#mokona c:
bbanimalstories · 9 months
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CLAMP, "Tsubasa: ALBuM De REProDUCTioNS", 2009
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year
Clamp Art Style Analysis Masterpost
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Part 1: Creation Process and Materials
Part 2: Series styles and Compare and Contrast
Part 3: Examining Concept art: X/1999, RG Veda, Tsubasa reservoir chronicle
Part 4: Examining Concept art: xxxholic, Code Geass, Kabuki Bu
Part 5: Examining Concept art: Blood C
Part 6: Analyzing the art style
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Oh!! That hasn’t happened before either! The poor bean!
Is that because of the enormous strain of travelling to THIS world in particular, as cut off and protected as it is? The same strain that Yuuko was under in performing this task?
Or is that just IT for a while? Is Mokona out of travel juice (either temporarily or permanently…?) as another signifier of the stakes? That there’s no escape from here, and no help from the outside. That there’s no way out of this whatsoever.
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OOF and Mokona even has to ask if she did it correctly. Thank goodness Lava Lamp can confirm it for her, she deserves to know she did a good job! <3
Aaaaand here we are at the Kingdom of Clow! Curiously, a version of the Kingdom of Clow where the ruins still appear to be partially buried - or at least it looks like it from here. Is that just because we’re far away, or is it a signifier that the piece of time we’re in is entirely separate from anything our characters have touched? A world beyond anything Syaoran achieved with his excavation even before we started the series? Completely outside of anything we as readers have ever had the chance to see. 
Then again perhaps I'm jumping the gun and it's completely fine once we get closer. Either way I love the visual!
Whole chapter just to get here! Whole chapter well spent!
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nonbinarysyaoran · 1 year
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none of the holic guys have many sprites so i'm just putting them in one post
(deep breath) yuuko, watanuki, maru, moro, and mokona modoki (larg) sprites from the tsubasa chronicle ds games
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koushirouizumi · 9 months
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{H.O.L.I.C} Vol. 13 Ch. 157 vs. Vol. 16 Ch. 183
"I don't remember choosing anything!!"
{Cap by Me} (Please ASK to Use)
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hia0404 · 5 days
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Reading the first half of TRC again makes me feel happy and sad at the same time. Cuz though the Sakura C forgetting Syaoran C is hurt and sad af but they have the wholehearted support from Fye, Kurogane and Mokona. All of them were so happy, they were literally family!! You can look at Syaoran C’s smile in the 1st pic and know how happy he is even though sometimes there’s pain.
And Tsu (Syaoran R) could never have the same experience like that, he can only watch them happy, and unable to do anything but wish he was with them too.
When Tsu joined the gang, things can never be like back then. Even though in the end of TRC and TWC, the gang bond again but couldn’t be like that bc Sakura couldn’t be there with them.
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the-corvus-luna · 2 years
CLAMP Herbal Tea Diary January 1998
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[Rosemary]: So, my next job will be with CLAMP.
Marigold: CLAMP? Isn't that supposed to mean "fastener" or something? That's weird.
[Rosemary]: It's not "fastener", it actually means "pile of potatoes".
Marigold: Either way, it's still weird.
[Rosemary]: Marigold, don't speak about our employers like that.
[Marigold]: Even if they're our "employers", they're just those 3-inch tall figures, right?
[Rosemary]: Whether they're 3 inches or 1 inch tall, they're still our employers.
[Rosemary]: Alright, let's get to work. We need to check on CLAMP's living conditions… oh dear, this won't do. This could make them sick.
[Marigold]: Lack of sleep, lack of exercise, and lack of happiness.
[Rosemary]: We need to help them feel better… I know, let's make herbal tea.
[Marigold]: It looks like they only have black tea, coffee, and Japanese tea here.
[Rosemary]: Of course, those are all good options with caffeine, but drinking too much of them can upset your stomach.
[Marigold]: Well, the four girls here have already upset their stomachs from drinking too much.
[Rosemary]: They're our employers, dear. Now, let's make that herbal tea.
[Marigold]: Alright, let's get started on our first task.
Rosemary's Recipe
2 parts Peppermint
1 part Rosemary
1 part Rose Hips
1 part Fennel
This is a herbal tea to drink before work. It's meant to be consumed after eating a proper breakfast. Peppermint refreshes the mind and body and also helps regulate the digestive system. Rosemary is called the "tea of rejuvenation". Additionally, rosehip has ten times more vitamin C than lemon, which helps purify the blood, and fennel helps with indigestion and obesity. Fennel can be a bit difficult to drink for some people, so I added a little extra peppermint. How does it taste?
Satsuki Igarashi: "I can drink it. I don't dislike it, but having more Rosemary may not be good. It has a refreshing aftertaste."
Nanase Ohkawa: "I like it. It's delicious. I usually don't like peppermint, but I like this one."
Tsubaki Nekoi: "The smell of fennel might bother some people. Does it smell like curry? But it's delicious when it's warm."
Mokona: "I can drink it. I like it. But I would like it even more if there was a little less fennel in it."
Rosemary's Diary: As I suspected, it seems like the Fennel is a bit hard to drink. Maybe I should reduce it a bit more. But I'm glad they drank it all. Let's do our best again next time.
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Marigold's Recipe
2 part Eucalyptus
1 part Yerba Mate
"I haven't tried this blend before, but I added eucalyptus and yerba mate to it to stay healthy, since it's been cold lately. Eucalyptus has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects and is said to be effective against influenza… As for yerba mate, it's said to be good for physical fatigue and reduced concentration according to a book I read…
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Satsuki Igarashi: "Bitter!! But if you put a ton of honey in it, it's somehow drinkable… But still, it's bitter!"
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Nanase Ohkawa: "I can't drink it, the smell is really strong. I'm sorry."
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Tsubaki Nekoi: "I feel like I'm going to die, it's so awful. It's like there are burnt leaves in it."
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Mokona: "It's so bitter that I feel like I'm going to die! It's like being killed."
Marigold's Diary: What's this?! I worked hard to make this! Well, I know eucalyptus and mate have a bit of a unique smell and taste, but still! . . . sigh. . . Let me try drinking it. . . gulp Ugh, it's bitter. . . Next time, I'll make something even more delicious!
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
Even this scene is so funny but you can see how much Fai care for Kurogane. That's why Fai don't want to hurt him.
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Even Fei Wang sent him to kill Kurogane. Fai couldn't do it. Mokona could tell how much Fai love this companion.
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Even in this chapter Fai still hesitates to fight Kurogane.
P.S. Poor both C!Syaoran and Real Syaoran can't stop them to fight.
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futuretrain · 3 months
re: last rb didn't want to put in the tags bc op isn't there in the manga yet but for like a good minute i was like "but wait, what language did "real" clow country speak then bc r!sakura and r!syaoran remark when he first arrives that they speak the same language (or at least understand each other), how would r!syaoran who lived his entire life in our modern world know a language from the future" and then i remembered who his parents were and that they'd obviously teach him that language bc they KNEW he'd need it. c!syaoran even remarks in the scene with seishirou that *his* father taught him to read the old language, so of course r!syaoran's own father would also teach him the "new" language.
...on the other hand they could've adapted a different writing system so syaoran and sakura could still speak because the dialects were still mutually intelligible and it's the emphasis on the "reading" part that is the concern in c!syaoran's flashback? god i wish clamp had gone into their linguistics a little bit more in this series because whenever you remove mokona from a scene i start having SO many questions
"maybe that was hitsuzen too" well has hitsuzen ever considered explaining itself
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mikoriin · 6 years
Sakura Awakens
so i wanted to write a little thing from when sakura first wakes up in hanshiin, but from her perspective. its rly short since the volume p much ends after the exchange of names, but i think its still worth posting! i hope you enjoy!!
All was dark and hazy, nothing but a blurry image of a desert town and the faint whisper of a name, “Sakura..” She could hear it echo in her mind.
She was cold and numb, could feel nothing but emptiness as she stared upon the image her mind displayed like a broken record. Then, she could feel the slightest hint of warmth, something embracing her like flames dancing along her body. The hairs on her arms stood up and she could feel everything, her toes, the tips of her fingers, her chest falling and rising with each breath. She could hear that name again, “Sakura…”
Slowly, she began to open her eyes, light erasing the darkness and the desert town fading out of view. The fuzzy figure of a person caught her attention as she awoke, her vision eventually clearing and she could see a young man, staring at her with the kindest eyes, yet he seemed desperate and anxious, emotions she was not sure she knew the meaning to. “Sakura!” He called out that mysterious name.
The girl opened her mouth to speak, but there was nothing to be said, she stared at the boy, burnt and scratched tan skin, ruffled brown hair, and those sweet amber eyes looking upon her as if she was the only thing in the world. She stared at him blankly, a pang in her heart as she tried to grasp at the tiniest bit of memory of who he was. “Who….Are you..?” She asked in a robotic tone.
The young man’s kind eyes fell, turning bright, shining amber into a pool of dark clouds. His expression of anxiety and happiness faded into  sorrow, which sakura couldn't understand. She began to sit up, her joints cracking at the movement, feeling like she hadn’t moved a muscle in days. How long had she been out, where was she, when did she even begin to exist? All these questions ran through her mind as she watched the boy in front of her struggle to speak. When she first opened her eyes she saw someone shining, a light beating out the darkness she had previously saw, but now he seemed so small, a mere fraction of who he was only a few moments ago.
His expression changed quick, however, that smile back on his face, but this time it did not radiate that light it had before. “I am Syaoran,” He said, his voice sweet and smooth like honey, “And you are Her Highness, Princess Sakura”
‘Sakura’...That name she had been hearing, prodding at the back of her mind, had been hers. “Please, if you would kindly listen to what I have to say,” The boy, who called himself Syaoran, spoke again, “You are the princess from another world.”
“Another...world?” Sakura questioned, she just awoke to this one, and now she is told there are more?
“At the moment, you have lost all your memories, you are travelling between worlds to retrieve them.” Syaoran explained patiently, that foux happy smile never wavering.
“By myself?”
“No...You have travelling companions.”
“Are you...one of those companions?” Sakura asked, feeling the slightest bit of hope in her heart, though she wasn’t sure why she felt it in the first place.
He nodded, “Yes.”
Sakura stared at Syaoran, her jade eyes heavy lidded, something about him seemed so familiar, yet so foreign. She was sure she had never met him before in her life, or what had seemed to be her entire life. She couldn’t remember anything but the image of a desert country and now her own name, but there was a strange longing for this boy that confused her. “You’re doing all this for a total stranger?” She asked.
Syaoran’s smile faltered only for a second, his eyes downcast a moment before he answered her question, “I am.” He said, still smiling.
Before Sakura could ask anymore questions, another figure appeared beside Syaoran, a tall, lanky man with long blonde hair, a white rabbit with a red jewel on its head sat on his shoulder. “Princess Sakura, I am pleased to make your acquaintance. Fai D. Fluorite at your service.” His voice was light and gentle, though he had an air of mystery surrounding him. “And may I present-”
“Kurogane.” Another man, tall and dressed in black stood by the door with his arms crossed. His voice was deep and sharp, but she felt no danger from him.
Fai took the rabbit off of his shoulder, the creature so small it fit into the palms of his hands, “This cute, fluffy one is…”
“Mokona Modoki!” The rabbit spoke, “But you can call me Monoka!”
Sakura smiled fondly at the rabbit and shook its paw, “Pleased to meet you, Mokona.” She said softly.
She looked up to see the others in the room, but found that Syaoran was no longer in sight. She stared blankly at the place where he sat in front of her, his aura still lingering in that spot. She wanted to reach out, to feel that aura and feel him beside her again. She didn’t know why, but she felt like he was someone important, someone her heart longed for. She looked to the only window in the room, it was raining. She felt strangely melancholic, an emotion she wasn’t sure how to feel properly. What was she meant to feel? She was empty, not a thing to her soul but a name she was given by a stranger, yet ‘stranger’ didn’t feel right to call him. Just who was Syaoran, the first thing she sees when she opened her eyes, his delighted smile and those bright eyes, shining at her like the sun. She looked to her hand and remembered the feeling of warmth surrounding her. “When I was asleep, I wonder if someone was holding my hand…” She said, a faint smile on her lips bringing her hand to cuddle against her face, “My hand...felt so nice and warm.”
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yououui · 2 years
Prompt: An acknowledgement of how messed up it was that both Ashura and Fei Wang Reed scrambled Fai's memories so much that he didn't know what way was up anymore. (It's so sad. At least no matter how much they messed with his head, they couldn't change how kind his heart was. He tried to force himself not to care about the others, but he wasn't able to do that. :C )
"they couldn't change how kind his heart was" anon i am screaming and crying into my pillow rn
They don’t have much time to discuss certain topics following their escape from Celes. They get distracted by things like Kurogane bleeding out or the clone of Sakura being killed in the dream world and all of the realizations in Clow. After the defeat of Fei Wang Reed, their focus is on healing and deciding their next steps.
And though Kurogane knows that Fai will always have the weight of his past weighing on his heart, he also sees Fai’s true smile for the first time in, well… ever. He’s on the path to healing, they all are. But they also know each other well, and Kurogane isn’t the only one to notice the heaviness in Fai’s eyes, the way something constantly tugs at his thoughts and pulls him out of the present moment.
It’s a few worlds after leaving Clow, with a quick stop to Piffle for a new arm, that it becomes too much for Fai. Kurogane wakes in the middle of the night and sees Syaoran and Mokona fast asleep, but Fai’s bed is empty. Staying in a small hotel, there aren’t many places for Fai to hide, so Kurogane quietly sneaks out to find him. That isn’t very hard, either; maybe it’s something to do with the last vestiges of the blood they share or perhaps it’s because Fai’s magic has returned and it’s too powerful to not sense, but Kurogane feels a tug upwards. He climbs the stairwell until he opens the door to the roof. 
There’s a chain link fence along the perimeter for safety. Fai sits in front of it, his legs crossed, and stares out at the city scape. The stars in the sky are almost invisible, so the lights from the city twinkle in their place. Fai doesn’t seem to really be looking at any of it though. He stares straight ahead at the mountain in the distance, barely visible against the dark sky, his eyes unfocused.
He only blinks and snaps out of whatever thoughts he was stuck in when Kurogane sits beside him. “Kuro-sama,” Fai murmurs in surprise. “What are you doing up here?”
“You were thinking so loud I could hear it from our room,” Kurogane answers.
Fai smiles sheepishly and looks down at his crossed legs, his feet only protected by a set of slippers provided by the hotel. “Sorry,” He says like that’s actually true. “I just couldn’t sleep.”
“Wanna tell me about it?” Kurogane asks, gentler now. 
Fai swallows, his jaw tight. He thinks for a moment, biting at his lips as he comes up with the right words. “I’m just—remembering.” He takes a deep, trembling breath, looks up at the sky and blinks like his eyes are burning. “And wondering what else is wrong in my memory.”
Kurogane feels a sharp pain in his chest, aching for the boy whose life was stolen away by those that chose to take advantage of his fragile mind. Fai’s memory had been altered by both Fei Wang Reed and Ashura, enough to completely warp his perception of his entire life. Enough to make him believe that he’d murdered his brother in an act of self-preservation. Enough to set him down a path of guilt and self-destruction.
Tears spill over Fai’s cheeks despite his best efforts, sparkling from the lights of the city. “I keep thinking over everything, again and again and again. All the things I thought I knew and all the things I learned I didn’t, and I can’t—I just—what if there’s more that was changed? What if my memories aren’t—?”
Kurogane can only imagine what Fai is feeling. Memories were, in his opinion, the most valuable thing a person could possess. Even if he did not live within his past regrets, if he couldn’t remember his mother’s gentle smile or his father’s determination, who would he be today? To lose such memories, or to learn that they were never real, it would make any person question their reality. 
“What if—” Fai continues, rambling now, all of the thoughts and fears that had been piling up since he learned of his memories being tampered with spilling out. “My brother, what if I don’t—what if I can’t—?”
He digs the heels of his palms into his eyes like he’s trying to shove the tears back inside, but they continue to fall. His cheeks go blotchy and he sniffles pathetically.
“Oh, gods,” Fai says, his voice cracking over a sob. “I feel like I—like I can’t trust any—any of my mem—memories.”
Kurogane gently takes Fai’s wrists to move his hands away from his eyes. Fai looks back at him with bloodshot eyes, a fresh wave of tears building up when their gazes meet. Kurogane never wishes to see Fai cry again and he itches to cut down whoever brings tears to those eyes. But he’s already done that—twice. Unfortunately, this is something that a sword alone will never be able to heal.
“That king,” Kurogane begins while looking down at Fai’s hands, the scars that prove what Fai went through. “I still hate him. I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive him, but…” He looks back to blue eyes. “He loved you and—I dunno. Maybe he thought what he did was right, in some twisted way. But he wouldn’t have taken anything else from you. I may hate him, but I know that.”
Fai swallows and glances to the side—almost like he’s trying to look behind him, at the place the tattoo used to sit, his last gift from the closest thing he ever had to a father. He’d gone his entire life believing the lie Ashura told him. Even now, when they aren’t in a life or death situation, Kurogane can feel a hesitation from Fai to use his magic without the phoenix on his back.
“And as for that damned Reed,” Kurogane continues. “Your brother showed you the truth, didn’t he? If there was anything else Fei Wang had changed, your brother would have shown you.”
Fai looks down at his hands, still held tenderly in Kurogane’s. “I suppose… you’re right…” He murmurs without sounding convinced.
“Hmph.” Kurogane yanks on Fai’s hands, pulling him forward so that Fai lands in a graceless heap against Kurogane’s chest.
“K-Kuro-sama?” Fai asks against the fabric of Kurogane’s t-shirt. He quiets when Kurogane wraps his arms around him, one flesh and the other synthetic.
“And if you’re so worried about remembering things, don’t be,” Kurogane tells him. “I’ll remember everything for the both of us.”
Fai pulls himself out of Kurogane’s arms, his hands braced on Kurogane’s thighs so he can lift his head and look up at the ninja in shock. And then gratitude. And then a mix between happiness and sadness that has him crying again and returning his face to Kurogane’s chest.
Kurogane strokes his hair and lets Fai cry. He has a lifetime of tears built up, after all. A lifetime of guilt he’s had to live with, and now the recent truth that it was all a lie. New grief replaces the old with the realization, and there is little Fai can do but just feel it. And there is little Kurogane can do but be there for him in moments like this.
So, that’s what he does. He offers his shirt, his arms, his entire heart in the hopes that it will soothe Fai’s aching soul. He has a lifetime of tears built up, but it’s okay. He has a lifetime with Kurogane being there to wipe them away, too.
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skyflyinginaction · 1 year
Clamp Art Style Analysis: Part 5: Examining Concept art: Blood C
Besides Code Geauss and Kabuki Bu Clamp were in charge of Blood C having had a hand in character designs Blood C was the other animation production like Code Geass there was no detailed order on the designs Clamp had the freedom to decide the character designs for the characters. Clamp never watched the original film or the Plus series Clamp designed the Blood C design while Clamp was drawing Kobato they used their creation process for the designs in deciding Blood C’S designs. Blood C concept art is much more detailed than Code Geass, the concept art though detailed had many lines having defined clear sketches with the same fine pencil lines from a mechanical pencil. 
Saya’s design was entirely different from the two protagonists' designs from the film and series. Clamp added glasses in her design The glasses in her design symbolize her change and transformation in the series the glasses are used to note her transformation.  There are many lines in Saya's concept art,
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even Clamp did a pencil sketch of Saya and then drew it on the computer. 
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There are not a lot of lines in short hair as seen with Itsuki and Fumito, Itsuki’s bangs don’t require too many lines.
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I could agree that Fumito doesn’t have a lot of lines in his side bangs.
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Most of the characters in Blood C come from the type of characters you would see in Clamp’s works,  Itsuki and Shinichiro resemble Toya and Yukito fitting since drawn by the same artist.
When looking at the concept art of Yuka, her hair is a fringe cut on the right side. The fringe cut gives in her hairstyle a sense of imbalance.
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That side bang is drawn as part of the hair as part of Yuka's hairstyle. You don’t see the root of the hair but part of it.  The fringe doesn’t have a root or source to where it's drawn. The same goes for how the hair is done in the concept art looking at Yuka’s concept art in how the lines flow in her design, the lines of the fringe were drawn first then the lines at the bottom make it look straight. 
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Blood C designs took references from real people and even added them to their appearances. The notes on Yuka’s appearance such as her large lips were taken from Angelina Jolie; the details of character designs appearances come from real people. 
The designs of Blood C are a bit more realistic seen with Kanako, Kanako’s hair is divided into sections in her concept art, her hair is drawn in one big shape and a big bundle like you would draw from a photograph.
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The bangs of Kanako are swept to the right side and have wavy curvy lines that flow to the side.
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When it comes to hair it's about the amount of lines and the shape of the hair; this can’t be true for Kanako, Nene, and Nono. Nene and nonos have curved lines for their hair.
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Their hair has a shape for their curved hair.
In my observation X or Tsubasa are done by a regular pencil due to the messy lines. The rest is done by a mechanical pencil due to how clean the lines are.
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If I wasn’t repeatedly in tears before MOKONA SCREAMING IN HORROR OVER THE DEATH OF SAKURA is a sure way to pull it off!
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nonbinarysyaoran · 1 year
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annebrontesrequiem · 3 years
For char headcanon, how about Yuuko the queen 👀
M O A R Yuuko!!! There's never enough Yuuko headcanons!
Headcanon A:  realistic
Yuuko can use butterflies to communicate with spirits and other supernatural creatures. Both existing butterflies and butterflies she creates specifically for sending messages.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Yuuko once decided to paint Watanuki, Domeki, Himawari, and Mokona for Christmas gifts. Though no one could doubt her talent, no one knew what to do with a self portrait that looked like it was stolen from an art museum dedicated to the Heian Era. Mokona’s did look rather interesting though.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Clow used to brush Yuuko’s hair for her. Even now Yuuko uses the brush he gifted to her, one without magic but with a beautiful bird and butterfly engraving on the back. Yuuko no longer uses it, but sometimes when she’s feeling especially nostalgic she’ll take it out of its case and talk to it, as if she might somehow reach Clow through it.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
I don't know how this would work, and it's probably contradicted in current canon, but I think that Yuuko cannot be around objects that were invented after her intial death for long. Hence the old phone, the sending Domekia and Watanuki to watch the television in Rei, the general atmosphere of her shop. I know that there are contradictions to this (specifically computer customer saying Yuuko has an online account somewhere) but I just think it'd be a really interesting caveat to her continued existence and something cool to explore.
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tsubasaclones · 3 years
Syaoran/Clone Syaoran whichever u wanna do!
u know me so well 😌 ill do both im not a coward
ccs syaoran:
headcanon A: ive said it before and ill say it again. hes autistic
headcanon B: i think he still leaves valentines day chocolate in sakuras mailbox except maybe he puts his name on it now (although that didnt stop her from knowing who it was from the first time)
headcanon C: he was probably really lonely when he first came to tomoeda. like, he went from living with 5 people (his mom + 4 sisters) to living alone (again why was a child living alone) in a foreign country. and as far as he knew there was going to be some tragedy if the cards didnt all get collected so i imagine he wouldve been worried about that too. he probably wasnt too happy about having to go anyway because like, he had to learn a whole new language for it and everything and japanese grammar is listed as his least favorite subject so...
headcanon D: ok wait this one might not be that unrealistic but like... there was never an actual on-screen asking-out scene for him & sakura so i imagine theyre like dating but theyre not like officially dating but theyre both idiots and dont know how to address it lmao
clone syaoran:
headcanon A: huge fucking book nerd. probably a walking encyclopedia
headcanon B: sorry i just had a vision of that "i want to see my little boy here he comes" video but its him holding mokona and idk whos behind the camera. maybe fai. but you get the idea
headcanon C: he never got to like... really apologize to fai for you know, eating his eye and all that. he probably feels guilty about that still
headcanon D: you already know what im going to say. he & clone sakura get to come back and be alive and happy and just get to fucking relax or something idk i just want them to get to do whatever the hell they want and not have to worry about getting separated and pulled into shit again
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