#moon d8
diceyclipse · 2 years
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October Party - I went for a little "Harvest Moon" vibes with the copper inking on this Lunar Phases d8. It has a tiny bat holographic glitter in the dome, a purple and red shimmery base, and black ink swirling around.
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azureasterart · 8 months
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Anyway. Absolutely cannot stand that =) face Gladion does here is an edited image I made that is 10x better I did NOT clean it up IDC.
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medicines1122 · 2 years
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Grand Daddy Purple Moon rocks | Green Medication Dispensary
Grand Daddy Purple Moonrocks is an Indica dominant product with a THC level of about 52.5%. What really sets this product apart from the others is that it is easy to identify by the taste alone. Moreover its taste lingers on the tongue for longer and will help you feel relaxed. Grand Daddy Purple Moonrocks.
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The product has a serious kick to it and its psychoactive effects are evidently detectable in both body and mind. It manages to deliver an overwhelming feeling of physical relaxation and cerebral euphoria. You will find yourself fixed in one spot while your thoughts float in a dreamy buzz for the duration of grand daddy purple strain, effects. Just like any other indica dominant moonrocks, it is primarily used for medical purposes. The product is quite effective for patients suffering from appetite loss, pain, insomnia, muscle spasms and stress.
Where To Buy Grand Daddy Purple Strain
Our Dispensary has the best quality of this strain and we available at any time as we do online sales discretely and definitely very save. Not forgetting, the well-rounded effects make it a great strain for enhancing active pursuits like hiking or exercising. So hurry and purchase this product to boost your daily life.
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probablybadrpgideas · 8 months
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For weird dice Wednesday! Left to right, top to bottom: Lego d6 (count the studs on the brick) Atom d6 (count the electrons - it glows in the dark!) Holy Hand Grenade d4 Fuck/Yeah d20 (mostly for scale - it is standard size) Stat d6 (Wis/Con/Cha/Int/Str/Dex on the faces) Moon phase d8 Completely blank d20 The tiniest d8 and d12 I have ever seen in my life
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theresattrpgforthat · 7 months
Hi! I'm looking for a game in the space opera genre, and I'd love some suggestions. More specifically, I'm trying to find something that's pretty easily customizable or setting-agnostic. Pretty soft as far as sci-fi is concerned, even science fantasy. (And my players have a very brief attention span when it comes to learning rules, so some degree of simplicity would be appreciated, too, haha!)
For context, I have a friend who loves worldbuilding and has fleshed out a whole galaxy, and I want to run a one-shot set in his world for his birthday. In the past, we've tried using a homebrew amalgamation of D&D, SW5e, and miscellaneous other bits, but I want to find a system that fits a bit better.
Thanks for the help! 😁
Theme: Simple Space Operas.
Hello friend, this sounds like such an awesome idea! I think I’ve got a few pretty good options for you to take a look at. Many of these games pull from Star Wars as their idea of what a space opera is like, but not all of them do. Also, don't forget to check the bottom of the post to see what I've recommended in the past!
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Laser-Ritter, by Bad Quail Games.
Laser-Ritter is an analog adventure game about swashbuckling heroes journeying among endless stars to embrace their destiny. There are rendezvous in hazy tap rooms, chases across distant moons, and showdowns with the forces of galactic evil. We play to find out how our Laser-Ritters follow their passions and face their pasts to triumph over adversity.
Laser-Ritter gives space for you to create your own saga. There's no burdensome timeline of canon events or overwhelming lists of characters, spaceships, and alien species to be contradicted. Every group begins their saga by creating their own dramatic title crawl to establish what's happening when the adventure begins!
This is a game all about embracing your destiny, with plenty of space to build your own universe. The game can be played episodically, or cover a long-spanning story over a series of sessions. This means that if you just want to run a one-shot, it can be pretty easily self-contained, but there’s also room to expand the game.
Players in this game have 4 stats and a health track labelled Vitality. You also have something called a Pathos track, which represents how attrition and trauma affect your character. If you fill your Pathos track, your character becomes vulnerable to dying. If you want a game with dramatic action and tragic scenes, Laser-Ritter might be for you.
Galaxy Goons and A Goons’ Guide to the Galaxy, by John Erwin.
Galaxy Goons is a space fantasy adventure hack of the Ennies-award winning Tunnel Goons. If you want a light-hearted game about rascals just trying to make their way in the universe, this is worth checking out. Tunnel Goons is known for being pretty light-weight, and Galaxy Goons is true to this legacy. Your characters are rolled randomly, with stats used to add onto dice rolls to try and beat a difficulty level.
A Goon’s Guide to the Galaxy is made for the same kind of setting, but uses a different set of rules, namely the 24XX SRD. This means that instead of just rolling d6’s, your characters will have a few things that they have a d8 or d10 for, and there might even be a few skills that only allow you to roll a d4. 24XX games also tend to carry roll tables to help the GM come up with obstacles and goals, so that might help the GM decide what about this homemade galaxy might be interesting to follow.
Rebel Scum, by 9th Level Games.
REBEL SCUM tells the story of how scrappy, anti-fascist heroes can fight back against a government with unlimited power (including giant lasers and space magic). Inspired by a love for a certain line of 3 and 3/4 inch action figures, this is a fast paced, feel good, space opera of rebellion and adventure.
In this TTRPG, characters are all expressed as action figures, with their pertinent stats and abilities "on the back of the card." Choose your toy and get out into battle!
So Rebel Scum borrows very obviously from Star Wars, but of course the book can’t just put the game in the Star Wars setting, so they create their own. What this means is you can pretty easily throw out that lore and build your own world, although the expectation in this game is that your characters will be working to overthrow some sort of galaxy-wide power. The rules are very simple to learn - in fact the booklet is under 100 pages, and that’s including art, setting, and example characters. If you have a standard set of polyhedral dice (and I’m assuming you do, if you’ve played D&D) then you’ll be able to play this game.
Save the Universe, by Don Bisdorf.
Tyranny and cruelty have spread across the galaxy, and only you can stop it!
Save the Universe is a sci-fi adventure roleplaying game in which the players create their own great galactic menace and then portray the brave heroes battling against it.
I think the biggest pull for this game is that it encourages you to build your own galaxy. The game even comes with a number of questions for you to answer, and if you already have a world decided, you can slot in the answers according to your friend’s world. In fact, assigning world creation to one player is actually a recommended option in the game!
Even though this game is pretty open in terms of the details of your galaxy, there’s still an overarching theme of an Empire or large enemy that your characters will be resisting. Then again, I have a feeling that’s a common theme in space operas.
Plerion: Space Opera Adventure Game, by Zotiquest Games.
Intrepid spacers ply the vastness of the Five Galaxies in search of fortune and glory.
This is Plerion, a sci-fi hack from Cairn designed to play radiant space opera. Inspired by classic science fiction and the RPGs that emulate it, but with a more modern twist, winking at transhumanism and cyberpunk.
Plerion is an adventure game for one referee and at least one other player. Players act as hardened spacers exploring, exploiting and commerce through the vastness of space in the far future.
The author of this game cites Mass Effect, the Traveller roleplaying game and the Wayfarer series by Becky Chambers. Cairn, the game that inspired this one, is a game that makes survival difficult and daunting for the players, and asks them to put the fiction first. This means that combat shouldn’t always be the answer. Instead, players are encouraged to find ways to solve problems using their tools at hand, which is a common trend in many of the games that inspired this rule system.
What’s So Cool About Outer Space, by Jared Sinclair.
WSCAOS is a tiny little system for going to space no matter where you are! 
This is an incredibly tiny game, with just two pages to print out and use as a rules reference in any galaxy you like. It’s also the parent of a number of “What’s So Cool About" games that use the same philosophy - minimal rules, and plenty of agency left up to the group in terms of what possible backstories you might have, as well as what might be considered an advantage and what might not.
No-one Owns The Sky, by Free Radicals Press.
A band of misfits lives aboard a rundown starship, traveling from one frontier world to the next, hoping to make a name and a living for themselves. Along the way, things always seem to go sideways, but the crew holds on, no matter what.
NO ONE OWNS THE SKY is a sci-fi roleplaying game that is rules-light and relies on players to craft and flesh out the universe of the setting as a collective. This game was designed for two or more players. One player is always the referee (REF), a neutral arbiter and guiding force for the game. The others act and play as player characters (PCs). These players, with their REF and their PCs, will tell amazing, collective (and interactive) stories with the help of imagination, dice, roleplaying, critical thinking, and problem-solving.
This game uses a staggered success layout, which means that you could roll a failure, a success, or a mixed success during any given roll. Anything above a 5 is a success! It looks like the game uses more than just d6’s though, so the larger dice you roll, the higher your chances of succeeding. The setting is also up to the players, pretty good for folks who want to build their own galaxy.
Games I’ve Recommended in the Past
Space Fantasy Rec Post
Impulse Drive, by Adrian Thorn.
Syzygy, by Ostrichmonkey Games.
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hmooncreates · 7 months
I've Published My Own Entry to the For Truth's Sake Game Jam!
For Truth's Sake is a solo-journaling rpg about studying culture's other than your own. Play as an anthropologist studying different cultures, and gain trust within the community you're studying. Pull cards and roll dice to determine who you talk to/where you go and what questions to ask. The game uses a "trust points" system - you gain and lose trust points by playing and interacting with NPCs and locations! And these trust points allow you to gain access and learn more as you play the game.
What You'll Need:
a deck of cards
a d20
a d12
a d8
In a small village, on a different continent from the ones you’ve been used to your entire life - entire communities have never seen the moon, or the true pitch blackness that comes with a cloudy night. How do they live their lives? What kind of religious practices do they follow? Are they different from the ones you’re used to? What does it mean to live in a place where the sun never truly sets and you’re truly never left alone in the dark.
There are 20 NPCs, 12 locations, and 12 events!
PRICE IS $5 | find on itch.io | and on ko-fi!
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river-in-the-woods · 5 months
Dice divination
d4 – Cardinal directions, four elements
d6 – Four elements + Sun and Moon, days within the next week (excluding present day)
d8 – Planetary readings (excluding Pluto), I Ching, Wheel of the Year sabbats, cardinal directions + in-between them, bāguà trigrams
d10 – Tree of Life, general numerology
d12 – Planetary readings (Zodiac, Houses, 9 planets + North and South node), months of the year, hours of the day/night
d20 – As in DnD, used to determine the positivity/negativity of an action/event
d100 – Bibliomancy, combined with other dice to determine page number
Note 1: When throwing multiple dice, for each additional die, -1 from the sum total so that the number 1 can still be read as an oracle.
Note 2: These cover the most common dice on the market (thanks to popular tabletop games); it is possible to acquire specialist dice to cover other possibilities.
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nerdythebard · 3 months
#61: Loki Laufeyson [Marvel Comics]
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[Art Credit: Gabriel Hernandez Walta | Doctor Strange (2015)] ---
I'll start by saying this, my dear Deities... I am not a fan. As a resident mythology nerd, I have a few baseball bats with Marvel decision-makers' names on them. But, I am a bard of the people and therefore shall hear my audience's requests. And thus, we're building Loki Laufeyson as depicted by Marvel Comics. Plenty of changes to the real Loki (which will be featured!), so let's see what we can do.
Next Time: You want more gods, I give you more gods. No more monkey business! Unless the monkey's business is to become immortal.
So, what does this so-called Loki brings to the table:
Tall Tales & Tricks: Loki in most of his iterations is known for his speechcraft and manipulation techniques. This one, however, is also quite fond of spells and various magical practices, specialising however in illusions and shapeshifting (although seemingly limited to mostly humanoid forms).
Tough as... Ice: This Loki is a full frost giant (...shh! Keep the Jotunn lecture for those who ask, Nerdy) with all the physiological advantages. We're talking durability, strength, the entire package.
Shinies & Stabbies: This Loki likes his pointy objects. Daggers and the sword Lævateinn seem to be his particular favourites. Plus, we all remember the glaive/scepter he gets in the movies.
To properly represent Loki's Jotunn lineage, we will reach for the "distant cousins of giants" in the world of D&D - Firbolgs, as depicted in Mordenkainen's Monsters of the Multiverse. We get +2 Charisma and +1 Constitution, some Firbolg Magic which lets us cast Detect Magic and Disguise Self (once without expending spell slots, unless we have slots to spell - spoilers: we will), ability to turn invisible with Hidden Step, ability to communicate (one way) with nature using the Speech of Beast and Leaf, as well as Powerful Build which makes us count as one category larger for tasks such as carrying, pulling, or lifting.
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Loki's many things, but in most instances he is a Charlatan, so that's what we're going with. We gain proficiency in Deception and Sleight of Hand, as well as with disguise and forgery kits (which will be useful to alter our clothes, as it cannot be done via magic). We are also able to craft False Identity for ourselves, completed with an entire past full of tangible evidence. What's better for a foundling child, adopted by a local warlord, who needs to use disguise magic to hid his true form?
This one's obvious - we are putting our highest score into Charisma, we will be using it most of the time both in and out of combat. We also need to avoid, dodge, and slip into the shadows so Dexterity will be next. Finally, let's grab Constitution, just in case some musclehead with a hammer catches us once in a blue moon.
Intelligence will actually be next, we're good at gathering information and utilising it. Strength comes from our giant lineage, although we rarely get physical. Finally, we're dumping Wisdom - if we had it, we'd learn to not constantly betray our brother or the heroes that gave us a chance (again).
Level 1 - Rogue: We will start with our non-magical skills. Rogues get a d8 as their Hit Die, [8 + Constitution modifier] initial Hit Points, proficiencies with light armour, simple weapons, hand crossbows, longswords, rapiers, shortswords, and thieves' tools. Let's give your standard leather armour, and two daggers plus a shortsword (which what would a Norse primary weapon be, provided you're wealthy enough).
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Our saving throws are Dexterity and Intelligence, and we can choose four skills from the class list (Acrobatics, Perception, Performance, and Stealth). Rogues start with Expertise to their skills, doubling the proficiency bonus of two chosen skills; for this Loki, who uses illusions and body switching so often, let's put Expertise in Persuasion and Stealth. We also know Thieves' Cant (can't what? - no, that joke will never not be funny), a system of phrases and symbols used by Rogues to communicate. Slip some Asgardian lingo without worry of revealing plans.
We can also apply Sneak Attack to any attack (with a Finesse or Ranged weapon) that we have an advantage on. The amount of damage increase as we level up; for now it's an extra 1d6.
Level 2 - Rogue: Our quick thinking grants us Cunning Action. We can now take the Dash, Disengage, and Hide Actions as Bonus Actions, allowing for better positioning.
Level 3 - Rogue: Our Sneak Attack bonus now becomes 2d6. We also get to pick our subclass, our Roguish Archetype. I'm guessing some of you would go with Arcane Trickster here, but remember we're focusing on quick and stabby Loki in this part; put on your feather caps, we're going Swashbuckler! With Fancy Footwork, we do not provoke opportunity attacks if we make an attack against the enemy (notice, it doesn't say we need to hit the enemy, so this is a perfect testing-the-waters technique). Thanks to our Rakish Audacity, we can add our Charisma modifier to our Initiative, making us a good scout and once again helping with our positioning.
Additionally at this point, when we're in melee range of an enemy and there's nobody else within 5 feet, we do not need advantage for our Sneak Attack.
Level 4 - Sorcerer: As one wise Loki said "blades are worthless in the face of a Loki Sorcery", so we're going to focus on that now. Multiclassing into Sorcerer does not give us any extra bonuses, but it enables Spellcasting. Charisma is our casting ability and we know catrips and regular spells. Sorcerers get a fixed number of spells. We start with four cantrips (Fire Bolt, Friends, Minor Illusion, and Prestidigitation) and two 1st-level spells (Comprehend Languages and Sleep).
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Sorcerers also pick their subclass, their Sorcerous Origin, at this level. We shall circle back to our giant legacy and pick the Giant Soul option from the Unearthed Arcana 51. With the legacy of the Frost Giants embedded in our essence, we gain Jotun Resilience - every level up we get an additional 1 Hit Point. We also carry the Mark of Ordning, which grants us some additional spells; at this level it's Armour of Agathys and Ray of Frost.
Level 5 - Sorcerer: We discover our inner Font of Magic and are now able to convert Sorcery Points into Spell Slots and vice versa. We can also grab another 1st-level spell; let's grab Charm Person to emulate the usage of the Mind Stone.
Level 6 - Sorcerer: We unlock Metamagic, which lets us use Sorcery Points to alter the properties of our spells. We get to choose two options: Quickened Spell uses 2 Sorcery Points to change a spell from Action to Bonus Actions. Subtle Spell uses 1 Sorcery Point to cast a spell without verbal or somatic components - perfect to sneakily place an body double illusion.
We also unlock 2nd-level spells here, so in regards to my previous sentence, let's take Mirror Image. We also get Hold Person from our subclass.
Level 7 - Sorcerer: Time for our first Ability Score Improvement. Let's raise our Charisma and Constitution by one, and then we can move to our spell selection. We get a new cantrip (Green-Flame Blade) and another 2nd-level spell: Misty Step.
Level 8 - Sorcerer: At this level, we normally do not get anything; the optional feature from Tasha's Cauldron of Everything called Magical Guidance lets us spend Sorcer Points to re-roll failed ability checks, but ask your DM about that one.
We do, however, unlock 3rd-level spells, so let's take Major Image to improve the quality of our projections, while we stick to the shadows.
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Level 9 - Sorcerer: We get another subclass feature. With Soul of Lost Ostoria, we gain a benefit based on the Giant heritage we've chosen previously. For Frost Giants, after casting one of our Mark of Ordning spells, we get temporary Hit Points equal to our Consitution modifier. We also get another 3rd-level spell; let's grab Antagonise.
Level 10 - Sorcerer: Halfway through the build and unfortunately, we get no class boons here. We do, however, unlock 4th-level spells so let's take Charm Monster to hopefully avoid potential non-human fights... or to cause them.
Level 11 - Sorcerer: Time for another ASI. Let's put points into Constitution and Wisdom, and then grab another 4th-level spell: Greater Invisibility.
Level 12 - Sorcerer: Once again, we get nothing class-wise. We do unlock 5th-level spells now, so let's take Creation to have an opportunity to always have a tool or a wepon on our hands.
Level 13 - Sorcerer: We get to pick another Metamagic option here. With Extended Spell, we can extend the duration of our spells (if available) by spending Sorcery Points to a maximum of 24 hours. Useful to keep some illusions or the Creation spell we've picked up last level.
We also pick up our last cantrip of the build (Mending) and another 5th-level spell; this time, let's get Telekinesis to reorganise the environment around us (and pick some loose trinkets laying in the open).
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Level 14 - Sorcerer: Once again, no new class boons but we do unlock 6th-level spells. With Mass Suggestion, we can now convince an entire crowd of mortals to bow down before us (or perhaps vote us President).
Level 15 - Sorcerer: For our next ASI, we will increase our Dexterity by two points to get better AC and Initiative options.
Level 16 - Sorcerer: Unlocking 7th-level spells, we can now use Teleport to call up a lift from Heimdall. Just make sure to collect some knick-knacks from the place you want to teleport to for a better chance of actually going there. Spatial travel's tough.
Level 17 - Sorcerer: For our final subclass option of the build, we are able to unleash the Rage of Fallen Ostoria. When casting a spell, we can spend one additional Sorcerer Point to transform into our Giant Form. For 1 minute, we become one category size larger and gain the following benefits:
Our current Hit Points and Hit Points Maximum increase by 1 per Sorcerer Level.
Our reach increases by 5 feet.
Our speed increases by 5 feet.
We have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
We get a bonus damage to our weapon attacks equal to our Constitution modifier.
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Level 18 - Sorcerer: Once again, no class boons, but we do unlock 8th-level spells. To once again hopefully avoid combat, let's use the power of the Norse Runes and grab Power Word: Stun.
Level 19 - Sorcerer: For our final ASI of the build, let's cap our Charisma to 20. Who knows, maybe the BBEG would be so willing to step down after having a nice little chat.
Level 20 - Sorcerer: For our capstone as Sorcerer 16, we get to enhance our Metamagic yet again. For the late game, let's get Twinned Spell to add one additional target to some of spells (like Telekinesis, Charm Monster, Major Image, etc.).
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And this is what I can do for the Marvel Comics version of Loki. Let's see what story I came up with:
First of all, we have a fantastic Initiative score. With a +7, we are almost certain to start every combat first which gives us fantastic opportunity to hide, reposition, or distract the enemy before they even make their move. Because this is what we are: we're a skirmisher, a supporter. We have enough to protect ourselves with but mostly we use Crowd Control and sticking to the back lines. We are first and formost the Party's out-of-combat Face for all social interactions.
Our AC is 14 and we have the average of 153 Hit Points.
Despite a solid identity as the Face, our Wisdom score is absolutely abysmal, which is not really great considering that is one of the most used and abused by the enemies. We are very vulnerable to any charmed or feared effects, so it's best to avoid being seen or invest into some magic item protection.
So that is it. You guys want more gods, I listen and serve. It's good to be back in the character building saddle. I'll see you soon with another breakdown build, my friends <3
-Nerdy out!
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verecunda · 1 month
Answer + tag people you want to get to know better and/or catch up with!
Tagged by @technicallycleverdetective. Thanks! :D
🌸 Favourite colour: Blue! All the blues. <3
🌸 Last song I listened to: Ooh, I don't know. I don't think I've actually listened to music at all today.
🌸 Last film I watched: Zombies of Mora Tau (1957). Pure B-movie schlock, but also nicely atmospheric, and there were some quite striking shots. And it was fun spotting all the actors I recognise from various MST3K features. :D
🌸 Currently reading: I've just started The Faded Map: Lost Kingdoms of Scotland by Alistair Moffat, but I don't know if I'm really in the mood for it. Especially since I ran into a rude reminder of just how not good Moffat is at Roman history. (Apollo is not a moon-god, dude, why do you keep equating Apollo with moon-cults??? D8)
🌸 Currently craving: Energy to write. x____x
🌸 Coffee or tea: Overwhelmingly tea, but I do love a good coffee, too. Usually with breakfast.
No-pressure tags: @ichabodjane, @cuddlytogas, @amine-eyes, @cilil, @ruiniel, @di-daydreamer, @nocompromise-noregrets.
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Finished sangfielle ep 33/second jade moon ep and I started taking notes to keep track of the Clown Train Situation
- Was supposed to be one roll so Chine can get a resource for healing. Hired to do a job dealing with a gandy problem
- Affected train is in hung up in a cathedral bdsm style
- fighting against gandy king begins, chine does okay against a minion
- Hazard tries to transfer ravening call to the gandy, fails and gets hurt, ravening call upgrades to ravening beast, gandy king turns into the beast
- Lyke is getting fucked Up by the beast, it keeps doing d8 damage, 6 blood protection but Austin rolls an 8
- Success at a cost on stone chorus and lyke gets hit again but gets away with hazard, chine insists on staying to finish the job
- pickman has joined to help out with no pay after hearing the commotion, also rolls badly
- “You should have gone through the portal!”
- “I just wanted to steal from the church 😿”
- Duvall is now here with annihilate
- Another annihilate and Wrecks it (6 is a 10 and 8 damage)
onto ep 34 I’m sure they’ll get to have a relaxing normal time now
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masculinepeacock · 1 year
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[Image Description: A photo of a large white building with a red roof at the edge of a lake. The house is surrounded by woods and is reflecting off the water. In large letters across the top reads, "For Truth's Sake Feywild Inn". On a brown square reads, "A solo journaling game about studying culture's other than your own". Below that it says, "by h. moon". /end ID]
"The passion for seeking the truth for truth's sake can be kept alive only if we continue to seek the truth for truth's sake." - Franz Boas
For Truth's Sake is a solo-journaling rpg about studying culture's other than your own. Play as an anthropologist studying different cultures, and gain trust within the community you're studying. Pull cards and roll dice to determine who you talk to/where you go and what questions to ask. The game uses a "trust points" system - you gain and lose trust points by playing and interacting with NPCs and locations! And these trust points allow you to gain access and learn more as you play the game. This setting is called "Urban Witches" - you play as an anthropologist studying a coven of witches living in an apartment building in a big city.
What you'll need: a deck of cards, a d20, a d12, and a d8 The game includes core rules, as well as setting specific NPCs, locations, events, and questions. The questions grow in personal level as you level up friendships with NPCs and familiarity with locations. Formatted and non-formatted documents.
Feywild Inn
An inn nestled in an odd space between what we consider reality and the wilderness that some call the feywild is home to an interesting group of fey and humans alike. Are they living together in harmony? Are the fey preying on the humans? Or is your bias showing through?
Remember, it’s polite to eat what a person that has invited you in offers you.
Get Feywild Inn on itch.io or ko-fi!
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diceyclipse · 2 years
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Lune Rousse - A Harvest moon, stormy vibe for this d8 with the moon phases.
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threeninepress · 3 months
Three Nine Digest #19
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This week I have been mostly thinking about… my Mausritter adventure (Fast Show reference in case anyone is as ancient and British as I am).
Below is what I’ve collected from previous dispatches regarding my adventure hooks, npcs and the spell I’ve made. The bit that’s new is the spell token, which includes a spell tablet I drew (yep, continuing with my audacious plan to draw this entire adventure myself).
I’m putting all these in one spot because my next step will be harvesting them and putting them in my project on Affinity. At first I am going to stay pretty true to how the adventures are laid out in the excellent The Estate collection. I’ll probably fiddle with things once that’s done and make it more my own.
For now, though, here’s the state of play for Goodnight Maus.
Goodnight Maus
(Mausritter adventure site inspired by Goodnight Moon)
Adventure Hooks
Pick or Roll 1D6
The youngster Hamish Quickfoot has not been seen since he ventured off in search of fortune in the Great Green Room. His parents are offering a reward for anyone who can bring him home safely.
Toliver Thickwhisker, Burgher of Under-Step, has commissioned a party to raid the toy house in the Great Green Room. He wants silverware (six places) for an important dinner he is hosting for visiting dignitaries.
Legend has it that the ancient, and magical, arms of Lady Strongbite are located somewhere in the Great Green Room. Her saga states she fell to Rupert, the great orange menace who once called that room home.
The rats of the Wall Gang control the routes in and out of the Great Green Room. They have just raised the price of their tolls. Under-Step’s city council have commissioned a party to scout the room and find alternatives.
The engineer Tink Finetail has designs on an underground engine that could connect Under-Step to Drain’s Hollow. He’ll pay a premium for clockwork mechanisms, the kind known to exist in the Great Green Room.
During a rowdy night at the Weevil’s Head pub bets were taken on whether there was a mouse in Under-Step brave enough to bring home a whisker from Tabitha and Tomasina (the young, but cruel descendants of Rupert, who now stalk the Great Green Room).
Hamish Quickfoot5hp, STR 9, DEX 12, WIL 10 Attacks: d8 bow
Wants: To return home with something valuable.
Jerald Longfur4hp, STR 7, DEX 7, WIL 9 Attacks: d6 walking stick
Wants: To be left in peace. Failing that, a good meal.
To read the rest of this post head to Three Nine Press on Substack (it's free!)
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eggyrocks · 4 months
hi eggy<3 i would like 2 request a match-up of 3 hq charas pls! i’m bi-romantic so guys/gorls is okay!
mbti: infp-t,,, super shy but talkative once we’re 1-1
astrology: aries sun, pisces moon, leo rising<3
hobbies: fashion!!! reading, traveling, making art/music, astrology, anime, k-drama, listening 2 podcasts, collecting cameras + photography, witchcraft lmao (tarot & crystals), collecting plushies, k-pop, ballet as of dis month, bullet journalling in my toto puzzles, tbh i weave in & out of hobbies as i pls n i lov 2 try new things! recently embroidered kageyama’s ics sweater saur i could wear it 2 da hq movie premier in 2 days & root 4 him<3 not sporty but i do stretches & mobility class & lift weights 2 strengthen my body bc im cLUMSY n get injured easily:( fav sport im acc gud at is rock-climbing dhshsdh also i’m a mom of 2 bunnies🥺
likes in d8s/relationships: nature, artsy fartsy spaces, thrifting, going 2 cafes & for ice cream!! amusement parks + rollercoasters!!!! taking photos. i lov ppl who can tease me n we can go back & forth. someone who is super smart & knows a lil bit abt everything & who can teach me new tings is who i tend to go for. quick whit is also a plus! gives me nicknames. tells me abt their day n is secretly sentimental. someone who i can tell all my hyper fixation of da day/wk/month to & won’t judge:,) someone who keeps their promises & tries to make it up 2 me when they fuck up. someone who is >:( at first glance but is acc rly sweet once u get to kno dem! my lov lang is words of affirmation & acts of service but i also lov 2 give ppl gifts esp when i travel! not big on physical touch but head pats make me weak🥺
dislikes: unwanted physical touches w sexual undertones/sexual innuendos directed towards me bc i’m ace, loud noises unless it’s at a gig, ppl w no manners, ppl who talk all abt them n never ask anything abt others, broken promises, someone who gen makes fun of things i like or doesn’t show interest in the tings i’m interested in, inconsistency, ppl who dun support therapy, homelessness, women’s rights, gay rights, mental health, etc. & da biggest red flag for me is racism!
tysm u big cutie!!!<3 forever supporting ur works & ur indulging in ur spotify playlists🤍🎀☁️🩰
thank you so much for your donation <3 get your own matchup here
match up number one: tsukishima kei
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the epitome of >:( on the outside but secretly sweet
and i mean very secretly
but tsukki would be quietly obsessed w/ you in way that he thinks is not obvious but it actually is extremely obvious
like would be thinking of you all the time
like if he was out in public and saw smth that reminded him of you he would take a picture of it not even to send to you just to keep it on his phone bc he likes things that remind him of you
and literally any single time that man sees a plushie he thinks you would like he's getting it for you (his love language is absolutely gift giving) the collection would actually start to get out of hand a point
i imagine it going something like this:
"i got you another plushie"
"i don't have enough room for anymore"
"...i will get you a shelf for them"
he's so tall would love to pat you on the top of the head it would give him such smug satisfaction
tsukki would lightly tease you but would do it with such stars in his eyes that it could not even remotely be misinterpreted
like he'd say something like "you're such a dummy" but he'd have such an adoring look of love in his eyes you know that basically translate to "i am madly in love with you"
would be the very protective type and would verbally decimate anyone who made you uncomfortable
like you wouldn't even have to tell him he would just be able to tell from your body language and know immediately
in general pays very close attention you and would notice those little things abt u
the type of boyfriend that might, at first, struggle with communication but would put in an honest effort to improve
extremely respectful of any and all boundaries you have & would find it very easy to express affection in way that ur comfortable w/ because tbh he's not very big on physical touch either
very understanding even if he doesn't outright say it
a very show don't tell bf like you know he would do anything for u even if he doesn't say it frequently bc he just does it all the time
match up number two: shimizu kiyoko
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would be the sweetest gf of all time :(((
also can be very shy but would be very comfortable around you
she would love nothing more than to participate in your hobbies with you
asks for tarot card readings and what books you're reading and would proudly wear any and all embroidery done by you and asks you to teach her ballet
her instagram would be filled with pics of you and your hobbies
def a words of affirmation gf; she might be shy at first but into the relationship would spare no detail in expressing her love & admiration
extremely well adjusted and emotionally mature so communication with her would be so easy, any (rare) mistake she made would be immediately owned up to and would do everything she could to make it up to you
knows that there are people who have crushes on her but is very clear abt her dedication and would never even consider doing anything to hurt ur feelings
very clear in her loyalty to u
would love to plan trips with you <3 would write out a whole itinerary of all of your favorite activities and does her research beforehand to make sure everything runs smoothly
would wear coordinating outfits with u on trips (best dressed partners on vacation tbh)
when ur comfortable with it would love to show affection in small ways like squeezing your hand or patting your head but primarily shows affection through genuine and thought out compliments
lots of little sweet dates getting little treats and coffee and ice cream; would love to try new things with you
being with you would make her feel emboldened to try new things and be a little different <3
match up number three: kita shinsuke
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polite king tbh
most respectful man alive
would honest to god make you feel like you are royalty genuinely the most dedicated partner of all time
loves to watch your favorite shows with you and would listen to you talk about your hyperfixations eagerly
would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on everything and loves how much you love things
like you never have to worry about him making fun of you for the things that you like because he genuinely cares and loves to learn about the things u care abt
like if you were ranting abt something you love and got worried/insecure for whatever reason he would say "please keep going i want to hear more" and you'd just know he means it 100%
me tearing up bc i luv kita & he'd be such a good bf
does everything in his power to make you feel safe and comfortable at all times
very doting and loving
would let you take the lead in the relationship and would frequently ask you how you're feeling and what you need and is happy to adjust the way he would show affection to meet your comfort level
a little bit crazy like he's like oh you like plushies? let me learn how to make them for you
like he would absolutely learn how to crochet to handmake you gifts
every gift you would ever get him is like a priceless item and he either proudly displays them or he keeps them on him at all times
like if you got him a postcard from somewhere you travelled he would keep it in his wallet all the time
supports you in any and everything you do
bonus match up: akaashi keiji <3
hope you enjoyed !!!!
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sheismo · 2 years
✭20 day 𝐃𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐱✭
New Year Preparation | 2023 Pre-grounding
Mission :
• Selfcare.
• No Instagram or Fb.
• More Knowledge. (4 book goal)
• Discipline.
• Less Smoking (once or twice)
• Better Health.
• No Sex.
• No Heavy Drinking.
• No heavy eating. Less sugar & salt.
• Less Redbulls. (3x week)
• More Rest/Sleep
Key Affirmations :
• 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
• 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘪𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘦.
• 𝘐 𝘸𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭 𝘰𝘧 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘳𝘨𝘺.
• 𝘐 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
• 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭 𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘥.
• 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧.
• 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘺.
• 𝘔𝘺 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘬𝘳𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘦𝘥.
• 𝘐 𝘢𝘮 𝘫𝘰𝘺𝘧𝘶𝘭.
• 𝘔𝘺 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘬 𝘪𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵.
Objectives :
⭒ Limited Social Media!
• No Posting • No Scrolling •
• TikTok,Tumblr & Pinterest ONLY •
Limit 3/4hrs Daily
- Post Business Content 3x a Week -
⭒ Very strict daily regimen. ✅
⭒ Make Content (Add to drafts)
⭒ Reading (Goal :4 books total)
⭒ Herb Research & Purchasing 🍄
⭒ Meditation 2 times a day ✨
⭒ Start going back to gym. 2x week💪🏾
⭒ Vision Board for 2023 🤍
Routine :
- Wake Up 8am-8:15am
— Pray before feet touch ground ❕
- Check emails , messages (ONLY 10-15 mins)
- Light incense/candle while in shower. Put on robe in warmer. 🚿
- Say affirmations in shower & mirror ! ✅
- Put on robe, start coffee/tea.
- Go in living room & put on meditation music
- Meditate 20 mins 🧘🏾‍♀️
- Get dressed for day.
- Drink water & cold pressed juice/gut detox/light snack.
- Pack bag for day + bracelets & crystals 🧿
** Work OR Go out & get stuff done **
- Lunch 12pm-1:45pm (light) 🥬
- Say affirmations during lunch x5 ⭐️
- Shadow work during lunch + prayer
- Post business content during breaks ! No excessive scrolling ❗️
- Workout after work ✅
- Shower 🚿
- Dinner 🍽️
- Reading 30-45 mins + Tea
- Meditation & Prayer 15mins
Sleep by 10:30pm
New Things To Try :
★ tea & water every rising.
★ matcha & supers greens.
★ ashwagandha drops.
★ try more drop vitamins.
★ try juicing.
★ weekly foot soaking.
Important Reminders :
⭒ Spiritual check in every Sunday.
⭒ Full Moon 12/7/2022 ⭒
Reading • Magic • Manifestation
Banish • Reground • Rituals
⭒ Lexx Birthday 🎂 (12/3-12/5)
⭒ Make Bff Birthing Basket 🧺
⭒ Schedule annual checkup appointment. 🩺 ✅
⭒ Find & schedule dentist appointment. 🦷 ✅
⭒ Schedule chiropractor appointment.
⭒ Schedule taxes appointment. 🗂️
⭒ Plan shop revamp. ✅
⭒ Stock shop inventory. 📦 ✅
⭒ Book a massage. 🌸
⭒ Plan Bobby birthday d8. 🎨
⭒ Start Christmas Shopping. [12/10] ✅
⭒ Plan birthday trip. ✈️ ✅
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Hey, I'm sorry if this isn't entirely your wheelhouse but do you know any ttrpgs which have players as bug aliens? Not like "human with different stats and a shell", but full on nest-building/flesh-eating/genuinely alien bug aliens? Sorry again if this is a bad ask/something you've done before.
THEME: Bug Aliens
Hello friend! Many folks seem to feel unsure about whether or not they are asking incorrectly - I want to assure you that I welcome all kinds of asks, and you don't have to worry about asking for something that might have been asked before - it just means that I get to either revisit games that I think are interesting, or add more games that I didn't talk about last time! Let's get started.
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XENO, by Caligaes.
XENO is a role-playing game where you take the role of a monstrous ALIEN who arrives on Earth with the sole objective of claiming a new OPPORTUNITY.
From 2 to 5 people (including the Alien Master) can enjoy a ONE SHOT where they will feel like true monstrosities destroying everything in their path. To start your invasion you need this document, 4-sided dice (called d4), a pencil (or pen if you're brave), and a sheet of paper to take notes of your mission.
There is nothing that really decides what kind of alien you are here, only that you are one - so go and fulfill the directives of your ship’s AI and cause psychic strife while you’re at it, and be as buggy as you can be! This game uses only d4’s, and everything fits on a brochure, so it’s easy to print this game out and give everyone a copy. Go forth and wreak havoc!
Mother Needs Flesh, by JoPa
MOTHER roams the galaxy searching for ways to satisfy her hunger. You, her Scions, operate to fulfill her needs. Most of the time, you’ll infiltrate spaceships and moon stations, seeking to end all life aboard so MOTHER can feed on the flesh of your victims. Other times, you’ll forge alliances with pirates and planets to keep MOTHER safe. At dire times, you’ll help MOTHER fight off spacecraft seeking to destroy her. No matter what you do, you do it for MOTHER.
MOTHER NEEDS FLESH is a minimalist tabletop rpg for up to four players and one Game Master. All you need is four, six, eight, ten and twelve-sided dice plus pen and paper to play.
The game sets out the premise that Mother is a fleshy creature that travels through space, and that you are your Scions. There’s not a lot about what your Scions look like, so I think making them bug-aliens is do-able, although you might have to re-flavour some of the lore or moves to really immerse yourself in that kind of game. This is absolutely a horror game, and your characters will be finding humans to rend and feed to Mother, each feast making her (and you) potentially more powerful.
The game system for Mother Needs Flesh is Breathless, which uses a deteriorating dice system. Your dice re-set when Mother mutates or when you Boil Blood, but you’ll start with a d10 or d8 in most things, and that dice will deteriorate down in size with every roll that you make. It’s a neat and concise system, it fits on 2 pages, and it gives you that thrill of being absolute monsters.
Primal Pathways, by UFO Press.
On the harsh shores of this young planet, a new creature crawls out of the primordial ooze to face the forces of evolution.The pressures it will face are far more than natural: Guardians, enigmatic entities from another plane of existence, have seen fit to guide the evolution of a selected few young species.
As new generations rise and Civilisations emerge, what shape will your people take under their Guardian’s guidance?
In this biopunk setting supplement for Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2nd Edition written by Laurence Phillips and illustrated by Juan Ochoa, you will create a new species and guide its physical and social evolution from the birth of civilisation to the stars. (The core rulebook is required to play.)
This game is unique in that you actually play on two different levels. On one level, you are Guardians, entities that are bigger and more abstract than a singular species. These Guardians will favour and guide the evolotion of smaller Species, out of which you will create individual members who create new stories. This game might be more suitable for a play group where different players have diffferent kinds of themes or goals they want to explore.
If you want to play a bug alien, the Parasite or Devourer might be a playbook that works for you. Other players might want to pick up the Builder or the Otherworldly instead! You’ll track the evolution of your species and decide what kinds of paths they take - the Devourer might priotizize a Hive Society or evolve into an Apex Predator. Meanwhile the Parasite might become raiders or establish an alien culture of spying. If you like the idea of moving between two levels of narrative and two modes of play, then this game might work for you!
Descent into Midnight, by Rich Howard, Taylor LaBresh, and Richard Kreutz-Landry.
Descent into Midnight is a Powered by the Apocalypse tabletop roleplaying game where the players take on the role of alien psionic creatures who are defending their home from an otherworldly corruption. In a game where sapient krakens and microscopic krill can create a complex society, how strong or dextrous you are isn't as important as the social, emotional, and existential impact of the actions you take. Descent into Midnight is a game about connections, so the statistics used to describe your character describe your relationship to yourself, your team, and the people around you.
This game is meant to happen on a completely alien planet, and your character options are vast and endless. It’s not specifically designed for bug-aliens, but you can 100% make it about bug-aliens, complete with nests and a hunger for flesh. In fact, you don’t even have to create a physical character - your character can be the Concept of Oxygen, or The Environment That Houses All.
That being said, the game does focus on protecting a society from corruption - this means that while the game absolutely has a focus on horror and decay, the idea is that in a campaign game, your characters will be working to fix the problem, rather than making it worse. So I’d say that in terms of concept, it might give you something of what you’re looking for, but tone-wise I’m not sure if it matches what you’re thinking. Regardless, this a gorgeous and captivating game that’s worth looking into.
If you want a peek into what kind of possibilities exist in character creation, you can check out Character Creation Cast’s episodes on this game!
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