#morally ambiguous deceit
luna-azzurra · 4 months
What Makes a Character an Evil?
A character is typically identified as a devil based on a combination of traits and attributes that align with historical, mythological, and literary representations of such beings.
Supernatural Origins and Powers: Devils often originate from otherworldly realms, such as hell or infernal dimensions. They possess supernatural abilities that surpass human capabilities, such as shape-shifting, manipulating elements, or controlling minds.
Malevolent Intent: Central to a devil's character is a fundamentally malevolent nature. They seek to cause harm, sow chaos, or corrupt others, often reveling in the suffering they inflict. Their actions are driven by a deep-seated evil that contrasts with more ambiguous or morally complex antagonists.
Deceptive and Manipulative: Devils are masters of deceit. They often use cunning and manipulation to achieve their goals, preferring to corrupt and coerce rather than use brute force. This might involve tempting individuals with promises of power, wealth, or forbidden knowledge.
Moral Corruption and Temptation: One of the devil's most iconic roles is as a tempter, leading individuals astray from moral paths. They exploit human weaknesses, encouraging greed, lust, pride, and other vices, ultimately aiming to corrupt souls.
Physical Appearance: Traditional depictions of devils often include distinctive physical traits that evoke fear and revulsion. This can include horns, tails or red skin, and other demonic features. However, some devils may appear deceptively attractive or benign, hiding their true nature.
Symbolism and Allegory: Devils frequently serve as symbols of ultimate evil and moral degradation in literature and art. They embody the struggle between good and evil, often representing the darker aspects of human nature and the consequences of succumbing to one's basest desires.
Opposition to Divine Forces: Devils are often depicted as adversaries to divine or holy beings, such as angels or gods. Their rebellion against order and goodness positions them in direct opposition to forces of light and virtue.
A character becomes a devil not just through their supernatural traits, but through their embodiment of ultimate malevolence, manipulation, and moral corruption. They challenge protagonists not only physically but also ethically, making them powerful and enduring symbols of evil in storytelling.
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lxdyred · 2 months
By order of the King
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader, Helaena Targaryen x Niece!Reader (Possibly in the future), Aegon Targaryen x Niece!Reader (Possibly in the future)
WC: 2.4k
Summary: Amidst political turmoil and family feuds, the only and eldest Velaryon daughter, struggles through a tumultuous marriage arranged for strategic gain that quickly escalates into betrayal and tragedy. As she grapples with grief and tensions mount, she faces heartache and sorrow, she grapples with her future as a looming conflict threatens to engulf her in a web of deceit and fear.
Warnings: Mature themes, sexual content (mentioned and lightly described), power dynamics, toxic relationship, violence and death, incestuous overtones, emotional turmoil, psychological themes, character deaths, ambiguous morality.
If you wish to be tagged let me know :)
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Not only was war about to break out, ready to blow everything up — including the Targaryen dynasty. Her damn marriage of convenience was also about to explode.
It was King Viserys, her grandfather, who proposed the marriage between his eldest granddaughter and his second son, Aemond Targaryen. The idea was not well-received by any of the black team's supporters, especially Rhaenyra Targaryen, but having to ensure that her son Luke was the heir to Driftmark, she had to give in and betroth her firstborn and only daughter, her dear baby girl.
Not everything was disadvantageous, since having her younger half-brother married to her daughter would bind and commit the greens to seeing her as the future queen.
Or so they all briefly thought, until the King's death.
"The rift in our family will heal, and we will be more united." This was what Viserys the Peaceful said, with difficulty, as he received Rhaenyra and Daemon, and all their progeny, at court for the first time in six years.
The wedding was held that same afternoon, privately. Only the closest to the king attended the ceremony. His children, his wife, his grandchildren, his nieces, the Hand, and Princess Rhaenys. Shortly after, he succumbed to pain, having to be taken to his quarters where he drank milk of the poppy to be able to sleep.
The Hightowers thought this would benefit their discussion about Driftmark's inheritance the next day. Without the king present, they could declare Vaemond Velaryon as heir to his brother, the Sea Snake, who was still hovering between life and death. And, in a way, they could more freely insinuate the illegitimacy of Rhaenyra's elder children. Killing two birds with one stone.
"Now you are a recognized Targaryen, despite your illegitimate descent, wife." These were the first venomous words Aemond addressed to his now wife for the first time in years. "I will make sure you do not follow your mother's path, that the children you carry in your womb are mine, and no one else's." He murmured, while caressing his wife's dark hair, a certain warmth and delicacy in the act.
"I would never think of it, my prince." She whispered, carefully watching his movements as he circled her.
As if she were his prey.
"Do you know what comes next? What is expected of you on our wedding night?" He asked, tilting his head, once he stood in front of her.
"To consummate our union, to give you an heir."
"Hm." He hummed. "I will not be harsh with you, I will be gentle. Until you ask me not to be."
There was no love between them, not even the slightest hint of the friendship that once existed in their childhood. She would be lying if she said he did not keep his word. He was not rough or harsh with her, but considerate and gentle. The union brought something she did not expect, pleasure.
She felt a lot of pleasure; he gave her pleasure. She supposed it was to keep her satisfied, so she wouldn't seek comfort in another man's arms, thus avoiding the possibility and shame of bastards.
Bastards of a bastard, it sounded ironic.
Once he finished inside her, after making her climax three times, he caressed her face, looking attentively at how her face reflected pleasure and satisfaction. Then he got off her, dressed, and left her alone in her room, without a word.
A few days later, her mother, her brothers, Daemon, and her stepsisters had to return to Dragonstone, leaving her in that place infested with snakes and traitors — without knowing what was to come.
Her grandfather died that very night, and the next day, not even a full day later, they crowned Aegon as king in the Dragonpit, in front of the entire people. Placing the conqueror's crown on his head, wielding his sword to the cheers of the people.
She could only bite her tongue and dig her nails into her skin until she bled, while averting her gaze. Not recognizing her uncle, the usurper, as king.
That night, when her husband visited her chambers to have sex with her again, as expected of him, as had been the case every night since they married, it was she who took control. It was she who set the pace and used him, leaving behind the gentleness he had previously offered her. It was she who began to be harsh.
Their encounters became rough and hard, with no room for frills or romance. After all, that was the only way she had to vent.
They did it, finished, and each went their separate ways.
In less than a month she was already pregnant.
"Blessed be the gods for this good news." Was what Alicent Hightower said upon receiving the news, while taking the hands of her young daughter-in-law. "Viserys would be delighted with this news. Finally, the Seven smile upon us."
"Do you think? I think they mock us." She whispered, tears in her eyes.
She wanted to go home, to find comfort in her mother's arms, who should be the queen of the Seven Kingdoms and sitting on the Iron Throne.
From the day they received the news, Aemond stopped visiting her at night, and she spent hours staring at her bed canopy, caressing her still nonexistent baby bump. The life growing inside her was the only thing she had in that cold place.
How she longed to talk to her mother freely, but of course, writing to her and sending a raven at that time, without supervision, without practically the entire king's small council approving it, could be considered treason. And to think of proposing to visit her, by the Seven Gods.
What a fucking mess.
Days went by, her loneliness grew, her breasts became more sensitive, her aversion to certain smells became more noticeable. Still, the only pleasant company she had and found some comfort in was Helaena and her children.
Beings of light, innocent and joyful.
"How are things with my brother?" Helaena asked while observing the cages in which she kept some insects.
"He usually asks about how I am feeling, how the pregnancy is going — but other than that, we do not... interact. We practically live separate lives."
"Does he not discuss his duties with you?"
"The bare minimum. I only know that today he is leaving for Storm's End, to speak with Borros Baratheon."
"Oh." Helaena said, looking at her with an expression she couldn't decipher.
"What is it?"
"It is just that I feel a storm is coming. I do not know, it is strange."
"But the skies are clear, Hel?"
And the storm came, just as Helaena had said.
The next morning she woke up later than usual, none of the maids who usually attended to her came to wake her, which made her wonder why no one had disturbed her until then. She tried to dismiss the thought, leaning towards the belief that they were simply letting her rest due to the lack of energy she felt because of the pregnancy.
When she left her room to meet Helaena and have breakfast with her, she encountered one of the Kingsguard, Ser Arryk Cargyll, who had been patiently waiting for her, for who knows how long.
"Did Helaena send you for me?" The young princess asked doubtfully, as it was usually not Ser Arryk who escorted her anywhere.
"No, princess." Replied the sworn knight softly. "The queen mother sends me; she is waiting for you to meet her and Prince Aemond in her apartments." He said, pointing out the path they were to take, a fleeting, small, empathetic smile adorning his face as if he were trying to hide something.
"Has something happened, Ser Arryk?" She asked as they walked towards Alicent Hightower's apartments. Uncertainty gripped her, for each time they encountered someone from the court, or a servant or guard, they averted their gaze from the young woman, as if not wanting to reveal something. "Have I been accused of treason or something?" The young woman murmured with a mix of doubt and jest, stopping and looking at the Cargyll twin.
"Not at all, princess." The man replied, shaking his head. "The reason for the audience will be revealed when we arrive, I promise."
"Has someone died, by any chance?" The young woman asked, the question hanging in the air.
Ser Arryk did not respond, simply escorting her to the queen mother's chambers. Where, indeed, she discovered that someone had died.
Her baby brother, Luke. At the hands of her own husband, ironically.
With one hand over her mouth and the other over her stomach, she shook her head, under the watchful eyes of Aemond, Alicent, Otto, Aegon, and Ser Criston. She leaned against the brick wall of the queen's chambers, her gaze passing over each of the people present, her tears welling up in her eyes, and the words unable to pass her throat, where she felt a tight knot.
Alicent tried to approach her, raising a hand to touch her shoulder in consolation. "Oh, sweet girl, this was—" she tried to speak, as she finished approaching her.
The young woman, with a slap, pushed her hand away and took a few steps back to distance herself. Now, with tears streaming down her cheeks, blurring her vision, she clumsily opened the door and briskly set off towards anywhere far from any of them.
Without a fixed direction, she turned every corner she encountered until an overwhelming urge to vomit flooded her, and she ended up clutching a large decorative urn, where she emptied her stomach. Amidst the vomiting and retching, she felt a hand rubbing her back in support.
“No, no—” she tried to speak as she pulled away from the person, slightly dragging herself on the ground, wiping her lips with the sleeve of her dress. “No, please,” she whispered through tears, her eyes closed.
“I do not like feeling sick either.”
“What— Jaehaerys…” she whispered the boy’s name, who brought his little hand to her face and wiped away a tear.
“Does your tummy hurt, Auntie?” asked the little boy, who was kneeling beside her, his head tilted and looking at her with concern. Innocence was all that reflected in the eyes of the usurper's progeny.
“A little, yes. Something did not sit well with me, little one.” The young woman sniffed and tried to smile at the boy as best she could.
“Jaehaerys.” Helaena called to her young son, and seeing how he tried to comfort the princess, she approached them, kneeling in front of the duo. “Why don’t you go play with your sister, hm? I shall stay and take care of her, yes?”
The silver-haired boy looked at his mother and then at his aunt, who was still giving him a small smile, even though her lower lip was trembling. He nodded and looked at the small wooden dragon he had in one of his hands before placing it in the young princess’s hand.
“You can keep it until you feel better.”
“Thank you, little prince.”
“Maybe playing with it will help you.” He murmured before standing up and running towards one of the servants who took care of Helaena’s children.
The usurper’s wife, whom she had adored since childhood, helped her up from the ground, and with an arm around her, while she cried silently, accompanied her to her room, where she broke into almost agonising, pain-filled sobs. Helaena sat at the foot of the young woman’s bed while she cried with her head in her lap, broken with grief.
For hours, the one considered the new queen, with a pure heart and only good intentions, stayed in the same position, doing everything in her power to calm and console her dear one, who was her sister-in-law, niece, and friend, all in one person. She stroked her long hair while trying to offer comforting words; the young Velaryon, slightly younger than her, could only cling to her waist with one arm, while in the other hand she held the wooden dragon that little Jaehaerys had given her. She kept her face hidden in Helaena’s lap, crying and crying, until finally, she fell asleep from crying and sobbing so much.
“Leave. Have you not made her suffer enough?” she thought she heard Helaena say sharply, something that very rarely happened, in the distance of her dream.
She knew that the one who was now definitely her only trusted person in the place had just thrown out her husband, the murderer of her younger brother.
Aemond did not manage to articulate a word to excuse himself when he showed up, merely mumbling under his breath, his gaze fixed on his beautiful wife, clinging to the body of his sister.
Helaena gave him a fierce, defiant look, insisting without repeating her words that he leave, which he eventually did. The slam of the door behind him woke the princess, who turned her head and stared at the door.
“Do not worry, he is gone now,” murmured Helaena, looking at her with sadness and empathy, still stroking her hair.
“I do not know what I am going to do,” whispered the young Velaryon, her voice hoarse from crying so much, as she lowered her hand to her belly, where her baby was growing.
That creature, who was also the progeny of a Kinslayer, the prince with one eye. The person she could most despise at that precise moment.
The mere thought of being responsible for giving him a child, something that was already happening, made her blood boil and filled her with deep disgust for the situation.
And indirectly, a certain rejection, towards her unborn child.
She was condemned to spend the rest of her days with him, bound to him, because of her condition. Because of the son or daughter who had not yet been born, but soon would be.
She was in that position by the decision of Viserys, her late and naïve grandfather. “By order of the king…” she murmured sarcastically, as she felt the tears well up in her eyes again.
By order of the late king, she was in that situation, but that would not stop her from making things difficult for Aemond.
A shadow began to loom over her, just as the war that was about to be declared.
Although, to be honest, they were all screwed.
So royally fucked.
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sonics-atelier · 5 months
For the People who think Elain will be Evil in the upcoming book :
Masterlist, Reasons why Elain is unlikely to turn evil in the next book:
1. Evolving Attitude : Elain used to harbor hatred towards the fae, similar to Feyre and Nesta, but she has since shown a willingness to help and appreciation for their customs while Azriel harbors negative feelings towards an entire race , many of them innocent , and does nothing to help them get better .
2. Compassionate Actions : Despite Azriel's negative feelings towards the Illyrians, Elain has not exhibited any such biases and has shown compassion towards others, including her efforts to help those in need.
3. Absence of Violent Tendencies : While Azriel has displayed violent behavior, such as nearly choking Eris to death, Elain has not shown any inclination towards such actions.
4. Internalized Issues : Azriel is depicted as harboring the most internalized issues among the characters, whereas Elain does not display similar signs of internal turmoil or bitterness.
5. Lack of Manipulative Behavior : Elain does not exhibit manipulative behavior or deceitfulness, contrasting with Azriel's ability to manipulate conversations and hide his true feelings.
6. Communication Style : Azriel struggles to open up and communicate openly with others, even to his close friend Cassian, whom he has known for 500 years , while Elain does not demonstrate similar difficulties in communication.
7. Allying with Questionable Characters : Elain is unlikely to ally with morally questionable characters, such as those who kidnap innocent individuals, which is not consistent with her character traits.
8 . Rejection of Prejudice : Elain does not display prejudice or hatred towards specific groups, unlike Azriel who harbors animosity towards the Illyrians based on their heritage.
9. Empathy and Kindness : Elain is characterized by her empathy and kindness towards others, traits that are not indicative of a potential descent into evil or villainy.
10. Consistency in Characterization : The narrative portrays Elain as a compassionate and caring individual, whereas Azriel's characterization includes traits that may lead to morally ambiguous actions, suggesting that Elain is unlikely to undergo a sudden transformation into a villainous figure.
Conclusion : No Elain isn't evil but I do wish She'd whack some individuals who require it .
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zalrb · 4 months
Would it be fair to say that Stefan had some kind of a Madonna whore complex with Katherine/Elena. (Not a Stelena anti, just wanted to hear your thoughts on this)
The stark differences in Stefan's relationships with Katherine and Elena suggest that he does exhibit signs of the Madonna-Whore complex. hear me out for a second..
As you're probably aware, Madonna whore complex describes the idea of feeling less sexual arousal and more lovey duvey feelings for a woman perceived as pure, and intense sexual arousal for a woman perceived as fallen or debased.
Katherine embodies the archetypal 'Whore' in Stefan's eyes. She is portrayed as sexually liberated, manipulative, and morally ambiguous. Stefan's intense sexual attraction to Katherine is evident, but it is coupled with disdain and mistrust. He acknowledges her prowess in bed and is undeniably drawn to her sexually, but this is paired with a persistent inner voice that views her as untrustworthy and immoral.
A pivotal moment that showcases this dynamic is in Season 2, when Stefan and Katherine are trapped in the caves. The tension between them is palpable, and Stefan’s struggle is evident—while he is drawn to Katherine's seductive nature and provocative demeanor, he simultaneously resents her manipulative and deceitful behavior. Every time I watched their dynamic unfold I used to get this vibe of Stefan thinking "I'm attracted to her but she sure is poison for me." Almost like he felt he was is just too moral to love someone that duplicitous and manipulative.He initially "loved" her because he thought she was an "angel", he loved the sweet/innocent/perfect image she portrayed. once she showed anything else, he couldn’t accept it. She became a monster to him.
And the reason he fell in love with Elena was because she was "the opposite of everything Katherine ever was." He fell for the sweet/innocent/perfect image once again (the ‘exact opposite’ of katherine). That’s definitely enforced by the fact that elena was human, which automatically made her pure and perfect in stefan’s eyes. since elena was ‘the opposite’ of katherine, and human (which is automatically ‘good’ according to stefan logic), she could do no wrong.For better or for worse, Stefan places a lot of value on character.
Beyond their sexual encounters, Stefan’s treatment of Katherine on a non-sexual level is filled with scorn and a lack of genuine respect. He sees her as a fallen woman, whose value is diminished by her moral failings, reinforcing the idea that he views her through the 'Whore' lens of the complex.
Elena Gilbert - The 'Madonna'
In contrast, Elena is the epitome of the 'Madonna' in Stefan's life. She is perceived as pure, virtuous, and deserving of his love and respect. Stefan's relationship with Elena is characterized by deep emotional intimacy and a protective, almost reverential attitude.Stefan is about what will bring Elena peace of mind, what is important to Elena, what would Elena want, what would Elena need, what would Elena’s life be like, what is the aftermath of a decision.
Sexual Dynamic: While Stefan does feel sexual attraction towards Elena, the nature of their sexual relationship is different. It almost felt like his respect and admiration for her purity and goodness temper his sexual desire, often resulting in a less primal and more tender expression of their intimacy. Stefan views Elena as pure, virtuous, and inherently good. His love for her is deep, respectful. This is further supported by their gentle, coming together, transcendental, connective, we-are-one, let me discover every inch of you, be with you, be inside you, soulful lovemaking sex.
The difference in Stefan’s sexual dynamics with Elena and Katherine can be illustrated by comparing intimate scenes with both women. With Elena, the moments are tender and filled with love, whereas with Katherine, the encounters are charged with raw sexual energy but underscored by a lack of deeper emotional connection.
Internal Struggle: Stefan's interactions with Katherine reveal a struggle between his lustful desires and his moral repulsion. This internal conflict is a hallmark of the Madonna-Whore complex.
I ask this because I've heard irl personal experiences. (I would love to hear your thoughts)
*Deep sigh* OK. So, if you spent a little time on my blog, like ten minutes even, you had to know I would disagree with this reading. The primary problem with the Katherine aspect of this ask is the complete disregard for the fact that she ruined his human life
once she showed anything else, he couldn’t accept it. She became a monster to him.
Is that what happened? Or did she bite him
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compel his obedience
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compel him to drink her blood
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compel him to keep it a secret from Damon
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and start a war in his town in which he died?
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You make it seem as if Stefan simply looks at her as the "whore" because he finds her desirable but immoral for "reasons":
he acknowledges her prowess in bed and is undeniably drawn to her sexually, but this is paired with a persistent inner voice that views her as untrustworthy and immoral [...] Every time I watched their dynamic unfold I used to get this vibe of Stefan thinking "I'm attracted to her but she sure is poison for me." Almost like he felt he was is just too moral to love someone that duplicitous and manipulative.
when he doesn't see her as a "whore" but his anger and disdain is because he experienced severe trauma because of her -- trauma that she continues to inflict in the present
[...] she hijacks Elena’s body in season 5 and attempts to seduce him even though that is unbelievably fucked up, she doesn’t think about the consequences that would cause for Stefan and how that would mess with his head.
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It’s why in season 2 she threatens to kill Elena while he watches if he doesn’t break up with her.
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which keeps him from fully trusting her because of course it would. She has manipulated or attempted to manipulate key aspects of his life and when that doesn't work, she physically harms him
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A pivotal moment that showcases this dynamic is in Season 2, when Stefan and Katherine are trapped in the caves. The tension between them is palpable, and Stefan’s struggle is evident—while he is drawn to Katherine's seductive nature and provocative demeanor, he simultaneously resents her manipulative and deceitful behavior.
Is this actually true, though? Or are you referring to the part of 2x11 that Katherine puts in his head in an attempt to seduce him? Because this
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is all a part of the sex scene, which is a part of Katherine's mind games
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Because outside of that sequence, whatever tension there is -- and I actually don't think there is any narratively, Dobsley chemistry is a different story -- comes about because he is playing her for information.
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He initially "loved" her because he thought she was an "angel", he loved the sweet/innocent/perfect image she portrayed.
Again, is that true? Before they get together physically, before she bites him, before she compels him, she makes a mockery of rules
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she's heavy with the innuendo
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He was was always attracted to how free-spirited and impulsive and fun she was, that's clear. Understandably, his feelings changed after she did what she did to him. It's not a loss of innocence, rather a betrayal of trust.
Yet, as season 5 indicates, Stefan still views her as someone worthy of compassion and sympathy and grace
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So, no. I don't take the argument. I don’t think he has a “whore” complex with her, I think he sees her as a person who has caused him serious harm.
I definitely don't take the "Madonna" argument for Elena.
He fell for the sweet/innocent/perfect image once again (the ‘exact opposite’ of katherine).
Again, is this true? Or did he fall in love with a person who wouldn't do something like compel the person she supposedly loved to be with her, to die for her (that's what her compelling Stefan to drink her blood implies, that she was going to turn him into a vampire without his actual consent) because while Elena is flawed, she isn't meant to be an inherently selfish character? Did he fall in love with someone who, like him, places value in friends and family and who will do what she can to protect them instead of abandoning them?
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Unlike Katherine
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Could it be that that's what he meant when he said "you are the opposite of everything she was" and not oh my god she's so pure and innocent and sweet?
For better or for worse, Stefan places a lot of value on character.
Character. Not idealizations.
Sexual Dynamic: While Stefan does feel sexual attraction towards Elena, the nature of their sexual relationship is different. It almost felt like his respect and admiration for her purity and goodness temper his sexual desire, often resulting in a less primal and more tender expression of their intimacy.
Honestly, speak for yourself? We could talk about the fact that when she is a vampire and can physically handle the extent of Stefan's primal nature, they go for it
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and he gets off on her primal nature
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but the show deliberately made them not have sex as vampires so she could have that experience with Damon.
But really, my thing is wanting to fuck in her parents bedroom
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Being so loud that Jenna can hear even though they're supposed to be broken up
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Having sex and not caring that Damon can hear -- which was her idea and which turns him on, which is why he laughs before they go under the covers --
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speaks to something primal to me. Buuuuuuut that's just me, I guess.
And I already did a post on the evolution of "assertive Stefan"
Idk, I find too many holes in this argument personally.
Perhaps an argument could be made that the show frames them as the Madonna/Whore dichotomy from how they dress, to how they use or don’t use their sexuality, to their dialogue, to their morals, but that’s the show and how the showrunners/writers/creators develop the characters and not Stefan and how he views them. And I don't necessarily agree with that argument either but that's less of a stretch for me.
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celestialastronmy · 8 months
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I wanted to talk about more characters. One such character is Nikolina Pavlova, whose involvement in the incident aboard the SS Burya serves as a focal point for ethical contemplation.(She's the youngest culprit on record in Ace Attorney's universe, and her story is sticky, to say the least)
Her involvement in the incident aboard the SS Burya further complicates her character. When a fellow passenger, Kazuma Asogi, discovers her, she accidentally knocks him out in a panic. This act, driven by fear, results in tragic consequences as Asogi is found dead the next morning. Here, the game delves into the realm of moral responsibility. Can Nikolina be held morally responsible for a death she didn't intend?
Moreover, after Asogi's death, Nikolina makes the decision to hide the truth, further entangling herself in the web of deceit. Her actions lead to the protagonist, Ryunosuke Naruhodo, being accused of murder. This decision clearly crosses a moral line. She knowingly lets an innocent man take the fall for a crime he didn't commit to protect herself.
As we delve deeper into Nikolina's character, it's worth noting that The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles makes a conscious effort to humanize her instead of relegating her to the role of a mere antagonist. Her backstory, revealed in snippets throughout the game, paints a picture of a young girl trapped in a life she didn't choose and yearning for freedom. This narrative choice encourages the player to empathize with her, adding another layer of complexity to the moral questions her actions raise.
The game also explores the ethical implications of her decision to smuggle her pet kitten, Darka, aboard the SS Burya. The kitten's presence on the ship is against the rules, but Nikolina's decision to risk her own safety for Darka's reflects her compassionate nature. This seemingly innocuous act carries significant ethical weight. It prompts us to consider the lengths we might go to protect those we care about and whether such actions can be justified even when they break the rules.
In retrospect, Nikolina's actions also raise moral questions about the societal conditions that forced her into her predicament. The game subtly critiques the rigid structures and norms that stifle individual freedom, leading individuals like Nikolina to take drastic, ethically ambiguous actions. This critique compels us to consider our role in upholding or challenging these structures in our own societies.
Moreover, the game doesn't let Nikolina off the hook for her actions. Her actions have dire consequences, and she's eventually forced to confront the truth. This narrative decision underscores the game's commitment to grappling with the consequences of our actions, a cornerstone of ethical consideration.
The game's treatment of Nikolina's actions also highlights the importance of context in ethical decision-making. While her actions might seem clearly wrong in isolation, understanding her motivations and circumstances complicates our moral judgments. This nuanced approach to morality reflects real-world ethical dilemmas, where context often blurs the lines between right and wrong.
In conclusion, the exploration of Nikolina Pavlova's actions within The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles serves as a compelling study of the ethical and moral complexities inherent in our decisions. The game skillfully uses its narrative to provoke thoughtful consideration of these dilemmas, challenging players to question their own understanding of ethics and morality. Despite her flawed decisions, Nikolina remains a deeply human character, a testament to the game's nuanced storytelling. This depth of character exploration, coupled with the challenging moral questions it raises, makes The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles a standout title in the realm of narrative-driven games.
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Moxxie Redesign🎵🐊
Made my own version of Moxxie for Fun!🎶
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I like Moxxies design! It’s very cute and gives off music conductor/thespian vibes well with the bow tie and coattails🎵🎶🎭
Biggest change I did was make him a Greed/Wrath type like Striker, but instead of being snake based, he’s a crocodile 🐊(My Crim’s def a croc!!!). Gave him a snout, claws, teeth, spikes, gave him more brownish yellow skin tones, colored his hair and gave him a thicker tail and legs. Didn’t add the eye rings, just slit pupils, but I can see them form when he’s angry or focusing on something, similar to how Moxxies sclera turns red when angry or alarmed.
Fun fact Crocodiles r asscociated with things like destruction, deceit and greed, fitting for his family origins on his dads side and Crocodiles, among other exotic animals are associated with the mob. But they can also mean good things such as protection, strength and adaptability. They can also mean things like ambiguity & duality, showing how Moxxie struggles with his identity and where he lies but can still be different from his father! It’s all up to him on the type of imp he wants to be.
Kept the music conductor vibe and added more such as leg spats, a vest and cute music note cufflinks🎶(Perhaps a gift from Millie) but also allude to slight Godfather vibes with the suit and red pin to allude a rose🌹. Show his origins being in organized crime with how sharp and well dressed he is. @a-sterling-rose pointed this out and how this connects him well with Blitz who also tries to move on from his past but can’t go cold turkey from the aesthetic fully.
Made his suit more gray to give off how he’s the more morally conflicted of I.M.P, trying to be more moral. Also went for more light goldish yellow to give off his sweet but timid nature, plus to give off Greed origins(eye for gold 🏆🌟👑).
Made his hair a bit more wavy to give off his mom’s more. Also colored it more, having his father’s genes.
Added more freckles along his snout.
Curved his nostrils to give off a slight devil horns 👿, to push him being Hellborn.
Gave him a pin for his association with I.M.P. Ngl Lovesart23 pin def stuck in my head for this, just fits for him very well.
Went with smaller horns, pointed them to give off music notes 🎶
Made him a bit more on the chubbier side.
I imagine he’s a bit taller than Millie and atleast around Blitz height more but still smaller than Loona.
Added a ring periced into his tail to give off a wedding ring 💍 . Headcanons, some imps pierce their rings on their tails.
What do u think? How would u redesign Moxxie? I’d love to know💖
Also made Millie, Loona & Stella🐂🐺🦢
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readingsquotes · 5 months
-Oct 18, 2023
"Israel was founded on lies. The lie that Palestinian land was largely unoccupied. The lie that 750,000 Palestinians fled their homes and villages during their ethnic cleansing by Zionist militias in 1948 because they were told to do so by Arab leaders. The lie that it was Arab armies that started the 1948 war that saw Israel seize 78 percent of historic Palestine. The lie that Israel faced annihilation in 1967, forcing it to invade and occupy the remaining 22 percent of Palestine, as well as land belonging to Egypt and Syria. 
Israel is sustained by lies. The lie that Israel wants a just and equitable peace and will support a Palestinian state. The lie that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. The lie that Israel is an “outpost of Western civilization in a sea of barbarism.” The lie that Israel respects the rule of law and human rights. 
Israel’s atrocities against the Palestinians are always greeted with lies.
Israel has invented an Orwellian lexicon. Children killed by Israelis become children caught in crossfire. The bombing of residential districts, with dozens of dead and wounded, becomes a surgical strike on a bomb-making factory. The destruction of Palestinian homes becomes the demolition of the homes of terrorists. 
The Big Lie — Große Lüge — feeds the two reactions Israel seeks to elicit — racism among its supporters and terror among its victims. The Big Lies fosters the myth of a clash of civilizations, a war between democracy, decency and honor on one side and Islamic terrorism, barbarism and medievalism on the other. 
George Orwell in his novel “Nineteen Eighty-Four” called the Big Lie “doublethink”. Doublethink uses “logic against logic” and “repudiate[s] morality while laying claim to it.” The Big Lie abolishes nuances, ambiguities and contradictions that can plague conscience. It is designed to create cognitive dissonance. It permits no gray zones. The world is black and white, good and evil, righteous and unrighteous. The Big Lie allows believers to take comfort — a comfort they are desperately seeking — in their own moral superiority even as they abrogate all morality. It feeds, what Edward Bernays called, the “logic-proof compartment of dogmatic adherence.” All effective propaganda, Bernays writes, targets and builds upon these irrational “psychological habits.”
Israeli supporters thirst for these lies. They do not want to know the truth. The truth would force them to examine their racism, self-delusion and complicity in oppression, murder and genocide. "
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unknownbirdie · 10 months
Behind the white picket fence
A brand new Story
Henry Cavill!Character x oc!Madeline x oc!Naomi
In the quaint suburban town of Lake Hills, police officer Walter Marshall and his wife, Naomi, lead an idyllic life until a new girl moves in next door. The arrival of the enigmatic and alluring Madeline sends ripples through their seemingly perfect world. Walter is increasingly drawn to Madeline, whose charm and charisma captivate him. Naomi, an aspiring writer, also feels a magnetic pull towards Madeline, finding solace in her company amidst her isolation. However, their infatuation with Madeline comes at a cost, unravelling their once-stable marriage and raising questions about their values and desires. Walter and Naomi find themselves entangled in a web of passion, deceit, and moral ambiguity, forcing them to confront the darkness lurking behind the veneer of suburban perfection.
Torn between duty, loyalty, and forbidden temptations, they navigate a precarious path where lines between right and wrong blur, leading to unexpected twists that challenge their perceptions of love, trust, and the fragile nature of human connections.
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fruityyamenrunner · 1 year
There's a knot I have seen untied in a not convincing at all to me way several times now.
The situation is that you have some latent homosexual, or weakly bisexual man or whatever and he married some woman - the era is important here - in or around 2000. Anyway it doesn't work out, like many marriages involving latent homosexuals, and they get a divorce and it's a bad scene. Lot of hurt feelings all around.
Here's the knot: when these stories are gossipped about, there are significant numbers of people who feel they have to pick a side and there are two basic narratives, of the poor poor betrayed woman strung along for 20 years, and the poor poor repressed man who is Living His True Life Now.
If you're basically homophobic and think homosexuals are disgusting and inherently deceitful, the first narrative works because you don't give a fuck about his True Life. If you're an LGBT 🌈🌈 libertine activist then the second narrative works because liberation from The Family is the point of your ideology and you don't give a fuck about his wife.
The knot comes when you don't find either narrative convincing, so you have to make some combination work in order to play your role as gossip. There's something special about 2000 because, in the gay world, it was an extremely ambiguous time, in between post-war conservative wrath and contemporary liberal condescension. But one solution to the knot I have seen is to come up with some world where *in 2000* the latent homosexual had no excuse for being closeted, because that was an Era of Liberation, so it is both the case that he was being disgusting and inherently deceitful, but this *was* his fault, because the LGBT offer of liberation was open and he simply refused to take it.
This simply doesn't make sense to me, and I don't see how anyone could believe it, but I have seen a tweet that explained one formulation of it. Some Elder Gay Gossip came down solidly on the "he was selfish, I have no sympathy for him" line, offering as evidence that when *he* did the coming out ritual in the 80s it was very hard, and things have only got better since.
That clicked it into place for me - it's Boomer logic. You have the supple world as it was when you were young, the wooden world that you have aged into now, and you don't have to think about how the one changed to the other, because both worlds only exist to provide moral evidence to support whatever case you want to make, and you can dip into either at will.
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First of all, Johnny devoting himself to care and something bigger at the foot of Wonder made me cry. Secondly, does this moment for Johnny feel significant not just for his relationship to himself, but how he sees Stick and Lake? Their relationships to this celestial force are complex and Johnny is stepping into that complicated place. Do you think Johnny will be able to navigate that smoothly/ does he have any worries about. this major life event?
Johnny's relationship to morality has been, to say the least, really shaky. He was raised in a compassionate household full of life and happiness before the death of his parents. He then tripped and fell into a life of moral grayness and ambiguity. People can be nice up front, but then really stab you in the back the next day. There's always some sort of tertiary subtext to what the person in the back of the tavern is telling you about. His foundational identity requires to take people at their word and had to learn to look for deceit and mistruths in the people he trusted, this would start an overthinking, one-track mind style of paranoia that Johnny would become intimately familiar with in his life as an Outrider then as a performer/full-fledged member of the Black Wing.
So while I don't think that navigating this relationship will go totally smoothly with absolutely no bumps in the road, no. But the path seems WAYYYYYY less dicey than the Demogorgon.
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clariannahoney · 3 months
Shattered Bonds: A Second Chance at Redemption | Chapter 3: Ostracized and Replaced
Synopsis: Hwang Y/N, a bright and compassionate 12th grader, is consumed by the toxic social circle of her high school. When her best friend, Jeong Seonhwa, manipulates Y/N into betraying her friend Moon Yana, the consequences are devastating. Y/N's subsequent fall from the rooftop, pleading for help, shatters the lives of those around her. Given a second chance, Y/N rewrites her story, seeking vengeance against those who wronged her. Alongside Choi San, the boy at the center of the clique's manipulations, Y/N uncovers the dark secrets of her former friends. As they confront the truth, they must confront their own fears and insecurities. Will Y/N find redemption, or will the weight of the past drag her back into the abyss?
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Hwang Y/N trudged through the crowded hallways, her once-vibrant spirit dimmed by the weight of the betrayal she had endured. The whispers that followed in her wake, the sidelong glances that seemed to pierce through her, were a constant reminder of the ostracization she now faced within the school's social circles.
The palpable tension in the air was a testament to Jeong Seonhwa's manipulative machinations, her carefully woven web of lies and deceit slowly unraveling the very fabric of Y/N's once-cherished friendships. As she navigated the familiar corridors, Y/N felt like a stranger in her own domain, a mere shadow of the compassionate, trusted confidante she had once been.
Steeling her resolve, Y/N made her way towards the cafeteria, her gaze fixed on the table where Moon Yana and her clique sat, their laughter and camaraderie a stark contrast to the isolation that had consumed Y/N's existence. Determined to understand the reasons behind her former friends' betrayal, she gathered the last vestiges of her courage and approached the queen bee, hoping to appeal to the girl she once knew.
"Yana," Y/N's voice was soft, tinged with a hint of trepidation, "can we talk? I... I need to understand what's happening."
Yana's head snapped up, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and wariness. The confident, poised demeanor that had once defined her faltered for a brief moment, revealing the underlying turmoil that lurked beneath the surface.
"Y/N," Yana's response was guarded, her tone laced with a subtle edge, "what are you doing here?"
Y/N felt her heart sink, the chill of Yana's words cutting deeper than any physical blow. "I don't understand, Yana. We were best friends, and now... now it's like you don't even see me anymore."
Yana's gaze flickered, her expression unreadable as she struggled to reconcile the weight of her own actions with the lingering affection she still harbored for her former friend. The moral ambiguity of her choices threatened to overwhelm her, the veneer of her confident, queen bee persona cracking under the strain.
"Things change, Y/N," Yana murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "You know how important our group is. I can't just... ignore that."
Y/N felt her heart constrict, the realization that Yana's loyalty to the social hierarchy had taken precedence over their friendship cutting her to the core. "But Yana, we've been through so much together. Don't you remember?"
The memories of their shared laughter, the secrets they had kept, the unbreakable bond that had once defined their relationship – it all came rushing back, a bittersweet reminder of the girl Yana had once been, before the toxicity of the social hierarchy had consumed them.
Yana's resolve wavered, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "I... I don't know, Y/N. Everything is so complicated now."
As the confrontation reached a crescendo, a familiar figure swept into the scene, her presence commanding the attention of all who bore witness. Jeong Seonhwa, ever the master manipulator, had arrived to "rescue" Yana from Y/N's perceived attack.
With a veneer of concern and a subtle display of her influence, Seonhwa skillfully redirected Yana's attention, reinforcing the narrative that Y/N was the true threat to their friendship. Yana, her resolve crumbling, reluctantly allowed Seonhwa to lead her away, leaving Y/N feeling more isolated than ever before.
Dejected and overwhelmed, Y/N retreated from the cafeteria, her steps heavy with the weight of her shattered dreams. As she wandered the empty corridors, the echoes of Seonhwa's manipulations haunting her every move, Y/N knew that she could no longer remain a passive victim in the face of such cruelty. Determined to uncover the truth and reclaim the agency that had been stripped from her, she sought solace in the quiet sanctuary of the school's library, where an unexpected ally awaited., Yana's gaze darted around the cafeteria, suddenly aware of the weight of her peers' scrutiny. The confident, poised demeanor she had so carefully cultivated threatened to crumble under the intensity of Y/N's unexpected confrontation.
Beneath the veneer of her queen bee persona, Yana felt a growing sense of unease, her loyalty to Seonhwa warring with the lingering affection she still harbored for her former friend. The moral ambiguity of her own actions, the way she had so easily turned a blind eye to the group's cruel behavior, now threatened to consume her.
Y/N, her eyes pleading, searched Yana's face, desperate to find a glimmer of the girl she had once known. The laughter they had shared, the secrets they had kept – all of it seemed like a distant memory, overshadowed by the toxicity that had consumed their once-cherished friendship.
Yana, I don't understand, Y/N's voice wavered, the weight of her emotions palpable. We were so close, and now... now it's like I don't even know you anymore.
Yana's resolve faltered, the cracks in her carefully constructed facade becoming more apparent with each passing moment. Her gaze flitted towards Seonhwa, the queen bee's presence a silent reminder of the consequences she might face if she dared to defy the social hierarchy they had built.
I... I don't know what to say, Yana admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. Things are just so complicated now. You have to understand, our group, it's everything.
Y/N felt her heart sink, the realization that Yana's loyalty to the clique had taken precedence over their friendship cutting her to the core. But what about our friendship? Wasn't that everything, too?
Yana's eyes glistened with unshed tears, the weight of her own actions finally beginning to take its toll. I... I don't know, Y/N. I wish I could go back, but I can't. I just can't.
The tense exchange unfolded before the watchful eyes of their peers, the cafeteria falling silent as the two girls confronted the unraveling of their once-unbreakable bond. Yana, torn between her desire to protect her status and the pull of her conscience, found herself compelled to acknowledge the consequences of her complicity in the group's cruel behavior.
As the confrontation reached a crescendo, Seonhwa, ever the master manipulator, swooped in, her presence commanding the attention of all who bore witness. With a veneer of concern and a subtle display of her influence, the queen bee skillfully redirected Yana's attention, reinforcing the narrative that Y/N was the true threat to their friendship.
Yana, her resolve wavering, reluctantly allowed Seonhwa to lead her away, leaving Y/N feeling more isolated than ever before. The weight of the betrayal, the shattering of the bond they had once shared, threatened to consume her, and Y/N knew that she could no longer remain a passive victim in the face of such cruelty., As Seonhwa led Yana away, Y/N felt a surge of desperation. Sensing the cracks in her former friend's resolve, she pressed on, determined to reach the girl she once knew.
Yana, please, Y/N's voice was laced with a mixture of pleading and urgency. Don't do this. Don't let them tear us apart.
Yana paused, her steps faltering as Y/N's words struck a chord deep within her. The memories of their shared laughter, the camaraderie that had once defined their friendship, flashed through her mind, a bittersweet reminder of the girl she had once been.
Remember, Yana, Y/N continued, her gaze imploring. Remember who we were, before all of this. We were inseparable, Yana. We told each other everything.
Yana's expression wavered, the veneer of confidence and control she had so carefully cultivated beginning to crumble. The pull of her conscience, the lingering affection she still harbored for Y/N, warred with the desire to protect her status within the social hierarchy.
I... I don't know, Y/N, Yana's voice trembled, the weight of her indecision palpable. It's not that simple anymore. So much has changed.
Y/N refused to relent, her determination fueled by the desperate need to reclaim the friendship she had once cherished. But it can be, Yana. We can go back, we can fix this. Please, just talk to me.
Yana's gaze darted around the cafeteria, the eyes of her peers bearing down on her, a silent reminder of the consequences she might face if she dared to defy the social order they had all come to accept. Visibly shaken, she found herself torn between the desire to protect her status and the pull of her conscience, the weight of her own actions threatening to consume her.
I... I can't, Yana whispered, her voice barely audible. I'm sorry, Y/N. I just can't.
With those words, Yana allowed Seonhwa to lead her away, leaving Y/N feeling more isolated and betrayed than ever before. The shattered remnants of their once-unbreakable bond lay at her feet, a testament to the toxicity that had consumed their lives.
Dejected and overwhelmed, Y/N watched as Yana disappeared into the crowd, her heart heavy with the realization that the girl she had once known was now lost to her. Determined to uncover the truth and reclaim the agency that had been stripped from her, she knew that she could no longer remain a passive victim in the face of such cruelty., As the confrontation between Y/N and Yana reached a crescendo, a familiar figure swept into the scene, her presence commanding the attention of all who bore witness. Jeong Seonhwa, ever the master manipulator, had arrived to "rescue" Yana from Y/N's perceived attack.
With a veneer of concern and a subtle display of her influence, Seonhwa skillfully redirected Yana's attention, her words dripping with false empathy. Yana, darling, she cooed, her gaze flickering between the two girls, I'm so worried about you. Y/N's been acting so strangely, don't you think?
Yana's expression faltered, her resolve wavering as Seonhwa's words sank in. The queen bee's calculated intervention had the desired effect, reinforcing the narrative that Y/N was the true threat to their friendship.
But Yana, Seonhwa continued, her voice laced with a hint of condescension, I'm only looking out for you. You know how important our group is. I can't help but wonder if Y/N is trying to undermine that.
Yana's gaze darted between Y/N and Seonhwa, the weight of her indecision palpable. The lingering affection she still harbored for her former friend warred with the desire to protect her status within the social hierarchy, and Seonhwa's manipulative words had struck a chord deep within her.
Y/N watched helplessly as Yana's resolve crumbled, the queen bee's influence proving too powerful to resist. With a reluctant nod, Yana allowed Seonhwa to lead her away, leaving Y/N feeling more isolated than ever before.
The cafeteria, once a bustling hub of activity, fell silent as the confrontation unfolded, the eyes of their peers bearing down on Y/N like vultures circling their prey. Seonhwa's calculated intervention had succeeded in reinforcing the narrative that Y/N was the true threat, further solidifying her own position of power within the toxic social hierarchy.
Dejected and overwhelmed, Y/N watched as Yana disappeared into the crowd, the shattered remnants of their once-unbreakable bond weighing heavily on her heart. The realization that she had lost the girl she had once cherished as a sister cut her to the core, and Y/N knew that she could no longer remain a passive victim in the face of such cruelty.
Determined to uncover the truth and reclaim the agency that had been stripped from her, Y/N turned her back on the cafeteria, her steps heavy with the weight of her shattered dreams. As she navigated the empty corridors, the echoes of Seonhwa's manipulations haunting her every move, Y/N sought solace in the quiet sanctuary of the school's library, where an unexpected ally awaited., Dejected and overwhelmed, Y/N retreated from the cafeteria, her steps heavy with the weight of her shattered dreams. As she wandered the empty corridors, the echoes of Seonhwa's manipulations haunting her every move, Y/N knew that she could no longer remain a passive victim in the face of such cruelty.
Seeking solace, she made her way to the school's library, the quiet sanctuary a welcome respite from the suffocating atmosphere that had consumed the rest of the campus. Settling into a secluded corner, Y/N allowed the stillness to envelop her, her mind racing with the events that had unfolded.
It was then that she noticed a familiar figure, Choi San, seated at a nearby table. The reserved boy had been a silent observer to the drama that had unfolded in the cafeteria, his gaze fixed on Y/N with a glimmer of empathy and understanding.
Sensing Y/N's distress, Choi San approached her, his steps tentative yet determined. Hwang Y/N, his voice was soft, almost hesitant, I... I've noticed what's been happening. I know it's not my place, but I can't just stand by and watch this anymore.
Y/N's head snapped up, her eyes widening with a mixture of surprise and wariness. For a moment, she was caught off guard, the idea that someone, a relative stranger, would reach out to her in this moment of isolation almost unfathomable.
But as Choi San's words sank in, Y/N felt a glimmer of hope begin to flicker within her. There was a sincerity in his expression, a genuine concern that she had not witnessed from anyone else in recent weeks. Tentatively, she allowed her guard to lower, her voice barely above a whisper.
Why? Y/N asked, her gaze searching Choi San's face for any hint of deception or ulterior motive. Why are you doing this? After everything that's happened, I don't understand...
Choi San's brow furrowed, his eyes reflecting a deep empathy that resonated with Y/N's own experiences. Because, he replied, I know what it's like to feel alone. And I've seen the way they treat you. You don't deserve that.
Y/N's breath caught in her throat, the weight of his words hitting her with unexpected force. In that moment, she saw a kindred spirit in Choi San, a fellow outsider who had weathered the storms of social isolation and the cruelty of those who wielded power over them.
As they stood there, the distance between them slowly closing, Y/N felt a connection begin to form – a bond built on a shared understanding of the pain and vulnerability that came with being an outcast in the toxic social hierarchy of Evergreen High.
Choi San's gaze held hers, his expression unwavering. I'm willing to take that risk, he said, his voice laced with determination. You're not going through this alone, Y/N.
The words struck a chord deep within her, and Y/N felt the first glimmer of hope ignite in her heart. In the face of the betrayal and isolation she had endured, the realization that she had an unexpected ally in Choi San was a lifeline, a reminder that she was not as alone as she had believed.
As the two engaged in a tentative conversation, a connection began to blossom, forged in the crucible of their shared experiences. Y/N found herself opening up, her walls slowly crumbling as she recognized the sincerity in Choi San's words and actions.
Together, they stood as outsiders in the toxic social hierarchy, united in their determination to uncover the truth and reclaim the agency that had been stripped from them. And in that moment, Y/N knew that she had found an unexpected ally, a kindred spirit who would stand by her side no matter the cost., Emboldened by Choi San's empathy and the realization that she was not entirely alone, Y/N felt a newfound sense of courage begin to take root within her. As they stood in the quiet sanctuary of the library, the distance between them slowly closing, she knew that she could no longer remain silent in the face of the cruelty she had endured.
Choi San, Y/N's voice was soft, yet laced with a determination that belied her fragile state, I... I need to tell you what's been happening. About Seonhwa, and the way she's been manipulating everything.
Choi San's gaze held hers, his expression one of unwavering attention and understanding. His own past experiences of bullying and social isolation fueled his empathy, and he could see the weight of Y/N's pain etched into every line of her face.
I'm listening, he replied, his voice gentle yet resolute. Whatever you need to say, I'm here.
Y/N took a deep breath, the words spilling forth as the floodgates opened. She recounted Seonhwa's jealousy, the way the queen bee had systematically torn her friendship with Yana apart, using Choi San as a pawn in her twisted schemes. She spoke of the cyberbullying campaign, the cruel taunts and hurtful posts that had consumed her life, and the utter betrayal she had felt at the hands of those she had once trusted.
As Y/N's story unfolded, Choi San's resolve to help her solidified. He listened intently, his own experiences of isolation and cruelty fueling a deep empathy that transcended the boundaries of their newfound acquaintance. In that moment, he knew that he could no longer stand idly by and watch as Y/N suffered the same fate he had endured.
Together, the two outsiders began to formulate a plan, their voices hushed yet determined. They would expose the truth, uncover the full extent of Seonhwa's machinations, and reclaim the agency that had been so cruelly stripped from them.
Y/N's eyes gleamed with a newfound sense of purpose, the weight of her isolation and betrayal giving way to a steely resolve. Choi San, she murmured, her gaze unwavering, I'm ready to fight. I'm ready to take them down.
Choi San nodded, a subtle smile playing on his lips. Then let's do it, he replied, his hand reaching out to give Y/N's a gentle squeeze. We're in this together.
As the two outsiders stood side by side, their unexpected alliance forged in the crucible of their shared experiences, a palpable sense of determination filled the air. They were no longer passive victims, but rather, two souls united in their quest for justice and the reclamation of their rightful place within the toxic social hierarchy that had consumed their lives., As the chapter drew to a close, Y/N and Choi San's unexpected alliance took on a newfound sense of purpose. Fueled by a shared desire for justice and the need to break free from the cycle of cruelty that had consumed their lives, the two outsiders set their sights on uncovering the full extent of Seonhwa's manipulations.
Y/N's eyes gleamed with a steely resolve, the weight of her past experiences lending an unwavering determination to her every word. Choi San, she murmured, her voice laced with a newfound confidence, I'm ready to fight. I'm ready to take them down.
Choi San nodded, a subtle smile playing on his lips as he reached out to give Y/N's hand a gentle squeeze. Then let's do it, he replied, his own past experiences of bullying and isolation fueling his empathy and unwavering support. We're in this together.
As they stood side by side, the quiet sanctuary of the library enveloping them, a palpable sense of determination filled the air. No longer were they passive victims, cowering in the face of the toxic social hierarchy that had sought to destroy them. In each other, they had found an unexpected ally, a kindred spirit who would stand by their side no matter the cost.
Fueled by their shared desire for justice and the need to reclaim the agency that had been stripped from them, Y/N and Choi San began to formulate a plan, their voices hushed yet resolute. They would expose the truth, uncover the full extent of Seonhwa's machinations, and challenge the very foundations of the cruel social dynamics that had consumed their lives.
With a tangible sense of anticipation, the air thick with the promise of a high-stakes confrontation to come. Y/N and Choi San, their unexpected alliance forged in the crucible of their shared experiences, were poised to take on the toxic social hierarchy that had sought to destroy them, determined to reclaim their rightful place and, in the process, uncover the truth that had been so carefully hidden.
As they prepared to embark on their quest for justice, the weight of the challenges that lay ahead was palpable, but the unwavering determination that burned in their eyes spoke volumes. They were no longer willing to be passive observers in the face of such cruelty, and the chapter ended with a sense of anticipation, hinting at the pivotal moments that would soon unfold as they set out to challenge the very foundations of the world that had sought to consume them.
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triste-guillotine · 3 months
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HERESIARCH "Edifice" LP 2024 ('...Few stood intransigent, Stolid on the path. Warrior of the over-way, Atop the swarming rats. Seized the hammer, And forged the doctrine of overcoming')
1. Forged Doctrine 2. Manifest Odium 3. Noose Above the Abyss 4. Gloryless Execution 5. Tides of Regression 6. A World Lit Only by Fire 7. Swarming Blight 8. Mystic and Chaos 9. Hubris and Decline 10. Militate Pyrrhic Collapse
"False declaration of peace Old Zenith decapitated…. Annexed, effaced
Stratagem in the shadows Emergent terror, no longer dormant Architects of deceit, cultivate untruth
Fervent sleeper kills in silence Principles fall to moral ambiguity"
Edifice | Heresiarch (bandcamp.com)
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i-am-the-page-turner · 4 months
"Verity" by Colleen Hoover
"Verity" by Colleen Hoover is a gripping psychological thriller that delves into the dark and twisted depths of obsession and deceit. The story follows Lowen Ashleigh, a struggling writer who is hired to complete the remaining books in a popular series after the original author, Verity Crawford, is incapacitated following an accident. As Lowen delves into Verity's manuscript and researches her life, she uncovers chilling secrets that suggest Verity's life was far from perfect. Tensions escalate as Lowen becomes entangled with Verity's husband, Jeremy, and begins to suspect that he may be hiding sinister truths about his wife's past. Hoover masterfully crafts a suspenseful narrative filled with shocking twists and turns that keep readers on the edge of their seats. The novel blurs the lines between truth and fiction, leaving readers questioning the reliability of the characters and the validity of their motivations. Themes of manipulation, betrayal, and psychological manipulation are explored with nuance and complexity, adding layers of intrigue to the story. As Lowen delves deeper into Verity's secrets, she finds herself drawn into a dangerous game of cat and mouse with devastating consequences. "Verity" is a riveting thriller that will leave readers breathless and eager for more from this talented author. With its taut pacing, atmospheric setting, and morally ambiguous characters, it's sure to captivate fans of the genre until the very last page.
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ofdemonessence · 1 year
enigmatic succubus with a peaceful façade and hidden darkness
Selective, Indie RP blog writing/roleplaying since 2010 Mun and Muses are 25+ Multiship and Multiverse friendly, plot in IMs, no discord Please read rules before interacting || Tracking: ofdemonessence [previously iincantatorum]
Triggers: Blood, Gore, Violence, Manipulation, Gaslighting, all trigger warnings will be tagged
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Rules || Wishlist || Verses || Ask Memes || Opens Letters || Likes || Demonic Side || Headcanons & Lore
exploring: duality, temptation and desire, shadows and secrets, moral ambiguity, transformation and identity, emotional confusion, gothic romance, power and manipulation, redemption and sympathy, and beauty as deception
fc: c/indy kimber/ly
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Delia Grimhilde's Backstory:
Delia Grimhilde's backstory is shrouded in darkness and mystery. She was born to a lineage of powerful demons, carrying the blood of both succubi and demonic overlords. Her mother, Regina Grimhilde, was a woman of unparalleled beauty, known for her vanity and cunning nature. Through manipulation and deceit, Regina managed to secure a marriage to the Horned King, a fearsome demonic overlord and ruler.
Delia's early years were spent in the depths of the demonic realm, where she was raised in a dark mansion hidden deep within the woods. Surrounded by shadows and secrets, she grew up observing her mother's conniving ways and learned to navigate the treacherous dynamics of the demon hierarchy.
Despite her demonic heritage, Delia possessed a unique quality—a serene and ethereal beauty that masked her true nature. With big, dreamy doe eyes and long, dark hair, she exuded an aura of tranquility that captivated those around her. However, beneath her peaceful facade lay a tempestuous soul, struggling to keep her inner darkness in check.
Delia's journey through the mortal realm was marked by encounters with humans, whose emotions and complexities often perplexed her. She wrestled with her own conflicting desires and found herself unbound by traditional moral codes. While she could be volatile and unpredictable, she also possessed the capacity for empathy and sympathy, albeit in her own unconventional way.
As Delia matured, she honed her powers of seduction and manipulation, fully embracing her succubus nature. She became a master of weaving illusions and manipulating desires to serve her own ends. Her methods were unorthodox, often straying into morally grey territory, as she sought to carve her own path in the world.
In her secluded mansion in the woods, Delia delved deep into the arcane arts, exploring the realms of shadow magic and enchantments. Alongside her dark pursuits, she discovered a fascination with dreams and the human psyche. This led her to train as a dream therapist, utilizing her unique abilities to delve into the subconscious realms of others and help them navigate their inner turmoil.
In addition to her work as a dream therapist, Delia channeled her intricate understanding of human desires and emotions into her writing. She became a celebrated novelist, crafting dark and captivating tales that explored the depths of the human soul. Her novels often mirrored the complexities of her own experiences, resonating with readers who were drawn to the enigmatic allure of her stories.
Delia Grimhilde possesses an enigmatic personality that blends allure, complexity, and a touch of darkness. Behind her serene and ethereal exterior lies a tempestuous soul, driven by conflicting desires and a thirst for power. She is a master of manipulation, weaving illusions and seducing others with her captivating charm.
Delia's moral compass is unconventional, navigating the grey areas between right and wrong, and she grapples with her own identity as she explores the depths of her demonic heritage.
Despite her volatile nature, she possesses a capacity for empathy and sympathy, albeit in her own unique way. Delia's journey is one of self-discovery, temptation, and the constant struggle to balance her inner darkness with her outward facade.
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raytm · 5 months
hc + 🤝 but for both gep and sparkle against my scampo bc i can’t get enough of your thots
and hc + 🎡 for gep
hc + 🤝 for a headcanon about a connection with one of the receiver's mutual. hc + 🎡 for a hobby-themed headcanon.
gepard finds sampo an ambiguous presence in his life, simultaneously stirring and insufferable, he thinks himself unsuspectable to his ridiculing but he’s not. the things sampo says to him stay with him, rending him apart from the certitude he has had in his own life, it’s strange, cathartic, to be forced to challenge his own concepts and ideologies. he’s lived a linear life guided by stringent regulations, felt himself satisfied with the way his life would play it because it is a grand, respectable thing to be what was intended of him, sampo makes him question that aspect of his life, it’s good, because it forces him to think further outside of himself than he would otherwise allow, it’s bad because it’s addicting and it makes him realise he isn’t as immutable as he would like to be convinced he is. it’s hilarious to me because as bad as sampo is for him and how scarce the prospect of them ever being end game is, the things sampo represents in his life are inherently good for him. besides the criminality, that’s not great. sparkle and sampo were once fellow revelers, violence follows their silent footfalls through life and calamity bites at their heels, it was a recital teeming with delirium and zeal equally. she misses him, it’s an obscure concept to her because sparkle’s conscious is not inherently accommodating to concepts otherwise ingrained in other people, she doesn’t view others as something to be treated morally, she views them as game pieces, or inanimate objects that she can manipulate to her whims. he holds a different position in her eyes, which is an abnormality in what makes sparkle up and this, plagues her in his absence. she wants to see him suffer, to tow him through the more depraved lunacy possible because she believes, perhaps wholeheartedly, that he is deserving of it, that it will bestow him the liberty to exist as they once had, because who can be sated truly with the crumbs he has left for himself now ? she knows him to be a liar, she’s a liar herself, but how much of his life and the contentment he plays at are deceitful. she wants to find out for herself, she wants to take it away from him. It’s a twisted rendition of fondness she holds him in and it’s only making her sicker. gepard has a good many hobbies, none he’s particularly talented in. it’s been a practice in his life for a while, serval mentioned in passing once that he was too dedicated to his work, that there should be room for enjoyment in his life as well as duty. so he takes time out of his day to trial them, as if he’s seeking one that will really stick, but he has yet to find it. he had plants, he surmised he would be good with them because of his diligence to structure in his life, however, different plants require different amounts of care and he accidentally drowned some whilst starving others of nutrition. baking, he tried baking, it wasn’t that he was inherently awful at it, it was more so that he somehow made things taste deplorably plain while also follow a recipe to exact measurements, also serval gently teased him because his decorative skills were rather lacking. currently, he takes time to visit serval shops and aid her in her work, it’s a hobby, he thinks, he’s good with his hands, can wrap his mind around the concept of constructing things and improving them, so he’s not bad at that. he also spends time scrapbooking the photos that lynx sends to him, usually through serval, and sends them back to her, he’s uncertain how she receives them, if she thinks they’re pleasant or garish ? but he does so because he’s seeking to establish more of a bond with his younger sister. their whole family dynamic is off kilter because of how much of his life work takes up. he also goes out of an evening and feeds the local strays, the cats tend to like him and they follow him around sometimes, he’s given them all nicknames but they’re rather awful as his sister has informed him - he does not have a talent for giving names. 
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denimbex1986 · 5 months
'You wouldn’t read a novel in two hours, actor Andrew Scott says. Why would you rush a good story on screen?
With “Ripley,” an adaptation of Patricia Highsmith’s “The Talented Mr. Ripley,” Scott gets to savor the story over eight episodes.
“Sometimes it’s about the plot and sometimes it’s about the characters,” he says. “I think that’s enormously engaging for the audience.”
Written and directed by Oscar winner Steven Zaillian, the Netflix series lets Scott toy with the lies Tom Ripley tells.
“I don’t think Tom is a natural born killer,” Scott says. “I think he’s somebody who’s very fallible and makes mistakes and we see those mistakes happen in real time. We also see his real talent taking place.”
Scott, the star of “Fleabag” and “All of Us Strangers,” wanted to know how Zaillian was going to make his version different from the 1999 film starring Matt Damon. There, Ripley is hired to persuade Dickie Greenleaf, the son of a shipping magnate, to return from Italy to the United States. The quest, however, becomes far more complicated and deceitful.
“The opportunity to write it and to tell the story in long-form television was a really interesting dynamic,” Scott says. “(Zaillian) had a very strong vision that he wanted it to be in black and white. The idea that the black-and-white (concept) can be married in some way to the way he wanted to teach the audience how to watch this story was very similar to the way we might read a novel.”
“The eight-episode format suited this book,” Zaillian explains. “It allowed me to get into the details of the story and the changing relationships between the characters in a way that you can’t really do in two hours.”
Dakota Fanning, who plays Marge Sherwood, the woman tied to Dickie Greenleaf, says the extra time let her go “toe to toe with Tom Ripley and have a few battles with him.
“It allowed me to create what Marge’s perspective and Marge’s reality is – to see where they intersected and where they diverged.”
Johnny Flynn, who plays Dickie, says Zaillian’s scripts were very precise in terms of story beats. “You don’t need to show too much of (Dickie’s) backstory. He’s just existing in those moments,” Flynn says. “I thought of him as somebody who had run away from his cultural identity because he has a kind of shame around it. He has come to Old World Europe to hide himself in the idea of being an artist in this beautiful place and feed off that. There’s no moral ambiguity around him.”
Scott sees the Netflix adaptation as another artist’s interpretation. “I love the fact that that can ignite something completely different in different filmmakers,” he says.
Anthony Minghella’s film, which also starred Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow, played on Ripley’s desires for Dickie.
In “Ripley,” “I’m playing a very solitary, not necessarily lonely character,” Scott says. “Other people have every right to call him a villain, but I think he’s so complex it’s too easy to call him just a villain. I certainly think he’s an anti-hero. The great achievement of the stories – and this version of the script -- is that we really are rooting for somebody that we shouldn’t. We want him to get away with it, for the most part. We question him…and that can only be because we see ourselves in Tom Ripley.”'
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