yunyin · 4 years
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Here’s my piece for the @mlwriterzine, Miraculous Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season!
While primarily a showcase for writers, (so many good fics!) the zine also includes 4 full illustrations like this one (and really adorable chapter headers, plus a gorgeous cover!)
As you can see, I chose Spring and Ladynoir for my piece. I really love that I was able to be a part of this! We were able to donate $2,385 to AO3!
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jattendschaton · 4 years
lost in you
My piece for the @mlwriterzine. Thank you to the mods for creating such an incredible project!
And thank you so much for reading and providing feedback @the-picayune and @kryallaorchid, your ideas and encouragement were essential and I cannot be more grateful!
Ladybug and Chat Noir have always communicated in unthinking touches. An arm wrapped around a waist to launch them through the sky, a hand squeezing a shoulder in reassurance and shared strength, a flick on the nose to satiate that magnetic pull, that irresistible tug which binds them together. It’s comfortable—natural. As true to the earth as the moon pulling on the sea. It’s not until after the curtain drops and the masks fade away that Marinette realizes she never believed those easy touches would stop. With an honest heart, she thought leaving their identities behind would only open the door for more casual affection, for fingerpads to glide like silk before tightening around an elbow and playful shoves of shoulders under the chaos of video game fire. 
But sometimes, she’s afraid to look at him. She’s terrified to see the emotion when their eyes connect and even more afraid to have to watch them snap away. The air between them is always thick and heavy, a shroud of unsaid words blocking them from making contact. It makes Marinette’s heart ache in a way she isn’t entirely comfortable acknowledging.
It does not take long for everyone around them to notice. She agrees to spend lunch with Alya and Nino, but she never sits beside Adrien. The four will partner up for class assignments, but when she breaks her pencil, Adrien barely glances up as he passes her a new one. They’re so careful not to touch, so careful not to look, so careful not to hope. 
It’s almost three weeks after their biggest secrets were torn from unyielding lips that Adrien and Marinette are forced together.
Bathed in the yellow light of an autumn sun, Marinette pretends it’s only a trick of light that gives Adrien an angelic glow as his hand tugs at the hair on the nape of his neck uncomfortably. His shoulders are shrugged and his smile sheepish. She wishes he’d make eye contact with her. She wishes he won’t. 
“It’s okay, Alya,” Adrien says. “I don’t need to go into the maze. I was just curious.”
“You have to go!” Alya’s eyes are fiery and ready to fight. Even Marinette worries for Adrien’s safety when she sees their unwavering determination. “This is one of the best mazes in France, nay, the world! You can’t deprive yourself of the opportunity.”
“But if no one else wants to go—” “Marinette wants to go!” Whipping her head around so fast her glasses start to slip down her nose, Alya smiles victoriously. “Don’t you, Marinette? You were just telling me how much you adore going through mazes once the weather is right. Now’s the perfect time.”
“How thoughtful of you, Alya,” Marinette says through gritted teeth. “You have the best ideas. Can I talk to you for a sec about that incredible brain of yours over there?” She jabs her thumb over her shoulder but doesn’t wait for Alya to agree before she grasps her hand and drags her to an empty spot.
“What are you doing?” Alya asks, peaking over her shoulder at the group of friends they just left behind. “This is going to be fantastic! You’ll get to have some alone time with Adrien, finally work out whatever tension is going on between you two, and be disgustingly in love by the end of the night.” Marinette leans her head in to whisper, but the passion behind her words is unmistakable. “We can barely even look at each other!”
“Trust me, we’ve all noticed. You two have been uneasy and restless around each other for weeks now. You’re wound so tight, any more and you’ll snap.” “All?” “The entire class has noticed at this point. You practically jump out of your seat every time Adrien so much as glances at you, and he’s so hyperaware of you at all times I’m half-convinced he’s psychic ‘cause he’s already handing you a tissue before you’ve even sneezed. You two may not be synchronized, but you’re definitely in sync.” “That doesn’t even make sense!” Marinette wraps her arms around herself, pulling her cardigan tight to her chest. She wants to pretend it’s to fight off the chilling breeze, but Alya knows her better than that. Clothing has always been Marinette’s armor. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Alya gives her a long look, gaze piercing and inscrutable. “You two shift together constantly,” she explains slowly, like she’s talking to a child. “It’s not that you’re moving in the exact same way, but it’s like you’re dancing or something. He takes a step forward, you take a step back. You raise your arm, his lowers. It’s like you’re magnets, perfectly opposing so your every move complements the other.”
Marinette is speechless for a moment, but as her brain starts functioning again, she has enough presence of mind to shake her head. “That doesn’t—that’s not—we barely even talk—” “Look, you don’t have to believe me, but I know you. And I know how you feel about him. And anyone with eyes can see how he feels about you, so why are you trying so hard to avoid spending time with him?” “Feelings can change,” she says with a helpless shrug. “But have they?” Marinette avoids Alya’s eyes. The absence of an answer is enough. “It’s just a maze,” Alya reminds her, brushing a hand down her arm comfortingly. “You’re not going to be locked with him forever.”
“I wouldn’t put it past you. We already had to hand our phones in at the start of the trip, this sounds like the beginning of a classic Alya-scheme.”
A hand flies to Alya’s chest dramatically. “The audacity!” she gasps.
Marinette raises an eyebrow and Alya breaks, laughing as she wraps an arm around her friend’s shoulders.
“As if Nino would let me.”
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Adrien walks with his hands in his pockets, head down. He barely glances in Marinette’s direction until the sound of her feet crunching over the tangled plants and dirt stops and he realizes she isn’t by his side anymore. “You know I like you, right?” Marinette asks without warning and he trips over his own feet.
She looks as though she’s going to reach out a hand to steady him, but more words are tumbling out of her mouth in a flurrying storm and he can barely brace himself for the emotional onslaught. “Not-not like that, I mean, I would never just stop and say that to you, of course that would be so lame and not what I meant, I was trying to say that I still like being your friend, and I know things have been weird but I don’t want you to think I would ever take your friendship for granted, you mean so much to me—all my friends mean so much to me, not just you—not that you don’t mean more to me than everyone else—” “I like you, too.” He doesn’t even register the words as they puff out of his mouth, swirling between them like the dead leaves picked up by the wind.
“Oh. Good. Th-that’s, that’s good.”
“Are we okay?” He takes a step towards her. “It sort of seems like we haven’t been.”
She stares at him for a moment and it’s like she can see through him. His skin is glass and she’s too jagged to keep him from shattering. 
“Of course we are,” Marinette says on an exhale. “Of course.” 
It isn’t until they’ve crossed the same forked path for the fourth time that Marinette finally accepts the reality of their situation.
They’re completely lost.
The sun is no longer high over their heads and a strong breeze curls around their bodies. She watches the bushes surrounding her shiver and tries to hold herself still, lest she suffer through the same dance. “Does this look … a little familiar?” Marinette’s face scrunches in embarrassment at Adrien’s question but she quickly forces a smile as she turns to face him. “I think so.” She rocks back on her heels, nails digging into her palms to prevent her nerves from showing on her face as she takes a deep breath. “We’ve passed this spot before.” He rubs the back of his neck apprehensively. “You don’t happen to remember which direction we turned last time, do you?” She starts to shake her head but when his shoulders immediately droop she tries, “I think we went to the right last time?” “Left it is, then.” He pauses for a moment as if internally battling something before offering his arm. It’s an invitation for yet another unnecessary touch and she blushes profusely as her hand gently rests in the crook of his elbow. “Wouldn’t want us getting separated,” he justifies with a small smile, but neither one of them is blind to the truth. “I’d never get out of here without your guidance.”
“I doubt that,” she laughs but tugs him to the left as they continue onwards. For a moment, the only sound is the snaps of leaves and sticks beneath their feet and the merriment of a crowd far outside their high-walled confines. They don’t travel in distance, but in time, and the longer they’re gone, the more it feels like their friends exist in another world entirely. She’s so lost in remembering to breathe and keeping her balance, Marinette almost misses the soft voice cutting through the ambient noise. “If it weren’t for me, we wouldn’t even be lost here in the first place.” She stops in her tracks so suddenly Adrien trips over his feet and she has to catch him around his waist to keep him upright. “You’re not serious, are you?” He stares at his shoes. “Adrien, it isn’t your fault we’re lost.” She unwraps her arm from his middle and grabs his hand instead, giving it a light squeeze. “It’s a maze! That’s what’s supposed to happen.” “Not this badly, though. We’ve been in here for hours, the sun is setting, our friends are probably annoyed we’re taking so long and—look! You’re shaking!” He whips off his jacket to drape over her shoulders and she’s too stunned to protest. “You only came in here because I wanted to do this.” His arms fall to his side, smacking against his thighs. “The silly homeschooled kid who’s never gotten the chance to really celebrate the season wants to run through the maze, of course. I had no idea what it would be like—no idea how long it would take. I should have known it was a dumb idea when no one else wanted to do it.” Dropping down to the ground with no mind for the dirt surely coating his pants, Adrien closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, tilting his face up towards the sky. Welcoming any last bits of derision the universe can send him. “I’m really sorry, Marinette. You shouldn’t have had to come in here with me just because no one else wanted to.” Marinette looks at him for a moment, really looks at him. She takes in the bags under his eyes and the small downturn of his lips. The way his shoulders sag and his legs stretch out in front of him, hair blown crazy from the wind and wisping against his forehead. He looks defeated. She won’t have that. Crouching down beside him, she nudges his shoulder with her own until he finally opens an eye and squints at her. “Today has been the most unbelievable day,” she tells him, “because not only have I had an incredible time getting lost in a beautiful maze with one of my friends, but I also just witnessed one of the most intelligent people I know say the absolute dumbest thing I have ever heard.” His laugh is loud and almost desperate and it startles them both. “Adrien, I’m glad we got to spend this time together. Even if it means getting lost for several hours and freezing to death.” She squeezes his jacket tighter around her shoulders, closing her eyes to soak in its comfort. “It has been nice,” Adrien agrees, reaching out a hand to fix the jacket’s collar. A fingertip brushes against Marinette’s neck and she shivers. “Oh no, you really are freezing out here, aren’t you?” “I’m f-fine.” Her stutter is completely unrelated to the breeze cutting through to her bones. Adrien frowns. “No, you’re not. We really need to get out of here.” He stands and sweeps his hands down the back of his pants to rid them of dirt before offering a hand out to Marinette and helping her to her feet, almost tugging her into his chest with its intensity. “Have any suggestions?” “Well, there’s one surefire way to get us out of here eventually.” When she doesn’t elaborate, Adrien nudges her lightly. “Gonna keep me in suspense?” It’s playful and sweet, but even innocently platonic touches send sparks over her skin and she struggles to remember her train of thought. “We pick a wall and follow it around completely. It’s not the most efficient solution, but it’ll definitely work.” She scrunches her nose. “But I don’t know if we have that kind of time left. It’s getting pretty dark and we have people waiting for us.” “We could try and find someone to ask for help?” “I haven’t seen anyone in here in ages. Do you think we’re the only ones left?” He shudders. “That’s kind of a terrifying thought. I’m not sure I like the idea of being all alone.” She captures his attention with a gentle hand on his arm. “Not all alone, silly. With me.” His smile is brilliant and she has to look away or she’ll be blinded by the sun. “We’ve got each other. We’ll make it out together.” “Okay,” he agrees, nodding slowly. “I believe you.” She doesn’t intend to respond, comfortable to let his trust hang between them, bridging the chasm. But when she has a thought and it pops from her lips unable to be contained, she isn’t surprised. “And I believe in you.”
Adrien’s eyes widen, and his smile drops. It doesn’t fall like an empire, quick and violent, but as a leaf swept away from its tree and fluttering to the ground. She can see the emotions flit across his face, indecipherable but haunting.
“Let’s get out of here,” she finally cuts through the strained silence. “Right. Of course.”
They don’t touch as they walk, but charge builds up between them, finally released as a shock of skin against skin when Adrien grabs her hand. He doesn’t look at her, doesn’t acknowledge his clammy palm pressed tightly to her own, but it only accentuates how arduously he clings to a façade of composure. 
She’s the one who interlaces their fingers.
It’s heaven and it’s hell, the distracting pattern his thumb draws too gently on her own and the rhythmic swing of the arms linked between their bodies. Her hand is frozen solid and yet she feels like there are flames licking at her fingertips every time he squeezes her tighter. They’ll never get out of this labyrinth without concentrating and they don’t even recognize where they are anymore. She can’t focus and she doesn’t want to. She wants to curl into this moment forever and for once experience the freedom of choosing with her heart, consequences be damned.
But that isn’t going to get them out of the maze. And it isn’t what superheroes do. 
“This isn’t working,” Marinette says.
He sighs, “I know,” dropping her hand and looking towards the sky, as if pleading with the universe. His muscles tighten, ready for the pain, ready to run, and the distance between them grows without them moving a centimeter apart.
Adrien stops, motionless. Marinette reaches forward to hold his hand in both of hers. 
“I don’t want to be a distraction,” he whispers. “We have a responsibility.”
It’s clear he isn’t talking about the maze.
“I know.”
“But I can’t stop, Marinette.” He doesn’t face her when he speaks and she isn’t sure if she should be grateful. “I can’t—I don’t know how to stop loving you.”
“Ladybug and Chat Noir—they can’t.”
Adrien pulls out of her grip and she lets him go, but it feels like ripping off her own arm.
“But maybe …” she continues, “maybe in here, right now, we don’t have to be Ladybug and Chat Noir.”
He stops walking.
“Maybe we’re just two teenagers. Lost in a maze.” The words are drawn from her mouth, slow-moving and over-enunciated. “Lost in each other.”
Adrien turns sharply on his heel and he’s in front of her in an instant, eyes searching for something. She doesn’t know what he’s looking for, but she’s too tired to hide. He knows everything already.
He speaks after a small eternity and Marinette has never been more grateful to hear his voice. “How could I ever be lost with you?” His eyes flick down to her lips and back up again and she’s losing her composure one breath at a time. The air between them sparks with electricity, a magnetic kind of energy drawing them nearer. It isn’t fear that swirls in the pit of Marinette’s stomach, but a restless anxiety. It’s the moments before landing after she leaps off a building, the seconds leading up to a love confession. There’s an unmistakable vulnerability in his eyes—a yearning he can’t mask—and hers flutter shut without warning. When their lips finally meet, it’s the collision of desire and fulfilment, a volcano meeting the sun. Unrestrained tension releases like the snap of a rubber band and then it’s over all too quickly. His nose barely grazes the side of her own as they share breaths, chests rising and falling rapidly. They don’t pull away from each other, the light tracing of fingertips on cheeks and jaws bringing their lips together once again.
The touches are so addicting—so all-consuming—Marinette almost misses the words whispered against her mouth.
“Wherever you are is where I’m meant to be.”
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mlwriterzine · 4 years
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The Miraculous Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season is on sale NOW!
📢 UPDATE - Physical copy preorders are SOLD OUT, digital copies will be available through November 30th.
All proceeds will be donated to AO3 (Archive of Our Own) ✨ CLICK HERE TO BUY TODAY!
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We’re so thankful for the outpouring support of this zine - we sold out of physical copies in just over 48 hours! 💕 If you weren’t able to snag a physical edition, the digital editions will be available until the store closes at the end of November (we will not be adding more physical preorders, sorry!). For those of you who were able to purchase a physical copy, we will be ordering them tomorrow which is much earlier than expected! Keep an eye on your email for shipping announcements.
✨ About the Zine:
The Miraculous Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season is the first zine of its kind in the Miraculous fandom. This collection was built out of a love of telling stories, as well as an appreciation for all the content creators in the fandom.
Once Upon a Season is a compilation of 24 stories, each from a different author. This book contains a full year of never-before-seen standalone tales. Each story allows a glimpse into the world of Miraculous Ladybug during one of the four seasons: summer, spring, fall, and winter. The pages are also sprinkled with gorgeous illustrations from a handful of guest artists.
Everyone worked incredibly hard and put a lot of love into this zine, so please consider purchasing - it’ll be worth it! If you can’t, please help spread the word! Thank you 💖
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inkjackets · 4 years
Shattered Sunshine
This piece was written for the @mlwriterzine
I was so grateful to be part of such a fantastic zine with so many amazing writers! (Do check out the works by everyone else, they’re all so good!!) Also big thanks to the mods for all their hard work in making honestly such a beautiful zine.
Paris glistened under the glorious summer sun; the skies shimmered blue overhead. Yet Marinette felt only ice swirl in her gut as she and Alya reached the top of the mountain.
She placed her basket down with a thump and inhaled the summer air, attempting to alleviate her anxiety. But it was hot and stifling and burned through her lungs, only succeeding in magnifying her emotions.
She brushed her fringe back. “I hate summer,” she muttered, glancing at her friend. With her short-shorts, loose buttoned shirt, and hair swept into a high ponytail, Alya Césaire looked the epitome of cool.
“No, you don’t,” Alya said, not unkindly, as she unravelled the picnic blanket. “You’re just nervous.” Marinette bit her lip and took the sides, helping her friend lie it flat. “Though I don’t know why,” Alya continued as they both crawled onto the rug, “I thought you’d be excited to see our ray of sunshine again.”
Marinette averted her gaze. Sunshine, sunshine, Paris’s perfect ray of sunshine. Yet the thought of him made her turn cold.
She grabbed the basket and unloaded the food while Alya laid the drinks on the blanket, but she tensed when she opened the box of Dupain-Cheng pastries, full of croissants and cookies …
And passionfruit macarons.
“It’s been five years, Alya,” Marinette said quietly. “What if everything’s changed?”
Alya cocked her head to the side. “Don’t you hope it has?”
Marinette clenched the box tight. Apprehension curled in her stomach and fear clawed its way through her as she gazed over Paris sprawled out far beneath them: iron rooftops gleaming; the Seine glittering; Sacré-Cœur shining like a beacon on the horizon; and backdrop to it all, the brilliant sun. Sweat trickled slowly down her back.
Nino’s distinct voice hit her ears followed by Adrien’s unmistakable laugh. Sickness and trepidation surged within her. She looked at Alya with panic, but her friend had already jumped up to greet the boys. Marinette scrambled to her feet and stared wide-eyed at Adrien—currently enveloping Alya in a hug. They broke apart. He turned to her. Her heart pounded.
For, in his white shirt, with that smile, and his eyes golden-green, Adrien Agreste was breathtaking.
“Hey,” he said, giving a small smile and a wave.
Marinette went to wave back, but she realised she was still holding the box of pastries. She frowned at herself. Why was it still in her hands?
“H-hey,” she then managed to get out.
They both stared at each other, unsure of how to proceed. He looked down at the box she was holding.
“Are those passionfruit macarons?” Adrien asked, wide-eyed.
“Uh, yeah,” she thrust the box forward. “Want one?”
His eyes lit up. Marinette’s heart warmed, and then it sank. She didn’t want to feel for him.
Adrien took a macaron, bit into it, and moaned. “God, I’ve missed your bakery.”
Marinette internally scowled at the heat that rose in her cheeks.
“Dudes!” Nino leapt in and wrapped his arms around them both, pulling them in so close they almost banged heads.
“Smile!” Alya grinned, readying her phone for a group selfie.
Adrien laughed, and he and Nino both pulled a stupid face. Marinette forced herself to smile. Alya snapped the picture.
“It’s been too long since the four of us have been together,” Alya said, grinning up at them all as Nino released her and Adrien.
Marinette felt Adrien’s eyes on her. She swallowed and glanced at him, not wanting those green eyes to make her heart flutter as it did. He gave a hesitant smile. She stared back. She didn’t smile.
“Dude! Are those Dupain-Cheng pastries?” Nino cried, ripping the box from her hands.
Marinette tore her eyes from Adrien and grinned. “Baked fresh this morning!”
Nino sat down and shoved a croissant into his mouth. “Ermagoh, oh goo!” he exclaimed, mouth overflowing with pastry. They all laughed and settled around him.
But while the other’s dove into the picnic and conversation, Marinette barely ate a thing and simply let the conversation wash over her.
She plucked blades of grass as the blazing sun burned her neck, and the start of a headache began pounding behind her eyes. And every time Adrien spoke, the chill in her stomach spread, worming its snaky tendrils right through her.
Yet, she couldn’t help but stare at him.
For he looked good—healthy even—relaxed and at ease. His smile was wide, and laugh loud, and hair more rugged than it used to be, lying somewhere between how he’d worn it at school, and how it’d been styled as his alter-ego, Chat Noir. A smile rose on her face; it suited him. However, with each flicker of his eyes and each smile that stretched just a little too wide, she could see his facade was cracking.
Because something was off.
Of course it was.
A part of her was desperate to comfort him and tell him everything was all right. But instead, she grabbed a can of Sprite and rolled it in her hands, squashing that part of her down. For there was a wall between her and Adrien. A wall she didn’t know how to—no. A wall she didn’t know she even wanted to break.
She spun the can faster.
“So what have you been up to, Marinette?”
Marinette tensed as those green eyes turned to her.
“I went to fashion school,” she said, simple and quiet.
“I always knew you would,” Adrien said, and Marinette’s heart fluttered at his soft smile. “How was it?”
She clenched the can of Sprite, desperate to hide her shaking hands.
“It was really good! I learnt so much.” She forced herself to smile.
Adrien’s smile faltered.
And Marinette wanted to laugh at the bitterness thrumming through her. Even after all these years, he could see right through her.
“Hey, did Alya tell you she’s got an internship with Le Monde ?” she then said quickly.
Pain flashed behind Adrien’s eyes, so quick she barely saw it. “No?” He turned to Alya, incredulous. “That’s amazing!”
Marinette scowled at the Sprite can and flipped it in her hands, pointedly ignoring Alya and Nino’s questioning glances. Unease gnawed at her insides; tears burned the back of her eyes. She couldn’t do this.
Seeing him again had been a mistake.
With a burst of anger, she ripped the can open, intending to take a huge gulp to drown the bitter taste in her mouth. However, froth exploded from the top, fizzing everywhere. She yelped, threw the can in her panic, and splashed it all over Alya.
There was a moment of stunned silence as Alya took in what had happened, gazing down at her sticky, sodden clothes. She looked up; Marinette squeaked.
“I’m so sorry!” she exclaimed, hands at her mouth, “I didn’t realise it was shaken and it took me by surprise andIdidn’tmeantothrowitonyouohmygosh! I’m so sor—” She froze when her friend’s lip curled.
“Nino!” Alya said, a mischievous glint in her eye.
“Got you, babe.”
Marinette squealed and tried to scrabble out the way as Nino went to tip an entire bottle of water over her head. But she was whisked away at the last second and thrown to the side.
Marinette laughed, amazed she was still dry. But when she turned, she saw Nino, empty bottle in his hand, staring wide-eyed at a soaking wet Adrien.
“Ah, shit,” Nino swore under his breath.
For a moment, the only sound was the soft pat-pat of drips running off Adrien onto the blanket. Then he slowly raised his head with a jagged grin on his face.
Nino yelped and ran, but Adrien dove on top of him and forced water down his shirt. However, he’d only emptied half the bottle when Alya, with mock outrage, pulled him off her boyfriend. He laughed and tipped the rest of the bottle over her, quickly regretting it when she splashed him back in the face.
Marinette watched them from the sidelines, smiling at their fun, until suddenly all three rounded on her.
She shrieked with laughter as they showered her in water. But then, spying an opening, she dove and swiped a nearby bottle before spinning and aiming it threateningly at her attackers. Their smiles instantly dropped. Screaming and laughing, they scattered in all directions as Marinette enacted her revenge.
Once the last bottle had been emptied, they all flopped to the ground, chests heaving and scattered laughter ringing out.
Warmth and happiness thrummed through Marinette as she wrung out her dress and then leant back to gaze at the sky, smiling at the fluffy clouds that had decided to drift over. Her only regret was not drinking some water before it’d gotten weaponised; her headache was still there, and her throat was getting dry.
Adrien, too, leant back, placing his hands so close to hers they almost touched. He then rolled his head back and gazed at her with his soft, lazy smile.
Her heart clenched. Then, ever so slowly, she relaxed her shoulders and returned his smile with a soft one of her own. Adrien sucked in his breath; his eyes shone with hope. And Marinette’s breath caught in her throat as the tension began to evaporate between them, disappearing up into the clouds like the water.
“I’ve missed this,” Nino said. “Just the four of us, like old times.”
Adrien froze. Marinette stiffened. The tension came crashing back. She pulled her hand away from his and curled in on herself, cold seeping under her skin despite the heat.
Alya flopped onto her back. “You know what I miss?” she said, reaching for the sky, “Ladybug and Chat Noir.” Marinette tensed. “Like after Gabriel got put away—which I’m so sorry about, Adrien—they just vanished. Poof! Right into thin air.” Her fingers trailed the sky. “Like what happened to them? Where are they now? What are they doing?” Marinette felt Adrien’s gaze on her, but when she looked at him, he was staring with glazed eyes at the grass. Alya’s hand flopped to the ground. “I hope they’re okay.”
Regret simmered within Marinette as Adrien slowly raised his eyes to meet her’s, pain shining so clear it pierced her heart.
“I hope so too,” he said quietly.
Marinette clenched her jaw. She turned away. She closed her eyes and tried not to grimace, fighting the tears that stung her eyelids.
For she wanted to be okay. She wanted them both to be okay. She opened her eyes and slowly exhaled. But they weren’t.
“Ice-cream!” Alya suddenly exclaimed making Marinette jump. “I want ice-cream! Nino, come with!” She leapt to her feet and tugged her yelping boyfriend.
Panic flared in Marinette’s gut. “Wait, Alya, no!” She didn’t want to be left with Adrien.
Alya swooped in. “You need to fix whatever this is,” she hissed in her ear, glancing at Adrien, before pulling back and running off with Nino in tow.
“W-wait!” Marinette spluttered. “No, Alya!”
Alya gave a wave of her hand as Nino glanced back and shrugged helplessly.
“They didn’t even take our order,” Adrien noted, eyes glittering with amusement as he watched their friends disappear before turning to her. Marinette stared. His grin widened. And that image of Chat Noir slammed into her mind; of that smile he used to give her, high up on the Eiffel tower …
She scrambled to her feet and clutched her middle; confusion and nausea swirled within her.
She gritted her teeth and turned away as Adrien got up and stepped towards her.
“M’Lady?” he asked softly, reaching out.
“Don’t call me that!” she hissed. Adrien flinched and snatched his hand back. “You lost that privilege the day you left.”
She wrapped her arms around herself as Adrien tightened his jaw.
“We were seventeen, Marinette. I had no choice as to whether I could stay or not.”
Rage blossomed within her. “You could have told me!” she yelled, whipping around, hair flying. “You could’ve at least said goodbye! Instead, I got told by Nino, by Nino , that you’d gone and moved to London!”
Adrien drew in on himself and averted his eyes.
“You abandoned Paris,” she continued, a lump rising in her throat. “You abandoned me .” Her voice cracked. She took a shuddering breath to quell her emotions, but the air was so hot that it stirred them instead.
Adrien swallowed and shook his head as pain rose on his face. “It was all too much,” he whispered, voice hoarse with memories. “You were Ladybug. And Dad was—” he blanched, “and then Mum …”
Guilt stabbed Marinette in the gut as Adrien’s eyes glazed over; she didn’t want to send him back to those days.
“I thought of you every day,” Adrien said quietly.
“Then why didn’t you call?”
“I—” Adrien choked, “I didn’t know what to say.”
Marinette’s blood boiled, her headache pounded between her eyes. “Anything!” she yelled, her throat raw and burning. “Anything would have been better than five years of silence!”
“I know! I KNOW!” Adrien cried with frustration. “Okay, I KNOW , but I couldn’t .”
“What the hell does that mean?” Her hands shook and vision blurred.
He grabbed his hair in distress. “I just couldn’t , alright!”
“No!” she screamed, “ I don’t understa —”
Adrien’s chest heaved, tears shimmered in his eyes. And Marinette stared, her own chest growing tight.
“I know,” she whispered, voice hoarse and aching, “That’s why I—”
“I lived with him, Marinette!” His words glimmered with pain. “I lived with him my whole life, and I had no idea. I should’ve known!” Hysteria rose within him. “I should’ve known !”
“No, that’s not …” She tried to speak, but her tongue was heavy in her mouth. “You can’t—” Her breathing quickened.
“He hurt you!” Adrien continued, voice cracking with pain, “He hurt everyone. I hurt everyone.” He shook his head and covered his mouth, tears spilling down his cheeks as those dark days returned with a vengeance. “How could you love me after that?”
Marinette blinked back the blinding sun; her vision started swimming. “Adrien, you’re—” she faltered, “you were my partner.” Tears burned her eyes, but they wouldn’t spill over. “My best friend!” She felt faint and lightheaded. “You know I—” She shook her head. “I—” She tried to take a step forward, but the world spun around her.
Adrien lowered his hands, eyes wide with panic. “Marinette?” His voice sounded distant.
She clutched her head as her headache exploded. Adrien’s mouth moved, but no sound hit her ears.
She staggered. The world tilted.
Everything went black.
Marinette groaned. She opened her eyes, squinting at the sunshine before focusing on the two pairs of golden-brown eyes above her.
“Oh, thank God. You okay, girl?”
Marinette grimaced and pushed herself to a sitting position, leaning back against the tree she was under.
“What happened?” she said, voice dry and raspy.
“You fainted, dude,” Nino said, “But you were out for like a minute, max.”
“We got back just in time to see Adrien catch you. Then he carried you here, to the shade.” Alya gave her a small smile.
Marinette looked around as Nino and Alya’s words sank in, eyeing the four ice-creams lying face down in the dirt. She then looked back at the brown eyes in front of her and realised what was missing.
“Where’s Adrien?” she cried, panic flaring within her. She tried to get to her feet, pushing back against the hands that were stopping her.
“Chill, Mari! He’s gone to get water. We used all ours in the—” Alya cut off as Adrien appeared behind her. Wide-eyed and flushed with a bottle of water in each hand, he’d clearly run as fast he could.
His face broke with relief when he saw she was awake. He swiftly knelt, uncapped a bottle, and handed it to her.
Marinette sipped, and then gulped down the water, sighing as her headache immediately lessened and energy flooded through her.
“How are you feeling?” Adrien asked softly as she finished the bottle.
“Much better. Thank you,” she replied, just as quiet, and looked up.
The moment hung between them, unresolved emotions bled into the tension, but those green eyes remained ever constant.
In the corner of her vision, she saw Alya tug Nino’s hand—“Come on, let’s give them space.”—and lead him away.
But Marinette just stared into those eyes.
A breeze ruffled Adrien’s shirt. Hairs tickled the back of her neck. Then suddenly the tears fell, thick and fast, down her cheeks; her emotions were finally able to spill over.
Sobs wracked her body. Her breath hitched in her throat. And when Adrien wrapped his arms around her, she wailed into his chest. His own tears dripped onto her shoulders.
“I’m so sorry,” Adrien whispered into her hair, and it was like a shot to the chest.
She pulled back, hands still on his chest. “Don’t say that.” Her voice was deathly quiet. “You don’t—you can’t—” She swallowed the guilt clawing her throat. “A-After Nino told me …” she trailed off, filling with regret, “I-I should have called you too.” Adrien sucked in his breath. “I’m sorry.” Her voice cracked.
Adrien shook his head as fresh tears streamed down his face.
She reached out her hand and gently placed it on his cheek. He leant into her and closed his eyes, and her heart warmed as she gently wiped away his tears with her thumb.
Adrien took her hand in his own and held it in his lap; tingles shot up her spine at his soft, ginger touch.
“What do you say we start again?” he said, his voice quiet. His eyes pierced hers and a small smile tugged at his lips.
Marinette stopped breathing. Tears spilled down her cheeks. She shifted her hand in his grip so her fingers entwined his.
“I’d like that,” she whispered.
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Caterwauling in the Rain
Summary: Marinette and Adrien share their very first kiss after their very first date. Chat is so overjoyed he’s ready to burst into song, albeit not all Parisians share the sentiment. Ladybug comes to investigate the complaints about a feline caterwauling in the spring rain. Luckily, it’s just her very wet boyfriend. A Miraculous Writer Zine​ story.
A/N: This is my piece for @mlwriterzine . I’m so happy I can finally share it! I feel honored to be among the chosen authors. I want to thank everyone, who made this zine possible, it was an amazing adventure! Make sure to read works in the zine collection, they're all a m a z i n g !
The whisper of wind in his ears, the tap of boots on the tin roofs, the pigeons nesting among the chimneys, cooing to the spring in his step. Chat Noir ran high over the streets, reveling in this late April evening, basking in the fading light of day. 
 Everything in his path was blooming recklessly, fueled by sunshine, turning the warmth of spring into an opulent palette of greens, whites, yellows, pinks, and every other color one could think of.
 It wouldn’t have been far from the truth if Chat claimed he floated on the breeze. It certainly felt like it. Butterflies, the good kind, not the evil purple ones that’d been giving them so much grief, fluttered happily in his stomach. His chest swelled with affection as if it tried to contain all the smells and scents at once.
 His heart was so full he was ready to burst into song any second now. And snugly pressed to his chest was none other than the bravest, prettiest, awesomest, and the most amazing girl he knew. The love of his life, sans the spots. Marinette Dupain-Cheng. His Lady. His girlfriend. His everything. 
Her hair tickled the exposed skin under his chin, but he was too focused on carrying his precious cargo to utter a chuckle. It was her who giggled happily instead. 
 “I really could have gotten home myself, silly Kitty,” she murmured to his sternum. Only his enhanced hearing allowed him to pick up the words over the rush of air and the buzz of traffic. 
 “A gentlecat always walks the lady home after a date,” he countered, allowing a little bit of flirt to seep into his voice.
 A date! he thought excitedly, his heart skipping a few beats. The very first real one, official and everything. Not that anyone paid attention to two goofy teens sharing an ice cream, walking down the banks of the Seine and doing all the carefree, silly things teens did. Bantering, picking flowers, playing tag just because. Holding hands, stealing glances, blushing. Basically half of Adrien’s bucket list went down on that date, more than he could ever hope for. It was still very fresh—the romantic side of their relationship, just like nature herself, coming to life with spring—yet he doubted the excitement of enjoying her company on both sides of their masks would ever ebb.
 Alas, their time had run out all too quickly. For unfathomable reasons their parents set a curfew and warned them not to break it. Yet Adrien refused to leave Marinette to return home by herself. He announced his arrival at the mansion, claiming he was exhausted after a busy day, and dashed off to his room. The door barely had time to close behind him when Chat Noir was already leaping through the window. He scooped Marinette into his arms and vaulted them high and away from the prying eyes of pedestrians. Just a little run and they were already on the little balcony of 12 Rue Gotlib.
 It wasn’t dusk yet, although darkness already settled over the city thanks to the rain clouds that flocked from the west, keeping the last rays of spring sun to themselves. A silver half-moon peeked tentatively over the rooftops, picking up the slack. 
 Unexpectedly the sight filled him with nostalgia. “Anything can happen at half-moon,” Chat recited absently. He didn’t remember where he’d heard the verse. 
 “Anything?” Marinette frowned in confusion. After all, they had just spent a delightful afternoon together. Why would his mood turn wistful so suddenly?
 He decided to play it off. He grinned cheekily. “Like maybe … a kiss?” 
 He was pushing his luck, he knew. They hadn’t reached that milestone yet, still tiptoeing around each other after the accidental reveal, still testing the waters, although neither of them was oblivious to the other’s feelings anymore. 
 To his astonishment Marinette fixed him with a coy smile and threw her hands around his neck. She climbed to her toes. “Maybe,” she whispered, her lips a hairbreadth away from his. Her eyes twinkled in the moonlight. 
 Chat released a ragged breath against her mouth. He shuddered from head to toe as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her flush against him. His body screamed for her, longed for her presence. But he wouldn’t dare to make the first step. He always followed her lead. He had to be sure it was what she wanted, even if he knew it wasn’t in her nature to tease him like this. 
 And then Marinette was kissing him. Sweetly, tenderly, with just a hint of passion simmering underneath. The gentle caress shrunk his world to just her and this moment.
 He was sure he died, his heart flatlining out of sheer euphoria, his neurons fried from overjoy, his body coming apart at the seams. He floated to heaven and then her kisses brought him back to life. Back to the warmth of her embrace, to the flowery scent of her skin, and to soft kisses he knew he would never have enough of.
 All too soon she withdrew, leaving his lips tingling and cold. He stumbled, dizzy with love in his heart and springtime in his lungs. 
 She must have thought he was being dramatic, because she ruffled his already wild mane.
 “Goof,” she giggled. “Go home, before you catch a cold.”
 “A cold?” He knitted his brows. “Why would I catch a cold now?”
 “It’s raining, you dork.” Marinette bopped him on the nose and turned her hands up. A few plump droplets splashed on her palm.
 Huh? How long did that kiss take? He hadn’t noticed when the rain started. Either those clouds had been moving faster than he’d thought, or he might have been more distracted than usual. Lately he tended to get tunnel vision in Marinette’s company, tuning out everyone and everything while soaking in her presence. 
 From behind the deck chair Marinette produced a black umbrella. She pressed it into his claws. “This is no dew, Kitty. It’s going to pour heavily soon.”
 “Really?” He chuckled. She walked straight into this one. “I’m purring already, my Lady.” He grabbed her hand and put it to his chest. Then he released a rumble worthy of a thunderstorm.
 “Besides, where I stand, the sun is shining all over the place.” He dropped the cheesy line with a flourish.
 “See, you’re already delirious,” Marinette replied matter-of-factly. “Also, yes, I’m very proud of you for getting the ‘Singing in the Rain’ reference, you dorkasaurus,” she added, seeing his pout of indignation. “Now go, before you get wet for real.”
 “Didn’t you mean furrrrr real?” he started, but dropped it immediately when she set him with one of Ladybug’s finest glowers. “A kiss good night, purrrhaps?” he asked hopefully.
 Marinette grabbed him by the bell with such force, his hand slipped on the umbrella’s handle. She pressed her lips to his, but with more fire than sugar this time. 
 Snap! The black canopy sprang to its full size, startling them both.
 “Sorry! Sorry!” Chat exclaimed, but Marinette just shook her head, launching into a fit of laughter. It was impossible not to join her.
 “This umbrella is absolutely terrible,” she wheezed, clutching at her belly. “The ultimate killjoy.”
 “You mean this is …” He trailed off, finally giving the umbrella a thorough look. Sure enough, he soon found the loopy ‘Agreste’ carved into the handle. “Oh, wow,” he whispered reverently. Marinette had mentioned the significance of that first rain they’d experienced together.
 “Yup. And I want it back, mind you,” she added. 
 “This is an Agreste umbrella. You’d need to marry me for the name to check out, Princess.” Chat shot her with a toothy grin.
 “Did you just propose on the first date, Adrien?” She raised a brow. “You might want to save something for the second one.”
 “Ooops.” He feigned a horrified gasp. Incidentally, that absolutely had been on his bucket list. This was Marinette after all. “I’m gonna have to google some new ideas. But anyway, your answer would be …?”
 Marinette shook her head again and thrusted her hand into his face. “You’re impossible. Just go home already before we both catch a cold.”
 Right. He hadn’t noticed her shivering in the cold evening breeze, and the rain probably wasn’t helping. 
 “As you wish, m’Lady.” He bowed. “See you tomorrow?”
 “Tomorrow it is, my Prince,” she replied with a curtsy, raising the imaginary fabric of a long dress with her fingers. Then with one last playful wink, she disappeared through the skylight. 
 Chat sighed in contentment, drawing in the chilly, humid air. He didn’t feel even a little bit tired, more like ignited after the spectacular afternoon of romance, flirting, and banter. He leaped to the railing and elongated his baton so that it hit the pavement. Then, like a leather-clad Mary Poppins, he floated down, startling a few passersby. 
 “Du-dudu-du, du-du-dudu-dee-dudu,” he hummed under his breath, setting into a leisurely stroll. The rain picked up a heavier rhythm, just like Marinette predicted. 
 “Du-dudu-du, du-du-dudu-dee-dudu.” He continued letting his inner Gene Kelly come out and play. He always wanted to perform that song, ever since he’d watched the movie with his father ages ago. And what better place to do so than the Parisian streets, a classy background to the classic number?
 He already felt the tune bubbling in his throat. He couldn’t contain it any longer even if he tried. With a theatrical shrug he folded the umbrella and propped it against his shoulder. His lips stretched into a dreamy smile when he set off again. Then came the song.
 “I'm siiiingin' in the rain, just siiiiiingin' in the rain.” His voice carried over the street, earning him a few confused glances. He gave his audience a little wink. 
 “What a gloooorious feeling, I'm haaaaaappy again,” he claimed, jumping onto a lampost. “I'm laughing at clouds. So daaaark up above. The sun's in my heart ...” Chat’s smile turned into something more smitten as he gazed upon a certain balcony looming in the distance, “… and I'm reeeeeady for loooove.”
 “Let the stoooormy clouds chase everyone from the place.” He waved at a couple making their way through the rain, hiding under an already-soaked newspaper. They chuckled at his antics and clapped, rewarding his performance. 
 Encouraged, Chat turned his face to the sky while throwing his arms to the sides in a truly musical fashion. “Come on with the rain! I've a smile on my face!” 
 He resumed his walk, nonchalantly swinging the umbrella in large circles. “I walk down the lane, with a haaaaaaaappy refrain. Just singing, singing iiiiiiiin the rain.”
 Chat spotted a few phones aimed at him and chuckled inwardly. People always looked for a scoop. Alya was going to be so angry she missed this. He could almost hear her gritting her teeth. Let's give them a show, he thought as his feet carried out the routine, a mix of waltz and tap dancing. 
 “Daaaaaancing in the rain,” he howled. “La-daaaa-da-da-di-daaaaAAA. I'm happy again.” He grabbed the umbrella as if it were a ukulele and struck a chord, making an elated face, as if he were Luka’s more handsome twin. “I'm singin' and dancing in the rain.”
 More tap dancing followed. Chat finally found a way to release all the pent-up energy that had come from the afternoon spent with the love of his life. He tapped, he stepped, he pirouetted, for his joy and for the entertainment of a significant crowd that had gathered to witness his performance. The umbrella was his partner, his pendulum, his microphone and staff. Oh, how versatile a prop this was! Chat leaped like a very wet ballerina, jumped over the puddles or right into them, frolicking in a totally unfeline manner, splashing the water onto himself and all around. A reckless, unstoppable dancing and singing machine.
 Slosh! A wall of cold water washed over him, effectively ending the show. He wiped the liquid from his eyes only to see a very familiar red-clad figure holding a polka-dotted bucket, which must have been the source of his unexpected and involuntary shower. 
 Concern marred Ladybug’s face. She breathed heavily—she must have been running fast to get here. But why did she have to be such a … what had Marinette said? Ah, an ultimate killjoy.
 “Why did you go and do that?” he complained, frowning in accusation. Water dripped from his soaked hair right into his ears. Both pairs. 
 Ladybug narrowed her eyes at him. “The neighbors were complaining about some caterwauling felines and I decided to investigate in case there was an akuma,” she said. 
 Chat shook his head, trying to get rid of the ear leak. “Well, was there?”
 His partner raised a brow and smirked, taking in his drenched form.
 “Oh.” It suddenly dawned on Chat that maybe performing a musical number in a city regularly haunted by mind-controlling villains wasn’t the best of ideas. “Sorry,” he said sheepishly, then shivered. “I’m cold,” he added.
 “Awww, poor kitty,” Ladybug cooed. She relaxed her shoulders, no longer alert. “I need to take you home.” She tangled her yo-yo around a chimney, grabbed him at the waist and in the next moment they were already soaring over the streets. 
 She stopped on a roof a block away from the mansion. Her timing was perfect, as usual.
 “AAAACHOOOOO!” Chat’s sneeze was so powerful Plagg flew out of the ring, taking the leather suit with him. The little kwami didn’t look happy in the least. 
 “Awww, shucks.” Adrien trembled. “Now it’s even colder.”
 “You don’t say,” Plagg grumbled. He was dripping wet. 
 Ladybug sighed in disbelief. She scooped the sprite into her hand and hid him in her pigtail. Then she proceeded to lift Adrien princess style and set off in the direction of his house. Unseen and undetected by the mansion’s security system, she slipped through the bathroom window and into the warmth of his room. 
 A true hero, the epitome of helpfulness, she grabbed a blanket from the bed and wrapped him tight. Then, with a towel she had taken from the bathroom, she gave Plagg the same treatment. 
 “I’m gonna leave you to change and go to sleep,” she finally declared. “No more clowning!” She pointed a finger at Adrien.
 He gave her an innocent blink. Alas, Ladybug seemed to be immune to his charm. Or maybe it was just late for her. After all he had caused her to leave the dry room and investigate an alleged akuma attack. He decided to step up his game.
 “Maybe a good-night kiss?” He fluttered his golden lashes hopefully. That always got a nice fluster out of Marinette. 
 “Haven’t you gotten like two already?” she frowned.
 “Nuh-uh, that was Chat. Adrien didn’t get any,” he complained. “Besides”—he fixed her with the delightful smile of a teenage heartthrob, his voice lowering to a murmur—“three is the charm, as Lady Luck should be perfectly aware.”
 Ladybug tapped her lip thoughtfully. “Well,” she drawled, stepping closer, “you do make a compelling argument …” Then she closed the space between them.
 Meowrrr, the cat in him uttered. Three was definitely the charm.
 - The End - 
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sadrien · 4 years
ml writer zine preview
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have you heard??? @mlwriterzine​ is on sale!!! physical copies are extremely limited, so if you want one, go get it right now!!
this zine is absolutely stunning and you definitely want to get your hands on it! it has 24 stories with gorgeous illustrations throughout, and i had an absolute blast working with everyone on it! here’s a preview for my fic, iris, ivy, and orange blossom: 
Juleka looks out the window as her phone buzzes in her hand. The rain is coming down in torrents— sheets of gray that make the entire city look like it’s in mourning. She chews on her bottom lip as she eyes the heavy clouds. In the background, the weather report plays on TV. Rain all day, with a very low chance of it stopping. 
Somehow, when coming up with all their contingency plans for akumas, no one thought to have one for bad weather. For some reason, it never crossed anyone’s mind. Not even last night when they were finalizing all their plans when someone really should’ve just opened a weather app. 
make sure you grab a copy of your own!!
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shirairo · 4 years
Hello all!
As you know, Miraculous Ladybug Writer’s Zine will soon be avilable for purchase! Here is a peak of the spots I did for summer. I had a great time working with the many amazing people contributed to this Zine. :)
Feel free to follow @mlwriterzine for the update for purchase!
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vityuuwrites · 4 years
ok so!! @mlwriterzine is finally finished and will be going for sale soon!! i saw the digital version already and it is beautiful, i’m so honoured to be part of this amazing project, everyone involved is just amazing and the sweetest. i’ll be able to release a proper preview soon, but until then, have this:
Then his heart stutters when her lips press an even softer kiss against the warm skin of his cheeks. “Thank you,” she whispers in his ear and pulls away to smile at him. Then, as suddenly as she’s appeared, she’s gone. 
- last bud not least (@mlwriterzine)
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edendaphne · 4 years
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Here's the piece I did for the @mlwriterzine , "Once Upon a Season"! I got to do the full-page illustration for the "Summer" chapters of the book!
A big thank you to everyone who was able to purchase a zine and help support fan writers; we raised $2,385 for Ao3 thanks to you!
(Visit the ML Writer Zine Tumblr to find the various fanfics (plus art!) that were featured in the zine!) https://mlwriterzine.tumblr.com/
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mardimari · 4 years
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some of my colored versions of my pieces for the spring team of the @mlwriterzine ‘s zine once upon a season 
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lnc2 · 4 years
this time next year
Summary: Marinette is worried about the future. Adrien wants to know where he fits into it.
A/N: This piece was written for the @mlwriterzine and I’m so excited to finally share this with you!  I hope you enjoy it and also go check out the zine because there are so many amazing stories/art pieces collected there.
The party was well underway by the time Adrien knocked on Nino’s door. Alya was the one who answered, half of her face obscured by gold tin foil pinned to a green beret.
“Speak of the devil,” she grinned, leaning heavily on the door frame.
Adrien bussed her cheek and passed over the bottle of rosé he’d swiped from his father’s wine cellar. “Sorry, Alya. The show ran late. You know how those things go.”
She waved him in, whistling at the bottle in her hands, and shook her head. “Thankfully I don’t. Everyone’s in the living room.”
Adrien followed her into the kitchen instead, eyes straying over the tipsy, crowded apartment. Back against the wall, where Nino’s faded and cracked leather couch usually sat, was a long table covered in gold plastic sheeting. Green and gold hats of various styles were littered across, as well as glitter, rhinestones, netting, feathers, and any other number of crafting materials.
He smiled. “I see you’ve all started without me.”
“Naturally,” Alya said, putting his gift in the fridge to chill. “You’re several drinks behind us now, Agreste. Pick your poison.” She gestured to the half-empty bottles of liquor scattered across the bar.
“No tequila?”
She snorted. “You’ll have to track down Marinette for that one. She ran off with the bottle half an hour ago.”
Something warm filled his chest. “A cup of ice and a lime then.”
“Good luck with that,” Alya said, bumping his shoulder as she passed him the glass. Adrien laughed as he followed her into the living room, his smile widening as he spotted Kagami fussing with the green flowers on her gold newspaper hat.
“I’m not sure how I feel about this.”
Alya batted her hand away. “It’s tradition!”
She pressed her lips together. “It’s archaic.”
“Boo,” a familiar voice called from behind him. Adrien’s heart stuttered as a familiar pair of arms slipped around his waist. “It’s just for fun. No one takes it seriously.”
Adrien thought back to earlier in the evening and Gabriel’s annual Saint Catherine’s Day gala and couldn’t agree. There was a stark difference between the frivolousness and whimsy of Nino’s house party and the staid sobriety of his father’s fashion show.
As if reading his thoughts, Marinette’s eyes sparkled up at him beneath gold netting. “At least no one here.”
“Speak for yourself,” Alya said. She adjusted her hat and threw an accusatory look towards Nino. “Tick tock, babe.”
“You won’t let me propose until you’re out of grad school,” he whined.
Adrien hid his grin as the familiar argument ensued. Instead, he tipped his cup of ice towards the half-empty bottle in Marinette’s hand.
“You’re one of the few people I’d share with,” she said, filling his glass. Adrien leaned down to whisper his gratitude only to be pushed from the other side, causing them to knock heads.
Marinette laughed waving off his apologies with a squeeze to his waist even as their assaulter continued to elbow into the group.
“I’m never getting married,” Alix announced from her position on the back of one of Alya’s coworkers. There was a crown on her head but no decorations. She gestured wildly with her free hand. “Just call me Queen Catherinette.”
“All hail,” Alya said, clinking her wine glass against a reluctant Kagami’s. Her glassy eyes strayed towards Marinette. “What about you, girl? It’s been a while since I’ve heard about Emma, Louis, and Hugo.”
Adrien tried not to sound too interested when he asked, “Who?”
Marinette laughed, her flushed cheeks flushing further. “I’m afraid that future is on hold, Al. I need to find a boyfriend first.”
She removed her arm from around his waist then and Adrien had to restrain himself from pulling her back to his side. Instead, he took a healthy swallow of tequila and let the conversation drift into less turbulent waters.
Now was hardly the time to volunteer his name to the top of her list. 
Adrien could think of two, maybe three very important conversations they needed to have before he could even approach that topic. The most pressing of which weighed heavy on his right hand and sparkled like precious gems on his lady’s ears.
He watched over the rim of his glass as Marinette giggled with the other women in their silly hats. One of them—Alix’s roommate, he thought—burst out with a jubilant, “For pity’s sake, give us a husband!” only for the others to raise their glasses with various tipsy rounds of, “Hear, hear!”
He smiled as Marinette wrestled Kagami’s fidgeting hands away from her hat. It had only been a few weeks since their reveal but Adrien was struggling to see how he could have missed the woman he’d loved for a decade in his dear and wonderful friend.
“Some party, huh?”
Adrien coughed as Nino slapped him on the back just as he was swallowing. Nino laughed at his accusing glare. 
“Sorry man,” he said, grinning. “I thought you heard me coming but I guess you were distracted.”
Adrien ignored the teasing lilt in his friend’s voice.“It’s a good crowd,” he said instead. “I’m sorry I was so late.”
“No worries. Although if everything goes well hopefully this will be the last Saint Catherine’s party we’ll be hosting.”
Adrien laughed. “You think you’ll have worn Alya down by then?”
Nino shrugged. “Fingers crossed. I’ve had this ring burning a hole in my pocket for two months now.”
“Maybe you should be the one wearing the hat.” He grinned, only to receive a rough shove to his shoulder.
“You’re one to talk.”
Adrien pretended not to understand.
“Seriously, dude?” Nino shook his head. “You’re not that slick. If you like her you should just ask her out. I know for a fact she used to have a thing for you.”
And even though Adrien already knew that, even though Marinette told him so several years earlier when her crush was a thing of the past as she’d laughingly put it, hearing his heart’s desire put into words so matter-of-factly did things to him.
Things like make him want to punch a hole in the nearest wall or tear out his hair in frustration.
Because really, how was it fair that the one woman he’d spent years chasing had actually spent several years of her own chasing him right back?
It wasn’t.
Not when Adrien still found himself in the chase and she had apparently just … stopped.
“That was a long time ago, Nino.”
“I don’t know if I’d say that.”
“... Why?” Adrien stared, stomach clenching. “Did she say something? Did Alya say something?” 
His heart raced like hummingbirds wings in his throat as he tried to catch his friend’s gaze. 
Adrien grabbed his shoulder and shook. “Nino.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny anything.” He laughed, before hiding his smile behind his glass as they caught Alya’s attention across the room. Adrien met her suspicious frown with a wave even as his other hand tightened on Nino’s shoulder. 
“But …?”
“But … I wouldn’t count myself out just yet.”
Adrien’s hand fell to his side as all of his breath rushed out of him. “Oh.”
“Although, that may change if you don’t do something about it. Sooner rather than later if Kim’s roommate is anything to go by.”
Nino nodded towards the corner of the room where Marinette was chatting with a tall brunette. He was leaning towards her, his fingers playing at the edge of the netting on her hat as he whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. Adrien was already halfway across the room when Nino shouted, “Good luck!”
He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do to break up their little tete-a-tete but he needn’t have worried. As soon as he was in her line of sight Marinette’s smile lit up like the Eiffel tower and there was little left for him to do other than introduce himself before the interloper tried his luck elsewhere.
“Come outside with me,” she said, tugging his arm. “I haven’t seen you all week.”
“Your fault,” Adrien said, happy to follow her anywhere. “You canceled patrol.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “You know I had to finish up those pieces for your father’s show.”
“At least you weren’t forced to go.”
She laughed and leaned back against the balcony railing. It was cooler than usual tonight as fall slowly gave way to winter and they had the little patio all to themselves. “Perks of being a lowly intern.”
“Please,” he said, bumping her shoulder. “You’ll be a junior designer by next year.”
She hummed, taking a swig of tequila from the bottle only to cough as it hit the back of her throat.
“You can mix that with something you know?”
His lady winced and took another sip, smaller this time. “Who has time for that?”
“You if you’d just slow down.”
It was only half a joke. Lately, even before their Big Reveal, Adrien noticed something changing in Marinette. She was a little less scattered, a little more single-minded. There was almost a frenzied focus about her, like some great fear was nipping at her heels, spurring her forward.
It wasn’t until her timer ran out during an akuma attack that he began to understand why.
“It was ten years this September,” she murmured, turning out to face the cobbled streets below.
Adrien hesitated before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.
“We’ll get him, bug. I promise.”
“But when, Chat?” She started to lean her head against his shoulder only for her hat to get in the way. Frustrated, she ripped the little masterpiece off her head and crushed it in her hands.
“Stupid holidays aside, I do want a life, Adrien.” She ripped lightly at the netting. “You said I’ll make junior designer by next year? I don’t see how that’s possible when I’m running out of work every other day because someone couldn’t control their emotions.”
Her voice caught on the last word and he was horrified to realize she was crying. “I want to run my own business someday. I want –– I want to fall in love and get married and have babies.” She looked up, teary gaze meeting his. “How can I do anything when I always have one foot out the window waiting for the next catastrophe? Who could put up with that?”
“You’re not someone a person has to put up with, my lady.”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “Right. Tell that to my exes.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, because really that’s all he could do.
“Don’t be.” She sniffed, giving him a sad, sad smile. “You can’t do anything about it any more than I can.”
That wasn’t entirely true though.
Adrien turned his attention towards the scrunched up hat in her hands. Marinette followed his gaze and gave a watery laugh.
“I want it all, Adrien,” she whispered.
“I know,” he whispered.
“Do you?” she asked, eyes wide and blue and wet and angry. “Do you really?”
Adrien pulled her to him then, giving her the hug her fears deserved. Marinette clutched at his back, her arms sliding beneath his coat to wrap around his waist, giving as good as she got.
“I don’t want to wait anymore.” 
Tears stung his eyes and words, the right words, stuck in the back of his throat as she gave voice to desires he’d never been brave enough to even dream. Not when Ladybug said no and not when Marinette said not anymore and not when they merged and became everything he’d ever wanted but feared he’d never have.
She wanted it all. 
Adrien closed his eyes and breathed in his lady’s perfume. Freesia and jasmine and something he’d never been able to name. Marinette’s arms loosened around his waist when it seemed like he would pull away, but Adrien only held her tighter.
“I––” He stopped. “You said you don’t want to slow down?”
Marinette nodded.
“Well … how—how would you feel about a chaser?”
She pulled away so she could see his face. “A chaser?” she repeated, frowning.
Adrien bit his lip, feeling heat rushing up his neck and ears. “Ah, yeah,” he said, doing his best to hold her gaze. “Like—like a partner. To your tequila, I mean.”
Adrien watched as confusion gave way to understanding in the form of a perfect little open-mouthed oh. His heart was pounding hard enough he was starting to suspect she could hear it when her eyes glistened up at him beneath the dim porch lights.
God help him but he couldn’t trust himself. He couldn’t trust the gentleness in her gaze or the way her body went soft against his or the purse of her lips as she watched him with that pleased little half-smile as realization gave way to something and that something could only be called wonderful as she ducked her head beneath his chin, pressed her lips against the open collar skin of his neck and finally, finally whispered in that small, hopeful impatient way of hers,
“Are you volunteering?”
And even though he knew she knew and even though the question really didn’t require an answer, Adrien tightened his hold on her until they were swaying together chest to chest and repeated the only thing he’d ever wanted to give her.
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Miraculous Ladybug Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season
Yes, yes, this is suuuuper late. But I still want to share it. This is a Lukanette fic I wrote for the @mlwriterzine last year. For this zine, I had the honor of being one of its mods, same as one of its writers. This one was especially special to me, because it’s a zine fully dedicated to writers, which is extremely rare, and the final result was astonishing. Huge thanks to @emzurl for making it possible.
The Start of a Song
“I can’t believe we’re here!” Rose squealed, watching the crowds enter past the security fences. “I’ve never been so close to the stage!”
“I know,” Juleka responded in her low, raspy voice. “Totally rad.”
Rose let out another squeal, grabbing her girlfriend’s hand and dragging her inside. Although there were plenty of bands playing during the Summer Music Festival, there was no artist more exciting than Jagged Stone. To which Kitty Section got tickets for in advance.
“Don’t go too far!” Luka called out, but the two girls were already out of earshot. He sighed, as a hand landed on his arm.
“I’ll help keep an eye for them,” Marinette said next to him.
“Don’t worry, we’ll keep an eye out, too,” Mylène said, coming up the other side with Ivan. “I think it’s a little late to be right in front of the stage.”
“We’ll still be pretty close,” Marinette shrugged. “C’mon, we should get close before it fills up!”
A hand wrapped around Luka’s wrist, as she dragged him towards the crowd. Meanwhile, Luka looked at their surroundings, and couldn’t help but notice something.
“Is it just me, or are there a lot of couples in this concert?” Marinette said nervously next to him.
“Huh, I hadn’t noticed,” Luka responded, as nonchalantly as possible, pretending he hadn’t just noticed the exact same thing. “I do see a lot of people, though. Anyone of us could easily get lost. Speaking of …”
He craned his neck in search of his sister, luckily finding her mere meters away. For the third time that day he reminded himself to not get too distracted by the girl still holding his wrist. As grateful as he was that the other two couples encouraged a romantic relationship between them, Luka would never want to put Marinette in an uncomfortable situation. Especially when he still didn’t know where she stood on that notion.
Instead, he tried his best to make sure his sister didn’t wander off, like he heavily suspected she would try.
“Are you okay?” Marinette asked.
“Yeah,” he said. “Just making sure nobody gets lost.”
“That’s gonna be hard, Ivan and Mylène already said they’re going to the movies after this.”
Luka frowned, turning to her. “When did they decide that?”
“They told me just before you and Juleka arrived. They didn’t tell you?”
“Uh, no.”
It’s a setup, Luka instantly thought. It wouldn’t be the first time they tried leaving them alone in hopes that something would happen. However, he knew better. As much as he wished something would happen, at this point, he was starting to lose hope.
The music started, and the crowd screamed. While everyone else was concentrating on the stage, Luka couldn’t help but divert his eyes to Marinette, with her arms raised as she cheered. A smile curved his lips as the image of happiness brought joy to him. With one last wistful sigh, he turned to the stage and started cheering himself.
Jagged Stone walked into the stage, joining his bandmates with a guitar solo. The screams were louder, and the crowd started pushing to the front, every fan hoping to be closer to the rockstar. Luka tried looking at Juleka’s way again, but his vision was cut by several screaming fans. 
An elbow hit his back. He turned just in time to watch a large, tall man about to push Marinette out of the way. On instinct, he grabbed her by the shoulder.
“Wah!” Marinette squawked, as she was pulled into Luka’s chest.
“Sorry,” he said, with an apologetic grin. “I figured you’d prefer being pulled than pushed towards me by that guy.”
Marinette glanced at the man now standing where she had been two seconds before.
“Oh,” she breathed, her cheeks acquiring a light shade of pink. “Thanks, Luka.”
A light caress down his chest sent shivers up his spine. Luka swallowed a large gulp before grabbing her shoulders again and turning her in the direction of the stage.
“Wouldn’t want you to miss the show,” he said.
Marinette’s attention was quickly diverted to Jagged Stone, while Luka attempted to get his cool back. While he had never been secretive about his feelings for her, something about this day felt different to him. He shook his head, in an attempt to send away the thought. He had already learned keeping hopes too high could lead to unnecessary disappointment.
And yet, he couldn’t stop looking at her.
Luka continued looking at Marinette on her toes, craning her neck as far as she could above the heads in the crowd. As amusing as it was, the young man couldn’t help but feel bad. He tapped her shoulder, catching her attention, and made a gesture of holding something over his shoulders.
“Are you sure?” Marinette asked.
“I can take it,” Luka shrugged, kneeling down. “Come on, you’ll see better.”
Although she hesitated for a moment, she quickly agreed when the crowd cheered over something she didn’t get to see. As Luka rose back to his feet, he stumbled momentarily, prompting a squawk from Marinette while she wrapped her arms around his head. Luka couldn’t help but laugh, almost losing his balance again.
“I’m gonna fall!” Marinette cried dramatically.
“I got you,” Luka assured, holding tight to her legs. “See, you’re okay. Everything’s okay.”
The young woman’s arms relaxed as she let out a sigh of relief. After several minutes, Marinette seemed to have forgotten her previous fear and gained comfort from her position on his shoulders. Unfortunately for Luka, the part of him that was not internally giddy for being so close to the girl of his dreams was regretting his decision.
Thick droplets of sweat started running down his forehead and back with the added weight, plus the scorching summer heat. Yet, he was resolute in keeping his stance. The concert was only one hour, after all.
* * *
The crowd let out its last scream as the lights turned on around them, signaling the end of the concert. Although Luka had gotten used to the weight already, it didn’t stop him from almost letting out a whine of relief when Marinette was back on the ground.
“That was awesome!” she squealed, as she made a twirl to look at him. “I’ve never had such an awesome view to—Woah, Luka, are you okay?”
“Yeah, why?” he panted.
“You’re sweating like crazy.”
Luka swiped a hand over his forehead. “Huh, look at that.” He pulled his hair back, in hopes to refresh his forehead. “Nothing a cold drink won’t fix. Right, Marinette? Marinette?”
She seemed to not hear him, her eyes trained on something above his eyes.
“Marinette?” he called again, loud enough to catch her attention.
“Ah! Sorry!” she squeaked. “Yeah, you’re hot—I mean, it’s hot! It’s very hot, something cold sounds great. Yeah, totally. We probably gotta move, where are the others?” Marinette asked, scanning the crowd.
“Dunno,” Luka muttered, searching for his phone. On the screen appeared a text message from his sister. In it, he read: 
Sorry, we lost you in the crowd. Gonna go for some ice cream with Rose. Thank me later! ;)
He gulped. “They left already.”
“Without us?”
“They went on their own date, I guess.”
“O-Oh,” Marinette stammered. “I see … So, what are you going to do?”
“I—” He had been about to say he was going home. But it still felt much too early to do so. And he didn’t feel like spending the rest of the afternoon alone. “I think I will go for a walk.”
“Ah, I see.”
There was silence. Probably caused by Marinette’s usual indecision about saying what she wanted. Something Luka could already sense and decided to do the work for her.
“Marinette, would you like—”
“Can I join you?” she asked at the same time as him.
Luka blinked, this being the first time she barely hesitated to take the initiative with him. With a soft smile, he responded: “I would very much like that.”
* * *
After several hours and one stop for iced coffee, Luka and Marinette were walking by the edge of the Seine, lost in a melody of joyous laughter.
“Wait, you didn’t!” Luka exclaimed.
“I swear I was the only one who saw it,” Marinette laughed.
“And here I thought I was so sneaky, too.”
“Well, to be fair, I did make the costumes. I think it’s a given I would notice when there’s a piece missing.”
“It’s a good thing that show was not recorded,” Luka chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. “Wouldn’t want us going viral over a wardrobe malfunction instead of the music.”
“I don’t think it would’ve been so bad if it had,” Marinette responded in a sing-song tone. “Even if that had happened, it could’ve helped boost your popularity as a band. Especially with such a cute guitarist.”
Luka’s eyes widened, dead staring at her. Marinette seemed to have noticed what she said one second too late, for her cheeks turned dark red instantly. Lips pressed together, as if trying to stop them from saying something else they were forbidden from. Luka did his best to still his heart, pushing all hope aside. Just in case.
“Thank you?” he said, attempting to sound as cool as possible. And slightly failing.
“U-uh, you’re welcome?” Marinette said, just as awkwardly. “I-I mean, not that that’s all I think of you. You’re than more such—I mean, you’re so much more than that. You’re a great friend. Notthatyoucanonlybeafriend. I mean.” She took a deep breath. “I meant to say that you’re a great guy, more than looks.”
“That means a lot coming from you, Marinette,” Luka chuckled. “You don’t have to try to fix what you say with me. I know what you mean.”
“See what I mean?!” Marinette burst. “With you, I don’t have to try to explain myself. You just … You just get me! It’s so comfortable with you. And nice. And wonderful. And…”
She went silent. Again, holding back. Despite the words already spoken.
Luka placed his hands in his pockets. “You know,” he said, with a light smile, “anything you want to say, you can say it. No matter what it is, you know I’ll always listen.”
“I know,” Marinette whispered. “Some things are just hard to say.”
“Well, for what it’s worth, I too think you’re an extraordinary person. But you already know that.”
“I do.” She placed a hand on his forearm, softly pulling it. It took Luka a minute to realize she was attempting to take his hand out of his pocket. He obliged as discreetly as possible. When the hand was fully out, she entwined her fingers between his.
Luka’s heart drummed louder, wondering if this was a sweet dream, or if it was as real as it felt.
“I really do,” Marinette said, looking directly into his eyes. She opened and closed her mouth several times. “I-I … I, um, I wanted to, uh, I wanted to say—”
Luka placed a finger over her lips. “You don’t have to say it. If you don’t feel comfortable with it, you don’t have to say it.”
“I want to,” she insisted. “I know you always know what I mean. But … Luka, I like you. As more than a friend.”
The air trapped itself inside his lungs. His heart was about to burst out of his ribcage. A celebratory melody rang out in his mind. He then understood why she wanted to say it: hearing the words made a world of difference. It felt different than simply suspecting. It made it real. It reminded him why he had been so forward in the first place, when he had the chance.
The hand that was still trapped in his pocket slid out, landing on her cheek. Luka couldn’t contain the excitement the words brought. He could feel a wide grin paint his face, but he didn’t care if it made him like a goofball.
“You have no idea how happy those words make me,” he said, letting out a shuddered breath and leaning to her lips.
There was a clatter on a nearby car, snapping them both out of the bubble they had built between themselves. Turning to the source of the sound, they found Rose scrambling to grab her phone that landed on the hood of a car where she seemed to have been hiding behind. Next to Rose were Juleka, Ivan, and Mylène unsuccessfully trying to take cover.
“Oh gosh,” Marinette whined, covering her face.
Luka chuckled. “You guys are not very good with the sneaking and spying.”
“I was so close,” Rose lamented, as Juleka gave her girlfriend a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.
“Sorry!” Mylène waved a hand towards them. “We didn’t mean to interrupt you guys!”
“This is so embarrassing,” Marinette’s muffled voice said.
Luka looked between their friends and Marinette. He smiled and asked, “D’you wanna run?”
Marinette raised her head, with her lips in the shape of an ‘o.’ Without a second thought, she eagerly nodded. Luka grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the nearby bridge to run across it. Meanwhile, the rest of Kitty Section yelled at them to return. 
“Where are we going?!” she panted.
“Wherever!” he responded, letting out a laugh. Marinette laughed too, just as eager to explore whatever it was that they had just started.
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jattendschaton · 4 years
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The @mlwriterzine​​ is open for preorders! Once Upon a Season is on sale from November 2nd to the 30th with a very limited number of physical copies available, so you should act fast! Order yours here
Here’s a snippet from my piece, lost in you in which Marinette and Adrien get lost in a maze together.
“But I can’t stop, Marinette.” He doesn’t face her when he speaks and she isn’t sure if she should be grateful. “I can’t—I don’t know how to stop loving you.” 
“Ladybug and Chat Noir—they can’t.” 
Adrien pulls out of her grip and she lets him go, but it feels like ripping off her own arm. “But maybe …” she continues, “maybe in here, right now, we don’t have to be Ladybug and Chat Noir.” 
He stops walking. 
“Maybe we’re just two teenagers. Lost in a maze.” The words are drawn from her mouth, slow-moving and over-enunciated. “Lost in each other.”
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mlwriterzine · 5 years
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🐞Announcing the Miraculous Writer Zine: Once Upon a Season
This charity zine will be focusing on written stories that take place in the world of Miraculous. We will be looking for a selection of writers to create short tales with the theme of one of the four seasons.
Applications will be opening on Friday, February 7th. Follow this blog and turn on notifications to be alerted once apps open! Hope to hear from you then!
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starsforseiya · 3 years
title: i’m gonna miss you when it’s over. pairing: lukanette  season: summer  for: @mlwriterzine 
She only stopped when she realized he was crying—something he had never done in front of her before. She wasn’t angry at him. She was angry at herself! She had been so foolish and treated him so poorly, because she liked him as more than a friend. And now she had done it.
“I’m sorry.” He choked out, and, before Marinette could apologize, he pedaled unsteadily away.
She buried her head in her hands and sat back down on the bridge, sobbing as she realized what she’d done.
She wished the akuma had come and taken over her instead of what had just happened.
It would have hurt less.
Read the rest on AO3 <3 
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My @mlwriterzine​ sneak peek
As you may have noticed from my other posts, the Miraculous Writer Zine is on sale now. If you want to buy this beauty, especially a physical copy, you’d better hurry! 
For more details visit the zine blog.
All proceeds will be donated to AO3.
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I had the honor of participating in this project, as one of the Spring Team writers. 
And here’s a little excerpt from my story  - “Caterwauling in the Rain”:
From behind the deck chair Marinette produced a black umbrella. She pressed it into his claws. “This is no dew, Kitty. It’s going to pour heavily soon.”
“Really?” He chuckled. She walked straight into this one. “I’m purring already, my Lady.” He grabbed her hand and put it to his chest. Then he released a rumble worthy of a thunderstorm.
“Besides, where I stand, the sun is shining all over the place.” He dropped the cheesy line with a flourish.
“See, you’re already delirious,” Marinette replied matter-of-factly. “Also, yes, I’m very proud of you for getting the ‘Singing in the Rain’ reference, you dorkasaurus,” she added, seeing his pout of indignation. “Now go, before you get wet for real.”
“Didn’t you mean furrrrr real?” he started, but dropped it immediately when she set him with one of Ladybug’s finest glowers. “A kiss good night, purrrhaps?” he asked hopefully.
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