#moms relationship with me is getting rly bad again
madockisser · 3 days
cardan/nicasia: why they’ll never happen again analysis/speculation
a while back i saw someone (or rather, a thread of ppl saying that they hope cardan and nicasia don’t get it on in the next book which is supposed to be nicasias book (supposedly) and i even saw someone say they WISH THEY DO ?!
so here’s your fun reminder of what nicasia put cardan through!
I’ve gathered together all the shit nicasia did to cardan: being the first girl he loved then breaking his heart w his friend, allowing cardan to catch them ON HIS BEDROOM FLOOR. (not entirely her fault but she totally had shits and giggles abt it when cardan confronted her) then when Locke screwed her over, she got CARDAN and his power as prince, to harass the girl(s) locke chose over her, one of which cardan liked, then later on was trying to manipulate him to marry her (which i think is when cardan realized they weren’t rly even friends anymore), THEN kidnapping and torturing the girl she knew cardan loved, AND befriending his abusive neglectful mother!
like damn. how u even fumble that bad, not just romantically but as a friend.
also I’d like to add her consistent entitlement, not just the whole “i bully girls bc I’m a princess and i can!” but the “cardan take me back even after i emotionally ruined you multiple times!” 😐
poor cardan
anyway, I’ve read lots of holly black books, and she is VERY mindful w abusive sort of relationships. and cheating relationships. she writes about them a LOT and each time they are pretty irredeemable.
note(the only exceptions):Taryn and hazel (darkest part of the forest) who sorta cheated on accident/ it wasn’t their fault-> but didn’t end well
add on note sorry: “but nicasia cheated on cardan on accident bc Locke was a gancanagh!” false! nicasia admitted that what her and Locke were doing was prolonged, the scene that cardan finds them is not their first time screwing around. nicasia KNOWINGLY cheated on cardan. then she was like “ok but i still care abt u! take me back” ?
now you can say that it could sorta be classified as an accident due to lockes natures (which are actually really disturbing if u think abt it) and that’s true, i never blamed nicasia for that relationship, but i do blame her for all the utter dogshit she not only put cardan thru, but Jude.
and this is cardan we are talking about. he who killed half an army for Jude when madoc tried taking his daughter back (sounds funny out of context).
we must remember that cardan does not want Jude hurt and humiliated and that’s exactly what nicasia went and did to Jude. through all the books bro. nicasia literally kidnapped and tortured Jude in the undersea so there’s 0 chance of cardan touching nicasia unless maybe to turn her into a tree again (but he can always just do that at a distance 😛)
anyway back to the cheating:
which is why i know that holly would never pull any sort of bull w cardan and nicasia, and you may be thinking (well that’s bullshit what do u know?) 3 separate books w cheating tropes, and 5+ diff relationships that involve cheating w no redemption. LOL
anyway black and i certainly agree on that front, and the way she uses the trope so consistently, and makes it so the cheaters are never endgame, or have a horrible death (Locke AND his mom, also Eva Duarte 😭the dude Ben dated from dpotf, and Kaye and that guy Janet was dating, Val and Tom and dave and lolli (modern faerie tales)) is pretty telling!
holly is great at writing healthy relationships, and she knows that tcp is her biggest hit w the media, so she won’t go and fuck that, not just bc she would never and it’s out of her writing style and character and literally moral compass when it comes to writing relationships, but also bc her publishers/editors would NEVER let that slide.
but i can’t wait for her book! i love knowing that nicasia will never have a chance w cardan again, it’s no less than what she deserves 😋
anyway sorry for ranting! I just feel so strongly abt this topic, cardan would never cheat on Jude, since he’s been cheated on before, and it was heart wrenching, and bc of his upbringing, he would never. if you haven’t, go thru my masterlist in my pinned and find the cardan /nicasia thing where i explain why he wouldn’t cheat far better there!
But feel free to add on, i probably missed a few things so lmk!! 🫶
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n7punk · 1 month
“Slipstream” Fic Notes
Slipstream is done after growing far beyond the “simple hacker fic” concept and honestly Mara’s so cute I can’t even be mad. Fic notes below.
I’ve got the playlist here, but other honorable mentions I listeded to on repeat during this just because I wanted to: The Sex Was Good Until It Wasn’t album by XANA (it dropped in May and that shit is still on repeat), SUCKERPUNCH album by chloe moriondo (for chapter 6), PVRIS’s entire discography (I was going through something).
The Kicker — XANA
Good Luck, Babe! — Chappell Roan
Diet Heartbreak — chloe moriondo
TRAUMA BOND — poutyface
Albi — XANA
Rly Don’t Care — chloe moriondo
Chaos Is Love — K.Flay
Teenage Nightmare [unreleased demo]
What’s My Age Again? — Emilia Ali
Late Bloomer — Allison Ponthier
Holy Revival — Maisie Peters (ignore the verses)
Femininomenon — Chappell Roan
Mercury In Retrograde — Avril Lavigne
NIGHT IN JAIL — Rachel Bochner
my best friend’s ex — emlyn
Even If It Kills Me [unreleased demo]
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl — Chappell Roan
Sirens (feat. Sophie Powers) — MOTHICA
Homewrecking Era — XANA
Obsessed (feat. Ashley Sienna) — Sophie Powers
Obsessed — Astrid S
Look At Her Now — Selena Gomez
Pretty Girls — Renee Rapp
Cruel Summer — Taylor Swift
Picture You — Chappell Roan
Epilogue Life:
It takes a few months for Catra to feel like she has any handle on “parenting” or any right to even think that term about herself when she’s still a newcomer to Mara’s life, but Mara has accepted her at that point, it’s Catra and her own lack of a parental figure that is stopping her. She never would have accepted someone trying to come in and parent her after being so jaded from the first few years of her life (see her  relationship with Adora’s parents in high school), so she’s expecting Mara to be a lot more hesitant and take “convincing”. She wants to give her the time she needs, but Mara had a loving parent growing up and doesn’t see adding Catra to that role as a bad thing.
Mara also has a little kid understanding of the world, so to her the instant Catra and Adora are dating she’s her stepmom, not because it’s that easy, but because obviously dating = will get married, so there is no point “fighting” something that is inevitable. Even though her parents don’t talk to each other, it doesn’t occur to her that people break up under normal circumstances. Her dad has hurt her mom and her a lot, he’s a bad guy, and Catra isn’t that, so why would she ever leave. They’re both girls and gay, they have no need to breakup. Life isn’t that simple, but it does make their relationship transition pretty smooth from Mara’s perspective.
Catra still insists on the stepdad thing and it becomes a family joke. Catra tells Mara it’s because it would be too confusing if they were both mom and Mara accepts that without question, because she is actually right. The reasons for stepdad are multi-layered, like this addition which helps Mara accept it: Mara wants someone good to replace the force of rejection and imbalance her bio dad was, so she’s more than happy to have Catra take that mantle instead. Catra wants to replace him as well, for many reasons including her own selfish hatred of him, but also her own insecurity. She knows she can be a better parent than Falcon, but she doesn’t think she can ever be equal to Adora and thus an equal mom. Adora’s parents weren’t 100% wrong when they mentioned the butch thing either because it is my headcanon Catra is a little GNC at times. Not really anything deep or strong enough for her to identify any particular way, just something that means she wouldn’t mind stepdad or “sir” even without all those other layers. Eventually a lot of those factors stop seeming like such a big deal but at that point it is just a family joke that never really dies. Occasionally once she’s in high school Mara calls her mom, but mostly Catra is “Dad” or “my stepdad” when being referred to singularly, and then when Mara is referring to both her parents she calls them “my moms”. Which does confuse people and Catra finds that funny.
When Mara is in high school and the age Adora and Falcon were when they started dating, Falcon finally tries reaching out again. That was a phone call Adora never wanted to get, but he’s not coming back to the country — he does still have those debts waiting for him, after all, and unable to pay them back, the stress would take him right back to that mental state he fled — and he’s not trying to rejoin their lives, he just kind of wants to know what happened after he left. Adora is angry and tells him he doesn’t have the right to know that after what he did — and she’s right — but later she still regrets it and, after talking to Catra (who also tells her she was right and she shouldn’t call him back and open that door back into their lives for him, but sits by her side when she’s on the phone to support her when she insists on going through with it), she calls him back. She only gives him the very high level stuff: she started dating someone right around when he disappeared, and they’re married now and happy, and she has become Mara’s new stepdad — something Falcon thinks she says as a pointed jab not knowing that’s really what Mara calls her — and Mara is doing well despite Falcon messing up her sense of trust and safety as a little kid, and definitely doesn’t need him fucking with her again by trying to contact her now. Adora makes it clear this is a courtesy she is giving him with the understanding that, now she has volunteered the information, he isn’t going to seek any more out or bother them.
That holds kind of true. He checks in with Adora around high school graduation just to make sure Mara made through it okay — he can’t help but remember around this time he was ruining both their lives — and to see if she plans to go to college, which she does, and then he calls again three years later just to see if she’s still on that track, which she is. He never calls again and Adora never knows if that’s because he moved on, or got closure, or lost their number, or died. Mara knows he called to check in on her once or twice but Adora didn’t tell her until she was an adult because she worried about reintroducing all that old uncertainty and fear back into her life, and at least now no one can force her to see Falcon if she doesn’t want to.
Catra seriously considers hunting him down after he goes dark, but she has done what she can to close the illegal chapter of her life and she knows Adora wouldn’t be happy with her reopening it — especially when she’s a little rusty — for their own closure with him. Catra didn’t exactly succeed in turning over a new leaf overnight, but she did greatly reduced her law-breaking, leaving only little slip-ups that happened every few months until she managed to stretch a gap long enough for it to become permanent, the impulse no longer second nature and her episodes of feeling untouchable either more rare or focused on something other than being unafraid of the government. She does stay in the cybersecurity sector professionally for a long time and works alongside Entrapta several times throughout the years.
I’ve kind of talked about this before and even included it in the concert scene, but Catra and Entrapta do kind of keep  referring to each other as partner occasionally and honestly neither of them are really sure how they mean it. They never formally said “QPR over”, they said “no more physical affection (sex)” and they remained very close, though it felt like it did end more definitively when Catra eventually moved in with Adora. That took her longer to do than it usually does in AUs due to both her happiness/comfort with Entrapta, trying not to “upset” Mara by forcing the change on her, and Catra still needing the ability to get distance from them for the night sometimes while dealing with her own demons, but those slowly disappear as Mara lets her heal her own childhood and she sees she can be a good parental figure with experience.
Chapter 1:
⦁ “Slipstream” was once again a temporary placeholder name that became permanent. It’s a reference to the hacker Slipstream, one of the names behind the Nintendo gigaleak.
⦁ Entrapta’s daily energy drink limit is by no means her daily average, but any day drinking seven energy drinks is a bad one. She doesn’t actually drink Monster every day… Just like 95% of them. And she is a lot more likely to drink 1-3 than 5.
⦁ Okay I’m like half bullshitting the tech speak in this fic. The 20 minute decryption Waffle House thing? Yeah that’s actually optimistic. The kid who hacked the CIA did that exact thing and took 30 minutes to log on and he still eventually got caught.
⦁ Close followers of my Tumblr will already know Adora Maria is reference to some terrible  “wrong” trivia answers to a question about She-ra’s names.
Chapter 2:
⦁ Steps (loosely): 1) Identify absolutely necessary files and save them, 2) Paste contents of other important word/text files into empty cloud documents she can download later (cleaning metadata), 3) Create a new encrypted email on a totally different machine (in this case, Catra’s clean laptop she had with her), 4) Forward absolutely necessary emails to new address (being very selective), 5) Delete what accounts it’s reasonable to just nuke, 6) Completely wipe computer and reset it, 7) Change first the associated email and then the password of all other accounts in a closed environment (Catra’s laptop) and turn on two-factor for absolutely everything that has the option, 8) When all information has been reset, delete old email in closed environment as insurance.
⦁ Adora’s scent changed some with pregnancy and then the rest with lifestyle changes.
⦁ Mara comes out to check on them because Adora told her an old friend from high school was coming over and she wasn’t making the happy sounds she makes with her friends. When she realized Adora was stressed she got worried, doubly so when she said it was grown-up stuff, because that grown-up stuff could be Mara-related — especially since she knows Falcon is causing problems with child support even if Adora tries to keep her from hearing about it too much — which is why Adora invited her out to see it’s really okay.
Chapter 3:
⦁ Originally when I wrote the group chat there was nothing differentiating who was speaking, but I had the idea to use emojis like profile pictures to make it more clear. The scorpio icon was originally head-in-the-clouds (high af emote), the star was originally just a sassy emote, and the dragon changed the same. I ended up changing them because a reader sent an ask letting me know that the emotes wouldn’t translate to epub format and the Scorpio and star “emote” are part of the standard unicode colored symbals, so I’m hoping they’re included, but I also don’t have any way of checking without just uploading the thing so this was my best effort. I kept the dragon even though it’s not included because I was too attached and only one person missing an icon would at least differentiate it from the others still.
⦁ Adora named Mara after her old teacher Mara because she was the only out lesbian she (knew) she had ever met. She was pretty quiet about it to not get harassed by parents, but she wasn’t about to lie about it, and she would talk about Hope when prompted. Adora admired that back in high school thinking she just Respected Her Ideals™️ and later realized it was more than that.
⦁ Catra’s conflicting feelings looking at Mara hugging Adora’s hip are actually less because she’s remembering her father and more remembering she was doing that to feel safe and she doesn’t like to think she’s making a kid feel unsafe too.
⦁ Adora’s habit of rubbing at her tattoo (versus something like the back of her neck) started when it itched a lot while healing. She has terrible tattoo discipline and really shouldn’t get another one because she couldn’t leave it alone.
⦁ You might be able to tell here, but originally Mara was intended to be older (8-ish or something) but I didn’t want them to separate that long. The timeline is already kind of screwy because even with Adora a year older Mara should actually be four with pregnancy time, but shhhhhh.
⦁ Oh my god I wish more people knew the difference between the deep web and the dark web. People act like they’re interchangable when Facebook qualifies as the deep web. Catra is a deep web miscreant, not the dark web.
Chapter 4:
⦁ Perfuma doesn’t know they’re cyber criminals but given the jokes about felonies she can guess that’s the only thing that makes sense, and then she elects not to think any more about it because they’re really important to Scorpia and she wants plausible deniability.
⦁ Obviously Catra hadn’t said Adora’s name yet, but Adora is such an Entity in her mind it feels like everybody should think about her as much as Catra does.
⦁ Perfuma would have to be totally oblivious to not pick up from the conversation that Catra had a crush on Adora in high school, and knowing what she does about Adora’s comphet she just kind of assumes it was the classic “crush on a straight girl” that went nowhere until Catra left school. She’s not about to embarrass Catra by bringing that up to Adora, but if she knew how serious it was and had a hunch how Adora felt she might interfere.
⦁ Table break lore. I wouldn’t say this is a reference so much as a shared headcanon that previously came up allllllllllll the way back in Drawn Into The Music, where Scorpia breaks a table trying to lean on it while drunk because Biceps.
⦁ Mara’s set up is basically what I had as a kid. When we were little we had the “kid computer” which belonged to someone back in the day when it was actually considered a good machine. It didn’t have internet and was just for playing games (which were all offline at that point in time). When we got old enough for the internet we had a  software that only let us browse for like 30 minutes each day and I think had an automatic filter of inappropriate sites? If it did, the site list was very minimal and I never ran into any issues personally, but a software that blocks pornhub isn’t a bad thing for a five year old to have even if I’m generally against online surveillance lmao. It’s not making a list of sites she visited for spying purposes or anything, and generally Adora tries to be in the room with her when she’s online (in-game or not) because you know. Super young. She’s really busy though and sometimes has to rely on the idea that the parents of Mara’s friends are doing the same thing and monitoring them so they can keep safe. That is not always true.
⦁ Adora tousles Mara’s hair and pets her so much because that became one of the ways she knew how to express affection with Catra and now it’s just ingrained as a part of her.
⦁ Semi-related, she and Catra didn’t actually meet until middle school in this ‘verse and had about five years together before Catra’s breakdown.
⦁ Adora’s tattoo is the season one sword in a deep maroon and then the gem in the center of the hilt is the sunset ombre from the lesbian flag. Catra just thought the lines were black because she couldn’t see that shade of red.
⦁ “The breakup” here is code for “uncomfortable sex experience”.
Chapter 5:
⦁ Catra was about to say she doesn’t get on her knees unless a pretty girl asks nicely before her brain caught up with her mouth.
⦁ Adora was absolutely not going to interrupt because she was smitten watching them interact. She never in her wildest dreams thought Catra would do more than tolerate her child at best, but she forgot the factor of her kind of outweighed the factor of child.
⦁ Uhhhh. So. Alright fuck it. Catra was in a mania fit when she broke into the mall. That can come from a couple things and I’ve experienced it once I think, but yeah she really should be on mood stablizers and just refuses to see a professional about it. Once her life stabilized and she essentially had Entrapta as a safety net, knowing she wasn’t going to kick her out if her work lapsed, it made things a lot easier, but her constant vigilance against authorities could just as easily be seen as appropriate vigilance as it is paranoia (primarily socially-unacceptable anxiety).
⦁ Catra doesn’t know how to categorize her emotions outside of bad criteria so any strong emotion gets categorized as “breakdownable” or not but that’s definitely not what she’s feeling here, having emotions just feels like she’s dying.
⦁ Bella Sara supremacy !! 🗣️🗣️I don’t think it was available on the Vita lol but it was in THIS universe.
Chapter 6:
⦁ Catra was, subconsciously, still trying to delay the inevitable of Adora and Entrapta meeting by meeting with Adora and Scorpia downstairs. When they finally came home and it was time, Catra basically tried to get everyone settled in the living room and her own bedroom without “bothering” Entrapta, but she did vaguely greet them when they got home. Their first real conversation was the one in the bed, though.
⦁ Adora is the type of drunk to try to perpetuate her own existence. If you look away from drunk Adora for a second she’s doing another round of shots and trying to get herself hospitalized.
⦁ “Adora shouldn’t be worrying about this” yeah this reaction has nothing to do with cheating, Catra, that’s just all she can do with her jealousy reasonably.
⦁ The Scene (1)
⦁ Belgian Boys mini pancakes my beloved
⦁ Okay so “cheating” per se isn’t so much a thing in their relationship, but by the idea that there are rules and they have an understanding which involves not messing around with other people without notification/permission, then yes cheating is a thing. It would  be shitty for Catra to do anything without letting Entrapta know she intends to, which is the entire point of the fun pass.
Chapter 7:
⦁ Catra didn’t really have a sex addiction or anything she was just really, really lonely, knew people found her hot, and needed reasons to stay at other people’s places, so it ended up as a perfect storm.
⦁ “Put the kid on and let me talk to her” from Catra “I’m just tolerating the kid” Meow Meow.
⦁ Yes I know that “bludgeoning weapon” was not at all correct. But it sounded good, and that’s what writing is sometimes.
⦁ “She tells herself Mara would miss her gifts and then immediately questions why she needs to tell herself anything at all.” Idk Catra I think Mara might miss you as a little more than a gift-giving source. She might be really broken up by you not coming around. (You would also miss her but I’m not even going to pretend you’re open to that idea)
⦁ The Scene (2)
Chapter 8:
⦁ Turnabout’s fair play and we’ve gone from Adora thinking she can’t stay over to Catra thinking it. These two lesbians just need to accept they’re equally needy.
⦁ “Hoodwinked” agenda !! In all seriousness I haven’t watched it in years so I’m not sure if it holds up, but I loved that movie as a kid and so did my mom. I watched it so many times.
⦁ “Tax-free” is in reference to the final line of the chapter, where Catra has some (minor) dues to pay for how she has lived her life, but it’s nothing more serious than what she has already done, because as awful as she often thinks herself, most of what she did was just surviving under hard circumstances.
Chapter 9:
⦁ Adora has it right with Falcon. To him, he and his girlfriend had sex bad enough for her to realize she was gay (he was not being a good partner for that because he didn’t notice she was uncomfortable, he was just thinking three years together made it about time), he suddenly has a kid at only 19, and his now-ex he was planning to marry can’t even look at him. He already had gambling tendencies and really fell on it with the stress of college and navigating the kid situation, and then everything snowballed because the debt got bad enough he couldn’t make tuition and his stress went even further through the roof when he was forced to just get a job to pay what child support he could, and then he starts getting these threats and at that point completely starting over is looking pretty attractive. Whether or not he was in the right has no effect on how his brain was able to handle it and Mara’s inception turned out mildly traumatic for everyone involved.
⦁ “The fact that Adora is right to have her suspicions is annoying.” That’s a little thing called guilt, kitten.
⦁ I don’t know what my thing with Albuquerque is but whenever I think of someone going into hiding/leaving the country I think of them doing it there. I’m sure it was used in some piece of media I consumed when I was young and that’s where it came from because to my knowledge it’s not an international flights hub.
⦁ Glimmer is one of those people who will drop in the group chat like hey who wants to see a show in two weeks and then just buy tickets for everyone. This was actually arranged months ago, hence the Star siblings not thinking about the timing and having a conflict, and it was before Perfuma and Scorpia even started dating.
⦁ Melendy Britt was a voice actress on the OG cartoon and like a third of the female characters, playing Adora amongst others. She was recently at the MOTU SDCC panel.
⦁ In most ‘verses I think Catra loves music, she just has a specific history in this AU that makes it a weird thing for her because she knows it was robbed of her but can’t try to get into it now because that’s acknowledging everything she has lost.
⦁ The brain development thing is actually a myth and it varies wildly between people, but Adora’s parents are also the kind to sincerely believe you’re only using 10% of your brain at any given time.
Chapter 10:
⦁ When I was initially figuring out what to do with Falcon, I wasn’t really sure what to do with him. I wanted to get him involved in criminal stuff Catra could uncover so he couldn’t be around Mara anymore, but I was also hesitant to do that because Adora’s life is in a precarious place without the child support. I also didn’t want to make him into this caricature of awfulness when he was once Adora’s longterm boyfriend and thus at least seemed decent. Then I remembered Catra has a tech sector paycheck and I could easily just run him off at that point.
⦁ Honestly, now is probably the time to admit that every third time I went to write Falcon’s name I almost wrote Sea Hawk just because they’re so similar, which makes sense since Falcon was invented to be Sea Hawk’s ex, but it was a struggle the whole fic lol.
⦁ Okay, but what did happen with Falcon and the money/threats? Well, Catra had it pretty right: they were sketchy people, and criminals sure, scammers definitely, but they weren’t actually going to send hitmen after him or anything. He was never in any danger. Leaving the country did actually give him a new leaf though and he was a better person with it, managing to build something even though he was still struggling with his gambling addiction. He wasn’t able to keep any kind of savings going as a result but he at least learned not to spend money he didn’t actually have and get in debt. He managed to find a small pension job and get help for his anxiety, which let him at least a small modest life.
⦁ Mrs. Bee is Sweet Bee.
⦁ I meant to have a conversation about swearing they never ended up having. Basically, Adora vaguely tries to censor herself, but things like “oh stars” come naturally to her from her parents, “fuck” just also comes naturally from everyone else in her life lol. Mara knows kind of what swear words are and that they’re “adult words” you need to be older to understand the impact of, so when Catra (or Adora) does inevitably swear in front of the kid, it’s  not much of a big deal. Catra ends up making it out to be a bigger thing in her head and putting more effort into censoring herself (read: any effort) than Adora does or cares. Eventually they do talk about it when Catra takes a bit more of a parental role in Mara’s life and is trying to figure out what that entails.
⦁ There’s this tendency for people talking to kids to refer to their parents as “your mom” rather than like, their name which you would be using in any other context. Catra has had a secret rule — secret even to herself — that she’s going to keep Adora’s name and not do that “your mom” shit. Well, here she is doing that shit, and it’s because she feels a lot less like she needs to distance herself from Mara — and thus the concept of Adora having kids — than she did at first when Mara quite frankly terrified her.
⦁ “I didn’t remember your phone number-” a straight up lie, “-and I wasn’t about to go back home under any conditions to ask your parents what you were up to,” will turn out to be a lie.
Chapter 11:
⦁ “It’ll even look bad on Mara by the time of their next zoo visit.” Oh? Are you planning to be part of that visit, Catra?
⦁ (I am not personally a big fan of bucket hats but there are times when they look really cute — yes even on adults — Catra’s just a hater)
⦁ Catra’s description of how the magicat crowns work is actually how her mask works on her official doll. In the case of the magicat queens, though, the hooks were more like a fallback because the mask was made to be so perfect against their face its weight was distributed over the entire thing and the small hooks just kept it from getting out of place.
⦁ Catra’s freakout is very funny to me because kids will play with literally anyone they like but Catra has so little experience she thinks this is what fatherhood is. Not that she isn’t a Trusted Adult to Mara but most of her “signs” would be there whether or not they were dating.
⦁ “It’s also partially that she isn’t ever going to be a father to anyone, and thus using it has more joking distance that feels marginally more acceptable.” She’s a dad within six months lmao.
⦁ Being a parent doesn’t come naturally to a lot of people, and Catra is one of those, so for most of the fic you don’t really get to see her in “parent mode”, and I do worry where it leaves off some people will see her as not a good step-parent for Mara, but that’s a slow process for her to reach. The fic would have to drag out a lot longer before it could reach  the point where it’s natural for her. For most of the first year she feels like she’s horribly flailing during every interaction with Mara, and that doesn’t change with this chapter, but she does internally accept that this is a role she’s going to have and wants to take  up, so while she still jokes and occasionally slips up, she does love the kid and is doing her best.
Chapter 12:
⦁ I’m basically picturing the Home Alone house for Adora’s parents but I don’t remember it from the movie, I remember it from the LEGO set. So do with that what you will.
⦁ Marlena knows what she’s doing and she’s just trying to feel Catra out because she never would have pictured her becoming a parent in high school, but she also knows, both logically and from her phone calls with Adora, that Catra has grown a lot.
Original Outline:
I actually have my original idea for the fic still written down from a Discord conversation with a friend so here it is in its entirety:
vague idea is catra + entrapta are a hacker duo and they’re a thing. adora's organization is data compromised, forcing catra to get back in contact with her to help her fix it (vaguer idea is adora works for a nonprofit or something. dont hold me to that) like catra independently finds out there's a security vulnerability and is like fuck i have to be a good guy about this Maybe Catra tries to hack them to spy on adora because she misses her and then she gets way too much way too easily.
So yeah obviously a lot changed. Another idea was that Catra had to protect Adora from people trying to get her for… IDK, something Catra uncovered that Adora didn’t even know she knew (or at least didn’t realized was incriminating enough for people to want to cover it up), but I don’t really like writing action lol.
Everything changed because I had been wanting to write a single mom Adora fic too, just didn’t have anything written for it. In the initial version of Slipstream, I had no background for how they drifted apart, and the comphet backstory for the single mom Adora fic slotted nicely into Slipstream’s empty past, so I combined them so I could write both at once, especially because (as evidenced by how little was in the outline) I didn’t have any kind of ongoing plot after they reconnected that I actually wanted to write (again, action ideas are fun, but not for me to write). The new story gave me a lot more avenues to explore relationship dynamics as a big element for all the characters, and thus gave the QPR more relevance and let me portray something I think is kind of rare. Entrapta’s relationship with relationships in this fic is really personal to me and it kind of stuck out as a little out of place in the old idea, but in this version of the fic it works into the overall themes of relationships, self-denial, and accepting that what satisfies you isn’t necessarily the thing that will make you happiest and that’s worth whatever risks are associated with it.
I want back and forth on the club chapter and the following revolving around a few points: should they actually kiss in the club or just come close, should they kiss in the kitchen, and should they get evolved enough in that kiss for Adora’s hand to reach Catra’s tail. I kind of knew the latter would be too far, but ultimately decided the first two were permissible within their rules.
Adora’s floorplan
Next up will be an OotW oneshot. I’m also working on the Lightbeam sequel fic, and lowkey another AU I’ve been teasing, but I don’t think I'll have time for them before Sapphic September starts and I chip away at some of those prompts, so we'll see what’s going to shove to the forefront first, so stay tuned IG lol
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maddiemuu · 11 days
HI HELLO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!!! i had a Week. putting this under a cut bc it is soo long LMAO
cw for mention of miscarriage + fatphobia/negative body image stuff + some descriptions of like. emotional abuse/shitty family dynamics. mom and dad berkshire suck real bad.
ummmm in short. itsa very bad. in long. bernadette has Many issues. here r some of her most defining ones (to me):
ok so first r her anger issues lol. bernadette is fucking MEAN which is extra bad bc she is very easily pissed off and does not rly bother controlling most of her impulses re:anger. she's fully aware of how unlikely she is to face consequences for her actions, so she can't really internally justify doing anything differently. like why bother lol.
NEXT r her wacko relationships with her siblings + by extension their horrible horrible parents. she especially has a MAJOR inferiority complex centered around her relationship w/ her younger sister beatrice. she HHHHATES beatrice, which is very funny to me bc beatrice is 16. bernadette has insane one sided beef with her despite being a full decade older. she fully views beatrice as like. the kid her parents had to spite her for not being "good enough" as a daughter which like. ok not an entirely inaccurate read on why beatrice exists. their parents should definitely not have had even one child, much less three. but here we are. bernadette blames beatrice for a lot of her mistreatment/role as the scapegoat as the family (the logic being that without beatrice around, there wouldn't be anyone around to make her look worse by comparison lol) even though that is entirely illogical + her parents DEF would have just found someone else to pit her against. bernadette is a lot closer with bentley due to a lot of diff factors, but she does still resent him a fair bit lol. they look very similar, and it especially makes her pretty upset that he doesn't get the same shit for being fat that she does. she just generally thinks he gets things pretty easy for being a man and being the oldest. he is oblivious to this 👍. bernadette also resents her parents, and has been made VERY aware she is the least favorite child, but instead of choosing to reject the inherently unfairly stacked system they have built, she's managed to convince herself that there's a chance she can earn their approval and love by just Proving how much better she is than her siblings. she is wrong about this ! on some level, she is aware she is wrong. but she's spent most of her life with that bootstrap mentality and is too afraid of what will happen if she gives it up. some fun "spoilers" related to bernadette + her fam's future: she does soooort of get a taste of being the favorite daughter (by default) again when beatrice is 20 and gets disowned for being gay (she is fine. she has her own money + a career by that point), but it's more like... she gets to be the second least favorite LOL. bernadette does also eventually get married but i have been too lazy to design her husband. maybe somedayyy. she really wanted kids and was pregnant twice but ended up miscarrying both times, and then decided she didn't ever want to try again or become a parent through other means. her marriage ends in a MEGA DIVORCE bc she and her husband can never come to an agreement about where to go from there. she never remarries but she can have one or two boytoys i think. a little treat from me to her. (one idea i've tossed around is a childhood friend/child of her parents' friends who has been singularly OBSESSED with her since they were like 12. she was his first kiss. she has forgotten this. He Has Not. she strings him along for her entertainment and he is aware of it but also totally fine with the situation) bentley on the other hand has two daughters and while he and bernadette remain somewhat close for the rest of his life (he dies first lol. in 2034 iirc? clock's a tickin bentley. better get to work on that bucket list) he is definitely (unintentionally) sort of insensitive about this.
related, she's just also generally pretty insecure at her core. the ice queen persona isn't a Lie, it's more of like. an idealized version of herself (to her at least lol). nothing can hurt her that way!!!! she's in control! she is also a major control freak which is really unfortunate bc at the end of the day she really does not control much at all <3. she's especially insecure about her body, which once again was MAJORLY exacerbated by seeing how beatrice was rewarded for being the Pretty, Thin Daughter, while she was the Ugly and Fat one. also did not help that she used to be much thinner and her family will not let her forget that.
ok i am going to cut myself off here i think bc otherwise u will be getting a whole thesis on bernadette. i love her i love talking about her. there is so much wrong with her. thank you SO much for the ask
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imsorryimnotdead · 4 months
god so much has happened and i barely used tumblr but its getting rly bad again soo.. aw shi here we go again i recently got a boyfriend and he makes me so incredibly happy omg i love him i love him i love him i love him <3 the only problem is that he lives kinda far away so we can only see each other on the weekends and hes gonna start a year long job there soon. i rly hate long distance and even if im not going to school or anything i cant leave this city. i cant leave my dad who i love so much alone with my precious lil doggo. i know im supposed to get independent n shi at my age but we r both stuggling with my moms death a lot. i hate watching my dad fall into depression like i used to many many years ago but i dont know what to do honestly. so we r both silently suffering alone. i get rly depressed when i cant see my bf to the point where i just wanna kms ngl. when hes around i feel like heaven but when hes not i feel even worse than before the relationship EVEN IF HES THE SWEETEST HUMAN BEING ON EARTH im scared im not made for relationships and im gonna hurt him but i also dont wanna loose my precious boy ive been sh free for 1 year n 2 months ish but i rly rly rly rly rly rly REALLY feel like relapsing. i miss the pain i miss the blood i miss the feeling of the cold steel in my skin i miss the adrenaline or whatever was giving me the rush when i did it i miss him i miss my mom i miss my old friends i scared away with being sick i miss not eating i miss throwing up after even the tiniest meals i miss feeling like im not faking it its just one of these days that turn into weeks until i cant take it anymore and finally relapse. i keep finding old blades i hid a long time ago and forgot about lol idk if my old blades r still sharp enough so should i get new ones? maybe i should just try them :P <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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missredherring · 1 year
9 people you'd like to get to know better ♡
Thank you to @psychedelic-ink and @oonajaeadira for tagging me! 🩷
last song: "YES MOM" by Tessa Violet
favourite colour: pink is the go to, but it shifts around a lot. I'm digging orange rn.
currently watching: just finished Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
last movie: "Love Again." DNF'd. it was rly bad, folks.
currently reading: "And Break All The Pretty Kings" by Lena Jeong
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury
relationship status: siiingle
current obsession: I think I'm between obsessions, rn. Writing, knitting, and are always simmering in the background tho.
last thing i googled: the author of the book I'm reading. I remembered the last name but not the first.
currently working on: my Joel Miller time travel fic, and pt 3 of year of Wishes fic are the ones I'm focusing on rn.
Np tags: @criticallyacclaimedstranger @quinnnfabrgay @boliv-jenta @prolix-yuy @the-scandalorian @soft-cryptids @thatdamnokie
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massivesimpfordilfs · 2 years
AIB Headcanons!!
Basically just different characters headcanons, not much else
He isn’t one for physical touch but he does like forehead kisses
PLAY WITH HIS HAIR. its fried and crunchy but its the most soothing thing on the planet
After a long day: expect shoulder rubs
He knows how to cook but doesn’t like to (he will if you ask)
Loves giving gifts even if he’d never admit it
Takes MONTHS to say he loves you but does little things to make sure you know anyway (little actions, things here and there, and tapping your wrist when holding hands)
He gives demi vibes so he def prefers talking more than anything (he definitely doesn’t have a poorly written list of all the things you like yes this man has that shitty doctor handwriting)
Holds your hands, your bags, you. He likes holding things but he’s rly not that strong
Likes playing minecraft with you and having your little minecraft beds together
He’s very vanilla.
Literally not much else to it, he’s not shy in bed but again: I HC him being demi so it would probably be a while before you’re this intimate together
He’s so gentle, doesn’t want to hurt you or be hurt
He likes morning sex.
Switch but top leaning
For aftercare: He likes to watch movies with you and make you your comfort food and maybe some tea or coffee
Gets you chocolate milk if you like it so that you can have some energy 
She likes to cuddle you but it took a while for her to hug you early on
Def likes holding your hands, kissing your hands, anything with hand contact is the best
Her favorite kind of date is watching movies either at home in a blanket fort you built together or at the movies
She likes to do yoga with you
She feels very spiritual to me so she would probably make you a crystal necklace or bracelet for you
She loves to sit with you at the end of a long day and gossip ab work or life or literally anything (muy chismosa)
She took you to meet her mom after your 6mo together (her mother was so excited, embarrassing Kuina by talking ab how much she would talk ab you)
Also very vanilla but is open to trying anything you bring up
She doesn’t like to get undressed completely but does like to wear fancy bras
Scared to give up full control but once she trusts you a lot she gives it up more
Aftercare mostly consists of silet cuddles, sweet nothings, and braiding your hair
Loves it when you hang out together before/after his shows
The band loves you, always bringing you on tour
Kyuma gets a little jealous easily so he tends to always be around you or have an arm around your shoulder
Wear his clothes. He melts.
He def likes cuddling and getting you gifts, you have matching bracelets he bought on tour for your anniversary
He mostly chills either shirtless or completely naked in the tour bus and at home but didn’t until a few months into your relationship
He keeps trying to get your permission to tattoo your name on his back
Man’s kinky
He likes all kinds of toys or turn ons but lingerie and handcuffs are his favorite
He also likes to do it anywhere, anyway, anyhow
He’s loud too. Like deaf for days loud.
He enjoys showering together, rubbing soap into your hair and feeling the water snake between your bodies
Aftercare is gentle, a nice warm bath for you with bubbles and candles, getting takeout and cuddling together
He likes to bring you coffee and sweets, always going on mini dates when he gets a break from work
He enjoys picknics and reading books in the library together
He also likes it when you play with his hair while he lays his head in your lap
He likes going to the movies but only kiddy cartoons
He doesn’t like it when Karube and Arisu are being bad, stinky influences
He’s fr like a tiny dog
The man was a virgin up until Shibuki…he doesn’t know shit when you two become more intimate
But he quickly discovers he likes to worship you and kiss all over your skin
He’s so gentle and always smiling at you, taking small pauses in between to kiss you
Aftercare is top tier, somehow his virgin ass is a master at making you feel safe and comfortable after
He does anything and everything that you ask of him, as long as you’re happy
Need I repeat: tiny dog
She is similar to Chishiya in the sense of she’s not much for physical affection but def likes buying you gifts
She is super intimidating and gets jealous so easily
She loves to just stand eerily behind you in public settings where she thinks people will try and hit on you
In private, she loves cuddling you and kissing your head, being super gentle
Her job is stressful so being in your arms is the most comforting thing in the world
She likes cooking for you, too
Oh god. Its fun.
She’s really dominant and has one too many toys to mess with every sensitive spot on your body
Her knowledge of anatomy helps her to…enhance your experience
She enjoys control and teasing but also overstimulation which is an…interesting combination
Aftercare is prime, she loves to bathe you and cuddle you and wrap you in a large hoodie
She will order your favorite kind of food and make sure you’re all pampered
If she’s having an especially rough day, she likes it when you comb your fingers through her hair and talk to her gently
This man is so gentle and does everything to worship and praise you
He smokes and drinks a lot but if you don’t like that then he’ll stop around you and won’t even mention it
He loves cuddling you, hugging you, and kissing you
He lets you dye his hair random colors but rinses it out in a week
He absolutely brags about you to his friends and regulars at the bar
Holy mother of Mary this man is a GOD in bed
He knows how to pleasure anyone
He will gobble you up like it’s his last meal and will make it last
He def loves it when you are a brat just so he can punish you in different manners
He likes to try new things with you but loves long sessions
Aftercare is all about making sure both of you are comfortable so he does just that
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Been thinking about what kind of interaction haruka and seto would have since they never spoke with each other (from what i know), but i think they'd be the cutest together because they're both so... idk i just love them (they are my wiwis you have to understand). Setomary harutaka double date would be insane, like, picture this: while haruka and seto would probably be talking about how much they love their girlfriends (they are full of love and whimsical feelings), takane would be like "how tf do i start conversation with this lovecraftian ass creature (with due respect)" because mary wouldn't know what to say either BUT SHE WANTS TO SHE'S JUST REALLY SHY 😔😔😔
oh i got GREAT NEWS for you
you know im always talking about post str haruka keeping a little distance from the dan cuz he knows them but they dont know him and etc etc etc etc. well! i actually hc that outside takane shintaro and ayano of course, SETO is the one member of the dan haruka is very good friends with in early post str. and thats cuz.... he is also the one member of the dan (again outside the quartet)haruka has actually spoken to before being konoha!!! its time for me to talk about the novels again❤️
IM ABT TO KAGEXPLAIN TO YOU BUT ILL GET TO SETOMARY & HARUTAKA AT THE END and my hcs on their dynamics :3 but first let me tell u abt seto&haruka's and mary&takanes friendships. spoilers duh
in the sixth novel, haruka stays over at kenjirou's house for 1 week while he works on the game with him. there haruka meets ayano for the first time, and finds out mr tateyama has FOUR kids. despite haruka is pranked a little by these mysterious 3 siblings he never meets them directly. its rly funny cuz haruka's like can i introduce myself to them i mean im gonna be staying for a week. and ayano's like WHAT. WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT. and harukas like ok damn i guess i wont meet them
but haruka DOES meet seto during his stay! its one of my FAVORITE chapters of the whole novel. this bit has a 2 page illustration cmon!!!!!!! SETOS HAMSTER BITES HARUKAS FOOT
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ok erm anyway. chapter summary of seto&haruka's interaction: haruka went to buy some snacks at the convenience store at night, and when he comes in seto's hamster hanao BITES his damn foot!!!!!! (attacker shown on pic) seto rushes right over like NOOOO HANAOOO
haruka and seto share an awkward greeting bc seto wants to run away asap but haruka's rly desperate to meet him so he invites him to eat the free pudding he won at the grocery store and seto accepts. then they sit and chat while eating pudding :3
haruka invites seto to come to the festival, seto thanks him but says he cant bc he's bad with crowds and he also has a job interview for being a part time paperboy. he assures him his other siblings will show up (as we know, kido and kano do show up but haruka never knew they were ayano and setos siblings at that point!!!)
when seto starts talking abt this job interview he mentions his mom is dead. in that conversation haruka finds out about ayaka. idk about the original line in japanese, but haruka says "mr tateyama's wife is dead?" because of course from his pov the shock comes from his relationship with kenjirou. he feels rly bad that kenjirou acts all happy and normal at school while going through this. seto acts surprised haruka didn't know
haruka expresses sadness over being such a pain for kenjirou then, but seto says that's not true and that kenjirou talks about him all the time. *pretends to be normal about kenjirou*
seto reveals kenjirou called haruka his pride and joy while drunk, which makes haruka tear up. while drunk he also said he'd bring haruka over to make him be ayano's boyfriend lmao and seto says he and kano&kido freaked out about it and were like WE WILL PROTECT U FOR THIS GUY NEECHAN😡😡😡 WHICH IS LIKE. A LAYER OF CONTEXT TO A BIT THAT HAPPENS EARLIER IN THE NOVEL bc they give haruka A REALLY HARD TIME when he arrives and its basically implied they did this bc they were afraid he was gonna hit on ayano lol (jin jokes in his author's notes he literally wanted haruka to hit on ayano literally for shit and giggles but his editor was like dude this is ooc can you take this fucking seriously)
it's also implied seto read haruka's mind when he arrived and since haruka had been thinking of takane and being kind of... he was like her hair her eyes her lips etcetc he was just.... being a 16 year old about it. and seto assumed it was about ayano, told his siblings and there kano went in disguised as ayano to give haruka a piece of his mind. honestly read the sixth novel its hilarious idk if its cuz its a novel with all my faves but its one of the best erm anyways back to the pudding chapter
before seto goes his eye power activates and he basically almost collapses or something. haruka gets rly worried but seto is able to calm down and he leaves. i hc that in this scene seto found out haruka was dying. i dont have proof other than seto probably read his mind there. but i like the hc😄
anyways!! fast forward to the end of the eighth novel, seto (and mary and hibiya) are in the real world while literally everyone else is dead inside the daze. they make a phonecall because of reasons i wont explain and everyone is screaming into it trying to talk to the outside guys, and haruka has a single line where he says "kousuke its me haruka!!!!! remember when we had that pudding together 2 years ago!!!!" hehe its so cute im so glad jin added that
basically. haruka and seto BEST FRIENDS. when haruka is back post str he would be very comfortable with seto and seto would for sure approach haruka and hang out with him. i definitely think haruka's the closest to seto outside of the yuukei quartet!!! like come on theyd be such good friends🥺 i was thinking of harutaka cat last night and i 1000% think seto is the one to find them a pet. seto is always taking haruka to see cats
NOW!!! MARY&TAKANE!!! they definitely don't have as much interaction as haruka&seto bc jin would rather die than write proper scenes for his female characters alone However it is said they hit it off immediately when they meet! ene makes an unforgettable comment abt mary and momo being gay which mary doesnt understand and momo like a good kisaragi wants to kill ene. anyways thats a little funny one
ill talk what i remember the most! the fourth novel: shintaro wakes up and finds mary complaining she can't talk to ene and it turns out shintaro's phone has no battery. shintaro explains the concept of a Charger and Electricity and Mary's like whoa ene eats some weird stuff huh
so she starts looking for a charger. shintaro tells her not to hurry bc theyre better off without her anyways and mary gets mad at him and tells him to stop MEAN to ene!!!!! and says she must ALSO feel lonely in there!!!! and shintaro's like o_o!! ok damn!!!!
that's the only mary&takane i can think of. but they're really good friends i think takane's as much of a tease to her as she is to everyone but mary doesnt always understand LOL but they get along well :3 theyre besties :3 like for real mary momo & ene have a girl gang that could rule the world.
then mary finds some snakeskin in a drawer with the charger and shintaro and kido almost shit their pants etcetc BUT when mary got mad, shintaro has some rly cute thoughts about ene. he remarks how absolutely no one in the dan ever questioned what the hell is ene or how she works, bc theyre all weirdos so of course they dont question other weirdos(and one of my fave shinene lines, where shintaro admits hes developed an affinity for her and that it's because of her he met all these nice people and she might as well be his salvation *fucking explodes*) anyways. he thinks ofc mary and ene hit it off. i think its so cute that mary wanted to talk to ene and just took shintaros phone to do it!!
anyways. THEYRE ALL BEST FRIENDS :3 :3 :3 :3 setomary & harutaka double date is totally possible. and we should get seto&takane to be best friends too like i think theyd be sooooo funny together. i ALWAYS say when takane gets her body back there is no way she could walk so comfortably like she does and since seto (and kano) are there i hc seto carries her back to the hideout from the lab💥💥💥
harutaka & setomary is so funny since ive been in the fandom for so long i can tell u people always compared them like the insane pda ones and though i dont rly agree with that i still think its a funny and nostalgic hc. i think itd be cute if seto told haruka he likes mary but no one else. like everyone KNOWS. duh. but he tells haruka IDK I LIKE THIS HC Because kano and kido will tease him and ayano and mary are awkward with each other (bc i say so) so seto tells haruka like omg i have a crush on mary ://3 and haruka's like omg no way whats ur fave thing about her *kicks feet* they should get to talk abt their crushes together OKAY.
i do think haruka&takane start dating pretty soon or are dating in whatever moment seto comes to haruka to talk abt mary so idk i think its cute if seto went to haruka also bc he's like. hes the only person i know who has a partner 🫡 i like a lot of ships that i think happen eventually and all have their own shitshows and moments but i think haruka&takane are the very first to get together and everyones like yeah. they're the couple ig. Ok sorry someone hold me down before i start talking again about harutaka being the romance love story of kagepro
ermmm basically yes best friends!!!!!
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ofeileen · 1 year
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hi hi ! i'm m (she/her) and i'm super excited to introduce you to eileen roh! she's a new muse but im looking forward to writing with u all and developing her further :') i've got the sparknotes summary of her under the read more but hit the like or msg me if you'd like to plot! i have discord if you prefer plotting there as well
₊˙ ◌ ⁎˚ ﹒﹙kim doyeon. cis female. she/her.﹚guess who was almost late for their shift at barracuda inc again?? that’s right, it was eileen roh! it’s a wonder their job as a tattoo artist isn’t in jeopardy. the 24 year old has been working at sunset galleria for one year, and is well known for their carefree nature. on bad days, they can be rather volatile, though. when the mall is dead at night, they can usually be found playing drunk mini golf with friends at glogolf, but don’t tell their boss!
born and raised in new york city! feb 8th, 1999 (aquarius sun, scropio moon and capricorn rising)
her childhood was pretty fun for the most part except for her mom's strict parenting style. she was the kind to always nitpick how eileen acted and scolded her for getting hurt instead of comforting her
her parents dreams of raising a family in america were soon crushed when they started arguing and falling out of love. they decided to separate with her dad leaving and filed for divorce when eileen was 12
eileen is fond of her dad but def felt a bit betrayed by him. her mom turned very bitter at her own life and not long after moved them back to her hometown in daegu when eileen was 14
MOVING TO DAEGU & FAMILY (mentions of death tw, verbal abuse tw)
ofc eileen was not happy to be leaving her life in new york and it didn't help that her maternal grandparents were even more conservative than her mom was. they often misunderstood each other and not just cus of the language barrier
adjusting to her life in korea was difficult and she bore resentment towards her mom. she started smoking in highschool and was generally a rebellious kid (which ofc led to more fights w her family)
she played soccer to vent out her frustration but it wasn't until her family agreed to let her do a summer program back in new york that she rly fell into visual art. she was enthralled by the medium and decided that it was something she was going to do
u guessed it, her mom and grandparents were against it and eileen acted out by getting her first tattoo & more piercings. she rly wanted to do uni in the states but just couldn't afford it so she applied to a fine arts program at busan arts college
at this point her relationship w family was very rocky but she started not giving a shit abt what hurtful words they threw at her. however, art school was stressful and it was after her second year of college that she found a love for tattoo artistry. this led her to dropping out and pursuing an apprenticeship at a small shop
dropping out was truly the icing on the cake for her family and at the same time, her grandfather had passed after dealing with some health issues. her life a mess, she started isolating herself from friends. the only solace she found was with her partner at the time that stood with her through the thick of it
at first her apprenticeship was going great but soon it became a bit of a disagreement on rates & schedule and she found the studio to be disorganized
after learning about barracuda through someone that she regarded as a mentor, she got the job there and has been working at sunset galleria for a year! they let her do her own thing and the pay is good so she's pretty happy about it
eileen’s art style mainly consists of abstract fine line work, high contrast tattoos, cyber sigilism, and mild horror inspired work. she doesn’t repeat any flashes so each piece is one of a kind and loves doing freehand stuff as well!
she has dreams of travelling and being a guest tattoo artist around the world and opening up her own studio one day but that's a future goal - she's got student debt to pay!
she's pretty easygoing but def the type to rely on friends to set up plans (she most always says yes but lacks the effort to initiate plans/bad at keeping up with friends)
silently affectionate like she'd get you a cake bc it's your fav flavor but you would only find out she's allergic to the green food coloring in it after you're halfway thru eating. def an acts of service gal
pretty opinionated esp when it comes to her family or when someone's very traditional. she's open-minded but will make her opinion heard (def talks back to elders if they're being rude lol)
despite their complicated relationship, she can't bring herself to hate her mom or fully close her off. at times she pities her. after all, having her grandparents as parents? she kinda gets why she is the way she is. her relationship with her dad is distant but she wishes it was better (last she heard he's in a steady new relationship)
bisexual + demiromantic (meaning she rly has to feel a strong connection with someone before developing any romantic feelings)
always listening to music, and always sketching new tattoo flashes. has picked up pottery as a hobby as of late! loves going out drinking with friends. her stats page has some more tidbits about her!
i have some wanted connections up on her page but also love love brainstorming together and doing interconnecting plots (so if ur muse has any imp relationships lmk cus i love hearing about them and interweaving them into their dynamics!) ok im super excited to read abt ur muses & write with you all thank you for reading all this!!!
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cicadangel · 10 months
erm.! diary 12/4
hi i havent been online in a bit or written any diary entries recently bc well i was really depressed and then i just like forgot or whatever. but uhmmm life updates sorta/just how im doing right now.
i will start with the good news :-) i am not depressed! ive been feeling good pretty consistently for the past 2 weeks i think? ive been happy enough to be able to function normally and do all the stuff i need to do. also school swim started so i got to see my crush (the one i talked abt a bunch last year) and i actually need him so bad he's so fine i need him. not much has happened w him (in terms of moments or whatever) but it will soon trust!!!!!! also ive been feeling a bit more confident lately in terms of how i think guys percieve me so i hope maybe that will inspire me to make a move but probably not. oh well.
as for everything else. well. i have been having issues with that one bitch "friend" ofc hoping to hit her with a car sometime soon. but thats not rly new ig. i am kind of having issues too tho with one of my other friends bc he's being weird and annoying. recently hes been extremely sensitive abt just everything which is whatever except he won't tell me, he'll just get upset and try to get me to ask him if he's upset except i won't play that game ugghhhhh if u have a problem with me tell me bc i wont understand otherwise!!! i cannot possibly fathom what he's got wrong with him about me so im not even gonna try. if he wants to fix it he can use his words otherwise no bueno it is not happening!!!!
he's also been like. weird to me recently. we're in psychology class together and we're gonna be at the "abnormal behavior" unit soon (which is mental illnesses) and he keeps saying ohhhh we're almost at your unit we're almost there when it's like stop thats actually so annoying. i am abnormal and crazy but that's not ur place to say? i dont talk to my friends abt my mental illness struggles but i guess it is obvious there's smth wrong with me or whatever but it's just annoying. i will talk abt how im against involuntary commitment to psych wards and how sooooo many therapists only end up doing more harm than good and my problems with the whole mental health industry and the modern understanding of it bc it's smth im rly passionate abt, but he just brushes me off as if i dont have first hand experience with all of the terrible ways psychiatry and the mental health industry can fuck people up???? i also feel weird talking to him in general sometimes bc i know he'll bring me up to his therapist (because he constantly mentions it) and i feel like i cant talk to him bc he's gonna tell her and that just puts a weird strain on the relationship. like his therapist knows me, but just from his pov and that kinda weirds me out im ngl.
oh i also got in a fight w my mom today. actually we're still fighting. it was over something soooo insignificant but i got so overly angry like i always do and now im going to make it ruin the rest of my day because i am insufferable. she's just been really angering me lately also ive been feeling destructive which is complicated. i dont rly like the term "splitting" but it's def what ive been doing a lot lately. ugh. also i like dont know what to do with my bpd "diagnosis" it makes me angry and like i just have so many problems with it in so many ways REGARDLESS if i actually have it or whatever which i could talk abt for hours. in some ways it's nice to have a label for what ive been going through my whole life but in most ways i am like not too happy with the fact that ive been handed a disqualification from ever being upset again. if i am, it'll just be because im a crazy borderline! ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! anyway. more on that whole mess later sorry
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hauntedwoman · 1 year
Sorry if this is too personal. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. Whats it like being Autistic? When did you realize you were Autistic?
no it's not too personal at all !!
i guess what autism really feels like for me is just constantly feeling like im battling my brain to get the most basic stuff done. i have really bad executive dysfunction and i get crippling task paralysis all the time. like, for example, if i need to take a shower and i have no clean clothes, but someone else is washing their clothes in the laundry machine, i'll have a meltdown bc there's nothing i can do to get what i need to do done. i also have a very specific routine when it comes to showering like when and how i shower. like if i've just washed my hair and my mom asks me to help her outside with something i'll freak out bc that means i'll have to shower again (which is something i don't rly enjoy doing in the first place).
i also have several sensory issues, esp when it comes to smells and sounds. i don't like dogs bc they usually smell bad to me and they're loud. i don't like children for the same reason + the fact that they're very unpredictable. it's also rly rly hard for me to leave my house most of the time bc if i leave the house and get overstimulated i'll have a panic attack or i'll disassociate severely to cope with the overstimulation and still end up having a panic attack.
and in addition to all of that, it's also very hard for me to make friends or form meaningful relationships. personally with my autism, i have lower empathy levels. i'm not really interested in the people around me unless i'm looking for patterns in their behavior so i can assess how to interact with them. i'm not generally curious about other people and their interests and when people get rly emotional around me i tend to go non-verbal and freeze up bc i don't know how to deal with those sorts of things. i also have a tendency to hyperfixate/hyperfocus on new relationships and it's rly exhausting when that happens bc i completely abandon every other aspect of myself and my interests just to think about that person all the time.
on top of all of that, i'm also constantly masking my excitement towards certain things and masking my behaviors so that they fit into a neurotypical standard. i don't let myself get too excited when a special interest is mentioned, i tend to compose myself in a very aloof and indifferent way to combat my tendencies to act neurodivergently.
this is already getting way too long i'm sorry but i suspected that i was autistic probably when quarantine started in 2020. i knew that i already have adhd but the more i researched autism and how it presents in girls/women i realized i identified a lot with the symptoms (is that the right word ? idk.) and last september i finalyl got a professional psych eval done and i got diagnosed.
i hope that answered your question. there's probably a lot more that i have forgotten considering autism impacts every single part of my life bc the way my brain is wired is fundamentally different, but i can't think of everything right now.
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Welcome everyone, to my blog that I will likely mostly dedicate to Inkheart and other whump/angst things that I will write when I am bored. Hi! I have been thinking on how to introduce this and why not start with some immediate Dustfinger angst? And if you don't know what and who I am talking about, then I feel sorry for you.
Anyways! I hope we all know what history Dustfinger and The Black Prince share? Good because I can't stop thinking about them when listening to Ribs - by Lorde. Here is the song AND how I link it to Dustfinger and The Prince. Enjoy.
(also apologies, this will be pretty long)
All of this is platonic btw.
The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
Alright so the one line I rly focus here is the last one, although maybe one can see the others as how they met or whatever but I don't want to do that so I just leave that out for now.
This is Dustfinger talking to the Prince. "It drives you crazy getting old" is him telling how the prince doesn't want to grow up. We know they met as kids and so this is as they are growing older. Dustfinger doesn't think it's too bad but the prince doesn't want the responsibility of an adult, nor does he want to stop playing and living the careless life of a kid and Dustfinger kind of mocks him a little bit. Although he can understand him to some degree.
We can talk it so good
We can make it so divine
We can talk it good
How you wish it would be all the time
The two of them sticking together throughout growing up, facing problems together and becoming good friends. "How you wish it would be all the time." again referring to the prince who wants this to be forever, the being a kid and just loving life running around and having fun.
The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
(Repetition of the prior ones, but they are older now like young adults, maybe 18 or 20)
The drink you spilt all over me
"Lover's Spit" left on repeat
My mom and dad let me stay home
It drives you crazy getting old
Again, memories but this time its the prince stating that Dustfinger now in the other world is scared bcs "he has a feeling" and I have Meta-knowledge lol. Essentially it's the prince describing how Dustfinger will feel in our world without knowing. More detail in the next verses but essentially their rolls are flipped for this verse.
This dream isn't feeling sweet
We're reeling through the midnight streets
And I've never felt more alone
It feels so scary getting old
Alright buckle up bcs I have a scene for this one:
Dustfinger sits in the ground, back leaned against a wall, legs pulled up, arms wrapped around and head resting on his knees. It it raining. He looks up at 'this dream isn't feeling sweet' and you see that he has been crying. Throughout the other lines you see how much he misses his old life. And honestly he looks like a hungry, drenched, stray dog because what else is he anyways in our world? And now he is the one saying it is scary to get old because he is all alone *just like song says aaahg*
I want 'em back, I want 'em back
The minds we had, the minds we had
How all the thoughts, how all the thoughts
Moved 'round our heads, moved 'round our heads
he missed his old life and especially the black prince, how they used to have fun together, etc.
I want 'em back, I want 'em back
The minds we had, the minds we had
It's not enough to feel the lack
I want 'em back, I want 'em back, I want 'em back
same thing! I would also say he misses Roxanne and could have this be about her but this song is for the friendship of him and the prince, my mind kinda just decided that. I have other songs for Roxanne and dustfingers relationship.
You're the only friend I need (you're the only friend I need)
Sharing beds like little kids (sharing beds like little kids)
And laughing 'til our ribs get tough (laughing 'til our ribs get tough)
But that will never be enough (but that will never be enough)
the main voice is dustfinger thinking/saying/whatever it says. The echo is the prince on the other side of the book pages, missing Dustfinger just as much and basically echoing him without knowing so. "Sharing beds like little kids" both think back to their childhood again and how they grew up together. "But that will never be enough" it's not just a friendship. They are more than friends, they are family, soulmates (platonically) and what not.
You're the only friend I need (you're the only friend I need)
Sharing beds like little kids (sharing beds like little kids)
And laughing 'til our ribs get tough (laughing 'til our ribs get tough)
But that will never be enough (but that will never be enough)
Again this, both thinking of each other at the same time actually. You can visualize it like this I guess: In a video, this would play and you see Dustfinger before it cuts to the prince also singing. The time is the same and so it becomes obvious they are thinking of each other at the same time, etc. You might even get a side by side shot of the two scenes or smth like that.
Jesus Christ this was... A lot. Thank you for coming to my pep talk and I hope you enjoyed the Angst :) I started sketching this but Holy F*ck it's a lot and unfortunately I am not the greatest artist and need a lot of practice still. But one day I will give you the scene that I described with Dustfinger sitting. If u actually read all of this then wow.
I love you and am proud of you! C ya whenever I decide to post again.
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yourghastlycloseness · 3 months
in the past few hours i went being convinced that i was the ugliest person to ever walk the earth and shd this destroy myself bcos i never want to look into the mirror again and see how everything is wrong with my face and body to being a loving daughter spending a day out with mom to cracking jokes to being completely upset about the state of my relationships and my anxiety and my fear abt starting a new job and if i’ll even be able to get one and how this wasnt a sponsorship at all it’s more like taking a loan out of a company and then being tied to it and having to pay off your debts and it’s all on you if you can’t do anything abt it and ive realise that its in these states of transition where im waiting for smth to happen that im the most jittery and irritable and depressed when the hosp called to ask how urgent my case was or thereabouts i said i wasnt suicidal which wasnt a lie when they called but i feel suicidal every few hours or every days or weeks honestly the feeling never goes away but i know how serious i am abt when id make an attempt and its usually in states like these where ive lost all control over my emotions and the only thing i can control is whether i live or not and even then its subject to how the suicide attempt is executed though its likely that jumping frm the 20+ floor of any building shd kill you upon impact how i don’t want to live like this anymore and being convinced again that i shd kill myself then seeing a worker get run over by a bus and thinking thats awful then having dinner w family and paying for it but not getting a word of thanks then asking dad to get drinks but he frowns and doesnt for a while and i dont understand why abd while we’re eating i drop a piece of the pork on the table and i want to flip the entire table over and when i wash the utensils at the sink i see my hair getting thinner unde rtbe fluorescents even tbligh im doing what i xan to keep it from falling out im gng to be bald by the time im 33 how much fun is that thirty flirty and thriving thirty fucking fat and fuckinf bald and fucking lonely was not how i samw it all for myself
and i cry at the table the whole way back and then take a walk the rewatch and feel bad for the worker hope he’s alright news report says he’s got fractures in his right leg i rly hope it’s nth more than that meanwhile i was feeling one thousands things and this man was just at work and feeling so much pain which reminds me that i need money i need to work in the meantime yet the sponsorship contract forbids me frm getting external employment without first getting their approval honestly i might just go work first and then wait for their approval cos it can take very long and dad sent a picture of kai earlier tpdya he’s completely shaven sown neck bcos of repeated skin infictikna my poor dog my poor boy i love love love you so much and ive been horrible and i think abt you all the time and its now my wallpaper bcos i want to workfor a vision of us tgt and hes still the handsomest boy around even when firless neck down also hes a real asshole i hope he never loses that mfer asshole corgi personality of his if he ever changes then i know ive lost a part of him and i dont want that feepndown inside i know we ee both assholes who fight and im gettingnout of this and youll get beteyr and i love you forever andnice cried so much i rly need to clean my eyes woth blpehagel cdps just loke my boy oget infections WILD my skin foes mot want to be with me it givez up on me doesnt matter lovenypus till kai youre the most shit dog in the worls and uoure mine even when youre not here and i love you wven if you dont love me and i dotn want my asian eyelids to get all fucked up tmr so im going to stop xrying now straight ip the only rweaso n i dont cru as muchthese says isnt bcosige gotten stronge ror gotten over the things that ipset me most its jury bcos i cant eisk ab infection again neeeded eye zurgery fkr that preciously and i bleieve i had a fucked ip eyesi fection but also my crying mad eit worse secondly aesthetics my syelids creases change everytie i cry ao i gotta fucking stoRPP
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videostak · 8 months
I have no idea where this lying thing started with my mom. Like idk alot of the problems began to become rly bad around covid til present and its hard to think of the exact moment but its just insane i have no idea what to do w/ someone who is so comfortable constantly lying. And its not like a lying in specific situations type scenario she will just constantly lie w/o any shame even if we're all telling her we know shes lying. Like a therapist is def the only option that could help but i dont even know how much help it will do since shes so comfortable lying to people right to their faces that idk how many sessions shed need to tell the truth even once. I hate that i feel invested in this again mainly cause i dont want my sister to feel as awful abt it as i kno she does and also will make the situation w/ my dad and mom worse very badly and i dont want my little sister to continue to be raised so badly. My mom used to be genuinely a good hearted person since both me and my sister turned out respectful n stuff its just heartbreaking how much she just worsens our relationship w/ her and the lying is honestlu worse than the drinking cause it makes any communication impossible. She told me the following day after we talked that she wasnt gonna drink and is gonna change and less than two days later already bought two wine bottles. I hate having this fear knowing theres only so much she can drink b4 she gets into an accident and at this point i just pray it doesnt happen when she has somebody else in the car. Its insane how much she just totally disregards so much of what she taught us as kids. Lying isnt a problem for her nor is drunk driving and she constantly gaslights us when we show concern. All she does now is beg for forgiveness whenever she gets caught. Rn u feel saddled w/ trying to make a change but i cant even look at her. I hope a breakthrough can happen soon just incase i get that thrift job cause if i do get i know things are gonna get worse w/ no one home. I just rly cant stand her and it drives me so mad. A week ago i was able to be unfazed by it but now i feel involved again since if nothing changes she could end up srsly hurting family members that i do care for. Like i hope therapy can make some change buy thatll take a very long while but the fact that shes doing it shows she atleast wants to try but idk it just is fucked. I am a happy person tho its not getting me down cause i am v optimistic abt this thrift job. And just trying to be at peace. W/ my own life.
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floryn-is-chaos · 9 months
Story Time: The Heather Situation
so this is a very fun story about how i realized im in love with my now ex-bestfriend who ive known for 7 years and how she basically cheated on me w someone whos even more close to me and...yeah
alrite so this all started around 2021 when i met her again after an year of not talking cuz covid. we were both selected for some english literary smthn and i decided to talk to her while we were waiting to go home. we reconnected and realized how much we hv in common and we were both like "idk why i never asked if we were bestfriends i js assumed we were" so we were officially bestfriends from that day but technically we always hv been.
anyway, we spent the rest of the year getting close and through her i reconnected w 2 other friends and our old friend grp was back and we all talked and all.
so time-skip to 2023...a horrible year.
so 2023 we were even closer than ever. she came to my house alot and i never went to hers bc i knew she had home problems and we wld js sit and talk all the time and we'd text and call.
And, get this, she treated our friendship like a relationship. which i didnt notice until now, looking back at all this. ok im js gonna start calling her Z frm here. So yh obviously since Z was treating it as a relationship, it would, yk, FEEL LIKE ONE TO ME. ofc my dumbass didn't knw this yet.
and so one day, my moms in another country and my sis has her "friends" over (toxic friend grp which I TOLD HER WAS TOXIC BUT NOOO) and i was js in my room, texting Z. out of nowhere she stops like vv suddenly so i start panicking bc despite the fact tht she never told me shit about her home life and all ik was it was BAD--and i was the one always telling her shit and then she'd leave me on read-- so ofc i freak out and shit nd im like spamming her w text and i call her 5 times. she picks up on 5th call and is like "hey, shit is rly bad rn, can i come to ur house?" And im like ofc yh. and i tell my sis and then Z comes over.
now yk wht my "BESTFRIEND" who treated me like i was her fcking girlfriend goes and does? she spends the entire fckin time talking w my sis fckin cuddling w my sis.
so naturally the second she leaves i spent all day crying cuz i highkey feel cheated on and it was w my sis which makes shit worse.
Now recently i got a lil info frm my sis abt this day which makes me feel even worse. Z was texting my sis. Z was on call w my sis. my SISTER knows more abt Z's home life than i do. Way more. Like literally everything.
and yh after this Z started making her and my sisters friendship look (and according to my sis, feel) like a relationship. And it kept getting worse and eventually me and Z got into a huge argument nd i pretended that was why we arent friends anymore.
and like last week or smn i realized oh fck i was in love w her. THEN I REALIZED OH FCK I AM IN LOVE W HER LIKE STILL.
so yh me n my sis refer to it as the heather situation
oh and 2 of the worst parts of this whole thing is tht ik everyone involved in this chaos triangle is not straight and also Z had a boyfriend during half of this nd they broke up somewhere in between and HE WAS MY SISTERS AGE.
Anyway, yeah thats all i hope whoever read this enjoyed im gonna go cry to the playlist i made for her...
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gracilicorpus · 10 months
It’s so funny to me that you can go through years of TRAUMA , but as soon as you gain the weight back people never ask you how you feel again or how your days been or like care for you? I understand why people get sickly thin like that’s the only way you get attention and people caring for you.
I’m living alone and I’m going to start my weight lost journey , I’m not even fat or anything, I’m very strong actually cuz I have been hitting the gym for a while and I look very good ngl, like I look “womengly” lol
But I really really badly want to model like realllly bad , that’s been my dream for the longest and I’m really striving for it this time, if I want to model I have to lose like 20 pounds, I have curves so they gotta go, I’m calling it now(yea I know I’m delusional) but my goal is that next winter I will be modeling for diesel( yes yes I know I’m delusional lool, let me be), but that is my goal!!
Living alone has caused me to purge a lot, I binge and purge but that’s to expensive and I have to stop doing that. I’m literally so fkn broke lool #yeycollagelife, but I’m gonna aim to eat 1000 kcal and do as minimum exercise as possible, if I want to eat more I’ll have to walk 10 000 steps, so yeah that my goal and I will make it by may!
I was thinking to seek therapy because living alone has really showed me how fkn fkd in the head I am, like I’m sooo weird man💀 living alone is so scary because I can just do the bad things I have always been wanting to do at home, like I can just openly purge and stuff without locking the wc door or turning the shower on, but I’m so lonely man, I genuinely hate myself and I just want to like me okey and normal, I really thought my problems would go away after I moved but they just in my head, it’s even worse now because I can’t even get my sadness or madness out anywhere, I’m constantly waking around with a lump in my throat, I miss living with my friend because then my eating became so natural, now it’s just rly bad again and I’m either eating to little or binging, it’s just a rlly big problem and I feel so disgusting and ugly and I JUST DONT UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ! Like what am I even doing like I’m FKN TRYING why can’t I just be fkn better when I’m actually fkn trying
No one will obv read this but this is me just ranting if someone did lol, this embarrassing af lol, no but ehmmm the only guy I ever liked I decided to push away ! Yeeey like he made me better , I wanted to be better for him and then I was like “nah he ain’t all that” and now I miss him and regret it:) Yey love my decisions
Literally want to just end it all, like I’m such a bad bad bad person. I was thinking maybe overdosing , but it just so mean to my parents, I don’t know what my dad would do like would he be mad at me or like would he become depressed again ? My mom would she like cry everyday forever or would she be strong for her other children. My sister? Would she be happier without me? It feels like she would, by brother they are still young they would probably forget me ina couple years, but like my best friend maaaan I miss living with her , I do think I love her more than she loves me but I’m okey with that because she’s my safe person, when thing were shit home I had her always and she had me, like what would she do? Would she maybe have a picture of me as her lock screen ? Or maybe listen to a song on repeat that she knows I liked ? Honestly I’m really trying for my family and my best friend but I’m just wondering if it’s normal to be this miserable so long, like I’m grown soon and I’m still so out of it, never been in a relationship, never have I done anything out of my comfort zone, I’m just so like I’m just filling up space for no reason, did God make a mistake putting me here, it feels like that,
But yeah mm I’ll update this page, I have no one to talk to so I’ll just post my thought here sometimes :) yeah
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Sooo we know that Shinaya eventually got together since you literally gave them 4 kids. Why they decided to start their relationship again? Did they eventually sorted out their issues? I hope that their kids at least grew up in a healthy and loving family instead of THAT
THEY GROW UP IN A HEALTHY AND LOVING FAMILY !!! i picture ayano and shintaro's shitshow relationship happening like right after post str and goes on for maybe at least a year. but i picture them getting back together in their mid twenties. the answer to this is rly simple, theyre totally different people by the time they get together again.
like. its them when theyre 19/20 fastforward to them being like 25. its TOTALLY different. both have gotten help, shintaro isnt a self centered self sabotaging asshole anymore, ayano isn't suicidal anymore. by this point they've been back to being friends for YEARS!! they've gotten to a point where theyre totally normal to each other. they've gotten to a point where they can talk about their past relationship and cry together about how bad it was and how sorry they both are and being able to explain why they were doing and saying the things they did and said. theyre able to trust each other with their issues like regular friends. they're able to make jokes about being exes. they're able to laugh together about it too.
the reason they get back together if they do (and if we're talking abt my cringe kagekids, clearly they do) is very simple!! they LIKE&LOVE EACH OTHER💗💗💗 and are now older and understanding and kind of back to the puppy love it shouldve been all that time ago. and theyre silly and its CUTE.
i also think they get back together while ayano is adopting her first kid. she's going thru the process and its rly stressing and shintaro helps her through it all and hehe. maybe they trip and kiss a little oopsie. by this point ayano's grown so much and is able to put so many boundaries she's like ok but im gonna be a mom btw. so if u dont wanna date me bc of it its fine i am not gonna choose you over my kid and shintaro's like YES MA'AM 🫡🫡🫡
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