#moonshadow sports
Blind Azura (by Dagoth Ulen)
Author's Note: This is me working stuff out but it's also got some stuff I'll definitely be using later, so MASSIVE spoilers for Severed Destiny. Mention of gore in one section
Mortals are but simple sport to the Daedra Lords. They pull the strings, and you poor fools leap and dance. Why do you serve them? Why do you fall for their honeyed lies? For ages you've yielded to their temptations, their false promises. How soon you forget their treachery, their deceits. None of them deserve the loyalty they receive, and the one I write of now even less so.
Azura of the Daedra Lords is one who has many titles. Queen of Dawn and Dusk, the Mother Soul, Moonshadow, Mother of the Rose, Queen of the Night Sky, and Twilight Queen among them. To this we will now add a new: Blind Azura.
The story of this new epithet is entwined and begins with that of the ones whom she most claimed to love: Lord Nerevar, and his incarnates. But where was her love when Lord Nerevar lay dying? And where was she when his first eight incarnates failed in their various ways? Watching while they did the work. Her love is as negligent as it is conditional - is that, I ask you, a Lord worthy of worship? No. A thousand times no.
His ninth incarnation, our Lady Sadara, was bold enough to see a way forward where others could not, though even Lord Dagoth could not yet conceive of it, for his heart was buried in sorrow. She plucked it from the abyss, blessed it with new hope and light, only to plunge it into the darkness anew upon her death. Azura of the Twilight saw fit to remove her access to healing magics, and thus ensured that death by her malice through the birth of Lord Dagoth's heir. And even in death there was no escape - a constant torment that only ceased when our Lady breathed in life once more.
It was the daughter of House Dagoth, the result of this love and subsequent death, who helped to bring the unmourned House back to its glory.
Sadly it was also she who paid a price of pain for defying the whims of her would-be master.
Thus it was that the circumstances in which Azura earned her next epithet: in the bowels of Oblivion, in a partnership with Dagon that should never have been, Azura sent foe after foe until the daughter of House Dagoth fell to exhaustion. Then began the true torment - but Azura's arrogance and eagerness for vengeance was too great, her focus too single-minded, to notice that she had an audience.
For Lord Dagoth came walking, looking for his lost daughter, aided in some measure by the (we still consider him a false god, despite the 'alliance') one called Vivec. Lord Dagoth desired immediate vengeance, but Vivec in his momentary wisdom saw the disadvantage of enacting it in Oblivion and advised him to take her through the Oblivion gate nearest them first. He retrieved the daughter of Dagoth, and returned her to a place of safety.
And once back in Morrowind, before the very gates of the city of Vivec, Lord Dagoth has his revenge. Not merely for the torment of his daughter but for that of his loves, that of our Lord Nerevar and Lady Sadara. An aeon's worth of retribution was dealt upon her, not the least of which was the removal of her eyes. Lord Dagoth laughed as he clawed them from her, this daedra lord, and asked if she could now see the future her own sin had wrought.
And so now to the list of others we add: Blind Azura.
For she could not see the future which she was herself bringing about, and so paid the price for it - the evidence of which hangs daily about the necks of two of those three whom Lord Dagoth loves best. Symbols, as it were, of his devotion. And reminders to those who think to harm his best beloveds.
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Are Rayla's grandparents alive since elves live longer than humans?
I guess they sure could be, but I don't know what that has to do with them all being elves?
Let's dig a bit and see what we get:
Rayla is still a teenager. She was 15 during arc 1 (S1-S3), and has her 18th birthday somewhere during S4-S5. Her parents were described as 35-40-ish during arc 1, making them 20-25 years older than she is, and only a few years older than Runaan and Ethari.
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This is purely a guess, but just for reference, if Rayla's grandparents were similarly young when they had Lain and Tiadrin, that would put them around 55-65 right now. Which is a normal grandparent age even for humans. Many people will live to this age if nothing dangerous happens to them.
The real question is, how dangerous is it to be a Moonshadow elf? And that's what we don't know. We don't know what it's like to just live in Xadia all your life, and to know its daily ins and outs. But considering there are plenty of elves in Xadia, all of whom have ancestors that survived the last 1000 years without human ingenuity and just relied on their magic, I'd say it's probably no more dangerous overall than living in the human lands is for humans.
Our world has everyday dangers, and we just learn to avoid them when we can. Car crashes and pandemics and sporting accidents do exist here. But we take steps to be as safe as we can, and most of us are fine most of the time. I imagine that, even with magic, the same sort of vibes work in Xadia, because Xadians want to live too.
We don't know a lot about family traditions as far as career choices are concerned, either. Rayla's parents were some kind of guards when we saw them in BH. Runaan, Lain's BFF, is an assassin. Does this mean they used to be assassins? Maybe their family are assassins? Maybe they're just guards, with a more boring and safe kind of pace in their work. Maybe Rayla's grandparents are nothing of the sort and they live quietly in their village getting nice letters every month from the Storm Spire until- oop- never mind.
I'm sure they're fine! Maybe they've retired to somewhere with a shady coast? Or a nice tropical valley full of giant palm trees?
Alternately, Lujanne really is Rayla's grandma and we've known where she is all along. Which husband could be Rayla's grandpa is another matter, though!
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llimerrence · 5 months
15 Questions For The Writer
Are you named after anyone? Technically, i named myself lowkey after max goof, but we don't need to get into that lmao
When was the last time you cried? when we put down my cat after christmas. or during that one super cute christmas movie i watched.
Do you have kids? nope lol
Do you use sarcasm a lot? when don't i?
What’s the first thing you notice about people? normally their smile. if it reaches their eyes or not.
What’s your eye colour? brown.
Scary movies or happy endings? why not both?
Any special talents? i can write p good
Where were you born? usa !
what are your hobbies? art, tumblr, viddy games
Have you any pets? i got two dogs. used to have a rabbit and cat too. oh also the fish exist.
What sport do you play/have played? none im not athletic
How tall are you? 5'7-5'9. im not 100% sure
Favorite subject in school? oh it was always art class. otherwise english
Dream job? being able to sit at home and write absolute banger poetry and love ballads for beth all day every day. but uh i dont think thats a real 'job' lol
tagging: @thcsevoices @canon-fcdder @plasticsouled @pompedia @tournesolette @unbearablyindifferent @moonshadowed (have fun yall lmao) tagged by: @starsweepers
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lovebillyhargrove · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @prettyboy-like-you ❤️
1. ARE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Not that I know of. I like my name tho
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? Maybe a week ago, was sad about billy again, or about the world in general. I don't cry often, but sometimes it just all fucks me up, the fragility of everything, the cruelty on which the world runs
3. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? Yep, two. They are amazing just like all kids are, but I'm constantly drowning in the feeling that I'm a bad mother
4. DO YOU USE SARCASM? Sometimes. More like humour, but sometimes I can bring some acidity into it
5. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT SOMEONE? Whether we'll get along maybe. Whether they are arrogant or not. Whether they actually see beyond their own set of rules and beliefs
6. WHAT'S YOUR EYE COLOUR? Hazel-greenish-yellow
7. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? When I was young and free I liked scary movies. After having kids cannot watch them anymore. Happy endings only. There is enough unhappiness and pain in this world as it is
8. ANY SPECIAL TALENTS? Mostly likable)
9. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? In a 2mil. city where I'm still living. Jealous of people who move away to different places, but I never could actually tear up the roots, even when the opportunity presented itself
10. WHAT ARE YOUR HOBBIES? English, watching series in the original, beads, clay, did I mention beads, I'm obsessed with them. A bit of writing, thank you billy and harringrove
11. DO YOU HAVE ANY PETS? No. My kids are dreaming about getting ANY pet, but I get so exhausted at work that I just know, I won't be enough to take care of one more living creature
12. WHAT SPORTS DO YOU PLAY/HAVE YOU PLAYED? Never liked sports. Swimming for fun. Walking a lot
13. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 1m 60cm. Short
14. FAVOURITE SUBJECT AT SCHOOL? English, Literature
15. DREAM JOB? I kinda love my job (English teacher), but I would love to work with beads maybe, or pottery, even if not creating things, but in some kind of a shop maybe? I just love touching this stuff)
Whoa it was long and it was fun!!!))) Tagging @dragonflylady77 @disdaidal @cieldepeanut @thissortofsorcery @memes-saved-me @edith-moonshadow @neonponders @harringrovest and literally anyone who sees it and would like to do it?
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I've had this sim sitting in the bin for a while and didn't know what i wanted to do with him just yet. I realized I needed another dormie sim for WCC and here he is! Slapped him down on the lot, aged him down, got some tattoos and body overlays on and he's ready to go!
While Beatrix has some thinking to do before winter arrives...Andi has been given the task of "onboarding" a new student at WCC...This is Otto Moonshadow. He is a Cancer and a Family Sim 7 | 2 | 5 | 6 | 5
He rolled:
Social butterfly | Genius | Rebellious | Never nude
Fav color: Grey | Disliked: Brown
Major based on interests: Art Highest interests are: Fashion + Sports (9pts), Paranormal + Weather (8pts), Work (7pts)
We'll be seeing more of him soon as Andi completes her 2nd semester as a sophomore. When she leaves, Otto will be our main man at this dorm until fresh blood enrolls.
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w0rped-moss · 10 months
Huh. That's so interesting I didn't know that was an actual sport. Thanks !
yeah it’s an actual thing! The arrow shouldn’t have been that fast tho unless runaan’s bow is UNBELIEVABLY heavy. but judging by how strong rayla is while being scrawny as shit and how runaan is pretty muscular compared to the other moonshadow elves, that wouldn’t actually surprise me
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44gamez · 5 months
New Xbox games — January 8 to 14
Your backlogs can calm down barely as solely ten new Xbox video games come to the platform subsequent week. Nevertheless, regardless of the small variety of releases, that does not imply there are not any attention-grabbing titles hitting Xbox over the subsequent few days. For these trying to reside the lifetime of an electrician, Electrician Simulator launches for Xbox Collection X|S and Xbox One on January 11. On the identical day, we even have Battle Hospital, a administration sport set in a WW1 subject hospital. Lastly, on January 12, the "mystical, narrative expertise" Grotto hits Xbox consoles. This is a breakdown of all the things coming to the world of Xbox subsequent week. Tell us which of those you are planning on choosing up within the feedback!January 10Cynthia: Hidden within the Moonshadow — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox OneEmotional, Third-person, story-driven, journey sport centered on fixing puzzles and utilizing stealth mechanics. Use your bow to work together with environmental parts. Sneak, climb or distract guards to maneuver additional unnoticed. Clear up mild puzzles alongside your path to rescue your beloved.Ikkarus and the Prince of Sin — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox One
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Show your price as a village hero by rebuilding a tavern, taking up quests and discovering romance alongside the best way!Ikkarus and the Prince of Sin is a yaoi-themed fantasy journey visible novel the place you possibly can handle your each day routine, journey the land, settle for facet quests, pursue 3 potential romance choices, uncover 6 distinctive endings and unlock particular CG scenes as you progress. The expertise will be additional custom-made by selecting from issue settings centered on story or gameplay problem!Popcorn Rocket — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox OnePopcorn Rocket is a foolish meals primarily based old-school arcade area shooter. Pilot the Popcorn Rocket as you blast by way of hordes of meals spaceships in an effort to save the galaxy from the evil Nebula Empire! With a wacky solid of heroes and villains, Popcorn Rocket will depart your abdomen wanting extra! January 11Electrician Simulator — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox OneWithin the Electrician Simulator sport you'll tackle the position of an electrician. Study the secrets and techniques of the electrician occupation and develop into one of the best skilled on the town!Number of missions and clients! Is there something extra attention-grabbing than new challenges? Verify your inbox repeatedly and settle for quite a lot of jobs - from small duties to complicated electrical installations! Bear in mind being an electrician just isn't solely enjoyable but additionally skilled. Attempt to do your job with as a lot consideration to element as potential! It is higher to not mess with clients…Organize your storage. Everybody has a favourite place, proper? Customise your own home and storage to fit your wants! Elevate cash from orders and set up as a lot electrical gear in your house as you need!Infinite prospects! Procedurally generated homes, random quests and much more challenges - it is all ready for you! Restore damaged devices on the workbench, go on missions and earn expertise to unlock varied thrilling rewards!Battle Hospital — Xbox Collection X|STake cost of a WW1 subject hospital on the Western Entrance, and make all the selections mandatory to assist the troopers get well and to help the conflict effort. On this narrative administration sport, you're the final bastion of humanity.January 12Creatura — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox One
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In Creatura, design and maintain enclosed ecosystems stuffed with animals and vegetation grown from scratch, utilizing scientifically correct pure/synthetic choice and genetic engineering. Make an epic journey over epochs of evolution, from single cell organisms sharing water with algae, to complicated animals residing in lush gardens. Handle and recreate absolutely customizable vivariums, whereas fastidiously balancing biomes traits to maintain excellent ecosystems. Fulfil distinctive almanac with species but to be found, and edit your individual fauna & flora with genuine DNA editor, studying how fashionable instruments and methods like CRISPR and GMO work intimately.Creatura has open-ended "sandbox-like" gameplay mode, with lovely bonsai expertise of any vivarium you possibly can consider, and difficult academic situations, together with intensive tutorial. Promote plant cuttings to purchase decorations and consumables, analysis fauna & flora to unlock superior DNA modifying strategies, and with sufficient persistence and luck, develop uncommon and distinctive specimens for buying and selling. Or simply watch the grass rising, with up-to-date biology analysis primarily based on Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel legacy, it is all science in any case.- Use synthetic choice to develop any potential plant out of billions of combos, or make the most of pure choice to breed distinctive animals, depending on adapting to their environments. - Learn to edit DNA, perceive ideas like genomes, codons & gene sequencing, and apply your individual genetic engineering utilizing the GCAT system and genuine DNA editor. - Management the time to observe lots of of vegetation and animals evolve in simply seconds by using as much as 1000x time-lapse, in a extremely optimized and easy gaming expertise. - Handle a totally simulated digital aquarium/terrarium. Develop vegetation to generate oxygen, use consumables and decorations to manage pH, preserve humidity with temperature and water. - Customise the tank stand, rims and lid, colours, form the bottom, water degree, and embellish it with a variety of unlockable uncommon elements and decorations. - Develop and breed specimens till mutating the uncommon and distinctive variations to make your vivarium much more particular, or to promote/commerce them for nice revenue. - Uncover hundreds of thousands of potential vegetation and animals, identify them, and be the primary to place them in international almanac, as part of your evolutionary analysis. - Create probably the most visually gorgeous digital bonsai aquariums/terrariums, in a soothing and academic gaming atmosphere with none fail circumstances. - Use or make your individual texture packs (with Steam Workshop help) for much more distinctive expertise.Grotto — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox OneGrotto is a mystical, narrative-focused expertise. You're the Soothsayer. The one able to speaking with the celebs and unveiling their messages. In a time of turmoil, the tribe of the valley flip to your powers of divination and are available to you for steerage.Past Doorways — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox One
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Kitten Hero — Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox One Shinorubi— Xbox Collection X|S, Xbox OneShinorubi is a Shoot'Em Up sport rooted within the Bullet Hell, Danmaku, and Manic Shooter genres.Within the universe, there's a compound that may solely be discovered on one singular planet, SHINORUBI. The compound offers their proprietor infinite energy and distinctive longevity by way of organic mutations; its identify is ""R-R"".For a thousand years, the BAÄA household has dominated mercilessly over SHINORUBI and the ""R-R"".King R.LOYD III has six sons and a daughter. He and his sons left for conflict 150 years in the past in opposition to the TRADDESS and ZOOGT empires, lightyears away from SHINORUBI.The dominion was entrusted to 5 generals near the royal household, underneath the command of the king's solely daughter: NEMEZIYA BAÄA.Evening falls on KADDIN, the capital... The countless night time earlier than the solstice of BAÄA's thousand-year rule. Eight mercenaries will strive the inconceivable underneath cowl of night time: overthrow the dominion.SHINORUBI packs a terrific arcade motion punch with nice replayability due to its quite a few issue ranges, organized modes, and participant ships.The one a part of your ship weak to enemy pictures is the middle. Higher keep away from the myriad of missiles and bullets aiming for you and destroy all the things between you and your goal!There is just one rule: Don't die... and destroy the BAÄA kingdom.Options: - HD graphics taking you thru 5 awe-inspiring environments, between futuristic forests, army bases and stormy skies; - 5 issue modes, from tremendous straightforward to very laborious, for quite a lot of challenges! - 8 playable ships, with different POWER, SPEED and SHOT COVER stats to adapt to your playstyle; - 12 ""organized"" modes: play in opposition to the clock in ""Caravan Mode"", take dangers in ""Defend"" mode, take a look at your stamina in ""Journey"" mode or catch pigs in ""Pink Pig Mode""! - 53 successes to try for. By no means miss a medal and fly by way of all ranges to get all of them! - A BOSS RUSH mode with three issue ranges! Source link Read the full article
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ask-runaan-anything · 4 years
Do elves have any sports that humans wouldn’t know about or wouldn’t be able to play? Any games specific to moonshadows?
Sixsquare is a very Moonshadow game. Think of it like football--or soccer--if your playing field were an invisible cube deep in the forest. It comes with two modes, too:
Light mode is the daytime version, and full Moonshadow form is not allowed since not everyone can enter it without a full Moon. 
Shadow mode is for full moon nights, and all players must be able to manifest their full Moonshadow forms and hold them for the duration of the match. If you flicker back on, you have to sit out. And the ball only lights up when it’s in motion, so it’s really embarrassing if it rolls under a bush somewhere and goes out and no one can find it.
Featherball is another favorite. The ball is made from woven nightsprite feathers, which have a tendency to, ah, portal unexpectedly, based on the creatures’ natural illusion defense mechanism. The best part about playing featherball is that you can solo play it, and still lose.
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what nooo I have no idea what that’s like
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pinotorto · 4 years
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TDP Olympics: rhytmic gymnastics. 2/?
Featuring: Rayla, Skor, Ram, Callisto and Andromeda for Silvergrove nation, Xadia.
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katiifaye · 5 years
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Dragon Prince AU where the humans all attend the same high school. 
Soren, Claudia, Corvus, and Gren all play on the baseball team, the school’s only sport. Rayla transfers to their high school but has only played softball before. Soren makes fun of her saying softball players aren’t as good. With a glint in her eye she tells him, “Step up to the plate.” Rayla proceeds to strike him out in four pitches (he managed to tip one). She then strikes out the rest of team, much to the amazement of Callum, who has been watching and photographing the standoff for the school paper. Later, Rayla walks up behind him as he writing an article about her amazing game. 
Katolis High’s new pitcher is fearless, fast, strong...
“Daring,” she interjects, “I’m also daring. I’m Rayla, by the way.”
“C-Callum,” he stutters out, staring up into her violet eyes. “That was incredible.”
“Thanks.” She grins at him, wiping a hand across her forehead, “I’m famished though, know any place to get some good food?”
“There a shop that sells jelly tarts just a few blocks away, here I’ll show you.”
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atvir · 3 years
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In front of the Kaldorei stood a resplendently crafted statue made in the image of the Waywatcher, Malorne. In front of such majesty stood a shallow basin, crafted with as much consideration as the magnificent stag himself. The cool hums of the glowing waters echoed softly beneath the emerald boughs of Val’Sharah.
As Atvir stood beneath the wonder, he traced his hands upon the basin and immersed them within the star-blessed puddle. Content with the handfuls he carried with him, he crooked his head up towards the star-kissed skies and outstretched his arms as if mimicking the Stag’s great horns.
He closed his eyes as his hands acted like a sieve as the glimmering waters made their descent towards the worn stone foundations.
“O husband of Elune, father of Cenarius, I come to praise in thanks. I seek not your blessing but hope I can do more with the gifts given to me in the future. Know that I will watch over the land with careful eye and take upon your blessing when swiftness is needed to protect that which I hold dear."
The water began to run dry from his palms. He took a deep breath, and lowered himself in a bow of reverence towards the shrine.
"Ande'thoras-ethil, Malorne. May your burden of duty be lessened by those who would watch in your stead."
Atvir took a deep breath and sat in contemplation for a brief moment as his onlookers dispersed from the shrine.
As if awakening something locked within, a memory reemerged from the back of his mind. Atvir was back in Darkshore.
The man carried the weight of fatigue, sorrow, and coldness as he made his way towards the ancient, cracked basin.
The last to arrive, the awaited procession were wrapped in dark cloaks, enshrouded within the shadow of the Great Eclipse. All traces of identity were obfuscated within the darkness, only the soft glow of each Kaldorei’s eyes being the sole distinguishing feature. Rested upon their raised hoods were antlers of various ornamentations and sizes.
Donned in a black armor and the only individual to reveal his face, Atvir carried a small cloth bag, contents dripping through the frayed fabrics.
As Leafshadow approached the precariously balanced font of leaking water, one of the figures lowered themselves and offered a curved, silver blade. His sullen gaze focused upon the calloused, spindly fingers that presented the item, and he extended an arm towards it with a trembling hand.
The voice is somber, yet even-toned. “This is your first, so you must enact the ritual. Know that we stand with you, brother.”
Atvir swiftly stole the blade from the offerer. As soon as he established a firm grip upon it, the dagger glowed with a blackened twilight, speckled with flecks of white. The trembling that was once there ceased as he felt an unnatural calm take over him. He took a deep breath and unfurled the first item in the bag.
Within his left hand now rested the great heart of a stag, blood still flowing from the recently-departed beast. What should have been a healthy, meaty red was shriveled with a sickly yellow. Atvir paid no mind to the blood dripping from his hand. As if mimicking the horns of a stag, he raised both hands up to the near-impenetrable darkness.
“O father of Cenarius, groom of Lady Moonshadow, great Horned Host, we beseech your blessing as we call upon the ritual of the Ancient Hunt. As you have been the first to walk this world when we were but nothing, we seek you as witness and judge to consider our hunt worthy of your boon.”
Atvir lowered his arms and raised the bleeding heart over the basin.
“Great Horned Host, provide us with the Watcher’s Sight to seek our prey. We first offer the Mourning, as the hunt is meaningless if it is for sport. With this, we share our sorrow of the senseless destruction of our world. Let the blood weep upon the waters so you may bear witness to it.”
The Kaldorei raised the shadowed dagger over the heart and surgically carved an incision in the shape of a crescent moon. At first, the heart bled with tears of crimson, pooling the water with red ink. In a short moment, however, the heart withered and shriveled as a sickly, thick, yellow pus exited the moon-incision, which coated the top of the basin in a foul sludge.
Even with the miasma that exited the heart and entered the waters, Atvir retained his composure and immersed the rest of the heart within the afflicted pool. His blood-covered palm unfurled the second item in the bag - the dessicated hand from a Forsaken. He looked down at it for a moment and glared in disgust. As the rage swelled within him for a moment, he gently rested the decayed palm atop the floating heart.
“Horned Host, behold the Quarry, the very hand of those who would defile the Law of the Land in order to destroy our way of life. We seek your sight and swiftness to end those who would destroy ceaselessly. Lady Moonshadow, we have asked for far too much of you already, but we humbly seek your blessing to cloak us within your twilight so we may be unseen.”
As words were uttered, the water in the basin was consumed with the same blackened midnight that enveloped the dagger. Both hand and heart evaporated from the very waters, as if they were never there to corrupt anything at all. The dark currents swirled within the pool, followed by a subtle, white glow that began to radiate upon the very rim of the water.
Leafshadow raised his hood to join the procession. Antlers protruded from the sides of the hood in both reverence and to remind their quarry that the Horned Host was on their side. The attendees’ heads were all forcibly crooked upward as their eyes all glowed in unison. Nothing could distinguish pupil and iris as the eyes flashed with inky blacks and milky whites. The Great Eclipse’s shroud draped itself as a great cloak of shadow covered their figures.
The Ritual of the Ancient Hunt was completed. It was time to seek out the prey.
The memory receded, and Atvir was once again in Val’Sharah.
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ask-ethari-anything · 4 years
Are there familial markings? Like, are there certain patterns Runaan and his parents would share because they're family, or are the markings strictly personal? Are the bunch of Ethari-siblings also covered in swirlies? Would Rayla wear markings like yours or Runaan because you raised her? Tiadrin and Lain have very similar Mark's near their eyes, and you added to Runaan's chest swirl, so do spouses mark each other once they marry? I'm fascinated by the marks' meanings if you cant tell
You’re close, love. Moonshadow clans each have different facial patterns they choose from to represent themselves. My family all wear... yes, swirlies! In one style or another. *chuckles* My oldest brother has the biggest curlicues you’ve ever seen along the sides of his face, and he wears his hair pulled back into a braided topknot so everyone can see them. But he does it because he’s proud of our family, not because he’s proud of himself.
Runaan, Lain, and Tiadrin all wear split triangles. Rayla’s markings are closer to her parents’ markings because they’re on the outside of her eyes, rather than across the center like Runaan’s.
Facial markings are the personal ones. Arm markings are about what we choose to do in life, and that’s a whole other set of information. But any markings like Runaan’s Moon rune, hidden under his shirt, right over his heart... those are far more individual than even clan markings go. And that’s part of the reason they’re hidden. The collective always outweighs the individual in Moonshadow culture, even if that individual is sporting a pattern that proclaims his duty to everyone else. So if anyone gets to add anything to another elf’s markings, it’ll go somewhere special like that.
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A-Spire-ing to be Skywing
Today I'm nabbing eyedropper colors for a theory post that's gonna be so super gay, guys, but just now I noticed something interesting!
Good Goblin Hendyr here
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has slightly different vambrace armor than Lain and Tiadrin do.
It's mostly the same, with a dark base sporting some pink diamond decor and a folded bit near the elbow, and a pointed wrist bit. But Lain and Tiadrin are wearing spirals of yellow beads, and Hendyr isn't.
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I wonder if it's related in an angsty way to this:
Viren doesn't have his primal Sky stone anymore when he assaults the Storm Spire a second time, yet he encases Rayla in ice anyway.
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In the first few frames of the scene, you can see Viren crushing something and dropping it before releasing the ice spell.
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I always wondered where he got that little bit of Sky magic.
But now I'm wondering if he "salvaged" it from his last victims in the Storm Spire, because maybe it's one of the beads from Lain and Tiadrin's bead chains.
They're Moonshadow elves. They can't wield Sky magic. Unless, perhaps, the Dragon King and Queen gifted them a few strings of Sky-magic-infused jewels to use in defense of the egg of the Dragon Prince.
And then, Viren took at least one of the jewel beads and used it to trap Rayla in an Aspiro Frigis spell, just like he did with her parents. It's the circle of frost, baby.
But, angst aside, what a powerful addition to anyone's assets. Not just a single pendant like Ethari made for himself and Runaan, but a whole beaded string of Sky jewels? Wow! Such an esteemed gift seems fitting for non-Skywing elves who were found worthy of directly serving the Dragon Throne. I wonder if anyone else in all of Xadia has that much extra magic at their fingertips, primal stones aside.
That feels like something I want to poke at in Tales of Xadia, man. Questing for pretty magic power jewels? Ohoho, yes. *rubs hands eagerly*
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unavenged-robin · 4 years
Leaping and hopping on a moonshadow
or, the one where after a long, long time the Batman and The Red Hood meet on a rooftop. 
(Also on AO3 bc this stuff is long)
He had known from the very start of this particular mission that there would be very little need of secrecy involved, but the years of training under Batman and the League had shaped the way his body moved in such a deep manner that it was just too unnatural not to try to blend in with the shadows around him. Instead than controlling that impulse, it would be easier to go in the opposite way and make himself known; he could do it too: after all the Red Hood has not a common sight in Blüdhaven for some years now, but he isn’t a secret either and criminals usually have a long memory.
He still finds himself hesitating. And it’s not because of the Batmobile approaching on the street just across from the building he’s currently on top, no. Batman knows he’s here, it’s a legitimate assumption that he’s always aware of the Red Hood’s movements. He finds that he doesn’t mind it that much. Before, when he was still a kid, that constant surveillance had bothered him like nothing else had, but in time he’d got used to it. Now their paths had been severed for too long for it to be a problem or even a nuisance anymore. It’s just a reminiscence of that what was once done out of love and is now done out of suspect, fear, maybe anger. He, himself, had stopped caring a long time ago, he just finds it sad that the old man could not let it go.
Several floors beneath him, in the yard outside the antique shop he's keeping his eye on, three masked men start moving the crates from the storehouse into the back of a black van. The man he's here for tonight hasn't shown up yet, but he isn’t surprised about that, Owain Dorsey had a reputation for being a hard one to locate, and as much as it pains him to admit it, hearing about this operation was more of a stroke of luck than the result of months of hard research. Luck was also a debatable term in this case, since he would have very gladly avoided coming back on the continent, let alone on this very city. Sure, Gotham would’ve been worse, but given the circumstances, not even that much so.
He picks up the binoculars from the floor and scans the west side once more. Batman would come in from the north, unless he decides to go around the store, in which case he would have to find a way to distract him long enough to make sure he wouldn't go after Dorsey before him. He has no reason to believe Batman knows anything about his operation, but better be careful anyway: he knows there are other eyes around, and he knows they are no longer on his side (if they ever were, that’s it).
He checks the gun strapped to his left leg, making sure that the holster is unfastened, then he runs his gloved fingers along the edge of the katana at his other side. He’s not nervous about having to use either of them, but he’s not looking forward the discussion he’s going to have with Talia if any of this goes wrong. Not to mention the one he’s going to have with the asshole that is the new Demon’s Head, who’s never agreed with this plan to start with.
He sucks in a sharp breath, closes his eyes for the split of a moment and, finally, he jumps.
Batman gets there before him, which was somehow expected because if there’s a talent he can recognize to the man, it’s his timing: never there when you most need him, always in your way at the least opportune moment. He’s not too worried, though. Tonight should not be hard, there will be no killing involved and no moral conflict about what needs to be done. What he needs is one single information, and a bit of violence was never frowned upon too much, not even when he was a kid and the adults around him were so, so busy settling an example for him.
The back of the van spews out three more masked goons the exact moment Batman lands in the middle of the yard, and he smiles behind his helmet, looking at their guns. One of them is holding a gold plated Desert Eagle, and that’s what he was looking for: the stupid and very distinctive little quirk that had made Dorsey instantly identifiable, linking him to a series of robberies targeting antique shops and jewellery stores.
Batman doesn’t even look at him as they fight back to back against the small group of thieves. He tries to hold back enough not to cause serious damage, but all in all he doesn’t worry too much about the punches he’s landing: as long as the gun stays where it is, Batman shouldn't have anything to complain about. He keeps an eye on Dorsey, but doesn’t show too much interest in him either, merely knocking him back a few times.
“On your left”, Batman growls, and he ducks immediately, his body so trained he doesn’t even give himself the time to discuss the order. It upsets him a little that the instinct to obey that voice is still so strong in him, like it hadn't been years since he'd worn the Robin's costume, like all the blood and betrayal that has happened between then and now means nothing just because they’re together again. And he hates that a part of him really believes that, he hates that this feels so familiar it makes his heart hurt, he hates finding out that he had missed this.
“Think about yourself”, he growls back, and he takes advantage of the clumsy attack of one of his opponents to grab the man by the arm, twirl around on his feet, and throw him against Batman's back. Low blow, he knows, but if the old man hadn't seen it coming, it's not his fault.
Batman goes down on one knee for just one moment, and that’s all he needs. He grabs Dorsey by the collar of his jacket, pulls out his grappling hook and shoots it above their heads. They’re both gone in a matter of seconds, and Batman shouting behind him only adds some sweetness to his victory. He won’t be able to follow them right away, not with five other men trying to keep him on the ground.
He lands on the roof of the building that had served him as a point of observation all night long. The bag he had purposely left open is still there, sporting a few tools that would come quite handy in the unlikely event this discussion should not go down the way he wants it to. He makes sure Dorsey understands this by throwing him down on the concrete just next to the bag, his nose almost touching one of the sharp tips poking out of it.
“Where is it?”, he asks, the helmet warping his voice into a metallic rasp.
The mask on Dorsey’s face is long gone: small eyes stuck into a lump of fat vaguely shaped like a human face look up at him, bloodshot and scared.
“I don’t know what-”
He doesn’t give him the time to finish and pushes his right foot right into the man’s trachea long enough for the man's lips to take on a vague bluish tinge, as Dorsey wriggles underneath him and tries, without success, to get rid of the combat boot that is crushing him.
“The book”, he repeats in the same even, scary voice. “Tell me where it is, if you want to be still able to talk about anything ever again.”
He removes his foot, allowing the man to take in two quick breaths, and then, before Dorsey even tries to answer him, he thrusts the tip of his boot under the man’s chin, as a warning.
“If your next word is not the one I want to hear, I'll make you swallow your teeth”, he informs him. One thing he doesn’t dislike about his costume is the look on his opponents’ faces when they look at him and see nothing but their own reflections. He doesn’t need this kind of tricks to make sure they believe him when he threatens them, but surely it doesn't hurt.
Dorsey licks his lips, then swallows down, evaluating the chances that the Red Hood could maybe be bluffing. He’s not. They all should know that by now.
“Dishna”, he whispers.
“Egypt, then”, the Red Hood says. It makes sense. They already have a small contingent of people looking for the asset there. Talia will be happy to know she was right: cowards and traitors, when they don't know where to go, they always go back home.
The rustle behind him warns him of what’s about to happen. He’s quicker than the old man this time, and he gets to knock Dorsey unconscious with a well placed kick before the batarang flies so close to his face it actually make a small cut into his neck.
He rolls on his feet and takes himself to the other side of the roof before standing up to face his old mentor.
“Good evening”, he salutes him, making sure to sound as sarcastic as possible. “There are nicer way to say ‘welcome home’, you know.”
He brings a hand to his neck and withdraws it covered in blood. Not much, but still enough to annoy him. He had pointed out the flaw of an uncovered neck under a full-face helmet several times: that strip of naked skin is practically an invitation to be beheaded, but his predecessor had retorted that no one else was ever supposed to wear that costume apart from him - he least of all. Stupid Todd.
“Did you kill him?”, Batman asks.
“Unless you’ve gone blind in your old age, I’m pretty sure you can see he’s still breathing”, he answers coolly. “And you can take him and tie him up with the others, if you want, I have no use for him anymore.”
Clearly distrustful of that immediate hand-over, Batman takes a step closer to him.
“Then why did you take him?”
“That’s none of your business, I’m afraid. He’s alive and I’m not going to fight you for him, it should be enough for you to be happy”, he retorts. “It's definitely an improvement compared to the last time we saw each other, Grayson.”
That makes Dick stop, physically and mentally: he can see it. It’s been years, yes, but they can still read each other so well, it’s frankly unnerving.
“Take off that helmet”, Batman says. “Please, Damian.“
Damian pretends that the please is what persuades him to comply. The truth is that he’s never liked the constriction of that stupid thing all over his face, dulling his senses and forcing him to rely only on its technology - and as advanced as the League had made it, he still doesn’t entirely trust anything outside himself. The truth may also be that, after all these years, he wants to look at Grayson with his own eyes, and maybe, at the same time, he wants Grayson to look at his real face.
“Take off that cowl”, he still demands in return.
Grayson hesitates, but only for a moment. He pushes the Batman’s mask back with a sigh almost as satisfied as Damian’s. Before this moment he had never considered the fact that now both of them are wearing a costumes they never wanted in the first place. The irony of a vigilantes life, Damian supposes.
There are grey strands in Grayson’s hair now, and wrinkles around his eyes. Damian’s surprised to see him so old, to find out that time has left such an evident mark on him. Not that he expected to find him identical to how he remembered him but… almost, maybe. Not so similar to Father, that’s for sure.
“You look just like Bruce”, Grayson says softly, mirroring his thoughts. “I mean, you look more like him than before. It’s scary.”
Jason and his mother use the word unsettling instead of scary, but they say it in the exact same way as Grayson.
“It's not a pride of mine”, Damian answers sharply. “And I'm sure the feeling is reciprocated.”
Dick shakes his head.
“He misses you”, he answers, almost smiling, and he uses that gentle voice that Damian knows so well. “And so do I.”
“The feeling is not reciprocated.”
Dick takes another step towards him.
“Don’t”, Damian warns him, and his brother stops again.
So many times Damian had wished for this moment, and so many times he had imagined a reconciliation that he was not possible, but, more than that, so many times he had feared that Grayson would never even try to make it happen. Knowing that he was wrong is a small victory he doesn’t intend to share, not even with Grayson himself.
“How’s Jason?”, Dick offers after a moment of quiet.
Damian shrugs, feigning indifference. He could lie, or say anything else, but he doesn’t see the reason to do hide something that’s not going to be a secret for more than a few days.
“Sitting on Grandfather’s throne, last time I checked.”
It's a pretty hard blow to take, but Damian has to admit that Grayson cashes it with a certain grace.
“Is it true, then?”, Dick only asks. “Is he the new Demon’s Head now?”
“That’s what my mother has decided.”
And what a conversation that had been. Damian had never seen Jason so angry or Talia more unyielding. A clash of titans indeed.
Richard looks at him like he wants to say something but can’t bring himself to do so. Maybe because he doesn’t want to hurt him, maybe because he knows it’s not his place anymore.
“Are you okay with it?”
“He’s the one who killed Grandfather”, Damian answers. ���And I owe him enough not to kill him right away to take what's mine, at least.”
In truth he hasn't wanted his grandfather's throne since he was eight years old, but neither Grayson nor Todd need to know that, even if they had probably known even before Damian himself had realized it. He’d still like to keep both of them on their toes, if he can, and Talia would never forgive him for that unnecessary admission of abdication anyway.
Grayson doesn’t answer him right away, instead he kneels down next to Dorsey’s inert form and ties the man’s hands behind his back. He does it slowly, as if it were a difficult task that required a lot of his attention.
“Is it what you think?”, he asks eventually, when the last knots is tied, in a calm and almost curious tone. “That you owe Jason for what he did?”
Damian stiffens, immediately aware of the turn the conversation is going to take. This is what he had always wanted to avoid.
“He saved my life.”
“I know”, Dick answers.
“He saved my life when you and my father refused to.”
It hurts him to say it out loud. He hopes it hurts just the same for Richard to hear it.
Still on his knees, Dick looks up at him with a plea in his eyes.
“Don’t say it. We tried, kiddo. You ought to know that.”
Damian shakes his head, feels the sting of the cut on his neck and the deeper ache down in the pit of his stomach, that quiet rage that still tightens his throat like a knot on fire.
“You were never going to kill Ra’s”, he argues. “Neither one of you has ever even considered the idea.”
“That’s what you think.”
“That’s what I know”, Damian almost yell.
Grayson sits back on his heels, a position of surrender Damian doesn’t really want to see him in right now.
“Todd did what neither of you could”, he continues, cruel and honest. “And I owe him my life for it.”
Dick’s mouth twitches in a grimace that Damian is not able to identify. Could be guilt, could be anger, could be something else entirely.
“Is that what he told you?”, Dick asks.
Damian doesn’t like that implication at all.
“No. He never told me anything about it.”
It’s not completely true. It’s, in fact, a blatant lie. Jason had only spoken about it once, and Damian still remembers what he’d told him. It was his life or yours. It wasn’t a hard choice. And the simplicity of those words was the thing that had hurt him the most, at the time. Because he had known, right here and right there, that it was the same thing he would have done, and just as easily as Jason had done it, if it had been his choice, if it had been Richard’s, or Father’s, or even Todd’s or Drake’s life on the line. He would’ve killed for all of them, but only Jason would - and did - kill for him too.
And even at seventeen Damian had known that that limitations wasn't a proof that they didn't love him enough. They just loved him differently. But that only meant that the problem was not them but him, Damian, and how better solve it than by not leaving? Stay in the court where his Grandfather had dragged him, away from the family that had not come after him, claim the altar where his body had almost been sacrificed to the Demon’s Head glory as his own new throne. Back then it had made more sense to him than the idea to go back, like Jason had wanted him to.
So he’d stayed, and Jason had stayed with him, and Talia had made it work. And it had broke his heart to leave one family for the other, but he’d already learned oh so long ago that he could survive that particular pain, after all. And Talia was not Bruce, and Jason was not Richard, and Alfred was long gone by then, but Cassandra shows up at the new League’s quarters sometimes, and Drake and Brown still call him every now and then, and always, always, on his birthdays.
With Father and Richard there had been no other option but to cut ties, because anything else would’ve just hurt a lot more. And he had known from the very first time he had stolen Jason’s old Red Hood costume, that going around into the world with that helmet on his head was going to keep them away. He had wanted it. And that, he regrets sometimes. All these years gone by in silence, with this affection that still burns his anger to ashes. And all it took was seeing Batman once, for Damian to want to run into Dick’s arms just like he used to do as a kid, to want to see Bruce too, and to feel the warm weight of his father’s hand on his shoulder just one more time.
But a wish is only that, a whim of the imagination, and reality is quite a different thing.
Richard stands up and the Batman’s cape behind him twirls into the wind. Instinctively, Damian takes a step back.
“Stay”, Dick says, and it’s so out of the blue Damian almost believes he’s misheard.
“For the night”, Dick adds. “Let’s go home, Bruce will be so happy to-”
“I’m here on a mission”, Damian interrupts him. “And Gotham is not my home anymore.”
When Dick moves again Damian senses immediately what's about to happen. So he raises his hand to ask for one more moment of truce.
“If you try to stop me, we’ll have to fight”, he starts. “And whatever way it ends, I can promise it won't end the way you want it to.”
He can see the struggle behind Richard’s eyes, he can actually feel it like it were his own, and in some ways it is. Damian’s always had very few certainties in life, but Grayson’s love had always been one of those. He knows exactly how much his brother’s hurting right now, he knows what his instincts are yelling, what he wants to do, the things he wants to say. Because this fracture between them is not beyond repair, and they both know it. But what would a fight and then forgiveness bring at this point? Nothing but more pain.
And Dick knows this too, and that’s why he pulls the cowl back over his eyes.
“Say hello to Jason for me”, he says, as he lifts up the unconscious man over his shoulder.
“Will do”, Damian agrees.
He watches him jump then, and follows him with his eyes for a minute or two. It doesn't escape his attention that Batman doesn't tie up Dorsey with the other men - left in plain sight near their missed heist for the police to find - but that he pushes him inside of the Batmobile instead. Damian knows Grayson’s going to interrogate him, and he knows Dorsey will talk. It doesn’t matter. There’s no way they can stop them now, and ultimately, there’s no reason either for them to meddle with League’s business anymore.
He picks up the red helmet and pulls it over his head, hiding his face again.
It’s time to go back home.
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theredhairedmonkey · 4 years
What do you think will happen in "Through the Moon"?
Hmm, I’ve changed my mind a couple times as to what I think will happen, but I’ll let you know what I’m thinking right now, anon:
Since this story takes place in the Moon Nexus (and involves some kind of invitation for a ritual there), I imagine that some time must have taken place since the Battle of the Storm Spire. Just throwing out a number, I’ll guess that something like a year to 18 months have passed, which gives the trio enough time to change and adjust to the new peace they helped create.
So, some background on each of them before we dive into “Through the Moon.” All three are now living in Katolis.
Ezran is having a tough time, as he now has the most responsibilities of the three of them (oh, how the tables have turned). It turns out that Opeli’s “peace will require just as much strength as war” was not a joke. The battle to save Zym might have led to peace with the elves and dragons, but it has upended the entire world order. Katolis now has closer ties with the elves (the Sunfire elves in particular) and the Dragon King Azymondias than it does with several of the Human Kingdoms (particularly Neoloandia, which has cut off ties to Duren and Katolis after Prince Kasef’s death). 
The battle also shifted the balance of power; Katolis lost much of its army, while Duren, which suffered the fewest casualties, is now the strongest Human Kingdom and breadbasket for the Pentarchy. While Queen Aanya means well, King Ezran has been encouraged to allow General Amaya to rebuild the Katolian army. Additionally, racism against elves and dragons is a hard beast to overcome, and Ezran has been struggling with certain voices in his court that are urging him to take an aggressive stance against Xadia. Keeping these people pacified has been a challenge…especially now that Rayla is living in the capital as a permanent guest.
In spite of his age, Ezran is pretty much on top of this all—Corvus once commented that he had shown more “courage, strength, and grace than most leaders show in a lifetime,” and I think that will shine through here. He might not be the most learned or most well-informed person in the room, but he knows when to rely on experts and when to rely on his sense of right and wrong.
So, “Through the Moon” might show a little bit of that–how Ezran has begun to fill his father’s shoes (as well as make his own), how well he’s adjusted to being a ruler during peacetime, and how much he still has to grow.
Callum is a prince reborn. In just a few months after the battle, he quickly mastered Sky Magic in its entirety, even coming up with several new techniques along the way. He has also learned quite a bit about the other Primal Sources and their respective Arcana. Callum is also within striking distance of finally understanding the Moon Arcanum (more on that later).
He’s trying to help Ezran as best he can, but this “awkward step-prince” always had trouble succeeding at his princely duties, and that extends to administrative and political matters. He’s no Viren, and neither his personality nor his Sky Magic provides much help at court. His abilities are more physical than the creative, complex spells that Viren often does.
Instead, Callum finds that he’s most helpful outside and beyond the walls of the castle—this is, after all, where the sky is, and where Callum is at his strongest. He’s often flying to other towns, and helps the common people with building roads, constructing dams, clearing out fields for farmland, irrigation, and the like.
The people who knew him before are quite surprised by this change. He used to be this bookish artist boy who could barely hold up a sword, wearing a signature red scarf and blue jacket. Now, he’s a strong, confident mage, sporting sleeveless shirts that reveal elaborate runes on his arms. He can fly and is therefore more physically capable than any ordinary human in the kingdom. Many less tolerant people are also put off by how protective he is over his new elven, um, “friend” Rayla.
Now, on to Rayla. Hoo boy…
Here’s what we first hear about her—Only Rayla is still restless
At first, I was wondering why she was refusing to believe Viren is dead, when it seems everyone else is ready to move on. And then I remembered this scene:
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Viren: “I’ll return for you soon. It will be a pleasure to add one more Moonshadow elf to my collection”
Both her terrified expression and her registering what Viren is saying help explain why she’s so restless—whatever was in that bag must contain something related to other Moonshadow elves (either their remnants or their essence).
Then, when talking to Callum about what he saw in his spell, she’ll start to put two and two together. Even if he didn’t understand what he was seeing, he must have seen Lain and Tiadrin get coined by Viren.
Rayla doesn’t know if they’re dead or not, but she realizes she needs to find that bag. Maybe they can be revived, maybe they can’t. But the pain of not knowing is overwhelming.
She’s also probably fearful of the man himself. While she’s been overpowered before, she’s never been so helpless as she was before Viren. His “I’ll return for you soon” line stays with her, and not being able to confirm beyond a shadow of a doubt that this monster is gone will haunt her.
And to make matters worse, no one has been able to find Viren’s remains. Most assume his body was just lost, perhaps in a ravine somewhere. But Rayla needs to find his bag of coins. Combine that with the sheer terror she expresses in the scene above, she probably doesn’t fully believe that something like a fall could kill someone like Viren. And part of her hopes that’s the case; if she’s right, there’s a chance she can find her parents’ coins (and whoever else) and either revive them or, at worst, make peace with the fact that they are gone for good because the uncertainty is just that painful.
Without knowing for sure whether Viren, her parents or Runaan are gone, she’s lost. At least Callum, who tragically lost his parents, knows they are gone. There is a bit of solace in the finality of accepting your loved one’s passing. Rayla, on the other hand, is trapped between hope and fear. Hope that they may be alive, fear that she’ll never know.
Callum will pick up on the fact that something’s wrong, and Rayla will likewise let him in. She knows now that she’s safe around him. She can be vulnerable and scared and raw around Callum, because he will never think less of her, never judge her, and never love her any less.
And this is just something she will absolutely adore about him. Even though he’s incapable of giving her closure (even as a mage, he can’t just bring them back or give her an answer), he’ll always try to make her feel better, even if only by a little bit and for a short while.
Nevertheless, the three of them are called to an ancient ritual at the Moon Nexus. I’m guessing that, since there’s peace with Xadia, Lujanne either invites the trio back, or reveals the Moon Nexus to the Human world. In either case, there’s an invitation for Ezran, Callum, and Rayla to come back and take part in this ritual.
At some point, either by accidentally overhearing something or just from Lujanne explaining the ritual, she learns that the lake is a portal between life or death.
This is her chance, she thinks. This portal contains the answers to all the questions she’s been craving. The questions that have been eating away at her that no amount of “Big Feelings Time” has been able to ease.
Part of it is to see once and for all if Viren is dead, but the main reason is that she wants closure. She wants to know whether she needs to save her parents and Runaan or mourn for them. At least then, in either case, she can move on.
But the portal is unstable, and the ancient Moonshadow Elves who destroyed it never intended for it to be reopened. It seems as though Rayla will have to risk life and limb (and maybe not just her life and limb) to reopen the portal. I’d wager that, in the midst of the ceremony, she’ll jump right into the lake because, let’s face it, jumping into certain danger is something she’s used to at this point.
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And speaking of things certain characters are used to, Callum will for sure have another episode of “here I go doing something reckless to protect Rayla,” and follow her.
As a quick side note, if there’s a time for Callum to unlock the Moon Arcanum, it’s here. He’s already worked through his understanding of reality and appearance well enough to apply it when facing Sol Regem. He’s also cast his first Moon spell, and hence knows how it “feels” to do Moon magic. Just as with the Sky Arcanum, Callum’s got all the details he needs “swirling in his head,” and just needs a way to bring it all together.
But, for Rayla, this is very much an introspective journey– Will Rayla’s quest to uncover the secrets of the dead put her living friends in mortal danger?
I am very skeptical that we’ll learn Viren is alive before S4. That is such a huge reveal to occur before we even see the trio on screen! And to a lesser extent, I have a hard time imagining how S4 could start off with Rayla knowing that her parents and Runaan are indeed alive.
Instead, I imagine “Through the Moon” to be more of an introspective look into Rayla—How does she see the world? How does she see herself? What’s bothering her, and what does she do to overcome her internal strife?
This would honestly be a breath of fresh air—while S3 does a good job shining a light on Rayla, it’s mostly from Callum’s perspective (he notices her sobbing and goes to comfort her; he observes and comments how she’s a hero; he helps her work through her feelings about her parents).
This graphic novel is a great way to focus on Rayla’s perspective instead. Her journey at the end of S3 left us with a bit of a “now what”? So, this book might be a good way to begin answering that.
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theskyrimlibrary · 4 years
The Book of Daedra
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Azura, whose sphere is dusk and dawn, the magic in-between realms of twilight, known as Moonshadow, Mother of the Rose, and Queen of the Night Sky.
Boethiah, whose sphere is deceit and conspiracy, and the secret plots of murder, assassination, treason, and unlawful overthrow of authority.
Clavicus Vile, whose sphere is the granting of power and wishes through ritual invocations and pact.
Hermaeus Mora, whose sphere is scrying of the tides of Fate, of the past and future as read in the stars and heavens, and in whose dominion are the treasures of knowledge and memory.
Hircine, whose sphere is the Hunt, the Sport of Daedra, the Great Game, the Chase, known as the Huntsman and the Father of Manbeasts.
Malacath, whose sphere is the patronage of the spurned and ostracized, the keeper of the Sworn Oath, and the Bloody Curse.
Mehrunes Dagon, whose sphere is Destruction, Change, Revolution, Energy, and Ambition.
Mephala, whose sphere is obscured to mortals; known by the names Webspinner, Spinner, and Spider; whose only consistent theme seems to be interference in the affairs of mortals for her amusement.
Meridia, whose sphere is obscured to mortals; who is associated with the energies of living things.
Molag Bal, whose sphere is the domination and enslavement of mortals; whose desire is to harvest the souls of mortals and to bring mortal souls within his sway by spreading seeds of strife and discord in the mortal realms.
Namira, whose sphere is the ancient Darkness; known as the Spirit Daedra, ruler of sundry dark and shadowy spirits; associated with spiders, insects, slugs, and other repulsive creatures which inspire mortals with an instinctive revulsion.
Nocturnal, whose sphere is the night and darkness; who is known as the Night Mistress.
Peryite, whose sphere is the ordering of the lowest orders of Oblivion, known as the Taskmaster.
Sanguine, whose sphere is hedonistic revelry and debauchery, and passionate indulgences of darker natures.
Sheogorath, whose sphere is Madness, and whose motives are unknowable.
Vaernima, whose sphere is the realm of dreams and nightmares, and from whose realm issues forth evil omens.
[Especially marked for special interest under the heading “Malacath” you find a reference to SCOURGE, blessed by Malacath, and dedicated to the use of mortals. In short, the reference suggests that any Daedra attempting to invoke the weapon’s powers will be expelled into the voidstreams of Oblivion.]
“Of the legendary artifacts of the Daedra, many are well known, like Azura’s Star, and Sheogorath’s Wabbajack. Others are less well know, like Scourge, Mackkan’s Hammer, Bane of Daedra....”
“...yet though Malacath blessed Scourge to be potent against his Daedra kin, he thought not that it should fall into Daedric hands, then to serve as a tool for private war among caitiff and forsaken. Thus did Malacath curse the device such that, should any dark kin seek to invoke its powers, that a void should open and swallow that Daedra, and purge him into Oblivion’s voidstreams, from thence to pathfind back to the Real and Unreal Worlds in the full order of time.”
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