#moona tries to write
moonawrites · 4 years
“Is this the moment that we kiss?” Jily prompt.
When Lily asked James to pretend to be her boyfriend at Petunia’s wedding, she had it all figured out.
Petunia had been completely fucking unbearable all summer, bragging about Vernon like the ignorant walrus was something to be proud of. Bragging about her shiny ring and pretty wedding and not being alone. Making snide comments about what a shame it was for the bride’s sister to attend the wedding on her own. So naturally Lily had corrected her. She would, in fact, be bringing a date. And she knew just who to ask.
James was a good friend and always up for a party, even if that party was to celebrate the union of two of the worst people he knew. So of course he instantly said yes. Free booze and an opportunity to irritate your sister? Why the fuck not?
Never mind that Lily had a bit of a crush on him. If a bit meant a massive, rapidly developing, all consuming infatuation that had taken over her entire life. Real inconvenient for that to start when James had already moved on from his a good two years ago, and was perfectly comfortable being Lily’s friend. Inconvenient and painful. Pretending to date him, even for a night, was probably was not the soundest idea… but it was the best she had, and it fed into her fantasy, so she went with it.
Now, though, with James’ hands on her waist and his cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol and the dancing and the warm August evening, his hair mussed and his eyes bright… she’s not sure she should have done this. Not sure she can bear to leave this fantasy when the night ends and they go back to being friends and she makes up some excuse to explain away their breakup two weeks from now.
“They’re watching us,” James whispers, leaning his head in close, and Lily’s breath catches in her throat.
“Your parents. Your sister.” James smirks and raises an eyebrow. “Should we put on one final show to end the night?”
We’re better off as friends. We tried and it doesn’t work. Some generic bullshit of that sort should work. The song changes to something slow and romantic, and the couples around them who had been taking a break and chatting at their tables offer each other inviting smiles. Soon enough the dance floor is packed again.
“Perfect timing,” James murmurs, pulling Lily closer.
They’ve had so much fun. Drinking and dancing and judging Petunia and Vernon’s awful friends. They always have fun. But it’s a different kind of nice when James pulls out her chair and gushes over her to her family and gets her drinks and holds her close for the slow songs. Lily’s heart aches and her stomach twists. She wants this to be real so bad.
“Do you think they believe us?” Lily asks, just for something to say to keep her from spiralling into her traitorous thoughts.
“Hm. Dunno. I feel like I’m quite a good actor.” James nudges Lily’s nose with his and smiles playfully, unaware of the damage he’s just done to her heart with that one small gesture. It’s just acting. He's playing a part. Relax. “You’re a bit rusty though, can’t you pretend to be a little more in love with me?”
Lily laughs, and it’s actually genuine even if it’s a bit painful. God, if he only knew. Pretend to be in love with him, it’s really quite funny. “What do you want from me, director?”
As if on queue, the song swells and rises, that moment when the music wraps around your heart and the couples around them feel an unseen force pull them closer to one another.
James tilts his head and raises an eyebrow again. “Is this the moment that we kiss?”
Lily’s eyes widen. “What?”
“What?” James says innocently. “Everyone else is doing it. We’re supposed to be a couple at a wedding and we haven’t kissed once.”
“Because we’re not a couple.”
“But don’t you want them to think we are? Now’s the perfect time.”
He’s right. She asked him to do this and he’s trying to help and he’s absolutely right, they’re at a wedding and they haven’t kissed once, how convincing is that? But she can’t. Not like this.
“I… no. I don’t want to.”
“I mean, okay.” James shrugs. “It’s just a kiss.”
“I don’t want a fake kiss with you,” Lily admits, and she wants to clamp a hand over her mouth, because who even asked? Certainly not James.
James snorts. “Why? Would you prefer a real one?” And he’s obviously joking, because that’s James’ way. But Lily freezes up like she’s been caught stealing, her heart racing and jumping into her throat and her face burning up.
She laughs a few excruciatingly long and silent seconds too late, but it’s strained and feels like it’s being ripped from her throat. James’ smile is gone though, and he stares at her in… confusion? Concern? …Belated understanding. And finally, shock.
“No fucking way,” he breathes, his smile creeping back onto his face, and Lily wants to melt into the floor. Pathetic. She’s absolutely pathetic. She couldn’t even last one day, all it took was one joke to crack her.
“Shut up, please. Just… shut up,” she begs. She can’t bear the jokes right now.
James laughs, and the sound of it is beautiful and elated. “Why don’t you make me, Evans?” He leans in close. “Kiss me for real,” he dares.
Lily scowls and shoves him away, heart lurching. “Don’t be an asshole.”
James pulls her back instantly, weaves his arms back around her waist. “I’m not being an asshole. I don’t want a fake kiss either.”
When she says nothing, only stares at him quiet and lost, James sighs. “You’re so daft, Lily. How much more obvious can I be?” He cups her face in both his hands, calloused and gentle, and Lily melts. “Kiss me.”
There’s sincerity in his eyes and his words sound earnest even if they’re whispered and he’s really not that kind of asshole. So what’s a girl to do when the man of her dreams insists she kiss him?
Lily can’t help laughing in some mix of disbelief and delight even when their lips collide.
Thank you for the prompt! I had fun with this one. Clearly keeping it short is not my strength, you got 1,054 words out of me! I'll do more tomorrow :)
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weuschoiceheart · 3 years
🔑 Keiys to Your Heart - Romeo and Juliet (2)
Taglist: @mysticpenguincreation @soft-black-teabag @dusk-carnival @raftel-is-waiting @bluejayjay @lifeisamuffin @sparkling-nights @thenoceurgirl @affectionaterainoflove (send an ask if you want to be tagged!)
(This part is pretty long, probably the longest fic I’ve written so far, you have been warned).
Genre: fluff, mostly CrAcK, pining, Pining, PINING, theater!au, Seon playing matchmaker with Jaeho as his sidekick, K x female!reader
Warning: cursing, prepare yourself for cringe 
Summary: In which Seon is sick of seeing K and Y/n pine for each other, so when the school play started up, he forced the K to audition, hoping he’ll get the main role while Y/N (typical theater student) gets Juliet. To his shock, however, another student snatches Juliet’s role and Seon is forced to rethink his plan.
Part 2/? : <— Previous      Next —>
————— ————— ————— ————— —————
“Stop pacing, it’s making my head spin.”
Ignoring his friend, Seon continued pacing. Jaeho was only here for the food anyway. Well, food and maybe to lent some extra braincells (not that he had any, for that matter).
“What are you thinking about?” Jaeho asked, popping another potato chip into his mouth. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me.”
“I have to find some way to convince him to audition....” Seon swung around in a u-turn, bumping into the coffee table. Jaeho let out a yelp as he just barely stopped the snack bowl from tipping over.
“Ok, what is it? What are you so agitated—”
Seon’s phone rang from the couch, and Seon instinctively went to grab it. Seeing the caller ID, he raised his eyebrows at Jaeho, who only frowned at him, confused. “Who is it?” he mumbled through a mouthful of gummies.
Seon answered the call and put it on speaker, K’s loud voice instantly spilling through the phone.
“Seon, this is all your fault!”
“Huh?” Jaeho turned to Seon, now more puzzled than ever. A slow smile spread over Seon’s face, having an inkling of what K was talking about.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, K.”
He heard his friend take a deep breath over the phone, and there was a pause, before he finally forced the words out. “I told her that I would audition for the play.”
“Wait, what?” Jaeho sat up quickly, the snacks in his hands flying everywhere. “You’re going to try out for Romeo and Juliet?”
“Yes...” K’s voice sounded almost mournful. “I’m going to try out and fail miserably in front of my crush.”
“Oh, don’t say it like that,” Seon responded gleefully. Well, that’s the first part done. “Just practice your lines, and you’ll make it. Now go start writing out your confession, lover boy.”
“What—I don’t—” K spluttered upon hearing Seon’s words. “What do you mean, confession?!”
Too late, Seon had already hung up.
K threw the phone onto his bed and flopped onto his stomach. Grabbing a pillow, he screamed into it.
Seon put down his phone and clapped his hands together. “Well, let’s get to work.”
“I don’t even know what we’re working on,” Jaeho sighed as he picked up the chips on the floor with a napkin. He pouted slightly. Poor snacks.
“We’re gonna make sure K confesses soon, and since Y/N is also auditioning, well, let’s just say her Romeo will finally express his undying love for his Juliet,” Seon answered. “And to do that, I’ll need your help.”
Jaeho flicked a piece of chip at Seon. “Why are you so invested in his love life when you can’t even handle yours with Artz-”
Seon grabbed a gummy bear from the snack bowl and threw it at Jaeho, who caught it in his mouth, effectively shutting him up. “Look, we knew that idiot has been in love with Y/N for years already, and if we don’t do something, he’ll probably regret it later after he graduates and never sees her again. Now here’s his chance. So grab whatever braincells you have and help me.”
You were not ready to face an angry mama dragon.
Well, your day was already ruined already, so you’d prefer hearing Giulia nagging at you for not bringing an umbrella than having to face another day at school.
And the auditions for the play too.
You mentally screamed as you dashed across the courtyard and ducked under the school awning, finally out of the rainstorm. With sleep deprivation at its peak, school projects, and exams, you had barely squeezed in time to practice for the play.
Great, now you’ll try out and fail miserably in front of your crush.
Letting out a yell in frustration, you stamped your feet, accidentally stepping in a puddle. Lovely, this is absolutely lovely. You tried to shake the water out of your shoes and looking up, you saw nearby students cast you weird glances. Ducking your head in embarrassment, you sighed and decided to drag your sodden body inside.
At least it’s warmer in here, you thought glumly. The bell hasn’t rung yet, so maybe you can go to a secluded area and practice your lines, that is, if you can just stop dripping water on the floor and hopefully don’t slip on the way to your locker—
You almost slipped when you heard the voice, shutting your eyes tight. Please not now, not him, he can’t see me in this mess, oh god, can this day get worse?
“Y/N.” K caught you before you can fall on your face and embarrass yourself further. The two of you stood there, staring at each other. You can see his face turning red at your touch, and you can feel yours heating up too. Clearing your throat awkwardly, you pulled away, much to his disappointment.
“Are you alright?” K felt dumb asking the question, since it was clear from your frazzled appearance that you were far from alright. Suddenly thinking of an idea, he put his bag down and rummaged through it. “Here,” he brought out the towel he always kept with him for track team. “Use this to dry yourself off.”
Blinking in surprise, you shook your head. “It’s fine, you need it—”
“I have another one in my dance bag, don’t worry.” Before you can refuse again, K started to dry your head and face, his hand brushing against your lips slightly, and you swear your heart was about to stop. “You need it more than I do right now, anyway.”
Never in your life did you expect to be standing at the entrance hall of your school, with your crush two inches away from you as he fixes your messy self. Never in your life did you think your heart will pound any faster. Or that you’ll ever get this opportunity again.
“Thank you,” you mumbled shyly as K stepped away, a gentle smile on his face as he studied you. Maybe this day isn’t so bad after all. “Sorry for wasting your time, my dumbass forgot to bring an umbrella to school today.”
“Yeah, um, no problem,” K stuttered out. Damn, how did I even have the courage to stand that close to her? “Wait, you don’t have an umbrella?”
“No, no, no, I’ll be ok,” you said, not wanting to trouble him further as he held out his umbrella to you. “I’ll share with my friends, I don’t want you to end up like me.”
“I’ll be fine, really,” he looped the handle of his umbrella onto your wrist. “I’ll just share with Jay. Besides, by the time track practice ends, it would stop raining anyway.”
“Oh...thanks,” you said, flustered by his kindness. “I don’t know how to repay you.”
He titled his head, confused. “You don’t ever have to repay me, Y/N. I’ll gladly do anything for you.”
At this point, you’re sure your heart was about to burst. K, realizing what he just said, turned a darker shade of red. The two of you stood there awkwardly, staring at anything but each other, and you were about to speak up again before another voice rang out from behind you.
“Hey! What are you two lovebirds up to?”
Artzyy strode up to you, looking between you and K. Noticing the tension in the air, xe grinned. “Oh, am I interrupting something?”
“No, nothing,” K hurriedly scrambled to grab his bag, his train of thought broken. “I have to meet up with Hanbin for dance practice, see you two later!” Sending you a wave, he walked away.
“So I did interrupt something,” Artzyy turned back to you, eyebrows raised. “Care to explain what happened?”
You barely registered what xe was saying, still staring at K’s back disappearing around the corner. A smile stretched across your face as you touched the spot where his hands met your lips, the warm feeling in your chest expanding. Noticing your dazed expression, Artzyy couldn’t help laughing. “You look like a lovestruck fool.”
“Maybe I am....or maybe this is a dream and I need to wake up...”
“Well, wake up you will because the bell should ring any minute now,” Artzyy snapped xyr fingers in front of your face, shaking you out of your reverie. “Gods, you really are more whipped than Moona.”
You shoved xyr side playfully, as you shouldered your bag. “Don’t compare me to Moona when you’re the same.”
Artzyy eyes widened at your statement. “I- I don’t know what you’re talking about, let’s just go.” Xe grabbed your arm and pulled you along, and you laughed to yourself. It’s so easy to embarrass xem.
“Mhm, sure. Like Choi Seon isn’t your phone wallpaper.”
“I’m who’s wallpaper?”
Artzyy whipped around upon hearing the voice, and you almost laughed out loud at xyr expression when xe noticed that Seon was walking behind you two. Deciding to spare xyr embarrassment, you calmly said. “Hey, Seon.”
“Do you know where K went? I need to talk to him about something.” You can feel Artzyy let out a breath behind you, relieved that Seon wasn’t going to interrogate xem. Huh, and you said my love life needs work.
“He went to the dance studio, to practice with Hanbin,” you answered, right as the bell rang. Seon nodded his thanks before turning to go. Artzyy slowly peeked out from behind your shoulder, then hid again when he faced you once more.
“Good luck at the auditions.” Flashing you a mischievous smile, he ran off. Frowning to yourself, you wonder what that look could mean, as Artzyy tugged at your arm to go. Following xem, you took a deep breath and grinned as your mind flashed back to your encounter with K.
Yeah, maybe today isn’t going to be so bad after all.
K fidgeted nervously in his seat, uncomfortable with the atmosphere in the room. If he had been smart and kept his mouth shut, he would’ve been practicing choreography with the rest of the dance team right now. But instead, he’s sitting in the auditorium, with the lights off and spotlighted on stage, waiting for an audition he wasn’t prepared for. Well, he tried his best to prepared for it (Hanbin, bless his kind heart, had volunteered to do Juliet’s lines so K can memorize Romeo’s, with Jay and Geonu laughing their asses off in the background), and he did, somehow, know the lines, but once he get up stage, he knew all of that would fly out the window.
“Didn’t expect to find you here, K.”
K turned at the familiar voice, seeing a tall girl sit down next to him. “Oh, hey.... Minsoo. Long time no see.” He hadn’t seen her for over a year, ever since they broke up last summer. He suddenly remembered that she was also a theater student, like you, and realized that she must be auditioning for the lead role as well.
The girl hummed in response, then gestured to the script in his hand. “You’re trying out for the play?”
“Oh, yeah...” K muttered awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.
Minsoo tilted her head to the side, an amused expression on her face. “Really? When did you become so interested in theater?”
“Oh, uh-” K racked his mind for some excuse, and stuttered out, “I just decided to, I don’t know, try something new.” He shrugged, as if it was no big deal, and mentally cringed inside.
“Ah...” Minsoo, looking unconvinced, sat back in her chair. “Lead role, too?”
“Yeah.” K’s gaze became distracted as he saw you took center stage, and he leaned forward, curious to see your audition. Unlike previous years, you seem to be more nervous this time, tapping your feet anxiously, fiddling with your fingers. Across from you, K saw Youngbin, one of the vocal students and Jake’s friend, who seem to also be trying out for Romeo as well. The director, Ms. Jino, signaled for them to start.
Following K’s gaze, Minsoo snickered upon seeing his besotted expression as he watched you perform. So that’s why...
“I really hope she gets the role...” K murmured as your audition finished. He started fidgeting again as he waited for his name to be called. Any minute now.
“Well, there’s a lot of girls trying out for Juliet this year,” Minsoo remarked, “I’m actually surprised by the amount. Maybe they’re trying to get on Ms. Lee’s good side by auditioning.”
“Really?” K scanned the room, and found out that she was right. The auditorium was half full with people coming in for auditions, and more were coming in as well. Most of the girls look almost as nervous as he is, anxiously practicing their lines. Y/N would still get in though, I know she would.
Minsoo shrugged. “I’m sure Ms. Jino would find the perfect one for the role among the people who just do it for a grade.”
K quirked an eyebrow at her. “Are you sure you’re not doing this for the grade?” he teased.
“Hey, I’m offended,” Minsoo replied, pretending to sound affronted. “You know I’m not like that.”
“Sure you aren’t,” K playfully bounced back.
“At least I’m not doing it for a crush.”
“I’m- what?” K blinked in surprise. How did she know?
“Gotcha,” Minsoo laughed, “Oh, hey, there she is right now.”
You dragged yourself from backstage, head low and spirits even lower. Seriously, Y/N? Is this all you got? The audition went by pretty smoothly, except for some parts where you just blanked out and had to improvise on the spot. But you knew that you have to be better than this to get in, because judging by the mass number of girls auditioning, you knew that the teachers would analyze every part from the facial expressions to line delivery. Another failed audition, you thought to yourself, sighing as you closed the stage door, stopping at the sight in front of you.
You knew you shouldn’t feel this weird feeling in your chest, seeing K joking around with his ex-girlfriend, but you couldn’t help it. They only dated for a few months, and Minsoo has always been nothing but nice to everyone, so why do you have this terrible feeling of jealousy?
You really thought this day would get better just because your crush helped you out? Now you screwed up your audition and he probably likes someone else.
Pushing these thoughts out of your head, you swallowed a lump in your throat and rushed out of the auditorium. You can hear K calling your name behind you, but you ignored it and hurried on, afraid that if you turned back you’ll just burst into tears right there and then.
K deflated, eyebrows knit in worry as he slumped in his seat. “What happened? Why did she run off like that?”
Minsoo frowned in thought, looking at your retreating figure. Her eyes wandered to K and herself, then mentally face-palmed. “K, you’re a dumbass.”
“What?” Girls are so confusing. Right at that moment, he heard his name called, along with Minsoo’s, and he scrambled up, heart pounding. It’s time.
“When you’re done with this, make sure to go and talk to her, ok? So she doesn’t get the wrong idea,” Minsoo said as they climbed the stage steps. K nodded, casting another worried look at the auditorium’s doors, even though you were long gone.
“Why the hell does he keep calling his lover Bambi?”
“It’s wordplay, Moona. “Bambi” in Korean means night shower, and he uses this imagery along with Disney references throughout the song, and the album itself, to enhance the music.”
“So he’s basically calling his lover a deer.”
“It’s a metaphor. Besides, the only deer you know is Heeseung, anyways.”
“Hey, there’s no need to attack me like—Y/N, are you ok?”
You plopped down on one of the seats outside the cafe, where you and your friends decided to meet up after school. The rain has cleared up earlier than expected, so you didn’t have to use the umbrella that K lent you, thankfully. Using it might just cause your emotions to spiral out of control again. I’l just return it tomorrow, you thought, forcing a smile on your face as you looked at your friends.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“Oh, stop lying, you’re not,” Star studied you carefully. “What’s wrong?”
Sighing, you buried your face in your hands. “I failed the auditions.”
“Hey, hey, hey, don’t think like that,” Moona pushed a slice of cheesecake over to you. “You just did the audition, and they won’t announce the results until at least next week. Calm down and eat some cheesecake.”
“You should copyright that slogan and put it on a mug,” Star snickered. She pushed a cup into your hand. “Here’s your comfort drink, by the way. We know how stressed you get after auditions.”
You finally let a small smile settle on your face, taking a sip of the drink. Gosh, what would you do without your friends. “Thanks guys.”
“Nah, no need to thank us, we got you.” Taking a sip of her own drink, Moona said, “Hey, there’s Giulia now.”
“I’m so so sorry, I swear to god, if I have to hear that stupid customer yell at me one more time, I’ll scream,” Giulia plopped down next to you, then turned concerned at the look on your face. “Honey, you ok?”
“No,” you took a bite of cheesecake, savoring the sweet flavor in your mouth. You just wanted to distract yourself from this horrid day. “Wait, where’s Artzyy?” you asked, realizing that someone was missing.
“Xe had a group project with Seon,” Star grinned mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows. “So xe had to cancel today.”
“Oh.” On any other day, you would’ve joined in on teasing Artzyy, but xyr relationship with Seon just reminded you of how you ditched K back in the auditorium, and guilt started piling up inside you. Even if you were jealous, you shouldn’t have abandoned him like that, and he’s probably worried that he did something wrong. Which he didn’t. It’s just this crappy ass day of yours, and this dark cloud hanging over your head, shrouding your emotions, your thoughts, your stupid feelings—
“Alright,” Giulia clapped her hands together, interrupting your thoughts. “I know you always get stressed over auditions, but you’re not like this. What is wrong, Y/N? You can tell us, we’ll listen.”
You looked up to see Moona and Star also giving you similar troubled expressions, and you shook your head. “It’s just...a bad day. Nothing is going right.” Your voice cracked at the last syllable, and you will yourself to not cry. Everything felt too much, school, the play, your love life.
Your friends shared a look, before they scooted over to embrace you in a group hug. You relaxed against their arms, feeling comforted at last.
“Things will get better,” Giulia soothed. “Hang in there, ok? You’re stronger than all of this, Y/N.”
“What’s the matter? You look like someone just rejected you.”
K glared at him, and Seon comprehended that maybe that wasn’t the right choice of words. He sighed and took a seat beside his friend on the bleachers. “What’s wrong?”
K flicked through his phone, before turning it off with a defeated sigh. “She’s not answering my calls, or my messages. She just dashed out after the auditions without even looking at me. Even though I called after her.”
Seon frowned, puzzled by K’s words. “Why?”
“I don’t know!” K threw his hands up in frustration, running a hand through his hair. “She just...ran away.”
Seon opened his mouth to say something, but K’s coach yelled for everyone to get on the field to start practicing again. Seon watched as K, with a broken expression, climbed down the bleachers and headed onto the tracks. Staring after him, Seon started to feel like everything was not going according to plan. At all. He took out his phone to text Jaeho about the latest development.
Seon: Something’s wrong….
Jaeho: Why? What happened now?
Seon: The couple dynamics are weird.
Jaeho: The only weird couple dynamic is you making kissy faces at Artzyy while she tries to avoid looking at you when you two were working on the project.
Seon: I was NOT making kissy faces! And this isn’t about Artzyy, I’m talking about K and Y/N.
Jaeho: Oh. So….change of plans?
Seon: No, not yet. Not until they announce the audition results. I just….have a bad feeling about this.
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pupuseriazag · 4 years
Hello love!! 😘
OC asks: 22 23 24 and for Luna—32, 33, 35 for Aunt Jenn—And you B C E and F ❤️
Hiii 💜💜💜 How are you?? uwu I hope you’re doing fine :3 
Hoooo man, hold on to something because this will be long-
-- Luna --
22) How does jealousy manifest itself in them?
Luna tries to keep it cool and not to overeact to their partner or make a scene in public, but they are bad at hiding it on their face 😂 so they would end up telling their partner they feel jealous in private.
23) How does envy manifest itself in them?
Genereally its very weird for Luna to feel envy, but they sometimes feel left out and just keeps it to themselves as they feel ashamed of feeling envious ;-;
24) Is sex something that they are comfortable speaking about? To whom?
Before dying, sex was a kinda taboo thing for them xD but after coming back from the dead (And Asra having to teach them a lot of things again) they became more comfortable and casually speaking about it with Asra and their partner, but always making sure the other person is comfortable speaking about it uwu.
-- Janelle --
32) Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
From how she lost Luna at the first masquerade and found them with Asra, that time she and Wendy almost drowned at sea going to Prakra and joking about the things she and her brother Teco (Luna’s dad) use to do together in her childhood :’3
33) Could they be considered lazy?
On the contrary, this woman was a non stoping hard worker. Always searching something to do on the shop or outside in Vesuvia (sometimes dragging both Asra and Luna to walk with her xD)
35) How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
She knew how hard it was for someone when being ignored, so even if the thing in question was absurd she would always support their friend/wife/niece :’3 even giving some friendly advice💜
-- Moona 😳 --
B) What inspired you to create them?
*cracks fingers* The main inspiration for Luna was my desire to 1) make my mc 2) have them be a representation of my culture (and myself 👉🏻👈🏻 not entirely tho) I’ve always had a “guilty pleasure” of wanting to represent my culture in a good way :’3 from their way of dressing and their place of origin (Kuatlán being a somewhat representation of my country) even though I was afraid some people from my country would demean it as cringe ;-; I tried to put that fear out and make my baby Luna as how you guys know them💜 
Also I have to admit that seeing other people’s MCs being from all different shapes and colors inspired me even more to do Luna as how they are ;w; (Oh and their name, yeah I’m kinda obssesed in all things regarding the moon sooo the word Moon in spanish sounded fitting for them xD)
Regarding Janelle, I kinda based her around my mom and a dear aunt of mine (although neither my mom or my aunt are lesbians themselves xD) and also to give Luna someone who would teach them how happy life can be even if you suffered in the past and also you will soon see her design uwu💜 (and maybe Wendy’s 😳)
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
When I started planning it I kinda wanted to follow some of the “canon” things about the MC (The shop originally being their aunt’s, they dying of the plague, working with Julian at some point, etc) buuut at the same time I had better ideas of some of the things that happened “in canon” (example: MC and Asra fighting to stay, MC not meeting Nadia/Muriel before dying, etc) So yeah it was kinda difficult xD specially when I started writing it and wanted somethings to make sense, I didn’t wanted to be completly out of the canon but just changing bits and pieces, sometimes to add more ✨drama✨ to the whole situation. And after almost 4 months I finally have their story as how I wanted it to happen :’3
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I think Luna and I would be friends lol I would definetly love to go with them somewhere and maybe talk xD 
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC?
I feel so much joy and pride, Luna is my most beloved oc and just talking about them, drawing them and just making stuff of them has REALLY bringed some joy to my life and my art ;w;💜💜 At the begining I felt kinda ashamed by them (since I wasn’t so sure about their design/having them represent a part of me and my culture) but after their redesign and the amount of love they recieved I can do anything more than to feel very proud of what I’ve done :’3💜
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wardati · 6 years
     Anda remembers the weight of his baby girl cradled in his arms. She weighed practically less than four pounds- no more than a stack of books, a mason jar full of honey or a basket full of apples. He thinks of her as if she was sleeping, as he touches her head full of hair, slicked down and obsidian next to the pale complexion of her face, down to her supported neck, down to the the fingers that do not curl around his own. She looked so much like her mother. Too much like her dead mother.
     She is taken from his arms and the nurse who does it implies with the frown on her face that it's for his own good. This is your hello and your goodbye for someone who would never speak or laugh, for someone who never drew their first breath or released a gallop of air to cry into the night.  
He sits in the hallway, wrung out of tears he looks cathartic sitting there. It's like watching someone fall off the side of a mountain. Almost boring if you've seen too many people descend into something they'll never come back from.
     A woman sits next to him briefly. His mother adjusts herself four or five times, clutching her handbag placing it to the side of then on her lap indecisive of her place when she's sitting next to her son. Her mouth curving in lines chewing their way through words, she speaks in Korean and Anda's ears cling on to every word. She offers no warmth or condolences like the others have. "Don't give her a name. If you give her a name, then she's real, and when she's real then she can haunt you forever." She sighs tiredly, "don't name her."
    Anda a shell of a human after months of emptiness, after trying to remember what his little girl looked like, after waking up from dreams where she's in his arms again. Takes paper and pen and writes her name.
     The name comes in strokes, awkward lines and uncertain curves. He tries to find the name between the languages he knows, he thinks of how it would roll off the tongue. He thinks of Moona, the dead mother of his dead child and what she would want and how she would smile hearing this treasured name over and over again. Instead it's scratches and scribbles, lines following no distinct order no right or wrong spilling out over the edges of the paper because his beautiful girl, his only girl would live infinitely. He decides then to spell out each name till he pretends that she's alive again.
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Ayeeeeeee. It is I, Celes! And It’s New Years Day. I’m not the best with words or preach, but hi again!!!!! Thank you friends and everybody for sticking with me to the end of 2017! By now I’m assuming a great majority of y’all know how slow I am in the RP world and how distracted I get, but once again thank you all for sticking with me until the end of 2017! You may now leave if you’d like lol jk. Unless you really want to for whatever reason o.o Even if we have yet to interact IC or OOC, I still admire all of you from afar, including the non-mutuals that that I wish to interact with someday, but if never, that’s okay too and I understand.
I will only be tagging mutuals. Also there’s so many of all of you, so I apologize if I don’t tag you. If you do not see yourself here, it does not mean I hate you! So please don’t take it to heart if you don’t see yourself on here.
Revo Sentai Derhorangers (only we will understand) -
@recklessmoon​ - IDK which is your main anymore, but I'm assuming Marz is still your main. But liebeling!!!!! I know we lack IC interactions due to our muses not clicking very well and stuff, but I still love you and I hope we can figure something out for our muses to do together someday lol. You’ll always be my Marz/Marchen to Elisabeth, and no one will ever replace you. To this day you’re always going to be my liebeling too, and no one shall ever take your place XD
@juniperblooded - So many things about you that I admire ;v; Not only your writing, but you’re cool too<3 Tell Trisha I said hi and she’s cool also lol. You’re welcome for your “orange son”! I know our muses lack IC interactions too, but aye. I’ll never forget you and I’ll always admire you from afar too lol. You’re always going to be my Elef to my Orion and we’ll always be bros. I’ll never replace you either and y’all have a special place in my heart.
@risky-boyfriend - Yes, Macha. We all know you love Ryunosuke Tsunashi XD But anyhoo, ayeeeeee. Man, I feel like everyone’s muses in our group don’t click well with my muse, cuz my muse is not that much of a nice person... XD It’s okay though. Maybe we’ll all figure something out, but if not, that’s okay. I’ll follow all of you until Thanatos decides to take my soul away lol. You’re a precious bean and I wish we could all be together IRL ;o; You too have a special place in my heart and I’d never forget you or replace you ;v;
Thank you Revo Sentais for sticking with me<3 ILY all #no homo
People I admire from afar
@piictograph - May Prompto and Stella never smash. You’re a precious bean and I will protect you no matter what owo I really love your writing style, and you’re fun to talk to!!!! I hope we get to talk some more OOC when we’re not feeling shy or anxious or when something in life does not happen lol<3 I really love your drawings too (I even have some of them saved ;D) and I hope I haven’t made you anxious when I reblogged them before ;o; I really love seeing you around and just being yourself. You’re so silly but in a good way<3 Please stay yourself and never become some kind of horrible toxic bean, and whoever tries to  change you, feel free to tell me about it and I will beat them up for you.
@antimundi - NOTICE ME, SENPAI. I’M YOUR BIGGEST FAN!!!!!! XD I’m probably one of the worst RP partners you ever had, but other than that, I think you’re a sweet person, and I love seeing you around as well as your drawings <3 I hope I don’t make you anxious when I reblog them ;o; Have I ever mentioned I’m glad we met cuz... darkness and messed up shit!!!!!! >:))))))) I swear, everytime I look at our thread (that I still need to reply to), I just get feels from our muses and I love them together ;_; I can’t wait to see where our thread goes if we can keep up <3
@musae-ex-fantasy - Thank you lots for keeping me company and whatnot ;w; I’m sorry that I’m so slow, but I swear I’m not ignoring you!!!!! I love when we talk and do silly things to our muses lol. I just love seeing you happy as well as you just being you. I love when we share stuff too. I’m sorry I’m the most horrible person to ask advice for, but I still love you and I’ll try my best to be a good friend ;O; P.S.: STOP MAKING STELLA HORNY WITH NOCTIS OR PROMPTO! XDDDD
@ofstrifes - NOOSHI!!!!! NURSHHHHHHHIIII!!!! NASHI!!!!! NANASHIIII!!!! nurnurshi >:O I have so many silly nicknames for you now... lmao. IDK which blog you tend to be on anymore :| HOW MANY BLOGS DO YOU HAVE? But if you see this, hiiiii!!!!!! XD You’ve been like my BFF for ages as well as husbando that I keep divorcing and then remarrying and then the cycle just repeats lmao. Things are probably not the same as they were back then, but aye, we’re still good. Thank you for staying my BFF<3 I’ll always admire you from afar, and I hope we can VC again sometime, or RP together<3 Nurshi-koon is all grown up~ But he still don’t got the smooth moves~ >:)
@promptisia - I dunno which is your main blog anymore either since I see you flopping back and forth everywhere sometimes lol. But anyhoo... Becca!!!!!!<3 Come RP and talk to me~~~~! XD JK. You don’t have to all the time. I still admire you from afar and you’re very dear to me, and I’ll never forget that you’re the one who got me shipping PromStella, and look what happened now. I’m shipping them like hardcore and coming up with a bajillion headcanons for them lmao. They’re canon in my head. Eff SE for cutting her off and everything in FFXV. I love when we talk, and you’re never a bother to me, so feel free to come drop by anytime<3
@fxtalwinter - Ayeeeeeee you. You’re the one who got me into all of that dark and messed up stuff now! XD ...But they’re awesome OwO And you’re welcome too OwO When can I be as beautiful as you? I’ll never forget how we met, and when I look back I tend to think it’s a funny story now haha. I’m glad we met<3 That was like back in the myspace ages when Tales of Legendia was cool (and still is, I think), and we were both Chloe RPers lol. I’ve always admired you, even when we’ve hardly spoken in ages, but I still love seeing you around and talking about cool things with you<3 If it weren’t for you, I wouldn’t have discovered these cool things you spoke of before too like all the dark and messed up stuff, Resonance of Fate, Death Bell, etc.<3 We should watch Death Bell again ;D
@tenebrianflower - Moona!!!!!! I can’t wait to see you and Prom at Sacanime!!!!! >.< And let’s hope we can get Gladio’s autograph, cuz why not? I feel like I’m also probably one of the worst RP partners you’ve had, and I’m sorry that  drop a lot of our threads ;o; Maybe I’ll pick them back up again when I’m feeling it or when Stella is feeling it. You’re fun to talk to and you’re so sweet<3 I love looking at all of your artworks and cosplays<3 You have inspired me to try to make some cosplays again. I’d love to, but you know my problem with living so far form everything... :’( I also love talking about our headcanons for our muses and their husbands and kids<3
@lightwithinthenightsky - How KNOTy of you ;) -shot for making bad jokes- Hey you. I admire your work and you’re very creative<3 I love when we talk too, and I’m sorry if I don’t always respond ASAP, but I swear I’m not ignoring you either ;w; You’ve put a lot of work in your muse as well as your artwork and everything, and I love it! 8D You’re a nice and fun person to talk to as well<3 I’m glad we can understand each other<3
More people I admire from afar
@leorugiet @frigustek @perfectknight @deliicatus @somxus @ringburdened @scionoflorelei @fata-et-fatorum @fieryknowledge @rosehairphantom @maledictusrex @stasisheld @trashkingizunia @izuniashield @zelldincht @lordcommanderaymeric @spiritfold @kidsofthekelvinhero @schxbetta @finalfantasymultimuse @nesrecne @infideliis @aetherilily @sukoshishokan @crystallineglacian @reiivusu @chocosnap @croweoftheglaive @luxintima @baewind @triggerxhappy @bespectacled-gentleman @onuscientia @oracleofthegods @faithfulheir @glaciousglaive @firxga @forsakenxprince @commodorexaranea @regisomniscaelum @aetherdconjurer @mutxremundi
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moonawrites · 4 years
For Jily - “Please just look at me while I confess, after that you can look anywhere you like, I swear.”
Sirius Black has had enough.
Enough of James’ pining and whining and dramatic sighing. It’s embarrassing, but more than that, it’s just fucking annoying. He and everyone else in the entire school knows he’s in love with Lily. Everyone except for Lily.
Incidentally, Sirius has had enough of Lily too. Enough of her longing stares and painful, trying so hard to be nonchalant it actually hurts to witness questions. Everyone knows she’s in love with James too, except the idiot himself.
What’s worse is both of them refuse to admit it, not only to each other, but to everyone else too. So as he so often has to with friends this stupid, Sirius takes matters into his own hands.
“So you’re really not into Evans, right?” he asks James at breakfast one day.
James chokes on his coffee and coughs for a bit, eyes bugging a bit. But then, predictably, he says, “Um, yeah, no. Not at all. Why? Haven’t we been over this?”
Sirius smiles. “Oh, good. That’s what I was hoping to hear.”
James narrows his eyes. “Why?”
“Just, you know. You’re so unbearable when you have a crush.”
James does not look convinced, but Sirius decides it’s time to shift the conversation to the match coming up this weekend, and so it’s forgotten.
Until dinner. They head over to their usual spot at the end of the Gryffindor table, but Sirius jogs ahead and slips into the seat next to Lily before James has a chance. Both of them look a bit surprised, but neither comments.
“This colour looks really pretty on you, Lily,” Sirius says casually. He only notices what colour she’s wearing after he says it – a nice baby blue, so at least it isn't a blatant lie. Lily looks a bit taken aback, but she smiles at him.
“Thanks! I like it too.”
Deciding to play it up a bit, Sirius flits his fingers over the material from her shoulder to her upper arm. Then he makes a show of freezing, as if just realizing what he’s doing, and abruptly drops his hand. “It’s… yeah. It’s pretty.”
It takes a great deal of effort not to snort with laughter at the look on James’ face, like he can’t decide between looking suspicious or scandalized.
Sirius keeps it up for a good few days. He compliments Lily and finds excuses for innocent touches – imaginary lint on her sweater, hands brushing in the corridor, reaching for the same items at the table. All while James is there to see, of course. It all kind of makes him want to gag if he’s honest, but it’s a necessary evil, because he can see them starting to crack.
James becomes snappy and irritable around him, and he has no excuses when Sirius innocently asks why – after all, he hasn’t done anything wrong, has he? He even had the good grace to confirm again and again that James did not fancy Lily.
Lily becomes nervous around him and tries to avoid him, tries to laugh off his flirting when she can’t – and Sirius lays it on thick. It’s all a credit to his immense talent as an actor that she doesn’t just laugh in his face – he’d done a great job of pretending to be hurt the first time she did.
He finally gets a chance to end it all for good when he gets paired with Lily for a Potions assignment. That evening when James announces that he’s off to the library to work on his own assignments, Sirius waits twenty minutes and then he rushes down to the common room and scans the room for Lily. She’s sitting on the ground at one of the tables by the fire, books and parchments spread out in front of her.
“Hey, are you busy right now?” he asks when he walks over.
Lily jumps a bit and glances up from her books. “Um, a bit. I was just working on the Transfig assignment.”
“I thought we could head to the library to start on research for the Potions assignment,” Sirius suggests. “I’ll be busy with Quidditch this week, it would be good to get started early.”
Lily chews on her lip, looking like she wants to refuse. But in the end she just nods. Sirius surreptitiously studies the map while Lily packs up her stuff, and deduces that James is sitting at their usual table in the back right corner of the library. He makes a show of acting jittery and nervous while they walk, brushing it off with a shaky laugh when Lily asks if he’s okay.
Sirius pretends to consider which table they should sit at, before leading them to the table on the other side of the shelf from the one James is at. He knows James will be able to hear them, they’ve spent many hours eavesdropping while they studied in that spot.
Sirius scours the shelves and picks out some good books, and then he actually works with Lily for a bit – eventually they’ll have to work on the assignment for real anyways, he may as well multitask. But not long into their work, he straightens up and fixes Lily with a serious look.
“Lily, I have to tell you something.”
Lily jumps slightly and glances up at him. “Is it important? I’m in the middle of reading.”
“Yeah, it’s very important. I’ve been holding it in for a long time, and I just can’t anymore.”
On the other side of the shelf, he hears a chair scraping back. Sirius bites the inside of his cheek to stop his lips from twitching into a smile. He has to keep acting nervous.
“I... um, maybe you shouldn’t,” Lily says quietly.
“Why not? I know James used to fancy you, but he told me he doesn’t anymore. There’s nothing to worry about.”
Lily’s eyes widen just slightly, but she doesn’t look surprised that the conversation has led them here. She gives Sirius an almost pitying look, and he barely stops the eyeroll. As if.
“I really can’t hold it in anymore,” Sirius says, as if the words pain him. Lily swallows and looks away. Looks at her notes, at the shelves of books next to her, at the ground, everywhere but at him.
“Sirius, I really don’t think now’s the time. We should get back to work.”
“Do you know how hard it was keeping this from you both back when James fancied you? It was torture, Lily,” Sirius says with anguish. “And now I don’t have to anymore. I can tell you the truth.”
“Oh my God,” Lily whispers, panicked. “Please don’t, please don’t say anything.” She still won’t look at him.
“Lily, I have to do this. I have to do it for me, or I’ll go crazy,” Sirius insists. “I deserve to speak my truth. I’ve suffered in silence for long enough, don’t you think?”
“I don’t know what to do,” Lily whines, and she stares up at the ceiling. “Please kill me.”
“Please just look at me while I confess,” Sirius begs. “After that you can look anywhere you like, I swear.” She doesn’t, but Sirius soldiers on. “Lily, I’m in lo– ”
“You can’t!” Lily yells, lunging forward and slapping a hand over his mouth. A few people several tables down turn to look at them. “You can’t. I’m in love with James,” Lily admits, as if the words have been ripped from her throat, and she looks so anguished Sirius almost feels bad.
On the other side of the shelf, a very familiar voice yells “What?” and then there’s a commotion. It sounds like a chair gets knocked over and books flung off the table. James curses several times. Footsteps thunder down the aisle, and then James appears at the end of their own aisle, looking flushed and flustered. His hair is more disheveled than usual, as if he’d been tugging on it in distress.
Lily clears her throat and drops her hand, awkwardly patting Sirius’ cheek. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to smack you that hard.” And then it seems to catch up to her that James is there. James, who she has just confessed to being in love with.
Sirius sighs heavily and stands up. “Well, that was fucking miserable, but my work here is done.” He stretches and grabs his bag. “Enjoy your awkward conversation.” He pats Lily’s shoulder on his way past her, and then James’ when he reaches him.
“If you fuck this up after all my suffering, I’m going to murder you with my bare hands.”
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moonawrites · 4 years
Hello there! prompt : meeting the parents, thanks ♥
Orchid is Euphemia's favourite spot to get her nails done for several reasons. It has a light and airy interior that she enjoys when she's in the mood to relax and get pampered, they serve her favourite champagne, it's conveniently close to her London home, and the auburn haired nail tech she always requests is the most charming young woman she's ever met.
Lily is bright and funny and quick as a whip, and the first time Euphemia had met her 5 months ago, she immediately decided James had to meet her. She'd gone home excited, called her son, and insisted he come by for dinner after work.
Imagine her shock when her darling son flatly refused the second she'd said she found him the perfect girl! Well... okay, it wasn't much of a shock. James is generally a good son. He comes to dinner when she asks and calls her regularly and spoils her with gifts when she insists he doesn't have to. But he can be quite stubborn and refuses her any involvement in his love life. Which, sure, it's fair... she can't deny there have been some missteps on her part, even if her intentions have always been good. But this time is different. Lily is different, she's sure of it.
So she persisted. For months, she had tried to tell James about Lily, how gorgeous and brilliant she is, how well suited they are. But she never got far, always shut down before she got so much as her name out. Then three months ago, he'd dropped another bomb: James was seeing someone, and therefore he could not possibly agree to meet someone else right now. It would be improper and immoral, all the good things she herself had taught him.
James, unfortunately, has a good heart and a good head but quite poor taste in women. So Euphemia did the only sensible thing: she insisted he break up with his mysterious girlfriend and meet the girl she had in mind. It made sense, after all. She knows they're perfect for each other. Predictably, James refused.
Also predictably, he refuses to let Euphemia meet her too. Says she's always too much for the women he dates, but is bound to be worse when she's already biased against her.
Euphemia had toned it down, but not quite relented. An "I wish you'd bring this woman to dinner" here, a "you really won't even tell me her name?" there, and all she gets is an eye roll, occasionally a "you'll track her down with a first name and a city, I don't trust you" or "when the time is right, mum, please let it go." A much less polite "oh my god, kill me now" when she'd suggested one last time that he forget her all together and meet the darling from her spa. One day he'd slipped up and raved about what a talented artist she is, when he'd stopped by for tea after seeing her. He seemed completely enamoured, so finally, Euphemia decided it was time to let it go. Things would work out in due time for her son, there was nothing she could do to control this.
And last month, with a heavy heart, Euphemia had finally put the topic to bed completely, shut it out of her still secretly hopeful heart. James is romantic and impulsive, quite silly really, and so when he makes poor choices, as his mother, Euphemia feels justified in insisting he do better. But Lily... well, when Euphemia had once again suggested she meet her son (she stopped with James, who said she had to stop with Lily too?) she had not laughed it off like usual. She'd admitted that she had been seeing someone for a while, and liked him quite a lot. Lily she trusts to make good choices a bit more, and feels a little less responsible for, so Euphemia just sighed and decided it was time to give up for good.
"How's your mysterious boyfriend?" she asks the redhead now.
Lily's face instantly lights up as she works. "Good. He's good. I mean he's great, really." She glances up at the clock on the wall. "He's picking me up here for lunch, you're my last client today. Maybe you can meet him."
Hm. Euphemia has a meeting to attend to after this, had just barely squeezed it into her calendar, but she's quite curious. Perhaps she will stick around a tiny bit longer, just to see who Lily had chosen over her son. There's only a slight chance he's better than James, but she'd like to see for herself.
"Oh? That's sweet," she says with a smile. "Is he taking you somewhere nice?"
"He always does."
"That's good, a girl like you deserves it."
Lily laughs. "Please be nice to him if you meet him, I feel like you're scarier than my own mum."
"I will be if he deserves it."
And so they chat and Lily works on her nails like usual. Just when Lily's finished up and Euphemia is getting ready to go, the door opens and Lily's face lights up in a radiant smile. Ah, that must be her boyfriend.
Euphemia turns her head curiously to see, and her brows furrow in confusion. That's-
"James!" Lily says breathlessly, walking past Euphemia and right into his waiting arms.
"Hi love," he says, kissing her cheek. "Are you ready to-" and then he freezes, glancing over Lily's shoulder. His face goes a bit pale. "Mum?" Then it goes from panic to anger. "What are you doing here? Did you come to Lily's work to bug her about me? I told you to leave it alone. How did you even find her?" he says, all too quickly, the words tumbling from his mouth faster than his brain can think. "Lily, I'm so sorry, my mum is a lot but-"
Lily interrupts, looking completely lost. "Is... wait, Euphemia is your mother?"
Before he can answer, Euphemia interrupts, marching towards them. "Lily is your girlfriend!?"
James stares between them, completely stunned. "You know each other?"
Lily nods, and suddenly her eyes are dancing with mirth. "She's a regular client. You know the one I said is always asking me to meet her son, and I feel so bad for dating you because she's so nice?"
James stares at his mother in a daze. "Is Lily the girl you...?"
"Have been trying to set you up with for five months? Yes, darling. Keep up. How on earth did you land a girl like this all on your own?"
James narrows his eyes, looking mightily offended while Lily bursts out laughing. "Whose mother are you?"
edit: realized when i first pasted this from my notes app entire paragraphs from the beginning were missing? sorry about that!
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moonawrites · 4 years
From my list of prompts I save: "You just wanted them because they light up." (I hope this helps! Writer's block sucks <3)
“Ha! See? They’re super functional,” Lily calls from down the hall. James glances up from his laptop and watches with poorly contained amusement as Lily struts out of their bedroom, down the short hall, and across the length of the living room. She spins with flourish at the end, and James can’t help the smile on his face, his heart threatening to burst with fondness.
Lily is dressed in baggy grey sweatpants that he has never seen her wear before except for the time they painted their apartment, a white skin tight crop top that he has to admit he loves, a slightly oversized bomber jacket that usually looks much better, and… the shoes. God, those fucking shoes.
They’re chunky white high tops with silver metallic embellishment, and he knows Lily thinks they’re ugly. She has to, because they are obviously, objectively, very, very ugly. The worst part (or the best, depending on how you look at it) of the shoes is the line of blue LED lights embedded into the three inch rubber heels. James presses his lips together to stop from laughing. The entire ensemble is ridiculous, made more so by how far it is from Lily’s regular style. But she looks so proud of herself, so completely delighted. He has no choice but to indulge her.
“Mhm, they look.. um, very comfortable.” James knows they are not, they’re an entire size too small and he’s sure Lily’s toes are screaming in their confines.
“They are, and they’re actually cute in an unconventional way, right? Like they’re a statement piece. But they’re white sneakers, you can wear them with anything,” Lily continues.
“A valid point, I don’t know how I didn’t see it before,” James agrees. They do not go with anything.
Lily had found them at a tourist trap market on their trip to Hong Kong, and her entire face had lit up brighter than the garish shoes covering the stall. He’d laughed at first, thinking she was just messing around, but Lily seemed to be genuinely excited about the shoes.
“Did you never have a pair of light up shoes when you were a kid?” he’d asked, assuming that’s what it was about.
“Um, it’s not about that,” Lily had insisted. “They’re just cute, don’t you think?”
They decisively were not, but Lily liked them, so James had shrugged and carried the bag, albeit with a bit of teasing. The excitement didn’t wear off when they made it back to London – if anything, it was renewed and heightened when she rediscovered them while they unpacked.
“You’re a terrible liar,” Lily says now, narrowing her eyes in accusation.
“I mean I already told you they’re awful, but if you’re into, who am I to put you down for it? I kinda like the lowkey slutty, middle school bully look on you.”
Lily looks so genuinely offended, and James can’t not laugh. “That is not what this is!” she argues. “It’s… trendy. We should make a tiktok, the kids will love them.”
“The kids will bully you into deactivating your account.” James walks over and pulls Lily in for a kiss. “Let’s go show you off at Sweet Tooth first.”
James fights his smile at the flicker of hesitation in Lily’s eyes. “Right now?” she asks.
“Yeah, come on.” James grabs Lily’s hand in one hand and his wallet and keys with the other, and then he’s tugging her out the door and outside. Sweet Tooth is an ice cream shop that’s just a quick ten minute walk from their apartment. But ten minutes is longer than Lily’s going to last, he’s sure.
As they walk, Lily tugs at her jacket and looks down at her shoes and then around her at the other people on the relatively busy street. Most people don’t seem to give a shit, which is to be expected. Some people would dress in Lily’s current getup unironically. But she does get a look here and there, eyes lingering on the lights that flash as she walks. Halfway through, she starts to limp a bit. But she perseveres.
“I think they’re a hit,” Lily says as they arrive at Sweet Tooth. “People looked very jealous.”
“As they should be, they light up. How was the walk? Comfortable?”
Lily’s face falters a bit, but she keeps up her smile. “Yeah. Like, a tiny bit tight, but they’re worth it.”
“Baby, why won’t you admit you just wanted them because they light up?”
Lily scoffs. “And prove you right? Fuck you. I’ll wear them to our wedding.”
“I changed my mind about getting married.”
Lily smacks him, and James snickers again. “You realize you basically admitted it, right? You implied I’m right.”
Lily pauses for a moment, thinking back on what she said, and sighs in defeat. “Fine. I never got to have light up shoes as a kid and I got so excited about them that I bought the ugliest shoes in the world in a size too small for probably five times more than they’re worth. Happy?”
“No, but I will be when we have ice cream and those monstrosities are in the garbage.”
“If I throw them out right now, will you give me a piggyback home? My feet are fucking killing me.”
okay I wrote for a long time thinking eventually this would have a point and come to a natural end but it did not so I gave up. enjoy whatever this is??? thank you for the prompt, it was honestly a hard one lol sorry this is pointless trash <3
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moonawrites · 3 years
A progress update on chapter 6 of FCAC: It's going super well and it's almost done omg????????? I'll be honest, the majority of the writing has gotten done in the past few days and not throughout the month lol but that was to be expected.
I've been doing a lot of restructuring and editing as well as writing, and now I only have a few things left to actually write and will do a full edit after.
The purpose of this post is that yeah I said I would be done by the end of March and then I said I would be done by Friday. And the goal is still Friday. But I'm finding that I'm starting to rush things which I don't like, so if I need to, I'll take the weekend instead of rushing to post something I don't like on Friday. Having an arbitrary deadline served it's purpose of making me pick up progress and I got a lot done. It's definitely almost finished and will be posted soon. That being said, I don't want to let a deadline I made up myself force me into posting something I don't like. I hope that's okay and my thought process makes sense! I'm so excited to be back in this story and so excited for you guys to read it!!
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moonawrites · 4 years
My genius friend Claudia (@maraudersftw) suggested that I take some prompts and write tiny drabbles based on them to get my words flowing again.
Please send me Jily prompts! Ask
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moonawrites · 6 years
I had big plans to study for my Structural Steel Design midterm all day today, so naturally I'm feeling more inspired to write. Fingers crossed some significant chapter 4 progress comes out of this AND I get some studying done because last night I legitimately had a nightmare about this class.
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wardati · 7 years
Character Thesis Q&A:
So to start off, I took this opportunity to write out more than I needed to because that’s what happens when you haven’t written anything significant in a month. Also this is a cop out so I won’t have to post the read-only I’ve been working on for Anda. Anyway, can you tell? Can you tell this about to be long as heck?
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To him: They say you are beautiful when you are who you are. They say that you are more when you don’t reek of disguises, life half-inhabited by strangers is no life at all, but you see in some ways I followed in your foot steps.  To you, someone I have never met or wish to meet, I’m sorry to say I’m your lost reflection. I dug that part out of me a long time ago, held the bloodied shards in my hands and buried them under the soil of the lavender bush and wished you away. My mother cried and cried but I understood men like you; you did not love her not in any little way so how could you love me? From you, I’ve learned preservation. 
They say you are beautiful when you are who you are. I am not you, but every time my mother looks at me she holds my gaze as if I’d disappear in that instant. A long line of magicians conditioned her mind and you were one of them but you were certainly not the last. From you, I’ve learned desperation. 
They say you are beautiful when you are who you are. I came out half ripe, unsweetened, sullen in life unsure of where it would take me, unsure if I was wanted at all. I quickly came to the realization when you didn’t want me something else did. It was bigger, greater, wiser than you ever could be. It was rough; calloused every patch of my skin, broke my spirit and my bones but in the middle of its assault when I realized I could not break. From you from your absence I’ve learned in some ways I am a God. 
They say you are beautiful when you are who say you are. I say what I am and they don’t believe in me. 
About names, possession and everything I have ever admitted to anyone: There were three of them before I met her. And it took two weeks into meeting her at fifteen that I could spell Amora with my right hand and Amora with my left and speak her name in my sleep as if a magician had forgotten to unhypnotize the mantra from my tongue. And when I finally woke from the trance, mouth dry parched from saliva, sores growing inside my cheek and years in my eyes, I learned seven years later that Amora was not her name and that Min-ah Ben and Yasmine were better off without what I had thought I could offer at fifteen (passing notes in class, make out sessions in my mothers closet in summer-there was no room to breathe but in each other’s mouths, late night runs to a Seven-Eleven to talk about fairy tales that only grow in the ghetto). Whatever I thought I had disappeared behind prison bars and Amora started to taste like blood every time I bit my tongue to speak her name in my sleep. 
Anda does not keep secrets. I know every man you’ve met who can look you in the eyes instead of your body, insisted the same. Every man who swears up and down with kisses planting them into your skin like thorns say, “I’m here for you, my god you taste so sweet.” Anda has heard it too, see there are still marks on his neck. And in four months when that man says “I love you” again. Anda hears it too as if it were water slipping down a grape vine wrapped around both of your necks. Anda tells you to not believe him, he knows men like his, he knows from the bruises stamped on your face by a disapproving father-you might as well not believe him because secrets as well as lies, are deep down your throat like what he leaves behind every time you take him into your mouth. Anda knows men like this, they cannot love you in any little way, remember? Anda does not keep secrets. Except for his coke addiction. 
To angels: You only had one person to save. One person in my life that deserved another chance another prayer to their name and you couldn’t do that. But that was punishment, wasn’t it? I take a life and then I lose another. But how could you take the life of your own? 
Moona was an angel. She danced like honey bees do in the spring, jiving and swaying to a beat silent to the rest of the world. Her skin was dark as the sweetened agarwood she used to burn, her parents from Tunisia but there were rumors her mother visited the fish market too often in the evenings. Her cousin’s ignorance say her eyes are too slanted to be that African and they laugh behind her back because too bad she hasn’t picked up the color as well and when they laugh she runs away. Another angel falling to pieces from their problems.
Anda follows her trail and picks up the shards in a sticky New Orleans summer where he learns how to properly work the streets again. Moona is an angel who asked for too much he knew that, but with her voice and the way she danced for him at twenty-two it was hard to resist. He’d give her a taste and every seven days that passed she’d return with a wad of cash and they partied all over again. And one night when she returned with white brimmed eyes and a laugh that caused hysterics, she asked for heroin six times before he stared at her and nodded. 
Anda knew that Moona was not like Amora who he’s pretty sure she was a demon who took not only his innocence but his fucking mind. Where she took, Moona carved out new rooms in his heart with her blinding light, kneaded away the pain in his skin with her angel dust, flapped her wings and took him away somewhere brighter happier-they just made sure to sleep on their sides each night. She asked, “run away with me?” And he was a year inside the heaven that she built for them. She licked the dust off of his skin and asked again, Anda was unsure if angels needed navigation but he’s half way sedated with drugs so if they crash into anything they can always laugh about it later. And he isn’t sure if angels know all the pleasure centers physically and emotionally, but Moona coils around him runs her fingers through his long hair and says foreign things into his ear. Later he learns it’s called salah. A prayer; compliance to God.
Four months he doesn’t see her. They didn’t even fight before she disappeared and he thought she ran away because she found something better. Someone, who let her take more than three lines in a single hour. And it was so easy to think like that, be like the men he’s known most of his life. So he curses her name every time she’s mentioned, throws her things in the backyard till dandelions grow around the patches of her clothes. She calls him crying and he ignores the voice message left on his phone. These pieces, he swore to himself he would not follow their trail and pick them up. He goes back to sleep.He finds her at the bottom of a bathtub, curls twisted in water like the shadow of branches in the night. He collapses on the linoleum floor not from kicking in the door but because the angel is dead, his angel is dead. He tries to breathe life into her, his lips on hers desperately giving away what he can to save her. Her lips are like scales even underneath the water, her eyes erect to the ceiling immovable as if she was looking forward to going home. Anda always had a fear of drowning he wonders if she was punishing him. One last laugh. When he takes her out of the water, when he see’s her stomach is bloated filled with something other than water, when her belly is shaped like a young moon he finally gets it. He finally wakes up. 
So do you see? Her life was worth more than mine. She deserved more, and when I cried were you laughing? When I cried for the both of them, did that mean nothing to you? Who was it this time? Michael, Gabriel, no one ever remembers Orion or Dumah. She talked about Harut and Marut how they were angels too. Either way, you’re all murderers and I’m coming for you.
Questions to death:  Old friend, have you been ignoring me? Last time we met I was sure you were going to take me back but you changed your mind. Keep me in your thoughts. -Anda. 
To her: I forgive you. I think? Or I’m getting there. You weren’t the worst mother in the world but you weren’t the best either. But I learned so much from you, like how to shut down a conversation with one word and how to smile when I’m unhappy. You hate the way I used to stare at you because when they put me into your arms you were sure I wasn’t your son but I am, on some days I feel just like him. 
And now after all these years, I know you want me to disappear, be gone at least, be someone you don’t have to think about-because I know I remind you of him or that I’m nothing like him-I’m not sure which irritates you most. But I can be what you need. I can be a memory you can slip into the ocean and forget about. You can do it back home in the Hantan River, drop me in its dead waters forget I existed. Watch me drown this time, you’d like that wouldn’t you? I said I was forgiving you, see? I even take care of you. House in Italy, yachts in Ibiza, new cars, designer bags so heavy they bruise your wrists while you carry them on your lunch dates, you see even your friends call me the perfect son. Instead, you talk about your wonderful step-sons, their wives the grand-kids that come to visit. You smile at me anyway.
But there’s hatred in your eyes, let’s not forget about that. I know you hated it, you knew what I was before I ever did. I slid right out but not before rupturing your uterus, I’m sorry you can’t cover up this mistake. I know you tried, there was blood in our old bathroom floor. Your husband didn’t even help you up, I put you to bed myself and you smiled at me.
There was still hatred in your eyes, you hated that I liked boys too I was so easy to give it up. America changed me, you said something like that on the phone to your sister back home- I heard the two of you talk as mothers do, something was burning the smell of bean paste sticking to the bottom of a pot. You didn’t bother changing the subject when I came into the room. When I tried to wash my plate, you stopped me; said men don’t need to clean up after their mess. They have mothers for that.
I’m forgiving you. 
Questions to the body: Why did I hate you for so long? I never realized you were trying to find a mark, an identification something to reel you home. So we tried everything, didn’t we? I broke every single part of you but you managed to heal somewhat, there are parts of me that don’t work anymore but it’s for the better. I trust you now. 
To the heart: Thanks for beating for her. Thanks for making sure I didn’t walk out the room without walking back in again. I’m not sure what you’re looking for, you and I have seen it all. It’s quiet now but you still thump as loud as you can hoping she’ll hear. But I hope you know, we’ve talked about solace, but you don’t listen anyway. You’re digging out of my chest, putting fractures around your cage. If you leave, if you give yourself away this time. There will be no home for you to come back to. Choose wisely. 
TAGGED BY: @starrdew the stargazer the legend  TAGGING: no one specifically cuz , c’mon. but feel free to do this and tag me in it! And if you’ve read to the fucking end, you’re a champion in my heart never forget that. 
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