#monthly bingo
blackwood4stucky · 4 months
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author: aspen blackwood | character a character b
event: monthly bingo | may: animal theme
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hoping these roses dull the pain, cover the scars and turn the page | 🅴
fill: 64 | sensual creatures stucky [james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers] synopsis: There were turncoats on the Lemurian Star.
the house on eighth street | 🆃
fill: 67 | alpha dynamics stucky [james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers] synopsis: Making a house a home is supposed to be easy.
the husband and the steed | 🆃
fill: free space pre-stucky [james “bucky” barnes x steve rogers] series: the call of darkness synopsis: Bucky goes to place his bet at the Hickory Raceway.
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aspen's vault: fics masterlist | aspen's world: bingo & events participation masterlist
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love how despite there being more guns than people in this country and how obsessed with guns we are, still nobody has good aim. amazing.
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hardly-an-escape · 1 year
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I'm stuck on you (I'm mighty glad you stayed)
Square: D3 - "Why did you do it?" (June monthly prompt replacement) Rating: M Word Count: 8767 Ship(s): Dream of the Endless | Morpheus/Hob Gadling Warnings: No archive warnings apply Additional Tags: Dreamling Bingo fill, alternate universe - human, alternate universe - no powers, stuck in an elevator, claustrophobia, panic attacks, strangers to lovers, love at first sight, first kiss, post-break up sex, bog people, poetry recitation, bisexual Hob Gadling Summary: Hob is a secondary school teacher running late to meet his exacting girlfriend for lunch. Morpheus is a famous novelist just trying to fly under the radar on his way home. But when the elevator they’re in together experiences mechanical difficulties, Morpheus’s claustrophobia leads to a bonding experience that changes the lives of both men. Read on AO3 | fill for @dreamlingbingo | prompt from #dreamlingweek2023
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button. Nothing happens. He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.” He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye. “Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
Hour Zero, 12:08 PM
The elevator has barely lurched into motion when it suddenly shudders to a stop. Hob is willing to bet it hasn’t even surfaced from the depths of the underground parking garage he is trying to exit. He rolls his eyes, checks his watch, and presses the door open button.
Nothing happens.
He presses it again, and a third time. Nothing.
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath. “I don’t need this, I’m already late.”
He hits the emergency call button with perhaps a little more force than is necessary and glances over his shoulder at the other occupant of the elevator, a handsome, dark-haired man who nods tightly when Hob catches his eye.
“Alright, mate?” he asks. But before the man can answer, a tinny voice crackles through the speaker.
“Templeton Elevator Company. Are you experiencing an emergency?”
“Yeah, we’re in the lift at the underground car park on Monteagle and it’s just stopped.”
The tinny voice asks a series of questions, which Hob answers with increasing impatience.
There are two people in the elevator. Yes, they’re both adults. No, they don’t have any food or water with them. No, they don’t have any pressing medical issues (after waiting for a headshake from the stranger). Yes, he’ll hold while they contact technical services.
The tinny voice is replaced with tinny hold music. Hob curses under his breath again.
After a moment the voice returns. The elevator they are currently occupying appears to be experiencing a mechanical failure. High demand on technical services at this time. Their safety is important to the Templeton Elevator Company. A repair technician should arrive within the hour.
Click. And then silence.
“Fuck,” says Hob again, feelingly. “Fucking fuck.”
He sighs. Sits down. Takes out his mobile. No signal, of course. Or wait – maybe one bar? He dashes off a quick text to Gwen and sets the phone down gingerly on the floor in front of the door, thinking vaguely that the signal might filter down through the elevator shaft. It’s probably daft.
Heh. Shaft, daft.
He is going to lose his mind.
Hour One, 12:08-1:08 PM
“My girlfriend’s going to kill me,” he says conversationally. “We’re supposed to be getting lunch with some old school friends of hers. I’m already on thin ice, she’s always getting on me about being late all the time. This’ll probably be the final nail in my coffin.”
“Surely,” says the stranger, “being trapped in an elevator is a reasonable excuse for tardiness.”
“Yeah… She’s a bit strict about some things. I don’t know. She just wants the best for us, she’s just a little intense about it sometimes.” Hob shakes himself. “Sorry, mate. I shouldn’t be whinging to a total stranger. My name’s Hob, by the way. Hob Gadling.”
They are both sitting, now, on opposite sides of the elevator. Hob’s legs are stretched out casually and the stranger has his knees up, his arms wrapped tightly around them, hands gripping his own elbows, knuckles white. He looks almost defensive, Hob thinks, extending his hand across the elevator to shake. After a moment, the stranger takes it, squeezing briefly.
“Hob. That’s an… atypical name,” he says.
“Suppose so,” Hob laughs. “It’s Robert, actually. Hob is an old-fashioned nickname, but I got saddled with it in uni and it just sort of stuck. I studied history,” he adds in explanation.
“I am – you can call me Murphy,” says the stranger. Murphy. It has the flavor of untruth about it, but if a stranger on an elevator doesn’t feel comfortable giving his real name, who is Hob to judge?
“Pleasure. Have we met before? Only there’s something about you that seems familiar.”
“I do not think so.”
Murphy curls, if anything, even tighter in on himself. Hob does not pursue the topic.
They sit in silence for a while as the air grows slowly stuffier.
Hob taps at his phone and tsks when he sees his text has failed to send.
“I don’t suppose you have any service?” he asks hopefully.
Murphy pulls out a slim, expensive-looking phone from the pocket of his slim, expensive-looking suit jacket and gives it a cursory glance.
“I am afraid not,” he says.
“Damn. Oh well. Nothing for it but to wait, I suppose.”
Murphy clears his throat.
“How long has it been now?”
“About… twenty minutes?” Hob looks at his watch. “Twenty-five?”
“Thank you.”
Murphy’s voice is taut, and his knuckles are white where he is gripping his knees. Looking more closely, Hob can see sweat beading on his forehead, and realizes his chest is moving a little too quickly.
“Are you alright?” he asks.
“I am fine.”
“No offense, but you don’t look fine, mate.”
“We are not mates,” snaps Murphy. “Nothing is wrong.”
“Okay, okay.” Hob holds up placating hands. “Whatever you say. No need to bite a bloke’s head off.”
Silence reigns for another minute.
“I. Apologize,” says Murphy finally. “That was uncalled for.”
“No worries.”
“The truth is that I am. Not fond. Of confined spaces. I am finding the prospect of being in this elevator for much longer. Distressing.”
“God, I’m sorry. You should have said. I ought to have told the elevator company, I’m sure claustrophobia counts as a medical issue,” says Hob. “Especially under the circumstances.”
But Murphy is already shaking his head.
“It does not rise to the level of a diagnosable condition,” he says.
“Even so,” objects Hob. “Do you want to call back? Tell them? Maybe it’ll get someone here more quickly.”
“It does not matter.”
“Isn’t there… is there anything I can do to help?”
Murphy looks puzzled.
“Why would you want to help? You do not know me.”
“Because I have a basic sense of empathy?” Hob says, slightly appalled. “Because you’re a human being who’s distressed? Jesus, what kind of people do you hang out with?”
“You will probably be shocked to hear,” says Murphy dryly. “That I have very few close associates and even fewer friends.” Hob snorts. “But I. Thank you. For your willingness to help. Unless you happen to have a Xanax somewhere on your person, I doubt there is anything you can do.”
“And here I am fresh out of benzodiazepines. I knew I’d forgotten something at the chemist’s this morning,” Hob says, and is rewarded with a tiny chuckle.
The rest of the hour passes slowly, but not too badly. They chat, stiffly at first, but more fluently after Murphy admits that the conversation is helping to distract him from the little metal box they find themselves in. Hob certainly talks more – but then, Hob generally talks more than everyone, something Gwen not infrequently rolls her eyes at.
He learns they both were graduated from Oxford, although their time there didn’t overlap. Murphy is cagey about what he does for a living, but shares that he studied literature and dabbled in student drama. He seems interested when Hob tells him about the secondary school where he currently works, teaching history.
“It’s funny, I used to picture myself as a professor at a university, you know, doing my own research on the side, publish or perish, all that,” he says. “Gwen – that’s my girlfriend – she thinks that would be better. Sounds better to be a professor, I guess; more money, too. But now that I’m working with teenagers, I can’t imagine doing anything else. They get a bad rap from everyone, you know, but they’re so interested in the world, and all they want is for someone to listen to them and take them seriously…”
Read on AO3 >>>
massive massive thanks to @tryan-a-bex and @karalynlovescake for beta reading. I can't thank you enough!
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green = complete, orange = WIP
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stuckybingo · 6 months
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April, Come She Will
It is not an April Fools Joke! With a new month upon us, we’ve got a new set of Challenges and Adoptables! If you haven’t signed up to participate in Stucky Bingo Round 5, it is not too late! Fill out this form to get your own shiny card.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Monthly Challenges, here are the rules: 
At the beginning of each month during the round, we will put out three (3) prompts. You can use one, two, or all three prompts along with a square from your bingo card, and you will earn a badge created for the theme!
April prompts are:
Pranks/Practical Jokes
Trip Planning
Once you have completed the challenge, fill out the submission form as you usually would for a bingo fill, and be sure to check at the bottom to say that it's part of the monthly challenge. These prompts are to be used in conjunction with a square on your bingo card, not in place of one.
Ten (10) SFW adoptable prompts are available below. Anyone who has already signed up for a bingo card can adopt one (no need to tell us you are claiming it until you fill out the submission form) and use it as they see fit to replace another prompt on their card. 
But before you go crazy, there are two rules:
1) You can only adopt one (1) prompt per month. This includes anything from the ⁠NSFW adoptables, which are only available to view on our Discord server to those who are 18+
2) The prompt must be completed and submitted before the end of the month. Any Adopted prompts submitted after the month they are issued will be ignored. If you are having issues with submitting an adopted prompt before the end of the month, please let us know by ⁠Discord or email.
April Adoptables are:
"I’m not looking for forgiveness. And I’m way past asking permission."
Nose kisses
Weather Event
Silver Fox Bucky
Infinity Stones
John Walker
AU: Changed into an animal
AU: Artist/muse
Image: Bucky Rescuing a passed-out Steve in "What If...?" Season 1 Episode 1, "What If... Captain Carter Were the First Avenger?"
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If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us here on Tumblr, email us at [email protected], or ask us on the discord server.
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June is truly a beautiful month that celebrates all sorts of love. What better way to show that off than with a bingo board?! Below is the board that has a variety of sexualities, as well as some activities that are near and dear to LGBTQIA+ community!
Many of these (I believe) can still be used in canon-verse! They don't necessarily have to be modern universe. Just have fun with them!
And of course don’t forget to send in your fics to us when you are done so we can put it in our queue using this form! Be creative!!
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studywithvictory · 1 year
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I'm trying something new with my journal spread for October. Usually, I have a big calendar on one side with important dates and a smaller calendar with daily trackers on the other side for habits. It gets a little stressful seeing blank spots on dates I didn't do a task, and how that blank space can't be "fixed". I'm still workshopping exactly how this will work, but I'm hopeful.
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thychesters · 1 year
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tagged by @excalisi ! i'm tagging @lookforanewangle, @beck-a-leck, @portgas-d-aroace & @bluewonderer !
"outline" is very loose to me since 90% of my writing is Today Me jotting lines down and going "good luck lmao" to Tomorrow Me and letting her figure out how to string them together. is tormenting yourself simply not one of the joys of writing? <3
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Been putting the last chapter of ayh on the back burner because I want to have this one shot posted (or at least finished) by tomorrow. It’s the last encantober, I think at the time I missed the last one (maybe a couple others but I still managed to post them close enough after the deadline) But with the very last one I was burnt out and I was like ‘well I can chill now and finish this one later’ but then I never did. So I’ve been chipping away at it since like around Christmas? Ugh. Part of the problem was I had the premise figured out from the very beginning but I didn’t have details and how we get there until I made myself think about it again lol. Send all your prayers hopes and vibes. 🙏💕
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allcapsbingo · 2 years
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Agents of All Caps Bingo: Two Missions will be active each month – these are unique prompts the mods have chosen to highlight that are available for all participants. Completing a fill for one of these two missions could earn you something special from the higher-ups at the ACB branch of S.H.I.E.L.D. You are not required to use these prompts to participate in the bingo – these are just extras for those interested!
Monthly Missions can be used to replace a bingo square on your card. You may complete one Mission per month.
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sculien · 1 year
i need all of my fave gif makers to stop following me im too insecure for this
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dreamlingbingo · 1 year
May Prompts!
Woohoo, the new month is now here which means you can start submitting Monthly Prompts for the month of May. Don't forget to fill out the Fill Submission Form in order for it to count as a badge!
Additionally, if you're still looking for alternate prompts and the monthlies don't do it for you, then our Adoptables might be just the thing! We update them once a month so it's worth dropping in regularly to see what's new!
You can find all of this on our pinned Tumblr post, but for your convenience, you can also follow the link below.
Important Bingo Links - dreamlingbingo.tumblr.com/post/699574794119757824/
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steggybingobash · 2 years
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Introducing optional monthly prompts! You do NOT have to participate. These just exist to add some little challenge or fun to your bingo cards. These can be combined with your bingo cards.
After each month, you will get a badge!
February Prompts:
Singles Dance
Chocolate Hearts
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stuckybingo · 9 months
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New Year, New Challenges!
Welcome to 2024! While we wait to see what a dumpster fire this year will be, let’s start the new year off with a new Monthly Challenge and set of Adoptable Prompts. If you haven’t signed up to participate in Stucky Bingo Round 5, then it is not too late! Fill out this form to get your own shiny card.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the Monthly Challenges, here are the rules: 
At the beginning of each month during the round, we will put out three (3) prompts. You can use one, two, or all three prompts along with a square from your bingo card, and you will earn a badge created for the theme!
January prompts are:
Personal Trainers/Gym
New Job
Once you have completed the challenge, fill out the submission form as you usually would for a bingo fill, and be sure to check at the bottom to say that it's part of the monthly challenge. Just a reminder, these prompts are to be used in conjunction with a square on your bingo card, not in place of one.
Ten (10) SFW adoptable prompts are available below. Anyone who has already signed up for a bingo card can adopt one (no need to tell us you are claiming it until you fill out the submission form) and use it as they see fit to replace another prompt on their card. 
But before you go crazy, there are two rules:
1) You can only adopt one (1) prompt per month. This includes anything from the ⁠NSFW adoptables, which are only available to view on our Discord server to those who are 18+
2) The prompt must be completed and submitted before the end of the month. Any Adopted prompts submitted after the month they are issued will be ignored. If you are having issues with submitting an adopted prompt before the end of the month, please let us know by ⁠Discord or email.
January Adoptables are:
“The man he knew, the friend he loved, would never take that shot.”
Change in Routine
Snow Storm
Oblivious to lovers
Empire State University
Joseph Rogers
AU: Roommate
AU: Mob/gangsters
Art Format: landscape/panorama
If you have any questions, please feel free to ask us here on Tumblr, email us at [email protected], or ask us on the Discord server.
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livelaughbuck · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star (TV 2020) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Carlos Reyes/TK Strand Characters: Carlos Reyes (9-1-1 Lone Star), TK Strand, Nancy Gillian (9-1-1 Lone Star) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Small Towns, Happy Ending, bookstore owner carlos, movie star tk, Making Out, Mild Smut, Angst with a Happy Ending Series: Part 1 of Tarlos Bingo Summary:
Carlos owns a bookstore in a small coastal town. When a movie comes to film in the town, Carlos doesn't think the star, TK Strand, would in up in his store asking for book recommendations. A love for books becomes something more.
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daughterofhecata · 2 years
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I did both @batmanisagatewaydrug‘s and @macrolit‘s Reading Bingos this year - was aiming for blackouts on both, didn‘t manage it for macrolit’s, but I did get a couple bingos.
Titles for each under the cut, full reading list here.
translated book: Jonathan L. Howard: Johannes Cabal #1. Seelenfänger. [org. title: Johannes Cabal the Necromancer]
graphic novel: Vincent Burmeister, David Schraven: Unter Krähen. Aus dem Inneren der Republik. [no english title]
nonfiction: Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, Jekatyerina Dunajeva: Re-Thinking Roma Resistance throughout History: Recounting Stories of Strength and Bravery.
sequel: Luke Arnold: Fetch Phillips Archives #3. One Foot in the Fade.
poetry collection: Rainer Maria Rilke: Gedichte [herausgegeben vom Hamburger Lesehefte Verlag]
published before 2010: Faye Kellerman: Die Schwingen des Todes [org. title: Stone Kiss]
memoir: Theodor Michael: Deutsch Sein und Schwarz Dazu. Erinnerungen eines Afro-Deutschen. [engl. title: Black German. An Afro-German Life in the Twentieth Century.]
oldest on TBR: Anne Frank: Tagebuch der Anne Frank. 14. Juni 1942 bis 1. August 1944. [org. title: Het Achterhuis/engl. title: The Diary of a Young Girl]
author from a different country: Alexander Wolkow: Zauberland-Reihe #1. Der Zauberer der Smaragdenstadt. [org. title: Волшебник изумрудного города/engl. title: The Wizard of the Emerald City]
romance: Iny Lorentz: Die Feuerbraut [no english title i could find]
essay collection: Scaachi Koul: One Day We‘ll All Be Dead And None Of This Will Matter.
fantasy: Austin Chant: Peter Darling
novella: Maria Konopnicka: Der Danziger Mendel [org. title: Mendel Gdański/no english title]
debut author: Xiran Jay Zhao: Iron Widow
ghosts or monsters: Jennifer Giesbrecht: The Monster of Elendhaven
short stories: Hendrik Buchna, Marco Sonnleitner, u.a.: Die Drei ??? und der Zeitgeist [no english title; collection of short stories in the german continuation of Robert Arthur’s Three Investigators stories]
banned book: Harper Lee: To Kill a Mockingbird
one word title: K. Ancrum: Darling
published before 2000: Josef Bor: Theresienstädter Requiem [org. title: Terezínské Rekviem/engl. title: The Terezín Requiem]
2022 release: Jonathan Kellerman: City of the Dead. An Alex Delaware Novel.
literary fiction: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar / Jack Kerouac: On The Road (I’m pretty sure at least one of them qualifies)
YA: Jonathan Stroud: Bartimäus #1. Das Amulett von Samarkand. [org. title: The Bartimaeus Trilogy #1. The Amulet of Samarkand.]
reread: Franz Kafka: Das Urteil [engl. title: The Judgement]
400+ pages: James Ellroy: L.A. Confidential. Stadt der Teufel. [org. title: L.A. Confidential]
Classic Author A/B/C: -
Gothic Fiction: -
Fan Fiction: [no specific work]
published between 1960-1990: Václav Havel: Vernissage [org. title: Vernisáž/engl. title: Unveilling]
Classic Author P/Q/R: Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar
Biography or Non-Fiction: Justin Fenton: We Own This City. A True Story of Crime, Cops, and Corruption.
Classic Author S/T/U: -
Young Adult: Christina Henry: Lost Boy
Classic Author G/H/I: -
Detective, Horror or Suspense: Tess Gerritsen: Die Chirurgin. [org. title: The Surgeon]
Philosophy or Literary Criticism: Judith Butler: Gender Trouble. Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.
Classic Author M/N/O: -
Harlem Renaissance: -
Published between 1990-2022: Ocean Vuong: On Earth We‘re Briefly Gorgeous
Book of Short Stories:  Don Winslow: Broken
published between 1920-1960: Jerzy Andrzejewski: Warschauer Karwoche [org. title: Wielki tydzień/engl. title: Holy Week]
Classic Author D/E/F: Leslie Feinberg: Stone Butch Blues
Children‘s Literature: [any one of the twenty Three Investigator‘s books I read this year]
Poetry or Play: Bożena Keff: Ein Stück über Mutter und Vaterland [org. title: Utwór o Matce i Ojczyźnie/engl. title: A Piece about Mother and Fatherland]
Graphic Novel: Elfriede Jelinek, Nicolas Mahler: Der fremde! störenfried der ruhe eines sommerabends der ruhe eines friedhofs. [no english title]
Classic Author J/K/L: Jack Kerouac: On The Road
Essays or Satire: Scaachi Koul: One Day We‘ll All Be Dead And None Of This Will Matter.
Published before 1920: Maria Konopnicka: Der Danziger Mendel [org. title: Mendel Gdański/no english title]
Classic Author V/W/X/Y/Z: Jiří Weil: Leben mit dem Stern [org. title: Život s hvězdou/engl. title: Life With A Star]
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rebelmeg · 2 years
A Cure for January Blues    
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Happy Hogan Additional Tags: Fluff and Humor, Banter, workshop shenanigans, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark Friendship, flying car, Pepper is a professional Tony wrangler Summary:
With mid-winter gloominess upon him, Tony has an idea for a project.
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I've had this kicking around in my WIPs for ages and now I'm finally posting it!  For my @tonystarkbingo​ square A4 - Tony in workshop, and the @flufftober Fluff Monthly prompt January!
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