#mob!nat x brat!reader
empyreanwritings · 2 years
Mob Monday request with mob!natasha where brat!reader is throwing a tantrum and having attitude and nat being the only one to shut her up calm her down
A/N: i'm sorry, but i am in a an angstier mood so i felt like it was time for our babes to have an argument 👀❤️
"Enough!" Nat's voice cuts across the rest of the chatter and silences everyone. You're staring at her, wide eyes and mouth slightly open. In the history of your relationship, she has never yelled at you. Not like this.
She usually wouldn't raise her voice either, but there was something about today that finally snapped her last nerves. Perhaps it was the audience you two had. Rival mobs already struggled to give Nat the respect she deserved, and they couldn't start believing they could talk to her the way you did.
Nat knows she should have quelled her anger. Her pride did more talking than her rational brain, but the second the words "I didn't realize your job was more important than me" left your lips - there was no rational brain left to talk.
"I put up with a lot, but you will not speak to me that way in front of potential clients," Nat's words are low but they do their job. "You are a grown ass woman, who knows how much I cherish her. It is about time you stop with the petty bullshit because it's getting old."
You blink. For a moment, she sees hurt flash through your eyes. But it's brief. The look is immediately replaced with fury.
"Maybe our relationship is getting old," you bite back. You both know you don't mean the words, but they're being said anyways.
"Get out."
"Excuse me?"
Nat grips the edge of her desk and leans closer to you. "I said get your ass out of my office right now. I will see you at home."
No one says anything as you storm out, but she hears a small sigh from Tony. He doesn't approve, and she doesn't care.
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thewidowsledger · 1 year
Secrets Behind Our Dreams
Chapter 7: Business
© thewidowsledger 2023 - DO NOT REPUBLISH AND PLAGIARISE
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Summary: You are a club dancer; a stripper. Natasha is a respected notorious mob boss. What would happen if your paths happened to cross one night? The only thing you knew about each other was your dreams, and neither of you knew what the other was.
Pairing: Mob Boss Natasha Romanoff x Stripper Female Reader
Warnings: 18+, drugging, violence
2 days after…
"What's her name again?" Bucky asked, as he slowly opened his laptop on Natasha's desk.
"What are you doing?" She scowled at him.
"We'll find her and it's the basics…" Bucky answered plainly.
"You're not gonna profile her."
"What? You always do profiling with the girls you..." He glanced over to Natasha when he saw at his peripheral how her eyes threw daggers at him. She sauntered over and snatched Bucky's laptop away from him.
"I. Don't." Natasha settled from her office chair again, "You're the one profiling them!"
"Hey! I was playing solitaire!" Bucky shot back. Natasha just scowled at him, holding the laptop securely out of his reach.
"At least I bothered to know the name of the people you slept with." He started.
"Yeah, so you could have them after."
"Wh—No! So we would know if they're s-something! Someone!"
"Okay, maybe I did once but she was the one who came for me…and…and you don't even care for the girls you slept with Natasha!"
"And you do? Don't speak to me like I slept with sooooo many girls, Barnes."
Bucky crossed his arms, his face frowning in defeat—and guilt.
Bucky couldn't contain himself. He hesitantly started a conversation once again, "Aren't you curious about her? You could literally know her whole ancestry, her history in a snap if you wanted to. That's the advantage we have, you have."
"If I wanted to, yes. But…I don't want that." Natasha said with a plain tone, she handed the laptop back to Bucky.
She doesn't want to profile you, she doesn't want to use her advantages. She doesn't want to know anything about you yet—she doesn't want to spoil anything. What she wants is for everything to come from you, not from anyone, not by her using any of her advantages.
"I'm not interested in your lady, if that's what you're thinking.
"No one thinks of anything, Buck."
"I'm just…I mean," he sighed, "This is so not you, you know? You seemed different so I'm not going to lie, whoever that woman is she intrigues me...but what about your...?" Bucky took a glance at her and she was just smiling while looking down at the papers scattered in her table and he was so sure it was because of his words, he couldn't risk to bring something that would ruin that smile.
"But you know Nat, I'll always be here for you..." he shifted and Natasha just hummed in response with a smile. "What about we go have fun tonight?" Now that's a shift.
"I saw that coming," Natasha let out a few chuckles. "But as tempting as that sounds, I think I'll pass tonight Barnes," she replied, her tone indicating that her mind was preoccupied with the paper scattered in front of her. But really she was desperate to see you again but she doesn't want Bucky to notice it but unfortunately he already did.
"Oh, yeah I think we can't go clubbing at Valkyrie's tonight," Bucky scrolled at his phone, "Oh yeah, we can't," he confirmed. "The Maximoff's are taking over the club tonight…they just got back," he then flashed the phone towards Natasha, an article of the twins arriving at the airport with the headline: Maximoff Twins Homecoming at Valkyrie's tonight!
Natasha's heart skipped a beat, her mind racing to connect the dots. Valkyrie's Club…that was the place where you worked. The information hit her like a sudden jolt, a surge of adrenaline flooding her entire system.
Natasha knows how dangerous those brats can be, but they're nothing she can handle. She pushed aside her paperworks, and suddenly Natasha isn't busy anymore.
"Do you think those brats won't mind having some visitors tonight?"
As you stepped into the club, the usual hustle and bustle was back. The air was filled with hushed whispers and the sounds of the other girls preparing themselves. You were walking down the hall, gossips already buzzing around however what they're talking about wasn't even gossip.
"There was a patron that was escorted out last few nights, have you heard that?"
"He wasn't escorted out, somebody came to pick him up. That man won't even let the bouncers touch him."
"And the fact that his face was so broken...and bloody."
What a great reminder for you to start the night…
Each girl was meticulously applying their make-up, perfecting their looks for tonight.
Gossips and conversation floated through the air as the girls exchanged stories and caught up on each other's life. You just rolled your eyes on them nervously as you sat facing your vanity mirror as if you weren't involved with those incidents they were talking about.
You grabbed your make-up kit and started fixing yourself, you just did a light make-up to yourself as you decided not to perform and will just serve drinks since there are a lot of girls tonight. And besides the $1,000 Natasha slipped to your bag would still keep you alive 'till the end of the month.
You couldn't help but overhear snippets of some girl's conversation behind your back. They were too loud. Your heart skipped a beat when you heard them talk about Penelope's anger from the previous night with a heated tone. You took a quick glance at them.
"Well, from what I knew she was supposed to get a good fuck that night but...her client suddenly disappeared."
"Did you see how snappy she was when she arrived earlier?"
"She's always snappy and cranky you know. So better not get in her way girls or we're…" The girl mockingly slit her throat with her index finger with a dead look on her face.
The lipstick you were applying suddenly slipped out of your hand, sending it to the ground when you fearfully gasped at the sight of the girl doing it. You awkwardly reached for it and wiped the lipstick stain on the tiles with your bare hands. You shakily grabbed the tissue out of your bag. When you looked at your mirror you met the gaze of girls through it that screams, 'freak, weird,' or anything mean they could think of.
The mention of Penelope's client suddenly disappearing hit you like a punch to the gut. You realized that they were talking about Natasha, the patron that you saw in the midst of the crowd, the guest that literally punched a man in front of you, the stranger that you had spent time with, and the implications of Penelope's wrath sent a shiver down your spine. The thought of Penelope if she found out that you were involved in it sent waves of fear coursing your veins.
You're so dead right now, Y/N.
As you finished off, they were talking about something else now. You just rolled your eyes at them once again, these girls never run out of gossip.
The topic is now the Maximoff Twins, the other girl leaned in close to the other, her voice barely above a whisper, "I heard the older twin is an absolute stunner. Got this look that can make anyone weak in the knees," the other girls started squirming and blushing.
"Oh my god, I can't wait to be on my knees!" The other exclaimed with a moan, you almost gagged at that girl's reaction.
"As if, they were choosy based on what I have heard. Especially the youngest twin? They said the youngest is a flirt and is a brat and can always get whatever or whoever…"
"Even though that one wouldn't want me I would offer myself willingly to that twin." The other girl butted in her response that made everyone giggle.
The conversation about the twins continued to echo through the room. But the gossip didn't provide you a distraction to somehow momentarily divert your attention from the ever-present worry of Penelope's wrath.
As the chatter among the girls grew louder, you met Valkyrie's glare at them through your mirror, you gulped nervously. The girls didn't even notice and still continued their gossip sesh.
With a voice that demanded attention, she bellowed, "Out! Now! The show starts in 3!" The girls were startled at Valkyrie's commanding presence, immediately quieting down and walking their way through the door.
When the girls were finally out, you let out a sigh. But you were taken aback when Valkyrie approached you.
"You gonna perform tonight?" She asked with a soft tone as if she wasn't screaming at the top of her lungs to the girls earlier.
"No, just gonna serve some drinks for a while and is it okay if I leave early?" You asked nervously.
"Sure, there are so many girls this evening. I'm sure they can occupy the club all night." Valkyrie patted your shoulders before making her way out.
"Oh fuck I should've asked if I could have a night off tonight." You muttered to yourself burying your face in your hands, at this point you're considering leaving, leaving this club, this work for good.
You get yourself dressed, a black leather spaghetti strap exposing your cleavage, the length is 5 inches above your knees. And a knee-boots matching your dress.
You grabbed your pocket knife and placed it inside of your left boot. You took a quick glance to yourself in the mirror before you hurried towards the hall wishing everything to be over tonight.
You entered the bustling club. Gulping nervously, you tried to push aside your anxiety and focus on your shift at the bar. You were lucky it's Sam's shift tonight.
You could literally hear the hammering sound of your chest despite the loud banging sound of the club. Your eyes landed at the halls of the private rooms and remembered the encounter you had with Natasha, the memory somehow made your anxiety tone down.
"Hey baby girl, servin' drinks tonight?" Sam playfully raised his brow to you as you sat at the bar stool. He was already making some drinks.
"Yeah, but I'll leave early." You muttered. He just hummed in response.
"Hmkay, this for the twins," Sam slid the tray of drinks towards you, "They're over there," he pointed towards the VIP balcony section, you couldn't see the twins but you could clearly see the girls surrounding the area, vying for their attention.
Your heart races as you observe the crowded area, anxious creeping again to your nerves. You glanced back at Sam, who gave you an encouraging at the same time commanding nod, signaling you to go ahead. He's up to making the second batch of the drinks.
Taking a deep breath, you carefully maneuvered through the crowd trying to maintain your composure. Your focus was shattered when your eyes accidentally landed with Penelope. Fear flashed before your eyes as you locked gazes with her. She didn't glare at you or give you a piercing look that can literally kill but she smiled at you, a smile that sent a cold shiver to your whole body.
You carefully made your way through the crowd, holding the tray with the drinks exclusive for the Maximoff twins. You tried to fit yourself in the swarm of girls around them. As you approached their table, you saw the twins with girls sitting beside them. You saw the older one, offering his cigarette to the girl in his arms. And when you looked at the younger twin's gaze it was fixated on you, she made the girls beside her stand immediately and the girls frowned and whined. The younger one signaled you over.
"Hi, krasivaya." (Beautiful) She leaned properly at the sofa and stretched her arms on top of it.
You looked at her as she said those unfamiliar words, language you're not familiar with, but she just smirked at the sight of you. As you finished putting the drinks on their table you looked at the twins again, the older one still flirting at the girls and the younger one never removed her gaze on you. She patted the seat beside her, signaling you to sit. But you declined by offering her a polite smile and slight bow.
She was captivated by your aloofness. "Pretty please?" She purred, her voice was low and rasp, laced with seduction. The way her eyes seemed to dance with mischief and her voice dripped with confidence, it was clear she was used to getting what she wanted.
Her behavior, though seemingly casual, held a hint of possessiveness that unsettled you. You just smiled shyly, hoping that it would send a clear message of disinterest. When you were about to get the tray she quickly grabbed your wrist making you stumble closer to her. Her brother glanced at you with her sister's sudden action but he paid no mind and turned his attention back to flirting. You gasped in shock at what she did. You slightly tried to pull your arm back, but her hold was strong and unyielding.
The younger twin's eyes were drawn to you, trailing a path along your body, subtly checking you out. Her eyes trailed up to your knees, your exposed cleavage where she bit her lower lip at the sight, your neck, until she met your eyes. When she saw how nervous you were, a smirk creeped out on her face. She caressed her thumb over your wrist before letting you go.
Without lingering for too long, you swiftly and awkwardly made your way out. You could literally feel the piercing gaze of the other girls, you just walked past them trying to maintain your composure despite the internal turmoil caused by the younger twin's attention.
When you were out of her sight she signaled the other girls standing not so far but inside their VIP area to leave. They quickly went downstairs, hoping that their obedience would grant them some award from the twins later.
"I want that one, Piet," she leaned back again at the sofa as she tapped her finger against it patiently.
Pietro sighed as he looked at her sister. He patted the legs of the girls sitting beside him and signaled them to leave. When they finally left, Pietro circled to the table and stood in front of her sister, arms crossed, "Wanda…you literally didn't tell me the whereabouts of the girl I brought you for a gift at the Red Room before and now you want another?"
"Don't worry, I made her feel good before burying her to the ground," She said in a low tone with a smirk, not looking at his brother, "If she wasn't so bitchy at me maybe I would have considered treating her nice…but she didn't." Wanda finally looked up at him, a smile creeping in her face with her eyes cold—dead cold.
"Ya khochu yeye…"(I want her…) Her eyes crazily transitioned to a pleading gaze with a glimmer of desperation, trying to convince her brother with those eyes and soft voice, "Pozhaluysta…brat?" (Please…brother?)
Pietro just sighed before making his way downstairs where he was swarmed by so many girls that were trying to please him.
A smirk spread across Wanda's face. She brought the hand she used when she grabbed you up to her nose and sniffed the lingering scent that she rubbed off of you.
"Ne mogu dozhdat'sya, kogda ty stanesh' moyey, miloye lichiko." (I can't wait for you to be mine, pretty face).
You let out a deep breath as you sat at the bar stool again, "Fuck," you muttered to yourself.
You couldn't help but feel bothered by your interaction with the younger Maximoff twin, Wanda. Despite your clear rejection, the intensity of her gaze left a lingering impression on your mind. You would be lying if you said you weren't fluttered by it. But it stirred up a bottle of emotions within you, causing a whirlwind of thoughts and unease.
"So, how was it serving the twins?" Sam suddenly asked as he walked across you.
You tried to hide your uneasiness, offering a forced smile, "Oh, they seemed to be enjoying themselves."
Sam chuckled and nodded. "Yeah, I heard they can be quite the handful. Did they give you any trouble?"
You quickly shook your head. "No, not at all. They were just like any other…patrons, guests, nothing noteworthy."
Sam noticed your lingering unease and decided to intervene, wanting to offer you some comfort. He reached for a bottle on the shelf behind the bar, a knowing smile playing on his lips.
"I can see that you're a bit on edge. How about I make you a special drink? It's my own concoction, and trust me, it can work wonders in calming nerves." Sam said in a soothing tone.
Curiosity mixed with a tinge of hesitation, you looked at Sam, considering his offer. You were tempted by the idea of something that could soothe your nervous state at this moment even though you don't actually drink when you work.
"What's in it?" You asked, your voice betraying you with curiosity.
Sam winked playfully, "Ah, now that's a secret recipe. But I can tell you it's a blend of some smooth liquors, infused with a touch of my special magic to help melt away your worries."
Your lips curved into a small smile. "How can I say no to a free drink? But you know the rule, keep it light. I don't wanna get wasted tonight."
"Keep it light it is!" You watched as Sam skillfully mixed the ingredients, his hands moving with practiced precision. The scent of the drink filled the air, a delicate aroma that promised a momentary escape from your anxieties.
As Sam passed the glass to you, he offered a warm smile. "Here you go Y/N. Take a sip and let the worries melt away."
"Thanks, Sammy," You took the glass, feeling a sense of gratitude for Sam's thoughtful gesture. You brought it to your lips and took a tentative sip, feeling the smooth warmth of the liquid wash over her palate. It was a unique blend of flavors, both comforting and exhilarating.
Sam nodded, "I'll just keep the drinks up." You watch him disappear as he makes his way to the room inside the bar.
As you waited for him patiently, you saw a figure walking in the crowd. A figure you were trying to avoid: Penelope, she was carrying two drinks both in her hands.
Your nerves were once again on edge as you realized that Penelope was walking towards you. The overwhelming urge to flee, to escape from the gaze of someone who seemed to possess an uncanny ability to make you feel unsafe, unease. Yet, you knew that running away would only draw attention to your nervous state right now, and you didn't want Penelope to suspect that you're avoiding her.
Just pretend you don't know anything, you didn't do anything, Y/N. You know your place…right? Right?
In a blink of an eye she was already in front of you. To your surprise, she didn't welcome you with wrath or aggression as you were expecting. Instead, she smiled at you, her expression almost unnerving.
"Have a drink with me." Her tone was soft but sounded more like a…threat. She handed the Martini glass to you.
You were caught off guard and afraid to refuse, you nodded timidly as you took the drink out of her hand. Your instinct told you that something was amiss, it was unusual for Penelope to invite the other girls she worked with for drinks. But you don't have time to think about anything right now, you wanted yourself out of her sight, you just wanted to get out of her way.
Your fingers trembled around the glass. You took a glance at the drink, the liquid swirled in the glass, its contents mirrored the nervous look of your face. As the liquid touched your lips, a subtle wince escaped you. The taste was bitter, leaving an unpleasant sensation on your tongue. Your eyes instinctively flickered towards Penelope, who wore a smirk that sent shivers down your spine.
"Enjoying the night?" She asked as she glanced around the club before looking back at you.
"Uhh…well, I'm a worker here. I don't enjoy or anything. I just work, you know." You shrug awkwardly as you play with the Martini glass.
"Ah, so you know your place?" She immediately shot back, her eyes locked with yours, and the intensity of that gaze and how she shot her words made it clear that this interaction was far from casual. There was an eerie satisfaction in Penelope's expression, as if she relished in your discomfort, reveling in the power she held over you.
Your heartbeat quickened, your instincts urging you to retreat from Penelope's gaze. But you knew that showing weakness or fear would only fuel Penelope's predatory nature. So, with a quiet resolve, you held your ground, concealing your nervousness and fear behind a veil of composure.
A familiar figure not so far behind her back was looking at you intently. You didn't know why you gulped nervously and why your heart started hammering so heavy in your chest. You looked again at Penelope, she is now smiling creepily in your liking. When you glanced over her shoulder again the figure was long gone.
A sudden wave of dizziness washed over you, causing the room to spin. Panic surged through your veins as your vision started to get blurred and your knees weakened.
"I'm just gonna…" you rested your arm at the countertop of the bar as you tried to stand on the ground.
In that moment of vulnerability, Penelope seemed to anticipate your distress. With an eerie calmness, she swiftly moved closer and cupped your left cheek. The gesture was both unexpected and unsettling, as if Penelope had foreseen this very outcome.
"Oh, you feeling dizzy?" She said with a mocking soft voice.
Your head felt heavy, your thoughts muddled by the dizziness that clouded your senses. You couldn't help but wonder if Penelope had orchestrated this, if the drink had been laced with something more than just alcohol. The realization made you dead cold, and a surge of fear coursed through your system.
"I didn't know that drug would get to you that easily, you poor thing…"
She steadied you with a firm grip on your arm. She started guiding you to walk, enough to make anyone that would see that you're pretty wasted for tonight which is very unusual. You don't drink when you're working, serving or performing, you don't get yourself wasted.
Your steps became unsteady, your reliance on Penelope's support growing with each passing moment. It was as if Penelope held the key to your stability. You glanced back over to the bar and saw Sam looking at the place where he left you, he was looking over the club trying to look for a sign of you but Penelope quickly shoved you forward when she noticed you looking back.
In the midst of your disorientation, you couldn't shake off the feeling of being ensnared, trapped within Penelope's web. Your senses screamed with caution, urging you to break free from Penelope's grip, but the dizziness held you captive, leaving you vulnerable to her embrace.
When the crowd was out of your sight, that's when she started dragging you. She took a handful of your hair and pushed you forward as you walked.
The deafening music and dim lighting obscured your path, making it easier for Penelope to guide you towards an unmarked door tucked away in a secluded hall of the club.
"I told you to know your place, didn't I?" She whispered with heaviness in her tone, you could now feel her anger that you know she has been suppressing since earlier. "I made it clear, right? Y/N?"
Your voice already died in your throat as soon as you saw her earlier, you couldn't speak or scream. You tried removing her hand out of your hair, but she just shoved you forward making you stumble as you walked. Now your vision started to flicker, to die, the edges of your consciousness blurring with each passing second.
Penelope threw you towards a dark room, you weren't sure if it was the room that was dark or it was your vision getting darker. You couldn't help but fall to your knees. You tried looking at the door where the only light comes in. You saw two figures shadowing over you, you're sure that Penelope is one of those. By the sound of it, it seems like the other person is a man. You strained to catch fragments of the conversation between them but their conversation remained muffled and indistinct.
"Here," The man faced her as he grabbed his bag and took a handful of cash.
"I want more than this…okay?" Penelope seductively said as she took the wad of cash the unknown man handed her, "And I know you do too…" she tugged the leather jacket of the man properly.
The man just chuckled, "Do you wanna watch?" He asked her as he made his way towards you.
"That bitch stole what's mine however as much as I want to…" Penelope counted the cash in her hands, "I have to get myself ready, for later…" she smirked as the man turned to look at her leaning at the door. "Meet me after?"
"I will." The man said before kneeling in front of you.
Penelope's shadow left the room. Now, you know that it's only the two of you. The man's menacing presence loomed over the room.
"I want to have a good time with that chic so I'll make this quick and easy for you." The man said as he stood and took something from his bag.
He knelt again and the sound of a metal clinked to the ground made you flinch. He gripped your jaw, you tried to take a good look at him but you couldn't because your sight is completely dark now. He tightened his grip when you tried to move away from his touch. You also tried biting his thumb when you felt it brushing your mouth but he quickly shoved you. You tried everything but it wasn't enough.
"Don't make me do anything bad to you." He growled, his voice laced with venom. He stood and started to circle around you.
Your eyes shut when you felt something burning in your back, you hissed in pain. When he was back in front of you again, he took a handful of your hair, he started speaking but you couldn't get a word with what he's saying.
"Just one…" he breathed before slapping you that sent you to the ground. Tears started to stream down your face, you tried to blink them away but you couldn't. The room was filled with your muffled cries.
The man gripped your arm and forcefully led you out of the room. "Walk like nothing happened," he commanded, his voice carrying an implicit warning. You saw his blurred figure walking away, leaving you alone in the hall.
With each step you took, your body felt heavy, weighed down by what happened and the lingering dizziness. Anytime at this point you could literally pass out. Your eyes tried scanning your surroundings but you could only see a light invading your sight, you don't know where you're going, you don't know how long you have been walking.
You tried to lean over the wall to support your body when somebody caught you.
"You keep your eyes towards the entrance," Natasha commanded Bucky.
Bucky chuckled, "What are we on a mission? But not gonna lie, I missed this." Natasha didn't mind whatsoever he was saying as she exited the car.
"He—Where are you going?" Bucky shouted, he flinched when Natasha slammed the car door, "Damn, good thing I didn't offer to use my car…"
Natasha swiftly walked while her mind raced as she retraced her steps, recalling the hidden passage you led her before. Natasha's heart pounded in her chest as she opened the door, its creaking sound made her wince but luckily no one was guarding there.
And there, she hurriedly walked to the dimly lit hall, Natasha's eyes fell upon you, your body slumped and weakened—relying on the wall as if your life depended on it. Natasha quickly rushed to your side, catching you before you completely collapsed. Concern etched across her face, she gently cradled your head, her touch infused with tenderness and concern.
"Y/N," Natasha whispered, her voice filled with worry and anger. "Who did this to you?" She placed her palm to the reddening mark on your cheek, wiping the trail of your wet tears. She doesn't want to know what happened, what she did want is to know who did this to you.
Your eyes fluttered open, your gaze meeting Natasha's concerned eyes. In that moment, your voice trembled, your words strained. You finally mustered to say a word—her name, after being shut, "Natasha?" you breathed heavily, your eyes were getting glassy at the sight of her, "Please...just…don't do anything, don't get yourself hurt…" you managed to utter before your strength gave way and you finally slipped into unconsciousness.
A surge of anger coursed through Natasha's veins, her jaw clenching as she stared at your unconscious form and when she heard your plea not to do anything. The pain and helplessness she felt were finally getting into her. She reached for her phone and dialed Bucky.
"Get the car at the back of the club, just go straight and turn left. You'll find me there."
Bucky quickly started the car and slowly approached the area, he saw Natasha emerge from the depths of the private door, carrying you in her arms. He quickly made his way out of the car and ran at Natasha to get you but Natasha denied his help, at this point Natasha doesn't want anyone to touch you except her. So Bucky made a quick turn to the car and held the car door open. Natasha carefully settled you at the backseat of her car. She removed her leather jacket placing it on your exposed upper chest, she cupped your cheek one last time before closing the door.
Bucky stayed behind Natasha as he watched her position you properly in the car. He was worried but before he could ask what happened, Natasha's words cut through the air.
"Meet me at the entrance," she instructed, her voice leaving no room for argument.
"What are you going to do Nat?" He asked with his tensed and worried voice, he watched Natasha make heavy strides at the private door of the club again.
Natasha slammed the door after her, not minding looking at him.
Bucky's eyes darted between the road ahead and the unconscious form of you in the backseat. Concern showing in his face as he navigated the car through the main entrance of the club. His focus is divided between driving safely and keeping an eye on you. As he parked not so far from the club, he caught sight of movement near the main entrance.
As Bucky glanced in that direction, his gaze locked onto the Maximoff twins being escorted out.
Their reactions varied. Wanda, the younger twin wore a look of defiance, her eyes flashing with anger but her composure is still refusing to show any signs of vulnerability.
"I. can. walk. my. self." She shoved her index finger in every word aiming at the shoulder of the bouncer.
The older twin Pietro, displayed a different reaction. A smirk played along the corners of his lips, as if he found the whole ordeal rather amusing. He maintained a nonchalant demeanor, his quick wit and confident aura made it evident that he was not easily shaken by them being escorted out. Pietro grabbed his sister and walked her towards their luxury car, when he had already settled his sister in the car he came back to the bouncer and spat some threats to his face.
Bucky watched them cautiously until their vehicles were out of his sight. He glanced at the side mirror and saw Natasha walking towards the car, she opened the door and swiftly slipped into the backseat. Natasha carefully cradled your head in her lap.
"I saw the Maximoff twins getting a walk of shame," he glanced at Natasha through the rearview mirror before starting the engine of the car. But she didn't meet his gaze, she didn't even bother to hear what he just said, her attention is focused on soothing your sleeping form.
"What did you do Nat?" Bucky's tone is now commanding for answers rather than asking.
Natasha's expression remained composed, her eyes still on you, and her index finger caressing your cheek.
"I bought the club."
Secrets Behind Our Dreams: Masterlist
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marvelsdc22 · 4 years
Kiss # 16 for Natasha Romanoff
You bet! Enjoy! (Mob boss Nat and slightly brat!reader)
Mentions of sexual activity, read at your own risk
16. Kisses meant to distract
Walking around Natasha’s office, you looked at all the things she had on her walls or were sitting on her shelves even though you’ve seen it all like a hundred times, but Natasha was deep in her paperwork so you were bored.
You’d think that dating one of the biggest mob bosses in the state would be exciting and never boring, but Natasha was big on no nonsense, so while she had enemies, they were few and far between “Nat” you whined, looking at her with a pout but she ignored you, you having been an absolute brat all week and she wasn’t going to reward your behavior by giving you what you wanted.
“Nat, please” you begged, going over to her and wrapping your arms around her from behind, resting your chin on her shoulder as you watched her sign her name on a contract and huffing when she didn’t even react to you before you started pressing kisses to random spots on her neck.
Her resolve finally breaking when you gently bit the space between her shoulder and neck, her whipping around and grabbing you, pulling you around her chair before she pressed you down against the desk, leaning down and whispering “You’re being such a brat, maybe I should teach you a lesson” slowly moving one hand up and down your body while the other held you down, not like you’d try to pull away anyways.
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maximotts · 3 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ꮇꭺꮪꭲꭼꭱꮮꮖꮪꭲ
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updated: Oct. 01, 2023 || * - indicates 18+ content
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐴𝑈 𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑠.
➳ Private Hire //Mob Bosses!WandaNat x bartender!r ➳ Say You Love Me // CW WandaNat x avenger!r ➳ Desires Unspoken // 1860s!Wanda x apothecarist!r ➳ Sorority!Wanda AU- post WIP ➳ Doll House // dark!mommy!Wanda x doll!r ➳ My Soul to Keep // angel!Wanda x demon!r ➳ Confessions of Wanda Maximoff// priest's daughter!Wanda x college student!r ➳ Country Bunny // farmgirl!Wanda X new in town!r
➳ 2021 Kinktober Masterlist ➳ 2022 Kinktober Masterlist ➳ 2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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➳ delirious summary: you have the flu, caring gf Wanda to the rescue
➳ focus on me* summary: Wanda tries to pull you and Natasha from work because she’s bored
➳ kept and wanted* summary: kinktober fic— possessive sorority!Wanda decides to keep new pledge!reader
➳ sorority!Wanda + lap riding* ➳ sorority!Wanda + spanking* ➳ sorority!Wanda + slumber party*
➳ good pet* summary: Wanda needs you to be good while she's on a call
➳ just one you summary: as it was AU— 616 SW Wanda finally finds you, a variant of you who'd lost your Wanda. You're the perfect one for her, even if you don't see it yet.
➳ routine* summary: as it was AU— as you warm up to Wanda being back in your life, you test how you feel about doing some of your favorite things again
➳ essential training skills summary: After the Ultron incident, you grow closer to Wanda and help her through new experiences— like pillow fort construction
➳ reasonable summary: jealousy prompts— Wanda catches you with some flirty girls at one of Tony's parties and she can't just not do anything about it
➳ girls just want to have fun summary: 80s milf!Wanda AU— Wanda discovers you've never been properly kissed and decides to fix it
➳ don't you want me* summary: 80s milf!Wanda AU— When your new lover senses you holding back, she decides being direct is the next best course of action
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➳ I'm out of sympathy (for you)* summary: possessive Natasha shows you how much of hers you truly are
➳ fight, flight, freeze summary: you've been dealing with growing anxiety, but Natasha thinks you're playing a game
➳ protection* summary: {Kinktober fic} CEO!Natasha saves reader from a pushy man at a Halloween cocktail party
➳ anything for you * summary: needy top beefy!Nat needs reader to help her with a problem
➳ firsts* summary: sorority!Nat takes reader's virginity
➳ post-workout cooldown* summary: the sweet, sweet return of needy beefy!Nat
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➳ caught inbetween* summary: Natasha discovers a secret both you and Wanda share
➳ I was good at feeling nothing || pt. ii || pt. iii* [complete] summary: Natasha blows up at Wanda after a day of trying to help her feel better, unspoken emotions rise to the surface and the two are left to pick up the pieces
➳ dear wretched weakness summary: journalists!WandaNat series- coming soon
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𝐶𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑙 𝐷𝑎𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠.
➳ ask and you shall receive summary: you ask Carol over for a movie day
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➳ you only get to be mine* summary: possessive!Taylor Sloane gets jealous when she sees reader talking to someone else at an influencer event
➳ don't be a brat* summary: bratty bottom!Taylor drabble
➳ it wouldn't bother me* summary: the Taylor Sloane Piss Kink Fic ➳ listen for a second summary: it's not that you don't want to hook up with Taylor, it's that you want so much more than just one night
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➳ pretty girl * summary: Leigh tries to be a tease
➳ close enough to kisssummary: fitzgerald prompts— when Leigh's dating life looks bleak and she starts to doubt herself, you gather the courage to tell her your feelings
➳ show me how to love you* summary: fitzgerald prompts— you tell Leigh you love her for the first time
➳ hide and seek* summary: on an afternoon nature walk, Leigh leads you away from the path for a fun game of hide and seek
➳ NSFW Alphabet*
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➳ discreet service* summary: reader and Zooey spend a night out, but R is much more interested in Zooey than anything else
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➳ priorities summary: Jane's been neglecting her home time and her wife has finally had enough
➳ daddy!jane*
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myfavoriteficss · 3 years
Do you (or anyone) have any recommendations for mob!Wanda/Natasha fics? Please and Thank You.
Hey! I do know of a few! Hopefully others will have suggestions as well!
Wanda Maximoff - mob!wanda
Written by: @empyreanwritings
Mob!Wanda x Model!Reader Masterlist
Punishment (18+)
A Little More Reserved
Beach Vacation
Important Time Off
Never Too Big
Christmas Proposal
Cleaned Wounds
Someone Like You
Natasha Romanoff - mob!natasha
Written by: @caroldantops
(1) bruises on both my knees for you (18+) - (2) hers for the night (18+)
Written by: @may-fanfic
Safe with me
A debt
Written by: @empyreanwritings
Mob!Nat x Brat!Reader Masterlist
Heaven on Hold: One - Two - Three
Written by: @startrekkingaroundasgard
I Own You
Written by: @marvelousimagines
You’re Everything
Written by: @marvels-writings
Safe & Sound
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taintedcigs · 3 years
marvel masterlist
¨¨*= smut ☆ =angst  ʚ˚ɞ=fluff
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bucky barnes:
a little death masterlist — you loved Steve, and Bucky loved Nat, things were never meant to get this complicated, up until that night when Steve and Nat started dating, and Bucky and you made drunken mistakes.
snakes and lions masterlist — you are the slytherin quidditch team captain, and bucky is the gryffindor team captain, and the two of you hate each other, or do you? basically enemies to enemies with benefits to lovers!!!
pretty girl (fwb!college au) ¨¨* 
something new (stucky x reader) ¨¨*
mission (hurt/comfort & enemies to lovers) ☆ ʚ˚ɞ
competition (kinda smut not rlly, blurb)
spoiled brat (mob!bucky au) ¨¨*
other sebastian stan characters (coming soon)
``╭➸・︵ ⊹ ♡ ⋆。˚・︵︵・✧ ⁺ ⊹
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steve rogers
possessive (ex dilf!steve x reader) ¨¨*☆ʚ˚ɞ
in love ☆ ʚ˚ɞ
something new (stucky x reader) ¨¨*
toxic relationship w steve ¨¨*
other chris evans characters (coming soon)
``╭➸・︵ ⊹ ♡ ⋆。˚・︵︵・✧ ⁺ ⊹
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loki laufeyson
toxic relationship w loki ¨¨*
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itsthestutterforme · 3 years
Desperate, Are We? Pt. 2 (Raymond Smith x reader)
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Recap: You were having casual sex with Raymond when you saw Bunny moving a dead body out of the house. Freaked out, you tried to escape and Raymond couldn't let you do that.
Notes: GIF is not mine, mentions of Mob! Steve Rogers, mentions of Mob! Bucky Barnes, mentions of OG 6 Avengers, misogynistic values, implied sex
Prompt 1 Credit @fluffyomlette :"Ah you look wonderful my love." "Don't sugar coat it, this marriage is just business."
Prompt 2 Credit @oopsprompts : "You said you'd never hurt me... I should have known that was a lie too."
"You don't have much of a choice here, sweetheart." He gave his shirt to you so you weren't exposed. You tried to avoid touching your cheek. You're pretty sure a bruise is starting to form from the fall.
Raymond starts as he sits directly in front of you while Bunny looms over from behind you. You were trapped. "Either you marry into the family or you and your family dies. That's the only I can make sure you won't blab to the police." He further explains.
You release a shaky breath and folded your hands in your lap as you hesitantly met his gaze. His gaze was worrisome; it almost looked genuine. "You're right, I don't have much of a choice."
"I never meant for you to find out who I was, love." "Everything you told me was a lie," "No it wasn't. I was telling the truth when I said that I care about you and love you." "Well you said you'd never hurt me. I should have known that was a lie too."
He sighs and takes off his glasses. "Even though this marriage isn't exactly consensual. But I will never put my hands on you or force myself on you."
"How do I know that you're telling the truth?" "Have I ever backed out of my word?" You choose not to respond. "I may be apart of the mob, but I'm still a gentleman."
"When are we going to get married?" "Friday, you're going shopping for dresses with Bunny today."
"You what?" Bucky asks, sitting across from Steve and Raymond for their weekly night out at the pub. The rent out the pub for the entire day to talk business and other things.
They were friends before they were businessmen. "You buy her everything and treat her like a Queen while she still treats you like a piece of gum on her shoe." Steve says, shaking his head.
"She's being a brat and she needs to be tamed." Bucky inserts. "She's taking some time to adjust to the new normal. I don't fault her for that." Raymond explains. "Taming her doesn't mean you love her any less. It just means you're setting a boundary." Bucky states.
"You're letting her walk all over you, bud. Being a gentleman will only get you so far." Steve says, clapping a hand on Ray's shoulder. "Either you're her bitch or she's yours. Respectfully of course. It's just a phrase." Bucky clarifies.
"Look, I'll throw a party at my place. It'll be a small get together. I'll invite there crew, Tony, Nat, Thor, Bruce, Rhodey- you know. And I'll ruffle her feathers a little bit." Steve suggests.
"That doesn't sound like a bad idea. My gal needs to get out of the house for a while." Bucky agrees. "I don't know if-" "Relax, I won't lay a hand on her." Steve intercepts.
"Women are sensitive. Some are worse than others but all of them have a set of buttons that I love to push. She'll be winded up and it's only a matter of time before she breaks." Steve states.
"Well, what happens when she breaks." "Two things, she could either react with sadness and have a mental break down." Bucky starts.
"Or she'll react with anger and you'll have the best sex of your life." Steve says with a smirk. "Worked perfectly with my old lady. She could get enough of me for weeks." He adds. "Either way, it's worth a shot." Bucky says. "Alright, what's the worst that can happen,"
You put the remaining earring on when Raymond enters the room. He gives you a once over of your frame. You wore a simple, black two piece skirt and spaghetti strap crop top. The skirt had a slit down the side. You wore a basic gold chain, small gold earrings and gold bracelet.
"Ah, you look wonderful my love." "Oh, don't sugar coat it, this marriage is just business, remember?" You state bitterly. He huffs and holds open your jacket for you to slide it on. "I still don't understand why I have to go to this party. I never liked parties."
"The longer we're in this marriage, the more I realized how different you really are from what I thought." "That statement goes both ways. Let's just get this party over with." You say, advancing to the door and Raymond follows you.
The ride there was quiet. You both were lost in your own thoughts. Should I be nicer to him? He has held up his promise. Maybe you- no, Y/N, absolutely not. He forced you into a marriage and threatened to kill your family.
Meanwhile Raymond thinks, I really hope this works. You finally arrive at Steve's house and you let Raymond lead you into the house. He introduced you to his best friends, Steve and Bucky. You shake their hands hesitantly. There was something odd about how they were looking at you.
Putting up your guard, you made your way over to bar and asked for whiskey on the rocks. Once the whiskey was in your hands, you leaned your back against the bar and take a long sip from the glass.
"Hey! You're Raymond's wife, right?" Steve's wife asks. You think her name is Sharon. "Unfortunately," you tell her.
She laughs harder than you anticipated and you eyed her suspiciously. "You're so funny," "It wasn't that funny," you tell her, taking another sip of your whiskey.
"You should come over at meet Bucky's wife, Sara." "No, I'm okay. Thanks." You down the rest of the drink with out making a sour face.
You ask for a double whiskey this time. "Oh come on, it's better than drinking alone at the bar. The men stick together and so do the women. That's how things work."
"I'm sorry was it my jump for joy or the smile on my face that indicated that I wanted to be your friend?" You ask. Her eyebrows shot up in surprise at your snark remark.
You walked away with the whiskey in your hand and made eye contact with Natasha. She looks you up at down not with the intent of intimidating you.
She just wanted to feel you out. You cock your head to the side and did the same. You both nod to each other and she raised her glass to you.
"Oh so my gal isn't good enough for you?" Steve asks, stepping in front of your view of Natasha. "'Your gal' is annoying," you tried to move around him but he stood in your way. You look up at him in annoyance and he chuckles.
"You know, Sharon was like you in the beginning. Fiery and snarky. A borderline bitch. You wanna know what I did when she got smart?"
"I don't ca-" "She choked on my dick," you grimaced at his words. "You're sick," "And you're a spoiled little brat who doesn't know her place,"
"What? And are you going to put me in my place?" You challenge. "I'm tempted to, but that's Ray's job." "Hm, I wonder how your mother is doing? She works at that supermarket in the corner of Carol's street, right?" The glass shatters in your hands and you rush towards him.
A strong arm holds you back and you shot daggers at him. "I don't give a damn if you're a super soldier. I will fucking kill you." You threaten and lunge against the force of the arm holding you back.
"Y/N, enough. We're going home." "Raymond says, pulling you into his chest. Steve chuckles at your response, which made you fume.
Bucky made his way towards you and you lunged at him too, expect he caught you. "Looks like you were struggling over here, bud. I'll take her to the car for ya," Bucky talks directly to Ray as if you werent there. He threw you over his shoulder and made his way through the crowd.
You pounded against his back and chuckles in response. What the hell was wrong with these people? You excepted the fact that you weren't escaping so you just dangled from his arm like a rag doll. "Atta girl, see? Isn't it easier when you just comply?"
"Over my dead body," you snap. He walks you to the car and sets you down. You shove his chest at the first chance you get and his gaze darkened. Your heart races in your chest but you stand your ground. "You're a bunch of psychos," you tell him.
"You're all set, Ray?" Bucky asks, not breaking eye contact with you. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thanks for the assist." Raymond says with a sigh. Bucky opens the door and you hesitantly sit in the car. He sends you a wink before closing the door.
He mumbles something to Raymond before he hops in the driver side. "How the hell are they your friends? They view women as objects. Toys to use however they want." You tell him.
"That's how it is in the mob." "But you're not like that," "Maybe I should be. That way you know how to be fucking respectful." Your lips part at his words and he glances over at you, his gaze dark and annoyed. You break eye contact and looked out of the window as he drove back home.
Series Tag List:
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uraveragelonelygay · 2 years
i was thinking earlier that this season can be hard on a lot of people, and everyone is fighting their own battles. and everyone deserves to be encouraged/appreciated during these times. so i wanted to spread a little love today. that being said, i wanna recommend/tag some blogs that never fail to bring a smile to my face with their amazing works! thank you for all you do, you lovely lovely humans!
favorite work of theirs: All For a Deer
(i remember you saying in the a/n that it was your first time writing a poly fic, but it didn’t show at all because this fic was incredible and made my heart melt!!!)
favorite work of theirs: 3rd Wheel
(this fic literally did everything. made me sad, happy, and horny. literally one of my all time favorites. 10/10 love this fic!!!)
favorite works of theirs: All I Want
(all of your works are literal art. they are stunning masterpieces, every single one of them. i love the comfort this one provides on both sides. nat comforting reader, and reader comforting nat. gorgeous work!)
All Too Well
(this one is just so fluffy i can’t stay away. i’m a sucker for older!nat x younger!reader so)
favorite work of theirs: F*cking up the Friendship
(so fun fact this is my number one comfort fic. i love this one so much and i always read it when i’m in a bad mood lol.)
favorite work of theirs: Your Touch Feels Just Right
(yeah this one is so wholesome i absolutely adore it, along with all of your other works!!!!)
favorite works of theirs: Question
(okay your account is one of my all time favorites. i adore all of your fics with my whole heart. this one is also one of my go to comfort fics. the way you write wandanat x reader just makes my heart so happy and makes me feel so comfy with my sexuality. i just adore your works!!!)
Bedside Manner
(another super fluffy comfort one. ugh, what’s not to love?)
favorite work of theirs: Six Flags
(okay, i normally am not a sucker for  just complete fluff, but this is one of my exceptions. this fic makes my heart so unbelievably happy and 100% gives me butterflies. i love it!!!)
favorite work of theirs: Mob!Nat x Brat!Reader Series
(love all of your works, but i will never be able to get enough of this series. just sososo good!!!)
favorite works of theirs: Kotenok Series
(once again, sucker for older!nat x younger!reader. this series just has my heart melting into a puddle on the floor.)
Diet Mountain Dew
(i love college natasha x reader. i love the dynamic between these two in this one. absolutely gorgeous.)
Lapse of Judgment
(yet again, older!nat x younger!reader. cannot get enough. love the angst and the happy ending. ugh i love all of your writings! so beautiful!)
favorite works of theirs: Private Hire Series
(very proud to announce that i got one of my irl friends hooked on this series. i love this series so much it’s so well written ugh)
Fight, Flight, Freeze
(i love all the comfort this fic provides. it just feels like i’m being wrapped up in the biggest and best hug ever. so gorgeous.)
favorite works of theirs: Priceless
(once again, so much comfort, i love it!!!)
Safety Net
(comfort again, and again with the being wrapped in a hug. i love this fic so much it’s so precious. all of your works are so beautifully written!!!)
favorite work of theirs: Brand New Eyes
(okay i remember the day i read this fic because i was in my math class and completely ignoring my professor and instead reading this because it was so good and just made my heart feel so full. as i said earlier, typically not a fan of straight up fluff, but this is another exception because it just filled my heart with warmth. it is such a gorgeous work.)
favorite work of theirs: Butterscotch Baby
(i adore the dymanic between nat and reader in this fic it’s so wholesome. and reader fighting for nat like she does in part 2? phenomenal. love this fic!!!
And believe it or not, these are just some of the blogs that i enjoy reading things from! Thank you, lovely humans for all you do. Your writing truly is stunning in your own ways :)
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caws5749 · 3 years
Mads Recs Summer 2021
It’s that time! I’m here with a new list of my ultimate current favorites! If you haven’t read any of these, I highly suggest it! They’re beyond perfection! I know there’s not a lot, but I really wanted these to be the fics and things that I CONSTANTLY read and love with my whole entire heart! 
Disclaimer: none of these are in order of favorites! also, this is a small list, but I want to focus my attention on the fics that I *constantly* reread, and I haven’t had much time to discover things this summer aoeifjaoeifj
1. Stand By Without Flinching (series) by Elisa Collette on Ao3.
It’s not the first time I’ve put this on a rec list. It will always be on my rec lists, because this has and always will be my #1. There’s honestly nothing like this fic.  It’s full of found family love, trauma, some angst, a driven plot, and everything you want to see from characters. For me, it’s seeing Natasha as a mother figure to Wanda and Peter, while being so herself in character. It’s the Nat and Steve love too, not in your face, but a subtle, domestic type of love that forms being undercover. It’s the way Wanda and Peter help each other through things and form a sibling relationship naturally. It’s the way this undercover family who is on the run after the Accords becomes a real family. It’s watching Natasha feel emotions, feel love even when she knows it’s dangerous and against everything she was taught. It’s LITERALLY a masterpiece. I can’t speak enough on it. This is not a reader insert, but focuses on Wanda, Nat, Peter, and Steve, with T’Challa, Clint, and Sharon thrown in a lot. 
2. Prove Me Wrong (series) by @wannabe-fic-writer
I’ve reblogged this quite a few times as well and talked about it, but Prove Me Wrong literally shook me to my core. It’s so masterfully well done, carefully crafted from the deep psyche in a way that actually hits you to your core. With the way it both analyzes reader and natasha, you free fall into this world and enjoy it immensely along the way. I was practically on the edge of my seat, desperate to see when and if reader and Natasha’s relationship would be formed. There’s a particularly beautiful moment in which Nat realizes the reader’s crush, and I nearly tear up every time from the absolute beauty and hilarity of the scene. You feel as though you really are falling for Natasha in the series and helping her open up as well. I read it at least once a month. I can promise you that you’ll be smiling through most of it. 
3. In the Red of Night by @shesaidnomaam
This is a vampire!nat au, and boy, does it have me a puddle on the floor. I don’t care what anyone says, natasha as a vampire could get me to do anything (though, Natasha in general could get me to do anything). the point is, the way that this story is crafted is so fluid and elegant that it really does just leave you wanting so much more. I reread paragraphs of this while rereading the story because that’s just how wonderful the words are. it’s really a true masterpiece and I cannot express how much I am a puddle on the floor. and for those who know me, I'm not a huge fan of au’s, but this one has me HOOKED. 
4. Nat x Brat (multiple works) by @empyreanwritings
Everyone knows if you’ve been following me for a while that I not only am OBSESSED with brat x nat, but I EMBODY brat x nat. I mean, Stef really has outdone themself with this bEAUTY of a masterpiece. It’s a guilty pleasure minus the guilty part, filled with a TON of drama, the mob lifestyle, and lots and lots of expensive, shiny things. And don’t forget the brattiness, which is in full force. I reread ALL the time, it brings me so much comfort and happiness. plus, there’s just SO MUCH! you could be reading for hours! 
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
Enemies (To) and Girlfriends
NPeter Parker x Stark!Reader
Summary: Peter and Y/N are at each other’s throats all day. Every minute of every hour of every day. They hate each other. For whatever reason, these two brilliant minds absolutely despise the other one. At least, that’s what everyone believes.
Warnings: Suggestiveness and some bad words. Lots of fluff though
Here is my Masterlist in case you want to find more of my work :)
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For as long as anyone can remember, you and Peter had hated each other. Well, hate is a strong word. You both had a mutual dislike for each other, and as years went by, the status of your relationship skyrocketed from people who can’t talk to each other, to people who can’t stop screaming at each other. You two had been friends for years when you were younger. But when Peter was recruited for Spiderman 6 years ago by your dad, you couldn’t help but hate his decision. It was a dangerous life, and you didn’t want him to be on the field. You’d rather have him safely tucked away in his room, where May could keep an eye on him, and he could have sandwiches with Ned.
Unfortunately, he thought the same thing for you. He accepted the job, not only to save and protect Queens but to protect you as well. Just like what you thought of him, he felt the same of you. He believed that a 14-year-old shouldn’t have been fighting every night against drug dealers, mob lords and god damn aliens. You should have been having movie marathons and singing karaoke on Fridays, not trying to stay alive.
You remember the night you both fought vividly enough.
It had just been when Tony had come to Peter’s house to bring him to Germany. You didn’t even know that your dad had gone over to Peters. For all he knew, Peter was just another school friend of yours who was wooed by the fact that you were Y/N Stark.
When your dad had finished talking to Peter, they both called you, Peter from his room, and your dad from the car.
“Y/N, you won’t believe who I just saw-”
“Y/N, I think you’ll be thrilled with who I just met-”
And that was the start of the issue. You had hung up on your dad when you heard Peter’s voice, and boy, were you glad you hung up on Tony. Because he wouldn’t have been delighted to listen to what came out of your mouth.
“What the fuck?”, you had asked, shocked. Running downstairs while still on the call with Peter, you had grabbed your suit, activating it as quick as possible. “What do you mean ‘coming with me to Germany’? You know that it’s just for Avenge-”
“That’s the coolest thing! Your dad just recruited me for the mission. But I think I sounded dumb. I mean, I said something about homewor-”
“Wait, hold up, recruited?!”
Flying next to his house, you saw the opened window. De-activating your metal armour and jumping in. You stood up, dusted off your arms and looked at Peter, tilting your head to ask him what the hell was going on.
Peter nodded enthusiastically. “Yeah, he came in, showed me a couple videos and asked me if I wanted to go with him to Germany. Not sure what’s gonna happen thought… “
You shook your head, shocked at the idea. “You are so stupid!”
Peter scratched the back of his head, not understanding what you were saying. “Yeah, I feel like I should know, but I haven’t really been following some media stuff…”
“No! Yo-you can’t go there! You can’t go to Germany!”
Peter looked confused, his lips sucked in. “Why? You’re going, plus… Mr Stark needs me!”
“Peter. You. Can’t. Go. There.” You shook your head, aghast at the idea of putting Peter in harms way. “Do-do you even know who’s gonna be there?! Captain America, Winter Soldier…Hawkeye! They are much more stronger than you…they could kill you!”
Peter looked down, but then glanced back up at you. “What about you then? They will hurt you as well! You are on the same team as me, aren’t you? How do you know they aren’t gonna kill you?”
You crossed your arms, scoffing. “They’ve known me for years Peter! At most, I just gotta keep the opposite team away from my dad and Nat. You? They don’t know you are a 14 year old kid. They will try their be-best to hurt you, because they don’t know what you could do?”
Peter glanced at his suit, then back at you, his face hardened. “Wh-why don’t you want me to do this Y/N?! This- this suit…Spiderman…. It’s the first real thing in my life since Be- his death. Why don’t you want me to pursue this? I-I could protect the city, make sure no one gets hurt.” He looked at you, his face disappointed. “I thought you, of all people, would be happy to work with me…”
You sighed, sitting down on his bed, frustrated. “Peter, this- this hero gig… saving the city… protecting lives. It’s alot of work… guilty and pain. Physical and mental.” You looked at him, worried. “You aren’t gonna be able to save everyone Pete. This comes with alot of hardships. I-I was born into this world, of fighting and crime fighting. Yo-you are just Peter Parker. You could go high places, just stay on the ground.” You looked at him, trying to make him understand.
But it didn’t work. He just laughed unbelievably. “Wha- Y/N, I-I’m not just Peter Parker anymore! I’m also Spiderman. I have been Spiderman for months. And I love it! I love saving people and helping them. Why don’t you think I can do this?!”
You gaped at him. “What-why would you- Peter! I love you helping people, but why don’t you just stay on the ground? Help people find lost cats and walk old ladies down to the grocery store? Why do you want to go fight people who might die any second? Be part of a group that might die any second!”
“Be-because you are part of that group! I have to be able to take care of you Y/N! Now that I finally can!”
You took in a deep breath and walked closer to the window, picking up the small bracelet you wore to change into your suit. “Peter, I can manage myself. You can’t! Leave the big stuff to other people.”
“Like who?!”
“The Avengers!”
Peter opened his mouth to argue but you beat him to it. “You aren’t part of the Avengers Peter! As much as you want to be! I know you have a talent, but why not just stick to being the friendly neighborhood Spiderman for now?”
Peter clenched his jaw, and diverted his eyes. You knew what that meant. He wasn’t budging on his decision. So you said the only thing that came to your mind.
“Peter, if I see you on the battlefield in a few days, th-then don’t bother saying hi, got it?” You both knew what this was implying, but neither of you wanted to back down, both too stubborn. All the 14-year-old-you could do, was hope you wouldn’t see any sign of the red and blue hero when you landed in the airport in Germany.
Sadly, the minute that your father had called out “Underoos!”, you had a sinking feeling in your stomach that things would not be the same any longer.
And it wasn’t. For the rest of your lives…
6 years later (Avenger’s compound)
“Fuck you, Peter Parker.”
“Oh, you wish!”
You laughed comically, glaring at him. “Oh please, I feel so bad for any one who actually does. Well, you know, if you can even fuck someone…”, you said, gagging exasperatedly. Peter’s glare tightened as his adam’s apple moved up and down.
“Hmm, at least I have a girlfriend, who do you have?”
“Please! I have half of New York after me!”
Peter looked hurt for a moment, but then his steel gaze returned. “I didn’t think some one could be as obnoxious as you, but guess once in a while, I’m proven wrong.”
“Really? Because I’m pretty sure everybody proves you wrong. Well… at least they prove your nerdy science theories wrong.” You knew this was crossing the line. You could insult his physique, his bed skills, his flirting skills…but never his academic skills.
You could practically see smoke pouring out from his ears, and so could everyone else.
“Oh shit”, muttered Sam from behind you, poking Bucky’s stomach. “Fight’s gonna go down, for sure.”
Bucky looked indifferent, probably used to us, but when he saw Peter’s red face, he backed up, hands up. “Damn, this is gonna be a bad one. You wanna stay and watch or get out before we both get killed?”
“Well I think-”, Sam began, but was cut off by you and Peter starting to yell at each other.
“You are a complete asshole!”
“At least I’m not a spoilt brat!”
“Oh, you did not just go there!”
“Yeah... I did, what are you gonna do-?” He looked you in the eye and muttered out the next word, almost whispering. “Brat?”
You gave a harsh growl and lunged at him, almost knocking down a vase on the table. He quickly jumped out of the way, arms snapping back at you. You could see Sam and Bucky running out of the room, yelling at other people in the tower to evacuate.
You turned around to see Peter, standing there, a smug smirk appearing on his lips as he pulled his webshooters out of his pocket, shooting them at you before you could react.
“Hmph”, you grunted, being pushed back against the wall. Peter leisurely walked to you, as if he was a tiger pouncing on his prey. His eyes were dark as he smiled at you cruelly.
He was really close to you, and he could have done what ever he wanted if he had reached you… Too bad you were more of the type of predator rather than prey.
You felt your knife spurt out of your wrist as it cut through the webs. Untangling yourself, you jumped with ease, twisting your arms and legs around Peter, as you both tumbled to the ground. Peter groaned, trying to get up, but you just pushed your weight further on him, jumping on his chest, straddling him.
“Can you get off?”, he asked, his voice strained. You smiled, knowing you had won. Coming close to his face, you smirked cheekily, before whispering in his ear. “You think they bought it?”
Peter smiled at you, kissing your neck. “Of course, we are great actors…”
You pulled back, kissing him back, fingers tangling in his curls. “Sorry…. Bout’… the theories thing”, you said between kisses, pulling back to make sure he was fine.
“Yeah, that was a good touch. What about the brat?”
You laughed hotly, moving down. “I loved it…probably more than I should have”, you said against his neck.
“Oh is that it? Well, there was one thing I didn’t agree with.” He flipped you over, pining your arms above your head. “You don’t think I can fuck my girlfriend well?” Just as he was about to reach down to catch your lips, you heard a glass shatter. Looking up, you saw the group, everyone having shocked face and Tony in the front, mouth wide open.
“What the FUCK-”
Tagged: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
Loved writing this one! Always wanted to try Enemies to Lovers, so I hope you enjoyed it! See you next time :)
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empyreanwritings · 2 years
Omg!! I loved that request so much do you think we could see what happens at home??
Warnings: depictions of anxiety, self-doubt/self-loathing, and malicious thoughts. Please read with care x
You sit on the edge of your bed, staring at the blank wall in front of you. Heart still hammering your your chest from your interaction with Nat.
You've pushed too much.
You demanded too much.
You're too much.
You press your fists against your temples and silently plead for your thoughts to stop. If you could stop yourself from spiraling, you would have, but your thoughts grow louder with every second that ticked by.
Nat will leave you. You should have known better. This is why no one can ever truly love you.
Every part of your brain turns against you, and it doesn't stop until you're curled into a ball. It's always the same pattern with you. Why didn't you see that until now? It was a miracle Nat didn't grow tired of you sooner.
You flinch when you suddenly feel hands on your arms, but you don't fight back as they pull you into an embrace. The smell of Nat's perfume takes over your senses long enough to pull you out of your thoughts. But not long enough to control your sobbing.
"I'm sorry," Nat whispers. "I shouldn't have yelled at you in front of everyone like that. Please come back to me."
"I didn't - I didn't mean what I said," you gasp the moment you get a break from a sob, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Don't leave me, Natty-"
She presses a kiss to your head and sighs. "I'm not leaving you. We're going to fight sometimes, you know. But we have to stop ourselves before it gets ugly."
You don't say anything, and Nat uses that moment to continue.
"I meant it, though. Sometimes the things you say are hurtful and untrue. You can't always lash out at me when you don't get what you want." You whimper and grip onto the front of her shirt. "I know that's the way you think you get things. I know your parents and Rumlow have tainted so much of your heart, but have I not proven to you just how much I love you? How much I adore you?"
She glances down at you and nearly falls apart at the sight of your face. Mascara stained cheeks and trembling lips weren't something she wanted to see in this setting.
"I love you," you murmur. "I'm sorry."
"Me too, Kitten." She pulls you back towards the head of the bed and hums softly. "We'll have a serious conversation about this tomorrow. For now, let's rest."
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wlwloverwrites · 3 years
Can you please recommend some good enemies to lovers Wanda or Nat x reader?
i might be the worst person to ask. i’m sorry anon! when i say i read i don’t actually do it? it’s weird.
Mob!Nat x Brat!Reader Masterlist by @empyreanwritings
it’s not really enemies to lovers but it’s similar? one of my favs :) hopefully you can find more rec in comments?
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
MY (very smutty) Master List
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Headcanons (MULTI FANDOM)
Stucky x Reader 
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Well Deserved Throne  
Well Deserved Throne (Sequel) 
A Hundred Years
Heaven (Stucky Royal AU) 
I Did Something Bad - part 1
I Did Something Bad - part 2 
you’re no saint (mob!stucky)
good girl 
Bucky Barnes Fics
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Safe Haven (Post Endgame Bucky)
Rescue Me (Post Endgame Bucky)
Obscure (dark! Bucky)
All My Love (Chubby! Bucky)
Heaven (stucky Royal AU)
Santa and Sunshine
Tempestuous Series (Royal AU)
Biker! Bucky
To You (Alpha! Bucky AU)
Spark (Firefighter!Bucky AU)
A Sweeter Place - Mob! Bucky 
Eye For An Eye (ceo!bucky series)
Hundred and three (birthday special) 
All Yours (professor!reader x uni student!bucky)
Predestined (mob!bucky series) 
Hostage Of Your Eyes (mob!bucky series)
Love Made Me Crazy (ceo!bucky/mob!bucky series) 
Fire On Fire (firefighter!bucky)
Another World (alien!bucky series)  
À la folie (prince!bucky hc)  
You Know Just What I Need (spoilt!brat bucky x head of security!reader)
Twilight Moments With You (ex mob!bucky x reader)
You Bring Me Home (mechanic!bucky x reader)
Power Over Me (ceo/soft dom!bucky x sub!reader series)
You Were Made To Be Mine (pirate!bucky x mermaid!reader series)
Too Young To Love You (chubby!bucky x reader)
My Favorite Kind Of Night (camboy!bucky series)
Safe and Sound (Bucky Barnes x librarian!reader)
Unleashed (doctor!bucky x reader)
Take You Like A Drug (biker bucky barnes x reader)
Poison Paradise (fratboy/biker bucky)
Let Me Love You (ceo!bucky)
Wreck My Plans (mob!bucky)
‘yes daddy’ (sambucky x reader)
my sweet love (uni student!bucky x professor!reader)
‘till we bleed out (vampire!bucky series)
purpose (mob bucky)
The Unseen (hades!bucky)
we can’t stop, we’re enemies (bucky x avenger!reader)
Crawling Back To You  
I am your fall (mob!bucky x ex-spy!reader)
War of Hearts (prince!bucky x dark fae!reader)
I saw you and I knew (biker!bucky)
Come Home (soft mob!bucky)
Night Hours (Mob!Bucky)
Yours To Wield (Mob!Bucky series)
My Salvation (Police Chief!Bucky)
Wherever You Stray, I Follow (demon!bucky series)
Into Your Arms (mob!bucky)
the first time (beefy!bucky)
Ruin (mini series) (mob!bucky x innocent!reader)
my home for all seasons (bucky barnes x hades!Reader)
Fall Apart 
Good To You (boyfriend’s dad!mob!bucky) 
pretty boy 
birthday boy
king in your story (viking!bucky)
you next to me (punk!bucky) 
you’re no saint
sub!bucky w/ mommy kink 
like a villain (bucky x avenger!reader)
wanna be yours (uni au)
quickie w/ mob!bucky 
soft like winter (dark!mob!bucky)
Crossfire series (mob!bucky) 
middle of the night (bucky x avenger!reader)
meddle about (mob!bucky x babysitter!reader)
cuffing season (beefy!bucky uni au)
we can make it till the end 
heartless  / heartless pt 2 (incubus!bucky)
you’re no good for me
I loved you in secret (mob!bucky x detective!reader) 
stealing hearts (mob!bucky x thief!reader)
I’m insane, but I’m your baby (dark!sugar baby!bucky) 
not without you (viking!bucky x witch!reader) 
run for your life (mob!bucky)
stuck with you 
meaner than my demons 
the alchemy (mob!bucky)
no masters or kings (priest!bucky)
no masters or kings part 2 
Capital Letters series (COMPLETED)
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Capital Letters (part 1) 
Capital Letters (part 2)
Capital Letters (part 3)
Nat/ Wanda x Reader
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Unconditional (Natasha x reader & Wanda x reader)
Tony Stark
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Go ahead and cry, Little Girl. (Tony Stark) 
Secret Series (Stony x Reader)
Evanstan x Reader
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Call An Avenger (Evanstan x Reader)  
Call An Avenger (Sequel)  
Sebastian Stan 
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Convergence Of The Twain (Professor Sebastian Stan) 
As Long As You’re With Me 
De Trop
Nobody Does It Like You Do 
Ardor (Artist! Seb)
Drabble #1
Drabble #2
Drabble #3
Drabble #4
Drabble #5
Limerencia Series.
I Think He Knows (Headcanon)
Adore You (Professor! Seb HC)
You Can Be My Full Time Daddy (sugar daddy! seb HC)
Professor! Seb HC
Jealous! Seb HC 
Teacher’s Pet (professor!seb x reader)
Lover (innocent!Seb x Mob!Reader) 
Predestined (ceo!seb series) 
Daylight (ceo!reader x personal assistant!seb)
Strawberries & Cigarettes (Frank x Reader)
Afterglow (mob!seb x surrogate!reader) 
King Of My Heart (devil!seb)  
Cherries and Wine (sugar baby!seb)
illicit affairs (mob!seb)
Take It Off (mob!seb hc)
His Obsession. (mob!seb x housekeeper!reader)
All For Love 
Somebody Else (cherry!seb)
Peter Parker
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One and Only (Peter Parker Headcanon) (Fluff)  
Dom! Peter
Winter Soldier
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Tough Love (The Winter Soldier Headcanon) (Angst)
Steve Rogers
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Ocean Eyes (Steve Rogers Post Endgame Smut / Angst)
Muffin (Steve Rogers Drabble) (Fluff) 
Secret Series (Stony x Reader)
Heaven (stucky Royal AU)
Deal With The Devil (Devil!Steve AU)
Surrender (iw!Steve x reader)
Burning Desire 
Snowstorms & Snuggles (ceo!steve)
Trouble, Trouble (drysdale twins! steve)
Daddy’s Little Pet 
I’ll Be Your Baby (sugar daddy!steve x reader)
Can’t Get Enough (fuckboy!steve x reader)
when no one is around (butler!bucky x reader)
Slow Hands  
Just A Little Too Much (dark mob!steve)
Devilish (drysdale twins x reader)
Loved You First 
Chain You Up (mob!steve x stripper!reader)
Another Love 
My Everything (viking!steve)
In The Dark 
In The Dark 2
just close your eyes (mob!steve)
Where I Belong (hades!steve)
you’re no saint
show me (professor!steve)
haunting you (dark!steve)
some ancient call (gargoyle!steve) 
Mob! Seb (Back For You series) COMPLETED.
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Back For You (Mob! Seb) 1
Want You Back (Mob! Seb) 2
Kill For You (Mob! Seb) 3
Run To You (Mob! Seb ) Part 4
Next To You (Part 5)
See You Again (Part 6)
By Your Side (part 7)
Home With You (part 8)
Mob! Seb with kids
Destroyer! Chris
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Everything is Blue 
Without You
Biker! Chris x shy! reader
Mob! Seb (Sebastian Stan AU)
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Bad Reputation
A Sweeter Place
Lover of Mine  
illicit affairs
Take It Off
Mob!Seb nsfw Alphabet 
All For Love   
Can’t Stay Away From Me 
Somebody Else
Mafia! Bucky
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Bad Guy (Mafia! Bucky)
Yours To Wield 
Jake Gyllenhaal
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Home (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Bath Tub
Mob! Jake
Dom! Jake hc 
Thor Odinson. 
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Thunder’s Call
Bodyguard! Thor AU hc 
Shining Like A God.  
The Witcher / Geralt Of Rivia 
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Geralt of Rivia HC
Bottom! Geralt HC
Steamy argument with Geralt
Fight and make up with Geralt
Geralt of Rivia with shy/innocent! Reader
White Wolves  
Bottom!Geralt drabble
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Ransom Drysdale hc 1
Ransom Drysdale x innocent! reader 
Ransom x step! sister reader 
Ransom x bratty! reader
Ransom Drysdale hc 2
Ransom finding reader’s sex toys hc
Drysdale Twins x reader 1
Drysdale Twins x reader 2
Ransom Drysdale hc 3
Drysdale Twins w/ breeding kink
soft! ransom hc
Burning Desire 
Good For You (mob!ransom)
Taste Of Your Lips (royal au series)
Trouble, Trouble (drysdale twins)
Don’t Want You Like a Bestfriend  
Yes to Heaven  (ransom x housekeeper!reader)
Devilish (Drysdale Twins x Reader)
I’ll Be Good 
ransom & lloyd x reader  
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Bathroom sex with Loki
Cold Hands (jotun!loki x adgardian!reader)
Andy Barber (from Defending Jacob)
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Love in the Dark (CEO! AU)
Pubs & Pillow Talks 
Burning Desire 
The same damn hunger (bartender!reader x andy barber)
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‘yes daddy’ (sambucky x reader)
Morpheus / Dream of the Endless / Sandman: 
dreams that are answered  (Morpheus x reader)
little nightmare 
after dark 
until i find you 
morpheus x succubus!reader 
lonely nights are over 
21K notes · View notes
peachyteabuck · 4 years
nothing ever lasts forever ~ act iii, “if we ruled the world”
summary: a sort-of non-avengers au where everyone has their powers and absolutely no one is in a highly powerful mob (or, at least, that’s what the feds think). 
or, a commission in three parts for anonymous, who asked for a series about wanda x natasha x reader.
pairing: wanda maximoff x natasha romanoff x reader
words: 3,501
trigger warnings: switch!nat, sub!wanda, dom!reader, strap ons, degradation, bratty wanda, brat taming 
ask box / masterlist / commission info / ko-fi
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Wanda gets the text that night, just as you’ve fallen asleep and Wanda was about to follow suit. Your light snores fill the room, Wanda listens for them as her too-bright phone screen burns her eyes.
Office. Tomorrow morning. 10.
And then a knife emoji. Sharp. Natasha Romanoff does not tolerate a lot of things, including tardiness.
Wanda goes to bed afraid and wakes up even worse – the churning in her gut only intensifying as she walked up the concrete path that lead into Natasha’s house. She’s never been more terrified in her life. Is she about to be fired? Are you dead? Is she dead? Is Wanda a ghost? Has Natasha been convincing Wanda that she’s been alive this whole time and now it’s time to break the façade and have Wanda move onto the ghost realm?
Being called into Natasha’s office and being asked to sit in the center chair is nothing short of demoralizing, intimidating. She’s seen it happen before, clients or employees Natasha has to deliver terrible news to – they never take it well, always crying and sobbing and wailing. They always have to be carried away by the guards stationed outside Natasha’s office and into their cars.
Will that have to happen to her? Will two giant-ass dudes have to carry her outside so she can have an emotional breakdown on the impeccably well-kept grass? What if someone sees her having said emotional breakdown on the impeccably well-kept grass? What if Wanda Maximoff gets caught by the many institutions of which she is running and hiding from?
The chair has a heavy dent in it from the other shameful citizens (and non-citizens, and those not defined as people) of whom have sat in the chair before her. Natasha doesn’t meet Wanda’s gaze, keeping her eyes focused on the bare desk in front of her.
Both of them can barely breathe, each having an equally silent crisis. Neither speaks until the door has been long shut, the sounds outside the room blocked out by the heavy doors.
“I once had sex with your girlfriend,” Natasha says, so quick the words mesh into one.
Wanda shakes her head, running her hands through her hair. “What the fuck are you talking about?”
Natasha exhales deeply, clenching her eyes shut before speaking again. “I had sex with your girlfriend.”
Wanda eyes go wide with sadness – worried her worst nightmare is true. “She…you…she chea-“
Natasha holds out her hands, only now realizing her mistake in phrasing. “NO! No! Absolutely not. No, that’s not what happened. That’s not…No, Wanda, she didn’t cheat on you with me, that’s not what I’m saying.”
Wanda – still wringing her hands – breathes deeply. “Then what…what…”
Natasha sighs, trying to find the right words. “Do you remember when Bucky got hurt? Like, when his arm got,” she wiggles the same arm Bucky lost in the accident – the one Natasha inadvertently caused.
Wanda looks confused but answers anyway. “Yeah, like a year ago.”
“I got, I got super drunk that night. And it was, uh, the woman is now your girlfriend, she uh…she helped me that night – she uh, she got me back to her apartment. Made sure I slept and didn’t die choking on my own vomit. And took care of me the next morning…” Natasha sighs, worried about what she’s going to say. “The next morning, we had sex.” Natasha whispers the last sentence sadly, wringing her hands. “We haven’t talked since.”
Wanda, stunned, says nothing. Each time she believes she’s found the words they fail to capture the whirlwind of emotions and thoughts flashing in front of her eyes. Blood pounds in her ears and her hands shake and her heart pounds – nevertheless, the two of them continue to converse even as Wanda’s eyes water. Everything’s a blur – the only clarity when Wanda thumps her way up the several flight of stairs that lead into her, your apartment.
She opens the door hastily, hands shaking near-violently as she finds the right key and turns it in the lock. If this were any other day, she’d step in as quietly as possible – try to be a voyeur in her own home to try and catch even a second of you cooking peacefully. You’re in one of her shirts, a large one that hits your thighs and rides up when you bent down or stand on your tip-toes or bend forward over a pot.
Whatever you’re cooking smells delicious, enough to distract from the matter at hand – to stop Wanda in her tracks as thick spices and hearty herbs fills her nostrils.
Still, it only allows her a few seconds of peace before she’s stepping into the kitchen, fists clenched at her sides and breathing quick and shallow. The wrath, the dread, it blinds and deafens her – the only thing Wanda hears being the only words she could hope would leave your lips.  
“I mean, I know what you did, what you do. You’ve told me enough I just…” you sigh. “I had no idea. I like, sort of knew what Nat did. I just didn’t have any idea that you two knew each other. Or that she, uh, was your boss.”
Wanda looks as if she’s about to cry, her chest heaving. “Are you sure?”
You nod, moving toward her but not touching her. “Wanda, I’d tell you if I fucked your boss the second I would’ve found out – but, babe,” you try to calm your beating heart by digging your nails into your palms. It doesn’t work. “Even if I knew, you have to understand. This was over a year ago, I haven’t seen her since, and I love you. We’ve built a home together. Me having sex with her doesn’t change that.”
There’s silence, then, the thick kind that comes from a fight without resolve. You’re worried she’ll storm out, only to return when she decides – or, worse, tell you to pack your things and leave. Wanda does neither of those things, though, instead silently moving to the stir the pot before tasting at the wooden spoon.
You know everything will be fine when she makes a comment about needing more salt – the special kind you bought a long while ago from the farmer’s market that somehow hadn’t run out. Your mother once told you that the kitchen could end all disagreements, all squabbles and verbal throwdowns. You never really believed you until now, as you both silently cook, and then eat, and then clean up together.
Not a word is exchanged until you’re both in bed, you curled around her on your side as she lays flat on her back. It’s then, after the sun has long set and the last scents of food had gone up though the vents, that one of you speaks.
Wanda swallows, mumbling something that, whether or not is her intention, only she can hear. “Natasha says she wants to see you.”
Your eyes narrow, brows furrowed as you pick up your head to look at her. “What?”
Wanda doesn’t meet your gaze as she speaks. “I talked to Natasha this morning about it. About you. That’s why, uh. I came home like that. It’s not that I don’t trust you, I just…wanted to talk about it…”
You nudge closer to her as she trails off, trying to reassure her. “It’s okay, babe, you don’t have…I trust you. It’s okay.”
Wanda nods before continuing. “She and I were talking, and she asked to see you after. Wanted my permission, though. Wanted to make sure I was okay with it.”
“Are you?” you whisper as your heart rate picks back up – though, this time, for a much different reason.urus
She nods. “I mean, I’m not some overprotective Dad on prom night – I’m never gonna stop you from seeing someone. Told her it was up to you.”
You exhale deeply, still silent. It takes a long while for you to say anything, and even then it doesn’t do much to dissolve the thick tension in the room. “I do want to see her again,” Wanda clears her throat but you continue speaking before she can begin. “But I want you there, too.”
That’s how, two weeks later, you find yourself intoxicated in a way you can’t describe, standing next to your bed as both women kneel before you.
You’re not drunk. Drunk is too extreme. Drunk makes you seem rash, impulsive – like you don’t know what you’re doing, why you’re doing it. Makes it seems like you don’t want to remember this, want to be able to blame all
You’re not drunk, you’re bold. You’re two sips into some old-as-balls bourbon you got when you graduated college – gifted to you by a professor who thought it meant he’d let you get into his pants. Fool. You’re a woman with fire resting on your skin and the world teetering at your fingertips.  You control everything. And today, “everything” is defined as two of the most beautiful women you’ve ever seen on their knees in front you.
It’s natural, wonderful – the feeling of looking down at them with their big eyes and hair pulled back into French braids and dark collars on their milky skin. Neither of them has leashes – yet…but judging by the glint in Natasha’s eyes and the smirk playing at her lips that you’ll need to get it from its resting place on her desk very soon.
“I think this is the stuff dreams are made of,” you say to no one and both of them. “Two sluts at my feet for me to use. Two perfect little toys at my disposable. I wonder what I should have you do first…”
At the foot of the best is a loveseat, draped upon the loveseat is a towel covered in sex toys – placed carefully with even amounts of space between them. A few empty spots mark where toys used to be – most notably the collars and the baby pink butt plug Wanda’s wearing.
It’s the double-ended dildo that ends up catching your eye. It’s half baby blue and half black, mixing in the middle; thick, long, girthy. Wanda bought it for you awhile back – a gift after she had to leave for a last-minute business trip with little explanation but a lot of apology. You didn’t mind, her explanation for her job had been quite believable and you did not worry. Still, you didn’t refuse the gifts she showered you with when she got back eight days later.
You smile at the memory, but also from the anticipation. You turn back to the two women on the floor, snapping in each of their faces before pointing to opposite walls. Despite this, they wait for your verbal command before moving a muscle.
Such good girls, the both of them.
“Now,” you tell them calmly. Obediently and without hesitation, they do as they’re told. It’s then that you can admire their matching lingerie sets. They were expensive (you hesitate to spend that much on rent, let alone four pieces of skimpy, see-through fabric), you can’t deny it. But the crotchless panties, framing each of their wet pussies perfectly? The matching bras are just as frilly as the panties and the deep maroon contrasts both of their pale skin tones.  Intricate lace is almost, almost distracting from their pert nipples and skin you want to bite and bruise and mark. “Face opposite walls so I can watch you fuck yourself properly.”
They’re both so beautiful, so desperate. Through the chorus of their moans and whimpers you can hear their wet cunts fucking back on the thick double-ended dildo.
Wanda, as usual, is already making those noises that mean she’s about to come – her hips making tighter movements and wide eyes screwed shut.
“Aw, does my baby wanna come?” you coo, moving the sweaty hair away from her reddened face.
Wanda whines high in her throat, fucking back on the dildo with vigor. “Yes, yes yes please lemme come I wanna come Mommy please!”
Natasha, the quieter of the two, nods furiously as her face scrunches up in concentration. Her moans are low and breathy, hips driving backwards in target hits against Wanda.
Part of you wants to deny them, watch them with cry and choke on their own tears as they focus on following orders, on being good, on not coming. Another part of you wants to watch them fall apart, watch their thighs shake and legs give out and blissful faces find their way long their faces and listen to them moan and cry and thank you with hushed, raspy voices.
It doesn’t take much deliberating for the latter side of you to win out – to give them permission and instruct them to rub their clits as you take another sip of alcohol. Small sparks dance along Wanda’s fingers as they move over her pussy, control over her powers ceding to that over her pleasure. Some of the small swirls of red-orange-yellow-blue seem to dance between their bodies, affecting Natasha as well, who cries out an especially pained noise as each spark touches and subsequently dissipates against her skin. The thrusts of their hips become even more erratic as the waves of their orgasms come crashing down on them, their breathing only steadying as you began to speak once more.
“Natasha,” you snap once in her direction, waiting for her body to jerk as a signal she’s paying attention. “Get atop Wanda…” you pause, then laugh. “I mean, straddle her to keep her hips pined to the ground.”
Wanda, normally incredibly mousy, seems to be drinking from the same fire-filled cup you’ve been sipping.
“Yeah, as if Natasha could top anybody,” she snorts. You and Natasha both snap your heads towards her, yours crooking to the side.
“You want to say that again?” you more command than ask.
Wanda, voice back to usual smallness, swallows loudly. “Uh, I, uh. I said. I said Natasha,” she coughs, tries to save herself. It doesn’t work. “I said, ‘as if Natasha could dom anybody,’ Mommy.”
Silence – a heavy one – falls over the room. You turn around, slowly, meeting Wanda’s eyes first and then Natasha’s. The latter woman looks to you for permission.
With one, small nod, she stands and looms over the other woman.
“You’re going to regret that,” you say – mostly to yourself. The wicked smile, though, is for the both of them.
“Do you want to test me?” Natasha hisses. She loops her forefinger in the stainless-steel O-ring and jerks Wanda forward so their lips are barely touching. Wanda takes it as an invitation, but pouts as Natasha pulls away. “You think you’re getting anything but a punishment after what you pulled?”
Wanda’s large eyes drain of mischief with every passing second that she studies the woman in front of her – realizing her mistake. It’s not long until she’s looking at her for assistance from you, her pleading eyes and cat-like features so cute you almost give in to her silent prayers.
Keyword: almost.
“Answer your Daddy,” you say plainly. You press your thighs together, desperate for friction but not wanting to give in just yet.
“N-no,” Wanda stutters. “No, Daddy.”
Natasha pulls at Wanda’s collar once more, hissing through her teeth. “I’ll give you one more chance to correct yourself.”
You can practically hear Wanda’s petrified gulp and you relish the fear in her wide eyes. “No, Daddy. I understand I deserve a punishment.”
“Good,” she says, letting the collar go. “now go lay on the bed.”
Wanda does as she’s told – resting her head in your lap. It gives you the perfect view of her face as she prepares to get fucked out of her mind.
Natasha grabs the fake cock and harness from the toy collection and pulls it on easily, the jingling of the individual straps like music to her hears. You pet at her hair, cupping her chin and cooing down at her.
“You gonna be a good girl for Daddy?” you ask.
She nods, lip pulled between her teeth. “Yes, Mommy.”
“Are you gonna be a dirty slut for Daddy while Mommy watches?”
“Yes Mommy.”
Natasha’s ready, then, and announces it by backing up against a wall with the fake cock bobbing against her stomach. “Good girl, now come prep Daddy’s cock.”
Wanda moves to stand, but immediately drops to her knees when Natasha glares at her and hisses, “Don’t you dare.”
She crawls across the room, head hung in shame and pussy soaked with anticipation. Wanda only looks up to wrap her lips around the silicon head, one of Natasha’s hands cradling the back of her neck with the other tangled in her hair. “I’m going to have so much fun with you,” you hear Natasha mumble as Wanda gags for the first time. “Can’t wait to make you come over and over, watch you not know whether to beg me to stop or keeping going. You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
Wanda nods, never breaking eye contact with Natasha.  
“You better not be touching yourself, you needy little thing,” you tsk from across the room as your fingers rub at your own clit. “Dirty sluts don’t get to come, do they.”
Wanda does her best to shake her head as Natasha continues to fuck her throat.
Sloppy, wet sounds punctuate Natasha’s words. “You like that, don’t you, baby girl? You like taking this big cock down your throat like this?”
Before Wanda can nod, Natasha’s pulling her head away suddenly, the woman on the floor gasping for air. She barely has time to catch her breath before Natasha’s picking her up and slamming her back against the wall, Wanda’s legs instinctively wrapping around Natasha’s waist.
Wanda moans, loud and unabashed, as Natasha fucks into her. You grab an unused vibrator from the end of the bed and begin to fuck yourself with it, the thrusts of the toy timed with Natasha’s. It’s good – it’s all so good – and your vision begins to cloud around the edges as you and Wanda both come together one, two times.
You’re breathing heavy when Natasha decides Wanda’s had enough, laughing as Wanda’s eyes remain unfocused and her breath comes out in pants.
“Pathetic,” Natasha mumbles just loud enough for you to hear. She lets go of Wanda’s hips, the woman collapsing onto the floor with weak knees. Still, that harsh exterior melts away as Wanda lays there, motionless and covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Natasha crouches down, then sits next to her, face softening. “Aw,” she coos, pulling Wanda into her so that she’s sitting on Natasha’s lap on the floor. “Such a good little girl for me. For us.”
Natasha rocks Wanda back and forth, giving her the occasional kiss to her temple or cheek or wherever else she can reach. You watch them for a minute or two, watch your two favorite people in the whole world mold themselves to each other, oblivious to whatever happened to go on around them. Eventually you go to the bathroom to dampen a cloth with warm water and get a glass of water (or, in this case, a mug you’d been meaning to take back to the kitchen for about a week. It only held water before, anyway, so you don’t feel that bad when you give it to Natasha to hold for your exhausted girlfriend to drink out of).
Wanda whimpers when you wipe down her pussy, flinching away and trapping your hand between her thighs. Before you can comfort her, though, Natasha does.
“Shh libchen,” she coos into her sweaty hairline. “Let Daddy care for you alright?”
Wanda makes a noise high in her throat to signal how much she really doesn’t want the terry cloth against her center, but nonetheless allows Natasha to hold her thighs open as you clean her up. It’s awhile before Wanda full returns to reality – awhile before her breathing goes back to normal, her pupils becoming smaller, her legs not shaking.
“You wanna go to bed or get something to eat?” you ask.
Wanda doesn’t respond, but her droopy eyes and limp body answer the question for you.
“Let’s put her to bed and order food in few hours,” you tell Natasha. “The diner down the street is 24-hour, menu’s on the fridge. One of us can call later.”
Natasha whispers an “okay,” careful not to wake Wanda. She lifts the sleeping woman into the bed you share with her, watching her for a moment before beckoning you over. You oblige, because of course you do. Noiselessly, you and Natasha lay on either side of Wanda, your hands touching ever so lightly as fatigue acts as a fire blanket – putting the previous actions of the night to rest.
You all fall asleep like that, sweaty limbs tangled and chests heaving in sync. In truth, you never could’ve asked for anything better – this, being with the both of them, is bliss. Hopefully, you never have to be without either of them ever again.
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My Reading List (Always Updating)
None of these are mine
These are the stories I love! (There are a lot so I’ll be filling out this list bit by bit!)
Sebastian Stan + Characters
Sebastian Stan
Bucky Barnes
Game Of Survival by @the--sad--hatter​ (18+)
The Executioner - Killer of Killers. Your goals are justified, your methods are not. But when a simple murder turns into a suicide and you are left clutching a flash drive with a terrible secret on it, you find yourself caught up in a mystery that you can’t solve alone. With the lives of everyone in the world suddenly at stake, Earth’s Mightiest Heroes have no choice but accept your help and Bucky Barnes quickly finds himself drawn in by you. 
Heart & Soul by @all1e23
An ABO soulmate series (but that hardly sums up this story)
Impossible by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction
Reader and Bucky are arch nemeses by night, best friends by day, and neither one knows the truth about the other’s double life.
Dormiveglia by @beccaanne814
Out of the seventy years Bucky was held captive by HYDRA, most of them were spent in a cryogenic state.  Considering the horrendous atrocities he suffered during his waking hours, it’s no wonder he created an idyllic world in his dreams—with a woman he can never have in real life.
Under Oath by @ugh-supersoldiers
The trial of State v. Barnes is set to begin and the odds are most certainly not in favor of the infamous ex Winter Soldier. That’s where you come in, the quick, smart, and all too brave lawyer set on defending and saving one Bucky Barnes from legal prosecution. The only problem? He’s not so sure he’s worth saving at all.
A Weapon No More by @empyreanwritings​
You made a promise to retire from the life of being used as a weapon after you escaped the Facility, but what’s one more mission? You wanted revenge on the doctor that created and tortured you for all those years, and S.H.I.E.L.D was giving you the opportunity to do so.
Just One Kiss by @sarahwroteathing
Bucky Barnes has been chasing after you since he was ten years old, but you’re determined not to give in. How long can you hold out when all he’s asking for is just one kiss? (40′s happy ending AU)
Astrophile by @all1e23
Orion Rebecca Barnes favorite thing in the whole world (besides her daddy of course) is spending hours after school in the bookstore by her house. Bucky has spent all of Ori’s eight years of life attempting to teach her about the stars and where her name came from with little interest from his little comet. All of sudden she’s in love and he owes his thanks to the girl who owns the bookshop?
Honeymoon Hijinks by @beccaanne814
After being left at the altar, you literally run into the arms of the first man you stumble upon.  You take a leap and invite him to join you on your honeymoon…but you’re not the only one who didn’t want to give up a week in the Caribbean. Will this be the honeymoon from hell or heaven?
Chambers by @trillian-anders​
Steve Rogers has passed away from old age. After receiving his heart, strange things start happening. (Inspired by the Netflix series of the same name.)
The Terrigenesis Incident by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction (18+)
(With Steve) After accidental terrigen exposure, reader develops inhuman powers. She flees to the Avengers base and seeks help from them but her new powers awaken more base instincts in those she finds attractive.
The Great Avenger Bake Off by @imanuglywombat
Bucky is the reigning champion of the Great Avenger Bake Off. He’s out for blood this coming Bake Off, no one can stop him. Bucky doesn’t play fair. Bucky is in it to win it. But now he’s got some competition.
The Tony Stark Sextervention by @imanuglywombat
Tony Stark is a planner, and this holiday is his best yet: glamping. What Tony did not plan on was the sextervention between two friends.
Chris Evans + Characters
Chris Evans
Steve Rogers
Occupation: brat by @venusbarnes
_____ is the newest – and youngest – addition to the Avengers team. Rich, important parents, incredibly smart. Trained in gymnastics, martial arts, acrobatics and more. She’s a brat – and everyone knows that Steve thinks so because he’s constantly reprimanding her as if she’s the toddler she throws tantrums like.
All Heaven in a Rage by @jtargaryen18​ (18+) (DarkFic)
What starts out as an honest intention to help a girl who has caught Steve’s eye following the Snap becomes a dangerous obsession.
(Has Non-con/Dub-con elements and more) Amazing writing, characterization, and story! I actually got emotional at times.
It’s the great pumpkin pie, Steve Rogers by @all1e23
A little fluffy, Halloween, neighbor oneshot!
The Terrigenesis Incident by @green-eyeddragonfanfiction​ (18+)
(With Bucky) After accidental terrigen exposure, reader develops inhuman powers. She flees to the Avengers base and seeks help from them but her new powers awaken more base instincts in those she finds attractive.
How to Dismantle Steve Rogers by @jtargaryen18​ (18+)
The First Avenger is frustrated and Tony really didn’t want to intervene but Steve Rogers needs to get laid.
Horngryick by @imanuglywombat (18+)
Sam Wilson has diagnosed Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, with a heavy case of ‘Horngy’ and you’re just over there teasing him with an icy pop.
Ransom Drysdale
The Assistant by @trillian-anders​ (18+)
i.the assistant   ii.four christmases   iii.first blood   iv.therapy   v.baby blues
I cannot express how much I am in love with this story. I’m a sucker for this relationship. I think my favorite part is Therapy from Ransom’s POV!
Curtis Everett
Out of Darkness by @jtargaryen18​ (18+) (SemiDarkFic)
Curtis kept his arm and survived the crash as did other passengers from the front and tail. The reader’s luck goes from bad to worse when she tries to help others, only to be captured by tail section men. When they take her to the man they consider their leader, did her situation get better - or much worse?
(Has Non-con/Dub-con elements and more) While it has DarkFic elements, it’s not as dark as AHiaR. And I love it when the reader isn’t some helpless girl.
Ain’t No Sunshine by @imanuglywombat​ (18+)
You call the beautiful, lush green gardens of Snowpiercer your home. And yet your heart belongs in the abyss with a man hellbent on surviving this terrible new ice age.
Tom Hiddleston + Characters
Tom Hiddleston
Loki Odinson
Mischief, Meet Your Match by @the--sad--hatter​
Being caught in the cross hairs of The God of Mischief would scare a saner person but not you, you enjoy it. There’s just something about Loki that draws you to him, and you couldn’t help it even if you wanted to. While The Avengers race to get you out of Loki’s clutches, you find yourself teaming up with him to try and defeat an enemy who threatens everything you hold dear.
Scarlett Johannson + Characters
Natasha Romanoff
Mob!Nat x Brat!Reader by @empyreanwritings​
Drabble series about Mob!Nat and Brat!Reader
Elizabeth Olsen + Characters
Wanda Maximoff
Mob!Wanda x Model!Reader by @empyreanwritings​
Drabble series about Mob!Wanda x Model!Reader
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empyreanwritings · 2 years
I crave natbrat omg. Please more
how about a moodboard?
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