#mod kaede actually posting?
danggirlronpa · 4 months
After several months of forgetting, and then finally starting to get stuff together only to forget what day of the week it was: Merch Monday has officially become Merch Whatever-Day-I-Remember (Ideally Monday When Possible). But I AM finally back on it!
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And of the things that are overdue, the Chiaki Zine is having their leftovers sale, so it seems like about time for me to do a write up on it!
Firstly, the zine itself!
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I love this zine. I don't consider myself a Chiaki stan, but this is one of my favorite zines I own. And while of course part of that is from a fantastic set of art and writing, a LOT of it is because of the theming. I had expected the video games to be a loose theme, but it was very tight - every single piece prominently featured a game, and the only repeats were in easter eggs like the Pokemon plushies in this Sims piece.
As someone who makes and loves video games, it was so cool paging through this and seeing all the references. They're all done with exceptional care. It takes a moment to figure out some of them just because of adjustments to match Chiaki's visuals (it took me a long time to figure out this was Sims because of the UI not being blue!) but most clock on sight.
There's a list of all the games referenced in the back so that you can check against yourself. The only thing I wished for was some sort of reference for which games were on which page, so that you could get the general sense of the ones you didn't recognize to investigate further. The theme makes this zine feel incredibly tight and well-crafted, in addition to the zine itself being high quality without any immediately noticeable defects.
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This print is one of the things I was most excited for with merch! It has started to bend a bit now that it's been a few months, but not more than any other print I own. It's nice and smooth, texture-wise. And really cute!!
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These stickers are very cute (for some reason I forget to get a picture of the larger Pokemon sticker sheet? Hopefully I'll remember to grab another one before this post is scheduled). The Smash Brothers are SO tiny!! That's not a bad thing, I just hadn't expected it. I picked up Sakura's Peach since she's my own Smash main (and namesake!) and Aoi's Daisy, and then my favorite fight girls. Part of me does want to order a couple more so I can get the super interesting concept of Mario Chiaki/Peach Sakura and my other main Isabel/Kaede. The stickers themselves are only 50 cents each, not counting whatever shipping!
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And here is the keychain! (With Mario Chiaki and Peach Sonia this time! The tangled webs our Mario AUs weave.) This is actually one of the reasons it took so long to review the zine, as when I finally opened it up, it had a big crack across it. They got me a replacement more or less as soon as they switched shipping mods, and I had no trouble with the new one! I wasn't actually that excited about this keychain, but it's really growing on me.
I honestly didn't expect to love this zine as much as I do. It's so cute, and lots of love and care was obviously put into it. I have no significant complaints about it or its quality. I would definitely recommend grabbing it while you can!
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chaoticpanenergy · 2 years
god. god. okay. so. im in a dnd campaign. yes? yes. im going to rant about my character's plotline. the campaign's theme (vaguely) is political intrigue. also fair warning there are going to be a number of sex mentions because the players are all horny college students (except technically i just graduated). also lots of morally questionable and straight up morally bad choices from various characters, all done in the name of entertainment.
relevant characters to what im abt to talk about:
kaede kipling (pc) (ze/hir, fae/they/she): my character, heir apparent (second heir in line) to House Kipling, an extremely rich and powerful family of professional assassins.
min (pc) (she/they/fae): played by one of the humans who i make out with (M, any pronouns); is a changeling (shapeshifter) noble seeking to form political alliances to benefit her family.
kenneth kipling (npc) (he/him): kaede’s uncle, heir to House Kipling (first in line), extremely cruel and also extremely hot and flamboyant; is. like. a vampire weeb (veeb) and has body modded fangs (is actually a half elf); seduces all his victims before killing them; decided kaede was his arch nemesis when kaede was about six (and he was like 22) and has personally made faer life a living hell since then.
santino (npc) (he/him i think? or he/any, most npcs use a variety): an aasimar (angel) healer who has a preexisting political alliance and close personal friendship with min
yersis (npc) (she/her or she/they i think): a powerful political leader in the country we live in (although not at the top of the government hierarchy). very hot. a lot of "yes mommy" jokes get made ooc anytime she does anything. vaguely allied with min, mostly because min wants to ally faerself with her and yersis doesn't object to this. tolerates but dislikes kenneth.
also!! the dm (R, they/them) is the other human i make out with, and is dating min’s player. they are both so cool :)
okay okay okay SO. M and i are the two players who are the most deeply invested in the Complicated Plot part of the campaign (the whole campaign was actually a birthday present for M from R, it was rlly cute). so M and i have a ton of lore that we've created together. and a ton of plot. in this post i am mostly talking about just the plot that directly impacts my character. there is a ton more i am not touching on in this post. here we go, buckle up:
so! the whole party met each other upon being summoned by a deity of chaos and anarchy to do some quest that he won't actually tell us the details of. we were sent to a party, which we are given to understand various important political things are happening at, and we each have different goals in attending. however, before gaining entrance to said party, we had to pass a series of tests. while working on these tests, min came up with the bright idea of barganing with the deity who summoned us all (we refer to him as Sexy Deity, since we do not yet know his name and R makes all the npcs so hot. it's amazing. we're all super gay.)
so min bargained with the deity. she came up with a proposal to sell him the souls of the rest of our party in exchange for herself becoming a warlock (and the more souls from the party she gets for him, the more additional perks she gets). she can keep her soul under this bargain also. it's very much a ton of perks for faer at the expense of the rest of the party. we refer to this bargain, and her attempts to deliver on it, as Min's Villain Arc. the party is not thrilled when she suggests we should all sell our souls, so she drops it for a while and we keep doing our fancy magical tests.
now. kaede's backstory is that they went to assassin school in their late teens, and had an extremely codependent relationship with their roommate, sorra, a changeling who used he/she/they pronouns. they had 0 boundaries with each other, never defined what their relationship was, and also had a lot of sex. it was very unhealthy. neither of them was aware of any of these many issues. after graduating, kaede panicked over the fact that she missed sorra (not being used to caring about other people this much), had an identity crisis, and ran away from home. kaede's parents hired sorra to go after kaede and bring them back, and kaede panicked again and killed sorra. this was about 2 weeks before the campaign started, and kaede has been dealing with significant amounts of trauma, grief, and guilt since then.
that context established, skipping back to the plot of the campaign! min goes through kaede's belongings (for reasons that actually were not super nefarious and did make sense at the time) and finds a locket with a portrait of sorra. curious about this, she shapeshifts into sorra and lures kaede off to a separate room. they proceed to sleep together, even though kaede knows this is some kind of ruse and not the real sorra. afterwards, kaede starts crying and traumadumps to min about having killed sorra and regretting it.
min has a bright idea. fae suggests to kaede that fae have the ability to take kaede's grief and pain away. kaede, who is not fully out of subspace at this point, and who has just experienced Having Some Serotonin And Endorphins for the first time in several months and associates min as being the cause of this, is distinctly more suggestible and open to this than ze would normally be. ze probably is not in a state where ze can truly consent to things. min is not fully aware of this fact, and also is on her villain arc, so continues with her proposal. (all of the really horrifying aspects of this situation were my idea btw, i enjoy traumatizing kaede. M helped me make it worse and more fun, but it was not her idea to do all the really horrible questionable parts of this lol.)
min explains that if kaede agrees to sell min their soul, for min to then immediately transfer to Sexy Deity, min would be willing to temporarily erase all of kaede's traumatic memories about killing sorra, with the goal of getting kaede into therapy and then slowly giving the memories back as kaede becomes better able to process and healthily deal with them. kaede, due to their extremely suggestible state and the fact that they are so tired of hurting so much all the time, agrees to this, and promptly signs away faer soul to min. min passes the soul on to Sexy Deity and gains her first level in warlock. kaede forgets all about killing sorra, for the time being, and switches their alignment from chaotic evil to neutral evil.
the problem with this bargain, that neither kaede nor min anticipated, is that kaede traumadumping about killing sorra to min directly before the "selling their soul" conversation made their memory of selling min their soul one of the memories that gets temporarily erased as part of this deal. due to this, kaede now 1) doesn't know they don't have a soul anymore 2) falsely believes that sorra is alive, and most importantly 3) believes that min is sorra in disguise.
min does not know this miscommunication has taken place. we continue on with our magical tests, pass them all, and gain entrance to the political event; it's a masquerade ball.
now!! we need the info about the npcs that i mentioned up at the top of this post. remember them? they're important now. they're all attending the ball.
midway through the ball, kenneth attempts to assassinate yersis (although he does not do this personally, instead sending some goons to do it for him, and is likely using the assassination attempt as cover to perform other nefarious deeds while everyone is distracted with yersis almost dying). yersis survives, thanks to magical healing from various sources (remember santino? he is here; he can restore anyone to full health regardless of injury level), but it does appear that people with various political agendas are attempting to do different things under the cover of the chaos.
because of the assassination attempt, the palace that we are all in is put on magical lockdown, with a magical barrier surrounding it to prevent any of us from leaving until Things Have Been Gotten To The Bottom Of. around this point, due to a conversation with yersis, min officially ends her Villain Arc, because yersis reveals that she does not trust Sexy Deity and does not believe he should be allowed to own more souls. and again, yersis is hot, so most of the pcs want to do what she says, including min.
kaede and kenneth run into each other. kenneth insults kaede and then orders them to do another assassination for him. kaede tries to blackmail their way out of this, threatening to tell their grandmother (his mother and the head of the family) about a time he killed someone off the family's Do Not Kill list. he counter-blackmails kaede with a piece of information kaede didn't know he knew about them. kaede grumblingly agrees to do the job for him. he gives them some poison to coat their knives in and tells them to kill santino; he then goes off to distract min (the only party member both powerful enough to stop kaede and politically savvy enough to notice what kaede is doing in time to stop it) by having an orgy with min and several other party members (kenneth is aware kaede believes min is sorra, although he is also aware that min is not actually sorra, so he makes sure kaede knows about the orgy, because of the thing where he enjoys viciously tormenting kaede). (side note: earlier during the masquerade ball, min figured out that kaede thinks fae is sorra, and has been silently panicking over what to do about that since then.)
kaede, fuming and devastated, goes off to kill santino. NOW. a relevant piece of information here is that kaede is kalashtar; ze has a little bit of essentially angel ancestry, and this ancestor has a spiritual connection to them (which kaede mostly attempts to ignore) and is supposed to guide them in the pursuit of good deeds. (kaede was adopted on purpose because of this, to give faer parents a power trip about overcoming the influence of this celestial being by raising kaede to very much Not Pursue Good Deeds.) (none of kaede's family are good people lol.)
so!! kaede gets santino (the angel) alone by claiming to have been stabbed and need to be healed, and implying that it was kenneth and that ze is very scared and innocent and needs help escaping from him. (all of which is a ruse.) kaede then proceeds to stab santino several times with the poisoned knives, saying "it's not personal" (which kaede believes is the "no homo" of killing people ajksdhksfh). in between getting stabbed, santino starts crying and apologizes for "not being able to save kaede," presumably meaning save kaede from kaede's own family, presumably relating to him being an aasimar and kaede being kalashtar. he also hints at kaede not having their soul (although not outright saying so) and says he hopes they get it back someday. he then sends a magical cry for help to some of the other pcs, but he also tells them "it's not kaede's fault" (which. lmao yes it is my guy, you are actively being murdered on purpose by kaede at this exact second). (he had a lot of hp, it took several stabs to kill him, so he had time to say/do all this lol.) then he dies and i steal his cool magic angel sword to keep. >:)
however! some of the other pcs show up, because of santino's call for help, in time to cast Revivify on him and bring him back to life. this is Not Good News for kaede, since she wasn't killing him for her own goals, but rather for kenneth, and so now ze is in trouble with kenneth. especially because the newly-alive santino got immediately rushed to a safe house to hide so that he will be safe from future assassination attempts, so now kenneth cannot just go kill him himself.
kenneth immediately denies all involvement in any of this, but, to protect the family reputation, begins negotiating with yersis on kaede's behalf. he manages to finagle out an agreement that kaede will be tried for murder under the laws of House Kipling, who are powerful enough to count as a city-state, and not under the laws of the city-state we are currently physically in. this is good news for me since yknow i have the funniest feeling the laws of House Kipling, The Famous Assassins, will not be particularly unfriendly to me doing murder, and will be deeply in my favor since i am a prized member of the family and my grandmother's favorite. in the meantime, though, yersis does arrest me. (which i am deeply offended by; how dare she act like she has any authority over me just because she is a government authority of the country i live in?? how dare she try and impose consequences on me for my actions????? this is just insulting.)
also! kenneth tells kaede that min is not sorra, and helps them realize that some of hir memories are missing. he does not tell them that sorra is dead, or that they killed sorra, or that they sold their soul to min, even though all of this is information he has. meanwhile, min confesses everything about the "kaede's soul" debacle to yersis, who is horrified for many reasons.
min is also now giving kaede a cold shoulder, because of the thing where she has a preexisting close friendship with santino, and is therefore very angry that kaede would try to kill him (even though kaede has disavowed all personal responsibility in this many times by saying that 1) it wasn't personal and 2) kenneth made them. so kaede is very annoyed that everyone is still for some reason blaming them for being a grown adult who attempted murder).
this is approximately where we are currently in the campaign. kaede has been observing min's behavior, and has satisfied themself that kenneth was telling the truth when he said min wasn't sorra, but kaede hasn't realized how significant what's going on actually is; kaede's current theory is that min somehow found out about kaede's relationship with sorra, and intentionally tricked kaede into thinking she is sorra in order to be able to utilize kaede's assassin services without paying them. kaede has no idea how many of their memories are missing, or that sorra is dead, or that their soul is gone.
now. the thing is. next session. i want to confront min over this. and confuse her very much because she will have no idea what i'm talking about when i'm all "why are you so mad over me killing someone for kenneth when you literally were going to do the exact same thing as he did" because yknow. she had no intention of doing the same thing. because i am Incorrect about what is happening. all of which will be very fun. HOWEVER. it would be super in character for kaede to bluff and say "kenneth told me Everything" while saying all this. BUT if i do that i am Almost Certain that min would take it at face value, go "oh cool, so i don't need to figure out how to break it to you that i took your soul and memories" and proceed to immediately give back all my memories of killing sorra. which would be Very Bad because kaede would 1) have a huge breakdown and 2) want min dead, and both try to kill her themself and also sic kenneth on them (which would be Very Very Very Bad because kenneth is 6 levels above us, and has a blackrazor sword, which kills you dead and eats your soul when he stabs you with it). so probably i should not say that even though it would be super in character.
so the goal rn for me personally is for kaede to Not Yet figure out that ze sold hir soul to min, or that sorra is dead, for at least another few sessions. ideally not finding any of it out before kaede's Going On Trial For Murder arc concludes. which will be Difficult because min has already almost given back all my memories Twice and will definitely do so if given the Slightest actual reason to. but as soon as she does, kaede will try and kill her, which is. not ideal since we are both player characters and need to remain on non-murdery terms in the long term lol. so. all of this is going to be So entertaining but also will take a lot of figuring out as we get closer and closer to everything about kaede and min's soul deal exploding in our faces (which we have known was coming for a long time and have been looking forward to, lol). i don't yet know how all of this is going to resolve but i do know i am going to have a Great time.
okay. rant concluded for the time being. i love this campaign so much. it's incredibly chaotic and every single time i have a bad (read: extremely entertaining) idea, R lets me add it in, and it's the best thing ever.
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shsl-idol-imagines · 4 years
how about prompt 2. ("are you afraid to die?") with nagito please? thank u sm!! i love your writing <3
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Of course dear! Thanks for the request ^^
-Mod Kaede
You entered the infirmary nervously, looking around at the sleeping patients.. It had been a week since some of the island's residents had caught the despair disease, including your boyfriend Nagito Komaeda.
Mikan and Hajime had both warned you against going in the infirmary, just in case the disease was contagious, but you had decided you wanted to check on him anyway.
You pushed open the door, being greeted with the sleeping bodies of Akane and Ibuki. You quietly walked past them, looking to see if Nagito was awake.
You found him awake, sitting up in bed. He raised an eyebrow when he saw you, smiling slightly. "Go away." He said calmly.
You took a deep breath, groaning internally. You just had to remember that this was his disease, that he said whatever the opposite of what he really thought.
You just had to remember that. Remember that if he wanted you to go, it met that he wanted you to stay. "Hey babe, how are you feeling?" You asked softly, gently leaning against the bed.
He shrugged nonchalantly. "I feel great, can't you tell? Are we still in a killing game? I don't remember."
You sighed. ".....Yes, we are, I'm sorry."
He snorted. "Like I care what happens to either of us. How about you? Are you afraid to die?"
You paused. Are you afraid to die? You....weren't sure. Before you two had got together, you had been willing to give yourself up as a sacrifice if it met it could help the others.
But now? you didn't wanna die. You couldn't die if you were leaving him alone.
You sighed, gently brushing a strand of hair away from his forehead. "I don't wanna die, because I don't wanna leave you."
he stared at you for a moment, then sighed. "I hate you."
You smiled slightly, leaning forward to kiss his forehead. You'd just have to take that for now.
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ibukis-songbook · 2 years
You said you wanted some smut, so imma try and deliver, admittedly this is more vanilla and more body decriptive like those nudity hc’s, but I myself am disappointingly vanilla so I hope this is ok.
Let’s get Sakura, Akane, Chiaki, Angie, Miu, and Kaede volunteering as models for their artist s/o (fem preferably) who makes portrait-like drawings of female genitalia and posts them to her own site (primarily for the sake of promoting body positivity, and if you want to get an idea of what this is like, check out “The Vulva Gallery” website :)
Sakura, Akane, Angie, Kaede, Miu, and Chiaki with an f+afab s/o who runs a blog like The Vulva Gallery
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This is such an interesting concept! I looked at their website and it’s super cool, I highly recommend checking this out to anyone that hasn’t. A bit personal, but after looking at the site I felt more confident in my own *ahem* shape. After seeing so many different shapes and sizes, I feel a lot better when I look at myself now and not like I’m an “odd one out”. Pussies be cute. Period. I fucking love this request. Btw, I’m sorry for the lack of dividers. I’m currently in the process of making new ones so the next requests will hopefully have ones!
CW: afab+fem s/o, we talking about pussies though, nude modeling, slightly suggestive?, I’m counting this as nsfw.
.。.:*☆♥︎♫♪—————— ↫ l l ↬ ——————♪♫♥︎☆*:.。..
Melanie Martinez - Play Date
When you first showed her, she thought that you did it for pornographic purposes
(Not that there’s anything wrong with that, I literally write smut on tumblr dot com. Go off nsfw content creators, as long as you’re making things safely and with the consent of all of-age parties involved.)
When you explained it was an expression of body positivity, she got really interested!
Akane gets told that she can’t be a good athlete with her body type (she probably gets bullied and told she’s too top heavy :/) so she holds body positive movements very close to her heart.
She really likes that promoting self love really goes all the way to genitalia too.
If you asked her to model she’d be so down
So flustered at first
But also very interested!!
I also see Sakura as getting a lot of shit for not being “ladylike” or “looking too much like a man”
She’d probably need a lot of encouragement to feel confident enough to model for you
But once she does she feels great!
She feels a lot closer with herself and you, and she loves that <3
Also thought it was porn at first
“Wait, you mean to tell me it’s not porn?”
Miu is an inventor, and does not consider herself an artist, so she never really thought of the human body as art before
But it makes sense!
She likes that you see it in a more artistic way than just carnal
Will model, no hesitation.
Sweet girl Chiaki is like
Totally unphased lol
I see Chiaki as actually being pretty confident in her body. She doesn’t have anything she feels she needs to hide, and wants other people to feel the same way!
She agrees wholeheartedly with your mission and will absolutely model if you ask
She’ll buy your art with that twitch gamer girl money too >;3
As the ultimate artist, she can see art in anything and everything, including human anatomy!
And that goes for all humans, so body positivity is definitely something she works into her day-to-day.
She’d love to model for you, her wonderful s/o and a fellow artist
Hell, she might even ask to draw yours.
Scratch that, she will.
Kaede is veeeery blushy and flustered about the whole thing
She gets it, she does, and she likes it!
But so many lady parts ^///^
She loves the body positive message though, and your art of course!
If you ask her to model she’ll say yes, but she’ll be so so shy about it.
Once she sees the final piece she feels really good about herself!~
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could you possibly do some healing headcannons for Korekiyo post-v3? i love that guy so much and i want him to be happy
Yeah the things that happened to him were so fucked up... Sorry the beginning is still kinda sad!
[post v3 simulation AU] Korekiyo healing
Cw: I have no idea how to tag it but this does handle some amount of sensitive content around mental health.
Note: I wrote it as "the v3 backstories were fabricated but his v3 personality and memories merged with his former self"
When everything turned out to be a lie, it didn't take out his fake memories and trauma.
Actually knowing none of what he went through was real even further destroyed his mind.
He didn't know what to believe, even though he knew what was made up and what wasn't... The actual memories mixed with fake ones that felt just as real felt horrible.
And of course after what had happened he was all alone. People avoided him like the plague.
Those who didn't- didn't let him forget what he had done. And for once he found himself not knowing what to say.
He only ever talked to "his sister" whenever he felt bad. Which was only making things worse.
The only killer that put on a show like him was Kirumi and even she wasn't treated like he was.
But, she was the first one to talk to him. She was filled in on what he had done and since v3 was recorded she actually got to see that, to put it simply she felt both pity and related to him.
She was by no means a therapist, but she was helping him feel much less alone.
She didn't know everything about his trauma, and even if it didn't really happen- the memories and feeling of it happening was just as damaging.
So together they helped each other acknowledge that what had happened wasn't real.
They weren't monsters. They were manipulated. Their victims weren't the only victims.
Seeing Kirumi's efforts, some of the killing game participants decided to give Korekiyo another shot. To name them they were: Rantaro, Kaede, Angie and Gonta.
The others needed much more time, but the 4 I mentioned (+Kirumi) ended up providing him with a support system.
His anxiety wasn't as strong and slowly he didn't depend on "his sister" to calm himself.
He finally could reflect, still with guilt but also with reason. It helped him feel better.
Finally, he could see himself being actually happy. He recognized that although he still needed to work on himself- it didn't mean that he deserved only the worst.
Everything takes time. And Korekiyo isn't the most patient type, but his will only strengthened as he moved forward with others that helped him.
~Mod Angie
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rivetwrites · 4 years
DRV3 Cuddling HC
//this was mostly for me, i really need a comfort, so im gonna do all of the characters. very long post BHABHA
i might do the other games as well (even characters ive done before since i wanna rewrite them) 
- mod oma
Shuichi Saihara
Very shy about cuddling, but he absolutely loves it
The feeling of your body pressed up against his, your breath on his neck just makes him melt inside
He adores spooning you, though he gets a bit shy when he’s the little spoon
He loves being held by you, sometimes resting his head on your chest as you pet his hair
It relieves so much stress for him, and he’s a pretty stressed out guy
He doesn’t have a favourite position, as long as he close to you
But if he had to choose, he loves spooning
Either way, he loves feeling protected and protecting you
Kaede Akamatsu
She loves cuddles!
She’s not shy about it at all, pulling you close to her when you two are sitting together
She lets you rest your head on her thighs as she runs her fingers through your hair
Though if you want to bring her to your chest, she wouldn’t complain
She’ll always have a big smile on her face as she nuzzles your skin
Her favourite position is having you rest your head on her chest
She loves playing with your hair and comforting you, so that’s the best position to do so!
Kaito Momota
He loves the feeling of protecting you, so he’ll curl around you, regardless on how tall you are
Though don’t expect to sleep if it’s not bedtime, he can talk for hours
Though, he would love to have your head on his chest as well while he rubs your back
Even if you fall asleep on him, he wouldn’t even notice and continue talking
But when he does, he makes sure you’re extra comfortable as he presses a kiss to your forehead
Maki Harukawa
Almost never cuddles you, but will when you ask
She prefers to be the big spoon, or having you in her arms, but won’t object if you want to hold her
Kind of stiff and awkward, not really knowing where to put her hands
The more time that goes on, she relaxes a bit more, even starting to get a bit sleepy
She doesn’t have a favourite position, as she’s neutral for all of them
But spooning does get her fairly sleepy and snuggly
Kokichi Oma
Little shit can never sit still enough to actually cuddle
He’s always on the move, so you’d either have to wait until its bedtime, or catch him
Once you do, he’s very squirmy and he loves to nuzzle into your chest
He hates to admit it, but he loves being the little spoon. He feels so small and protected and he adores it
If you have boobs, beware, he’ll be nuzzling them the entire time
But if not, he’ll still be nuzzling them, but not suffocating as much
He falls asleep pretty easily if it’s quiet (he’s never quiet) and actually calms down
Before he’s up again and playfully wrestling you
Himiko Yumeno
As soon as you wrap your arms around her, she’s out like a light
She can never stay awake long enough to actually cuddle you, so you’d probably have to snuggle her
But the rare moments she is, she loves laying on top of you, using your chest as her pillow
Says something about recharging her mana, but she’s just sleepy and she loves you
You wouldn’t have to worry about waking her up if you move, she’s a heavy sleeper
Tenko Chabashira
She will absolutely be your big spoon, or having you rest on her chest
She would be kind of stiff, but she’s mostly on alert in case someone decided to jump the both of you
You’d have to reassure her that you’ll both be fine and to relax
She’s still on alert, but she would relax against you as she compliments you
She loves running her hands on your back, almost like a massage
If someone even decided to sneak up on the both of you, she’ll kick their ass
Rantaro Amami
He adores cuddles
His love language is touch, so cuddles are pretty often with you
He prefers being the big spoon, or having his arm wrapped around you, but won’t protest if you want to change it up a bit
He loves running his hands up and down your sides, his mind taking note on all of your soft curves
He gets pretty sleepy, so you’d probably be trapped while he naps
But never fear! He’ll stay up to talk about your day, or his adventures!
Cuddle time is his absolute favourite time
Korekiyo Shinguji
He takes cuddle time pretty seriously
It’s the one time of day when he’s able to look over at how beautiful your body is
Nothing sexual, just to see how gorgeous you actually are
He prefers to have his arm wrapped around you, but he also likes to have you rest on his chest as well
He’s a pretty tall guy, so his long limbs will tangle with yours throughout the night
He doesn’t fall asleep easily, so he would talk about history, or about traditions he learned more about that day
Angie Yonaga
Very snuggly! Though its hard to get her away from her worship to cuddle
But once she’s in bed with you, her face will be snuggled into your chest with her arms around your waist
She doesn’t get sleepy easily, so she would have a nice chat, even dropping the conversation on Atua and just asking how your day was
She gets pretty calm and cuddling allows her to empty her head
Sometimes she’ll even meditate while snuggling, which she’s pretty good at
But after awhile, she’ll get pretty antsy and will leave to do something else (with you in her hand of course!)
Not very comfortable, but he tries!
The best would probably be cuddling on the couch with his head in your lap
Though, all that metal is sort of heavy
He feels sort of sad since he can’t cuddle your properly
But never fear!! You two can hold hands!
It makes him feel a lot better, especially when you’re laying together and your fingers are laced with his
Sometimes the two of you can get in a comfortable enough position to actually cuddle, which would be your head on his arm
Kirumi Tojo
Sort of dislikes cuddling, but not because she hates touching, she just hates the feeling of not being productive
So the best time to cuddle would be when she’s ready for bed!
She would love any position, so she had no preferences
If you want her to lay on your chest, she will
If you want to lay on hers, got it! She’ll be running her fingers through your hair
You’d have to stop her from giving you a proper massage though, in which she’ll actually have to relax
She definitely deserves a break
Gonta Gokuhara
Absolute SOFTIE
He’s so gentle and caring with you, making sure you’re absolutely comfortable
Big spoon all the way, but wouldn’t mind being the little spoon (big little spoon?)
He would love to have you lay on top of him, in which he’ll wrap his arms around your waist and press small kisses to your cheeks
Kind of afraid that he might hurt you (he never ever does) so he’ll be sort of hesitant
But when you reassure him that you’ll be okay, he’ll have that big cute smile on his face as he peppers your face in smooches
Ryoma Hoshi
He never complains if you want to cuddle
Sort of embarrassed that he’s the little spoon
But he loves it a bunch
He adores feeling your body pressed up against his as your arms wrap around his waist
Sometimes he’ll rest his head on your chest, nuzzling slightly as he slowly falls asleep
Comfort this boy, he’s so tired
Tsumugi Shirogane
This tall woman can CUDDLE
She loves cuddling! Sometimes she’ll pull you into her lap and wrap her arms around you to snuggle
She’s so soft and gentle with you, almost like you’re made of glass
She prefers big spoon, but would love if she was little spoon as well!
Loves to talk about anime and manga, even if you’re about to sleep
Sometimes she won’t talk for awhile, but she’s just off in her own head
Miu Iruma
Pray she doesn’t suffocate you in her titties
A little awkward to cuddle, as it’s usually a sign of...more
But when you just want to cuddle, she won’t complain
She’ll go on about her inventions, what she wants to do, what happened that day, who pissed her off, etc
She loves being little spoon, on hand on her waist and another one on her boob
She falls asleep pretty fast, and she moves around a lot.
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towerofsweetedits · 3 years
❝ 𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺𝘰𝘯𝘦! ❞
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HEY HEY EVERYONE!! I'm Mod Red Velvet (Cookie), but you can just call me Red!!
My pronouns are she/him (mostly he/him) + a shitton of neos, which can be found here
I'm genderfluid, abroromantic, aegosexual, and a questioning transmasc!!
Ya so the rest will be under the cut Ig,, Idk what to put here jsjfjdks
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About Me
like I said- I'm Mod Red Velvet (Cookie)
My pronouns are she/him, mostly he/him, + neopronouns
I'm a minor, and I have undiagnosed adhd, ocd (like. actual ocd.), autism, depression, and anxiety
Ya so that's enough about me so here's my request info
Main sources bolded
Cookie Run
Doki Doki Literature Club
All Danganronpa Games
The Henry Stickmin Collection
Non-Fandom Things (Ex. Queer Identities, Animals, etc.)
What I Can Do
Aesthetic Boards
Sprite Edits
Flags picked from Characters
Kin Assignments
Twitter Layouts
Tumblr Layouts
Reaction Icons
Emoji Pronouns
Espresso Cookie
Madeleine Cookie
Latte Cookie
Chili Pepper Cookie
Black Raisin Cookie
Mint Choco Cookie
Avocado Cookie
Pistachio Cookie
Blackberry Cookie
Raspberry Cookie
Sea Fairy Cookie
Hollyberry Cookie
Pure Vanilla Cookie
Sayaka Maizono
Chihiro Fujisaki
Mikan Tsumiki
Chiaki Nanami
Kaede Akamatsu
Miu Iruma
Maki Harukawa
Korekiyo Shinguji
Hatsune Miku
Snow Miku
Haruno Sora
Sanitized Octolings
Coffee Stims
Cake Stims
Marshmallow Stims
Matcha Stims
Ice Cream Stims
Clay Cracking
Twitter Layouts
Devil Cookie
Strawberry Crepe Cookie
Cocoa Cookie
Beet Cookie
Nekomaru Nidai
Haiji Towa
Any form of TogaFuka
Any form of SaiOuma
Any form of KiibOuma
Any form of OuMota
Kyoko Kirigiri × Shuichi Saihara
Tenko Chabashira × Kaito Momota
Kazuichi Souda × Miu Iruma
Kaede Akamatsu × Men
Angie Yonaga × Anyone
Overly Complicated Moodboards/Stimboards
Complicated Sprite Edits
♥️🍰;; red velvet
♥️🍰;; chatting
♥️🍰;; not an edit
♥️🍰;; accepted
♥️🍰;; pending
♥️🍰;; denied
♥️🍰;; for me
♥️🍰;; important
♥️🍰;; promo
♥️🍰;; reblog
♥️🍰;; misc
Being talked over
Romantic SaiiBo
Romantic MintCocoa
OCD Triggering things
The Topic of Pr//gnancy
The Song "Sayo-nara"
Prolonged Talk about Sexual Abuse
Any Mentions of Climate Change
Realistic Yellow Jackets, Wasps, and/or Hornets (Bees are fine)
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Ya that's about it,, go read the rest of the pinned post if you haven't already!!
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kokichi, rantaro and nagito with a chubby s/o? if you only do one character at a time, choose one please :>
Sure sure! I’ve actually done Kokichi already here, but the others I can do on this post!
- Mod Kaede
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Nagito Komaeda and Rantaro Amami With A Chubby S/O
Nagito Komaeda
- Listen, Nagito is skin and bones so a chubby s/o is wonderful 
- Nagito is the type to not care what you look like, skinny, fat, tall, short, whatever, he’s gonna love you no matter what
- There is nothing more that he wants than to hold you, but he often holds himself back because he feels he doesn’t deserve to touch you
- He loves to put his hands on your hips when you are kissing or just really whenever, he likes to squeeze your love handles because he thinks they're super soft and cute
- You can’t change my mind, but I think Nagito is an Insomniac, so when he’s got your plush body to rest  his head on? He just dozes off super fast. 
- Loves to compare hands, I mean, your cute small chubby fingers and his long thin ones just marvel him
Rantaro Amami
- Rantaro isn’t a playboy despite his persona he gives off, but he does have an exception
- He’s not super focused on relationships but my mans got a thing for them thick thighs. So when he has a chubby/curvy s/o? He’s a little bit of a dirty boy huehuehue
- Can’t keep his hands off of you, you just feel so good!
- You can’t deny he’s got a pretty good sense of fashion so you have a hard time saying “no” when he picks something out that he says would look good on you
- However there is a 50/50 chance he just wanted to see you in some tight fitting clothes
- Insists that you sit on his lap whenever possible, its ride or die baby
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ndrv3-hyperfixated · 2 years
mod shuichi says hello! i was thinking of posting shuichi's rewritten story, now that the blog is slowly getting a little bit of recognization
please pe patient with mod kaede, im sure she is working smth amazing!
trigger warnings are listed below:
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TW: violence/blood mention, slight abduction mention (that's all i can think of! for now i guess)
- so shuichi's parents we're in the picture, to beging with.
- just that he spend more time with his uncle rather than them.
- and as i think was mentioned in the games, his uncle was a detective (or was it that one fanfic that reminds me of this?)
- until one day when he came over at his uncle's
- that he found him leaping, all bloddied up, around the house.
to the stairs, over at his room
- of course he called an ambulance, and the doctor told him that his uncle's legs aren't functioning like before, due to the fact he got into a fight
- shuichi asked him what happened, and his uncle told him about the most important case he was working on at that moment, and how the suspects cornered him in a alleyway
and beat him up to a pulp, but he luckily escaped before it escaladed into death.
and got home
- shuichi took matters in his own hands, trying to solve the case
- it was hard, he did try that before, but he was a little lad back then, of course he wouldn't know what actual detective skills must be like
- everyone's lives depended on saihara, his own life, his uncle's life, the kidnapped victim's life.
- the case left him with ctsd (complex ptsd) and night terrors
but it was successful
- the case was about the president's daughter (NOT kirumi, even if she isn't the president's daughter) going missing all of the sudden, and the kidnappers demanded a high role and control over japan in exchange for her
- but after he closed the case, shook hands with the president, then he got handed a letter by him
saying he was accepted by hope's peak.
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Kaede Akamatsu!
Why I like them
She is an atypical autistic icon, especially post first flashback light, so as someone who relates to that experience and see similar flaws and strengths in her as the ones I have, I really do have a soft spot for her. Also, her frankness is often hilarious, I love it.
Why I don’t
Honestly, there isn’t much I don’t like about her character? I have some things on the fandom side that bugs me with her, but as far as her own character goes, there isn’t really much. I actually do like her flaws (impulsiveness, quick to switch to an all or nothing/black or white thinking, tends to miss what’s in front of her in a lot of ways, has a certain self centered understanding of people that she can only achieve by comparing the way other people feel about other things by how she feels about piano/music especially with other ultimates etc) so I can’t even say I don’t like those flaws, really.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
I do like the elevator talk with the context of her thinking she is going down there either to her death and/or to catch the Mastermind, and how it is both a double talk about her own fears while also coming off as encouragement to Shuichi. It’s the sort of thing that hits differently with the context of her thinking she is Rantaro’s killer
Favorite season/movie
She lasted like one chapter, two if you count the prologue, so... And the prologue is mostly introduction, so there isn’t much to characterize her beyond acting like a normal scared girl about the circumstances she was suddenly thrown into. She was interesting in chapter 1, but I am also biased to her fun reactions to meeting the cast too so I’ll cheat and say both lol
Favorite line
"I think everyone is afraid of learning the truth. But the people who are willing to find the truth are the ones who can decide their fate. If you never know the lies from the truth, then you can't choose a path. You won't even know you're on a path. So...fight for the truth... Even if it is frightening. I know you can do this. If you're scared, borrow the strength of others who will be there to help you. Think of everyone you're helping, and let that be your strength."
Favorite outfit
She has like two outfits besides crossover events, but I think it is her argument armament dress. What can I say, I love that kind of frilly clothing too~
I don’t really have hardline ships with her (or anyone, really) but she is the bi queen of V3 so I’m down for basically all cast, maybe sans Kiyo unless it’s an AU situation where he wouldn’t kill her. Ones that stand out most to me are her FTEs with Shuichi in the Salmon Mode, her events with Tsumugi, Kokichi and Kaito though. I really like Kaemiu and Kaede x Tojo content when I occasionally see them too.
Again basically everyone but I’m very partial to her friendship with Kaito given it very much read to me like an autistic girl meeting a likely neurodivergent boy too and both connecting over their hyperfixations/special interests (Music and Space, respectively).
Rantaro more because he reads very aroace to me as an aroace myself, so I’m really down for the two bonding too.
Kokichi’s events with her was actually some of the rare times Kokichi is praising someone openly, to their face no less, to the point of offering “ruling over the world together” so again I’m very down for that too.
Head Canon
I’m pretty sure my take of her being actually a surprisingly realistic (if unintentional) portrayal of an autistic girl/someone who grew up with AFAB experience of their neurodivergence being ignored and mocked until her special interest “proved her worth” counts as a headcanon, so that.
Also tangentially, I think she would have songs she associates with people/situations beyond her just name dropping one song at the prologue retake and during that classroom event with Shuichi, even in a peaceful world too.
Unpopular opinion
I didn’t dislike the protag swap, I just wish Kodaka didn’t pull the troll of advertising her as the protag for so long (especially since as far as my understanding of V3 goes, both her and Shuichi were just POV side characters in universe, with Kiibo being the “real protagonist” of the season) and I really do like that she attempted a murder.
A wish
For her to get a chance to have friends who understands the way she experience the world and bond with to spend rest of her life with, without feeling like she is a “freak” (or an “idiot” if going with piano baka) as people would call her over her obsession with piano, so just having a happy life in general.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Gestures at the V3 canon  Losing her ability to hear would be probably most devastating thing to her besides death, so that.
5 words to best describe them
Bold, Cheerful, Friendly, Obsessive (With SI and even how she describes that she wants to know everything about her new friends), Impulsive.
My nickname for them
I don’t really have any tbh? Her name is hard to nickname, really.
-Mod Kokichi
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Guys I don’t see the #death tag on the post so I’m pretty sure kanade is still alive
//I have stated MULTIPLE TIMES that she is STILL ALIVE!
//She passed out because she realized that Kaede could actually destroy her, and she fell unconscious from fear.
//Kaede amputated her leg using her weapon, and severely wounded her, but none of her injuries are life threatening if they are treated, which the Foundation are doing now.
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elysianissue · 3 years
hi! im homura/kano mod, but you can just call me chai. i opened an edit blog, because i like making shitty aesthetic stuff. if you want to request something from me, first read this post.
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• my english isn't really good, so sorry for any possible grammatical mistakes, or something.
• actually, im taking requests only from pmmm and kagerou project.
• i can open and close requests in every moment, so check out my description!
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i dont want you to interact with me in any way (reblog, like, comment, request) if:
• you are hard yaoist/yurist, you ship real people if they don't want to be shipped, terf, map, lgbt-phobic, anti-kin, proshipper or you think that your non-canon ship is the only right one and no one can think different than you
• you run a gorecore/yanderecore, racist or nsfw blog
and pls don't laugh at mami tomoe's death it isn't funny
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i don't have very large blacklist, but i have some things that i don't like/i feel uncomfortable with.
• mami tomoe's death jokes. ya i know that i already wrote this but really. stop.
• horny kyoko x tsundere sayaka (like what the fuck,,,)
• romantic tsubomi kido x shuuya kano (broship/friendship is okay!)
• self harm stuff
• madohomu w/ homucifer
• kaerena
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my madoka whitelist:
• madoka kaname
• homura akemi
• sayaka miki
• kyoko sakura
• mami tomoe
• nagisa momoe
• iroha tamaki
• yachiyo nanami
• tsuruno yui
• sana futaba
• felicia mitsuki
• rena minami
• momoko togame
• kaede akino
• juri oba
• chiharu hiroe
• tart
• alina gray
• madohomu (w/ moemura and coolmura)
• madosaya
• kyomado
• madomami
• homusaya
• broship homumami
• broship/friendship kyosaya
• kyomami (kyomami my beloved...)
• iroede
• shintaro kisaragi
• momo kisaragi
• ayano tateyama
• tsubomi kido
• shuuya kano
• kousuke seto
• ene/takane
• konoha/haruka
• mary kozakura
• shinmary
• shinyano
• setomary
• setokano
• harutaka
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in the moment, I can make:
• icons; square or circle. give me size (my common is 300 x 300).
• pride icons; i prefer square, but i can also do circle. any flag, except map/zoophile/sexualities that aren't valid.
• layouts; three icons and three headers (my common size is twitter header, 1500 x 500).
• moodboards. usually nine pictures. tell me if you want specific core or themes.
• mobile wallpapers. give me size.
• desktop wallpapers. my common size is full hd.
• edit sets; six icons, two mobile wallpapers and one desktop wallpaper.
• (experimentally) stimboards.
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i-maki-harukawa-i · 2 years
𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓜𝓸𝓻𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰/𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓰/𝓐𝓯𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓷𝓸𝓸𝓷!
Heyo! This is mod maki here, this is a new DR imagines page. To be honest, I'm not expecting it to be successful but I just made it to post my writing and even without any people following along, I'll continue to post.
But If by any chance, people might actually follow along, these are some things that I'll do:
NSFW, Angst & Fluff.
Characters I will write:
Trigger happy havoc:
Makoto Naegi, Byakuya Togami, Kyoko Kirigiri, Sayaka Maizono, Leon Kuwata, Chihiro Fujisaki, Mondo Owada, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Celestia Ludenberg, Sakura Oogami, Mukuro Ikusaba, Junko Enoshima, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Aoi Asahina & Toko Fukawa.
Goodbye Despair:
Hajime Hinata, Teruteru Hanamura, Byakuya Twogami, Mahiru Koizumi, Peko Pekoyama, Ibuki Mioda, Hiyoko Saionji, Mikan Tsumiki, Nekumaru Nedai, Gundham Tanaka, Nagito Komaeda, Chiaka Nanami, Sonia Nevermind, Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu, Kazuichi Souda & Akane Owari.
Killing Harmony:
Kaede Akamatsu, Shuichi Saihara, Rantaro Amami, Ryoma Hoshi, Kirumi Tojo, Angie Yonaga, Tenko Chabashira, Korekiyo Shinguji, Miu Iruma, Gonta Gokuhara, Kokichi Ouma, Kaito Momota, Maki Harukawa, Himiko Yumeno & Kiibo.
UDG: Komaru Naegi.
Characters i will not write:
Hifumi Yamada. // I just can't, he's so hard to write.
Genocide Jill. // It's a stretch writing about her, she's a very different character.
Warriors of hope. // i will do these ones but not for ns/fw or anything like that of the sorts, you should know why.
Haiji Towa. // just no.
Extra Info:
Trust me, i have tried but I am unable to turn on anonymous asks so therefore, I am going to put the request at the top of the page and if the person who requested the imagine wants credits then there will be credits.
That's pretty much it, request anything if you'd like, also, just keep in mind that I'm an amateur at this. I can't promise that i can be the best writer but I'll try my best.
-mod maki
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ibukis-songbook · 3 years
𝕽𝖊𝖖𝖚𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝕽𝖚𝖑𝖊𝖘 *+:。.。
Hey punks and party people! I’m Mod Ibuki and this here is an imagine/fanfic blog for Danganronpa! I have a few rules for general blog management and request rulez, ya know, just to keep the vibes from getting nasty. Hope we can all get along!
Respect the Does and Don’ts, as well as the Blacklist! I do not make exceptions, unless previously specified, so don’t be a jerk face. I WILL sick Peko on you! <3
I like to keep things organized here, so here is a list of tags to know:
ibuki originals: non-requested imagines or fanfiction
c to d: not safe for tumblr writing!!
mod ibuki: faq, announcements/notices, non-writing stuff
navigation: will show you the navigation post, as well as rules, my introduction, and the masterlist, just in case you get lost!
not dr: non-writing or non-Danganronpa related content
MINORS DNI WITH THE C TO D TAG! I don’t mind you reading my sfw content, but my other stuff is OFF LIMITS! Do not read it, do not request it.
Just don’t be a bigot!!
Danganronpa THH, SDR2, 3, NDVR3
One shots (other fics will be done at my own leisure)
One shot song fics
Please specify if you want a one shot, otherwise I will write it as an imagine.
Meme-y asks are acceptable and actually a nice break for me so please feel free to request them if you need a good laugh!
Most kinks are acceptable, but please ask/refer to the non-requestable list if you aren’t sure.
Fluff/romance/mushy stuff
I mostly do characters x reader/ s/o, but if you want a ship that bad, please ask!!
Max 8 characters please! I do best with 5 or less.
Comfort (Mental illness comfort included! We ain’t ableist here!)
Ask for anything you aren’t sure of! I promise I don’t bite (unless you want me to write Ibuki biting you???), so don’t feel shy!
𝔑𝔬𝔱 𝔄𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴𝔢𝔡:
Gross shit like that!! Get that outta my inbox!
Non-con/consensual non-con. Dub-con will depend on context! Ask if you aren’t sure, but any dub-con on this blog will likely be in my non-requests, since those will be original ideas that I am comfortable writing.
Yandere stuff/romanticizing of unhealthy relationships
Anything involving bodily functions outside of c*m when I’m doing nsfw. It makes me very uncomfortable. Blood is acceptable depending on context. Do ask if you’re not sure!
Other limits will be added as needed
Haiji Towa
Lil Ultimates outside of platonic/familial relationships (so things like “adopting the Lil Ultimates” and “Lil Ultimates’ baby sitter” is okay, but asking for them in romantic/sexual context is strictly forbidden.)
Teruteru Hanamura
Hifumi Yamada
Hiyoko Saionji outside of platonic/familial relationships (sorry, I just don’t really feel comfortable writing for her in any other context)
Tenko with a male s/o
Monokuma/Monomi/The Monokubs
Any other characters I need to blacklist will be added, but as of now, everyone else is fine!
Ibuki Mioda
Nagito Komaeda
Kokichi Ouma
Makoto Naegi
Kaede Akamatsu
Chiaki Nanami
Shuichi Saihara
Miu Iruma
Fem!s/o, AFAB!s/o, and GN!s/o, but I accept requests for all gender and sex identities, so male!s/o, AMAB!s/o, nb!s/o, Intersex!s/o are all requestable. I just work better with the first three because of personal experience.
Sub/dom relationships
Soft dom, though I can and will write hard dom.
I have a hard time writing dom s/o just because I’m a sub, but that doesn’t mean I’ll refuse dom s/o asks. I’m just better at sub s/o.
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monomonomagines · 4 years
♡Imagines Masterlist♡
Here’s all the writing Mod Toko has done for this blog compiled into one big post! I hope you all enjoy it!
2020 October Prompts Masterlist here
FEB 2020
The V3 Boys During a Snow Day
Dr2 Boys Realizing They’re in Love with S/o for the First Time
Headcanons for Celeste with a Reader that Craves Physical Affection but is too Anxious to Ask
V3 boys with an Ultimate Ballerina S/o
Fuyuhiko x Online Reader
Drv3 Girls with an Insomniac Reader
DR2 Boys Calming Down their S/o After a Panic Attack
Makoto, Hajime, Chiaki, Nagito, Ibuki, Kaede, Rantaro, and Kokichi with an Insecure Trans Male S/o
Nagito in a Rainbow Girl Au
MAR 2020
Cuddle Headcanons with Kyoko, Celeste, and Mukuro
V3 Boys with an S/o that Wears Lolita/Harajuku Fashion Part 1
V3 Boys with an S/o that Wears Lolita/Harajuku Fashion Part 2
Teruteru Headcanons with an S/o who Can’t Cook
V3 Guys with an S/o who Struggles with Intimacy due to Past Trauma
Sayaka, Makoto, Kyoko, Toko and Celeste with the Ultimate Flirt S/o
Ryoma, Fuyuhiko, Kokichi, Kazuchi and Kirumi to their S/o Having an Asshole Pet
Sakura and Gonta Headcanons with an Autistic Fem S/o that Enjoys Toys, Abandoned Places, Homestuck, and Creepy Historical Facts
Scenario where Kaede and Shuichi are Attacked, where Kaede Survives the Attack, but Shuichi doesn’t and She has to Deal with Survivors Guilt
V3 Boys Accidentally Fusing with their Half-gem S/o
Leon, Fuyuhiko, Nekomaru, Kazuichi, Yasuhiro, Chihiro, Nagito, and Mondo with an S/o who gets really Blushy at anything Romantic
Makoto, Taka, Hajime, Nagito, and Gonta with an S/o who’s a Human Rights Activist
Gundham with a Flirty and Self Conscious about Themselves Fem S/o
Drv3 Boys with a Sick S/o
Fem Ultimate Poet S/o with Dr1 girls
Celeste with an S/o who is the Ultimate Artist
Gundham with an Autistic Fem S/o who Loves Creative Stuff and Toys Headcanons
NSFW Korekiyo with a Submissive S/o*
Drv3 Boys when their S/o is Badly Sick and there in the Middle of Taking Care of S/o it Turns a Bit Spicy but then they Get Sick
V3 Boys with an S/o who Willingly Joins Angie’s “Student Council”
Fuyuhiko, Ryoma, Kokichi and Chihiro with a Short S/o
Detective Himiko Headcanons
Ryoma x Kaede Headcanons
Scenario where Hiyoko does survive Chapter Three
V3 Girls Reacting to Finding a Skeleton with Chest Hair
Ryoma, Mondo, Kaede and Shuichi Falling in love with their Best Friend Witch S/o
Shuichi, Rantaro, Maki and Kaede with the Ultimate Unlucky Student S/o
Kaito with a Pregnant S/o Headcanons
Tenko Cheering up an S/o who has Lost a Family Member
S/o that Confesses to their Best Friend Ryoma
NSFW Celeste Headcanons*
Kiyotaka with an Affectionate Male S/o
Dr2 Boys Reacting to Learning their S/o is Part of the Neo World Program Based Off of a Dead Classmate
Hajime, Nagito, Kazuichi, Fuyuhiko, Gundham, Chiaki, Ibuki, and Sonia Reacting to their S/o Acting Suspicious During a Class Trial
V3 Boys Finding S/o Dead and Being Mocked in the Class Trial
Drv3 Boys with an S/o who’s the Actual Ultimate Survivor
Fuyuhiko, Ryoma, Mondo and Sakura are Woken up During the Night by their S/o
Ibuki with a Fem S/o who’s really Insecure about her Chest Size
NSFW Ryoma and Kaede Headcanons*
Cuddle Headcanons with Rantaro and Shuichi
Kazuichi x Ibuki Headcanons
Relationship Headcanons for Rantaro SFW & NSFW*
Aoi, Sayaka, Akane, Chiaki, Tsumugi, Miu, and Kaede with a Male S/o who’s Overprotective of them while their Pregnant
Mastermind Hoshimatsu
Hypothetical Love Hotels for Kazuichi, Mikan, Kiyotaka, Fuyuhiko, Nagito, Sonia, Ibuki, and Toko
Hajime and Kokichi finding out their S/o is being bullied
Dr2 Boys with an Affectionate S/o
Fem S/o doing Maki’s Hair After a Stressful Day
V3 Boys React to Finding out that their Sweet and Innocent S/o is the Mastermind
Dr2 Boys Reaction to their S/o having an Overprotective Little Brother
V3 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 1
V3 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 2
Hoshimatsu Dating Headcanons
Shuichi x Himiko Headcanons
Shuichi with an S/o with Little to No Social Skills
V3 Girls Having Alternate Forms as a Motive
Powered Alternate Forms Explanation
V3 Girls as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 1
V3 Monster Girls with a Human S/o Part 2
Dr2 Boys React to Finding Themselves Cornered by a Killer, but their S/o Throws Glitter into the Killer’s Face
V3 Boys React to their S/o Being Accused of Being the Blackened because they have No Alibi, Only for their S/o to Confess that they Accidentally Saw the Boys Doing Something Embarrassing
Dr1 Girls with an S/o who is the Ultimate Cartoonist whose Studio was Ransacked with all of their Supplies Stolen
Hiyoko x Ibuki Headcanons
Fuyihiko, Ryoma, Kokichi and Chihiro Getting Marshmallowed Helled During Sex*
V3 Girls with a Fem S/o being Taunted about their S/o’s Death
NSFW Headcanons for Sakura, Tenko, Aoi, Mikan and Tsumugi with a Fem S/o who’s Submissive*
V3 Girls React to Seeing Kaito and Kokichi Rolling Down a Ski Slope in a Snowball while Arguing Loudly
Dr1 Girl’s Ideal Place for a Date
V3 Girls React to their S/o Pointing a Gun at them with a Dark Expression on their face, They Pull the Trigger, Yelling ‘BUBBLEBEAM’ and They Find Themselves Being Pelted by Bubbles
Dr1 Girls Comforting their S/o After They Wake up from a Particularly Bad Nightmare
Scenario where the Infamous Seesaw Scene Fails
APR 2020
Dr1 Girls with a Cartoonist S/o where the Girls catch a Thief in the Act of Stealing from S/o’s Studio
Ryoma Hoshi with a Male S/o Watching a Scary Movie where the S/o is Scared Easily and Holds onto Ryoma Accidentally Confessing
Dr2 Girls and an S/o that just Loves to Give Eskimo Kisses
Dr1 Girls and their S/o who is very Talented at Art
Dr2 Boys with an Ultimate baker S/o that Stress Eats  
Shuichi, Kiibo, Kaito, and Ibuki Meeting their Ultimate Pastry Chef S/o
S/o becomes Pregnant with Teruteru’s Child and is Afraid to tell him due to Others Telling her that He Won’t Accept their Child
V3 Girls Finding Out their S/O is the Blackened
Fem S/o Spending her Birthday with Mondo, Gundham, and Gonta
Dr2 Girls Reacting to their S/o Running out of the Kitchen Screaming and into the Nearest Body of Water because they Somehow Managed to set the Bowl and their Pants on Fire while Making Cereal
MAY 2020
Aoi, Miu, Tenko and Akane Doing the Kabedon on their Very Shy Crush
Aoi, Miu, Tenko and Akane Doing the Kabedon on their very Shy Crush with Confession
Gundham and Ibuki with an S/o who has an Overprotective Sibling
NSFW Headcanons for Leon, Byakuya, Kazuichi and Fuyuhiko with a Fem S/o who Loves Being Roughed up*
Dr2 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 1
Dr2 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 2
Dr2 Boys as Monsters with a Human S/o Part 3
Ultimate Singer (Male S/O) x Ibuki Headcannons
Byakuya Togami x Rival! Ultimate Perfectionist 
V3 Characters Sharing a Body with Another Character Scenario
Celeste with an Easily Flustered S/o
Tokomaru Soft Headcanons
Dr2 Girls with a Fem S/o Who’s an Experiment for the Kamakura Project 
Gonta and S/o Playing Animal Crossing Headcanons 
Leon, Togami, Rantaro and Kazuichi with Ultimate Seamstress S/o 
JULY 2020
Dr1 Boys as Fantasy Plants
Dr1 Girls as Fantasy Plants
Peko, Kazuichi, Ryoma and Gundham Sleeping with their S/o Waking up to their S/o’s Cat Standing on them
Kirumi, Kazuichi, Fyuhiko, Sakura, and Celeste Who's S/o is Afraid of Horror Yet Tries to Play it Off
Ryoma, Sakura, Maki, Kaede and Ibuki with an S/o that Enjoys the Softer Side of Romance
An S/o Dealing with Gundham’s Morning Routine
Waking Up in Your Partners Body (Sondam, Twobuki, Hoshimatsu, Fuyupeko)
Dr2 Boys with a Baker that Stress Eats
Gudham, Fuyuhiko, Kazuichi, and Ryoma Get Hot and Steamy with Their S/o Only to be Interupted by S/o’s Cat
JULY 2021
Fem S/o Constantly Following Toko Around
Dr1 Girls Who's S/o Just Got Their Wisdom Teeth Pulled
DrV3 Girls Who’s S/o is Reluctant on Sleeping with Them Due to Not Having A Good Childhood and Now Sleeps with A Stuffed Animal
Dr2 Girls with an Ultimate Paleontologist S/o Who Seems to be Acting Distant Only to Find Out That S/o Accidentally Brought Back A Baby Dinosaur
Gundham, Himiko and Kokichi Who’s S/o is Freaking Out Because Their Zodiac Signs Aren’t Compatible
Ryoma, Fuyuhiko, Mondo, Nekomaru and Toko with An S/o That Lost Their Glasses
Dr2 Girls with an S/o That is the Ultimate Watercolorist Who Teaches Them How to Paint with Watercolors
Nekomaru, Sakura and Gonta with an Autistic S/o
Ryoma, Angie, Peko, Ibuki and Gundam with an S/o That Wants to Play Animal Crossing with Them
Dr1 Girls with an S/o That Overworks Themselves
Kyoko, Celeste, Gundham and Kaede Going Stargazing with Their S/o
Korekiyo Headcanons with a Reader Who Gets into Anthropology so They Can Talk About it with Him
Drv3 Girls Who’s S/o has a Bad Habit of Bottling up Emotions
Shuichi, Kokichi, Kazuichi, Nagito and Chiaki with an Innocent and Cute S/o, but Once They Started Dating They Occasionally Make Perverted Jokes
Fuyuhiko, Souda, Gundham, and Chiaki with an S/o Who Has a lot of Health Issues
Kirumi, Sakura, Fuyuhiko, Peko and Ryoma Who’s S/o is Acting Strange Because Their Food was Drugged
Kokichi, Kiibo, Miu, and Sakura Helping Their S/o Who Broke One of Their Bones but Has a Terrible Pain Tolerance
What Would Leon, Kaito, and Shuichi Would be Like as Vampires (Monster AU)
Gundham, Fuyuhiko, Souda, Kokichi and Kiibo with an S/o Who is Super Touch Starved
Celeste with an Ultimate Singer Male S/o
Teruteru Comforting and Supporting His S/o When They're Upset
Fuyuhiko with an S/o Who Has an Emotional Support Dog
DrV3 Girls with a Narcoleptic S/o
Makoto, Rantaro, Shuichi, Kokichi, and Hajime Find Out Their S/o is About to be Murdered and They Swoop in and Save Them
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princesskokichi · 4 years
kokichi as part of the kuzuryu family
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so i learned that my kaede post is actually hidden in my account because i never put it in my masterlist
gosh i am so horrible with my account upkeep 
i also learned i kind of absolutely adore this au ??? like more than i adore the kaede post - mod kokichi
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- the moment kokichi found out that his actual parents were the leaders of the biggest mafia organization in japan
- the first thing he did was,, well, get excited
- because maybe it / wasn't / a lie that he's the ultimate supreme leader of an evil secret organization with over ten thousand members
- and then the second he thinks about it, he gets scared
- i mean, there / was / a reason that he was sent away to be adopted
- what if they didn't want ? what if it was more dangerous than he thought it was ?
- the anxiety in him started to freak out, but he kept a calm and chilled presence around anyone
- no one was allowed to know that he was scared out of his mind of getting shot
- he, in reality, hated violence
- pranks and jokes are meant to share laughs and a few scoldings, they're not intended to hurt anyone
- the day he came to visit his biological family, he felt hella out of place
- everyone looked at him as if he were a piece of trash
- his own biological mother, who looked much more like him that his father actually did, didn't rejoice in having her son back
- the second he came in, he was rushed into more " fitting " clothes than his tattered clothes from the orphanage
- and he was swept away into the work, without a briefing of his actual duties
- the person he met that guided him through everything was peko, who seemed a little too used to showing newcomers their job
- he felt a little bad for her, because it was obvious she'd never genuinely smiled for longer than a few minutes
- and then he met his two brothers, mondo and fuyuhiko
- mondo was the leader of the bikers, and his personality showed that
- and fuyuhiko was the heir to the mafia throne
- natsumi and fuyuhiko looked like twins to kokichi, but in fact, they weren't
- the ages went mondo, peko, fuyuhiko, natsumi, and then kokichi, the youngest
- fuyuhiko, upon meeting his brother, treated him a little kinder than the rest
- he cursed, yes, and warned kokichi not to get too buddy-buddy with anyone here
- but he was nice enough to help kokichi understand what he was to do
- and that was,,, nothing
- kokichi wasn't there to participate in the mafia, but rather to appease their mother, who'd missed her son greatly
- even though,, it did not look like she missed him very much
- perhaps it was because he didn't satisfy her after all ?
- mondo was a little colder, warning that if he made one wrong move, he would be dead in an instant
- he wasn't very fond of outsiders just suddenly showing up and proclaiming blood
- even though kokichi did look like his mother
- he wasn't born into this life, therefore he could have no idea what it was like to live in it
- kokichi could have been softhearted and ratted them all out to the police, for all mondo knew
- and he didn't want to take that chance
- natsumi was arrogant, laughing that kokichi was lower than even the underlings of the mafia to the family
- he had no official title, nor did he have the small tattoo on his body that bonded him to the family
- she thought that, until he took off his bandana from his neck to reveal the marking that was given to him at birth, small on the side of his neck
- she shut up after that, and treated him more as a colleague from school than an actual family member
- perhaps that was because she didn't want him to be involved with all of the mafia's mess, after all
- peko disliked him originally
- she wasn't too big of a fan of his antics
- he was loud, and wasn't arrogant but acted as if he knew everything that was going on when there was no possible way that he did
- she didn't understand him, so she didn't like him
- it would come to pass that he was acting in such a way because he felt so wrong about the situation
- peko would immediately sympathize with his position, because in truth, they were almost int he same place
- no official title, just sort of a part of the family without meaning to be
- peko was the tool, kokichi was, in essence, the pet of the clan
- they were both disposable, and she understood that her way of dealing with things wasn't his way
- they wouldn't bond per say, but they would mutually understand each other as time passed
- i don't actually think that kokichi could form very strong bonds with his family members, and instead opted to find a few friends
- fuyuhiko, mondo, and natsumi would grow to be compliant with his addition to the family, and treated him as such
- they were rather protective of their brother, just in their own way
- it's not that they didn't care, they just didn't come to be very good " friends " with him because he still had a choice in his life to leave the mafia one day
- at least, that's what they thought
- but the blood flows through him
- and the tattoo rests on his neck, forever etched into his skin
- he would never be able to escape, no matter how hard he tried as he got older
- even when kokichi thinks he ran, he cannot hide away from them
- the family will always control his life
- there's really no escape until he dies
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