#sherlock femslash
moodywritesmoody · 1 year
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The Rivers of New Scotland Yard (A Stally fanfic - ft Ella and Janine being a riot)
Janine let the rest of their arguing go unheard as she continued to check on the contents of the boiling, grilling, and frying pots and pans. It was going to be a feast - that was the most exciting part; everyone could at least agree on that. In maybe another hour they would all be eating and drinking and making merry.
Then maybe after a few ciders and when they were all partied out and content, Janine might ask Ella for an easy no pressure chat.
It struck her again, how weird it was that she was friends with Ella at all. Because Ella was her ex-boyfriend’s therapist, the answers to some of his most baffling behaviour was forever just beyond her grasp. Even if they had only been fake dating. And not in the cute fanfiction sense. Enough time had passed since Sherlock revealed his lies that she felt she could probably survive happily not knowing just what he was thinking at the time, but also just enough time had passed that Ella might maybe let some inconsequential detail slip. Inconsequential but enlightening. And so the temptation to beg an insight off of her was ever present. She still hadn’t managed to convince Ella that the ethics of Doctor-patient confidentiality were short sighted at best and blunt force trauma at worst. But Janine was persuasive, she was Irish after all.
Ella was presently negotiating some agreement about technology usage with her teenagers. And after a few minutes of civil debate, they seemed to come to acceptable terms and went separate ways again. The kids back to the stream and Ella to their busy kitchen set-up.
“Ogh, this smells insanely good already, Janine.”
“Thank you kindly. Salted with the sweat of my brow.”
“I’m glad you’re such an excellent cook because if we had to do Sainsbury's pies around the fire this wouldn’t be nearly as fun.”
“Hey you make a really good beef stew now. It only took you, what, two tries to master it?”
“Yeah because you just cut the stuff and toss it in a pot and forget about it until it starts to smell good, that’s about as complex as I can handle. Probably also because you’re such a patient teacher.”
Janine felt chuffed, but shrugged like it was no big deal. She was a patient teacher, no big deal.
“Well you’re a great student.”
Ella gave her a look, “No I’m not.”
“No, you’re not.”
Ella chuckled.
Janine chortled.
“Don’t tell my kids, I like that they think I was a model student in school, instead of a permanent resident of detention.”
“Nah, your kids would be proud of you.”
“They had a rebel as a mum. A proper trouble maker.”
“Yeah well. They’re both doing so well already, I won’t sabotage that for anything.”
(Chapter 2 snippet)
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i-am-newyork · 1 year
Responses would be greatly appreciated!!! - It’s for my thesis :D
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secretsofthewilde · 1 month
One of my favourite things about starting a new show I've only heard about secondhand through Tumblr is discovering what's canon and what's just a wildly accepted headcanon.
Following on from that, it's always a particularly special treat when I start a show and feel rather confident that the main ship I'm aware of is something that's not canonical, only to realize within the very first episode HOLY SHIT they're actually obsessed with each other and even the other characters are saying so - I don't think the fans were being delusional this time.
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meikuree · 2 years
rare femslash exchange recs
first: I received two beautifully written fics for Rare Femslash Exchange and wholeheartedly rec them both!
And when I come home, cold and tired by @liesmyth
(The Locked Tomb; Harrowhark Nonagesimus/Ianthe Tridentarius, T rating)
   Sometime in the fourth century of the second myriad of the Resurrector—because, really, who kept count anymore? She could barely remember which decade they were in. The third, maybe.
   (Harrow, who kept track of these things, would know that they were in the fifth decade. She would despair of her negligence: Really, Tridentarius, you have half a decent brain and you can’t be bothered to look at a calendar? Ianthe would reply that she needed her brilliant mind for grander, better things; Harry could be the menial timekeeper if she so wished. Harrow would say: It’s the year four hundred fifty-seven. And so it was.)
   Thusly: in the year four hundred fifty-seven of the second myriad of the Kindly Prince—that that King of Kings, the Lord of the River, the Prince of Death!—the Eight Saint surfaced back into her body with a jolt.
Nothing Ugly by cordial
(아가씨 | The Handmaiden (2016); Hideko/Sook-Hee, M rating)
The early what-ifs were playful: What would it have been like, if we grew up together in your dorm of thieves? If we were schoolgirls together in Gyeongseong? If we were persimmon farmers? Excuses, only, to buy a hundred pretty hats and ruin them. 
other recs from the collection:
Immolation Claws Skyward by @boutiquetraveltravelboutique (Annihilation (2018); Lena/Lena Double, E rating)
The body forms like water, like fire, like the pyroclastic flow of magma from the earth’s core, rippling outwards from a single acquired droplet of Lena’s blood.
She backs away.
She runs.
with a smile, violently wild by @banrions​ (Elementary; F!Sherlock Holmes/Joan Watson, T rating)
When she stops and thinks about it, really allows herself to, the most alive she has ever felt was working with Sherlock; taking down Moriarty, the three of them in a strange dance together during the Kayden Fuller case. If she’s truly honest with herself, that awful thrill is what Joan wants. Even if it comes with a cost.
Punica Granatum by @aliatori (Hades (Video Game 2018); Nyx/Persephone, T rating)
When Persephone fled the Underworld, she left Nyx three things: a broken heart, a garden full of dying flowers, and an impossible promise to keep.
second garden by @bothzangetsus (Do Revenge; Eleanor Levetan/Drea Torres, T rating)
Take revenge once, shame on the people who deserved it. Take revenge twice, shame on... The person who definitely deserved it, again.
the collection is full of other wonderful f/f works too! check them out here.
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theblob1958 · 1 year
we need to dykeify the bechdel test again
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banrions · 2 years
my fic for the rare pair femslash exchange is revealed! i haven't written for elementary in ages and i loved writing this one.
f!sherlock/joan/moriarty | 13k
When she stops and thinks about it, really allows herself to, the most alive she has ever felt was working with Sherlock; taking down Moriarty, the three of them in a strange dance together during the Kayden Fuller case. If she’s truly honest with herself, that awful thrill is what Joan wants. Even if it comes with a cost.
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turbulenttrouble · 2 years
i have yet to add the 100 fics that are still open on my browser to the list, but I hope his list is easier to use then the last one
if there's any trouble opening the link pls let me know
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pennywaltzy · 2 years
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People talk about how destiel is canon in the Spanish dub of supernatural. However, we don't talk enough about how the same creators as BBC Sherlock wrote canonical genderswapped femslash Johnlock in Doctor Who.
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olderthannetfic · 6 months
I'm friends with a bi woman in fandom and we ended up discussing why she decided to write exclusively slash instead of femslash, the first reason is that in f/f communities, a lot of the people are weird about bi women, every male love interest becomes comphet, bisexuality is not a valid explanation, and if a character is directly referred to as bisexual in canon they are constantly referred to as a lesbian in fandom and reminding people that the character is bi just makes them angry. Apparently it feels very isolating.
She also says that she's kinky, and the every time she's tried to post a kinky fic for an f/f couple the comments have gotten swarmed with radfems attacking her for "ruining" the pure lesbian ship. She says it's not not wanting to write f/f, but instead directly compared it to how a lot of people swapped from Stormpilot to Kylux in the Star Wars fandom, because they wanted to write kinky fics, and people weren't harassing them for it with Kylux.
Idk I guess it could just be food for thought in this discourse.
The counterargument is that the harassment was mega intense in, say, Sherlock fandom over which guy you put on top—to the point of leaking video of someone talking about their own sexual trauma because they "deserved it" for shipping this stupid ship the wrong way.
And yet, did Johnlock go away? No, it did not.
I still think you're right, but this crap has a disproportionate chilling effect on some types of ships while failing to derail others.
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cookie-sheet-toboggan · 10 months
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moodywritesmoody · 1 year
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The Rivers of New Scotland Yard (A Stally fanfic).
“Donovan!” she said like it had been a long time, “This is a cute place, I almost didn’t find it, I accidentally typed ‘Sist-er Barista’ instead of Sist-a. But fortunately my powers of deduction came through in time.” She wiggled her long eyebrows, flung down her various work bags and settled into the chair opposite.
Stella saying this was simply a formality, they both understood that embarrassing Sally was Hopkins’ very unique love language.
Stella just levelled her with a shit-eating stare (the lower grade cousin of the shit-eating grin). “Don’t think I didn’t see your little stingy quarter smile, Donovan. In Japan they call people like you ‘Tsundere’, little Tsundere-chan.”
“I know what a bloody Tsundere is.”
“Oh right, little brothers; you know you act so much like an only child so I forget.”
Sally wanted to feel insulted but she wasn’t quite sure in what way.
“Hey,” Hopkins continued, hardly breathing between phrases, “Have I shown you my new jacket yet? It’s just in time for the cold front this week; at last London weather has seen my charms and smiled on me. If only that was the general effect I had on women.” The last part was probably for herself since Sally barely heard it. It was also, as far as Sally had observed over the years, ridiculously untrue; an odd lack of self awareness to this specific thing that was cute at first, but became increasingly irritating and on occasion, concerning.
“Wow,” Sally contributed, “another leather Jacket. Are you already sick of the other eight?”
“This IS the eighth actually.”
“Also, I know your salary, and it is not a patent leather jacket salary by far; so what’s the truth, Hopkins?”
“I save for emergencies, just like you do.”
“Clearly we don’t have the same emergencies. Or the economy just works different for you.”
Stella took a tentative swipe of the coffee table, dispelling some crumbs. She seemed to be considering this point carefully. All their conversations about money happened carefully.
“Well, let me give you a secret, as your ex.”
“Your what?”
“Your ex colleague.”
“Go on.”
“If you steal the office loo paper you can save for nicer things.”
(Chapter 1 Snippet)
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ezrisdax-archive · 11 months
the very first gifset I ever made was on january 26th 2014, it took me a month to immediately make a set for a femslash pair for characters who had never met. (shoutout to anyone who a) remembers the old blog and b) remembers the pair)
I've been doing this for almost ten years now.
and for ten years I've had to put up with ridiculous tags that only come up on a femslash set. "feel free to ignore the romance implication" "I don't ship this" "friendship goals" and it's forever something I've noticed that only happens on those kinds of sets. never the (extremely rare from me) slash set or the het sets. hell at most if I make a gen set someone will say "I don't go here"
fandom likes to pretend it's so much better now than what it used to be in the days where female characters were just blatantly ignored and femslash was lucky if it wasn't from xena. (sorry, I love xena, I'm just trying to make a point that other fandoms didn't get that wide femslash base, yes I know there was still a few). in truth fandom hasn't really changed much of it's attitude at all.
if you've ever followed the top ships post of ao3 that's done here you realize that out of 100 you can count the number of femslash ships on your hands.
and you can always make the argument there aren't enough female characters, or they don't get the same dynamic male characters get and that's true. but that's never bothered fandom to make up a ship before for a slash pairing. fuck man, moran didn't even show up in bbc sherlock and yet it's there with over 3000 fics on ao3 with moriarty. I'm lucky if a femslash ship gets out of the rarepair section when rare pair fic exchanges come around.
I guess this just comes across as preachy and annoying 'why isn't my ship as popular' but there's always been a push back in fandom when it comes to femslash. they don't get the depth that fandom is willing to explore when it comes to other pairings. they're the cute background ship that's saying 'lol oh guys when will you get your act together' for the slash ship.
it's exhausting.
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Marvel Femslash Week 2023
"I guess you'll know all my secrets, huh? If I'm a superhero, then MJ Jones is a Sherlock Holmes type of detective." - Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen/Michelle "MJ" Jones
wc: 279 | ao3 | marvel femslash week (@marvelfemslashweek): day 1, fluff | marvel rare pair bingo (@marvelrarepairbingo): getting to see her cute stuffed animal collection | fandom: mcu - spiderverse | rating: general | tags: femslash, established relationship, fluff, teen romance, crossovers & fandom fusions, lesbian michelle jones, lesbian gwen stacy | spider-gwen, gwen stacy is spider-man
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deepdowninshipperhell · 7 months
Bidding for the Fandom Trumps Hate charity auctions is now open, and will remain open until March 9th at 8:00 PM EST.
I am once again participating as an author under the nick IetjeSiobhan, so if you’d like me to write a fic just for you – and support a good cause – this is your option! You can find my FTH entry here.
To get an overview of my writing, you can find my ao3 account here.
What exactly am I offering?
A written work within the Haikyuu fandom, F1 RPF, or an Original Work.
Word count: 5-10k
Max Rating: Explicit (so whether you’d like something G or T rated or something more spicy is up to you – I’m happy to work with you).
What am I especially interested in?: For Haikyuu, I especially enjoy writing Kuroken or any of the Haikyuu girls in any combination. Generally, themes I enjoy include (but are not limited to) Mutual Pining, Secret Relationships, Idiots to Lovers, Fantasy, Shapeshifting, and Omegaverse. I am also happy to write kink content and darker themes, but if you have a very specific theme in mind, it’s probably best to dm me before bidding to ascertain that I’d be a good fit for writing it!
What am I unwilling to write?: I feel uncomfortable writing ships I have not written for before (you can check my ao3 to get an overview). For F1, there might be exceptions to this rule – best dm me if you have something specific in mind! Femslash ships are also generally exempt from this rule. Additionally, I am unwilling to write angst without a happy ending, unrequited love, MCD, and themes of heavy mental illness, such as self-harm and eating disorders.
Other notes: I both enjoy working with very specific prompts, very loose ideas, and anything in-between! If you only have a vague thought, that’s fine for me and I’ll most likely have a lot of fun with it, but if you’d like to be more involved and have a very specific idea, I’d also be delighted about working with that! I generally tend to check in several times during the writing process, even if I don’t have immediate news or anything that requires input, just to let you know how things are progressing!
Which organisations is my auction open to benefitting this year?: Bellingcat *, Civil Rights Education and Enforcement Center *, In Our Own Voice *, Life After Hate, Middle East Children's Alliance *, National Network to End Domestic Violence *, Never Again Action *, Razom *, Sherlock's Homes Foundation *, Violence Policy Center *, Environmental Org: Pollinator Partnership *, Environmental Org: Wildlands Restoration Volunteers, Environmental Org: Coral Restoration Foundation * (*-marked organisations can be donated to internationally)
The Minimum Bid for my auction: $5
If you’re not interested in my works, (or even if you are,) do check out the other great offers this year! The FTH auction was a great joy to participate in last year, and I cannot recommend it highly enough. And hey, have I mentioned yet that it’s for a good cause?
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maki-matsurra · 1 year
Emergency Writing Commissions
Hello everyone! 
As of recent, things at my house has been pretty rough money wise, so because of how many people love my writing, I am deciding to start up writing commissions! 
The commission sheet is down below! 
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Paypal link: [email protected]
You can contact me either on Tumblr or my email ([email protected]) with details of your commission! 
These are EMERGENCY commissions, I have the right to deny any request! I prefer to be paid upfront. I have 5 slots available (this may or may not be subject to change)
OneShot #1
Oneshot #2  That's What It Takes To Be Infinite
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(Disclaimer: The completion times will vary depending on what you ask of me as well as my personal life) Prompts: $5
One shot: $20-40
Custom fanfic: $60
3-5 chapters: $70
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(Disclaimer: If you have an OC, I need a reference image of said OC so I may describe them properly)
1-3 characters: $5
4-5 characters: $10
6-10 characters- $20
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Slice of Life
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Adult x Minor Character
PWP (Porn without plot)
Incest (anything pro-ship related)
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(Disclaimer: If you want to request a fandom I don’t know, you can! Just be patient as I do my best to research it.)
 Sonic The Hedgehog (Including Movie-verse) 
 Guardians of the Galaxy (Movie-verse & Game-verse) 
 Uncharted (Including Movie-verse) 
 Red Dead Redemption 
 Kingdom Hearts 
 How to Train Your Dragon 
Rise of the Guardians 
 Love Live! (Including Sunshine, Nijigasaki, & Superstar) 
 Aikatsu Stars 
 Black Butler 
 Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid 
 South Park 
 Sly Cooper 
 Spies in Disguise 
Gravity Falls 
Disney Fairies 
 Detroit Become Human 
 Life is Strange (Only first game, Before the Storm & True Colors) 
 No Straight Roads 
 Team Fortress 2 
 Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 
 Steven Universe Future 
Resident Evil (Only 2 & 4) 
 Looney Tunes 
 Ratchet & Clank 
 Sam & Max 
 Five Nights at Freddy’s: Security Breach 
Sing (The Movies) 
 Genshin Impact 
 Ever After High 
 Monster High 
 Criminal Minds 
 Over The Hedge 
 Epic Mickey 
 God of War Ragnarok 
 Peanuts (Charlie Brown Media) 
Honkai: Star Rail 
Good Omens
BBC Sherlock
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