#mod pit!
spicyvampire · 8 months
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GOODBYE Fast and Furious Omegaverse bl aka PIT BABE (2023 - 2024) : How it started vs how it's going
+ Bonus : One last Mama and Papa for the road
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Pit Plant
Debut: Mario Kart: Double Dash!!
This Piranha Plant has bright green, ridged lips. That's how you know it is from the GameCube! Did you know? The abbreviation often used for the GameCube is "GCN", which stands for "Green Clothed Nibbler", referencing the green lips of the Piranha Plants. The mouth is the nibbler, and of course, the lips are the clothes of the mouth, keeping it closed and appropriate. Green clothed nibbler!
Unfortunately, Pit Plant's story is a bit of a sad one :( let's learn why...
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This is Dry Dry Desert! It is a desert, it is dry, and it is dry again as well, wouldn't you know it. It is not to be confused with the many other Mario deserts named Dry Dry Something. But it's hard to get this one mistaken for another, because it is so incredibly distinctive! The sun and the sphynx are looking down upon us with funny Mario object eyes, which are also present all over the place, as with any Double Dash course.
Dry Dry Desert is also distinguished by its Danger! There are Pokeys, sure, but also roving whirlwinds, and best of all...
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Pit Plant! A unique green Piranha Plant with yellow spots and brown spikes, which sits at the bottom of a conical pit of sand. I know what this means. You know what this means. Let's sing it together!
If you slip down the sand, get chomped, and start dyin',
You, my friend, were caught by the antlion!
Pit Plant is based on antlions! The insect that, in its larval form, sits at the bottom of a pit just like Pit Plant's, waiting for poor bugs to lose their traction on the sloped walls. Once they get in the center, the antlion will chomp its prey and slurp its insides through its hollow mandibles! This is not like what a lion does at all.
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In case it was not obvious by now which I sincerely hope it was, Pit Plant is Dangerous. There is even a billboard warning everyone about it! Not just a sign, a BILLBOARD. A very prominent, permanent fixture. They know about the danger Pit Plant causes, but it is just a native plant, living its life! This is its home, and it is your own fault if you get eaten by it.
We only see Pit Plant's head, which is the flower, so there is so much lurking underground that we cannot see! No leaves to speak of, but there is no need for much photosynthesis when you can and do eat an entire Waluigi. Probably a Stomach of some kind down there, since Piranha Plants have those. Most intriguing is how it made this pit in the first place, though! Maybe it uses its roots to dig, or there are indeed some leaves underground, modified for burrowing! I like to think that the architecture of the entire pit is formed by its roots, keeping the shape anchored securely even if the sand is blown all over the place.
I am sorry, but it is time for the sad part.
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Here is Dry Dry Desert in Mario Kart 8. It's just one angle, so there's not much to judge from this image, though I like the Hammer Bro-looking sphynx, a nice reminder that this is a turtle world and we're just living in it. But such realistic clouds... these ones would never have eyes, and neither do the realistic pyramids... it already feels kind of lifeless compared to the original, and that is worrisome. The tornado is even gone! What's the deal? Take me to Pit Plant! I need to see my friend Pit Plant, and maybe toss some raw chicken into its mouth from afar!
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...It's gone. Pit Plant is dead. In its place? Nothing. Just a hole. This is a remake! Isn't it supposed to IMPROVE on the original? I like the oasis, but other than that, this remake feels so lifeless. If you fall in the hole, Lakitu takes you out, and that's it. They could have still had Pit Plant! Just have a brief fade to black and Lakitu dropping you back on the track! And the billboards, now purely advertising. I don't think Red Shell Strike Equipment is behind the removal of Pit Plant, but I will forever associate them with it. You know who's not innocent, though?
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I blame the tourism department! Could it be a coincidence that once the most notable dangers subsided, Dry Dry Desert started being advertised as a tourist destination? Maaaybe Pit Plant reached the end of its natural life cycle, but the tornado is gone, too. Maybe that went away on its own, and then some heartless CEOs were thinking "Now all that's keeping people from visiting is that pesky Pit Plant..." I don't want to imagine it!
I really am so sad about Pit Plant's removal. I have not even played Double Dash, but I don't need to in order to recognize the whimsy and creativity that was lost. Dry Dry Desert went from being extremely distinct to perhaps the most aesthetically standard a Desert Course could be. Can't you so vividly see Pit Plant as the featured element on its course icon, in a better world?
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Wherever you are, Pit Plant, I hope you are happy. I hope you're eating clumsy angels that fall into your cloud trap. Who knows! Maybe you even ate God, and became the new one! I'd like to think so. I feel you smiling down on me.
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totallylegitgem · 3 months
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birdcatt · 7 months
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more of slugcat v1 and the dumb child (with pups+ enabled & a new skin)
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weekly-welsknight · 3 months
Hi, I love this blog very much, and I think your art and all the art done by other's you share is very nice. However, whenever I see your Helsknight design I do think he is Dark Pit from the game Kid Icuras Uprising. It's a silly thought but I can't help but think it every time-
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“we look nothing like each other!”
is what hels wanted me to tell you lmao
also thank you!! <3
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shahrwrites · 6 months
This has been on my mind for a long time and i really need to get it out.
Jason is not as bulky as y’all make him out to be.
He’s just not a malnourished little kid anymore.
Ok, I can see people try to argue that even in canon, he’s like really tall and really bulky and yes I’m look at you Gotham War. ಠ_ಠ
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To be honest, I was hysterically laughing for like. Fifteen whole minutes before I calmed down enough to continue reading. For the love of god, Selina looks like a little teenage kid next to him. And she’s got heels on.
And by the way, this is how she looks next to Bruce, which is way more plausible than. Whatever that was.
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Never mind, I think they drew all the males ridiculously big in this comic. (Or is Selina just really that smol??? Not that I was under the impression that she was huge or something, but for a woman who used to be one of Batman’s most notorious villains?? Man, idk)
The point is. Yes, Jason shoot up a few inches after the Lazarus pit. And yes, he also gained a few pounds of muscle, too. But not over-night and not because he was dunked in a war-machine-making bathtub. It’s because he wasn’t malnourished anymore. His stunted growth was resolved in the aftermath of the Lazarus and he wasn’t a skinny short baby from then on, because whatever he ate, his body was healthy enough to directly absorb. Batman annual #25 and the rest of the comics will want you to think differently. But. Just. No.
As dislikable as The Lost Days artwork was, at least they didn’t grow him into a giant over night and I think it’s the only good thing they did in that comic, too, because it would give more depth to his character to say that in the years leading up to UtRH, in addition to everything else, he put in the effort to build his body for the big confrontation. To mislead and shock Bruce as much as he could. But even then, he’s not a tank of a man. He simply has an athletically pleasant body. And, you know, he’s, like, not fifteen anymore?? So it makes sense.
However, it’s not to say that I don’t enjoy reading (whether in comics or fanfics) about the disorientation it brings the batfam to conform the picture of this well-built man before them with their mental image of the scrawny little kid their sweet baby Jason was, in their heads.
If people write Jason’s growth compared to his fifteen self and how it gives the family such a hard time, as maybe a little bulky, sure. I can wrap my head around it and actually enjoy it.
Otherwise, I see Jason as a little taller than Dick and about the same height, if not a little shorter, than Bruce. Actually, Dexter Soy’s representation of Jason felt pretty accurate to me. Which is a shame that the story of RHatO as a whole was such a trash. Maybe for the exception of the Rebirth vol. 1. But I’ll get to that another day.
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*gives all the Leos bats with nails* The bat saga begins a new
I'll let them dig up their bats... as a little treat.
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kidicaruspolls · 17 days
Which Pit 3D model is your favorite?
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Super Smash Bros. 4
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate
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hazyaltcare · 23 days
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Agere and kidcore stimboard for gym leader Elesa from pokemon black and white would be cool 👀 🔮
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Mod StemRoses
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tiktoks-we-like · 1 year
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whirlwindflux · 8 months
If you had the power to physically enter computers and travel the interwebs what would you do?
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Code: Where else would I go and what else would I expect? ;)
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ahollowgrave · 4 months
My queue is nearly full again (almost 1k posts!) so I've up'd the post rate and I also might step back for a few days as well!
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weirdmarioenemies · 1 year
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Name: Glitz Pit Reporter
Debut: Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door
I like this guy. He looks like a carrot, and he wears funny glasses, and has a funny mouth, and a tie directly attached to his skin! What a funny guy. I would love to know more about him!
But the world does not want me to! He does not have his own page on the Super Mario Wiki (which is my whole world)! This image of him is used only on the TTYD gallery page. The only place in town to find this guy! So I am going to talk about him as much as I can using what little I can scrounge from the wiki.
First is his species! I don’t know it, nobody does. He reminds me of Chias from Neopets, and Chef Kawasaki from Kirby, though! I think it would be great if Kawasaki had a bit of hair that looked like a stem under his hat, to make him look more like a fruit. He and this guy could be best fruit and vegetable friends!
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There ARE these security guards at the Glitz Pit, though, who appear to be the same species, with different skin color, hair color, and body type! These ones also wear clothes. Maybe the reporter is supposed to be wearing more clothes. I think he’s beautiful just the way he is! These security guards DO get an entire wiki page, and there are FIFTEEN of these guys in the game, and EACH ONE gets a unique Tattle! FIFTEEN!
At the very least, our friend the reporter does get one Tattle. It’s no fifteen, but in a way, that’s better! He is unique, one-of a kind!
"That's a local reporter. I'm pretty sure he covers the fight scene. He's such a veteran, he even directs the rookie cameraman next to him."
Wow! Such respect to him! He’s so great at what he does! Also, the wiki says he looks like a pineapple, but I am #teamcarrot. Let’s see him in game...!
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There he is! There’s my guy! He’s here! He’s... he’s RUDE?! I was not expecting that! I was certain he would be, like, awkward and humble, or something! I can’t believe this carrot of a man, my dear NPC from a game I have never played, my beloved husband, is rude. The moral of the story is that you never know what a carrot will be like until you meet it in real life!
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Who would I be, if I did not do this
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badlydrawndedkidz · 23 days
hello there! it's me, Tortilla, known mostly as Mod by the people who have been following this blog for a While!
if you've ever scrolled for a bit here, you've probably Seen that I've tried a few times to get back into posting more often and failed comically as i grappled with the dreaded Mental Eel Nesses and Executive Dysfunction, among other things. especially since ask blogs aren't as popular as they were back in the day when i made this blog (2015! turned 9 years last aug 15th! that's an entire child. jin owes me a lot of child support,)
(before anyone gets scared, no I'm not deleting anything lol gimme a sec to word this thought)
okay so like. cutting straight to the point not gonna get sentimental right now I'll save that for later: i want to keep this blog active REALLY bad, but as much as I'd like to, for multiple reasons i cannot draw as much as i did back in the day, which is like... the main thing i usually post here. so I've been pondering for the past year or so What to Do about it
my one idea is to turn this into a general kgpr blog and reblog other people's art and official stuff and the alike here, instead of keeping it Just My Stuff
but the thing is, if i DO that i would want to change my url, because reblogging art to a place that's named "badly drawn--" whatever is. i Don't Want That y'know? it's disrespectful lol
the thing is that that's soooo many links that would Break. among other things. (+ i have nooo clue what id change the name to but that's a different issue)
so like, my question here is,
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emedeme · 4 months
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totallylegitgem · 3 months
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Combat Spade
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