah menikah kita bisa pelihara seekor!" sahutnya.
"Benarkah? Lalu kapan kita menikah, Pak Komandan?" godaku sambil menatapnya. Dan seketika kulihat rona merah muncul di wajahnya sampai ke telinga. Aku tersenyum, dia memang manis sekali saat blushing begini.
Aku tak melanjutkan menggodanya, lalu menarik tangannya berjalan menuju kantorku.
Dari kejauhan suara super ceria dari seseorang yang mengaku dirinya super hero itu berkumandang menyapaku! Dan pemilik wajah secerah mentari pagi itu pun segera tiba dengan membawa seekor corgi juga? Sungguh kebetulan!
"Kiro! Tumben pagi sekali kau? Dan siapa anjing ini?"
"Dia ini Artie, co-star di film baruku, di mana aku akan berperan menjadi pemain baseball dan Artie ini teman berlatihku!" By the way, kami berdua Sabtu ini akan mengadakan talk show promo film baru tersebut, Miss Chips mau datang, aku kirimin undangan yah?!" cerocosnya renyah nyaris tanpa titik koma.
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Kulirik wajah Gavin di sampingku yang terdiam dan mengeras ekspresinya. Dalam hati, aku berpikir, aku harus segera menelepon Arashi 'Nur Hanifah' agar mengendalikan artisnya Si Kiro ini untuk tidak tebar pesona pagi-pagi di depan kantor orang.
"Kulihat jadwalku dulu ya, Kiro!"
"Sampai jumpa sore nanti, Gavin!" "Bye!" Kataku pada keduanya dan langsung masuk kantor.
Gavin tiba di kantor STF "Tang Chao! Segera umumkan agar semua lari lapangan, setelah itu latihan fisik!"
Tang Chao, "Tapi, tapii! Kapten, agenda kita pagi ini kan….?!
"Sudah laksanakan, kalau kau tak mau lari lapangan sendiri!"
Eli berbisik, "Udah sana! Ini pasti Pak Komandan makan cuka pagi-pagi!"
Gavin masuk ke ruangan kantornya, wajahnya muram. "Arabella, seandainya saja dunia kita sedamai kota sebelah, kita pasti telah menikah …."
5 menit kemudian….
"Tang Chao!!! Segera kumpul di ruang meeting!"
Tang Chao yg baru saja ganti baju olahraga, "……. 🤕😒🤔"
Enjoy! 😊💙
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tetrakys · 1 year
Only now I see the tiny spoiler of the fanfic and is so hilarious neither Erika nor Lance can catch a break😂😂😂
By the way, I am curious about one thing. Of all the otome games you have played, can you do a ranking of all your favorite crushes?
We players/readers are all a little masochists after all 🫠
A ranking of the crushes of ALL the games I've ever played?? That’s a lot! I can mention maybe only the ones I remember because I've played a tons of japanese otome in the years and I will never remember everyone 😅. And we're talking about the crushes specifically, right? Meaning their looks and personality not the route/story. It's a bit too complicated to assign a number to rank each of them so I'm dividing them between: love, really like, okay, meh, dislike (in no particular order, just by game).
Love ❤️😍
Ashkore - Eldarya (I KNOW I know he doesn't have a route ok but he should’ve had one and I'm deluded when it comes to him so he stays here as he should 😤 )
Valkyon - Eldarya
Castiel - MCL
Armin - MCL
Lysander - MCL
Victor - MLQC
Neil - Moonlight Lovers
Ethan - Moonlight Lovers
Aaron - Moonlight Lovers
Really like 🥰
Nevra - Eldarya
Kentin - MCL
Nathaniel - MCL (mostly thanks to UL, because in HSL he often pissed me off)
Gavin - MLQC
Arthur - Ikevamp
Jean- Ikevamp
Okay 🙂
Ezarel - Eldarya
Leiftan - Eldarya (I have complicated feelings for this guy)
Rayan - My Candy Love
Beliath - Moonlight Lovers
Vladimir - Moonlight Lovers
Kiro - MLQC
Lucien - MLQC (I have the same complicated feelings for him as I have for Leif)
Napoleon - Ikevamp
Mozart - Ikevamp
Meh 😐
Mathieu - Eldarya
Hyun - MCL
Eric - MCL
Priya - MCL
Dislike 💀
Ivan - Moonlight Lovers
Raphael - Moonlight Lovers
*I'm only considering the real version of the crushes from most of TO when it comes to Eldarya (except for Mathieu obviously).
**I am pretty sure that Theo and Faust from Ikevamp would go into the 'really like' category at the very least if I played their routes, which hopefully I will eventually.
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camuslittlesister · 1 year
From the OA Archive: Midnight in Venice
I have no memory of what the prompt for the challenge was, but I wrote a fanfic with MLQC Victor. Eagle eyed Austen fans will know that it is based on a famous scene in Pride and Prejudice.
Totally SFW. Happy weekend 🫶🏻
The rose façade of the palace glistened in the light of the torches in the distance, as our gondola made its slow and gentle way down the Canal Grande. I was lost in my thoughts as the sounds of feasting blurred in the background: the Carnival is a huge deal in Venice, and this masquerade ball is one of the biggest deals within it. We were lucky to be on such a guest list: my cousin Isabella was a TV producer in Loveland City and was secretly dating a famous popstar, who pulled some strings for our invitations. I was nervous on the way there: we had agreed to meet at the ball, and I was worried something went wrong and we couldn’t get in. The gondola docked in front of the palace at last, and we made our tentative way on solid land, the 18th century gowns making any semblance of gracious movement practically impossible.
We walked into the well-lit ballroom and it was like taking a step back in time. I smiled at the grandeur from below my hand-held mask, observing the couples dancing at the centre of the room with amusement tinged with jealousy. I was on the arm of my eldest sister, not acquainted with anyone in the room that we could successfully recognise behind the masks. Some were wearing the traditional full-face masks, adding a layer of extra mystery that was not there with simpler choices. One such masked man, with a large impressive black hat, walked purposefully towards us, and as the crowd moved in all directions, I noticed a familiar figure on his arm. Next to whom I recognised as my cousin Bella, with an extravagant half-face mask, was another young man. The mask was not enough to hide that he was handsome: he had a fine figure wrapped in a midnight blue velvet coat, and he carried himself with a noble demeanour and an air of mild disinterest in what was going on around him.
Bella rushed to us, holding our hands in hers with great animosity, but soon quieted down as she noticed my attention was divided. She leaned in to whisper in my ear: “That’s my friend Victor, he’s the CEO of the biggest financial firm in the city, and possibly beyond”. Before I could react to that news, he had vanished in the crowd. I had not noticed that someone else was part of that group (Kiro’s agent, Savin, who followed him almost everywhere), until I noticed him asking my sister for a dance. I was not in the mood for being a third wheel, so I encouraged Bella to join the dancing too, even if it meant dragging my heavy petticoat on a solitary walk around the rooms. Getting refreshments only bought me some time, and I headed for a quiet corner of the room from where I could enjoy the dancing without attracting too much attention to my momentary lack of companionship.
“You look like you’re enjoying the wine” a deep voice snapped me back out of my reverie, and I turned to see it was Bella’s friend Victor. “I am” I replied with a small smile. “It’s their best vintage” he said back, matter-of-factly. “You sound like you know your wines” I ventured, scrambling to find a topic of conversation out of a mix of politeness and curiosity. If my cousin considered him a friend, then he must be a great guy. “What if I did?” replied he, with barely concealed annoyance. I took another sip of the wine in an attempt to drop the subject without letting my vexation show. An awkward silence fell between us, but I had no desire to attempt a conversation again. After a while that likely felt longer than it truly was, Victor spoke: “So you’re Bella’s cousin...”
“Elizabeth” I filled him in, and returned to my wine
“I wasn’t going to come but she forced me to even out the numbers” he said, his voice expressing an emotion I could not quite work out “I had my own invitation, of course” (heaven forbid that I would think Kiro pulled some strings for him too!) “but I wasn’t going to fly all the way here for a ball”.
“I’m sorry that you were pushed into something so disagreeable on my account” I replied, but before I could make my excuses he reached for one of the canapés trays doing the rounds.
“You must try this, it’s the most delectable thing at this party”.
I had never met a man as enigmatic as he, able to leave me intrigued and indignant all at once. He professed he didn’t care for dancing, but then invited me for more than one dance (he danced with me and me alone). He acted like everyone in the room was beneath him, but then showed me the consideration of a lover in countless little ways. The night flew by, and the sun was rising gently over the sleepy city, the canal as bright as a sea of diamonds. The air on the balcony was slightly chilly, and I had been wearing Victor’s coat since he had placed it on my shoulders in a silent act of kindness. I heard my sister call for me from a short distance, as if she was hesitant to come any closer. I made for getting the coat off but Victor promptly took it from me with practised ease. Something inside me was holding me back from stepping away, and yet things seemed to be happening so fast. Our hands brushed as I turned, and I felt a piece of heavy paper pass from his to mine. I felt mildly elated at the gesture, and held my fist tight not to lose whatever he had handed me. I met my sister and turned back for a final goodbye, meeting his intense gaze, and I walked away in the dwindling crowd of party guests, a strong sense in my heart that I just lived through a night I will never forget.
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yourssinfullyquiche · 2 years
NSFW, 18+ minors do not interact (MDNI)
The linn of hot pleasure augurs to surge through me, his eyes drunk on nothing but the drive to have me come by his tongue. The fingers on my thighs grip and spread them wider as he ravages me to no end. My arm flies to grip the post behind me as he pushes his face further into my core—mind delirious, any form of rational thought having been thrown out of the window long ago. My fingers grip his hair tighter, thighs trembling, with the oncoming burst of pleasure, the heat of my pussy burning. He doesn’t slow down, continues spreading my thighs even after it tries to close, having his meal like a starved animal, an insatiable creature. With one last stroke of his tongue from the base of my pussy to my clit, I come screaming, undone by the intense pleasure from my nth orgasm, blinding euphoria coursing my veins, my eyes roll back as I feel myself plunge from the crest of heavens, emptying everything within me. My breaths are heavy and laboured yet he remains there—wet sounds of pure lewd, of hunger and erotica drift to my ears. A hoarse whine escapes my aching lips from the depths of my parched throat, at being overstimulated by the wet kiss he leaves on my bruised clit. My body’s heavy, lethargic even to move, all bare and boneless, spent after the mind numbing orgasms he coaxed my body into; but sated pleasure and affirmation warms my body when he whispers in my ear. 
“Good girl.” 
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sunshinejihyun · 3 years
Chocolatey Giggles - Kiro’s Birthday 2021
Author’s note: happy birthday, you big goofball. I love you so much.
the little scene I mention with Lucien is based off @dreamer-hyun​‘s WONDERFUL fic called ‘watch the universe expand’. Go read it, it’s amazing.
Word Count: 1580
Warnings: brief mention of unrequited love concerning Lucien, unedited bc im toired
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Kiro had awoken before her; he was expecting sunlight to be streaming in through their windows, casting a glow over her soft but he was instead met with a rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning.
He must have slept the night through, but with the worried lines creasing her forehead, Kiro knew she hadn’t slept well. He gently pulled the covers up over her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead before getting out of the bed and stretching.
Even though it was his birthday, Kiro still had to work. The life of an idol never stopped, even when he wish his Evol was more like Victor’s; Kiro would love being able to stop time so he could have a little world all to himself and the woman he loves. He kept telling himself that the faster he went and got the recording finalized and perfect, he’d be back in her arms where Kiro felt the safest.
So he snuck one final peek at her face. The worried lines had fallen away and she looked peaceful; it was the perfect image to etch in his brain before he saw her once again.
The driver was already waiting for Kiro as he came down his front steps. He didn’t bother changing; he knew he should but he really just wanted even more of a reason to head on home as soon as possible.
Kiro brushed his driver away as he reached to open the idol’s door. “Please, I’m perfectly capable of opening my door.”
“Of course sir. I’ll get in the drivers seat then.”
Settling himself in his seat, Kiro pulled out of his phone to send a text.
Miss Chips! Today’s a wonderful day! Don’t worry about the rain, the best part of celebrating Kiro Day is being in the arms of the person he loves most, and that’s you! I’ll be home before you miss me too long.
Kiro hoped that seeing that message would put a smile on her face when she woke up. One of the ones where she’d smile sleepily while still rubbing her eyes and seeing the slow way her face lit up always brought strength and warmness to Kiro’s heart.
As the rain pattered on, Kiro watched the raindrops race down the window and placed bets every time on which one would win to kill time.
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A ding from her phone brought her out of a restless sleep, the side of the bed next to her was cold but judging from the imprint on the pillow, Kiro had only left maybe ten minutes before. The storm last night had been noisy, and she didn’t sleep well through them. She even briefly wondered if Lucien did okay through the storm.
Before she and Kiro got together, she and Lucien would stay up late on stormy nights, only a wall between their backs as they talked on the phone through stories about fictionalized worlds. She didn’t realize it then, but Lucien told her more about himself in those stories than he ever told her to her face.
The storm connected them, and now it felt like the biggest disconnect in the world not to have his calming voice whispering to her until the sun started to rise. It wasn’t that they couldn’t talk, but he had distanced himself since she and Kiro had gotten together; she didn’t blame him either. He loved her. She loved him too, just in a different way.
She wouldn’t change anything, though. Not even for the whole world, because Kiro was her world and that would mean potentially losing him in the change.
Her phone made another sound, reminding her of the message that roused her from the light sleep she had slipped in after waiting for the sun to arise. Kiro had texted and it was a message that warmed her heart and made her feel a bit more awake.
Rubbing her eyes, she set out for the kitchen. There was coffee still in the coffee pot from when Kiro made it and she poured some in a mug before pulling out the cake box she had hidden from Kiro in an empty sealable bag of peas and carrots. He wouldn’t dare eat those on his own, so she figued it’d be a safe place to hide the mix to surprise Kiro for his birthday. As long as Savin didn’t escort him in, she and her love would be able to eat enough cake until they crashed on their couch from a sugar rush later on.
Baking the cake was mindless, the hum of the mixer calmed her nervous coffee jitters and by the time it was in the oven, she was snuggled under warm blankets on the couch. The coffee didn’t keep her awake for long and the slow drops of rain against the roof was enough to lull her back to sleep.
She woke the second time because the fire alarm started screaming. She couldn’t place where it came from at first but as soon as she spotted the smoking oven, she rushed over and pulled the burning cake pan from the oven.
Dropping the hot metal into the sink, she rushed to open the windows and clear out the smoke.
“Miss Chips? I’m hom- WAH! What’s that smell?” Kiro walked through the door, choking on the smoke as Apple Box ran to him, jumping up and landing his paws on Kiro’s shoulders.
“I burnt something!” She cried out, grabbing a handheld fan and trying to push the smoke towards the open window.
Kiro gently removed Apple Box from his shoulders and grabbed a magazine, helping her to fan the rest of the smoke out. The fire alarm had stopped screaming and the kitchen was starting to smell like burnt cake and rain, a weird combination but not an unpleasing scent.
Kiro peered into the sink and laughed. “Did you try to bake again? You know what happened to the cookies!” She had tried to bake him cookies to snack on during a plane ride a few weeks ago and no matter how long they were in the oven, they refused to cook. Kiro left with no snacks and she was left with un-cookable cookie dough.
“Shh,” she pouted, walking over to Kiro and wrapping her arms around her from behind. “I just wanted to do something nice for your birthday and it’s ruined.”
He turned, hugging her head close to his chest. “Kiro Day isn’t ruined!” Kiro kissed the crown of her head. “Just having you here like this is enough for me.” It was quiet for a moment, they stood wrapped in each other and swaying to the gentle pitter patter of the rain. “Besides, the cake isn’t ruined either.”
“Um,” she blinked, looking up at him. “It’s kinda burnt.” “Hear me out, but I saw on Tik Tok that if you mix cake with frosting and put them in balls and freeze them, they can be cake pops after you dip them in chocolate! We could do that!”
“That’s… actually genius, Mister Kiro! Good job!” She bounced up on her toes and smacked a kiss on his cheek before breaking out from his grip. “Let’s start!”
That’s how they ended up in standing side by side in the kitchen. She was on a stool and watched as Kiro guided the handheld mixer around the burnt cake and chocolate frosting.
“Now we just have to roll them into balls!” Kiro said, and she snickered as he dipped his hand in the bowl and got a clump of the messy cake.
They giggled together as they rolled each individual cake pop and every once in a while one would hip bump the other, which would throw them into another fit of giggles.
Once they had popped the cake in the freezer, they plopped on the couch and cozied up together. His arm was around her shoulder and her head was on his shoulder. Kiro draped a blanket over both of their laps and Cello jumped up and curled into her lap. Apple Box sat on Kiro’s feet which made the both of them giggle.
“I’m sorry you didn’t sleep well last night.” He said, kissing her forehead softly. She responded with a kiss of her own, placed right on the side of his throat.
“It’s fine, I had a nap earlier.” She didn’t question how Kiro knew she had a restless night; he always could tell from one look at her. He claimed once it was because her eyes didn’t sparkle as much. “I’m sorry I ruined your birthday cake,”  She picked up her head then and choked back a giggle.
“What is it?” Kiro asked, his eyebrows furrowing which just made the chocolate on his nose that much funnier.
“Hold still,” she replied, leaning over to grab her phone from the coffee table and snapping a picture of his confused face, covered with chocolate. She showed him then, and he scrambled for a napkin. “That’s going on Moments!” She declared.
“Miss Chips, don’t you dare!” Kiro’s quick fingers tickled at her stomach and sides, causing more laughter to bubble up. “If you do that, Savin will kill me!”
“...Too late!” She cried before she escaped his tickling. “Happy birthday Kiro, I love you.”
“Thank you, Miss Chips, for spending Kiro Day with me!” He replied before touching her sides softly this time and pulling her in to share a sweet, frosting tasting kiss.
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angelanimedesaray · 5 years
Creative Spark
AN:  This is just a super short, nice little fluff piece idea that’s been sitting in my drafts that I decided to brush off for Valentine’s Day.  And its specifically dedicated to all my mutual content creators.
Characters:  Kiro, Reader
Pairing:  Kiro x Reader
No Warnings
Word Count:  1000
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When Kiro came over to your place, there was always one area that had a giant--invisible--do not disturb/touch sign hanging over it.
Your creative space.
As disorganized and messy as the space seemed, Kiro was very aware of the fact that everything had its place and nothing was to be disturbed.  Especially you when you finally had that beautiful mix of time, inspiration, and motivation.  If you were having a streak of productivity, Kiro did everything to make sure he didn’t interrupt and break that streak.  You wouldn’t say anything, but as an artist himself, he knew how frustrating losing that streak could be, especially if it was thanks to an outside interruption.
That was why, after waking up in the morning and discovering you bent over something you were working furiously on in your creative space, he tried to be as quiet as possible.  Normally you weren’t up this early--the only reason he was up was because even asleep he’d eventually become conscious of the fact you were no longer in the bed with him.  It made him think that you might have gotten inspiration in the middle of the night and had been up working with that inspiration ever since.
Well, he wouldn’t disturb you, but since he knew how single minded you could get during the creative process, he could try to make sure you were still taken care of.
Stowing himself away in the kitchen for the time being, Kiro started on the morning essential--coffee and something of a breakfast.  The coffee was the easy part, it was right there and simple to get started.  The food...was a different story.
Since you were focused and would keep working, he wanted something not too messy, something that was more of a finger food, nothing sticky in any way.  That drastically narrowed his choices, but he could find something.  Because he was always hiding things from Savin in his own secret stashes, he knew how to search your kitchen for anything he could use.  He found a box of granola bars shoved in the back of a cabinet, possibly forgotten, and grabbed one of those.  An apple could be cut into slices to make it a finger food and the last poptart package…
You wouldn’t mind if he stole one of them, would you?  He needed something to eat, too!  Though, he wouldn’t say anything, just in case you did mind.
Once he finished putting together his breakfast offering, he quietly slipped into your creative space, setting the plate of finger foods and cup of coffee on a clear spot near you but far enough away you wouldn’t knock it onto the ground if you turned accidentally.  Without another word, he slipped back out to leave you to your work and eat the hostage poptart.
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After about an hour, Kiro checked in on you again, taking the clean dishes away and returning with a coffee refill and a glass of water.  He wanted very, very badly to reach out and give you a hug or a kiss, but you were so focused he didn’t want to turn your attention away even for a moment, so--with great effort he would be regaling you with later--he left you to your work once again.
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The hours continued to slip by, with Kiro growing more and more restless with each one that passed.  He kept checking in on you, making sure that glass of water stayed full, but cutting you off after three cups of coffee so you didn’t get too high strung.  At one point when he saw you had goosebumps and were trembling a little, he carefully tucked a blanket around your shoulders, bumping the thermostat up a few degrees just to be sure.
At long last, you finally emerged from your bubble, blanket hanging over one shoulder, glass of water in one hand, and a slightly frustrated look in your eyes as you chewed on your bottom lip.
Oh no, he knew that look.
“Hey Kiro, can you look at this for me?  I know where I want to go with this, but I’m having problems...getting there, no matter how I try to do it, it just doesn’t want to work,” you grumbled, pausing to take a drink of water.
Kiro got up from the couch and popped to his feet with a bounce, flashing you a bright smile.
“Of course!  Just show me what I’m looking at.”
Going back into your little workspace, you showed him what you’d been avidly working on all this time, explaining your thought process to him and where you wanted to go with it in painstaking detail.  Your hands waved in the air as you spoke animatedly, Kiro listening intently to every word, head tilted slightly as his eyes roamed over what you were working on, a small smile on his face.
Suddenly, as you were explaining the part that you were having difficulties with, you paused, eyes going wide.  “Oh!  Oh!”
Kiro laughed, reaching out to ruffle your hair playfully.  “Sometimes you just need to talk about it, don’t you?”
“Yes, I do--I know what I’m going to--I just need--yes!” you said excitedly, drawing out the s in the yes.
Kiro stopped you before you could jump right back in and become so engrossed he didn’t want to interrupt, pulling you tightly into his arms for a hug, resting his chin atop your head.  “Whenever you get done, I get you all to myself for the rest of the day, okay?  Promise?”
You hummed in his embrace, reaching out to pat his arm with one hand, the other still holding the cup of water.  “I promise you will have my undivided attention.  Now...can I get back to this before I forget?”
Kiro laughed softly in your ear, then let you go, this time leaning in the doorway and watching you silently while you worked with that soft smile still on his face, shining eyes fixated on you.
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night-chant · 2 years
MLQC Scenario - Hidden Talent
If I miraculously and accurately linked your actual hobby with your favourite dude, how??--- I-I mean, yes it was on purpose of course! (I didn’t even get mine right XD)
Featuring: MLQC Guys + reader
Synopsis: You have a great passion for your favourite pastime, but for some reason, you’re too shy to let anyone know about it but then he finds out on his own.
Warning: Fluff (except Victor’s??)
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Creative writing
Sometimes poetry but often, creative writing since you loved spending time working on your historical romance novel. You never showed it to anyone, in fear that it would be ridiculed for any cliché use that you cherished.
At first, Victor assumed you were just writing a report on your laptop but sometimes, your eyes would light up as you eagerly typed out multiple sentences.
Did you find your report on Miracle Finder’s plummeting ratings that entertaining to analyze?
“How’s the progress?” he asked from behind and you hastily flipped the computer shut.
“Okay, I guess.” The light in your eyes instantly vanished.
Huh. He should’ve known. “The deadline is in two days. Did I give you too much time to spare?” When you didn’t answer, he went on: “What are you writing?”
“You’re going to say it’s stupid.”
“If you expect me to say that everytime a dummy does something, I’d lose my voice already. I only say if it is truly disastrous. Let’s see it.”
You reluctantly handed the laptop over. You started a couple of pages on chapter 18, but you expected he’d glance at the first few lines and turn back to you. Instead, he took a few minutes, perusing with a blank scowl.  
Any hope shattered when he started pointing out all the grammatical errors and that the plot so far isn’t logical. Your face felt hot. He was treating even your story as a report.
“The girl should’ve told him the truth in the very beginning,” Victor said, “so none of this mess would happen.”
Your blood was boiling. What, now he’s the CEO of some publishing company?? “Yeah, well, maybe he’d just call her a dummy and dismiss what she says like he always does!”
. . .
Victor would turn and leave with your laptop. Starting from page one, he would read each dialogue and analyze the characters more carefully.
You two will not end up like that couple. Not if he could help it.
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You enjoy nature, especially animals and landscapes.
Sometimes, Lucien and you took a stroll around the forest by the Loveland University so you could get some real-life references.
No matter how vibrant the pigments were, they never drew Lucien’s attention away from you and your concentrated scowl and the slight peek of your tongue as you carefully painted an arc for the branch of a willow tree.
“They don’t look right,” you mumbled, breaking his trance. “But I’m not sure why.”
“Your hand is shaking,” he said, reaching out. “Here, I’ll hold it still for you.”
Maybe it’s because you were embarrassed that you didn’t realize the issue before or maybe because he was leaning very close, but your hands were shaking even more.
However, with gentle guidance, the branches you drew together were natural and lovely, interlaced with one another just like your hands.
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Dancing ft. singing
If the rhythm is inspiring or if it’s just your favourite song, you’d probably be in an imaginary music video in the next moment. (Of course, when you were alone.)
Back to reality, it was Kiro who dances but he usually sings more in his performances in concerts.
He didn’t expect you to be a dancer too.
Kiro came home earlier than usual one day. Savin had let him go ONLY because he wasn’t acting too rebellious that day.
Before Kiro even opens the front door, he heard blaring music, almost reverberating off the wall.
His approaching footsteps were completely muted and a familiar voice was singing both parts of a duet song. Then after, an eerily familiar song . . .
You didn’t notice him as you were dancing away to his latest single.
But when you do, all you wanted was to hide in a closet.
But he thought Miss Chips was adorable and gushed about your accurate choreography.
You both probably ended up dancing to Kpop or Disney songs.
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Knitting and needlework
Your mother taught you the basics, but you loved the activity so much that you made your own small, simple projects.
Sometimes, Gavin returns from missions with torn clothes and you were always willing to sew them up again if possible.
He finds your talent in knitting very intriguing, how your fingers and yarn and needles danced around one and another like hummingbirds.
Subconsciously, he thinks about the future, when you two would be older and when you would be making knitted garments for your two’s grandchildren.
Wait what do you do with all the clothes you knit now?
One day, he informed you that he would be away for a long mission.
You were bummed. “You have to return on the 20th or earlier! Or else I won’t stop knitting this very scarf until you do!”
When Gavin got back, he noticed that the scarf was pretty long.
“You did take breaks, did you?” he asked, holding your hands as he examined them.
You rolled your eyes when he took your joke to heart and so literally.
You wrap the long scarf around him (maybe a couple times keep it clear from the ground, even considering his height).
Good thing the scarf was big enough to cover part of his face because his ears and cheeks grew pink from your gentle gesture.
He untangled the scarf just enough to loop it around you too, narrowing the distance between you two until you were against his chest.
“Thank you.”
He liked to wear it during autumn and winter ever since.
I’m writing this as I wait for a game to download reeee
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otonymous · 2 years
A Very Salty Story (MLQC full cast - NSFW)
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🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 The six-some, as promised...
Now up on my P*a*treon y'all (please see link in pinned post)! Happy reading and hope you all enjoy this filthy craziness! 🤣💖🥰
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thedummysdummy · 2 years
My Roommate is a Sunbeam Incarnate
So I've been contemplating posting something entirely different than my usual offerings. You see, I've been thinking about how funny it could be if Victor and Kiro were roommates due to their entirely different outside presentations, but quite similar inside tenderness. So this is the introduction to what will probably turn into an ongoing fanfic.
What I want to know from you, my lovely readers, is if this interests you or not. Once you've read the intro, I would love if you would comment whether you'd like to continue seeing this content here or if I should post it elsewhere. I won't be offended either way, so let me know!
While Victor could easily have had any private residence on campus or even stayed in his mother’s house, he felt no regret as he stood in front of the unassuming door. It was the same generic grey as every other door on the floor and sported a silver “15.” Victor checked the back of the key, nodded when the numbers matched, and slid the key into the worn and scratched hole in the faded silver handle. 
    Despite the age of the lock, it turned freely and the handle turned with a soft click. Victor leaned his body weight against the door slightly and it swung open to reveal a standard dorm. Two twin-sized beds lined the east and west walls, with two old wooden wardrobes between the beds on the north wall and a wrap-around desk on the south wall. Ugly green carpet covered what had to be a concrete floor and the walls were a finished red brick, a room as inflammable as possible. 
    It appeared that Victor had arrived before his roommate, and as such he took the liberty of choosing the bed farther from the door. He dropped his bag on the naked mattress and looked around with his lip drifting slightly upwards toward his nose. At least it smelled…decent. The sound of footsteps caught Victor’s attention and he turned heel to make eye contact with his father. “Your bed that one, then?” Mr. Li asked, crossing the room as his son nodded and dropping the double armload of belongings onto the bed. “I think there’s really only one more trip if we both carry stuff up. Any sign of your roommate yet?” 
    Victor shook his head and followed his father back down to the car, his sharp eyes taking in the chaos around him. Freshman students in varying levels of excitement and terror scurried from the parking lot into the building like a hive of ants preparing for the incoming winter. The most energetic group were gathered in the northeastern corner of the parking lot, surrounding a golden-haired youth who could only be seen in snatches. 
    “Seems like that lad has quite the following already,” Mr. Li commented with a half smile as he leaned farther into the car to gather a couple of items that had fallen onto the floor of the car. “I’m sure my handsome son will have his own group of friends soon enough.” 
    “That’s the least of my concerns.” Victor shrugged and turned away from the noisy group of students with his arms full. His dad sighed, but didn’t bother to press the conversation. Both men gave the car one more check before heading back up the worn steps to number fifteen to drop off their loads. The pile looked rather small once loaded onto the bed and Mr. Li looked at it suspiciously yet again. Victor caught the look and shook his head. “Don’t even ask, Dad. I have more than enough stuff to get through the semester. And if I need anything, I can just go buy it.” 
    Mr. Li sighed, but nodded and pulled his son into a one-armed hug. “You’re going to do great. And if you need anything, just call.” He stepped back and looked Victor up and down with a swirling mixture of pride and sadness. “Is there anything else you need before I head out? I do need to be at the airport in about an hour.” 
    “I’m fine, Dad. Just call me when you get back to Loveland. Don’t worry about the hour.” Victor shot his father a smile and brought him to the door. They embraced once more and opened the door, allowing the sound of the hallway to pour into the room. And plenty of sound there was: the blonde boy and his entourage were headed Victor’s way, bringing with them their excited chatter. Mr. Li headed off down the hallway in the opposite direction and Victor closed the door, glad that the heavy wooden door and brick walls seemed to dampen most of the outside noise. 
    Moments after the door clicked shut, Victor heard the sound of a key in the lock. He turned away from the pile of belongings that he had begun sorting in time to see the door swing open and admit none other than the smiling blonde youth. “Roomie!” the newcomer exclaimed, his smile as bright as the sun. “The name is Kiro. How about you?” He stepped into the room proper and extended his hand.
    “Victor.” Victor shook Kiro’s hand firmly and turned back to his unpacking. His tone was curt and lacked the warmth and excitement of Kiro’s, but Kiro didn’t seem to notice. He tossed his large suitcase on the bed and flipped it open. The two quickly found homes for their belongings and soon found themselves sitting on their respective beds, awkwardly pretending they were alone and completely comfortable. 
    Kiro lay with his head resting on his pillow and one leg extended, the other with the knee in the air. He scrolled through his phone, often laughing and brushing his hair from his eyes. Victor, on the other hand, sat with his back against the wall and his laptop on his lap. He double checked his schedule, nodded, and closed the computer. A glance at his watch informed him that it was dinner time and he stood. “I am going to go down to the cafeteria. I don’t suppose you wish to join me?” 
    Despite his distaste for the noise and hubbub surrounding his new roommate’s arrival, Victor had no reason to dislike Kiro as of yet. He seemed fairly normal if a bit more extroverted than Victor, but that was fine. And he had…some strange sort of aura that made Victor feel like he wanted to get to know this blonde-haired, blue-eyed ray of sunshine that had been dropped on his doorstep. Kiro nodded with excitement and jumped up, slipping his phone into the pocket of his white capris. “I’m starving!” he exclaimed, beaming from ear to ear at the thought of his first meal as a college student. What might the cafeteria have? Lots of crisps and sweets, he hoped. “Let’s go before all the good stuff is gone!”
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ellie-winthrope · 2 years
Remembrance - [Kiro]
It is because separation is inevitable that we should cherish the moment and those dear to us.
Words: 3258 words
When the girl had reached home after work, she turned on her phone to quickly skim through the notifications, which had popped up in succession on her phone screen.
Without looking away from the screen, she habitually took off her shoes and placed them into the open cabinet by the entrance door with one hand, while her other hand was skillfully sorting through the list of notifications by swiping away the unimportant ones.
Eventually, her finger, which was actively swiping across the phone screen, had halted upon a specific notification. It was neither work-related nor was it from anyone she knew. It was a notification regarding a news that she had been following for months.
Without hesitation, she opened the notification by unlocking her phone’s lock screen. Her grim expression gradually darkened as she read the full news article. By the time she was done, she had seemed even more weary and dispirited than before.
“So, it’s really happening…”
Few months ago, the government had decided to redevelop the rural areas at the outskirts of Loveland City. The town, where the girl used to live together with his late father before they moved to Loveland City, had been selected as part of the areas for redevelopment.
Since the entire town would need to be demolished for the redevelopment to take place, this had incurred severe opposition from the townspeople, who had been living there for generations. Of course, the government had offered the townspeople monetary compensation, along with arranging for their temporary residence before they could move back into their new homes in the redeveloped town, but it didn’t help much in appeasing the townspeople’s grievances.
After all, sentimentality was something that could never be compensated monetarily.
Moreover, the idea of tearing down the entire place that was filled with memories just to remake it into a new settlement was a disconcerting proposal. Having been living there in peace all these years, the townspeople would prefer that everything stayed the same. Even the girl, who had moved away from the town around a decade ago, had felt wistful at the thought of the town that she remembered in her childhood memories being erased just like that.
Although she had expected this outcome, that it would be unlikely for the redevelopment project to be retracted, she still held on to the slim hope that things would somehow take a turn for the better. She supported the townspeople’s effort in protesting against the redevelopment project by signing the public petition they organized and using what little spare time she had to spread awareness about the matter in social media.
Even though she knew that those efforts might not have made any difference, she still couldn’t avoid being disappointed and sad when reading the news article.
After closing off the news article, a message notification had coincidentally popped up on her phone screen.
[Is everything okay, Miss Chips?]
She blinked twice while reading the message.
Now that she thought about it, she hadn’t spent much time with Kiro recently, despite the two of them being involved in the filming of a food show for the past two weeks. At most, they only exchanged fleeting glances with one another before she was called off to review the details of the show with the director, while Kiro would be dragged off by the make-up artist to get ready for the filming.
[You seemed down today.]
Was it that obvious?
It was true that she was feeling disheartened these few days because of the town redevelopment, but she thought she had done well in hiding her feelings and acting like usual while on the filming site.
If Kiro had noticed it, did that mean that everyone else on site was aware too but was merely keeping quiet about it?
That possibility had caused the girl to frown unconsciously. On top of being in low spirits, she instantly felt ashamed at that moment. The last thing she wanted was for others, especially her colleagues, to think of her as someone who couldn’t manage her emotions during work.
Feeling frustrated and burdened by her train of thoughts, the girl tossed her bag down at the side of the coffee table before plopping herself face-down onto the couch in the living room. She felt tired, so very tired, be it physically or mentally. She could already feel herself drifting in and out of consciousness just by keeping her eyes closed.
How nice would it be if the next time she woke up, all her worries were merely a passing dream.
Just when the girl was on the brink of dozing off on the couch, the smartphone that she had unknowingly clutched within her right hand had vibrated twice while emitting a ‘ding’ sound. She would have ignored it, if she hadn’t suddenly remembered the most recent message and how worried the sender would be if she were to remain unresponsive. So, she reluctantly rolled over onto her back and held her phone above her face as she read the message notification on the screen.
[If Miss Chips ever needs someone to talk to, superstar Kiro is always ready to hear you out.]
The corner of the girl’s lips had curved upwards involuntarily when reading the message. She held her phone close to her lips as she whispered softly.
“Thank you.”
Even though Kiro didn’t know about the source of her unhappiness, the girl had felt a little better from reading his message. It was like a gentle reminder, telling her that she didn’t have to bear everything on her own.
Having promised to never hide things from each other, the girl had initially planned to talk to Kiro about the town redevelopment matter, but there hadn’t been an appropriate time for that due to their respective jam-packed work schedules. As the days passed, she gradually hesitated to talk about her problem as she felt that it was trivial and insignificant when compared with other more pressing matters. Believing that she will eventually get over it after a while, she hid her feelings and acted like nothing was amiss.
In the end, Kiro still noticed it.
The girl knew that he wouldn’t belittle her problems and he would listen attentively to her until she was done, but she didn’t want to trouble him with her insignificant issues when he barely had time for himself.
Nonetheless, he had currently taken the initiative by messaging her and offering to be her listener. It would be impolite and hypocritical of her to refuse and insist on keeping the matter to herself now, especially when she was the one who had always asked him to tell her if there was something troubling him.
Nodding to herself, the girl sat up properly on the couch and started composing a message to Kiro. After several repetitions of typing and deleting her words for the past few minutes, she eventually delivered a short and simple reply to her intended recipient.
[Kiro, do you have time next Wednesday?]
While shielding her eyes from the glaring sun, the girl gazed up at the cloudless blue sky. It seemed unlikely that it would rain today, which was great since she would be able to make full use of the entire day for her plans. With a resolute smile, she held the digital camera tightly with both hands and strode towards Kiro, who was currently adjusting his disguise, which consisted of a cap, a pair of sunglasses and a face mask.
To be honest, she didn’t think that any form of disguise would be enough to prevent the celebrity from being identified, but it would still be safer for Kiro to have disguises on than for him to go out without them. Even if the town was situated at the outskirts of Loveland City, it wouldn’t be surprising for his fame to have reached this rural town or even the possibility of stumbling upon his fans during their exploration of the town.
Having noticed her approaching, Kiro stopped fiddling with his disguise. Although his expression had been fully concealed by the sunglasses and mask, the girl could still sense that he was beaming at her.
“Decided on where to go?” he asked while stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.
Before their arrival at the town, the girl had told him about the rural town’s significance to her and the redevelopment project that will be carried out soon. She had also informed him about her plans on visiting the town to preserve the last scenes of the memorable places there with her camera, which Kiro found to be meaningful and was enthusiastic to be involved in her little project.
“Mmhm.” The girl hummed with a firm nod. “There are a few places I planned to visit today, but I am not sure if there are still there since it’s been so long since the last time I was here.”
“That’s okay. We have the entire day to explore this place. So, just take this as our little adventure.”
The girl smiled and nodded in agreement.
The bit of melancholy feeling that she was feeling ever since she decided to visit the town had dissipated at that moment, making her heart felt lighter. Kiro had always been adept at lifting one’s spirit simply through his words and cheerful vibe. It was no wonder that he was regarded as a “little sun” by his fans.
After keeping her digital camera in her handbag, the girl pointed at the street ahead.
“Since it’s close to lunch time, let’s go check out if the family restaurant is still there. I remember they made the best pork buns in town.”
“If you said so, then I definitely have to try it!” exclaimed Kiro with evident excitement in his voice.
The girl had giggled in response before she reached out to grab Kiro’s hand.
“In that case, we better be quick before it’s sold out!”
Having said that, the girl turned and ran ahead while pulling Kiro along with her.
Kiro, who hadn’t expected that, was initially surprised. Behind the black-tinted sunglasses, his bright blue eyes had widened when the girl initially took hold of his hand. However, upon seeing her bright smile and their intertwined hands, he found himself gradually breaking into a grin while being pulled along by the girl.
As they held each other’s hand and ran down the old cobblestone street, he felt liberated, as though nothing else mattered.
As though it was just the two of them in the whole wide world.
For the entire day, the girl visited several places in the rural town as she followed the traces of her vague childhood memories together with Kiro.
Much to her relief, the family restaurant that she remembers was still up and running. It was still managed by the same owner from before she had moved out of the town a decade ago. The most surprising thing was that, even now, the owner still remembers her and her father. After exchanging words with the owner about the changes in their respective lives during this past decade, the owner had given her and Kiro extra servings of the pork buns to takeaway for free as a gift of their unexpected reunion.
Seeing Kiro with his cheeks stuffed full with the pork bun like a hamster, the girl giggled while suppressing the urge to poke his cheeks. Having been stuck on a strict diet after completing the shooting of the recent food show, the girl could understand Kiro’s current bliss in being able to enjoy flavorful and hearty food without any regards about his diet.
Of course, for Kiro’s sake, she would be keeping this hearty meal a secret from Savin.
After they were done with the pork buns, the girl then brought Kiro along to look for her primary school, which was still there. The most noticeable differences from her memories would be the addition of a small athletic field for outdoor sport activities and the once plain white walls were now covered with various colorful but faded murals.
While admiring the faded murals on the wall from outside the school compound, the girl caught sight of a group of primary school students from beyond the adjacent wire fences. The students were shrieking excitedly while running around the school field in their gym clothes. It took her a moment of observation to realize that they were playing a game of tag among themselves.
The sight made her smiled as she recalled the time when she used to play tag with her friends after school. Back then, the whole school was like their private playground after the classes were over. They would run along the school hallways and hide in the empty classrooms.
“This is where little Miss Chips used to study?”
Snapping back to reality, the girl nodded at Kiro before she looked back towards the students at the athletic field.
“Since I moved into town a few months after the school semester had started, I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to catch up on my studies or that I couldn’t fit in with the other students in class. It didn’t help much that I was a timid and socially-awkward child back then.”
“Eh? Little Miss Chips being socially awkward? Really?”
“It’s true! That’s why dad was always worried about me.”
At the mention of her late father, the girl slowly lowered her gaze to the floor. After a moment, she lifted her head and turned towards Kiro, the momentary gloom from before had dissipated as she continued light-heartedly while smiling, “Fortunately, everyone was nice and considerate towards me. They help me catch up with my studies and they even accompany me when dad was late in picking me up from school.”
“Those are nice friends you have there.”
“Yes, they are.”
After the trip to the primary school, the girl visited the community library and then the playground. Those were places where she used to spend her weekends with her late father. At each location, she would retell the fond memories of those places to Kiro.
It was truly strange.
She had expected that by reminiscing about those times that she had spent with her late father in this town will inevitable brought back the grief and sadness that she had over his death. It was for that reason that she had avoided visiting the town until now, but now that she had visited those places with Kiro, she didn’t feel as miserable as she had anticipated. Although there was still a tinge of pain along with melancholy when recalling those past childhood memories at each of those familiar places, she had felt more warm tenderness than heartache.
Was it because the current her had grown to be able to cope with the grief from that time?
Did this mean that she had matured from her past self?
Honestly, she wasn’t sure.
While looking through the pictures that she had taken with her digital camera throughout the day, the girl noticed that the sun had already descended, which allowed the stars to make their appearance along with the crescent moon on the violet-tinged sky. Thinking that the view of the sky was beautiful, the girl instinctively directed her camera at the sky and took a picture of it. She spent a moment to examine the picture that she had taken before eventually nodding in satisfaction.
These photos would be the last mementos that she had of this town before the redevelopment effort, which would be taking place in less than a week later. Even though the only changes to the rebuilt town would be the addition of more facilities and everything else would merely be made anew in their respective locations, it was still fundamentally different from the town before the redevelopment. Thus, she intended to preserve the current perspectives of this town in her photographs.
All in all, today’s outing had been a fulfilling one for her.
Aside from fulfilling her main objective in visiting all the places in her memories, she had managed to lift her spirits as well. While she couldn’t say that she was feeling completely fine, she had at least been able to come to terms with the town’s inevitable redevelopment and the memories related to her father. Honestly, if she had been on her own today, she doubted that she would have been able to accomplish all that she had achieved today.
After tucking the wind-blown strands of hair behind her ear, the girl looked over her shoulder at Kiro, who was resting at a distance away from her. He was gazing up at the sky while sitting on the one and only wooden bench at the small playground. Ever since the sun had descended, he had taken off his face mask and sunglasses, which revealed his captivating blue eyes. Having noticed her gaze, those bright eyes were filled with unconcealed joy as he waved his hand in her direction.
Seeing him in such a jovial mood had made her felt the same. Keeping the camera back into her handbag, the girl walked towards the wooden bench and sat down on the empty space next to Kiro. After a moment of silence, she turned towards the celebrity.
When he met her gaze, she had suddenly felt self-conscious. Even so, she didn’t look away from him and resumed her words.
“Thank you … for always being there for me. I am truly glad that you are here with me today.”
Upon hearing that, Kiro’s face had lit up brightly.
“I am the one who should be thanking you for the invitation! Besides getting to know about Miss Chip’s childhood, the fact that Miss Chips is comfortable with sharing those precious memories with me makes me super proud and delighted!”
The girl felt her cheeks burned up, but she still managed to spoke in a steady voice without looking away from him, “Just like how you have entrusted me with your secrets, I trust you too. Besides…”
If there was anything that she realized from today’s outing, it would be to not take things for granted. Just like the rural town, just like her late father, no one knew how long would things remain or when they would disappear. It might be years, months or they might even be gone on the very next day.
Even for Kiro, who was she to be certain that they would always be together in the future?
Hence, the constant reminder, “to cherish the moment and those dear to you”.
Seeing the questioning look on Kiro’s face, she hesitated on continuing her words for a moment. Since she wasn’t certain about how he felt towards her, the girl couldn’t help feeling cold feet all of a sudden. Although he had always been kind and cordial towards her, that didn’t necessarily mean that he felt the same way as her.
Moreover, words that had been spoken could never be taken back.
However, when she thought of her past regrets that was due to her indecisiveness, she regained the determination to carry on with her words.
“You’re the dearest person to me.”
No matter the outcome, she didn’t want to regret it when the opportunities had passed and she was left with an unchangeable outcome.
So, she will tell him this now.
“Kiro, I love you. I love you very, very much.”
Instead of gazing from afar, this time she will reach out to grasp her beloved star.
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