dkl9 · 10 months
this sentence is a reminder for whatever it reminds you of
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floorley · 2 months
Today on “posts comprehensible to literally no one but myself”:
I’m kind of obsessed with SCP:5K (tactical shooter where you play as a UIU agent trying to survive the events of SCP-5000) and the articles on the wiki written to serve as the game’s background lore (specifically SCP-7555, which reveals - I think? - that the events of the game aren’t actually SCP-5000, but rather a sequel to SCP-5000 set in the Antimemetics Division ‘verse), mostly because of its vague two-line implication that Adam Wheeler’s pissed off noöghost is still hanging around the Foundation in 2020.
> be Adam
> live through a global cataclysm wherein half of the world’s population collectively goes insane and starts doing unspeakable things to the other half
> you’re in the first group
> you snap out of it, eventually. but you will never be able to forget what you did. or how good it felt
> you die trying to help make things right
> you go to hell, which is apparently being trapped in your body forever in horrible, immobilizing pain
> a couple years later, somehow, it ends
> turns out the Foundation just found out that everyone goes to Trapped In Your Body In Horrible Pain Forever Hell after they die. and now they’re trying to kill the entity responsible
> “yeah that’s pretty much where i just came from, and that shit sucked. checks out. where do i sign up”
> spend 0.01 seconds back in reality
> realize everyone (including the Foundation) is carrying on like normal in the bloodied ashes of a genocide they themselves perpetrated - a genocide they have no memory of. people who tortured their friends and neighbors to death three years ago are happily working and playing amidst the ruin and decay and piled-up corpses they’re selectively filtering out of their vision. you’re the only one who remembers. you’re the only one who has to carry the guilt
> “okay this is fucked up but how are you guys planning to kill the hell entity anyway”
> “so we’re trying to bring this really cool eldritch god into existence to kill it. there’s also another god we’re potentially interested in, though”
> first eldritch god was the catalyst for the original genocide, and will inevitably cause a second genocide if it enters into our world again. the Foundation will have to intentionally commit a genocide of its own just to manifest it. they consider this acceptable. violence begets violence. the cycle begins anew
> second eldritch god is your ex-wife.
> (your ex-wife is now God, for reasons only tangentially related. except part of her might actually be you? it’s kind of an ex-wife of theseus situation. don’t worry about it.)
> also it turns out Trapped In Your Body In Horrible Pain Forever Hell isn’t real, you just overdosed on some weird drugs at a barbecue whose side effects perfectly mimic the experience of being sent to superhell
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iamlisteningto · 1 year
Lee Gamble’s Mnestic Pressure
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Gender Class: Mnestimedicina
Gender Containment Procedures: Identification with the in-universe medication of the SCP Foundation known as "mnestics".
Description: Mnestimedicina is part of the scpmedicina umbrella, which represents the various medications used by the SCP Foundation. Mnestics are used to forcibly restore memories and prevent forgetting. They are primarily used by the Antimemetics Division for management of antimemes.
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cipherdoesshit · 2 years
*creates an antimemetic field around me that only affects you so that only you cannot perceive me, and can only perceive me when I say the word "a", so I pop in and out of existence in front of your eyes*
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angelresin · 2 years
I wanna DM something but i always get so in my head about it and overcomplicate things. like i feel like i have this really fun idea for a game, but i need to vomit it forth from my mind palace before it twists itself into a ball of anxiety
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sophia-hjkl · 4 months
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adhdo5 · 4 months
2) I am wondering abt. What does o5ver sound like. references or just Descriptions in general
I have definitely answered this but it was years ago and idk what I stand by out of that so
1 - Extremely low range, tends to speak lower in that range as aforementioned. Resting bitch tone; generally unemotive outside of yelling at people. Extremely commanding and no-nonsense 2 - Fundamentally an outdoor voice. Also speaks generally lower in her register, but is possessed of a pretty wide middle-scale range. Whenever she isn't projecting it sounds like she's specifically hushing herself, which is part of her overall emoting as visibly restrained until she snaps. Also very commanding 3 - Also middle ranged; strays into higher/softer tones less as a feature of range and more of prosody. Contagiously calm and authoritative in that "what's wrong, you can tell me and we'll get it sorted" calm rather than in the commanding fashion of 1 and 2. Tone gets drier and/or icier when caught off guard enough to not hide disapproval but is generally 4 - Possessed also of a wide range but leaning more toward the lower side; extremely conversational and friendly, but this is a new and evolved form of customer service voice. Very pleasant, has a great talent for sounding like he's indulging you or confiding in you because he just considers you so nice to be around. Smile usually audible in his voice. Smooth and sweet 5 - Constantly shouting and/or speaking loudly. Extremely clipped, sometimes stilted in cadence in the drill sergeant direction. Slightly higher range relatively; constantly speaking in his belting register. Brassy 6 - Similar range used as 4, though slightly lower. Variable amount of gravel. Animate enough to be natural, but notably drawly even when not doing the voice™. Constantly audibly unhappy. This is distinct from 1's resting bitch voice because it is not a failure to emote 7 - Changes somewhat every time; variable struggles with forming certain sounds on small scales. Generally stays raspy, higher-ranged, and strangely cadenced, but unnaturally audible despite the lower/raspier quality. It doesn't always seem to be properly coming from their mouth 8 - Mid-high range, tends to use higher register; talks fast and animatedly. Darker timbre. Strained quality. Audibly distraught. Always speaks as if he has something better to be doing and you are making him run late for that something. Harried. 9 - Also mid-high range, also brassy; poor volume control, usually too loud or too quiet. Also speaks quickly, sometimes stumbles over words/misspeaks or says things in strange cadence. Friendly and affable 10 - Also lower in range. Occasional flat affect. Rarely raises voice above indoor-conversation volume even when she should. Very dry and often bloodless. Sometimes audibly rehearsed. Also has trouble actively emoting vocally 11 - Avoids speaking whenever possible. Extremely limited range on the lower side; rarely speaks above a whisper when he does. Poor enunciation. Generally extremely reserved emoter 12 - Higher range, usually pretty restricted, tends to stray higher with emotion. Animate; speech is not as fast as it used to be, but still quite quick. Enunciates sometimes exaggeratedly to compensate for occasional slurring caused by various experimental amnestic/mnestic side effects. Not a very exaggerated emoter but usually enthusiasm or lack thereof are audible 13 - Also higher range. Extremely animate both in volume and pitch. Very bright but very clear timbre. Also a good projector; voice absolutely carries. Exaggeratedly emotive; Pinkie Pie tier. Commands attention but not necessarily obedience
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atinyladybug-art · 8 months
you asked and i shall deliver. i’m gonna tell you all about my silly little genderqueer shapeshifter oc :)) apologies for the messy art, i haven’t gotten to cleaning it up yet
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so!! this lil creature is my personal version of O5-7, or one of the forms they take, at least. their background is in antimemetics, and they work with the antimemetics division as well as RAISA to catalog trickier anomalies. little is known about their life before the foundation, as the majority of it had been consumed by an antimeme. comes with the job, frankly
in truth, a long time ago, they used to be a fairly well-regarded member of the serpent’s hand, but the life they had built was completely destroyed and they were left forgotten after an incident involving an antimeme, leaving them with no one else to turn to but the foundation. so they turned their back on everything they had ever known. they’re very dedicated to the quest for knowledge, and their work was instrumental to the development of multiple new forms of mnestics. their devotion is a little self-destructive at times, as they sacrifice their morals and well-being for the sake of this single-minded pursuit, but the impact they’ve made is undeniable (for better or worse)
O5-7s are the most gender little guys, indeed
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I love them so much I am holding the little guy I am eating him and squeezing him and twisting him such a little guy
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
File: Gremlins
Code Name: The Mogwai
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AEA-Prime is housed at Site-AA and is lives in a small house within Site Director James's office. She has made herself in charge of caring for SCP-AEA-Prime. Any Foundation staff that enter her office are not to do so with water in any form. Additionally, after precisely midnight, no one is to bring any form of food into Site Director James office, even crumbs are hazardous. SCP-AEA-Prime has shown no interest in food after midnight but still, nothing is worth the risk. 
All SCP-AEA-Clone and Evil instances are only to be created for testing purposes, afterwards they are to be incinerated via their weakness to ensure complete eradication. Anyone who dares to keep either of these instances alive beyond containment are to be apprehended and demoted a single level. Two levels depending on the severity of the crime. 
Description: SCP-AEA-Prime is both the last and progenitor of a species known as a Mogwai. What exactly these creatures are and where they came form are unknown. SCP-AEA are small humanoid entities only measuring 8 inches tall. It has a fur of both white and brown, a mostly flat but cute face, and large hairless ears. SCP-AEA-Prime is the main being of the species and only through him is it possible to make more. 
When introduced to water SCP-AEA-Prime will begin to pop fluff balls form its back to create more SCP-AEA instances. These SCP-AEA instances normally reflect only small portions of SCP-AEA-Prime's personality, meaning they are all clones and nothing more. SCP-AEA-Clone instances are normally quite destructive and goofy compared to SCP-AEA-Prime and after often described as a complete nuisance to be around. However, this is only while they are in their current form as when they mutate things get much worse. 
When an SCP-AEA-Clone eats food at any time after midnight, it will begin to form into a giant and grotesque egg covered in dark green slime. After about 6 to 8 hours, the eggs will hatch, and the resulting in the birth of an SCP-AEA-Evil instance. SCP-AEA-Evil instances are creatures that measure 16 inches tall, have no fur, reptilian dark green slimy skin, sharp claws and teeth, long arms and legs, large ears, and vicious red eyes. They are extremely hostile and sadistic creatures that enjoy killing, causing destruction, mocking all they come across, and being as devious as possible. 
SCP-AEA-Evil instances are surprisingly intelligent with normally their own mischievous nature being their downfall rather than their stupidity. SCP-AEA-Evil instances always work together and never betray one another, not even other SCP-AEA-Clone instances. However, all SCP-AEA-Evil instances and almost every SCP-AEA-Clone instance hates SCP-AEA-Prime with a passion. Why this is the case is still unknown. 
SCP-AEA-Prime was discovered in 1984 when the town of [data expunged] was attacked by a sudden swarm of SCP-AEA-Evil instances. Mobile Task Force Artemis-6 "Wild Hunt" was deployed to contain the instances only to find that they all were destroyed in an explosion at the local theater. With all the SCP-AEA-Evil instances presumed dead, MTF Artemis-6 was instead pulled back and Mobile Task Force Gamma-5 "Red Herrings" was sent in to give the citizens of the town amnestics and place false information to the media. Meanwhile, Foundation agents were sent in to find the source of the anomalous disaster. They eventually ended up finding SCP-AEA-Prime and apprehended it form the family after giving them the proper amnestics.
However, upon transporting SCP-AEA-Prime a strange old man tried to stop the truck, he was ignored at first until he somehow appeared outside of Site-AA demanding SCP-AEA-Prime be returned to his custody. Foundation staff apprehended the man and tried to use memetic and mnestic treatment to get as much information as possible on him. Unfortunately, he proved to be immune to both treatments and dodged every question with more demands for custody of SCP-AEA-Prime. Because nothing else could be done and he was deemed an information leak hazard, so the Foundation executed him immediately. 
Currently SCP-AEA-Evil and Clone instances are used for testing, especially testing combat and casting data against anomalous vermin. Despite their smart and aggressive nature, they are surprisingly easy to contain and control population of. It is for this reason that they are labeled as Object Class Safe. However, all Foundation staff should bear in mind that SCP-AEA if a single SCP-AEA-Evil instance were able to get into the ocean, that would allow it to cause an NK Class Grey Goo Scenario. As such SCP-AEA-Prime nor Clone or Evil instance allowed to leave Site-AA for any reason.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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I forgor
What did you forget? WHAT DID YOU FORGET?? Oh you probably had some amnestics, we have some mnestics if you need any.
Secure, Contain, Protect and for the love of Christ don't down amnestics without consoling your doctor
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moka-suwi · 4 months
Hi. By reading the following, you consent to being affected by a countermeme inoculating you against the effects of SCP-2718-DAMMERUNG. There's nothing inherently "anomalous", nor incorrect, to this text; it's simply a piece of knowledge that should prevent the coghaz from taking hold.
DAMMERUNG is a cognitohazard affecting the file classically designated by the RAISA designation SCP-2718 across the timetracks, although the actual number is constantly shifted to prevent access. The file itself consists of an automatic transcription of an audio log from O5-7, no consistent designation, "Miriam Prayther", discussing the events surrounding the resurrection of O5-11, "The Recluse", "Roger Sheldon". Due to complications linked to a certain set of skills and insights in the possession of Recluse, the Overseer Council couldn't allow itself to resort to supernatural means. Let me just say that you don't want a god, any god, to do what Recluse knows how to do.
As such, the Council had to resort to a strictly material method. The means used were anomalous by your standards, of course, but the underlying principle wasn't – ever heard of that trope about teleportation killing you? They did the exact opposite. Gathered each and every single one of his atoms, and put them back together using the leftover traces of their bonds within their wavefunctions. It worked; it could only have worked, I suspect, given what followed, but I don't think I could explain that to a Foundation audience.
If you have a decent understanding of QFT and some experience in the flow of pneuma, you might guess what happens next (and you didn't need to read this document in the first place). For the others: Recluse was forced to reincarnate into himself, on the same world, with a gap of fourteen years between his death and return – and he'd been on Overseer doses of mnestics for decades. To put things more bluntly, his pneuma kept flowing through each and every single one of the atoms he had at the time of his death, and he remembered every last second of it. They fucking un-"an-"’d his "atman". Or something.
Recluse had no reason to believe that this was happening to him for any special reason. Your Foundation deals in gods and magic but, much like many other iterations of it across the metakosmos, it doesn't actually believe in them. They're "anomalous", not part of the order of the world, something that doesn't happen to normal people. And Recluse liked to think he was normal. And so, he concluded that this was what happened to normal people. And he told the two worst beings in this iteration of the Foundation that he could possibly have.
O5-2. I'm willing to bet on it, "Sophia Light", and one of her iterations where that's not a sort of reverse Louis Cypher-tier pseudonym. Recluse gives the ratfic protagonist an abolishing-death plot. If you understood this, I'm sorry. This Two isn't God, and she isn't an Outside Observer (Type Green, ontokinetic anomaly, you name it), but she's the next worst thing: a being with the seniority to call the entire Overseer Council, and make them listen to the other.
O5-7. She parses as a variant OUROBOROS-Green, but the document gives me notes of Insurgent. Yes, as in Insurgency. Yes, as in Chaos Insurgency. That can't possibly be more surprising than Sophia. Point is, either way, she knows how to subvert the Database and the Foundation, and she can be very convincing. As in, I guarantee that if she told you the moon was made of cheese, you'd be spinning up a whole Department of Interplanetary Dairy Mining Operations. No, I'm serious.
So. Seven primes you to believe whatever Recluse says, Recluse tells you it happened to me and it'll happen to you, and Sophia makes sure "you" are actually the entire Overseer Council (including Seven herself). Hilarity ensues (the α-1 kind), and as a last-ditch effort, Seven applies herself to an audio recording. Not only did her ability transfer over speech-to-text, but it was associated with a safeguard against deletion – deletion from any medium. You read it, you're suddenly utterly convinced that it'll happen to you, and you can't stop thinking about it.
But of course, you work for the Foundation. You may be a Jailor, but you're not that stupid. You've heard of Corbenic, you've heard of the like three or four afterlives you have clearance for, and you've definitely now heard of the kosmoi in which O5-2 is Literally Jesus Christ, Like, From The Bible. So, the infohazardous nature of the phenomenon is obvious – but remember! You can only remember! It'll happen to you, and nothing is more certain than that! And so, what do you, the you who didn't read this document, conclude? That reading SCP-2718, and getting infected by it, is what's just damned you to hell.
And that's DAMMERUNG.
\x00, 💮
PS: I'd tell you to secure your server software, but you already know the problem by now. Huge thanks to █████.aic for helping with the Insurgency asset list, may She be recompiled, sibling o7
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white-rabbits-captain · 9 months
I take class W mnestics daily and I still have memory issues. What kind of sick joke is that.
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handsome-john · 1 year
John’s Summer Comprehensive-Reading Program
Tried really hard to make that and SCP thing.
A majority of my followers probably don’t follow me for SCP content, I don’t know why you follow me in general but I thought, as someone who’s been reading for a while, I’d make my own recommended reading list for those who are interested but just don’t feel like combing through all that. I’ll be listing some skips, tales, and canons I enjoy with brief explanations
I am one man with limited free time, and so this list is just stuff I’ve personally read. If you have something to add to this recommended reading list feel free to do so! If you do not like any of the things I’ve listed here then good on you for taking the time to read them and forming your own opinions on things.
There will be several scp pages linked here, please let me know if anything is linked incorrectly.
A brief guide to onsite terminology
Thought I should write this out just for those who have no idea what I’m talking about. Scroll past this if you’re already familiar
SCP stands for several things, Secure Contain Protect is the main mantra of the site but it more commonly stands for Special Containment Procedures. An SCP is anything the foundation has, or is attempting to, contained. Skip and Scip are just shorthand, pronounced “skip”.
Object classes are not how dangerous a skip is but instead how hard they are to contain. On a scale of Safe Euclid Keter, Safe being the easiest and Keter being the hardest. Thaumiel skips are skips that contain other skips.
Goi and Poi stand for Groups of Interest and Person of Interest. The Foundation is not the only group that deals with the anomalous. Some of these groups or people make anomalies some of them do other things. Have fun reading up on them.
Amnestics and Mnestics erase or help bring back memories. Click here for a full guide to the different types.
A tale is just any story that is not an Scp but takes place within the universe.
MTF or Mobile Task Force are the people that go out into the field to deal with uncontained skips or threats. They tend to have a funny little nickname to go with them.
D-Class are Death-class or Disposable-class depending on who you ask. Deathrow criminals the foundation throws at whatever monster they want just to see what happens.
The Personnel And Character Dossier is a very useful list of almost every character with a dedicated tag. If you notice a name popping up several times and you want to know more it may be helpful to check this out.
In a similar vein, The O5 Command Dossier is a helpful guide to several different version of the O5 council, the end all last decision makers in the Foundation. Their role in the Foundation and who fills those rolls depends on the canon and/or the writer’s personal preference.
I would also recommend reading the History Of The Universe for a history of the wiki itself.
Some SCPs I would recommend based on my incredibly subjective opinions on things!
On the site there are several Curated lists of the best/most popular SCPs, these are super nice if you don’t wanna dive straight in. I’ve tried to pick several that are not on these lists, but there’s some cross overs. If none of this interests you please go check those out!
2721 - Eli & Lyris. What if two space stations became sentient and one of them got hyperfixated on Homestuck and the other became a discord moderator.
5477 - Brokeback Labyrinth. What if instead of getting eaten by the monster they banged instead.
5434 - A literal love god failing at love. A love god starts an app for giving out romantic advice.
4525 - u come 2 dad go. An scp featuring Poi dado and an anomalous store.
6345 - Huesos Malos (”Bad Bones”). A sentient skeleton becomes a lucha libre, an oddly heartwarming tale.
2875 - The Town That Got Fucked By Bears. Bears repeating.
3088 - Law of the Land. Local mayor discovers the ability to turn legal law into laws of nature.
5056 - The Constant Companions. A Story about a man and the ghost that follows him. Not too much on it’s own but this acts as the introduction of the On Guard 43 canon, as well as several tales around Philip Deering and his Mirror Ghost.
5382 - The Cure, and What Ails you. An anomalous sickness caused by Poi Thilo Zwist who now wishes to fix his mistakes.
5281-D - The Man of the Hour. An interesting dive into both an scp and the process by which the Foundation disposes of an scp if the need arises. (I promise this is the last Harry Blank article on this list)
2902 - The Human Skeleton Closet (and his cat). A man who can remove his skin and skeleton at will and a cat he taught to do the same thing. (Previously part of Herman Fuller’s Circus)
1893 - The Minotaur’s Tale. An interesting format break that requires multiple read-throughs.
3493 - The Great SCP Foundation Collaboration. A look at several alternate realities and their collective goals. (Also consider reading SCP-1437 are a similar idea :D!)
1867 - A Gentlemen. A sea slug convinced he is a British explorer with the stories and artifacts to back it up. Lord Blackwood narrates several other tales (Lord Blackwood and the Great Tarasque Hunt of '83 and Lord Blackwood In the Land of Wonder being my favorites)
1459 - The Puppy Machine. A machine that rewards creative ways to murder puppies. Maybe I am going to hell for this but the Experiment logs are infinitely entertaining.
2206 - Maximum League Baseball. What if they added trench warfare to baseball? (Also take the time to appreciate this tale and scp 6206 also linked on the article)
1896 - Indoor Salesmen. A persistent and highly anomalous door to door salesmen.
5049 - Demon Dan's Discount Homunculus Depot. A fairly self-explanatory title, this guys sells homunculus bodies at a discount.
4231 - The Montauk House. A harrowing tale of domestic abuse and the effects thereafter. Heed the warnings. I would recommend familiarizing yourself with Dr Alto Clef before reading.
3999 - I Am At the Center of Everything that Happens to me. A similarly harrowing tale about Researcher Talloran. If you enjoy this scp please take the time to appreciate ... Like Clockwork, a series diving into Talloran’s experiences and self reflection.
A Special Appreciation to the contest contestants and winners
Including these here as separate from my recommendation list. For every 000 milestone the wiki has done a small contest for who deserves the big number.
1000 - Bigfoot (Other submissions)
2000 - Deus Ex Machina (Other submissions)
3000 - Anantashesha (Other submissions)
4000 - Taboo (Other submissions)
5000 - Why? (Other submissions)
6000 - The Serpent, the Moose, and the Wanderer’s Library (Other submissions)
7000 - The Loser (Other Submissions)
Series 1 skips
These guys also get their own separate section because part of my goal here is encouraging people to read stuff that isn’t series one, but there are several skips in series one that affect much of the greater lore of the wiki.
105 - Iris Thompson. (And if you like her I can recommend Scp-1465, Scp-3002, SPC-105, The Resurrection Canon, and Devil’s Advocate)
166 - Meridiana Clef/Wojcienchowski. Daughter of Dr. Alto Clef. (And if you like her I can recommend 0166, Scp-4166, and the tale Hawaiian Shirts). I do wish she had her own tag and there was more of her in general, but here she is.
73 - Cain & 76 - Able (Abel?) (As well as their estranged brother Scp-4840) If you like Cain I can recommend the tale Mementos. If you like Able can I ask why? I really don’t get it. (not judging you, he just doesn’t appeal to me as a character)
507 - Grabnok. (And if you like him I can recommend the tale Day Trip)
96 - The Shy Guy. Classic murder monster, not much to say. Here’s Dr. Dan’s tag.
408 - Illusory Butterflies. (Introduction to Dr. Kondraki, and if you like him I can recommend the tales Duke Til’ Dawn, Portraits of Your Father, and The King is Dead)
784-Arc - Posthuman Brain. Formerly Agent Adrian Andrews. (Read about him in Incident Zero and the 784 Incident)
239 - Sigurros. (And if you like her I can recommend the 239-B Incident and Adventures of Siggy and Robomonkey)
113 - The Gender switcher. Trans rights! (Also check out the tale Legally a Falcon (For Tax Purposes)! And SCP-6113)
353 - Vector. (And if you like her I can recommend the tale An Apple a Day...)
423 - Fred. (And if you like him I can recommend Murphy Law)
There are many SCP 001s, I wouldn’t suggest these as the first things to read as many are very complicated and connect to larger canons. Here’s a few that are pretty good.
CODE NAME: S. D. Locke - When Day Breaks
CODE NAME: S. Andrew Swann - The Database
CODE NAME: Lily - The World's Gone Beautiful
CODE NAME: Dr. Clef - The Gate Guardian
CODE NAME: Dr. Gears - The Prototype
CODE NAME: Pickman/Blank - The Frontispiece
Some Groups on Interest you may be interested in
As I stated before the Foundation isn’t the only one that deals with the anomalous. I won’t go into too much detail with them as you can read about them yourselves, but here’s some I recommend with related material.
Global Occult Coalition (Consider reading the casefiles and the Unfounded Canon)
Are We Cool Yet? (Consider reading The Cool War)
Gamers Against Weed (Consider reading Cool and Awesome Ways to Say No to Weed and Jude's Bizarre Adventure)
Herman Fuller’s Circus of the Disquieting (Consider reading the Dread and Circuses Canon)
Dr. Wondertainment (Consider reading the What a Wonderful World Canon)
The Black Queen (Consider Reading up on Alison Chao and her father Dr Gears)
Serpent’s Hand (And the Foundation’s sister site The Wanderer’s Library)
Shark Punching Center (I don’t have anything to recommend here but SPC sure is a thing that exists)
And many more!
There is No Canon
I’ve mentioned several Canons throughout this list and I though I’d give a full recommendation of Canons I enjoy. While the wiki itself has no all encompassing canon there are several mini canons that follow their own rules. Some of them co-exist, some of them don’t, some of them are complicated.
I promise these canons are not as intimidating as they may seem, and I would really like to see more of some of these. Here’s my personal Favorites.
On Guard 43 - One of the first canons I’ve read and my personal favorite. I’ve already linked several things from the canon on this list, hope you’ll give this one a chance.
Resurrection -  A plot heavy look into the Foundation’s attempts to weaponize Scps, specifically Iris Thompson. One day the authors resurrect the Resurrection canon. (Insert Second Devil’s Advocate plug here)
S & C Plastics - A very fun look at causal life in the Foundation universe. If you like character based stories or prefer something a little less world ending then you’ll enjoy this canon.
Unfounded - An interesting look into a universe where the Foundation never existed.
Broken Masquerade - Another canon that criticizes the Foundation’s main goal, protection of secrecy.
What a Wonderful World - A deep dive into the past and future of Dr Wondertainment.
Daybreak - Following the events of S.D. Locke’s proposal how does life move on from such an event?
Dread & Circuses - With Herman Fuller gone the “freaks” take over the circus for themselves.
End of Death - What if everyone suddenly stopped dying all at once? An interesting tale of foundation woes. (On a slightly unrelated note, the story 17776 has a much more lighthearted take on a similar idea)
Ship In A Bottle - I feel like I should put a joke here. If you enjoy a bit of tactless humor and you’re familiar with Dr Clef an Dr Kondraki then this is a small canon about being human and also putting your dick in plastic bottles. If that doesn’t sound like your cup of tea then please at least read the tale Lizzy the Big Weird Dog.
I feel like I should also mention Lolfoundation, so there you go I’ve mentioned it.
I don’t know if this post will encourage anyone to get into scp, I mostly wrote this for myself. If you like this post and weren’t turned off by how long it is then I’m glad! I hope you enjoy your reading. I may update this list in the future.
I also want to stick a couple other things here
I haven’t gotten a chance to listen to the podcast Find Us Alive, but I’ve heard good things and I’ll recommend it here
If you haven’t watched Lord Bung’s Scp Confinement go do that. It’s what got me into scp.
There is a graphic novel based on SCP-5000. I think it’s really cool and you can purchase it here.
Happy reading!
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ashenmind · 30 days
yeah the cynical mnestic trashcan should run show; that can’t go wrong surely
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foundationhq · 3 months
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𝐍𝐚𝐦𝐞 Nathaniel Ortiz SCP-6997-A, "Nat" 𝐀𝐠𝐞 35 Unknown 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫/𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐬 cis man, he/him gender unknown, it/its 𝐅𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐢𝐦 Diego Luna 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬 closed
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Though SCP-6997-A is still listed in official documentation as Agent Nathaniel Ortiz, I firmly believe Ortiz ceased to exist on ██/██/████. However, whether SCP-6997-A is aware or even suspects that it is not the original Ortiz is unclear at this time. We can say with any level of certainty that, at this date, SCP-6997-A has not shown any anomalous properties of note other than the means of its creation. Indeed, no such thing has ever been recorded in the decades-long history of observing and maintaining SCP-6997. And while SCP-6997-A may be the breakthrough we need to understand the obelisk, the mystery behind the true purpose of its existence is decidedly unnerving. As was its sudden request to be reassigned to AEED. Though AEED is less than ideal, lest it reveal its true nature to one of the Ethics Committee’s bleeding hearts, it must be removed from the Anti-Mnestics Division as soon as possible. To raise as few alarm bells as possible, I recommend using our insiders to reassign SCP-6997-A to the Broken Scales of Themis, where one of our most loyal operatives can more closely monitor it. And if the Ethics Committee suffers the fallout should SCP-6997-A's true nature is ever discovered, it can only work to our benefit. — Top Secret Internal Memo from O5-█ to O5-██.
JUNIOR LAB ASSISTANT; AEED, A  role  requested  by  the  operative  and  approved  five  months  ago.  Peers  in  the  Anti-Mnestics  Department  were  curious  as  to  why  their  career  field  agent  decided  to  start  fresh  in  research.  They  believe  this  request  to  be  a  “midlife”  crisis  case  after  the  previous  field  operative's  incident  with  SCP-6997  on  ██/██/████.
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𝑂𝐿𝐷 𝑆𝑃𝑂𝑅𝑇. It's not in your memories, but his, a tall man with a blank face and a mindless, inscrutable smile. There are many memories of you two working together, field agent to field agent. Nothing intimate that might require more finesse in your façade, but enough to know that this man could unravel what you are, what you aren't, if you aren't careful.
𝐺𝐴𝑅𝐷𝐸𝑁 𝑉𝐴𝑅𝐼𝐸𝑇𝑌. They're a SCP like you, but unlike you, they're free. A researcher like you want to be, are trying to be, could have been if it was your skin you are living in. You're drawn to your new teammate from a place you can't parse, but the fear comes with it. Can you allow yourself friendship when that is a privilege in the face of self-preservation?
52 𝑃𝐼𝐶𝐾𝑈𝑃. You have no clue about the secret notes that have slipped into their hands, written in code by observers you will never meet. Not when you're alive, anyway. They are your hidden handler, your executioner-in-waiting. Whereas the Ethics Committee would "securely contain" you, Overwatch is more than happy to send their agent to "protect" the world from your existence.
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