#morbid shit
writeywritey · 6 months
a curious question occurred to me and the episode the Wild Blue Yonder got a space fact wrong; apparently bodies exposed to the vacuum of space wouldn't decay, because space is exceptionally hostile to bacteria
so, making the captain just a skeleton when the doctor donna see her is a good choice in a kid's tv show, because that's more age appropriate and still shocking/scary
but in reality, and if this were torchwood episode, the captain's mummified body would've been staring down at them with the same expression on her face as when she got sucked out of the air lock and boy howdy is that a creepy image in my brain
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solforge · 4 months
On the one hand, it's good to put help numbers next to bridges and so on so that people going there thinking bad thoughts have a reminder that there's better options.
On the other hand, there'll be people who would've otherwise passed by, see the phone number alongside a very particular word and go "that is a nice bridge now that you mention it."
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galehowl · 8 months
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Can't believe I finally made a new character that is... Actually new and not Ray and/or Drago in a different setting lmao
He's an Astromancer for our new DnD campaign, some random info under the cut
Disguises as a high elf via a handy magical illusion thanks to an enchanted ring and necklace, and goes by the name Rovan when as such
Also goes by "he" while in disguise, but normally uses they/it as well, doesn't really care which are used
Astromancer, so... space magic. Ended up being a spellblade with teleportation powers and also... Fire. So much starfire.
The glowing patterns on his body shift and change by will or as a reaction to various things, much like those of "our" cephalopods; they're bioluminescent and are way more noticeable in the dark, though the intensity and hue can change
Glasses also act as sunglasses when out and about during the day, as its eyes are sensitive to sunlight, and it generally keeps its body mostly covered as well
Would probably be called a nerd
Is trying to help investigate a series of murders in a town along with the rest of the group, since they were asked for help by the locals
Locals who heard rumors that the group helped uncover a cult a few years ago, which was literally accidental on their part, they were all in the wrong place, wrong time, don't really know each other and went their separate ways afterwards, no one actually is good at solving crimes
No one in the group knows that the elf is not, in fact, an elf
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what’s your super specific toxic phannie trait i’ll start i don’t read serious phanfic because rpf makes me uncomfortable and a tiny shameful part of me that i try to shove down feels morally superior about that but i’ve read all the cursed phanfics of dnp doing terrible and graphic things to each multiple times just for shits and giggles
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rubeghast · 8 months
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which one would u adopt? 🧸
shop | kofi
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having a really old dog is just repeating the mantra to yourself "i am grateful for the time i've been given and when it comes time to let him go i will do so gracefully. i am grateful for the time i've been given and when it comes time to let wait why are you not pooping normally WHAT IS GOING ON WHY WON'T YOU POOP ARE YOU DYING" and then calling the vet in a panic, being told actually he's fine but give the probiotic some time to do its thing and then let us know if anything changes, and then you take a deep breath and go "cool. yeah. obviously he's fine. anyway. i am grateful for the time i've been given and
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funpuddle · 2 months
I hate you if youre fully grown and watch gore of real humans and think that's normal or cool
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criminal-sen · 9 months
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Happy (belated) birthday @seeveekat!!!!
This is kinda sorta a fanart for A Long Journey Ahead (is good, you should read it!). Anyway they barged into Mayuri's quarters before he was dressed to get this picture<3
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viktheviking1 · 3 months
I have recently been told I have an Irish ancestor who's cause of death is simply labeled: Swords
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vixythemeaniefukei · 2 months
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At this point it’s literally just there for good publicity points, don’t fucking convince me otherwise.
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Today we had our very first meal where all members of Boyfriend's immediate family were present with all members of my immediate family. This event slid in under the wire to happen BEFORE Boyfriend and I passed our 10-year anniversary, so we are all very proud of our organizational skills.
The speech:
"You may be wondering why we wanted to get you all together today. Well, I do have an announcement to make, and it's that getting you all in the same room today was difficult enough to plan so do not expect a wedding out of me in the near future. This meal should, by my calculations, buy me another ten years. Thanks!"
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1000sunnygo · 10 months
OP antagonists usually: blunt force/sharp attacks or abilities that kill/restrain instantly
Meanwhile, Doffy.
-Ordered Vergo to kill Law in the most painful way imaginable.
-beat Law's ass, walked to him and shot him three more times when it was absolutely unnecessary, Law was already down.
- tied Law onto the heart throne wym you won't sit on a chair I kept clean for you for 13 years
- Ripped off his right arm instead of making a clean cut. It was jagged and painful. refusal to be my right-man man means you lose your own right hand
-Shot him until running out of bullets and until the Corazon symbol on Law's coat was drenched and unrecognizable. Kept trying to crush or shoot him even after Law was unconscious and sent out of the way.
-All while using lead bullets, because "nothing suits better" than using the metal that caused Law's countrymen's demise and made him suffer as a child.
Idc how powerful other antagonists are, nobody should pick a beef with Doffy ever
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excavatinglizard · 5 months
I love when a podcast asks ‘would you like to get emotionally attached to a museum audio tour guide’ and the answer is yes apparently
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ccarrot · 4 months
an undirected rant time! \(^ヮ^)/ made a few sweeping generalizations based on stuff i see too much of in bsdfics and genuinely do not like. don't take any of this to heart
idk i don't like dazai angst of most flavors. don't take this from a soukoku perspective (bc everyone is skkpilled, me included), just a dazai angst on it's own. I honestly HATE most angst with Mori even mentioned, I really resent the narrative that Mori abused him physically or sexually(?!) or like in a human experiment way (derivative much....) bc like. Mori is supposed complex, toxic and manipulative and all but he was also a supporting figure for him and like reducing him to being this power mad creep obsessed with making Dazai his mafia heir and killing his employees or whatever bullshit is like. Genuinely an insult. I don't even know how you're supposed to respond to that interpretation of Mori. I just hate when relationships and character dynamics get warped around to make Dazai seem so.... helpless? pathetic?? OK THIS IS A BIG THING THAT BOTHERS ME this huuuge thing in this fandom of Dazai being sooooo "pathetic" (o_o') it's all over the place! "He's such a looooooser!" I HATE it, i can't be the only one who hates it, right? I can't be the only one who doesn't like this fandomwide joke about the canonically self-described suicidal man right...? Even when this entire pathetic helpless suicide boy thing is played straight, there's so many things that put me.. off. On one hand people feel this need to justify his depression? Like if he didn't have some horrible traumatic backstory (which i'm really sure he does, though more grounded in reality) there's not reason for him to be depressed, as if that ISN'T such a shallow way to think about it. On the other hand it just.... hmmmmmmmmmmmm idk how to put this I think I simply got triggered. On the other hand I feel like mental illness and being suicidal get romanticised a lot and that makes me feel so icky. I actually don't want to elaborate too much more on that point. but hm. I feel like this aspect -> glamorizing of mental illness <- is actually enabled a lot by Asagiri and Harukawa's work itself -- not as an overt endorsement or anything but like. there's undertones of that and I feel a little crazy bc I think I'm the only one who thinks so.
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hellhoundlair · 11 months
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