#mode globals
picknmixsims · 1 year
Story Telling Mod Updates
My story telling mods now require Mode Globals
Mode Globals contains one new global BHAV (0x0810) to ascertain if the lot is being used for story telling / picture taking.  If there is a Freezer Clock or a Sim Turner or a Bubble Controller on the lot, it is in story telling mode.
The following story telling mods have been updated
Desperation Actions
Electrocute Me 
No Overhead Meters 
Teen Run Away
Tip Anyone
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fishareglorious · 24 days
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windsong, what in the world are you putting in your cup noodles for this damage????
no, scratch that, what the HELL were they feed you in rayashki???!!! comrade patrick what the fuck are you putting in her blinchik??????
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kindahoping4forever · 9 months
my ultimate wish for this next era is they finally let Ryan go like they did Andy. I'm so sick of not getting the content we deserve. All the gatekeeping of tour diaries and now the crumbs of concert footage in that "documentary" yesterday. he was working for months on that? that's why we didn't get tour diaries? all that footage just goes in his vault now? Please.
Hello! I'm sorry to hear you felt disappointed by yesterday's special. However, I feel compelled to comment on a few objective points in your ask.
- "Live & Backstage in Amsterdam" was directed by James Tonkin, the same director (and production team, Hangman) they worked with on "The Feeling of Falling Upwards" (and the unreleased "Live in Brixton" special). Ryan was credited as director of the documentary footage and as a contributing editor (1 of 3) but the live footage and overall final program was not his work.
- Regardless of the particular creatives involved here (or in any given project for that matter), the fact remains that any directors, producers, photographers, etc are all hired hands operating with full input and specific direction from the band. The band chose to make this a hybrid concert film/documentary. The band chose to condense the setlist the way they did. The band chose this format over the traditional tour diaries. What happens to the unused footage will be determined by the band. Ryan is a friend but he is first and foremost an employee and the band owns that footage. (Likewise, the MYT diaries are not sitting on Andy Deluca's hard drive because he's "gatekeeping" or too lazy to edit it. If the band wanted them released, they'd be released.) All this to say, of course you don't have to agree with the decisions but it's important to clarify who your complaint is with.
- This concept of the band or their collaborators "gatekeeping" and fans not getting what we "deserve" is, to be blunt, entitled and immature. Being a fan does not make an artist indebted to you. They make music, if you feel so inclined, you listen. That's it. That's the extent of the contract. Anything beyond that is optional for both parties. Any content an artist chooses to release is not out of obligation or generosity, it's part business strategy, part artistic vision. Artists do not owe you anything. This band does not owe you anything.
#apologies for the long answer but clearly i had a lot to say (still do tbh)#i didn't link it bc it hit a lot of the same points but i answered an ask with similar sentiments last year about the CM promo era aesthetic#bottom line is at the end of the day these dudes are not our friends shit posting they are professional artists#artists trying to fulfill not just a creative vision but also business obligations#the people they work with are tools in the toolbox hired to help accomplish those goals#they don't get raw footage and do whatever they want with it - the band will always get final say#the hate their collaborators get is always so bizarre to me-whether it be their signature style or the manner in which they deliver content#the band hired these people for a reason 🤷🏻‍♀️#also just bc I have the time: Andy was not 'let go'#thru their work with 5sos andy & sarah have become quite prolific mv directors both individually and as a team#as well as continuing to be in demand live music photographers - andy literally shot depeche mode last week#ryan has also had a number of high profile ad campaigns he's shot this year#what I'm saying is they don't need 5sos lol#the band likes their work and is lucky to have access to collaborators that make them feel understood#i just... can't reconcile this 'we deserve' bit#this was the third concert special in as many years... we only had to pay for one... bc it was a global livestream#it's ok to be disappointed if it wasn't what you expected and i don't mean to invalidate that#but this concept of 'deserving' is a different thing especially in the context of this fandom where entitlement is an ongoing issue#so that's where this long ass answer is coming from lol#anyways that's my rant for the year - just in under the wire!#ask#anon
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theabysscomeshome · 2 months
[Global] Reclamation Algorithm - Tales Within The Sand
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Duration: August 7, 2024 - Permanent
Wiki.gg Event Page
Official Event Page
Event PVs
New Operators
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Kestrel - 5* Pioneer Vanguard (welfare)
New Skins
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Harmonie - Deciration Arene - Dangerous Invitation
For those who weren't here for the trial run of Reclamation Algorithm, this is a new game mode focused on resource gathering and management, base building and defence, and a small plotline you'll gather clues for through a run.
For those who were here for the trial run, this is the new and improved Reclamation Algorithm. Runs are now continuous and don't need to be reset, and progress is saved every three days.
There is a tutorial in-game (which has been improved from the trial tutorial). Rewards are permanent, in the same vein as Integrated Strategies, so this can be played at your own pace. The wiki page linked above has some details about gameplay changes, and there's also a youtube review of the new mode here:
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dashes-and-letters · 1 year
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clove-pinks · 2 years
Eighteen-Forties Friday: The Railway Dragon
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An illustration by George Cruikshank in The Table Book, 1845 (The British Museum). The commentary in Richard A. Vogler's book Graphic Works of George Cruikshank adds that the accompanying text signed by Angus B. Reach and titled "The Natural History of the Panic" details "the way this monster has destroyed Englishmen by gobbling up their money."
Conveniently, another book from 1845 addresses the crises driven by financial speculation in railroads: The Railway Panic: Hints to Railroad Speculators, Together with the Influence Railroads Will Have Upon Society, Together with the Laws on the Subject, by Henry Wilson (Google Books). Although Wilson denounces "modern schemers" and speculation, he's very pro-railroad, and he even thinks that railway travel will break down class barriers:
In former times, each class of persons had their modes of travelling. There was for the rich, the post chaise; for the country gentleman, the mail; for the tradesman, the stage coach; and for the poor, the waggon; a man's respectability was established by the mode in which he travelled. The difference between railway and stage coach travelling is nearly all the difference between civilization and barbarism. The railways will, ultimately, reverse the picture; and the rich will be brought in contact and converse with the poor, sympathies are engendered between the various classes, and the manners of the higher class descend to the lower.
Karl Marx evidently thought something similar in 1848, according to William Scheuerman in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2023 Edition): "Despite their ills as instruments of capitalist exploitation, Marx argued, new technologies that increased possibilities for human interaction across borders ultimately represented a progressive force in history."
It was Scheuerman's article on globalization that made me reflect on "the compression of territoriality," as he puts it, with new modes of travel making the world seem more accessible and smaller in the 1840s.
Writing in 1839, an English journalist commented on the implications of rail travel by anxiously postulating that as distance was “annihilated, the surface of our country would, as it were, shrivel in size until it became not much bigger than one immense city” (Harvey 1996, 242). A few years later, Heinrich Heine, the émigré German-Jewish poet, captured this same experience when he noted: “space is killed by the railways. I feel as if the mountains and forests of all countries were advancing on Paris. Even now, I can smell the German linden trees; the North Sea’s breakers are rolling against my door” (Schivelbusch 1978, 34)
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Or maybe just a train monster in your kitchen
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dnangelic · 7 months
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yoiku · 22 days
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3 days of struggles and then suddenly i beat the priestess with almost a minute to spare. while nearlter and hoe did most of the heavy lifting, i gotta hand it to gnosis+bibeak+red combo that kept her in place long enough to accumulate enough dp to set up the whole meat grinder around her. I had to reload all the time because I got to her on the LAST DAY of the dry season and was determined to get it done before the lush one came in.
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hypermascbishounen · 3 months
it's the summer solstice which means every single person in the northern hemisphere is miserable except for me 😎☀️
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mothmouth · 2 years
Splatoon 3 hero mode spoilers past this point!
Am I the only one who feels really fucked up by like, log four's lore? It's really horrifying how it's described. Like, imagine being the scientists, so desperate to see the sky, that your ambitions end up snuffing out humanity for good. But that's not all! The log goes absolutely out of the way to let us know that anyone who survived the initial disaster died soon after.
Imagine being a child during all this. Perhaps your name is Rhea, and you don't exactly know what the sky is like, but you're excited for the big day of the rocket launch because your parents are. But then everything goes wrong. There's so much screaming and fear, then silence. You emerge from the rubble not knowing what happened or where your family is. And now you can't do anything but wander the ruins of humanity, scared, alone, and soon to be very hungry.
Or maybe you're Marcus - somehow, you got out unscathed say for some scratches when your apartment collapsed. But, you've got a problem; you're trapped. The walls caved in in such a way that you have plenty of air, but no hope of escape. You can only scream for help, struggle, pace and eventual lay down in what you realize is your tomb.
Hell, maybe you're even one of the luckier ones. You're Salem, and you don't really care that much about the launch. You were having a wonderful afternoon nap when you were awoken by a horrible noise - and following soon after it, a cacophony of screaming and crashing. You scramble to your window to be met with the sight of the sky falling in on itself into darkness. As your freeze response hits, you have just enough time to comprehend what's happening and despair over the loss of humanity before your house is hit and you die instantly.
There are theoretically infinite scenarios to describe the last humans of splatoon's earth and their experiences. Those pinned under rubble, realizing everyone they know is dead, or those injured horribly but still struggling to live. Something about the way that they specifically described the disaster really makes it real to me. It's upsetting in a very compelling way. Like - all that was left of humanity died! And given the time span of the event, there were almost certainly children and elders and others who were even more helpless than everyone else. That's fucked up.
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oceannacaldin · 2 months
On ne le dira jamais assez, mais dans le chapitre "la culture du chef à la française", le mécanisme de "X équipe est en souffrance parce que Y, mais personne ne le dit aux chefs parce qu'ils devraient bien s'en rendre compte / ils sont forcément au courant", c'est juste... magique.
J'ai bientôt six ans derrière moi en tant qu'encadrante, et j'en suis à la quatrième fois où, malgré toute ma bonne volonté, je loupe tout les signaux annonciateurs d'une crise qui peut s'aggraver et j'ai des gens en face qui réagissent en mode "mais... tu ne le savais pas ?"
Ben... non.
Et à part une fois où il y a eu tout un tas de mécanisme de déni que j'ai du déconstruire, les trois autres fois, non, vraiment, j'avais pas capté.
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madamemarmot · 7 months
As Lessenich, the vocal critic of the Global North as externalization society, puts it, the primary condition making our rich lifestyles possible is the passing of these burdens onto the people and natural resources of "some faraway place" so that the true cost is never paid by the end consumer. Slow Down by Kohei Saito
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ondigitalwings · 1 year
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I always get freezy about what the right things of my own content to post are. But it’s my Tumblr! Wtf?
Anyway, have Atheliel (also my u/n, she was the first/main of my characters in the account) dressed up for pride in bi (and some genderqueer) colors and doing some literal unicorn hunting for the current event.
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daily-coloring · 9 months
Best of 2023 - Albums
Unbelievable year ... Fallen pop stars are returning, long time not seen artists are turning up in a best possible shape, producers making music under their own names, ... First of all I really enjoyed a few soundtracks this year especially Anthony Willis's Saltburn and Arnaud Rebotini's L'lle Rouge. Surprisingly I listened again on repeat a few DJ mixes too. Danny Tenaglia's new Global Underground was a pure treasure, James Zabiela's home session just made me dance for an hour in the living room, as well as Andy Butler's energetic set did too.
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01. Roisin Murphy - Hit Parade - "If Hit Parade isn’t Murphy’s best album, it’s certainly her wildest and weirdest. Nowhere else is the scale of her ambition more evident than on the percussive and atmospheric “Free Will.” Murphy says she doesn’t believe in free will but that you should “just make believe that you can write the play” anyway. It’s yet another indelible statement that couldn’t come from anyone else." - Slant Magazine
02. Rebecca Black - Let Her Burn - "An acceptable stretch of Let Her Burn gives Black a chance to reform a persona she had never had any control over until now. As fundamental a shift as perhaps expected, Black warrants this change of pace but there is something inevitable about how these perspectives are formed and how retaliation to reactionary dogpiling a decade ago comes to the forefront. Working hard and pushing through with this half-hour debut LP is exceptional, with spotty highs and consistently solid mixes that give those electronic undercurrents a beat-worthy working. Destroy Me is a crucial highlight in getting to the core of reinvention but also in engaging with how buoyed Let Her Burn is by how much of an opposition it takes to the early works. Black has let her burn, whatever “her” was. Let Her Burn razes and destroys as much as it can, and it works as a successful, credible debut." - Cult Following
03. Sophie Ellis-Bextor - Hana
04. Clark - Sus Dog
05. Everything But The Girl - Fuse
06. Depeche Mode - Memento Mori
07. Mermaidens - Mermaidens
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08. Kesha - Gag Order
09. Anna B Savage - in|FLUX - "So as a follow up to A Common Turn, this does feel like an album where, lyrically and thematically, we are dealing with an artist who has battled some of the previous demons, accepted the daily flux of life, and found a way to focus on the moments when life feels most complete. But in a musical context – Anna also seems to have taken that feeling, that love of contradiction, into the songs. At moments explosively ecstatic, at others wrought with emotion – and filled with influences and sounds from areas not explored on the previous LP – the album brings a bunch of disparate sounds and feelings together to create a powerful and impressive whole. Most impressive of all is the fact that, after an album that sent Picky Bastards into a spin for the whole of 2021, Anna has released something as good if not better." - Picky Bastards
10. HMLTD - The Worm
11. JMSN - Soft Spot
12. Orbital - Optical Delusion - "It’s an album of unlikely collaborations. Day One features the operatic talents of Dina Ipavic, while Are You Alive, sung by Lily Wolter of Penelope Isles, floats into moodier, more analog territory. Best of all are The New Abnormal (Golden Girls’ Kinetic turned inside out) and the anti-gammon state of the nation rant of Dirty Rats." - Record Collector
13. Spelling - SPELLLING & The Mystery School
14. Future Utopia - We Were We Still Are
15. CLT DRP - Nothing Clever, Just Feelings
16. Joy Wellboy - The Ones That Got Away
17. Pierre Rousseau - Twenty - Music for Etudes N°20 - Spring Summer 2022
18. Joyce Muniz - Zeitkapsel
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19. Emiliana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra - Racing The Storm
20. Thomas Azier - The Inventory Of Our Desire
21. Sofia Kourtesis - Madres
22. Not Waving - The Place I've Been Missing
23. Restive Plaggona - Ignis
24. Deichkind - Neues Vom Dauerzustand
25. Daughter - Stereo Mind Game
26. Daði Freyr - I Made an Album
27. Yves Tumor - Praise A Lord Who Chews But Which Does Not Consume; (Or Simply, Hot Between Worlds)
28. Surgeon - Crash Recoil - "Crash Recoil is probably about as close to a live Surgeon record as we’re ever going to get. Child views producing and performing as two disparate disciplines, which they are, and he goes about each in a very different way. This also means it’s about as close to a traditional pop/rock approach to writing and recording as you’re likely to find from an electronic producer, woodshedding tracks on the road and sharpening them to a diamond sheen. More bands and producers should think of adopting the approach as it clearly can yield stunning results, as evidenced by this glorious offering." - Spectrum Culture
29. Duran Duran - DANSE MACABRE
30. When Saints Go Machine - Rosy
31. Young Fathers - Heavy Heavy
32. Maps - Counter Melodies
33. Laurent Garnier - 33 tours et puis s'en vont
34. Benedikt Frey - Fastlane
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35. ANOUK - Deena and Jim
36. Anthony Naples - Orbs - "The New York producer once known for muscular house and techno continues to drift into the ether, channeling ’90s chillout and dub techno into his singular vision." - Pitchfork
37. James Holden - Imagine This Is A High Dimensional Space Of All Possibilities
38. Hifi Sean & David McAlmont - Happy Ending
39. Tirzah - trip9love...???
40. Kelela - Raven
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dashes-and-letters · 2 years
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
I don’t think Cass would use social media actually, or severely limit the amount of time she spent on it, plus use heavy filters/blacklists.
I think Cass would go “Doomscrolling” mode easily?
Like, this is a woman who tried to intervene in an execution after learning about it, now imagine her learning about dozens, hundreds, of such things across the globe.
After a certain point, I think she and Barbara would work out a system of how Cass can safely navigate social media, or avoid it all together.
Not purposeful ignorance, more limiting the amount of depressing info absorbed.
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