#moose vents
mooseonabreak · 13 days
Vent below cut. Read at own discretion. Been feeling frustrated lately and this side blog is the only way I feel I can let out my thoughts without forcing them on anyone.
I KNOWWW that I shouldn’t let anyone ruin my favourite characters/medias for me. I know!! But it’s always been so hard for me, especially now that I’m deciding which knickknacks I wanna keep or throw out or even just hide. Staring at my water bottle and feeling disgusted with a couple stickers on there because they’re of characters someone I used to love was obsessed with.
I liked those characters before they entered my life, but now I can’t help but feel sour over the stickers and how much they remind me of someone I thought I knew. I took a few stickers off and put them away in case I wanted to use them again in the future, but it sucks that I feel the need to hide them. Now there’s empty spaces on my bottle, and if it weren’t so annoyingly obvious and stupid to say, I’d ignore how those empty spaces look and feel like the space in my heart that used to be filled with nothing but love for this person who hurt me. I know this means I can add even more stickers to my bottle, and by extension, I have room left in my heart for people who won’t hurt me, but it fucking sucks.
I’m just rambling and being obnoxious rn ourghh sorry to anyone reading this. I’m feeling very bitter about a lot of things and a lot of signs I missed. Anyways stream Hozi–
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mooseonahunt · 4 months
As a kid, I used to be terrified that I’d be the reason my parents got divorced. As an adult, I’m kinda tempted to be the reason by whispering to my mom “you should leave him” any chance I get
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trippin-chippin · 2 months
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ocarasemcara · 2 months
Today I found a video on Tik Tok of someone using a very well done fanart of Sal from here on Tumblr (and probably on Pinterest too) to exude hatred towards other people in the fandom because of the ships and opinions. I know this fandom was never the greatest saint, but I feel like it used to be better than this. I also know that I'm not exactly a saint on this subject either, but the difference is that today I'm trying to change, but that's still a bad thing, yk?
I don't know, I just feel bad because this fandom was supposed to be a place where I felt good and comfortable (even because SF is my favorite and comforting game) and seeing that nowadays this fandom is like this makes me feel bad. Idk, maybe i'm just too sensitive
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minimoosedraws · 9 months
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ohbandera · 2 years
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Fuck around
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miniimoose · 7 months
I have to pre-record myself answering questions for this freaking job application. I hate this soooo much
It's just for a 2 day a week shit kicker job at the supermarket down the road.... Why can't I just walk 200 meters to the store for an in person group interview instead??? Why are u making me set up a webcam and make a video.... UGH
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steampunk-ghostxx · 2 days
This week has been an absolute fucking rollercoaster.
Sunday was a baby shower for my two gay bosses and I won two of the games at the shower
Monday was my 26th birthday and I got to see two friends for the first time in a few years and explore a state park (and saw a moose).
And then Wednesday my cat Yin was suddenly lethargic and wouldn't eat, drink water, or go to the litterbox. Got him into a vet finally after work yesterday (Friday) and he has pancreatitis. I have three medications and fluids (to give via needle) for him every day for five days. He's already showing improvement after day one, so I'm v hopeful for a fast recovery, but I'm still worried and have been insanely worried about him in general since I noticed he wasn't being himself.
I have barely slept more than 6 hours all week and my body hurts so bad I feel like I've gotten hit by a truck. Work was also busy most of the week, including today which was so stupidly busy I was on the verge of tears multiple times.
I need like an entire week off from everything after Yin's treatment and he's better.
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insurguitor · 2 months
I don't think I ever shared this-
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Here's Moose and his Moose Hole
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mooseonahunt · 16 hours
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moose-from-animals · 4 months
I’m still awake…
……..I have so much work I need to get done
…………….im scared, I think. It’s hard to tell how I feel this late at night.
I know everything is going to be okay, in the end. In less than three weeks this will all be over.
It’s not stopping me from worrying, though.
I want it to be over and done with.
Tavish has sprawled across my chest. The warmth is comforting and makes it easy to breathe. And Ginger is sleeping peacefully. She’ll get her morning walk tomorrow. Derecho is watching me.
……I’m going to try and sleep now. Goodnight rotumblr.
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moos3-th3-goos3 · 4 months
is it normal that I feel "not queer enough" to be in queer spaces and interact with queer posts? I'm transmasc, my genitals are nobodies business, and I have a girlfriend- I feel like I'm not queer enough to interact with queer posts, because I'll just be seen as a straight man :^
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sirlemoose · 5 months
I already got problem with the nerves in my hands now im sick somehow on top of it but i still need to do all i have to do for the thesis + a seminar (why did i apply....)
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ohbandera · 2 years
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Bad attitude
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miniimoose · 1 year
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You ever want to just blend your brain into paste?
Couldnt sleep last night so I got up at 3am and drew this, got back in bed, and passed out
Full page under the cut for those interested
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whole sketch page :)
i forgot to draw on the markings/spots on my bunny but thats fine
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wolfman-type-shit · 6 months
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