#mlwtwb lee
simpingforthemm ยท 4 months
op ur an absolute saint for writing for isaac & lee garcia ๐Ÿ™ would you write a one-shot or headcanons for lee garcia? there is a severe lack of fics for him ๐Ÿ˜ข (probably bcuz he got very little screentime, but in the mlwtwb book he's actually rlly sweet)
dating lee garcia hcs!
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a/n: for sure!! your wish is my demand and thank you so much for this request, i'm so so sorry for taking so long to do this, i've been procrastinating like hell but now I'm finally getting back to writing
summary: what dating lee garcia would be like!
so I feel like it defo depends on ur personality (I mean ofc it does)
but I can really imagine him with either a sunshine x grumpy dynamic
him being the grumpy one
or with a black cat gf
but me personally I feel like lee would go for a sunshine person bc he just needs that type of energy in his life
I think it's already really hard for him bc his dad is in the military and he doesn't really get to see him or talk to him very often
so he needs some type of positivity in his life and someone to love him and be affectionate with him
bc he also doesn't get loads of attention in the walterโ€™s house
yk because they have so many kids already
heโ€™s still a very family oriented guy so heโ€™d also want someone like that
I think he also sometimes gets overlooked bc of Isaac and his popularity
(I think also Isaac gets more romantic attention from girls out of the two of them)
so heโ€™d just want someone to see him for who he is and yeah, admire him a lil
I think at the beginning of y'all starting to date itโ€™d be really hard for him to open up bc he can be closed off
(weโ€™ve seen that already in the show that he tends to not talk so much and let's Isaac do a lot of the talking)
if he does say something he can be quite snappy and rude but he does apologize when he's gone too far
heโ€™s scared about the fact that you like him as more than a friend bc he thinks you might not mean it and that you're just using him to get closer to Isaac
which is why he is a bit rude and cold to you at the beginning
he also was a dry texter before he warmed up to you
โ€œwymโ€, โ€œkโ€, โ€œgnโ€, โ€œnvmโ€ and things like that, no emojis whatsoeva ๐Ÿ˜ญ
but as the two of you go on more dates I think he notices that you do actually like him for him and that you don't have some kind of ulterior motive for spending time with him
and that you simply do it bc you want to
heโ€™d actually smile more, put an arm around your shoulder, make some jokes
(the sarcastic kind bc his humor is definitely sarcasm and / or dark humor)
I think when some time has passed, heโ€™d definitely apologize for his behavior in the beginning and heโ€™d also be sorta embarrassed bc he feels so bad for not seeing that you're a sweetheart right away
Itโ€™d take some more time until the two of you would become more โ€œphysicalโ€ with each other
and by that I mean like hand holding and eventually like kissing
I feel like lee doesn't just spend time with anyone, he carefully picks who he hangs out with and it takes a lot of time for him to fully trust someone
so I think he'd really only start being more physically affectionate if he's really sure about you
so it's a huge deal when he holds your hand after like a month and a half of dating
then you know he really means it with you two
I feel like your first kiss would follow shortly after itโ€™d be so soft and careful bc lee is so nervous and he's been waiting so long to do this (heโ€™s been waiting to gather the courage) ๐Ÿฅน
I feel like when you first started dating it would take a little longer for all the โ€œbig momentsโ€ to happen if you know what I mean
like lee would need a lot of time to warm up to this whole situation but then as you get closer to each other things would happen rlly fast bc you guys know that you're it for each other
โ€œwhen you know, you knowโ€
and you guys definitely know
first youโ€™d hold hands, then youโ€™d kiss, then youโ€™d confess
and then next thing you know, you're together
I feel like lee would really properly ask you to be his girlfriend because he likes to be sure of things and not just assume something
I don't think heโ€™d make that big of a deal out of it because you already kissed, confessed to each other etc. so you're practically already together and it's just common courtesy to ask
so itโ€™d probably be a late afternoon, maybe like on a Friday
you had gone to the skater park with lee, just watching him do a few tricks (trying to impress you ofc)
then heโ€™d randomly skate up to you to take a break and I feel like he'd just ask you out of nowhere
like take a sip out of his water bottle and be like โ€œdo you wanna be my gfโ€
and you're like โ€œ๐Ÿ˜ƒ.. um yes!!!โ€
and then you're together :)
I feel like lee is the chillest bf ever but he can be a little jealous bc bro is afraid of losing you
like he completely trusts you but when someone comes up and talks to you
someone that he feels is way more attractive and just in general better than him for you (which is not true obvi, heโ€™s the best for you)
he will be a little insecure and needs reassurance
heโ€™d teach you some spanish
as well as skateboarding and some tricks you can do ;)
I feel like his love language is definitely acts of service
like heโ€™ll definitely carry an extra water bottle with him wherever he goes bc he knows you get dehydrated easily and also always has a little snack for you
I think lee hates pet names like whenever he hears another couple say them he's just like that meme
โ€œbrother ewwwโ€
he just always calls you your normal name or a nickname
but he literally refuses to say โ€œbabyโ€ or โ€œsweetheartโ€ or something like that
like noo
he just cringes way to easily
he also isn't that big on pda I fear
heโ€™s okay with the casual things for example an arm around your shoulder, hand holding but he would never ever make out in public
if you're in a quieter area he might give you a little kiss on the forehead but I think for him, the full-on kiss is reserved for when it's just the two of you or youโ€™re with the people that you're close with
but at school, most people that don't know you're a couple would think you're just really close friends
you guys have the relationship that's private but not secret
trope with you guys: lee is grumpy to everyone except you
I feel like lee is a very thoughtful bf, always knows the right things to gift you, always knows what to say and he can sense whenever your mood changes and what to do about it
also he will join in on the vibes if you're having a little dance party in the kitchen or something like that
and yes if you're a swiftie or a hard core fan of a band he will learn all the lyrics to be able to loudly sing them with you at the concert ๐Ÿ˜
bro is touch starved so cuddling is always a big yes for him
he will never ever deny you affection
just the sweetest guy ever
i hope you guys enjoyed it and tell me what you think!! also don't hesitate to send in a request โค๏ธโค๏ธ love ya
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fanficwritinggirl ยท 9 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 1
โ€œMom,โ€ a desperate, tiny cry of a voice wailed as she sprinted towards the body. Turning her over onto her side she put her frail hands over the now scarlet top, trying to stop the bleeding. But there was no hope of saving her, she had been gone long before she had been able to get there. An adult has approximately 10 pints of blood pumping throughout their body. You never really realize how much blood that is, until itโ€™s pooled on the floor, painting it a dark crimson color. The bloody handprints smeared on the door, creeping closer and closer to the door handle, never quite reaching it besides one lone maroon fingerprint. Dark chocolate waves of hair lay in the pool, covering her cold, white face, hiding the cuts and bruises on her face. โ€œMom, please wake up,โ€ she cried again, shaking her. Her hands were covered in crimson blood. โ€œWake up.โ€ย 
โ€œJosie!โ€ a voice said loudly in her ear. Startled, her body shoots up, head turning quickly with her eyes wide, tears threatening to fall. โ€œHey, it's okay, it's just a nightmare, it's okay.โ€ A warm hand sets itself upon her forearm causing her to turn her head and look at the brunette haired woman sitting on her bed, eyebrows pinched together and the corner of her lips pulled down ever so slightly.ย 
โ€œYou're okay Josie, you're not there anymore, heโ€™s not here,โ€ assurance was present in her voice as she ran her hand up and down the panicked girl's arm, offering comfort. Her fingers comed through her hair as she pulled the few parts out of her face and brought it together on one side of her shoulder.
โ€œSame dream?โ€ the brunette woman asked her as she removed her hand from Josie's arm and grabbed the glass of water that was sitting on the white bedside table. Trembling hands take the glass and bring it to her lips taking a sip.ย 
โ€œIt was the blood, it was everywhere. On her, on me. It's justโ€ฆโ€ she falters. โ€œIt was just everywhere Aunt Hat,โ€ she cried, bringing her shaking hands down into her laps cradling the glass between them.ย 
โ€œI know honey. But we have to remember that it was a long time ago, no one is going to come and hurt you, okay.โ€ All she could do was nod, barely listening to her aunt and keeping herself focused on the glass.
โ€œHow long until school starts,โ€ she asked, changing the subject.
โ€œAn hour, but I'm going to call Miss Jacobs and ask her if you can spend some time in her room this morning, just until you are ready to go back into class. That's okay?โ€ Josie nods and lifts her head to give her aunt a small smile. Her aunt sighs, offering her the same expression before leaning forward and giving her a kiss on her forehead.ย 
โ€œI love you Josie.โ€ย 
โ€œI love you too Aunt Hat.โ€ย 
Tapping on the keyboard was all that could be heard in the room as Miss Jacobs typed her emails and Josie sat on the couch, a book in hand, losing herself in another world. Sitting in Miss Jacob's room was a normal occurance for her, she was in here most mornings of the week after the nightmares happened. Miss Jacobs never forced her to talk about anything she didn't want to. If she just wanted to sit and read a book then Miss Jacobs was happy to give her the space to do that, as long as she caught up with the classes that she missed, which was never a problem.
โ€œJosie, how are you finding your classes at the minute?โ€ Miss Jacobs asks from her desk. Josie lifts her head up and looks at the woman, her eyebrows coming together in the middle.
โ€œUm fineโ€ฆ i think. I mean I am passing everything at the moment. I'm not making A's or anything but I don't think that's a bad thing.โ€ The counselor laughs, shaking her head, standing up and walking towards her and taking a seat in front of her.
โ€œNo, I know that. Your grades are great, but are you having a hard time keeping those grades?Have the nightmares been affecting you in this aspect?โ€ Josie leans back in her seat, crossing her arms and pursing her lips a little.
โ€œI mean not really. Sometimes Chem can be a little hard to keep up with but nothing major, usually I can push through by finding some extra time to study,โ€ her voice was filled with certainty and confusion.
โ€œAnd the nightmares, do they affect any of this?โ€ Miss Jacobs eyes travel around the young girl's face, taking in the bags under her eyes. Josie shrugs.
โ€œNot really. Iโ€™m used to them by now. I just have learned to get along with them. Thatโ€™s all I can do,โ€ her voice was firm. Miss Jacobs gives a small smile and nods.
โ€œWell that's good. Now if you ever have problems with chem just let me know and i can get some help for you.โ€ Josie offers her a polite smile and nod before grabbing her book and returning to her page. Miss Jacobs, seeing that the conversation is over, stands up and returns to her desk continuing with her emails, hoping that one of these days Josie will open up to her.
Three knocks chimed on the door of Miss Jacobs office before opening, revealing the one and only Danny Walter. Danny though was not the most popular Walter boy was still liked around the school and many of the girls still had a crush on him, which Josie could understand. Danny has been her best friend since she moved here when she was nine and since the day that they got put together for a project, they had been attached at the hip, though over the past few years they do spend a little more time apart, she still loved him very much. Many have assumed over the years that the two are more than friends but that couldn't be further from the truth. Danny was her platonic soulmate, he understood her better than anyone and told him practically everything, she loved him, just not like that. He was the brother that she never had.ย 
โ€œOh Danny, lovely to see you again. I can guess why you are here,โ€ Miss Jacob teases and Danny laughs.ย 
โ€œLovely to see you too Miss. I am here for Miss Whitlock,โ€ he turns and gives her a goofy grin and she snickers. He struts towards her with one hand behind his back, stopping in front of her and extending his hand to her. โ€œMiss Whitlock, would you do the honor of coming with me to lunch,โ€ to say that his posh accent was terrible would be an understatement. Josie puts her book down and shuffles to the edge, straightening her back and posing her face.ย 
โ€œI do not know, kind sir. For I find that I actually have some much needed work that must be done and must therefore, with greatest regret, must decline your offer,โ€ with that she leans back into the couch and bites down on her tongue to stop herself from laughing. Miss Jacobs sits in the corner watching the entire interaction with a smirk on her face, chuckling while eating her salad.ย 
โ€œOh my fair lady, how you have hurt me so,โ€ Danny gets down on his knees and takes her hands in his. โ€œPlease dine with me or I shall die of a broken heart,โ€ his hand touches his heart and Josie cannot do anything but laugh.ย 
โ€œYou are ridiculous,โ€ she tells him before grabbing her bag and putting her book in. โ€œWell i am only ridiculous for my bestest friend in the world, which just so happens to be you, Josie Whitlock,โ€ Danny moves back as Josie stands up and turns to Miss Jacobs.ย 
โ€œWhat would you say, Miss. Was our performance to your liking,โ€ Miss Jacobs laughs. โ€œI must say it exceeds it. I hope that it shall be a while until I see your next performance so that you have more time to prepare,โ€ Dannyโ€™s face drops a little bit, understanding what she's saying but decides to ignore. โ€œUnderstood Miss. I will make sure that the next time I see you I will give you that most amazing performance of your life,โ€ Miss Jacob nods, shaking her head with a smile. Josie puts her hand on Dannyโ€™s shoulder and turns him.ย 
โ€œEnough with the dramatics. Let's go, now that you are talking about lunch I want some,โ€ Danny smirks at her and waves his hand towards Miss Jacobs as he walks out of the door.ย 
โ€œBye Miss Jacobs,โ€ Josie says as they leave. Miss Jacob smiles to herself as she eats her salad, feeling the weight lifted ever so slightly, knowing that at least for now, everything was fine again for Josie.ย 
โ€œSo are you coming over tonight, we are having lasagna for dinnerโ€ Danny asks as he and Josie stroll towards the cafeteria. Josie smirks looking at him.ย 
โ€œDanny, do you even have to ask? There is no point in me heading home because no doubt my aunt and your mom are going to end up on a job till late so what is the point of being home on my own.โ€ Danny shrugs at her.ย 
โ€œWell I don't know. Maybe you could have some friends overโ€ฆ A guy,โ€ Josie turns and hits him on the arm.ย 
โ€œDanny Walter, how dare you suggest that I would have a guy over. We all know what happens when others are given the opportunity. Trust me I have had to listen to many of our classmates' hookup stories,โ€ she states as they walk into the cafeteria and walk towards the line.ย 
โ€œOh trust me, you do not have to have the house to yourself for people to take liberties about inviting โ€˜guestsโ€™ over forโ€ฆ that,โ€ Danny informs her with slight discomfort which Josie canโ€™t help but laugh at.ย 
โ€œLet me guess Cole has had a โ€˜guestโ€™ over recently,โ€ grabbing a tray starts putting food on her tray.ย 
โ€œOh no, not for a while actually, which i'm confused about. Maybe he has decided to take a break for a while after Jackie sees Olivia sneaking out. Probably just goes to their house now,โ€ Josie lifts her tray and pinches her eyebrows together and shrugs.ย 
โ€œI donโ€™t know, maybe. I mean it must be hard for Jackie being in a house full of people, not being able to get much privacy and then having to see someone sneaking out, knowing that they have done that, would be pretty awkward,โ€ Josie trudges towards one of the table with Danny behind her with his own filled tray.ย 
โ€œOh yeah. And on top of that after the whole hair thing. Maybe he is feeling bad and deciding to stop being such an ass,โ€ Danny concludes, tucking into his sandwich. Josieโ€™s head falls to one side looking at her food and she plays with it with her fork, she shrugs.
โ€œI meanโ€ฆ I don't know. I think after everything that happened with his leg and not being able to play footballโ€ฆ really got to him. Ya know,โ€ Danny nods, placing his sandwich down while finishing chewing.ย 
โ€œI mean, I know he feels guilty after how much money mom and dad spent on his treatment. Sending him away for the summer just for it to come to nothing but he canโ€™t just use that as an excuse,โ€ Danny's voice was serious and Josie couldn't help but sigh.ย 
โ€œI know. But maybe he is just a bit lost. Wouldn't you be if the one thing that you were good at was taken away from you. I mean what if you were never able to watch all of your movies, or study plays or whatever,โ€ Josie puts a bit of her chicken in her mouth and looks at Danny as he sighs and leans back in his chair.ย 
โ€œFair point. It is just when you are dealing with his mood swings all the time you can forget. And I just don't like the way he treats people sometimes. Especially what he's like with girls,โ€ Josie laughs and nods.ย 
โ€œTrust me i agree but like you said it seems that maybe he is turning over a new leaf,โ€ Danny raises an eyebrow and nods his head towards her.ย 
โ€œWeโ€™ll see,โ€ he concludes and Josie snickers at him. Nathan walks up to them with a tray in his hand and sits down next to them.
โ€œHey guys,โ€ he greets as he sits, smiling at the pair.ย 
โ€œNathan, to what do we owe the pleasure,โ€ Danny asks sarcastically.ย 
โ€œHa ha ha,โ€ Nathan counters, causing Josie to snicker at the pair. โ€œSo are you coming over tonight Josie, we are having lasagna,โ€ Nathan asks and Danny rolls his eyes.ย 
โ€œI have already been asked, and as always I would be honoredโ€ Josie smiles at him and Nathan shakes his head with a smile on his face. โ€œI don't know why we even bother asking you anymore,โ€ Nathan states and Josie and Danny look at each other and look at each other with a knowing look.ย 
โ€œWell if you are coming over tonight can you teach me that one song that you do on the guitar that i like. I have been trying to figure out the chords but i can't get it,โ€ Nathan shoves some food in his mouth and Josie nods her head at him.ย 
โ€œI would love to, but I am going to have to stop at my house on the way to get my guitar,โ€ she tells them and Danny nods his head.ย 
โ€œIโ€™ll make sure that Cole stops off,โ€ Danny tells her and she nods back at him. Lifting her head up she sees Cole walking in with his hands in his pockets, hair messily laying on top of his head, covering his forehead. Cole looks over towards her direction and sends a small smirk towards her and Josie can't help turning her attention to the food on her tray, a maroon colour decorating her freckled cheeks. When it came to the Cole effect, to say the least she wasn't immune to it, if anything she was very much impacted by it.ย 
Authors Note- Read on Wattpad to get a playlist and cast list.
Wattpad - Fanfic_writing_girl
Taglist- @lol6sposts
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mattybstqrn ยท 5 months
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none yet, but one sitting in my drafts!
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๐’๐ญ๐š๐ฒ ๐ฐ๐ข๐ญ๐ก ๐Œ๐ž
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Feel free to request for Zach Justice, the Sturniolo triplets, and Cole, Alex, Danny Walter along with Lee and Isaac Garcia!
If you request for someone else that's fine too, but if I don't know them or have a good idea of their personality I might not be able to write for them, but I will try my best to!
45 notes ยท View notes
isaacarellanesismyhusband ยท 1 month
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personal info: my name's Lorena, she/her, fluff & angst only (for now at least), 17 y/o, romanian
requests info: if u wanna request pls give a detailed enough description to make it easier on me to come up with something
u can request other people then the ones currently on my masterlist, but no promises that I'll write for them
all images i use are edits that I made, if u wanna use them pls give credit
if u want to, i can make a tag list (just comment on this post and specify the character you're interested in)
masterlist p2 | | pers. ig | | spotify
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fredswrite ยท 2 months
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credits to @saradika-graphics for the dividers
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luke castellan
Hayden Christensen
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8 notes ยท View notes
thepermanentrainpress ยท 9 months
The Permanent Rain Press Interview with Isaac Arellanes. (Watch in HD)
Isaac Arellanes chats about playing into Isaac's cool and flirty nature in My Life With The Walter Boys, how he views his father's absence and the Walter brothers' love triangle, fan support, the importance of his Indigenous identity, and the work of his family's non-profit organization, Hopi Relief.
13 notes ยท View notes
siriusly-parker ยท 9 months
โ€”more. [isaac garcia, mlwtwb]
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โ€œLowly knights and mighty kings, they all want moreโ€
tags. [fluff, angst, bonfire party, childhood best friends to lovers, jealousy, drunken confessions]
authorโ€™s note. [thank you for all of the requests!! i got a TON, so i tried to mix a few ideas into one fic, so i could get it out to you guys as fast as possible! ๊ฉœ i siriusly love you <3]
wc. [4k]
โ€”fic under the cut!
โ€งหšสš โ‹† ๊œ๊œž
Aside from her predicament with the Walter boys, Y/n did really like Jackie. Who she didnโ€™t get along with where her newfound friendships. Skyler and Grace where gossipers. Y/n knew they just enjoyed being close to the center of it all. Skyler was just annoying, and she didnโ€™t enjoy the way he treated Nathan at all, but she could get past that and tolerate his presence. Grace thoughโ€ฆ she was just a bitch. She hated Grace, โ€œGracieโ€ as she used to call her. They actually used to be good friends, until high school made the girl even more of a newsmonger. The slight whiff of a scandal and sheโ€™d come running like a dog, even to the detriment of the people around her. She gets carried away, forgets itโ€™s real people and not a movie. Maybe she gets a high out of the attention she gets from sharing the information she dishonestly collects. People only come to see her to know all about otherโ€™s lives. Gracieโ€™s own is incredibly boring, sheโ€™s sheltered. So, gossiping is her only way of living some sort of excitement, through others, of course. Y/n pities her, in a way. But she mostly, mostly hates her guts.
At the annual bonfire party, after an insane amount of begging from her best friend, Y/n took a ride with the Walterโ€™s. Cole got them there, but Danny was, as per usual, the designated driver. Y/n didnโ€™t enjoy drinking either, but she didnโ€™t have her permit yet, postponing her lessons every chance she got. She liked driving with the boys, she even had her own designated seat. Being their neighbour meant theyโ€™d get her to school too, and that Isaac would practice his own driving on his uncleโ€™s truck with her. He was good, she felt safe.
When they got there, Jackie immediately jumped to Gracie, while Nathan ran to see Skyler, who didnโ€™t truly seem to be as excited. Y/n rolled her eyes so hard, sheโ€™d probably get a headache from it. โ€œCareful, youโ€™ll get stuck like that.โ€ Laughed Cole as he closed the door and threw the keys to his twin brother. โ€œI canโ€™t help myself!โ€ She pleads in annoyance as she turns to her best friend for support. When she looks at Isaac, heโ€™s looking over at the fire, not listening to their conversation at all.
He had been mostly quiet the whole ride, which she didnโ€™t necessarily mind. They're used to comfortable silence, understanding each other beyond words. Even before him and Lee went to live with their cousins, they often came to visit. Y/n came to know that truck by heart, always sneakily asking her parents if she could go play with the neighbour boys when she saw it drive past.
Isaac actually had a stutter as a child. He wasnโ€™t always as confident as he seemed now. Ashamed, he often stayed quiet. At first, Lee talked for him most of the time, but as their friendship grew, they learned to communicate without much words early on. The banter came later, when puberty hit and he became popular with the ladies. Sometimes though, when theyโ€™re alone, his quiet side shines through. Maybe tonight he just didnโ€™t feel like talking much. That would be fine, but she knew there was something more.
โ€œHey,โ€ Itโ€™s spoken softly. Hearing her voice, he shook himself out of his trance and noticed everyone was gone to exactly where he was looking. He was too bewitched by the fire to notice the people around it. โ€œyouโ€™re quiet.โ€ She chuckles. She says it as a fact, as something she noticed, but he knows she means it as a question that needed answering. He rubs the back of his neck, not sure of what to say. โ€œOhโ€ฆ uh~ yeah.โ€ A giggle escapes her lips at that. โ€œRecompose yourself, Garcia. You have a reputation to uphold.โ€ He knows sheโ€™s teasing, but before he can answer, her hand leaves his forearm and sheโ€™s headed towards the party, like everyone else.
People wave at her, Cole screams something, Danny laughs. All he sees is fire. As if sheโ€™s walking right into it. She looks beautiful. The lack of her touch is more noticeable now. It feels wrong. He didnโ€™t even notice she was touching him. Itโ€™s not unusual per say, but youโ€™d think he would notice. Maybe it wasnโ€™t her voice that drew his attention, maybe it was the familiarity of her touch. She knew that sometimes he was so inside his head that only a gentle squeeze could do the job that words couldnโ€™t. But the fact she kept it, and he allowed it, like it didnโ€™t matter, was what perplexed him. Heโ€™d usually be thrilled, but he was too tense to even feel it. Maybe thatโ€™s what made him stutter again. She had that effect on him, even though she helped him through it the most. He couldnโ€™t get the idea of her out of his head, but he didnโ€™t know how to tell her.
โ€œBuddy, cโ€™mon.โ€ Dannyโ€™s voice pulled him out of his haze. โ€œItโ€™ll just come out naturally when you talk to her, donโ€™t stress about it.โ€ It comes out so casual, as if it was obvious between the two boys. โ€œWhat are you talking about, dude? Iโ€™m just kinda tired. Didnโ€™t even wanna come to this trash party.โ€ He scoffs unconvincingly to his older cousin. โ€œYeah okay. You were the most excited. You dragged Y/n here, when you know she doesnโ€™t even like parties. Look, if you have something to say to her, just do. It doesnโ€™t have to be special, or a big deal, or even tonight. Now letโ€™s go. Sheโ€™s all alone in a party she didnโ€™t wanna go to, with people she canโ€™t stand.โ€ Isaac laughs at that, knowing sheโ€™s probably poking at Coleโ€™s last nerves or teasing Alex and Lee. He also knew that, sadly, the company of her friends didnโ€™t compensate for breathing the same air as some deeply annoying people. โ€œWell, to be fair, Gracie is a pain in the ass. Girl canโ€™t mind her own business.โ€ Danny pushes his back harder as he holds his shoulders, guiding him towards their friends. โ€œYou know she likes you right?โ€ Danny questions, but Isaac just rolls his eyes. โ€œRight, she likes anything that looks in her direction.โ€ The Walter boy nods enthusiastically, as if it was all evident. โ€œRight, yeah. And, you donโ€™t careโ€”obviously- cause you like Y/n, anyway!โ€ Isaacโ€™s head turns sharp at that, but he relaxes at Dannyโ€™s unconcerned smirk. He couldnโ€™t get anything past the boy. His feelings were hiding behind a glass window to everyone, but her. Finally giving up the act, he shakes Dannyโ€™s hands off him and walks the final few steps towards the crowd on his own. โ€œShut upโ€ฆโ€
When Isaac finally joins the party, heโ€™s immediately swarmed by a raid of girls. Y/n watched from far away, lightly laughing at the absurdity of it all. But, a part of her is jealous. She doesnโ€™t want him to spend time with these girls, heโ€™s supposed to be her best friend. Sheโ€™s the one supposed to have all of his attentionโ€ฆ and more. Before she can shut down that too recurring thought, she feels someone walk up beside her.
โ€œIsaac Garcia, honorary Walter, and breaker of hearts! Why donโ€™t you join the fan club?โ€ The boy teases in a theatrical manner. She recognized him, Matthew, from the football team. โ€œI didnโ€™t have time to sign up, sadly. But I donโ€™t think thereโ€™s any more place to join, now.โ€ She mimicked his dramaturgic expression. โ€œKing Garcia has a big heart, thou shall not worry! The more the merrier.โ€ She laughs at that. Heโ€™s being ridiculous, but itโ€™s getting a reaction out of her. Matthew did not mind being ridiculed if it meant she would be the one laughing. After the laughter quieted down, she answered honestly. โ€œNot for me, I donโ€™t think so.โ€ But she kept their act going, finding it fun. โ€œI have come to accept this sad reality a long time ago, My Knight! When I was still only a small peasant girl.โ€ He smiles, before dropping the Shakespearean accent. โ€œI am glad.โ€ โ€œYou are?โ€ She suspiciously questions. โ€œOf course. That means you can join my club. As the face of it, of course. The Y/n appreciation club.โ€ The play is back on, and so are the theatrics. โ€œOh, Iโ€™d be delighted, My Knight. Not many members I suppose?โ€ โ€œOnly me, for now, My Queen. But not by lack of trying from others. Itโ€™s just thatโ€ฆโ€ His face drops forward comically, pressing her to ask, โ€œThat what, My Kight?โ€ Dramatically, he sighs. โ€œThey have to fight to the death to joinโ€ฆ and Iโ€™m a very good duelist. Very motivatedโ€ฆ to be the sole member of this club.โ€ โ€œHow so?โ€ She truly wonders. โ€œIt would mean that I would have your undivided attention, My Queen. That would be a great prize, indeed.โ€ He says, slowly coming back to his true self. Y/n actually didnโ€™t expect that. Most boys donโ€™t give her the time of day, let alone display their affection so clearly. โ€œOhโ€ฆโ€ โ€œOh.โ€ He teases, and she giggles at the realization.
Through the sea of undesirable faces surrounding him, Isaac sees the interaction. Why is she laughing? What could he be saying thatโ€™s so incredibly funny? He should be the one making her laugh like that. But, thatโ€™s not really fair, though, is it? He didnโ€™t even come up to her since he left the side of the car. Sheโ€™d be alone if it wasnโ€™t for the footballer. Heโ€™s glad she has company, he just wishes it was him instead. Not keeping his eyes off the girl, he distractedly excuses himself from the herd. Slightly pushing people out of his way, he goes directly towards the new pair of friends. Y/n is laughing and twirling her hair. She never twirls her hair. Her dress is pretty. Short. She was wearing a dress? Is it new? Heโ€™s never seen it before. Did she wear it for him? For Matthew? Did they talk before tonight? Why is he so pressed about this? Why does he care so badly? Heart beating louder than the music, his hands reach to another random drink. Suddenly, his legs start to walk on their own towards the girl he canโ€™t help but love.
As he comes up behind her, Y/n sees Matthewโ€™s expression change. โ€œWell, time is up, My Lady.โ€ He theatrically bows down to her as Isaac puts his arms around her shoulders. Y/nโ€™s confused at his sudden change of behaviour. โ€œIโ€™ll see you later, Princess.โ€ He winks and walks away while Isaac stands confused. Did he just call her Princess? What a playerโ€ฆ What even was their dynamic? He didnโ€™t actually plan on interrupting anything, but now that he did, he wasnโ€™t sure how to proceed. Lost in thought again, he only notices her expression when she yells out the other boyโ€™s name and moves towards him, making Isaacโ€™s drunken arm drop. Matthew turns around and softly smiles at her. He motions for her to come closer and whispers something in her ear. That secret makes her blush, and Isaac is furious, not knowing what was said. Why did he have that effect on her? As Matthew leaves Y/n with a pat on the head, she sheepishly comes back to where her best friend was standing. The closer she got, the warmer he cheeks felt, and apparently looked. Isaac noticed, but didnโ€™t truly understand he was the source of it.
โ€œSo? What did cocky all-American football star Matthew want to do with you?โ€ Isaac says matter-of-factly. His words start to slur. Nothing makes much sense, except the thought that she may be in love with someone else. She takes a step back. He suddenly went from quiet to mean. What happened in that pit of girls? Was he tired of breaking hearts? Was yours the only one left? โ€œHeโ€™s not cocky, heโ€™s actually very niceโ€ฆโ€ She tries to add, but it comes out hushed, shy. The words hurt more than she cared to admit. Her biggest insecurities highlighted by the one she cared for most. โ€œAnd- Iโ€™m sorry if itโ€™s too hard for you to imagineโ€ฆ that someone could actually likeโ€ฆ me,โ€ It comes out slow, as if she was carefully choosing her words and not only trying not to cry. โ€œbut thereโ€™s no need to be so rudeโ€ฆโ€ Her last words are barely louder than a whisper. With the ringing in his ear and the loud music, heโ€™s scared he simply imagined it. But her eyes tell him that even if she didnโ€™t say it, thatโ€™s how she felt. He was deliberately rude and knowingly mean and he felt absolutely awful.
โ€œY/nโ€ฆ you know thatโ€™s not what I meantโ€ฆโ€ โ€œI donโ€™t know thatโ€ฆโ€ She avoids his gaze, kicking the sand beneath her feet. โ€œI just-โ€ โ€œYou what?โ€ โ€œHeโ€™s a jock! He must have bad intentions!โ€ She scoffs at that. โ€œOr maybe! Just maybe! Someone likes me! Crazy, I know! But not that impossibleโ€ฆโ€ โ€œI donโ€™t doubt that anyone could like you, Y/n. Youโ€™re-โ€ When she finally looks at him, demanding an explanation, his mind goes silent. How could he tell her how deeply amazing he truly thought she was? โ€œItโ€™s just that- Heโ€™s a football star! Theyโ€™re dicks!โ€ Thatโ€™s the excuse he comes up with. โ€œOk? Cole was a football star?โ€ โ€œAnd heโ€™s a dick! I love himโ€ฆ but look at Erinโ€ฆโ€ She nods sarcastically. โ€œWell, Iโ€™m glad youโ€™re concerned, but I wonโ€™t follow him around like a puppy, waiting for attention. Iโ€™ve done that enough actuallyโ€ฆโ€ She mumbles, but he hears. He always hears her. โ€œY/nโ€ฆโ€ She dismisses him with a wave. โ€œGo back to your little fan club, Isaacโ€ฆโ€ As Y/n walks away she blinks back a few tears that were threatening to spill. Isaac watched her sit down by the fire besides Matthew, hugging her knees. Heโ€™s making her laugh, and everything gets more real. He was the asshole, and he hated himself for it. Before going to apologize, he just needed another drink.
As he turns his back to the fire, he bumps into Grace, who didnโ€™t seem this shocked. โ€œGod! I didnโ€™t see you!โ€ She feigns innocence, as she offers him a new red plastic cup. Isaac takes it without much thought, constantly looking back at where Y/n and Matthew were sitting. Heโ€™s too distracted to care about Grace and too buzzed to even understand what sheโ€™s saying. He nods at whatever sheโ€™s saying before noticing her hand on his shoulder. โ€œEw, get off, Grace.โ€ The intoxication in his voice is clear, but heโ€™ll never be wasted enough to want her, or anyone other than the girl he couldnโ€™t keep his eyes off of. Gracie doesnโ€™t seem to take a hint, putting her other hand on his free shoulder. By the time Isaac turns back to look at her, Y/n is already on her feet marching towards them. โ€œOh noโ€ฆ sheโ€™s coming to ruin our funโ€ฆโ€ Grace pouts, but Isaac doesnโ€™t hear, too mesmerized by the girl stomping her way to them. โ€œGet off, Grace.โ€ Y/n pushes her off and instinctively checks on Isaac. Taking his drink from him and buttoning his jacket back on, she says, โ€œOk, itโ€™s time to go, pretty boy.โ€ She softly smiles at him, knowing he doesnโ€™t need a lecture right now. After she puts his hair back into place, she turns to a whining Grace and tells her matter-of-factly, โ€œAlso.. Gracieโ€ฆ eat shit and die.โ€ She scoffs and flips her hair like in the movies. At least, thatโ€™s how Isaac sees it. His savior in slow motion, he thinks and laughs. He looks stupid and drunk, and so so so in love with her. Itโ€™s time to go home.
โ€œY/n, that was not niceโ€ฆโ€ Jackie comes up to her, but Y/n ignores her, fully knowing the point of her words were to be mean. She could be the devil when she wanted. And Grace was always a free pass for being bitchy. The amount of times that Y/n had to defend Isaac as a child, she knew how to take care of the boy. This came naturally to her.
โ€œYou do not want to feel the wrath of the neighbor girl, Jackie.โ€ Cole laughs as he pats her shoulders and goes past her towards the car. Danny joins him, keys in hand. โ€œSheโ€™s his fiercest defender, donโ€™t try her. Sheโ€™d burn the world for him, Iโ€™m pretty sure.โ€ He warns, mumbling the last part. โ€œWalter family! In the car! Now!โ€ Y/n demands, holding Isaac up. โ€œYes maโ€™am!โ€ Cole winks at Jackie, whoโ€™s slowly understing the dynamics of the family. โ€œNo one is safe if heโ€™s the one in danger. No matter how much you think she loves you, thereโ€™s no one on earth she cares more about than him.โ€ He whispers in her ear as he sits down considerably close to her. โ€œSheโ€™s crazy mad, guys! Get in the car!โ€ Danny yells for the others to come. Lee and Nathan run up to the car, fully knowing whoโ€™s boss.
When they finally get home, Y/n walks right past everyone with Isaac to put him to bed. No one says a word, knowing itโ€™d be better not to test her in times like these.
Isaac starts laughing when they go past his door. โ€œY/n! Are you crazy?โ€ She shushes him for being too loud. โ€œAre you crazyyy?โ€ He tries again in a loud whisper. โ€œWhat are you talking about?โ€ She canโ€™t help but laugh a little too. โ€œYou canโ€™t come into my roooooooom. Not at this hour! No girls over. Aunt Katherine is gonna be piiiiiiiissed.โ€ โ€œIโ€™m just putting you to bed, Isaac. Youโ€™re drunk.โ€ She chuckles, pushing him towards his bed so he can sit down. โ€œOhโ€ฆโ€ Heโ€™s quite obvious in his disappointment. As she chooses clothes for him to sleep in, she tries to reassure him. โ€œKatherine said I could stay tonight, ok? Because of the party. Iโ€™ll sleep on the couch.โ€ His excitement is brought back by that piece of information. โ€œOh! We can watch a movieeeeee, and-โ€ โ€œNo, Isaac. We sleep. You donโ€™t want to be visibly hangover in the morning. Then, Katherine would kill you.โ€ She turns away from his dresser and puts his clothes beside him on the bed. โ€œHere. Your pjs. Put them on, Iโ€™ll put mine on, and then weโ€™ll go brush our teeth, ok?โ€ โ€œOkโ€ฆโ€ His eyes wander to her dress. Itโ€™s pretty. Itโ€™s short. He wants to tell her itโ€™s pretty. Instinctively, his hands wander to the hem of the dress. His thumb strokes the fabric, it's nice. Thereโ€™s a silence between them. Y/n doesnโ€™t actually leave the room, like she had planned. โ€œPrettyโ€ฆ itโ€™s-โ€œ โ€œThanks.โ€ She quickly interrupts. In his daze, his hands move from her skirt to her thigh. The touch is soft, feather-like. Heโ€™s scared sheโ€™ll break otherwise. Y/n holds her breath, but before she can say anything, he lifts his arms up. โ€œHelp.โ€ He simply says like a child who canโ€™t undress themselves. It takes a while for her to process his request, but she doesnโ€™t decline.
When she first touches the bottom of his shirt, and her hand accidentally brushes over his skin, she canโ€™t help but feel her heart skip. Itโ€™s not as if she had never seen him shirtless before. Countless summers at the Walter household gave her many opportunities to gawk. But this felt different. The two of them, alone in his room. Itโ€™s as if, in her anger at Grace, she had forgotten their own fight.
Matthew had abs too, even more, probably. A football star boyfriend would be great, she tried to convince herself. But the thought didnโ€™t persuade her, as it didnโ€™t give her the butterflies that Isaacโ€™s simple smile easily could.
As she lifts his shirt up, she canโ€™t help but think back at what Matthew whispered to her back at the bonfire party. โ€œGo to your King. Do not settle for a lowly knight like me.โ€ She later tried to explain to him she didnโ€™t feel as though he was โ€œlowlyโ€, but he saw through her makeshift walls right to where she hid her feelings for the older Garcia boy. She didnโ€™t know why he acted the way he did that night, so quiet, and then so rude, but she pushed it all away, theyโ€™d talk about it tomorrow.
When she finally took off his shirt, she couldnโ€™t help but stare a little. She quickly shook it off and put his old band shirt on. There were a few holes in it, but with his grey hoodie on top, it didnโ€™t really matter. Looking at his neatly folded red checkered pyjama pants, he got up and said, in the same way as before, โ€œHelp.โ€ She chuckled, and turned away to leave. โ€œYou can do that part on your own, Iโ€™m sure.โ€ She could feel his smirk burning at the back of her head.
In the bathroom, she put her own pyjama set on and started her nightly routine. Hearing a knock at the door, she swiftly opened, knowing it must be Isaac coming to brush his teeth.
They brush their teeth together and Isaac sits on top of the counter, waiting for her to finish taking off her makeup and doing all of her skincare. โ€œYouโ€™re so prettyโ€ฆโ€ The sudden break in the comfortable silence shocks her. Of all the things he couldโ€™ve said, she didnโ€™t expect this. Seeing she didnโ€™t answer, he kept going. โ€œAnd smart too. Youโ€™re more than your looks of course, but you are very pretty. I know I make fun of you for your thousand steps routine, but I actually do enjoy it. Gives me more time to just look at youโ€ฆโ€ โ€œIsaacโ€ฆโ€ She tried to cut in on his rant. โ€œAnd- And I didnโ€™t mean thatโ€ฆ At the bonfire. I know people like you. How could they notโ€ฆ I just- i just donโ€™t want you to like themโ€ฆโ€ He was drunk, heโ€™d regret it in the morning. She feels as though sheโ€™s reading someoneโ€™s secret diary. Heโ€™s drunk and an open book for her to skim through. โ€œIsaacโ€ฆโ€ She warns again, but he shakes his head. โ€œI guess I was just jealousโ€ฆ โ€˜cause you were laughingโ€ฆ so much with Matthew. What were you even laughing at? He canโ€™t be that funny. Iโ€™m funny. I want you to like meโ€ฆโ€ He groans, hiding his face in his hands. โ€œI do like youโ€ฆโ€ Y/n tries to reassure him. โ€œWell thenโ€ฆ I want you to love me.โ€ She takes his hand, making him look at her fully. โ€œI love you, Isaac. A lot.โ€ He smiles. โ€œYouโ€™re my best friend.โ€ It drops. โ€œNoโ€ฆโ€ That was wrong. Thatโ€™s not what he wanted. โ€œNo?โ€ She questions. โ€œI donโ€™t want you to love me like a best friendโ€ฆ I want you to love me asโ€ฆ more.โ€ โ€œMore?โ€ โ€œMore.โ€ He says it as a pledge. โ€œWill your answer stay the same in the morning?โ€ Thereโ€™s a smile on her face. She canโ€™t help but dwell on the possibility of what could be. โ€œI promise.โ€ Heโ€™s sure of himself. โ€œOk, then weโ€™ll talk about it when youโ€™re well-rested.โ€ She laughs. โ€œNow get down, sleepyhead. Itโ€™s time for bed.โ€ Isaac didnโ€™t argue, knowing full well that in the morning, heโ€™d be telling her the same thing. Over and over again if thatโ€™s what she wished to hear.
โ€Ž๐ฆ‚ hope you enjoyed it!! comment what you think! and please donโ€™t forget to reblog!!! โ—กฬˆ
สš masterlist + resquests!
taglist ; [making a taglist for my life with the walter boys! plz send an ask, comment, dm to be added!]
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team-jere-writer ยท 1 month
โŒ˜ :: f a n d o m . w r i t i n g :: โŒ˜
โŒ˜ :: r u l e s :: โŒ˜
respect my anonymity
requests can be deleted if im not comfortable with them
dont request for fandoms im not in (ill just delete it)
feedback is welcome but be nice :))
i accept smut requests but itll probably be bad
dont spam requests please!!
anonymous requests are welcome (no shame buddy)
โŒ˜ :: f a n d o m s :: โŒ˜
crossed out fandoms/characters are ones on hold
red ships/characters are ones i dont write romantic fanfics for (wholesome fic recs welcome)
Ill write anyone x y/n as long as the reader is portrayed as old enough
-dead plate (coming soon)
โŒ˜ - vld - โŒ˜
:: klance ::
:: sheith ::
:: allurance ::
:: pidge x hunk ::
:: hunk x keith ::
:: shiro x allura ::
:: coran x minor ::
โŒ˜ - tsitp - โŒ˜
:: jelly :: -- <3
:: bonrad ::
:: jere x liam ::
:: belly x cam cameron ::
:: steven x taylor ::
:: debs x their escorts ::
โŒ˜ - mlwtwb - โŒ˜
:: isaac x jackie ::
:: cole x jackie ::
:: alex x jackie ::
:: lee x jackie ::
:: isaac x grace ::
:: skythan :: -- <3
:: danny x erin ::
:: katherine x george :: -no smut please!!
โŒ˜ - pjo - โŒ˜
*i dont know much about this fandom, just the characters and main plotline*
:: percabeth ::
:: solengelo ::
:: thalia x reyna ::
:: percico :: -- <3
:: basically any responsible ship lol ::
โŒ˜ - tmr - โŒ˜
:: newtmas :: -- <3
:: minho x thomas ::
:: minho x newt ::
:: teresa x thomas ::
โŒ˜ - gg - โŒ˜ (i dont like rory ๐Ÿ˜ญ)
:: rory x jess :: -- <3
:: rory x dean ::
::rory x logan ::
:: lorelai x luke ::
:: sookie x jackson ::
thank you so much for supporting me <3
-star โœจ
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torislander ยท 9 months
the writing and directing for this show is absolutely atrocious. i haven't read the book but i don't blame anyone who says the book is way better because i'm betting it is. i had no sense of a timeline at all and there was so much left unsaid. how long have isaac and lee been living with them and why? how old is everyone? it all feels so rushed. we never got to see the play even though it was such a big deal that isaac practically stole danny's part and erin rebelled against her mom to be in it. will and hailey's storyline was way too prominent... literally no one cares. tara is beyondddddd annoying. also, what time of year is it in literally every episode? it seems like everything is back to back but this is all also over the course of almost a year? i don't get it. the music festival thing was sooooo important but then we didn't get to see it happen? also don't even get me started on how bad the poster and the opening title screen are. but on a lighter note, can i just say how absolutely phenomenal jackies rodeo outfit was??? so fucking cute. also, she is sooooo gorgeous. but also, i don't like her very much. it's not typical of me to not love a main character, as i always say they're the main character for a reason, but she is so horrible. i understand her family died but my god she is so high and mighty and can't do anything wrong. she did nottttt deserve alex at alllllll. i honestly don't hate cole but i love alex. but at the end of the day, danny is it for me. i love that boy and we didn't get enough of him. i just feel like in terms of writing they needed to make the show longer to add stuff in or they needed to have taken a whole lot out and replaced it. there just was no plot.
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simpingforthemm ยท 9 months
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lee garcia x gf! ๐Ÿ›น
"he was a skater boy, she said see you later boy ๐Ÿ•บ๐Ÿ˜Œ"
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simpingforthemm ยท 5 months
the garcia brothers
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words: like 1.7k
summary: basically a similar scenario to the whole "Cole x Jackie x Alex" thingy but with u and the Garcia brothers
a/n: sorry for not posting on here in a while. I wrote this little thing to get into fanfic writing again and will get to the other requests soon <3 probably will make this a series if I feel inspired enough
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Lee, your best friend, poking at your food, absolutely not hungry after having seen that revolting documentary on the holocaust in history lesson.
โ€œGod, I wish I could erase the last 90 minutes out of my memory so I could at least keep some of this food down and not starve for the rest of the dayโ€, you groaned, shoving a fry in your mouth.
โ€œSameโ€, Lee sighed. โ€œThat Nazi shit is seriously messed up. Honestly, I think I heard Olivia sobbing in the back row or something when the teacher named the number of the children murdered in the second world war.โ€
You raised your eyebrows. "Damn. Understandable though. It's so inhumane.โ€
Lee nodded. You noticed someone sitting down next to you and putting their arm around your shoulder. โ€œWhat are we talking about guys?โ€, an all too familiar voice asked. Isaac Garcia, the brother of your best friend, who you shared a lot of your classes with, including history. โ€œJust the pleasantries of that history lessonโ€, you said as he snatched some of your fries.
โ€œIโ€™m amazed at your ability to still eat after that horrifying documentary.โ€, you admitted, watching as he stuffed his mouth with the fried potato sticks, visibly hungry, his arm still securely around you. You didn't mind sharing your food and you often did so with Isaac. He would offer you gum when he had a pack, you would bring a second fork for him when you got lunch and you almost always shared your energy drinks and snacks. You didn't know the particular reason for why you both did this except for that the two of you loved food and that you liked eating in class / eating snacks so you could focus better.
โ€œThat's only one of my many talents, dear miss Y/L/Nโ€, he said, smirking at you and giving you a little wink. โ€œBesides, I love fries.โ€
You just rolled your eyes a little, knowing that Isaac basically had every girl that crossed his path swooning over him and he even flirted with you, his brother's girl best friend. Yeah, you shared your food and were pretty friendly with each other but you still were kind of annoyed about how he was such a ladies' man.
โ€œSureโ€, you just said, freeing yourself from his arm, catching Isaac frowning in the corner of your eye.
โ€œOkay Isaac, how โ€˜bout you leave me and my best friend alone and go mind your business with all of those cheerleaders waiting on you.โ€, Lee said, pointing over to a table overcrowded with a bunch of girls from the cheerleading squad, some of them looking over to your table, probably wondering what was keeping Isaac there.
Lee seemed overly annoyed with his brother. Chill Lee, you thought to yourself. You actually kinda liked Isaac (not that youโ€™d ever tell Lee that) and you didn't get why your best friend was acting all hostile. Sure, Isaac was annoying at times but he didn't exaggerate it. But of course, you were on your best friendโ€™s side. โ€œNo need to get possessive, Iโ€™m already goingโ€, he said, getting up from his chair.
He frowned as he noticed your sort of tense expression.โ€œYou seem tense, everything all right?โ€, he asked, sounding genuinely concerned. He was right, you had been tense. Exam stress, pressure to succeed, getting good grades and then your parents fighting. You were struggling. But Isaac didn't have to know that. โ€œOkay Isaac, just goโ€, Lee groaned before you could answer the other Garcia's question.
โ€œAlready going, jeez bro. See you later, Y/N.โ€, he smirked, ruffling your hair. Ugh.
Relieved about him going back to his own table and Lee being able to go back to his normal self, you leaned back into your chair. โ€œIโ€™m so sorry about my brother Y/Nโ€, Lee apologized, rolling his eyes. โ€œI know he can be a lot sometimes.โ€
โ€œIt's fineโ€, you assured him, not knowing why he was always so cold and hostile whenever the three of you were together. When you watched Lee and Isaac hanging out together, without you, everything seemed just fine and they were laughing and having fun together, like normal brothers. This was the same for when you and Lee hung out just the two of you, everything seemed completely normal and fine. But when it was you, Lee and Isaac, he acted so strange. He was bitchy and rude to his brother, usually without reason. He always acted like Isaac was this horrible person that you couldn't be associated with. You thought that maybe he couldn't stand the thought of you and Isaac being friends? Maybe he hated how physical Isaac could be? You didn't know, but you were determined to find out.
After school, you and Lee decided to hang out and get ice cream. A lot of people thought that you and Lee might be a couple since the two of you were so close. It was true, you liked Lee a lot. Maybe you had had a crush on him for a little while when the two of you first met. But that was a long time ago and the two of you were now simply best friends. You thought so at least. Still, you couldn't help thinking he was cute when he attempted to speak French in class (which he surprisingly was horrible at) or when he geeked out about some new skateboarding equipment or tricks he wanted to try. Of course, you would never tell him that.
โ€œY/N, can I ask you something?โ€, Lee suddenly blurted out. The two of you were standing in line at the ice cream shop, waiting for your turn. You were slightly standing on your tip-toes, trying to get a look on all the flavors available so you could already decide on what you wanted beforehand.
โ€œYeah, sure. What is it?โ€, you said casually, standing normally again and turning to look at him.
Lee looked down at his shoes, seemingly embarrassed. You frowned, didn't he know he could ask you anything? You were now getting impatient and nervous. Why was he stalling?
โ€œOh, come on, Lee. You're driving me crazy. Spit it out!โ€
โ€œDo you like Isaac?โ€
Your eyes widened and you gulped. So much for obvious. But you didn't like him. At least not like Lee probably meant in this moment. Okay, maybe you thought he was hot and funny, but he was obnoxious. He was always bothering you, in class, outside of class, at the Waltersโ€™ House. Just last week, he threw you in the pool, then at a party he randomly asked you if you wanted to play beer pong with him. With you, out of all people? You, the unpopular nerd. Then there were other incidents like when your grade was called to the assembly hall for some informative presentation on future college opportunities and Isaac just randomly sat down next to you. And besides all that weirdness from his side, he made your best friend in the whole world angry and tense. You didn't like that.
You decided to go for the shocked and surprised answer. โ€œWhat! Lee! Why would you think that??โ€
โ€œI don't knowโ€, he shrugged, his expression blank. โ€œYou just always seem to laugh more when he's around and you don't really seem to mind whenever he flirts with you.โ€
โ€œFlirts with me? Lee, I don't know what you're talking abou-โ€
โ€œOh please Y/Nโ€, Lee scoffed. โ€œDon't act like you're blind. He always flirts with you. Just today in the cafeteria, he put his arm around you. Do you know how weird that is for me? Jesus, he's my brother, Y/N.โ€ Lee looked disgusted as he turned away from you. You didn't know his feelings were this intense.
โ€œLee, of course I don't like him. But you know how Isaac is, heโ€™s always flirting with every girl that's in his eyesight. I don't think he's taken special interest in me. And besides, we wouldn't even fit together, you know how different we are.โ€
That seemed to calm Lee down as his expression softened and he sighed, nodding.
"Sorry for overreacting. You're right."
You didn't know why he was so against you even slightly taking an interest in his brother and why he was so disgusted at even the idea of you getting closer to him. But you figured the two of you weren't really in a position to talk about that.
Later that day, you were sitting on your bed, listening to music and doing homework when your phone made that vibrating sound to tell you you had a new message. You frowned slightly, checking who would text you at this time. It certainly wouldn't be Lee, as right now heโ€™d probably be outside with his cousins, teaching Parker how to skateboard or something. Instead it was an unknown number.
The message just said: โ€œhi y/nโ€.
You texted back pretty quickly out of curiosity. "Who's this?โ€
Another message appeared within seconds, making your heart drop. โ€œIsaac. I got your number from Jackie, hope that's okโ€
Jesus, why would he be texting you? This was the last thing you needed rn. And now you seriously didn't know what to text back.
โ€œOkaay, why did you ask for my number thoโ€, you typed.
โ€œidk cuz I think ur coolโ€
Fuck. Whyโ€™d he say something like that?
โ€œokay.. I don't think lee doesn't like us talking tho"
You were panicky now. Lee definitely couldn't find out about this. He'd be so mad.
โ€œhe needs to chill outโ€
Was he seriously saying this rn? Didn't he know Lee had no chill whenever it came to you?
You were staring at your phone for a while, waiting for him to say something else, but when he didn't, you just typed back:
โ€œsrry but did you want anything else? I got homework to doโ€
โ€œwe should hang out outside of class sometimeโ€
โ€œwe really shouldn'tโ€, you texted back, even though you did kind of want to. But you couldn't. Not when Lee was so against the idea of you being closer to his brother. You couldn't do that to your best friend.
โ€œCome onn y/n just for like an hour or so. pretty plsssโ€
He kept spamming you with messages the next minutes which really annoyed you so just to shut him up you replied: โ€œfine but istg if lee finds out youโ€™re done forโ€
โ€œyes maโ€™am ๐ŸงŽโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€
God. What had you gotten yourself into??
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simpingforthemm ยท 4 months
Currently thinking about Lee with an airheaded gf and how his sarcastic remarks go right over her head, how he feels the need to always explain things in small simple steps
ANYWAYS can you write a small blurb about that? Or headcanons !๐Ÿคญ
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yes, yes, yes! I love this! sorry for taking so long to do this request, Iโ€™ve been sick on and off for quite a long time now but now Iโ€™m finally feeling better and getting to all of my requests!
Lee is definitely the grumpy and sarcastic type so I can imagine him with a sunshine airheaded gf soo well omg. I feel like after heโ€™d had a long day, the sarcastic remarks would just keep coming so naturally and you would not understand a single one of them.
For example when you're rambling about the lessons youโ€™d had today and which teachers pissed you off and that life is so good now that school's over, heโ€™d say something like:
โ€œyeah, life is good. Mr. (teacher name) should get oneโ€
and you would just stare at him confused like what do you mean ๐Ÿ˜ญ. like you seriously do not understand.
โ€œwhat do you mean lee? Mr. (teacher name) isn't dead? he was just teaching us! why should he get a life if he is already alive?โ€
He just sighs, ruffling your hair and explains like
โ€œI meant that (teacher name) should get a life like get some hobbies and not only work because he's obviously a workaholic etc. etc.โ€
and you're like ohhhh
Also Lee would probably have to help you with something simple like using the microwave ๐Ÿคท. Like you said heโ€™d explain it step for step (heโ€™s also very patient with you bc he's a good bf) and he also writes down instructions for when he's not there so you won't blow up the whole kitchen.
He doesn't trust you with things that are actually easy like cooking spaghetti or washing laundry. Heโ€™s like โ€œlemme explain it first before you accidentally kill yourself or something bbgโ€ He probably sends you a lot of sarcastic memes and you always respond with like โ€œwymโ€, โ€œ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจ๐Ÿคจโ€, โ€œI don't get itโ€
and he's like "babeee๐Ÿ˜ญ" and then several voice messages incoming of him explaining bc he needs you to understandd
also him consoling you bc you feel stupid sometimes for needing a lil more help with things and he reassures you that it's fine and that he loves helping you always <3
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fanficwritinggirl ยท 8 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 5 - Cocoa
"Wait she puts what in her hot cocoa," Josie places the mugs on the wooden table as she sits down next to Cole. Taking the mug in his hand, Cole chuckles as he looks at Josie's wide eyes.
"She puts in chili," he tells her and Josie can't help but lean back in her chair and shake her head.
"No i am sorry, i like Jackie and all but that is criminal. I'm sorry but hot cocoa should only ever have whipped cream and marshmallows if you are going to add anything at all, everything else is a no no," Cole smirks and nods his head.
"You know Danny tried it, and liked it," Josie gasps dramatically, mouth hanging open. Cole can't help but burst out into laughter.
"Oh me and him are going to be having words," Cole shakes his head and slumps back in his chair, arms crossed, laughing. Josie can't help but laugh along with him. It had been so long since she had seen Cole this happy, carefree. Their eyes meet and they both fall into silence; they look at each other for what seems like forever, it was comfortable and Josie felt like she could look into his eyes forever.
Cole clears his throat and grabs his mug, taking a sip of his cocoa. Josie looks away and puts her hands around her mug, keeping her eyes on the drink in front of her. "It's good cocoa, definitely no chili," Cole comments and Josie's mouth lifts up at the sides. She bites her tongue trying to stop herself from smiling. Cole looks at her from the corner of his eye and lets himself exhale a breath he didn't know he was holding, feeling his body relax as he does.
Sitting in silence, they finish their hot cocoa, just enjoying the company. Josie stands up taking her cup with her as she walks towards the sink, she pushes the button on the radio, bringing it to life. She turns on the tap, she lets it run for a minute as the cold water slowly turns warm. Her eyes and attention is so fixated on the water that she doesn't even notice Cole come and stand beside her, his own mug nestled in his large hands. Cole leans forward and runs his fingers through the water to check the temperature causing Josie to jump a little, turning and looking at him. Cole looks at her and smirks.
"Sorry, thought you heard me. Got something on your mind?" he asks her, taking the mug from her hand and placing them in the sink, letting the warm water fill them. Josie licks her lips and shrugs.
"Nothing really, just zoned out," Cole nods at her, accepting her answer. His eyes taking her in from beneath the stray bit of hair and smirks as an idea comes to mind. Lifting his fingers through the stream of water, he moves his hands, flicking it onto Josie causing her to gasp.
"Cole!" her voice is loud, her mouth is hanging open, slight chuckles coming from her mouth. Josie grabs one of the mugs and chucks the water at him. Cole steps back, his mouth now hanging open larger than hers. Josie stands laughing at his reaction, her hands coming to rest on her stomach as she doubles over as she laughs. Cole closes his mouth and shakes his head, a smirk on his face.
"Oh you are on," he tells her, grabbing the other mug and splashing it over her. Josie gasps in shock, her eyes meeting Coles and she closes her mouth, recovering quickly, before putting her hand in the sink and swiping water towards him. It was now a full fledged battle. Water was flying everywhere, both of them were quickly becoming more and more soaked, laughter filling the house. Josie has a mug full of water in her hand as she goes for Cole, who grabs her wrists, pulling them down as much as he can, they both have wide smiles on their faces as they fight. Her arms weaken for a second giving Cole the chance to take a hold of her, his arms wrapping around her waist as he pulls her closer to him, his hands fighting for the mug. Slipping it out of her hand, he takes it and pours the content out onto her head, which causes her to gasp and laugh at the same time.
"Cole" she says which comes out as a slight moan, causing Cole to freeze. They both stand still, Cole's arms still wrapped around her waist, her head leaning back onto his shoulder, hands laying gently on his forearms. Cole lets out a sigh, trying to keep his mind from going to other places, places that he knew he should never go to. Josie is the first to move away from the hold, letting her hands fall and she pulls against Cole, causing him to let his arms drop to his side. She takes a step away from him, putting her hands on the counter and letting her breathing even out. There was quiet once again, nothing but the quiet play of the song on the radio playing.
If the whole world was watching, I'd still dance with you
Drive highways and byways to be there with you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
This town - Niall Horan
"Come here," Cole says, Josie turns and looks at him, eyebrows lifted ever so slightly, coming together causing a crease between them.
"What?" the question comes out of her mouth and all Cole does is put his hand out, to her. Her delicate hand meets his rougher hand, he pulls her towards him. Their eyes meet and Cole directs her hands onto his shoulders and he lets his hands hover over her waist.
"Is this okay?" he asks her and all she can do is nod. They sway together, listening to the music, allowing their heads to lean against each other. The dance was slow, like the song.
And i want to tell you everything
The words I never got to say the first time around
And i remember everything
From when we were the children, playing in their fairground
Wish i was there with you now
Cole lifts his finger to sit under her chin, lifting it so that she is looking at him, their eyes meet again, a knowing look of understanding was shared between them. Cole leans forward and Josie closes her eyes.
"Cole, what are we doing?" she asks him, causing him to shake his head.
"I don't know," he responds honestly, and she sighs.
"Then why are we doing this?" She goes to pull back but he tightens his hold on her slightly.
"Because I care for you... and maybe I ..." he is cut off by the front door opening.
"Josie, I'm back honey. Catherine said that i could come and have some lunch with you, i was thinking we could go to the Lark and get some sand..." Aunt Hat walks into the kitchen, looking at the pair. They had sprung apart when they heard the door open, there was now a large distance between the two. Hattie stands taking in the scene in front of her before speaking.
"Hi Cole, wasn't expecting to see you here," she tells him and Cole gives her one of his smiles and nods.
"Nice to see you. Sorry about the mess, but I just remembered that I have some things to do, so I gotta go," he tells her as he walks towards the front door, opening it and leaving without saying another word. Hattie turns and looks at her niece who is staring at the ground.
"What was that about?" Hattie asks, her arms held up a little. Josie shakes her head and whips her eye, a small sniffle leaves her lips.
"I'm going to get some towels. I'm sorry about the mess," Josie walks past her aunt quickly and runs up the stairs. A slam of the door causes Hattie to lift her shoulders up to her ears and groan.
"Ohh, I don't miss these days," she mutters to herself before heading to grab some towels from the closest.
You still make me nervous when you walk in the room
Them butterflies they come alive when I'm next to you
Over and over the only truth
Everything comes back to you
Everything comes back to you
Hattie cleans the kitchen and waits half an hour before venturing upstairs. "Josie?" She knocks gently on the door. "You okay?" concern was present in her voice.
"Go away," a quiet voice says from the other side of the door. Hattie sighs.
"Do you want to go for lunch and talk about it?" Hattie leans against the door and crosses her arms.
"No, I'm fine. I just want to be alone right now," Hattie groans softly, with her hands now on her face.
"Okay, well we are going to have to talk about it at some point," she treads carefully with what she is saying. Her hands slide down her sides and rest on her lower back, her finger touches the corner of her phone in her back pocket and her eyebrows raise as an idea comes to her head. She takes her phone out of her pocket and taps it in between her fingers.
"Honey, Catherine just messaged me saying she needs me back at the clinic. So you take the afternoon, think this through and we can talk about it later, okay," Hattie moves away from the door slightly.
"Okay," Josie replies and Hattie lets out a sigh in relief.
"Well, i'll see you later," Hattie says before she is walking swiftly out the house.
Hattie has never walked so fast into work before in her entire working life. Not that she hated her work or anything but god she needed to talk to Catherine. Jay, the receptionist looks at her with a confused look as she enters.
"Have a nice lunch?" he asks, causing her to groan and shake her head.
"Is Catherine available?"
"She's in her office," he tells her and she is down the hall like a bullet. Knocking the door, she opens in and sees Catherine sitting at her desk as she looks over some files on her computer. Turning, Catherine takes in her appearance raising her eyebrows.
"You okay?" Hattie slumps down on the chair in the corner and sighs.
"Can you please tell me why your son was at my house," Katherine scrunches her eyebrows together and moves her head a little.
"Cole was at your house, what was he doing?" Hattie chuckles, shaking her head.
"There was water all over the floor, they were both drenched and they were standing very, very close together," Katherine leaned back in her chair, eyes wide, mouth gaping.
"Do you think that anything happened between the two of them?" Catherine asks, causing Hattie to shake her head.
"No, no. I think I got there in time but god, them two infuriate me," Hattie says and Katherine laughs.
"The fact that these two have the biggest crushes on each other but just wont say anything, yeah i know," Hattie rolls her eyes.
"Oh my god, yes. I mean we weren't that bad when we were kids, were we? Because I don't think that I was," Katherine sighs and shakes her head.
"No we didn't but i don't think we experienced something that intense when we were that age. These two have had a connection since the first time they met," Katherine reminisces and Hattie smirks.
"An invisible string."
"Wow, you just had to make a Taylor Swift reference didn't you," Katherine says, raising an eyebrow and Hattie can't help but laugh.
"Hey, when you have a teenage girl, playing Taylor Swift the entire time you try not to."
"Imagine Parker being like that," the pair laugh.
"God, we need to do something," Hattie comments, causing Katherine to raise an eyebrow.
"Do something?" she asks and Hattie nods leaning forward.
"Hell yeah, I mean come on you can't tell me you haven't thought about taking it into our hands and giving them that push," Katherine shakes her head.
"No, we have to leave them to figure it out for themselves. I know what Cole is like, you push him, he is going to push back. And like i said, this is something intense that they are feeling for each other, we need to give them the time to sort it themselves," Hattie leans her head back on the chair and sighs.
"Well they better figure it out soon," Katherine laughs at her.
"And what are we going to do about the whole thing, being at my house, with no one else there?" Katherine shrugs at that.
"I mean, Cole is already sexually active, even though he thinks i don't know, i'm not stupid but Josie..." Hattie nods understanding.
"She hasn't. Not to my knowledge anyway." The room falls silent for a minute, neither not knowing what to say.
"I trust them both. And we both know that even if we say that they are not allowed to be around each other's house if an adult isn't there, they are going to start sneaking around," Katherine says.
"So you think that we should just let them do as they want?" Hattie asks, shocked. Katherine sighs.
"I mean, there isn't anything going on between them right now, so we should address it as..." Katherine's mouth gaps a little trying to figure out what to say.
"We should tell them that we would prefer for them to not be doing them things but if they are going to be, to be careful, use protection," Hattie puts her hands to her head.
"God this is so complicated."
"I know."
"If it wasn't early afternoon and i wasn't at work, i would open a bottle of wine," Hattie states, causing both of the women to burst out laughing. Inside though, they were hoping that how they were choosing to deal with this, was the right way of doing it.
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isaacarellanesismyhusband ยท 1 month
first kiss
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pair: Lee Garcia x reader
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Y/N's heart raced as she stood next to Lee Garcia under the soft glow of the streetlights. They had just spent the evening laughing together, sharing stories, and discovering how perfectly their hands fit when they brushed against each other. The night was warm, but the electricity between them was even warmer. As their conversation slowed, Lee's gaze softened, his usual confident demeanor giving way to a nervous, yet endearing, hesitation.
"Y/N," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. The way he said her name sent shivers down her spine. She looked up, finding herself lost in his deep brown eyes, and for a moment, everything else faded awayโ€”the distant city sounds, the cool night air, even the fluttering in her own chest.
Lee leaned in slowly, giving her every chance to pull away. But she didnโ€™t. Instead, she found herself closing the distance between them, her eyes fluttering shut as she felt the warmth of his breath on her lips. The first touch of his lips against hers was gentle, almost as if he was afraid to break the spell that had woven itself around them.
It was soft, sweet, and filled with all the unspoken words and feelings they hadnโ€™t yet found the courage to voice. Time seemed to stop as they melted into each other, the world narrowing down to just the two of them and the perfect moment they shared.
When they finally pulled back, their faces still close, Lee's lips curved into a smile, his forehead resting against hers.
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isaacarellanesismyhusband ยท 1 month
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pair: Lee Garcia x reader
summery: Lee teaches y/n (she/her) how to skateboard
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It was a bright Saturday afternoon, the kind that made you want to spend the day outdoors. Y/N stood in the middle of the park, her hands fidgeting with the hem of her shirt as she stared at the skateboard Lee had brought. The sun filtered through the trees, casting a warm golden hue on everything it touched.
Lee Garcia, her boyfriend, stood next to her with an encouraging smile on his face. He was dressed casually, a black cap perched backwards on his head, his dark hair sticking out a bit in front. His skateboard was already under one foot as he leaned casually, eyes glinting with excitement.
โ€œReady to conquer the board?โ€ Lee asked, holding out his hand to her. Y/N laughed nervously, taking his hand. โ€œIโ€™m not sure about conquering, but Iโ€™m ready to give it a shot.โ€
โ€œThatโ€™s my girl,โ€ Lee said, pulling her closer. He placed a quick kiss on her forehead, making her feel a little less nervous. โ€œDonโ€™t worry, Iโ€™ve got you.โ€
She nodded, her heart fluttering at his reassurance. Lee was always there for her, in every possible way, and today was no different. He gently guided her towards the skateboard, helping her place her feet on the board while he kept it steady.
โ€œOkay,โ€ he started, positioning himself behind her, his arms loosely around her waist, โ€œthe trick is to stay relaxed. Bend your knees a little, find your balance. And donโ€™t look down, look where you want to go.โ€
His breath tickled her ear as he spoke, sending a shiver down her spine. She tried to focus on his words, but it was hard when he was so close. She could feel the warmth of his body against her back, his hands firm yet gentle as they held her steady.
โ€œLike this?โ€ Y/N asked, shifting her weight slightly as she bent her knees. โ€œPerfect,โ€ Lee praised, his voice warm with affection. He pressed a kiss to the side of her neck, just below her ear, making her giggle. โ€œYouโ€™re a natural.โ€
โ€œLee,โ€ she said, biting back a smile, โ€œyouโ€™re distracting me.โ€
โ€œCanโ€™t help it,โ€ he murmured, his lips brushing her skin again. โ€œYouโ€™re just too cute when youโ€™re focused.โ€
Y/N rolled her eyes playfully, but her heart was pounding. She felt like she could float away on the joy his words brought her. โ€œAlright, Mr. Smooth, whatโ€™s next?โ€
โ€œNext,โ€ Lee said, stepping slightly back but still keeping his hands on her, โ€œIโ€™m going to give you a gentle push, and I want you to try and keep your balance. Just remember to bend your knees and lean into the direction you want to go.โ€
Y/N took a deep breath and nodded. โ€œOkay, Iโ€™m ready.โ€
Lee grinned, proud of her determination. โ€œHere we go.โ€ He gently pushed the board forward, his hands hovering near her waist in case she wobbled.
For a moment, she felt unsteady, but then something clicked, and she found her balance. The skateboard rolled smoothly beneath her, and she let out a surprised laugh.
โ€œIโ€™m doing it!โ€ she exclaimed, glancing back at Lee with wide eyes. โ€œYouโ€™re amazing!โ€ Lee called out, jogging slightly to keep up with her. His face was lit up with pure joy, watching her succeed.
After a few more feet, the board began to slow, and Y/N carefully stepped off, her heart racing with excitement. โ€œDid you see that?โ€
Lee reached her in an instant, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off the ground in a triumphant spin. โ€œI did! You were incredible!โ€
She laughed, wrapping her arms around his neck as he set her down. Their faces were close now, noses almost touching. โ€œI had a good teacher,โ€ she whispered, her gaze dropping to his lips.
Leeโ€™s smile softened, and he leaned in, capturing her lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. It was the kind of kiss that made the world fade away, leaving only the two of them standing in the warm afternoon sun. When they finally pulled apart, he rested his forehead against hers.
โ€œIโ€™m so proud of you,โ€ Lee said softly, his thumb gently brushing her cheek.
โ€œI couldnโ€™t have done it without you,โ€ she replied, her voice just as tender.
He kissed her again, a quick peck this time, before pulling back with a playful grin. โ€œWanna go again?โ€
Y/N laughed, the sound light and full of happiness. โ€œYeah, letโ€™s do it.โ€
They spent the rest of the afternoon together, skating around the park, laughing every time she wobbled or fell, only to be caught by Leeโ€™s strong arms. Each time she got back up, he was there with a smile, a kiss, and an endless supply of encouragement.
By the time the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the park, Y/N was much more confident on the board. They finally took a break, sitting on the grass with the boards lying next to them. Leeโ€™s arm was draped around her shoulders, pulling her close as she rested her head on his chest.
โ€œToday was perfect,โ€ she murmured, closing her eyes as she soaked in the warmth of the moment.
Lee pressed a kiss to the top of her head. โ€œEvery day with you is perfect, Y/N.โ€
She smiled, tilting her head up to kiss him once more, slow and sweet, savoring the taste of their shared happiness. In that moment, she knew that no matter what came their way, as long as they had each other, they could conquer anythingโ€”even a skateboard.
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fanficwritinggirl ยท 8 months
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My Montana (Cole Walter Fanfic)
Chapter 4 The visitor
"So Josie, how have you been?" the older woman sat across from her, pen in hand, book in lap. It takes a minute to reply, her nail polish becoming all of a sudden interesting.
"I've been good. You know, just been busy with school and all," her eyes don't meet the women, keeping her focus on picking the nail polish off.
"I'm assuming that's why it has been a few weeks since you have come for a session," the question is simple, all she had to do was say, and she was for some reason finding that hard to say. Her head moves up and down and she looks up and gives the woman a small smile before looking down again.
"Has there been something bothering you?" she shakes her head. The woman leans back in her chair and sighs.
"Josie, you have been coming to see me for years. You know that you can talk to me," Josie bites her lips and takes a deep breath.
"Is it normal to still have them? The nightmares. Because it has been 8 years and I am still waking up from them, multiple times a week. When does it stop? How do I make them stop?" her voice cracks and she bites down on her tongue to stop the tears threatening her eyes. The older woman looks at her, her eyebrows frowned together and she sighs.
"Everyone deals with trauma differently Josie. Some people never get over it, it's something that they always have to deal with and it never seems to stop. There usually isn't much they can do. But there is only one thing that i have seen that work," Josie looks up at the woman and scoffs.
"And what's that?"
"Find what makes you happy, cling onto it. Don't hold back on happiness because you are scared of losing it. Sometimes you have to embrace the fear in order to be happy."
Josie walks out of the building, covering her head with her jacket as the rain pours down on her. Sprinting across the car park, she flings open the door and catapults herself into the seat, slamming the door behind her. Hattie chuckles as she takes in her appearance.
"Bet you werent expecting that," she jokes, causing Hattie to shake her head.
"Definitely not what I needed," she buckles herself into the seat and leans her head back and sighs.
"So how was therapy?" Hattie asks slowly, not wanting to ask too much, she treads carefully. Josie shakes her head and lets out a breath before turning to her aunt.
"Exhausting, like it always is. You know" she turns fully in her seat and leans on the armrest in the middle. "I have been going to see June for 8 years, and just as i think i have her completely worked out, she goes and says some completely unexpected shit." Hattie chuckles.
"Sweetie, she is the therapist, she is meant to be figuring you out to help you, not the other way round," Hattie turns the key in the ignition, bringing the car to the lift and driving forward. Josie turns in her seat facing forward.
"I know, but it's fun. I mean we can't just focus on me all the time. I need to put my head somewhere else for a little bit when I'm with her," Hattie gives a soft hum in acknowledgement but keeping herself focused on the road.
"Do you feel better," Hattie asks her, letting her eyes fall to Josie for a split second. Josie shrugs.
"I mean... kinda. I don't know, she just said some stuff that I'm trying to make sense of."
"And what's that?"
"She suggested that I need to let myself be happy. Maybe being happy will help suppress the nightmares. Which dont get it," she turns her head and looks outside the car at the town as it passes by.
"And what aren't you understanding?" Hattie asks and Josie turns her eyebrows up.
"I mean, I am happy. I am doing okay in school. I have you, Danny, the rest of the boys. How can i not be happy," she expresses. Hattie purses her lips and nods.
"Yeah, I agree. But maybe, there is part of you that wants more. And it's okay if there is. There's nothing wrong with wanting more, even though some people make you feel like you are being selfish for wanting those things," Josie sighs, putting her hands on her forehead.
"I don't know. Sometimes I just wish that my head would let me get on with my life and stop tormenting me," she flops down in her seat a little and Hattie gives her a simple smile and nods her head.
"I know, it's hard. So how about I drop you home before I go back to work. You are not going to miss much if you take the day off of school. I know that Miss Jacobs will understand," Josie looks over at her aunt and allows her lips to curl up a little bit.
"Thank Aunt Hat."
Turns out agreeing to stay at home was the worst thing that she could have done. She sat leaning against her headboard, guitar placed in her lap as she strummed the strings quietly, trying to think about anything other than what June said. This is why she hates going to therapy, why she asked Aunt Hat to let her take a break from therapy for a while because everytime June would say something that would cause her to go into her head and start questioning her life.
Humming, she changes key and she plays the song gold rush by Taylor Swift, letting her eyes trail around her room as she mutters the lyrics. Her room was painted with an off white color, besides the wall behind her bed which was painted a burnt orange. A few posters of her favorite singers were on the wall next to the door. A white desk sat in the corner of the room, a mix of music sheets and homeworks littered it. Polaroids were strung up with fairy lights above it, polaroids of her and Danny, Aunt Hattie, the other walter boys, some taken back when she first came here, now slightly faded with the sun that beams into her room most day. Though that was not a problem today.
Sighing, she lets her fingers leave the guitar, slipping it off of her lap and next to the bed and sliding down the cushions until she was laying, pretty much flat on her back staring at the ceiling. Little, plastic stars decorated the ceiling, once upon a time they had the ability to glow in the dark but after being up there for so many years they have lost their magic. Josie remembers the day when her and Aunt Hat spent hours putting them on.
It was one of the first few weeks of her living there, she had woken up most mornings, screaming from the nightmares, remembering the blood. Aunt Hat would come in, taking her into her arms and consoling her as best she could but they kept happening, so that was when she started to see June. She suggested that they put something in her room that will help distract her, so that when she wakes up from nightmares that she could focus on them and hopefully it should help her realize that they were merely bad memories and that she was past that. And that's when the idea of the glow in the dark stars came about.
Aunt Hat had ordered them online and was like a kid and christmas the day they arrived, so excited to put them up with Josie. They spent most of the day putting them up and at night when it became dark, they both lay on her bed looking up as they lit the room, and Josie felt a sense of calm from them. After that the nightmares became less and less frequent, and though they didn't completely go away, they were not as big of a problem anymore. Until the last few months, where for some reason they were becoming worse and more frequent. Why? Josie didn't know.
Lying down, for what feels like forever, she feels her eyes start to flutter shut, sleep calling to her, her body starts to feel heavy, her muscles letting go of all of her problems. Sleep was just in her grasp when it was ripped away by the knocking on the door. Her muscles tense up again, her eyes now wide open, all calls of sleep silenced. Groaning, she lifts herself off of her bed and she stomps down the stairs, ready to tell off whoever it was who decided that they had the right to disturb her sleep.
Reaching the door, she takes the handle in her hand in a tight grip and rips it open coming face to face with the person on the other side of the door in a flash.
"What," she bites out, regretting the way she said it as soon as it leaves her lips. Cole stands on the other side of the door, his face changing to shock at her outburst. He puts his hands out to her in surrender, a smile playing on his lips.
"Wow, okay. Hey Montana. Lovely to see you on this fine day; well not really fine day," he says, a slight joking tone in his voice as he tries to lighten the situation. Josie, feeling horrible about her action, sighs and puts a hand on her head.
"I'm sorry Cole, I shouldn't have acted like that. I was just surprised that anyone came around today," she apologized, looking him in the eyes. Cole puts his hands down and smirks at her.
"It's cool," Josie pulls her hand off of her head and crosses her arms around herself as his graze is on her.
"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at school?" she asks, confused. He puts his hands in the pockets of his jacket and shrugs at her.
"Nothing really important is happening there. Shouldn't you be at school?" he asks, his eyebrows raise a tiny bit.
"I had a migraine."
"You don't still have a migraine do you? I can get you something if you need," Cole asks, the smirk leaving his face, concern plasters his face. Josie can't help but blush at how quickly he became concerned for her. She offers him a smile and shakes her head.
"No, I'm fine , thank you. I just went back to sleep, woke up completely fine," Coles face relaxes, all of the concern leaving his body as he lets out a breath.
"That's good," he says nodding at her, his head leaning down a little avoiding her gaze. They stand there in silence for a moment, neither of them knowing what to say.
"Do you want to come in?" Josie says boldly. Cole lifts his head and his eyes meeting hers, his lips turn up.
"Yeah, I would love that," Josie opens the door and lets him walk past her and into the house. She closes the door and turns around and faces him as he looks around him, taking in everything.
"You know, i can't remember the last time i was in your house," he tells her, she chuckles.
"I think the last time you were in here was for my 12th birthday. You all came over and the house wasn't big enough for all of us, so Aunt Hat and Katherine agreed that they would host my birthday at your house from then on," Cole silently chuckles, remembering that day.
"I remember. You, me and Danny ended up sitting outside when we were eating the cake, wanting to get some peace and quiet from the rest of the kids," Josie giggles.
"It was chaotic."
"It's always chaotic with us. Some more than others."
"Not always," Josie says, Cole looks at her, shocked at her understanding what he was insinuating. One side of Josie's lip lifts up in a smile and Cole can feel himself warm up.
"It's pretty cold in here," he tells her, rubbing his hands up his arms. Josie grows and turns around, walking down the hall.
"I'll put the heat on," she calls to him as she pushes some of the buttons. Cole looks around the corner as she does it. Turning around, she sees Cole looking at her and she smiles walking towards him. "It'll take a bit for the house to heat up, so how about some hot chocolate?" And how could Cole turn down that offer?
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