#mode express
zevinky · 2 years
société - GREEN LIFE
Lacher la fast fashion, Adopter la seconde main: Quoi, Pourquoi et Comment?
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Zara, Kiabi, H&M, Shein, Romwe... Ces marques, on les connait toutes. Depuis son apparition dans les années 90, la fast fashion n’a pas cessé de se populariser et est désormais partie intégrante de la mode de nos jours. Nouvelles collections fréquentes, prix bas… La mode express peut avoir tout pour plaire. Mais à quel prix? Quelles sont les conséquences de cette efficacité et quelle est l’étendue de celle-ci? Entre le sous-paiement et la mise en danger de travailleurs à l’étranger, l’incitation à la surconsommation et ses autres impacts sociaux et écologiques, la fast fashion ou plutôt la mode jetable ne fait pas tant rêver que ça.
La Fast Fashion
"La fast fashion est un segment de l'industrie vestimentaire qui se caractérise par le renouvellement très rapide des vêtements proposés à la vente, plusieurs fois par saison, voire plusieurs fois par mois." - Wikipédia
Dans le monde, plus de 150 milliards de produits textiles sont consommés par an.
D’après l’ADEME, la mode est une des industries les plus polluantes de la planète avec 1,2 milliards de tonnes de gaz à effet de serre émis. La production de vêtements utilise plus de 4% de l’eau potable disponible mondialement.
La surproduction textile utilise de manière irresponsable les ressources naturelles telles que le cotton avec 17,7 millions de tonnes produites en 2015 ou bien le pétrole pour la production de polyesther. Elle met la santé de la population en danger avec l’utilisation de substances toxiques (par exemple pour la coloration du textile), de pesticides et la production de matières synthétiques. Tous finissent dans nos océans, dans notre air, dans notre organisme et celui de la faune et la flore mondiale.
Les vêtements produits ont une durée limité, bien qu’il soit vrai que la mode change tout le temps et rapidement, la principaleet vraie raison est la mauvaise qualité de ceux-ci. Faits le plus souvent en polyesther, les vêtements issus de la fast fashion sont plus difficiles à recycler et sont donc jetés. En Europe, 4 millions de tonnes de textile sont jetés par an.
Les enseignes se tournent vers des pays en développement pour la confection de leurs vêtements. Au Bangladesh, les ouvriers sont payés 0,32US$/heure, soit le salaire le plus bas du monde. De plus, ces ouvriers travaillent dans des conditions misérables et sont facilement en danger. Un exemple connu parmis de nombreux accidents peut être l’effondrement du Rana Plaza dans la banlieue de Dacca au Bangladesh en 2013 où 1138 ouvrier.e.s ont perdu la vie et 2250 ont été blessés. Ce drame a ouvert les yeux de beaucoup, cela inspire en France la loi n°2017-399 sur le devoir de vigilance et entraine l’apparition de la mode éthique et durable.
La seconde main
Brocantes, Emmaüs, Friperies, Vinted, Depop, Etsy… Des noms de plus en plus utilisés et qui nous forment une bonne alternative, plus sustainable* que l’industrie de mode éphémère dangereuse pour notre planète et notre population, la seconde-main.
La seconde main est le fait de donner une deuxième vie à un article en lui permettant de trouver un nouveau ou une nouvelle propriétaire. - Oxfam
Cela évite que les vêtements soit jetés ou incinérés et permet d’allonger la vie de ceux-ci.
“Me mettre à la seconde main, je fais comment?”
C’est plutôt simple, aller en fripes, faire des brocantes, aller sur vinted, échanger ses habits, donner à des associations… De supers plans entre pote ou en solo et une possibilité de dénicher des articles stylés, qu’on ne voit pas partout et parfois même de collection!
sources: bloom-clothing.fr
Fashion Revolution
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batri-jopa · 7 months
Look at these cats and their human versions series by Gerrard Gethings (gezgethings on Instagram):
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zzztlk · 5 months
Im glad the depression is gone! Now have one oc illustration on my desk (tumblr dash) by 5 🥸
Alright Regan be upon ye
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melverie · 5 months
Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE how ever since they all found out that MC is human and was brought here against their will, it was Lucifer who kept insisting that they shouldn't be the ones to trap MC in the Devildom. That whether they want to stay or not is a decision MC has to make themself and that the brothers should support them no matter what they end up choosing
And now that the moment is finally here, now that MC has confirmed that they indeed plan on heading home, and now that all of his brothers agreed on helping them get back, having forged a pact and lending their powers to do so—
Now that he knows that he's the final piece needed to send them back; that the lingering idea of the yet to be forged pact between them is what's stopping MC from potentially leaving their side for good, leaving his side for good—
Now that they have finally gotten to this point, he realizes something. And he's unable to live with it
And so, he goes back on his word.
He's taking that choice from them.
"I don't want to."
Lucifer's pride is what keeps his voice leveled and neutral, as if it were just another day. As if he everything was completely fine. As if he didn't feel this pain in his heart, almost as if someone had rammed a dagger through his chest over and over and over again
To most people, he'd appear to be in perfect control of his emotions—if only his gaze wouldn't completely obliterated that frail façade of his. The way his beautiful dark eyes shimmering with a hint of blood red silently plead, beg MC to stay...
Internally, he is breaking apart because he knows what he is doing isn't right. He knows that he shouldn't trap them like a bird in a cage, and yet he can't help himself. Not in this situation. Not when it comes to MC
He—Lucifer, Avatar of Pride himself—is the last thing trapping the very person that finally made him realize what his sister had meant forever ago
'I won't let you go'
How one day, someone would stumble their way into his life, and how he'd love them so wholeheartedly and so deeply that everything else would become trivial as long as he'd get to hold them in his arms
'I can't let you go'
Someone that he'd happily throw away everything for, not even considering any alternatives if only for the shred of a chance at just one last tomorrow with them
'Please stay with us. Please stay with me'
'I cannot lose you, MC'
Even if they'll never forgive him for it.
"I'm not going to forge a pact with MC."
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phant0m-l0rd · 1 month
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My pictures of Dir En Grey in Paris, Day 1 (22.03.24)~
Day 2 pics here.
(my quick thoughts on the shows below the line)
I went to both Paris shows (VIP on day 1) and it was hands down the best experience of my life so far. So amazing beyond words. To not only meet my favourite band of all-time in the flesh, but to also watch them perform from the front row on the 1st day (and still very close to the stage on day 2) felt so surreal. Seeing them perform some of my favourite songs of all-time (including dead tree, my number 1 favourite song) was so overwhelmingly amazing I cried multiple times. I got acknowledgments from Die, Toshiya, and Kyo for screaming so loudly every time they came to our side of the stage, and I can't describe how affirming it felt. Since yall follow me on here, you know how much this band means to me, and especially Kyo. This man is my biggest inspiration in regards to both his music and his artistic self-expression. I've never been so inspired by a musician before; I've never been this obsessed with a band before. This was a dream come true, one that I never thought could happen. Thank you so much to this most incredible band. No band will ever come close for me.
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b0tster · 9 months
god fucking dammit i gotta do a snake ball bowling bonus stage dont i
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pearlcaddy · 1 year
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it's your home too, after all. ~ jonathan stroud
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icecreampizzer · 3 months
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Dug up an old black paper notebook I barely used, thought it would've been fun to draw some Junipers on it :] I need to up my color pencil game to be honest
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triforce-of-mischief · 7 months
legend is a peacekeeper, not a bully. in this essay i will-
heck yeah i'm doing this for real, let's go.
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let's take a closer look at his initial list of traits:
"chooses not to be a leader type." so, this is a guy who has the experience and maturity that he could take charge, but has consciously decided to leave it to the elder links. taking responsibility for eight men and boys is a lot, and legend simply doesn't have the energy and/or personality to keep it up at all times.
"the most reliable, you want him on your team." legend is a good person to be around! the others genuinely appreciate his company! i love how this is worded; out of a lineup, legend would be chosen.
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instead of calling out to wild or trying to physically stop him (both pretty dangerous moves around somebody with a nocked bow and arrow), legend simply shoots wild's arrow out of the sky with his own. which is a pretty sick move itself. sure, now wild will have to replace that arrow, but it's hyrule. you can't go two feet without finding a vendor. anyway, we don't get to see wild's reaction but it must not have been extreme because legend is calm around wind moments later. even when they're still getting to know each other, legend makes the right move.
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legend just gives away an entire freaking fire rod. that's pretty significant if you ask me. he doesn't trust the others with his secrets, but he's willing to provide tools for the job.
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this is a playful quip during a lighthearted moment. wild probably knows about the impression that he gives off, and he doesn't seem upset about legend pointing it out.
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then, legend's mood immediately shifts to serious as wild reveals the full extent of his scarring. he settles into a mediator role between wild's casualness and time's concern.
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as stated before, legend is worried about people breaking his stuff. wild isn't bothered by the veteran's attitude, as he clearly just wants to get in, grab his stuff, and get out.
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twilight: "i don't know what his problem is, but you shouldn't let him push you around like that." sky: "oh it's fine. it's harmless. he just doesn't give a second thought about his attitude is all. trust me, people like him aren't bullies." twilight: "hmm. that's very true."
THIS. COMIC. any time legend is stereotyped as a bully, i just point to this comic. sky says it himself: people like him aren't bullies. i could stop there, but why would i? sky mentions legend's attitude; i think that legend genuinely isn't always aware of the tone of his words. he says what he wants to say, and it can sound blunt but he never means harm by it. also, note legend's body language in the panel i chose. his hand is behind his head, likely touching his neck. that's a self-soothing gesture and a telltale sign of nervousness. whatever legend's saying, he's not as confident as twilight thinks he is. sky sees legend as he truly is, and that's what's important.
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the prior subject being everybody else fruitlessly guessing at the monsters' motives. it's late at night, the heroes are probably tired, and the conversation is clearly going nowhere. therefore, legend takes it upon himself to lighten the mood. heavy topics can wait for tomorrow; now, the mystery of wild's arrows will make for a sufficient distraction.
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legend may be used to being a loner, but he pays just as much attention to the others. he frequently joins small conversations and, at the very least, will observe from close by.
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this is arguably the only time that legend's teasing continues at the expense of somebody else. it's not an isolated attack, though. all of the eldest heroes are in on the bit, except for time who lets it happen with a resigned look on his face.
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apologies for the lack of legible conversation, but i really wanted to demonstrate the range of emotions that these two go through. legend and warriors bicker like true brothers; tempers flare for a split second before legend realizes that warriors is purposefully making a mountain out of a molehill. they take turns balancing snark and sincerity, and no harm is done from their initial disagreement.
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once again: THIS. COMIC. legend is a bit disappointed by the thwarted attempt to tease, but wild makes it obvious that this is not the right time or place so legend acts accordingly. legend tries to make amends by asking a question as he returns the diary, and all hints of prior teasing are gone when he offers not one, but two apologies. legend and wild might be different in many ways, but legend knows all too well how it feels to lose a loved one.
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legend is aware that he's not the best with words. this is both a subtle jab at himself, and at time- since the elder has taken the leader role, he needs to act like it. legend is reminding time that he needs to be better about praising his group after a hard-won battle.
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by bringing up the topic of magic swords, legend is the one who caused a moment of tension in the first place. when four quickly tries to ease the mood, legend easily agrees.
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legend loses another few points here: he's too fast to assume the worst, then snaps at wind as tempers run high after a rough battle. thankfully, things seem to be fine again by the time they make camp.
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all right, old man, angst time is over. legend isn't thrilled to have to be the one to speak up, but at least time is done being cryptic and creepy.
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it's not the most ideal subject change, but thinking about ganon is certainly easier than being helpless to wild's plight.
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can we just... appreciate how legend didn't hesitate before stepping through the portal first, alone? if that's not selfless, i don't know what is.
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once again, it's time who doesn't realize that his words are hurtful. legend diffuses the situation, leaving twilight to console sky about the master sword.
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this argument has clearly been repeated for however long legend and wild have been traveling together. even though legend is likely older than wild, he doesn't attempt to force the champion to go with his plan. even one on one, legend chooses not to take the leader role, simply trying to get wild to listen to reason. when four shows up, wild reignites the bickering before legend sighs and admits defeat. as long as they're actually going somewhere, legend knows that there's no point in arguing anymore.
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legend is pretty set on making twilight admit that he's the wolf- until they're attacked, and legend's thoughts go right back to the group. he then touches the crystal which causes another distraction, but it's important to note that, yet again, legend quits teasing when there's something more important to focus on.
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twilight points out that legend's teasing isn't supposed to be hurtful. self-defensive, yes, but legend chooses to be this way- even if it's not ideal, he thinks it'll stop him from getting hurt again. so why would he use his quips to bully the others, if that's exactly what he's avoiding himself?
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legend isn't used to asking for help, but what's the first thing he does? he says thank you! then sky picks up on his awkwardness and it's the skyloftian's turn to introduce a distraction.
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while the others heroes look nervous or just solemn, legend is embarrassed. twilight and sky were egging four on just as much, but legend still sees it as a personal failing that he didn't act more maturely.
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legend coming in clutch with another small quip that he hopes will cut the tension. time's interrogating the kid, who clearly doesn't want to give away the elder's story. legend lets them carry on with their important conversation, but kudos to him for trying to lighten the mood prematurely.
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twilight is out for the count with time, sky, and warriors going to help. so, legend acts as the temporary leader even though he's not accustomed to it. nobody listens to him unless he physically drags them away from a fight, but he still tries to keep the team safe.
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legend so badly wants to check on twilight, but he knows that four is right. his restless energy then returns and he wastes a few minutes arguing with the smaller heroes before storming out of the inn to look for help.
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and finally, we have the rare instance of legend wanting to be the peacekeeper, but not knowing what to say. he hasn't left twilight's side since he recovered, but that doesn't mean that he knows how to react to wild's poking at midna. thankfully, wild backs off and legend is able to remind twilight to save his worries until he has his full strength back.
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so, there you have it! hopefully that was more than enough proof to convince you that legend is a pretty great guy, not the bully that people are so set on making him out to be.
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quasarifxxy · 1 year
Rei asking how long can he play video games within a day in his hitman attire and hair done is something I never knew I'd actually receive this episode. What a fucking loser (affectionate)
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
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styona · 6 months
It's gotta be the best pic of all time, change my mind I dare you
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ufuckingpastry · 11 months
Watching streams from non-English streamers while I'm monolingual (English) is honestly like the weirdest thing and also brings me a lot of joy? Like, every time Cellbit is streaming, I'm switching to watch him, like
I have no idea what you're saying, but I am very captivated by you and everything you're doing
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xxrat--punkxx · 11 months
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I started drawing these with the Vash plushie brush as a joke but it’s not a joke anymore because it’s a rly good brush💀
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uncanny-tranny · 6 months
You know... it's okay to trust your body. If you are separated from your body to such an extent you feel you cannot trust it, I truly from the bottom of my heart empathize and feel grief for you, but you can trust your body.
It's okay to listen to your body and to heed what it is telling you. I wish you (and your body) well wherever you go. You deserve the peace of mind to feel able to do what you want.
#positivity#mental health#mental health support#gentle reminders#this is something i struggle with myself so that's why i said i empathize (well... i guess as much as you CAN empathize)#(because even if you have gone through the same thing... it's not going to look the same as somebody else going through that)#(and while it can be valuable to express empathy it doesn't mean you truly 'get it' from the other person's point of view)#i struggle sometimes not to feel like my body is fucking with me because sometimes i expect it to function at bare minimum#or i just assume that when it is in debilitating pain that it's just... somehow to fuck with me and i am cognizant that this isn't true#i am cognitively aware that the body isn't Specifically Designed to have a Fuck With You mode even if it feels like it#but my experiences with disabilities and general unwellness made it easy for me to alienate myself from my body#in order to preserve myself i felt the need to separate myself from every flaw (or 'flaw') i have#so when people are confused about why you could mistrust your /own body/ it's stuff like this that can somewhat illustrate it#i think we don't really talk about this but i think it's more common than i would assume#(mostly based on the There Are Eight Billion People principle)#hm making this also makes me realize that abuse absolutely plays into how i mistrust my body. hm.#mistrust in your body feels like self-protection and self-preservation in this weird and almost twisted way (at least in my experience)#but then you start mistrusting *everything* and nothing feels... GOOD or NORMAL anymore#i'm going to play mahjong about this 🫡👍
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pineapple-frenzy · 6 months
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Happy Halloween from hhu because monster is so halloween coded and such a banger!!!
Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na~
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