#moonlight groove
thatshauniegirl · 2 years
Added some new Valentines day themed comic book earrings to my etsy shop !
Music: Moonlight Groove by Dreal and LaVera
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thimblings · 8 months
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playing a ttrp with some friends called Girl By Moonlight so i drew all our characters in their magical girl forms ;-;
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its-to-the-death · 9 months
Villain Song Showdown Bracket E Round 1
Philistine (No More Heroes) - Villain: Margaret Moonlight
Snuff out the Light (cut from The Emperor's New Groove) - Villain: Yzma
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codgod · 6 months
so in oxygen i’d kinda been jumping from festival to festival just because those are the most interesting things that happen but um . i don’t think i’m gonna do the 1.6 festivals, first off because i haven’t gotten far enough in my 1.6 farm to have actually played them, and second because the next one is the fucking. trout derby
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sdbyfmz · 10 months
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nightlyvisitor · 5 months
blood, sender cleans blood off of receiver. ( for Lucien )
Cold. It was a strange feeling, the way icy particles clung to his obsidian coat, pale face and bloodied hands...well most of his body was coated in lively shades of red, but there was a reason for this macabre painting.
His memory pieces back, a few fleeting images, getting packed up for a mission, the landing...and a very suspicious yet sugary sweet smile coming from their anonymous intel. An intel that should have revealed more about the still remaining Umbrella head scientists...yet what went wrong? The person played coy, making sure to greet and bring them to a secluded, "safe" place...a place that once was once home to many remarkable minds...remarkable yet foul in their experimentation.
The BSAA hasn't had a good trail on Umbrella for a while...lucky for them their guide would soon reveal more info and any digital data that contained forbidden files and knowledge...but it never came. Whatever the man's deal was, shots were opened, "guard dogs" let go to jump them, while the coward stayed back...of course, why do the hard job when the mutated souls could clean this mess up. It soon became a flurry of moves and jabs, anything to keep himself safe and direct dangerous attacks on him...he could take it, he was used to pain...and in this case, their team needed everyone alive. It soon that all shots and growls fizzle into undulated cries and Lucien is left standing over their supposed help, hand wrapped around his neck. It takes him a lot of focus and words from Chris to not strangle the guy, but eventually, he is immobilized and cuffed. For a moment Lucien lies down, leaning back against the old rumble as he lets Redfield and then rest communicate the situation and any important details. He was still getting used to new teams, new faces...but he was at least glad that one never seemed to change. A small tug snaps him out of his trance as he eyes the older operative...despite the serious, stone-cold expression, those blue hues couldn't hide everything, especially when that concern stood out so much his face. For a moment the mutated wants to brush that worry off, but as soon as he feels a gentle dap...he hesitates. Normally touch wasn't something he was always comfortable with...but with certain people, he was slowly growing to accept it...or at least under the meaning behind it. And just like that Lucien gives a little smile before his less bloodied palm finds the other's shoulder. "What's important...is that nobody else got hurt. But you're right...some of those swipes got a bit too close for comfort." The young man speaks, mumbling the last part as he continues to eye the other's hand...slow, careful in its mission to soothe his pain.... And with that act of selfless...comes a small one, one that despite the many trappings reaches out to grow.
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galact1c-ambition · 1 year
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*sweeps the dust off this blog*
Soooooo ... yeah. Tentatively back...? I’ll be honest, though, with everything currently going on with Overwatch 2 as a whole, I ... don’t have much muse for anything OW related these days. BUT... ...I have found my muse for Detroit: Become Human related RP violently re-ignited. So basically...? Slowly but surely, I’m gonna be giving Ripfang/Donny here the same treatment I did my Sombra muse back in the day--turn him into a primarily DBH-verse OC, with the OW-verse being the secondary one. So come at me, suckas. Gimme your Connors, your Gavins, your Markus’s, your Norths, your Karas ... and EVERYTHING in between! Hell, gimme all those sweet-sweet amazing fellow OCs, I LIVE for that shit! Let’s make some magic together. <3
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rastronomicals · 18 days
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11:15 AM EDT September 3, 2024:
Dorothy Ashby - "Moonlight In Vermont" From the album In a Minor Groove (June 15, 1958)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
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amtrak-official · 6 months
Okay so I shuffled my legally obtained mp3 files 12 times to get these songs, so we can decide this important question,
Good bye yellow brick road is by Elton John
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storiesoflilies · 11 days
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as we fall, time is broken
synopsis: from the sea you came to me, and to the sea you shall return, for you cannot hate the place you once called home. w.c: 6.3k.
pairing: vampire!toji fushiguro x vampire!f!reader
warnings: major character death, angst, toxic relationship, allusion to smut, blood consumption, language barrier, pirate vibes, religious themes. sfw but MDNI!
a/n: an extra special fic for the wonderful @bungalowbear this piece is also written as a tribute to ‘the odyssey’ by @lovenona <3
divider / ao3 / playlist / @ficsforgaza
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she used to have it all once, and more.
and not so long ago, she even used to dream. maybe she still did sometimes, but it certainly never meant what it used to.
perhaps that is why she came back here all the time, to the place where it all began to try and relive it all again. to turn back time, attempt to break through a metaphysical barrier and maybe – just maybe – she could see him again.
it was a cathartic, toxic, addictive cycle.
this is what pain is. this is what love is.
the rain was coming down hard on the sand, little water angels falling down from heaven to try and comfort her.
(that was a place she could never go.
this was as close as she could get.)
she tipped her neck upwards to the blackness of the night, letting them pass through her like a blessing she could not accept. it was too late for her to be worrying about that now. life had already hurt her so, and she’d already paid her dues. still, she raised her arms above her head, imagining a halo of starlight and moonlight was there.
she was doomed to be here, you see, all alone and trying to make sense of how it all began. like the start of a book she had to keep re-reading over and over again to try and understand the past. she couldn’t give up now, no. no matter how much she wanted to, she couldn’t, not after all this time.
something was broken, she could feel it.
sighing, she flicked open the cover.
and the memories spilled out onto the weather worn pages again, incoherent inky letters slowly swirling into something legible.
this is the last time, she swore.
(even though,
that is what she said the last time.)
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the sea was in her lungs, filling her with salt and death.
(no, not death.
that was already upon her.)
she was washed up on a beach, that much she knew. there was the smell of fresh seaweed and something fishy, and the waves were moving backwards and forwards in their dance. she stayed put, unable to move or do anything at all. the silver sky had its eyes on her, and it seemed to pity her.
calling it silver made it beautiful, and it was not. it was like ashen skin kissed with coal dust, and she pitied it instead.
she tenderly rubbed the wet sand of the shore with her fingertips, feeling its somewhat smooth grainy texture run over her skin, and tried to loose herself in a tender fascination to escape how bone weary she felt. her throat burned ferociously, and her lips were cracked and sore from the salt grains embedded in every groove. she weakly looked up, and did not recognize where she was, or how she got here.
(there was a boat. the smell of oil and rum, and screams of bubbling blood.
she did know, she just did not want to remember.)
her back was to the sky. she could feel the heat of sun bearing down upon her with a vengeance she had never known it could possess. it kept her beaten and downed, unable to do anything at all as the waves rushed over her again and again. the sea was disgusted by her, she thought. and after spitting her out, it was trying with all its might to push her far away from it – a petulant child pushing away it’s dinner.
how very sad it all was.
she just wanted to lay there and dream.
the roaring and crashing of the waves was deafening. it hurt her ears and head more than the sun did, made her deaf to everything else around her.
a squelch on the sand, and hard boot pressed into the side of her cheek.
her salt crusted eyes cracked open.
it was a man.
(no, he wasn’t.
he was just like her.)
tall and built, his hair dark like smoke. she could tell he was strong, it poured from him like wine from an overflowing goblet. it was in his hands and in his eyes of emeralds and forests. there was a green fire in them that could burn her alive if he wanted it to. he looked down at her like she was scum, an ugly barnacle leaching off the bottom of his ship, and she wanted nothing more than to shrivel up into nothingness.
his mouth moved, saccharine words spilling out from between them like honey and lavender.
she thought he sounded like an angel.
but she couldn’t understand a thing.
a green flash of annoyance, and he repeated much more slowly what sounded like a question. the weight of his boot left her cheek, and she clicked her jaw painfully. he pursed his lips, and sighed in a way that let her clearly know she was already an inconvenience to him.
she wanted to cry.
(she could never,
there was no water left in her anymore.)
her voice tried to claw its way out of her dried throat, but nothing more than a pathetic, raspy wheeze came out. he raised a thick brow at her, and something sarcastic flew out of his mouth. what little interest he had in her was quickly waning.
she was to him like sand in an hourglass.
please don’t leave me here like this.
but he had already turned around. she saw the worn leather of his tanned boots walking further away from where she laid in her mausoleum of salt. she almost choked on the shoreline in fear, sputtering as a desperate strength seized her. her fists plunged into the wet sand as she pushed herself up ungracefully, falling almost immediately back in again.
she was a lamb learning to walk, and he was the wolf who had decided she wasn’t even worth his effort.
he stopped and turned, watching her stare up at him with a naive expression and sand plastered on her face.
clearly, he would not be helping her.
and so she got up sluggishly, stumbling through the sand dunes, her legs crisscrossing with every shaky step. every time she fell roughly straight on her chin, he did not budge an inch forward, did not seem to care at all.
and yet, he was still waiting for her.
her spent body was alight with renewed vigor, and the last few steps were easy, like her new body knew exactly what it was supposed to do now. she stood in front of him now, breathing in the scent of leather and his smoke.
was it disgust or pride that was making his lips curl?
his face was marble, beautiful and utterly unreadable. this was a man that did not want anybody breaking through into his soul. she couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if she slipped through a little crack.
(she was good at that.
after all, that was how she ended up like this.)
he roughly gripped her chin, calloused fingertips scratching her water wrinkled skin. his green eyes became slits that peered into her, trapping her in his spell. she gasped, a wet noisy thing, as she felt herself being pulled under into his depths. he was trying to dull her senses, to keep her dumb and overwhelm her in a dancing forest of kelp to drown her.
but the side of her that was logical and predatory knew that he was testing her. to see if she could resist him or not, to surmise if she could be of some use to him and his purposes after all.
but oh, this feeling.
she teetered dangerously on a knife edge between insanity and mortality, stuck in an infinite loop that was him and his green.
there was only this, them, here and now.
his gaze slid down and settled on her bare chest. she became hyper aware of her own nakedness. something ancient, a feminine violence, stirred her unfeeling heart. she slapped away his hand and bared her fangs of pearl at him.
it was a woeful display really.
she knew it, and he certainly did too.
still, something in it had made him smile.
he offered her his hand like salvation, his palm facing the heavens.
(the first woman from long ago screamed.
you will not survive this – him.)
but she was already dead, and he already seemed to know everything there was to know about her. she had already decided that she would follow him wherever he went.
she slid her palm into his.
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his name was toji.
he’d pointed a finger at himself, slowly repeating the two syllables between his blood-stained lips until she understood what he meant.
she swiped her tongue over her teeth, licked her lips, and said it back to him tepidly, like crystal water trickling from a jug. his name was sugar dusted over her cupids bow, the most precious and sweet thing to her. she said his name like a prayer, and he seemed pleased by it.
toji was by far the most interesting creature she had ever encountered. a prince of mysteries, shrouded in royal mist and smoke.
(but he could never be king.
for there was already one, and he did not share.)
even though she had seen much and more of the world, nothing compared to him. not the great glaciers of the poles, for all their silent sorrow and imposing grandeur. not the swarming godly manta rays, nor the iridescent palaces of rainbow coral. not even the green flashes of death when the sun was just beginning to sleep or rise for the day.
and yet, toji had been there in glimpses within all the world’s greatness.
she had just been blind to him.
below the deck of toji’s ship, they lay there on the dusted-covered wooden floor in absolute silence, waiting out their penance. the sun was the vengeful michael, its rays of light a sword of justice, ready to bear down on them. if they dared to even show a sliver of skin during the day, then they would boil and blister and pop until they returned to the refuge of darkness.
toji’s ship was anchored a little way from shore, but far enough that ordinary creatures could not get to it without a boat. it had once belonged to fishermen, she knew because their smell still clung faintly to the wood; of grease and sweat and their catch. the oversized clothes toji had scrounged for her amongst the forgotten treasures on the ship still reeked of them too. the lingering sweet smell of lobster and crab shells still clung to the worn threads, even though they had been disused and covered in dust for perhaps decades.
her body could do things like that now.
it was easy to marvel at her extraordinary changes during those times of silence. how her skin was made of diamonds and moonstone, stronger than it had ever been before. no matter how hard she tried to pierce it, whether with her own nails or sharp bits of metal lying around the ship, nothing could even scratch it. but when she had attempted to use a splintered plank of wood, toji had grappled her before she could blink. the suddenness of it sent her into a hissing, flailing mess, but his overwhelming strength and stern glare in his eyes had stilled her, even frightened her.
she knew then to never try that again.
between the cracks in the boards, she could see far out into the distance. could make out where the world curled, where the sea kissed the land, and the humans that gathered mussels between the rocks. she could even tell how dirty and grimy their clothes were, how soaked they became as the waves crashed into them, and their reddening skin glistening beneath the sun.
her hearing had sharpened too, and she knew that if not for the deafening roar of the sea filling her ears like white noise, she would be able to hear things moving from miles away.
but her favorite thing?
that was to run.
for hours, she would race beneath the ship, from one end to the other, touching the stained wood with her finger tips as she pushed off each wall. toji would sometimes watch her with one eye cracked open, completely unamused. she would not stop running until her throat burned with thirst, fierce and hot. only then then would she would stop, collapsing in a heap on the bare floors, blankly staring up at the decking.
it was then that their silence was all consuming, unbearable.
she couldn’t help but think she had traded her tomb of salt for one of wood. sleep was but a memory of life now, an escape neither of them could indulge in anymore. there was nothing she could do but be consumed by thought and time. she was surprised by just how much she could feel. her veins ran with pure emotion, from the most euphoric joy, to merciless, crushing sadness in the space of a few minutes.
what was her purpose now?
immortality surely had to mean more than being a slave to blood magic.
she imagined what toji thought about. he, perhaps wisely, never moved an inch when he settled beneath the ship, arms crossed behind his thick head of hair. she wondered if he was just as painfully thirsty as she was, and was just able to perfectly hide it. what little movements he made were never careless, because toji was far too calculating for that and hated anything unnecessary.
she knew better than to antagonize him.
but the restless part of her was just so incredibly bored.
one day, she couldn’t help herself. she wanted to see just how close toji would let her get. she crept towards him on her hands and knees, knowing full well that he could hear her skin scraping against the wood.
still, he didn’t move.
she was beside him now, gazing down at his face. toji looked serene like this, perfectly still. like death, wonderful and mysterious, not at all what she thought it would be like. he was not unfeeling and cold, there was something beneath his marble stone. she knew that toji was older than her, much older. there was something beautifully ancient about him. the sort of grace that was as timeless as the giant blue whales that used to sing to her of the histories.
but toji was her home in a way the seas had never been.
she reached out into the space between them, wanting – yearning – to feel his skin beneath her fingertips.
when she finally felt the cold touch of his death, toji opened his eyes, bathing her in molten emerald. she melted under his gaze, letting out the tiniest, pathetic whimper. her palm cupped the apple of his cheek, and she worshipped his ichor and perfection. she traced the scar on his lip, memorizing it smoothness, then trailed it along his lips. she smiled widely, childishly, at how freely toji was allowing her to do this.
his green fire spread to her undead heart, and she wetted her lips, throat burning ardently, as her hand settled over his neck.
what would his blood taste like?
would it be cold and sweet? she imagined its ruby redness trickling from between her lips, and–
toji gripped her wrist, a warning blaze setting her aflame as he snarled and flashed his fangs at her.
she stilled, crippling shame filling her.
for a moment, the universe watched with bated breath as the two creatures stared each other down. she submitted to him instantly, dragging herself with haste to the other end of the ship, groping for apologetic words that toji would never understand.
eventually, he grunted dismissively. he slowly pulled himself upright, and nudged his head toward the exit. she turned and stared out through the cracks in the boards behind her.
it was finally night.
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wherever they were in the world, it was the most unremarkable of places.
the humans here were stones hardened into the mould of this desolate place, with no hope of ever leaving. they all lived and died in their sad, grease-riddled town that made its living from the fish in the sea. she knew this because toji had taken her there one day to observe them all from a distance, when the storm clouds were heavy enough to shield them from the sun. their buildings were stained with guts and old blood, and the acrid smell of their oil lamps rose high into the air. the rhythmic sound of fish scales being scraped away was the beating heart of it all.
(she would have cried for them once,
but she did not belong to their world anymore.)
there was a port too, with sullen ships and even more sullen crew sailing them. pirates came and went with the wind, their unmarked sails pitifully flapping in the breeze. they stopped to indulge in whatever bars and brothels were there, always wiping their hands clean on their weather-stained pants when they were done, before hastily escaping back into the sea. perhaps they knew they would be doomed to remain here too if they stayed even a moment longer.
how toji ended up in a place like this, she did not know.
after swimming to shore from his ship, he would leave her on the beach. everytime she attempted to follow, toji would pin her down, shoving her arms deep into the sand and baring his alabaster fangs as a warning. she would pout her lips, petulantly crossing her arms like a child, and he would mumble what she knew were the blackest of curses before stalking off in the direction of the town.
she had no say in the matter.
all she could do was wait there for him to return, and such had been their routine for decades now.
even when her thirst was painful, she would still sprint along the beach, the adoring motherly moonlight kissing her skin. she would wade into the ocean and dive beneath the blackened waves, holding her breath between puffed out cheeks. the darting squid would watch her with their bulbous, intelligent eyes. they used to speak to her once, wrap their tentacles around her throat and tell her stories of creatures from the depths even she had dared not go to.
and now?
they spat their thick ink at her in disgust.
and then she would resurface, relishing in the loneliness of the world, and she would sing again.
to the ocean, and ode to its life and all its cruel misery.
she would sing to the moon, for its silver death and all its mystery.
(and to the king with red eyes.
for it was by his hand that the cards had dealt her a prince.)
her songs for toji came from someplace deep within her. something boundless like fire, or the mist hovering over the sea on the grayest of mornings. she would sing of how he curled over her skin like a storm rolling in from the distance. how he made her emotions rise and fall like the waves, and how she wanted to breath in the dust on his marble skin and keep him inside her forever.
her body would prickle with something unfamiliar.
she wanted to call it love.
but could creatures like them even feel such a thing?
they were predators, killers. they snuffed out love like it was nothing, fed on the ardor in the blood of their prey until the bodies shriveled and there was nothing left but dust.
she ceased her melody, and turned to face who she already knew was toji returning from the hunt.
there was a man sprawled on the sand reeking of piss and terror and rum. she watched as the moonlight mixed with the bead of sweat running down his temple, dripping down to mix with the crushed shells in the sand.
she tilted her head curiously.
in all these long years, toji had never once brought her a live human.
thump! thump! thump!
her pupils dilated, inky blackness invading the milky sea of her eyes at the sound of the man’s heartbeat.
she had not killed a living thing in so long.
(the red king had sat at the helm,
smiling at the bloody carnage spilled over the oak decking of his ship.)
toji’s eyes were green lanterns in the night, his worn leather boot pressing down hard on the man’s back. she wondered if this was a test – it had to be. toji never did anything without reason, even if she never knew exactly what went on in his mind. he was too cunning for mindless havoc, because then the resulting mess would be uncontrollable, unpredictable.
and toji did not like things to be messy.
the man looked at her, and she cooed at the fear etched into his features like scratchings on a rock. she opened her arms wide like a messiah, her body half-swallowed by the sea.
and started to sing again.
toji’s eyes widened a fraction, his fists tightening into boulders. he lifted his foot from the man’s back, stepping once, then twice backward, his mouth set in a thin line.
(he has heard you sing, and now he shall never let you go.
cried the first woman from long ago.)
she knew the magic was no longer imbued within her voice, because that had been a gift for the living. but death had not made it ugly. it was still a pretty voice, made from ice instead of salt. while she may not be able to drown the mighty ships of pirates any longer, it was still enough to captivate those who would kill for something more beautiful than the dirt they were born in.
the man stumbled forward, much like when she had first emerged from the sea. she smiled fondly as the wind carried her song over the sand dunes. still, the poor human crawled and crept towards her desperately like she was his salvation. the only rone who would soothe away all his troubles, and save him from the doom and demons in the shadows.
was this how toji had felt when she came to him? it was something more than power – godlike, perhaps.
she decided that she liked this feeling.
the man collapsed ungracefully into her arms, tears and snot streaming down both his cheeks like rain, babbling nonsense she could not understand. she cradled him to her chest, hushing him soothingly with a mother’s honeyed tongue. she met toji’s gaze, hoping that he could see just how deliriously grateful she was to him for this gift.
and with that, she fell backward into the sea, the man’s last sound a choking gasp of salt.
the squid darted frantically all around her, the only witnesses to the man’s fate in the darkness of the night sea. they had seen this dance a thousand and one times before; she killed in the death the same way she had in life.
when she had had her fill, she let the man’s body sink and hoped that at least the sharks would be somewhat thankful to her.
even if she would never be able to hear it.
she emerged from the sea, her clothes clinging to her skin like scales. to her surprise, toji was there to greet her, knee deep beneath the waves. he was a haunting vision of an angels grandeur, more than all that was considered beautiful in the world. breathlessly, she smiled at him, sinful blood coating her teeth and tongue.
he took a step toward her, and she to him.
toji moved his head to the side, his marble jaw flashing in the moon, and hummed. she could tell he was pleased by the tremble of his lips that threatened to curl upward, and the flare of his nostrils as he breathed her in.
his hand reached out to her, cupping her jaw, and quickly pushed his thumb between her parted lips. she gasped against his skin as he rubbed it over her teeth and the pearly points of her fangs, and removed it from her mouth with a provocative pop!
slowly, toji brought it to his own lips.
and sucked.
she watched him, utterly transfixed as the midnight moon, as he relished the taste of iron and salt.
in that moment, she decided to give toji her soul to him if she had one. she would submit herself to the justice of michael’s sun and fire to be with him forever, even if was just for a chance to be loved by him until the end of time on this miserable land in the vast world.
“do you want me to sing again?” she asked, hoping he understood.
toji only hummed in response, the faintest hint of a satisfied smile playing on his lips.
she did it anyway.
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to love toji was to love a storm.
its chilling anticipation, waiting for it to hit her so she could feel something. to be in its green eye, for the rain to carelessly slash her skin, and the waves to bash against her – and still love and endure it regardless. because to weather a storm was to be strong, to be worthy enough, and it would love her all the more for it.
(or perhaps,
see her as a challenge to break.)
and when the storm passed, it meant they would thrive together.
toji had continued to bring her one starved man after the other, sometimes even two at a time, all far too eager to take their chances with her rather than him. they were pirates, forgettable and disposable, and all met death in the sea that they claimed to love more than anything. toji had noticed quite quickly how easily they came to her, how willingly.
there was no struggle, no mess.
and so, that was how they hunted.
something in her haunting song had cracked through toji’s wall. before dawn, satiated from the hunt, they were a tangled mess of limbs and panting breaths – dancing, wandering hands of liquid gold looking for a crevice to settle in. when they made love, toji never faced her, hissing if she tried to look at him, and a small part of her soul would wither into a burnt, blackened rose. still, she desperately drank in whatever he decided to give her, and that was decidedly good enough.
(you are nothing in the grand schemings of the green serpent in the garden,
sighed the first women from long ago.)
their days were still spent mostly in silence, though sometimes he allowed her to rest beside him. she did not understand toji, how his passion only seemed to awaken after his bloodlust had been quenched – after she had led the sailors to their deaths. the very moment the sun appeared, that part of him was locked away in a chest and thrown to the bottom of the sea, only to be dragged back to the surface when the moon returned.
she began to loathe the sun for entirely different reasons.
still, love for toji was where she found herself. if anything in this mortal world could make her undead heart beat once more, it was that love. so, she took all his faults and smothered them in sugar, and swallowed them down anyway. if toji did not love her, then he wouldn’t make her feel so alive when the moon came out to play. he would not have bothered with anything at all if he did not feel something, even if it was just a flicker of candlelight.
at least, that is how she rationalized it to herself.
they were both lying below deck, with her running through those very conflicting thoughts in her head when she heard it.
thump! thud, thud… thump!
she parted her lips and tasted the air on her tongue.
on their ship, in broad daylight.
she sat up abruptly and whirled around to look at toji.
but he had already disappeared.
he was much faster than she, and was probably already tucked away somewhere in between the dusty maze of crates and chests. the footsteps grew louder as the stranger passed directly over her head, and she swallowed nervously. her mind raced, and throat burned viciously with thirst.
where could she hide?
rattle! clink, clink!
the metal latches on the doors were being disturbed.
there was nowhere to go, but she knew that when those doors opened, the holy sun of heaven would surely kill her. she spied a large chest, half-open and draped with worn sheets covering it, and dove toward it.
and not a moment too soon.
the doors swung open, and she winced as a dull beige light filtered through the sheet. there were three of them, their figures outlined as blurry browned shadows through the seams. one wore an ostentatious hat with a feather peeking out from the top, and something about his sword, sheathed in a black leather scabbard, set her teeth on edge.
something menacing.
something that could hurt her – toji.
her lips curled back over her gums, baring her fangs in a silent snarl.
they were moving deeper and deeper into the maze of crates, their backs gradually turned to her and their doom.
she pounced.
michael’s sword of light seared her exposed neck and arms, but it did not deter her from latching onto one of the smaller intruders and sinking her teeth into his neck. the man screamed, clawing desperately at her face as he slipped backwards in surprise. the other two whirled around, and the one with the hat unsheathed his sword to reveal gleaming, cruel silver.
together, the four of them danced around each other to the tune of blood and silver. for every weeping bite she left, the captain slashed her with his sword. she didn’t know it could be possible, but the pain from his strikes hurt her more than the sun did. it was a chaotic scuffle, born from instinct and the sheer will to survive.
but still, the humans could never hope to endure salt and ice.
with a final thrust, the captain twisted his sword into her shoulder, his life force fading violently as his essence poured down into her throat. she slumped down to the ground, holding the human close as she took in the aftermath of their fight.
the ship was a mess.
blood was splattered across the crates and boards, with the mangled bodies of the three men scattered and sinking down into every crack in the ship, spilling straight down to the sea beneath them. she clicked her locked jaw, and detached herself from her assailant, and hurried to tuck herself away into a half-open crate, whimpering from the pain of the burning sun blisters and stinging silver.
she was not healing.
there was a rustling of sheets somewhere, a great rush of wind, and the doors slammed shut with a loud bang!
she collapsed forward, her eyes bathed in cooling darkness, gasping and coughing as the wood uncomfortably scraped her open sores. she blinked, and saw toji’s crinkled boots in front of her.
her love was perfectly balanced on the balls of his feet, looking down at her with his hands and face clean of both blood and worry. she whimpered pathetically at toji, begging and pleading with her eyes for him to do something, anything.
he sighed.
gently, toji turned her to face him, and tipped her chin back. he pushed the base of his thumb past her parted lips, settling it in between her teeth. he gave her an encouraging nod, soft clouds behind the green of his iris, and pressed his thumb a touch further into her mouth.
she froze.
her fangs grazed his marble skin, and a pearl of toji’s blood spread across her tongue.
what was that look in his eyes?
it was something almost like pride.
she took a deep breath in, and took a long slow drag from him.
she was then lost in a sea of tumbling emeralds. his blood had ignited something feral and dangerous in her, working her up into a wild state as her wounds sealed and smoothed out like nothing had happened. somehow, toji’s lips had found hers, and they kissed and bit each other’s lips in a frenzied madness.
was it all just for a taste?
she couldn’t tell if toji was life or death.
(she was too far gone in her sin and indulgence,
that she could not tell the difference anymore.)
there was something inherently intimate about blood sharing. she could not explain it, but it was more profound than when they fell into each others embrace every night. toji was gripping both sides of her face, her lips bloody and bruised as she tasted herself on his tongue. perhaps it was her imagination, but she felt toji’s soul running through her – raw and angry and full of smoke.
she wondered what he thought she tasted like.
and hoped that he enjoyed it.
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
immortality was not truly immortal.
death still hovered over them with his scythe, a mere inch away from their waiting, vulnerable throats. nobody knew that he was there, always watching, never knowing exactly when he might urge his midnight stallion just a little closer.
she certainly hadn’t known it either.
not until it was upon her.
they were on a beach sometime during the summer, a thick storm cloud hanging over the sea and shore. it was a taunting, teasing thing, making her jump as the thunder rolled through her bones and made her marrow tremble.
toji was lounging beneath a lopsided palm tree, its trunk bent and twisted so that its leaves draped to the side and covered him. even when the clouds cover was as thick as it was now, he still opted to stay in the shade, squinting his eyes as if the sun was burning him. he would watch her play in the waves, grunting dismissively when she would teasingly curl her fingers at him, urging him to come closer.
when that didn’t work, she would sing for him.
and the creases and ripples in the marble of his forehead would soften and smooth – only then could toji relax in the sun.
she turned her back to him and the shore, spreading her arms to the heavens as she sang to the jealous sea, declaring how grand immortality and their love was.
but she should have remembered where she was in this unfeeling world.
so loud was the call of the birds on the summer breeze and the waves beating against the sand and her ears, that she did not hear them until it was too late.
those horrid, vicious humans.
they had grabbed her by the arms and legs, with what seemed like twenty men still struggling against her strength. she spat and cursed at them, hissing and snarling as they pressed their silver crosses and flaming torches to her skin, marring her forever.
she wanted to cry, but remembered she could not.
toji’s green flames were upon her, she was sure of it. she could feel his presence was near, and could still smell him and his leather boots through the sour stench of the rotten fish from the townsmen surrounding her.
he was watching.
and doing nothing.
would toji be proud of her in this moment, as he had been when she defended him all those years ago? when she took the lives of those that had threatened him and his peace. she felt the flames soften and knew that he was – he had to be. she was sparing him from the fire and silver, so eager to take his place and save him from haunting the seas.
it was better that toji had not said any sort of goodbye at all, that they had not shared any sort of special last moment together.
but still.
a part of her hoped that he would sweep in to save her. that the part of him that had perhaps loved her could not bear to be parted from her. that immortality was worthless without her love and song.
but she knew that was not in his nature.
he was a survivor, through and through.
(how could it have been love? you were just as blind as i was,
wailed the first woman from long ago.)
she wondered if he would come to her after she was gone, as a stake was driven into her chest, shattering and splintering her ribcage. would he pluck out her heart and suck it dry from all the love it had for him? even though toji had taken everything and more from her, she wondered if he had at least realized he had been selfishly incapable of putting her out of her misery.
but the fragile, momentous realization she had was that if immortality was true, and she had to choose to relive all of this – toji – over and over again.
she would.
and she did.
⋅.˳˳.⋅ॱ˙ ˙ॱ⋅.˳˳.⋅
if anybody would like to pop into my inbox to discuss the fic and share their interpretations, please feel free to do so! <3
©storiesoflilies 2024, all rights reserved. please do not plagiarize, translate, or repost any of my work on other sites! i only post on ao3 and tumblr.
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niki-phoria · 7 months
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pairing: xie lian x gn!reader (no pronouns used) genre: fluff/comfort word count: 472
notes: tgcf has taken over my mind so enjoy some (possibly ooc ??) xie lian nightmare comfort lol, set at puqi shrine before xie lian meets hua cheng, title from the 1975 - i couldn't be more in love
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your body jolts upright as you’re forcibly ripped out of your dream. you can feel your heart pounding wildly in your chest. shivers run down your spine as you blink a few times, desperately willing your eyes to adjust to the darkness quicker. 
in your disorientation, you quickly scan the room for any danger. the fabric xie lian had hung up as a makeshift door flaps quietly in the wind. a few stray offerings sit on the edge of a nearby table. a stream of moonlight shines in through a small hole in the roof, illuminating the small shrine just enough for you to make out xie lian’s worried figure staring at you. 
“y/n?” his voice is quiet, as if you’re a small animal that will bolt at the first sight of danger. xie lian pauses for a second as if to search for the right words before finally settling on, “are you alright?”
“yeah,” you breathe. you run a shaky hand through your hair, taking a shallow breath. “i’m fine.”
xie lian doesn’t believe you. he’s smart enough to recognize the signs of anxiety. he’s known you for long enough to know exactly which nightmares plague your dreams. even the exhaustion of traveling for hours on foot isn’t enough to starve off the horrors that live inside of your mind. 
xie lian turns, reaching over to grab his boots. “why don’t i go get you some water? it’s been a while since you had anything to drink.” 
“wait,” your hand catches xie lian’s wrist before you can stop yourself. disguised by the darkness of the night, a flush rises to both of your cheeks. your grip around his hand loosens, but you don’t pull away completely. “stay?” your voice is barely a whisper; it’s all but swallowed by the quiet of the night. “please.”
xie lian’s gaze lingers on your hand for a second before he looks up into your eyes once again. your touch ignites goosebumps along his skin. since the fall of xianle, he had long since forgotten what it felt like to be touched with care. 
despite his reservations, xie lian curtly nods. “alright,” he murmurs, settling down on the straw mat beside you once again. 
the ground is uncomfortable, but it’s nothing you’re not used to. xie lian lays facing you; even with your eyes closed you can feel him studying each of your features. you can feel the mat move slightly as he shuffles closer. he props his head against his arm like a makeshift pillow.
you tense momentarily when xie lian reaches over, gingerly resting his hand on top of your own. despite the cold night, his skin is warm. his fingers gently trace along the grooves of your knuckles. “try to get some sleep,” he whispers. “i’ll be here when you wake up.”
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30. Good Merlin Fics I've Read Recently (5/7/24)
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starkeyvhs · 2 months
kill bill
PAIRING: rafe cameron x dark!fem!kook!reader
SUMMARY: your ex-boyfriend has a new girlfriend, so you take matters in your own hands.
WARNINGS: MAJOR DARK CONTENT WARNING! DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT! murder; blood; gore; reader is extremely possessive over rafe, gaslights him, short tempered, toxic, selfish, gets jealous very easily, physically unable to grieve, very very sick and twisted; they have an extremely toxic relationship; mentions of two ocs; suggestive content (absolutely no smut), reader likes to mark rafe; consumption of alcohol, hardcore drugs and cigarettes; minimal usage of nicknames like babe and baby; reader often exercises her ownership over rafe vocally; rafe chokes reader (but not so much she passes out), locks her in a room; minimal swearing; like one mention of y/n (I tried to avoid it as much as I could); detailed descriptions of a funeral; grieving; I always beta read my fics but if you find any minor grammatical/spelling error please ignore :) + let me know if you think I missed anything (I crossed checked everything twice)
EDITH SPEAKS: I hardcore believe we need more sick and twisted reader instead of the usual sweetheart one (nothing wrong with that, btw!) because it’s so much fun writing a complex female character. I had the time of my life writing this, and I hope you love reading this too <3 please please heed all warnings, this fic is really really dark, and I wouldn’t want anyone to be triggered by the content in any way (the warnings are there for a reason!) please reblog if you liked reading this, and feedback is always appreciated 🥀 massive thank you to my baes raye and zya who heard my brainrot for this fic all the damn time <3 (I love having fic writers besties 🥰)
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It’s dark.
For some reason, it feels darker than usual.
Maybe because it’s a new moon, the indigo sky is completely devoid of the pale moonlight, which is usually the source of light at night.
Or maybe, the reason for it feeling darker isn’t literal.
Maybe it’s metaphorical.
Your gaze drops down to your hand, your gloved fingertips digging into the engravings on the handle of the knife, the tips of the nails settling between the grooves. The tip of your index finger is trapped in a curvy groove, your finger repetitively moving up and down, up and down, up and down through the curve.
You take a step back, the sound of the rubble crunching under your feet with a certain wetness echoes in the dark alleyway.
With your free hand, you lift up the hem of your dress, revealing the cover of the knife strapped to your upper thigh by a garter. The length of the dress hides the garter at all times, keeping it completely out of view. You slowly slide the knife back into its covering, letting it still in place, and allowing the dress to cover your thigh back again.
Your gaze begins to trail along your arm, the streaks of blood staining your skin red, matching the deep red of your dress. You flex your fingers under the single streak of street light entering the alleyway, illuminating the dried blood rubbed on your fingertips and knuckles.
Slowly, you let your eyesight travel down more and more, until you’re looking down at your feet.
Your feet stand in a dark pool of blood, almost seeming black in the darkness of the eerie alleyway. With the way only a single street light is responsible for the only light source, it almost seems like a scene from a black and white horror movie.
The metallic smell of blood fills up your nostrils entirely as you take another step back, gently kicking the foot in your way to the side.
“Oh poor Amber…” You mumble softly, taking a step closer to her face and bending down to her level, watching her soulless eyes gazing up at the bricked wall behind you. Her soft, pearly white slip satin dress is flushed with a deep burgundy, the slit through which your knife pierced her porcelain like skin is wide and open, right above her chest.
Your gloved fingertips trail over her cheekbone, so pale and so cold, as you feel the lifelessness under your skin. It’s almost pitiful if you think about it: the way poor Amber could’ve avoided all of this only if she knew to keep her hands off what you own.
She wouldn’t have to experience such a horrible end to her life, stabbed in a hidden alleyway, her dainty arms spread on her sides, her lifeless fingers grasping onto the last bit of memories of his touches, only if she knew better than to attempt to exercise her ownership over something clearly taken by you.
Oh well, you slowly get up from your crouched position, sparing a last glance at her body lying in the pool of her own blood.
Maybe it feels darker than usual because your own hands picked up a knife and drove it straight through the girl’s heart.
Do you regret it?
Absolutely the fuck not.
And why would you, if it means you get to have Rafe Cameron back again?
⊹₊⋆.˚୨୧⋆.˚₊ ⊹
The strobe lights flash all around the otherwise dark party mansion, the bass of the loud music thumping in your eardrums. The party is as crowded as it can be, sweaty bodies rubbing up against each other tantalizingly on the dance floor, causing the all too familiar smell of sweat mixed in with weed, alcohol and what not to settle heavily in the building.
There’s so much happening around you, the dance floor if fully occupied, there’s a game of beer pong being played over-enthusiastically at one end, a corner table surrounded by mostly boys busy with their hardcore drugs at another end, the bar right behind you with all the alcohol you can ever need; yet your hardened gaze is fixed on Rafe, and the girl he’s having a conversation with a few feet away from you.
“I’ll be back in a moment, babe,” He had mumbled against your hair, giving your thigh a firm pat before leaving his place next to you at the bar counter. You were confused for a moment as to where he was going suddenly, but then you saw him approach a girl completely unknown to you, give her a hug and get involved in a conversation.
Now, over ten minutes have passed and he still hasn’t left her side. You can’t hear them talk due to the loud music, but you can watch them laugh, the conversation so engaging it’s like they both have forgotten a world outside them exists too.
Your hand resting on your thigh is beginning to press harder against your flesh, your fingers digging into your skin, causing a sharp pain to spread on your skin, but you do nothing to reduce it. Your jaw clenches tightly at the sight of Rafe and the girl, streaks of possessiveness flaring up in every nook and cranny of your soul.
But the moment the girl’s fingers reach out to nudge his arm, you know you have had more than enough.
In a swift movement, you get up from your occupied barstool and make your way over to Rafe.
As you approach Rafe, you reach your hand out for his arm, letting your fingers curl around his bicep to grab his attention. The girl talking to him suddenly stops speaking as she spots you right next to him, and the way your hand is around his arm, your fingers digging into his skin.
“Oh hey babe,” Rafe says, very discreetly trying to get you to loosen his grip on him by moving his arm subtly, but of course, you’re too busy glaring at the girl to even realize the borderline iron tight grip you have on his bicep.
Rafe senses the tension in you — it’s not hard to miss the way it’s oozing off you.
“Oh uh,” he clears his throat, gesturing to the girl. “This is Keely, she moved away two years ago but now she’s visiting the island for–”
“Yeah I don’t care,” you swiftly cut him off, giving his arm a sharp tug and dragging him away from Keely. Before Rafe can even say anything to Keely, you are tugging him away from the crowd, away from the party, leading him up the stairs of the party mansion.
“Where… babe what are you doing?” Rafe asks, his tone incredulous as he tries his best to pry your hands off his arm, but your grip only seems to be getting tighter by the second. He can catch a glimpse of his arm, and the way his skin has started to pinken under your bruising grip.
You don’t say anything, just lead him up the stairs silently. You reach the hallway on the second floor, and the first door you open is an empty bedroom. You push Rafe inside and close the door behind you two, locking it.
“Babe what are you–” Rafe tries to speak, but with another nudge to his shoulders the back of his legs stumble against the edge of the bed and he flops on his back onto the mattress.
You are quick to follow as you get on top of him and sit in his lap, straddling his waist. You look down at him, your palms laying flat against his chest.
Without any words, you dip down and capture his lips in a searing kiss, your lips moving with a fiery fervor against his. Rafe doesn’t even have a moment to process what’s going on, but his body naturally responds to you, his hands coming to grip onto your hips and squeezing them tightly.
“Fuck baby…” he murmurs hoarsely as your lips leave his to trail over his jawline and finding the side of his neck. A sharp gasp escapes his mouth as your teeth suddenly sink into his flesh, your tongue running over the mark to soothe the burning sensation.
Instinctively, Rafe’s grip tightens on your hips, his eyes squeezing close. Your movements are unrelentless, your teeth biting down into whatever patch of skin of his neck you can succumb onto, your tongue running over the marks, and your lips sucking on the skin.
“You’re mine you hear me?” Comes out your voice in a whisper against his skin as you begin to travel over to the other side of his neck, not stopping for even a second to give him a break.
“Yeah yeah I’m yours I’m–” another sharp gasp leaves his lips as your lips find a particularly sensitive spot on his neck right above his pulse point and suck on it. He can feel the bruises beginning to form, bruises so deep he knows they won’t fade soon.
He knows you like to leave marks on him. Since you and him started dating, he was often seen with a bruise or two on the side of his neck, or peeking from under the collar of his shirt on his collarbone. They were always small, and never too dark.
But today? Today he feels you aren’t doing to let a single inch of his skin bare from your marks.
One of your hands slips into his hair and you pull his head back, baring his slender throat to you. You lean down and press your lips to his throat, kissing and sucking on the skin the same way you did to the sides of his neck.
Rafe’s blunt fingertips begin to dig into your hips, his lips parted as heavy exhales escape him.
“Is… is this about Keely?” He breathes, feeling your fingers slightly tighten in his hair, causing him to let out a barely audible whine.
“What if it is?” You mumble against his skin, biting down on his throat which elicits a sharp gasp from him. He writhes a little under you, as if trying to escape you, but you let your full weight fall on Rafe’s waist, making it impossible for him to move.
“Baby she’s…” he pants. “She’s just an old friend… nothing else…”
Your hand on his chest reaches for the top button of his shirt and your fingers pop it open, revealing more skin to you. Your mouth is quick to follow suit, your lips attacking the newly visible skin.
“She needs to know you’re mine,” you mutter against his skin, your voice lowering an octave. “Who the fuck–” you bite down on the skin right under the hollow of his throat, emphasizing your words, causing Rafe’s upper body to buck up involuntarily, “–does she think she is huh? Touching my man that way?”
“T…touching…?” Rafe breathes. “She didn’t… she never touched me–”
“She did,” Your voice is sharp, leaving no room for any argument. Your mouth goes back to its work, your fingers popping the second button open to bare you more skin of his to mark.
“You’re mine, Rafe,” you mutter against his skin, “always.”
Rafe’s breathing speeds up more — if that’s even possible, as he feels the next buttons of his shirt getting unbuttoned too.
“Say it,” comes out your voice, sharp and low. “Say you’re mine.”
“I’m–” he breathes, “I’m all yours baby, all yours… always and forever…”
You let your lips curl up into a faint smirk, the movements of your mouth slightly slowing down as you only kiss along the skin of his chest. At the slowing of your pace, Rafe’s fingers begin to loosen their grip on your hips, his short bursts of breathing slowly coming under control.
You slowly lift your head up and sit up in his lap, your fingers slipping out of his hair. You gently trace your fingertips over the sides of his neck, feeling the red, swollen bruises forming on his skin, which you know will only become more pronounced as the time passes. Your fingertips trail down to his chest, feeling the indents in his skin from the bruises and the bite marks. Something about feeling the bruises on his neck and not just seeing them begins to calm down the stoking fire of possessiveness on you.
It’s like you’ve branded him as yours.
“You look so perfect like this baby…” You coo softly, the gentle tracing of your fingertips a sharp contrast to just a few seconds ago when your teeth were on the verge of breaking through his skin. “So beautiful, so perfect, so mine…”
Rafe watches you through half hooded eyes, his breath only beginning to come under his control. He can feel his chest heaving from his heavy breathing and your touch over it, a sharp tingling sensation spreading over his skin wherever your mouth had been.
He can see it; the look of satisfaction in your eyes as if you’ve won a big prize. Your eyes rake over him, taking in all the bruises that stand out against his light skin.
“This… this should be enough to show her that you aren’t up for grabs,” you mumble to yourself quietly, still tracing over the marks and bruises over him.
Rafe shudders under the feeling of your fingertips tracing over his bruises, the skin reddened and getting more and more sensitive with each touch and nip of the air.
“You haven’t got anything to worry about baby…” he says slowly, almost cautiously. “I belong to you, forever,”
Your piercing eyes find his, the eye contact so strong it sends a chill down his spine.
“Yeah, yeah you are,” you mumble softly, before leaning down to let your lips connect to his skin again.
⊹₊⋆.˚୨୧⋆.˚₊ ⊹
Rafe stands next to the dining table with Wheezie and Sarah as Ward and Rose greet their guests for the night, their noises of greetings and laughter floating over to the three siblings in the dining room. The noise of their chatter only increases as the group approaches the dining table, spotting the three Cameron kids waiting for them.
Next to Ward and Rose are Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, with their daughter Amber. Ward and Mr. Lawrence are the bestest of friends; business wise and casual wise. Their businesses work hand in hand, and their families meet often for dinners and night outs.
Rose politely guides everyone to the dining table and everyone takes a seat, Amber’s seat being right next to Rafe’s.
“Hey Rafe,” she smiles, adjusting in her seat as she takes her purse off and hangs it on the back of her chair.
“Hey,” he says back, his voice quiet as he watches the food being served on the table.
He can feel Amber’s gaze on him; he has always had a hunch that she likes him with the way she looks away with a subtle blush on her cheeks when he catches her staring. Or with how she’s always talking so sweetly to him.
Or maybe his hunch is wrong.
Just like he’s the Kook prince, she’s the Kook princess. She’s known for being an absolute sweetheart, kind to anyone and everyone she meets. Even though she already has millions attached to her name, she’s volunteering at elderly homes, soup kitchens, beach clean ups and what not. She donates to charities whenever she can, and always sponsored them back in their days at the Kook Academy.
Rafe is quiet as the food is served, his plate kept in front of him. Everyone on the table is immersed in chatter, Amber distracted by Sarah and Wheezie, but he’s silent.
He takes small bites of the chicken he’s served, nibbling on the end of his fork as his mind goes to you, and the horrible, horrible fight you both had.
“It’s getting out of hand, y/n! You’re always on my heels, never letting me breathe!” Rafe snaps, trying to create as much distance between you and him.
Your eyes widen, an almost crazy look in them as you walk closer to him. “‘never letting me breathe’ is that so? I care about you Rafe! I love you!” You retort, attempting to reach out for his hand but he pulls back before you can touch him in any sort of way.
Your touch doesn’t feel loving, it feels like a burn to his skin.
“If you loved me, you would believe me that I was out with my friends, not with some girls! You think any girl will approach me when I’ve got these–” he frantically gestures to the marks all over his neck, “–all over my neck? Huh?”
“I leave those marks cause you’re mine!” Your voice comes out as strong, sharp yells now, echoing in the hallway of your house.
“Stop- stop saying that shit! I’m not yours! I don’t want to be yours anymore! You don’t fucking own me!” Rafe spits.
Now, he shouldn’t have said that.
You take another step closer to him, causing his back to hit against a door of a room in the hallway, completely caged by the door behind him and you in front of him.
He can see the look on your face, the way your eye is almost twitching, the way you let out soft pants; he has pissed you off.
“Yes I do,” your voice comes out low, and cold. “Yes, I own you, always and forever.”
“No you don’t!” Rafe snaps back. One of his hands reaches back for the door knob, his fingers curling around the cool metal. “I’m done with this shit! I’m done with you!”
You inch even closer to him, your chest almost touching his, leaving barely any space between you two.
“You think you can let me go this easily, huh?” You sneer, looking him dead in the eye.
Rafe’s hand on the door knob only tightens further, his knuckles almost turning white in the process. He’s done with this, he’s done being controlled by you, done letting you exercise ownership over him, and he’s done being in this loveless relationship.
In a swift movement, Rafe’s free hand comes to wrap around your throat, causing your eyes to widen and your lips to part, a choked gasp escaping you. Your hands reach for his fingers gripping your throat so harshly, feebly attempting to pry his fingers off. But his hold is strong, so strong.
You feel the amount of air in your lungs lessening with each passing second, your movements becoming weaker as the moments pass. You try to speak, anything, try to kick him off, but your body is just getting weaker.
Your tear rimmed eyes meet Rafe’s, whose own cheeks begin to streak with the tears that start to fall down. They aren’t tears of sadness, they’re tears of frustration, because he’s done with this shit.
“I’m done with you, you hear me?” He mutters through his tears, his voice frustrated and shaky. “Done with this entire thing.”
You try to fight back, to argue, to do anything, but nothing works. Rafe’s hand on the door knob pulls the knob down, opening the door. It reveals the store room, and in a single movement, he pushes you inside, a choked gasp leaving you, and he quickly shuts the door and turns the lock.
“Open the fucking door!” Come out your muffled yells from inside, and he can hear you sputtering, trying to catch your breath after being at a loss of it for the past minute.
Your hands bang against the wooden door, the sound loud in the empty hallway.
Rafe steps back from the door, hearing the loud banging on the door, the sound thumping in his ears along with his loud heartbeat.
For a moment, it seems like everything goes silent except the loud banging in his ear, pulsating throughout every nerve in his brain.
This is the first time he ever did anything to defy you, defy your so-called “love” for him.
And god, does he feel… good. Strong. He never knew he would be able to stand up against you. But now, he has you locked in the store room of your own home.
It feels exhilarating.
“Open the fucking door Rafe!” Your voice comes from inside the store room again, zapping Rafe out of his thoughts. He swallows harshly, his arms frozen on his sides as he slowly takes another step back.
With the way you’re banging at the door and are yelling, he can tell you’re getting impatient.
But he’s not going to do anything about it.
He’s done getting pushed around by you.
Taking another step back, he begins to back out of the hallway, ignoring your constant muffled yelling and banging at the door. He can hear you rattling the lock, desperately trying to escape the store room.
He tries his best to push away the sounds of you and your attempts to escape out of his mind as he takes shaky steps back from the hallway, slowly and slowly inching away from you. He takes a deep breath, and finally, turns around, his back to the store room, and he makes his way out of the hallway, approaching the main door of your home.
Without thinking twice, he opens the door and steps out, letting the door slam shut behind him, his mind pushing away the distant voice of yours yelling at him to open the door.
“Rafe? Rafe are you okay?”
Rafe snaps out of his thoughts and looks up from his plate to his side, seeing Amber gently shaking his shoulder. He looks back down to his plate and see he barely ate any of it, just nibbled on the piece of chicken, the veggies lying untouched.
“Uh,” he clears his throat, gently moving his shoulder which causes Amber’s hand to fall back to her side. “Yeah yeah I’m good uh… excuse me,” he politely excuses himself and gets up from his chair, leaving the dining table. Sarah and Wheezie glance at him with concern, but Rose and Ward don’t really seem to give this matter much light.
Amber watches Rafe leave the dining room, adjusting his turtle neck once as he makes his way out to the balcony, closing the wooden door behind himself.
Her eyes remain fixed on the path which Rafe had just followed, every cell of her body itching to follow him.
Just a few seconds later, she excuses herself from the table too and makes her way to the closed door of the balcony.
As the door opens and she steps out, Rafe diverts his attention to the door, a cigarette smoking away in his hand.
“Hey,” Amber says softly, giving him a gentle smile as she lets the door knob slip from her hand, the door closing with a gentle click. She makes her way over to Rafe, standing next to him in front of the balcony railing, her eyes fixing on the cigarette slotted between his fingers.
“Hey,” Rafe says back looking back out at the view from the balcony. His free hand comes to sneak under the turtle neck, scratching the side of his neck. “God this is itchy,” he mumbles under his breath, slightly frustrated.
“It’s too hot for a turtle neck anyway,” Amber says, her brows furrowed. “It must be irritating your skin,”
“Yeah,” Rafe mutters, taking a deep drag of his cigarette and letting out a plume of smoke. He knows better than to take the turtle neck off though, the thought of revealing the dark bruises left by you causes a small shudder to go down his spine — knowing Amber will be extremely concerned and will press on the matter.
Even then, his fingers reach out to itch under the turtle neck again, the material really irritating his skin. He pushes the fabric aside to grant him more skin to itch, but just as he does that, Amber catches the sight of the bruises marked on his skin; and these ones just so happen to be the darkest ones he has.
“Oh my god,” her soft voice comes out laced with concern as she steps closer to him, her fingers wanting to reach out to soothe his skin with her gentle touch. “What happened are you okay? That looks really bad,”
Rafe looks down at her, her frame almost comically smaller than his. He can see the concern etched on her face, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips downturned in a frown.
“I’m… I’m fine,” he mutters, focusing back out at the view from the balcony, taking another hit of his cigarette.
“Are you sure? Cause that looks really bad Rafe,” she murmurs, gently placing a hand on his arm, looking up at him.
The moment she touches her arm, he tenses for a fraction of second, but then immediately relaxes. There is something about her touch that you don’t have; that tenderness and the warmth that has always been missing from your touch. And her voice, it’s gentle. He doesn’t think he’s ever heard you talk to him in such a gentle voice.
“Did someone beat you up?” She asks, her voice soft.
Beat him up? Oh, he wishes.
His mind goes back to you, the way he locked you in the store room. He knows there’s a window in the room, and knowing you, he also knows you definitely escaped from that window.
“No, someone didn’t beat me up,” He says back, his voice losing any edge it may have, taking a completely tender tone. There’s something so soothing about the way she’s talking to him, and it just makes him want to open up to him about anything and everything.
“Someone didn’t beat you up? Then how did you get them?” She asks. God, he thinks. Her concern, her gentleness, her touch… He’s losing himself in it, a little too quickly.
Maybe it’s because he’s been deprived of this gentleness for way too long.
“You won’t believe me if I told you the answer,” he says, his gaze looking down at her to meet her eyes.
“You’re concerning me Rafe, really,” she mutters, her fingers still wrapped around his arm. And Rafe doesn’t want her to let go.
He takes another drag of the cigarette, letting the smoke roll off his lips.
“It’s my girlfriend– but, but I ended things with her today,” he mutters.
He gauges her reaction; her widened eyes, her lips parting twice to say something but no words coming out.
She knows about his girlfriend, well, everyone does, but he didn’t know about this.
“She did this to you?” Amber mutters incredulously. “That’s… that’s kind of crazy,”
“Kind of?” Rafe says amusedly. “It’s very crazy. I was…” he takes a deep breath, looking up from her and back out at the scenery. “I was suffocated with her. I was never able to express myself. She was extremely possessive, always wanting to… mark me as hers a certain way. It was hard to leave her but I did it, I finally did it today,”
Amber’s facial expressions contort to one of slightly relaxed, though the concern is still evident.
“Wow,” she mutters. “I’m very glad you were able to break things off with her, you don’t deserve to be treated this way Rafe, no one does,”
He turns back down to look at her, his eyes sinking into hers. They’re so warm and beautiful, a kind blue just like his. There’s gentleness in her words and the way she’s still holding onto his arm.
“Thank you,” he mumbles, “that… that means a lot to me you know? I’m… I’m just glad I was able to escape her,”
“Yeah,” she says softly, her fingers rubbing small circles on his forearm. It seems more or less like an instinctive movement, as if this is how she always likes to soothe someone.
And damn, is he starved for some gentle loving just like this.
A silence falls over them, Rafe’s eyes not flickering away from hers. She’s looking up at him, her doe eyes wide but extremely comforting, her gentle rubbing on his arm relaxing him to an infinite extent.
As if a gravitation pull exerts it’s force on him, he finds himself leaning closer to her, his eyes now training down over her lips. They’re so soft looking, so full, and he has a very strong urge to taste them.
Amber doesn’t pull back, she’s watching him lean closer, her own body reacting and leaning closer to him. Midway, Rafe’s lips are just a hair’s breadth from hers, and he takes the leap, pressing his lips to hers.
For a moment, no one moves, their lips joined in a gentle press. But then, Amber takes the initiative, gently moving her lips against his.
Rafe responds, his hand which isn’t holding the cigarette coming to gently cup her cheek, his thumb stroking the skin. Her hands reach up to wrap around his neck, the kiss soft, slow and incredibly tender.
Rafe gently pulls back, creating just the slightest distance between him and her. He rests his forehead against hers, his eyes closed as he soaks in the moment.
No words are exchanged between them, but he knows they both feel a mutual understanding.
⊹₊⋆.˚୨୧⋆.˚₊ ⊹
The rain begins to pour down harder, the drops of water on the grassy lawn gleaming under the occasional strike of lightning. Black umbrellas matching the black outfits are put up by almost everyone, covering everyone’s head by the shelter.
Except one.
Rafe is on his knees right next to the coffin, his fingers gripping the edge of it so tightly his knuckles are beginning to turn white. His head bows down to rest on the edge in between his hands, quiet sobs erupting out of his throat. The raindrops trail over his clothes, making him sopping wet, but he doesn’t care – even when he’s been politely asked to get under an umbrella to cover himself.
Everyone knew well about Rafe’s and Amber’s relationship. God, they loved them. Rafe, the Kook prince, and Amber, the Kook princess. Their fathers; bestest of friends. It’s like people could imagine them getting married even when they weren’t of age. The children of the most powerful men of Outer Banks were meant to take over the island together.
But the dreams were shattered like frail glass when Amber’s death was announced. And it wasn’t some untimely death — it was a murder. A clear gash was present at her chest right where she was stabbed.
Police investigations were started, Rafe paid an incessant amount of money to get the best of detectives on the case, but the murderer was good.
Too damn good.
The murderer didn’t leave a single trace of their presence. They were sharp and quick. It was just a flash of lightning, and the knife was driven in Amber’s chest, and she was declared dead.
The investigations started months ago, and even now, any path they take to find out about the murderer is a dead end.
Almost the entire Figure 8 is invited to the funeral; including you.
You stand at the very end of the crowd, black clothes on your body and a black umbrella over your head, protecting you from the rain.
Your eyes scan over the procession, watching the funeral ceremony taking place in the burial ground where Amber’s coffin is meant to be buried. You can hear the quiet sobs from the front, from Amber’s family, her siblings and cousins, her friends, and from Rafe.
Your gaze zeroes on him as a man begins to gently pull Rafe up from his knees and to get him away from the coffin, because it’s time to take the coffin away for the burial. You see Rafe protesting, his hands reaching out to catch a glimpse of Amber; it doesn’t matter if it’s her coffin. He just wants to feel her, one last time, before she leaves his life completely.
His sobs get louder, dry screams erupting from his throat as the coffin gets carried away. Amber’s mother carefully approaches him and takes him in her arms, her own eyes squeezed tightly shut as tears stream down her cheeks.
As time passes, everyone begins to disperse the burial ground, even Amber’s family, except for Rafe. Her family gently pleads with him to leave too, but he refuses. ‘Just five more minutes’ is what he mumbles in his voice hoarse from all his sobbing to Amber’s mother, who squeezes his hand in return and lets him stay.
And now, everyone has left, but you’re still standing in the same position, watching Rafe, who’s sitting on the wet grass, the rain which is now reduced to a drizzle still showering over him.
You carefully make your way over to him and get down on your knees next to him, letting your umbrella cover him too.
He looks up when he realizes he’s not feeling the raindrops fall on him anymore, his teary eyes finding yours. Completely drowned in the whirlpool of his emotions, he didn’t realize you are still there.
It’s silent for a few moments as Rafe sits with him hugging his knees close to his chest, his head resting on them. You sit next to him, making sure to keep him protected from the rain.
“Rafe…” you murmur after a few more moments of utter silence pass over you both. You gently place a hand on his shoulder, and he looks up at you — his bloodshot eyes drooping from tiredness.
Another moment of silence passes by, the space around you filled only with the sound of the raindrops pattering on your umbrella. The rain seems to slow down even more, the gloomy clouds beginning to light up.
You can see Rafe’s facade beginning to crumble, his need to be comforted washing over the need to be alone and away from you, and ever so slowly, he leans closer to you, resting his head on your shoulder.
You let your free arm quickly wrap around his shoulders and you pull him closer, your hand rubbing over his back.
The sobs he had started to bury inside himself start sputtering out, his body squeezing closer to you, every fiber of his being craving comfort as he buries his face in his neck and lets himself go, his tears falling against the skin of your neck.
“Shhh Rafe you’re okay, I’m here, I’m here for you,” you mumble softly in his ear. His hands come to wrap around your frame tightly, as if you’re the only thing keeping him tethered to this world.
You finally have him in your arms again, the only arms he should ever be in, the only arms that should be comforting him, the only arms that should ever hold him.
You lean down and press a soft kiss to his forehead to comfort him more as you repeat soft words to soothe him as much as you can. When Rafe makes no move to pull himself away from you, you slightly tighten your hold around his shoulders and pull him closer to you.
You let him hold you however he desires, and cry how much he wants.
As you keep on rubbing your hand over his back to soothe him, your gaze looks out at the stretch of the burial ground, your eyes following the path along which Amber’s coffin was carried.
You take in a deep breath, closing your eyes for a moment as you let the reality of the situation settle in you.
Amber’s out of Rafe’s life, and he is back where he belongs.
A small satisfied smile quirks the corners of your lips all the while Rafe’s face remains tucked in the crook of your neck, his hands holding onto you as if you’re his last lifeline.
Game over, Amber.
⊹₊⋆.˚୨୧⋆.˚₊ ⊹
taglist: @oxpogues4lifexo / @rafedrewandjjs
specific tags for this fic: @ietss / @mileyraes / @ilyrafe / @runningfrom2am / @congratsloserr
@ladyinbl00d / @zyafics / @karmasloverrr / @rafesgiirl
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342 notes · View notes
burekstation · 11 months
My good friend Jonathan Harker is still in the toils and the groove of life all gone. He did not describe a single tree or the beauty of the soft moonlight.
675 notes · View notes