#model 2a
nocternalrandomness · 6 months
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Amber Dee strapped up
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lonetile4 · 2 months
I just got into Metal Earth, those tiny metal model kits...
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I got the Chopper Gunner scorestreak, which is the AH-64 Apache. I had a lot of trouble with it because my tweezers and pliers were AWFUL, but I'll get more models and build them.
The ones on my list are the B-2A Spirit, F-15, and the A-10 Warthog.
The theme is that all of these are the jets seen in CoD that are available from Metal Earth. I hope that they release more of the helicopters and jets soon. Because some of them look so cool.
I might get the F-22 because I think that's what Starscream is base off of.
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consciousexe · 5 months
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Alpha 5 shaded like how Lethal Company procedurally generates its game shaders!!!
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stevethefishdotnet · 2 years
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Freedom Models JASDF F-2A & F-2B Compact Series plastic model build
I had some setbacks with the decals with this kit and had to request replacements. The decals stuck to the paper that was supposed to protect them.
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azure--gunslinger · 1 year
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Got to spend some time on the range with my beloved Winchester Model 70 today and the lord said it is good!
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Henry X Model Lever Action! 🇺🇸🔥
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attactica · 8 months
The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Metal Framed, Double Stack 9mm Pistol
Everything old is new again. IMAGE: Sporting Illustrated By Kevin Creighton / Shooting Illustrated One trend I spotted at the 2023 SHOT Show was the increasing popularity of single-action, metal-framed 9mm pistols with double stack magazines. Staccato has built their reputation on that sort of pistol, Beretta rolled out a single action version of the iconic Model 92 pistol, Dan Wesson rolled…
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crishel2 · 1 year
Luo Zheng Gourmet na 2a temporada da Dinastia Tang 2023 - 29/09/23
Atualização via Weibo @Luo Zheng_LZ Datang snacks 2 estréia # Não se trata de ser legal, são todas as palavras sinceras de Sima Qingyang [estou aqui] #Datangsnacks2# o Video oficial do Weibo do Datang snacks Instagram @luozheng_1023
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stolenflag · 2 years
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serendipitous-girl · 2 months
𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮
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⊱✿⊰ summary: a class 1b girl admires Bakugo, what happens when she finally does something to grab his attention?
⊱✿⊰ warnings: swearing? fighting: mentions of injuries, blood, bullying this is platonic i imagine
⊱✿⊰ notes: this is pretty different from the request but uhh yipee yay im so cool Idrk what to say, I might edit this once I actually write the thing.
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His bone crunched beneath your fist, a sickening blow to the center of his nose. You weren't to blame for the fight, it was fully the boy you were beating up who was at fault.
"Ugh, you...bitch!" He growled, wiping blood that was leaking from his nose. You narrowed your eyes dangerously, powers flickering to life. You shouldn't have let his stupid comments get to you, it doesn't matter that Bakugo hasn't noticed you. But the way he acted like he was somehow superior to you just because he was in 2a made you feel infuriated.
You were honestly very fired up at this point, you wanted to smash this dude's face into the ground. For now, you grabbed his collar and gave him a right hook. He was honestly pretty lame, he didn't even block the punch.
"What is going on in here?" A voice boomed, making your back straighten and the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. The boy had a similar reaction, while also taking this chance to worm his way out of your iron grip.
Rigidly you turned around, plastering a big smile on as you looked at All Might. He was frowning at you, eyebrows furrowed with frustration.
"Fighting other future heroes is not good behavior." He scolded, voice echoing throughout the courtyard. You felt all stares on you, prickling your skin like they were actually touching you. "You two are going to Nezu's office."
Sighing, you followed All Might while sparing a glance to the student who has formed a crowd around you. Your eyes met red, a scowl on the blond boy's face as he stared directly at you.
Bakugo noticed you. Bakugo noticed you.
"Oi! You, what's your name?" Bakugo called, walking rapidly towards you. (In all honestly you couldn't help but feel your heart rush with excitement.)
"I'm [Last Name] why're you asking?" You replied, trying to keep your cool. Emphasis on the trying, after all it isn't everyday your UA role model notices you. He was hovering by you, arms crossed over his chest and his constant constipated expression on his face.
"I saw your fight and I'm glad that dickhead finally got what's been coming his way." Bakugo said with a shrug, "I wanted to know who actually deserves a place in this school."
"So, I'm...not an extra to you? Even though I'm in 1b?" You asked, eyebrow raised slightly. It was strange, bantering with someone you have imagined as a role model. This felt like a fever dream.
"Eh, you're less of an extra. I'll keep an eye on you, [Last Name.] I hope you meet my expectations." Bakugo said, before marching away once again. Holy...fucking..shit.
You watched him walk away, eyes wide and jaw slightly dropped. Surely this was fiction, surely a hallucination caused by head trauma. You pinched your arm to check, and sure enough this was real.
You hoped to meet his expectations too.
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lori �� 2024. please don't copy, modify, or do anything weird with my writing! i like reblogs and comments but please be kind as this was my writing.
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Alex Zedra with a Cobalt Kinetics CK-Pro Rifle Photographed by Chris K Photos
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excalculus · 6 months
I saw some mentions of rabies going around again and have no clue what's set it off this time, but given recent scientific developments I want to revisit the idea of curing symptomatic rabies.
First things first: there is still no practical way to do this. The famous Milwaukee Protocol fails far more frequently than it succeeds, and even the successes are not making it out in anything like a normal state. It's been argued that it should no longer be considered a valid treatment [1] due to these issues; any continued use is because there's literally nothing else on the table.
However. There are now two separate studies showing it's possible to cure rabies in mice after the onset of symptoms. The lengths you have to go to in order to pull this off are drastic, to put it mildly, and couldn't really be adapted to humans even if you wanted to. But proof of concept is now on the board.
long post under the cut, warnings for animal experimentation and animal death. full bibliography at the end and first mention of each source links to paper.
Quick recap - rabies is a viral disease of mammals usually transmitted through the saliva of an infected animal. From a contaminated bite wound, it propagates slowly for anywhere from days to months until it reaches the central nervous system (CNS). Post-exposure vaccination can head it off during this phase, but once it reaches the CNS and neurological symptoms appear it's game over. There will typically be a prodromal phase where the animal doesn't act right - out at the wrong time of day, disoriented, abnormally friendly, etc. This will then progress to the furious (stereotypical "mad dog" disease) and/or paralytic phases, with death eventually caused by either seizures or paralysis of the muscles needed for breathing.
That's the course we're familiar with in larger animals. Mice, though, are fragile little creatures with fast metabolisms.
In the first study's rabies infection model, lab mice show rabies virus in the spinal cord by day 4 after infection and in the brain by day 5. Weight loss and slower movement start by day 7, paralysis starting from the hind limbs from day 8 on, and if not euthanized first they're dead by day 10-13. [2]
This study (fittingly conducted at the Institut Pasteur) had two human monoclonal antibodies, and wanted to see if there was any possibility they could be used to cure rabies after what we think of as the point of no return.
Injecting the antibodies into muscle saved some mice if done at days 2 or 4, and none if done later, even at high doses of 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of each. Conclusion: targeting the virus out in the rest of the body is no use if it's already replicating in the CNS.
Getting a drug past the blood-brain barrier is, to use a highly technical term, really fucking hard. It's the sort of problem that even the best-funded labs and biggest companies in the world routinely fail at. And that's for small molecule drugs, which are puny compared to antibodies.
But this isn't drug development for a clinical trial. This is a very, very early proof-of-concept attempt, which means you're willing to ignore practicality to see if this idea is even remotely workable. So you can do things like brute force the issue by cutting through the skull to implant a microinfusion pump, which lets you deliver the antibodies directly into the normally-protected space around the brain. Combine this with the normal injections, and you can treat both the CNS and the rest of the body at the same time. Here's a survival graph of treated mice. X axis is days, Y axis is percentage of mice in that group still alive.
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Figure 2A from reference 2, accessed February 2024
The fact that the blue, green, and purple lines did anything other than sink horribly to zero is unheard of. When the combination treatment was started at day 6, 100% of the mice survived. Started at day 7 (prodromal phase), 5 out of 9 mice recovered and survived. Started at day 8 (solidly symptomatic, paralysis already starting to set in), 5 of 15 mice recovered and survived. And when they say "survived", they kept these mice all the way to day 100 to make sure. Some of them had permanent minor paralysis but largely they were back to being normal mice doing normal mouse things. So, success, but by pretty extreme means.
Enter the second paper [3]. This was a different approach using a single human monoclonal antibody against Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV - closely related to rabies, similar symptoms in humans) to try for a cure without needing to deliver treatments directly into the CNS. They also made a luminescent version of ABLV that let them directly image viral activity, so they could see both where the virus was replicating and how much there was in a live mouse.
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Figure 1 from reference 3, accessed February 2024
Mice infected with ABLV start showing symptoms around day 8. You can see in the figure that at day 3 there's viral replication in the foot at the site of infection, which has shifted into the spine and brain by day 10. So what happens if you give one of these doomed mice one single injection of the antibody into the body?
Done at day 3, the virus doesn't make it to the brain until day 14, and while disease does set in after that around 30% of the mice survive. Days 5 and 7 are much more interesting. Those mice still develop symptoms at day 8, but the imaging shows the amount of virus in their spines and brains never gets anywhere near the levels seen in untreated controls, and within days it starts to decrease. Around 80% of day 5 and 100% of day 7 mice survive.
Okay, sure, you can stop another lyssavirus, but technically you did start treatment before symptoms appeared. What about symptomatic rabies?
The rodent-adapted rabies strain CVS-11 starts causing symptoms as early as day 3 after infection, and untreated mice die between days 8 and 11. The same single dose of antibody saved 67% of mice treated on day 5 and 50% of mice treated on day 7. Without making the luminescent version of the virus there's no real-time imaging of the infection, but you can still track symptoms.
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Figure 2 from reference 3, accessed February 2024. CVS-11 is the name of the rodent rabies strain and F11 is the name of the antibody.
Disease score is a combination of several metrics including things like whether the mice are behaving normally and whether they show signs of paralysis. In untreated mice it goes up and up, and then they die. If one of those lines starts coming back down and continues past day 10 or so, that's a mouse that recovered. The success rate isn't as good as against ABLV, but again, this is a rabies strain specifically adapted to rodents and treatment wasn't started until it was well-established in the CNS.
So how on earth is this happening? The antibody neutralizes both ABLV and rabies really well in a test tube, but we've already established that there's no way a huge lumbering antibody is making it past the blood-brain barrier without serious help. Something about the immune response is clearly making it in there though. And it turns out that if you start trying this cure in mice missing various parts of their immune systems, mice without CD4+ T cells don't survive even with the treatment. By contrast mice without CD8+ T cells take longer to work through the infection, but they eventually manage it and are immune to reinfection afterwards.
To grossly oversimplify the immune system here, CD4+ are mature helper T cells, which work mostly by activating other immune cells like macrophages (white blood cells) and CD8+ T cells (killer T cells) against a threat.
Normally, T cells are also kept out by the blood-brain barrier, but we know that in certain specific cases including viral infection they can pass it to migrate into the brain. In the brains of the infected mice for which antibody treatment either wasn't given or didn't work, you can find a roughly even mix of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells along with a whole lot of viral RNA. But in the brains of those successfully fighting off the infection, there's less viral RNA and the cells are almost exclusively CD4+. So the antibody doesn't work by neutralizing the virus directly - something about it is activating the animal's own immune system in a way that gives it a fighting chance.
Again, neither of these proof of concept treatments is really workable yet as a real world cure. The first one is almost hilariously overkill and still has a pretty good chance of failure. The second is less invasive but careful sequencing still shows both low-level viral replication and signs of immune response in the brains of the survivors even at day 139, so it may not be truly clearing the virus so much as trading a death sentence for life with a low-level chronic infection. But now we know that 1. curing rabies after symptoms begin is at least theoretically possible, and 2. we have some clues as to mechanisms to investigate further.
Not today. Not tomorrow. But maybe not never, either.
Zeiler, F. A., & Jackson, A. C. (2016). Critical appraisal of the Milwaukee protocol for rabies: this failed approach should be abandoned. Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 43(1), 44-51.
de Melo, G. D., Sonthonnax, F., Lepousez, G., Jouvion, G., Minola, A., Zatta, F., ... & Bourhy, H. (2020). A combination of two human monoclonal antibodies cures symptomatic rabies. EMBO molecular medicine, 12(11), e12628.
Mastraccio, K. E., Huaman, C., Coggins, S. A. A., Clouse, C., Rader, M., Yan, L., ... & Schaefer, B. C. (2023). mAb therapy controls CNS‐resident lyssavirus infection via a CD4 T cell‐dependent mechanism. EMBO Molecular Medicine, 15(10), e16394.
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aquaaquila · 1 month
The Owl House Family Tree
Behold, the family of the Owl House mixed with my headcanons that I made because I felt like it, and gosh is it crazy. Explanation under the cut lol
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The Grimwalkers (and Hunter who's a grimwalker) were created by Philip, essentially being his children, but Philip created them using Caleb's DNA and modeled them in his image. So yeah, they pretty much are both parents of Grimwalkers as they're not perfect clones of Caleb and it's fucked up in plenty of ways
Since both Gwen and Dell are theorized to be descendants of Clawthorne with how Gwendolyn follows the mold of Clawthorne women with her looks, power, and name. Still, then there's Dell who has an uncanny resemblance to Philip and Caleb, along with being the best wood-carver in the wood-carving family, so it's not clear who's the Clawthorne and who was married to Clawthornes, I went a different route. I made Gwendolyn a very very distant descendant of Clawthorne's ancestor (16 generations and possibly even more), whereas Dell is the descendant of Caleb as a compromise.
Lilith and Hooty are in QPR.
I included Hooty's mom along with possible ancestors and used the tapeworm in Titan's eye as a point of reference.
The BATTs are adopted children of Raine and Eda's co-parent to them. She however adopted the Collector, King, and Luz individually, even though Raine also would co-parent them to an extent. Granted Eda was called "mama Eda" by Amber, whereas Luz, King, and the Collector never referred to Raine as their parent.
Raine and Eda are neither dating nor married, but a secret third thing. And the same applies to Darius and Alador
Camila and Perry Porter (Gus's dad) are in QPR as well.
Professor Hermonculus is Amity's grandparent because yes xD
Eberwolf and Darius are "like brothers" but they aren't officially brothers by either blood or adoption, or they're necessarily in QPR. They're just bros.
Darius had a failed relationship that resulted in Gavin (that abomination Glandus kid). That's rather a leftover theory with plenty of story-telling potential that came back from season 2A days when we knew nothing about Darius and were looking for some connections. The picture of the mom came from the old photo from Reaching Out.
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Gavin is dating Cat (Amity's former friend, she set them up).
There was a funny theory that once I heard about Mason being dad of Willow's dad and I decided to go along with it because A) I find it funny, especially since the point of connection is how alike they look, and B) explains where Willow got her green eyes from.
Mason is a grandparent of Matt and Steve, as I figured he's too old to maybe be just their dad IMO, but he could still be. It's also an old and forgotten theory from times of TOH S2B when Steve got revealed to be Matt's step-brother (meaning they share one parent and have 2 different parents of their own) and there were storyboards of ASIAS that revealed there was a storyline with Mason and Tholomules, granted as I said, it was forgotten so I can't say it's really valid.
Steve and Katya are dating. @secretly-of-course here is your Stevatya mention.
Any other questions? The ones that aren't asking who is who, unless it is a really obscure character then let me know.
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fruitzapple · 2 months
For your 3D art:
What are your influences?
What is your process for creating and texturing the models?
What software do you use?
Other than that, I will be keeping an eye out for more of your models as you are what I aspire to be as a hobbyist 3D artist.
Thanks for asking! I'll apologize ahead of time I'm not the best a writing but I hope my answers will be helpful and fun to read
1: I'm really inspired by arcane and into the spider verse! I love the way they can make 3d look like paintings or comic books I love to stylize 3d and I hope with more practice I can make my 3d art come off as different 2d styles. I'm also a big fan of the old low poly games look with the silly pixel texture it's kinda a funny balance between wanting my art to look nothing like 3d and wanting it embrace the sillies of the art form.
2a modeling: I start with cubes for almost everything I make. I started my 3d art journey with texturing Minecraft skins so I kinda like cubes, it also makes unwrapping it onto a flat plane for texturing just a bit easier for me. Here's an image with the geometry of my silly mailbox model highlighted.
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3: I use Blender to make all my models although I just learned a little bit of 3ds Max in my first 3d animation class, I'm mostly self taught though that being the one semester of a 3d animation class under my belt but youtube has been a gold mine for every question I have about 3d and I've practically learned everything I know about using Blender of youtube tutorials.
2b texturing: I use an add-on called uv pack master in blender to speed up my uv unwrapping process so I can make my texture look nicer faster. As for painting I use the tools in blender to texture my models with a couple extra brushes from another add-on it's outdated though and I should probably find some new brushes lol. This is what my texture looks like btw! It's a little messy but I hope you can find it helpful!
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I'm really passionate about 3d animation and almost everything involving it I love talking about it thank you for asking!
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noirangelz · 4 months
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-ℕ𝔸- Headband Style
「 𝕀𝕥𝕖𝕞𝕤 」
➺ -NA- Headband Style
➺ -NA- Headband Style 2A
➺ -NA- Headband Style 3A
➺ -NA- Headband Style 4C
「 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕥𝕒𝕚𝕝𝕤 」
➺ Compatible with all Unreal Engine Versions
➺ Can be rigged to any model in Blender
*Disclaimer* This styles is most commonly used by blender roleplay Simmers and/or content creators. Can also be used by any other 3d model that’s in Blender 3D. It is easily rigged to any model.
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Henry X Model .45-70 Lever-Action! 💥
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